
Doru Stefanescu
Curriculum Vitæ
Date Personale
Name : Doru Stefanescu
Adresa profesionala : Facultatea fe Fizică, Catedra de Fizică Teoretică si Matematici
Colectivul de Matematică
Universitatea din Bucureşti
C. P. MG11, Bucureşti–Măgurele, Romania
Adresa Postala : P.O. Box 39-D5
Bucharest 39, Romania
Fax : +40–21–312–40–72
Email :
Studii Universitare
1978-1985: Doctorat in Matematici, University of Bucharest, Romania
Titlul obtinut: Doctor in Matematici (1985)
Teza: Aplicatii ale grupurilor de transformari in teoria algebrelor
Cond. Şt.: Prof. Dr. N. Radu
August-September, 1981 and August-September 1983:
Post Graduate Summer Courses in Mathematics, Cortona, Italy.
1975-1976: Specializare in Algebra si Geometrie University of Bucharest, Romania
Titlul obtinut: Specializare in Algebra si Geometrie (1976)
Titlul Disertatiei: Endomorfisme ale planului afin
Cond. St.: Prof. Dr. I. Bucur
July-August, 1974: Graduate Summer Course in Mathematics
University of Perugia, Italy
1971-1975: Studii universitatre de Matematica , University of Bucharest, Romania
Titlul obtinut: Licentiat in Matematici (1975)
Lucrarea de Diploma: Inele factoriale
Cond. Şt.: Prof. Dr. I. Bucur
Pozitii Ocupate
Pozitii Universitare
1. Profesor, Catedra de Matematici, Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea din Bucureşti, din 2000.
2. Conferenţiar, Catedra de Matematici, Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea din Bucureşti, 1993–
3. Lector, Catedra de Matematici, Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea din Bucureşti, 1990-1993.
4. Asistent, Catedra de Matematici, Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea din Bucureşti, 1980-1990.
Pprofesor Vizitator
1. Professeur invité, Université Louis Pasteur, UFR de Mathematique, Strasbourg, France, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002.
2. Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland, New Zealand,
Pozitii de Cercetare
1. C. S. I, Centrul de Fizica Teoretica, Universitatea din Bucuresti, din 2005.
2. Cercetator in cadrul granturilor ”Reprezentari de grupuri aplicate in Fizica” (1991-1993) si
”Gravitatie (1983-1990), Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea din Bucuresti.
Alte Pozitii
1. Decan, Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea Hyperion, Bucuresti, 1992-1993.
2. Membru al Comitetului National pentru Concursurile de Matematica, 1978-1985.
3. Profesor de Matematica, Liceul Ind. 19, Bucuresti, 1976-1980.
Limbi Straine
Foarte bine : Engleza, Franceza, Italiana
Satisfacator : Germana, Rusa
Cursuri Predate
1. 1980–2007 : Facultatea de Fizica, Univ. Bucuresti.
• Cursuri generale: Analiza Reala, Algebra Liniara si Geometrie, Ecuatii Diferentiale, Analiza Complexa, Metode Numerice in FIzica, Capitole Speciale de Matematica, Programare,
Ecuatiile Fizicii Matematice.
• Cursuri Speciale si de Masterat: Metode Matematice in Fizica, Analiza Functionala, Geometrie Diferentiala si Aplicatii in Fizica, Grupuri Lie si Aplicatii in FIzica, Modele Stocahstice si Aplicatii Financiare.
2. 1990-1993 : Facultatea de Matematica, Univ. Hyperion, Bucuresti.
• Cursuri Generale: Analiza Reala, Topologie si Logica, Teoria Masurii, Istoria Matematicii.
3. 1990-1993 : Facultatea De Fizica, Univ. Hyperion, Bucuresti.
• Cursuri Generale: Algebra Liniara, Analiza Reala, Geometrie, Capitole Speciale de Matematica.
4. March-April 1994 : Department of Computer Science
The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
• Graduate Course: Computer Algebra
5. February–June 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002: Université Louis Pasteur, UFR de Mathematique, Strasbourg, France. Undergraduate Courses: Linear Algebra, Real Analysis.
Granturi de Cercetare
1. CNCSIS 1608, 2006-2008
2. CNCSIS 1618, 2007-2008
3. Cex05-D10-02, 2005-2008
4. Cex05-D11-03, 2005-2008
5. Grant Cons. Nat. Cerc. si Univ. Bucuresti 149, 1982-1985.
6. Grant Inst. Studii Energ. si Univ. Buc. 66, 1986-1990.
7. Grant Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii, 1991-1992.
8. Grant Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii 1091/93, 1993-1994.
9. Grant Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii 3009/94, 1994-1995.
10. Auckland University Research Grant A18/XXXXX/62090/3414012, 1993 (via Professor Cris
11. Auckland University Research Grant A18/XXXXX/62090/3414018, 1993 (via Professor Cris
12. Auckland University Research Grant, A18/XXXXX/62090/F3414030, 1994 (via Professor Cris
Articole in Reviste cu Referenti
1. D. Stefanescu, V. Gerdt, S. Yevlakhov: Estimations of positive roots of polynomials, Journal of
Mathematical Sciences (Springer), vol. 168, Issue 3 (2010), Page 468-477.
2. D. Stefanescu: On some absolute positiveness bounds, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. 53 (101),
no.3, 269-276, 2010.
3. D. Stefanescu: Inequalities on real roots of polynomials, Math. Ineqs. Appl., vol. 12, 863-871
4. D. Stefanescu: Computation of Bounds for Polynomial Roots, in Computer Algebra Systems in
Teaching and Research (Eds. L. Gadomski a.o), Akad. Podlaska, Siedlice, 176-185 (2009).
5. D. Stefanescu: Computation of Dominant Real Roots of Polynomials, Programming and Compt.
Sotfware, vol. 34, 69–74 (2008).
6. D. Stefanescu: Computation of Bounds for Polynomial Roots, Creat. math. Inf., vol. 17,
511-515 (2008).
