18 Hardware description modules 18.1 Master card E3X120 The master card E3X... is contained in all CI1145 models. There are 3 types of master cards are available: Master card Part. Nr. for FM installations E3X120 511421 – for increased power supply – E3X120 (FM) E3X120 (P-FM) 546632 559700 ! ! ! 18.1.1 – Features Central processing unit for the fire detection control unit series CI1145 (CS1140) supplied with basic equipment, comprising: ! Main processor ! Battery charging unit max. 27Ah battery ! Control outputs for alarm horns ! Control outputs for fire control installations ! Output contacts for remote transmission ! Supply outputs 24VDC ! Connector for membrane keyboard (housing front panel) ! Connector for max. 4 plug-in line cards and 1 RS232 module ! Interfaces – C-Bus for external operating panel, Gateway etc. – E-Bus for max. 4 line cards K3M... – I-Bus for max. 4 optional I-Bus-modules E3M..., E3G..., E3L... etc. – Data Bus for parallel indicator panel B3R051 or K3R072 for synoptic panel or for relay card K3G060 ! Integrated ground fault monitoring ! Card format 205mm x 340mm ($ )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.1.2 Key data Current consumption – when operating on the mains – when operating on battery – maximum upon alarm (29.6V) (24V) (24V) Monitored control line ’alarm horn’ – Operating voltage in ’normal operating condition’ – Operating voltage ’active phase’ – Maximum current (active phase) – Line termination element – Active phase 130mA + 100mA for LCD back lighting 120mA + 120mA for LCD back lighting 350mA (without external load + battery charge) 1) 1) 2.3V (Open line > 3.5V /short circuit <1.0V) 24..30V (reversed polarity to ’active condition’) 630mA (fuse ’F1/2’) Resistor 4k75 Continuous signal / intermittent 1sec/1sec Output contact remote transmission – max. load 1A/30V Combined driver outputs/control inputs – Application as ’control output’ – Application as ’control input’ power rating up to 40mA (24V) short circuit via dry contact Connection ’Emergency power battery’ – Type of battery – Charging characteristic Supply outputs Lead batteries 2x12V / ...27Ah (fuses ’F6/7’) temperature compensation designed for ALARMCOM (FIAMM) batteries or equivalent – ’24V supply external’ (’K6’) – ’24V supply internal’ (’K4’) – 5V via ’K1’ (I-Bus modules) NOTE: output monitoring possible, depending on parametrization via AlgoWorks max. 630mA / 1A (fuse ’F3’) max. 630mA / 1A (fuses ’F4/5’) max. 500mA RAM – permanently soldered 8 x 128k x 8Bit EPROM – pluggable at pos. ’D1’+’D2’ 2 x 512k x 8Bit (e.g. 27C4001) 1) The LCD back lighting is only active upon operation or alarm, additional 4mA for CI1145-2 for ’FBA’ Battery charging curves ALARMCOM (FIAMM) Alternatives Genesis G12V120W15 Power-Sonic PS12260 U [V] U [V] U [V] 2.40 2.38 2.36 2.34 2.32 2.30 2.28 2.26 2.24 2.22 2.20 2.18 2.16 !"'& !"(% !"($ !"(' !"(! !"(& !"!% !"!$ !"!' !"!! !"!& !"#% !"#$ !"'& !"(% !"($ !"(' !"(! !"(& !"!% !"!$ !"!' !"!! !"!& !"#% !"#$ Ua max. [V] Ua middle [V] Ua min. [V] 0 10 20 30 40 50 T [°C] Ua max. [V] Ua mitte [V] Ua min. [V] & #& !& (& '& )& T [°C] (at ! 40°C 100% battery charging not guaranteed) Ua max. [V] Ua min. [V] & #& !& (& '& )& T [°C] (' )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.1.3 Important components 9 10 30 5 31 1 K5 18 K6 BR1 BR3 11 F5 12 4 BR2 8 K4 7 K3 6 K2 F4 1 K7 F3 13 6 BR5 BR6 V5 K1 31 6 BR4 F6 5 1 F1 F2 14 1 K8 20 31 K9 F7 ST1 S3 J1 31 J3 J2 X30 X60 F8 15 1 K10 16 21 21 24 28 E3X120 G1 1 K11 K12 50 I-Bus 68 ST4 V1 25 3 V10 V2 21 I-Bus 69 H2 20 H3 V9 S2 17 ON 1 V8 23 H4 S1 V7 19 H1 V3 H7 I-Bus 70 H5 H6 ST6 22 29 ST3 4 clock I-Bus 71 X31 Y31 EVEN D2 V4 2 ODD D1 27 26 1 2 3 4 ST1 ST3 ST4 ST6 Flat cable header (26-pin): I-Bus Connector: LCD illumination Connector: FBA key (only for CI1145-2 ’CH’) Flat cable header (Mini): RS232, maintenance PC, printer etc. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 Plug-in terminals: supply for the I-Bus modules Plug-in terminals: input voltage 29.6V Plug-in terminals: battery 24V Plug-in terminals: output voltage for remote transmission Plug-in terminals: C-Bus Plug-in terminals: 24V external outputs 1 + 2 Plug-in terminals: control lines for alarm horns 1 + 2 Plug-in terminals: remote transmission fault and alarm Plug-in terminals: data bus for parallel indicator panels or synoptic card (C )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 14 K10 15 K11 16 K12 Plug-in terminals: control outputs/inputs Plug-in terminals: operation enabled key switch Plug-in terminals: door contact 17 18 19 20 Connector: for line cards Connector: for RS232 card K3I060 Connector: for membrane keyboard Connector: for FBA membrane keyboard (only for CI1145-2 ’CH’) V1-V4 V5 V7-V9 V10 21 50 22 S1 S1-1 on all inputs/outputs inactive S1-2 on remote transmission (alarm + fault) and alarm horns inactive Y31 X31 S1-3 S1-4 S1-5 X60 X30 J2 J3 J1 Controller: FBA controller (only for CI1145-2 ’CH’) Programming switch: temporary service functions unused S1-6 on control line alarm horns intermittent 1sec./1sec. S1-6 off control line alarm horns continuous signal configuration 23 S2 24 S3 Key: Reset CPU Key: Battery ’start without mains’ 25 G1 Lithium battery 3V / 70mAh: RAM buffering for clock, user data etc. – data storage time: minimum 2 weeks, typical >100 days – maintenance-free 26 D1/D2 EPROM plug in spaces 27 X31/Y31 Programming connector: EPROM size ’X31’ plugged-in = EPROM size 512Kx8Bit (ex-works positioning) ’Y31’ plugged-in = EPROM size 1024Kx8Bit 28 X30/X60 Programming connector: Ground fault monitoring ’X60’ plugged-in = ground fault monitoring control unit active disconnected= ground fault monitoring control unit inactive ’X30’ on pos. ’J1’ = C-Bus not monitored for ground fault on pos. ’J2’ = C-Bus monitored for ground fault, provided that ’X60’ is also active 29 H1..H7 30 BR1-6 Service-LEDs: ’H1’ green ’H2’ yellow ’H3’ yellow ’H4’ red ’H5’ red ’H6’ red ’H7’ red not used all inputs/outputs inactive all remote transmission horns inactive fault remote transmission alarm horn 1 alarm horn 2 alarm remote transmission Resistors to modify the C-Bus cable impedance: Position Cable impedance of 110!, e.g. for G51 0.6Ø Cable impedance of 50!" e.g. for MICC BR5,6 402Ω 182Ω BR1,2,3,4 110Ω inserted at factory 49.9Ω – A modification of impedance is in general only necessary if the C-Bus line is > 100m. – Specification of resistors for impedance values other than 110! or 50! " see document e1594 $@ )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 31 Fuses Master card Fuses Notes E3X120 E3X120 (FM) Part.Nr. 511421 Part. Nr. 546632 F1 control line alarm horn 1 630mA/T F2 control line alarm horn 2 630mA/T F3 24V supply remote transmission ’internal’ F4/5 24V supply outputs 1/2 ’external’ F6/7 battery F8 control outputs/inputs 630mA/T 1) E3X120 (P-FM) Part. Nr. 559700 1A/T 3,15A/T 6,3A/T 1A/T 1) The rating of the fuses F3/4/5 can be increased from 630mA/T up to max. 1A/T (e.g. to provide 24V to printer B2Q191 etc.). The total current of the outputs K1, K4, K6, K7 and K10 must not exceed 1.7A. $" )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.1.4 Connections K5 K4 K3 K2 K1 CI1145 (E3X120) Plug-in terminals K1 1 0V 2 Supply for I-Bus modules 5V + 3 24V + 4 Input voltage 29.6V " /2% Battery 24V blue blue C-Bus (return line) Ext. Supply output 1 Ext. Supply output 2 K7 K8 K9 to I-Bus modules E3M.../E3L.../E3G... etc. green red E3X120 