09 Eastern Apicultural Society EAS JOURNAL CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The James I. Hambleton memorial award was established by the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America to recognize research excellence in apiculture. The EAS Student Apiculture award was established to recognize students studying apiculture at the undergraduate or graduate level in a recognized college or university in the United States or Canada. Each award nomination must include a biographical sketch of the nominee, a list of his/her publications, specific identification of the research work on which the nomination is based and an evaluation and appraisal of the accomplishment of the nominee, especially of work in the last five-year period for Hambleton award nominees (or a shorter period for Student nominees). Two letters of recommendation supporting the nomination are also required. The Roger A. Morse Outstanding Teaching/Extension Service/Regulatory Award is given annually to recognize an individual in teaching/extension and/or regulatory activity in the field of apiculture. Nominations for this award are welcome from any person in the field of apiculture or may be self-nominating. Nominations shall consist of a letter documenting the achievement of excellence in any or all of the areas of teaching/extension and /or regulatory activities in apiculture. Some indication of the appointment responsibilities should be included. In addition, a suitable CV or resume documenting the activities of the nominee must be submitted. Nominations are now being accepted for all three awards. The awards for 2009 will be presented at the annual conference of the Society at Holiday Valley, August 5, 2009. Nominations and letters of recommendation should be sent to: Jim Bobb, 2011 Shearer Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 and received no later than April 6, 2009. Resubmissions from a previous year should be updated if necessary, and a new cover letter should be attached which should indicate that this is a resubmission and relevant data is already in EAS possession. What’s Inside • • • • • Potherings From Our Chairman A Glimpse of EAS 2009 From The Colonies EAS Membership List 2009 EAS Honey Show (Black Jar only - see inside) Winter, 2009 Winter 2009 EAS 2009 Welcome to the 2009 Eastern Apicultural Society Short Course and Conference. The theme of this year’s meeting is TOWARD NON-CHEMICAL BEEKEEPING, a challenge, and a goal for every beekeeper. We have a bunch of extra activities planned to go along with the lectures, workshops and meetings, so please check out the entire schedule to see what we’ve got planned. Dr. Nick Calderone from New York’s Cornell University in Ithaca has set up the Level Two Short Course with a wide variety of tasks for anybody who wants the next level of experience. Level Two covers a wide variety of subjects, most requiring some background in honey bee biology and beekeeping experience. If you’ve matured to this point, you can see that this is the course for you...and there’s always the fundamentals in Level One you can revisit if you want. Both levels include a half day tour of Commercial beekeeper Andy Card’s New York headquarters (he keeps 20,000 plus colonies in Mass and MS, too) and extraction and storage facility. It’s not often we get to tour a really big operation and see how they work, and get to listen to how the big guys make it work. Level two has a great cast of instructors . . . just take a look (page 4) . . . and you won’t get a chance to listen and learn from a better group this year. Everybody gets the best there is in the EAS Short Course this year . . . no matter if you’re just starting out, or have been at it quite awhile. Don’t miss our Short Course this time. On Tuesday evening there will be a Microscopy Workshop sponsored by the Microscope Store. We are bringing in a collection of dissecting microscopes and will spend an evening with Larry Connor and Leslie Huston studying honey bee anatomy, plus other things only a microscope can find. There is an additional charge of $35 to take this exceptional workshop but it will be extraordinary. The class size will be limited to 15. If we have enough interest we will hold additional workshops Wednesday and Thursday early morning. Our EAS Master Beekeeper Barry Thompson has worked long and hard this year with a challenge from the President to put together a top notch Level One Short Course program. And he’s done an A+ job… He sends along the following… Ok, so you’ve gotten through the first six months, or three months (depending where you are.) You installed the package successfully, or you have nurtured the nuc through your first season. Now what? Hone your developing skills as a beekeeper and expand your understanding of beekeeping. Take advantage of the information and practical tips provided by EAS Master Beekeepers in the Level One Beekeeping Short Course, Monday-Wednesday, August 3-5, Ellicottville, NY. Among the topics to be covered are honey harvesting, late summer management, fall treatments, winter preparations, spring build-up and readying one’s bees for the honey flow next spring and summer. Likely instructors include Master Beekeepers: Bob Cole (NC), Rick Cooper (ME),Billy Davis (VA), Anne Frey (NY), Allen Hayes (MD), Pat Haskell (VA), Continued on Page 3 1 Potherings from our Chairman… My term as president of the PA State Beekeepers Association (PSBA) has come to a close and I now better understand and appreciate the need for term limits. I was president for four years and vice president for two years before that. It is time for a change in Pennsylvania and a time for me to focus my efforts in new directions. Many have asked what I plan to do now in my “retirement.” Scott, a fellow beekeeper, and I have decided to fix up my shed and turn half into a wood shop and the other into an extraction house. We hope to offer the extraction room for new beekeepers to extract honey. We are also planning to raise queens, something that I had started to do before PSBA took up so much of my time. So, what does this story have to do with EAS? I can find all of the information that I need to expand and explore new areas of beekeeping either at an EAS convention or from fellow EAS members. Last year, Jennifer Berry gave detailed workshops on grafting and raising queens. This year we will visit Bob Brachmann’s Russian queen breeding operation. Many EAS members also raise queens and are very approachable. Feel free to contact some of our EAS Master Beekeepers for advice on getting started raising queens while you are at the convention. Have you thought about fabricating your own woodenware? I plan to start offering some custom-made woodenware myself. Dave Peregmon will be happy to discuss his experiences, types of wood to use, box joints, and the cost effectiveness. Beekeepers small and large are always looking for efficiencies to save time and muscles. EAS will visit the commercial operation of Andy Card. Look for ideas that you can use. While visiting a large commercial operation, I discovered a simple setup for labeling jars that I can recreate at home for a cost of less than $5 which will apply each label quickly and uniformly. Ask me in August if I am able to make mine work. Although pests and diseases are serious problems for the bee industry, my time in April and May is spent managing hives to prevent swarming and maximize honey production. Tom Seeley, who has been studying bee behavior for years at Cornell, will be at EAS as will our 2008 student award winner, Juliana Rangel-Posada, a student 2 of Dr. Seeley’s. Juliana will share her research on swarm behavior. Finally, if you have questions on building a honey house or setting up an extraction area, Kim Flottum, EAS President, has written a book entitled The Honey Handbook in which he explores different equipment used to extract and process honey from a small operation that fits in a spare bathroom to a stand-alone honey house. For a beer or a nickel, Kim will share his thoughts on processing honey. Someone asked me what is EAS? EAS is much more than a convention. Come for the speakers, but learn from fellow beekeepers. Many of us have become close friends. EAS is like a family. If you are shy or would like to be introduced to a speaker or other attendee, let me know and I will introduce you. (Warning: Some of those past introductions are now married.) And now a few words about our EAS finances. The economy of the world has tanked and affected many of our friends, family, and perhaps some of us individually. Factories in PA that supply doors, windows, furniture, and mobile homes closed leaving several of my siblings out of work. EAS has made an effort to keep costs to a minimum this year and still provide a quality convention. Many of my friends will be camping at EAS again this year so consider that as a way to reduce costs. We have made a decision to invite speakers that are more local to keep our costs and fees low. Perhaps the economy will turn around in the next few months but it is prudent for us to be frugal and insure the long term health of our organization. However, as you can tell by the roster of speakers on the program, we will still have a robust convention in Ellicottville. As for our Honey Bee Research Fund and other dedicated funds, the money is safe. Either by luck or the wisdom of our treasurer, John Tulloch, the EAS Finance Committee has invested our funds in CDs. The value of our funds has not decreased with the market downturn. Many of us now wish we had the foresight to do this with our personal funds. Other charitable institutions that invested their funds in the markets have seen their investments drop considerably. Your EAS funds are safe. As always, the leadership of EAS is here to serve you. Please contact us with any questions or comments that can make EAS better. EAS Journal Journal of the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America, Inc. Volume 37, Number 1 Jim Bobb Chairman of the Board 2011 Shearer Road Lansdale, PA 19446 610.584.6778 chairman@easternapiculture.org JimBobb@GCT21.net Kathy Summers Vice Chairman of the Board & Editor 7011 Spieth Road Medina, OH 44256 330.461.1081 (cell) 330.725.6677, Ext. 3215 330.725.5624 (fax) vicechairman@easternapiculture.org journal@easternapiculture.org Kim Flottum 2009 President 7011 Spieth Road Medina, OH 44256 330.722.2021 (home & cell) 330.725.6677, ext. 3214 (work) 330.725.5624 (fax) president@easternapiculture.org Kent Williams 2008 President 580 State Route 385 North Wingo, KY 42088-8703 270.382.2348 Loretta Surprenant Secretary Box 300, 27 County Home Way Essex, NY 12936 518.963.7593 (phone & fax) secretary@easternapiculture.org John Tulloch Treasurer P.O. Box 29 Blountville, TN 37617 423.574.1181 treasurer@easternapiculture.org Kathy Summers, EAS Journal Editor 7011 Spieth Rd, Medina, OH 44256 330.461.1081 • 330.725.6677, ext. 3215 • 330.725.5624 FAX kathysummers@zoominternet.net or journal@easternapiculture.org or kathy@beeculture.com Please contact me with comments, suggestions, corrections, things you’d like to see in your Journal. Winter, 2009 EAS 2009 ... Continued From Page 1 Brenda Kiessling (VA), Joe Kovaleski (OH), Ray Lackey (NY), Erin MacGregor-Forbes (ME), Carol Mark (KY), Woody Medina (MD), Landi Simone (NJ), Barry Thompson (MD), Bill and Nancy Troup (MD), Kent Willimas (KY) and Ellen Zampino (CT). Plus, there will be Instructors from the Level Two Course assisting in the beeyard. This is a first time ever event for EAS, and it’s going to be the best there is. Come join the fun and get to work with some of the best beekeepers EAS has to offer! Wednesday is Overlap Day, and everybody gets to share the lineup of great speakers we have on hand. Take a look at Wednesday. And be sure to get a seat, it’ll be crowded in both areas all day on Wednesday. The vendors open up on Wednesday morning so you’ll have an opportunity to visit them all day, which is especially important for our Short Course visitors. And Wednesday evening we’ve got a special treat lined up... Pig Roast and Chicken BBQ out at Andy Card’s Headquarters. It’s rumored there’ll be music and other entertainment out there too, and everybody is invited. Short Course folks – stay another night and mix and mingle with the speakers, the Conference attendees, and the folks from Andy Card’s Merrimack Valley Apiaires for a whole evening. What an opportunity! The Conference continues on Thursday and Friday, with the double sessions going on in the morning, and beeyard sessions, offsite sessions, workshops, vendors and more all afternoon. There’s more going on than you can do, no matter how hard you try. But we encourage you to try to be in two, or even three places at once. Here’s a thought on economics…share everything with a friend – travel together and split the cost, split a