04 Matching Networks 4th unit in course 3, RF Basics and Components Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Gebhart, MSc RFID Qualification Network, University of Applied Sciences, Campus 2 WS 2013/14, September 30th Content Introduction: How to match the chip output to the antenna impedance? - Loop antenna Quality factor Low impedance or load matching: Power and Q Modulation envelope and Q-requirement (single resonance) Network transformation: differential to single-ended The general matching solution: π and T-topology networks Impedance adjustment with L-topology - Antenna impedance - Q-factor adjustment for operating frequency - Determination of serial and parallel capacitance for impedance adjustment The resonant coupling system - How near-field coupling affects the air interface page 2 How to match the chip to the antenna? NFC device in Reader Mode (TX), a network adjusts (transforms) the antenna impedance to a desired value for the chip driver output. This allows optimum power transfer and to meet other contactless property requirements. NFC Chip Matching Network NFC Antenna ? chip output impedance e.g. 5 Ω conjugate reactance antenna impedance @ 13.56 MHz e.g. 0.6 + j 110 Ω conjugate reactance Narrow-band “matching” for the 13.56 MHz carrier frequency in reader mode page 3 Loop antenna for Contactless Communication The loop antenna is a distributed component with inductance (L) as main element and capacitance (C) and resistance (R) as parasitic network elements. End of coil turns Start of coil turns C0 L0 R0 CA LA L1 Ln C1 Cn R1 Rn For simulation it must be represented by an equivalent circuit network of lumped elements. elements Over a wide frequency range this can be a loose coupled reactive ladder network of resonance circuits - it has several resonances in frequency domain. At 13.56 MHz carrier frequency we use the fundamental (lowest) resonance. resonance So we can simplify the equivalent circuit RA e.g. to a parallel resonance circuit (since losses are mainly determined by chip current consumption in Proximity Systems). Note: This is a narrow-band approximation only! page 4 The Quality factor Originally, the quality factor reports the quality at which the component (coil, capacitor) represents the pure network element (inductance, capacitance). RS LS Resistance Q(ω ) = ω LS Q (ω ) = ω C P RP RS CP RP RP MAX RPRP 22 ∆f f RES For a 2nd order resonant LCR circuit, Q can be determined in frequency domain. domain Q is related to the bandwidth and can be measured from the Resistance trace. RRPP Note: This is only valid, if the broad 2 2 ω RES band equivalent circuit Qω = 2 ∆ f representation really is a parallel resonant circuit! Frequency ( ) For a 2nd order resonant LCR circuit, Q can also be determined in time domain. domain Q is related to the envelope according to e(t ) = Ae −t Q (@ ω RES ) = τ −t ⋅ = Ae ω RES 2Q = Ae −(ζωRES )t ω RES τ 2 page 5 Driver concepts – Power and Q requirement If we consider the quality factor, it depends how the load / antenna is matched to the source / driver: Low output impedance QANT ~ QSYS, e.g. ~ 12.5 RSOURCE ~ 0 RANTENNA = 50 Ω PSYS ~ PANT ~ 1/QANT, e.g. ~ 400 mW Load Matching QANT ~ 2QSYS, e.g. ~ 25 PSYS ~ PSOURCE + PANT ~ 2PANT ~ 2/2QANT e.g. ~ 2 * 200 mW RSOURCE = 50 Ω RANTENNA = 50 Ω We need a certain operational system Q to achieve time constants for modulation (e.g. ~ 12.5). In Load Matching, QSYS is half the value of the open antenna – QANT can be doubled. The