ISSN 1010-0121 ~ JPr.f))n 1}@(ri t 201 ~~~!Jj4~ .. ~~~!f/J4~ Measurements of eolian processes on sandy surfaces in Iceland Hjalti Sigurj6nssonJ Fanney Gislad6ttirOO) and Olafur ArnaldsJ J Agricultural Research InstItute oJ SolfConservation Service ~~~~~". . . .'" '. -- ,"" '-"'.,'»'~~~~~~~ Publlsher/Otgefanci: Rannsoknastofnun landbunaoarins Keldnaholti, 112-Reykjavik Agricultural Research Institute Keldnaholt,IS-112 Reykjavfk, Iceland Managing edltor/Umsj6n meO CltgOfu: Tryggvi Gunnarsson ~,,~~i:~~,~~?~~~,m~,x"v' ""'-"""","'0.«"-"'-"-"«".,",x""""""«",««"",«-,»"",,, FJOLRITRALA NR. 201 3 Content .OVERVIEW 4 1 .INTRODUCTION 5 1.1/ce/andicsandydeserls 1.2Aeo/iantransporl 1.3 Characteristics of sandy surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .MASSFLUX 8 2.1/ntroduction 2.2 Theory 2.2.1 BSNEtraps 2.2.2 Sur1acetraps 2.2.3 SENSITinstrument .2.3Resu/ts 2.3.1 BSNEtraps 2.3.2 Sur1acetraps 2.4 Discussion... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 THRESHOLDVELOCITY 3.1/ntroduction 3.2 Theory 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 13 ' ' 3.2.1 .Effectofatmosphericinstability 3.3Resu/ts 13 13 14 16 . 3.4 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 AERODYNAMICROUGHNESS 4.1/ntroduction 4.2 Theory 4.3Resu/ts 4.4 Discussion... 5 5 6 ......................................... 5 CONCLUSIONS 17 19 19 19 20 21 23 REFERENCES. ................................................. 24 ApPENDIX A 25 A.1 .Themassfluxdensityfunction A.1.1 Thecaseofprojectilemotion ApPENDIXB 25 26 27 B.1 Numericalsolutionof the VolterraEquation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4 EOLIANPROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND Overview Sandy deserts are common geomorphologic surfaces in Iceland. They are mostly madeof basalticvolcanic glass,in contrast with the quartz-dominateddeserts of the world. The Icelandic deserts cover over 20,000 km2 and are made of several sandy landforms (Arnalds et at. 1997). The sandy surfaces are unstable and intense aeolian processescause a widespread redistribution of airborne sediments.Someof thesesurfacesare expanding,and advancingsand-frontscause lossesof rich and fully vegetatedareas, replacing them with sandy deserts.It is therefore important to improve understandingof aeolianprocessesin Iceland. Modelling of wind erosion calls for the determinationof key aeolian parameters. Resultsof erosionmodelling haveseveral practical implications such as predicting how the sandyareasmay evolve. This paper summarisesthe results of wind erosionresearchon sandydesertsin Iceland.Most of the datawas collectedin the summersof 1996, 1997and 1998.Researchrelated to this paper will be presentedby Gislad6ttir (2000) and Arnalds et at. (2000). Threshold values of wind friction velocity (u.) was determinedfor several sandy surfacetypes and aerodynamic roughnessof severalsurfacetypes was obtained.Methodsfor calculatingthe flux of blowing material and material creepingover surfaceare also described in this publication. The paper is divided into five main sections. The first part introduces the variousconceptsrelatedto the study.The next three chaptersare devoted to individual partsof the study: Chapter2 to the calculation of transport of material, Chapter3 to the calculation of threshold velocity under field conditions, and Chapter4 to calculatingaerodynamicsurfaceroughness.Chapter5 summarisesthe main findings of the study. 5 FJOLRIT RAtA NR. 201 J' INTRODUCTION ~ ~ t. t Icelandicsandy .. deserts interior cover active volcanic areas.Thisglaciers resultsin periodic floods of melt Iceland is an Island m the Nort~Atlantic ocean,locatedbetweenapproXlmately 63.5° and ~6.5°N, and 13° and 24°W. It has extensIv~sandydesertsthat are seldom reported m surveys of. lar~e san~y areas of the world. ~~ clImatIc enVIronmentand the composItIonof the sand makes these desertsunusual,esp:ciall~ when the vastnessof theseareasIS consIdered. water from sub-glacialthermal areasthat contributelarge quantitiesof silt and sand to aeolian sources at the margins and along floodplains.Catastrophicfloods associatedwith volcanic eruptionsare also importantcontributorsto the sandsources (Arnalds et al. 1997). In addition to the sandy areasthat are primarily of glacial and glacio-fluvial origin, there are ~idespread volcanic ash deposits assocIated The 20,000 sandy km2, deserts extending are fro~ more than coast!ine sand-fieldsto remotedesertsm the hIghlands with a broad range of generalsurface characteristics.Their climate ranges from rather arid «400 rom) to very ~~mid regimes (>2000 ~ with the active volcanic Sandy sedimentary zone in Iceland. rock also contributes to the sourcesof aeolianmaterials.All of thesesandy depositsare subjectedto intense aeolian activity. The sand has spreadover large areas away from the annual precIp~- original sand sources, and this results in tation). The parentmaterIalof the sandIS large desertareaswhich are mainly charmainly basaltic volcanic glass together acterisedby aeolianprocesses. with porous tephra and basaltic crystalline materials.The black sandysurfaces 1.2 Aeoliantransport characteriseover 20% of Icel~dic surAeolian processeshave beenreviewed faces. They were mapped dUrIng a Na- in many publications, such as by Bagntional Erosion S.urve~(Amalds e~ al. old (1943), Chepil and Woodruff (1963), 1997), and descrIbedm more detaIl by and Pye and Tsoar (1990). Aeolian sand Amalds et al. (1998). has three main modes of transportation. Iceland is windy and the sandy areas Saltation is the most efficient mode, a are subjectedto intenseaeolianprocesses bouncing motion of the sand grains. that have devastatedlarge areasthat for- Forces act on sand grains close to the merly were coveredwith fertile soils and ground becauseof high wind velocity vegetation.The aeolianactivity influences gradient.The grainsare launchedat mean the natureof all Icelandicsoils dueto aeo- anglesbetween30° and 50° (e.g., Anderliansedimentation (e.g.Amalds1999). son1989,Cookeet al. 1993).Soonafter The origin of the aeolianmaterialswas the grain is lifted from the ground, liftreviewed by Arnalds et al. (2000). Much forces ceaseto act and the tr~jectory of of the sand is made of volcanic glass of the grain is determinedby gravIty and the alacial