Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual WHEELOCK STREET GROUP, LLC Risk Management & Insurance Procedures Manual PROPERTY POLICY TERM: APRIL 1, 2014 – APRIL 1, 2015 GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY TERM: SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 – SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 PREPARED BY: ROBERT M. CURREY & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR WHEELOCK STREET GROUP, LLC Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - WHO IS INVOLVED? ........................................................................................................................... 1 EMERGENCY CONTACTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 CLAIMS PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 PROPERTY INCIDENT REPORT .......................................................................................................................................... 4 GENERAL LIABILITY REPORTING FORM ............................................................................................................................... 5 WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU RECEIVE LEGAL NOTICE ...................................................................................................................... 7 SITUATIONS REQUIRING NOTIFICATION .................................................................................................................................... 8 EMERGENCY RESPONSE CHECKLISTS ........................................................................................................................................ 9 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN .......................................................................................................................................... 10 FLOOD PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST.................................................................................................................................... 11 WATER INTRUSION CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................................................ 12 COLD SPELLS/ WINTER STORM PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................ 13 HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................................. 16 CIVIL DISTURBANCE OR RIOT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 18 ASSET RISK MANAGEMENT CHECKLISTS ................................................................................................................................... 19 INSECT INFESTATION/ BED BUGS ...................................................................................................................................... 20 SLIP AND FALL PREVENTION CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................................. 22 HVAC ELECTRICAL CHECKLIST......................................................................................................................................... 23 CHEMICAL SAFETY CHECKLIST ......................................................................................................................................... 24 PLAYGROUND SAFETY/ RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST ................................................................................................. 25 SWIMMING POOL SAFETY CHECKLIST ................................................................................................................................. 27 INSURANCE GUIDELINES ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 PROTOCOL FOR CONTRACT REVIEW AND INSURANCE COMPLAINCE COMPLETION ............................................................................ 29 INSURANCE EXHIBIT- ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................... 30 INSURANCE EXHIBIT- SECURITY SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 32 INSURANCE EXHIBIT- SNOW REMOVAL ............................................................................................................................... 34 EVENT WAIVER AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 36 INSURANCE EXHIBIT- GENERAL SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 37 LIMITS FOR SERVICE VENDORS ......................................................................................................................................... 39 SAMPLE LETTER TO VENDORS/ CONTRACTORS TO REQUEST EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE ...................................................................... 41 SAMPLE TENANT/ VENDOR CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE .......................................................................................................... 42 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS- WHO IS INVOLVED? There are a few different companies involved in the insurance program for Wheelock Street Group, LLC The following will describe which companies are involved as well as the roles of each. ROBERT M. CURREY & ASSOCIATES, INC. One Beacon Street, 22nd Floor Boston, MA 02108 Phone: (617) 536-1750 Fax: (617) 536-1751 www.robertmcurrey.com Robert M. Currey & Associates (RMC) is an independent Risk Management Consulting Firm. RMC is the first point of contact for any insurance related incident at your property and the advisor for the overall master insurance program. RMC is in charge of the placement and review of all insurance policies and all of the day-to-day insurance and risk management procedures and administration. RMC works directly with the asset www.robertmcurrey.com Email: Office Phone: Emergency Cell Phone: David Currey dcurrey@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 617-775-0008 Shannon Recco srecco@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 508-333-1076 Molly Rhatigan mrhatigan@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 978-609-0420 Contact Name: Robert M. Currey & Associates (“RMC”) is an independent Risk Management Consulting Firm. RMC is the first point of contact for any insurance related incident at your property and the advisor for the overall master insurance program. RMC is in charge of the placement and review of all insurance policies and all of the day-to-day insurance and risk management procedures and administration. RMC works directly with the asset owner and oversees the insurance brokers and carrier syndicates. William Gallagher Associates 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02110 William Gallagher Associates (“WGA”) is the Property Insurance Broker. The role of an Insurance Broker is similar to that of an insurance agent, except on a larger scale. They work directly with the insurance companies under the direction of Robert M. Currey & Associates. They will obtain coverages and renew coverages as required. They will issue all of the certificates of insurance, the renewal binders and/or policies relating to the insurance coverages they broker on our behalf. They are also available to assist you with any claims relating to the policies they broker. WGA is the Property insurance broker on the program. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. 99 High Street, Boston, MA 02110 Marsh & McLennan (“Marsh”) is the General Liability Insurance Broker. The role of an Insurance Broker is similar to that of an insurance agent, except on a larger scale. They work directly with the insurance companies under the direction of Robert M. Currey & Associates. They will obtain coverages and renew coverages as required. They will issue all of the certificates of insurance, the renewal binders and/or policies relating to the insurance coverages they broker on our behalf. They are also available to assist you with any claims relating to the policies they broker. Marsh is the General Liability insurance broker on the program. 1 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual CLAIMS PROCEDURES The information below details the insurance coverage at this asset and the procedures that should be followed in the event of an incident. Please report all claims as quickly as possible, within 24 hours of the incident. Property Insurance Claims All damage to the actual property (i.e., building & boiler and machinery) caused by a fortuitous event, not just normal wear and tear, (i.e., flood, fire or wind damage) OR the loss of business due to the damage or covered peril would be considered property damage and covered under this policy. This coverage does NOT extend to the personal property of hotel guests. Carrier: Policy Number: Policy Term: Multiple Carriers; Layered Program CXD3786901-6 04/01/14 – 04/01/15 Procedures for Filing a Property Claim: 1. Complete the attached Property Incident Report with as much detail as possible. 2. Email or fax the report to William Gallagher Associates claims department at: Attention: Holly Woods Office Phone: 617-646-0388 Email: hwoods@wgains.com Fax: 617-316-1588 with a copy to each of the contacts listed below: Contact Name Role Email Phone Keith Manning Owner Contact – Wheelock manning@wheelocksthotels.com 203-413-7727 David Currey Senior Risk Management Consultant – RMC wheelock@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 Shannon Recco Risk Management Consultant – RMC wheelock@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 Molly Rhatigan Risk Management Technician – RMC wheelock@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 3. WGA will acknowledge receipt of your notice within 48 hours. If you do not receive an acknowledgement from WGA please re-send. It is your responsibility to ensure that all incident reports are forwarded timely to WGA. Liability Insurance Claims If an incident occurs on the premises that causes bodily injury to a person other than a site employee (i.e., a hotel guest or visitor slips and falls), an incident occurs that may result in personal injury (i.e., claims of discrimination), or damage is caused to another person's property (i.e., an object falls from the roof and damages someone's car), such an incident would be covered under this policy. Carrier: Policy Number: Policy Term: Liberty Mutual Insurance Corporation TB5-Z11-261698-024 9/27/14 – 9/27/15 Procedures for Filing a Liability Claim: 1. Complete the attached Liability Incident Report. 2. Follow the filing instructions located at the top of the incident report. 2 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual 3. Email the report directly to Liberty Mutual at clclaimreports@libertymutual.com with a copy to each of the contacts listed below: Contact Name Keith Manning David Currey Shannon Recco Molly Rhatigan Robert A. Martin Role Email Phone Owner Contact – Wheelock manning@wheelocksthotels.com 203-413-7727 wheelock@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 wheelock@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 wheelock@robertmcurrey.com 617-536-1750 robert.a.martin@marsh.com 617-385-0386 Senior Risk Management Consultant – RMC Risk Management Consultant – RMC Risk Management Technician RMC Claims Contact - Marsh CLAIMS PROCEDURES CONTINUED All incidents should be recorded on the attached incident report form found at the end of this packet. It is very important to be as thorough as possible when documenting all incidents in case a claim arises, including: • • • • • • Obtaining names, addresses and contact information of claimant and all witnesses; Recording date and time of the incident; Recording address of the property on which the incident took place; Taking numerous photographs, if appropriate; Obtaining and saving video clips from any security cameras; Keeping and storing all physical evidence related to the claim. v When an incident occurs at your location, be helpful and sympathetic to the injured party, but NEVER volunteer that the incident resulted due to your or your property’s negligence or actions before, after or during any such event v Do not share your incident reports or evidence with a claimant or anyone other than the owner, RMC, Marsh (Liability), WGA (Property). If the injured party requests a copy of your incident report, you should explain that the incident reports are internal documents, and you are unauthorized to distribute copies. However, you will be more than happy to have a representative contact him/her directly. Call RMC and notify them that the claimant is requesting information on his/her claim. v Notify owner and RMC immediately if you receive legal notice; advise them both of the nature of the claim stating: o Plaintiff's name; o Date of injury or accident; o Dollar amount being sought; and o Whether or not the claim was previously reported v If you are reasonably sure the injured party will not pursue an insurance claim, please indicate that you are reporting the incident for “RECORDS PURPOSES ONLY” If there is any speculation as to the nature of any claim, or who is the appropriate party to contact, call Shannon Recco at Robert M. Currey & Associates for guidance. 