7. D. Stefanescu: Bounds for Real Roots and Applications to Orthogonal Polynomials, LNCS 4770,
pp. 377-391, Springer Verlag (2007).
8. D. Stefanescu: Computation of Positive Roots of Polynomials with Applications to Orthogonal
Polynomials, Acta Acad. Aboensis, Ser. B., vol. 67, no. 2, 96-105 (2007).
9. D. Stefanescu: Asupra zerourilor polinoamelor ortogonale (On zeros of orthogonal polynomials),
Anal. Univ. Timisoara, Ser. Mat-Inf., v. 45, n. 2, 173-182 (2007).
10. D. Stefanescu: Inequalities on Upper bounds for Real Polynomials Roots. LNCS 4194, pp.
284-294, Springer Verlag (2006).
11. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Polynomial Factorization. Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math Roumanie
tome 49 (97), 69-75 (2006).
12. D. Stefanescu: New bounds for positive roots of polynomials, J. Univ. Comp. Sci., 2132-2141
13. D. Stefanescu: Bulletin Mathématique — A brief history, Bull. Soc. vol. 48 (96), 1-4 (2005).
14. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: New inequalities on polynomial divisors, J. Inequal. Pure Appl.
Math., vol. 5 (4), paper 89, 8 pp (2004).
15. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Linear recurrent sequences and polynomial roots, J. Symbolic
Computation, 35, 637–649 (2003).
16. D. Stefanescu: Inequalities on polynomial divisors, in Y. J. Cho et al. (eds.), Inequality Theory
and Applications, vol. 3, Nova Science Publ. New York, pp. 169–179 (2003).
17. D. Stefanescu: Inequalities on polynomial roots, Math. Ineqs. & Appl., 5, 335–347 (2002).
18. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Inequalities on polynomial heights, J. Ineq. Pure Appl. Math., 2,
1, Art. 7, 1–6 (2001). ( ISSN (electronic): 1443–5756
19. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: La première méthode générale de factorisation des polynômes.
Autour d’un mémoire de F. T. Schubert, Revue d’histoire des mathématiques, 7, 101–123 (2001).
20. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Estimates for polynomial roots, Appl. Alg. Eng. Comm. Comp.,
12, 437–453 (2001).
21. D. Bridges, C. Calude, B. Pavlov, D. Stefanescu: The constructive implicit theorem and applications in machanics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 10, 927–934 (1999).
22. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: On the roots of lacunary polynomials, Math. Inequal. Appl. (MIA),
vol. 2, no. 1, 1–13, (1999).
23. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Stable polynomials and applications to polynomial factorization,
Anal. Univ. Buc.–Mat. Inf., 46, 3–14 (1997).
24. D. Stefanescu: On generalized formal power series, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie,
39(87), 221–225 (1996).
25. D. Stefanescu: Polynomials, constructivity and randomness, J. Univ. Comp. Sc. 2, no. 5,
396–409 (1996).
26. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Bounds for heights of integer polynomial factors, J. Univ. Comp.
Sc. 1, no. 8, 599–609 (1995).
27. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Some polynomial factorizations over the integers, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 37 (85), n. 3–4, 127–131 (1993).
28. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: About a polynomial index and its applications, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sc. Math. Roumanie 37 (85), n. 1–2, 85–91 (1993).
29. D. Stefanescu: Marea teoremă lui Fermat – 1993, Gaz. Mat., 97, 429–432 (1993).
30. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: About the exponent of an irreducible polynomial, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 35(83), 119-124 (1991).
31. D. Stefanescu: Fibonacci şi renaşterea matematicii europene, Gaz. Mat.—Mat. Inf. 12, 32–35
32. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: On the generalized difference polynomials, Pacific Journal of
Mathematics 143, 341–348 (1990).
33. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: A class of polynomials in positive characteristic, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sc. Math. Roumanie 33 (81), 343–346 (1989).
34. D. Stefanescu: Minimal resultant matrices, Anal. Univ. Bucureşti - Mat. Inf. 38/2, 72–75
35. D. Stefanescu: An application of the Hankel determinants, Gaz. Mat.—Mat. Inf 10, 91–93
36. D. Stefanescu: Opera lui Cauchy — o contribuţie remarcabil
u a la dezvoltarea Matematicii, Gaz. Mat.—Mat. Inf. 10, 137–139 (1989).
37. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Factorization of the Schönemann polynomials, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sc. Math. Roumanie 32(80), 259-262 (1988).
38. D. Stefanescu: Contribuţia lui Camille Jordan la geneza algebrei moderne, Gaz. Mat.—Mat.
Inf. 9, 139–140 (1988).
39. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: On the Eisenstein irreducibility criterion, Anal. Univ. Bucureşti–
Matematică 36, 65–67 (1987).
40. D. Stefanescu: Two properties of the restricted power series, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math.
Roumanie 31(79), 265–269 (1987).
41. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: A resultant condition for the irreducibility of the polynomials,
Journal of Number Theory 25, 107–111 (1987).
42. D. Stefanescu: Leonhard Euler, Gaz. Mat.—Mat. Inf. 8, 181–183 (1987).
43. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: On some irreducible polynomials, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math.
Roumanie 30(78), 159–161 (1986).
44. D. Stefanescu: Twistors and rational gauge potentials, Anal. Univ. Bucureşti - Fizică 35, 13–15
45. D. Stefanescu: Jacobian conditions on polynomials, Gaz. Mat. - Mat. Inf. 7, 140–141 (1986).
46. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: A class of irreducible polynomials, Bull. Coll. Sc. Univ. Ryukyus
42, 1–3 (1986).
47. D. Stefanescu: 250 de ani de la naşterea lui Joseph–Louis Lagrange, Gaz. Mat.–Mat. Inf., 7,
88–91 (1986).
48. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Criteriul de ireductibilitate al lui Schönemann, Gaz. Mat. - Mat.
Inf. 6, 143–145 (1985).