origin. Glaciers cover now about drag of wind. In most casesgrainsrise to 10,000 km2. The sediment load of the a few centimetresheight. By th~t time glacial rivers is high and large quantit~es they have acquired most of the~r moof sedimentsare depositedon floodplams mentumand they descendand strIke the and at the glacial margins. Someof the ground under an angle of 10-12°. There 6 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND they bounce off again and may cause other grainsto becomeair-bornaswell. Another mode of transport is suspension. A simple distinction betweensaltation and suspensioncan be madeby the ratio of the friction velocity (u.), to the terminal fall velocity of the grain (uJ, as suspensionoccurs if u';ut<l. Thus, only smaller grains take part in suspension, and they follow the turbulent motions of the air. Cohesive forces between small grains are strong and it is generally acceptedthat saltationbombardmentis necessaryto break the inter-particle bounds andmakegrainsentersuspension. The third transport mode is surface creep. This term relatesto severalnearsurface processes,where actual surface creepis one process,but they aredifficult to distinguish and are most often referred to as creep (Cooke et at. 1993). Surface creepis the rolling of grains, inducedby saltation impacts,and the rolling induced by gravity into craterscreatedby removal of grainscausedby saltationimpacts.The grains that are moved by surface cre~p can be much larger than those in moved by saltation. rivers, and also in the vicinity of active volcanoes.Sand-fieldsare also common along the shore, especially at the southcoast where the sedimentloads of large glacial rivers and catastrophic glaciofluvial floods aredeposited. 1.:; Characteristicsof sandy surfaces Sandy surfaces in Iceland have been divided into three groups: sand (sandfields), sandy gravel, and sandylava surfaces(Arnalds et at. 1997,seealsoGislad6ttir 2000, and Arnalds et at. 2000).The surfaceof the sand-fieldsis mostly coveredwith grains smallerthan 2 mm in diameter (Figure 1.1). When the cover of ,stones and pebbles exceeds5-15% the surfaceis classifiedas sandygravel.Such areas are divided into three sub-categories, depending on the proportion of sandcover on the surface(Figure 1.2). The sand-fields are common in the highlands close to glacial margins and F.JOLRITRALA NR. 201 7 The sandy gravel surface is the most common of the three sandy landforms. This geomorphic surface dominatesthe highlandsin areaswhereerosionhasbeen active for a long time. Someof theseareas were previously vegetated.The old soil surfaceandvegetationcoverhasbeen removed,exposingglacial till surfaceunderneath.Later, sandhas moved over the till surfacesand sand is accumulatedunder the gravel surface as the gravel is continuously lifted up by frost-heaving (seeArnalds e~ai. 1997). Sandy lavas (Figure 1.3) are found close to active sandy areas. Sand is moved over the Holocene lava surfaces and gradually covering them. If the lava surfacesare rough, they act as a sink for the sand, since airborne sedimentssettle in the depressions.However,the lava surfaces will eventually fill up with sand, . and the sandthen continuesits advance- FJg~r~ t men over .t I. . . .. Map 1 illustrates the dIstrIbutIon and as ) sandy cO, . lava. . TheO!le c.\ oQthe t~~fil.1ed;up:~lthsand.;;;;:;\;,: :;;' '::; ughtlsmo~\qr)'; ;:;; :;1:..c;",i,r~;~;, :;,;;;;;,;,):;1 types of sandy deserts in Iceland. {, '~ ';~ ;~ ; ~ '; ",' ,i ):j 1i' "'e c""' ~ ;: 8 2 MASS FLUX 2..1 Introduction Flux by saltationandsuspensionat different heights was measuredin the filed by a column of BSNE dust traps (Fryrear 1986). The BSNE (Big SpringsNumber Eight) traps are designedfor collecting eroding material in the field with minimum interference with the wind-flow. They canbe describedasa diffiIsers;after wind entersits openingit slows down and sand settles in a pan at its bottom. Air passesout of the trap througha fine mesh at the top (Figure 2.1). Sand flux was also measuredby the SENSIT instrument.A piezoelectriccrystal within it detectsmoving materialsand I I..=~~:~. c 1111.1. transmitsan electricpulse when grains impinge upon it (Gillette and Stockton 1986, Stocktonand Gillette 1990). Scaling is requiredto convert its responseto a~tualmassflux. To scalethe instrument dIrect flux measurementmust be madeat the sametime and sameheight. An attemptwas madeto measuremass transportby surfacecreep.In order to do so, surface traps were designed (Gislad6ttir 2000).The surfacetrap is a box, 14 by 26 cm, dug into the ground, with the upper edges set level with the surface. The longer side is aligned perpendicular to the main wind direction. All material creepingtowardsthe trap will fall into it, but also some of the material travelling by saltation.To interpret these measurements, the flux by saltation must be known, and the proportion entering the surface trap must be determined.Then, that amount can be subtractedfrom the total in the trap to obtain the masstransportedby surfacecreep. 2..2. Theory 2.2.1 BSNE traps ;. 1 , , ... [ '! ! .: , I ",: "'! Flux at each trap height is calculated by dividing the trappedmassby the area of the trap opening and the time over which the sandis collected.Samplingefficiency was assumed90% accordingto Fryrear (1986). An empirical equation proposedby Fryrearet al. (1991): F(z)=Fo(l+zlojP (2.1.1) was fitted to measured flux values. Fo, 0" andfJ areparametersto be determined,F 0 Figu,re2.1. The BSN,Etrap. T9P; individu~, i~ the flux where z=O, 0" has the dimen- compollents, pan,supportw,ithtail and,dlf, l~jser:'Be!ow;,1:.hetrap Sionof length (m) andfJ is dimensionless. E~uation(2.1.1) can be integratedto obtarn Q, the masstransportper unit width, 'c FJ6LRITRALA 9 NR. 201 Q - -~ jectory P+ 1 1 (2.1.2) L L 2 Surface traps . A S d b ~. mentlone eiore, . mterpretatIon tIme near the upper f boundary than near the lower. Let P(z,h)L1z be the proportion .of the to~l flux within the layer that IS on the mterval (z, z+L1z), h2'z2'O.That is, Jp(z,h)dz= 1 0 saltating grains. b 1. P(z,h) 0 surface trap measurementsrequires that the flux by saltation is known. The proportion of the total amount of saltating materialenteringthe surfacetrap must be determinedand subtractedfrom the total in the