3 INSURED: Wheelock Street Group L.L.C. Please note that this is a typeable document. PROPERTY INCIDENT REPORT [Damage to Asset Property] CONTACT AT THE ASSET Asset Name Physical Address City Contact Name Title State Telephone ZIP E-mail LOSS INFORMATION Location of Loss (Where specifically on the property – building number, unit numbers, floor?) Date and Time of Accident Cause of Loss : Water Damage Fire Theft/Vandalism Storm Damage Other (please specify) ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION (Please be as detailed as possible and include any additional relevant information, such as pictures, police reports, estimates, invoices, etc.) Estimated Value of Loss: Less than $10K Greater than $25K Greater than $50K * Has an Emergency Mitigation/Remediation contractor been engaged (e.g. ServPro, ServiceMaster, etc.)? If emergency services are needed and you do not know who to contact, please contact WGA immediately. Yes No (If yes, please specify) Potential impact to business operations and revenue? Yes No Was any damage sustained by a third party, including tenants, as a result of your loss (e.g. have they presented a claim or indicated that they intend to do so)? If yes, please provide third party (potential claimant) contact information and specifics about what they claim. COMPLETED BY Date E-mail/Phone WHEN COMPLETE, SEND TO: Attn: Holly Woods Fax: 617-316-1588 Email: hwoods@wgains.com DISCLAIMER WGA has compiled these materials for guidance, not intended as, nor shall be construed as specific advice with respect to coverage under any policy of insurance. Users of these forms should consult their insurance professionals with respect to individual coverage concerns and questions. You may not copy, reproduce or otherwise use these forms without the express permission of WGA. 4 GENERAL LIABILITY REPORTING FORM: ACCOUNT: GROUP GL POLICY #: TB5-Z11-261698-024 EFFECTIVE: 9/27/14 - 9/27/15 EMAIL INCIDENT FORMS TO CLCLAIMREPORTS@LIBERTYMUTUAL.COM WITH TO: wheelock@robertmcurrey.com PROPERTY ADDRESS: _________________________________________ DATE & TIME OF INCIDENT: ____________________ YOUR NAME: ________________________________________________________________ TODAY’S DATE: ___________________ YOUR INVOLVEMENT TO THE INCIDENT: ___________________________________________________________________________ INJURED PARTY’S NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________ CURRENT AGE: ______________________ CHECK : MALE FEMALE HOME ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE:_____________________CELL: ___________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________ PLEASE KEEP THIS REPORT FACTUAL IN NATURE ONLY; OMITING ANY PERSONAL OPINIONS OR SUBJECTIVE STATEMENTS. WHERE ON THE PREMISES DID THE INCIDENT TAKE PLACE? _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE DESCRIBE ALL FACTS PERTAINING TO THE INCIDENT, IN SEQUENTIAL ORDER. PLEASE USE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WERE THERE ANY FATALITIES RESULTING FROM THE INCIDENT? …………………………………… YES NO DID SUBJECT SUFFER PHYSICAL HARM OR INJURY RESULTING FROM THE INCIDENT? …………………. YES NO IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN IN DETAIL: __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DID THE SUBJECT RECEIVE ANY MEDICAL ATTENTION OR CARE ON PREMISES …………………………… YES NO IF YES, PLEASE ELABORATE: _______________________________________________________________________________ WAS SUBJECT TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL FOLLOWING THE INCIDENT? .…………………………………… YES NO IF YES, WHEN? _______________________________________ WHICH HOSPITAL? ____________________________________ WHAT WERE THE WEATHER CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF INCIDENT? _________________________________________________ WHAT WERE THE LIGHTING CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF INCIDENT? _________________________________________________ WAS ALCOHOL OR LIQUOR INVOLVED AT THE TIME OF INCIDENT?………………………………… YES NO IF YES, PLEASE ELABORATE: _________________________________________________________________________________ WERE DRUGS OR OTHER ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES INVOLVED AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT ?……. YES NO IF YES, PLEASE ELABORATE: _________________________________________________________________________________ WERE ANY WEAPONS INVOLVED AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT? ……………………… YES NO IF YES, PLEASE ELABORATE: _________________________________________________________________________________ WERE ANY PHOTOS TAKEN OF THE INCIDENT? (IF YES, PLEASE ATTACH)…………...…………………… YES NO IS THERE VIDEO SURVEILLANCE OF THE INCIDENT? ……..………………………………………………… YES NO WERE THE POLICE / FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED AS A RESULT OF THE INCIDENT? ………………...……… YES NO WAS THE INCIDENT REPORTED TO PROPER AUTHORITIES? (IE: POLICE, SECURITY, ETC.) ………….. YES NO IF YES, PLEASE ELABORATE: _________________________________________________________________________________ WERE ANY AUTOS OR OTHER VEHICLES INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT? ………………...…………… YES NO IF YES, VEHICLE MAKE/MODEL/COLOR: _______________________________________________ PLATE #: ________________ VEHICLE’S INVOLVEMENT: _____________________________________________________________________________________ WERE THERE ANY WITNESSES TO THIS INCIDENT: ………………...…………………………………..…… YES NO IF YES, NAME: ____________________________________________________________PHONE #: ________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ HAS THE ABOVE MENTIONED WITNESS BEEN CONTACTED REGARDING THIS INCIDENT? ………………............... YES NO ARE THERE ANY ATTACHMENTS INCLUDED WITH THIS REPORT? ……………….................................................. YES NO IF YES, EXPLAIN? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS CAN INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: MEDICAL INVOICES, DOCTOR NOTES, POLICE REPORTS, PHOTOS, NEWSPAPER AND VIDEOS. ANYTHING ELSE THAT COULD BE USEFUL TO THIS REPORT SHOULD BE NOTED OR ATTACHED I AUTHORED THE ABOVE INCIDENT REPORT, AND FEEL THAT IT IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. NAME: __________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________________________ Robert M. Currey & Associates, Inc. One Beacon Street, 22nd Floor · Boston, MA· 02108 P: 617·536·1750 · F: 617·536·1751 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU RECEIVE A LEGAL NOTICE • Legal notice of claim or suit: ⇒ Lawsuits are generally served through a U.S. Marshal or Deputy Sheriff, or through the state in which you are located via the U.S. Postal Service. ⇒ The statutory time for filing an answer to a lawsuit commences upon service (receipt of this notice) to you, defendant. ⇒ Please make sure any and all legal notices, letters of representation from attorneys or insurance companies are sent to the following people immediately. Email, Fax or Overnight all liability claims or incident reports to: Keith Manning Wheelock Street Capital 970 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 100 Suwanee, GA 30024 manning@wheelocksthotels.com Tel: (203) 413-7727 Cell: 678-206-7547 AND Ms. Shannon M. Recco Robert M. Currey & Associates, Inc. One Beacon Street, 22nd Floor Boston, MA 02116 srecco@robertmcurrey.com Fax: (617) 536-1751 Tel: (617) 536-1750 7 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual SITUATIONS REQUIRING NOTIFICATION v Any Fire or other event causing significant property damage. v Floods / Water damage resulting from broken pipes, valves, holding tanks, chillers or failed caulking. v Any large property equipment failure (e.g. Boilers, HVAC, etc.). v Anything that requires the building to be shut down for any period of time—e.g. sprinkler impairments. v Any real life-safety issue: o o o Fire Alarms / Sprinklers Not working Blocked or barricaded fire exists Repeated Elevator Entrapments v Any environmental issue such as a fuel or oil release. v Any serious security breach at the asset. v Any situation that has called for police, fire, or local authority presence. v Any situation where security level has been raised or is about to be raised either due to an internal or external event. v Notification of a strike or any large group gathering on or adjacent to the property. v Any occurrence that triggers media coverage. v Suicide or death on the premises. v Physical harm to a tenant, vendor or visitor. v After a natural disaster (e.g. Flood or Hurricane) contact with report / survey of damages. v Any other situation that causes the manager to feel they should seek the advice of an owner as it might cause/create an issue or liability for ownership/management. v Any potential health hazard or medical disease that could affect the health and safety of tenants and visitors in the building. Please report any of the situations above to: Keith Manning Wheelock Street Capital 970 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 100 Suwanee, GA 30024 manning@wheelocksthotels.com Tel: (203) 413-7727 Cell: 678-206-7547 AND Ms. Shannon M. Recco Robert M. Currey & Associates, Inc. One Beacon Street, 22nd Floor Boston, MA 02116 srecco@robertmcurrey.com Fax: (617) 536-1751 Tel: (617) 536-1750 8 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual Emergency Response Checklists 9 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Weather Emergency (Tornado, Hurricane, Flood, etc.) PREVENTION Establish an emergency response team. Secure outdoor objects that might blow away or do damage to the property. Prune trees of branches that might do damage to the property. Alert tenants of all weather developments via mass media. This could include possible evacuations. Inspect roofs and catch basins and take all action necessary to minimize damage. Wait for warning sirens or public officials to sound an alert. Announce to all tenants when a weather emergency has been declared. IMMEDIATE ACTION Move away from the perimeter of the building and the exterior glass. Leave all exterior offices and close the doors. Go to an enclosed area in the building core, such as an elevator lobby, corridor, restroom, stairwell or take cover in a designated shelter or basement. Sit down and protect your head. Do not use elevators; if in transit in the building, take the stairwell to the basement. POST-INCIDENT ACTION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM Seek out and care for any injured persons. Open any clogged pipes or catch basins. Contact an adjuster, restoration contractor and building inspector and request their assistance at the site as soon as possible. If the event is predicted the Emergency Response Team should contact these individuals in advance. Replenish emergency supplies depleted during the incident. 