ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Index of Archived Articles: Call for nominations: IEEE Press Editorial Board members: deadline 14 September (archived 16 September 2016) Call for proposals: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee project funding in 2016: deadline 15 September (archived 16 September 2016) MGA financial reporting deadline changed to last day of February (archived 16 September 2016) Announcing MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients (archived 16 September 2016) Announcing 2017 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 16 September 2016) IEEE Maker Project competition: deadline 17 September (archived 16 September 2016) Last call for nominations: 2017 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 16 August 2016) Call for proposals: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee project funding in 2016: deadline 15 August (archived 16 August 2016) Action required: changes to IEEE tagline and related references (archived 16 August 2016) Member Discounts: learn about risk management (archived 16 August 2016) IEEE Policy on Elections and Electioneering (archived 16 August 2016) Member Discounts: New Financial Planning Program (archived 16 August 2016) Coming soon: Smart Tech Signature Events (archived 25 July 2016) IEEE in 2030 Challenge seeks the “Next Big Idea” (archived 25 July 2016) IEEE Foundation Grants program: what do you propose? (archived 18 July 2016) Last call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 7 July 2016) Last call for applications: IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative: deadline 30 June (archived 7 July 2016) Get involved in IEEE Future Directions initiatives; WF-IoT call for proposals (archived 7 July 2016) New compliance training required for select IEEE volunteer leaders (archived 7 July 2016) Member Discounts Program benefits everyone (archived 7 July 2016) Updated call for participation: 2016 Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT): deadlines 10 June and 1 August (archived 27 June 2016) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 1 June (archived 6 June 2016) Call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards: deadline 2 May (archived 27 May 2016) IEEE Women in Engineering news: WIE ILC Virtual Track, Google Hangout, leadership summit (archived 27 May 2016) Call for abstracts: First IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2016) (archived 27 May 2016) Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 27 May 2016) Member Discounts: insurance benefit options (archived 27 May 2016) Funds available for Region student competitions in 2016 (archived 27 May 2016) IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program webinar: conference education program overview (archived 21 April 2016) Call for nominations: IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Achievement Award: deadline 15 April (archived 18 April 2016) Call for nominations: IEEE EAB, PSPB, and TAB volunteer positions (updated 18 April 2016) Participate in the 2016 IoT Developer Survey: deadline 25 March (archived 18 April 2016) Proposed amendment to the IEEE Constitution on 2016 ballot (archived 18 April 2016) vTools release announcement: eNotice Express (archived 18 April 2016) National Society Agreements – a new and improved process (archived 18 April 2016) Member Discounts: international life insurance (archived 18 April 2016) MGA Operations Manual changes: Rebate Schedule added; required reporting deadline change to 15 March (archived 18 April 2016) Final reminder: 2015 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 15 March (archived 17 March 2016) Call for nominations: IEEE MGA leadership positions: deadline 15 March; new VP-Elect position (archived 17 March 2016) Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2017: deadline 1 March (archived 17 March 2016) Call for nominations: 2017 and 2018 IEEE volunteer positions: corporate officers, committee chairs and members (archived 17 March 2016) IEEE 802 Student Paper Competition: deadline 15 March (archived 17 March 2016) Member Discounts: shipping discounts for Regions 1-7 (archived 17 March 2016) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Reminder: 2015 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 15 March (archived 24 February 2016) Call for volunteers: IEEE Awards committees; last call for IEEE Technical Field Award and Herz Award nominations (archived 24 February 2016) IEEE Assembly announces 2016 corporate officers (archived 24 February 2016) 2015 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 24 February 2016) Final IEEE Life Members Fund Commemorative Coaster: Volta's Electric Battery Invention, 1799 (archived 24 February 2016) Member Discounts: holiday offers on computers (archived 24 February 2016) Last call: engage members with the "IEEE Into Focus" photo contest: deadline 31 December (archived 25 January 2016) IEEE members select Karen Bartleson as 2016 IEEE President-Elect (archived 25 January 2016) IEEE Day 2015 was a success (archived 25 January 2016) Member Discounts: international life insurance (archived 25 January 2016) Get involved in IEEE Future Directions initiatives; contribute use case scenarios; registration open for IoT World Forum (archived 25 January 2016) IEEE Collabratec™ has officially launched (archived 22 December 2015) IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinar: IEEE contracting process (archived 22 December 2015) Charting IEEE's future: an update on IEEE in 2030 efforts (archived 22 December 2015) It’s time to renew your IEEE membership for 2016 (archived 22 December 2015) Announcing updates to geographic unit formation petition forms (archived 22 December 2015) Use vTools.Voting for your upcoming unit elections; updated Section Vitality Dashboard (archived 22 December 2015) Member Discounts: expanded Professional Liability Insurance Program in Regions 1-7 (archived 22 December 2015) Call for participation: IEEE DIY Project: deadline 7 December (archived 22 December 2015) Register for IEEE N3XT: IEEE's global entrepreneurship summit on 14 November (archived 25 November 2015) Join the discussion: Standards innovation at IEEE SIIT 2015 (archived 25 November 2015) Member Discounts: international travel guide for members in Regions 8-10 (archived 25 November 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES MGA Operations Manual changes: definition and meeting activity (archived 25 November 2015) MGA Operations Manual changes: term limits for officers (archived 25 November 2015) Member Discounts: financial planning program in the US and Puerto Rico (archived 25 November 2015) Geographic unit website feature: automatic feed of officers and events available (archived 25 November 2015) Watch the 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony; 2016 IEEE Technical Field Award recipients announced (archived 25 November 2015) IEEE Women in Engineering news: live chat series, 2016 leadership conference, awards program, summits (archived 26 October 2015) Participate in IEEE Day 2015 on 6 October (archived 19 October 2015) IEEE Annual Election: last chance to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 19 October 2015) Last call for nominations: MGA Awards: deadline 15 October (archived 19 October 2015) Registration open for IEEEXtreme 9.0 Programming Competition: deadline 12 October; IEEE members encouraged to proctor local students (archived 19 October 2015) Last call for nominations: 2016 IEEE Educational Activities volunteer positions: deadline 16 October (archived 19 October 2015) Request for proposals: humanitarian projects: deadline 30 September (archived 19 October 2015) IEEE in 2030 Challenge seeks proposals for innovative projects: deadline extended to 15 September (archived 29 September 2015) Call for nominations: IEEE Press Editorial Board: deadline 8 September (archived 29 September 2015) Use vTools.Voting for your upcoming unit elections (archived 29 September 2015) Last call for applications: IEEE Smart Cities Initiative: deadline extended to 31 August (archived 4 September 2015) Updated call for participation: 2015 Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT): deadlines 24 August and 4 September (archived 4 September 2015) Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA Awards: deadline 31 August (archived 4 September 2015) Announcing MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients (archived 4 September 2015) Announcing 2016 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 4 September 2015) Conference activity is now available on the Section Vitality Dashboard (archived 4 September 2015) vTools release announcement: usability and interface enhancements (archived 4 September 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Tell IEEE about technology projects in your organizational unit (OU) (archived 4 September 2015) Member Discounts: save on car rental (archived 4 September 2015) Welcome new members in your Section and invite them to attend an orientation webinar (archived 4 September 2015) IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinar: Audience Development program (archived 10 August 2015) Last call for nominations: 2016 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 10 August 2015) Last call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 1 August (archived 10 August 2015) Call for nominations: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee: deadline 1 August (archived 10 August 2015) Last call for applications: IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative: deadline 30 June (archived 10 August 2015) Use vTools.Meetings for more than just submitting reports (archived 10 August 2015) Member Discounts: Mobile Property Insurance for Regions 8-10 (archived 10 August 2015) Volunteers needed for IEEE Awards (archived 10 August 2015) Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 10 August 2015) Member Discounts: learn about risk management (archived 10 August 2015) Call for proposals: IEEE SIGHT project funding in 2015 (archived 10 August 2015) Help conference authors meet open access publishing requirements (archived 10 August 2015) The IEEE of 2030 begins now (archived 10 August 2015) Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Activities volunteer positions (archived 10 August 2015) Funds available for Region student competitions in 2015 (archived 10 August 2015) Last Call for Nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 21 July 2015) Last call for applications: IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative: deadline 30 June (archived 21 July 2015) Funds available for Region student competitions in 2015 (archived 21 July 2015) Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Activities volunteer positions (archived 21 July 2015) Help conference authors meet open access publishing requirements (archived 21 July 2015) Member Discounts: learn about risk management (archived 21 July 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 21 July 2015) Call for nominations: IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Achievement Award: deadline 31 May (archived 18 May 2015) Call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 1 June (archived 18 May 2015) IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinars: marketing your conference, global hotel partnership program (archived 18 May 2015) Get involved in IEEE Future Directions initiatives (archived 18 May 2015) IEEE Member Discounts benefit everyone (archived 18 May 2015) There is still time to renew for 2015 (archived 18 May 2015) IEEE-USA launches new flagship publication, IEEE-USA InSight, and new Shop site (archived 18 May 2015) Google services and more may be affected in China (archived 18 May 2015) IEEE Conference Organizers' Newsletter: subscribe now (archived 18 May 2015) IEEE Panel of Conference Organizers is now open for registration: 16-18 July (archived 18 May 2015) New IEEE roster launches with enhanced search capability (archived 18 May 2015) vTools Release Announcement; WebEx updates (archived 18 May 2015) Participate now in free IEEE WIE International Leadership Conference virtual conference track: 22-25 April (archived 6 May 2015) Reminder: 2014 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 31 March (archived 21 April 2015) Last call for nominations: IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) awards: deadline 1 April (archived 21 April 2015) Register now for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (archived 21 April 2015) Nominate a colleague for the IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor recognition: deadline 13 April (archived 21 April 2015) IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinars: publication tools overview (archived 21 April 2015) New IEEE roster launches with enhanced search capability (archived 21 April 2015) vTools Release Announcement; WebEx updates (archived 21 April 2015) Last call for nominations: IEEE MGA leadership positions: deadline 15 March (archived 20 March 2015) Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2016: deadline 1 March (archived 20 March 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES 2014 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 20 March 2015) IEEE Day 2014, a worldwide success (archived 20 March 2015) IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Chapters’ transition (archived 20 March 2015) New IEEE Educational Activities newsletter launched in 2014: EA Insight (archived 20 March 2015) IEEE Assembly announces 2015 corporate officers (archived 23 February 2015) In memoriam: Cathy Downer, MGA membership development manager (archived 23 February 2015) IEEE Life Members Fund Commemorative Coaster: The Invention of the First Transistor (archived 23 February 2015) IEEE Sections Congress 2014: Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow (archived 23 February 2015) MCE Conference education program webinar: integrate mobile applications into your next conference (archived 23 February 2015) Last call for nominations: MGA Student Awards: deadline extended to 15 February (archived 23 February 2015) Last call for submissions: 2015 Presidents' Change the World Competition: deadline 31 January (archived 2 February 2015) Last call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards: deadline 31 January (archived 2 February 2015) E-mail IEEE Awards for more information Conference education opportunities from IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (archived 29 January 2015) IEEE members select Barry Shoop as 2015 IEEE President-Elect (archived 29 January 2015) IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Chapters’ transition (archived 29 January 2015) Member Discounts: IEEE member travel discount features benefit conference attendees (archived 29 January 2015) goes mobile (archived 29 January 2015) IEEE Conference Education Program now available (archived 29 January 2015) Introducing a low-cost online registration tool for conference and event management (archived 29 January 2015) IEEE Sections Congress 2014: Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow (archived 29 January 2015) IEEE dues change for e-Membership (archived 29 January 2015) Watch the 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony on (archived 29 January 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES New IEEE Internet of Things Initiative (IoT) newsletter announced (archived 29 January 2015) Member Discounts: holiday offers on computers (archived 29 January 2015) Conference education opportunities from IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (archived 29 January 2015) Member Discounts: back-to-school deals on computers (archived 19 November 2014) Canadian Anti-Spam Law guidelines under development (archived 19 November 2014) IEEE Fellow program celebrating its 50th anniversary; improvements made to IEEE Fellow nomination process (archived 19 November 2014) IEEE Awards: 2015 IEEE Technical Field Award recipients are announced (archived 19 November 2014) Member Loyalty Program lets Sections recognize members for their years of membership (archived 19 November 2014) vTools release announcement (archived 19 November 2014) Featured news around IEEE: THE BRIDGE (archived 19 November 2014) IEEE Day 2014 will be held on Tuesday, 7 October (archived 30 October 2014) IEEE Annual Election: last chance to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 30 October 2014) Call for nominations: MGA Awards: deadline 15 October (archived 30 October 2014) Registration open for IEEEXtreme 8.0 Programming Competition: deadline 3 October; sponsors needed (archived 30 October 2014) Call for nominations: 2015 IEEE Educational Activities committee chairs and members: deadline 15 October (archived 30 October 2014) Call for Nominations: IEEE Technical Activities volunteer positions: deadline 5 October (archived 30 October 2014) Register now for IEEE Technology Time Machine (TTM) 2014 (archived 30 October 2014) Last chance to register for IEEE Sections Congress 2014; mobile app is here (archived 22 September 2014) Last call for nominations: 2015 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 22 September 2014) Member Discounts: not just “local” member benefits (archived 22 September 2014) Last chance to nominate a colleague for the IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor recognition: deadline extended to 9 August (archived 22 September 2014) MGA Middleton Award recipient announced (archived 22 September 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients announced (archived 22 September 2014) Announcing 2015 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 22 September 2014) Section Vitality Dashboard - Phase II released (archived 22 September 2014) Feed your Web site with job postings (archived 22 September 2014) Post internship and co-op jobs on the IEEE Job Site at no charge (archived 22 September 2014) Member Discounts: Quote for Scholarship; UPS Program in Canada (archived 29 July 2014) Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 29 July 2014) Welcome new members in your Section and invite them to attend an orientation webinar (archived 29 July 2014) Last call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 7 July 2014) IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative now accepting applications: deadline 30 June (archived 7 July 2014) Introducing IEEE student travel grants (archived 30 June 2014) Funds available for Region student competitions in 2014 (archived 30 June 2014) Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (archived 30 June 2014) Member Discounts features travel deals (archived 30 June 2014) vTools Release Announcement: new features for Meetings and Voting (archived 30 June 2014) IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative now accepting applications: deadline 30 June (archived 30 June 2014) Nominate a colleague for the IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor recognition: deadline extended to 4 August (archived 30 June 2014) Introducing IEEE student travel grants (archived 30 June 2014) Funds available for Region student competitions in 2014 (archived 30 June 2014) Last call for nominations: MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award: deadline 15 May (archived 29 May 2014) Member Discounts: Liberty Mutual scholarship program, Dell discounts (archived 29 May 2014) IEEE Smart Cities Initiative launches, seeks engagement from global municipalities: deadline 16 May (archived 29 May 2014) Call for nominations: 2015 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors: deadline 1 June (archived 29 May 2014) Last call for App-E-Feat contest entries: deadline 19 May (archived 29 May 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards: deadline 23 May (archived 29 May 2014) Call for nominations: IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Awards: deadline 23 May (archived 29 May 2014) Funds available for Region student competitions in 2014 (archived 29 May 2014) IEEE launches ResumeLab (archived 29 May 2014) Featured news around IEEE: Earthzine Full Moon Newsletter (archived 29 May 2014) IEEE-USA offers free e-books to members in April and May (archived 29 May 2014) New IEEE vTools features and enhancements (archived 19 March 2014) Applauding 50 years of IEEE Fellows (archived 19 March 2014) New IEEE Fellows online directory (archived 19 March 2014) Update on the member group insurance program for US, Canada, and Puerto Rico (archived 19 March 2014) Announcing 2014 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients (archived 19 March 2014) Call for participants: MGA Volunteer Leadership Training Program: deadline 14 March (archived 19 March 2014) Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2015: deadline 1 March (archived 19 March 2014) Last call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 7 March (archived 19 March 2014) Announcing 2014 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients (archived 19 March 2014) Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (archived 19 March 2014) Strengthening Section and Student Branch relationships (archived 25 February 2014) 2013 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 31 March (updated 25 February 2014) Engineers wanted: help organizations create apps to further their missions (updated 25 February 2014) IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) transformation to IEEE Young Professionals (archived 3 February 2014) Last call for nominations: IEEE Student Awards: deadline 1 February (archived 3 February 2014) 2014 Presidents' Change the World Competition: registration deadline 31 January (archived 3 February 2014) Last call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards: deadline 31 January; volunteers needed for IEEE Awards (archived 3 February 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Assembly announces 2014 corporate officers (archived 28 January 2014) 2013 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 28 January 2014) Register for upcoming Student Webinars on STEP programs and Student Services year in review (archived 28 January 2014) IEEE members select Howard Michel as 2014 IEEE President-Elect (archived 28 January 2014) IEEE geographic unit officer term limits (archived 28 January 2014) Call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2015: deadline 1 March (archived 28 January 2014) IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholars announced (archived 17 December 2013) Order an IEEE membership development kit (archived 17 December 2013) Call for nominations: MGA Student Awards (archived 17 December 2013) Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards (archived 17 December 2013) Call for nominations: IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award (archived 17 December 2013) Last call for student project entries for 2013 Smarter Planet Challenge: Student Projects Changing the World: deadline 1 November (archived 26 November 2013) IEEE launches new mentoring program (archived 26 November 2013) New global insurance marketplace for Regions 8, 9, and 10 (archived 26 November 2013) Join a new member orientation webinar (archived 26 November 2013) New video provides insights on Open Access Publishing (archived 26 November 2013) IEEE Annual Election: last chance to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 23 October 2013) IEEE Day 2013 will be held on Tuesday, 1 October (archived 23 October 2013) Last call for nominations: MGA Awards: deadline 15 October (archived 23 October 2013) Registration open for IEEE Xtreme 7.0 Programming Competition (archived 23 October 2013) Join the virtual IEEE Education Fair: 21-24 October (archived 23 October 2013) IEEE-HKN announces upcoming events (archived 23 October 2013) New Student Member Webinar Series focuses on student offerings and involvement (archived 23 October 2013) Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA Awards: deadline extended to 31 August (archived 23 September 2013) MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients announced (archived 23 September 2013) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Announcing 2014 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 23 September 2013) Help promote the IEEE Foundation with print and Web ads (archived 23 September 2013) IEEE Women in Engineering news: WIE meetups, online live discussions, and app (archived 23 September 2013) Sponsors needed for IEEEXtreme 7.0 Programming Competition (archived 23 September 2013) IEEE congratulates 220 new Senior members; submit a Senior member application (archived 23 September 2013) Last call for nominations: 2014 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 9 August 2013) TAB Hall of Honor: recognize IEEE member contributions to Societies and Councils: deadline 9 August (archived 9 August 2013) Boost membership with the IEEE Conference Member Recruitment Program (archived 23 July 2013) IEEE Conference Exchange (ICX) updates and enhancements (archived 23 July 2013) IEEE Women in Engineering news: online live discussions, WIE app, and call for award nominations (archived 23 July 2013) Register now for the Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO), 25-27 July 2013 (archived 23 July 2013) Last call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 23 July 2013) Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 27 June 2013) New benefits around the world: Rosetta Stone, Vacation Center, life insurance (archived 27 June 2013) Automatic renewal now available for IEEE membership (archived 27 June 2013) Volunteer Onboarding Pilot Program call for participation: deadline 24 May (archived 7 June 2013) Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 20 May (archived 7 June 2013) Call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions (archived 21 May 2013) Call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 15 May 2013) Last call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards: deadline 15 May (archived 15 May 2013) Help attract computer and information technology students to IEEE (archived 15 May 2013) IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative now accepting applications (archived 15 May 2013) Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Standards Education e-Zine (archived 15 May 2013) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Computer Society now accepting Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship applications: deadline 30 April (archived 1 May 2013) Reminder: 2012 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 31 March (archived 4 April 2013) Last call for nominations: IEEE MGA leadership positions: deadline 1 April (archived 4 April 2013) IEEE-USA offers free e-books to members in March and April (archived 4 April 2013) New member orientation webinars (archived 4 April 2013) Conference organizers' Web pages updated (archived 4 April 2013) Last call for nominations: 2014 IEEE leadership positions: deadline 15 March (archived 20 March 2013) Required geographic unit compliance (archived 20 March 2013) IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence volunteer training (archived 20 March 2013) Call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 15 March (archived 20 March 2013) 297 named to the Class of 2013 IEEE Fellows (archived 20 March 2013) Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Publications Newsletter (archived 6 March 2013) Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2014: deadline 1 March (archived 1 March 2013) IEEE-USA offers free e-books to members in February and March (archived 1 March 2013) IEEE Assembly announces 2013 Corporate Officers (archived 15 February 2013) 2012 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 15 February 2013) IEEE MGA Operations Manual Change: write-in votes permitted for geographic unit elections (archived 15 February 2013) IEEE Life Members Fund - Maxwell’s Equations (1860-1871) Commemorative Coaster (archived 15 February 2013) 2013 Presidents' Change the World Competition: registration deadline 31 January (archived 4 February 2013) Call for nominations: MGA Student Awards: deadline 1 February (archived 4 February 2013) Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards: deadline 31 January (archived 4 February 2013) Call for nominations: IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award: deadline 31 January (archived 4 February 2013) IEEE-USA Online Engineering Video Competition for college students (archived 24 January 2013) Featured News around IEEE: IEEE Societies and Communities Blog (archived 24 January 2013) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE members select Roberto de Marca as 2013 president-elect (archived 24 December 2012) IEEE MGA Operations Manual change: annual hard-copy mailing no longer required (archived 24 December 2012) Changes to IEEE geographic unit officer reporting process (archived 24 December 2012) IEEE MGA Operations Manual change: geographic unit officer term limits (archived 24 December 2012) IEEE policy on elections and electioneering (archived 24 December 2012) IEEE launches IEEE to raise awareness of computing careers (archived 24 December 2012) 2011 IEEE Annual Report is now available (archived 24 December 2012) IEEE-USA Online Engineering Video Competition for college students (archived 24 December 2012) Last Senior Member Review Panel Meeting of 2012 (archived 26 November 2012) Improved networking capabilities with IEEE memberNet (archived 26 November 2012) New for 2013 - digital delivery of IEEE Spectrum and The Institute for student members (archived 26 November 2012) Global Term Life Insurance Program now available world-wide (archived 26 November 2012) Last call for MGA Awards nominations: deadline 15 October (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Day celebration: Tuesday, 2 October (archived 17 October 2012) Registration open for IEEE Xtreme 6.0 Programming Competition (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Annual Election: remember to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 17 October 2012) Sponsors needed for IEEEXtreme 6.0 Programming Competition (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition 2012 winners announced (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Computer Society now accepting Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship applications - deadline 30 September (archived 17 October 2012) News from IEEE-USA (archived 17 October 2012) Featured News around IEEE: IEEE Spark inspires students ages 14-18 (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Milestone proposal process now a one-step application (archived 24 September 2012) IEEE-USA launches new Career Manager for members (archived 24 September 2012) Announcing 2013 IEEE MGA Board Members and Committee Chairs (archived 24 September 2012) MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients announced (archived 24 September 2012) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Privacy Policy Compliance (archived 17 August 2012) Introducing the ICX Conferences Application Platform (archived 17 August 2012) Volunteers needed for IEEEXtreme competition (archived 17 August 2012) IEEE Life Members Newsletter available on the Web (archived 17 August 2012) News around IEEE: IEEE members benefit from media coverage through IEEE Public Visibility Initiative (archived 17 August 2012) Last call for nominations: 2013 MGA Committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 2 August 2012) Call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 24 July (archived July 2012) News around IEEE: IEEE Technology Navigator provides access to thousands of IEEE technical resources (archived July 2012) IEEE-USA career resources e-books free to members (archived July 2012) Call for nominations: 2013 IEEE leadership positions: deadline 1 July (archived July 2012) Call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived July 2012) New IEEE Business Platform launched successfully (archived June 2012) IEEE launches Society and communities news page and blog (archived June 2012) POCO 2012 registration now open: deadline 28 June (archived June 2012) Call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 9 June (archived June 2012) Call for nominations: 2013 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors: deadline 1 June (archived June 2012) News around IEEE feature: IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (archived June 2012) News around IEEE feature: The Institute (archived May 2012) Second IEEE Technology Time Machine - Symposium on Technologies Beyond 2020 (archived May 2012) Call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards (archived May 2012) Call for nominations: IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (archived May 2012) Plan for SAMIEEE use (archived April 2012) Last call for nominations: 2013 MGA leadership positions: deadline 1 April (archived April 2012) Reminder: 2011 annual reporting and rebate requirements: deadline 31 March (archived April 2012) Call for Nominations: 2013 IEEE leadership positions: deadline 1 March (archived March 2012) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund (archived March 2012) IEEE Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) celebrates 10th anniversary (archived March 2012) IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (archived March 2012) Required geographic unit compliance (archived March 2012) Call for nominations: IEEE Press Editorial Board members: deadline 14 September (archived 16 September 2016) (posted 29 August 2016) IEEE Press is seeking nominations for qualified candidates who are willing to serve, if elected, in the position of IEEE Press Editorial Board Member. The primary responsibility of the IEEE Press Editorial Board is to provide technical and scientific expertise in the development of world-class, technical books. Board members work on a continuing basis with the Editor-in-Chief and professional acquisitions editors to recruit authors, review their proposals, and assist in identifying technical reviewers of proposals and complete book manuscripts. The deadline is 14 September. View the complete call for nominations with submittal instructions (DOCX, 15 KB) Call for proposals: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee project funding in 2016: deadline 15 September (archived 16 September 2016) (updated 29 August 2016) The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) is currently soliciting proposals for one of its 2016 funding opportunities. The IEEE HAC is tasked with supporting the IEEE Board-endorsed vision of IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level. HAC Events: HAC is currently soliciting proposals for the support of elements of events that are aligned with this vision. Support requested may include financial resources, publicity in HAC materials, content development - such as HAC assistance in determining session topics and/or potential speakers - HAC promotional materials, and/or other assistance. HAC seeks to support a range of elements of events across IEEE's regions worldwide. Please note: HAC will not sponsor entire conferences - rather, it will support elements of events, such as tracks, workshops, sessions, and so on, that are aligned with HAC's vision. The deadline is 15 September. Apply for HAC events funding (PDF, 123 KB) View the SIGHT Toolkit to learn how to start a SIGHT group or how to operate your existing SIGHT group ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES MGA financial reporting deadline changed to last day of February (archived 16 September 2016) (posted 27 June 2016) At its 18 June 2016 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved changing the geographic unit close/end date for prior year financial reporting to the last day of February. This change applies only to the financial reporting deadline. The geographic unit officer reporting and meeting reporting deadlines remain as 15 March, and the bonus deadline remains as the third Friday of February. The rebate algorithm and calculation remain unchanged. This information will be further communicated with all Sections over the next few months. View the MGA Operations Manual, Section 9, for updated Rebate Schedule text Announcing MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients (archived 16 September 2016) (posted 27 June 2016) On 18 June 2016, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board selected the following recipients of the 2016 MGA Outstanding Section Awards (based on 2015 activities): MGA Outstanding Large Section Award recipient is the IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section from Region 6 MGA Outstanding Medium Section Award recipient is the IEEE Argentina Section from Region 9 Congratulations to the Santa Clara Valley and Argentina Sections for being selected for these awards "for successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries." This year’s recipients, as well as previous recipients, are listed on the MGA Outstanding Section Awards web page. A section of the page includes highlights of the 2015 calendaryear activities of the recipients. Announcing 2017 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 16 September 2016) (posted 27 June 2016) The MGA Assembly met Thursday, 16 June 2016, and determined the slates of candidates for the offices of 2017 IEEE Vice President-Member and Geographic Activities and 2018 IEEE Vice President-Member and Geographic Activities (2017 VP-Elect). These positions will be elected at the IEEE Assembly in November: 2017 Vice President-Member and Geographic Activities Martin Bastiaans - Mierlo, Netherlands ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Ramakrishna Kappagantu - Bangalore, Karnataka, India Mary Ellen Randall - Cary, NC, USA 2018 Vice President-Member and Geographic Activities (2017 VP-Elect) Martin Bastiaans - Mierlo, Netherlands Parviz Famouri - Morgantown, WV, USA Ramakrishna Kappagantu - Bangalore, Karnataka, India Mary Ellen Randall - Cary, NC, USA **Elected 2017 VP to be removed from 2018 slate The MGA Assembly also selected the 2017 MGA Treasurer and Vice Chairs, as follows: MGA Treasurer: Deborah Cooper - Reston, VA, USA MGA Vice Chair, Geographic Unit Operations: Costas Stasopoulos - Nicosia, Cyprus MGA Vice Chair, Information Management: Stefano Zanero - Milano, Italy MGA Vice Chair, Member Development: Eduardo Palacio - Saint James, NY, USA MGA Vice Chair, Strategic Management and Analysis: Murty Polavarapu - Oakton, VA, USA The MGA Board met Saturday, 18 June 2016, and approved the 2016 MGA Committee Chair appointments, recommended by the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee. Please visit the 2017 MGA Volunteers web page for more information. IEEE Maker Project competition: deadline 17 September (archived 16 September 2016) (posted 27 June 2016) The IEEE Maker Project competition has launched and will run through 17 September 2016. This year, Thomas Coughlin, IEEE Senior member and Chair of the IEEE Public Visibility Committee, will serve as the host of this competition and will be featured in an ongoing video series that will highlight cool projects and events on the contest website. If you’ve been tinkering with a tech project that solves complex problems and has application in the real world, here’s your chance to showcase your work. Contest categories include accessibility, education, entertainment, health and safety, sustainability, and transportation. Learn more about the IEEE Maker Project and/or enter the contest Last call for nominations: 2017 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 16 August 2016) (updated 25 July 2016) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2017 MGA committee member and liaison positions. Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 August 2016. Review the list of available 2017 MGA positions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Review the committee descriptions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or a colleague Call for proposals: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee project funding in 2016: deadline 15 August (archived 16 August 2016) (posted 25 July 2016) The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) is currently soliciting proposals for its 2016 funding opportunities. The IEEE HAC is tasked with supporting the IEEE Board-endorsed vision of IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level. HAC Events: HAC is currently soliciting proposals for the support of elements of events that are aligned with this vision. Support requested may include financial resources, publicity in HAC materials, content development - such as HAC assistance in determining session topics and/or potential speakers - HAC promotional materials, and/or other assistance. HAC seeks to support a range of elements of events across IEEE's regions worldwide. Please note: HAC will not sponsor entire conferences - rather, it will support elements of events, such as tracks, workshops, sessions, and so on, that are aligned with HAC's vision. The deadline is 15 September. Apply for HAC events funding (PDF, 123 KB) HAC Projects: HAC is currently soliciting proposals for humanitarian projects that are aligned with this vision. The committee will review proposals and grant awards between US$20,000 and US$100,000. Project activities to be funded by the grant must be completed by the end of calendar year 2016 to be considered. The deadline is 15 August. Apply for HAC projects funding (PDF, 237 KB) SIGHT Projects: The Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) program is a network of IEEE volunteers around the globe that partner with underserved communities and local organizations to leverage technology for sustainable development. The SIGHT Steering Committee is currently soliciting proposals for SIGHT group project funding. The committee will review proposals and grant awards between US$500 and US$19,999. Project activities to be funded by the grant must be completed by the end of calendar year 2016 to be considered. The deadline is 15 August. Apply for SIGHT projects funding (PDF, 147 KB) View the SIGHT Toolkit to learn how to start a SIGHT group or how to operate your existing SIGHT group Action required: changes to IEEE tagline and related references (archived 16 August 2016) (posted 27 May 2016) IEEE has revised the tagline terminology used on all IEEE digital communications, promotional materials, websites, and mobile apps. Please review and update all existing applications using the new language shown below, including the footer and any other areas of the materials where it may be used. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Current: A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology. Change to: A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. View larger image online Review the IEEE Digital Style Guide for more details on requirements Member Discounts: learn about risk management (archived 16 August 2016) (posted 27 May 2016) IEEE Risk Management for Engineers is an online course developed by IEEE, with the needs of business owners, entrepreneurs, consultants, students, and working professionals in mind. The course examines the Risk Management process, including defining and measuring risk, exposure identification and risk analysis, risk responses and risk mitigation, as well as the value of contracts and professional liability insurance. This course is free exclusively to members. Learn more or take the Risk Management Course IEEE Policy on Elections and Electioneering (archived 16 August 2016) (posted 19 April 2016) Barry L. Shoop, 2016 IEEE President, recently wrote to IEEE volunteers regarding the importance of understanding the organization’s electioneering policy. When endorsing a candidate, the endorsement must be clear that it comes from an individual member so it is not perceived as an endorsement from your organizational unit (OU). IEEE Policy 13.3.C “Elections and Electioneering - Means of Informing Members of IEEE Organizational Units” states equal opportunity for all candidates must be provided to promote their candidacy. “Members may be informed of the candidates’ views and of issues pertaining to initiatives through Board/Society/Council/Region/Section or Chapter meetings, conferences and publications. Equal opportunity shall be provided to all candidates for the same elective position. The editor, conference chair or other individual responsible for the activity shall determine the information to be presented or published, within the guidelines 13.2 established by the governing body of that organizational unit, provided all candidates are treated equally.” According to “IEEE Policy 14.1 – Use and Control of IEEE Mailing Lists,” IEEE mailing lists “may not be used for electioneering in connection with any office within the IEEE, or for political purposes, or for commercial promotion, except as explicitly authorized hereunder.” Specifically, this policy means that IEEE resources such as membership rosters, mass distribution lists, and SAMIEEE may not be used for electioneering outreach. For more information, please refer to the full policy 14.1 in Section 14 – IEEE Mailing List and Rosters (PDF, 977 KB). According to "IEEE Electronic Mail Policy Section 5.7," IEEE email lists "shall not be used for IEEE electioneering unless explicitly established for this purpose by IEEE." ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Social Media best practices should also be followed. Member Discounts: New Financial Planning Program (archived 16 August 2016) (posted 19 April 2016) IEEE Member Discounts offers a suite of services to help members in the USA and Puerto Rico plan and meet their financial goals with myFinancialWellness for IEEE Members. Learn about what myFinancial Wellness can do for you by watching a new video and sampling the self-directed planning tools available to eligible members at no cost. Whether planning for children’s education or retirement, eligible members can benefit from access to no-cost educational resources, financial tools, and credentialed financial advisors who can help them get their financial plans in shape. myFinancialWellness is offered through Vinings Management Corporation. Coming soon: Smart Tech Signature Events (archived 25 July 2016) (updated 27 June 2016) In an effort to increase member engagement and provide value to IEEE members, MGA will host a series of two-day, multi-track events focused on providing career assistance, professional networking, and education on in-demand and emerging technologies for practicing engineers and technical professionals. Upcoming events include: 30 September -1 October | Crystal City, VA, USA 21 October-22 October | Birmingham, England A call for content and speakers is currently in progress and registration will be available soon. Sponsorship opportunities will also be available at both events. Learn more about IEEE Smart Tech Events Email for more information IEEE in 2030 Challenge seeks the “Next Big Idea” (archived 25 July 2016) (posted 27 May 2016) For the second year, IEEE is holding the IEEE in 2030 Challenge, designed to discover innovative, creative, and potentially disruptive approaches to new products and services targeted to technology professionals in industry. The IEEE New Initiatives Committee is currently accepting proposals for short-term (completed in 12 months or fewer) projects. Submissions for the IEEE in 2030 Challenge are due by 1 July 2016. Applications may be submitted by one or more IEEE members or organizational units, individually or in cooperation with an IEEE staff group. The proposals will be evaluated on their potential to lead to new IEEE products, services, and communities delivering value to engineers and technology professionals working in industry. For more information, and to submit a proposal, visit the IEEE in 2030 Challenge page ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Foundation Grants program: what do you propose? (archived 18 July 2016) (posted 27 May 2016) The IEEE Foundation Grants Program is a vital element of the Foundation’s mission to enable IEEE programs that enhance technology access, literacy, and education. Thanks to the generosity of donors to the IEEE Foundation, in 2016 the Foundation will invest approximately US$325,000 in grants funding specifically to innovative and promising IEEE grassroots projects that raise awareness and understanding of technology and its impact on society. If your IEEE organizational unit (OU) has a project worthy of IEEE Foundation grant funding under the theme: increase the understanding of technology and its critical role in meeting global challenges and improving the human condition, we invite you to apply for a grant. Application deadline is 15 July 2016, so send your proposal in now. Your project could be among the ones selected to receive funding from the IEEE Foundation Fund or IEEE Life Members Fund. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2016. Last call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 7 July 2016) (updated 27 June 2016) Nominations are due 1 July 2016 for the 2017 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. IEEE Medals are the highest recognition within the IEEE awards hierarchy, with the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor as the premier award. IEEE Medals embrace broad and significant contributions within the technical fields of interest of IEEE. IEEE Recognitions reward members' individual contributions to IEEE, published papers, and corporate advancements within the IEEE fields of interest. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Visit the IEEE Awards web page for more information Email IEEE Awards at for more information The IEEE Awards Board seeks new volunteers to serve on its award selection committees and Awards Board standing committees to assist with managing the recipient nomination and selection process for IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions, the highest awards IEEE presents on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. Visit the IEEE Awards Board Nominations and Appointments web page to apply to serve on an award selection committee or as a member of one of the following Awards Board’s (AB) committees: AB AB AB AB Awards Review Committee Planning and Policy Committee Finance Committee Presentation and Publicity Committee ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES AB Joint Awards with National Societies Committee Medals Council Technical Field Awards Council Recognitions Council Medal, Technical Field Award, Recognition selection committees Last call for applications: IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative: deadline 30 June (archived 7 July 2016) (updated 27 June 2016) The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) is looking for the power and energy engineers of tomorrow. The IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative has a simple goal: to increase the number of well-qualified, entry-level engineers by rewarding top power and energy engineering students in the US, Puerto Rico, and Canada. PES is offering up to US$7,000 over three years and assistance with career experience opportunities to selected students. Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student studying electrical engineering and be a citizen (or permanent resident) of the US, Puerto Rico, or Canada. Additionally, the student should be willing to take power engineering courses and have a GPA of at least 3.0. The application deadline is 30 June 2016. View the full eligibility requirements Start your scholarship application now Like the Facebook page for updates and reminders Get involved in IEEE Future Directions initiatives; WF-IoT call for proposals (archived 7 July 2016) (updated 19 April 2016) IEEE Future Directions is your resource to emerging technologies within IEEE. The team has identified specific technologies as primary focus areas and has established them as formal initiatives to engage IEEE and technologists globally. For each initiative, you can find a wealth of knowledge, resources, and opportunities in which to participate. Visit each featured portal for access to upcoming conferences, news articles, technical papers, related standards, professional organizations, and academic programs. To get involved in the initiatives and to stay informed, join the free technical communities available. Get involved and learn more about IEEE Future Directions Current Future Directions conference activities include: 2016 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) The call for proposals and papers (PDF, 209 KB) is now open for the 2016 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), taking place 12-14 December in Reston, VA, USA. The theme of the 2016 IEEE WF-IoT is Smart Innovation for Vibrant Ecosystems. Topics for proposals include IoT enabling Technologies; IoT Application and Services; IoT Societal Impacts; Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things; and IoT Experimental Results and Deployment Scenarios. Special sessions and ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES workshops proposals are due 30 April. Paper proposals and manuscripts are due 15 June. Tutorial and Industry Panel proposals are due 25 July. New compliance training required for select IEEE volunteer leaders (archived 7 July 2016) (posted 21 March 2016) IEEE adheres to the highest standards of integrity and conducts business around the world in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on the organization’s behalf -- both our volunteers and employees -- ensure IEEE’s compliance by adhering to the same standards and expectations. IEEE has created a robust ethics and compliance program tailored to its unique operation in 190 countries. Given that the world is both complex and changing, this program is designed to ensure that volunteers and employees understand and meet legal requirements around the world. As part of this program, IEEE requires that select volunteers complete a set of new compliance education and training classes within 60 days of assignment. Volunteers who are required to complete the training will receive an email from "" with the subject line, "Access Your Required IEEE Compliance Training." (See list of volunteers who are affected) The self-paced, online classes will take on average 0.5 to 4.0 hours in total to complete, depending on your individual volunteer role. The content will cover conflict of interest, antitrust, anti-bribery, harassment, and other related topics. You will need to complete only those classes assigned to you based on your volunteer leadership position. To take this training, log in to myIEEE using your IEEE Account, click on the Volunteer tab, go to the "Volunteer Training" gadget, and click on the link to "Compliance Training.” By taking this training, you help IEEE meet best practices for compliance. As you may be aware, IEEE takes very seriously any violations of policies and standards that could damage IEEE’s business or reputation and result in legal penalties. If you have further questions, please visit the IEEE Support Center for Frequently Asked Questions Member Discounts Program benefits everyone (archived 7 July 2016) (updated 1 March 2016) Here are three facts to tell members about the IEEE Member Discounts Program: 1. Insurance is available in Canada, US, and 63 other countries. 2. IEEE Member discount programs offer daily discounted rates and exclusive specials (see discounts for applicable countries). 3. When Members utilize the insurance and discounts, IEEE earns royalties that help offset a portion of Member dues. With this win-win situation, it makes sense to raise awareness of Member Discounts wherever possible. Section officers are asked to display the Member Discounts banner on ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES their Section websites with a direct link to Another way is by distributing the program flyer at Section meetings showing the list of offerings by Region. Download the above promotional materials at the Member Discounts Resources for Volunteers web page Updated call for participation: 2016 Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT): deadlines 10 June and 1 August (archived 27 June 2016) (updated 6 June 2016) In April, the 2016 Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT) was announced, and includes two tracks. Track 1 covers the foundational knowledge of the IEEE organization. These materials were made available to all IEEE volunteers through the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) website from 29 April through 10 June. Access Track 1 courses (Log in with your IEEE Account and go to the box on the top left of home screen called “Volunteer Leadership Training Pre-Requisite” to access the courses) Volunteers who complete all the foundational courses in the CLE by 10 June can apply for consideration for 3-month Track 2 of the VOLT Program, scheduled to start this September. The VOLT team is looking for volunteers to participate in this year’s program. Track 2 will focus on leadership related topics and provide practical leadership experience volunteers can apply in their professional and personal environments. It is geared towards volunteers who have not been a Section Chair within their units, have at least two years of experience as IEEE volunteers, and meet the specified criteria listed on the application form. In addition to the criteria, each candidate needs an endorsement note (email) signed by either his/her Region Director, Section Chair, Chapter Chair, or IEEE Young Professionals Committee Chair. Other endorsements from IEEE volunteers (e.g., IEEE Committee Chairs) will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Complete the Candidate Application Form Application forms must be submitted by 1 August 2016. The final selection will be completed and announced prior to the start of the program in September 2016. Email VOLT staff at with questions Please share this information with all volunteers who you think may be interested or would benefit from this training experience. *More examples of graduates who have moved into leadership positions* Augusto J. Herrera - R9 - VOLT Class 2014 - Region 9 Secretary 2016-2017 Habib M. Kammoun - R8 - VOLT Class 2013 - Tunisia Section Chair 2015-2016 Humphrey Muhindi- R8 - VOLT Class 2014 - Kenya Section Chair 2016-2017 Christopher Whitt - R7 - VOLT Class 2014 - Canadian Atlantic Section Chair 2016 ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 1 June (archived 6 June 2016) (updated 27 May 2016) The IEEE-USA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee asks for your help in identifying US IEEE members who may be interested in, and well qualified for, service on the IEEE-USA Board of Directors and/or IEEE-USA committees: IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA President-Elect (2018) Member-at-Large (2018-2019) Secretary/Treasurer (2017) Vice President - Career & Member Services (2017) Vice President - Communications & Public Awareness (2017) Vice President - Professional Activities (2017) Vice President - Government Relations (2017) Young Professional Representative (2017) N&A Committee Member (2017-2018) Learn more about the eligibility requirements Nominate yourself or a colleague Call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards: deadline 2 May (archived 27 May 2016) (posted 19 April 2016) The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) is currently seeking nominations for its prestigious annual awards, which recognize major contributions to engineering and technical education. You may nominate an IEEE member, an IEEE Section, an IEEE Society, or an organization. Nominations are sought for the following awards: Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education Meritorious Achievement Award in Informal Education Major Educational Innovation Award Pre-University Educator Award Meritorious Service Citation Standards Education Award Employer Professional Development Award Section Professional Development Award IEEE Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering The Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship IEEE-HKN Outstanding Young Professional Award IEEE-HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teacher Award IEEE-HKN Vladimir Karapetoff Outstanding Technical Achievement Award IEEE-HKN Distinguished Service Award The submission deadline for nominations is 2 May 2016. Learn more about the EAB Awards and/or submit a nomination Email EAB Awards at with questions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Women in Engineering news: WIE ILC Virtual Track, Google Hangout, leadership summit (archived 27 May 2016) (updated 19 April 2016) IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is pleased to announce upcoming events and opportunities: International Leadership Conference - Speakers and Conference Program Announced Don't miss your chance to Lead Beyond and join over 1,000 women in technology at the 2016 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (2016 WIE ILC), which will take place 23-24 May 2016, in the capital of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, USA. With a theme of "Lead Beyond. Accelerating Innovative Women Who Change the World," the conference focuses on leadership, innovation, emerging technology, entrepreneurship, and empowerment for mid-to-senior women in technology. Register now View the speaker lineup and learn more information about the conference Pre-Conference WIE ILC Virtual Track Featuring eight live online talks focused on innovation and leadership, this interactive event is free and will be held 16-17 May 2016, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET. WIE ILC virtual attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy highly interactive speakers designed to foster discussion and collaboration, as well as watch all 13 sessions from last year’s conference on-demand. Register now for the Virtual Track WIE Live Online Google Hangout Join IEEE WIE for a live discussion, entitled “Women Who: Lead. Engage. Inspire.”, on Tuesday, 26 April 2016, at 1 p.m. ET. This interactive panel of leaders with backgrounds in both university and technology sectors will speak candidly about how they are paving the way for a future of women engineers through leadership, mentoring, and investing in themselves. Hosted by WIE-ILC Founder and Chair and IEEE Senior Member, Nita Patel; and featuring Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu, Head of the Department of Information Technology in the Kumaraguru College of Technology; Prof. Takako Hashimoto, Chiba University of Commerce; and Roxsana Hadjizadeh, Cisco. Hashtag: #WIELeadHangout Register now for the Google Hangout WIE Leadership Summit Early registration is now open for the inaugural Global Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) leadership summit in Atlanta, GA, USA, 2-4 November 2016. The summit is hosted in partnership with a number of corporate, economic development, nonprofit, and higher education partners. This is the first of its kind 2-day summit ever held in the region that is dedicated to giving women in STEM access to powerful tools, strategies, and networks to advance their careers and realize their full potential. Four hundred women are expected to participate. Learn more at the Summit web page ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Email WIE staff at with questions about any of these programs Join the chat on the Women in Engineering Facebook page Call for abstracts: First IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2016) (archived 27 May 2016) (updated 19 April 2016) The first IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2016) will take place 17-19 October 2016, at the Hilton San Diego/Del Mar, in San Diego, CA, USA. The goal of the first ICRC is to discover and foster novel methodologies to reinvent computing technology, including new materials and physics, devices and circuits, system and network architectures, and algorithms and software. This conference seeks input from a broad technical community and builds on a series of four exploratory, invitation-only Rebooting Computing Summits held from 2013 through 2015. Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts. ICRC 2016 seeks contributions describing original research in the broad area of novel computing approaches, covering the entire computing stack from device hardware to applications software. The paper submission deadline is 15 May 2016. View the Call for Papers for a more extensive list of example topics (PDF, 590 KB) View author guidelines and additional information at Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 27 May 2016) (posted 17 March 2016) MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. Following review of the reports, the rebates will be completed and distributed to eligible geographic units whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved. As a reminder, the rebate is paid to the Section. The funds provided are intended for the support of not only the Section’s activities, but also the activities of its subunits, including Subsections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and IEEE Student organizations. Section officers are encouraged to use rebate funds to support unit activities. Email MGA staff at with questions regarding reporting Member Discounts: insurance benefit options (archived 27 May 2016) (posted 17 March 2016) Did you know that IEEE provides risk management solutions to help members with the following concerns? Are you at risk for the possible loss of income due to a disability or long term illness? Who would suffer financially in the event of your death? ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Can you lose your reputation or money if someone takes legal actions against your business? With IEEE-sponsored insurance plans, IEEE members can protect themselves and their families against unforeseen events in their life, career, and business. Designed to meet the unique needs of technologists, insurance programs are available in Canada, US and 63 other countries, in addition to international, expatriate coverage options. Learn more at Funds available for Region student competitions in 2016 (archived 27 May 2016) (posted 24 February 2016) The MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Assessment Committee (MBPAC) is funding up to US$1,500 for student competitions in 2016. To participate, Region Student Activities Chairs must submit the funding application with the required Region officers’ signatures. The application should include the objectives of the proposed project, the activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives, the schedule of events, the estimated cost, and the sources of funds. Approved requests will be processed swiftly, and funds will be transferred to the requesting Region's concentration banking account. All requests for 2016 must be received by 18 November 2016. For more information and to apply for this funding, send an email to Student Services at with the subject heading “MBPAC Student Contest Funding” IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program webinar: conference education program overview (archived 21 April 2016) (updated 19 April 2016) The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinar: The Conference Education Program Overview Date: Thursday, 21 April 2016 Time: 11:00 a.m. ET (1500 UTC-04) or 3:00 p.m. ET (1900 UTC-04) Speakers: Kevin Hanft, Senior Manager, Volunteer Education and Engagement; John Tracy, Program Manager, Conference Organizer Engagement and Education Description: Learn how the Conference Education Program can assist conference organizers and IEEE organizational units (OUs). Learn what is required, review standards and “best practices,” see all the new tools, and discover what MCE resources are available. This webinar will provide an overview of MCE eLearning courses, webinar playbacks, and the MCE conference workshop offering which provides an IEEE OU an opportunity to enhance education and engagement with their organizers. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Register now for this webinar View recordings of past webinars Visit the IEEE MCE Conference Education Program page for additional educational offerings Email MCE Education at with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter Call for nominations: IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Achievement Award: deadline 15 April (archived 18 April 2016) (posted 17 March 2016) You can help recognize the efforts of IEEE Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAG) by nominating a LMAG for the IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Achievement Award. If you know of an IEEE Life Members Affinity Group that has shown outstanding leadership and initiative in organizing activities and programs to engage Life members or to help further support the IEEE Life Members Fund, consider nominating them for this award. The deadline is 15 April 2016 and the award is based on 2015 activities. Review the nominator guidelines and eligibility requirements Submit a nomination through the LMAG Award portal Call for nominations: IEEE EAB, PSPB, and TAB volunteer positions (updated 18 April 2016) (posted 17 March 2016) Several IEEE organizational units are currently looking for volunteers with the necessary leadership and organizational skills to impact the future success of the organization. IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) is accepting nominations for: 2017 Vice President, Educational Activities Board (VP EAB). Nomination deadline is 30 March 2016. Learn more about this EAB position or nominate yourself or a colleague IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) is accepting nominations for: 2017 Vice President, Publication Services and Products (1 year term). Nomination deadline is 28 March 2016. Three (3) Member-at-Large Positions (3 year term) to serve from 2017-2019. Nomination deadline is 15 April 2016. Learn more about these PSPB positions or nominate yourself or a colleague IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) is accepting nominations for: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Chair, TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (2017-2018) Chair, IEEE Conferences Committee (2017-2018) Members, IEEE Conferences Committee (2017-2018) Vice President Elect, Vice President, Past Vice President, IEEE Technical Activities (2018-2020) Learn more about these TAB position or nominate yourself or a colleague Participate in the 2016 IoT Developer Survey: deadline 25 March (archived 18 April 2016) (posted 17 March 2016) Individuals with Internet of Things (IoT) experience are asked to participate in the 2016 edition of the IoT Developer Survey. This year's survey is a collaboration between the Eclipse IoT Working Group, IEEE IoT Initiative, and the AGILE Project. The goal of the IoT Developer Survey is to better understand how IoT developers are building IoT solutions. The survey looks at a number of issues such as experience level, types of applications being developed, technology being used, and perceptions of open hardware, open source, and industry leaders. Last year, the results of a similar survey provided an interesting snapshot of the IoT Developer community. The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. The deadline to participate is March 25. Take the survey now Proposed amendment to the IEEE Constitution on 2016 ballot (archived 18 April 2016) (posted 27 January 2016) At its November 2015 meeting, the IEEE Board of Directors endorsed revisions to the IEEE Constitution, which will be sent to the IEEE membership for approval this year in the form of one amendment. Here is a summary of what the amendment accomplishes: 1. Separates the role of an IEEE delegate from an IEEE director, so that directors need not also be delegates. This modification will allow the IEEE organizational structure to change in the future to better respond to the demands of a complex and changing world. Ultimately this will better serve the needs of members, the profession, and the public 2. Separates the requirement that corporate officers must also be directors. This will allow corporate officers as currently defined to serve in important leadership positions other than on the Board of Directors 3. Provides members with an increased role in selecting the Board of Directors by allowing the Board to be elected by the full eligible voting membership of IEEE 4. Adds the executive director, who is the most senior IEEE staff executive, as a nonvoting member of the Board of Directors to participate in setting the strategic direction of IEEE 5. Establishes a new role for IEEE delegates, who are members of the IEEE Assembly, to advise the Board of Directors on revisions to IEEE bylaws 6. Adds language to the IEEE Constitution that explicitly ensures a richly diverse Board of Directors ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Read more about the amendment in The Institute vTools release announcement: eNotice Express (archived 18 April 2016) (posted 27 January 2016) The MGA Information Management and vTools teams are very happy to announce the first release of IEEE eNotice Express. vTools.eNotice is an email distribution service, provided by MGA, that has been developed to send newsletters, meeting notices, social events, and IEEE conference materials to members on behalf of volunteers. Up until now, all eNotices required staff to process them, which could take up to 5 business days. eNotice Express removes the staff component and the wait time for delivery. Messages can be previewed before being sent and are then queued for distribution within two (2) hours. The eNotice dashboard provides up-to-the minute status and mailing statistics. The initial release of eNotice Express is available for Regions, Sections, Subsections, Councils, and Chapters. Visit the vTools blog to learn more about eNotice and eNotice Express View the eNotice Express tutorial (PDF, 501 KB) National Society Agreements – a new and improved process (archived 18 April 2016) (posted 27 January 2016) IEEE has cooperative agreements with National Societies (NS) around the world. These agreements serve to establish a cooperative relationship through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to assist with the personal and professional knowledge and growth of the members of both organizations. The MOU is established after negotiations between the local IEEE Section and the NS. The agreement is signed by the IEEE President, local Section Chair, and the leadership of the NS. Once signed, the agreement is managed at the local level. An evaluation of the process was performed in 2015 and input was received from Section and Region leaders. This evaluation indicated that once an agreement is signed there were only limited joint activities. To address this issue, a recommendation was developed which requires that for new and renewed agreements, a supplement will be required to document the planned first year joint activities. This recommendation was approved by the MGA Board and IEEE Board of Directors in November 2015. The supplement is required to ensure that the membership of both organizations obtain the full benefits of the agreement. Examples of joint activities are technical meetings, social meetings, award banquets, distinguished lecturer presentations, seminars, tutorials, and short courses, as well as publication exchanges. At least three (3) first year joint activities must be agreed to. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The process starts with the IEEE Section recognizing the benefits to be derived via cooperation with a specific NS. The Section leadership then contacts the NS and determines if the NS is interested. Learn more about agreements with National Societies, find sample forms, and view a list of current agreements Email questions to Member Discounts: international life insurance (archived 18 April 2016) (posted 27 January 2016) As part of the IEEE international community, members have access to the IEEE International Insurance Marketplace, where they can research options that will be right for themselves and their families. At this time, IEEE Member Life Insurance, underwritten by Lloyds of London, is available to IEEE members in more than 60 countries, and many other essential insurance plans are available to members who are living outside their native countries as expatriates. The IEEE Member Life plan is offered with no health questions to answer and benefit options up to US$500,000. Learn more about the Clements international life insurance with free coverage for the first 60 days MGA Operations Manual changes: Rebate Schedule added; required reporting deadline change to 15 March (archived 18 April 2016) (updated 26 October 2015) At its 20 June 2015 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved adding the rebate schedule to Section 9.0.E of the MGA Operations Manual. Including the rebate schedule in the MGA Operations Manual will ensure members and volunteers have direct access to the official MGA approved rebate definition, eligibility requirements, and schedule. The rebate schedule has also been streamlined to remove repetitive information and clarify areas such as activity bonus for affinity groups and rebates for members in geographic units outside of Sections. It also reinforces the use of both MGA electronic reporting tools and designated financial accounting software. The rebate algorithm and calculation remain unchanged. Please note the new reporting deadline. In June, the MGA Board also approved a motion to move the geographic unit close/end date for prior year financial reporting to 15 March. All required geographic unit reporting is now due 15 March. This information will be further communicated with all Sections over the next few months. Final reminder: 2015 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 15 March (archived 17 March 2016) (updated 24 February 2016) All Section officers and Chapter/affinity group chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Meeting Activity Current Officers Financial Reporting: o Geographic unit treasurers are responsible for recording the financial activity of their unit and any sub-units (Subsections, Chapters, and/or affinity groups) using NetSuite o Original year-end bank statements and investment-account statements (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) must be provided All required reporting should be completed by 15 March 2016. This includes meeting and officer reporting, completing your financials in NetSuite, and submitting a yearend bank statement (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts). Additional information on Annual Reporting and the 2016 Rebate Schedule are available. Email MGA staff at with questions Call for nominations: IEEE MGA leadership positions: deadline 15 March; new VP-Elect position (archived 17 March 2016) (posted 24 February 2016) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments Committee is soliciting nominations for the following 2017 leadership positions: MGA Vice President / MGA Board Chair (2017 VP-MGA) MGA Vice President-Elect / Chair-Elect (2018 VP-MGA) ** MGA Treasurer MGA Vice Chairs Committee Chairs ** During the February 2016 IEEE Meeting Series, the MGA Board and IEEE Board of Directors approved the establishment of the position of MGA Vice President-Elect. Beginning in 2017, the MGA Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past Chair will serve one year terms. In November 2016, the IEEE Assembly will elect the 2017 VP-MGA and 2018 VP-MGA (who will serve as VP-Elect in 2017). In accordance with the IEEE globalization initiative and in an attempt to ensure that MGA is globally balanced, each Region is requested to submit nominations. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 15 March 2016. Review the list of available 2017 MGA positions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or a colleague Email MGA staff at with questions Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2017: deadline 1 March (archived 17 March 2016) (updated 24 February 2016) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The nomination period for the 2017 Fellow Class is open and will continue through 1 March 2016. Visit the Fellow web page for nominee eligibility requirements, steps to become an IEEE Fellow, nomination instructions, and much more Call for nominations: 2017 and 2018 IEEE volunteer positions: corporate officers, committee chairs and members (archived 17 March 2016) (posted 24 February 2016) The IEEE Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is responsible for developing recommendations to be sent to the IEEE Board of Directors and the IEEE Assembly on staffing many volunteer positions including candidates for president-elect, corporate officers, and IEEE committee chairs and members. The nomination deadline for chair positions is 15 March 2016. View the list of volunteer positions and guidelines for nominating candidates Complete the nomination form for yourself or a colleague IEEE 802 Student Paper Competition: deadline 15 March (archived 17 March 2016) (posted 24 February 2016) IEEE 802 and the IEEE Standards Education Committee are sponsoring a Student Paper Competition with cash prizes, travel grants, and an opportunity to present the paper at the IEEE 802 Plenary meeting in San Diego on 26 July 2016. The submission deadline has been extended to 15 March 2016. Member Discounts: shipping discounts for Regions 1-7 (archived 17 March 2016) (posted 22 December 2015) IEEE members in the United States and Canada can save on shipping when using UPS®. The member discount applies to a broad portfolio of shipping services including air, international, ground, and freight services. Members can receive these discounts for their personal or business use, even with a current UPS account. Learn more about the UPS Savings Program Reminder: 2015 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 15 March (archived 24 February 2016) (updated 27 January 2016) All Section officers and Chapter/affinity group chairs will be contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Meeting Activity Current Officers Financial Reporting: o Geographic unit treasurers are responsible for recording the financial activity of their unit and any sub-units (Subsections, Chapters, and/or Affinity Groups) using NetSuite o Original year-end bank statements and investment-account statements (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) must be provided Financial activity should be accurately entered into NetSuite as soon as possible, but no later than 15 March 2016. All other required reporting should also be completed by 15 March 2016. In order to be eligible for the 10% rebate bonus, as part of the annual reporting requirements, all reporting should be submitted to IEEE no later than 19 February 2016. This includes meeting and officer reporting, completing your financials in NetSuite, and submitting a year-end bank statement (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts). Additional information on Annual Reporting and the 2016 Rebate Schedule are available. Email MGA staff at with questions Call for volunteers: IEEE Awards committees; last call for IEEE Technical Field Award and Herz Award nominations (archived 24 February 2016) (posted 27 January 2016) The IEEE Awards Board seeks new volunteers to serve on its award selection committees and Awards Board standing committees to assist with managing the recipient nomination and selection process for IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions, the highest awards IEEE presents on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. Visit the IEEE Awards Board Nominations and Appointments Web page to apply to serve on an award selection committee or as a member of one of the following Awards Board’s (AB) committees: AB Awards Review Committee AB Planning and Policy Committee AB Finance Committee AB Presentation and Publicity Committee AB Joint Awards with National Societies Committee Medals Council Technical Field Awards Council Recognitions Council Medal, Technical Field Award, Recognition selection committees Last call for nominations: Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs) and the IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award. IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. The IEEE Herz Award was created in 2005 by the IEEE Board of Directors, and is named in honor of Eric Herz, who has had a long and illustrious career as both a volunteer and staff member of the IEEE. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. For over 100 years, IEEE and its predecessor societies, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers, have paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society, the engineering profession, and humanity. Download nomination forms and award-specific criteria Learn more about IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions Email IEEE Awards for more information IEEE Assembly announces 2016 corporate officers (archived 24 February 2016) (posted 25 November 2015) The IEEE Assembly annually selects the following five Corporate Officers: IEEE Secretary, IEEE Treasurer, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities, IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities, and IEEE Vice President, Publication Services and Products. All are one-year terms. Wai-Choong (Lawrence) Wong was selected as 2016 IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities. Learn more about the selected corporate officers 2015 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 24 February 2016) (posted 25 November 2015) At its 21 November 2015 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board selected the 2015 MGA Award recipients, including: MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award: Amarnath Raja (R10), Kerala Section, "For significant contributions to global IEEE humanitarian activities and member engagement, conceptualizing and creating the IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) program and helping spread it as a channel for engineers working together to bring the benefits of technology to the entire world." MGA Innovation Award: Loretta Arellano (R6), San Fernando Valley Section, "For exemplary innovation and leadership in leading the development of the MGA Volunteer Leadership Training program." Also selected were recipients for the MGA Leadership, Achievement, and Young Professionals Achievement Awards. View a complete list of the 13 recipients and additional information ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Final IEEE Life Members Fund Commemorative Coaster: Volta's Electric Battery Invention, 1799 (archived 24 February 2016) (posted 25 November 2015) In 1799, Alessandro Volta developed the first electrical battery. This battery, known as the Voltaic Cell, consisted of two plates of different metals immersed in a chemical solution. Volta's development of the first continuous and reproducible source of electrical current was an important step in the study of electromagnetism and in the development of electrical equipment. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), professor of philosophy at Pavia University, Italy (17741804), contributed much to electrical science. He introduced the theory of electrical current and observed electricity separating water into its component parts of hydrogen and oxygen. Before Volta, it was assumed that electricity was generated by living beings (animal electricity). He discovered that electricity could be generated chemically and made to flow evenly through a conductor in a closed circuit. He built a battery, known as a Voltaic pile, made of alternating copper and zinc discs, with each pair of metals separated by flannel soaked in weak acid. To celebrate this important milestone, those who donate US$125+ specifically to the IEEE Life Members Fund (LMF) of the IEEE Foundation beginning in October 2015 through September 2016 will receive the limited-edition coaster depicting Volta's Electric Battery. Volta's Electric Battery is the ninth and final coaster in a series of limited-edition coasters commemorating various historic IEEE Electrical Engineering Milestones. The first eight depict Telstar, the Panama Canal, Japan's Bullet Train, the ENIAC computer, the Atom Smasher, Maxwell's Equations, Landing of the Transatlantic Cable, and the Invention of the First Transistor. Complete your limited-edition set of coasters. Previous years' coasters are also available for a US$125 donation each. Donate now The LMF provides grants to new and ongoing projects that are beneficial to potential engineers and engineering students. Your gift will both preserve the memory of Volta's Electric Battery and support future technological innovations. The IEEE History Committee established The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing Program during the centennial year as an ongoing means to honor and commemorate significant technical achievements in the history of IEEE fields. Email the IEEE Foundation for more information Member Discounts: holiday offers on computers (archived 24 February 2016) (posted 25 November 2015) It’s that time of the year, and IEEE members can begin their holiday shopping. Communicate to your members that there are special offers and deals from IEEE’s hardware discount partners to make shopping for computers easy and more affordable during the holiday season. Learn more about the Dell and Lenovo offers (where available) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Last call: engage members with the "IEEE Into Focus" photo contest: deadline 31 December (archived 25 January 2016) (updated 22 December 2015) Engage members with the "IEEE Into Focus" photo contest and invite them to share their IEEE stories. IEEE members are involved in a lot of interesting activities all over the world. Not just on the job, but also through mentoring, volunteer work, seminars, and other activities. The "IEEE Into Focus" photo contest gives them a chance to show off what they do by submitting photos of what they think best represents their experiences as an IEEE member. The photo contest is a great way to engage your audiences through your website, social media channels, email newsletters, conferences, etc., in a way that not only helps tell the story of IEEE but also gives them a chance to win prizes. The deadline is 31 December 2015. Access web ads and get more information on how you can promote the photo contest message in your unit IEEE members select Karen Bartleson as 2016 IEEE President-Elect (archived 25 January 2016) (posted 26 October 2015) Karen Bartleson, Senior Director of Corporate Programs and Initiatives, Synopsys, Mountain View, CA, USA, has been selected as 2016 IEEE President-Elect. Pending acceptance of the IEEE Teller's Committee report by the IEEE Board of Directors on 22-23 November, Bartleson will begin serving as IEEE President on 1 January 2017. She will succeed 2016 IEEE President Barry L. Shoop, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, USA. The other candidate for 2016 IEEE President was Frederick “Fred” C. Mintzer, IBM (retired), Yorktown Heights, NY, USA (nominated by IEEE Board of Directors). The following individuals were elected to the office of IEEE Region Delegate-Elect/DirectorElect, 2016-2017: Region Region Region Region Region 1: 3: 5: 7: 9: Babak D. Beheshti Gregg L. Vaughn Robert C. Shapiro Maike Luiken Teofilo J. Ramos Review the complete 2015 IEEE Annual Election results IEEE Day 2015 was a success (archived 25 January 2016) (updated 26 October 2015) IEEE Day 2015 was held on Tuesday, 6 October. This year, the team once again looked to IEEE members to partner with the IEEE Day 2015 team. Members returned and new members were recruited to hold the role of IEEE Day ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Ambassador. The response was overwhelming, engaging more than 140 Ambassadors worldwide. With their enthusiasm, engagement, and teamwork, the number of events held this year was 657, exceeding last year’s events by 25%. IEEE members participated in the photo and video contests. With more than 400 submitted photos and videos, IEEE members showcased their creativity and spirit. The winning photos and videos are posted on the IEEE Day 2015 website. Save the date for IEEE Day 2016: 4 October 2016. Follow IEEE Day on IEEE Collabratec(tm), Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. Email questions to IEEE Day staff support at Member Discounts: international life insurance (archived 25 January 2016) (posted 26 October 2015) As part of the IEEE international community, members have access to the IEEE International Insurance Marketplace, where they can research options that will be right for them and their families. At this time, IEEE Member Life Insurance, underwritten by Lloyds of London, is available to IEEE members in more than 60 countries, and many other essential insurance plans are available to members who are living outside their native countries as expatriates. The IEEE Member Life plan is offered with no health questions to answer and benefit options up to US$500,000. Learn more about the importance of life insurance (PDF, 913 KB) Get involved in IEEE Future Directions initiatives; contribute use case scenarios; registration open for IoT World Forum (archived 25 January 2016) (updated 26 October 2015) IEEE Future Directions is your resource to emerging technologies within IEEE. The team has identified specific technologies as primary focus areas and has established them as formal initiatives to engage IEEE and the general public. For each initiative, you can find a wealth of knowledge, resources, and opportunities to participate. Visit each featured portal for access to upcoming conferences, news articles, technical papers, related standards, professional organizations, and academic programs. To get involved in the initiatives and to stay informed, join the free technical communities available. Get involved and learn more about IEEE Future Directions Current Future Directions activities include: Internet of Things (IoT) Scenarios - To really understand the IoT requires application, implementation, and execution in the real world. IEEE IoT recently launched a program to provide the IoT community an interactive platform on which to engage with use cases, service descriptions, business models, and reference implementations that will be key to developing a vibrant IoT industry. This is an opportunity for you to contribute to the IoT cause, as well as get exposure for your projects and ideas. Whether it is something IoT related that is planned, envisaged, or currently in the works, your input is invaluable and ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES necessary to ensure derivation of a viable IoT architecture and definition of the key components that lead to successful implementations. You are encouraged to share your projects, your implementations, or your software solution and explain why you deem them to be important to advancing the IoT. Contribute use cases for discussion and interaction on the portal Learn more about the IoT Scenarios submission guidelines Attendee registration is open for the 2nd annual IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). This year’s event will be held 14-16 December 2015, in Milan, Italy, gathering technologists from around the globe to examine key critical innovations across technologies that will change the IoT research and industry application space of the future. Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, VP and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google, co-inventor of the Internet, and an IEEE Life Fellow, will be a conference keynote speaker. Register and/or learn more at the IoT World Forum Conference Web site IEEE Smart Cities is one of IEEE’s important, multi-disciplinary, cross-platform Future Directions initiatives. It spans multiple IEEE Societies and is designed to be a trusted voice in smart cities for the engineering, computing, and technology communities around the world. IEEE Collabratec™ has officially launched (archived 22 December 2015) (posted 29 September 2015) Although IEEE Collabratec has been freely available for over six months, the formal launch and marketing began on 21 September. You may have already started to see messaging within IEEE communication vehicles such as Society newsletters, membership emails,, Spectrum advertising, and various online social mediums outside of IEEE. You may have already had a chance to connect and collaborate with IEEE members and technology professionals on IEEE Collabratec and are aware of its benefits. Below are some highlights: Collaborate, create, and share ideas anytime, anywhere Build and manage your own network Hold discussions of common interests with global networks Connect according to geographic location, technical interests, or career pursuits Create and share a professional identity that showcases key accomplishments Discover a more efficient way to develop research and save time in the content creation process Assemble and manage private groups Access a suite of research and authoring tools Plus much more! A tool kit is available to continue the promotions at a local level. Here you will find sample promotional copy, web banners, PowerPoint presenations, event flyers, and the IEEE Collabratec brand. Email questions to Corporate Communications at Join in collaborating on IEEE Collabratec. Go to now ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinar: IEEE contracting process (archived 22 December 2015) (updated 25 November 2015) The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinar: The Knowledge to Negotiate: The IEEE Contracting Process Date: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. ET (1500 UTC-05) or 3:00 p.m. ET (2200 UTC-05) Description: Join this informative webinar designed to share updates on the Strategic Meeting Management Program and the Conference Contract process for all IEEE conferences. Whether you are an experienced organizer or just starting out in the role, this webinar will provide valuable information to help you navigate through conference contracting. Register now for the webinar at 10:00 a.m. ET Register now for the webinar at 3:00 p.m. ET View recordings of past webinars Visit the IEEE MCE Conference Education Program page for additional educational offerings Email MCE Education at with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter Charting IEEE's future: an update on IEEE in 2030 efforts (archived 22 December 2015) (posted 29 September 2015) The IEEE in 2030 Ad Hoc Committee, working on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors, continues to make progress on the four strategic objectives that emerged from the Board’s January retreat: 1. Create a nimble, flexible, forward-looking organization 2. Foster public imperatives 3. Foster diverse technical communities with IEEE and industry, government, and academia, and 4. Empower the discovery, development, and delivery of cutting-edge products and services. Read more from The Institute It’s time to renew your IEEE membership for 2016 (archived 22 December 2015) (posted 29 September) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES As of Sunday, 16 August, anyone joining IEEE becomes a member for the 2016 membership year. This is a valuable time to promote IEEE membership. Anyone joining now will receive the remainder of 2015 at no additional cost. Email Nicole Dewhurst, Member and Geographic Activities, at for more information on how you can incorporate a "join" message in your communications Please be aware of the following timeline for renewals: 1 September: Renewing members will be able to access their 2016 renewal quotes for membership and subscriptions. 1 October: The first renewal notice will begin mailing to members, nonmembers, and society affiliates. Renew your IEEE membership online at Announcing updates to geographic unit formation petition forms (archived 22 December 2015) (posted 29 September 2015) The forms to petition MGA and other organizational units for the approval of new geographic units have recently been updated. The forms are used to propose the formation of a Section, Subsection, Geographic Council, Chapter, Affinity Group, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, or Student Branch Affinity Group. Updates to the forms include making the signature form page one, clarification and emphasis on the eligibility requirements, and updated resource links for when a petition organizer needs additional information. Access the updated forms and learn more about the geographic unit formation process Email MGA Staff at with questions Use vTools.Voting for your upcoming unit elections; updated Section Vitality Dashboard (archived 22 December 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) vTools.Voting Just in time for 2016 officer elections, the vTools team has made some updates to vTools.Voting to enhance the user experience. Without listing every change, date fields will be validated, more help text has been added, a sample email message has been provided, and the dashboard has been streamlined and sorted. Sections, Chapters, and Affinity groups can expect a 15-50% response rate, which gives you greater insight as to what your members want. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Please consider using this very helpful tool to manage your elections. It is completely self service - even the email announcements, but the vTools team is available to help if you need. Email with questions Visit the vTools blog for more updates Section Vitality Dashboard Enhancements have also been made to the Section Vitality Dashboard: A new home page opens directly after sign-in. From here, you can view a table of contents listing all reports available on each tab. Browse through the list then pick the tab you need. The Count of Members and Count of Member Totals on the Active Society Membership Count by Section, by Grade report are now clickable. Click on a total to view the contact list of those members. Check out the new “Vitality Checklist” tab. This gives Sections a list of actions/activities to carry out during the year to keep on the path of a successful section. Member Discounts: expanded Professional Liability Insurance Program in Regions 1-7 (archived 22 December 2015) (posted 29 September 2015) Self-employed members with businesses large or small, full-time consultants, and moonlighting practitioners can insure their risk of being sued for errors and omissions through the IEEE-sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Program, which is available to members in Regions 1-7. In Regions 1-6, the program is recently updated, and now offers higher limits and several exclusive price and benefit enhancements. Members may also now take advantage of a new choice platform offering coverage from Beazley, as well as the Lloyd’s of London. The applications will be handled with the personal assistance of Mercer’s experts in this area of insurance, to ensure each member’s risk is accurately presented to underwriters. In Region 7, the Professional Liability Program is underwritten by Lloyd’s of London. The program continues to provide exclusive pricing and benefits tailored to the needs of technology professionals. Learn more about this program Call for participation: IEEE DIY Project: deadline 7 December (archived 22 December 2015) (posted 26 October 2015) The IEEE DIY Project was created to help encourage and support future makers by allowing them to showcase new and innovative projects. Students and engineers from around the world are invited to submit DIY (Do It Yourself) tech projects to share their ideas with peers and help contribute to existing projects by commenting and voting on them. Each submission must be an engineering project that was built or created using hardware or ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES software. Top projects will be highlighted in a monthly video series and on the IEEE social pages, and in December, five winners will be chosen and will receive Amazon gift cards worth up to US$500. Learn more about the IEEE DIY Project Register for IEEE N3XT: IEEE's global entrepreneurship summit on 14 November (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 26 October 2015) With “startup” culture at the heart of an increasing number of technologies both emerging and traditional, IEEE has made it an imperative to provide a new public community focused on technology startups, young professionals, investors, and venture capital organizations. The IEEE Young Professionals group has embraced this initiative by creating IEEE N3XT – a full day summit for tech startups, as well as the investment and services community interested in technology entrepreneurs, to be held 14 November in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, at the MaRS Innovation Centre. For those unable to attend in person, all sessions will be live-streamed through Conference Cloud. The cost of a virtual registration is US$10. The target audience is young professionals who: Have an interest in technical entrepreneurship Wish to strengthen their business development skills Want to learn how to make their ideas into inventions desire inspiration from visionaries sharing their success stories. View the agenda, which features successful entrepreneurs including: Michael Hyatt, Co-founder and Executive Chairman of BlueCat; and one of the new "Dragons" on CBC's Next Gen Den - Dragon's Den Peter Shankman, serial entrepreneur and founder of ShankMinds, a worldwide Business MasterMind Series A Start-Up Pitch Bootcamp and competition, presented by The Founder Institute By bringing together the technical entrepreneur community, this event will foster collaboration and innovation, and provide encouragement and skills building to the young professionals looking to make their mark. Through this event, IEEE is helping to inspire a dynamic community that not only supports young entrepreneurs, but one that looks forward by working to grow and empower careers in this space. Register now to attend in person or virtually Join the discussion: Standards innovation at IEEE SIIT 2015 (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 29 September 2015) Since 1999, standardization researchers from various professional disciplines have been gathering every two years to exchange insights on standards and standardization. From 6-8 October 2015, the 9th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Information Technology (IEEE SIIT) will be held in California’s Silicon Valley with the theme of Interoperability, Intellectual Property, and Standards. Attendees at IEEE SIIT 2015 will include IT practitioners, policy makers, academics, and, of course, standards developers and users. Through interactive panel sessions and paper presentations, participants will be offered information covering a variety of topics and will be encouraged to appreciate and share different perspectives. Key panel sessions will cover IPR and Standardization, Standardization, International Trade, and Government Policy, Standardization as a Practice, Economics of Standardization, and Future of Standardization. Learn more about Standards and IEEE SIIT Member Discounts: international travel guide for members in Regions 8-10 (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 13 August 2015) There once was a time when traveling abroad seemed an exotic experience, suited for the heads of business or well-to-do families on vacation. Now traveling abroad is a way of the world. Professionals, students and families often travel several times a year for business and pleasure. As common as international travel is, many still do not understand the insurance coverages needed in order to be protected. Read this Do’s and Don’ts Guide for more information on how to be fully protected when traveling internationally (PDF, 661 KB) MGA Operations Manual changes: definition and meeting activity (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) At its 20 June 2015 meeting, the MGA Board approved revisions to Section 9 of the MGA Operations Manual. The revisions are reflected in Sections 9.6.A and 9.9.A in regards to geographic unit definition and Sections 9.6.J.2 and 9.9.J.2 in regards to meeting activity. The revisions address the following: All geographic unit meetings are to be reported using electronic communication tools provided by MGA Chapter policy also applies to Joint Chapter Geographical unit parents must be consistent in annually providing allocated rebates to Chapter and Joint Chapter MGA Operations Manual changes: term limits for officers (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) At its 20 June 2015 meeting, the MGA Board approved revisions to Section 9 of the MGA Operations Manual, regarding term limits for Section, Chapter, and Affinity Group officers. These revisions are reflected in Sections 9.4.F.7, 9.6.D.5, and 9.9.D.6 and are to be in effect for all elections for terms of office starting 1 January 2016. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES In the past, term limits were inconsistent across the various geographic units. The approved revisions now ensure that the term limits for Section, Chapter, and Affinity Group are a single consistent policy that includes: Units must record the term of office in their local operating procedures document If the term of office is not recorded in the local operating procedures, the term of office will be two years Elections shall be held every one to two years for all officers, in accordance with the recorded term of office The period of service in any one office cannot exceed four consecutive years, or six years total Member Discounts: financial planning program in the US and Puerto Rico (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) IEEE Member Discounts has launched a new suite of services to help members meet their financial goals with myFinancialWellness for IEEE members. Whether planning for children’s education or retirement, IEEE members can benefit from access to no-cost educational resources, financial tools, and credentialed financial advisors to help them get their financial plans in shape. myFinancialWellness is offered through Vinings Management Corporation and is available in the US and Puerto Rico. Spread the word about this new program. Visit to learn more and register for free informational webinars Geographic unit website feature: automatic feed of officers and events available (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) The listing of committee members and upcoming events for geographic units is now available as a feed to IEEE geographic unit websites. There are two ways to have a website that is automatically updated: To use the IEEE vTools.WebInAbox website service, visit vTools.WebInABox, log in with your IEEE Account, and use the wizard to build your website. vTools.WebInABox will automatically keep the officers page, the calendar page, and the organizational unit links page updated. To use the WordPress content management system, visit the IEEE WordPress hosting site and view the tutorial (PDF, 605 KB) to learn how to keep your WordPress site updated. View an example of a website with the automated feeds Upcoming events are displayed on the right side of the page. To view the executive committee, click on 'About' and select 'Executive Committee'. Email questions to Khanh Luu, Senior Information Management Analyst, ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Watch the 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony; 2016 IEEE Technical Field Award recipients announced (archived 25 November 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) Visit the IEEE Awards Channel on to hear about the remarkable achievements of award recipients across all of IEEE’s fields of interest who received gold medals at the 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony on 20 June at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY. Mildred Dresselhaus is the first woman to receive the IEEE Medal of Honor--IEEE's highest award. Thirteen IEEE Presidents also attended the ceremony. Like the IEEE Awards Facebook page Follow the IEEE Awards Twitter page Download the 2015 IEEE Awards Booklet listing all 2015 IEEE Medal, Recognition, and Technical Field Award recipients The IEEE Board of Directors has also approved the 2016 IEEE Technical Field Award and 2015 IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award recipients. Visit the IEEE Awards web page to view the complete list of recipients and their citations Email IEEE Awards staff at IEEE Women in Engineering news: live chat series, 2016 leadership conference, awards program, summits (archived 26 October 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is pleased to announce some exciting upcoming events and opportunities: WIE-Ericsson Live Chat Series IEEE WIE has partnered with Ericsson to do a six week live chat series on UStream. Join the remaining webinars on 7 and 14 October, both at 2:00 p.m. ET, to discuss the latest technologies and how the work being done today is shaping a connected world that will enable change in how people live, work, and interact with each other. International Leadership Conference The 2016 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (2016 WIE-ILC) will take place 23-24 May 2016, in San Jose, CA, USA. Connect with over 1,100 mid-tosenior female engineers and technologists in attendance. The call for speakers is open and partnership opportunities are now available. Awards and Recognition Program The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) awards and recognition program is designed to recognize WIE members and affinity groups that have made an outstanding contribution to WIE, their community, and the engineering community through their dedication and ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the WIE goals and objectives. The nomination deadline is 1 April 2016. Learn more about the award guidelines and eligibility requirements and/or submit a nomination Summits Several WIE Summits are taking place around the globe. Follow the links below to learn more about the call for papers, speakers, and partnership opportunities. Women in Computing Summit: 1-2 October 2015, in Santa Clara, CA, USA WIE Summit USA: 6-8 November 2015, in Philadelphia, PA, USA IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2015 (WIECON-ECE 2015), 19-20 December 2015, in Dhaka, Bangladesh Email WIE staff at with questions about any of these programs Join the chat on the Women in Engineering Facebook page Participate in IEEE Day 2015 on 6 October (archived 19 October 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) IEEE Day 2015 will be held on Tuesday, 6 October. This will be the sixth anniversary of IEEE members celebrating the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. Since the first IEEE Day event in 2010, the number of events worldwide has grown over 600%, from 80 to over 520. The IEEE Day team needs you to help grow this annual event even larger. IEEE Day is a great opportunity for you to connect your members to IEEE on a local and global scale. Section and Chapter leadership engagement is critical to IEEE Day's success and continued growth. Collaborate with your volunteers and Student Branch leaders to plan and commemorate the day. No idea or event is too small. Members have the opportunity to participate in this year’s photo and video contests, featuring submissions from IEEE members all over the globe. The IEEE Member get a Member Program is offering double awards for the month of October 2015. New higher grade members joining between 4 and 10 October 2015 can save US$30 off their first year of IEEE membership by entering promotion code IEEEDAY15. Visit the IEEE Day 2015 website for more information. You can also follow IEEE Day on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. Email questions to IEEE Day staff support at IEEE Annual Election: last chance to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 19 October 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Annual Election ballots were mailed to eligible voting members via first class postal mail on 17 August 2015. In addition to the two candidates for 2016 IEEE President-Elect, Karen Bartleson and Frederick “Fred” Mintzer, various IEEE Divisions and Regions, as well as the IEEE Standards Association, IEEE Technical Activities, and IEEE-USA, will be electing their officers. Eligible voting members can access and return their ballot electronically, or return by using the postage-paid reply envelope included in their ballot package. Balloting ends at 12:00 noon CT USA (17:00 UTC) on 1 October 2015. Access your electronic ballot or learn more about the IEEE Annual Election Last call for nominations: MGA Awards: deadline 15 October (archived 19 October 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) You can help recognize the efforts of outstanding volunteers by nominating individuals for one of the prestigious MGA Awards. Each award has a unique mission and criteria, and offers the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues, inspiring teachers, and corporate leaders. If you know someone who has made substantial regional contributions through innovative projects, exemplary leadership, service, or by fulfilling the goals of transnational activities, consider nominating them for one of the following awards MGA MGA MGA MGA MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Innovation Award Leadership Award Achievement Award Young Professionals Achievement Award Please visit the MGA Award Nomination web page to review the nominator guidelines and eligibility requirements, reference the step-by-step submission instructions, and link to the portal for nominations. The deadline for nominations (completed nomination form and two endorsement letters) is 15 October 2015. Registration open for IEEEXtreme 9.0 Programming Competition: deadline 12 October; IEEE members encouraged to proctor local students (archived 19 October 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) Registration is now open for IEEEXtreme 9.0, scheduled for 24 October 2015. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. The registration deadline is 12 October. See what students are saying about IEEEXtreme on Facebook Register now ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The IEEEXtreme Team would also like to encourage the IEEE member community to support students as local organizers and proctors. Each competing team must have local proctors, to oversee their efforts and to assure the integrity of the global competition. Some students in past years have had difficulties finding proctors for local teams. IEEE members can reach out to a local Student Branch and collegiate faculty, and offer their time in support this special IEEE event. Interested members can view the Student and Proctor Guide for further guidance (PDF, 779 KB) IEEEXtreme is also looking for sponsors. Sponsorship of IEEEXtreme 9.0 includes web and print advertising opportunities for branding and awareness before, during, and after the competition. Sponsorship is also an excellent way to get an edge on recruiting the next generation of top talent in the engineering, computer, and technology fields. View the sponsorship site for more information Email to sponsor Last call for nominations: 2016 IEEE Educational Activities volunteer positions: deadline 16 October (archived 19 October 2015) (updated 29 September 2015) The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2016 EAB committee chair and committee member positions. View the complete list of EAB positions with EAB committee descriptions Self nominations are encouraged. Nominate yourself or a colleague now The deadline to submit nominations is 16 October 2015. Request for proposals: humanitarian projects: deadline 30 September (archived 19 October 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) The IEEE Humanitarian Ad Hoc Committee (HAHC) is tasked with supporting the IEEE Board-endorsed vision of IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level, i.e., “feet on the ground.” HAHC is currently soliciting proposals for humanitarian projects that are aligned with this vision. The committee will review proposals and grant awards between US$20,000 and US$100,000. Project activities to be funded by the grant must be completed by the end of calendar year 2015 to be considered. The deadline is 30 September. