The Adirondack Record Au Sable Forks, N. 7 . Published every Friday by The Adirondack Record, Inc., and entered a t the Postoffice a t Au Sable Forks, N. Y., as second-class Matter. Subscription Price $1.25 per Year in Advance. Singla Copies Five Cents Each. Advertising Rates on Application. R. P. RfcKSE. Sec'y and Business Mgr. Blessed are the peacemakers whenever the time is ripe. Mr, Hoover must have tried recently to buy a steak for dinner. Chancellor Michaelis is playing ca- S 1008 1976—McDonald, Thomas Francis, Lake Placid, N. Y. mouflage with Germany's war plans. J1013 544—Walton. Wallace, Au Sable Forks, N. Y. 1014 2948—Pierce, Howard Arvine, Westport, N. Y. 1018 2144—Lawless, William Tcvhn, Ray Brook, N. Y. .. A moral victory is always welcome, 1021 1883—Collins, James Edward, Lake Placid, N. Y. but it has to be backed with cold steel 1025 2506—Mallen, James Henry, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 1026 2543—Tromblee, Earl Gilbert, Ticonderoga. N. Y. to impress the boche. • 1035 2410—Hayes, Hartwell, Bloomingdale, N. Y. U()43 2426—Paquin. Nelson, Bloomingdale, N. Y. A patient world is waiting for the , 1052 3029— Hathaway, Fred Herbert, Willsboro, N. Y. moment when Russia shall exclaim, 11054 838—Manning, Thomas Henry, Port Henry, N. Y. "Oh, what a headache!" < 4057 1410—Pratt, Charles Leland. Mineville, N. Y. 1070 1255—Kimball, August Wilfred. Mineville, N. Y. ' 107S 237—Emnott, Harry Albert. Elizabethtown, N . Y. Why did not the keep-the-army-at- 11080 422—Maynard, Harold A., Jay, N. Y. homesters think to have their friend !lO84 344—Stafford, Glenn Able, Essex, N. Y. 11090 3007—Cooley, John Logan. Willsboro, N. Y. the kaiser keep his army a t home? {1092 2970—Vaughan, Henry Alvin, Westport, N. Y. 11093 442—Sumner, Herbert W.. Upper Jay, N. Y. Prodigal sons who return now must ! 1106 3004—Collins. Berton E., Willsboro, N. Y. be satisfied with "cheaper cuts" from i 1114 2816—McCaughin, Sherry Patrick, Ticonderoga, N. Y. J 1127 1907— Puhrer, Frederick Wilson, Lake Placid, N. Y. the old steer. The veal must be con11128 566—Hartson, Milton S., Keene, N. Y. served. 'Italia Irredenta" makes a better One can hardly blame the little j slogan every passing minute. i hands of devoted canners throughout j the land for talking about the fruits j Russia is longing to call Field Mar- of victory. shall Winter to its assistance as heretofore. fl sale Place lor SavingsTHE OLD BURLINGTON SAVINGS BANK HAS TO ITS CREDIT:— SEVENTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. MORE THAN THIRTY THOUSAND DEPOSITORS LIVING IN EVERY STATE IN THE UNION AND EV ERY CONTINENT OF THE GOBE. OVER EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS OF ASSETS FOR NEARLY THREE- QUARTERS OF A CENTU RY IT HAS STOOD FOR STABILITY. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST, SEMI-ANNUALLY. Grounds Upon Which Exemption Claims Are Based G. P. SMITH, President F. W. PERRY, Vice-President F. W. WARD, Vice-president LEVI P. SMITH, Vice-President C. E. BEACH, Asst. Treasurer Following is a list of persons and their addresses who were There are reasons for believing that j in the last call for military service who have filed claims for the latest peace answer is intended J exemption or discharge and the grounds on which they base Autocracy is as wise as serpents and largely for the relief of the blind in ] t h e i r c l a i m s : as harmless as forty-two centimeter Germany. guns. MARRIED MAN WITH WIFE OR CHILD: DEPOSIT WITH rue (ity Natal id There is a suspicion that Hinder- 834 1521—Szoke, John, Witherbee/ N. Y. 837 2997—Blanchard, Lyman, Willsboro, N. Y. This is going to be a good winter berg is the honorary president of the ; 8 3 8 2222—Dwyer, Eugene Edward, Lake Placid, N. Y. for successful experiments with smoke- "Keep the American Army a t Home" |842 2650—Saunders, Charles Henry, Ticonderoga, N. Y. less furnaces. league ]844 2280—Valentine, Charles Hersey, North Elba, N. Y. 845 780—Durnin, Frank William, Port Henry, N. Y. „ , ~ , . . .1 • |847 2760—Stott, Benjamin, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Nothing else in this world hits the n Von Bernstorff s favorite diplomatic 8 5 1 267—McDougal, g , Alvin Vincent,, Elizabethtown,, N. Y. pro-German outfit so hard as the character is that Old Testament wor- 853 2809—Howes, Ralph Waldo, Ticonderoga, N. Y. plain, cold facts. thv Joab who stroked his opponent's 859 1700—Manning, Ford Cauldwell, Port Henry, N. Y. the i 8 6 0 861 Prussian militarism to the people: knife under thefifthrib. !865 "But what's the use of a divorce now, 867 when I can't give you any alimony?" Does the senate know what it is873 about in agreeing to vote on the War877 Should American Red Cross nurses Revenue Bill some weeks ahead be- 878 lye sent to Siberia, Nick Romanoff will fore Mr. LaFollette has fairly begun 880 be suddenly finding himself in a pre- to speak on it? carious state of health. Prices of beef and pork in London 902 I t is presumed that Germany will after three years of war hold out the 912 918 come to the relief of embargoed neu- hope that prices of meats may decline 920 trals just as soon as she can spare a with the increase of our own partici- 929 few regiments from the western front. pation in the war. 933 1700Mi F dC l d l l P H 1094 1213—Heda, Mike, Witherbee, N. Y. 1126 1293—Petrello, Peter Antonio, Witherbee, N. Y. SON OF WIDOWED MOTHER: CHARLES L. POOL, Chairman, 835 2824:—Mulvey, James, Ticonderoga, N. Y. WILLIAM H. ROBERTS, Clerk. 953 229—Cross, Joseph Henry, Elizabethtown, N. Y. 971 2321—Welch, Richard James, Blue Ridge, N. Y. 206—Ploof, Fred L., Crown Point Center, N. Y. JLocal Board for Essex County, N. Y., Elizabethtown, N. Y. 998 2304—LaBier, Willie H., Blue Ridge, N. Y. )1024 2810—Johnson, Albert Peter, Ticonderoga, N. Y. To District Board Northern Judicial District, Division No 1 1071 1999—Musgrove, John, Lake Placid, N. Y. Malone, N. Y. WIFE AND MOTHER DEPENDENTS: 870 1477—Shaw, Joseph, Witherbee, N. Y. LIST OF PERSONS EXEMPTED OR DKCHARGED FROM 874 989—Anderson, Andrew John, Mineville, N. Y. WIFE AND AGED AND INFIRM PARENTS: THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. Local Board for Essex County, N. Y., Local Board for Essex County, N. Y., hereby certifies to District Board, Northern Judicial District, Division No. 1 Malone, N. Y., the following list of names of persons and their addresses who have been duly anl legally called by said Local Board for the military service of the United States and who have been, by said Local Board, exempted or discharged within the meaning of the Rules and Regulations prescribed by the President under the act of Congress approved May 18, 1917. 