trap for retrieving flux by surface creep. To calculatethe proportion of saltating materialthat entersthe surfacetrap, mass flux as a function of saltationlengthmust be found. Mass flux as a function of saltation height, can be derivedfrom the behaviour of saltating grains, and the observedflux profile. As a first approximation, it will be assumedthat saltation length is proportional to saltationheight. In the caseof projectile motion of particlesthat is true if the particlesare ejected at a constantangle, no matter how great the initial velocity is. In order to derive the flux as a function of saltation height, considera layer of grains in saltation, where all grains reach the same height h. This may be called a saltation layer with thicknessh. Horizontalmasstransportwithin the layer increasesas the upper boundary is approached,becausevertical velo~ity component decreases and the grams dwell . longer of . . If grains travel a ong para 0 lC trajectorIes, the fl ux density is 1 = /, 2h"\,' " 1 - z (2.1.4) I h The real flux density function is more complicated,but this expressionis convenientand will be usedas a rough estimate for the flux density. The massflux densityfunction is discussedin more detail in AppendixA. Given the flux density function for a layer of arbitrary thickness,the observed flux profile can be constructedby a combinationof an infinite numberof layersof different thickness,extending from zero to infinite. Massflux is different from one layerto another.Let k(h) be the massflux within a layer of thicknessh. Then, k(h) integratedover a finite interval,yields the flux of grains reaching the top of their trajectorieson that interval. The contribution of one layer of thicknessh to the total flux on the interval (z, z+L1z)where z<h is k(h)P(z,h)dz. The total flux on that interval is the sum of such contributions from all layers having a thickness greaterthanz, i.e. 00 fk(h)P(z,h)dzdh h== That flux can also be calculated as F \Z/LlZ, t:.).4- were h F t:' \z/ j. IS th e 0 b serve d fl ux a t . z, so 1t canbe conc1uded that F(z) = jk(h)P(z,h)dh h== (2.1.5) Th. . . IS IS a Volterra mtegral equationof (2.1.3) the first kind (Hochstadt1989).In general it can only be solvednumerically,see P(z,h) is the flux density as a function AppendixB. of z, for grains saltating to the height h. Oncek(z), the amountof grainsjumpP(z,h) must be determinedfrom the tra- ing to height z, has beenfound, it is pos- 10 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACES IN ICELAND sible to calculatewhat proportion of the 2.3 Results saltating material will enter the trap, 2.31 BSNE traps given the width of the trap, assuming . m . the fiIeId 0f t he SENSIT . proportlona . 1 sa1- . Cal I.bratIon . 1ength IS sa1tatlon . .dth f th mstrumentsrequIresthat the BSNE traps t t . h . ht L t b b th a Ion elg . e e e WI 0 e. . tr d ap t b an th e . e Jump 1 gth en f . grams. 0 are emptied repeatedly after a relatively .. According to Owen (1980) mean jump lengthis twelve-fold thejump height.Assumethat is valid for all grains.Then all grains not jumping higher than onetwelfth of the trap width will fall into it. short penod durmg a sandstorm. °n.e san~ storm event was ~ecordedfor ca.lI~r;:g the :ENSI~ ms~~ents WIth tra~s. t was one unng a storm at LandeYJasand~ 2~th July 1997.How- .. ever, the samplmg m the BSNE traps t>b the proportIon . 0f sand-fl ux m . d. tIon . a t entenng f . .the trap. . gIvesa good mIca . bl ! Th th IS II. en, e amoun 0 gramsJumpmg . . . t h .ght d t . th tr . storm event of moderatemtenslty. Wmd 0 el z an en enng e ap IS . . b/12 T bt . th t t 1 t f speed was estimated as approXImately 11 k /.'\ {Z/ z. 0 0 am e 0 a amoun 0 -I th . T bl 2 1 . . th o t b . t t d ~ 11 m s at e time. a e . gIves the cograms, IS mus e m egra e lor a .. . 1 gth fr t . fi .ty efficlents m equation(2.1.1) and the total . Jump en s om zero 0 m ml , so fl b t. ux y equaIon..(2 12). When b h/12 ~ k(z) Q,rup = fk(z)dz +12 f -;-dz Th en Q (2.1.6) "'" h/12 0 . th trap IS ... 'J:J' :fable2.1.()QefficlentscharactenSl!1gthe.~:: . . e mass per unIt WI dth :Width ~r110urand t11eflux bysa/tati ...;:~l:' ""~I :n~e:ingthe s~rfacetrap. L.L..:;SENSIT Instrument :li~:",'(iJp'c' .. Accordmg response of proportional ' to GIllette the SENSIT et at. (1997) . to mass flux, mstrument the . IS but different R :,:c:':c-:::'" '::::'c'.. j':'~II;",:: ill.ii':'c,ilcJ:,. 'c:, 'c a particular site must be calibrated using particlesthat are involved in a dust storm at that site. .. .. The calIbration equation IS F =kS QJ -j, '!o"'i:"::(~):":'c c,,{k:g,mc:hr :r~:'!:ic:c::j,'Cc,:::ci,jjjJ -1 ),,{kgm ,:J:jJJ'!~ 'iJi~:FI :~:::h;r~ ':,c ,:c :£'I.~;' ":C:"C:"l11:ilit, iI!Oj~~::J ,O;60:'::-7;9:6, 2695:' ,k,,:" ill05~!~1i' 'Iifb ,:' c,': ;;: 'ii"",:: i.\i~ :0.38i1"~.64i1 396:5:.\'1;li264"Ji particles produce different constants of proportionality. That is, measurements i1,j~L :0:;4:8' -8;,03: :' from cc ::~ ,i4i1cc , .1..J3: :, '13.78: ',}Iii.!! 3154',.\,': c207,;~1 , ,," c:'1846 ,:.:,: :.163:"i'::: il~ji1 c, ",cc :)5;:, iO.26,::: 1i"-'5;24c , -, 4648' 279:k1lli1: CCv" c:,16iil''1,..18:'C.:.t16.98 :iI:cil1:'::'.,",J",cc.: 3329 246:":;);:: ::::'J!1iI1 ,:11;;2;53, -31,3911",197QJ,:.:;' 164 Ilil1..;, (2.1.7) F (massper unit areaper unit time) is the actual massflux, k is the calibration constantand S is the SENSIT response per unit time. The calibration constantk can be determinedby plotting F againstS and finding the slope of line drawn throughthe points obtained. Cil;iI!:,'jj!!f;1 The flux values vary from about 164 kg m-1hr-1 to about 280 kg m-1 hr-1. If flux by surface creep is assumedto be one third of the flux by saltation (Bagnold 1943),the total flux reachesup to 370 kg m-1hr-1. FJOLRITRALA NR. 201 :" 11 '...c {2.1.6),cQlrap 'tc ~!f(~g~c.