Plug-in terminals K2 + 1 0V – 2 from converter B2F... Plug-in terminals K3 F6 + 1 F7 – 2 battery 24V / ...27Ah Plug-in terminals K4 F3 + 1 Supply remote transmission – 2 C-Bus K6 to remote transmission equipment AlgoPilot B3Q... Plug-in terminals K5 1 B1 2 A1 3 B2 A2 4 K5–3 K5–4 K5–1 K5–2 Plug-in terminals K6 F4 + 1 – 2 3 F5 + 4 – 5 K7–1 K7–3 K7–5 K7–4 K7–6 external audible alarm devices Monitored control line Alarm horn 1 Monitored control line Alarm horn 2 Remote transmission FAULT (LED H4) (Normal operation = 1/3 closed) Remote transmission ALARM (LED H7) (Normal operation = 4/5 closed) Plug-in terminals K7 F1 + 1 – 2 F2 + 3 – 4 Plug-in terminals K8 1 2 3 4 5 6 max. 0.5A 4.75kΩ max. 0.5A 4.75kΩ 24V 1) 24V max.1A / 30V to remote transmission device max.1A / 30V Plug-in terminals K9 1 (Clock) 2 3 Data bus Parallel display B3R... (data) or Synoptic card K3R... 4 5 (Load) 6 B3R051 or K3R072 K1–1 K1–3 K1–2 K2–1 K2–2 K2–3 K2–4 K2–5 K2–6 1) The indicated polarity at the terminals K7-1...4 applies to the active state $B )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" K10 K11 K12 E3X120 CI1145 (E3X120) ST4 Plug-in terminals K10 Q1/I1 – 1 Control outputs/inputs (as outputs max. – 2 Q2/I2 40mA/24V) – 3 Q3/I3 Q4/I4 – 4 Q5/I5 – 5 – 6 Q6/I6 – 7 Q7/I7 – 8 Q8/I8 Q9/I9 – 9 Q10/I10 – 10 – 11 Q11/I11 – 12 Q12/I12 Q13/I13 – 13 Q14/I14 – 14 – 15 Q15/I15 – 16 Q16/I16 F8 + 17 18 0V 19 Plug-in terminal block monitored against removal 20 Externally enabled operation Plug-in terminals K11 1 Operat. enabled C 2 relay function ’output’ (location outside the housing admissible) ST6 ST3 signal transmitter (contact) function ’input’ (location outside the housing admissible) Z3B171 A2 A1 900Ω 10A 250VAC 14 12 11 Quiescent current 33mA at 29.6V (27mA at 24V) external key switch (optional) 26-pin Flat cable header ST1 Data communication I-Bus modules to the I-Bus modules 20-pin Flat cable header (Mini) ST6 Data communication RS232 Input door switch Plug-in terminals K12 1 2 according to application – Printer B2Q191 – Maintenance PC (B3D021) – PSA/Pager interface K3I090 door switch (optional) internal wiring 3-pin Connector ST3 LCD to LCD illumination FBA key 2-pin Connector ST4 FBA key $D )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.2 Line card ’interactive’ K3M071 The line card K3M071 is not integrated into CI1145-x (supplied separately). 18.2.1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Overview Line card for 1 interactive detection line (stub or loop line) Can be inserted in the E3X120 master card (E-Bus) max. 4 x K3M071 possible Card address (E-Bus) is given by the plug-on location The detection line is galvanically isolated from the control unit Integrated ground fault monitoring Card format 151mm x 69mm 18.2.2 Key data Addresses .... 128 1) Number of wires 2 Cable type twisted Line resistance ....120 ! 1) 2) Line capacitance ....300nF 1) 2) Line short circuit immunity yes (separator in each manual call point and input/output module, automatic detectors are available with or without separator) T-branch yes Quiescent current at 24V (typical) 120mA for 128 detectors (53mA without detectors + 0.5mA per D-Bus device) 1) For limitations at ’acquisition level’ " see document e1508 2) with MICC max. 1000m from the control unit to the last detector, with RADOX max. 2000m 18.2.3 Important components 1 5 2 K1 K3M071 ST1 3 1 1 2 3 Connector ’ST1’ to plug into master card E3X120, connector ’V1....V4’ (E-Bus) Philips screw M3x8 2 spacer pins nylon $E )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.2.4 Connections 1 K3M071 Plug-in terminals K1 + 1 – 2 interactive detection line 3 loop or stub line + 4 return with loop line – 5 1 Connection of shielding if used (not essential) $# )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.3 Line card ’collective’ K3M080 The line card K3M080 is not integrated into CI1145-x (supplied separately). 