934 938 939 942 955 978 986 9S0 <996 1000 2002—North, Scott Wallace. Lake Placid, N. Y. 1989—Meyers, Moses, Lake Placid, N. Y. 2789—Clemens, William Henry, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 2335—Dorsey, Albert Paul, Schroon Lake, N. Y / 299—Barnaby, Richard Mathews, Essex, N. Y. 1871—Burt, Roy, Lake Placid, N. Y. 8049—Martin, Jr., Joseph E., Wiilsboro, N. Y. 228-Cook, Floyd Davis, Elizabethtown, N. Y. 430—Pelkey, Irwin F., Upper Jay, N. Y. 2122-Gvmpal, Morris, Ray Brook, N. Y. Liberal Interest Paid on Deposii Capital . . . m$100,OOO.Oo| Surplus and Profits 82,000.001 John F . O'Brien_._Presidejit| John Haughran___Vice-Pre8.| C. E. Inman Cashier! N _ 9 4 °-LaClair, David R., Moriah N. Y. 2846—Tucker, Henry, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 2310—Moses, Leon Emery, Blue Ridge, N. Y. 2504—McNeal, Robert Lee, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 1633—Burzee, Samuel Rossen, Port Henry, N. Y. 1304—McClellan, James Edward, Witherbee, N. Y. 2270—Taylor, Ralph Alonza, Lake Placid, N. Y. 2345—Harris, Raymond Robert, Paradox, N. Y. 257—Kilburn, Willie Ramson, Elizabethtown, N. Y. 1109—Dessaint, Frank, Mineville, N. Y. 3111—Hewitt, Frank H., Wilmington, N. Y. 2723—Leach, Claude Dolbeck, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 2678—Wood, Harold Henry, Ticonderoga, N. Y . 1968—Lewis. Edgar William. Lake Placid, N. Y. 3019—Drinkwine, Frank, Willsboro, N. Y. 563—Edwards, Allen S.. Keene, N. Y. 2513—Ordway, Arthur James, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 2981—Ahrent. Frank F., Willsboro, N. Y. 937 2605—Ives. Clarence Putnam, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 941 1933—Hull, Franklyn Augustus, Lake Placid, N. Y. Local Board for Essex County, N. Y., Elizabethtown, N, Y.943 146—Gonyo, Joseph, Crown Point, N. Y. 958 3106—Gelina, Anede, Wilmington, N. Y. 960 2606—Tohnson, Warren Morris. Ticonderoga, N. Y. LIST OF PERSONS CALLED INTO THE SERVICE OF THE961 750—Clay. Paul Vallean, Port Henry, N. Y. J968 150—Hickok, Harry Judson. Crown Point, N. Y. UNITED STATES NOT EXEMPTED OR DISCHARGED 1970 400—Bursee. Armond J., lay, N. Y. 973 1875—Cayea. Ernest Fred, Lake Placid, N. Y. 4—Blaise, Frank Charles, Keeseville, N. Y. Local Board for Essex County, N. Y., hereby certifies to Dis- 976 980 115—Cobb, James Andrew, Clintonville, N. Y. i/*f R A O ^ XT *u T J - • i rv- L - L Vx- • . 980 115—Cobb, lames Andrew, Clintonville, IN. Y ct Board Northern Judicial District, Division No. 1, Malone, 992 2344—Margraves. 