49. D. Stefanescu: On the Landau curve of the open envelope diagram, Anal. Univ. Bucureşti Fizică 34, 9–13 (1985).
50. D. Stefanescu: On the zero-divisors of the polynomial rings, Gaz. Mat. - Mat. Inf., 6, 91–92
51. D. Stefanescu: Algebraically independent Hahn series, Anal. St. Univ. Iaşi, 31s, 35–37 (1985).
52. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Some criteria for the irreducibility of polynomials, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 29 (77), 69–74 (1985).
53. D. Stefanescu: Effective dependence of multi-instantons, Anal. Univ. Bucureşti - Fizică 33,
13–16 (1984).
54. D. Stefanescu: Proprietăţi de invarianţă ale inelelor de polinoame, St. Cerc. Mat. 36, 43–49
55. D. Stefanescu: Asupra independenţei analitice, St. Cerc. Mat. 35, 529–532 (1983).
56. D. Stefanescu: Algebraic methods for finding instantons, Anal. Univ. Bucureşti - Fizică 32,
3–6 (1983).
57. D. Stefanescu: On meromorphic formal power series, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie
27(75), 169–178 (1983).
58. D. Stefanescu: A method to obtain algebraic elements over k((T )), Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math.
Roumanie, 26 (74),77–91 (1982).
59. D. Stefanescu: Morphisms of polynomial algebras, Gaz. Mat. - Mat. Inf. 1, 180–183 (1980).
60. D. Stefanescu: Asupra teoremei de epimorfism, St. Cerc. Mat. 30, 465–470 (1978).
61. D. Stefanescu: Asupra unui exemplu al lui Samuel, St. Cerc. Mat. 27, 471–475 (1975).
62. D. Stefanescu: Serii formale, Gaz. Mat., 364–368 (1979).
63. D. Stefanescu: Metoda lui Sturm, Gaz. Mat., 348–352 (1977).
64. D. Stefanescu: Soluţiile unor probleme de structuri algebrice, Gaz. Mat. - B, 287–292 (1973).
65. D. Stefanescu: Unele chestiuni de teoria numerelor, Gaz. Mat., 718–721 (1973).
66. S. Lăcătuşu, D. Stefanescu: O problemă de simetrie plană, Gaz. Mat. - B, 275–277 (1972).
67. G. Boulescu, A. Dimca, D. Stefanescu: Asupra unei probleme elementare de geometrie, Gaz.
Mat. - B, 269–271 (1970).
68. D. Atanasiu, D. Stefanescu: Generalizarea problemei 8811, Gaz. Mat. - B, 17–18 (1970).
Articole in Lucrari ale unor Conferinte sau in Colectii
1. D. Stefanescu: Computation of bounds for polynomial roots, Compt. Alg. Systems Teach. Res.,
5th CASTR Workshop, 176–185, Siedlce (2009).
2. D. Stefanescu: Bounds for Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomial, Commt. Alg. SYstems Teach. Res.,
4th CASTR Workshop, 308–315, Siedlce (2007).
3. D. Stefanescu: Computation of Bounds for Real Roots of Univariate Polynomials, 231-237, in
Proc. 10th Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra, Univ. Basel (2006).
4. C. Calude, S. Marcus, D. Stefanescu: The Creator versus its creation. From Scotus to Godel,
in S. Marcus, Words and Languages Everywhere, 117-126, Polimetrica. Milano (2007).
5. D. Stefanescu: Bounds for Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, in CASTR 2007, pp. 308-315,
Wyd. Akad. Podlaskiej, Siedlce, Poland, (2007).
6. C. Calude, S. Marcus, D. Ştefănescu: The Creator versus its creation. From Scotus to Gödel,
in Collegium Logicum, Annals of the Gödel Society, vol. 3, Prague, 1–10 (1999).
7. C. Calude, D. Campbell, K. Svozil, D. Stefanescu: Strong determinism vs. computability, in W.
Depauli-Schimanovich, E. Koehler, F. Stadler (eds.): The Foundational Debate, Constructivity
in Mathematics and Physics, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 115–131 (1995).
8. D. Stefanescu: Polynomial sizes, in Proc. of the 6th Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Mirton, Timişoara, 172–177 (1995).
9. D. Stefanescu: About the twisted formal power series, 1–6, in Proc. SALODAYS in Comp. Sc.
- Bucureşti, 1992, Hyperion Press, Bucureşti (1993).
10. D. Stefanescu: Newton polygons in the noncommutative case, Math. Publ. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai,
15–1992, 115–120 (1992).
11. D. Stefanescu: About the Schiling series, Proc. Conf. Algebra Braşov, 143–146 (1988).
12. D. Stefanescu: On the Minkowski superspaces, Stud. Gravit. Theory, CIP Press, 5–10 (1988).
13. D. Stefanescu: About the polynomial algebras, Proc. Symp. Math. Appl. Timişoara 2, 164–166
14. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Factorization criteria for polynomials, Proc. Conf. Algebra
Timişoara, 70–73 (1987).
15. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: A generalization of the Schönemann-Eisenstein criterion, Math.
Publ. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, 9-1986, 54–56 (1986).
16. D.Stefanescu: Properties of the toroidal algebras, Math. Publ. Univ. Babeş–Bolyai 9—1986,
80–82 (1986).
17. D. Stefanescu: Properties of the Schilling series, Proc. Symp. Math. Appl. Timişoara 1, 154–156
1. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: On an estimation of polynomial roots by Lagrange, IRMA Strasbourg 025/2002, 1–17 (2002).
2. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: La premiere methode generale de factorisation des polynomes,
IRMA Strasbourg 10/2001, 1–25 (2001).
3. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Linear recurrent sequences and polynomial roots, IRMA Strasbourg
25/2001, 1–18 (2001).
4. D. Bridges, C. Calude, B. Pavlov, D. Stefanescu: The constructive implicit function theorem
and applications in mechanics, Rep. CDMTCS–070, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Auckland, 1–11 (1997).