power consumed in the antenna is related to 1/Q. For Load Matching, the required total power is the same, as for low output impedance. But for low output impedance no power is dissipated in the amplifier, all in the antenna network. page 6 Power and Q requirement The unloaded H-field strength emitted by an antenna with resonance at carrier frequency can be approximated by... Power Consumption over H -field strength where X = ω L Z = R + jX X Q= R → R= ωL Q I 2ω L ⇒P= Q ⇒ H ~ I ANT 0,5 R P ⋅ QANT ≈ ⋅N ω ⋅ LANT Driver Power in Watt to 50 Ohm load P = U ⋅ I = I 2R = U 2 Q = 35 Q = 30 Q = 25 Q = 20 Q = 15 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,1 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 H -field strength in A/m (rms) page 7 Modulation envelope and Q requirement To emit high H-field from low driver power, Q should be high, To meet modulation timing specifications, Q should be low Q is only clearly defined for a single-resonance circuit. For this we get for ISO/EC14443 Type B specifications a maximum system Q… Start of t f End of t r End of tf Start of t r hr tf tr hf 1 0 b t To note: Modulation index and overshoots may be even more stringent! page 8 Modulation envelope and Q requirement For Type A specifications... 110 % 100 % 90 % Start of t1 End of t3 60 % End of t4 Start of t2 0 5% t End of t1 and t2 Start of t3 and t4 t4 t2 t1 t3 page 9 Network transformation: single-ended, differential In practice, the TX output is usually differential (to be able to have double output voltage swing from a single supply voltage). For simplicty reasons, RF System behaviour can be considered for a singleended network. Component values for the differential network can then be calculated by the following considerations: Source and load (antenna) impedance is split up for single-ended consideration Serial components: C Source Parallel components: 2C ½L L RPA VPA + R Network Load ½ RPA + ½ VPA + Source 2C ½L ½R ½ RPA ½ VPA Network Load C ½R + RPA + + VPA Source Network Load Source RDIFF = 1 RSINGLE 2 RDIFF = 1 RSINGLE 2 LDIFF = 1 LSINGLE 2 LDIFF = 1 LSINGLE 2 CDIFF = 2CSINGLE CDIFF = 2CSINGLE L R Network Load page 10 Network transformation: single-ended, differential So for the typical matching network, values for a single-ended equivalent circuit are following quantities of the differential network: Source C 2C ½L ½R ZIN 2 RPA + + VPA 0 ½ RPA RPA R VPA + Network Load 0V GND 2C ½L L Source Network Load & ½ VPA C ½R + RPA + + VPA Source Network Load Source L R Network Load ZANT 2 L0 ½ C0 ½ C1 2 RQ k, M LANT ½ C2 CANT RANT LTP CTP RTP VCARD_AC ½ RPA + ½ VPA + VCARD_AC VCARD_DC Limiter & Rectifier page 11 Impedance Matching: π or T topology Any complex load can be matched to a source impedance using an LC element network in π - or T topology (general solution). As the antenna impedance varies over frequency, this matching is for the carrier frequency only. Z1 RD ZC Z2 Z3 RA RD ZA ZB RA R cos(ϕ ) − RD RA RD RA RD ( ) =−j cos ϕ − 1 Z1 = − j D sin (ϕ ) sin (ϕ ) RA RA RD RA sin (ϕ ) ZA = j = j RD RA sin (ϕ ) cos(ϕ ) − 1 RA cos(ϕ ) − RD R A RD R cos(ϕ ) − RD RA RD RA RA ( ) Z2 = − j A =−j cos ϕ − 1 sin (ϕ ) sin (ϕ ) RD RD RD RA sin (ϕ ) ZB = j = j RD RA sin (ϕ ) cos(ϕ ) − 1 RD cos(ϕ ) − RD R A RA Z3 = − j RD RA sin (ϕ ) ϕ....Phase deviation output to input −1 −1 Z C = j RD RA sin (ϕ ) Literature: F. E. Terman, „Network Theory, Filters, and Equalizers“ page 12 Towards a more specific impedance adjustment Any complex load