IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 15, 2008 537 Pose Invariant Face Recognition Using Probability Distribution Functions in Different Color Channels Hasan Demirel and Gholamreza Anbarjafari Abstract—In this letter a new and high performance pose invariant face recognition system based on the probability distribution functions (PDF) of pixels in different color channels is proposed. The PDFs of the equalized and segmented face images are used as statistical feature vectors for the recognition of faces by minimizing the Kullback–Leibler distance (KLD) between the PDF of a given face and the PDFs of faces in the database. Feature vector fusion (FVF) and majority voting (MV) methods have been employed to combine feature vectors obtained from different color channels in HSI and YCbCr color spaces to improve the recognition performance. The proposed system has been tested on the FERET and the Head Pose face databases. The recognition rates obtained using FVF approach for FERET database is 98.00% compared with 94.60% and 68.80% for MV and principle component analysis (PCA)-based face recognition techniques, respectively. Index Terms—Face recognition, feature vector fusion, Kullback–Leibler distance, majority voting, singular value decomposition. I. INTRODUCTION T HE earliest work in computer recognition of faces was reported by Bledsoe [1], where manually located feature points are used. Statistical face recognition systems such as principal component analysis (PCA)-based eigenfaces introduced by Turk and Pentland [2] attracted a lot of attention. Relhumeur et al. [3] introduced the fisherfaces method which is based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Many of these methods are based on grayscale images; however, color images are increasingly being used since they add additional biometric information for face recognition [4]. Color PDFs of a face image can be considered as the signature of the face, which can be used to represent the face image in a low dimensional space. Images with small changes in translation, rotation, and illumination still possess high correlation in their corresponding PDFs, which prompts the idea of using PDFs for face recognition. The published face recognition papers using histograms indirectly uses PDFs for recognition. There is some published work on application of histograms for the detection of objects [5]. However, there are few publications on application of histogram or PDF-based methods in face recognition. Yoo et al. used chromatic histograms of faces [6]. Rodriguez et al.[7] divided a face into several blocks and extracted the local binary pattern (LBP) feature histograms from each block and concatenated into a single global feature histogram to represent the Manuscript received January 28, 2008; revised April 30, 2008. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Aleksandra Mojsilovic. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimağusa, KKTC, Mersin 10, Turkey (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2008.926729 face image; the face was recognized by a simple distance-based grey-level histogram matching. Face segmentation is one of the important preprocessing phases of face recognition. There are several methods for this task such as skin tone-based face detection for face segmentation. Skin is a widely used feature in human image processing with a range of applications [8]. Human skin can be detected by identifying the presence of skin color pixels. Many methods have been proposed for achieving this. Chai and Ngan [9] modeled the skin color in YCbCr color space. Boussaid et al. modified Chai and Ngan’s methods in order to make it VLSI friendly. They normalized the RGB components and skin color was detected by using four threshold values, forming a rectangular region in new RGB space [10] One of the recent methods for face detection is proposed by Nilsson [11] which is using local successive mean quantization transform (SMQT) technique. Local SMQT is robust for illumination changes and the receiver operation characteristics of the method is reported to be very successful for the segmentation of faces. In the present work, the local SMQT algorithm has been adopted for face detection and cropping in the preprocessing stage. Color PDFs in HSI and YCbCr color spaces of the isolated face images are used as the face descriptors. Face recognition is achieved using the Kullback–Leibler distance (KLD) between the PDF of the input face and the PDFs of the faces in the training set. FVF and MV methods have been used to combine PDFs obtained from different color channels to increase the recognition performance. In order to reduce the effect of the illumination, a new method has been developed which is based on the singular value decomposition of image intensity matrices in respective R, G, and B color channels. The Head Pose (HP) face database [12] and a subset from the FERET [13] database with faces containing varying poses to of rotation around the vertical changing from axis passing through the neck were used to test the proposed system. II. PREPROCESSING OF FACE IMAGES USING SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION There exist several methods in the literature to equalize a color image [14]. One of the most frequently used and simple methods is to equalize the color image in RGB color space by using histogram equalization (HE) in each color channel separately. In this work for each subject, the intensity matrices of each color channel in RGB space has been described by using singular value decomposition (SVD). In general, for any intensity image matrix , SVD can be written as (1) where and are orthogonal square matrices and matrix contains the sorted singular values on its main diagonal. As reported in [15], represents the intensity information 1070-9908/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - DOGU AKDENIZ UNIV. Downloaded on November 12, 2008 at 03:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 538 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 15, 2008 TABLE I ENTROPY OF COLOR IMAGES IN DIFFERENT COLOR CHANNELS COMPARED WITH THE GRAYSCALE IMAGES image into a grayscale image. In order to compare the amount of the information in a color and grayscale images, the entropy of an image can be used, which can be calculated by Fig. 1. Algorithm, with a sample image with different illumination from Oulu face database, of preprocessing of the face images to obtain a segmented face from the input face image. of a given image intensity matrix. If an image is a low conof trast image, this problem can be corrected to replace the the image with another singular matrix obtained from a normal image with no contrast problem. A normalized intensity