room, attend different short course classes and different Conference lectures and you can share the experiences later...it’ll cut your costs in half, and double your learning and experiences. Check out everything you can do all week long. As far as where to stay? Holiday Valley (www.HolidayValley.com) is as close as you can get and has all the requirements to make your stay perfect. Your room price includes breakfast every day, and you are close to everything. If that doesn’t suit, there are more than a dozen Bed And Breakfasts within 10 miles of Ellicottville, www.Ellicottvilleny.com, plus, Winter, 2009 there are 17 motels within 15 minutes of so of the Conference, plus two camping locations less than 10 miles away and two RV parking spots close by. Add to that the B&Bs, hotels, motels and such within 20 miles of the EAS Conference that will cost less. Check out the nearby cites of Jamestown, Springville, Salamanca, Allegany, Olean, and Cuba for additional places to stay. Find out nearly everything at either of the two web sites mentioned. They have lots of information. If you choose to stay at the Holiday Valley hotel, you need to call directly for reservations, or better, go to their web site at www.Holidayvalley.com for more information. The cost of their rooms is in the range of $160 or so a night, which includes breakfast. Parking is free at the hotel and at the meeting room parking lots. Conference registration cost is still being refined, but it will be in the $170 range which will include your lunch everyday. As usual, the Pig Roast, BBQ and Banquet will have an additional nominal fee. Begin your plans now for EAS 2009, August 3-7, 2009 in Ellicottville, NY at the Holiday Valley Conference Center. This summer head toward western New York, and TOWARD NON-CHEMICAL BEEKEEPING. – Kim Flottum, President 2009 CATCH THE BUZZ! Why wait a month for the latest Beekeeping News? Get It Today! Sign Up For Bee Culture’s Catch The Buzz at www.BeeCulture.com Don’t miss out any longer! Divelbiss Award Each year EAS gives the Divelbiss Award to that person, or husband-wife team, who has – over a period of years – reached the non-beekeeping public to teach about the values of honey bees in our lives. Each year you are asked to nominate someone, not necessarily from your own state, who would be a candidate for this award. You may wish to announce this award at your local and state organization meetings and in their newsletters. You may wish to inform officers of state and local organizations and request their input. The nomination is really very easy. Write a letter outlining what the candidate has done in reaching the nonbeekeeping public over a period of time. Such groups as 4-H, Scouts, school groups, media interviews, community organizations, Lions, Garden Clubs, county and state fairs, etc., all qualify as non-beekeeping public. The letter may also include the teaching of beekeeper’s Short Courses and other instructional work toward educating beekeepers and prospective beekeepers. The nominee does not need to be a member of EAS (but we’d be delighted if he/she would join). Send letter to: Loretta Surprenant, 27 County Home Way, Essex, NY 12936. email: eas@willex.com Since the award needs to be engraved, the deadline for the nomination is April 15th. If you have any questions, please give me a call or send me an e-mail. – Loretta Surprenant, EAS Secretary Foundation For Honey Bee Research The EAS Foundation for Honey Bee Research is a competitive grant program developed from donations received from beekeepers and others interested in funding research on topical problems in honey bees. Proposals are solicited annually with award amounts to be determined the spring before the EAS annual meeting. Requests for support for student projects or for equipment/ supplies for distinct research projects are given highest priority. There will be one award for $5000 in 2009. The award will be announced at EAS 2009, but will be available by May 1, 2009. Deadline for application is March 31, 2009. Please see our website for all of the criteria and process. 3 Tentative EAS, 2009 Short Course Schedule Monday - Level One Introduction Session 1, Summer Management, Removing Honey Session 2 Extracting and Processing the Crop I Session 3 Extracting and Processing the Crop II Session 4 Evaluating Colony Health Before Winter I Session 5 Evaluating Colony Health Before Winter II Session 6 Wintering Options I Session 7 Wintering Options II Evening - Microscopy Session (still to be scheduled) Tuesday - Level One Session 1 Early Spring Management, Colony Autopsy, Colony Health Session 2 Swarming, Spring Crops, Varietal Honey Session 3 Wrap Up, Summary, Q&A Andy Card Tour Monday - Level Two Room 1 Room 2 Introduction Introduction IPM Lab, Nick Calderone Winter prep N/S, Clarence Collison IPM Lab, Nick Calderone Indoor Wintering, Paul Kozak Bee Breeding, Dave Tarpy Winter prep N/S, Clarence Collison IPM Lab, Nick Calderone Indoor Wintering, Paul Kozak IPM Lab, Nick Calderone Marketing, Ann Harman Honey House, Kim Flottum Winter prep N/S, Clarence Collison Marketing, Ann Harman Bee Breeding, Steve Sheppard Evening - Q&A Microscopy Session (still to be scheduled) Beeyard Reading Colony, Larry Connor Grafting, Dave Tarpy Mating nucs, Jennifer Berry Reading Colony, Larry Connor Mating nucs, Jennifer Berry Grafting, Dave Tarpy Tuesday - Level Two Room 1 Mating nucs, Jennifer Berry Indoor Wintering, Paul Kozak Grafting, Dave Tarpy Andy Card Tour Room 2 Reading Colony, Larry Connor Honey House, Kim Flottum Evaluating Queens, Clarence Collison Room 3 IPM lab, Nick Calderone Evaluating Queens, Clarence Collison Marketing, Ann Harman Tentative EAS Conference Schedule TOWARD NON-CHEMICAL BEEKEEPING WEDNESDAY CONFERENCE Thursday Workshops The details of our Thursday and Friday Workshop (Short Course and Conference meet Jointly) Room 1 Room 2 Kathy Summers, Moderator Kim Flottum, Moderator Tom Seeley, (talk 1) Tom Rinderer, (talk 1) Dave Tarpy, (talk 1) Hambleton Winner (talk 1) Maryann Frazier, (talk 1) Tom Seeley, (talk 2) Hambleton Winner, (talk 1) Student 2 (talk 1) Student 1 (talk 1) Jennifer Berry (talk 1) Tom Rinderer (talk 2) Maryann Frazier (talk 2) Alison vanAlten/Tech (talk 1) Larry Connor BBQ supper at Andy Card’s 5:30 – 9:00 THURSDAY CONFERENCE Room 1 Will Hicks, Moderator Kent Williams Andy Card (talk 1) Bob Brachmann (talk 1) Gary Reuter (talk 1) BBQ and Auction at supper Room 2 Ed Lafferty, Moderator Ross Conrad (talk 1) Student 1 (talk 2) Alison vanAlten (talk 2) Kirk Webster (talk 1) FRIDAY CONFERENCE Room 1 Room 2 Jim Bobb, Moderator Moderator Ross Conrad (talk 2) Gary Shilling (talk 1) Adam Finkelstein (talk 1) Tom Rinderer (talk 1) Gary Reuter (talk 2) Student 2 (talk 2) Tour of Andy Card’s Facility/Workshops Banquet in Evening 4 schedules are still be worked out, but we can promise you an excellent set of choices. The hardest part will be deciding which ones you don’t want to miss. We have an amazing list of workshop speakers, some familiar names and others that you may not have heard of yet. In the Summer issue of this Journal we will have a complete schedule for you to start planning which ones you want to attend. But for now we can tell you our workshop speakers include Paul Kozak, Joanne Thomas, Dave Duncan, Jennifer Berry, Gary Reuter, Tom Seeley, Larry Connor, Maryann Frazier, Claire Waring, Ellen Harnish, Adam Finkelstein, Robert Brewer, Kitty Kiefer, Kent Williams, Peter Seiling, Ross Conrad, Sherry Ferrell and more. We also have two special treats added to our workshop program this year. On Thursday afternoon you will have the opportunity to visit a pure Russian Breeder Beeyard run by Bob Brachmann. Helping Bob out will be Tom Rinderer, Mike Potoczak and Charlie Harper. While there you can do some mite sampling and diagnosis for Varroa, tracheal mites and nosema with the Ontario Tech Transfer Team. And Friday you’ll have the chance to visit Andy Card’s extracting facility and listen to other talks while you’re there. As usual, the week will be full. Can’t wait to see you there! Winter, 2009 34 YEARS SERVING USA BEEKEEPERS MAKE US YOUR SOUR CE SOURCE BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT CANDLEMAKING EQUIPMENT SO APMAKING EQ UIPMENT SOAPMAKING EQUIPMENT PACKA GE BEES CKAGE QUEENS UNIQ UE CONT AINERS UNIQUE CONTAINERS EXPER T INFORMA TION EXPERT INFORMATION HIGH FR UCT OSE CORN SYR UP FRUCT UCTOSE SYRUP FREE CA TAL OG ON REQ UEST CAT ALOG REQUEST B & B HONEY F ARM FARM 5917 Hop Hollow Road Houston, MN 55943 INFORMATION 507.896.3955 ORDER LINE 800.342.4811 FAX 507.896.4134 EMAIL bbhoney@acegroup.cc www.bbhoneyfarms.com Winter, 2009 5 6 Winter, 2009 DO YOU USE THIS LIST! PLEASE LET US KNOW - JOURNAL@EASTERNAPICULTURE.ORG A L B E R TA Nasr, Medhat (L) Prov. Apiclts., RR6 17507 Ft. Rd. Edmonton, T5B 4K3 Canada 780-415-2314 ALABAMA AL State Beekeepers 1260 Easley Rd., Oneonta, AL 35121 205-625-3464; funder@otelco.net Braunshausen, Tom 59 Couey Rd., Somerville, AL 35670 256-778-7712 oildryacres@yahoo.com Carmack, Jimmy (Director) 201 17th. A. NW, Birmingham, 35215 205-845-8334 purealabamahoney@yahoo.com Freese, David (L) 106 Whitfield Dr., Toney, AL 35773 Martin, Robert 274 Vine Cliff Dr., Harvest, AL 35749 256-722-8062; bmartin12@bellsouth.net Miller, William G. (M) 2991 Eddins Rd., Dothan, AL 36301 334-794-8362; wgmiller@aol.com Powers, Homer P. (L) 7000 Quincey Ave.; Apt. C207 Denver, CO 80237-2246 Pulliam, Patty 216 Dunham Rd., Fairfield, CT 06824 203-259-4861; pattpull@optonline.net CONNECTICUT CT State Association 55 Wolf Pit Rd., Farmington, CT 06032 860-677-9391; t.c.jones@snet.net Sheley, Loran P.O. Box 350, Scotland, CT 06264 617-308-3015; lsheley@comcast.net Baker, John C. (Director) 52 Headquarters Rd., Litchfield, 06759 860-567-8427 berryledges@optonline.net Blocher, David (L,M) 23 Sullivan Dr., Redding, CT 06896 203-938-2539; dblocher@mac.com Caplik, Lawrence 129 Bee Mountain Rd., Oxford, 06478 203-881-0160; lac530@gmail.com Cote’, Norman 33 Kettle Rd., Norwalk, CT 06850 203-842-8851; beekeeperc@aol.com Dingman, Douglas, CT Ag. Expt. Sta., 123 Huntington St. New Haven, CT 06504-1106 203-974-8471 douglas.dingman@po.state.ct.us Stoner, Kimberly 498 Oak Ave. #27, Cheshire, 06410 203-974-8480 kimberly.stoner@po.state.ct.us Weiss, Edward (L) 3 WhipStick Rd., Wilton, CT 06897 203-762-3538 DELAWARE Bray, Dale F. (L) 5 Stage Rd., Newark, DE 19711-4001 Caron, Dewey M. (L) 7 Oklahoma St. Dr., Newark, 19713 302-831-8883; dmcaron@udel.edu Dardaris, Paula 20933 Beaver Dam Rd. Harbeson, DE 19951-2977 302-448-1381 pmdardaris@comcast.net Mendes, David (L) 11253 Rabin Gap Dr. N. Fort Myers, FL 33917 239-340-0625 Sanford, Malcolm 5002 NW 64th Lane, Gainsville, 32653 352-336-9744 beeactor@earthlinl.net Shimanuki, Hachiro 227 Brentwood Dr. N, Lk Placid, 33852 863-699-6380 snowbees@embarqmail.com Volker, Harry (L) 8 Hobnail Dr., N Fort Meyers, 33903 GEORGIA Georgia State Beekeepers Assn. 349 Gastley Rd., Clarksville, 30523 Allen, Rhoda P. O. Box 309, Jewell, GA 31045 706-465-9304; Rhoda@mawaje.com Bee, Cindy 1041 Wilburn Dr., Marietta, GA 30064 770-424-0076; dillonbee@bellsouth.net Berry, Jennifer 124 Pinenut Lane, Bogart, GA 30622 706-769-1736; jbee@uga.edu Donovan, Daniel P. O. Box 8119, Stamford, CT 06905 203-355-0622; codvus@mail.com Dickhart, Donna 31 Wakefield Dr., Newark, DE 19711 302-366-1374 donnalynndi@verizon.net Finch, Barry (L) 426 Main St., Ridgefield, CT 06877 203-743-1621 Dill, Paul (L) P. O. Box 571, Wyoming, DE 19934 302-249-1866; pab192@aol.com Fischer, Joseph 114 Hillcrest Rd., Fairfield, CT 06824 203-255-8510 josephcarpentry@sbcglobal.net Kuehn, Faith 2320 DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901 302-698-4587 faith.kuehn@state.de.us Short, Rick P. O. Box 65, Romance, AR 72136 501-765-5746; rshort@central.com Grimshaw, Jack (L) 348 Maple St., Enfield, CT 06082-2129 860-763-1795 jjackgrimshaw@sbcglobal.net Lobenhofer, George (L) 24794 Rivers Edge Rd. Millsboro, DE 19966-7211 globenh@optonline.net Underhill, Richard (L) P.O. Box 2796, West Memphis, 72303 870-702-7976; runderhill@hughes.net Hannan, Rollin (L) 597 Hulls Hill Rd., Southbury, 06488 203-264-5538; rjhannanjr@aol.com MacIntire, Robert (L,M) 33668 Baylis Rd., Lewes, DE 19958 302-945-0829 Colson, Bobby J. 945 Sink Hole Rd., Register, GA 30452 912-852-5124; beecolson@gmail.com Young, Douglas (L) Route 3, Box 231, Clarksville, 72830 501-754-3918 Hanze, George 66 Newtown Ave., Norwalk, 06851 203-846-0625 george.hanze@gmail.com Marro, Frank (L) 105 Applewood Dr., Dover, DE 19901 302-687-2272; fmarro@comcast.net Driggers, Jim 260 Spring Branch Dr., Canton, 30115 770-714-0221 jdriggers@windstream.net ARIZONA Finley, Jennifer (L) 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ 85719 Holmberg, Gerald 516 Mohegan Parkway, Quaker Hill, CT 06375 860-443-7192; beefore@aol.com Owens, Roger 1203 Joshua Dr., Huntsville, AL 35803 