}cc~(m) ,609;','c,?c';C c' :13,01 ,: -I 0:068cc::-;2.6, c Cc 26.0cc;,0:q2cl:c.16.85 ,c",cc;",;cc;;c;,c,ccc",;cc '0,032 c',-19" ,:;, c : ,,;8.47,.;c c cllr~l" 0;33;,' cccc,c,ccc,;c"""'"" 44J ,,;';c:;,';'0 32";c';:c;"',;21'81 2.32 Surfacetraps Three measUrements of sanddrift with surface traps south of Langjokull were investigated,all on a sandy gravel area south of 1>6risjokullglacier. Table 2.2 gives the coefficients characterisingthe vertical flux profile and the relevant quantitiesfor calculatingthe flux by Sufface creep.The resulting flux (Qc) is also indicated.The time over which the sand was collected is not known, as the traps ':,:,:c'1'.56 c ' lOJ~,";I:: were left during a considerabletime, and sand-drift occurred only during a small portion of that period. Figure 2.2 shows the mass flux as a function of saltation height. The curves arescaledso that the total areaundereach of them is equalto one. The last column of Table 2.2 indicates that the ratio of creepingmaterial to saltating material is between 1:3 and 1:6. The results conform with rather wide range of ratios reportedby otherssuch as 1:3 by Bagnold (1943) and 1:8 by Bor6wka(1980). ".1" OIscusslon . . I!:. It is interesting to see that in all three cases, very close to one-third of the sal- ,[ tating material enters the ~urfacetr~ps.AssumIng that In gen- I;c , 0 ,',' ~: 0 ", 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,25 z(m) 0,3 0.35 0,4 0,45 . ;'i1;I:f.,;" -fsaltatlon herghLThen1ass,flux;," FIgure 2.2.cMasstluxasafunctJono .. ; c; ... -~ c ; c, :';' ,:;c c"c; eral about one third ~i~l~:t::~::~u~::~~ trap, t h e tota1fl ux by ls:scaledby di.Vldmg k(z),by;Q,-,fF:(z)1.;;csothe'area underthe;cu~es, saltation and creep ;':;'::':;' ,:equalscl.c,TreemeasurtementscoI.Ja " 'c::;;;::():,', c POTisjokulr(!flacler."see map i ',:;,:;;c.c.J,c-':;'=I,::I"" csaJ 'c.,c",c..,cc , ldy graYel;surface'south:::,8~:, 'C:Cc., , c..c"c.';"c,c"" ::,:,c.;:;lc.canb e c :,',:::""" roughly as- sesse, d on1y by surface traps. This is 12 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND considerablyeasier and less costly than the BSNE or SENSIT instrumentation.If the flux of materialinto the surfacetrap is Qlrap=Qc+Q/3where Qc is the flux by creep and Qs flux by saltation, and Qc=Q/3, (cf. Bagnold 1943)then the total flux, Qlolal=Qs+Qc=2Qlrap. That is, the total flux is approximatelytwice the flux enteringthe trap. b . d. An 0 VIOUSlsadvantageof the surface trap is that its samplingefficiency is dependenton wind direction.That could be avoided by using a circular opening. Also, it would be betterif saltatingmaterial could by avoided, which would be possibleby using a very narrow opening on the surfacetrap, in the samemanner Bagnoldusedin wind tunnel experiments (Bagnold 1943). However, this can be difficult under field conditionswith alternating wet and dry conditionswith subsequent blocking of narrow openings.Two traps with linear openings aligned perpendicularto one anothermight provide results less dependentof wind direction, since the two traps measuredtwo independent componentsof the flux vector, say Qx and Qy. The total flux could be obtainedby adding the two components vectorally,that is, - 2 2 0.5 Qlolal-(Qx+Qy) The main finding presented in this chapter is a method for interpreting measurementswith surface traps. These findings are valuable for further data collection for calibrating flux calculationsin relation to sand drift models and allows for less costly and convenientmeansfor estimating flux for large areas.In addition, ratio of creepingto saltatingmaterials found by other authors were confirmed, to the extent the accuracyof the surfacetrapsallows. FJOLRITRALA NR.201 13 .; THRESHOLD VELOCITY .~.1 Introduction The determination of threshold velocity is of key importance in characterising aeolian processes. The only such determination for Icelandic sandy environments was done in wind tunnel experiments conducted in co-operation with the USDA-ARS in Big Springs in Texas (Arnalds 1990). Icelandic aeolian processes involve basaltic volcanic glass materials, when transport is occurring, the nature of the wind-profile over the surface is different from that when no sand is blowing, as was noted by Bagnold (1943). The reason for this is that momentum is transferred from the wind to the blowing sand grains. The transition from one regime to the other can be identified by a change in the ratio between wind velocities taken at two different heights above ground. which are rather uncommon constituents in the world's aeolian environments (Edgett and Lancaster 1993). The method used for determining the threshold velocity is based on monitoring sand movement by the SENSIT instrument with simultaneous measurements of wind velocity, relative humidity, temperature and wind direction. The methods are described in greater details in Chapter Two anemometers were used to record wind velocity, one at 2 m height and one either at 0,3 or 0,4 m height (Figure 3.1). Three SENSIT instruments were used and mounted at different heights above ground. Ten or thirty minutes wind speed averages were measured except when eroding material was detected by the SENSIT instrument, then one minute averages were recorded by the datalogger. 3.2. Another method of determining thresh- 3.2 Theory old velocity is also explored by analysing the wind data. It is based on the fact that It is well established that wind velocity above a rough surface can be described by the equation u(z)=u.ln(zlzo)/k (3.1) where Zo is a roughness length, k is von Karman's constant and u. is friction velocity. The friction velocity, U', depends only on the shear stress exerted on the surface by the friction of wind. When sand begins to blow, equation (3.1) ceases to hold. A new one, similar in form becomes valid, u(z)=u.ln(zlhYk+vh (3.2) An extra term Vh has been added and a . .,.' it, new roughness length, h is introduced, ~lgu~c3.~, EquJpment.forme~llrtn~thre~h. see Owen (1964). According to Owen ( 1964) h b . d . oJdveloclty,anemometers,the S~=SENSIT:iffit" tr:a"" s:: S c::: can e mterprete as the thlckf th 1 . c :strumentandiii c 'c C c colrifu;6fB ! 