image matrix with no illumination problem can be considered to be the one with a PDF having a Gaussian distribution with mean of 0.5 and variance of 1. Such a synthetic intensity matrix with the same size of the original image can easily be obtained by generating random pixel values with Gaussian distribution with mean of 0.5 and variance of 1. Then the ratio of the largest singular value of the generated normalized matrix over a normalized image can be calculated according to (2) is the singular value matrix of the synwhere thetic intensity matrix. This coefficient can be used to regenerate a new singular value matrix which is actually an equalized intensity matrix of the image generated by (4) measures the information of the image. The average where amount of information measured by using 650 face images of the FERET and HP face databases are shown in Table I. The entropy figures indicate that there are significant amount of information in different color channels which should not be simply ignored by only considering the grayscale image. The PDF of an image is a statistical description of the distribution in terms of occurrence probabilities of pixel intensities, which can be considered as a feature vector representing the image in a lower dimensional space. In a general mathematical sense, an image PDF is simply a mapping representing the probability of the pixel intensity levels that fall into various disjoint intervals, known as bins. The bin size determines the size of the PDF vector. In this letter, the bin size is assumed to be 256. Given a monochrome image, PDF meets the following conditions, where is the total number of pixels in an image: (5) (3) is representing the equalized image in where A-color channel. This task which is actually equalizing the images of a face subject will eliminate the illumination problem. Then, this new image can be used as an input for the face detector prepared by Nilsson [16] in order to segment the face region and eliminate the undesired background. The segmented face image are used for the generation of PDFs in H, S, I, Y, Cb, and Cr color channels in HSI and YCbCr color spaces. If there is no face in the image, then there will be no output from the face detector software, so it means the probability of having a random noise which has the same color distribution of a face but with different shape is zero, which makes the proposed method reliable. The proposed equalization has been tested on the Oulu face database [17] as well as the FERET and the HP face databases. Fig. 1 shows the general required steps of the preprocessing phase of the proposed system. III. PDF-BASED POSE INVARIANT FACE RECOGNITION Usually many face recognition systems use grayscale face images. From the information point of view, a color image has more information than a grayscale image. So we propose not to lose the available amount of information by converting a color Then, PDF feature vector, , is defined by (6) The distance between the PDF of two images can be measured by using the KLD between the PDFs of the respective images. This distance is derived by considerations of information theory which reflects the diversity in the information content between two PDFs. Given two PDF vectors and the KLD, , is defined as (7) where is the number of bins. Let the PDFs of a set of training face images be , where is the number of image samples. Then, a given query face image, the PDF of the query image can be used to calculate the KLD between and PDFs of the images in the training samples as follows: (8) Here, is the minimum KLD reflecting the similarity of the th image in the training set and the query face. Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - DOGU AKDENIZ UNIV. Downloaded on November 12, 2008 at 03:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DEMIREL AND ANBARJAFARI: POSE INVARIANT FACE RECOGNITION 539 TABLE II PERFORMANCE OF THE PROPOSED PDF-BASED FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM IN H, S, I, Y, CB, AND CR COLOR CHANNELS OF THE FERET AND THE HP FACE DATABASES Fig. 2. Two subjects from FERET database with two different poses (a), their segmented faces (b) and their PDFs in H (c), S (d), I (e), r (f), g (g), and b (h) color channels, respectively. The image with the lowest KLD distance from the training face images is declared to be the identified image in the set. Fig. 2 shows two subjects with two different poses and their segmented faces from the FERET face database which is well known in terms of pose changes and also the images have different backgrounds with slight illumination variation. The intensity of each image has been equalized to minimize the illumination effect, where the shapes of the PDFs are more or less preserved, while only the amplitudes are changing. The color PDFs used in the proposed system are generated only from the segmented face, and hence, the effect of background regions is eliminated. The performance of the proposed system is tested on the FERET and the HP face databases, where there are 500 and 150 face images with changing poses and background, respectively. The faces in those datasets are converted from RGB to HSI and YCbCr color spaces, and the data set is divided into training and test sets. In this setup, the training set contains images per subject, and the rest of the images are used for the test set. The correct recognition rates in percent of the FERET and HP face databases are shown in Table II. Each result is the average of 100 runs, where we have randomly shuffled the faces in each class. It is important to note that the performance of each color channel is different, which means that a person can be recognized in one channel where the same person may fail to be recognized in another channel. This observation prompts the idea of combining the decisions of different color channels, which may increase the probability of correct recognition of a face image. IV. MV VERSUS FVF METHODS TO COMBINE PDFS IN DIFFERENT COLOR CHANNELS The face recognition procedure explained in the previous section can be applied to different color channels such as H, S, I, Y, Cb, and Cr. Hence, given a face image, the image can be represented in these color spaces with dedicated color PDFs for each channel. Different color channels contain different information regarding the image; therefore, all of these six PDFs can be combined to represent a face image. This combination can be done by the use of majority voting (MV) or feature vector fusion (FVF) methods. The main idea behind MV is to achieve increased recognition rate by combining decisions of the PDFbased face recognition procedures of different color spaces. By considering the H, S, I, Y, Cb, and Cr PDFs separately and combining their