256-880-2584 roger@southernvalleyhoney.com Smith, Margie (L) 3280 Salco Rd., Chunchla, AL 36521 334-251-9129 ARKANSAS Jester, Kevin P.O. Box 87, West Ridge, AR 72391 870-931-8700; kevin@jestewrbee.com Sammataro, Diana (L) 6563 N. Foothills Dr., Tucson, 85718 520-670-6380 ex121 dsammataro@tucson.ars.ag.gov Howe, John E. 315 River Rd., Willington, CT 06279 860-429-8000; jehowe@sbcglobal.net Matthews, Alexander 12297 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, 19956 302-875-4150; matthewsa@hsc.edu Quillen, Ronald 907 Heritage Dr., Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-9430 Reynolds, Charlotte 115 Croom Mills Dr., Adare Village Hockessin, DE 19707 302-234-4418 Wardell, Gordon 2526 E. Blackridge Dr., Tucson, 85716 520-975-3901; gordyaw@aol.com Huston, Leslie (L,M) 8 Hopewell Rd., Newtown, CT 06470 203-417-2023; ljhuston@charter.net CALIFORNIA Carstersen, Charles (L) 1620 Daniels St., Manteca, CA 95336 209-923-3229; c_t_c@hotmail.com Jones, Becky & Ted (L) 55 Wolf Pit Rd., Farmington, CT 06032 860-677-9391; t.c.jones@snet.net Reynolds, Martin (L) 117 Panorama Dr., Newark, DE 19713 302-368-9753 Martin_Reynolds@verizon.net Kananowicz, John (L) 324 Tater Hill Rd. East Haddam, 06423 860-873-9099 Seaver, Warren (L) 3619 Bayside Dr., Dover, DE 19901 302-674-8969; wwseaver@rcn.com Kiefer, Katherine P. O. Box 177, Taconic, CT 06079 860-824-8256; beesweet1@gmail.com Young, Marian R. P. O. Box 521, Delaware City, 19706 302-420-1678 myoung@brightfieldsinc.com Cervenka, Bill 751 Temescal Way, Rdwd City, 94062 650-365-5548 billcervenka@comcast.net Hicks, Raymond (L) 456 Bundy Ave., San Jose, CA 95117 408-243-5172; rayger@pacbell.net Pitts, H. Wayne (L) 1726 Fine Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020 408-644-2382; kingbee@uvasgold.com Traynor, Joe (L) P. O. Box 2144, Bakersfield, CA 93303 661-871-8938; jotraynor@aol.com COLORADO Hartley, John (L) 13835 Herring Rd., CO Springs, 80908 719-495-1251; Winter, 2009 beeman@pcisys.net Larned, Michael C. (L) 178 Farms Rd., Stamford, CT 06903 203-322-0294 Maerowitz, Max 340 Sturges Ridge Rd., Wilton, 06897 203-762-0452; maxm67@aol.com Marron, Richard F. 50 Liberty Ave., Danbury, CT 06810 203-743-0541; dickm@snet.net Matusovich, Chuck 877 Jacob Rd., Southbury, CT 06488 203-266291; matuscgh@snet.net FLORIDA Barthelmeus, Jay (L) 1844 Whispering Pines Circle Englewood, FL 34223 508-430-2760; kbnjb@comcast.net Brigham, Robinson (L) 324 Cornwallis Ct., Kissimmee, 34758 McKellar, Charles W. (L) 2224 Orkney Dr., Leesburg, FL 34788 352-343-1626 Binnie, Bob 256 Neptune Ln., Lakemont, GA 30552 706-782-6722 Brewer, Robert (Director) P. O. Box 369, Hiawassee, GA 30546 706-896-5248; rbrewer@uga.edu Brown, Greg 929 Ft. Mtn. Dr., Chatsworth, 30705 706-517-9270; archer9@windstrean.net Burns, Joe (L) P. O. Box 494, Grayson, GA 30017 770-822-9706; joeb@color-burst.com Fore, Troy P.O. Box 1337, Jesup, GA 31598 912-427-3657; troyfore@abfnet.org Hagan, Lee 151 Del Ray Dr., Maysville, GA 30558 706-652-3333 giftworks@windstream.net Laird, Joyce (L) P.O. Box 1285, Dahlonega, GA 30533 706-344-9083 moggiemama@yahoo.com Ovbey, Jim 4631 Post Oak Tritt Rd. Marietta, GA 30062-5626 770-992-4631; jimovbey@comcast.net Owens, Bill 4510 Springwood Dr., Monroe, 30655 404-516-1807 owensapiaries@windstream.net Smith, Roy M. (L) 1416 Deerwood Dr., Decatur, 30030 404-292-9509; rmsmith@gatelco.org Swaney, Joe 112 Rollingwood Trail Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-304-8315; incontrol@numail.org Webb, Virginia (L) 349 Gastley Rd., Clarkesville, 30523 706-754-7062; mtnhoney@alltel.net Williams, P. N. 528 Bridge Ave., Forest Park, 30297 404-366-6404; ehoneyman2@aol.com7 ILLINOIS Benslay, Mike Route 1; Box 132B, Stewartson, 62463 217-644-2636; dlbenslay@hotmail.com Downs, Toni (L) 1315 Watkins Ln., Pleasurville, 40057 404-310-8278 tonivdowns@hotmail.com Dhom, David 2294 N. 1100th St., Newton, IL 62448 618-783-8502 dhdhom@psbnewton.com Drake, Phillip 1601 Liberty St., Hickman, KY 42050 270-236-9333 McDonell, Robert E. (L) 1733 Shire Ct., Wheaton, IL 60187 630-668-6687 bmcdonell@smclean.com1 Moniger, Bob 2798 Orchard Hill Rd. Murphysboro, IL 62966 618-924-1750 bmoniger@wildblue.net Estes, Crystal 221 So. 15th St., Murray, KY 42071 Galyen, Doug 859 Soldier Ck. Rd., Kirksey, 42054 270-527-9106; jgalyen@hughes.com Henry, John 1711 Hebron Church Rd. Marion, KY 42064-5523 270-704-1259 Schlafer, John 26686 Mc Clusky Rd., Dow, IL 62022 618-885-5940; johnschlaf@gtec.com Hester, Kenneth 866 W. Hebron Ln. Shephardsville, KY 40165 502-957-2026; khester@wittrans.com INDIANA Indiana Beekeepers Association 4760 Lanesville, Georgetown, 47122 812-951-3737 Horn, Tammy 956 Stonewall Rd., Lexington, 40504 859-200-2207; tammy.horn@eku.edu Baughman, Robert 52076 Larkspur Circle, Granger, 46530 574-277-0152 bob.baughman@us.bosch.com Laney, Dave 25725 New Rd., North Liberty, 46554 754-656-8701 davelaney@kconline.com Longhrie, Jim 844 W. New Hope Rd. Boonville, IN 47601 812-897-5243; pelzer_1@msn.com Nadworny, Madeline 2071 North Brummetts Creek Rd. Bloomington, IN 47408-8900 812-335-8751 KANSAS Marteney, Richard (M) 3925 Vineyard Rd., Wamego, 66547 785-494-8311 beekeeper1945@yahoo.com KENTUCKY Adams, Hoyt PO Box 631, Murray, KY 42071-0631 270-761-4816 Bailey, Rod PO Box 830, Jamestown, KY 4269 270-343-4600; rod@lc-caa.org Bethel, Chris 2300 Coll. Farm Rd., Murray, 42071 270-978-1474; jakofall@msn.com Broadbent, Kathryn 3735 Jenn Ln., Paducah, KY 42001 270-534-8370; kpb42001@hotmail.com Brock, Robert 943 Youth Camp Rd., Marion, 42064 270-965-2572 Broyles, Richard 4445 Clinton Rd., Paducah, KY 42001 270-554-0068; dickeya@hcis.net Burchett, Gerald L. (M) 729 Rolling Meadows Rd. Grand Rivers, KY 42045 270-928-4003 geraldmyrna@windstream.net Craft, Phil 2485 High Bridge Rd., Wilmore, 40390 502-330-0797; phil.craft@ky.gov Dixon, Clancy 13207 Rehl Rd., Louisville, KY 40299 502-261-0249 Dixon, Randy 2895 Hall Simpson Rd., Loretto, 40037 8 502-827-3353 honeyhills@dishmail.net Kerns, Bryant 317 Farmer Rd., Mayfield, KY 42066 270-345-2067; bkerns@wk.net Walter T. Kelley, Co., Inc. P. O. Box 240, Clarkson, KY 42726 270-242-2012; sales@kelleybees.com Collins, Oliver (L) 5330 Jones Thicket, Vienna, 21869 410-943-3448 West, David PO Box 1731, Murray, KY 42071-1731 270-227-5594; dwest@wkblue.net Cory, Robert 3402 King Dr., Dunkirk, MD 20754 301-855-8431 Williams, Kent (M) 580 State Rt. 385 N, Wingo, Ky 42088 270-382-2348; kvwilliams@wk.net Costa, Christopher 9712 Elrod Rd., Kensington, MD 20895 302-942-7090; ccosta33@yahoo.com MAINE Maine State Beekeepers PO Box 499, Phippsburg, ME 04562 207-389-9045 Crouse, Robert L. (M) 1606 Dogwood Ln., Belair, MD 21015 410-638-0105; rlcrouse@qis.net Bradbury, Elaine (L) Hickory Hill Farm 349 Cape Rd., Standish, ME 04084 207-642-2536; hhfarms@pivot.net Cooper, Rickie (L,M) 1075 Post Rd., Bowdoinham, 04008 honeybee@gwi.net Corderman, Allan (L) P. O. Box 170, Georgetown, 04548 504-897-9817 Cottrill, Carol (Director,M) 164 Wyman Hill Rd., Rumford, 04276 207-364-0917; ccottrill@msn.com Mabry, Donald 1361 Shaw Rd., Boaz, KY 42027 207-856-3635; dmabry88@wk.net Dumont, Paul (L) Route 1, Box 470, Windsor, ME 04363 207-549-7819 humbleabodes@pre.var.com Mark, Carol M. (L,M) 7754 Lashbrook Rd., Utica, KY 42376 270-729-4733 whitehousefarm@gmail.com Dutson, Tish 995 Sebec Lake Rd. Willimantic, 04443 207-997-3546; tishdutson@yahoo.com Miller, Elsie 1178 Martin Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 270-469-5808; bemiller@alltel.net Moore, John 2562 Chalybeate Springs Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42164 270-302-3123 ingmoore@hotmail.com Nickels, Nick 1909 Nicklasville Rd. Lexington, KY 40503-2024 stu4chr@uky.edu Overholt, Harris 975 Chapel Hill Rd., Adolphus, 42120 270-622-5286 Peterson, Terry 1500 Rocky Hill Est. Rd. Clarkson, KY 42726-8443 270-242-4930 lindap49@winlstream.net Prettyman, Alethia 15275 Meacham Rd. Hopkinsville, KY 42240 270-269-6006 bramble.bee@netzero.net Jadczak, Tony (L) 601 Fairfield St., Oakland, ME 04963 207-465-7289 (H) anthony.m.jadczak@maine.gov MacGregor-Forbes, Erin (L) 188 Capisic St., Portland, ME 04102 207-772-3380; shforbes@maine.rr.com Peiffer, Lawrence J. (L) 22 Jackson St., Sanford, ME 04073 207-642-1089 lpeiffer@sad6.k12.me.us Rickert, M. Stanley (L) 26 School St., Hatfield, ME 01038 413-585-9533 haagrickert@earthlink.net Scott, Matthew (L) 29 Gowell Rd., Belgrade, ME 04917 207-495-3409; mscott@clinic.net MARYLAND Maryland State Beekeepers 702 Monkton Rd., Monkton, MD 21111 410-357-9166; jbealer@comcast.net Baker, James W. 16723 Sterling Rd., Williamsport, 21795 301-223-8681; bbike02@aol.com Richards, Randolph 22 Washington School Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 270-622-3615; aura@nctc.com Bernard, David (L,M) 26626 Howard Chapel Rd. Damascus, MD 20872 301-414-2317 amazing.bee@verizon.net Spath, Bud 1905 Conners Station Rd. Simpsonville, KY 40067 502-722-8058; caspath@aol.com Bernstein, Rick (L) 2025 Freeland Rd., Freeland, 21053 410-343-2507 Stewart, Jerry 700 Ramp Rd., Austin, KY 42123 270-646-4550; jsstewart@yahoo.com Thurman, Linda 2626 Scottfitts Rd., Murray, KY 42071 270-753-2469 Vernon, Gordon 3583 Brownsford Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 270-622-8313; glvernon@nctc.com Denny, James B. 407 Wrenleigh Dr., Catonsville, 21228 410-965-6506; jim.denny@ssa.gov Derrick, Rick 4832-Church Ln.; PO Box 141 Galesville, MD 20765-0141 410-867-3663 Dwyer, Sue 8377 Jumpers Hole Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 410-320-1475; firstmates@aol.com Earhart, Matthew (L) 3650 Churchville Rd. Aberdeen, MD 21001 410-273-0155; quilternr@comcast.net Esaias, Wayne (M) 6971 Mink Hollow Rd. Highland, MD 20777 301-646-3025 wayne.esaias@nasa.gov Ferris, Gregory (L) 2805 Butterfly Pl., Indian Head, 20640 301-743-5933 Flaharty, James 248 Firetower Rd., Port Deposit, 21904 410-658-4637 theflaharty@zoominternet.net Foti, Janice K. 123 Park Ave., Greensboro, MD 21639 410-482-8781; janfoti@erols.com Geggis, Walter 104 Quail Run Dr., Centreville, 21617 410-758-4614; geggis@verizon.net Gibson, Mark 1630 Arnoldstown Rd. Jefferson, MD 21755-9705 301-371-0811 hmarkg@mindspring.com Greig, Len C. (L) 12121 Remington Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20902 301-593-2209 Hanchak, Margaret 3811 Beamers Ct., Sykesville, 21784 410-795-1391; sbhahcha@erols.com Hasson, David (L) 16041 Fields End, Woodbine, 21797 410-442-1328 queenright@comcast.net Hayes, Allen (L,M) 709 Weller Dr., Mt. Airy, MD 21771 410-489-2835 thehayeshouse4@aol.com Breitenbach, Stephen PO Box 332, Jarrettsville, MD 21084 410-692-2839; zogalb@hotmail.com Higgs, Betty 638 Cockeys Mill Rd. Reistertown, MD 21136-5116 410-833-1233; norbetfarm@yahoo.com Burroughs, A Dean (L,M) 609 Twin Tree Rd., Salisbury, 21801 410-546-2910; nectar@verizon.net Hoffman, Marc 9408 Worth Ave., Silver Spring, 20901 301-585-7601; gangsal@gmail.com Clark, Greg 8000 Terry Dr., Port Tobacco, 20677 301-934-6080 gclark8000@comcast.net Isley, Donald (L) C/O SS Bee; 602 Lowander Ln. Silver Spring, MD 20901-2829 301-445-4636; isley_dr@yahoo.com Clements, Joel (L) 2211 Riverview Rd., Balto., MD 21221 410-391-1698 Isley, Wynett (L) Winter, 20901 2009 602 Lowander Ln., Silverspring, 301-445-4636; w_isley@hotmail.com Kahkonen, Carl (L) 6136 Rohrersville Rd. Boonsboro, MD 21713 240-217-4083 gentlebear21713@yahoo.com King, Joseph (L) 1435 Uniontown Rd. Westminster, MD 21158-3736 410-875-2332 Kojzar, Paul 11710 Foxspur Ct., Ellicott City, 21042 301-854-0260; paulkjzr@yahoo.com Langworthy, Andrea 10021 Banner Country Ct. Gaithersburg, MD 20882 240-793-0363; andrea@nakedbee.com Polk, Dave 2420 Mill Hill Rd., Waldorf, MD 20603 301-580-9313 freestatebees@gmail.com Williams, Thomas 37990 Mohawk Dr. Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-884-5230 Preston, Cybil 3109 Sharon Rd., Jarrettsville, 21084 410-836-6993; cybbiep@earthlink.net MASSACHUSETTS Mass State Beekeepers 16 Pond St., Apt. 3, Ayre, MA 01432 Quinton, Peter D. (L) 4 Edgewater Ln., Severna Park, 21146 410-267-1158 Berard, Robert O. 1566 GAR Highway, Swansea, 02777 508-673-3511 Ringgold, Charles W. (L) 310 North Boulevard, Salisbury, 21801 410-749-7851 Borden, Venus (L) 12 Okorwaw Ave., Nantucket, 02554 646-416-4869; venus@nycack.com Rossetti, Rupert (L) 215 Dr. Jack Rd., Port Deposit, 21904 Card, Andrew 96 Dudley Rd., Billerica, MA 01821 978-667-5380; cardbee@aol.com Lewis, Joseph W. 1102 Runnymede Ct., Belair, 21014 410-322-3342 lewisjoseph-atec@comcast.net Saunders Papp, Tracie 5691 Old Temple Hill Rd. Temple Hill, MD 20748-4964 240-460-2617 Linthicum, John W. (L) 8501 Hawkins Creamery Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20882 301-253-3744 Seets, John F. (L) 2203 Belleview, Catonsville, 21228 410-471-4335 Loomis, David 312 Nimitz Ave., Rockville, MD 20851 301-762-2818 Maier, Cheryl (L) 10910 Hoyle Ave., Silver Sprg, 20901 202-371-6800; cmaier@kph.com Mattheu, Randall 11706 Reynolds Rd., Kingsville, 21087 410-592-7332; rimattheu@comcast.net Matusky, James (L) 2413 Dixie Lane, Forest Hill, MD 21050 410-879-0989; jim2413@aol.com Mazur, Jennifer (L) 4041 Buck Board Ln., Dunkirk, 20754 McConaughy, Carolann 26004 Fredrick Rd., Clarksburg, 20871 301-928-1574 McDaniel, Stephen (M) 4964 Wentz Rd., Manchester, 21102 410-239-7496 angie@mcdanielphotography.com Medina, Woody (L,M) 6441 Lochridge Rd., Columbia, 21044 443-535-940 wmedina@pragmatiq.com Semmes, Guy 11630 Glen Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 301-983-1857 thesemmes@verizon.net Sheer, Barbara 4217 Sundown Rd. Laytonsville, MD 20882 301-758-9613; msheer48@aol.com Smith, David G. (L,M) 522 Kennersley Farm Lane Church Hill, MD 21623-1255 410-690-4480 c.f.icarenow@gmail.com Springston, Mark 8101 Fingerboard Rd. Fredrick, MD 21704 301-874-0892 mark.springston@montgomerycounty.md.gov Steed, James & Rebecca (L) 9772 Old Annapolis Rd. RR 8 Ellicott City, MD 21042 Strang, Arthur (L) 17000 White Ground, Boyds, 20841 301-948-7803 Sullivan, Michael J. (L) P.O. Box 420, Mt. Victoria, MD 20661 301-870-1033; mountvictoria@aol.com Mergner, Wolfgang 104 Tulip Ave., Takoma Park, 20912 301-587-3050; gertrud.mergner@att.net Suman, Ted 7591 Polly’s Hill Ln., Easton, 21601 410-822-1204; tsuman@goeaston.net Meyer, George 8306 Greenwood Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20912-6714 301-346-0110 beegeorgehoney@hotmail.com Taylor, David 1150 Pinch Valley Rd. Westminster, MD 21158 410-751-6963; dvltaylor@att.net Miner, Ernest H. (L,M) 1820 Latham Dr., Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-8800 Morgan, Eileen 25116 Silver Crest Dr. Gaithersburg, MD 20882 301-451-0384; morgane@od.nih.gov Morris, David C. (Director, M) 9309 Montpelier Dr., Laurel, MD 20708 301-725-6185; beefriend@verizon.net Nelson, Jeffery (L) 14 Bowers Ln., Glyndon, MD 21071 410-833-9535 nelsonapiaries@gmail.com Nickerson, Eric J. (L) 1711 Chateau Ct., Fallston, MD 21047 Olmert, John (L) 12314 Auburn Rd., Thurmont, 21788 301-271-0650 Oritt, Mary A. (L) Winter, 2009 P.O. Box 1261, Solomons, MD 20688 410-586-9521 Thompson, Barry (Director, M) 13201 Moran Dr., No Potomac, 20878 301-947-4652; bht1113@aol.com Thompson, Dean (L) 21136 Black Rock Rd. Hagerstown, MD 21740 240-313-5356 gridwood05@verizon.net Thompson, JoAnn (L) 13201 Moran Dr., No Potomac, 20878 Troup, Bill & Nancy (L,M) 10618 Honeyfield Rd. Williamsport, MD 21795 301-223-9662 beestroup@hotmail.com Walton, David (L) 3102 Cornwall Rd., Baltimore, 21222 410-284-6243 Williams, Osborn (L) 3700 Cooper Ln. Landover Hills, MD 20784 301-341-3461; osbornii@msn.com Collins, Carolyn P. O. Box 704, Whatley, MA 01093 413-665-0044; loukhaya@comcast.net Comer, Paul (L) 106 Bellevue Ave., Melrose, 02176 Conlon, Daniel (Director) 2 S. Mill River Rd., S Deerfield, 01373 413-665-451 warmcolors@verizon.net Denhard, Bill 25 Springvale Rd., Reading, 01867 781-944-1584; billden07@comcast.net Desilets, Paul P. O. Box 808, E Sandwich, 02537 508-888-2304; beekeepr@gis.net DeWeerd, Birgit 8 Crescent Ave., Bedford, MA 01730 781-275-0613 brigit.deweerd@gmail.com Duane, Mary E. (L,M) 89 Blithwood Ave., Worcester, 01604 508-756-9282; mduane@massed.net Gaglione, Jan & Vincent (L) 12 Elginwood Rd., Peabody, 01960 978-535-1622; jgagli/646@aol.com Goldstein, Larry 79 Hill St., Topsfield, MA 01983 978-887-8580 larrygoldstein@hotmail.com Gross, Jim (L) P. O. Box 1411, Nantucket, MA 02554 508-228-4038 landandsea@nantucket.net Mason, Philip (L) 115 Sargent Rd., Brookline, MA 02146 617-566-6611 Mc Cain, Wesley (L) P. O. Box 876, Sheffield, MA 01257 Meldrum, David 287 So. Main St., Andover, MA 01810 978-474-8700 david.meldrum@verizon.net Poulin-Hough, Kathy (L,M) 200 Asbury St., So Hamilton, 01982 978-468-6000; beesbest@attbi.com Reault, Ric (L) 10 Louis Ave., Tyngsboro, MA 01879 978-957-5359 Sample, Stanley R. (L) 40 Center St., Groveland, MA 01834 Sciacca, Gaspare (L) 1 Kilcommons Dr.; Apt. 10 Pembroke, MA 02359-2638 Skamarycz, Gus (L) P. O. Box 5, Tyngsboro, MA 01879 918-251-3987; pegus1@verizon.net Spiro, Lionel (L) 22 Worthington Rd., Brookline, 02446 617-739-6050; lbspiro@aol.com Sullivan, Tim 101 Sherman Rd, Dedham, MA 02026 781-326-2834; timsul123@comcast.net Tari, Villu 34 Woodlawn Av. Chelmsford, 01824 978-455-5679; kvtari@comcast.net Trainor, Christopher (L) 70 Benjamin Dr., Boxboro, MA 01719 Viner, Brant P. O. Box 367, Northborough, 01532 508-393-4939; bviner@bu.edu Watson, Philip & Dawn (L) 38 Lombard Ave., Amesbury, 01913 978-388-0775 Weiss, David & Denise (L) 7 Stonehill Rd., Marlborough, 01752 508-460-5037 Yauckoes, John 561 Middle Rd., Boxborough, 01719 978-263-0073; jyackoes@msn.com O’Neil, George (L) 658 Sunrise Ave., Barre, MA 01005 Hebert, David J. 10 Lind St., Oxford, MA 01540 508-864-2538 davidjhebert@charter.net MICHIGAN Disselkoen, Mel (L,M) 1941 Alba, Wyoming, MI 49509 616-457-2855; mdiss1@juno.com Horton, Albert N. (L) 30 Oak St., Dunstable, MA 01827 978-649-7763 Durfy, Randall 23203 Brentwood Dr. Brownstown TWP, MI 48183 734-671-1208 randall@organicearthfarm.com Josephson, Eric (L) 46 Washington St., Ipswich, MA 01938 978-356-0449; eric@joset.net Lagrant, Frank 139 Osborne Rd., Ware, MA 01082 413-967-5064 frank@lagrantshoneybees.comcom Lenza, Vincent P. O. Box 906, W Tisbury, MA 02575 508-693-6834; vlz@earthlink.net Lussier, Clifton (L) P. O. Box 2672, Fitchburg, MA 01420 800-333-2327 Lussier, Rich (L) 46 Jackson Ave., Fitchburg, 01420 Mangion, Nancy 36 Summer St., Lexington, MA 02420 781-258-8118 nmangion@comcast.net Martin, Eileen 2215 Dublin Rd., Richmond, MA 01254 413-698-3278; emartin12@mac.com Hoffman, Carol & Earl (L,M) 34936 W. Chicago, Livonia, MI 48150 734-427-7649 honeyfarm@earthlink.net Hoopingarner, Roger 2712 Fontaine Trail, Holt, MI 48842 517-709-3514; rahoopie@msu.edu Huang, Zachary (L) 4287 Farm Meadows Ct. Okemos, MI 48864 517-353-8136; bees@msu.edu Hutchinson, Dean 4630 Spence Rd., Cass City, 48726 989-872-2914; hutch@midmich.net Lawrence, Wade (L,M) 10749 W. M Ave., Kalamazoo, 49009 269-353-9885; wblawrence@aol.com Ledbetter, Scott (L) 2657 Lantern Ln.; Apt. 102 Auburn Hills, MI 48326-4219 706-592-1524; scottled@aol.com 9 Nowak, Edward 16260 Hubbard Rd., Livonia, MI 48154 734-422-0508; epnowak@earthlink.net Stenner, Dennis & Michelle (L) 13401 South 34th St., Bellevue, 68123 402-293-0973 Piette, John 2705 Ember Way, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-332-0737 NEV ADA VA Muncey, Thomas (L,M) 1927 G Street, Sparks, NV 89431-4334 775-358-0467 Pittsley, Hazen (L,M) 222 East Wisconsin St. Mt. Pleasent, MI 48858-3155 517-772-2687 Pittsley, Michael & Molly (L) 8379 Madison Rd., Elwell, MI 48832 517-772-2687 Schramm, Ken 1545 Mc Manus Dr., Troy, MI 48084 248-816-1592 kenschramm@wowway.com Wrosch, John P. (L,M) 2411 Hickman Rd., Ann Arbor, 48105 734-418-3271; jpwrosch@att.net MISSOURI Burns, B. C. 194 Scenic View Ln. Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 573-339-1671; bcb3d@aol.com NEW HAMPSHIRE Bayko, Michael 69 Bean Rd., Merrimack, NH 03054 603-424-5477 mbayko1@comcast.net Blodgett, Joseph S. (L) 119 Goodhue Rd., Derry, NH 03038 603-893-1022 Chadwick, Ben (L) 49 Lane Dr., Alton, NH 03809-5220 603-875-3544 Hough, Rick (Director,L,M) 9 Royal Crest Dr. #12, Nashua, 03060 603-459-8844 Januskiewicz, Roy 19 Huron Dr., Nashua, NH 03063-3511 603-882-1106; janorp@msn.com Flynn, Gigi 1561 Louisville, Ave., St. Louis, 63139 314-398-7236; gigithefree@gmail.com Phillips, Daniel 19 Highland Rd., Kensington, 03833 603-394-0130 behive1224@comcast.net Hengst, Greg 4355 County Rd. 635 Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 573-335-2695 honeyhouse@bigrivertel.net NEW JERSEY New Jersey State Beekeepers Clarksburg, NJ 08510-9620 609-651-4585; curtiscrowell@att.net Higdon,Matthew (L,M) 10701 N. Hecht Rd., Hallsville, 65255 573-696-2579 Miller, Laurie 505 West Polo Dr., St. Louis, 63105 314-863-7072 lwm9505@sbcglobal.net Schwertmann, Gary PO Box 771906, St. Louis, MO 63177 618-451-7757 Sears, Robert 7801 Pershing Ave., Clayton, 63105 314-479-9517 robert.sears@emcstl.com Smith, Natalie 210 West Steins St., St. Louis, 63111 314-814-2745 smithnat@sbcglobal.net MISSISSIPPI Mississippi State Beekeepers P. O. Box 5207, Miss State, MS 39762 662-325-7765 harry@mdac.state.ms.us Collison, Clarence 100 Pear Lane, Starkville, MS 39759 662-325-2086 (W) ccollison@entomology.msstate.edu Davis, Leroy PO Box 11, Iuka, MS 38852 662-424-9834 Fulton, Harry (Director) P. O. Box 5207, Miss State, MS 39762 662-325-7765 harry@mdac.state.ms.us Potter, Art PO Box 172, Artesia, MS 39736 662-272-5363 NEBRASKA Ellis, Marion 4035 Prescott Ave., Lincoln, NE 68506 402-483-4370; mellis3@unl.edu Portter, Dori 3951 Baldwin Ave. #111 Lincoln, NE 68504 10 402-741-0542; dportte2@hotmail.com Barree, Adele 1825 Mountain Top Rd. Bridgewater, NJ 08870-2335 908-575-8580 abarree@optonline.net Berg, Alf Box 3158, Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742 732-458-8423; alf.berg@comcast.net Cheney, Laura 1 Locust Dr., Asbury Park, NJ 07712 732-988-6023 luvtoteachart@gmail.com Chun, Ping-Sun (L,M) 49 Junard Dr., Morristown, NJ 07960 973-539-7020; ping.chun@att.net Ellis, Susan 703 West Quillytown Rd. Carneys Point, NJ 08069-9750 856-812-0400; s2ellis@gmail.com Harvey, Bob (L,M) 912 Route 40, Monroeville, NJ 08343 609-381-8136(C); harvhoney@aol.com Huges, Bob 706 Gtoveville Allentown Rd. Yardville, NJ 08620 609-585-4359 Katz, Janet (L) 460 Route 24, Chester, NJ 07930-2903 908-879-4377; janet@rapseik.org Krowicki, Patricia (L) 82 Old York Rd., Bordentown, 08505 609-298-6324 Leighton, J. Peter 661 Ollie Burke Rd., Jackson, 08527 732-928-4259; p.leighton@att.net Mainardi, Margaret 7 Pheasant Run, Boonton, NJ 07005 973-299-9095 mmainardi7@verizon.net Majeski, Joseph 1080 Yardville-Allentown Rd. Allentown, NJ 08501 609-259-6707; jerseygoldhoney.com Markley, Ray (L) 13 W. Millcreek Rd. Easthampton, NJ 08060 609-261-1638; rambeeman@aol.com Shephard, Thomas 482 Almond Rd., Pittsgrove, NJ 08318 856-691-4053 tsshep41556@aol.com Simone, Landi (L,M) Box 101-B Taylor Rd., Boonton, 07005 973-263-0674; beelady@optonline.net Skove, Cathie 21 Hunts School Rd., Newton, 07860 973-579-5864; honeylady@juno.com Toth, Karoly 38 Van Cleef Rd., Somerset, NJ 08873 732-873-2989; ktoth73424@aol.com Wasitowski, Stan 57 Amwell Rd., Flemington, NJ 08822 908-782-7288 fwasitowski@yahoo.com Wilson, Walter D. Sr. (L) Connie Ln. #A, Jackson, NJ 08527 Doring, Al 1134 No. Gore Rd., No Creek, 12853 518-251-2264; margethebees@aol.com Doumanoff, Nicholas 315 Bellvale Lakes Rd. Warwick, NY 10990-3406 845-986-3806; scenick@warwick.net Dwyer, Patrick P. O. Box 683 Cooperstown, NY 13326-0683 607-547-7459; pndywer@pol.net Eriksen, Thor (L) 707 State Route 30, Gilboa, NY 12076 516-924-3263 Fischer, James & Joanne (L) 340 E. 93rd. St. 27-C New York, NY 10128 917-628-4052; 212-410-2200 bee-quick@bee-quick.com Zalamea, Petronio P. O. Box 13, Perrineville, NJ 08535 609-235-1466; pzrider@gmail.com Frey, Anne (M) 4808 Skyline Dr. Delanson, NY 12053-3932 518-895-8744; annef@capital.net NEW YORK Alexander, David 25 Dawn Dr., Smithtown, NY 11787 631-664-6810 (D); ramoi@aol.com Fudge, Clinton (L,M) 1043 Breesport Rd., Erin, NY 14838 607-796-2473; cfudge@infoblvd.net Bauer, Ursula 200 Winne Rd., Delmar, NY 12054 518-475-9930; ubauer2@nycap.rr.com Glatz, Roberta (M) 524 Copeland Hill Rd. Feura Bush, NY 12067 518-768-2225 Bavaro, Laura 59095 Main Rd., Southold, NY 11971 631-235-1179; lbavaro@tnc.org Gondree, Howard 1159 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, 14222 716-885-4169 Bentley, Darlene 17 Puhalka Rd., Newfield, NY 14867 607-564-3133; heronblu@lightlink.com Grefig, James J. Seven Ripley Place Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520- 1408 jjgrefig@verizon.net Bizzoso, Peter F. (L,M) 505 Wading River Rd. Manorville, NY 11949-3448 631-874-4750 Blohm, Richard (L,M) 30 Cherry Ln.,Huntington, NY 11743 631-271-7812; beebiz@msn.com Blohm, Walter (L,M) 80-32 165th St., Jamaica, NY 11432 718-380-0829; beevenom@verizon.net Borghi, Victor (L) 2631 Rt. 9, East Chatham, NY 12060 518-392-4550; ampat@mhonline.net Griggs, Mike 179 Benjamin Rd., Newfield, 14867 607-564-0656; mhg3@cornell.edu Gutenmann, Walt 248 White Church Rd. Brooktondale, NY 14817 607-593-7932 apisdorseta@verizon.net Hodges, Guy (L) 161 Lake Kitchawan Dr. South Salem, NY 10590 914-763-3211 Bowen, Francis (L) 79 Windernere Dr., Yonkers, NY 10710 914-779-9642 Imbimbo, Pat 142 Beecher Rd., Grandville, 12832 578-642-3270 newenglandfarms@aol.com Boyce, Ken 209 Tobin Dr., Chittenango, NY 13037 315-687-9495 kennethboyce@verizon.net Kogan, Howard P. O. Box 370 Stephentown, NY 12168-0370 518-733-6662; holi@localnet.com Bush, Daniel 4552 Sthw 30, Amsterdam, 12001 578-212-2108 Kozlowski, Robert 115 W. Groton Rd., Groton, NY 13073 607-533-4639; rek4@cornell.edu Calderone, Nicholas W. (L) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 607-275-0266; nwc4@cornell.edu Lackey, Ray (L,M) 1260 Walnut Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716 631-567-1936 Crankshaw, Sheryl 15569 Co. Rte. 59, Dexter, NY 13634 315-639-5081 Linck, Richard (L) 3850 Slate Hill Rd., Marcellus, 13108 315-673-2981 Crowell, Bill (L) 7677 Kriswood Dr., Rome, NY 13440 315-337-2281 Lohner, Richard F. 62-64 60th Ave., Maspeth NY 11378 718-386-5999; rich7346@aol.com De Stefano, Charlie 333 Middle Country Rd. Middle Island, NY 11953-2506 631-924-0619 Lord, David J. (L) 1088 Big Woods, Greenville, 12083 518-966-4237; miralord22@aol.com Doan, Ed (M) P. O. Box 486, Hamlin, NY 14464 716-964-3121 Maine, George 34 Noxxon Rd., Poughkeepsie, 12603 845-452-2100 george@aesmailpro.com Dodd, Vincent 80 Margaret St., Staten Island, 10308 718-984-1209 Mattila, Heather Winter, 2009 325 Cascadilla St., Ithaca, NY 14850 607-319-0971; hrm24@cornell.edu Meyer, Scott 391 Herrington Hill Rd. Greenwich, NY 12834 502-744-8006; trehouse@aye.net Miller, Claude H. (L) 154 Co. Rt. 11, West Monroe, 13167 NIGERIA Fasida, Oluseyi Folajimi (L) 9 Ademulegun Rd., Ondo State 011-234-803-4706678 fadent203@yahoo.com Morris, Aaron (Director, M) Box 246, Round Lake, NY 12151 518-899-6113 amorris@uamail.albany.edu NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina Bkprs. 