5. C. Calude, D. Campbell, K. Svozil, D. Stefanescu: Strong determinism vs. computability, Rep.
No 105, Dept. Computer Science, The University of Auckland, 1–9 (1995) (E-print: quantph/9412004).
6. C. Calude, S. Marcus, D. Stefanescu: The Creator versus its Creation, Rep. No 107, Dept.
Computer Science, The University of Auckland, 1–14 (1995).
7. D. Stefanescu: On the jacobian conjecture, Preprint ICEFIZ, FT-281-1986, 1-10 (1986).
8. D. Stefanescu: On the Laurent polynomial rings, Preprint ICEFIZ, FT-259-1985, 1-18 (1985).
9. D. Stefanescu: Independence properties of the power series, Preprint ICEFIZ, FT-241-1984, 1-11
10. D. Stefanescu: On the polynomial and power series, Preprint ICEFIZ, FT-228-1983, 1-24 (1983).
Rezumate in Reviste cu Referenti
1. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Factorization of the Schönemann polynomials, Abstr. Amer.
Math. Soc. 8, 261 (1987).
2. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: An irreducibility criterion for polynomials, Abstr. Amer. Math.
Soc. 7, 226 (1986).
3. D. Stefanescu: Strongly n-torus invariant rings, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 6, 310 (1985).
4. D. Stefanescu: Subrings of the Laurent polynomial rings, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 6, 257
5. D. Stefanescu: Algebraic independence of general power series, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 5,
272 (1984).
6. D. Stefanescu: Polynomial subrings of polynomial rings, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 4, 392-393
7. D. Stefanescu: Analytically independent elements, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 4, 198 (1983).
1. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Polynomials–An Algorithmic Approach, 322 pag., Springer Verlag,
Singapore, Berlin, (1999).
2. D. Stefanescu: Modele Matematice in Fizica, Univ. Bucureşti, 224 pag., (1984).
Cursuri Universitare
1. D. Stefanescu: Vectori şi Matrici, Univ. Bucharest, Editura Credis, 268 pag. (2002).
2. D. Stefanescu: Teoria Măsurii şi Integralei, Editura Hyperyon, 118 pag. (1992).
3. D. Stefanescu: Analiză Reală, Univ. Bucuresti, 376 pag. (1990).
1. M. Mignotte: Introducere in Algebra Computationala, Editura universitatii din Bucureşti, 303
pag. (2000).
Culegeri de Probleme
1. D. Blideanu, I. Popescu, D. Stefanescu: Probleme de Algebra Liniara, Univ. Bucuresti, 1986,
210 pag.
2. D. Stefanescu, S. Turbatu: Calcul Diferential si Integral, Univ. Bucuresti, 1986, 210 pag.
3. D. Stefanescu, S. Turbatu: Analiza — Culegere de probleme, Univ. Bucuresti,1985, 189 pag.
4. D. Stefanescu, S. Turbatu: Functii Analitice. Probleme, Univ. Bucuresti, 1981, 275 pag.
5. C. Teleman, D. Stefanescu, ş.a. : Probleme de Topologie, Univ. Bucuresti, 1975, 198 pag.
Alte Publicatii
1. D. Stefanescu: Hazardul in Aritmetica Polinoamelor, Academica, (Bucuresti, Ed. Acad.), 5, n.
50, 20–21 (1994).
2. D. Stefanescu: Arthur Cayley, Rev. Mat. Transilvania 1, n. 1, 15–17 (1994).
3. D. Stefanescu: Un moment crucial al genezei matematicii moderne — Matematica Araba, Hyperion (Bucuresti) 3, no. 2, 8–9 (1993).
4. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Contest problems and mathematical creation, Math. Compet.
(Australia) 4, 70–76 (1991).
5. D. Stefanescu: Metoda datării radiocarbon si varsta Matematicii, Hyperion (Bucuresti) 1, 10–12
6. D. Stefanescu: Metoda poligonului lui Newton, Rev. Dm. Pompeiu 1, 15–16 (1979).
7. D. Stefanescu: O demonstraţie a micii teoreme a lui Fermat, Rev. Mat. Timisoara, 24 (1971).
8. D. Stefanescu: Identitati combinatorice obtinute prin probabilitati, Gaz. Mat. – B, 576–582
9. D. Stefanescu: Asupra unei clase de identitati, Rev. Mat. Timisoara, 18 (1970).
Indrumare Stiintifica
Raportor teze de Doctorat
1. Rică Zamfir: Factorizarea Polinoamelor de o variabilă cu Coeficienţi ı̂ntregi, Univ. din Bucureşti,
2. Sobia Sultana: Algebraic elements and their arithmetic in Banach algebras of continuous functions on Galois groups, Int. Center Math., Univ. Lahore, 2009. Lahore
3. Simona Cigher: Structuri de valenţu a Kekulé şi polinoame de eniumerare ı̂n descrierea structurilor chimice poliedrale, Facultatea de Chimie, Univ. Babeş–Bolyài, Cluj–Napoca, 2009.
4. Luminita–Simona Vita: Metode Recursive in Algebra, Facultatea de Matematica, Univ. Bucuresti, 2002.
5. Cezar Campeanu: Metode Topologice in Complexitatea Calculului, Facultatea de Matematica,
Univ. Bucuresti, 1995.
Lucrari de Specializare
1. Ion Dobrescu: Simplicial Approach of Space-Time. Regge Model and Applications, Faculty of
Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 1991.
2. Adrian Gradinaru: Connections, Fiber Spaces and Yang-Mills Fields, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 1991. Toronto, Canada]
Conferinte si Colocvii
1. Bounds for Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research (CASTR’2007) 31 Jan - 3 Feb 2007, Siedlce, Poland.
2. Computation of Positive Roots of Polynomials with Applications to Orthogonal Polynomials,
Computer Algebra and Differential Equations, CADE 2007, 20-24 Feb 2007, Turku, Finland.
3. Computation of Dominant Real Roots of Polynomials, 11th Workshop on Computer Algebra,
24-25 May 2007, Dubna, Russia.
