UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD L5201 CMOS IC LOW NOISE, REGULATED CHARGE PUMP DC/DC CONVERTERS MSOP-8 6 4 2 1 5 4 om 6 SOT-26 1 2 3 TSOT-26 na l.c *Pb-free plating product number: L5201L ig FEATURES 3 .tr DESCRIPTION The UTC L5201-xx series are low noise, constant frequency charge pump DC/DC converters and designed to increase efficiency in white LED application. The operating voltage range is 2.7V ~ VOUT input with up to 100mA of output current. Low external parts counts (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) make the UTC L5201-xx series ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications. A charge-pump architecture maintains constant switching frequency to zero load and reduces both output and input ripple. The UTC L5201-xx series have thermal shutdown capability to escape the device damaged from a continuous short-circuit. With built-in soft-start circuitry to prevents excessive current flow at VIN during start-up. High switching frequency enables the use of small ceramic capacitors. A low-current shutdown feature disconnects the load from VIN and reduces quiescent current to <1µA. The L5201-ADJ is available in MSOP-8 package and L5201-fixed in SOT-26 and TSOT-26 package. 5 w w .s * Low Noise Constant Frequency Operation * Output Current: 90mA@3.0V<VIN<5V 100mA@3.0V<VIN<4.5V * 1MHz Switching Frequency * 4.5V/5.0V Fixed Output Voltage * VIN Range: 2.7V ~ VOUT * Automatic Soft-Start. * No Inductors * Less than 1µA of Shutdown Current ORDERING INFORMATION w Ordering Number Normal Lead Free Plating L5201-AD-SM1-R L5201L-AD-SM1-R L5201-AD-SM1-T L5201L-AD-SM1-T L5201-xx-AG6-R L5201L-xx-AG6-R L5201-xx-AH6-R L5201L-xx-AH6-R Note: xx :output voltage Package Packing MSOP-8 MSOP-8 SOT-26 TSOT-26 Tape Reel Tube Tape Reel Tape Reel L5201L-AD-SM1-R (1)Packing Type (2)Package Type (3)Output Voltage (4)Lead Plating www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2005 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd (1) R: Tape Reel, T: Tube (2) SM1: MSOP-8, AG6: SOT-26, AH6: TSOT-26 (3) AD: ADJ, xx: 45:4.5V, 50:5.0V (4) L: Lead Free Plating, Blank: Pb/Sn 1 of 7 QW-R502-107,A L5201 CMOS IC MARKING (For SOT-26/TSOT-26) 6 5 4 Lead Plating LF Voltage Code 2 3 .tr 1 PIN CONFIGURATIONS UTC L5201-ADJ PGND 4 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO. L5201-xx SOT-26/TSOT-26 6 5 3 4 4, 5 6 1 GND 2 SHDN 3 UTC L5201-XX (Fixed) PIN NAME C+ 6 C+ 5 V IN 4 C- FUNCTION Flying Capacitor Positive Terminal Input Supply Voltage, should be bypassed with at least 6.8µf low ESR ceramic capacitor. Flying Capacitor Negative Terminal Ground terminal, should be tied to a ground plane for best performance VIN C¯ w .s 2 6 SHDN 5 SGND VOUT ig L5201-ADJ MSOP-8 1 8 VOUT 7 FB na l.c C+ 1 VIN 2 C- 3 om SOT-26/TSOT-26 MSOP-8 2 GND 3 SHDN Shutdown Mode, Active-Low Input. A low on SHDN disables the w w L5201 series. SHDN must not be allowed to float. Feedback Input Pin for Adjustable output. An output divider should be 7 X FB connected from VOUT to FB to program the output voltage. Regulated Output Voltage, should be bypassed with at least 6.8µf low 8 1 VOUT ESR ceramic capacitor as close as possible to the pin for best performance X : The pin is Inexistent for SOT-26 and TSOT-26 package. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 2 of 7 QW-R502-107,A L5201 CMOS IC BLOCK DIAGRAM UTC L5201 Adjustable version (MSOP-8) SWITCH CONTROL SOFT - START SHDN FB - + OSCILLATOR .tr ERROR AMPLIFIER 1.268V om VOUT CHARGE PUMP + C na l.c VIN C SGND PGND ig UTC L5201 fixed version (SOT-26/TSOT-26) SWITCH CONTROL w .s SOFT - START SHDN VOUT ERROR AMPLIFIER + 1. 