10 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual FLOOD PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST IMPENDING FLOOD: Monitor the weather channel and call the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [or other reliable source] or the local equivalent in your area for the most recent and accurate prediction of water level/crests. Relocate the following items to a safe area: Stock and items critical to continued operations Equipment, such as portable electronic equipment, computers, etc. Vehicles that will be needed after flood Critical drawings, records, files, computer tapes Shut off electricity and gas to prevent short-circuiting of electrical equipment and lessen the fire hazard of ruptured gas lines. (If the facility’s fire pump is electricity driven, have a diesel-driven pump available as backup.) Install barriers around sprinkler risers, yard valves and hydrants to protect them from floating debris. Shut down and drain flammable-liquid piping systems. Make every effort to keep fire protection systems operational during a flood. Fill sandbags and place around possible entry points and vital protection equipment, such as the fire-pump house. Install flood doors and shields. Secure or anchor any outside storage or equipment that cannot be moved to another location. Cover large stationary machines with water-displacing, rust-preventive compound and large plastic shields. Fill empty storage tanks – including aboveground and buried tanks – to prevent them from floating. Give sump pumps a final check to make sure they are operational. Close hand-operated valves on drain piping to prevent backflow through floor drains or plumbing fixtures. Check roof, floor or yard drains to see if they are clear, and then continuously monitor them to make sure they remain clear. Consider increasing security and facility surveillance. Place contractors and equipment-repair companies on alert. Make sure a salvage crew is on alert and prepared to take action. AFTER THE FLOOD HAS HIT: Check flooded buildings for structural stability before starting clean up inside. Check for spilled flammable liquid, contaminants, etc., and eliminate them before other work begins. Remove standing water from the facility. Begin salvage procedures: Remove debris Dry equipment Dehumidfy damp areas Dry wet insulation Dry building material Assess actual impact, determine needs and initiate planned cleanup, repair and business-resumption services. Check, clean and test all electrical distribution equipment and system components exposed to flood water or humidity. Keep fire protection systems in service. 11 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual WATER INTRUSION CHECKLIST IN RESPONSE TO A WATER INTRUSION EVENT Identify source of water and stop water entry as soon as possible. If source is sewer backflow or other water that may contain microorganisms or chemicals, response workers must wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Contact asset manager and risk manager. Keep detailed photographic and expenditure records throughout the course of all work. Extract standing water. Clean and dry wet or damp areas. Direct fans toward wet areas. Leave HVAC system running to dehumidify and facilitate drying. Clean carpets with steam and appropriate detergent, dry thoroughly, and vacuum with a HEPA-filtered vacuum. If carpets are backed with rubber, pull carpets to facilitate drying underneath. Discard and replace wet ceiling tiles. If gypsum board is water-damaged, it must be dried quickly. Remove core base on affected walls and direct fans to facilitate drying. Response contractors may choose to open and ventilate the wall cavity if warranted and possible. MOLD PREVENTION TIPS Fix leaky plumbing and leaks in the building envelope as soon as possible. Watch for condensation and wet spots. Fix source(s) of moisture problem(s) as soon as possible. Prevent moisture due to condensation by increasing surface temperature or reducing the moisture level in the air (humidity). To increase surface temperature insulate or increase air circulation. To reduce the moisture level in the air, repair leaks, increase ventilation (if outside air is cold and dry), or dehumidify (if outdoor air is warm and humid). Keep heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) drip pans clean, flowing properly, and unobstructed. Vent moisture-generating appliances, such as dryers, to the outside where possible. Maintain low indoor humidity, below 60% relative humidity (RH), ideally 30-50%, if possible. Perform regular building/HVAC inspections and maintenance as scheduled. Clean and dry wet or damp spots within 48 hours. Do not let foundations stay wet. Provide drainage and slope the ground away from the foundation. 12 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual COLD SPELLS/ WINTER STORM PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST To be completed immediately following the announcement of a “Storm Watch” posting by the National Weather Service when conditions are safe to do so. WINTER STORM SEASON PREVENTION: Ensure that your property has a properly planned and executed snow removal program. This program should include procedures to clear snow from driveways, parking areas, walkways, traffic areas, doorways, and fire hydrants so that they are all easily accessible by emergency response teams. Determine your exposure (e.g. the potential for mounding or drifting snow on rooftops) and establish an emergency plan that addresses your exposure’s vulnerabilities. Ask the following questions to determine your level of exposure: Does your locale usually experience temperate winters? Would wind direction or wind chill affect your facility’s ability to withstand freezing temperatures? Has your locale ever experienced freezing temperature or several inches’ accumulation of snow or ice? Do you shut down operations during winter holidays or on weekends? Does heat generated by process equipment also supply or supplement building heat? Does building temperature drop when process equipment is shut off? Review your roof design. Review your exposure’s drainage system. Confirm that your exposure contains a secondary drainage system, which provides adequate drainage even when the primary drainage system is clogged. Inspect the roof structure for weakness and snow-loading capacity, especially in areas where drifting snow can accumulate, such as changes in roof elevation. If your building has a metal roof system, verify that the purlins have been adequately braced. Identify loads added since the building was constructed (e.g. equipment hung from the roof) and add reinforcement to areas as needed, especially to areas where drifting snow is likely to accumulate. Check annually for loose connections (especially bowstring trusses), members that have been removed during renovations, sagging or twisted roof supports, or signs of rot or corrosion. Shorten downspouts to above the potential level of snow banks or use open-channel downspouts. Where practical, install and maintain heat tracing inside gutters to assure a clear path for snowmelt. Ensure equipment or structures meet anticipate snow loads, specifically: Conveyer enclosures. Dust collectors. Cooling towers. Water tanks. Develop and train your emergency response team (ERT) well before winter. Your winter action program should include: A schedule for preparing facilities (including building utilities and production equipment) prior to the cold weather season. A weather watch with procedures for alerting management and maintenance personnel. Arrangements for guards and maintenance personnel to be available during expected cold spells. When storms loom for an extended period of time, have ERT personnel patrol the building in search of cold spots, structural damage, large leaks, or sprinkler piping breaks. Procedures for repairing or replacing damaged equipment, and for restoring fire protection as safely and quickly as possible. Avoid shutdown or curtailment of operation. Have procedures for monitoring and maintaining adequate heat if curtailment or shutdown becomes necessary. Install low temperature alarms (with remote monitoring) in cold-prone areas. 13 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual COLD SPELLS/ WINTER STORM PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST (CONTINUED) PRE – STORM PRECAUTIONS: ROOF COLLAPSE Keep the roof well-maintained, free of excessive snow, and ensure all drains remain clear. If Property Management is responsible for snow removal, ensure shovels, wheelbarrows, and snow blowers are readily available for use. Note: You may need to adjust height of the snowblower’s blade so that it does not damage the roof and avoid creating drifts with snowblower. If snow removal is outsourced to a 3rd party, make sure they use their own equipment. FREEZE UP Maintain heat in building at all times. Actions to help maintain heat in your building include: Place piping in heated areas of a building, provide insulation around a pipe sufficient to reduce heat loss, or provide heat tracing, if the pipe might be exposed to freezing temperatures. No area with piping should fall below 40 F (4 C). Properly insulate attics, exterior walls, windows and other areas lacking adequate heating. Caulk, insulate, and apply weather stripping as needed. Close and seal unneeded dampers, louvers, vents, and openings. Repair broken windows, ill-fitting doors, and keep exterior doors closed. Shut off the water lines and drain all pipes if the building is to be left unattended for an extended period of time. Sprinkler systems should remain on, unless all combustible materials are removed and the building is non-combustible. Monitor the temperature of susceptible areas, such as concealed spaces, eaves, areas with no direct heat, stairwells and shipping departments with large doors that are often open. Make sure all fire pump suction lines, wet pits, or suction tanks are properly maintained, kept free of ice and heated as necessary. DURING STORMS/COLD SPELLS: ROOF COLLAPSE Continually monitor roof conditions for signs of heavy snow loads. Things to note in particular: Level of snow on the roof. Excessive deflection of room framing members below the roof. Sagging of purlins, joists, beams or trusses. Sprinkler heads deflecting below suspended ceilings. FREEZE UP Maintain heat in building at all times. Actions to help maintain heat in your building include: Place piping in heated areas of a building, provide insulation around a pipe sufficient to reduce heat loss, or provide heat tracing, if the pipe might be exposed to freezing temperatures. No area with piping should fall below 40 F (4 C). Properly insulate attics, exterior walls, windows and other areas lacking adequate heating. Caulk, insulate, and apply weather stripping as needed. Close and seal unneeded dampers, louvers, vents, and openings. Repair broken windows, ill-fitting doors, and keep exterior doors closed. Monitor the temperature of susceptible areas, such as concealed spaces, eaves, areas with no direct heat, stairwells and shipping departments with large doors that are often open. Make sure all fire pump suction lines, wet pits, or suction tanks are properly maintained, kept free of ice and heated as necessary. 14 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual COLD SPELLS/ WINTER STORM PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST (CONTINUED) AFTER STORM: ROOF COLLAPSE Keep the roof well-maintained, free of excessive snow, and ensure all drains remain clear. Avoid using equipment that can damage a roof, such as ice choppers or blow torches. Check drains, scuppers, and down spouts to ensure they are free of debris. Continually monitor roof conditions for signs of heavy snow loads. Things to note in particular: Level of snow on the roof. Excessive deflection of room framing members below the roof. Sagging of purlins, joists, beams or trusses. Sprinkler heads deflecting below suspended ceilings. If there is a roof collapse, shut off damaged water, gas, process and electrical systems in the collapsed area by calling the necessary contractors and local utilities. Take care to shut off as little of the automatic sprinkler system as possible and continue protection in the rest of the facility by improvising connections to bypass the collapsed area. Relocate or cover equipment housed in the collapsed area that may be susceptible to damage from freezing or melting snow, and shore up building sections, if safe to do so. Remove snow from the roof in increments rather than all at once. Be careful not to create a drift by moving snow from one area on to an adjacent area and not to damage roof coverings during snow removal. FREEZE UP Provide extra heat and safely thaw out frozen equipment and systems. Never attempt to that frozen equipment or pipes with an open flame. Quickly restore impaired fire systems and provide ERT members with phone numbers of outside contractors who can immediately repair breaks in the sprinkler system. 