18.3.1 Overview Line card for 4 collective detection lines (stub lines) Can be inserted in the E3X120 master card (E-Bus) max. 4 x K3M080 possible Card address (E-Bus) is given by the plug-in location Short circuit can be evaluated either as fault or alarm Line termination with Transzorb or EOL22, depending on the type of line 2 different types of line available (programmable via AlgoWorks) dependent on the detector series connected ! Card format 151mm x 69mm ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 18.3.2 Line type Key data 1) Detector series which can be connected Type 11 Type 1 DS11 / MS9 / 716 MS6/7 / 9 / 24 / (DS11) for details " see chapter 18.3.5 Number of detectors per line max. 25 Number of wires per line 2) 2 Cable type twisted (untwisted allowed) Line resistance max. 150! Line capacitance Line termination element Line voltage max. 250! max. 4"F max. 4"F Transzorb 20V EOL22 (Ex) see table ’Line voltage’ chapter 18.3.3 45 – 60mA during AI pulse max. 4.5mA during AI blank phase Alarm current limitation Line voltage limitation 26.5 ... 27.7V Line current in ’quiescent condition’ max. 4.5mA Reset time 3 Sec. Switch-on alarm delay period 4.6 Sec. Fault signal delay 15 Sec. Module quiescent current at 24V (typical) 48mA 1) When parameterizing the line types (SWE11) it must be known which detector series are being connected (K3M080 is supplied with 4 Transzorbs) 2) for limitations " see documents e825 and e1508 18.3.3 Line voltage Line type 11 ’Alarm’ 3.2 ... 16.4V ’Quiescent’ 17.3–24.1V ’Open line’ 23.3 – 27.7V ’Short circuit’ 0 – 3.7V [V] 0 ’Leak’ 15.7 – 18.0V ’Quiescent’ 18.9–22.2V Line type 1 ’Alarm’ 3.2 ... 16.4V ’Short circuit’ 0 – 3.7V ’Open line’ 21.4 – 27.7V [V] 0 ’Leak’ 15.7 – 19.7V $( )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.3.4 Line termination elements Transzorb (part number 460 051) EOL22 (Ex) (part number 516 222) 18.3.5 Compatibility detectors ! line type Incompatible – AT3 – ATAN3 – MS6 detectors – External response indicators with incandescent lamps – SE20 with incandescent lamp as response indicator – FES 7.5 detectors – 220V detectors Line type 11 " Line termination using Transzorb 20V Standard application, also for Ex detectors via DC1192 or MLK20 Line type 1 " Line termination using EOL22(Ex) for older detectors and for mixed lines (new and older types of detector) Compatible detectors AlgoRex detectors: DO110x , DT110x , DM110x, DC1192 Older detectors: MS716 , MS9 , MLK20 , T2416/18 , D2417 , SE22, AT4x, AT5x without SE2 Base: Z70, Z72, Z72A, Z74*, Z74A*, Z90, Z94, Z96 *Limitations: Z74 and Z74A only as of year of construction 1988 (year index W) D900 only as of year of construction 1983 (year index R) ! if in doubt, use line type 1 Ex-detectors (without limitation) Operation via DC1192 with SB3: DO110x Ex, DT110x Ex (or via MLK20 with SB3) F911, D901, D921 with base Z91C/Z94C D2401 Ex, S2406Ex F6A Ex, D6A Ex Compatible detectors AlgoRex detectors: DLO1191, (with mixed lines also DO110x, DT110x, DM110x, DC1192) Older detectors: MS6* , MS7*, MS9 , MS24 , SE20* , SE22 , MLK20, AT4x, AT5x, SE2 Base electronics: Z70, Z72, Z72A, Z74, Z74A, Z90, Z94, Z96 *Limitations: With MS6 and MS7 note the detector types or applications listed under ’Incompatible’ $$ )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.3.6 Important components 1 8 K1 6 4 K3M080 S1 ON ST1 5 1 3 F1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fuse ’F1’ 1A/F for 5V supply (SMD fuse, can only be changed at factory) Connector ’ST1’ to plug into master