2892-Coughiin, John James. Westport. N.Lake, Y. N. Y. Chester Arthur, Schroon 1001 George N. Y., the following list of the names and addresses of persons ~ " ~32S—McKee, " " ~ Richard, Essex, ^ N. TY.' 1016 1021—Brennan, John, Mineville, N. Y. who have been duly and legally called for the military service 1003 2075—Winch, Halsey Horson, Lake Placid, N. Y. of the United States, and who have not been exempted or dis- 1011 570—Jaquish, Robert, Keene, N. Y. charged: 1012 2369—Russell, Roy Napoleon, Schroon Lake, N. Y. 1015 3017—Denett, Joseph Walter, Willsboro, N. Y. '866 169—Russell, Frank Carlton, Crown Point N Y J1020 2540—Thomas, Chester Richard, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 868 2860—Eggleston, Loren R., Wadhams N Y J1027 2423—O'Malley, John C , Bloomingdale, N. Y. 930 211—Whitford, Wallace, Crown Point Center N Y J1028 2573—Carpenter, Eugene Samuel, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 944 2883—Stewart, Harold G., Westport N Y j 1029 1258— Kobie, George, Witherbee, N. Y. 947 1050—Carlson, Arthur Charles, Mineville, N. Y. 1030 2529—Saunders, George Wesley, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 951 1008—Binan, Edward Leo, Mineville. N. Y 1032 929—Herriman, George E., Moriah Center, N. Y. 956 1075—Compton, Martin. Mineville N ' Y 1036 2045—Stickney." Stanley E., Lake Placid, N. Y. 957 2391—Brown, Everett C , Bloomingdale, N. Y. 1041 2822—Martin, Erwin Carlton. Ticonderoga, N. Y. 962 58—Bigelow, Harold Edwin, Keeseville, N. Y., R. F . D 11042 3027—Hart, Fred, Willsboro, N. Y. * 966 16o4—Egan, George Joseph, Port Henrv N Y |l044 2763—Trombley, Lewis Edward, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 974 1320—Martin, Mike, Mineville, N. Y. 1048 1619—Beldon. Charles H.. Port Henry. N. Y. 975 1977—McLoughlin, Harold, Lake Placid Club N Y U050 2168—Peacock, Tames Alfred, Saranac Lake, N. Y, 977 1859—Bickford, Carl James, Lake Placid N Y ' ' 11058 2261—Sinclair. Edwin Tames, Lake Placid, N. Y. 979 1735—Roberts, John P., Mineville N Y ' J1060 2593—Gilleo, Niles Henry, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 981 832—McD®nald, John Gerald, Port Henry N. Y 1061 2440—Wardner. Wavne H., Bloomingdale, N. Y. 983 2350—Jordan, Ernest Carl, Schroon Lake, N. Y. 1065 2274—Thornton, William Henry. Lake Placid, N. Y. 984 2648—Santhony, John Chester, Ticonderoga N Y 1067 17—Dague. Arthur William, Port Kent, N. Y. 987 1865—Brewster, Myron Remembrance, Lake' Placid * N Y 1068 2821—Martell John Walter, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 989 2692—Cobb, Aaron Moody Oliver, Ticonderoga N ' Y ' 1069 802—Gouzie, Leo Joseph, Port Henry, N. Y. 993 136—Bush, John Walter, Crown Point N Y ' 1074 691—Gregory, Alfred Stevens, Boreas River, N . Y. 994 872—Richards, Raymond P., Port Henry, N Y {1075 378—Maloney, Lucius LeRoy, Whallonsburg, N. Y. 997 2582—Delaney, Edward John, Ticonderoga,' N Y 11086 1766—Wheelock, Stewart, Port Henry, N. Y. l§04 96—Poland, Arthur Lewis, Keeseville N Y R F D ) 1087 2869—Mason, Guy H.. Wadhams, N. Y. 1007 109g—Damian, Thomas, Mineville N Y •» • • • 1088 2433—Stephenson. William Wallace, Bloomingdale, N. Y. 1009 624—Nye, Wells Erwin, St. Huberts, N. Y 1097 164— Pratt, Verne Levi, Crown Point, N. Y. 1031 2627—Moore, Hugh John, ticonderoga N Y 1099 272—Monico, Louis B.. Elizabeth town, N. Y. 1034 