15 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST To be completed immediately following the announcement of a “Hurricane Watch” posting by the National Weather Service IMPENDING HURRICANE- 36-48 HOURS PRIOR TO LANDFALL Map the hurricane's progress and keep up to date on the storm's path. Monitor the weather channel. Inspect and repair all drains, gutters and roof flashing to each building on the property. Check the anchoring to the roof structure (e.g., the joists) of all roof-mounted equipment such as HVAC units and exhaust vents. Check and service all necessary back-up equipment such as emergency generators, boilers, batteries operated and communication devices. Check the following supplies: Batteries (C, D, 9V, 6V). Filled lanterns (check mantles, fuel). Portable radios. Cellular phones. Medical First Aid supplies. Non perishable food & Bottled Water. Duct tape. Plastic sheets (heavy gage). Rope. ¾” Plywood, 2x4 Wood Studs. Tarps, Screws, Nails, and Cordless Power Tools. Camera to record damage. Start and run for 30 minutes or more all generators, fire pumps, sump pumps and confirm that fuel supplies are “full”. Update key employee home phone and emergency contact lists. Update telephone call lists of roofing, electrical, and restoration contractors. Protect or relocate vital business records as necessary. Instruct tenants/employees to put files away in cabinets, and to remove all loose files from floors and desks. Confirm with tenant that all computer electronic data has been backed-up as applicable. Supply of plastic sheets should be on hand to cover key equipment to reduce water damage. Install hurricane shutters or ¾” plywood over windows & doors. Do not block emergency exits. Anchor, secure, dispose of or relocate anything in the yard that could potentially blow away, or blow into and damage a facility, specifically: Loose yard debris – dispose of or relocate. Nonessential yard equipment – relocate. Yard storage of flammable liquid drums – secure or relocate. Do not move them into main buildings. Portable buildings (sheds, trailers, etc.) – anchor. Large cranes - secure as directed by manufacturer. Outdoor signs - properly secured. Neighboring properties – talk to the owners if concerned that they have yet to secure their property. Inspect all fire protection equipment such as sprinkler control valves and fire pumps. Ensure tenants/employees who have volunteered to stay on site have current telephone contact lists, supplies, and equipment (potable water, nonperishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, walkie-talkies or cellular telephones). 16 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST (CONTINUED) IMMINENT HURRICANE – 36 HOURS PRIOR TO LANDFALL: Have cash on hand for post-hurricane needs such as buying food and supplies, or paying employees and contractors. Anchor or fill above ground tanks with product or water. Re-fill the fuel tanks of generators, fire pumps, and all company-owned vehicles. Confirm drains, catch basins, and roof drains are clean. Cover computers, machinery, and stock with tarpaulins and waterproof covers. Get all goods off the floor on pallets. Isolate, neutralize, or remove any chemicals that can react violently with each other. Contact the gas utility if applicable. Determine if it's advisable to turn off the gas valve to the facility. Inform tenant/employees how to obtain information on site closure and on reopening. Notify vendors, delivery companies, truckers and site visitors of any possible site closure. Revise telephone answering system to inform callers of any possible site closure. Identify alternate customer facilities and incorporate message in telephone answering system. Tour the entire property. Check yards, roofs, roof mounted equipment, signs, doors, windows and doors covers, electrical systems and the interiors one last time for preparedness. Prepare to deactivate all non-critical, nonessential, and sensitive electrical equipment. DURING THE HURRICANE: Emergency response personnel should stay at the facility only if safe to do so. Patrol the property continuously and watch for roof leaks, pipe breakage, fire or structural damage. Personnel should have a refuge available that is safe from wind and flood. Outdoors, windborne objects can be dangerous. Constantly monitor any boilers that must operate. If power fails, turn off electrical switches and if possible, close main gas valves to reduce risk when service is restored. Utilize a camera to record photographs of storm surge or property damage. 17 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual CIVIL DISTURBANCE OR RIOT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES DEMONSTRATION/RIOT Prevention All personnel should be briefed on the issue of access to private versus public property. Demonstrators should not be allowed to access private property. Fire extinguishers should be made readily available at high-risk locations, including lobbies, retail stores and parking structures. Window-boarding materials may be purchased if determined to be necessary. Assessment The Property Manager should evaluate the severity of the demonstration. The Property Manager should designate the appropriate response. Notify designated owner representatives as soon as possible. Immediate Action The building should be secured and the elevators and stairways controlled to prohibit unauthorized entry. Tenants should be instructed not to leave the building if the situation becomes volatile. The Emergency Response Team and local agencies (police, fire and rescue) should be placed on stand-by in the event that the situation escalates out of control. The Property Management Team is ultimately responsible for securing the property and its tenants by using minimum force and minimizing liability. Post-Incident Action Only the crisis management spokesperson should release information to the media and it should be kept at a minimum to avoid inflaming the situation. TERRORISM/HOSTAGE Prevention All personnel should be briefed on the emergency response plan to terrorism and hostage situations, including what to do if they are taken hostage. Detection Remain calm and do not panic. Notify the police immediately. Assessment The Property Manager should evaluate the severity of the terrorism or hostage situation. The Property Manager should designate the appropriate response. Notify the Regional Manager and the designated owner representatives as soon as possible. Immediate Action Secure the affected area, evacuating all personnel from the area and from the building, if necessary. Only permit the proper authorities to talk and negotiate with the terrorists. If you are the hostage: Remain calm. Pay close attention to your captors and observe their behavior. Cooperate with all requests. Stay alert. Post-Incident Action Establish post-trauma support for victims and other personnel. Keep detailed reports of all events regarding the incident. 18 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual Asset Risk Management Checklists 19 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSECT INFESTATION PREVENTION Insect infestation can pose a significant threat to the health of occupants and can cause physical damage to the building. Many insects can enter the building through propped open doors as well as through openings in the building’s perimeter or façade. Often insects can also enter from people and individual possessions. The best way to deal with infestation is to have an integrated pest management system already in place. However, other ways to prevent or eliminate pest infestation problems include: Maintain good housekeeping practices. Encourage tenants to limit food intake and storage to pantry/kitchen areas. Prevent pests from entering the building by sealing the building. Educate tenants on the attractants for pest so that they can be reduced or eliminated; one of the most common attractants includes potted plants. Though these appear to beautify the offices, residences, and hotels, many plants carry gnats which can significantly infest the location. As soon as infestation is noticed, property management should immediately notify the pest control contractor. When infestation occurs despite preventive methods, the pest control contractor should begin to use bait stations, glue traps and other environmentally safe methods of eliminating pest. BED BUGS In recent years, bed bugs have staged a major comeback with reports of infestations from hotels, to apartments, to restaurants and theaters, and even commercial office buildings. There are three key reasons for the reemergence of bed bugs: (1) increased international and domestic travel; (2) loss of pest control products such as DDT, which, although effective in eradicating an infestation, is banned; and (3) economic hardship – all types of claims trend upwards during a weakening economic environment. Though bed bug bites are not known to transmit diseases, an infestation can be very upsetting to guests and have a serious impact on a property’s reputation, all which can result in potential significant financial harm to a business. PREVENTION AND MITIGATION: It is nearly impossible to prevent bed bugs from entering your business as they can travel in luggage, purses, backpacks, clothing, furniture, and on humans. As such, the sanitary conditions of a property rarely play a role in the infestation. Prompt and vigilant efforts in responding to an infestation are key to controlling the problem. The use of a professional pest control service is required. A written contract providing sufficient risk transfer and indemnity language as well as appropriate insurance requirements should be part of every contract. The contract should include follow up and re-application as necessary. Your Cleaning and Maintenance Staff Should Look for Bed Bug Infestation in the Following Locations as Applicable: Headboards Mattresses Inside the hollow areas of a bed Behind peeling wallpaper Coils of a bed Edge of carpeting Curtains and draperies Exterior seams and creases of furniture Beneath / underside of fabric covered furniture Electrical outlets 20 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual BED BUGS (CONTINUED) Advise Your Staff to Look for the Following: Eggs Active bug movement Cast exoskeleton skins Blood stains When to Inspect Hotel rooms should be inspected every time a guest checks out When linens are changed (a visual check of the mattress, box spring, and headboard should occur) During routine preventative maintenance Immediately upon report of potential bed bugs What to do Upon Discovery Place room / area out of order Contact your pest control professional Bag and seal furniture and clothing and remove from the room Use a “Nine Room Approach” – In addition to the infested room, the rooms adjacent, above and below the affected room should be treated It is often impossible to know whether the guest picked up bed bugs at your property or brought them into your property. The best approach is to provide prompt and courteous response and alternative accommodations. Any guest or customer complaint should be reported to Owner, RMC and your insurer immediately. Treatment Protocols In response to a report of an infestation, call a professional pest control treatment contractor immediately: Call a Professional Pest Control Treatment Contractor Additional Treatment Methods In addition to hiring a professional pest control treatment contractor, it is recommended that you also employ the following methods: Steam, Heat and/or Cold treatment Vacuum – while effective in controlling, a vacuum is not a means of treatment of an infestation and should be used with care so as not to transfer the bed bugs from one room to another. The dust bag should be removed and sealed before removed from the affected room. Microwave – this is effective in treating clothing or other small items Encasement products – these should have zippers or seams to prevent the transfer of bed bugs. Steps To Take In Advance of an Infestation Prepare a “Bed Bug Control Manual”, which should include: • Training for your staff on when and how to identify an infestation • What to do upon discovery and how to properly mitigate the problem • A list of pest control service providers that have been vetted by the company. • RMC contract language that can be incorporated prior to hiring the pest control service provider. 