def Agenda Item: 10 TRUST BOARD – 29 FEBRUARY 2012 RISK & QUALITY COMMITTEE - 24 FEBRUARY 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT PURPOSE: To present to the Trust Board the report from the Risk and Quality Committee (RAQC) meeting of 24th February 2012 PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED BY: N/A IMPLICATIONS: Objective(s) to which issue relates: Spans all objectives. Risk Issues: Key assurance committee reporting to the Board Financial: Any major financial implications of matters considered by the RAQC are always referred to the FPC HR: A number of items relate to the workforce Healthcare/ National Policy: In line with Standing Orders and best practice in corporate governance Legal Issues: None identified Equality Issues: None identified RECOMMENDATIONS: The Board is asked to review the report from the RAQC DIRECTOR: Chair of RAQC PRESENTED BY: Chair of RAQC AUTHOR: Trust Secretary / Company Secretary DATE: 24 February 2012 abc RISK & QUALITY COMMITTEE (RAQC) – 24 February 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT TO BOARD – 29 February 2012 Clinical Audit The Audit Committee has asked the RAQC to look at the assurances that it requires on clinical audit in order to take these into consideration when considering the Annual Governance Statement, formerly known as the Statement on Internal Control, as part of the annual reporting process. The RAQC has asked for a report at the next meeting, benchmarking the Trust’s clinical audit processes and outcomes against a specific set of assurances, and will then report back to the Audit Committee. Annual Objectives 2012/13 The RAQC considered the proposed annual objectives for the Trust for 2012/13, focusing particularly on objectives 3 and 4. The RAQC agreed that the objectives were specific and measurable, but decided upon a number of amendments to their wording and presentation. An additional annual objective relating to the delivery of the Learning Disability Improvement Plan was also agreed. Annual Plan 2012/13 The RAQC received an update on the process and timetable for the development of the Annual Plan, and signalled its intention of devoting a significant amount of time to discussing the priorities for 2012/13 when it considers the draft plan at its next meeting. Floodlight indicators 2012/13 The RAQC reviewed the proposed floodlight indicators for 2012/13, focusing on those areas that fall within its remit. It discussed these at some length and made a number of amendments to the proposed indicators, as well as requesting further review by the relevant director in certain cases. It also decided that some key metrics for health and safety should be included. On the broader issue of where the Trust’s internal targets should be pitched, the Committee agreed that the default position should be to aim to be achieving upper quartile performance consistently within three to five years (to allow for the period of substantial change facing the Trust) with the thresholds based on trajectories to achieve that aim. However, in certain areas the Trust should aim to be an exemplar and in others to achieve upper quartile performance in the first year. While these areas will need to be identified, the RAQC made a firm decision that one area where the Trust must aim to achieve upper quartile performance in 2012/13 is culture, since this is critical to its performance in other areas. Once the targets and trajectories are established, the RAQC decided that there should be a reference document setting out the rationale for each indicator. Learning Disability Improvement Plan The RAQC considered a Learning Disability Improvement Plan, which is part of a national initiative and is based on a comprehensive self assessment of the Trust’s current position against a Quality Assurance Framework. The improvement plan demonstrates that a substantial amount of work will be required to achieve the expected levels for 2012, and beyond that to move to a position abc where the Trust is rated green in all areas. The plan will also require extra resource. The RAQC decided that achievement of the improvement plan should become one of the Trust’s annual objectives. This will ensure that it is not only supported at Board level but that its progress and resourcing can be monitored. Ian Morfett, Vice Chairman (Chair of RAQC) def Agenda Item: 10a BOARD – 29 FEBRUARY 2012 Board Assurance Framework 2011-12, Quarter 3 PURPOSE: To present to the Trust Board the Board Assurance Framework for 2011/12, this includes the quarter 3 reviews for consideration PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED BY: All Executive Directors RAQC, January 2012: New risk added and action plans reviewed as per discussions at RAQC. IMPLICATIONS: Objective(s) to which issue relates: Relates to all assurance objectives. Key component of the Trust’s governance arrangements Risk Issues: Key to providing the Board with assurance on the management of the risks to delivery of the Trust’s corporate objectives and statement of internal control Financial: Potential risks identified within the framework HR: Potential risks identified within the framework Healthcare/ National Policy: Key to the Trust’s governance arrangements, Healthcare regulation and FT application Legal Issues: Legislative risks will identified in the framework Equality Issues: None identified RECOMMENDATIONS: The Committee is asked to consider the Board Assurance Framework for 2011/12 alongside the quarter 3 reviews and note the new risk to reflect the potential clinical risks of the delay to phase four element of the consolidation programme. DIRECTOR: Chief Executive PRESENTED BY: Company Secretary AUTHOR: Company Secretary DATE: February 2012 Board Assurance Framework 2011-12, Quarter 3 - Trust Board – February 2012 Introduction The Board Assurance Framework contains the principal risks associated to the achievement and delivery of the Trust Annual and Strategic Objectives. The Strategic Objectives, from which the 2011/12 annual objectives have been framed, build on the current annual objectives and the Trust’s vision: To deliver quality local healthcare that is valued and trusted. Strategic objectives 1. To consolidate acute services for complex or serious conditions onto a single site. 2. To work with colleagues in primary care to expand local access to specialist acute services. 3. To maintain the pre-eminence of Mount Vernon as a tertiary Cancer Centre, and to provide more cancer care locally 4. To improve continuously the quality of all aspects of our services. The Board Assurance Framework remains a live document and work is ongoing to ensure to strengthen the links to known future sources of internal and independent assurance, the identification of key actions and the review of the key controls used to monitor the delivery of the objectives. February 2012: The Risk and Quality Committee reviewed the BAF alongside the quarter 3 reviews at its meeting in January 2012. Following consideration at RAQC: A new risk was added onto the BAF; the potential clinical risks posed through delays in approval of the Phase 4 FBC, specifically risk of sustainability of QEII as an acute site until final consolidation and the risk of increased emergency activity through the Lister site prior to completion of infrastructure, see page 29. some of the action plans have been and continue to be reviewed to ensure that they more clearly demonstrate how risk is being mitigated and the end of year position will be achieved. Other key changes for Trust Board to note this quarter are: the achievement of some of the annual objectives on page 2; a final review of all of the achievement annual objectives will be completed at year end. the one ‘red’ risk relating to the risk of delay to consolidation programme on page 6 the quarter 3 progress reports on pages 9, 14, 18, 31 and 32. the changes to the end of year forecasting for Patient Experience and Staff culture as the action taken will take longer than 1 year to embed fully. the new risk of the potential clinical risks of the delay to phase four (page 29) See the full BAF within the Trust Board data pack. The most recent changes are noted in a different colour text. Any changes made to the risk assessment are also noted in the document. Conclusion: The Trust Board is asked to consider this report and state is any further assurances are required.