329 Laurel St., Mount Ariy, NC 27030 336-786-4848 plmadren@mindspring.com Morse, Dale 15868 Co. Rt. 62, Watertown, 13601 315-788-6722; dmorse@imcnet.net Balas, John C. 6200 Colchester Pl., Charlotte, 28210 704-264-4777 Munzer, Frederick (M) 54 Old Brook Rd., Dix Hills, NY 11746 631-243-3512 munzer39@peoplepc.com Bixby, Mrs. Larry (L) P. O. Box 348, Cullwhee, NC 28723 704-293-5938 Repohl, Roger 1183 Franklin Ave., Bronx, NY 10456 917-596-2513; repohl@att.net Ronconi, Richard 484 Ravine Rd., Berne, NY 12023 518-797-3922; rronconi@att.net Seeley, Thomas D. (L) 332 Hurd Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 607-539-7897; tds5@cornell.edu Short, Brabdon (L) 957 Route 394, Kennedy, NY 14747 brandonshort@hotmail.com Sieling, Peter 7201 Craig Rd., Bath, NY 14810 607-566-8558 garresonlumber@hotmail.com Alley, Raymond 3658 State Route 48 North Lebanon, OH 45036-1040 513-932-8139; RAlley3@aol.com Cole, Robert F. (L) 152 Oakdale Dr., Morganton, 28655 Anderson, Dennis (L) 462 Sealock Ave., Steubenville, 43952 740-282-4075 h2010der@hotmail.com Fariss, Gregory (M) 142 Cemetery Rd., Mocksville, 27028 336-998-2975 gregoryfariss@peacefulvalleyhoney.com Green, Larry (L) 424 Woodland Dr., Wakeforest, 27587 919-556-9212; tlclarry@nc.rr.com Hicks, Will 327 John Allen Rd., Roxboro, 27574 336-599-5938; will.hicks@ncmail.net Stevens, Erica (L) 2158 State Rte. 29; Greenwich, 12834 518-692-9669 Hopkins, Donald 381 Griffin Rd., Snow Camp, 27349 336-376-8250 don.hopkins@ncmail.net Thorne III, William S. 1432 State Route 203, Chatham, 12037 518-392-4825; sathorne@fairpoint.net Utz, Bettina 345 E Mtn Rd. N, Cold Spring, 10516 845-231-2138 bettina@babybluedesign.com Valentin, Miguel A. (L,M) 6 Waterview Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 516-313-6967; mike16397@aol.com Villecco, Earl 593 Tunnel Rd., Port Crane NY 13833 607-693-1571 casundaze@stny.rr.com Waid Apiaries 8661 Powell Rd., Interlaken, NY 14847 607-532-4391; waidshoney@fltg.net Ward, James P. (L) P. O. Box 712, Wilson, NY 14172-0712 Wilson, Walter D. Jr. (L) 26 Frontier Rd., Churubusco, 12923 518-497-6330 Wilsonshoney@hotmail.com Winter, 2009 NOV A SCOTIA NOVA MacKenzie, Kenna (L) AAFC - 32 Main St. Kentville, B4N 1J5 902-679-5731; mackenzie@agr.gc.ca Cole, Bob & Susan (L,M) P. O. Box 220, Todd, NC 28684 336-877-1321 bobcole@skybest.com St. John, Robert (L) 103 Penns. Ave., Medford, 11763 516-654-3836 Surprenant, Loretta 27 County Home Way, Essex, 12936 518-963-7593; eas@willex.com Wyatt, Rachel (L) 8638 NC Hwy 9S., Columbus, 28722 828-863-1269 X21 rachel@boothframing.com OHIO Agsten, James 4035 Duffy Rd. SE, Lancaster, 43130 740-689-0628 honey@ohiohomestead.com Heatherly, Charles 117 Ambiance Ln., Cary NC 27518 919859-6995; Heath7@bellsouth.net Still, Constance (L) 82 Stephen Rd., Bayport, NY 11705 631-472-1760; connistill@aol.com Wooten, Julian 1106 Gould Rd., Jacksonville, 28540 910-346-6884; woojam@yahoo.com Clements, Greg 2646 Cherry Ln., Denver, NC 28037 704-489-1242 gclements@worldpatents.com Spear, Lloyd 1309 Rugby Rd., Schenectady, 12308 518-449-4039; lloyd@rossrounds.com Stevens, Justin (L) 8 Meader Road, Greenwich, NY 12834 518-692-9802; justin@betterbee.com Underwood, Stephen J. 624 Wiles Ridge Rd., Hays, NC 28635 336-957-3935 apis_keeper@yahoo.com Johnson, Alton L. 5930 Alley Rd., Catawba, NC 28609 828-241-2923 aljohnson1220@aol.com Bankowski, Garret (L) 3215 Waterford Rd. New Waterford, OH 44445-9736 Barker, Sonny 789 St. Rt. 181, Crestline OH 44827 419-683-1478 sbarke5@columbus.rr.com Botamer, Richard 36580 Bainbridge Rd. Solon, OH 44139 440-248-5863 Cresho, M. P. O. Box 41368, Brecksville, 44141 216-440-0037 annzewe97@hotmail.com Daly, Sue 1315 S. Galena Rd., Galena, 43021 740-965-5878 daly1315@embarqmail.com Keller, Jennifer 54 Lou Ct., Willow Springs, NC 27592 919-609-2252; jjkeller@ncsu.edu Dicken, Jeff (L) 14945 Liberty Church Rd. Minerva, OH 44657-9501 330-868-3692; je3dic@aol.com Langdon, Bruce 365 Milling Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-909-2641; beelang6@gmail.com Flottum, Kim (L) 7011 Spieth Rd., Medina, OH 44256 330-722-2021; kim@beeculture.com Mabie, Pete 155 Shotts Farm Rd., Chap Hill, 27516 919-942-8824; petemabie@yahoo.com Haas, J. Michael 6180 Chestnut St., Painesville, 44077 440-352-2414 Mack, Gerard (L) 121 Hermitage Rd., Charlotte, 28207 704-358-8075 libbymack@earthlink.net Hoopes, Ron 13180 Twp Rd. 201 NE Crooksville, OH 43731 740-342-1379; beefarm2003@aol.com McCarter, Mark (L) 9540 Richard Sandy Rd. Oakboro, NC 28129 704-485-8148; markm@vnet.net Kaminski, Daniel (L) 1459 E. Howe Rd., Kent, OH 44240 330-673-0664 Price, Jeanne 182 Elizabeth Ave., Forest City, 28043 828-247-1640 jeanne.price@gmail.com Kovaleski, Joseph (Director,M) 167 Rosslyn Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952 740-632-7500 josephkovaleski@sbcglobal.net Samford, Arlene P. O. Box 1164, Cherokee, NC 28719 828-497-2246 Loucek, Kristen 9519 Nichols Rd., Windham, 44288 330-527-3647; kjpool@gmail.com Tarpy, David (Director) P.O. Box 7613, Raleigh, NC 27695 919-515-1660; david_tarpy@ncsu.edu Marshall, Floyd 249 Smyth Ave., Alliance, OH 44601 330-821-0563 Toole, Sanford 90 Sawmill Rd. West, Pinehurst, 28374 910-295-6676; stoole@nc.rr.com Merrow, Jeffrey (L) 8061 Hickory Hill Ln. Cincinnati, OH 45241-1336 513-755-0149; jeffmerrow@yahoo.com Pierson, Bonnie 32998 Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgeville, OH 44039 440-327-4593; bonbee@aol.com Rae, Robert 1117 Mint Springs Dr., Fairborn, 45324 837-879-2141; brae01@earthlink.net Reid, Bill 15754 State Route 775 Willow Wood, OH 45696 740-643-2925; reidapiary@bright.net Root, John A. (L) 4712 White Tail Lane, Sarasota, 34238 Sheffield, Max 8481 Mocking Bird Ln. Cincinnati, OH 45231-5849 513-931-6458; msheffield1@fuse.net Simpson, Carlton 15642 Tiger Valley Rd. Danville, OH 43014 740-599-7914 cwsimpson@embarqmail.com Slay, Ben (L) 650 Andrea Lane, Pickerington, 43147 614-920-3659; benslay@hotmail.com Spradlin, Frankie 346 Millstone Rd., Beaver, OH 45613 740-226-1085 Stahlmam, Dana (L,M) 3075 Mann Rd., Blacklick, OH 43004 614-855-1656 stahlmanapiaries@aol.com Stoller, Darl Box 34, Latty, OH 45855 419-399-3239 Summers, Kathy (L) 7011 Speith Rd., Medina, OH 44256 330-461-1081; kathy@beeculture.com Swintosky, Mike 1804 Walden Ave.; NW Canton, OH 44709 330-575-1787 (c) michael.swintosky@timken.com Tew, James (L) 4654 Mel Ln., Wooster, OH 44691 330-263-3684 (D); tew.1@osu.edu Thompson, James (L,M) 8227 Eby Rd., Smithville, OH 44677 216-669-3352 Tuttle, Al 915 Crestwood Hills Dr. Vandalia, OH 45377-2613 937-890-0811; altuttle@prodigy.net Twaddle, Bonnie 1972 Clark Ave.; Alliance, OH 44601 330-823-7487; twaddlb@muc.edu Ward, Stephen 3450 North Pike Ext., Warren, 44481 330-847-8576 hasold.fine68@yahoo.com Willison, Ron (L) 3239 Johnstown-Utica Rd. Johnstown, OH 43031 740-892-4290 Wilson, Dwight 6833 Willowick Rd., Findlay, 45840 419-293-2369; djlwilson@aol.com O N TTA ARIO Coyle, Kenneth (L) 53 Avon Rd., Kitchener, ON N2B 1T7 519-741-5255; coyle@golden.net Dodge, David (L) 39 Horner Dr., Nepean, Ont. K2H 5E8 613-828-2275; ddodge@cyberus.ca Forsyth, Keith (Director) 436 Maple Ave. Grimsby, L3M 3B9 905-945-4928; 11 keithb.forsyth@hwcn.org Minnick Bill (L) P.O. Box 426, Smithville, L0R 2A0 905-957-3667 bee.c.min@sympatico.ca Shanks, Bryan (L) 745 Zephyr Rd., Uxbridge, L9P 1R2 905-852-6494 bshanksy2k@hotmail.com Watson, Norman (M) Box 228, Kleinburg, Ont. L0J 1C0 905-893-1221 P E N N S Y LLV VA N I A Leigh Valley 505 Summit Ln., Riegelsville, 18077 610-377-1487; pjthomson@verizon.net Penna. State Bkpers Assoc. R. D. 1, Box 5660, Canton, PA 17724 570-673-8201; pabee@epix.net Susquehanna Co. Bkpr. P. O. Box 1, Stevensville, PA 18845 570-746-3235; robjw@epix.net Aloyo, Vincent (L) 736 Cathart Rd., Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-278-1621; Aloyo@netreach.net Baker, David A. (L) PO Box 838, Unionville, PA 19375 610-724-4803; dabaker10@aol.com Barbor, Gerald L. (L) 460 Greenleaf Ct., York, PA 17406 717-757-7260; glbarbor@juno.com Barnes, Jeremy 1722 Union Church Rd. Seven Valleys, PA 17360 717-428-1144; babathemba@mac.com Baues, David 6 Red Cloud Circle, Royersford, 19468 610-948-0380; baues@verizon.net Bayer, Joseph (L) 173 Stahls Lane, Tyrone, PA 16686 814-684-1783 Berthold, Robert (L) 230 Sandy Ridge Rd. Doylestown, PA 18901 215-345-6556; mcberthold@verizon.net Dulashaw, George 210 Pheasant Dr., Mineral Point, 15942 814-749-7164; dgdulashaw@aol.com Fisher, Curtis 210 Limberline Dr., Greensburg, 15601 724-836-1030 Fitzpatrick, Joseph 1036 Doans Way, Blue Bell, PA 19422 215-643-6885 Frazier, MaryAnn (L) Dept. of Ent.; 501 ASI Bldg. University Park, PA 16802 814-542-7291; mxt15@psu.edu Gibboney, Allen RD 1, Box 691,Altoo na, PA 16601 814-941-1775; aandmgib@aol.com Grube, Charles 6 Orchard Sr., Trucksville, PA 18708 570-696-2688; grubes@epix.net Hackenburg, David & Linda (L) 1466 Crossroads Dr. Lewisburg, PA 17837 570-568-2337 Harcum, David B. (L) 2672 Brodhead Rd., Aliquippa, 15001 724-375-6312; MHarcum@aol.com Hoover, Ken 1239 Dysart Dr., Dysart, PA 16636 814-946-4412 shadetree@shadetreeapiary.com Hovanec, Frank 15 Bigelow St., Swoyersville, 18704 570-288-0825; frajn@juno.com Howe, Jesse PO Box 31, Cedars, PA 19423 215-565-6422 everichfarms@yahoo.com Jenereski, Robert J. (L,M) 2105 Ridge Dr., Mars, PA 16046 724-772-0985 masterbk@sunstreambees.com Jenkins, Harold 816 Kenilworth Ave., Lansdale, 19446 215-855-5613 Betlejeski, Linda (L) 16 Birch Rd., Malvern, PA 19355-1644 610-993-7511; lindabn@nothinbut.net Kaminski, Ted 509 3rd. Ave., Hastings, PA 16646 814-247-9934; bee1313@forspeed.com Blasko, Jim (L,M) 789 Country Ridge, Bedford, 15522 814-623-2767 Keaton, Roy & Karen 1141 Trail Rd., Hummelstown, 17036 717-469-0495 Blodgett, William (L,M) 27 Red Oak Dr., Danville, PA 17821 570-275-0901; beefun01@yahoo.com Keeney, Dennis (L) P. O. Box 68, Bethel, PA 19507-0068 717-933-8565 Bobb, James A. (Chairman) 2011 Shearer Rd., Lansdale, PA 19446 610-584-6778; jimbobb@gct21.net Kinbar, Charles P. O. Box 1678, Milford, PA 18337 570-497-6402 purepahoney@gmail.com Bryer, Jeffrey (L) 447 Reservoir Rd., W Chester, 19380 610-696-8448; jeffbryer@comcast.net Buzas, Anthony M. (L) 25 Jones Rd., Flourtown, PA 19031 215-8361650 Chapin, Richard C. (Historian,M) RR 1 Box 102A, Montrose, PA 18801 570-278-1094; oldbeekeeper@epix.net Collins, Anita M. (L) PO Box 806, Kutztown, PA 19530 610-683-5172; frozenbeedoc@cs.com Corkran, Susan 1000 Hickory Hill Rd. Chadds Ford, PA 19317-9315 610-388-6323 Crawford, Grace 27 Red Oal Dr., Danville, PA 17821 610-409-8081; crawfordg@iconus.com Draper, 12 Bill (L) 32 Avonla Ln., Millerton, PA 16936 800-233-4273 Kleiner, Karl 180 Germany Ct., East Berlin, 17316 717-259-7208 Krepicz, Paul (L,M) 8618 Rextown Rd., Slatington, 18080 610-767-8681; klights@ptd.net Kuehn, James (L) 2206 Hill Rd., Warfordsburg, PA 17267 717-294-3067; dkuehn@frontiernet.net Kyle-Brownell, Nancy 111 Sixth Ave., Collegeville, PA 19426 610-454-0494; nkyle111@comcast.net Lutgens, Karl 362 James St., Nw Wilmington, 16142 724-946-3143 karldabeeman@yahoo.com Marcy, Brian 101 Warden Rd., Doylestown, 18901 267-880-0111 Mathias, Stewart D. 514 Early’s Mill Rd. Hummelstown, PA 17036-7612 717-533-2231 Utter, Jack (L) 2630 Old Trail Rd., York Haven, 17370 717-215-2383 ckweaver@worldnet.att.net Matthenius, Jacob C. (L) 4011 Green Pond Rd Bethlehem, PA 18020 Vreeland, Russell 219 Valley Green D., Coatsville, 19320 610-857-9916 rsvreeland@comcast.net McCormack, Tom (M) 115 Reesman Dr., Aliquippa, PA 15001 724-495-6310 tlmccormack@verizon.net Wentling, Deb 26 Raven Trail, Fairfield, PA 17320 