4. Bounds for Real Roots and Applications to Orthogonal Polynomials, 10th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 16-20 Sept 2007, Bonn, Germany.
5. Polynomial divisors and bounds for polynomial roots, Commutative algebra and related topics,
29 - 31 Mart 2007, Constanta.
6. Mathematical Proofs and Algorithms, 6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, 28 June - 4
July 2007, Bucharest.
7. Traian Lalescu and the Birth of Algebra in Romania, 6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, 28 June - 4 July 2007, Bucharest.
8. Dominant Positive Roots of Polynomials, ICTAMI 2007, 30 Aug - 2 Sept 2007, Alba Iulia.
9. Computation of Bounds for Real Roots of Univariate Polynomials ,10th Rhine Workshop on
Computer Algebra, 16-17 March 2006, Basel, Switzerland.
10. Inequalities on Upper Bounds for Real Polynomial Roots, Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC 2006, 11-15 September 2006, Chisinau, Moldova.
11. Inequalities on polynomial roots, INEQS 2001, Timişoara, 9–14 Iulie, 2001.
12. Inequalities on Divisors of Integer Polynomials, CCF’99 (Constructivity, Computability and
Fuzziness), Galaţi, 26—29 August, 1999.
13. Polynomials and Randomness, Chaitin Complexity and Applications, Black Sea University, Mangalia, 27 Iunie—6 Iulie, 1995.
14. l’Algèbre et les mathématiciens de l’Asie Centrale, Rencontre scientifique franco–ouzbek axée sur
les mathématiques, Mulhouse–Colmar, 15–20 Mai, 1995, Université de Haute-Alsace (France).
15. Critères d’irréductibilité pour les polynômes, Séminaire Colmar–Freiburg, Universität “Albret
Ludwigs”, Freiburg am Breisgau (Germany), 14–15 Janvier, 1994.
16. About the twisted Power Series, Salodays in Formal Language Theory, Bucureşti, 18–20 Mai,
17. Newton Polygons. The noncommutative Case, National Romanian Conference of Algebra, Cluj–
Napoca, Septembrie 1991.
18. Matematica şi Fizica ı̂n Învăţământul Universitar, Colocviul Viitorul Educaţiei Matematice,
Academia Română, 30 Noiembrie 1990.
19. Applications of the Newton Polygon, International Conference in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Bucureşti, 8–9 Iulie, 1989.
20. Universalitatea operei lui Cauchy, Colocviul Cauchy, Academia Română, 30 Noiembrie, 1989.
21. About Schilling Series, Conferinţa naţională de algebră, Braşov, 9–10 Iunie, 1988.
22. Algebra ı̂n Fizica contemporană, Conferinţa naţională de algebră, Timişoara, 4–7 Iunie, 1986.
23. Algebraic Hypersurfaces and Instantons.
Physics, Bucureşti, 14–20 Iunie, 1985.
Joint Romanian–USA Seminar in Mathematical
24. Properties of Toroidal Algebras, Conferinţa naţională de algebră, Cluj–Napoca, 6–9 Iunie, 1985.
25. A Generalization of Schönemann-Eiseinstein Irreducibility Criterion, Conferinţa naţională de
algebră, Cluj–Napoca, 6–9 Iunie, 1985.
26. Mathematical Aspects of the Instantons, Conferinţa naţională de Fizică, Craiova, 29
Septembrie—1 Octombrie, 1983.
27. About the Cancellation Problem for Polynomial Rings, Conferinţa naţională de algebră, Bucureşti, 2–4 Iunie, 1983.
28. Contributions to the Jacobian Problem, Conferinţa naţională de Fizică, Bucureşti, Octombrie
29. Polynomial and Power Series Algebras, The 6th Mathematical Balkaniade, Piteşti (România),
28 August—2 Septembrie, 1982.
30. Algebraic Elements over Meromorphic Power Series. The 5th Romanian–Finnish Seminar on
Complex Analysis, Bucureşti, 28 Iunie—3 Iulie, 1981.
31. Completare şi Factorialitate, Conferinţa naţională de geometrie şi topologie, Bucureşti, Decembrie 1975.
Expuneri Invitate la Universitati
1. La Méthode de Dandelin–Graeffe, Université de Haute Alsace, Séminaire d’Algèbre Colmar–
Freiburg, 12 Mai 2000.
2. Factorisation des Polynômes, Université de Haute Alsace, Séminaire d’Algèbre Colmar–Freiburg,
31 Mai 1999.
3. O perspectiva istorica aspura teoriei eliminarii, Univ. Targu Mures, 14 Noiembrie, 1996.
4. Newton Polygons and Irreducibility, Waikato University, Department of Mathematics, Hamilton
(New Zealand), 7 Aprilie, 1994.
5. Generalized Formal Power Series, The University of Auckland, Department of Mathematics
(New Zealand), 6 Aprilie, 1994.
6. Randomness and Polynomial Arithmetic, University of Auckland, Department of Computer
Science (New Zealand), 6 Aprilie, 1994.
Seminarii la Cursuri de Vara
1. Serie di Puiseux sui corpi di caratteristica qualunque, Summer Course in Mathematics, Cortona
(Italia), 16 August—12 Septembrie, 1981.
2. Un problema di Cauchy nonomogenea, Summer Course in Mathematics, Cortona (Italia), 7
August—2 Septembrie, 1983.
Organizare Conferinte/Colocvii
1. 10th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 16-20 Sept 2007,
Bonn, Germany. [programm committee]
2. 10th Annual Meeting of the Romanian Society of Mathematical Sciences, Bucureşti, 20 Mai,
3. Inequalities 2001, Timişoara, 9–14 Iulie, 2001.
4. Constructivity, Computability and Fuzziness, Galaţi, 26—29 August, 1999.
5. First Annual Meeting of the Romanian Society of Mathematical Sciences, Bucureşti, 29 Mai—1
Iunie, 1997.
