, STRAY LOAD LOSSES III INDUCTION MACHINES Ely A. A. JIMOH L B. Eng., M. Eng., MIEEE .............. ., A Thesis £ubmitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfilment of' the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy McMaster University March 1986 ( , • .... .~. " ,, , ;.~ , .} ! " ,0 , , . .. " I', ' I, \ .-;.\ " " , ~, " , •... STRAY LOAD LOSSES IJI INDUCTION MACHINES .' • .-' .. ~ ' . " , " " . , : -,- ~ \~ '" ,.' ,:.' , -\ ..; ~ ~ '\ .'.' " -\ \ " --, DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (1986). McMASTER UNIVERSITY (Electrical & Computer Engineering) TITLE: AUTHOR: , t Hamilton, Ontario Stray Load Losses in Induction Machines -, Abdul-Ganiyu Adisa Jimoh, B. Eng. (Ahmadu Bello Uni~ersity) M. Eng. (Ahmadu Bello University) • SUPERVISOR: .- Dr. R. D. Findlay NUMBER.OF PAGES: xXi,223 • . 11 -~ , \" .. .' " \,-~~--, I· ' .. .. .. \ ." ./ ~ .. : ' , ABSTRACT Understanaing and minilli'l.zing loss. are the main objectives of·: seeking solutions to the problems of stray lo.ss in induction machines. This thes~s - contributes towards this . problems of stray load loss. object~ve by addressing the various ~tions These problems includ; the of definition, origin, components, and effects; theoretical and . . experimental means of evaluation; and loss reduction. - Insignts intecthese problems are achieved through a .. ' . comprehensive review of the state of the art of the subject. \ We have established that some . commonly used terminologies in the subject area ~ • formed major obstacles to progress in d\>finition. A co~ceptually simple and general theory of squirrel cage induction machines is presented. The th~ory results in a set of linear periodic differential equations, which has an infinite number of ~ssible solutions. A suitable solution procedure is developed. Means for accounting for slot developed; ~penings and saturation are These have enabled various field waveforms in a practical machine to be generated and analyzed. The analysis produced insights into the interactions of harmonics and how harmonics contribute to stray load losses. Through this, an approximate means of separating a saturated non-sinusoidal waveform of an air gap flux density waveform into its fundamental, saturation, and other space harmonics is developed. \ 11i '. . ..... r... • c· An expressionrfor determining the machine torque is derived. This torque expression. the ideas for manipu1ating'and analyzing the field waveforms. and the presented theory are structured into an algorithm, modeling the behaviours of squirre1·~~e ~ , __)the algorithm enabled the torque-speed induction machines. ~ ~haracteristic of a practical machine to be predicted. The predicted characteristic is compared with that measured by means of acce~e~~eter. The fact that it the theory and the developed model. several advantages, ,. in~ ud ing - compares~ery The new ~teady well validates state model has its easy application to the study and the . "evaluation of stray load losses. .. A brief "study of how harmonics influence the developed torque i~ {lso conducted usi~g ~e)new model. (~ Two theoretical methods are developed for predi~ng stray load loss at the design, manufacturing, or utilization stage of a machine. These ~thods. which employ the developed model, are applied to a practical machine. The predicted stray losses are compared with the measured, and that'predicted using the nominal assignation technique. This draws attention to the need for experimental investigation of" the SUbject. Consequently, two experiments, - ca10rimetrlc method and novel experiment to study inter-bar current problem, are developed. Due to technical and economic problems, however. their implementation are not yet completed •. ~, ," iv • : • . " ., \ J " ,c • ., , .;" . ,1 ACKlCM.EIlGEIlEIITS - I would like to express my appreciation to my'supervisor Dr, R. D. Findlay for his support and-encouragement. I would like to thank the other members of my supervisory committee; Drs. R. T. H. Alden and ~. LaJ;to. I have been-very fortunate i~having an informal association • wi th' a distinguished and humble intellectual Professor Michel Poloujadoff.' His encouragement and many suggestiona have contributed , greatly to the succ~ss of this work. Mr. Gcant Neal of the Motor • Division of Westinghouse (Canada) Limited is gratefully ac~nowledied for his co-operation and encouragement. I would also like to thank a very'- good'friend, Prof. Raymond ~ for his contributions. T~e financial supports of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, through an award of a study fellowshi~; Canadian Gov~rnment, through Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Program; and McMaster University are deeply appreciated. I would. like to thank Dr. Jennifer Conners, Miss Edna Menzies, Miss'Elsie Lavery, Marion and Perry Wil~err~~:FOlbigg: the Philpott Mem~rial Church, and the organizers of the International Student'Fellowship activities for making ,my;family and I feel at home in Canada. , Their friendship and love will forever be remembered: Special thanks should go to Mrs. Maureen McCracken for making ~ the beautiful ,drawings, and Mr. Dan McCracken, Dr. Jennifer Conners, and " v -, .. -- . .. .. _....... .. ... • -. Mr. Francis.Omani for proof reading this thesis. close associ~tes M'. The friendship~f RaJeev Krishnamurthi. Mr. Franc~s Omani. Dan'a:d Maureen McCracken.' Mr. Pierre Gauthier. and Mr. Gerry Brown are deeply appreciated. I would like to thank Mrs.~Lynda Chapple for her diligence and cheerful co-operation in typing this manuscript. Last. but -<, deftnitely not the least. I would like to thank my children. Bukola·and Ademola. and my Wife. Gbemisola. for ~heir patience and support • • • .• " ::-/ j vi ; ' . .. ... .. . 2.4- Other Approaches to the Study of Stray Load Losses ' 2.5 • CHAPTER 3 Current Methods (or Reduction of Stray Load Losses _ "2.5.1 Reduction of Losses in Conductors 2:5.2 Reduction of Losses in the End Region / 2.5.3 Reduction of Harmonics and their Magnitudes 2,5. 4 Industrial Imperfecti~n 2.5.5 Others -MODEL DEVELOPMENT 41 42 43 / 45 47 48 50 '. 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Definition of the Problem 50 51 3.2 Stator 54 3.3 Rotor 3,3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 60 Induced E.M.F. in a Rotor M<!'!Sb> by the Stator Fiel~s Induced E.M.F. -in a Rotor Mesh by the Rotor Fields Induced C~rrents in the Rotor Winding An Alternative Formulation 60 63 64 73 3.4 Solution of t-hi' Machine Equation 79 3.5 Effects:Sf Slot Openings 87 3.6 Effects of Saturation 3.6.1 Effects tf Saturation of the Core 3.6.2 Effects of Saturation of the Teeth Body 3.6.3 Effects of Saturation of the Teeth Tips 88 89 89 94 3.7 The Machine Equations 99· CHAPTER 4 4.1 WAVEFORMS AND HARMONICS: ON STRAY LOAD LOSS THEIR INFLUENCE Magnetic Field of Stator 4.1.1 Stator Fields with Effect of Slot Openings 4.1.2 Stator Fields with Effects of ·Saturation viii 104 104 1 11 121 .. I J i / ..... :-~ , , i .,~ - 4.1.3 Stator Fields with Effects of Both ,.. Stator and Rotor Slot Openings and Saturation • 4.2 CHAPTER 5: 129 Magnetic Fields of the Rotor 4.2.1 The Rotor Impedances 4.2.2 Magnetic Field of the Rotor 131 131 133 4.3' Overall Resultant Air-Gap Field 134 4.4 140 D~scussions. PREDI~TION 5.1 ~.. 2 5.3 5.4 Harmonics and Stray Load Losses 149 Derivation of .an Expression for Eiectromagnetic Torque 150 Torque-Time, and Torque-Speed Characteristics 153 5.3.1 Effects of Harmonics Analysis of the Torque Equation 163- The Measurement of Torque-Speed Characteristics 5.