717-642-8219; wenting@msmary.edu Miller, Warren (Director) P. O. Box 64, Mingoville, PA 16856 814-383-4331 superbee22@hotmail.com Mondjack, William (L,M) 2236 N. First Ave., Whitehall, 18052 610-264-0494; billzbeez@enter.net Overholser, J. Spencer (L) 58 Downing Dr., Wyomissing, 19610 610-670-0508 Papke, David 12703 Blymire Hollow Rd. Stewartstown, PA 17363-8431 717-246-2339; dcpapke@aol.com Peregmon, David J. (Director) 115 Barnsley Ave., Morrisville, 19067 856-981-9483 davesawmill@msn.com Purcell, Tara 2295 Esten Rd., Quakertown, 18951 215-206-0058 purcelltara@hotmail.com Reich, James 450 Freeport Rd., Butler, PA 16002 724-283-8637 honeysweet@zoominternet.net Roccasecca, Karen 3201 Penbrook A., Harrisburg, 17109 717-215-9896 Roeshman, Robert M. (L,M) 798 Red Fern Ln., Bethleham, 18017 610-867-4047; bvenom@ptd.net Ruthkosky, Frank (L) 491 Dowlin Forge Rd., Exton, 19341 484-678-1938 fruthkosky@taylorgifts.com Salnicky, Michael (L) RR 3; Box 3170 Snow Hill Rd. Cresco, PA 18326-9778 570-595-3265; frmjs@earthlink.net Schnarr, Nancy 2724 Huntingdon Pike Huntingdon, PA 19006-5112 267-625-5908 thestonefaery@yahoo.com Scott, Carolyn 604 S.Washington Square Philadelphia, PA 19106-4125 215-922-2974; scottc466@aol.com Seiple, Barbara 326 Monroe St., Philadelphia, 19147 215-925-2549; bhseiple8@gmail.com Shaffer, Bob (L) 545 Hill Church Rd. Hummelstown, PA 17036 717-534-1495 Shanor, Terry 158 Victor Rd., Butler, PA 16001 724-283-5687 Sliwka, Peter P. O. Box 381, Leighiton, PA 18235 610-377-1875 Thomasson, Mary P. O. 75, Eighty Four, PA 15330-0075 724-228-1670 mary@nottinghamfarmproducts.com Wright, Cliff Sunflower (L,M) 2371 W. Best Rd., Bath, PA 18014 610-759-9655 Ziegler, Paul S. (L) 9351 Old 22, Bethel, PA 19507-9422 717-933-8565 QUEBEC McCaig, Jim (M) 2604 Des Pommiers, St. Lazarc, J7T 2K8 450-455-8345 james.mccaig@sympatico.ca RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island Beekeepers 61 Kennedy Rd., Foster, RI 02825 401-397-3269; billjones61@yahoo.com Bieder, Bernard 140 Coldbrook Rd., Warwick, 02888 401-463-8654 beeman704@verizon.net Dennison, Jane 325 Newman Ave., Rumford, 02916 401-434-0989; jandmd@aol.com Fournier, Robert R. 395 S. Main St., Woonsocket, 02895 401-769-2407 Jones, William M. (L) 61 Kennedy Rd., Foster, RI 02825 401-397-3269; billjones61@yahoo.com Lafferty, Edward (Director) 423 Fruit Hill A., N. Providence, 02911 401-353-6644 fruithillapiaries@verizon.net McGuire, Jeff (L) 72 Andre Ave.,Wakefield, RI 02879 401-789-1144; jeffmcguire@cox.net Mencucci, Betty 1777 Victory Highway; Box 684 Glendale, RI 02826 401-568-8449; bmencucci@cox.net Peasley, Stanley (L) 64 Division Rd., W Greenwich, 02817 401-884-4210 Richardson, Anne M. (L) 40 Memoril Rd., Providence, RI 02906 401-331-3239 anne-fred@worldnet.att.net Robar, Mark (L) P. O. Box 169, Wyoming, RI 02898 401-539-0434 SOUTH AFRICA Edwards, Paul Box 44535, Linden, South Africa, 2104 ednet@mweb.co.za SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina Beekeepers 3450 Fork Shoals, Greenville 29680 director.sc@easternapiculture.org Biggerstaff, Robert 3495 Old Ferry Rd., John’s Is., 29455 843-766-8259 Blecke-Lawson, Denise 441 Ridge Springs Rd. Cleveland, SC 29635 864-878-7592; dblecke@hotmail.com Bommer, Wesley 403 Edisto Lake Rd., Wagener, Winter,29164 2009 803-564-6487; wesgardens@aol.com Fetsko, Mark A. 310 Ridge Reserve Dr. Lake Wylie, SC 29710 803-746-5447; m.fetsko@att.net Templeton, Don 115 Red Hill Rd., Taft, TN 38488 931-433-2863 Flannagan, Neel 1119 Hatchaway Br. Rd., Aiken, 29801 803-439-4033; cneelf@yahoo.com Thomas, Glendon E. & Marlene (L) 51 Hickory Hollow Circle Crossville, TN 38555 931-787-4247; beetracking@glenmar Genta, Steve (Director) 3450 Fork Shoals Rd. Simpsonville, SC 29680 864-243-9013; scbeeman@aol.com Tulloch, John (Treasurer P.O. Box 29, Blount, TN 337617 423-574-1181 treasurer@easternapiculture.org Hood, Mike 305 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634 864-656-0346; mhood@clemson.edu Turner, Ray 1117Howell Dr., Franklin, TN 37069 615-300-6953 rturnerbee@wmconnect.com MacFawn, David (L) 205 Ridgecreek Dr., Lexington, 29072 803-957-8897; dmacfawn@aol.com Siler, Staci 32 Fawnwood Dr. W., Aiken, 29803 803-649-2988; stacisiler@bellsouth.net TENNESSEE Tennessee Beekeepers Association P. O. Box 33, Harriman, TN 37748 865-882-2280; riggs167@bellsouth.net Alexander, Charles 494 Chickasaw Land Way Collierville, TN 38017 901-517-6001; chasdalex@earthlinl.net Bomar, Richard 119 Byrd Rd., Paris, TN 38242 731-363-1113; ku4ac01@bellsouth.net Elwood, Robert (L,M) 104 Dansworth Ln., Oak Ridge, 37830 865-482-5276 Forbes, Charles 7074 Scepter Dr., Bartlett, TN 38135 901-266-4251; c.r.forbes@comcast.net Garrison, Jim (Director) PO Box 83, Chaple Hill, TN 37034 615-377-7696; jimg@boardroominc.net Holcombe, Edwin & Elaine (L) P. O. Box 303, Shelbyville, TN 37162 931-684-0826 Kimbrell, Sarah 561 Webb Loop, Crossville, TN 38572 931-788-2964; limbrellsrh@yahoo.com Magli, Wib 301 Public Square, Franklin, TN 37064 615-794-5484 kestral2001@yahoo.com Martin, George (L) 59 Bashaw Cr. Rd., Manchest., 37355 931-728-6366; gmartin02@charter.net Moore, Bob 2565 Hopewell Rd., Lavinia, TN 38348 731-415-6788; bob.l.moore@state.tn.us Morris, Andy (L) 4747 W. Beaver Cr., Powell, 37849 865-567-7192; beerx05@yahoo.com Reed, David 6807 Cedar Wood Ct, E Ridge, 37412 423-892-2132 reeddavidb@comcast.net Robinson, F. Earl 2425 Newman Rd., Rockvale, 37153 615-274-6616; pattierob@hotmail.com Shaw, Dick 2396 Eastwood, Memphis, TN 38112 901-323-8520 dickshaw9@comcast.net Skinner, John A. 1158 Martin Mill Pike, Rockford, 37853 865-977-8262; jskinner@utk.edu Taylor,Matthew 125 Dogwood Rd., Charlotte, 37036 matt@taylorsfinest.com Winter, 2009 Wilkerson, Phillip 323 Red Clover, Winchester, 37398 931-967-4042 Young, David A. 902 Kingfisher Point, Nashville, 37221 615-943-8886 youngdav@realtracs.com TEXAS Jackson, Paul W. (L) Texas A & M; College Station, 77843 409-774-4870 Fisher, Kenneth 2700 Mike Longs Woods Rd. Stanley, VA 22851-2802 540-778-2722 kefisherva@hotmail.com Fulgham, Frank (L) 508 Sleepy Hollow, Richmond, 23229 804-282-6167 Gallagher, Brian 725 Rea’s Ford, Earlysville, 22936 434-978-4405; gallagherb@adelphia.net Gibson, Robert E. 12497 Cedar Ln., Ashland, VA 23005 804-798-3928; regbees@aol.com Goodrich, Rudolph C. (L) 103 Bethany Terrace, Yorktown, 23693 804-595-3569 Hanawalt, Ronald 2594 Northridge Rd., Hardy, VA 24101 540-721-3441 Harman, Ann W. (L,M) 1214 North Poes Rd., Flint Hill, 22627 540-364-4660; ahworkerb@aol.com Haskell, Pat (L,M) 8108 Collins St., Annandale, VA 22003 703-504-3484; jim.haskell@verizon.net Lehman, Kim 920 Shady Ln., Austin, TX 78768 512-627-0113 kim.lehman@sbcglobal.net Hutto, Chuck 10 Darlington Dr., Rocky Mount, 24151 540-483-0636 chuck.hutto@frco.k12.va.us Pollard, Brandon 5829 Reiger Ave., Dallas, TX 75214 214-826-8696 texashoneybeeguild@yahoo.com Kiessling, Brenda (L,M) 10610 Hunters Val. Rd., Vienna, 22181 703-938-9389 UNITED KINGDOM Gibb, Andrew 6 Larks W Knaphill, Woking GU21 2LB 44-(0)1483-475072 andrew@andrewgibb.com VIRGINIA Virginia State Beekeepers PO Box 213, Amissville, VA 20106 Ballard, Lannie D. 100 Pear Tree Ln., Natural Br., 24578 540-291-2538; lballard@ntelos.net Bundy, William (L) 17883 Dry Mill Rd., Leesburg, 20175 703-779-0894; loudounbee@aol.com Campbell, Lonnie 12435 Harpers Ferry Rd. Purcellville, VA 20132 703-282-6934; loncamp52@netzero.net Clayton, Glenn (L) 89 Williamstown Rd., Shipman, 22971 434-263-5336; HungryHill@netzero.net Crane, Teresa, Tippitts Hill 36024 Bell Rd., Round Hill, VA 20141 703-777-8450 info@issueauctionpublications.com Davis, Billy M. (Director,M) P. O. Box 415, Purcellville, VA 20134 540-903-9274 honeybees.flintlock@gmail.com Davis, Giles (L) 2348 Miller Dr., Ringgold, VA 24586 804-822-7252 Eisen, Karla 6311 Catharpin, Gainsesville, 20155 703-753-9023; karla6311@hotmail.com Ferree, John E. (L) 5830 Piedmont Dr., Alexandria, 22310 703-922-6744; john_feree@adp.com Fiala, Alan 7250 Idylwood Rd. Falls Church, VA 22043-2702 703-790-8044; fialaalan@earthlink.net Kist, Paul 1709 Placid Ct, Virginia Beach, 23453 757-672-8865; paulkist@juno.com Linton, Frank 3722 Warwick Circle, Fairfax, 22030 703-983-6728 (D); linton@mitre.org Magolda, Charles 3414 Courtland Ave. NE (L,M) Roanoke, VA 24012 540-857-7582 Mayr, Louise 42165 Black Walnut, Leesburg, 20176 703-777-7426; lmayr@mindspring.com Mares, Bill (L) 429 S. Willard, Burlington, VT 05401 802-863-4938; bill.mares@gmail.com Tardie, John J. (L) 68 Meadow Lane, Underhill, VT 05489 802-899-5464 ohnjtardie05489@verizon.net Thompkins, Enoch (L) 959 Falls Rd., Shelburne, VT 05482 WASINGTON Millers Homestead LLC 14606 S Strangland, Cheney, 99004 509-299-9085 jenine@millershomestead.com WASHINGTON, DC Scholz, Lynn (L) 5700 Sherier Pl. NW Wash, DC 20016 202-966-7555 WEST VIRGINIA Amrine, James W. (L) WV Univ., Morgantown, WV 26506 West Virginia Beekeepers 2 Observatory Rd., Charleston, 25314 304-344-1652; wfp94@yahoo.com Blatt, Gabriel 3554 Haneys Bridge Rd. Huntington, WV 25704 304-429-1268; gabeblatt@prodigy.net Cochran, Earl P. (L) P. O. Box 1273, Shady Spring, 25918 304-763-3838 Copenhaver, Deborah A. (L,M) 76 Fiesta Dr., Bunker Hill, WV 25413 304-229-8750 Copenhaver, James H. (L,M) 76 Fiesta Dr., Bunker Hill, WV 25413 304-229-8750 Everhart, Herbert 85 Everhart Dr., Kearneysville, 25430 304-876-3832 herbert25430@frontier.net Fitzgerald, Gerry (Director,M) 398 Carlyle Rd., Martinsburg, 25401 304-274-1564 gerryfitzgerald@msn.com Miller, Kathy (L) P. O. Box 614, Ruckersville, VA 22968 kfrasemiller@gmail.com Harris, Thomas B. (L) 7000 Hampton Ctr. St.; Suite G Morgantown, WV 26505 304-599-3518 Nahser, Norman 132 John Rolfe Ln., Williamsbrg, 23185 757-784-3982 connie89130@netscape.net Hearn, Richard E. (L) HC 62; Box 76, Alma, WV 26320 304-758-0547; apischarmer@aol.com Perrin, Deborah 10831 Blake Ln., Bealeton, VA 22712 540-439-1957; dlperrin17@yahoo.com Pfoutz, Jeffrey L. (L) 38595 Hughesville, Leesburg, 20175 540-338-5190; bees@mindspring.com Ruth, Robert A. 1065 Arborhill Rd., Staunton, VA 24401 Shaner, Jed (L) 2722 Parkersburg Tk, Swoops, 24479 540-337-7007 Stryker, Kim 7716 Shreve Rd., Falls Church, 22043 703-989-6088 kstryker@furnacecd.com Wellemeyer, Robert G. (L) 120 Mill Run Ln, Castleton, VA 22716 540-229-5359 Gillispie, George 72 Spring St., Newport, VT 05855 413-259-1905; curtis72@msn.com Greene, Robert P. O. Box 633, Bennington, VT 05201 802-447-8544; robaero@yahoo.com Kavanagh, M. Ellen (L) 4452 Ridge Rd., Shepherdstwn, 25443 304-596-0905; elka24@comcast.net Kees, Thomas (L) 2360 Miller Ave., Fairmont, WV 26554 304-363-4782 beesnbooks70@peoplepc.com Kershner, Thomas W. (L,M) 9705 Williamsport Pike Falling Waters, WV 25419 304-274-2465 May, Steve (L) 550 Coal River Rd., St. Albans, 25177 304-727-7659 Mc Carty, Ronald 125 Barton Chaple Rd. Apple Grove, WV 25502 304-576-2500 Winston, Eldon T. 1121 Hollida Ln., Martinsburg, 25404 304-264-4783 eldon@winstongardens.com WISCONSIN Lindokken, Larry H. (L) 13 1275 Lindokken Rd., Mt Horeb, 53572 608-523-4978; lindhl@tds.net Great Deal On Economy Suits! $ • • • • • • • Lighter weight fab bric to keep you cooler on hot days 2 lay layers yers of fabric fabric on on the back back of the veil veiil Self supporting collapsiblle veil 2 way neck zipper Elastic tic wrists wrissts and thumb hold Heav vy v y duty y zipperr at ankles ank kles for easy on n and of off Made M d off cot cotton/polyester tton/po / olyester l blend bl d Available ilable in: in n: S, M, L, XL, XXL,, XXXL $ 5 ECON NOMY HOODED O SUITSS AND D JACK KETS AREE PER RFECT R FECT T FOR R ANY Y BEE E YAR RD! Sigggn n up for foor Bee Buck$ Buck$ and and earn 2 ½% % back on every y purch purchase hase you u make. Bee Buck$ Buck$ never ex expire, pire, aand nd can n be used useed on your yoour favorite favoorite products. prroducts. *Prices es are subject to change without notice and do nnot ot include sshipping hipping chaarges. Mann Lake Ltd. ww ww.mannlakeltd.com w w.mannlaakeltd.com m EAS Auctions Your One Stop Beekeeping Shop! • Our Famous Italian Queen Bees (Fall & Summer) • Package Bees • “Long-Life Cypress Woodenware • Uncapping & Extracting Equipment • Containers • Labels • Medications & Chemicals Any Beekeeping Item You Can Imagine! Please visit on the web: www.gabees.com P.O. Box 909 Moultrie, Georgia 31776 Open Monday-Friday 8a-5p ET 800.333.7677 Order Line 229.985.0209 FAX 14 We will be having our regular auction Thursday night after the BBQ. We will also have a Chinese Auction where you purchase raffle tickets and take a chance on an item that you like. Our vendors are always very generous as are all of you. We appreciate your donations and hope you will consider a donation this year. Remember one beekeeper’s trash is another beekeeper’s treasure. We’d like to encourage you to bring bee stuff for kids - books, toys, games, clothes, costumes. These are just some ideas to get you thinking. Look through