6. Summer School Chaitin Complexity and Applications, Black Sea University, Mangalia, 27 Iunie—
6 Iulie, 1995.
7. Workshop Artificial Life, Black Sea University, Mangalia (Roumanie), 28 August 28—4 Septembrie, 1994.
8. Symposium Salodays in Formal Language Theory, Academia Română, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Universitatea Hyperion, Bucureşti, 18–20 Mai, 1992.
9. Conferinţa naţională de algebră, Univ. Bucureşti, 2–4 Iunie, 1983.
10. Conferinţa naţională de fizică, Univ. Bucureşti, 21–23 Octombrie, 1982.
Societati Stiintifice
1. Societatea de Stiinte Matematice din Romania (SSMR) [din 1976].
Membru in Consiliul SSMR [din 1999].
Preşedintele filialei Bucureşti [din 2007].
Primviceperşedintele SSMR [din 2008].
2. Mathematical Association of Sout-Est Europe (MASSEE)
Membru al Consiliului MASSEE [din 2008]
Preşedintele MASSEE [din 2009]
3. American Mathematical Society [din 1982].
4. Gesellschaft fuer angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) [din 1987]
5. Societatea Romana de Fizica, 1990–1991.
Afilieri Profesionale
1. External member of CDMTCS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science, Auckland, New Zealand [from 1996 on]
2. Member of RGMIA (Research Group on Mathematical Inequalities and Applications), Melbourne, Australia [from 1999 on]
1. Premiul III, Olimpiada Nationala de Matematica, 1969.
2. Premiul I, Gazeta Matematica, 1971 si 1972.
3. Premiul pentru Cercetare Studenteasca, Facultatea de Matematica, Bucuresti, 1976.
4. Premiul I pentru Cercetare, Balkan Mathematical Union, 1982.
1. Bulletin Mthématique Soc. Sci Math. Roumanie. (Bucarest)
Secretar Stiintific [1996-2004]
Editor Asociat [2004-2008]
Redactor şef adjunct [din 2008]
2. JIPAM (Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Melbourne)
Editor [din 2004]
3. Editor Sef Local Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik, Unitatea din Romania, 1998–2000.
4. Gazeta Matematica - A
Editor [din 2009]
5. GM – Buletin Informativ SSMR
Editor [din 2010]
Raportor Reviste
1. Referee for Bulletin Mathématique Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie (Bucharest) [din 1981], Gazeta
Matematica [din 1976], JIPAM (Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (Melbourne, Australia) [din 2002], SIAM J. Numer. Anal. [din 2002],
2. Raportor ocazional: C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, J. Logic, Language & Information.
3. Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews [from 1980 on], Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik [from 1985 on].
Citari (selectie)
1. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Linear recurrent sequences and polynomial roots, J. Symbolic
Computation, 35, 637–649 (2003).
(a) H. Hong: Note on Jacobi’s method for approximating dominant roots, J. Symb. Comput.,
vol. 37 (4), 449–454 (2004). [două citări].
2. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: La première méthode générale de factorisation des polynômes.
Autour d’un mémoire de F. T. Schubert, Revue d’histoire des mathématiques, 7, 101–123 (2001).
(a) M. Galuzzi: The concept of irreducible polynomial from Descartes to Galois, TR, Università
di Milano (2003).
(b) D. E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd
Edition, 13th printing, Addison–Wesley (2003).
3. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Estimates for polynomial roots, Appl. Alg. Eng. Comm. Comp.,
12, 437–453 (2001).
(a) H. Hong: Note on Jacobi’s method for approximating dominant roots, J. Symb. Comput.,
vol. 37 (4), 449–454 (2004). [două citări].
4. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: On the generalized difference polynomials, Pacific Journal of
Mathematics 143, 341–348 (1990).
(a) M. Ayad: The polynomials F (X, Y ) such that K[F ] is integrally closed in K[X, Y ], Acta
Arith., vol. 105 (1): 9-28 (2002).
(b) S. Bathia, S. Khanduja: Difference polynomials and their generalizations, Mathematika,
48, 293–299 (2001).
(c) S. D. Cohen, A. Movahhedi, A. Salinier: Factorization over local fields and the irreducibility
of generalized difference polynomials, Mathematika, vol. 47 (93-94): 173-196 Part 1-2
5. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: A class of polynomials in positive characteristic, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sc. Math. Roumanie 33 (81), 343–346 (1989).
(a) I. E. Shparlinski: Finite fields: theory and computation, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
(b) I. E. Shparlinski: Computational and Algorithmic Problems in Finite Fields, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1992).
6. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: A resultant condition for the irreducibility of the polynomials,
Journal of Number Theory 25, 107–111 (1987).
(a) M. Filaseta: Graduate course Math/788F Univ.of South Carolina (2002)
(b) N. Boja, D. Dăianu: Elemente algebrice şi topologice ı̂n teoria corpurilor, Univ. Timişoara,
Mathematical Monographs, 30 (1988).
7. L. Panaitopol, D. Stefanescu: Some criteria for the irreducibility of polynomials, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 29 (77), 69–74 (1985).
(a) G. Angermüller: A generalization of Ehrenfecht’s irreducibility criterion, Preprint Univ.
Erlangen–Nürnberg (1985);
J. Number Theory, 36, 80–84 (1990).
8. D. Stefanescu: Algebraic independence of general power series, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 5,
272 (1984).
(a) A. Benhissi: Les corps de séries formelles généralisées, Thèse, Université de Provence.
Centre Saint–Charles, Marseille, (Juin 1988).
9. D. Stefanescu: On meromorphic formal power series, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie
27(75), 169–178 (1983).
(a) McDonald, John: Fractional power series solutions for systems of equations. (English) [J]
Discrete Comput. Geom. 27, No.4, 501-529 (2002). [ISSN 0179-5376]
(b) Kiran S. Kedlaya: The algebraic closure of the power series field in positive characteristic,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 129, no 12, 3461-3470 (2001)
(c) A. Benhissi: La clôture algèbrique du corps des séries formelles, Anal. de Math. Blaise
Pascal, nouvelle série, 2, n. 2, 1–14 (1995).