can be matched to any source impedance using π - or T topology. However, there is at least one inductor L, which introduces losses… We may not need to adjust any load: - antennas are an inductive load (1st self-resonance > fCAR) - phase relation output to input for the carrierfrequency is irrelevant So there is a more specific solution, consisting only of capacitors - HF capacitors of C0G or NP0 have negligible losses and less tolerance - Less components also means reduction of costs and PCB area page 13 Impedance adjustment with L-topology ZE DRIVER R D ZM EMC-FIL L0 UD ZA RE CSM C0 f RES >> f CAR RA CA CPM R A + jω L A ZA = 1 + j ω R AC A − ω 2 LAC A ZA = ANTENNA MATCHING QA >> (> QSYS ) LA An equivalent circuit of the loop antenna may have the above structure. It can be extracted from measurement. Complex antenna impedance ZA can be calculated (over angular frequency ω). ( 0.58 Ω + j 2 ⋅ π ⋅13.56 ⋅106 Hz ⋅1.314 ⋅10−6 H ) ( F ) − [(2 ⋅ π ⋅13.56 ⋅10 Hz ) 1.314 ⋅10 Z A (@13.56 MHz ) = 0.607 + j114.52 6 1 + j 2 ⋅ π ⋅13.56 ⋅10 Hz ⋅ 0.58 Ω ⋅ 2.35 ⋅10 −12 6 2 −6 H ⋅ 2.35 ⋅10 −12 F ] page 14 Antenna coupling – NFC antenna only Coupling affects antenna impedance significantly - mutual inductance LA changes - „Loading“ Q changes Impedance trace is shown in Smith Chart distance variation to “loading” antenna coupling factor k varies page 15 Q-factor adjustment for operating frequency The quality factor of the antenna conductor shall be high… above the intended Q-factor for operation at the carrier frequency 13.56 MHz. We can neglect losses in the capacitor (if good components are chosen) - For one frequency, the serial equivalent circuit can be calculated to an equivalent parallel circuit for the inductor, using the Q equation: RA CA LA QA = ω LA RSERIAL ≡ RPARALLEL ω LA CA RA LA - This way, an external resistor in series to the antenna allows to adjust the intended QA: RE - To note: This can again be recalculated to a “new” antenna ω LA RA RE = − RA impedance ZA (which might also QINTENDED CA be a parallel equivalent circuit). LA page 16 Impedance adjustment with L-topology ZE DRIVER R D ZM EMC-FIL L0 UD ZA CSM C0 No EMC R A + jω L A ZA = 1 + j ω R AC A − ω 2 LAC A ZM = ZE = ANTENNA MATCHING 1 + j ω Z A (CSM + C PM ) ω ( jCSM − ωCSM C PM Z A ) RE Im{Z } ≡ 0 RA CA CPM CSM (CPM ) = CPM f RES ≡ f CAR LA Re{Z } ≡ RDESIRED RA LA (ω LA )2 RD 1 − ω 2 LA (CA + CPM ) p =− ± 2 [ ] p2 −q 4 2 ω 2 LAC A − 2 p= ω 2 LA q= R A (1 + R A ) (ω L A )6 − RA ω 4 RD L A 4 − 2C A 2 + C A ω 2 LA page 17 Annex: Exact derivation of reactance matching with 2 capacitors (I): - The admittance of the parallel equivalent antenna circuit and CP is given by CS 1 1 CA RA LA Y = + + sC A + sC P = UD A CP RA sLA 1 1 = + + s (C A + C P ) RA sLA - Impedance for the parallel equivalent circuit of antenna and reactance matching network is... DRIVER Z LAST = RD MATCHING ANTENNA 1 1 sR A LA 1 + = 2 + YA sC S s R A LA (C A + C P ) + sL A + R A sC S - This impedance is set equal to the desired real ( reactance matching) source impedance (e.g. 50 Ω). RD ≡ s 2 [RA LACS + RA LA (C A + C P )] + sLA + RA s 3 RA LACS (C A + C P ) + s 2 LAC S + sR ACS ⋅ Nenner s 3 RD R A LAC S (C A + C P ) + s 2 RD LAC S + sRD R AC S = s 2 [R A LAC S + R A LA (C A + C P )] + sL A + R A page 18 Annex: Exact derivation of reactance matching with 2 capacitors (II): - Transition s j ω and coefficient comparison of real and imaginary parts: − jω 3 RD R A LAC S (C A + C P ) − ω 2 RD LAC S + jωRD R AC