1~'" p.c ee" ::~s6 Figure4-..1c.c c :c:c ness 0 e sa tauon 1ayer and Vh can be interpreted as the mean wind velocity at 14 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND the top of the layer. The new roughness Zoto yield the correspondingcoefficients factor (h) will increaseas the wind gets for wind below threshold velocity. So, stronger,and is thereforenot a constant, when Uj is plotted againstU2,one should unlike zoo expect to see a straight line extending Let wind velocity at two different from the origin of the Uj-U2 coordinate heights Zj and Z2 be Uj and U2 respec- systemto the threshold values, then the tively. According to equation (3.2), Uj= slopeof the line would decreaseabruptly, u.ln(zjlhYk+vh and u2=u.ln(z~hYk+vh. and might decreasemore as wind gets By eliminating the friction velocity from stronger(seeFigure3.2). these two equationsand solving for Uj, The point wherethe slopechangesrepone finds that resents the threshold velocity. This uj=au2+b (3.3) methodof measuringthresholdvelocities h canprove to be a valuableadditionto the were . SENSIT methodsused m the field, thus a = ~~ (3.4) involving lower cost equipmentwhich is In(z2/ h) possibleto leave for extensiveperiodsof and time in the field. The authorsof this paper b =v (I-a) (3.5) are not awaret~a~this method has been h used for determInIngthresholdvalues in This is valid when wind is above the field. threshold velocity, but as a special case we can put Vhto zero and substituteh by 32.1 Effect of atmospheric instability .0 In many cases,the best line through points below thresh- . old velocitydoesnot . seemto crossthe origin of the co-ordinate T system. The most -. '1 . . likely explanation is that the logarithmic . equatIon was not valid at the time the measurements took place. The logarithmic e I. . ~ , , I 0 . 2 . 7 . ..0 q uation " ..("",, I... 'j II Figure 3.2. ObservedUrU] curve on a sandy sunace,lt consistS6f two Ji.i.1esofdifferent sJ,opes. .TJlechangein theslonP ~ ,..- markstbe , c' I ~bresho.1d . 1bl J IC. co d . owmg sandlsue.C :I'CCCCCCC strument, squarescarecmmwm averageSW.ften ctectedccccccccccccccc cc,' c/ 0" Cc c//// /c 0 / c!..r~ 1 C is valid only when air is in neutral equilibrium. When air is either stable or unstable I. t must be account ed tIor byastallty b.l. function, FJCLRITRALA NR. 201 ~ az where = 15 ~ ~ kz" (3 </1mis the stability and Hicks (1970) 6) . function. proposed Dyer the following . Equation perature (3.7) are unstable, on sand, gradient. number temperature equation (3.9) profile (3.9) assumed -0.5 ifJ.,=(1-16Rz) conditions shines zero, gradient reduced is defined causing Ri is the equation. was integrated temperature up to 0,001 m. was assumed gradient tions Richardson personal in similar Lubbock, to Texas communication). Figure The 3.3 and The observa- (John Stout, result shown on neutral the line stability values of u. and the corresponding for comparison. where g is gravity and T is absolute tem- veloc~ty at 0,4 and 2 ~ thus fo~d.. perature resultmg IS shown / az in (Stull 1988). equation (3.6) By one ( u. ) 4 ) 2 + 64 T"&" for obtains ) ( ( g aT au gaT &" = 8T"&" solving +"k.; 3.4 and for neutral Uj-U2 curv~ for comparison equilibrium According. °'25 perature (3.9) the of to Figure gradIent wind The m FIgure Uj-U2 curve air. 3.4, high tem- has the ef!fect of sh.ift~g the Uj-U2 curve when wmd more than 1 m S-I. When slower bends &~ --' is for Equation(3.9)was integratedfor few (3.8) au = Zo steep tem- (~ ) K~ T az be aT / az =5,47e-j,86z as Ri = to as is when 2 au to 2 m height.The roughnessfactor was 2 sun the is the logarithmic form for </1m, when When / az aT , : 2 velocIty IS winds get the curve and ulti- mately crosses the origin. That ex- plains the frequently t observed Uj-U2 allows .. , IF '" !lgure for more ac- non curate . friction velocity i!i'" ~ values. Adjacent ~: dots ~~ ~" of determinathreshold on different curves on Figure 3.4 representthe same ."" 0 0,' , " 2 2,' I .., .!; Wind,,'oc..,fmo.') ": of and ~: ~ - shift curves, 3 .. 'fhl " oJ." . h e ogant ". - I .,. - mlcveoc.ltvprofife;(strallZhtllne u. values under dif..1 . """ ~: ferent conditions "",'. , !)"! (stable i,,~::: bl e). ) and vel.ocitti'.!: and unsta- They m . dIcate . profile ~a:lc:ulated (accord.l~g t? ! 1?at a rough correcmQmmUllIcatlo.n)",curved:une.l). Is'.0,25"l11s! an~surfacetemperaturei:non can be done by y:':lowerwhenairisunStable:"ic.:ii Projecting the Point " " """ ,,' :': "" ",,- ",,' i"" J :20°C.Ve!Qcity:at21nis!corisicletabl " i "" :" ,," representing thresh- 16 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND '",w"" ,- ,""~,W.o;" ill" ~Wo'.ili' .ili,ili"'~ ill" ",,",.. ~~ Results , 7 I ' When measured under field condi- ~i tions, threshold val- ! ues vary between measurementintervals. The lowest valuesare shown in Table 3.1. Temperature gradient has been accounted for when necessary(in s ) . i ~3 2 most cases), by 1 projecting the point of threshold values 11 ~j :~ 00 1 2 3 . ::J S 8 7 I 0(2m), (ms"') " ,'Ccc".. "a onto the curve for ,:Ji~ht~s~ . - 'ccc_c cc, cc,c" " c 'c. .:cc :,~ben.atr JSu~stablethe:tWo!;:urv~sare,~ost1yp~aUel whe~~md'v~J"; 'iOCltv1StJreater1han 'c. c; C,Ccc c c,CCt".:CCccC,C""C"'C "cc'C ",,0' ,,'-s '.litiS":' c c c' c ""c neutral ng stability so aer.oFor dydol. . namlC roughness must be known as explainedin chapter 3.1.1,but it is not in old values, almost parallel with the horiall cases. zontal axis of the co-ordinatesystemonto Pointson a Uj-U2graphfor one minute the line for neutral stability. The line for wind speed averages,taken when the neutralstability is determinedonly by the SENSIT instrumentrecordsmoving parsurfaceroughnessas indicated by equa- ticles, are often very scattered.For obtion (3.4), where h has beenreplacedby taining accuratethresholdvelocity it can zoo be helpful investigating the change in '):'V;--:-7;":::;,:: I '-' h ' -. M ,c". fi d c",.c."-. kll cC 15 -"' ;,gr03ve, "",are,a most1 esamem, yyatnsorre,cannear:YVrlsjo U"'C c ;;c,';."');;:""'" ,~9~tIOn. : "IJafideyjasandur ..! ... 'Sand Q7 , Sandy gravel,;4 :;:", Near Sandy , gravel 5 Myvatnsorrefi , .. Sand 0.7 Sand 0.7 Myvatnsora:fi :Myvatnsora:fi 10.6 c::'cc;'.!!if;:::;; ;" );5c S " ; 2:8,,! 1I.T . c." k u 11 ""ear" '" YOrlSjO d C14 an y ava", ,10.4 ' 7 5' ; ",:" c c-, : ,!SandygraveI5;i:,! "0.9 ,: 8;3 !:'" :Ne"arpOrISjokull porlsjokull ""i,,,::!:;;::}:};; ";;:"1'c-l;,,)"::;cc~~~,j zo(mm):::U(lm)(m"sc,,),' u.;(m;s:!,,;,,; 'f!u.{m:~;,~~:~ Surfacetype ",,;: ! "'","i"'c c cc " ,,4..8c , c, 7.4 ' 10,2 ,::,,'c 0..42c": ," ,;::,j)::!,! o.d~;'l;i::!:: !!"'c::!!:;:: 0.64 0.02.:::.:.!:!]': "0.58 0..02':~rJ . ,," cO.76 0.24 0.37 cO.53 C""}.,, 0.02";:?k,:} "kk:: 0.0.1 ,,;:,::,;,! '!.!!L O.OtL;i1.;:!:; k "k'C"" 0.02~'i~,: FJ6LRITRALA slope of NR. 201 U/-U2 averages (10 17 curves, using the or 30 minutes) longer and conse- .., quentl y less scattered Pomts. In ..,".' some ;:JJ" sal.1durand"Myyatl.1s<?rrefi"are "c"r" - "takenfro~" "" " cases (see for example Figure 3.2) the thresholdcouldjust aswell be determined "tatl~g~ams:Th.e" porlaksbofnsamplelsfF~w . ~suifacetrap,smce..n°" samplefroma"BSNE only from the changem slope. ~.1 .;. " D . Iscusslon . AeolIan . in por)akshotn can "be estimated"s)ih,not.