(d) P. Ribenboim: Fields: algebraically closed and others, Manuscr. Math., 75, 115-150 (1992).
(e) A. Benhissi: Les corps de séries formelles généralisées, Thèse, Université de Provence.
Centre Saint–Charles, Marseille, (Juin 1988).
(f) A. Benhissi: Les séries de Puiseux et la clôture algébrique de K((T )), Preprint (1988).
10. D. Stefanescu: A method to obtain algebraic elements over k((T )), Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math.
Roumanie, 26 (74),77–91 (1982).
(a) J. McDonald: Fractional power series solutions for systems of equations. Discrete Comput.
Geom., 27, 501–529 (2002).
(b) Kiran S. Kedlaya: The algebraic closure of the power series field in positive characteristic,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 129, no 12, 3461-3470 (2001)
(c) A. Benhissi: La clôture algèbrique du corps des séries formelles, Anal. de Math. Blaise
Pascal, nouvelle série, 2, n. 2, 1–14 (1995).
(d) P. Ribenboim: Fields: algebraically closed and others, Manuscr. Math., 75, 115-150 (1992).
(e) J. MacDonald: Fiber polytopes and fractional power series, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 104,
213–233 (1992).
(f) A. Benhissi: Les corps de séries formelles généralisées, Thèse, Université de Provence.
Centre Saint–Charles, Marseille, (Juin 1988).
(g) A. Benhissi: Les séries de Puiseux et la clôture algébrique de K((T )), Preprint (1988).
(h) M. M. Kapranov: On cuspidal divisors on the modular varieties of elliptic modules, Math.
USSR Izvestiya, 30, 533–547 (1988).
11. C. Calude, S. Marcus, D. Ştefănescu: The Creator versus its creation. From Scotus to Gödel,
in Collegium Logicum, Annals of the Gödel Society, vol. 3, Prague, 1–10 (1999).
(a) P. Odifreddi: Ultrafilters, Dictators and Gods, in Finite versus Infinite. Mathematical
Contributions to an Eternal Dilemma, Springer Verlag, London, 2000.
12. C. Calude, D. Campbell, K. Svozil, D. Stefanescu: Strong determinism vs. computability, in W.
Depauli-Schimanovich, E. Koehler, F. Stadler (eds.): The Foundational Debate, Constructivity
in Mathematics and Physics, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 115–131 (1995).
(a) P Cotogno: Hypercomputation and the Physical Church-Turing Thesis British Journal for
the Philosophy of Science, 54, 181–223 (2003).
13. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Polynomials–An Algorithmic Approach, 322 pag., Springer Verlag,
Singapore, Berlin, 1999.
(a) Y. Chee, L. Chen, L. : A new constructive root bound for algebraic expressions, in Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM–SIAM symposium
on Discrete algorithms, Washington, D.C., pp. 496–505 (2001).
(b) Curgus B., Mascionoi V. : A contraction of the Lucas polygon, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
vol. 132, 2973-2981 (2004).
(c) P. Fleishmann, H. C. Marcus, P. Roelse: The black-box Niederreiter algorithm and its
implementation over thebinary field, Mathematics of Computation Volume 72 , Issue 244 ,
pp.1887 - 1899 (2003).
(d) A. J. Sommese, J. Verschelde, C. W. Wampler: Symmetric functions applied to decomposing solution sets of polynomial systems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 40 (6), pp. 2026-2046
(e) C. Li: Exact Geometric Computation: theory and applications, PhD Dissertation, New
York University (2001).
(f) John Hubbard, Dierk Schleicher, Scott Sutherland: How to find all roots of complex polynomials by Newton’s method Inventiones Mathematicae, 146, 1–33 (2001)
(g) C Li, S. Pion, C Yap: Recent progress in exact geometric computation, [to appear in J. of
Logic and Algebraic. Programming (2005)], see also C. Li, C. Yap in Proc. DIMACS Workshop on Algorithmic and Quantitative Aspects in Real Algberaic Geometry in Mathematics
and Computer Science, 2001.
(h) P Fleischmann, M Holder, P Roelse: The Black–Box Niederreiter Algorithm and its Implementation over the Binary Field, Math. Comput., 72, 1887–1899 (2003).
(i) A Alpers, P Gritzmann : On stability, error correction and noise compensation in discrete
tomography, TR, Tech. Univ. München (2004).
(j) M. Moeller: Good nonzeros of polynomials, SIGSAM Bull., 33, 10–11 (1999).
(k) P. Borwein, M. J. Mossinghof, J. D. Vaaler: Generalizations of Goncalves inequality, arXiv:
math.CA/0501163, v1 11 Jan 2005 (2005).
(l) R Bagnara, A Zaccagnini, T Zolo : The Automatic Solution of Recurrence Relations, TR,
Univ. Parma (2003).
(m) N. Broaddus: Noncyclic covers of knot complements, arXiv: math.GT
/0401120, v3 12 May 2004 (2004).
(n) J. Keyser, K. Ouchi, J. M. Rojas: The Exact Rational Univariate Representation and Its
Application, to appear in AMS DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science (2005).
(o) J. N. Chiasson, L. M. Tolbert, K. J. McKenzie, Z. Du: Elimination of Harmonics in a
Multilevel Converter Using the Theory of Symmetric Polynomials and resultants, IEEE
Trans. Control Systems Technology, 13, no. 2 (2005).
(p) K. Belabas, M. van Hoeij, J. Kluners, A. Steel: Factoring polynomials over global fields,
Arxiv: math.NT/0409510, v1 27 Sep 2004 (2004).
(q) W. D. Smith: Complexity of Minimization, TR, Temple University,
(r) J. Thomann: Calcul Formel ou Calcul Numérique ?, L’Ouvert, no. 98, 23–50 (2000).
14. D. Stefanescu: Modele Matematice ı̂n Fizică, Univ. Bucureşti, 224 pag., 1984.
(a) K. Svozil: Undecidability anewhere?, in J. L. Casti, A. Kirlqvist (Eds.) Boundaries and
Barriers, Addison–Wesley, New York, 215–237 (1996).