card E3X120, connector ’V1....V4’ (E-Bus) Programming switch ’S1’: Facilitates the classification of a line short circuit as a fault or as an alarm (collectively for all 4 lines) S1 set to ”off” at factory S1-1 not used S1-2 on Short circuit evaluated as alarm (AI pulse generator active) S1-2 off Short circuit evaluated as fault Philips screw M3x8 2 spacer pins nylon 4 Transzorb $' )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.3.7 Connections 1 K3M080 Collective Collective Collective Collective Plug-in terminals K1 + 1 detection line 1 – 2 + 3 detection line 2 – 4 + 5 detection line 3 – 6 + 7 detection line 4 – 8 * !"#$%&'($%))%*%&+,#-./+0%123 !"#$%&'($%%%)%*%45!11%6478 * Line type 11 or 1 max.150Ω or 250Ω Z-diode 5.6V * Line type 11 or 1 alarm contact 3 4k3 Ex detectors Line type 11 or 1 2 * MLK20 SB3 Explosion hazard area 24VDC Line max. 20Ω 4 3 3 EOL22 (Ex) Ex detectors Line type 11 or 1 * DC1192 SB3 Explosion hazard area 24VDC 4 1 2 3 4 Max. 25 collective DS11 detectors MS6, MS7, MS9, MS24 depending on type of detector, " see document e825 The 24V lead to the MLK20 may be max. 20Ω Important: Making current 0.5A (1 sec.) For details of max. permissible line resistance etc. " see document e1204 with latest index Local compensating earth $C )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.4 Line card ’AnalogPLUS’ K3M111 The line card K3M111 is not integrated into CI1145-x (supplied separately). 18.4.1 ! ! ! ! ! Overview Line card for 4 AnalogPLUS detection lines (loop or stub lines) Can be inserted in the E3X120 master card (E-Bus) max. of 2 K3M111 line cards possible (but only 512 detectors permissible) Card address (E-Bus) is given by the plug-in location Card format 151mm x 138mm 18.4.2 Key data 1) Addresses per line .... 128 Number of wires 2 Cable type twisted (untwisted allowed) Line resistance ....150 ! 1) Line capacitance ....300nF 1) Line short-circuit immunity yes (separator in each detector, manual call point and input/output module) Line topology Loop or stub line / T-tap via DC1135 Quiescent current at 24V (typical) 238mA with 512 detectors (50mA without detectors + 0.31mA per D-Bus device) 1) for limitations at ’acquisition level’ " see document e1508 2) with MICC max. 1000m from the control unit to the last detector, with RADOX max. 2000m 18.4.3 Important components 1 20 K1 3 K3M111 F1 F2 1 ST1 2 4 1 2 3 4 Fuse ’F1’ 1A/T for 24V supply Fuse ’F2’ 1A/T for 5V supply Connector ’ST1’ to plug into master card E3X120, connector ’V2,V3’ or ’V4’ (E-Bus) 2 Philips screw M3x8 4 spacer pins nylon '@ )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.4.4 Connections K3M111 1 Plug-in terminals K1 + 1 – 2 AnalogPLUS detection line 1 loop or stub line 3 + 4 return loop line – 5 + 6 – 7 AnalogPLUS detection line 2 loop or stub line 8 + 9 return loop line – 10 + 11 – 12 AnalogPLUS detection line 3 loop or stub line 13 + 14 return loop line – 15 + 16 – 17 AnalogPLUS detection line 4 loop or stub line 18 + 19 return loop line – 20 1 Connection of shielding if used (not essential) '" )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.5 RS232 card K3I060 The RS232 card K3I... is not integrated into CI1145-x (optional). 