\;;; JeSS .c""S'.c/" . p ort trans . IS commonl thantboseofLandeyjasal1dur;ol'cabout.Oi~R.!i c" c .. y mItI-I ated at wmd speeds between 5 m s f1 . b th d .f ~ -I /mm.,,; cic c ,,/,,'RR and . ' c ,," cicic R c ",.",Rci$j, "ci,,!jj!ill' RR!ci1iii1jil.fR!I' ',;'/ ci.'ccCcci. ..CC ci,;; "..c~jRinri~!r c","c" C c " LandeV1a" /porJaksMvv~m"r, ,,_:JJ, ... ~'l"J,'Ri:r csandur / hofn," o~,:!t': cic " cl Rc :!ciR;;~i} 11 m s , re ectmg 0 .. I lerences li':c,R . . m ",Pr<?peqle$ surfaceroughnessand clImatic condItions "c'; . ; when sand-drift began. Lowest numbers ;d::mean (mm) c are recorded fi ld b Ie s, for the nearly level sandy th h ut eyare . h fi Ig er 'Skewness" e more f 'il; ciC., c l';;;l~i', C ;cD,isp,ersion; th or c 0..30; ;,;,;cO.3.7; o..l~.:ilf~&: ;, 'c;;;';1".I' ;;0.3;} " ,;,;/,;0..45 ;/0..4~i;!ij!t'i1i ; ; ~.O.7,;;,,;c;;Rc 0.00 O;o0!iRi ; l;!,;;;;;;,;";;!;:cc:,,,;;;/;c;c;;;;..;,:; ";KurtosIS" :!'i c;';:vl)[c;;;cCi;C09 ;tl0/' , ~:~ ~~;;ur::e~s, :a:~~o~~~; ~~~ served during wet conditions in very strong winds (Gislad6ttir 2000), with considerablyhigher thresholdvaluesthan canbe expectedfor dry conditions. Textural properties for these sites are shown in Table 3.2. The MYvatn sand is somewhatfiner than the other surfaces, with threshold velocity as low as 0.24 m S-l, (lessthan 5 m S-I at 2 m height). The Landeyjasandur and I>orlakshofn sand also measuredfriction velocity threshold of 0.24-0.43m S-I for tephraand allophanic soil materialsand sanddominatedby volcanic glass.His results showeda threshold value of 0.4 m S-I for coarse,light densitytephra with median grain size of 0.93 mm, considerably larger than the threshold values (8.3 -1 and 6.0 m s at 2 m considered ) low corres p ond with t . ame tunne nalds numbers d . I . mT m 1990). a exas well ob- . d wm ( Arnalds Ar- '" / 4TH 5 BI-SOIL ..!:~ (1960 6 GR 10 ;C1 (1982) 7 BI-SURFACE ;1, 8 BI-SIEVEDfine 0 . m Iceland. The . threshold velocIty values '" FromAmalds (1990): ti, . . d d smce wm -spee s this high or higher . are quIte common ,j:' -} 3 Myvatnsorrefi heig . ht,) w hIC . h can be i:~" I Landeyjasandllr 2 p"rlakshofn have ,i! 9 BI-SIEVED coarse ::',j .01 10 'c ;R / d (mm) c; "c;: ; c; : ;,,;" :;,"R: ,i" compar~a:i cwithicurves forc thresho.ld:ifriction;yelocities cas a,.function.!.iofgrain i ; i;; " i' i diam~ter.ilversenalld White takeinto;account;variationsiin Re'"jwld;" cohesiv;e;forces. NLlmbers:obtained;for;1celandicmaterials in windi ld l i.c;"..; ; I C;'; (i; :t~ne ;ieXpe!1ment.A;ma s ,;1990); a soiil.l1cluded. After;;;Pyec& Ts<>ari: ( ;1 "' 9 " 90) " ;, cC'"' "r; C ;"C " "" i;:",:,,;: .; ',,;l " i:j;; C C""" i",il.; 18 EOLIANPROCESSES ONSANDYSURFACES IN ICELAND 0.84 rnm which is often usedin wind erosion models as grains too large to move (Skidmoreet al. 1994). Thresholdvelocity values obtained in this study and thosemeasuredby Arnalds (1990) are plotted on Figure 3.5, for comparison with theoretical curves for thresholdvelocity as a function of grain diameter.Most data are located close to the theoretical curves, but somewhat higher,becauseof wider grain-sizedistribution in the natural sand comparedto uniform distribution. .:~ ,..~ 1:1 FJOLRITRALA NR. 201 19 -1 AERODYNAMIC ROUGHNESS &.1 Introduction Aerodynamic roughnessis an important factor for modellingwind erosion,reflecting the roughnessof the surfaceand the resultingwind profile. Surfaceroughnessis determinedfrom the vertical wind velocity profile. Anemometersare used to record wind speed at different heightsabovethe surfaceand the resultsusedto obtainthe wind profile (Figure 4.1). The measurements usedhere were carried out on two different occasions.Becausethe configurationof measurement instrumentswas slightly different, resultswill be representedseparately. A one minute averagewind speedwas recorded for approximately20 minutes at three or four different heights over each surface. During the first set of measurementof aerodynamic roughness, wind profiles were recorded on six different surfaces. Anemometer~were placedat 2 m, 0.3 m and 0.1 m heights. During the second set of measurements,wind profiles wererecordedon six different surfaces. Anemometers were placedat 2.15 m, 1.04m, 0.53 m and 0.05 m on two of the first locations.In the four last locations, three anemometerswere used,placed at 2.15 m, 1.04 m, and 0.05 m. 4.2 Theory In theory, the aerodynamicroughness of a surface,Zo, appearingin the logarithmic wind profile equation ( u. ( UZ)=T1n; Z ) (4.1) "j " is easily determinedby fitting a line to points on a In(z)-u graph. Supposethe linethusobtainedhastheform U(Z)=aln(z) +b : (4.2) where a and b are constants.Then the aerodynamicroughnesslength is Zo = e-% (4.3) However, air must be in neutral stability for equation(4.1) to be valid as noted in Chapter3. 1 IgU!c.. easurlngequlpmel~t oraero Y-! I namlc roughness.TllCbox containsa data1og"1 If onl~ two anemo~et~rs are prese~t, : gerchargedwith asuncel1placedon its top. ..':] as often is when erOSionis measured m :' : : .~~ ; the field, surfaceroughnesscan be cal- -f" I 20 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND c c :cc c ':;;!cc"Ccic... ccCcc ciic,.ccC ccc,c Cc!ciC c c cCc,... iccicic . iiCCli' c cC . c,:cc,c,:,:c ,,:Cccj,;!j!J iCc ic,CcCCiiCiC9 i! i;i':"'~!;!; i,::i;;!", .'i ici$tltfaCe!rypei !"c,i!,:,'!;Cc,:ZOA ,,2:!Sandycgravel cc'Cc' (mm) ,ii;':~;]?":':ii! ,'ccCCc,c,' iiLl1 ccccciiccc c'ii ci,;i;~;j C l1Z0A{mm)Cii ci'C,ii!i iccc~""'c',:i'c'.'c i"' 2' "' cCCCCicc!ciCCc'CCCC !'ic Cii!! i!:;!"'!C' !';!'t i;iSttffacerype,:cc C:i C c;;, ci2Sandygravel~ !ic!i!"C ZOA\riirii)C!j 'c,c!!icc c i ci,l1Zo1Jc(m"ll4!;] O,93"ii!!!",:!" i'!;iciC!cc ccCC ;;;c:ci;;cct C j! !'i!;,l1ZhA(mm)c 2.40;iicc,:!i!c!i':!': zOIJ\mm)c i!,:?'CciCc,: ccCCccCc CC ' Cicci'C!iCiiiiccCCiii?" C cO'.06 (c1 ;cc?!;An J dOO !, C!ii,i ,:anuiatic.l ('4;4) 5CCi! 'm.!.c l c'!~'iz". O4cccman!"." c 5 mflerg c'" ,C ht \n..mesv4,.. I'" C'i':"'CCC! CCeq ';""at.i'~n cc!!Cj,!",j) Ciii!;':":;";';!!! c. "'!c c':!