(b) K. Svozil: Set Theory and Physics, Preprint TU Wien, May 1995;
Foundations of Physics, 25, 1541–1560 (1995).
(c) K. Svozil: Varieties of Physical Undecidability, Preprint TU Wien, May 1995.
15. C. Calude, D. Campbell, K. Svozil, D. Stefanescu: Strong determinism vs. computability, in W.
Depauli-Schimanovich, E. Koehler, F. Stadler (eds.): The Foundational Debate, Constructivity
in Mathematics and Physics, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 115–131 (1995).
(a) P Cotogno: Hypercomputation and the Physical Church-Turing Thesis British Journal for
the Philosophy of Science, 54, 181–223 (2003).
16. M. Mignotte, D. Stefanescu: Polynomials–An Algorithmic Approach, 322 pag., Springer Verlag,
Singapore, Berlin, 1999.
(a) S. Akiyama, H. Brunotte, A. Petho, J. M. Thuswaldner: Generalized radix representations
and dynamical systems II - Acta Arith, 2006 (2006).
(b) A. Eigenwillig, C. K. Yap: Almost tight recursion tree bounds for the Descartes method
- Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Symbolic ..., 2006 -
(c) A. Ayad: Complexity bound for the absolute factorization of parametric polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 134, no. 5, 2006 - Springer (2006).
(d) I. Z. Emiris, E. P. Tsigaridas: A note on the complexity of univariate root isolation, TR
INRIA, Nov. 2006, (2006).
(e) I. Z. Emiris and E. P. Tsigaridas: Univariate polynomial real root isolation: Continued
Fractions revisited 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2006), [to appear also available at].
(f) Curgus B., Mascionoi V. : A contraction of the Lucas polygon, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
vol. 132, 2973-2981 (2004).
(g) P. Fleishmann, H. C. Marcus, P. Roelse: The black-box Niederreiter algorithm and its
implementation over thebinary field, Mathematics of Computation Volume 72 , Issue 244 ,
pp.1887 - 1899 (2003).
(h) A. J. Sommese, J. Verschelde, C. W. Wampler: Symmetric functions applied to decomposing solution sets of polynomial systems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 40 (6), pp. 2026-2046
(i) C. Li: Exact Geometric Computation: theory and applications, PhD Dissertation, New
York University (2001).
(j) John Hubbard, Dierk Schleicher, Scott Sutherland: How to find all roots of complex polynomials by Newton’s method Inventiones Mathematicae, 146, 1–33 (2001)
(k) C Li, S. Pion, C Yap: Recent progress in exact geometric computation, [to appear in J. of
Logic and Algebraic. Programming (2005)], see also C. Li, C. Yap in Proc. DIMACS Workshop on Algorithmic and Quantitative Aspects in Real Algberaic Geometry in Mathematics
and Computer Science, 2001.
(l) P Fleischmann, M Holder, P Roelse: The Black–Box Niederreiter Algorithm and its Implementation over the Binary Field, Math. Comput., 72, 1887–1899 (2003).
(m) A Alpers, P Gritzmann : On stability, error correction and noise compensation in discrete
tomography, TR, Tech. Univ. München (2004).
(n) P. Borwein, M. J. Mossinghof, J. D. Vaaler: Generalizations of Goncalves inequality, arXiv:
math.CA/0501163, v1 11 Jan 2005 (2005).
(o) R Bagnara, A Zaccagnini, T Zolo : The Automatic Solution of Recurrence Relations, TR,
Univ. Parma (2003).
(p) N. Broaddus: Noncyclic covers of knot complements, arXiv: math.GT/0401120, v3 12 May
2004 (2004).
(q) J. Keyser, K. Ouchi, J. M. Rojas: The Exact Rational Univariate Representation and Its
Application, to appear in AMS DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science (2005).
(r) J. N. Chiasson, L. M. Tolbert, K. J. McKenzie, Z. Du: Elimination of Harmonics in a
Multilevel Converter Using the Theory of Symmetric Polynomials and resultants, IEEE
Trans. Control Systems Technology, 13, no. 2 (2005).
(s) K. Belabas, M. van Hoeij, J. Kluners, A. Steel: Factoring polynomials over global fields,
Arxiv: math.NT/0409510, v1 27 Sep 2004 (2004).
(t) W. D. Smith: Complexity of Minimization, TR, Temple University,
(u) Lecture Notes for Students :
ii. graebe/vorlesungen/polynome.html
iii. fateman/282/hand1.pdf
iv. krick/ProgEcPol04.pdf
(v) Diploma Theses:
i. koepf/Diplome/factor.html
(w) Seminars:
i. schuppen/cwi/semcst2001s.html
(x) Mathematical Encyclopaedia on–line:
iv. polynomes.html
Links/PolyRootComplexBib lnk 3.html
v. mjm/Lehmer/references.html
vi. ntweb/ntw/additions4.html
(y) Forums:
ii. rusin/known-math/97/budan fourier
(z) Data bases:
17. D. Stefanescu: New bounds for positive roots of polynomials, J. Univ. Comp. Sci., 2132-2141
(a) A. Akritas, A. Strzebonski, P. Vigklas: Implementations of a New Theorem for Computing
Bounds for Positive Roots of Polynomials Journal, Computing, [to appear, version on line
available as DOI 10.1007/s00607-006-0186-y] (2006).
(b) A. Akritas, P. Vigklas: A Comparison of Various Methods for Computing Bounds of Positive Roots of Polynomials (TR 2006, submitted to JUCS) (2006).
(c) E. P. Tsigaridas, I. Z. Emiris: Univariate polynomial real root isolation: Continued Fractions revisited - Arxiv preprint cs.SC/0604066, 2006 -, also 14th Annual European
Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2006), [to appear] (2006). (2006)
(d) I. Z. Emiris, E. P. Tsigaridas: A note on the complexity of univariate root isolation, TR
INRIA, Nov. 2006, (2006).