those things that you haven’t used or even looked at in a while. Someone else might just be waiting for it. 800-880-7694 Weaver’s BUCKFAST Queens and Package Bees Are best for the Northeast ***Order Online Now*** www.rweaver.com The R Weaver Apiaries, Inc. 16495 C.R. 319 Navasota, TX 77868 Phone: 936.825.2333 FAX: 936.825.3642 E-mail: rweaver@rweaver.com Winter, 2009 2009 Honey Show The typical EAS Annual Show is taking a rest this year. Participation has been considerably down the past couple of years so we’ve decided to scale back and keep it very simple for 2009. We’re only doing the “Black Jar” Class - see below. There will be a $5 entry fee and the winner will receive a ribbon and half of the entry money. Robert Brewer, EAS Director from Georgia and International Honey Judge will be judging your honey. Black Jar of Extracted Honey 1. One jar of extracted honey, any color; 2. Exhibitor will enter honey in their own opaque container; 3. Honey will be judged solely on the merits of its taste; 4. Exhibitors may remove their entry any time on the last day of the conference. News From PA The PA State Beekeepers Association was well represented at the 2009 PA State Farm Show in Harrisburg. This is one of the largest indoor agricultural events in the United States with over 10 acres under roof exhibiting all agricultural related activities. The eight day event draws more than 400,000 people and the State Beekeepers sponsored three booths associated with our beekeeping craft. The Learning Center had two observation hives set up and handed out various fact sheets about honey bees and our State Association and thanks to Dadant and Mann Lake over 600 beekeeping supply catalogs were given out by the fifth day. The prospect of new beekeepers was overwhelming. The Pa Beekeepers also have a long tradition of making the best honey ice cream on the east coast and have a stand that sells more than 300 (1/2 gallons) and dips out more than 300 (3 gallon) containers during the show. This delicious treat is served in a dish, cone or on a hot Belgium waffle made on the spot. Our third booth is a commodity booth that sells products made by PA Bees. The proceeds of this event are used to support our honey queen program promoting our Bees. This takes a monumental effort to organize and staff this event and each year the PA State Beekeepers come through with flying colors teaching thousands of adults and kids about the necessity of the worlds most important pollinator. –Warren Miller, PA Director Winter, 2009 What’s Happening In Ontario? OBA Spring Meeting - March 31st and April 1st in Milton at Country Heritage Park facility. (this is where the new OBA office is located). OBA Summer Meeting - Saturday June 27th 2009 in Guelph. For further meeting details visit www.ontariobee.com/. Country Heritage Park, an interactive heritage park depicting agriculture and rural life over the last 150 years, is located on an 80 acre site with over 30 exhibit buildings and 20,000 artifacts. Nestled in the shadow of the Niagara Escarpment, it offers educational programs for school children, special events, attractions, tour group programs, day camps, historical interpretation of exhibits, an outstanding collection of antique tractors, steam engines, farm equipment and rural life artifacts. As well, Country Heritage Park offers facilities for weddings, trade shows, corporate and family celebrations and business meetings. Country Heritage Park is operated by Country Heritage Experiences Inc., a not-for-profit association. For details please visit www.countryheritagepark.com. Keith Forsyth, EAS Director MASS NEWS The Massachusetts Beekeepers Association 2009 Schedule of events. For more information visit www.massbee.org. Bee Equipment Irradiation Project - Our annual state irradiation date is March 9th. This is coordinated by county associations and the state association. Interested participants should contact thier county club coordinator to signup. This is a way to clean up questionable equipment without using chemical treatments. Alternative to destroying AFB infected equipment. Spring Meeting March 28th Topsfield Fairgrounds, Topsfield MA. Opening remarks by Doug Petersen Massachusetts Commissioner of Agriculture Resources, John Burand PhD University of MA. researcher will present information on viruses found in honeybees and native bees in the state, and Jerry Hayes guest speaker Florida Chief Apiary Inspector. Free to members and first-time bee school students. $10.00 for non-members. Lunch (cost is extra) can be ordered in advance. Hosted by the Essex County Beekeepers Association. 4th Annual Field Day June 20th - UMass Agronomy Farm, South Deerfield, MA. A full day of practical demonstrations in all areas of beekeeping. Bring your veil as most presenters will be using live colonies. This event is open to all beekeepers at no charge (must pay for lunch). Lunch can be ordered in advance. Includes topics appropriate for new beekeepers and experienced beekeepers. Hosted by the FRanklin County Beekeepers Association. Fall Meeting October 17th Leiceister Knights of Columbus, Leisceister, MA. Guest speakers include Marla Spivak, and Heather Mattilla. Free to members of MBA and WCBA. $10.00 for non-members. Lunch ordered in advance. Hosted by the Worcester County Beekeepers Association. – Dan Conlan, MA Director Be Sure & Visit Our EAS Website www .easternapiculture.org www.easternapiculture.org 15 16 Winter, 2009 EAS FALL BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING October 18, 2008 • Ellicottville, NY Call to order: Chairman, Jim Bobb called the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America to order at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 18, 2008. Roll Call: In order for a director to be able to vote their State/Provincial dues need to be paid. Present: Jim Bobb, PA; Kim Flottum, OH; Kathy Summers/ Flottum, OH; Loretta Surprenant, NY; John Tulloch, DE; David Peregmon, NJ; Aaron Morris, NY; Barry Thompson, MD, Joe Kovaleski, OH; John Baker, CT; Billy Davis, VA, On Conference Call: Robert Brewer, GA; Carol Cottrill, ME; Steve Genta, SC. Director’s Absent: Ed Lafferty, RI; Jim Carmack, AL; Kent Williams, KY; Dan Conlon, MA; Gerry Fitzgerald, WVA; Will Hicks, NC; Jim Garrison, TN; Toni Downs, KY; Warren Miller, PA; Warren Seaver, DE; David Morris, MD; Earl Hoffman, MI; Keith Forsyth, ONT. Guest: Steve & Cindy Mead, Western NY Honey Producers and Bob Brachmann, Commercial Queen Breeder, Western NY Honey Producers. Suzan Kovaleski, OH. Secretary’s Report: A motion was made by Kim Flottum and seconded by Barry Thompson that the minutes be accepted with the change of the word compatible to comparable and 11 p.m. to 11 a.m., Barry Thompson, MD/MB filling in for Davis Morris. All board members voted in favor of the motion. A letter was received from Dave Anthony, President of the MI Beekeepers’ Association canceling its membership in EAS’ as they were not contributing members at this time. Jim Bobb will contact them to find out more information. David Laney, IN has also resigned. Treasurer’s Report: The Balance Sheet as of October 13, 2008 showed total liabilities and equity of $166,014.81. Income January-December 2008 showed $40,974.03. We have not received the final bill from Murray State as of yet. A motion was made by David Peregmon and seconded by Joe Kovaleski to accept the report pending audit. All board members voted unanimously in support of the motion. John Tulloch major concern is how this current crisis in the financial markets will affect EAS’ finances. John contacted Edward Jones representative and asked about the safety of EAS’s CDs. The CDs are insured by the government and that was confirmed and the amount increased by the bill congress passed to help stabilize the Winter, 2009 markets. What could be in jeopardy was the interest payment. Past President’s Report EAS 2008: Kim Flottum reported that he had spoke with Kent Williams and said that the financial report would reflect how well they did. We are still waiting for the final bill. The Board stated it was a great conference. Kent Williams and the KY beekeepers did a great job. Past Chairman’s Report: Kim Flottum reported that the Policy and Procedure Manual (P&P) was now electronic and should go on the website. The P&P has two components: It furnished examples of documents, letters, invitations, nominations, requests and the like for reference when new Directors, Committee Chairs, Executive Committee members come on board, or undertake chores with which they are not familiar. The second component is comprised of a series of guidelines, job descriptions and the like. These are, for the most part, the required instructions referenced in the Constitution and Bylaws. Volume 1.0 was presented to the Board. When changes are made at any meeting, results and comments are to be recorded in dated entries by the Secretary, noting what provision of the past P&P was changed, the new provision, and a link to the meeting minutes that contain the discussion leading to the change. One item that the P&P should contain, but no references to it being required, is a table of contents, and if the Board of Directors feels it necessary a glossary. Time table: hoping to have things entered by the end of the year and on the website by the Spring meeting. President’s Report EAS 2009 NY: to be held at the Holiday Valley Conference Center in Ellicottville, NY August 3-9, 2009. Bee Culture will be the first sponsor for the EAS short course and conference that is not a state beekeeping group. The Conference Center will supply rooms and meals as a package for a registrant rather than EAS registration dealing with the details. Will focus on commercial beekeeping, Russian bees and harvesting. There is lots of sightseeing in the area. There will be no Honey Show this year. Jim Bobb and Joe Kovaleski felt the Honey Show should be up to the state hosting the Conference. This year an alternate Beer and Mead Show will be presented giving the Honey Show a rest. A motion was made by Billy Davis and seconded by Dave Peregmon that we forgo the Honey Show for this conference and investigate what kind of promotion we can do to get more people involved in the Honey Show. All voted in favor of the motion but two. Robert Brewer asked to be on a committee to review the Honey Show for future years. There will be two levels of beekeeping. The Advanced Bee Class headed up by Kim Flottum and Nick Calderone with the beginners session spearheaded by Clarence Collison, Barry Thompson and the Master Beekeepers. A tour of Bob Brackmann’s Queen Breeding and Andy Card’s Honey House will be part of the activities. The board toured the facilities prior to the meeting. John Baker felt that it would be crowded for eating and meeting. Kim stated that they would have 1½ hours to clean up from the meal. Meal counts needed to be given two weeks in advance. They have about 102 rooms blocked off with a deadline date for release. There are also condos available that are not air-conditioned. The cancellation policy will be strict and will be spelled out in the Journal. The budget was presented based upon 325 people including speakers and vendors. Base cost for the room is $129 + tax and a big breakfast bringing the total to around $160. Lunch will be included in the registration cost. The board brought up the issue of Holiday Valley charging the charge card right away. Kim and Kathy will work on this. Chairman’s Report: Jim Bobb reported on the following: HAS: Jim Bobb wrote a letter to Tom Webster and Phil Craft stating that we will try not to have our meeting too close to each other and we try to do some joint things together such as a joint scholarship. Joe Kovaleski stated that Jim Bobb’s letter was an excellent one. Speakers Fund Update: Jim Bobb stated that the Chester County Beekeepers and Longwood Gardens would donate money to the Speakers Fund along with Jeff Pettis. Jim Bobb donates his speaker’s compensation to the EAS’ speaker fund. This Fund is to be used to offset conference expenses. Jim Bobb and John Tulloch will work out the details on how the funds will be distributed. EAS Education & Outreach Committee: At the EAS Summer Board of Directors Meeting a motion was made that an Education & Outreach Committee be formed to assess and document the education resources currently available to member state and local organizations and to document areas where resources are lacking and prepare a proposal for EAS to meet those needs. At that time, Jim Bobb handed out the Education and Training Sur17 vey to state directors due back by September 15, 2008. He requested that if you did not send in the survey that you do so. Sites: EAS 2010: will be held at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. August 1-7, 2010. A site inspection is needed. EAS 2011: Ed Lafferty, RI was not able to