}!-'!. cCC!, cO.19,:!I'1; ::: ciCciiiic,:CC;,;'Cici1C!cCC ;ei:ghtciniiJiheS'il!a'ilat~c~! i cc,;c!! Ci"!" ccr""f.' CCi!Ci!i ;iCC;C; cc ;",c!: ,i,i,j':;iCCZO1J,:(mm) c,,;Ci;!!C!C;l1Z01J(riim~',,:,:~1 cO,13cc!iici!i!,", 236ii!Cii,,:,,!!,".!Cc'i 0.2c':': cO:24i,i ic5iiSandyCgravel' cc CC,:ccCC!1-40ciCC"iC!cCC Oi08,iCiicC!iiii 155 ici,:ciii!iii? culatedby plotting Uj againstU2,finding 4.~ Results the slope of the line a and solving for Zo Roughness was calculated by two from equation(3.4). Then, methods,accordingto equations(4.3) and I (4.4) above. When applying equation ( ZU ) ~ Zo = -:- (4.4) (4.4) the lowest and highest anemometers were used. I . . ThiS.was shown to .be sufficiently ac- ~uratem most cases,if one anemometer IS placed close t? ground (5-10 c.m)and other at approximately 2 m height. If anemometersare placedat 2 m and 0.4 ~ heights,Zois very sensitivefor errors m a andz. Table 4.1 contains roughness factors of areas visited in the first field trip and the correspondingerror limits, calculatedby equation (4.3), (ZOA)and by equation (4.4), (ZOB). Table 4.2 containsroughness factorson areasvisited in the secondfield trip, calculated by equation (4.3), (ZOA) andthenby equation(4.4), (ZOB)' RALA NR.201 FJOLRIT 21 - '~ '-"""'""""-""~"".""i£'"""'""""""'",""""""""""",,,,, ~t QO1 , ness of five out of """"""""_.""" six surfaces classi- , !~ fied as sandy gravel fall within the interval reported by .'r:i "11 lW (if ::.;: Wieringa "5J f,; ~ ;:: 'I!; ':: I length obtained for a lava surface (zo= 2 73 ) . .th. QOO1 . ~:: ,;; ~ IS WI In the surfaces classl- ~ '6 ~eda~sandygravel ;:~' ,{I N . , . . . ,. In thIS study ~~:::::sbl~:ea=~ ".".'.'.""."":..'1'.'j..1.")";;. : ::::::: Q QaDI : ::::::: has others, and above QOO1 QO1 :;i the range given by r~ Wieringa(1993).A ,(IT}lheafo.ra~l:2-r~ara~Lm:J Zo ~j' ffi t¥ :': ,::::: mm thatinterval.One~f !~: J:: (1993). Also, the roughness ::::,:::::::': :', :, :,::,,: ::: :::: ,:::::,,' ::,::::,:::;:: ': :;:: ::: ,:",::::,:,:,;:,,:: _ghness,:de_ temlined::bv:tWo;different:m~:4:" J:'1igure:4,2;Aero~vnamicrou: :::," ,:,,:' : ,.-, gravel surface (me- 1 h. . ur,wlchlsqulte . common In Iceland) . was found to have roughness 0f about ;':::..;:,:;:::,:.";"::;:: 1 cm. These relatively high numbers should be taken . These results are also presented on cautiously, since their determinationreFIgure4.2. lies on a small set of measurementsand the terrain could be inhomogeneous.A 11.11 Discussion sandy lava surface was found to have ':: 11 -: d ~quaygo(!' ;:: 'coco:::: :" Roughnessof eroding areasin Iceland according to our observationsspansthe rangefrom 0.2-10 mrn. Wieringa (1993) reported roughness lengthsof various homogeneoussurfaces. They were selectedfrom various sources, where observations satisfied a certain quality criteria. The roughnessof loose sand reportedthere is approximately0.2 mm, dependenton wind speed,and the roughnessof anotherbare surfacewas 14 mm. The roughnessof sandreportedin this study is a factor of two or three greater than those of Wieringa. Rough- "", :::::, : ""': : :::: : ,i;';:; roughnessof 5.40 mrn, which also is above the range given by Wieringa. However, lava surfacescan appearconsiderablyrougherthan othertypes of bare surfaces.Consideringthat the roughness of rough rafted sea-iceis 7:t4 mrn (Wieringa, 1993), lava roughness of 5 mm seemsreasonable. The numbers reported here indicate that the roughnessof Icelandicsandysurfacescanbe characterised numerically for modelling of the development of the sandy surfaces. However, researchers must select measurementsites carefully~ 22 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND considering the homogeneity and take into accountthe stability of air. Since the difference in results produced by the two different methodspresentedin Chapter4.2 is minor it seems that fairly good results can producedby only two anemometersplaced close to groundand in approximately2 m height. However Wieringa (1993) doubtsthe reliability of roughnesslengthsobtainedby only two anemometers. FJOLRIT RALA NR.201 23 !; CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have presentedpre- studying threshold values was explored. liminary results of field-measurementof When threshold velocity is reached,the parametersimportant to physically-based wind profile changes.This changecan be sanddrift model. identified by only two anemometers10BSNE (Big Springs Number Eight) cated at two different heights above the traps proved very practical for measuring ground. The instrumentation for this massflux by saltation.Measurementsare methodis thereforemuch less costly than simple to perform and to interpret. Our the SENSIT equipmentand can allow for results indicate that in moderate sand- extensive data gathering for relatively storms in Iceland, mass flux with salta- low cost. This method can therefore be tion amountsto between200 and 300 kg valuable to obtain threshold values unm-l hr-1. der natural conditions for relatively low A theory for transformingmassflux as cost. a function of height aboveground,to flux Roughnesslengths reported here are as a function of saltationheight was de- between0.2 mm for a smooth lava rock rived, in order to interpret measurements to 10 mm for a rough gravel surface. with surfacetraps, providing a relatively Most of these values correspond with inexpensive method for determining sand flux. The results show that the material entering surfacetraps reflects about half of the total flux, saltation and surface creep.The proportionof the saltatingmaterial entering the surface trap seemsto be rather stable, about one third of the saltating material enters it according to this study. Aeolian transport is commonly initiated at wind speedsbetween5 and 11 m S-I. The SENSIT instrumentationgives a good indication of thresholdvaluesunder field conditions. Another method for characteristic results and surface roughness values selected by Wieringa (1993), and are likely to be correct.However resuIts for a sandy surfacewas two times greater than Wieringa reported (1993), and a gravel surfacehas a factor that is two times greaterthan expectedfor most bare surfaces according to Wieringa 1993. According to our results roughness length can be carried out by only two anemometers,where one is placed close to ground (5-10 cm) and the other at approximately 2 m height. , ;;;.