results, using MV increases the performance of the classification process. The MV procedure can be explained as TABLE III PERFORMANCE OF THE PROPOSED FVF AND MV-BASED SYSTEM COMPARED WITH PCA-BASED SYSTEM to be a set of PDFs of follows. Consider training face images in color channels , then a given a PDF of a query face image, , color PDFs of the query image and can be used to and PDFs of the images in the calculate the KLD between training samples as follows: (9) Thus, the similarity of the th images in the training set and the query face can be reflected by with the minimum KLD value. The image with the minimum distance in a channel, , (where C=H, S, I, Y, Cb, or Cr) is declared to be the vector representing the recognized subject. Given the decisions of each classifier in each color space, the voted class can be chosen as follows: (10) is a majority voting function declaring the most rewhere peated class. The proposed system using PDFs as the face feature vectors in different color channels, minimum KLD as the PDF matching measure, and MV principle as identifier is tested on the FERET and the HP face databases, which contains 50 and 15 color image subjects with ten different poses, respectively. The face dataset is divided into training set of images per subject, and the rest of the images are used as the test set. The correct recognition rates in percent are included in Table III. Each result is the average of 100 runs, where we have randomly shuffled the faces in each class. The results of the proposed system are encouraging, because with having five images as training we can reach a recognition rate of 95.24% and 94.11% for the FERET and the HP face databases, respectively. MV is not the only way to combine the PDFs of the faces in different color channels. PDFs vectors can also be simply concatenated with the FVF process which can be explained as follows. Consider to be a set of training face Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - DOGU AKDENIZ UNIV. Downloaded on November 12, 2008 at 03:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 540 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 15, 2008 TABLE IV COMPARISON OF THE PROPOSED SVD-BASED EQUALIZATION WITH STANDARD HISTOGRAM EQUALIZATION (HE) ON THE FINAL RECOGNITION RATES, WHERE THERE ARE FIVE POSES IN THE TRAINING SET images in color channel , then for a given is defined as a vector which is the query face image, the combination of all PDFs of the query image as follows: (11) This new PDF can be used to calculate the KLD between and of the images in the training samples as follows: (12) is the number of images in the training set. Thus, the where similarity of the th images in the training set and the query face can be reflected by , which is the minimum KLD value. The image with the lowest KLD distance in a channel, , is declared to be the vector representing the recognized subject. The proposed system using PDFs in different color channels as the face feature vector, minimum KLD as the matching measure, and FVF as identifier is also tested on the FERET and the HP face databases. The correct recognition rates in percent are included in Table III. Each result is the average of 100 runs, where we have randomly shuffled the faces in each class. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the proposed system using combination of feature vectors, with five samples per subject in the training set, achieve 98.00% and 94.60% recognition rates by using FVF and MV methods for the FERET face database, respectively. The MV and FVF results are 97.78% and 97.33% for the HP face database, when five samples per subject is available in the training set, respectively. These results are significant, when compared with the recognition rates achieved by conventional PCA, which has been applied on grayscale segmented face images. The results obtained by the proposed system using FVF for the FERET database shows 29.20% improvement over PCA and for the HP face database this improvement rate is 5.78%. In all cases, both FVF and MV approaches outperforms the conventional methods in the literature. These results indicate the robustness of the proposed PDF-based approach for pose varying faces. Obviously there is a limit of the angle of rotation where the face has been completely changed, e.g., if only the back of the head is in the image. In an attempt to show the effectiveness of the proposed SVDbased equalization technique, the comparison between the proposed method and HE on the final recognition scores is shown in Table IV. As the results indicate, HE is not a suitable preprocessing technique for the proposed face recognition system, due to the fact that it transforms the input image such that the PDF of the output image has uniform distribution. This process dramatically reshapes the PDFs of the segmented face images, which results in poor recognition performance. In terms of complexity analysis, the PDF calculation is computationally cheaper than the PCA, as it does not include any matrix operations in the training phase. The KLD is also a cheaper method in calculating the distance compared with Euclidean distance used by PCA. Due to the repetition of decision procedures in different color channels, MV method has higher computational cost than the PCA. However, the FVF, which only concatenates the PDF vectors for KLD calculation, is cheaper than the Euclidean distance calculation. VI. CONCLUSION In this letter, we introduced a high performance pose invariant face recognition system based on PDFs in different color channels. A new preprocessing procedure was employed to equalize the images. Furthermore, local SMQT technique has been employed to isolate the faces from the background, and KLD-based PDF matching is used to perform face recognition. Minimum KLD between the PDF of a given face and the PDFs of the faces in the database was used to perform the PDF matching. The combination of feature vectors in different color channels, by using MV and FVF, improved the performance of the proposed PDF-based system. The results show that the system is robust to pose changes due to the high correlation between the PDFs of the pose varying faces. REFERENCES [1] W. W. Bledsoe, The Model Method in Facial Recognition, Panoramic Research, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, Rep. PRI:15, 1964. [2] M. Turk and A. Pentland, “Face recognition using eigenfaces,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, 1991, pp. 586–591. [3] P. Relhumeur, J. Hespanha, and D. Kreigman, “Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: Recognition using class specific linear projection,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. 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