S = −ω 2 [R A LAC S + R A LA (C A + C P )] + jωLA + R A - Imaginary parts: − jω 3 RD R A LAC S (C A + C P ) + jωRD RAC S = jωLA CS ,a = LA RD R A − ω 2 RD R A LA (C A + C P ) - Real parts: − ω 2 RD LAC S = −ω 2 [RA LA (C A + C P )] + R A C S ,b − ω 2 RA LA (C A + C P ) + RA = ω 2 LA (R A − RG ) - Both solutions for CS are set equal, to solve for CP page 19 Annex: Exact derivation of reactance matching with 2 capacitors (II): - For CS, a = CS, b follows... ω 2 LA 2 RA − ω 2 LA 2 RD = RD RA 2 − ω 2 RD RA 2 LA (C A + C P ) − ω 2 RD RA 2 LA (C A + C P ) + ω 4 RD RA 2 LA 2 (C A + C P )2 - Sort according the power of CP: 2 [ ] [2ω R R L C − 2ω R R L ]+ [R R − ω L (R − R ) − 2ω R R 2 2 C P ω 4 RD R A L A + + CP + 2 4 D 2 D A 2 A A A D 2 2 2 2 A A A 2 2 A D D A 2 2 L A C A + ω 4 RD R A L A C A 2 ] - Resolve the characteristic equation, cancel: 2 2 2ω 2 LAC A − 2 RD R A ω 4 R A LA C A − 2ω 2 R A LAC A + 1 − ω 2 (R A − RD ) p= q= 2 ω LA ω 4 RG RA 2 LA 2 ( C P a ,b p =− ± 2 ) p2 −q 4 - Knowing CP allows to calculate CS using one or the other equation. Note: only positive, real values have a physical meaning! page 20 Antenna coupling – no EMC filter 2 RPA + TX ½ C1 1 + VPA 0 2 RQ k, M LANT ½ C2 CANT 0V RANT GND distance 80 … 3 mm page 21 Reasoning for extending the network Due to Standard (e.g. ISO/IEC14443) requirements for modulation timing, the allowable Q-factor for the operated system is rather low (~limited bandwidth). For efficient H-field emission, a higher reactive current is desirable a 2nd resonance frequency can increase the bandwith. Furthermore, this 2nd resonance (LC low-pass) can suppress unwanted harmonics emission ( name EMC filter) This comes on the expense of more signal distortions… page 22 Impedance adjustment with L-topology ZE DRIVER R D ZM EMC-FIL L0 UD C0 ZA = R A + jω L A 1 + j ω R AC A − ω 2 LAC A ZM = 1 + j ω Z A (CSM + C PM ) ω ( jCSM − ωCSM C PM Z A ) ZE = Z M + j ω L0 j ω C0 Z M − ω 2 L0C0 ZA ANTENNA MATCHING CSM RE CPM f RES ≡ f CAR RA CA LA Im{Z } ≡ 0 Re{Z } ≡ RDESIRED page 23 Impedance adjustment with L-topology For the calculation of CP and CS we follow a more systematic approach and recalculate a real and imaginary impedance for every step: 1st step: starting from right side, we calculate an antenna impedance ZA 2 RA X CA Re(Z A ) = 2 = Ra 2 RA + ( X CA + X LA ) 2 2 2 X R + X L + X CA X LA Im(Z A ) = CA A 2 CA A = Xa 2 RA + ( X CA + X LA ) page 24 Impedance adjustment with L-topology 2nd step: starting from the left side, we calculate the EMC filter impedance and the adjustment network impedance ZM X C0 = − 1 ω C0 X L 0 = ω L0 2 R0 X C 0 Re(Z M ) = 2 = Rm 2 R0 + ( X C 0 + X L 0 ) 2 Im(Z M ) = − jX C 0 2 X L 0 + X C 0 X L 0 + R0 = Xm 2 2 ( ) R0 + X C 0 + X L 0 page 25 Impedance adjustment with L-topology This way, we bring the matching condition in the middle of the network. 3rd step: Solving condition for the parallel and serial capacitance (target impedance): X P1, 2 Rm = Ra − Rm 2 R X a a ⋅ X a ± Ra ⋅ + −1 Rm Rm Ra 2 1 ω XP CS = − 1 ω XS 2 R + Xa + XaXP XS = Xm − XP ⋅ a 2 2 Ra + ( X a + X P ) CP = − Finally, we need to sort out solutions which have no physical meaning… - only positive capacitance values have a representation - …not all antennas can be matched (if we violate a pre-condition, it is not possible… Note: In practice, the impedance must be checked by measurement, as parasitics may cause deviations from the ideal conditions page 26 Antenna coupling – with EMC filter + 2 RPA 2 L0 + TX 