18.5.1 ! ! ! ! ! ! Overview For the conversion of the HCMOS level to RS232 Can be inserted in the E3X120 master module, connector ’V5’ Contains 2 serial RS232 interfaces An interface with extended functions, e.g. for telephone modems Both interfaces with galvanic isolation Card format 55mm x 70mm 18.5.2 Key data Current consumption 24V (from E3X120) 17mA Rate of transmission up to max. 19’200 baud 18.5.3 Important components 1 5 3 1 K3 K2 K3I060 2 ST1 3 1 1 2 3 Connector ’ST1’ to plug into master card E3X120, connector ’V5’ Philips screw M3x8 2 spacer pins nylon 18.5.4 Connections K3I060 RS232-1 RS232-2 Plug-in terminals K2 (transmit) TXD 1 (receive) RXD 2 (ground) GND 3 Plug-in terminals K3 (transmit) TXD 1 RTS 2 (receive) RXD 3 CTS 4 (ground) GND 5 e.g. printer 'B )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.6 AC/DC Converter B2F020 / B2F040 / B2F060 In each control unit CI1145-x a B2F040 or B2F020 is integrated, depending upon model. B2F060 use only to supply external devices such as door magnets etc. (optional). 18.6.1 Overview Converts the mains voltage to the system voltage Built-in mains fuse (unscrew metal cover to exchange fuse) Mains voltage 115/230VAC by means of internal connector (set at factory for 230VAC) Requires no special cooling Primary switched converter Additional surge protector (mains side) only necessary in special cases Current limitation and short circuit proof on the secondary side (parallel operation not permissible, not even if de-coupled via diodes) ! With metal shielding ! Dimensions 210 x 98 x 40 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 18.6.2 Key data B2F020 B2F040 B2F060 Mains voltage 115 / 230VAC +10%/–15% 50...60Hz 115 / 230VAC +14%/–20% 50...60Hz 1) 115 / 230VAC +14%/–20% 50...60Hz 1) Power consumption together with control unit 40...220VA 30...200VA 30...120VA Mains fuse internal 3.15A/T permanently integrated, not exchangeable on site internal 3A/T ’FS1’ internal 3A/T ’FS1’ Output current max. 6A continuous (limited) max. 3.5A continuous max. 4.5A continuous Output voltage 29.6VDC +/− 2% 29.6VDC +/− 2% 24VDC +/− 2% Residual ripple max. 300mVpp max. 180mVpp max. 150mVpp Quiescent current with battery operation 0mA 0mA – Temperature range 0°C .... +70°C without ventilator, automatic switch-off at >90°C –10°C .... +60°C max. 90% load 2) –10°C .... +60°C max. 90% load 2) Standard CE / prEN54-4 CE / prEN54-4 CE / prEN54-4 1) VdS and FM approved +10% / –15% 2) VdS approved 0°C .... 40°C 'D )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.6.3 Important components Note! Check mains voltage setting before commissioning The converter is supplied by the factory at 230VAC. To switch over to 115VAC ! remove metal cover and then reinsert jumper at the ’115VAC’ pin. Converter B2F020 2 1 3 7 4 115VAC DANGER! 230VAC 5 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mounting flange Mounting screws for metal shield Clamp to fasten the mains cable Terminals ’L’/’N’/’E’: mains connection not used Terminals ’–’/’+’: load 24V Jumper for switchover 115VAC/230VAC Converter B2F040/060 A 1 2 3 115V 230V FS1 DANGER! 4 5 7 6 A 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jumper for switchover 115VAC/230VAC Mains fuse ’FS1’ 3A/T Terminals ’L’/’N’/’G’: mains connection Protection for mains cable Terminals ’–COM’/’+V’: load 24V Installation openings Mounting screw and stud for metal cover 'E )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@" 18.6.4 Connections DANGER! Converter B2F... may only be built into housings which are not accessible to unauthorized persons. B2F020 L N Input voltage (115VAC) 230VAC / 50...60Hz max. 220VA E Opt Sd – –S +S + – + Output voltage 29.6VDC / max. 6A Phase Neutral Ground mains Jumpers inserted at the factory (essential) K2 2 1 to master card E3X120 DANGER! B2F040 Input voltage (115VAC) 230VAC / 50...60Hz max. 200VA FS1 L N G : : Output voltage 29.6VDC / max. 3.5A Phase Neutral Ground mains K2 2 1 COM COM 93 93 to master card E3X120 B2F060 Input voltage (115VAC) 230VAC / 50...60Hz max. 120VA FS1 Output voltage 24VDC / max. 4.5A L N G : : Phase Neutral Ground mains COM COM 93 93 door magnet '# )*+ !,-,.!/0+*12,3+ 450/16 .*!7!86,90*:5*8;,< !/=84:4;*!6,>+ 40? !"#$$%&"' @$AB@@"