3038—King, Napoleon Joseph, Willsboro N Y 1101 1248—Kelley, William D., Witherbee, N. Y. 1038 1965—Latray, Henry Edward, Lake Placid N Y 1102 1174—Ginett, Leslie Mason, Witherbee, N. Y. 1039 138—Clark, Thomas Halsey, Crown Point N Y 1103 964— Ritson. Ralph, Moriah, N. Y. 1040 2618—Mason, Sherman, Ticonderoga N Y * T 1107 407—Fadden, Homer L., Jay, N. Y. 1045 1667—Hanchet, W illiam Henry, Port Henry. N. Y 1119 2136—Jones, Nelson Raymond, Ray Brook, N. Y. 1051 91—Mussen, Altus Adkin, Keeseville N Y 1120 1161—Fuller, Russell. Mineville, N. Y. J053 2887—Baker, Curtis Abner, Westport N Y 1123 1152—Finnessey, James William, Mineville, N. Y. 1055 635—Benedict, Merly Frederick, Deerhead ' N Y 1125 13S0—Qrcuitt, "Charles, Witherbee, N. Y. 1056 2717—Hier, Raymond William, Ticonderoga N Y 1059 2802—Gray, George Seeman, Ticonderoga N Y A RESIDENT 1&LIEN: 1064 1326—Massel, William, Witherbee N Y ' 831 72.5—Aurilo, Alexander, Port Henry, N. Y. 1066 712—Murphy, Charles A., Minerva, N. Y. 852 1550—Uss, Steve, Witherbee, N. Y. 1073 2297—Duntley, Robert, North Hudson N Y 855 1218—Hermas, Antonio, Mineville, N. Y. 1077 5206—Baker, William, Newman, N. Y.' [864 1254—Kerry, Wilford, Mineville, N. Y. 1079 2966—Torrance, Ralph Augustus, Westport, N. Y j917 1602—Zegnonics, Mikolai, Witherbee, N. Y. 1081 2295—Duntley, Harrison, North Hudson N Y 1927 303—Bouchard, 3 3 ,Alonzo,, Essex,, N. Y. 1082 619—Lamb, George Westley, Keene Valley N* Y Ri S i h b N 931 1435—Rizzo, Samuel, Witherbee, N.YY. 1083 1058—Cawley, John Edward, Mineville N Y 1952 2472—DeAntonio, Tony Mzze, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 1095 1799—Gates, Frank, Newcomb, N. Y. ' J959 1189—Gravck, Frank, Witherbee, N. Y. 1098 268—MacDougal, Adam Henry, Elizabethtown N Y 1443—Ronanowsk, Wladis, Witherbee, N. Y. 1104 866—Powell, Charles LeRoy. 'Port Henry, N Y 991 1489—Skura. Frank, Witherbee. N. Y. 1108 262—Lewis, Walter Ruben," Wadhams, N. Y. 1005 1519—Szehfu. Joe. Witherbee, N. Y. 1112 1901—Estes, Ashley Eugene, Lake Placid N Y 1023 1269—Kovacs, Joe, Witherbee, N..Y. 1117 2602—Hogle, Martin William, Ticonderoga N Y 1033 1508—Stern, Fred, Witherbee, N. Y. 1118 883—Spring, Harry Elmer, Port Henry, N. Y. ' 1047 1199—Guteroz, Constantine, Witherbee, N. Y. 1121 1861—Bisson, Clarence Henry, Lake Placid, N. Y. 1076 1083—Corba, Joseph, Witherbee, N. Y. , beard preparatory to inserting of PLATTSBURG, N. Y 948 2864—Lawrence, Harry M , Westport, N. Y. 875 1702—Martin, Bernie, Port Henry, N. Y. 1085 2072—Williams, George Francis, Lake Placid, N. Y. 1105 593—Weldon, William, Keene, N. Y. AGED AND INFIRM PARENTS: 897 185—Betts, Arthur D., Crown Point Center, N. Y. 932 1784— Bissell, Olin H,, Newcomb, N. Y. 946 2643— Rafferty, Walter Fay, Ticonderoga, N. Y. thur William, W i l l i a , South Schroon, N. Y . 967 2367—Richardson,, Arthur 19—Dague. George D.. 969 " _ Port - , -Kent, . . N. - , Y. . 2178—Robinson, Leon Herbert, Saranac Lake, S , N. i . 