1 Revised Analysis of the Cost per Kilowatt Hour to Store Electricity Haneen Aburub, and Ward T. Jewell, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—This paper revises the costs previously determined for using various grid-connected electric energy storage technologies. Life-cycle cost analysis technique [1] is used. The results present the cost added to electricity stored and discharged, in US$/kWh. Index Terms — Batteries, economic analysis, energy storage I. INTRODUCTION T HERE are many benefits that electric energy storage systems can provide to enhance the current electric grid such as providing ancillary services and increasing the penetration level of renewable resources. However, 95% of the current storage capacity is pumped hydro due its low cost [2]. New pumped hydro installations are limited with the site requirements and environmental impacts. Thus, the major driving factor of how much other storage technologies such as batteries and compressed air energy storage CAES are adopted in electricity grid, is the economy. This paper applies a life cycle cost analysis technique [1] to revise the costs previously determined for electric energy storage systems. The results present the cost added to each unit of electric energy stored in US$/kWh. These results are used to evaluate the economic feasibility of the storage systems by comparing them with the existing electricity prices and previous economic analysis results. Conclusions are then presented based on the results. II. CASE STUDIES A. Assumptions In the case studies presented in this section, systems are assumed to operate either 250 or 100 days/yr. The approximate number of weekdays minus holidays in a year is 250. so this represents daily use. Peak summer seasons are approximated to be 100 days per year, so this represents daily use during the peak season. The length and frequency of charge/discharge cycle depends on the application. For generation storage systems, the length of discharge cycle is assumed to be 8h [1]. The storage for generation is designed to charge overnight and discharge during the day [1]. Thus, the generation storage systems are charged and discharged one time during each day [1]. For The authors are with the Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260 USA (e-mail: hxaburub@wichita.edu; ward.jewell@wichita.edu) T&D storage systems, the length of the discharge cycle is assumed to be 4h [1]. The storage for T&D is designed to discharge during morning and afternoon periods and is charged at other times [1]. Thus, T&D storage systems are charged and discharged twice during each day [1]. The designed rated output capacity for generation storage systems is 10 MW, and 2.5 MW for T&D storage systems [1]. The annual interest rate for financing the storage system is assumed to be 7.7% [1]. Inflation and escalation rates are not considered in this analysis [1]. The unit cost for power electronics is assumed to be 1.25 times the power conversion system equipment cost for generation and T&D applications [3]. The unit cost for balance of plant is assumed to be equal to the utility interconnection cost [3]. The fixed operation and maintenance costs are assumed to be 2% of the unit cost for power electronics [3]. Due to a lack of available manufacturers’ data, the life of storage is assumed to be equal to the calculated replacement period. The future amount of replacement cost is assumed to be 30% of the unit cost for storage unit [3]. B. Storage Systems and Technologies Both commercial battery technologies and those still in development are considered for generation and T&D application: lithium ion (Li-ion), advanced lead acid (Adv. LA), vanadium redox (VB), sodium sulfur (Na/S), zinc bromine (Zn/Br), iron chromium (Fe/Cr), zinc air (Zn/Air), zinc halogen (Zn/H). The commercial and near-commercial non-battery storage technologies are compressed air (CAES) and pumped hydro (PH). CAES is considered for both generation and T&D applications, whereas pumped hydro is considered for generation applications only. Manufactures of these storage technologies provided prices and performance information in 2011 and 2012. These prices are presented in Tables I, II, III, and IV. The data for generation applications are shown in Tables I and II. For T&D applications, the data are shown in Tables III and IV. 2 TABLE I REVISED CASE VALUES FOR GENERATION APPLICATIONS [3], [4], [7] TABLE III REVISED CASE VALUES FOR T&D APPLICATIONS [3], [4], [7] Parameter Li-ion Adv. LA Zn/Br Na/S VB Parameter Li-ion Adv. LA Zn/Br Na/S VB Rated output (MW) 10 10 10 10 10 Rated output (MW) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Efficiency 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.77 0.75 Efficiency 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.77 0.75 Unit cost for power electronic (US$/kW) 375 375 375 375 375 Unit cost for power electronic (US$/kW) 312.5 312.5 312.5 312.5 312.5 2375 1300 490 900 1000 500 350 400 750 Unit cost for storage units (US$/kWh) 2400 Unit cost for storage units (US$/kWh) 23 23 23 23 7 7 7 7 7 Unit cost for balance of plant (US$/kWh) 23 Unit cost for balance of plant (US$/kWh) Fixed O&M cost (US$/kW) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 Fixed O&M cost (US$/kW) 7.5 6.26 712.5 390 147 270 300 150 105 120 225 8000 2000 1500 4500 100000 8000 2000 3000 4500 100000 Future amount of replacement cost (US$/kWh) Number of charge/ discharge cycles in life 720 Future amount of replacement cost (US$/kWh) Number of charge/discharge cycles in life TABLE II REVISED CASE VALUES FOR GENERATION APPLICATIONS [3], [4], [7] Parameter Fe/Cr Zn/Air Zn/H CAES PH Rated output (MW) Efficiency Unit cost for power electronic (US$/kW) Unit cost for storage units (US$/kWh) Unit cost for balance of plant (US$/kWh) Fixed O&M cost (US$/kW) Future amount of replacement cost (US$/kWh) Number of charge/ discharge cycles in life 10 0.7 312.5 10 0.7 312.5 10 0.75 312.5 10 0.9 312.5 10 0.85 312.5 350 300 640 500 300 7 7 7 7 7 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 105 90 192 150 90 3750 3750 3750 12500 6250 TABLE IV REVISED CASE VALUES FOR T&D APPLICATIONS [3], [4], [7] Parameter Fe/Cr Zn/Air Zn/H CAES Rated output (MW) Efficiency Unit cost for power electronic (US$/kW) Unit cost for storage units (US$/kWh) Unit cost for balance of plant (US$/kWh) Fixed O&M cost (US$/kW) Future amount of replacement cost (US$/kWh) Number of charge/ discharge cycles in life 2.5 0.7 375 2.5 0.7 375 2.5 0.75 375 2.5 0.9 375 400 350 750 600 23 23 23 23 7.5 120 7.5 105 7.5 225 7.5 180 7500 7500 7500 25000 III. RESULTS The life-cycle cost analysis technique [1] is applied to the updated costs and other case study values and assumptions from Section II of this paper. The resulting costs are the costs added by various storage systems to each kWh of electricity that is stored and discharged. These costs are plotted in Figs. 1-4, in which each figure shows the cost added as the discharge time is varied. Fig. 1. Added cost (COE) vs. discharge time, 10 MW generation application operating 250 d/yr. 3 increases as the replacement period decreases. Table IV summarizes the results for all storage systems operating as designed. TABLE IV ADDED COST (COE) USING SYSTEM AS DESIGNED System design Generation, 250 days/yr (batteries) Fig. 2. Added cost (COE) vs. discharge time, 10 MW generation application operating 100 d/yr. Cost added (US$/kWh) 0.223-0.626 Generation, 250 days/yr (CAES) 0.196 Generation, 250 days/yr (PH) 0.151 Generation, 100 days/yr (batteries) 0.464-1.565 Generation, 100 days/yr (CAES) 0.490 Generation, 100 days/yr (PH) 0.377 T&D, 250 days/yr (batteries) 0.157-2.252 T&D, 250 days/yr (CAES) T&D, 100 days/yr (batteries) 0.128 0.384-2.589 T&D, 100 days/yr (CAES) 0.321 IV. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Fig. 3. Added cost (COE) vs. discharge time, 2.5 MW T&D application operating 250 d/yr. Fig. 4. Added cost (COE) vs. discharge time, 2.5 MW T&D application operating 100 d/yr. Figs 1 and 2 show that the lowest COE for generation applications is at the designed 8h discharge time. At shorter times, available capacity goes unused and this causes the increase in COE. Similarly, the lowest COE for T&D applications is at the designed 4h discharge time as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The data for generation storage systems operating 250 d/yr and 100 d/yr are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 respectively. It can be seen that the costs are higher for systems operating only 100 d/yr because the system fixed costs are spread over a much lower number of total kWh stored. The data for T&D systems operating 250 d/yr and 100 d/yr are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively. Similar to generation results, higher costs are for 100d/yr of operation. For both generation and T&D storage systems, the cost The pumped hydro non-battery storage system added the lowest cost to electricity as shown in Table IV. However, it needs special site requirements and causes environmental impacts. For generation 100d/yr system design, the cost added by CAES is slightly higher than that for Na/S because the total capital cost of CAES is higher. For the other system designs shown in Table IV, the cost added by CAES is less than that for batteries. However, it has the same disadvantages of pumped hydro. The highest cost added by generation battery storage systems is four times the cost of pumped hydro. For T&D battery storage systems, the highest cost added is seventeen times the cost of CAES. The costs added by VB, pumped hydro, and Zn/Br storage systems in 2012 are significantly higher than those in the original paper. Some cost parameters could not be obtained and were assumed negligible in the original paper, but all were obtained from manufacturers in the 2012 update. Also, some of the costs in the update are higher than those in the original paper due to more accurate information provided by manufacturers 2012. The cost added by Na/S in 2012 is less than that calculated in the original paper because the total capital cost for the technology has decreased. Table V presents the recent values for peak wholesale and average retail electricity prices in the US. The cost added by pumped hydro, which is US$0.151/kWh, is four times the wholesale peak, and close to the average residential retail price. The lowest cost battery system studied adds a cost to electricity close to the average residential retail price, whereas the highest cost system adds a cost sixty eight times the wholesale peak price. 