~.1 Comparison of Predicted and Measured Torques ' 169 157 173 . , , CHAPTER 6: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 CHAPTER 7: PREDICTION TECHNIQUES FOR STRAY LOAD LOSS 174 General Concept of Losses in Squirrel-Cage Induction Machine 175 Method ,. for Predicting Stray Load Loss ,6.2.1 A Criticism of the Conventional Method of Estimating Total Load Loss 6.2.2 The Proposed Method 179 179 181 Method 2 for Predicting Stray Load Loss 6.3.1 Estimation of Rotor Conductor Loss 6.3.2 The Proposed Method 184 Measurement of Stray Load Loss 6.4.1 Results and Comparison 188 192 CONCLUSIONS 7.1 - " AND MEASUREMENT OF TORQUE Suggestions, for Further Works ix J 182 182 \ 196 202 .' " .. REFERENCES APPENDIX A 20~ A FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ALGORITHM· 212 ~ ('APPENDIX B CALCULATION OF THE ROTOR BAR IMPEDANCE PARAMETERS . 21 ~ B. 1 Resistance 21~ B.2 Reactances 215 B.3 Skin-Effect 216 A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE DEVELOPED EXPERIMENTS 218 APPENDIX C ~ I x ·' . , LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS Cross-sectional area .' Flux density Maximum vth harmonic flux density - Rotor diameter . Instantaneous electromotive force (e.m.f.l supply frequency Magneto-motive force (m.m.f.l Magnetic field intensity Instantaneous current S~atorls mth phas~ instantaneous current Stator r.m.s. current p~r phase Maximum value of stator current Magnetizing current Conductor current Rotor inertia Skin effect factor for resistance Skin effect factor for leakage reactance Carter's factor or slot permeance factor Saturation factor Slot leakage constant Axial length of machine bore Length of lamination stack -. xi ( Length' of bar Self inductance m ' Number of phase Number of stator phases M Mutual inductance n Order of harmonic Synchronous speed in r.p.s. Number of turns per bar Number of turns per 'coil Number of conductor -+ per slpt p Number of poles Pc No load core loss Pc1 ' P . cus' Pscu Stator copper loss Pc2' Pcur' . Prcloss' Prcu Rotor conductor' loss Pfw' Pf+w Friction and windage loss Pi I Pin. Input power Pm :-Iechanical input power or shaft...input power Output power Rotational power Rotor stray load power loss Rotor iron loss Stator iron loss Pscl Stator core loss Pseg Total power loss for the method of segregation Protorff Rotor fundamental frequency loss xii .. \ Pstrayff -.. Pss - Stator stray loss due to fundamental frequency components . - . Stator stray load power loss Pstray Stray load loss pti Total power loss Q Number of $lots Q1 Number of stator slots Q2 Number of rotor slot$ r Mean air gap radius Rp r1 Resistance of a stator winding phase I s slip t Time T Torque (chapt"r 2 onlJ) T Time period (1/f) Ts Stray load loss torque .(chapter 2 only) _ u Order of rotor harmonics v Instantaneous applied voltage W o wlO - Slot width opening Stator slot width opening w20 Rotor slot width opening-- xes Stator end leakage reactance x1s Stator leakage-reactance xmv Magnetizing reactance" Zbv Vth harmonic bar impedance Zev Vth harmonic end-ring segment impedance "d Squirrel-cage winding pitch xiii " .- '. -B v '. Phase 'angle of the vth harmonic component Electrical conductivity y Air gap length , I Angular position Permeability of free space Order of stator harmonics ~, ! P Pole-pitch , Torque Flux Flux linkage Stator tooth pitch Rotor tooth pitch w Angular velocity w Stator angular velocity w r Rotor angular velocity s SUBSCRIPTS at b., c Stator phases b Bar c Coil side e End-region ee Eddy-current in end-region em Electromagnetic fl Full-load g Air-gap . \ Hysteresis and eddy-current losscom~anents xiv - '. • .. / .. -xv • • - UST OF FIGURES FIGURE to 2.1 . Torque-Speed Characteristic of a Induction Machine P~lyphase 3.1 A Simplified conventional equivalent of an induction machine 3.2 The chain equivalent circuit 3.3 Classification of induction machines parametersc and variable·s 3.4 Flux. linkages of rotor. mesh with air gap flux due to a stator sinusoidal component of tho: mm f 3.5 Circular ladder equivalent network for the squirrel-cage winding 3.6 A network model of the squirr.el cage winding. 