Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTS DEPT. AMENDMENT OF REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS PAGE 1 Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Procurement and Contracts Dept., MA-29 1 Aviation Circle, Suite 154 Washington, DC 20001-6000 Telephone: (703) 417-8660 1A. AMENDMENT OF RFQ NO. 1B. DATED 2-16-P0373 August 10, 2016 2A. AMENDMENT NO. 2B. EFFECTIVE DATE One (001) August 16, 2016 The Request for Quotations identified in Block 1A is amended as set forth in Block 3. Hour and date specified for receipt of quotations is extended, is not extended. Quoters must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and dated specified in the RFQ or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) by completing Block 4 and returning copy of the amendment; (b) by acknowledging receipt of this amendment on the Request for Quotations form, Block 11. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF QUOTATIONS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR QUOTATION. 3. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Solicitation 2-16-P0373, entitled Linear LED Tubes at Dulles International Airport is amended as follows: 1. Delete the “Buy American Level II” requirements from Section X, Attachment 01, (#7) on the Specifications list, Item 01 and 02. 2. Revised Specifications list – Item 01 and Item 02 attached. 3. Extend deadline for question submission from 3:00 PM EST, August 17, 2016 to 3:30 PM EST August 23, 2016. 4. Extend deadline for offer submission from 3:30 PM EST, August 19, 2016 to 3:30 PM EST, August 26, 2016 Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Block 1A, as heretofore changed, remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 4A. NAME AND TITLE OF QUOTER MWAA Form PR-06 (Rev. 1/2003) 4B. SIGNATURE 4C. DATE WashingtonDullesInternationalAirport BagClaimLevelEnergyReductionProject LightEmittingDiode(LED)ProductSpecification AmendmentOne(1) Product:4’18WLinearLEDTube 1. Construction a. extrudedaluminumwithpolycarbonatelens b. 100Ͳ277VAClinevoltage50/60hz c. Integrated(onboard)LEDdriver d. FrostedLens e. 4000Kcolor 2. ColorRenderingIndex(CRI)ofnotlessthan80 3. LumensperWattequaltoorgreaterthan120 4. MustmeetL70ratingat50,000hours(ataminimum,mustmaintain70% ofinitialLumenoutputat50,000hours)inaccordancewithIlluminating EngineeringSociety(IES)LM80. 5. OperatingTemprangeofͲ20to+50degreesCelsius 6. Workinghumidityrangeto85%(ULtestedfordamplocations) 7. Minimumwarrantyfor10yearsfromthedateofPurchase a. Warrantytoincludecostofallshippingcosts,removal,andlaborto replacefailedproduct. 8. RequiredListings(AllRequired): a. ULlisted(UnderwritersLaboratories) b. DLClisted(DesignLightingConsortium) c. RoHSlisted(RestrictionofHazardousSubstances) WashingtonDullesInternationalAirport BagClaimLevelEnergyReductionProject LightEmittingDiode(LED)ProductSpecification AmendmentOne(1) Product:2’8WLinearLEDTube 1. Construction a. extrudedaluminumwithpolycarbonatelens b. 100Ͳ277VAClinevoltage50/60hz c. Integrated(onboard)LEDdriver d. FrostedLens e. 4000Kcolor 2. ColorRenderingIndex(CRI)ofnotlessthan80 3. LumensperWattequaltoorgreaterthan113 4. MustmeetL70ratingat50,000hours(ataminimum,mustmaintain70% ofinitialLumenoutputat50,000hours)inaccordancewithIlluminating EngineeringSociety(IES)LM80. 5. OperatingTemprangeofͲ20to+50degreesCelsius 6. Workinghumidityrangeto85%(ULtestedfordamplocations) 7. Minimumwarrantyfor10yearsfromthedateofPurchase a. Warrantytoincludecostofallshippingcosts,removal,andlaborto replacefailedproduct. 8. RequiredListings(AllRequired): a. ULlisted(UnderwritersLaboratories) b. DLClisted(DesignLightingConsortium) c. RoHSlisted(RestrictionofHazardousSubstances)