4 TABLE V US ELECTRICITY PRICES Conditions VI. REFERENCES Electricity rate (US$/kWh) Wholesale day ahead peak 0.03788 [5] Average US Retail, Industrial 0.0711 [6] Average US Retail, Commercial 0.1043 [6] Average US Retail, Residential 0.1217 [6] [1] [2] [3] The lowest cost CAES system studied adds a cost to electricity approximately equals to the average residential retail price, whereas the highest cost system adds thirteen times the wholesale peak price. [4] V. CONCLUSION [6] Electric energy storage technologies can make significant contributions to improve the efficiency and reliability of the current electric grid. However, the cost of these technologies plays a critical role in determining their penetration level. A battery storage system designed to operate 250d/yr for generation applications, adds US$0.223-0.626 to each kWh of electric energy stored. A T&D battery storage system designed to operate 250d/yr, adds US$0.157-2.252/kWh stored. Similarly, a battery storage system designed to operate only 100d/yr for generation applications, adds US$0.4641.565/kWh to the cost of electricity. A T&D battery storage system designed to operate 100d/yr, adds US$0.3842.589/kWh. The highest cost of using a battery storage system is much higher than average wholesale or retail prices. However, the lowest cost is close to the average residential retail prices. The highest cost added by generation battery storage system is four times the cost of pumped hydro and seventeen times the cost of CAES for T&D applications. . Compared to battery storage system, pumped hydro and CAES added lower costs to electricity. However, both pumped hydro and CAES need special site requirements and have environmental impacts to consider. If the cost of battery storage systems continues to decrease, then in the future, they may approach the cost of CAES and pumped hydro. The storage system design parameters have a significant effect on the cost added to electricity as shown in Figs.1-4. Thus, these parameters have to be chosen carefully when designing a storage system in order to optimize the costs added to electricity. The replacement period of batteries has a significant effect on the cost added to electricity. The balances of plant and O&M costs have much less effect on the added cost to electricity when compared to replacement cost. The technique used to evaluate storage systems cost in this paper was implemented in a spreadsheet, which is available from the authors. [5] [7] P. Poonpun and W. Jewell, “Analysis of the Cost per Kilowatt Hour to Store Electricity”, IEEE Trans, on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, issue 2, June 2008. International Renewable Energy Agency (April. 2012). “Energy Storage Technology Brief”. [Online]. Available: http://www.irena.org/Document Downloads/Publications/Electricity%20Storage%20-%20Technology %20Brief.pdf Electric Power Research Institute (Feb. 2012). “Energy Storage System Costs 2011 Update Executive Summary”. [Online]. Available: http://www.eosenergystorage.com/documents/EPRI-Energy-StorageWebcast-to-Suppliers.pdf S. Schoenung, “Energy Storage Systems Cost Update” Sandia Natl. Lab., Albuquerque, NM, Sandia Rep. SAND2011-2730, 2011. Energy Information Administration (Nov. 2012). Wholesale day ahead prices at selected hubs and peaks. [Online]. Available: http://www.eia.gov/electricity/wholesale/ Energy Information Administration (Aug. 2012). Average retail price of electricity to ultimate customers by end-use sector. [Online]. Available: http://www.eia.gov/electricity/monthly/epm_table_grapher.cfm?t=epmt _5_3 Information from price quotes and performance data provided by energy storage device manufacturers. Haneen Aburub received the Bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering from the Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan, in 2012. She is currently a Graduate Research Assistant and working toward the M.S. degree in electrical engineering at Wichita State University. Ward T. Jewell (M’77–F’03) received B.S.E.E. degree from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, in 1979, the M.S.E.E. degree from Michigan State University, East Lansing, in 1980, and the Ph.D. degree from Oklahoma State University, in 1986. He has been with Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, since 1987, where he is currently a Professor of Electrical Engineering. He is the Site Director at the Power System Engineering Research Center (PSerc), Wichita State University. His current research interests include power quality and advanced energy technologies.