attend. Kim Flottum reported that they had a committee formed and feel overwhelmed. EAS will do most of the work. A site inspection is still needed. EAS 2012: We are waiting for Virginia to resubmit their invitation for 2012. Committees: Editorial Report: Kathy Summers reported that she was working with Rick Hough on the electronic newsletter and things were going well. Kathy stated that Rick was doing exceptionally well with his cancer treatments and that he was at home. Because of all of Rick’s dedicated service to keeping our website updated, a motion was made by Kathy Summers and seconded by Kim Flottum to pay for Rick’s expenses to EAS 09. All voted in favor of the motion. Membership: Brouchers: There will be a brochure for EAS 09 after the first of the year. Renewals: John Tulloch stated that this year we took a more aggressive approach to the membership renewal. Renewal notices went out in September and thus far we have had nearly 100 renewals. We will repeat the solicitation after the first of the year. Approximately 600 notices were sent out. We currently have 547 members. Corporate Membership: Kim Flottum stated that we need to begin the program by approaching corporations, and setting fees. John Tulloch feels that we need to spell out the Rights and Privileges of a Corporate Membership by the Spring EAS Board Meeting. Non Renewal List: The board decided to send the non-renewal list out (February 2009) after the January billing. Master Beekeepers: Barry Thompson reported that some Master Beekeepers wanted compensation for teaching the Short Course class while others did not. Barry asked for those MBs attending the Fall EAS Board Meeting to state how they felt. Joe Kovaleski felt that no compensation should be given because we need to put forth some of our efforts. Aaron Morris felt that compensation was 18 vague and a grey area, therefore, MB should be compensated in the same manners. Billy Davis felt that he would not have been able to participate in the workshop had he not been compensated. He feels that he volunteers enough and it would help if he could be compensated. Kim Flottum offered no charge for registration for the Short Course if you teach the short course and in return you would be able to attend everything else for free. John Tulloch felt the board needs to make it clear what the compensation was going to cover. Barry Thompson asked that the topic be tabled. Master Beekeepers Exam: Barry Thompson stated that we now have two new MBs. They are trying to find out who the active MBs are and hoping to have the first MB’s newsletter out before the Annual Meeting. Barry Thompson stated that one person challenged the grading of their MB exam. Jim Bobb responded to the applicant by referring the situation back to the MBs. The board felt the final decision rested with the MBs. Awards: The Student Award, J.I.Hambleton, Roger A. Morse/Weiss Teaching, Extension and Regulatory Award and Divelbiss Award will all be sent out the first of the year. Foundation for Honey Bee Research: There is about $61,000 in the HBR fund. Dave Tarpy was not able to attend but put forth a written motion which was seconded by Aaron Morris that $5000 be awarded to the HBR winner at EAS 09. All voted in favor of the motion. Web Link for HBR: Kim Flottum will work out the details on how the HBR and Speaker Funds can be on the Website. CCD: The. HB Foundation awarded ($5000) to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) grant to the Penn State University team of Dennis vanEnglesdorp and Diana Cox-Foster. The money has now been used up. Resolutions: Aaron Morse stated that Toni Downs and Tammy Horn presented a great resolution at EAS 08. Resolutions will be presented at EAS 09. Historian: The Historian report is due at EAS 09 NY. Life Members: Aaron Morris stated that two more Life Members came in. John Tulloch stated that there are 547 members with 225 being Life Members. We need to know where we are financially so we know if we have to take money from the Life Membership Fund. Endowment Fund: John Tulloch stated that we need another source of revenue and endowments are a good place to start. He was hoping to be able to bring the Edward Jones Investment people to the next board meeting if held in West Chester, PA. Nominations: Ann Harman has stepped down as the Nominating Chairperson. An official letter must be submitted from each state nominating their candidate for director to the EAS board. The following nominations are needed: President 2010; Vice President: 2011; Master Beekeeper Director Nominations: GA, OH, ONT, PA, SC, VA Vacant states: NH, MS, VT, WI, LA, IL, IN, MI Vacant Provinces: Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, PEI. Website: Aaron Morris reported that he went to outside people to look at the website. We need to define to the public who don’t know us who we are. He stated that he was surprised as to how fast the info was put on. Aaron encouraged the board to check the website to see what is missing. Old Business: Conference Call/Teleconferencing: EAS was using the Conference call at this meeting. All they needed to do was call the Holiday Valley number along with the code number. Carol Cottrill, Steve Genta and Robert Brewer participated in the Conference call. The participants said it was hard to hear as it kept cutting out. Loretta Surprenant will contact the other Board Members who said they wanted to be part of the Conference call but was not to see why they did not take part in the call. Young Beekeeper’s Award: At the EAS Summer Meeting in KY, approval was given to set up a young beekeepers award with criteria to be decided. An exploratory committee consisting of Billy Davis, Dave Peregmon and Brenda Kriselling was set up. Billy Davis and Brenda Kriselling interviewed several Young Beekeepers and they will have a recommendation as to how it will be administrated. New Business: Next Tentative EAS Board Meeting: March 7, 2009 at the North & South Carolina Meeting in Charlotte, NC. Adjournment: A motion was made by Aaron Morris and seconded by John Baker to adjourn at 10:20 pm. All voted in favor of the motion. Submitted by: Loretta Surprenant EAS Secretary Winter, 2009 2008 Society Board of Directors ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI SOUTH CAROLINA Jim Carmack 2011 201 17th Ave. N.W. Birmingham, AL 35215 205.854.8334 vacant 2011 Steve Genta 2009 3450 Fork Shoals Road Greenville, SC 29680 864.243.9013 director.al@easternapiculture.org CONNECTICUT John Baker 2010 52 Headquarters Road Litchfield, CT 06759 860.567.8427 director.ct@easternapiculture.org DELAWARE Warren Seaver 2011 3619 Bayside Dr. Dover, DE 19901 director.de@easternapiculture.org FLORIDA vacant 2011 GEORGIA Robert Brewer 2009 P.O. Box 369 Hiawassee, GA 30546 706.896.5249 director.ga@easternapiculture.org ILLINOIS vacant 20011 INDIANA NEW BRUNSWICK vacant 2010 NEW FOUNDLAND vacant 2011 NEW HAMPSHIRE vacant 2012 NEW JERSEY David Peregmon 2011 33 Chestnut Street Pennsville, NJ 08070 856.678.4651 director.nj@easternapiculture.org NEW YORK Aaron Morris 2010 P.O. Box 246 Round Lake, NY 12151 518.899.6113 director.ny@easternapiculture.org NORTH CAROLINA David Tarpy 2012 Ent. Department, NCSU P.O. Box 7613 Raleigh, NC 27696-7613 919.515.1660 919.515.7746 (fax) director.nc@easternapiculture.org vacant 2010 KENTUCKY Toni Downs 2012 1315 Watkins Lane Pleasureville, KY 40057 NOVA SCOTIA vacant 2009 OHIO LOUISIANA Joe Kovaleski 2009 167 Rosslyn Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952 740.632.7500 vacant 2010 director.oh@easternapiculture.org MAINE ONTARIO director.ky@easternapiculture.org Carol Cottrill 2010 164 Wyman Road Rumford, ME 04276 director.me@easternapiculture.org MARYLAND Keith Forsyth 2009 436 Maple Avenue Grimsby, ONT L3M 3B9 905.945.4928 director.on@easternapiculture.org director.sc@easternapiculture.org TENNESSEE Jim Garrison 2012 P.O. Box 83 chapel Hill, TN 37028 615.377.7696 (w) 931.364.4454 (h) director.tn@easternapiculture.org VERMONT vacant 2010 VIRGINIA Billy Davis 2009 P.O. Box 415 Purcellville, VA 20134 540.751.0071 director.va@easternapiculture.org WEST VIRGINIA Gerry Fitzgerald 2012 398 Carylyle Road Martinsburg, WV 25401 director.wv@easternapiculture.org WISCONSIN vacant 2008 HISTORIAN Richard Chapin RR 1, Box 102A Montrose, PA 18801 570.278.1094 ph & fax historian@easternapiculture.org EAS JOURNAL Kathy Summers 7011 Spieth Road Medina, OH 44256 330.461.1081 (c) 330.725.6677, Ext. 3215 journal@easternapiculture.org CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Kim Flottum 7011 Spieth Road Medina, OH 44256 330.722.2021 330.725.5624 (fax) kim@beeculture.com David Morris 2010 9309 Montpelier Drive Laurel, MD 20708 301.725.6185 240.485.7767 (cell) PENNSYLVANIA director.md@easternapiculture.org director.pa@easternapiculture.org WEBMASTER MASSACHUSETTS PRINCE EDW. ISL Rick Hough 9 Royal Crest Dr. #12 Nashua, NH 03060 603.459.8844 Daniel Conlon 2012 Warm Colors Apiary 2 South Mill River Road South Deerfield, MA 01373 413.665.4513 director.ma@easternapiculture.org MASTER BKPRS. Barry Thompson 2009 13201 Moran Drive North Potomac, MD 20878 301.947.4652 director.mb@easternapiculture.org MICHIGAN vacant 2012 Winter, 2009 Warren Miller 2009 P.O. Box 64 Mingoville, PA 16856 814.383.4331 vacant 2010 QUEBEC vacant 2009 RHODE ISLAND Ed Lafferty 2011 423 Fruit Hill Avenue North Providence, RI 02911 401.353.6644 director.ri@easternapiculture.org webmaster@easternapiculture.org From The Colonies News • Events • Gossip From The EAS Beeyard EAS belongs to most of our region’s State Associations in order to keep up with what’s going on in the Colonies. If we don’t yet belong to your Association contact Loretta so we can sign up. And, send your newsletter to our Editor so we can keep up. The CT Beekeepers Association will hold its Spring meeting April 4 at the CT Ag Experiment Station, 123 Huntington Ave., New Haven. The speakers, all from the Station, will cover Beekeeping in CT, Honey Bee Health and AFB, and Pesticides and Honey Bees. Their Picnic and Field Day will be held on Saturday, June 13th at the Station’s Lockwood Farm in Hamden. See www.ctbees.com for further details. The Heartland Apicultural Society (HAS) will host their annual conference July 9-11, 2009 in Oberlin, Ohio. Please visit www.heartlandbees.com for more details. Cornell Honey Bee Collection With support of EAS and several U.S. Beekeeper organizations, Cornell University’s Mann Library announces that the first 20 volumes of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL are now online in the Hive and the Honey Bee Collection of historical beekeeping materials (http://bees.library.cornell.edu). This is a continuation of the Library’s effort to make available online rare beekeeping books/Journals. This effort to compliment the Hive and the Honey Bee digitization program with early ABJ journals began two years ago. With matching funds from the Library preservation program, an additional 20 volumes of the ABJ are also being copied and visitors to the online site should be able to view the full 40 earliest volumes of ABJ online (1861-1884) by spring 2009. ABJ is the first English language journal in the beekeeping field. Early editions, started/initially edited by Samual Wagner of York PA, include articles by L.L. Langstroth, Henry Alley, Moses Quimby and A.I. Root. Observations on Chinese honey harvest methods and tips on the value of wild onions and other herbs as bee plants are two examples of the material covered. “These early volumes are a treasure trove of often beautifully illustrated details on the theory and practice of 19th century American beekeeping” according to Evelyn Ferretti, Mann Library’s public programs administrator. The Hive and the Honeybee is a free, full-text archive of selected rare works from the E.F. Phillips Collection, one of the world’s most comprehensive apicultural libraries. The site also offers more than 30 key historical monographs, including L.L. Langstroth’s original The Hive and the Honeybee plus classics such as the 1623 edition of Charles Butler’s The Feminine Monarchie and Samual Hartibs The Reformed Commonwealth of Bees, Dewey Caron published in 1855. –Dewey 19 EAS Journal Kathy Summers, Editor 7011 Spieth Road Medina, OH 44256 EAS Membership, Association and Life Member Dues Payment/Address Correction Form (Please send all money in U.S. funds) Names Address City/State or Province/Zip Code or Mailing Code Phone/Fax Email: What local association do you belong to? ____________________________________________________ Individual/Family: $25 $ State/Provincial/County/Regional Association Dues: $50 $ Life Membership Dues: $250 (Only Available to Individuals) $ EAS Honey Bee Research Grant: $ Speaker & Education Fund $ TOTAL $ Do not send to EAS Journal Editor. Send your check to – John Tulloch, EAS Treasurer P.O. Box 29, Blountville, TN 37617 USA 20 Winter, 2009