268V w w OSCILLATOR _ CHARGE PUMP C+ V IN C _ GND UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 3 of 7 QW-R502-107,A L5201 CMOS IC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .tr PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Input Voltage(to GND) VIN -0.3 ~ 6 V Charge Pump Voltage(to GND) VOUT -0.3 ~ 5.5 V V SHDN -0.3 ~ (VIN+0.3) Shutdown Voltage(to GND) V Maximum DC Output Current (Note 1) IOUT 150 mA VOUT Short-Circuit Duration Indefinite Operating Temperature TOPR -40 ~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature TSTG -40 ~ +150 ℃ Note: 1. Based on long-term current density limitations. 2. Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. om ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SHDN Input Threshold High Low Feedback Voltage (For L5201-ADJ) Shutdown Supply Current VIH VIL VFB VR VIN = 3V, IOUT = 50mA VIN = 3V, IOUT = 90mA 2.7V<VIN<5V, IOUT=0mA, VSHDN = 0 VFB=1.4V VIN = 2.7V, IOUT = 40mA VIN = 3V, IOUT = 90mA Oscillator Free Running VIN = 3V, IOUT = 0mA VIN = 3V, VOUT = GND, SHDN = 3V ig Ripple Voltage (For L5201-Fixed) na l.c (VCC=VSHDN = 3V, Ta=25°C, CFLY=1µF, CIN=10µF, COUT=10µF, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN Input Voltage VIN VOUT=5.0V 2.7 2.7V<VIN<5V, IOUT=0mA, No Switching Supply Current IQ SHDN=VIN, VOUT=5.5V 2.7V<VIN<5V, IOUT≤ 50mA L5201-4.5V 4.32 3.0V<VIN<5V, IOUT≤ 100mA Output Voltage VOUT 2.7V<VIN<5V, IOUT ≤ 40mA L5201-5.0V 4.8 3.0V<VIN<5V, IOUT≤ 90mA IFB w .s Feedback Input Current (For L5201-ADJ) ISHDN Efficiency (For L5201-Fixed) Frequency VOUT Turn-on time w Short-Circuit Current FOSC tON ISC TSD MAX VOUT UNIT V 90 140 µA 4.5 4.68 5 5.2 V 1.4 1.217 1.268 25 25 -50 0.7 88 80 1 0.35 0.3 1.319 V V V mVP-P 1 µA 50 nA % 1.3 MHz ms 340 mA 150 30 ℃ ℃ w Thermal Shutdown Temperature Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis η TYP UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 4 of 7 QW-R502-107,A L5201 CMOS IC TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT 10µF 4 C 5 10 µF 2 3 OFF ON VIN 6 C+ V OUT GND 1 10µF VOUT = 5 V _ + 2% , IOUT UP~ 40 mA V IN ≥ 2 .7V , I OUT UP ~ 90 mA V IN ≥ 3.0V SHDN w w w .s ig na l.c om CIN, C OUT: TAIYO YUDEN, JMK212BJ106KG CFLY: TAIYO YUDEN, EMK212JB105KG .tr VIN 2.7 V ~ VOUT _ UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 5 of 7 QW-R502-107,A L5201 CMOS IC TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Startup Time with 50mA Load T T VSHDN 1 Startup Time with 90mA Load T T VSHDN 1 VOUT 2 Ch1 2.00V Ch2 2.00V 100µs Ch1 1.52V om 2 .tr VOUT Ch1 2.00V Ch2 2.00V 100µs Ch1 1.52V Output Ripple With IOUT=90mA T T na l.c Output Ripple With IOUT=50mA T T 1 w .s ig 1 Ch1 10.0mV 5.2 Output Voltage vs Output Current w 5.15 M 1.00µs Ch1 5.60mV 5.05 5.2 5.05 5 4.95 4.95 Ta = 100℃ Ta = 25℃ 4.9 0 Output Voltage vs Supply Voltage 5.15 5 4.85 4.8 M 1.00µs Ch1 5.40mV 5.1 VIN=3.6V w Output Voltage (V) 5.1 Ch1 10.0mV Ta = -40℃ 4.9 VIN=2.7V 10 20 VIN=3.0V 30 40 50 60 Output Current (mA) 70 80 90 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 4.85 IOUT =20mA 4.8 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Supply Voltage (V) 5.0 6 of 7 QW-R502-107,A L5201 CMOS IC TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.) Output Voltage vs Temperature 5.2 5.05 5 4.95 1050 4.9 0 20 40 60 80 700 100 Temperature (℃) 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Supply Voltage (V) na l.c 100 90 1150 80 1100 4.5 5.0 Efficiency vs Load Current Frequency vs. Temperature 1200 VIN = 2.7V VIN = 3.0V 70 Efficiency (%) 1050 1000 950 900 ig Frequency (MHz) 850 Ta = -40℃ om -20 900 750 I OUT=50mA -40 950 800 VIN=3.0V 4.85 Ta = 25℃ 1000 .tr Frequency (MHz) Output Voltage (V) 1100 5.1 850 800 w .s 750 700 Ta = 100℃ 1150 5.15 4.8 Frequency vs Supply Voltage 1200 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 VIN = 3.3V 50 40 VIN = 3.6V 30 20 40 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Load Current (mA) 1000 w w Temperature (℃) 60 UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 7 of 7 QW-R502-107,A