988 178Robinson, Pt Henry, H N Y. Y 1019 747—Clancy, Maurice William, Port N. 1063 633—Beardsley. George Lambert, Wadhams, N. Y. 1096 202—Mullen. "Thomas Wm., Crown Point Center, N. Y. SON OF WIDOW AND AGED PARENTS 1046 2890—Close, Kugh Edward, Westport, N. Y. BROTHER DEPENDENT 1072 2192—Tellstone, Edward, Saranac Lake, N. Y. MINISTER OF RELIGION . xr 1022 2497—Kelley, Rev. Michael Joseph, Ticonderoga, N. Y. CHARLES L. POOL, Chairman, WILLIAM H. ROBERTS, Clerk. Upson Board will save you time, money and labor. I Here's Qood News for You g, !INSURANCE Now you can easily atid inexpensively transform any p a r t of your house— whether finished or unrinished—into an attractive room or r.oms. You can do the ^vurk without the usual muss, litter or delay of plaster. Any carpenter any month of the year can apply the iarye ;janels oi UPSOIs BOARD quickly and without inconvenience. And remember LPSON BOARD wiH make any room i^ore comfortable in all ^inds of weather f-.y it h a splendid nonconductor of scr *iri, iiTHt aiiC cold. It is sanitary. Its i rst cod is practically its last cost for it should last a? long as the building itself. >•; run. never crack, chip or fall. We have a sainple for you. We also have a folder that will ?xplain to you just why UPSON BOARD is the nearest perfect lining for vzalls and ceilings and why it is the most dependable nber board on the market. _, I Only \ THE BEST COMPANIES Represented. KEESEVILLE, N. Y. A. Mason L..C. Pattison OPTOMETRIST —AT— Port Henry (Lee House) Oct. 5 Westport—Oct. 6. Keene (Owl's Head) Sep. 21, pm Keene Valley—Sept. 22, a.m. Send all Repairs to Ticonderoga New York F. B. SANBORN HUDSON RIVER DAY LSSE GREAT STEEL STEAMERS "Washington Irving," "Robert Fulton" "Hendrick Hudson" or "Albany" The finest single day trip in the World, ban iiija: none, is unquestionably the journey up or down the majestic Hudson on these exclusively passenger Day Steamers. LEAVE ALBANY 8.30 A. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Going South will Land at Hudson, Catskill, Kingston Point, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, West Point and Yonkers. Due at New York, W. 129th St. 5.10 P. M.; W. 42d St. 5.30 P. M.; Desbrosses St. 6.00 P. M. New York-Poughkeepsie Special Service June 11 to Sept. 15— Time table on request. Bestaurant. Music by fine orchestras. R. R. TICKETS ACCEPTED ALBANY TO NEW YORK Excursion Tickets to New Jerse Resorts. Charming one-day trips : F s t o n Point. 11.00; Otis Summit, Cajakill Mts.,$1.50; Poughkeepsie, back by rail, fl.90; Newburgh or West Point, back by rail, |2.lO. Private Drawing Rooms No Freight or Autos Carried W. B. ELMENDORF. Gen'l Agent, Tel. 107 Main. 351 Broadway. Albany. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all oilier diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Halls Family Pills for constipation. C 11AC iox24 Optometri$ at the American House FOURTH THURSDAY EACH MONTH. SANBORN & BARTLE PLATTSBURG, N. Y. flre You NSURED?! FIRE, ACCIDENT, LIFE and HEALTH INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE STEAM BOILER ii Liability Insurance of all kinds. • m^ \ I I 11 \ 12x26 . 136.00 AU SABLE FORKS, N. Y. d l I I I l 4 l O t h e r ^ZeS *n V A Art V V proportion. Phone 8-L « A. ask for catalog Continuous Open Door Front **************** Pwmanent Steel Ladder Attached.