~ ~, j ."; ;;1\E,:1:~[~ 24 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND REFERENCES Arn;alds, O. 1998. Sandur - Sandfok. Gr~3um Island VI: 69-82. Arnalds,O. 1990.Characterizationand erosion of Andisols in Iceland. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Arnalds,O. 1999. Soils and soil erosion in Iceland. In: H. 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In section A.l it will be derived generally, in terms of the velocity components of the grains and dislodgementrate per unit area,and in A.l.l the form of function for the caseof projectile motion of grainsis deduced. constant(with respectto height z) and can be interpretedas the dislodgementrate of materialper unit area,that is the massof particlesthat leavea squareon the ground of areadA=dxdy in a time interval of dt. Define D as the dislodgementrate per unit area, 1:..1 The mass flux densityfunction D = -.!!!!!.- (AS) dAdt Considerflux of grainsthat are ejected The concentrationof material at height fr~m ground and all rea~h the. same z can be obtained by dividing the dis?eIght h. The flux at a gI~en heIgh~z lodgement rate by the vertical velocity IS madeupwards up of fluxorof downwards. partIcles movIng either Let componentat that height' ii(z,h) = (ux(z,h),u:(z,h)) denote the velocity of upgoing particles and v(z,h) = (vx(z,h),v: (z,h)) denote the velocity of downgoing particles in a saltation layer of thicknessh. First investigate the flux of upgoing particles. The horizontal flux of material is the concentrationof material(massper C = !?-(A6) u:(z,h) Thenby combiningequations(AI) and (A6) it can be concludedthat the flux at height z is proportionalwith ratio of the horizontalvelocity componentto the vertical, and the constantof proportionality is the dislodgementrate,i.e. unit volume) timesthe horizontalvelocity component , (At ) Fx (z, h) = C(z'.rh)u (z, h) Fx(z,h) = D ux'(z h) u:(z,h) where C is the concentration, dm C =dV (A7) . holds for downThe same reasomng going particles, D has the same magnitude as for upgoing particles since the (A2) number of particles leaving and arriving d dV dxd dz I th h an . = y . n ...e same sense' t e ground is equal but has reverse sign. So, . can be concluded that the total hon-. 1t t I fl t h . ht . flux of up-gOIng partIcles IS conth . 1 I . zon a ux a eig z IS . . centration tImes e vertica ve OCIty component, (z,h) = ~u_(z,h ) (A3) u:(z,h) v:(z,h) vertIcal Fx(z,h)=D - F_ dV - .. By wntmg dxdy=dA, .andhence dV= dAdz; and u==dz/dtequatIon(A2) can be reWrIttenas dm F:(z,h)="d:4""d( (A4) ( u x (z , h) - v x, (z h) } (A8) The mass flux density function P(z,h) has exactly the same form as equation (AS) but has a different constantof proportionality, which mustbe determinedso that the integral over F(z) to the maxi- mumjump heighth equalsunity.Thatis, 26 EOLIAN PROCESSESON SANDY SURFACESIN ICELAND cFx(z, h)=P(z,h) (A9) velocity component as a function of fl d . fu . h heightwill be . th IS e mass ux ensity nction w en c is selectedso that u:(z,h) = .J2gh(1-z/ h) (AI2) By combiningequations(All) h c fFx(z,h)dz= 1 (AIO) (AI2) oneobtains and :-0 whereh is the maximumheight of grains. Fx(z,h)= K (AI3) .Ji-=ill whereall constantshavebeentakento- 1,.1.1 The case of projectilemotion In the case of projectile motion getherin one, K. Then, a new constantc ux=vx=constantwith respect to height, mustbe found so that and Uz= -Vz, since the vertical components are equal in size, but in opposite direc- tions.Equation(A8) simplifiesto Fx(z,h) = D ( 2 ) UX " cf~dz=l 0 (AI I) ~ (AI4) It turns out that c must be equal to 1/2h for equation (AI4) to be satisfied, so the u:(z,h) massflux density function for projectile Whena particle is ejected to height h motion of grainsis in gravity, it can be found by equatingthe 1 sum of kinetic energy and potential enP(z,h) =.JI-=-;-7h (A15) ergy to the total energy,that the vertical 2h 1- z / h FJOLRITRALA NR.201 27 ApPENDIX B In Chapter2.1.2 it was deducedthat an observedflux profile F(z), can be converted to flux as a function of saltation height,k(z). k(z) is the solution of an integral equation, Volterra equation of the first kind, see equation (2.1.5). Also, it was pointed out, that the equationcan in generalonly be solvednumerically.In the next section, d . b adfinite. difference solution metho will e escnbed. E 1 Nume:ical solution of the Volterra Equation By dividing z into small intervals, equation (2.1.5) can be approximated by a sum of an infmite number of terms, ( )~l~~P (~i,~V+t) ~ F ~i j ( C. I ~C x k -N (; + l.2) -'V, N . ~ (BI) = 0,1, Here z=ci/N, h=cO+%)/Nand dh=c/N. Equation(B 1) describesan infinite set of equations,one for each i. Infinite sets of equationscannot be solved, so the number of terms usedmust be restrictedto a finite value. That is equivalent to integrating to a finite height, insteadof inte. . to m . fimity. gratmg Th b d f th . t I t e upper oun 0 e m egra mus be seIect ed so that the 0bserved fl ux above it can be considerednegligible. Then k(h) must also be very small above that height and contribute very little to F(z) below that height. If N in equation (Bl) is a finite number,then c is the up- per limit of the integral, so F(z) can be approximatedas c F(z) ~ fk(h)P(z,h)dh (B2) h=z if c is sufficiently large.This integral can be approximatedby a fmite number of terms.Equation(B 1) reducesto ~-i )~L ~-i,-V+t) C N-l N j-; ( C ) C N N (B3) -I V + .12)) .5:- 'V,.-- O,I,2,...N N N Equation (B3) corresponds to N equations, one for each i. They contain N uDknowns, which are the values of k(z) at the points z=C(i+Y2)/N. xk .E.I: Thesetof equations canbewrittenas - =F (B4) Pk "" anNxN matrixWiththeentries whereP is Pi.j =P(ti,tV+t)). It is apparentthat P is an uppertriangularmatrix. k and Fare N xl vectors. The solution vector k can be obtainedby multiplying equation(B4) by the inverse of P, symbolisedby p-l, thus, -Ik- =P F (B5) . The entries of k are as noted before the '. 1 values f4 '=0 of I k(z) N-l at the pomts z=c(l+Y2)/N or i "... . In calculationsin Chapter2.3.2, c was taken as I m, but less than 1 percentof the t~tal flux is above one meter. N in equatIon(B3) was takenas 1000. j) :'i::-' ~