1 ½ C0 V PA 0 ½ C1 2 RQ LANT ½ C2 0V k, M CANT RANT GND distance 80 … 3 mm page 27 Which loads can be matched? For the 2 capacitor network, the area in the Smith Chart is following… CS CP FORBIDDEN AREA Reference: Electronic Applications of the Smith Chart by Phillip H. Smith, 1969, p. 124 page 28 Which loads can be matched? For the network with EMC-filter, it is slightly more difficult We need to calculate a target impedance (ZT) first, which depends on our desired input impedance ZIN, and the (loaded) antenna impedance (ZA). ZIN − jXL0 ZT = 1+ jXC0 ( jXL0 − ZIN ) Ztarget (ZT) ZANT VPA + 2 + + TX1 L0 0V VPA CANT GND VPA + 2 LA C2 C0 C0 TX2 L0 C2 C1 LA LTP CTP RTP LANT LB RPA k, M RQ C1 VCARD_AC RPA IPCD_ANT ZIN RANT RQ Differential EMC-Filter + lumped component impedance adjustment network PCD antenna equivalent circuit LB PICC antenna equivalent circuit VCARD_DC PICC equivalent circuit page 29 Which loads can be matched? Antenna impedance ZA (including coupling) Region, which can be matched to desired network input impedance + CS Adjustable range for parallel cap CP + CP - CP - CS Adjustable range for serial cap CS Target impedance ZT Network input impedance ZIN (@ carrier frequency) Frequency trace of ZIN page 30 Which loads can be matched? The region of network input impedances ZIN at carrier frequency, which can be adjusted to an intended resistance (“matched”), is limited by two circles. For the parallel capacitor, from short to ZT For the serial capacitor, from ZT to open. The CP limit circle is given by - xT, yT…. coordinates of ZT - c…center, r… radius (− 1 + x c= 2 + yT 2( xT − 1) 2 T ) r = 1− c The CS limit circle is given by (− 1 + x c= 2 + yT 2( xT + 1) T 2 ) r = 1+ c Impedance adjustment possible, iff Re(Z A ) ≤ Re(ZT ) Im(Z A ) ≥ 0 (inductive load ) page 31 The resonant coupling system Transponder equivalent circuit properties L, R, C VMID TXB GND TX A RXA EMC-Fil. L0 C0 CS Receive path CP RAS LA RA CA CAS RC CC RAS Antenna RQ Assemb. Chip Proximity Chip RXB Matching network NFC Chip analogue front end Reader equivalent circuit properties L, R, C Antenna VMID coupling k Resonant system properties k, fRES, Q Standard defines properties at the Air Interface page 32 Coupling: 0 % Distance: -- mm Matching-Impedance How near-field coupling affects the air interface L0 Cs Cp C0 EMC-FIL 110 % 100 % 90 % CA MATCHING LA RA ANTENNA Start of t1 End of t 3 60 % End of t 4 Start of t2 0 5% t End of t1 and t2 Start of t3 and t4 t4 t2 t1 t3 page 33 Coupling: 6 % Distance: 25 mm Matching-Impedance How near-field coupling affects the air interface L0 C0 EMC-FIL t1 in τC 37.80 t2 in τC 31.12 t3 in τC 2.45 Cs Cp CA MATCHING t4 in τC 1.52 a 0.007 LA RA ANTENNA HOVS 1.076 page 34 Coupling: 13 % Distance: 15 mm Matching-Impedance How near-field coupling affects the air interface L0 C0 EMC-FIL t1 in τC 37.77 t2 in τC 31.47 t3 in τC 2.12 Cs Cp CA MATCHING t4 in τC 1.34 a 0.007 LA RA ANTENNA HOVS 1.12 page 35 Coupling: 21 % Distance: 10 mm Matching-Impedance How near-field coupling affects the air interface L0 C0 EMC-FIL t1 in τC 37.80 t2 in τC 29.41 t3 in τC 1.99 Cs Cp CA MATCHING t4 in τC 1.34 a 0.010 LA RA ANTENNA HOVS 1.16 page 36 Coupling: 38 % Distance: 5 mm Matching-Impedance How near-field coupling affects the air interface L0 C0 EMC-FIL t1 in τC 37.78 t2 in τC 24.97 t3 in τC 1.61 Cs Cp CA MATCHING t4 in τC 1.04 a 0.020 LA RA ANTENNA HOVS 1.15 page 37 Thank you for your Audience! Please feel free to ask questions... page 38