21 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual SLIP AND FALL PREVENTION CHECKLIST The following are in good condition and free of any tripping hazards: Sidewalks Exterior steps Parking lot Stairways are equipped with standard railings. Handrails for steps and ramps are sturdy and fastened securely. Building exterior lighting is working properly. Traffic control signs are in place and readable. Curb stops are in place with no exposed iron or edges. Scaffolding is equipped with guardrails, toe boards, and fully planked. GUARDRAILS AND LADDERS Ladders are free from defects. Ladder bases are out from wall ¼ working length of ladder. Straight ladders extend at least 3ft above the entrance surface and are tied off. Operator is not on the top two steps of A frame ladder. INCLEMENT WEATHER On hand is an adequate supply of salt and sand for icy steps, walkways, and parking lots. Storm drains operates properly with no standing water or debris in the parking lot. 22 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual HVAC ELECTRICAL CHECKLIST The following have been correctly serviced by a competent heating contractor, serviceman, and licensed electrician, respectively with in the past 12 months: Heating System Air Conditioning System Electrical System Equipment motors are properly oiled, kept clean, and ventilation is unrestricted to reduce overheating Electrical, heating and air conditioning rooms are restricted to authorized personnel Free of combustible storage Unobstructed access is maintained to electrical panels Electrical panel doors are kept closed Circuit breakers are free to operate (none taped or otherwise obstructed) and circuits labeled Electrical equipment and appliances are properly grounded Lightning rods are provided where needed There is lightning and surge protection for HVC equipment, pumps, compressors and electronic data equipment Wiring over ten years old has been checked by infrared scan for hot spots 23 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual CHEMICAL SAFETY CHECKLIST CHEMICALS Areas of chemical application are marked according to manufacturer’s & EPA specifications. Herbicide or pesticide application is done during non-operational hours. STORAGE Flammable and explosive materials are stored and handled safely. Bagged materials are all properly stacked with no leaning piles. Drums are properly stacked. Compressed gas cylinders are properly secured with valve covers in place. Acetylene and oxygen cylinders are separated. 24 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual PLAYGROUND SAFETY/ RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST PLAY AREAS Layout is designed to segregate toddler (age 3-5) equipment from school age (age 5-12) children. The area is free of tripping and falling hazards such as, protruding roots, rocks, or other obstacles. No exposed footing at base of equipment framework. There is an 8 ft. fall zone around each piece of equipment, unless otherwise specified. Adequate surfacing within each fall zone (based on equipment critical height minimum 6 inches). No equipment deterioration in footings and joints, or warped or bent members. No pinch or crush points. No sharp points and corners. Hardware complete, securely attached and without any deterioration. Fasteners and connecting devices require tools to loosen/remove. No horizontal protrusions beyond 1/8 inch. No excessive vertical protrusions (bolts cut off at nut). Weekly routine inspections are conducted during busy season. Annual preventive maintenance inspections conducted. Inventory of equipment maintained with documented maintenance. Staff is trained for inspections. No openings between 3/8 inch and 1 inch. No horizontal or vertical openings between 3" and 9" No angles less than 55 degrees. SLIDES There is an 8-ft. obstruction free zone in front of the exit area and a 6 ft. zone on all sides. Between the seat and descent of slide is closed. The slide incline angle is at a maximum 30 degrees. There is a hood or other means in place to channel user into a sitting position. There is clear line-of-sight from top to bottom of the slide Sides of chute are minimum 4”. Metal sides are oriented to prevent the sun from heating the slide surface. SWINGS Swings are located away from other equipment. Swings hung 24” apart or 30” from frame. There are only 2 swings per bay. Seats are made from materials other than wood or composite. Fall zone is two times the height, front and back, and 6ft to each side. S hook s and connectors are fully enclosed and secure. SEE-SAWS/ SPINNING EQUIPMENT There are no pinch points at the fulcrum. There is protection from ground to seat pinch points (buried tire). Platform is level and stays level when unevenly loaded. 25 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual PLAYGROUND SAFETY/ RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST (CONTINUED) Distance between the bottom of the whirl and ground is less than 3". Diameter does not fluctuate >1 inch. LADDERS Handrails are continuous on both sides of stairways and ladders with steps. Step finish is slip resistant and does not retain water. Steps are evenly spaced and are between 9" and 11" apart. Steps are at least 15" wide. Ladders have a slope of 50-75 degrees. 26 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual SWIMMING POOL SAFETY CHECKLIST The swimming pool, spa, and Jacuzzi are fenced in. The fence meets height and bar spacing requirements. The entrance gates have self-closing and self-latching devices. Self-latching/self-closing mechanisms are in proper working condition. Lifeguard is always in attendance during operating hours. Lifesaving equipment is readily accessible and in good condition. Lifeguards inventory safety equipment and check telephone at the beginning of each shift. The swimming pool/spa is clean and usable. Skimmers, strainers, and filter effectively control debris. Water is tested daily for chlorine residual, pH, and bacteria growth. Records of such testing are maintained. Water treatment equipment and chemicals are accessible only to authorized personnel. Walkways are properly marked and free of standing water. All lighting is operational. The pool, spa, and Jacuzzi have the required signs displayed, including the following; “No Diving” “No Lifeguard on Duty” “Call 911” There is a working telephone near swimming pool areas. Safety equipment is located near the swimming pool to help a drowning victim. The depth of the swimming pool is clearly marked appropriately and accurately. 27 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE GUIDELINES INSURANCE EXHIBITS FOR CONTRACTORS, SUB-CONTRACTORS, AND VENDOR CONTRACTS -ANDTENANT INSURANCE COMPLIANCE 28 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual PROTOCOL FOR CONTRACT REVIEW AND INSURANCE COMPLIANCE COMPLETION 1. Determine which Contract to use: a. The “Insurance Exhibit- Elevator Maintenance” should be used as an insurance exhibit for all new contracts/engagements in which elevator maintenance is within the scope of services. b. The “Insurance Exhibit- Security Services” should be used as an insurance exhibit for all new contracts/engagements in which security services is applicable. c. The “Insurance Exhibit- Snow Removal” should be used as an insurance exhibit for all new contracts/ engagements in which snow removal in within the scope of services. d. The “Event Waiver” should be used when events are taking place on site outside of the normal course of activity (i.e., Tenant wants to use the lobby of building to host an event; Ownership allows a production company to use the building to film a movie). e. The “Insurance Exhibit- General Services” should be used for other vendor contracts. If major construction is planned to occur at the site, reach out to RMC first. No one is allowed on-site to do work or occupy premises without a contract and certificate of insurance (COI), both of which include the ownership/contracting/management entities as additional insured on a preliminary and noncontributory basis with COIs reflecting all required coverages per the executed contract. 2. Request a certificate of insurance from Contractor showing Owner & Management as additional insured under Contractor’s policy. 3. Review the Certificate of Insurance and compare it to Wheelock Street Group, LLC- Limits for Service Vendors Umbrella/Excess Limit Matrix (page 43) and insert the acceptable Umbrella/Excess limit directly into the appropriate Insurance Exhibit document. If the contractor carriers a higher limit than the minimum requirements listed on the Limits for Service Vendors sheet, then please reference the higher insurance limit available under the Contractor’s policy in the contract. 4. When using any new contract form, we suggest that you run the contract by counsel to insure that the insurance exhibit corresponds with the contract and the indemnity supports the insurance required. Broadly speaking, the Contractor should be required to indemnify Owner for its negligence and any incident occurring directly or partially sue to the Contractor’s work. 5. These are suggested limits only. In no way, do these suggestions ensure that Contractors have provided enough insurance for any and all incidents occurring on site that results from the Contractor’s work. 6. If there is any push back from the Contractor on either the insurance language in the contract of insurance requirements, please contact RMC and we will review the Contractor’s insurance on a case-by-case basis. 29 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE Commencing with performance of Contractor's services hereunder and continuing during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, having a rating of A-VIII or better by AM Best, such insurance as will protect the Contractor and Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance in compliance with statutory requirements of the state(s) in which the employee resides, is hired and in which the services are being performed and shall apply to all persons employed by Contractor; B. Employer’s Liability Insurance in the amount of $500,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $500,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease, and $500,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease, or such other amount as may be required by umbrella policy to effect umbrella coverage. C. Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for bodily injury (including coverage for death, mental anguish), Premises-Operations, Independent Contractors' Protective, Products-Completed Operations, Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury and Broad form Property Damage (including coverage for Explosion, Collapse and Underground hazards), and including Cross Liability and Severability of Interests, with the following minimum limits: a. b. c. d. $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Each Occurrence; General Aggregate; Personal and Advertising Injury; and Products-Completed Operations Aggregate. Such policy shall provide coverage on a on a per occurrence basis and be endorsed to have the General Aggregate apply on a per location/ per project basis. Products and Completed Operations insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period equal to the greater of (i) the period under which a claim can be asserted under the applicable statutes of limitations and/or repose or (ii) (3) years after Substantial Completion of the Work. The Contractual Liability Insurance shall include coverage sufficient to meet the indemnity obligations in this agreement D. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned, non-owned, leased and hired autos, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage if automobiles are used in the performance of Contractor’s obligations hereunder; E. Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance on a follow form basis with a per occurrence and annual aggregate limit of [PLEASE REFER TO THE SERVICE VENDOR LIMIT TIER SHEET FOR APPROPRIATE EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIMIT] per location/project. Coverage shall be excess of CGL (including products and completed operations coverage), Auto Liability and Employers Liability with such coverage being concurrent with and not more restrictive than underlying insurance. F. Contractor may also carry such other insurance as it deems necessary for its own protection, and any such insurance must include a waiver of insurers’ rights of subrogation against Owner. Under no circumstances will Owner or Manager accept an Owners and Contractors Protective Liability policy or similar policy in exchange for any of the above requirements Contractor and subcontractor are responsible for their own tools and equipment and all associated property insurance. Contractor’s Insurance shall be primary and non-contributory with regard to any other insurance that may be available to Owner and additional insureds. The Owner, Manager and the Owner’s lenders and all other parties otherwise designated by the Owner from time to time shall each shall be added as an additional insured (using CG2010 (11/85) or equivalent) on a primary non-contributory basis on all insurance (including completed operations coverage for the full term required by contract), other than Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance during the full period of the contract and for a period of at least three (3) years (depending on the applicable statute and scope of work) after final acceptance of the Work by Owner. The above insurance policies and associated certificates shall provide that they may not be canceled or 30 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE (CONTINUED) materially reduced without at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Owner. In addition, renewal policies shall be obtained, and certificates delivered to Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration. The Description of Location on the Certificate of Insurance must reference the Property. All costs, premiums and deductibles for the above policies shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. All liability policies shall provide that defense costs from any claim will apply outside the applicable limits of insurance. No deductible or self-retention amount in any insurance required by the Contractor hereunder shall (a) apply to the Owner or any other additional insured or (b) exceed $25,000. Contractor and any of its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, waive all rights of subrogation against Owner for any liability and workers’ compensation claims they incur in relation to work under this contract and agree to have all such policies appropriately endorsed with Waiver of Subrogation endorsements. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to maintain insurance coverages equivalent to those standard in the industry but in no event less than the primary GL and WC limits required above. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to include the same additional insured requirements and certificates of insurance as noted above for Contractor. Any insurance limits required by the contract documents are minimum limits only and not intended to restrict the liability imposed on any contractor for work performed under the contract. 31 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- SECURITY SERVICES Commencing with performance of Contractor's services hereunder and continuing during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, having a rating of A-VIII or better by AM Best, such insurance as will protect the Contractor and Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance in compliance with statutory requirements of the state(s) in which the employee resides, is hired and in which the services are being performed and shall apply to all persons employed by Contractor; B. Employer’s Liability Insurance in the amount of $500,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $500,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease, and $500,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease, or such other amount as may be required by umbrella policy to effect umbrella coverage. C. Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for bodily injury (including coverage for death, mental anguish and injury as a result of reasonable force while protecting persons or property), Premises-Operations, Independent Contractors' Protective, Products-Completed Operations, Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury and Broad form Property Damage, including coverage for false arrest, assault & battery, discrimination, detention or imprisonment, wrongful eviction, containing a Cross Liability and Severability of Interests, and including coverage for Terrorism with the following minimum limits: a. b. c. d. $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Each Occurrence; General Aggregate; Personal and Advertising Injury; and Products-Completed Operations Aggregate. Such policy shall provide coverage on a on a per occurrence basis and be endorsed to have the General Aggregate apply on a per location/ per project basis. Products and Completed Operations insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period equal to the greater of (i) the period under which a claim can be asserted under the applicable statutes of limitations and/or repose or (ii) (3) years after Substantial Completion of the Work. The Contractual Liability Insurance shall include coverage sufficient to meet the indemnity obligations in this agreement D. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned, non-owned, leased and hired autos, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage if automobiles are used in the performance of Contractor’s obligations hereunder; E. Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance on a follow form basis with a per occurrence and annual aggregate limit of [PLEASE REFER TO THE SERVICE VENDOR LIMIT TIER SHEET FOR APPROPRIATE EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIMIT] per location / project. Coverage shall be excess of CGL (including products and completed operations coverage), Auto Liability and Employers Liability with such coverage being concurrent with and not more restrictive than underlying insurance, and shall include coverage for Terrorism. F. Contractor may also carry such other insurance as it deems necessary for its own protection, and any such insurance must include a waiver of insurers’ rights of subrogation against Owner. Contractor and subcontractor are responsible for their own tools and equipment and all associated property insurance. Contractor’s Insurance shall be primary and non-contributory with regard to any other insurance that may be available to Owner and additional insureds. The Owner, Manager and the Owner’s lenders and all other parties otherwise designated by the Owner from time to time shall each shall be added as an additional insured (using CG2010 (11/85) or equivalent) on a primary non-contributory basis on all insurance (including completed operations coverage for the full term required by contract), other than Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance during the full period of the contract and for a period of at least three (3) years (depending on the applicable statute and scope of work) after final acceptance of the Work by Owner. The above insurance policies and associated certificates shall provide that they may not be canceled or 32 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- SECURITY SERVICES (CONTINUED) materially reduced without at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Owner. In addition, renewal policies shall be obtained, and certificates delivered to Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration. The Description of Location on the Certificate of Insurance must reference the Property. All costs, premiums and deductibles for the above policies shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. All liability policies shall provide that defense costs from any claim will apply outside the applicable limits of insurance. No deductible or self-retention amount in any insurance required by the Contractor hereunder shall (a) apply to the Owner or any other additional insured or (b) exceed $25,000. Contractor and any of its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, waive all rights of subrogation against Owner for any liability and workers’ compensation claims they incur in relation to work under this contract and agree to have all such policies appropriately endorsed with Waiver of Subrogation endorsements. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to maintain insurance coverages equivalent to those standard in the industry but in no event less than the primary GL and WC limits required above. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to include the same additional insured requirements and certificates of insurance as noted above for Contractor. Any insurance limits required by the contract documents are minimum limits only and not intended to restrict the liability imposed on any contractor for work performed under the contract. 33 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- SNOW REMOVAL Commencing with performance of Contractor's services hereunder and continuing during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, having a rating of A-VIII or better by AM Best, such insurance as will protect the Contractor and Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance in compliance with statutory requirements of the state(s) in which the employee resides, is hired and in which the services are being performed and shall apply to all persons employed by Contractor; B. Employer’s Liability Insurance in the amount of $500,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $500,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease, and $500,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease, or such other amount as may be required by umbrella policy to effect umbrella coverage. C. Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for bodily injury (including coverage for death, mental anguish), Premises-Operations, Independent Contractors' Protective, Products-Completed Operations, Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury and Broad form Property Damage (including coverage for Explosion, Collapse and Underground hazards), and including Cross Liability and Severability of Interests, with the following minimum limits: a. b. c. d. $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Each Occurrence; General Aggregate; Personal and Advertising Injury; and Products-Completed Operations Aggregate. Such policy shall provide coverage on a on a per occurrence basis and be endorsed to have the General Aggregate apply on a per location/ per project basis. Products and Completed Operations insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period equal to the greater of (i) the period under which a claim can be asserted under the applicable statutes of limitations and/or repose or (ii) (3) years after Substantial Completion of the Work. The Contractual Liability Insurance shall include coverage sufficient to meet the indemnity obligations in this agreement D. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned, non-owned, leased and hired autos, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage if automobiles are used in the performance of Contractor’s obligations hereunder; E. Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance on a follow form basis with a per occurrence and annual aggregate limit of [PLEASE REFER TO THE SERVICE VENDOR LIMIT TIER SHEET FOR APPROPRIATE EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIMIT] per location / project. Coverage shall be excess of CGL (including products and completed operations coverage), Auto Liability and Employers Liability with such coverage being concurrent with and not more restrictive than underlying insurance. F. If Contractor is engaged for Environmental Abatement or Remediation work, or if Contractor’s work will involve use, treatment, storage, removal or transport of Hazardous Materials at, to or from, the site, Contractor must obtain Contractor’s Pollution Liability or equivalent coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence on terms satisfactory to Owner, including additional insured status for Owner where available. G. If Contractor’s work includes professional design or engineering services by professionals on staff or under consulting agreements, Contractor must secure, acquire and maintain Professional Liability insurance in limits not less than $1,000,000 covering the professional services performed in connections with the project and continuing in force by renewal or extended reporting provision for not less than three years after completion of the project. This coverage form may be “claims made” and include defense expense within the limit of liability. H. Contractor may also carry such other insurance as it deems necessary for its own protection, and any such insurance must include a waiver of insurers’ rights of subrogation against Owner. Contractor and subcontractor are responsible for their own tools and equipment and all associated property insurance. 34 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- SNOW REMOVAL (CONTINUED) Contractor’s Insurance shall be primary and non-contributory with regard to any other insurance that may be available to Owner and additional insureds. The Owner, Manager and the Owner’s lenders and all other parties otherwise designated by the Owner from time to time shall each shall be added as an additional insured (using CG2010 (11/85) or equivalent) on a primary non-contributory basis on all insurance (including completed operations coverage for the full term required by contract), other than Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance during the full period of the contract and for a period of at least three (3) years (depending on the applicable statute and scope of work) after final acceptance of the Work by Owner. The above insurance policies and associated certificates shall provide that they may not be canceled or materially reduced without at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Owner. In addition, renewal policies shall be obtained, and certificates delivered to Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration. The Description of Location on the Certificate of Insurance must reference the Property. All costs, premiums and deductibles for the above policies shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. All liability policies shall provide that defense costs from any claim will apply outside the applicable limits of insurance. No deductible or self-retention amount in any insurance required by the Contractor hereunder shall (a) apply to the Owner or any other additional insured or (b) exceed $25,000. Contractor and any of its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, waive all rights of subrogation against Owner for any liability and workers’ compensation claims they incur in relation to work under this contract and agree to have all such policies appropriately endorsed with Waiver of Subrogation endorsements. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to maintain insurance coverages equivalent to those standard in the industry but in no event less than the primary GL and WC limits required above. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to include the same additional insured requirements and certificates of insurance as noted above for Contractor. Any insurance limits required by the contract documents are minimum limits only and not intended to restrict the liability imposed on any contractor for work performed under the contract. 35 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual EVENT WAIVER AGREEMENT This _____________(“Agreement”) is made this (“Date”) between (“Licensor”) and its affiliates, subsidiaries and managers (“Licensor Entities”) having an [ADDRESS], as owner of the described Premises herein, and (“Licensee”) having an address at c/o . WHEREAS, Licensee has notified Licensor of its intention to utilize from (“Term”). (“Premises”) for the purposes of (“Project”) WHEREAS, Licensor is willing to permit the Licensee to utilize the site for this Project with the understanding that Licensee shall provide and maintain suitable and adequate protections for safety, indemnification and insurance that will protect Licensor and Licensor Entities from losses which may result from Project or such related activities. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing covenants the parties agree as follows: Licensee agrees to maintain primary and non-contributory insurance and indemnify Licensor and Licensor Entities and hold them harmless for the Project and related activities to take place at the Premises. Such insurance will include but not be limited to: Primary General Liability, on a per location/project basis, with not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence / $2,000,000 general aggregate, including personal injury, bodily injury, broad form property damage, operations hazard, owner’s protective coverage, host liquor liability as well as $1,000,000 products and completed operations, contractual liability and coverage for independent contractors. Coverage is primary and noncontributory. If alcohol is to be served or sold, Liquor Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned, non-owned, leased and hired autos, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Workers Compensation in statutory limits, including Employers Liability Insurance with limits of $500,000 / $500,000 / $500,000 Umbrella / Excess Liability insurance of not less than $5,000,000 with follow form to all underlying insurance. Licensee agrees to add Licensor, Licensor Entities and other parties as requested by Licensor as additional insured to its General Liability, Liquor Liability, Auto Liability and Umbrella Excess Liability policies for full limits carried, including premises operations, as well as products and completed operations coverage, and will provide to Licensor up to date certificates of insurance evidencing coverage for the Project prior to the Project start date. Licensee agrees to indemnify Licensor and Licensor Entities and hold them harmless for any claims that arise from the Event and/or activities and Licensee waives all rights of subrogation against Licensor and Licensor Entities. Licensee shall indemnify, defend and hold and save harmless Licensor and Licensor Entities from and against any and all liability, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees, resulting from or in connection with Licensee’s use of the Premise or relating in any way to this Agreement. Licensee waives all claims against Licensor and the Licensor Parties for injury to persons, or damage to property or to any other interests of Licensee sustained by Licensee or any person claiming through Licensee resulting from any occurrence in or upon the Premise or Project, or relating in any way to this Agreement. Without limitation, all of Licensee’s personal property, which may be at the Project at any time, shall be at Licensee’s sole risk. Licensee’s indemnification obligations hereunder shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. Any insurance limits required by the contract documents are minimum limits only and not intended to restrict the liability imposed on the Licensee for the Project. Licensee is responsible for all of the Project property. It is at the sole discretion of the Licensee as to whether this Project property is insured for damage, theft, or disappearance. Licensor and Licensor Entities will not be responsible in any capacity for the damage, theft, or disappearance of the Event property. This Agreement shall remain in effect for any incident occurring as a result of the Project on (“Date”). Signature of Licensee: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________ Signature of Licensor: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________ 36 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- GENERAL SERVICE Commencing with performance of Contractor's services hereunder and continuing during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, having a rating of A-VIII or better by AM Best, such insurance as will protect the Contractor and Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance in compliance with statutory requirements of the state(s) in which the employee resides, is hired and in which the services are being performed and shall apply to all persons employed by Contractor; B. Employer’s Liability Insurance in the amount of $500,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $500,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease, and $500,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease, or such other amount as may be required by umbrella policy to effect umbrella coverage. C. Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for bodily injury (including coverage for death, mental anguish), Premises-Operations, Independent Contractors' Protective, Products-Completed Operations, Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury and Broad form Property Damage (including coverage for Explosion, Collapse and Underground hazards), and including Cross Liability and Severability of Interests, with the following minimum limits: a. b. c. d. $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Each Occurrence; General Aggregate; Personal and Advertising Injury; and Products-Completed Operations Aggregate. Such policy shall provide coverage on a on a per occurrence basis and be endorsed to have the General Aggregate apply on a per location/ per project basis. Products and Completed Operations insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period equal to the greater of (i) the period under which a claim can be asserted under the applicable statutes of limitations and/or repose or (ii) (3) years after Substantial Completion of the Work. The Contractual Liability Insurance shall include coverage sufficient to meet the indemnity obligations in this agreement D. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned, non-owned, leased and hired autos, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage if automobiles are used in the performance of Contractor’s obligations hereunder; E. Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance on a follow form basis with a per occurrence and annual aggregate limit of [PLEASE REFER TO THE SERVICE VENDOR LIMIT TIER SHEET FOR APPROPRIATE EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIMIT] per location / project. Coverage shall be excess of CGL (including products and completed operations coverage), Auto Liability and Employers Liability with such coverage being concurrent with and not more restrictive than underlying insurance. F. If Contractor is engaged for Environmental Abatement or Remediation work, or if Contractor’s work will involve use, treatment, storage, removal or transport of Hazardous Materials at, to or from, the site, Contractor must obtain Contractor’s Pollution Liability or equivalent coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence on terms satisfactory to Owner, including additional insured status for Owner where available. G. If Contractor’s work includes professional design or engineering services by professionals on staff or under consulting agreements, Contractor must secure, acquire and maintain Professional Liability insurance in limits not less than $1,000,000 covering the professional services performed in connections with the project and continuing in force by renewal or extended reporting provision for not less than three years after completion of the project. This coverage form may be “claims made” and include defense expense within the limit of liability. H. Contractor may also carry such other insurance as it deems necessary for its own protection, and any such insurance must include a waiver of insurers’ rights of subrogation against Owner. Contractor and subcontractor are responsible for their own tools and equipment and all associated property insurance. 