3.7(a) Network of squirrel':cage winding: the flow of current. ·illustration of 3.7(b) Network of squirrel-cage winding: current in the bars calculation of 3.8 Calculation of fictitious opening of a semi-closed slot 3.9 Calculation of fictitious opening 4.1 Layout· of the stator's full-pitch concen:ric winding 4.2 Step. distribution of the stator's air-gap flux density distribution ~.3 Spectrum of three phase field waveform of figure 4.2(a) 109 4.4 Stator punching 1 12 4.5 The rotor punching circ~it " ~ • '. .'- . ." o~ a closed slot J 113 xvi , . " 4.6 o Stator current vs. effect1ye slot openings 4.7 Slots permeance factor distributions ,and spectral 115 4.8 Stator air gap flux density with s10t ripples 117 4.9 B-H'mag~:tization 122 4.10 Saturation factor versus MMF 4.11 . Stator air-gap' flux density waveforms with saturation, and their spectra! '. 124 . A study of how saturation Influences the air gap field waveforms 126 Stator air-gap flux density w~veforms with saturation and stator and rotor slot ripples 130 4.14 A. typical shape of a double cage rotor slot 133a 4.15 An equivaient circuit for the double cage of figure 4.14 133a 4.12 4.13 . 114 ! .~ 4.16 curves • 1'23 , ... The waveform, and its spectrum, of the rotor air gap flux density with saturation and stator and rotor slot ripples . 4.17 Saturation factor distrtbution 138 4.18 The stator, rotor, and the overall resultant air gap flux density waveforms with their 'spectral 139 of harmonics in. induction motors 135 141 4.19 CI~ssification 5.1 Tor-que versus time 156 5.2 Torque-speed characteristics 158 5.3 Torque vs. time 161 5.4 Block diagram of accelerometer connections 6.1 Generalized real power flow in indu.ction motors . I 185 6.2 Real power flow at no-load 185 6.3 Actual real- power flow at full-load 186 6.4 Apparent real power flow 'at full-load 186 xvii '. -171 , • ", , .. > , . . .', , " . ' .. : , " , • 6.5 Set-up forwno-load test 6.6.. Se~-up 6.7 Set~up C. 1 machine "iaminations method exper~me.n~"" "' for D.C. test . . I'nstrume~ti'ri'g for full~load ,", .. test ~ " Instruinenting a 'rot'or lamination' for a st~dy 'of the current problem C.2, t~ter-bar , • ;; . ..... ; xviii '\ 222 .. '1 . , .'.' : . .. • , \ • ~. ~ LIST OF j'ABLES . • 'TABLES 2. 1 • 2.2 ,2.3 ~ 3.1 PAGE Components of stray load l,?sses as given by : Schwarz [4] 12 Classification of me,thods for measuring stray load losses 17 Comparison of measurement approaches 19 List of Parameters and variables phenomenon of induction machines. Typical mach'ine 4.2 det~ils parti~ipating in the - 55 of a practical.squirrel-cage induction '05 Significant harmonics of stator air gap waveforms (Amplitude") 0.1 Tesla) 11~ 4.3 Effects of non-smooth. air-gap on stator air-gap fields 119 4.4 Magnitudes of some harmonics of stator slot ripple 120 4.5' Effects of saturation on stator air gap field 128 4.6 Stator fields and effects of both stator and rotor slot ripples and saturation . 132 • 4.7 Significant harmonics of rotor (Amplitude) 0.1 Tesla) a~ gap waveforms 136 4.8(a) Full-load case (I 1 = 26.7A. s=O.O) 143 4.8(b) Locked-rotor case at-locked-rotor current (I, = i33.97A. s=,.O) - 144 Locked-rotor case· at full-load current (I 1 = 26.7A. s=1.0) 145 4.8(c) 4.8(d)~-10ad 5. 1 case (I, = 7.21A. s=0.0005) Effects of '46 159 harmo~ics • xix .