37 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual INSURANCE EXHIBIT- GENERAL SERVICE (CONTINUED) Contractor’s Insurance shall be primary and non-contributory with regard to any other insurance that may be available to Owner and additional insureds. The Owner, Manager and the Owner’s lenders and all other parties otherwise designated by the Owner from time to time shall each shall be added as an additional insured (using CG2010 (11/85) or equivalent) on a primary non-contributory basis on all insurance (including completed operations coverage for the full term required by contract), other than Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance during the full period of the contract and for a period of at least three (3) years (depending on the applicable statute and scope of work) after final acceptance of the Work by Owner. The above insurance policies and associated certificates shall provide that they may not be canceled or materially reduced without at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Owner. In addition, renewal policies shall be obtained, and certificates delivered to Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration. The Description of Location on the Certificate of Insurance must reference the Property. All costs, premiums and deductibles for the above policies shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. All liability policies shall provide that defense costs from any claim will apply outside the applicable limits of insurance. No deductible or self-retention amount in any insurance required by the Contractor hereunder shall (a) apply to the Owner or any other additional insured or (b) exceed $25,000. Contractor and any of its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, waive all rights of subrogation against Owner for any liability and workers’ compensation claims they incur in relation to work under this contract and agree to have all such policies appropriately endorsed with Waiver of Subrogation endorsements. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to maintain insurance coverages equivalent to those standard in the industry but in no event less than the primary GL and WC limits required above. Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to include the same additional insured requirements and certificates of insurance as noted above for Contractor. Any insurance limits required by the contract documents are minimum limits only and not intended to restrict the liability imposed on any contractor for work performed under the contract. 38 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual SAMPLE LETTER TO VENDORS/ CONTRACTORS TO REQUEST EVIDENCE ON INSURANCE *All Limits shown below are for sample purposes only. Limits should those required in Lease Contract* Date Name of Vendor/Contractor Address City, State Zip Code Re: Certificate of Insurance Dear : In relation to the work you are doing at Location Address, we need to receive a certificate of insurance evidencing the following coverages: • • • • • Commercial General Liability Workers’ Compensation Employers Liability Auto Liability Excess Liability $1,000,000 per occ/$2,000,000 agg. Statutory Statutory $1,000,000 $10,000,000 The certificate of insurance must show the following wording: Ownership Entity and Management Entity are added as additional insured on the above captioned policies with respect to your work at Location. The certificate must be delivered to us prior to any work you do; it must all be updated annually if ongoing work is to continue. Yours truly, 39 Wheelock Street Capital Limits for Service Vendors Vendor Services PRIMARY GL Limits Auto Liability WC + EL Coverage Requested min. XS Liability Comments Tier I / Low Risk Appliances-Service, Leasing, Refinish Auto Detailing Bathtubs, Sinks - Repair / Refinish Beverage Suppliers w/on-site delivery Cabinets - Installation Carpet Cleaning/Extraction Caterers Cleaning Contractor Computer Designers, Repair, Install Concierge, Valet Service Copy Machines Service Criminal Record Search Disc Jockeys Drapery & Curtain Cleaning, Installation Employment / Temporary Entertainers, Musicians, Promoters, etc Fence Contractors First Aid/Occ Health & Safety Supply-On Site Delivery Fitness Center Equipment Service Framing, Mounting Pictures, Maps, etc.. Fundraising Furniture - Repair, Refinish Glass sales, installation, repair, coating & tinting Golf Carts - Repair and Maintenance Interior Designers and Decorators Junk Removal Leasing Services Lightbulb Replacement Locks and Locksmiths Mailbox installation Mystery Shopper Painting, Wallcovering Installation Pool/Spa Service Vending Machines Window/Glass Repairs $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1M/$2M $500,000 Statutory $1,000,000 $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1M/$2M $500,000 Statutory $1,000,000 $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 A/C Equipment & Systems Contractors Adjusters Acquarium/Fish Tank Installation Air Duct Cleaning Architects Awnings & Canopies Repair & Service Back Flow Prevention Basketball courts - Construction, Repair Boilers - Repairing and Cleaning Building - Developers and Contractors Building Inspection Service Building Maintenance Cable $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Carnival Companies and/or Ride Operators $1M /$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $2,000,000 Chimney Cleaning Communication equipment installation, service, repair Concrete and Asphalt Repairs Cooling Tower-Repair & Replace Courtesy Patrol - Unarmed Foot or Drive Drainage Contractors Drywall Contractors Electrical P/M, Repairs Engineer - All Types Environmental Consulting Services Erosion Control Excavating Contractors Exterior cleaning or resurfacing Fire / Life-Safety System P/M, Testing Flooring / Carpeting Installation Foundation - Contractors or Repair Freight Only Fuel-Oil, Gas, Butane Propane Garage Management, Maintenance Gates-intallation, repair, maintenance General Contractors Gutters and Downspouts $1M /$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $2,000,000 Must have commercial auto liability coverage. Must have commercial auto liability coverage. Must have commercial auto liability coverage (Valet) Tier II / Moderate Risk $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Professional Liability Professional Liability Professional Liability $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Use judgment based on project size and exposure Must have commercial auto liability coverage Professional Liability Professional Liability Must also include Garagekeepers Legal liability depending on size of project 40 Wheelock Street Capital Limits for Service Vendors Vendor Services Handrails HVAC - Other P/M, Repairs Insulation Contractors Landscaping and Irrigation Repairs Laundry Service-Repair & Maintenance Lift Station Maintenance Masonry Mechanical Movers Odor Control Outdoor Fireplace or BBQ installation Parking Lot Striping Parking Lot - Patching / Re-Paving Pest Control Pile Driving Plumbing Repairs/Installation Pond/Lake Service Roof Repairs Safety Consultants Sewer and Water Main-Installation or Repair Sidewalk Repair Siding Contractors Signage Installation / Repairs Snow Removal Sprinkler Installation or Repair Trash Removal / Recycling Trusses / Construction Utility contractor / Not underground Warehouse Supplier Walls - Retaining Walls Waste Reduction/Disposal/Recycle Water Heater Repair Waterproofing Contractors Welding Contractors Window washer - 5 Floors & Below PRIMARY GL Limits Auto Liability WC + EL Coverage Requested min. XS Liability Comments $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1M /$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $2,000,000 $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1M /$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Asbestos Abatement $1M/$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $5,000,000 Blasting and Demolition Contractors Crime Scene Clean Up Services $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Elevator Maintenance, Testing $1M/$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $10,000,000 + $1M/$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $5,000,000 $1M/$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $5,000,000 Contracts exceeding $1M Professional Liability Use judgment based on project size and exposure Professional Use judgment based on size of contract Tier III / High Risk Fire protection equipment installation, service, repair General Contractors Hazardous Material Handling and Cleanup $1M/$2M $1,000,000 Statutory $5,000,000 Lead Abatement Mold Abatement Overhead Equipment (cranes, hoists) Painting Exterior Roof Replacement Scaffolding Security Guard Service Steam boiler installation, service, repair Traffic Contral / Signal Installation Underground or Building gas, petrol, storage tank/line installation, service, repair, testing Window washer - 5 Floors & Above $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $1M/$2M $1M/$2M $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory Coverage must specifically state includes Asbestos Liability Coverage Exceptions must be approved by Robert M. Currey & Associates Environmental / Professional The greater the hours of coverage, the larger the limit $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Special Notes All requirements must be required in a WRITTEN CONTRACT prior to work beginning. All Vendors must provide Workers' Compensation Coverage. WC coverage should include Employer Liability Coverage with limits of $500/$500/$500. CGL and Umbrella must include Products and Completed Operations Coverage. All Certificates must add the building owner and manager as additional insureds with respect to their work at that site. Excess Liability limits may vary. Above parameters are for your guidance but are not etched in stone. Requested Minimum Umbrella Limit must be listed as one amount within the contract and not a range of limits. Business judgment must be used when it does not make sense to adhere to these limits. If the vendor is not large, the job is not large, and the exposure is not large then flexibility is permitted. It is important, however, to get the most protection we can. In no event will work be performed by any vendor without evidence of adequate insurance. Any questions or concerns regarding individual variations should be directed first to the Property Manager, then to Dave Currey or Shannon McGuire at Robert M. Currey & Associates at 617-536-1750. 41 Wheelock Street Group, LLC - Risk Management Manual SAMPLE TENANT/ VENDOR CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE *All Limits & Coverages shown below are for sample purposes only. Certificate of Insurance coverages and limits should match those required in Lease/ Contract* IN NO EVENT WILL WORK BE PERFORMED BY ANY VENDOR WITHOUT EVIDENCE OF ADEQUATE INSURANCE. Max amount payable per Incident. Max amount payable per incident for damage sustained by a fire. Max amount payable to each person to cover medical/funeral expenses resulting from an accident. Covers nontangible offenses causing harm other than bodily injury (i.e., libel, slander, invasion of privacy, etc.) incident for Max amount payable during annual policy period for all GL losses, except Product & Completed Ops. All Vendors must provide WC Coverage & should include Employer Liability Coverage All certificates must add the building owner and manager as additional insureds. Covers products or work that you performed, only after you have finished and left the premises. 42