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Learn more and submit and a proposal (PDF, 107 KB) IEEE in 2030 Challenge seeks proposals for innovative projects: deadline extended to 15 September (archived 29 September 2015) (updated 25 August 2015) IEEE has launched the IEEE in 2030 Challenge with the goal of finding innovative, creative, and potentially disruptive approaches that will help engineers and technical professionals working in industry. The IEEE New Initiatives Committee will be awarding small seed grants (US$40,000 or less) to those projects that are selected. Applications may be submitted by one or more IEEE members or organizational units, individually or in cooperation with an IEEE staff group. The proposals will be based on their potential to lead to new IEEE products, services, and communities, and have a significant impact on the overall organization. The deadline for receiving proposals is 1:00 p.m. ET (17:00 GMT) on 15 September 2015. Notification of the proposal's acceptance or rejection will be made on 6 October (IEEE Day). Visit the 2030 Challenge page for more information and to submit a proposal Call for nominations: IEEE Press Editorial Board: deadline 8 September (archived 29 September 2015) (posted 18 August 2015) IEEE Press is seeking nominations for qualified candidates who are willing to serve, if elected, in the position of Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Press or as IEEE Press Editorial Board Member. The primary responsibility of the IEEE Press Editorial Board is to provide technical and scientific expertise in the development of world-class, technical books. Board members work on a continuing basis with the Editor-in-Chief and professional acquisitions editors to recruit authors, review their proposals, and assist in identifying technical reviewers of proposals and complete book manuscripts. The deadline is 8 September. View the complete call for nominations with submittal instructions (DOCX, 65 KB) Use vTools.Voting for your upcoming unit elections (archived 29 September 2015) (posted 13 August 2015) It’s that time of year to begin thinking about upcoming officer elections for your organizational units. Consider using the vTools online voting application. Hundreds of elections have been managed with vTools.Voting already. This powerful tool: Is easy to use ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Auto loads the approved voter list Has a built-in automated email functionality Uses IEEE Accounts for secure access to setup the election and for members to vote Is available at no charge to the Section. Learn more about vTools.Voting Email questions to MGA Information Managemenet staff at Last call for applications: IEEE Smart Cities Initiative: deadline extended to 31 August (archived 4 September 2015) (updated 18 August 2015) The IEEE Smart Cities Initiative is inviting applications from municipalities worldwide already in the process of planning smart cities for growing urban populations. Two cities will be selected from submissions to receive funding and support from IEEE experts to host a workshop in their city before the end of 2015. IEEE Smart Cities has already provided investment to three selected IEEE Core Smart Cities – Guadalajara, Mexico; Trento, Italy; Wuxi, China, which are municipalities that have successfully demonstrated plans to invest human and financial capital into their smart city project. Two additional IEEE Core Smart Cities that are able to demonstrate a comprehensive plan and funds for their smart city evolution effort to join these municipalities will be selected. Municipalities interested in applying to become an IEEE Core Smart City and host an inaugural workshop in 2015 should submit the application by 31 August 2015. Learn more about the application process Download the application form Updated call for participation: 2015 Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT): deadlines 24 August and 4 September (archived 4 September 2015) (updated 13 August 2015) In early July, the Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT) for 2015 was announced, and includes two tracks. Track 1 covers the foundational knowledge of the IEEE organization. These materials were made available to all IEEE volunteers through the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) website. Access Track 1 courses (Log in with your IEEE Account and choose the “Volunteer Leadership Training Pre-Requisite” category to begin) Volunteers who complete these foundational courses in the CLE by 24 August can apply for consideration for Track 2 of the VOLT Program, scheduled to start in mid-September and end early December 2015. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The VOLT team is looking for 50 volunteers to participate in this year’s program. Track 2 will focus on leadership related topics, and provide practical leadership experience volunteers can apply in their professional and personal environments. It is geared towards volunteers who have not been a Section Chair within their units, have at least two years of experience as IEEE volunteers, and meet the specified criteria. Complete the Candidate Application Form Application forms must be submitted by 4 September 2015. The final selection will be completed and announced prior to the start of the program in early September 2015. Email questions to Maria Schneider, MGA Program Manager at Please share this information with all volunteers who you think may be interested or would benefit from this training experience. Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA Awards: deadline 31 August (archived 4 September 2015) (updated 13 August 2015) IEEE-USA is seeking nominations to recognize outstanding service and achievements of US IEEE members, journalists, and public officials. The submission deadline is 31 August. IEEE-USA awards are presented in recognition of professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions to public awareness and understanding of engineering in the United States. Nominations are sought to honor members in the following areas: Robert S. Walleigh Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Professionalism Award George F. McClure Citation of Honor K-12 STEM Literacy Committee Educator-Engineer Partnership Award Entrepreneur Achievement Award for Leadership in Entrepreneurial Spirit Jim Watson Student Professional Awareness Achievement Award Regional/Divisional Professional Leadership Award Professional Achievement Award (for individuals and organizations) Harry Diamond Memorial Award The following awards are not limited to IEEE members: Award for Distinguished Literary Contributions Furthering Public Understanding and the Advancement of the Engineering Profession Award for Distinguished Public Service Learn more about IEEE-USA awards and submit a nomination View the 2014 IEEE-USA Awards and Recognition recipients Read the IEEE-USA InSight feature story on the 2014 winners Announcing MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients (archived 4 September 2015) (posted 29 June 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES On 20 June 2015, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board selected the following recipients of the 2015 MGA Outstanding Large and Small Section Awards: 2015 MGA Outstanding Large Section Award recipient is the IEEE Kerala Section from Region 10; 2015 MGA Outstanding Medium Section Award recipient is the IEEE New Jersey Coast Section from Region 1; 2015 MGA Outstanding Small Section Award recipient is the IEEE Nicaragua Section from Region 9. Congratulations to the Kerala, New Jersey Coast, and Nicaragua Sections for being selected for these awards "for successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries." This year’s recipients, as well as previous recipients, are listed on the MGA Outstanding Section Awards Web page. A section of the page includes highlights of the 2014 calendaryear activities of the recipients and nominees. Announcing 2016 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 4 September 2015) (posted 29 June 2015) The MGA Assembly met Thursday, 18 June 2015, and determined the slate of candidates for the office of 2016 IEEE Vice President of Member and Geographic Activities, to be sent to the IEEE Assembly for election in November 2015: Mary Ellen Randall - Cary, NC, USA Wai-Choong (Lawrence) Wong - Singapore, Singapore The MGA Assembly also selected the 2016 MGA Treasurer and Vice Chairs, as follows: MGA Treasurer: Dane Watson - Plano, TX, USA MGA Vice Chair, Geographic Unit Operations: Martin Bastiaans - Mierlo, Netherlands MGA Vice Chair, Information Management: Francisco Martinez - Guadalajara, JAL, Mexico MGA Vice Chair, Member Development: Eduardo Palacio - Saint James, NY, USA MGA Vice Chair, Strategic Management and Analysis: Murty Polavarapu - Manassas, VA, USA The MGA Board met Saturday, 20 June 2015, and approved the 2015 MGA Committee Chair appointments, recommended by the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee. Please visit the 2016 MGA Volunteers Web page for more information. Conference activity is now available on the Section Vitality Dashboard (archived 4 September 2015) (posted 29 June 2015) Informed by discussions at IEEE Sections Congress 2014, customer surveys, and ongoing feedback, the global IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) management staff has been working on ways to better support the full scope of your conference needs. Recently, they focused on providing data that you can use to drive decisions and communication, ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES understanding that you value transparency into conferences and events occurring within your Section. This information can be used as a tool for you to: promote IEEE activity in your area; provide value to your members through local events; strategically partner with IEEE conferences; perhaps offer conference sponsorship from your Section. MGA and MCE announce that real-time and on-demand conference activity reports are now available to all IEEE Sections on the new "IEEE Conferences" tab, which has been added to the Section Vitality Dashboard. A tutorial is also available within the dashboard. The new Conference Dashboard contains three parts: conference activity by geographic unit sponsor; upcoming approved conferences by location; conferences pie chart by Region. Access the Section Vitality Dashboard and the new IEEE Conferences tab Email MCE at with questions about this new reporting tool vTools release announcement: usability and interface enhancements (archived 4 September 2015) (posted 29 June 2015) The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: vTools.Meetings 5.1 vTools.eNotice 1.3 vTools.Student Branch Reporting 1.5 View the vTools blog for detailed descriptions of the usability and interface enhancements Tell IEEE about technology projects in your organizational unit (OU) (archived 4 September 2015) (updated 29 June 2015) IEEE President Howard Michel has appointed an Ad Hoc Committee on Holistic Information Technology (IT) Development. This committee is focused primarily on the IT needs of IEEE business units on a three- to five-year time horizon. IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) wants to know if you are using any IT products or services to develop your IEEE volunteer activities, and your response will help the committee's analysis. Please complete the quick Technology Project Survey to let us know what kinds of technology projects are going on in your organizational unit ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Examples may include: "Our "Our "Our "Our Section uses Eventbrite for event registration" Chapter has a YouTube channel" affinity group has a custom iPhone or Android app for event attendees" unit has a Facebook page" Member Discounts: save on car rental (archived 4 September 2015) (posted 29 June 2015) As a member benefit, IEEE members can take advantage of discounts up to 20% when renting a car for holiday or business. The discount is available at participating locations in many parts of the world. Terms and conditions apply. Learn more about the IEEE car rental program and other travel discounts Welcome new members in your Section and invite them to attend an orientation webinar (archived 4 September 2015) (posted 18 May 2015) IEEE Section Chairs and Section Membership Development Chairs receive a monthly email notification regarding newly joined members in your Section. The current list of new members (those who joined in the past 30 days) is available through SAMIEEE, your volunteer analytics tool. The report provides member contact information: name, mailing address, email address, phone number, type of membership (traditional, e-membership), Societies joined, grade, and reasons for joining IEEE. Welcome these new members to your Section and encourage them to register for a 30minute live New Member Orientation webinar. These webinars are typically scheduled on the fourth Thursday of each month, either 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. ET. The webinar includes an overview of IEEE membership, access instructions for member-only benefits and services, and a question-and-answer session. Email Denise Maestri at with questions about the new member orientation webinars Learn about the resources available on the membership development portal IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinar: Audience Development program (archived 10 August 2015) (updated 23 July 2015) The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinar: Audience Development Program Date: Tuesday, 11 August 2015 ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Time: 10:00 a.m. ET (1400 UTC-04) or 3:00 p.m. ET (1900 UTC-04) Description: Learn about IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) new Audience Development program, and how to expand your conference audience by utilizing marketing techniques including social media, web presence, and mobile optimization. Register now for the 10:00 a.m. ET webinar Register now for the 3:00 p.m. ET webinar View recordings of past webinars Visit the IEEE MCE Conference Education Program page for additional educational offerings Email MCE Education at with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter Last call for nominations: 2016 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 10 August 2015) (updated 29 July 2015) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2016 MGA committee member and liaison positions. Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 August 2015. Review the list of available 2016 MGA positions Review the committee descriptions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or someone else Last call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 1 August (archived 10 August 2015) (updated 29 July 2015) The IEEE Foundation, in partnership with the IEEE Life Members Committee, invites IEEE organizational units to submit proposals for projects that increase the understanding of technology and its critical role in meeting global challenges and improving the human condition. Eligible projects should inform the public about technical issues such as, but not limited to: energy, health care, cybersecurity, Internet governance, and environmental change for the purpose of fostering balanced factual discussion and understanding of a current public issue. Eligible projects should result in the creation of materials and activities such as presentations and/or simulations that are suitable for one or more of the following audiences: secondary-school/college students, secondary-school teachers, IEEE groups, local community groups, and technology policy makers. The application deadline is 1 August 2015. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Learn more and apply for a grant Call for nominations: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee: deadline 1 August (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 29 July 2015) Due to the recent decision of the IEEE Board of Directors to form the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC), the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee is now accepting submissions for the committee chair and committee member positions. The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee supports the Board vision of IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level. This support includes, but is not limited to, the development of programs enabling volunteer engagement in humanitarian activities; the review and evaluation of the overall effectiveness of programs; recommending best practices as they relate to programs and projects; evaluation of funding proposals for projects to be carried out at the local level; and the establishment of partnerships with other entities sharing similar goals with respect to humanitarian efforts. Submit a nomination Last call for applications: IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative: deadline 30 June (archived 10 August 2015) (updated 29 June 2015) Have you heard about the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative? It's a program that offers up to US$7,000 over three years to electrical engineering undergraduate students in the US and Canada who are willing to consider a career in electric power and energy engineering. The goal of the program is to increase the number of well-qualified, entry-level engineers in the US and Canada. View the full eligibility requirements Apply online by 30 June 2015 Use vTools.Meetings for more than just submitting reports (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 18 May 2015) vTools Meetings is more than a place to file your unit meeting (L31) reports. The meeting scheduler feeds multiple sources, making it possible to publicize your meeting worldwide. RSS, iCal, and XML feeds are also available for custom data delivery. The meeting registration module enables Sections, Chapters, and Affinity Groups to accept credit card payments from meeting attendees and have funds deposited directly into the organizational unit’s (OU) Concentration Banking account. If you are interested in using this option for your OU and you do not have a Concentration Banking account, you can learn more on the IEEE Concentration Banking Program Web page or email Concentration Banking at ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Deposits to a local bank account can be made available for OUs in Regions 8-10 per special arrangement. Email MGA Information Management at for additional information. Member Discounts: Mobile Property Insurance for Regions 8-10 (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 18 May 2015) IEEE Member Discounts offers an insurance solution that provides comprehensive global protection for personal effects for IEEE members in Regions 8-10. Mobile property insurance ensures that no matter where or how often IEEE members travel, they are fully protected (subject to policy terms and conditions). Coverage includes protection against loss, theft, or damage, and is good for 12 months on unlimited amounts of travel. Learn more about mobile property insurance from Clements Worldwide Volunteers needed for IEEE Awards (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 18 May 2015) The IEEE Awards Board seeks new volunteers to serve on its award selection committees and Awards Board standing committees to assist with managing the recipient nomination and selection process for IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions, the highest awards IEEE presents on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. Visit the IEEE Awards Board Nominations and Appointments Web page to apply to serve on an award selection committee or as a member of one of the following Awards Board’s (AB) committees. AB Awards Review Committee AB Planning and Policy Committee AB Finance Committee AB Presentation and Publicity Committee AB Joint Awards with National Societies Committee Medals Council Technical Field Awards Council Recognitions Council Medal, Technical Field Award, Recognition selection committees Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 21 April 2015) MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. Following review of the reports, the rebates will be completed and distributed to eligible geographic units whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved. As a reminder, the rebate is paid to the Section. The funds provided are intended for the support of not only the Section’s activities, but also the activities of its subunits, including Subsections, Chapters, affinity groups, and IEEE Student organizations. Section officers are encouraged to use rebate funds to support unit activities. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Email MGA staff at with questions regarding officer reporting Member Discounts: learn about risk management (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 22 April 2015) Section officers can spread the word that IEEE offers a FREE online course especially designed for entrepreneurs and independent consultants. The course, called IEEE Risk Management for Engineers, examines the risk-management process including defining and measuring risk, exposure identification and risk analysis, risk responses, risk mitigation, and the value of contracts and professional liability insurance. Learn more and/or take the risk-management course Call for proposals: IEEE SIGHT project funding in 2015 (archived 10 August 2015) (updated 18 May 2015) The IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) Steering Committee is inviting applications for project funding support. SIGHT groups’ major goal is to create opportunities for members to devote time and talents to humanitarian work consistent with IEEE’s Constitution to “bring the benefits of technology to the entire world.” IEEE SIGHT will support a wide range of projects, and the level of funding support has been between US$500 and US$20,000. The remaining 2015 application deadlines are 15 July and 15 September. Learn more about IEEE SIGHT Review the project application guidelines (PDF, 683 KB) Help conference authors meet open access publishing requirements (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 22 April 2015) One of the trends in publishing is to make research articles publicly available through a process called “open access” (OA). To help ensure that your conference authors can meet open access guidelines from their funding agencies, reviewing the IEEE Author Posting policy may address their concerns and make them comfortable submitting papers to your conference. Learn more about the how the IEEE Author Posting policy applies to conference authors and get language for use in Call for Papers The IEEE of 2030 begins now (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 20 March 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES There is significant work being done this year at the IEEE Board of Directors level related to strategy. Where it started: As part of the January 2015 Board Retreat, IEEE President and CEO Howard Michel convened a diverse group of participants including the IEEE Board of Directors, the executive staff team, and select volunteers to engage in a candid and productive dialogue around IEEE’s future direction and strategy. The approach: IEEE partnered with the Toronto-based facilitation firm Syntegrity Group, which led participants through a progressive three-day consensus-building process designed specifically to handle complex challenges. The objectives of this effort were to: 1. better understand the changes IEEE must make now to best position IEEE for success in 2030, while still supporting the needs of technologists between now and then; 2. focus on key strategic objectives that support the short- and long-term vision for IEEE of 2030; 3. arrive at a holistic understanding of what a flourishing IEEE would consist of in the future; 4. identify and agree on the steps that IEEE needs to take to move in that direction over the next two years. The three-day retreat resulted in 12 strategic topics, each with recommendations and perceived importance of the recommendations. Subsequently, in February, a smaller group convened to continue to further refine the 12 strategic topics and develop a roadmap that honored the previous work, while adding clarity and realistic timelines and expectations. This effort resulted in four strategic objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. create a nimble, flexible, forward-looking organization; foster public imperatives; foster diverse technical communities with industry, government, and academia; empower the discovery, development, and delivery of cutting-edge products and services. To anchor the entire IEEE in 2030 effort, the groups focused on the following strategic question: “What changes must we make now to best position IEEE for success in 2030, while still supporting the needs of technologists between now and then?” Next steps: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on IEEE in 2030 has been given responsibility for this work including monitoring progress and reporting back to the Board and organizational units (OUs). Barry Shoop, 2016 IEEE President, is the chair of this ad hoc committee. In March the Committee will develop detailed roadmaps to support the four strategic objectives and will begin working with the Board, OUs, standing committees, other ad hoc committees, and other groups within IEEE to execute plans. View a more detailed outline of the process (PPT, 4 MB; IEEE Account required) Email questions or feedback to Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Activities volunteer positions (archived 10 August 2015) (updated 18 May 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Technical Activities (TA) is looking for volunteers with the necessary leadership and organizational skills to impact the future success of the organization. Currently, TA is accepting nominations for these positions (deadlines in September 2015): Vice President Elect, Vice President, Past Vice President, IEEE Technical Activities (2017-2019) Member, TAB Finance Committee (2016-2017) Member, TAB Management Committee (2016-2018) Members, TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee (2016-2017) Members, TAB Periodicals Committee (2016-2017) Members, TAB/Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Products and Services Committee (2016) Learn more about these positions and/or nominate yourself or a colleague Funds available for Region student competitions in 2015 (archived 10 August 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) The MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Assessment Committee is funding up to US$1,500 for student competitions in 2015. To participate, Region contest organizers must complete the funding request form (DOC, 78 KB). The completed form should include the required Region officers’ signatures, the objectives of the proposed project, the activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives, the schedule of events, the estimated cost, and the sources of funds. Approved requests will be processed swiftly, and funds will be transferred to the requesting Region's concentration banking account. All requests for 2015 must be received by 30 November 2015. Email questions and/or the completed form to Member Discounts for review and processing at Last Call for Nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 21 July 2015) (updated 29 June 2015) Nominations are due 1 July 2015 for the 2016 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. IEEE Medals are the highest recognition within the IEEE awards hierarchy, with the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor as the premier award. IEEE Medals embrace broad and significant contributions within the technical fields of interest of IEEE. IEEE Recognitions reward members' individual contributions to IEEE, published papers, and corporate advancements within the IEEE fields of interest. Recipients are recognized at the formal IEEE Honors Ceremony. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Visit the IEEE Awards Web page for more information ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail IEEE Awards staff Last call for applications: IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative: deadline 30 June (archived 21 July 2015) (updated 29 June 2015) Have you heard about the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative? It's a program that offers up to US$7,000 over three years to electrical engineering undergraduate students in the US and Canada who are willing to consider a career in electric power and energy engineering. The goal of the program is to increase the number of well-qualified, entry-level engineers in the US and Canada. View the full eligibility requirements Apply online by 30 June 2015 Funds available for Region student competitions in 2015 (archived 21 July 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) The MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Assessment Committee is funding up to US$1,500 for student competitions in 2015. To participate, Region contest organizers must complete the funding request form (DOC, 78 KB). The completed form should include the required Region officers’ signatures, the objectives of the proposed project, the activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives, the schedule of events, the estimated cost, and the sources of funds. Approved requests will be processed swiftly, and funds will be transferred to the requesting Region's concentration banking account. All requests for 2015 must be received by 30 November 2015. E-mail questions and/or the completed form to Member Discounts for review and processing Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Activities volunteer positions (archived 21 July 2015) (updated 18 May 2015) IEEE Technical Activities (TA) is looking for volunteers with the necessary leadership and organizational skills to impact the future success of the organization. Currently, TA is accepting nominations for these positions (deadlines in September 2015): Vice President Elect, Vice President, Past Vice President, IEEE Technical Activities (2017-2019) Member, TAB Finance Committee (2016-2017) Member, TAB Management Committee (2016-2018) Members, TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee (2016-2017) Members, TAB Periodicals Committee (2016-2017) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Members, TAB/Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Products and Services Committee (2016) Learn more about these positions and/or nominate yourself or a colleague Help conference authors meet open access publishing requirements (archived 21 July 2015) (posted 22 April 2015) One of the trends in publishing is to make research articles publicly available through a process called “open access” (OA). To help ensure that your conference authors can meet open access guidelines from their funding agencies, reviewing the IEEE Author Posting policy may address their concerns and make them comfortable submitting papers to your conference. Learn more about the how the IEEE Author Posting policy applies to conference authors and get language for use in Call for Papers Member Discounts: learn about risk management (archived 21 July 2015) (posted 22 April 2015) Section officers can spread the word that IEEE offers a FREE online course especially designed for entrepreneurs and independent consultants. The course, called IEEE Risk Management for Engineers, examines the risk-management process including defining and measuring risk, exposure identification and risk analysis, risk responses, risk mitigation, and the value of contracts and professional liability insurance. Learn more and/or take the risk-management course Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 21 July 2015) (posted 21 April 2015) MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. Following review of the reports, the rebates will be completed and distributed to eligible geographic units whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved. As a reminder, the rebate is paid to the Section. The funds provided are intended for the support of not only the Section’s activities, but also the activities of its subunits, including Subsections, Chapters, affinity groups, and IEEE Student organizations. Section officers are encouraged to use rebate funds to support unit activities. E-mail MGA staff with questions regarding officer reporting ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for nominations: IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Achievement Award: deadline 31 May (archived 18 May 2015) (updated 21 April 2015) Recognize the efforts of IEEE Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAG). Nominate a LMAG for the IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Achievement Award. If you know of an IEEE Life Members affinity group that has shown outstanding leadership and initiative in organizing activities and programs to engage Life members or to help further support the IEEE Life Members Fund, consider nominating them for this award. The deadline is 31 May 2015 and the award is based on 2014 activities. Review the nominator guidelines and eligibility requirements and/or submit a nomination Call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 1 June (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 22 April 2015) The IEEE-USA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee asks for your help in identifying US IEEE members who may be interested in, and well-qualified for, service on IEEE-USA committees and/or in the following IEEE-USA board positions: IEEE-USA President-Elect (2017) Member-at-Large (2017-2018) Secretary/Treasurer (2016) Vice President - Career & Member Services (2016) Vice President - Communications & Public Awareness (2016) Vice President - Professional Activities (2016) Vice President - Government Relations (2016) Young Professional Representative The deadline is 1 June 2015. Nominate yourself or a colleague E-mail Scott Grayson for more information IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinars: marketing your conference, global hotel partnership program (archived 18 May 2015) (updated 22 April 2015) The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinars: Marketing Your Conference: Better Event E-mail Invites in 7 Easy Steps Date: Thursday, 21 May 2015 ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Time: 10:00 a.m. ET Description: A great event needs great marketing to get the word out, build excitement, and ultimately drive registrations. Despite the growth in social and other online channels, e-mail continues to be the primary driver of attendance, but it's tough to know if you're maximizing this valuable communication channel. Learn how to define your target audience, create an e-mail campaign calendar, and determine what kinds of e-mail to send and when. Register now for this webinar IEEE Global Hotel Partnership Program Date: Thursday, 11 June 2015 Time: 3:00 p.m. ET Description: IEEE’s Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) is pleased to present IEEE’s global hotel partnership program for the organizer community. Through IEEE’s Preferred Hotel Partnership Program, MCE can offer significant discounts and concessions with Hilton Worldwide and InterContinental Hotels—two of the top five global hotel chains for their overall guest-room inventory and strong growth of branded hotels globally. Register now for this webinar Visit the IEEE MCE Conference Education Program Web page for additional educational offerings E-mail MCE Education with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter Get involved in IEEE Future Directions initiatives (archived 18 May 2015) (updated 18 May 2015) IEEE Future Directions is your resource to emerging technologies within IEEE. The team has identified specific technologies as primary focus areas and has established them as formal initiatives to engage IEEE and the general public. For each initiative, you can find a wealth of knowledge, resources, and opportunities to participate. Visit each featured portal for access to upcoming conferences, news articles, technical papers, related standards, professional organizations, and academic programs. To get involved in the initiatives and to stay informed, please join the free technical communities available. Get involved and learn more about IEEE Future Directions ( Current Future Directions events include: The 2nd annual IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) is taking place 14-16 December 2015 in Milan, Italy. The organizing committee seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate IoT technologies and applications for the benefit of society. The submission deadline is 15 June. Learn more at the IoT World Forum Conference Web site IEEE Smart Cities is one of IEEE’s important, multi-disciplinary, cross-platform Future Directions initiatives. It spans multiple IEEE Societies and is designed to be a trusted voice ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES in smart cities for the engineering, computing, and technology communities around the world. The first annual IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2-2015) is taking place 2528 October 2015 in Guadalajara, Mexico. The theme is "Smart City for Sustainability." This is the premier conference sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative. Original and innovative contributions in smart city research and advanced implementations and deployments are sought for technical sessions. The submission deadline has been extended to 15 June. Learn more at the Smart Cities Conference Web site View the IEEE manuscript guidelines IEEE Member Discounts benefit everyone (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 20 March 2015) Here are three facts to tell members about the IEEE Member Discounts Program: 1. Discounted products and services and insurance are not just in the US anymore. 2. IEEE members can buy at better rates than the public any day, not just when there is a sale. 3. When you get benefits from Member Discounts, they are yours even when you change jobs. In addition, when IEEE members participate in Member Discounts, IEEE earns royalties. So the greater the participation, the more Member Discounts contributes to IEEE revenue to help defer other costs. With this win-win situation, Section officers are asked to promote Member Discounts on their Section Web pages or at their meetings to raise awareness of these valuable benefits. The Member Discounts Resources page has downloadable Web banners for posting on a Section page and Regional program flyers for printing and distribution at meetings. Visit the IEEE Member Discounts Resources page for more information There is still time to renew for 2015 (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) On 21 February, IEEE ran the service deactivation for members who haven't renewed for 2015. However, there is still time to renew. Now is a good time for Section volunteers to reach out to those members in arrears to encourage them to take action in order to keep the benefits and services they value most. Every member counts toward your Section's membership development goals and funding. Do not miss out on this opportunity. Log in to the Section Vitality Dashboard ( to access your list of members in arrears and start contacting them Direct members to the IEEE renewal site ( ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE-USA launches new flagship publication, IEEE-USA InSight, and new Shop site (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) IEEE-USA has launched a new flagship publication, IEEE-USA InSight. IEEE-USA InSight represents the merger of IEEE-USA’s two award-winning publications: Today’s Engineer and IEEE-USA in ACTION. IEEE-USA InSight will continue to bring you the same thoughtprovoking and insightful content that you’ve become accustomed to receiving from IEEEUSA—careers, public policy, and news and announcements from IEEE-USA—in one comprehensive publication. The current IEEE-USA InSight home page features stories on the portrayal of engineering and technology in pop culture, the rise and fall of the fax machine, and why IEEE-USA President Jim Jefferies thinks this is a great time to be a US IEEE member. The publication launch coincides with the debut of IEEE-USA’s new Shop site, where IEEEUSA E-Books are discoverable and available for purchase. IEEE members will find it easy to use their IEEE Web accounts to add products to their IEEE Xplore shopping cart. Learn more about the IEEE-USA InSight launch Google services and more may be affected in China (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) Please be aware that recent changes implemented by the Chinese government regarding access to social media services, cloud-hosted infrastructure, and API services may have an impact on your IEEE Web site. Any features and functionalities on your IEEE site that make use of these types of services provided by companies such as, but not limited to, Google and Facebook, may be inaccessible by the public in China, including IEEE members and volunteers. As a suggestion, IEEE Webmasters should review how their Web site implements features and functions from services such as but not limited to Google’s App Engine, Cloud SQL, and Facebook. It is recommended that your site be tested for functionality in China if you are supporting members or the public in China with your site. Public proxy services can be leveraged by you to test your site’s functionality in China. For more info, please see the following articles: CNN: China Crackdown Makes it Harder to get Around the Great Firewall TechCrunch: China Cracks Down On VPN Services After Censorship System ‘Upgrade’ IEEE Conference Organizers' Newsletter: subscribe now (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) The IEEE Conference Organizers' Newsletter is intended to communicate important information about conference organizing practices, new services and tools available, IEEE ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES policy changes, and industry information or issues relevant to conference organizing. The newsletter provides timely and useful information that is appropriate for anyone with an interest in conferences, including conference chairs, conference volunteers, organizational unit leaders, meeting planners, and staff. Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers' Newsletter View back issues of the IEEE Conference Organizers' Newsletter IEEE Panel of Conference Organizers is now open for registration: 16-18 July (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 23 February 2015) The 2015 IEEE Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO) will take place 16-18 July, in Glasgow, Scotland. IEEE POCO convenes organizers, volunteer leaders, and decision makers to address conference leadership practices, changes in policies, challenges in the conference landscape, and new conference initiatives. IEEE volunteers involved in conferences can apply to attend as a hosted attendee and receive complimentary registration. Many IEEE organizational units will cover the cost of travel and lodging. Check with your unit as soon as possible for this unique event. E-mail IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) for an invitation Learn more about 2015 IEEE POCO New IEEE roster launches with enhanced search capability (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 29 January 2015) A new and enhanced organizational unit (OU) and volunteer roster application launched on Thursday, 29 January 2015. It will replace the existing IEEE Organization Rosters, Parts I, II, and III, and some related rosters. The new roster meets IEEE’s Web design standards and will leverage IEEE’s current infrastructure in Amazon’s cloud environment. Features include: an enterprise search tool technology that provides a more robust user experience with elements featuring guided navigation, type ahead, and search functionalities. This includes a search box that automatically displays a “best match result” as a user is typing the name of a person or OU; intuitive user interface with guided navigation that expands to include OU categories and affiliations with active links to display the full roster all within the same Web page. Access to the rosters is limited to those volunteers who are listed in the roster. Links to additional information not included in the roster, such as Active Affinity Groups, Technical Council Chapters, and the Technical Activities Photo Directory, can be found on the roster home page. Access the new roster ( ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES vTools Release Announcement; WebEx updates (archived 18 May 2015) (posted 29 January 2015) The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: Meetings 5.0 WebInABox 3.0 Student Branch Reporting 1.4 Surveys 1.3 These applications have been updated to a newer software version. In addition, each application now utilizes the new IEEE Style Sheet in order to comply with the IEEE Web site requirements and style guide. This includes a "Sign in" option available in the upper-right corner of the Web browser and an update to the background color to use the IEEE brand color. vTools.Meetings version 5.0 introduces usability and interface enhancements, including: the "Schedule Meeting" form, "Meeting Report" form, and "Meeting Announcement" layout have been updated to illustrate different sections by adding a range of colors and labeling the sections; WYSIWYG editors have been included on the "Schedule Meeting" and "Meeting Report" forms to provide more formatting features to enhance the meeting results display. WebEx Update The WebEx conferencing tool has recently been updated to the WebEx Meeting Center platform WBS29.11. Visit the vTools Blog for a summary of the changes included in the new release Participate now in free IEEE WIE International Leadership Conference virtual conference track: 22-25 April (archived 6 May 2015) (updated 21 April 2015) The IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (2015 WIE-ILC) takes place 23-25 April 2015, in San Jose, CA, USA. The conference theme is "Lead Beyond: Accelerating Innovative Women Who Change the World." You can participate now in the free virtual track, from 22-25 April 2015. The presentations will also be recorded for future viewing. The virtual track focuses on engagement—skills to inspire women to achieve their goals and sharing examples of engaging with women/girls in local communities. Learn more about the free virtual conference track ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Reminder: 2014 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 31 March (archived 21 April 2015) (updated 20 March 2015) All Section officers and Chapter/Affinity Group chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate: Meeting Activity; Current Officers; Financial Reporting: o geographic unit treasurers are responsible for recording the financial activity of their unit and any sub-units (Subsections, Chapters, and/or Affinity Groups) using NetSuite; o original year-end bank statements and investment-account statements (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) must be provided. Please upload copies of those documents via the MGA Compliance Reporting Web page. Financial activity should be accurately entered into NetSuite as soon as possible but no later than 31 March 2015. Additional information on Annual Reporting and the 2015 Rebate Schedule are available. E-mail MGA staff with questions Last call for nominations: IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) awards: deadline 1 April (archived 21 April 2015) (updated 20 March 2015) The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) awards and recognition program is designed to recognize WIE members and affinity groups that have made an outstanding contribution to WIE, their community, and the engineering community through their dedication and involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the WIE goals and objectives. Learn more about the award guidelines and eligibility requirements and/or submit a nomination: IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE Women Women Women Women in in in in Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Affinity Group of the Year Award Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award Inspiring Member of the Year Award Inspiring Student Member of the Year Award The nomination deadline is 1 April. E-mail WIE awards staff with questions Register now for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (archived 21 April 2015) (updated 20 March 2015) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Register now for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (2015 WIE-ILC), to be held 23-25 April 2015, in San Jose, CA, USA. With a theme of "Lead Beyond: Accelerating Innovative Women Who Change the World," the conference will focus on leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship educational tracks. Attendees will have the opportunity to create communities that fuel innovation, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide support through highly interactive sessions designed to foster discussion and collaboration. More than 500 mid-level and senior-level technical professionals are expected to attend. Keynote speakers include Brian Kraznich, Chief Executive Officer, Intel; Lisa Su, Chief Executive Officer, AMD; Rebecca Jacoby, Chief Information Officer, Cisco; and Yanbing Li, Vice President, VMware. In addition to the Friday and Saturday conference tracks on innovation, empowerment, entrepreneurship, and executive leadership at the Marriott Downtown San Jose, a free virtual conference track will also be available online. Register now and/or learn more about the 2015 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference Nominate a colleague for the IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor recognition: deadline 13 April (archived 21 April 2015) (posted 20 March 2015) Do you know someone, living or deceased, who has made one or more major contribution(s) to IEEE Technical Activities? Now is your chance to nominate him or her for the Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor. Nominees will be considered based on their contributions to the creation, development, or advancement of the technical objectives of IEEE. The final 2015 recipient(s) will be determined by the IEEE Technical Activities Board at the June 2015 meeting. The nomination deadline is 13 April 2015. Learn more about past recipients and eligibility, and/or nominate a colleague IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference education program webinars: publication tools overview (archived 21 April 2015) (updated 20 March 2015) The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following webinar in April: Publication Tools: PDF Express, Express Plus, and eXpress Conference Publishing Overview Date: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ET Description: PDF eXpress and PDF eXpress Plus are IEEE-financed author tools that assist IEEE conference organizers in obtaining IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs from their authors. Learn how these tools can improve your author's experience and save you time. This webinar is ideal for all Conference Chairs and Publication Chairs. Register now for this webinar ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Visit the IEEE MCE Conference Education Program Web page for additional educational offerings E-mail MCE Education with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter New IEEE roster launches with enhanced search capability (archived 21 April 2015) (posted 29 January 2015) A new and enhanced organizational unit (OU) and volunteer roster application launched on Thursday, 29 January 2015. It will replace the existing IEEE Organization Rosters, Parts I, II, and III, and some related rosters. The new roster meets IEEE’s Web design standards and will leverage IEEE’s current infrastructure in Amazon’s cloud environment. Features include: an enterprise search tool technology that provides a more robust user experience with elements featuring guided navigation, type ahead, and search functionalities. This includes a search box that automatically displays a “best match result” as a user is typing the name of a person or OU; intuitive user interface with guided navigation that expands to include OU categories and affiliations with active links to display the full roster all within the same Web page. Access to the rosters is limited to those volunteers who are listed in the roster. Links to additional information not included in the roster, such as Active Affinity Groups, Technical Council Chapters, and the Technical Activities Photo Directory, can be found on the roster home page. Access the new roster ( vTools Release Announcement; WebEx updates (archived 21 April 2015) (posted 29 January 2015) The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: Meetings 5.0 WebInABox 3.0 Student Branch Reporting 1.4 Surveys 1.3 These applications have been updated to a newer software version. In addition, each application now utilizes the new IEEE Style Sheet in order to comply with the IEEE Web site requirements and style guide. This includes a "Sign in" option available in the upper-right corner of the Web browser and an update to the background color to use the IEEE brand color. vTools.Meetings version 5.0 introduces usability and interface enhancements, including: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES the "Schedule Meeting" form, "Meeting Report" form, and "Meeting Announcement" layout have been updated to illustrate different sections by adding a range of colors and labeling the sections; WYSIWYG editors have been included on the "Schedule Meeting" and "Meeting Report" forms to provide more formatting features to enhance the meeting results display. WebEx Update The WebEx conferencing tool has recently been updated to the WebEx Meeting Center platform WBS29.11. Visit the vTools Blog for a summary of the changes included in the new release Last call for nominations: IEEE MGA leadership positions: deadline 15 March (archived 20 March 2015) (updated 23 February 2015) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments Committee is soliciting nominations for the following 2016 leadership positions: MGA MGA MGA MGA Vice President/MGA Board Chair; Treasurer; Vice Chairs; Committee Chairs. In accordance with the IEEE globalization initiative and in an attempt to ensure that MGA is globally balanced, each Region is requested to submit nominations. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 15 March 2015. Review the list of available 2016 MGA positions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or a colleague E-mail MGA staff with questions Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2016: deadline 1 March (archived 20 March 2015) (updated 23 February 2015) The nomination period for the 2016 Fellow Class is open and will continue through 1 March 2015. Visit the Fellow Web page for nominee eligibility requirements, steps to become an IEEE Fellow, nomination instructions, and much more 2014 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 20 March 2015) (posted 22 December 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES At its 22 November 2014 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board selected the 2014 MGA Award recipients, including: MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award: Nita K. Patel (R1), New Hampshire Section, "For distinguished contributions to IEEE global activities through the creation, development, and implementation of the inaugural IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference, a comprehensive, multi-year strategic business plan, and for expanding the global reach of the IEEE Women in Engineering mission to inspire, engage, and advance women in technology." MGA Innovation Award: IEEE AIYEHUM Team (All IEEE-R10 Young Engineers’ Humanitarian Challenge) (R10), "For inspiring, enabling, and connecting young scientists and engineers to solve real-world challenges, applying science and technology, and building relationships between industry and academia." Also selected were recipients for the MGA Leadership, Achievement, and Young Professionals Achievement Awards. View a complete list of the 10 recipients and additional information IEEE Day 2014, a worldwide success (archived 20 March 2015) (posted 22 December 2014) IEEE Day 2014 was held on Tuesday, 7 October, the fifth time in history when engineers worldwide celebrated the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. While the world benefits from what's new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year's theme was "Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow." This year once again looked to IEEE members to partner with the IEEE Day Team in the role of ambassador. The response was overwhelming with over 100 active ambassadors compared to 35 in 2013. With their enthusiasm, engagement, and exceptional teamwork, the number of events held exceeded last year by 25%. The photo contest was popular with more than 300 submitted photos and a total of 18,263 votes. Social media played an important role with more than 37,000 Likes on Facebook, 900+ posts, 700+ Tweets, and #IEEEDay2014 and #Gofor5 had 411,112 and 100,364 impressions respectively. Check out this year's photo contest winners Read IEEE Day 2014 messages from around the world Read the article in The Institute, "IEEE Day Inspires Celebrations Worldwide" IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Chapters’ transition (archived 20 March 2015) (updated 29 January 2015) On 1 January 2015, the IEEE Technology Management Council transitioned to the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEM), a Society dedicated to helping technology professionals and managers optimize their career opportunities and ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES organizational effectiveness. The transition allows for individual memberships within the newly formed Society, increased collaboration in conquering the job market, and a more direct personal connection to the community than ever before. All active Council Chapters have transitioned to active Society Chapters and have been renamed to reflect this; for example, the IEEE New York Section Chapter, TM14 (Technology Management Council), is now known as the IEEE New York Section Chapter, TEM14 (Technology and Engineering Management Society). The existing Chapter chairs, or newly elected Chapter chairs, have a grace period of one year to join the IEEE TEM Society. During Q4 2014, MGA staff will monitor the Chapter chairs’ IEEE TEM Society membership and distribute reminder communications regarding the grace period. Become a member of the IEEE TEM Society E-mail MGA staff with questions New IEEE Educational Activities newsletter launched in 2014: EA Insight (archived 20 March 2015) (posted 22 December 2014) EA Insight, the new newsletter of IEEE Educational Activities, offers a range of articles covering events, products, and services. The newsletter includes volunteer news, key dates, awards news, and other timely stories. The November edition of EA Insight (PDF, 8.4 MB) includes: Global Outlook - "Educational Activities Events in Sub-Saharan Africa"and "EA Representatives Exploring Partnership Opportunities in China" EA Volunteer Spotlight - "S.K. Ramesh" Spotlight on EA Programs - "Standards Education and Customized Education Solutions" IEEE Assembly announces 2015 corporate officers (archived 23 February 2015) (posted 21 November 2014) The IEEE Assembly annually selects the following five Corporate Officers: IEEE Secretary, IEEE Treasurer, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities, IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities, and IEEE Vice President, Publication Services and Products. All are one year terms. Wai-Choong (Lawrence) Wong was selected as 2015 IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities. Learn more about the selected corporate officers In memoriam: Cathy Downer, MGA membership development manager (archived 23 February 2015) (posted 19 November 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES It is with extreme sadness that MGA shares the news that Cathy Downer, MGA membership development manager, passed away suddenly on Sunday, 19 October. Cathy was an employee for over 25 years, joining IEEE in 1988. Most recently, Cathy was the primary staff contact for the IEEE Member Recruitment and Recovery Committee, and for the volunteer Membership Development Chairs in Sections and Chapters around the world. Cathy just completed the Membership Development Web page reorganization and developed a program to recognize Sections for great performance in the area of member recruitment and retention. Previously, Cathy was involved with or led initiatives as varied as the IEEE GOLD Program (now Young Professionals), the IEEE Ethics Committee, and IEEE Women In Engineering and supported numerous other IEEE Board of Directors committees during her time with Corporate Activities prior to joining MGA. Cathy is known by and partnered with many members and volunteers in the IEEE community. Cathy is remembered as someone who was always willing to help fellow staff and volunteers with any of their projects. Her quiet, insightful, and calm engagement in a team was always helpful. IEEE will miss her more than can be expressed in these words. Cathy was a single mom and is survived by her loving daughter, Emma Lee Downer, and her brother, Robert A. Downer. Please remember Cathy, her daughter Emma, and her friends and family in your thoughts and prayers. E-mail the IEEE MD Team with questions IEEE Life Members Fund Commemorative Coaster: The Invention of the First Transistor (archived 23 February 2015) (posted 19 November 2014) The Invention of the First Transistor revolutionized the electronics field and eventually ushered in the information age with small, low-power electronic devices and the development of low-cost integrated circuits. Walter H. Brittain and John A. Bardeen, under the direction of William B. Shockley, discovered the transistor effect and developed the point-contact germanium transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., at the end of 1947. The transistor quickly replaced existing electronic tube-based electronics devices and ushered in the beginning of solid-state electronics, which has been cited as the most important invention of the 20th Century. This directly led to developments in solid-state devices that revolutionized the electronics industry and changed the way people around the world lived, learned, worked, and played. To celebrate this important milestone, those who donate US$125+ specifically to the IEEE Life Members Fund (LMF) of the IEEE Foundation beginning in October 2014 through September 2015 will receive the limited-edition coaster depicting the Invention of the First Transistor. Invention of the First Transistor is the eighth coaster in a series of limited-edition coasters commemorating various historic IEEE Electrical Engineering Milestones. The first seven depict Telstar, the Panama Canal, Japan's Bullet Train, the ENIAC computer, the Atom Smasher, Maxwell's Equations, and the Landing of the Transatlantic Cable. Complete your limited-edition set of coasters. Previous years' coasters are also available for a US$125 donation each. Donate now ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The LMF provides grants to new and ongoing projects that are beneficial to potential engineers and engineering students. Your gift will both preserve the memory of the Invention of the First Transistor and support future technological innovations The IEEE History Committee established The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing Program during the centennial year as an ongoing means to honor and commemorate significant technical achievements in the history of IEEE fields. E-mail the IEEE Foundation for more information IEEE Sections Congress 2014: Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow (archived 23 February 2015) (posted 23 September 2014) IEEE Sections Congress 2014 (SC2014) was held 22-24 August 2014, at the RAI Convention Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The SC2014 theme was "Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow," and attendees had opportunities to attend Breakout Sessions, Learning Labs, and Ignite Sessions. The exhibit hall had over 40 exhibitors, as well as poster sessions and special student projects on display. New this year, attendees used the SC2014 mobile app to plan their schedule in advance, view speaker and exhibit information, interact via social media, connect with attendees, and more. View the top five recommendations, as voted on by the Primary Section Delegates View the PowerPoint presentations from SC2014 sessions View photos from SC2014 on Shutterfly Visit the SC2014 event showcase on, including the highlights video, opening and closing ceremonies, and session recordings MCE Conference education program webinar: integrate mobile applications into your next conference (archived 23 February 2015) (updated 29 January 2015) News from the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter: In February 2015, the IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following webinar. Learn how to integrate mobile applications into your next conference. See the latest trends and how you can improve your attendee experience by including access via mobile apps. How to Leverage Mobile Apps at Your Conference Thursday, 19 February 2015 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. ET Register now for this webinar Visit the IEEE MCE Conference Education Program Web page for additional educational offerings ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail MCE Education with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter Last call for nominations: MGA Student Awards: deadline extended to 15 February (archived 23 February 2015) (updated 2 February 2015) The MGA Student Activities Committee would like to congratulate the 2014 MGA Student Award recipients. The deadline for 2015 MGA Student awards is 15 February 2015. Follow the individual award links below to view the 2014 recipients and submit nominees for 2015: IEEE Student Enterprise Award Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award Recognition Program The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award Last call for submissions: 2015 Presidents' Change the World Competition: deadline 31 January (archived 2 February 2015) (updated 29 January 2015) The IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition recognizes and rewards students who identify a real-world problem and apply engineering, science, computing, and leadership skills to solve it. The contest offers students the opportunity to have their ingenuity and enthusiasm for engineering and technology recognized by prestigious IEEE members around the globe. The registration deadline is 31 January 2015. Learn more about the IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition Register for the 2015 IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition E-mail IEEE Student Services with questions Last call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards: deadline 31 January (archived 2 February 2015) (posted 29 January 2015) Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. For over 100 years, IEEE and its predecessor societies, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers, have paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society, the engineering profession, and humanity. Download nomination forms and award-specific criteria Learn more about IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions E-mail IEEE Awards for more information Conference education opportunities from IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (archived 29 January 2015) (updated 22 December 2014) News from the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter: In January 2015, the IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following webinar providing conference organizers deeper understanding of the conference audit function. Learn the key elements in preparing for and conducting your post conference financial audit. Gain further insight on what IEEE requires, what best practices are being used, and techniques to save time. Conference finance chairs/treasurers are especially encouraged to participate. Conference Audit Overview Wednesday, January 20, 2015 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. ET Register now at the IEEE Center of Leadership Excellence (CLE), using your IEEE Account E-mail MCE Education with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter IEEE members select Barry Shoop as 2015 IEEE President-Elect (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 30 October 2014) Barry L. Shoop, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, USA, has been selected as 2015 IEEE President-Elect. Pending acceptance of the Teller's Committee report by the IEEE Board of Directors on 23-24 November, Shoop will begin serving as IEEE president on 1 January 2016. He will succeed 2015 IEEE President Howard E. Michel, HEM Consulting, Dartmouth, MA, USA. The other candidates for 2015 IEEE President-Elect were Tariq S. Durrani, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom (nominated by petition) and Frederick C. Mintzer, IBM (retired), Yorktown Heights, NY, USA (nominated by IEEE Board of Directors). The following individuals were elected to the office of IEEE Region Delegate-Elect/DirectorElect, 2015-2016: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Region Region Region Region Region 2: Katherine J. Duncan 4: Bernard T. Sander 6: Kathleen A. Kramer 8: Margaretha A.K. Eriksson 10: Kukjin Chun Review the complete 2014 IEEE Annual Election results IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Chapters’ transition (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 30 October 2014) In January 2015, IEEE will launch the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEM), formerly the IEEE Technology Management Council (TM). This action enables technology professionals and managers to optimize their career opportunities and organizational effectiveness. This transition will allow for a greater sense of collaboration in conquering the job market by enabling individual memberships and providing a more direct personal connection to the community than ever before. All active Council Chapters will transition to active Society Chapters. On 1 January 2015, all active Council Chapters will be renamed as Society Chapters, e.g., New York Section Chapter, TM14 will be known as New York Section Chapter, TEM14. The existing Chapter chairs, or newly elected Chapter chairs, will have a grace period of one year to join TEM Society. During Q4 2014, MGA staff will monitor the Chapter chairs’ TEM society membership and distribute reminder communications regarding the grace period. E-mail MGA staff with questions Member Discounts: IEEE member travel discount features benefit conference attendees (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 30 October 2014) IEEE members and volunteers attending conferences can enhance their travel by taking advantage of the many IEEE Travel Discounts. Extend your stay with a discounted vacation package, take advantage of a car rental discount, learn a new language, or protect your companion with travel insurance. Locations served by these programs are determined by the providers. See the individual travel programs for details goes mobile (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 30 October 2014), IEEE’s online engineering education resource for pre-university educators, parents, and students, is now available in a new mobile-friendly format. Visitors can now access the TryEngineering content they love, anywhere, any time, on virtually any device including desktops, tablets, and smart phones. Visitors to TryEngineering can explore engineering disciplines, learn how to prepare for a career in engineering, and read profiles of engineers and engineering students. They can ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES also find information about student engineering camps, competitions, scholarships, and research programs. TryEngineering's university search tool enables visitors to find accredited engineering programs at thousands of institutions in dozens of countries around the world. The site offers over 100 free hands-on lesson plans aligned to national education standards. TryEngineering also features a number of free game apps to engage and excite students about engineering. The TryEngineering mobile site features adaptability to various screen sizes, a more streamlined navigation, and a touchscreen-friendly interface. The mobile site was made possible through generous support from the IEEE Foundation. Visit TryEngineering on your mobile device today Submit your feedback about the new Mobile Web site IEEE Conference Education Program now available (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 30 October 2014) IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) is constantly striving to make the organizing experience easier and more enjoyable. The Conference Education Program will enable organizers of any experience level, location, organizational unit (OU), or role to conveniently and easily gain understanding of the principles and skills necessary for running an IEEEsponsored conference, including requirements; standards; "best practices”; and MCE resources, services, and tools available. The program has three components: Educational Webinar Series: Monthly one-hour live webinars inform and educate organizers on topics ranging from "basics" to "advanced skills," including new resources and tools. Attendees will take away practical and useful information, along with hands-on knowledge and skills. Sessions will also be available on a replay basis. On-Demand Education Modules: Self-paced, eLearning courses provide organizers with in-depth information and skills on specific conference functions or roles. Narrated by a subject matter expert, the modules are under 45 minutes in length, including knowledge checks and a final quiz. Professional Development Hours (PDH) are offered upon successful completion. Conference Leadership Workshops: Leadership Workshops enable deeper discussion and exploration of conference principles and topics through presentation, discussion, and exercises. Each Workshop is customized by MCE to meet the needs, goals, experience level, and time available and are available in two formats: o MCE Train the Trainer - An OU, Region, Section, Society, etc., organizes and delivers material provided by MCE, including agendas, communication materials, and "course" content, with speaker notes and scripts, exercises, and feedback surveys. o MCE Led - IEEE MCE provides leaders and materials to assist the OU in delivering and guiding the workshop and discussion. Learn more at the Conference Education Program Web page E-mail IEEE MCE staff with questions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Introducing a low-cost online registration tool for conference and event management (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 30 October 2014) IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events introduces RegOnline, a new affordable event registration software option. RegOnline is a low-cost, do-it-yourself system that is simple and easy to manage for small scale events. Conference organizers who have budget constraints can utilize all of the features and benefits of this do-it-yourself event registration option at a reasonable price. Through the special discounted IEEE rate, conference organizers can take advantage of the RegOnLine tool and can manage, control, and have insight over all aspects of their event and its attendees. E-mail IEEE MCE for more information about RegOnline and/or the full suite of registration management services available through MCE IEEE Sections Congress 2014: Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 23 September 2014) IEEE Sections Congress 2014 (SC2014) was held 22-24 August 2014, at the RAI Convention Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The SC2014 theme was "Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow," and attendees had opportunities to attend Breakout Sessions, Learning Labs, and Ignite Sessions. The exhibit hall had over 40 exhibitors, as well as poster sessions and special student projects on display. New this year, attendees used the SC2014 mobile app to plan their schedule in advance, view speaker and exhibit information, interact via social media, connect with attendees, and more. View the top five recommendations, as voted on by the Primary Section Delegates View the PowerPoint presentations from SC2014 sessions View photos from SC2014 on Shutterfly Visit the SC2014 event showcase on, including the highlights video, opening and closing ceremonies, and session recordings IEEE dues change for e-Membership (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 23 September 2014) The e-Membership program started as a pilot in 2011. The intent of the pilot was to test the impact of substantially reduced dues on membership recruitment and retention in countries where the per capita gross domestic product is US$15,000 or less. Data has shown that there was no significant increase on recruitment or retention during this period. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Thus, a dues increase is necessary to make the program economically sustainable. The MGA Board approved an increase in dues for the e-Membership option this past June. Dues for eMembership, beginning with the 2015 membership year, will be US$75, an increase of US$23. Members choosing the e-Membership option will continue to have all of the advantages of standard IEEE membership. These include the ability to: vote in IEEE elections; join Societies; engage in local activities; be considered for membership grade elevation to Senior member and Fellow; access member discounts and new offerings such as IEEE ResumeLab and IEEE MentorCentre. In addition, e-Membership members will receive electronic, instead of printed, versions of the membership card, IEEE Spectrum, and The Institute. IEEE will continue to look for ways to improve the value of membership worldwide and examine ways to make it more affordable to new and existing members who are most in need. E-mail Jamie Moesch, Senior Director, Member Experience, with questions about this change Watch the 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony on (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 23 September 2014) IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients accepted their awards on Saturday, 23 August, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony was held in conjunction with IEEE Sections Congress and hosted by IEEE President Roberto de Marca and IEEE PresidentElect Howard E. Michel. The theme was “Inspire…,” acknowledging the recipients’ achievements that have inspired the technical community to create a better world, and celebrating their own inspirations that have led them where they are today. IEEE Life Fellow B. Jayant Baliga accepted the 2014 IEEE Medal of Honor and participated in IEEE Sections Congress activities with an Ignite Session, “Engineering Social Consequences.” Watch the 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony View an interview with 2014 IEEE Medal of Honor recipient B. Jayant Baliga Download the 2014 IEEE Awards Booklet listing all 2014 IEEE Medal, Recognition, Technical Field Award recipients (PDF, 21 MB) Visit the IEEE Awards Channel on to hear more about the remarkable achievements of award recipients across all of IEEE’s fields of interest New IEEE Internet of Things Initiative (IoT) newsletter announced (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 23 September 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The IEEE Internet of Things Initiative (IoT) announced it has launched its new IEEE IoT eNewsletter, a bi-monthly online publication highlighting important global IoT-related technology developments, innovations, and trends from the world's top-subject matter experts, researchers, and industry practitioners. The IEEE IoT eNewsletter is provided as a benefit of becoming a member of the complimentary IEEE IoT Technical Community, which anyone actively involved or interested in IoT can join at no charge. Once signed up, members of the growing IEEE IoT Technical Community will receive all future issues of the IEEE IoT eNewsletter via e-mail as soon as it is published. Members of the IoT Technical Community will also receive information on the latest developments in this multidisciplinary area. The inaugural issue of the IEEE IoT eNewsletter includes these articles by IoT technical experts: "The Fading Line Between Atoms and Bits" by Roberto Saracco, EIT ICT Labs "Emerging IoT Applications Illustrate Emerging Trends" by Dr. Chung-Sheng Li, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center "The Internet of Things: A Title That is Both Wrong and Unhelpful" by William Webb, Weightless SIG "The Internet of Things: The Story So Far" by Payam Barnaghi, University of Surrey and Amit Sheth, Wright State University The November 2014 edition will include exclusive feature articles from Aapo Markkanen, ABI Research; Dongman Lee, KAIST; Luigi Atzori, University of Cagliari; and David Rogers, Copper Horse. Access the inaugural issue of the eNewsletter today on the IEEE IoT Web portal Subscribe to automatically receive futures issues by joining the IoT Technical Community Member Discounts: holiday offers on computers (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 19 November 2014) It’s that time of the year, and IEEE members can get a head start on their holiday shopping. Communicate to your members that special offers and deals have been lined up by IEEE’s hardware discount partners (where available) to make shopping for computers easy and lighter on the wallet during the holiday season. Learn more about what Dell, Lenovo, and HP have to offer Conference education opportunities from IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (archived 29 January 2015) (posted 19 November 2014) News from the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter: IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) Conference Education is offering a live webinar in December that will be of interest to conference organizers and organizational unit leaders. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Event Registration Basics and Best Practices Wednesday, 3 December 2014 9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m. or 2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. (ET) Register now at the IEEE Center of Leadership Excellence (CLE), using your IEEE Account E-mail MCE Education with suggestions for live webinar topics Subscribe to the IEEE Conference Organizers Newsletter Member Discounts: back-to-school deals on computers (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 23 September 2014) Section Officers can spread the word that members can take advantage of special deals going on right now for back-to-school shopping. Each of IEEE’s hardware discount providers has its own promotions and offers worth looking into: Dell (with international programs), Lenovo (US), and HP (US). Compare pricing and save on laptops, PCs, tablets, workstations, electronics, accessories, and more. Visit IEEE Technology Discounts for access to current hardware promotions Canadian Anti-Spam Law guidelines under development (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 29 July 2014) Some volunteers involved with communications have asked about the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), which places new constraints on the distribution of e-mail communications to residents of Canada and went into effect on 1 July 2014. This new law will affect IEEE members, volunteers, and employees involved in e-mail outreaches to Canada. The law has a three-year window to ensure compliance, and IEEE has a team working on its impact to operations. The cross-functional member communications team is working with the IEEE legal team to examine the different aspects of the law, and how it will affect future IEEE e-mail communications with Canadian residents. Further instructions and guidelines will be provided in the coming weeks. E-mail Jonathan Wiggins, IEEE staff, with questions IEEE Fellow program celebrating its 50th anniversary; improvements made to IEEE Fellow nomination process (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 29 July 2014) The IEEE Fellow program is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Read about its history ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Nominating a Senior member for IEEE Fellow grade just got easier with the new Fellow Online System. Several time-saving features have been introduced. The system is now open and ready to accept nominations for the class of 2016. It’s never too early to start; the submission deadline is 1 March 2015. Learn more from The Institute IEEE Awards: 2015 IEEE Technical Field Award recipients are announced (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 29 July 2014) IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs) are awarded for contributions in specific technical fields of science and engineering, as well as in several areas of leadership. View the 2015 IEEE Technical Field Award recipients (PDF, 87 KB) Visit the IEEE Awards Web page for more information E-mail IEEE Awards staff Member Loyalty Program lets Sections recognize members for their years of membership (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) Eligible Section volunteers can purchase lapel pins and certificates for their members that commemorate select milestones as an IEEE member. Different from the pins that commemorate a certain grade of IEEE membership, these pins are designed to thank and recognize members for their years of membership regardless of grade achievement; this is a great way to recognize members who might not otherwise be engaged, especially early in their IEEE membership tenure. The one-inch round lapel pins recognize members at two, five, ten, 20, 25, 30, and 50 years of membership as an IEEE member. This is based on the cumulative years of membership regardless of grade (except Society Affiliate), grade elevations, or any breaks in service. Learn more about the Member Loyalty Program and/or order pins for your Section vTools release announcement (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: vTools.eNotice: A new vTools application has been released to replace the existing eNotice submission form. Both options will remain available during the month of July as the pilot phase is completed. Try the new eNotice content management system now vTools.Meetings enhancements, such as: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES pricing for Life members in event registration has been streamlined to one option; meeting URLs have been shortened. vTools.Voting enhancements, such as: voting now supports elections for Societies, Technical Committees, and Councils. vTools.OfficerReporting and vTools.Voting have been updated to Rails 3.1 / Ruby 1.8.7 Read more about the new releases on the vTools blog Featured news around IEEE: THE BRIDGE (archived 19 November 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is THE BRIDGE, IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)'s signature publication, an interactive digital magazine published three times a year. The June issue of THE BRIDGE is now available. Under the theme of Engineers' Involvement in Society, this issue includes the following feature articles: Can IEEE Save the World? by Moshe Kam (Beta Alpha Chapter) Aiding Autism with Technology by Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan (Epsilon Delta) Wearable Sensors and Systems by Paolo Bonato Influencing Public Policy by Russel T. Harrison The issue also includes a recap of the IEEE-HKN 2014 Student Leadership Conference, member profiles, news regarding the Outstanding Student and Chapter Awards, and content from other areas of the IEEE community relevant to IEEE-HKN members. Read the full issue online now Download a PDF of the issue (PDF, 18.3 MB) Questions about the topics covered? Comments on the content? Want to contribute to future issues? E-mail IEEE-HKN IEEE Day 2014 will be held on Tuesday, 7 October (archived 30 October 2014) (updated 23 September 2014) IEEE Day 2014, to be held on Tuesday, 7 October, is the fifth time in history when engineers worldwide will celebrate the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. While the world benefits from what's new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year's theme will be "Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow." What event will your Section, Chapter, or Student Branch conduct that promotes the theme? ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Submit your event now Check out this year's photo contest View the IEEE Day T-shirt design Follow IEEE Day on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. IEEE Annual Election: last chance to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 30 October 2014) (updated 23 September 2014) The IEEE annual election balloting period began 15 August 2014. Eligible voting members can access their ballot electronically through the IEEE Annual Election Ballot Material page or return the paper ballot they received via first-class postal mail. The last day for receipt of IEEE annual election ballots is 1 October 2014, by 12:00 p.m. CT/17:00 UTC. Candidates for the 2015 IEEE President-Elect include IEEE Fellows Tariq S. Durrani, Frederick C. Mintzer, and Barry L. Shoop. Watch the 2015 President-Elect candidates' video interviews View the full list of IEEE Annual Election candidates Call for nominations: MGA Awards: deadline 15 October (archived 30 October 2014) (posted 23 September 2014) You can help recognize the efforts of outstanding volunteers by nominating individuals for one of the prestigious MGA Awards. Each award has a unique mission and criteria and offers the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues, inspiring teachers, and corporate leaders. If you know someone who has made substantial regional contributions through innovative projects, exemplary leadership, service, or by fulfilling the goals of transnational activities, consider nominating them for one of the following awards: MGA MGA MGA MGA MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Innovation Award Leadership Award Achievement Award Young Professionals Achievement Award Please visit the MGA Award Nomination Web page to review the nominator guidelines and eligibility requirements, reference the step-by-step submission instructions, and link to the portal for nominations. The deadline for nominations (completed nomination form and two endorsement letters) is 15 October 2014. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Registration open for IEEEXtreme 8.0 Programming Competition: deadline 3 October; sponsors needed (archived 30 October 2014) (updated 23 September 2014) Registration is now open for IEEEXtreme 8.0, scheduled for 18 October 2014. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. The registration deadline is 3 October. View rules and previous winners See what students are saying about IEEEXtreme on Facebook Register now IEEEXtreme is also looking for sponsors. Sponsorship of IEEEXtreme 8.0 includes Web and print advertising opportunities for branding and awareness before, during, and after the competition. Sponsorship is also an excellent way to get an edge on recruiting the next generation of top talent in the engineering, computer, and technology fields. Sponsorship terms for specialized recruitment campaigns of top IEEEXtreme talent can be arranged. E-mail Mark Pelham, IEEE Student Program Coordinator, if interested and/or for more information Call for nominations: 2015 IEEE Educational Activities committee chairs and members: deadline 15 October (archived 30 October 2014) (posted 23 September 2014) The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2015 EAB committee chairs and committee-member positions. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 15 October 2014. View the complete list of EAB positions with EAB committee descriptions Nominate yourself or a colleague now Call for Nominations: IEEE Technical Activities volunteer positions: deadline 5 October (archived 30 October 2014) (posted 23 September 2014) IEEE Technical Activities (TA) is looking for volunteers with the necessary leadership and organizational skills to impact the future success of the organization. Currently, TA is accepting nominations for the following positions: Deadline: 5 October 2014 Member, TAB Finance Committee (2015-2016) Member, TAB Management Committee (2015-2017) Members (3), TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee (2015-2016) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Deadline: 27 October 2014 Members (4), TAB Periodicals Committee (2015-2016) Members (6), TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (2015) Visit the "Become a Technical Activities Volunteer" Web page to learn more about these positions, or nominate yourself or a colleague Visit the "IEEE Volunteer Leadership Opportunities" Web page to learn more about other IEEE volunteer leadership opportunities Register now for IEEE Technology Time Machine (TTM) 2014 (archived 30 October 2014) (posted 23 September 2014) You are invited to attend the IEEE Technology Time Machine (TTM) 2014, 21-22 October 2014, at Dolce Hayes Mansion, in San Jose, CA, USA, a two-day symposium where thought leaders share their visions of key technologies beyond 2035 and attendees contribute actively to shape the discussions. IEEE TTM 2014 is the third organized symposium on future technologies to globally predict the interplay that science, technology, society, and economics may have on one another. Six future technologies, including the “future” of humans, health care, fabrication, processing, networks, and energy will be discussed interactively between attendees and speakers. World-renowned experts have been invited to provide a 2035 vision for each of the six areas described, along with two expert challengers to further examine the vision and provide a discourse that extends to additional discussion by all participants. Different perspectives, some disruptive to status quo, will be examined and discussed throughout this collective process during the plenary talks, panel discussions, and breakout sessions. TTM is organized by the IEEE Future Directions Committee (FDC) and technically cosponsored by the following IEEE entities: Communications Society, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Robotics and Automation Society, Society on Social Implications of Technology, Council on Superconductivity, Rebooting Computing Initiative, and Region 6. Register by 1 October to receive a US$150 discount. You can also select a one-day registration if you cannot attend both days. Last chance to register for IEEE Sections Congress 2014; mobile app is here (archived 22 September 2014) (updated 29 July 2014) Register now for IEEE Sections Congress 2014 (SC2014). SC2014 will be held 22-24 August 2014, at the RAI Convention Centre in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The primary audience for IEEE Sections Congress is IEEE members who are volunteering within the MGA structure (Region, geographic Council, Section, Subsection, Chapter, and Affinity Group), but volunteers from other IEEE units are encouraged to attend as well. The SC2014 theme is "Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow," and the breakout sessions will correspond with the three program tracks: Enhance Member Satisfaction, Improve ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Volunteer Experience, and Reach Globally with Local Touch. In addition to attending five 75minute traditional breakout sessions throughout the weekend, attendees will be offered several new program options, including Learning Labs and Ignite Sessions. New this year, attendees will use the SC2014 mobile app to: plan their schedule in advance; participate in recommendations discussions; view speaker and exhibit information; provide instant feedback to speakers; interact via social media; connect with attendees; learn more about sponsors and sponsorship; and more. Registered attendees have received an e-mail with their login and password. User guides and additional support will be provided in advance of SC2014. Register now Watch the new SC2014 intro video Information about the program, sponsorship opportunities, and travel logistics is also available on the IEEE Sections Congress Web pages. Last call for nominations: 2015 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 22 September 2014) (updated 29 July 2014) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2015 MGA committee member and liaison positions. Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 August 2014. Review the list of available 2015 MGA positions Review the committee descriptions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or someone else Member Discounts: not just “local” member benefits (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 29 July 2014) Does your Section offer a benefit that is available to any IEEE member? If so, e-mail Member Discounts, and they can help you spread the word through the IEEE Member Discounts Web pages. This month, Member Discounts is featuring a benefit that originated in the Singapore Section: ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Furama Riverfront, Singapore now offers a special rate for IEEE members. The beautiful Furama Riverfront hotel stands along the banks of the Singapore River and is a 10-minute drive from Clarke Quay and Orchard Road. For a limited time, take advantage of a special offer for IEEE members starting at S$180++ (approximately US$145) per night (plus applicable service charges and taxes) for a deluxe room. The deluxe room rate with complimentary buffet breakfast and Internet access is S$220++ (approximately US$177). Offer is valid through 31 December 2014 and some closed-out dates apply. E-mail Furama Riverfront Sales for more information E-mail Furama Riverfront Reservations for terms and conditions or to make a reservation for personal or committee use Last chance to nominate a colleague for the IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor recognition: deadline extended to 9 August (archived 22 September 2014) (updated 29 July 2014) Do you know someone, living or deceased, who has made one or more major contribution(s) to IEEE Technical Activities? Now is your chance to nominate him or her for the Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor. Nominees will be considered based on their contributions to the creation, development, or advancement of the technical objectives of IEEE. The final 2014 recipient(s) will be determined by the IEEE Technical Activities Board at the November 2014 meeting. The nomination deadline has been extended to 9 August 2014. Learn more and/or nominate someone today MGA Middleton Award recipient announced (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) Every three years, the MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award is presented to an individual who, over a long and sustained period of leadership, contributed in an exemplary manner to the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board, its activities and achievements, and the attainment of its goals and objectives. On 21 June 2014, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board selected Joseph V. Lillie (Region 5, Lafayette Section) as the 2014 recipient of the MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award, “for a life of committed and distinguished action for all members of IEEE.” MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients announced (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) On 21 June 2014, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board selected the following recipients of the 2014 MGA Outstanding Large and Small Section Awards: 2014 MGA Outstanding Large Section Award recipient is the IEEE Bangalore Section from Region 10; ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES 2014 MGA Outstanding Medium Section Award recipient is the IEEE Croatia Section from Region 8; 2014 MGA Outstanding Small Section Award recipient is the IEEE Panama Section from Region 9. Congratulations to the Bangalore, Croatia, and Panama Sections for being selected for these awards "for successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries." This year’s recipients, as well as previous recipients, are listed on the MGA Outstanding Section Awards Web page. There is also a section of the page highlighting some of the 2013 calendar-year activities of the recipients and nominees. Announcing 2015 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) The MGA Assembly met Thursday, 19 June 2014, and determined the slate of candidates for the office of 2015 IEEE Vice President of Member and Geographic Activities, to be sent to the IEEE Assembly for election in November 2014: David Green - Birmingham, AL, USA Wai-Choong (Lawrence) Wong - Singapore The MGA Assembly also selected the 2015 MGA Treasurer and Vice Chairs, as follows: MGA Treasurer: Dane A. Watson - Plano, TX, USA MGA Vice Chair, Geographic Unit Operations: Martin J. Bastiaans - Mierlo, Netherlands MGA Vice Chair, Information Management: Francisco R. Martinez - Guadalajara, JAL, Mexico MGA Vice Chair, Member Development: Ronald Jensen - Rochester, MN, USA MGA Vice Chair, Strategic Management and Analysis: Toshio Fukuda - Nagoya, Aichi, Japan The MGA Board met Saturday, 21 June 2014, and approved the 2015 MGA Committee Chair appointments, recommended by the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee. Please visit the 2015 MGA Volunteers Web page for more information. Section Vitality Dashboard - Phase II released (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) MGA is pleased to announce Phase II of the Section Vitality Dashboard. New features include: "Sign in" now defaults to your home Section Region has been added An advertising URL has been created: A new Meeting Activity tab has links to meeting activities for the selected Section (technical, professional, non-technical, administrative) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES To make the most of these new enhancements: Use vTools.Meetings to advertise upcoming meetings. These meetings are automatically listed in myIEEE and an RSS feed of upcoming meetings can be added to your Section Web site. Use vTools.Meetings to report all events, such as volunteer training, work with local industry, or pre-university activities. Check out all the new subcategories. Recording all activities gives a more comprehensive view of what's going on in your Section. Visit the Section Vitality Dashboard now E-mail questions to the MGA Information Management team Feed your Web site with job postings (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) The IEEE Job Site now provides IEEE Webmasters and Web site managers the opportunity to displays jobs posted by technology employers looking to hire IEEE members. The job site code, provided by the IEEE Job Site, generates a scroll of jobs that display within your own Web page and branding. Jobs can be segmented based on specific keywords or categories. This option is already being used successfully by several IEEE Societies, technical communities, and Sections. See what some IEEE Societies are already saying about the widget: "An RSS feed from the IEEE Job Site gives the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) members a dedicated location on the ComSoc Web site for finding employment and supporting career growth. It's a natural member benefit." - John Pape, Director Marketing and Communications with the IEEE Communications Society. "The Volunteers of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society were looking to provide the benefits of a career center to the membership. Because the connections were already in place, the IEEE Job Site was a great partner and the implementation of their job feed was very simple." - Rachel Warnick, Technical Community Program Specialist with the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Interested in adding the job site code to your Web site? It's easy. E-mail the IEEE Job Site Product Manager for help setting this up today Post internship and co-op jobs on the IEEE Job Site at no charge (archived 22 September 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) Hiring interns or co-op students is the best way to attract new talent, while exposing them to the practical and valuable experience they will need when they graduate and join the industry workforce. In addition, doing so helps companies cost-effectively meet short-term needs for extra assistance in today's tight labor market. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES To meet this need, think about posting an internship or co-op job on the IEEE Job Site. Posting on the Job Site will also have the position promoted on the IEEE Job Site Career Alert - the bi-weekly career e-Newsletter to opt-in IEEE members - and the IEEE Young Professionals homepage. To post an internship or co-op job on the IEEE Job Site at NO CHARGE, simply log onto your IEEE Job Site account or create a new account. Then select internship as your job type in the job details page and enter promo code JSINTERN at the checkout screen. E-mail the Job Site team with questions Member Discounts: Quote for Scholarship; UPS Program in Canada (archived 29 July 2014) (posted 30 June 2014) A message from Liberty Mutual Insurance Don’t miss the opportunity to find out more about Liberty Mutual’s Quote for Scholarship program. Time is running out. Offer ends 15 July 2014. Get a quote now and support future IEEE engineers today UPS Members Benefit Program now in Canada IEEE members in Canada can now take advantage of savings on UPS shipping services. Members in Canada will receive 30% off small-package shipments within Canada, to the US, and to worldwide destinations; 25% off imports into Canada; at least 70% off freight shipments; and more. Sign in with your IEEE account to learn more about the UPS program Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 29 July 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. Following review of the reports, the rebates will be completed and distributed to eligible geographic units whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved. As a reminder, the rebate is paid to the Section. The funds provided are intended for the support of not only the Section’s activities, but also the activities of its subunits, including Subsections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and IEEE Student organizations. Section officers are encouraged to use rebate funds to support unit activities. E-mail MGA staff with questions regarding officer reporting Welcome new members in your Section and invite them to attend an orientation webinar (archived 29 July 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Section Chairs and Section Membership Development Chairs receive a monthly e-mail notification regarding newly joined members in your Section. The current list of new members (those who joined in the past 30 days) is available through SAMIEEE, your volunteer analytics tool. The report provides member contact information: name, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, type of membership (traditional, e-membership), Societies joined, grade, and reasons for joining IEEE. Welcome these new members to your Section and encourage them to register to attend a 30-minute live New Member Orientation webinar, typically scheduled on the fourth Thursday of each month, either 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. ET. The webinar includes an overview of IEEE membership, access instructions for member-only benefits and services, and a questionand-answer session. E-mail Denise Maestri with questions about the new member orientation webinars E-mail Cathy Downer with questions about the new member join notification Learn about the resources available on the membership development portal Last call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 7 July 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) Nominations are due 1 July 2014 for the 2015 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. IEEE Medals are the highest recognition within the IEEE awards hierarchy, with the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor as the premier award. IEEE Medals embrace broad and significant contributions within the technical fields of interest of IEEE. IEEE Recognitions reward members' individual contributions to IEEE, published papers, and corporate advancements within the IEEE fields of interest. Recipients are recognized at the formal IEEE Honors Ceremony. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Visit the IEEE Awards Web page for more information E-mail IEEE Awards staff IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative now accepting applications: deadline 30 June (archived 7 July 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) In 2011, PES launched the IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative™ to counter the looming workforce shortfall in the power and energy industry. Since then, over US$1.1 million in scholarships to 364 students from 137 universities in the United States and Canada has been distributed. PES wants to continue to meet the goal of increasing the number of well-qualified, entry-level engineers in the US and Canada. PES is offering up to US$7,000 and help finding career experience opportunities to qualifying students. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate electrical engineering students who are citizens or permanent residents of the US or Canada. Applicants must be ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES willing to take power engineering courses and have a GPA of at least 3.0. The deadline to submit an application is 30 June 2014. Learn more and/or apply today Introducing IEEE student travel grants (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 19 March 2014) IEEE is pleased to offer a number of student travel grants to assist Student members in attending conferences and presenting papers. The IEEE Foundation and various Societies provide a host of opportunities for students to participate in workshops for training and educational purposes. Visit the IEEE Student Travel Grants page for more information Funds available for Region student competitions in 2014 (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 19 March 2014) The MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Assessment Committee is funding up to US$1,500 for student competitions in 2014. To participate, Region contest organizers must complete the funding request form (DOC, 84 KB). The completed form should include the required Region officers’ signatures, the objectives of the proposed project, the activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives, the schedule of events, the estimated cost, and the sources of funds. Approved requests will be processed swiftly, and funds will be transferred to the requesting Region's concentration banking account. All requests for 2014 must be received by 30 November 2014. E-mail questions and/or the completed form to Member Discounts for review and processing Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter. The May edition of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter is live and covers battery swapping for electric vehicles, technologies that allow coordinated scheduling, dispatch and control of demand response, distributed energy resources and storage assets, the energy-water nexus, and implementation and assessment of conservation voltage reduction (CVR). Member Discounts features travel deals (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The IEEE Vacation Center suite of benefits helps make leisure travel easy and affordable. IEEE members in Regions 1-10 can take advantage of these discounts. For fun in the sun getaways in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Bermuda - TNT Vacations, powered by FunJet, offers a 5% member discount, with over 900 destinations to choose from. CruisesOnly lets members shop across all cruise-line offerings in one convenient place and take advantage of the guaranteed lowest pricing. Members interested in active vacations can pursue bicycling and walking in beautiful international settings with VBT Bicycling & Walking Vacations. Save up to $200 per person for itineraries around the world. Visit the IEEE Vacation Center for these benefits and more, and start booking your next vacation today vTools Release Announcement: new features for Meetings and Voting (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 29 May 2014) The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: vTools.Meetings version 4.4 introduces new features and usability enhancements, such as: Meetings registration form will be pre-populated with member information (member number, full name, and e-mail address) when members log in Registration form will include a link to “Join IEEE” for discounted pricing iCalc feed will include local time zone information for local meetings Meetings feed will include the registration url vTools.Voting version 1.4.1 introduces usability enhancements, such as: New version of the WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) used in composing voter instructions, candidate details, and e-mail notices provides more formatting features Increased character limit of candidate details, voter instructions, and e-mail notices to 4000 characters Email subject length increased to 150 characters Read more about the new releases on the vTools blog IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative now accepting applications: deadline 30 June (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) In 2011, PES launched the IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative™ to counter the looming workforce shortfall in the power and energy industry. Since then, over US$1.1 million in scholarships to 364 students from 137 universities in the United States and Canada has been distributed. PES wants to continue to meet the goal of increasing the number of well-qualified, entry-level engineers in the US and Canada. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES PES is offering up to US$7,000 and help finding career experience opportunities to qualifying students. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate electrical engineering students who are citizens or permanent residents of the US or Canada. Applicants must be willing to take power engineering courses and have a GPA of at least 3.0. The deadline to submit an application is 30 June 2014. Learn more and/or apply today Nominate a colleague for the IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor recognition: deadline extended to 4 August (archived 30 June 2014) (updated 29 April 2014) Do you know someone, living or deceased, who has made one or more major contribution(s) to IEEE Technical Activities? Now is your chance to nominate him or her for the Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor. Nominees will be considered based on their contributions to the creation, development, or advancement of the technical objectives of IEEE. The final 2014 recipient(s) will be determined by the IEEE Technical Activities Board at the November 2014 meeting. The nomination deadline has been extended to 4 August 2014. Learn more and/or nominate someone today Introducing IEEE student travel grants (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 19 March 2014) IEEE is pleased to offer a number of student travel grants to assist Student members in attending conferences and presenting papers. The IEEE Foundation and various Societies provide a host of opportunities for students to participate in workshops for training and educational purposes. Visit the IEEE Student Travel Grants page for more information Funds available for Region student competitions in 2014 (archived 30 June 2014) (posted 19 March 2014) The MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Assessment Committee is funding up to US$1,500 for student competitions in 2014. To participate, Region contest organizers must complete the funding request form (DOC, 84 KB). The completed form should include the required Region officers’ signatures, the objectives of the proposed project, the activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives, the schedule of events, the estimated cost, and the sources of funds. Approved requests will be processed swiftly, and funds will be transferred to the requesting Region's concentration banking account. All requests for 2014 must be received by 30 November 2014. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail questions and/or the completed form to Member Discounts for review and processing Last call for nominations: MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award: deadline 15 May (archived 29 May 2014) (updated 29 April 2014) Every three years, the MGA William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award is presented to an individual who, over a long and sustained period of leadership, contributed in an exemplary manner to the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board, its activities and achievements, and the attainment of its goals and objectives. Candidates must be IEEE Senior member grade or higher. The accomplishments of the candidate should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The deadline for nominations is 15 May 2014 (for completed nomination form and two letters of endorsement). Submit a nomination and/or learn more about selection criteria and the MGA awards process Member Discounts: Liberty Mutual scholarship program, Dell discounts (archived 29 May 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) Quote for Scholarship program A message from Liberty Mutual Insurance: You can help the next generation of IEEE engineers succeed. Liberty Mutual will contribute to the IEEE Power & Energy Scholarship Fund of the IEEE Foundation. Find out more about Liberty Mutual’s Quote for Scholarship program Dell Members can take advantage of the special deals from Dell in the months of April and May. Current promotions are posted for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. Check out the Dell discount available in your location (IEEE Account required) IEEE Smart Cities Initiative launches, seeks engagement from global municipalities: deadline 16 May (archived 29 May 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) In March 2014, IEEE formally launched the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative, led by Gilles Betis, chair of the working group. The newly created IEEE Smart Cities Initiative, which spans across multiple IEEE Societies, is designed to be a trusted voice in smart cities for the engineering, computing, and technology communities around the world. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Through a variety of offerings, including a new Web portal, IEEE Smart Cities will assist municipalities in addressing all essential services that need to be managed in unison, to support the smooth operation of critical infrastructure while providing a clean, economic, and safe environment for inhabitants to live, work, and play. The IEEE Smart Cities Working Group is inviting global municipalities to engage in the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative, where successful applicants who meet the criteria will receive strategic and practical advice from a dedicated team of IEEE experts, as well as education and training to help them address the huge demands on land, resources, and services associated with expanding urban living environments. The selected municipalities will get the opportunity to join the active community of the ten cities that IEEE aims to engage in developed and developing countries through 2016. The deadline is 16 May 2014. Learn more about the new IEEE Smart Cities Initiative, including criteria and how to apply Call for nominations: 2015 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors: deadline 1 June (archived 29 May 2014) (posted 29 April 2014) The following positions for 2015 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors (IEEE-HKN-BOG) will be open for election on the 2015 Chapter Election Ballot. The deadline for nominations is 1 June 2014. President-Elect Governor Regions 5 & 6 Student Representative Learn more about these positions and/or nominate a candidate Learn more about IEEE-HKN Last call for App-E-Feat contest entries: deadline 19 May (archived 29 May 2014) (updated 29 April 2014) Want to do your part in helping organizations change the world? App-E-Feat has been launched as part of IEEE’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitment to Action. It seeks to match organizations aligned with the IEEE mission of advancing technology for humanity with engineers to create mobile apps. Your expertise in developing and/or adapting open source code will help the organizations advance their missions through a digital platform. In celebration of the launch of App-E-Feat, the App-E-Feat contest is designed to spark the minds of technical professionals and students. Tell/show how you’d help change the world for a chance to win an iPad Air and an IEEE mentor. The deadline is 19 May 2014. Learn more about App-E-Feat Enter the App-E-Feat contest E-mail Corporate Communications with questions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards: deadline 23 May (archived 29 May 2014) (updated 29 April 2014) You have until 23 May 2014 to submit a nomination for the 2014 IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Awards, which recognize and honor individuals and companies for major contributions to engineering and technical education. You may nominate a person, an IEEE Section, an IEEE Society, or an organization. Nominations are sought for these ten awards: Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities; Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education; Meritorious Achievement Award in Informal Education; Major Educational Innovation Award; Pre-University Educator Award; Meritorious Service Citation; Employer Professional Development Award; Section Professional Development Award; Society/Council Professional Development Award; Standards Education Award. The deadline for nominations is 23 May 2014. Learn more about the EAB Awards and/or submit a nomination E-mail EAB Awards with questions Call for nominations: IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Awards: deadline 23 May (archived 29 May 2014) (updated 29 April 2014) IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN), IEEE’s honor society, seeks nominations for its annual awards program. The six awards recognize outstanding accomplishments by students, academics, and industry professionals who make significant contributions to society and who exemplify a balance of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Past recipients of these awards have gone on to make major contributions to the electrical and computer engineering fields and IEEE designated fields of interest and hold noteworthy positions in academia, industry, and government. The deadline is 23 May 2014 for these four awards: Outstanding Young Professional Award C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teacher Award Vladimir Karapetoff Outstanding Technical Achievement Award Distinguished Service Award The deadline is 30 June 2014 for these two awards: Outstanding Chapter Award Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner Outstanding Student Award Learn more about IEEE-HKN and/or submit a nomination ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail IEEE-HKN for more information Funds available for Region student competitions in 2014 (archived 29 May 2014) (posted 19 March 2014) The MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Assessment Committee is funding up to US$1,500 for student competitions in 2014. To participate, Region contest organizers must complete the funding request form (DOC, 84 KB). The completed form should include the required Region officers’ signatures, the objectives of the proposed project, the activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives, the schedule of events, the estimated cost, and the sources of funds. Approved requests will be processed swiftly, and funds will be transferred to the requesting Region's concentration banking account. All requests for 2014 must be received by 30 November 2014. E-mail questions and/or the completed form to Member Discounts for review and processing IEEE launches ResumeLab (archived 29 May 2014) (posted 25 February 2014) IEEE has recently launched a new product to help members gain a competitive edge in the employment process. IEEE ResumeLab is an online service that allows IEEE members to develop a resume or curriculum vitae using specialized tools tailored for each step of the job-seeking process. This new product is added to the list of offerings that assist members as they find jobs and develop their careers. IEEE ResumeLab is designed with a series of modules that assist the member through the employment process. Key modules and their features include the following. Resumes - Select from a wide array of templates geared toward specific industries, sectors, and work-experience stages. Letters - From cover letter to post-interview thank you letter, ensure optimal communication throughout the hiring process. Skills assessment - Highlight the skills that you possess, your competency in those skills, and what makes your experience with these skills unique. Mock interviews - Prepare for the real thing by selecting an interviewer and the type of questions they'll ask. Choose to record your interview for evaluation and feedback. Video resumes - Record custom video messages for potential employers. Portfolios - Upload and organize your past work to present to potential employers. Share online – Publish and share everything you create on a publicly viewable Web site. ResumeLab has something for each phase of a member’s career. Students putting together their first resume for their internship can use the Resume module. Young Professionals can prepare for the important interview by utilizing the Mock Interview module. And Mid-Career Members can record their specific skills and level of expertise with the Skills Assessment module. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Visit IEEE ResumeLab to get started Featured news around IEEE: Earthzine Full Moon Newsletter (archived 29 May 2014) (posted 19 March 2014) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is Earthzine. Earthzine is an online source for news, articles, information, and educational materials about Earth science, Earth observations, and users of Earth information for the international Earth-observing community. Earthzine is updated regularly with news from around the world about the Earth, Earth observations, environmental policy, and new and emerging environmentally-friendly and earth-observing technologies. Subscribe to the Earthzine Full Moon Newsletter, which contains summaries of recently published articles and announcements on upcoming projects. It’s a great resource to find out what’s happening within the Earth observing community, and completely free. The latest issue includes articles such as "Welcoming the Worm Moon," "OGC netCDF: Powerful Tool for Science", and "Tracking the Currents of Fukushima." IEEE-USA offers free e-books to members in April and May (archived 29 May 2014) (updated 29 April 2014) As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of April, IEEE-USA is offering a free ebook, "Communicating with Congress -- How to Build a Relationship with Your Elected Officials." Author Russell Harrison, IEEE-USA senior legislative representative, grassroots activities, offers insight into effective communication techniques to use when meeting with members of Congress. He encourages readers to be activists and gives guidance on writing letters to Congress and having a successful congressional visit. Download now (PDF, 1.8 MB; free to IEEE members; US$7.99 for non-members) For the month of May, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer "Educating 21st Century Engineers." IEEE Fellow Dr. James Gover and Dr. Paul Huray wrote this e-book to raise awareness of the declining interest many U.S. students have in a career in engineering. The authors advocate for the federal government to declare engineering a public good, and for corporations to fill a major role in engineering education -- as engineers invent, improve, design and manage the production of technology that drives much of our economy. Look for the special link on 1 May. To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Accounts. IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, e-mail your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA E-Book Chair Gus Gaynor, or IEEE-USA Publishing Manager Georgia C. Stelluto. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES New IEEE vTools features and enhancements (archived 19 March 2014) (updated 28 January 2014) The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: vTools.Meetings version 4.3 introduces new features and usability enhancements, such as: event sub-category added to Meetings and L31 reports, in support of geographic unit vitality; Find Meetings feature will provide volunteers the option to search for all meetings within their Region; registration e-mail confirmation can include meal selection and a "Join IEEE" link; when creating a new meeting from an existing meeting, all registration fees and levels and menu options will be copied to the new meeting. Learn more about additional vTools.Meetings new features vTools.WebInABox version 2.3 provides a simple and convenient way for staff to create and manage organizational unit (OU) Web sites for the OUs they support. vTools.Surveys version 1.2 is updated to comply with Fluid Surveys API Version 2. Applauding 50 years of IEEE Fellows (archived 19 March 2014) (updated 28 January 2014) In 2014, IEEE will mark its 50th Fellow class. It represents decades of honoring IEEE Fellows whose extraordinary accomplishments have changed the world. The IEEE grade of Fellow was born in 1964 out of the merge of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). The emphasis on the elevation was and still is reserved for select IEEE members who have contributed importantly to the advancement of engineering, science, and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society. Only one-tenth of one percent of the total voting membership can be elevated in any one year. Over the last fifty years, IEEE has elevated roughly 10,000 members to this honor. This is a very small percentage compared to the total membership. Unquestionably, Fellows are the crown jewels of the organization. One can only imagine what the next fifty years will bring and the new technology that will be developed, discovered, or taught, and what new IEEE Fellows will be recognized for their achievements. Throughout the year, various celebrations will take place to honor those who have achieved this distinction. If you know an IEEE Fellow, congratulate him/her again for receiving this honor. You can recognize them personally, or you can acknowledge them publicly at Region meetings, Society meetings, Section meetings, and/or conferences. Learn more about the IEEE Fellow Program New IEEE Fellows online directory (archived 19 March 2014) (updated 28 January 2014) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES New to the Fellow Web site is the redesigned Fellows Directory. It is the most comprehensive online search and networking tool available to members. If you need to complete an IEEE Fellow nomination or gather information for a Region, Section, or Society, it’s now easy to accomplish. The information in the directory can be accessed by six categories: alphabetical by last name, year elevated, gender, IEEE Region, IEEE Society, and deceased. Within these categories, members can search, sort, or run a filter. For example, a report can be compiled on all Fellows within a specific Region elevated in a particular year. The directory allows members to view the profiles of Fellows, plus the ability to network with the Fellows. If you are not an IEEE member, you will have limited access to certain information. The directory works on handheld devices and computers. Access the directory Update on the member group insurance program for US, Canada, and Puerto Rico (archived 19 March 2014) (posted 28 January 2014) The IEEE Member Group Insurance Program administrator changed its name effective 1 January 2014. Members will see the rollout of the administrator’s new business name from Marsh Consumer, a service of Seabury & Smith, Inc., to Mercer Consumer, a service of Mercer Health & Benefits Administration LLC. This name change reflects a transfer of business channels to an affiliate company under the parent company, Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC). Mercer Consumer will continue to deliver the same level of service and dedication members have come to expect. Under the new name, the company will still operate at the same location with the same dedicated team and notable integrity. Please note there will be no change to the customer service toll-free number. It will continue to operate at 1-800-493-IEEE (4333). However, going forward, the customer service e-mail address will change to The old e-mail address will continue to operate with all e-mails being routed to the new e-mail box. IEEE Member Group Insurance Program is administered by Mercer Consumer, a service of Mercer Health & Benefits Administration LLC. Announcing 2014 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients (archived 19 March 2014) (updated 3 February 2014) The IEEE Awards Board is pleased to announce the 2014 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients, as approved by the IEEE Board of Directors. The 2014 IEEE Medal of Honor recipient is B. Jayant Baliga (LFIEEE) - Distinguished University Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, “for the invention, implementation, and commercialization of power semiconductor devices with widespread benefits to society.” View the complete list of recipients and citations (PDF, 47 KB) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony will be 23 August in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in conjunction with IEEE Sections Congress 2014. Nominations are due 1 July 2014 for 2015 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. Learn more about IEEE Awards Call for participants: MGA Volunteer Leadership Training Program: deadline 14 March (archived 19 March 2014) (posted 25 February 2014) In 2013, MGA piloted a volunteer leadership training program with IEEE volunteers who are considered potential future leaders in their geographic units. The MGA Board has approved a recommendation to continue this program in 2014. MGA is looking for 30 current volunteers who have a desire to learn about the broader IEEE and want to participate in IEEE committees. The six-month program will run from April to September. Qualified participants should be willing to invest four to eight hours per month. Selected volunteers will be exposed to a more in-depth learning of the broader IEEE structure and organizational units outside of MGA. They will also acquire practical leadership experience that can be applied in their professional environment. If you know someone who would be a good candidate, please encourage them to complete a candidate application form. Candidates must be Graduate Student members or a higher grade and should have more than two years of IEEE volunteer experience. Additional criteria can be found in the application form. The deadline to submit the application is 14 March 2014. E-mail questions to Maria Schneider, Program Manager Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2015: deadline 1 March (archived 19 March 2014) (posted 25 February 2014) IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members. The honor is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. If you know of an IEEE colleague who is a Senior member or Life Senior member in good standing, has completed five years of service in any grade of IEEE membership, and has made an outstanding contribution to the electronics or electrical engineering profession, you can nominate this person in one of four categories: Application Engineer/Practitioner, Educator, Research Engineer/Scientist, or Technical Leader. Nominations for the Fellow Class of 2015 are now being accepted. The deadline is 1 March 2014. Learn more about the Fellow program and the application process ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Last call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 7 March (archived 19 March 2014) (posted 25 February 2014) The IEEE Foundation cultivates relationships and resources to advance IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. To fulfill its role, the IEEE Foundation awards grants to new and innovative projects and administers more than 130 funds that support a variety of educational, humanitarian, historical preservation, and peer recognition programs of IEEE units. The IEEE Life Members Committee (LMC) seeks to support programs that promote engineering to the pre-college community, the professional development of young electrical/computer engineers, the history of electrical/computer engineering, and the interest of Life members. The LMC is responsible for the administration of the IEEE Life Members Fund (LMF), in coordination with the IEEE Foundation. The Fund supports the awarding of grants to projects of interest to Life members, potential engineers, and engineering students. Along with the IEEE Foundation, LMC accepts grant applications for new and innovative projects two times per year. The grant application deadlines for 2014 are 7 March and 1 August. If your Unit, Section, or Chapter has a project in the areas of interest to Life members, you are welcome to apply for a grant through the IEEE Foundation Web page. Before submitting an application online, please review the IEEE Foundation grant guidelines. E-mail questions to the IEEE Foundation Announcing 2014 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients (archived 19 March 2014) (updated 3 February 2014) The IEEE Awards Board is pleased to announce the 2014 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients, as approved by the IEEE Board of Directors. The 2014 IEEE Medal of Honor recipient is B. Jayant Baliga (LFIEEE) - Distinguished University Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, “for the invention, implementation, and commercialization of power semiconductor devices with widespread benefits to society.” View the complete list of recipients and citations (PDF, 47 KB) The 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony will be 23 August in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in conjunction with IEEE Sections Congress 2014. Nominations are due 1 July 2014 for 2015 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. Learn more about IEEE Awards ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (archived 19 March 2014) (updated 25 February 2014) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter. The February edition of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter is live and provides articles on the future of utilities; smart grid employment trends; impact of smart grid technologies on distribution utilities; and telecommunication needs for distributed generation. Strengthening Section and Student Branch relationships (archived 25 February 2014) (posted 26 November 2013) As a Section leader, you may or may not be aware of the Student Branches in your area and the work they have been doing for IEEE. The IEEE Student Services team has begun an initiative to assist IEEE Student Branches and Sections in strengthening their relationships. Your help is needed. In your role as Section leader, you have the opportunity to provide development and growth opportunities to the students and future leaders in your area. Student Services would like to work with your Section to foster this relationship. Here are a few questions for you to consider as a Section leader: Do you know all the universities under your Section leadership? Are you in touch with the Student Branch leaders in your area? Have you invited members of the local Student Branches to attend a meeting or event? Have you appointed a Section Student Representative? If you are already working with your local Student Branches, we want to hear about it. If you are not, we are happy to provide resources to you. Your collaboration with Student Branches will help your local entities connect even further. E-mail IEEE Student Services 2013 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 31 March (updated 25 February 2014) (updated 28 January 2014) All Section officers and Chapter/Affinity Group chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate: Meeting Activity; Current Officers; Financial Reporting o geographic unit treasurers are responsible for recording the financial activity of their unit and any sub-units (Subsections, Chapters, and/or Affinity Groups) using NetSuite; ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES o original year-end bank statements and investment-account statements (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) must be provided. Please upload copies of those documents via the MGA Compliance Reporting Web page. Financial activity should be accurately entered into NetSuite as soon as possible but no later than 31 March 2014. In order to be eligible for the 10% rebate bonus, as part of the annual reporting requirements, your financials should be completed in NetSuite and a year-end bank statement (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) should be submitted to IEEE no later than 15 February 2014. Additional information on Annual Reporting and the 2013 Rebate Schedule are available. E-mail MGA staff with questions Engineers wanted: help organizations create apps to further their missions (updated 25 February 2014) (updated 3 February 2014) Want to do your part in helping organizations change the world? As part of its commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), IEEE will be launching App-E-Feat, a Web site that will help organizations that lack the resources to develop mobile applications that will help collect data to further their missions. IEEE Fellow Karen Panetta is leading this initiative that will match engineers with organizations that need assistance in creating their mobile app. Your expertise in developing and/or adapting open source code will help the organizations advance their missions through a digital platform. Interested? Fill out a quick, online form You will be contacted when further details are available. E-mail Corporate Communications with questions IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) transformation to IEEE Young Professionals (archived 3 February 2014) (posted 28 January 2014) Please join IEEE Young Professionals Committee Chair, Timothy Wong, and members of the Committee, as they lead an information session on IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD)'s exciting transformation to IEEE Young Professionals. This session will cover the background and timeline for the ongoing transition, plus new branding elements and resources for your use as you attract, retain, and engage young professional members. The session is open to all volunteers and will be held on Friday, 31 January 2014, at 8:00 PM E.T. It will be also be made available on demand. E-mail IEEE Young Professionals to join the live session or access the on demand version ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Last call for nominations: IEEE Student Awards: deadline 1 February (archived 3 February 2014) (posted 28 January 2014) The IEEE Student Awards Program recognizes the contributions of student members to the successful operation of their branches. All nominations for the following awards must be submitted through the IEEE Student Awards online submission portal (deadline 1 February 2014): Student Enterprise Award Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award Darrel Chong Student Activity Award Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award Recognition Program 2014 Presidents' Change the World Competition: registration deadline 31 January (archived 3 February 2014) (posted 28 January 2014) The IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition recognizes and rewards students who identify a real-world problem and apply engineering, science, computing, and leadership skills to solve it. The contest offers students the perfect opportunity to have their ingenuity and enthusiasm for engineering and technology recognized by prestigious IEEE members around the globe. The registration deadline is 31 January 2014. E-mail IEEE Student Services with questions Last call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards: deadline 31 January; volunteers needed for IEEE Awards (archived 3 February 2014) (posted 28 January 2014) Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Since 1917, the IEEE Awards Program has paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society, the engineering profession, and humanity. By this means, the image and prestige of the organization, its members, and the profession are all enhanced. Download nomination forms and award-specific criteria Learn more about IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail IEEE Awards for more information Nominations are due 1 July 2014 for the 2015 IEEE Medals and Recognitions, including the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor. In addition to seeking nominations for Medals, Recognitions, and Awards, the IEEE Awards Board is also seeking nominations for volunteer positions. Visit the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Web page to nominate yourself or someone else to serve as IEEE Awards Board Chair, Vice Chair, or Member-at-Large (deadline 15 March) Visit the IEEE Awards Board Nominations and Appointments Web page to apply to serve on an award selection committee or an Awards Board committee (nominations ongoing) IEEE Assembly announces 2014 corporate officers (archived 28 January 2014) (posted 26 November 2013) The IEEE Assembly annually selects the following five Corporate Officers: IEEE Secretary, IEEE Treasurer, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities, IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities, and IEEE Vice President, Publication Services and Products. All are one year terms. Ralph M. Ford was selected as 2014 IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities. Learn more about the selected Corporate Officers 2013 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 28 January 2014) (posted 26 November 2013) At its 23 November 2013 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board selected the 2013 MGA Award recipients, including: MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award: Mini Thomas (R10), Delhi Section, "For outstanding innovation and leadership in IEEE member and student member development and engagement, global dissemination of the IEEE message, and collaboration across organizational units." MGA Innovation Award: Carole Carey (R2), Baltimore Section, "For innovative approaches to collaboration between IEEE organizational units, resulting in increased member engagement, new opportunities for member networking, and unique program agendas for technical and professional development." Also selected were recipients for the MGA Leadership, Achievement, and GOLD Achievement Awards. View a complete list of the 17 recipients and additional information ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Register for upcoming Student Webinars on STEP programs and Student Services year in review (archived 28 January 2014) (updated 17 December 2013) The IEEE Student Services team is pleased to announce webinars on the topics of Student Transition and Elevation Program (STEP) and Student Services: A Year in Review. The sessions are open to any IEEE member who is interested in or currently works with Students/Graduate Student Members. Upcoming webinars include: Student Services: A Year in Review: 30 December 2013, at 12 p.m. ET This webinar will review 2013 student activities, training opportunities for volunteers, and key dates for the upcoming semester for Student Branches. Register now for the Year in Review webinar Visit the Student Webinar Web page to learn of newly scheduled webinars, view past presentation slides, or request past recording links IEEE members select Howard Michel as 2014 IEEE President-Elect (archived 28 January 2014) (posted 28 October 2013) Howard E. Michel, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA, has been selected as 2014 IEEE President-Elect. Pending acceptance of the Teller's Committee report by the IEEE Board of Directors on 24-25 November, Michel will begin serving as IEEE President on 1 January 2015. He will succeed 2014 IEEE President J. Roberto B. de Marca of Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The other candidate for 2014 IEEE President-Elect was Tariq S. Durrani of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Both candidates were nominated by the IEEE Board of Directors. The following individuals were elected to the office of IEEE Region Delegate-Elect/DirectorElect, 2014-2015: Region Region Region Region Region 1: 3: 5: 7: 9: Ronald A. Tabroff James M. Conrad Francis B. Grosz, Jr. Witold M. Kinsner Antonio C. Ferreira Review the complete 2013 IEEE Annual Election results IEEE geographic unit officer term limits (archived 28 January 2014) (posted 28 October 2013) At its 30 June 2012 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved a motion that limits the number of years any one individual may serve in any one ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES geographic unit officer position. This term limit policy is applicable to the following geographic units: Region, Section, Subsection, Geographic Council, Chapter, and Affinity Group. Section 9 of the IEEE MGA Operations Manual - Geographic Organizational Units - includes the new policy. It states that: “All officers shall not serve in any one position, in any single organizational unit, more than six years in total.” The policy also states that “exceptions to this rule require approval by the Region Director who will annually report such exceptions to the MGA Board.” MGA staff will be distributing notifications to those volunteers who are about to reach, have reached, or have exceeded the six year limit in one position in the same organizational unit. Please e-mail MGA staff with questions about this process Call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2015: deadline 1 March (archived 28 January 2014) (posted 28 October 2013) IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members. The honor is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. If you know of an IEEE colleague who is a Senior member or Life Senior member in good standing, has completed five years of service in any grade of IEEE membership, and who has made an outstanding contribution to the electronic or electrical engineering profession, you can nominate this person in one of four categories: Application Engineer/Practitioner, Educator, Research Engineer/Scientist, or Technical Leader. Nominations for the Fellow Class of 2015 are now being accepted. The deadline is 1 March 2014. Learn more about the Fellow program and the application process IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholars announced (archived 17 December 2013) (posted 28 October 2013) The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative is proud to announce the distribution of scholarships for the 2013-14 academic school year to 228 undergraduate students at 116 universities across the United States and Canada. This is the first time recipients have been selected from Canada. PES provides multi-year scholarships and career experience opportunities to qualifying electrical engineering undergraduate students in Regions 1-7. A student can receive up to three years of funding interspersed with up to two years of valuable, hands-on career experience. The application period for the 2014-15 academic school year will open on 1 March 2014. Learn more about the scholarships and/or view the complete list of recipients Find a PES Chapter near you ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Order an IEEE membership development kit (archived 17 December 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) IEEE’s membership development kit is a great way to attract new members to your organization. Materials in the kit, including recruitment brochures, related information brochures, professional member grade application forms, posters, and other promotional supplies can be set up at your conference or tradeshow display table and handed out to potential members. Many IEEE organizational units are already using the kit with much success. Order a membership development kit at no charge (IEEE account and password required) Visit the Membership Development Web pages for more information Call for nominations: MGA Student Awards (archived 17 December 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) The MGA Student Activities Committee would like to congratulate the 2013 MGA Student Award recipients. The deadline for 2014 MGA Student awards is 1 February 2014. Follow the individual award links below to view the 2013 recipients and submit nominees for 2014: IEEE Student Enterprise Award Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award Recognition Program The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards (archived 17 December 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Since 1917, the IEEE Awards Program has paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES technology, society, the engineering profession, and humanity. By this means, the image and prestige of the organization, its members, and the profession are all enhanced. Download nomination forms and award-specific criteria Learn more about IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions E-mail IEEE Awards for more information Call for nominations: IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award (archived 17 December 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) Have you worked with a dedicated member of the IEEE professional staff that has shown outstanding service and leadership in IEEE? Nominate him or her for the IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award. The award is named for Mr. Eric Herz, a longtime dedicated volunteer and staff member at IEEE. It is presented annually for demonstrated contributions over a long period by a present or past full time staff member who has served at least ten years on the professional team. The nomination deadline is 31 January 2014. Download nomination forms and award-specific criteria E-mail IEEE Awards staff for more information Last call for student project entries for 2013 Smarter Planet Challenge: Student Projects Changing the World: deadline 1 November (archived 26 November 2013) (updated 23 October 2013) Do you have an innovative solution to a real-world or humanitarian problem? Are you ready to apply your engineering and business skills in order to develop and implement your solution? Are you willing to share your knowledge and expertise so that future students can benefit and learn from your project experience? If you answered yes to these questions, the IBM/IEEE 2013 Smarter Planet Challenge is for you. The competition is open to college/university students from all geographic locations. Student teams should have three to five members in any year of university study. At least one team member must be an IEEE member. The deadline is 1 November 2013. The purpose of the competition is to identify student developed multi‐disciplinary projects that solve real‐world or humanitarian problems, are ready for implementation, and can be used by faculty and future students as a classroom project to help students at any level learn about applying engineering, science, and other disciplines to solve real-world problems. It's a great opportunity to put engineering skills to use and earn cash prizes. Learn more about the Smarter Planet Challenge ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE launches new mentoring program (archived 26 November 2013) (posted 15 August 2013) IEEE has recently launched a new mentoring service called IEEE MentorCentre. This product allows individuals seeking a professional mentoring partnership to identify potential mentors based upon their specialized area of practice, level of experience, Societal affiliation, or a number of other factors. Similarly, those willing to give back to the profession can register as a mentor. This new service replaces the Mentoring Connection product formerly offered to IEEE members. IEEE members who are above Student grade can utilize this service to either register as or find a mentor. The new service provides features not found in IEEE’s previous system, including more fields to narrow down the preferred profile of the mentor and mentor controls that allow them to control how they are viewed in the system based upon their availability. Visit IEEE MentorCentre today and get started New global insurance marketplace for Regions 8, 9, and 10 (archived 26 November 2013) (posted 15 August 2013) IEEE is pleased to announce the launch of a global insurance marketplace, powered by Clements Worldwide, for members based in Regions 8, 9, and 10. This new marketplace will allow members seeking insurance to easily access programs and get quotes online. The marketplace includes the currently offered international Term Life Insurance plan, and will be the site for other plans offered as Clements Worldwide introduces new programs to meet personal risk-management needs. The marketplace is also designed to act as an informational insurance hub for IEEE members, with a library of articles and content covering risk-management topics. Additionally, the highly interactive marketplace will give members the opportunity to provide feedback, request service, or submit questions. Learn more about the Clements Worldwide Insurance Marketplace for Regions 8, 9, and 10 Learn more about IEEE insurance programs in the US and Canada Join a new member orientation webinar (archived 26 November 2013) (posted 15 August 2013) All new higher-grade IEEE members are invited to participate in a New Member Orientation session designed to help members get the most out of their membership. These live webinars, which include a 30-minute formal presentation followed by Q&A, provide an overview of IEEE membership and access instructions for members-only benefits and services. Topics include managing your IEEE Account, setting up a profile on memberNet, logging into myIEEE, networking opportunities, and much more. Visit the Welcome to IEEE Web page to register for a New Member Orientation, typically held on the fourth Thursday of each month. Webinars are held at both 9:00 AM ET and 3:00 PM ET each day. E-mail Denise Maestri for more information ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES New video provides insights on Open Access Publishing (archived 26 November 2013) (posted 15 August 2013) A just-released video, IEEE OA: The Case for Open Access Publishing, explores this growing area of scholarly publishing and the reasons why open access matters to authors, researchers, and the public. It also introduces IEEE Access, the newest addition to the expanding IEEE product line. This is a collaborative effort among IEEE departments: Marketing, Sales and Design; Publications; and Technical Activities. View IEEE OA: The Case for Open Access Publishing Video IEEE Annual Election: last chance to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 23 October 2013) (updated 23 September 2013) Annual ballots were sent via first-class mail to all voting IEEE members on 15 August. Members also received an e-mail with instructions on how they can access the ballot electronically, instead of by mail. Learn more about how to access the ballot electronically, update your member profile, and more Do you know whom you will choose for 2014 IEEE president-elect? To help you decide, The Institute asked the candidates, IEEE Fellow Tariq S. Durrani and Senior Member Howard E. Michel, to weigh in on important IEEE issues. Read their interviews to learn where the candidates stand on top IEEE issues IEEE Day 2013 will be held on Tuesday, 1 October (archived 23 October 2013) (updated 3 September 2013) IEEE Day 2013, to be held on Tuesday, 1 October, is the 4th time in history when engineers worldwide will celebrate the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. While the world benefits from what's new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year's theme will be "Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow." What event will your Section, Chapter, or Student Branch conduct that promotes the theme? Submit your event now Check out this year's photo contest View the IEEE Day T-shirt design ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Follow IEEE Day on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Last call for nominations: MGA Awards: deadline 15 October (archived 23 October 2013) (updated 23 September 2013) You can help recognize the efforts of outstanding volunteers by nominating individuals for one of the prestigious MGA Awards. Each award has a unique mission and criteria and offers the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues, inspiring teachers, and corporate leaders. If you know someone who has made substantial regional contributions through innovative projects, exemplary leadership, service, or by fulfilling the goals of transnational activities, consider nominating them for one of the following awards: MGA MGA MGA MGA MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Innovation Award Leadership Award Achievement Award GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Achievement Award Please visit the MGA Award Nomination Web page to review the nominator guidelines and eligibility requirements, reference the step-by-step submission instructions, and link to the portal for nominations. The deadline for nominations (completed nomination form and two endorsement letters) is 15 October 2013. Registration open for IEEE Xtreme 7.0 Programming Competition (archived 23 October 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) Registration is now open for IEEEXtreme 7.0, scheduled for 26 October 2013. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE student members – supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. The registration deadline is 10 October. View rules and previous winners See what students are saying about IEEEXtreme on facebook Register now Join the virtual IEEE Education Fair: 21-24 October (archived 23 October 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) IEEE Educational Activities is hosting a virtual education fair from 21-24 October 2013 titled, “IEEE Education Fair: Envisioning the Future of Science, Technology, and Engineering Education.” The event is free and available to all IEEE members in Regions 1-10. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The Fair is designed to raise awareness of engineering and technology education needs with a view into the next 10 – 15 years; areas of focus include educational trends for preuniversity, university, and continuing education audiences. It will also incorporate virtual trade show floor with booths providing attendees access to a variety of IEEE programs, products, and services. The final day of the Fair is dedicated to IEEE Hot Topics, bringing subject matter experts in the areas of Cyber Security, Smart Grid, and Cloud Computing. Register or view the agenda Follow Educational Activities on Twitter IEEE-HKN announces upcoming events (archived 23 October 2013) (posted 23 September 2013) IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the IEEE designated fields of interest. Members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. IEEE-HKN currently comprises nearly 200 university chapters, a variety of committees, many active member volunteers, and thousands of student members. Upcoming events include: Enter the IEEE-HKN Photo contest, deadline 14 October Enter the IEEE-HKN Video contest, deadline 14 October Join the IEEE-HKN Virtual Student Leadership Conference on 24 October Find out what the chapter on your campus has planned for IEEE-HKN Founders Day on 28 October View the slate for the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors 2014 election (1 October - November 1) New Student Member Webinar Series focuses on student offerings and involvement (archived 23 October 2013) (updated 3 September 2013) IEEE has introduced a new Student Webinar Series. The focus is on building awareness of what is offered to students and ways students can get involved in IEEE activities. Upcoming webinars include: MyIEEE: 19 September 2013, at 11 a.m. ET Register now for this webinar Student Branch-Section Collaboration: 27 September 2013, at 12 p.m. ET ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Register now for this webinar Past topics have included: Student Activities at IEEE: An introduction to Student Activities at IEEE, information on getting more involved with your Student Branch and IEEE as a whole. Student Branch Development: Discussed Student Branch operations, officer duties, and how to engage members. Students and volunteers were able to ask questions, discuss their branch, and share best practices. Why Volunteer?: Discussed volunteering at IEEE. Students and volunteers learned about resources, rewards, and outreach opportunities for volunteering at all levels of the organization. Leadership and Where Are IEEE Students Now: Provided insight into leadership at IEEE and addressed the following questions: Are you an emerging student leader or a leader wanting to better lead your Student Branch? Interested in seeing where some IEEE students are now? Visit the Student Webinar Web page to learn of newly scheduled webinars, view past presentation slides, or request past recording links Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA Awards: deadline extended to 31 August (archived 23 September 2013) (updated 30 July 2013) Remember how great it felt to be recognized for an achievement or to witness someone you admire receiving recognition for his or her effort? Now is the time to nominate deserving individuals for one of the prestigious IEEE-USA Awards. Nominations are accepted until 31 August 2013 for: Professionalism Awards; Technical Awards; Literary Awards. Visit IEEE-USA for more information MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients announced (archived 23 September 2013) (posted 23 July 2013) On 29 June 2013, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board selected the following recipients of the 2013 MGA Outstanding Large and Small Section Awards: 2013 MGA Outstanding Large Section Award recipient is the IEEE North Jersey Section from Region 1; 2013 MGA Outstanding Small Section Award recipient is the IEEE Green Mountain Section from Region 1. Congratulations to the North Jersey and Green Mountain Sections for being selected for these awards "For successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries." This year’s recipients, as well as previous recipients, are listed on the MGA Outstanding Section Awards Web page. There is also a section of the page highlighting some of the 2012 calendar year activities of the recipients and nominees. Announcing 2014 IEEE MGA Board members and committee chairs (archived 23 September 2013) (posted 23 July 2013) The MGA Assembly met Thursday, 27 June 2013, and determined the slate of candidates for the office of 2013 IEEE Vice President of Member and Geographic Activities, to be sent to the IEEE Assembly for selection in November 2013: Ralph Ford (R2) - Erie, PA, USA David Green (R3) - Birmingham, AL, USA The MGA Assembly also selected the 2014 MGA Treasurer and Vice Chairs, as follows: MGA Treasurer: Don Bramlett (R4) - Livonia, MI, USA MGA Vice Chair, Geographic Unit Operations: Murty Polavarapu (R2) - Manassas, VA, USA MGA Vice Chair, Information Management: S. Gopakumar (R10) - Trivandrum, India MGA Vice Chair, Member Development: Ronald Jensen (R4) - Rochester, MN, USA MGA Vice Chair, Strategic Management and Analysis: Wai-Choong (Lawrence) Wong (R10) Singapore The MGA Board met Saturday, 29 June 2013, and approved the 2014 MGA Committee Chair appointments, recommended by the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee. Please visit the 2014 MGA Volunteers Web page for more information. Help promote the IEEE Foundation with print and Web ads (archived 23 September 2013) (posted 23 July 2013) The IEEE Foundation is the philanthropic arm of IEEE. In an effort to best invest donor dollars into programs, we ask for your help in increasing awareness of the IEEE Foundation. Please promote the IEEE Foundation by using ads from the current campaign, Inspiring the Future, which highlights IEEE Foundation initiatives: Education, Innovation and Preservation. Some ads also feature the 40th anniversary. Region, Section, and Membership editors are encouraged to visit the IEEE Promo Library to find the ready-to-use downloadable PDFs, in multiple dimensions for print, and various popular Web ad sizes. The print ads are under “Member Benefits,” and the Web ads are in the section titled “Browse Web Ads by Size.” Your assistance will help increase awareness of the IEEE Foundation and 40 years of Inspiring the Future with IEEE. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail IEEE Foundation staff with questions regarding advertisements and placement IEEE Women in Engineering news: WIE meetups, online live discussions, and app (archived 23 September 2013) (updated 23 July 2013) IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Meetup held alongside IEEE Meeting Series On Friday, 28 June 2013, IEEE hosted a meetup in San Diego, CA, USA, for women in technology in partnership with IEEE Women in Engineering and the GeekGirl Tech Conference. A meetup is a small networking event where people with a similar interest convene around a particular topic. The event was designed to capitalize on IEEE leadership currently in town for the IEEE Meeting Series and accomplished the goal of holding an event in conjunction with a larger IEEE meeting that had direct impact on the local community. Over 70 women attended, with representation from Qualcomm, Scripps Research Institute, SAIC, Sally Ride Science, and many other technology organizations. Additionally, students and professors at the University of San Diego and University of California-San Diego, members of the Society of Women Engineers - San Diego chapter, start-up companies, and independent women entrepreneurs attended. Due to the success of the event, other meetups are being considered for future locations. E-mail IEEE Women in Engineering for more information on hosting a Women in Technology Meetup in your community Online live discussions In 2013, IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) will hold ten online live discussions on the WIE Facebook page that connect IEEE women engineers with the larger engineering community. View the WIE events page for dates and more information Join the chat on the Women in Engineering Facebook page IEEE Women in Engineering App - Additional WIE Resources Download the IEEE Women in Engineering free App from Apple Or search IEEE WIE on your iPad or iPhone. The Android version will be available shortly. View the PDF version online Sponsors needed for IEEEXtreme 7.0 Programming Competition (archived 23 September 2013) (posted 26 June 2013) IEEEXtreme is looking for sponsors for the annual computer programming student competition, IEEEXtreme, scheduled for 26 October 2013. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch and advised and proctored by an IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. Sponsorship of IEEEXtreme 7.0 includes Web and print advertising opportunities for branding and awareness before, during, and after the competition. Sponsorship is an ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES excellent way to get an edge on recruiting the next generation of top talent in the engineering, computer, and technology fields. E-mail the IEEEXtreme team for sponsorship packages IEEE congratulates 220 new Senior members; submit a Senior member application (archived 23 September 2013) (updated 19 August 2013) The IEEE Admission and Advancement (A&A) Senior Member Review Panel meeting, held 27 July 2013 in Chicago, IL, USA, welcomed 220 new Senior members. The next IEEE Senior Member Review Panel Meeting will be held 14 September 2013, in Benelux, Region 8 (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). View the list of members elevated to Senior member status View 2013 Review Panel dates and locations View the benefits of being a Senior member Review the list of requirements Nominate an IEEE member for Senior member grade Apply directly for Senior member grade (IEEE account and password required) All applicants are encouraged to submit a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) with their application, which should include dates and details clearly documenting the applicant's ten years of professional experience (education and work experience) and five years of significant performance. Significant performance need not be consecutive years. Applicants can check the status of their application close of business (COB) every Friday Last call for nominations: 2014 MGA committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 9 August 2013) (updated 23 July 2013) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is seeking candidates to serve as MGA committee members and liaisons to other organizational units in 2014. Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 August 2013. Review the list of available 2014 MGA positions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or someone else E-mail MGA staff with questions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES TAB Hall of Honor: recognize IEEE member contributions to Societies and Councils: deadline 9 August (archived 9 August 2013) (posted 23 July 2013) Many IEEE members have made enormous contributions to the success of IEEE Societies and Councils over the years. Now, the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) is giving you a chance to recognize such colleagues through the new IEEE TAB Hall of Honor Recognition. The TAB Hall of Honor recognizes those persons, living or deceased, who have made contribution(s) to more than a single IEEE Society or Council. Contributions include the creation, development, or advancement of the technical objectives of IEEE. The nomination deadline is 9 August 2013. Learn more or nominate someone today Boost membership with the IEEE Conference Member Recruitment Program (archived 23 July 2013) (posted 15 May 2013) The IEEE Conference Member Recruitment Program (CMR) offers an incentive to those who join IEEE at the conference. Each higher-grade, full-dues-paying IEEE membership applicant is given one year of membership to one of IEEE's 38 Technical Societies. The program runs parallel with the IEEE membership year (16 August–15 August) and is one of the most successful membership development tools available. The most successful conferences set up a highly visible, staffed membership recruitment desk and recruit a minimum of 25 new members. Supplies for the table may be ordered online through the membership development supply form using your IEEE Account. E-mail Denise Maestri with questions about the CMR program IEEE Conference Exchange (ICX) updates and enhancements (archived 23 July 2013) (posted 15 May 2013) In response to feedback from contributors regarding their experience with the IEEE conference application process, IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) has undertaken a priority effort to make it more efficient and user-friendly. MCE has established a phased approach to make changes to the ICX conference application form and system along with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template. The changes represent the first phase in evolution of the ICX conference application and MOU template. Get more information from the full version of this article in the April edition of the IEEE Conference Organizers’ newsletter ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Women in Engineering news: online live discussions, WIE app, and call for award nominations (archived 23 July 2013) (updated 26 June 2013) IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of the Year Award: deadline 1 July The deadline to submit a nomination for the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of the Year Award is 1 July 2013. The Chair of the winning group will be appointed and shall serve a one-year term on the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee. The term on the committee will be 1 January–31 December 2014. In addition to this appointment, the group will receive a certificate and US$250. Visit the WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award page for more information Register now for the Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO), 25-27 July 2013 (archived 23 July 2013) (updated 26 June 2013) Registration for the 8th annual Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO) is available through early July, so register now to secure your spot. 2013 POCO will be held 25–27 July 2013, in Portland, OR, USA. POCO is an annual educational and networking event for IEEE conference organizers and organizational unit leadership. This is a great opportunity for conference organizers and IEEE leadership to increase knowledge about organizing high-quality conferences, meet colleagues, and learn more about both IEEE and industry conference practices and trends. A meaningful and interesting program will provide all attendees with useful and practical skills, valuable contacts and resources, and some thought-provoking and mind-stretching activities. This year's theme is "Sustaining Conferences - Economic, Environmental & Social Opportunities." Discussion each day is centered on topics and approaches with direct applicability to your events and organizing committees. The program will include an education day, strategic discussions, and a chance to hear about new services and tools offered by the conference organizers, the IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events team (MCE). Topics include one-hour educational sessions on sponsorship, event planning, finance, publishing, and more, as well as envisioning, branding, and growing your IEEE conference, and the future of IEEE conferences. Register now View the full POCO 2013 agenda (PDF, 18 KB) Last call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 23 July 2013) (posted 13 June 2013) Nominations are due 1 July 2013 for the 2014 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Medals are the highest recognition within the IEEE awards hierarchy, with the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor as the premier award. IEEE Medals embrace broad and significant contributions within the technical fields of interest of IEEE. IEEE Recognitions reward members' individual contributions to IEEE, published papers, and corporate advancements within the IEEE fields of interest. Recipients are recognized at the formal IEEE Honors Ceremony. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Visit the IEEE Awards Web page for more information E-mail IEEE Awards staff Thank you for submitting officer, meeting, and financial reports (archived 27 June 2013) (posted 25 April 2013) MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. The reports are being reviewed, and rebates will start to be distributed to the geographic units by the end of April 2013 to those Sections whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved. As a reminder, the rebate is paid to the Section. The funds provided are intended for the support of not only the Section’s activities but also the activities of its subunits, including Subsections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and IEEE Student organizations. Section officers are encouraged to use rebate funds to support the activities of existing units and to form new units. E-mail MGA staff with questions regarding officer reporting New benefits around the world: Rosetta Stone, Vacation Center, life insurance (archived 27 June 2013) (posted 25 April 2013) IEEE Member Discounts has new programs for IEEE members. Members in Regions 1-10 are eligible for two new benefits we launched in 2013: Rosetta Stone TOTALe ® discount and IEEE Vacation Center. The recently launched international term life insurance program continues to thrive as well. Rosetta Stone TOTALe can help you learn a language with its totally online and mobile subscription, which includes sessions with native speakers over the Internet. Choose from 24 languages. You can seek other IEEE members who are enrolled in the same language module and schedule training sessions together as well. Members pay only US$219 for a full-year subscription to a language program of their choice. This price is guaranteed to be the lowest for TOTALe. Link to this Rosetta Stone TOTALe offer from the IEEE Member Discounts page IEEE Vacation Center is a portal for several different travel providers, including CruisesOnly, VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations, TNT Vacations, and theme park discounts. This new member benefit program provides exclusive member travel discounts, which are not ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES available to the general public. Members can select from hundreds of different last-minute deals or plan future travel either by booking online or speaking with one of IEEE's partners' travel specialists. You do need to check each provider for terms and conditions and availability from your location; however, most vacation providers serve the global audience. International term life insurance, through Clements Worldwide, is now available in 67 countries spanning Europe, the Caribbean, and parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Buying this insurance is very simple because there are no health questions to answer. Eligible members who enroll in this insurance will get the first 60 days of coverage at no cost. Follow Clements for more products coming to more countries later in 2013. Link to Clements' site from the IEEE Insurance Services page Automatic renewal now available for IEEE membership (archived 27 June 2013) (posted 25 April 2013) You may now sign up for automatic renewal of your IEEE membership. The option, available for the 2014 membership year, includes automatic renewal of your Society memberships and subscriptions to products and services. If you sign up for it, benefits such as IEEE Spectrum and The Institute, any subscription to the IEEE Xplore digital library, access to the e-mail alias, life insurance coverage, and other member services won’t be interrupted. Visit the Payment Options section of My Account to enroll in the program Then simply sign in to your IEEE account and click on Edit in the Automatic Renewal Preference section at the bottom of the page. If you choose to renew your membership automatically, a reminder that you’ve done so will be e-mailed in September, and the primary credit card on file will be charged in October. Members may have more than one card on file, but only the primary will be used. Student and Graduate Student members are not eligible, and automatic renewal is not available for discounted memberships based on special circumstances such as low income, unemployment, and permanent disability. Visit the IEEE Support Center for more information Volunteer Onboarding Pilot Program call for participation: deadline 24 May (archived 7 June 2013) (posted 15 May 2013) MGA places a high level of importance on the role of the volunteer at all levels of geographic units. In 2013, the MGA Board selected modernizing the volunteer experience as one of its top three goals. Support for this goal is starting with a pilot program to be offered to volunteers who may be considered potential future leaders in their geographic units. The pilot program is targeted at current volunteers who have not previously held officer positions in their geographic units. The pilot will run over a period of six months, and participants will be asked to invest four to eight hours a month. Those volunteers selected ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES to participate in the pilot will be exposed to a more in-depth learning experience regarding the broader IEEE structure and organizational units outside of MGA. In addition, they will acquire practical leadership experience that can be applied in their professional environment. Success with this pilot will set the stage for an ongoing broader program to develop and prepare future leaders. Review the selection criteria in the application form (DOC, 103 KB) Please share this information with volunteers in your unit whom you think may be interested or would benefit from this pilot experience. The application deadline is 24 May. E-mail completed forms and questions to Maria Schneider, MGA Program Manager Last call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 20 May (archived 7 June 2013) (updated May 15 2013) The IEEE-USA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee asks for your help in identifying US IEEE members who may be interested in, and well qualified for, service on IEEE-USA committees and/or IEEE-USA board positions. Volunteers in IEEE leadership positions are in an outstanding position to identify members who are interested in improving IEEE-USA for the future, have strong leadership skills, and have exhibited a willingness to invest the time required. IEEE-USA greatly appreciates your help in identifying and nominating them. Nominations are due no later than Monday, 20 May 2013. Visit the 2013 Call for Nominations page for more information, including a list of available positions and information on how to nominate Call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions (archived 21 May 2013) (posted 25 April 2013) The IEEE-USA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee asks for your help in identifying US IEEE members who may be interested in, and well qualified for, service on IEEE-USA committees and/or IEEE-USA board positions. Volunteers in IEEE leadership positions are in an outstanding position to identify members who are interested in improving IEEE-USA for the future, have strong leadership skills, and have exhibited a willingness to invest the time required. IEEE-USA greatly appreciates your help in identifying and nominating them. Nominations are due no later than Monday, 20 May 2013. Visit the 2013 Call for Nominations page for more information, including a list of available positions and information on how to nominate Call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived 15 May 2013) (posted 25 February 2013) Nominations are due 1 July 2013 for the 2014 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. IEEE Medals are the highest recognition within the IEEE awards hierarchy, with the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor as the premier award. IEEE Medals embrace broad and significant contributions within the technical fields of interest of IEEE. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Recognitions reward members' individual contributions to IEEE, published papers, and corporate advancements within the IEEE fields of interest. Recipients are recognized at the formal IEEE Honors Ceremony. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Visit the IEEE Awards Web page for more information E-mail IEEE Awards staff Last call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards: deadline 15 May (archived 15 May 2013) (updated 1 May 2013) The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) is requesting your assistance in making the 2013 IEEE EAB Awards the most successful year ever. Presently, the IEEE EAB is seeking nominations for 2013 awards in the following categories: Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education Meritorious Achievement Award in Informal Education Major Educational Innovation Award Pre-University Educator Award Meritorious Service Citation Standards Education Award Employer Professional Development Award Society/Council Professional Development Award Section Professional Development Award The deadline for nominations is 15 May 2013. Learn more about the EAB Awards and/or submit a nomination Help attract computer and information technology students to IEEE (archived 15 May 2013) (posted 1 March 2013) Computer Society and MGA need the support of many volunteers to build a stronger student membership in the fields of Computer Science, Information Technology (CS/IT), and related program areas where enrollments are up and job growth is strong. Until 15 August 2013, Computer Society and MGA are offering a special discounted student membership (US$20) to CS/IT students and any interested student. The offer includes all benefits of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society student membership, plus access to Computer Society’s Digital Library, the 600-title Safari® Books Online collection, featuring mobile access, and hundreds of e-learning courses covering a variety of technical topics. Current IEEE student members can add Computer Society to their membership for only US$4 (US/Canada) and US$6.50 (global), while new students can join for 50% off annual dues, or US$20. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES E-mail Computer Society staff to discuss opportunities for new student membership drives in the CS/IT and related fields of interest Join IEEE and IEEE Computer Society Add IEEE Computer Society to your current IEEE membership IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative now accepting applications (archived 15 May 2013) (posted 20 March 2013) The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative is now accepting applications from undergraduate students in the US and Canada. Over the last two years, over US$642,000 has been distributed to 265 students from over 100 schools. The goal is to receive 700 applications and distribute 400 scholarships in 2013. The deadline to submit an application is 30 June 2013. Learn more about the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Standards Education e-Zine (archived 15 May 2013) (posted 6 March 2013) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is the IEEE Standards Education e-Zine, originally launched in September 2011. This most recent 1Q 2013 edition focuses on the IEC-IEEE Challenge 2012 Winners and the topic "How Electrotechnology Impacts Economic, Social, and Environmental Development." IEEE Computer Society now accepting Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship applications: deadline 30 April (archived 1 May 2013) (updated 1 March 2013) IEEE Computer Society is offering US$40,000 in student scholarships to recognize and reward active student volunteer leaders who show promise in their academic and professional efforts. Named in honor of a late past president of the Society who was passionate about helping students develop leadership skills, the IEEE Computer Society Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship application period is open now through 30 April 2013. Graduate students and those in the final two years of an undergraduate program in electrical or computer engineering, computer science, or a well-defined computer-related field of engineering who are active members of a Student Branch Chapter are eligible. IEEE Computer Society membership is required. Apply now for a Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Reminder: 2012 annual reporting and rebate requirements: due 31 March (archived 4 April 2013) (updated 20 March 2013) All Section Officers and Chapter/Affinity Group Chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate: Meeting Activity Current Officers Financial Reporting o Geographic unit Treasurers are responsible for recording the financial activity of their unit and any sub-units (Subsections, Chapters, and/or Affinity Groups) using NetSuite o Original year-end bank statements and investment-account statements (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) must be provided. Please upload copies of those documents via the MGA Compliance Reporting Web page Financial activity should be accurately entered into NetSuite as soon as possible, but no later than 31 March 2013. Additional information on Annual Reporting and the 2013 Rebate Schedule are available. E-mail MGA staff with questions Last call for nominations: IEEE MGA leadership positions: deadline 1 April (archived 4 April 2013) (updated 20 March 2013) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments Committee is soliciting nominations for the following 2014 leadership positions: MGA MGA MGA MGA Vice President/MGA Board Chair Treasurer Vice Chairs Committee Chairs In accordance with the IEEE globalization initiative and in an attempt to ensure that MGA is globally balanced, each Region is requested to submit nominations. Self-nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 April 2013. Review the list of available 2014 MGA positions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or a colleague E-mail MGA staff with questions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE-USA offers free e-books to members in March and April (archived 4 April 2013) (updated 1 March 2013) As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of March, IEEE-USA is offering a free ebook, "Launching Your Career-Book 3: A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership," written by IEEE Senior member Barry L. Shoop, Ph.D. This compilation of insights from numerous scholarly references also includes examples from Shoop’s personal leadership experiences. It provides a starting point for those interested in becoming more effective leaders, stimulating thought, motivating practice, and inspiring reflection. The e-book covers the spectrum of leadership development, including leadership theories, principles of leadership, leadership traits, the distinction between managers and leaders, team composition and diversity of opinion, individual and group dynamics, and running effective meetings. Download now (PDF, 580 KB; free to IEEE members; US$7.99 for non-members) Other e-books in this series include: "Launching Your Career-Book 1: How To Find Your Perfect Job"; "Launching Your Career–Book 2: How To Make the Transition from Classroom to the Office"; and "Launching Your Career–Book 4: Lifelong Learning—Your Key to an Enjoyable and Rewarding Career." For the month of April, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer "Perspectives on the Management of Technology," written by Gerard H. (Gus) Gaynor, retired 3M Director of Engineering and IEEE Senior member. In this e-book, Gaynor provides an overview of the discipline of Management of Technology (MOT), some general background information, and reports on the current status of MOT. He also shares the steps needed to develop MOT as a recognized academic discipline and provide a positive impact on industry operations. To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Account. IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, e-mail your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA E-Book Chair Gus Gaynor or IEEE-USA Publishing Manager Georgia C. Stelluto. New member orientation webinars (archived 4 April 2013) (posted 15 February 2013) All new higher-grade IEEE members are invited to participate in a New Member Orientation session designed to help members get the most out of their membership. These live webinars, which include a 30-minute formal presentation followed by Q&A, provide an overview of IEEE membership and access instructions for members-only benefits and services. Topics include managing your IEEE Account, setting up a profile on memberNet, logging into myIEEE, networking opportunities, and much more. Visit the Welcome to IEEE Web page to register for a New Member Orientation, typically held on the fourth Thursday of each month. Webinars are held at both 9:00 AM ET and 3:00 PM ET on each day. Please e-mail Denise Maestri for more information. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Conference organizers' Web pages updated (archived 4 April 2013) (posted 25 February 2013) In December 2012, the Conference Services team completed extensive changes to the Web pages dedicated to conference organizers. This project includes revised organization of the content, creation of a significant amount of new topics and more detailed information, plus editing of previously existing content. View the new Conference Organizers' Web content IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) is committed to continually improving the content and tools provided on the events and conferences Web site, so look for more improvements to the site in the future. MCE needs and welcomes your feedback. E-mail the customer relationship manager team with any questions or suggestions View the January 2013 issue of the IEEE Conference Organizers’ Newsletter for more information Last call for nominations: 2014 IEEE leadership positions: deadline 15 March (archived 20 March 2013) (updated 15 February 2013) IEEE seeks nominations for future leaders and invites volunteers to serve as corporate officers, committee chairs, and committee members. IEEE is looking for people with the skills, passion, and perspective to volunteer and serve in 2014 as IEEE officers or on committees of the IEEE Board of Directors. These positions include (in addition to the President-Elect and several corporate officers) members and chairs of key IEEE committees. View the list of positions, associated duties, qualifications, and eligibility requirements; nominate yourself or a colleague Deadline: 15 March: Standing Committee Chairs, Standing Committee Members, IEEE officers (Vice President, Educational Activities; Vice President, Publications Services & Products; IEEE Secretary; IEEE Treasurer; 2015 IEEE President-Elect) Required geographic unit compliance (archived 20 March 2013) (posted 24 January 2013) It is important that every geographic unit is compliant with IEEE policy. As a reminder, your geographic unit should not hire staff or independent contractors and shall not lease or purchase real estate without proper authorization. Additionally, separate incorporation of IEEE organizational units is not normally permitted. E-mail MGA staff with questions or comments related to general compliance or these IEEE policies ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence volunteer training (archived 20 March 2013) (posted 24 December 2012) Start the year off by making volunteering for IEEE easier. Whether you are newly elected to your position in 2013 or are serving an additional term, we encourage you to take 30 minutes to review the training material provided in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE). The CLE provides an easy-to-use quick-start guide for your position and identifies key dates specific to your position so you can plan ahead. The CLE also includes a suite of optional courses through the CLE eLearning Library that provide guidance and tips on how you can be more effective and develop your professional skills to assist you in all facets of your professional life. Call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 15 March (archived 20 March 2013) (posted 24 January 2013) The IEEE Foundation cultivates relationships and resources to advance IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. To fulfill its role, the IEEE Foundation awards grants to new and innovative projects and administers more than 130 funds that support a variety of educational, humanitarian, historical preservation, and peer recognition programs of IEEE units. The IEEE Life Members Committee (LMC) seeks to support programs that promote engineering to the pre-college community, the professional development of young electrical/computer engineers, the history of electrical/computer engineering, and the interest of Life members. The LMC is responsible for the administration of the IEEE Life Members Fund (LMF), in coordination with the IEEE Foundation. The Fund supports the awarding of grants to projects of interest to Life members, potential engineers, and engineering students. Along with the IEEE Foundation, LMC accepts grant applications for new and innovative projects two times per year. The grant application deadlines for 2013 are 15 March and 6 August. If your Unit, Section, or Chapter has a project in the areas of interest to Life members, you are welcome to apply for a grant through the IEEE Foundation Web page. Before submitting an application online, please review the IEEE Foundation grant guidelines. E-mail questions to the IEEE Foundation 297 named to the Class of 2013 IEEE Fellows (archived 20 March 2013) (posted 24 December 2012) The IEEE Board of Directors has elevated 297 IEEE Senior members to Fellow grade effective 1 January 2013. The IEEE grade of Fellow is conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year cannot exceed one-tenth of a percent of the total voting ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES membership. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is recognized by the technical community as a prestigious honor and an important career achievement. Review the list of 2013 IEEE Fellows (PDF, 226 KB) Learn more about the IEEE Fellow program Featured news around IEEE: IEEE Publications Newsletter (archived 6 March 2013) (posted 24 January 2013) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is the IEEE Publications Newsletter. The IEEE Publications Newsletter was created to help better serve editors of IEEE periodicals, Society officers, and staff. Each issue communicates timely information related to the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) initiatives and general business to help you stay abreast of progress being made. It will also let you know in which areas your attention, assistance, and support may be helpful. Last call for nominations: IEEE Fellow Class of 2014: deadline 1 March (archived 1 March 2013) (updated 15 February 2013) IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members. The honor is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. If you know of an IEEE colleague who is a Senior member or Life Senior member in good standing, has completed five years of service in any grade of IEEE membership, and who has made an outstanding contribution to the electronic or electrical engineering profession, you can nominate this person in one of four categories: Application Engineer/Practitioner, Educator, Research Engineer/Scientist, or Technical Leader. Nominations for the Fellow Class of 2014 are now being accepted. The deadline is 1 March 2013. Learn more about the Fellow program and the application process IEEE-USA offers free e-books to members in February and March (archived 1 March 2013) (posted 25 February 2013) As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of February, IEEE-USA is offering a free e-book, "Strategic Thinking: A High Tech Strategy Guidebook," written by IEEE Senior member Jim Blakley. This how-to guide provides the language and process of strategy, with the basic tools needed to understand and implement it. Download now (free to IEEE members; US$5.99 for non-members) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES For the month of March, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer Launching Your Career-Book 3: "A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership," written by IEEE Senior member Barry L. Shoop, Ph.D. This compilation of insights from numerous scholarly references also includes examples from Shoop’s personal leadership experiences. It provides a starting point for those interested in becoming more effective leaders, stimulating thought, motivating practice, and inspiring reflection. The e-book covers the spectrum of leadership development, including leadership theories, principles of leadership, leadership traits, the distinction between managers and leaders, team composition and diversity of opinion, individual and group dynamics, and running effective meetings. To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Account. IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, e-mail your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA E-Book Chair, Gus Gaynor, or IEEE-USA Publishing Manager, Georgia C. Stelluto. IEEE Assembly announces 2013 Corporate Officers (archived 15 February 2013) (posted 26 November 2012) The IEEE Assembly annually selects the following five Corporate Officers: IEEE Secretary, IEEE Treasurer, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities, IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities, and IEEE Vice President, Publication Services and Products. All are one year terms. Ralph M. Ford was selected as 2013 IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities. Learn more about the selected Corporate Officers 2012 MGA Award recipients announced (archived 15 February 2013) (posted 26 November 2012) At its 10 November 2012 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board selected the 2012 MGA Award recipients, including: MGA Innovation Award: John Collins (R6 - Orange County Section) “For outstanding dedication to improving the IEEE member experience through numerous innovative accomplishments, resulting in increased membership and volunteerism, Chapter revitalization, and greater student participation.” Also selected were recipients for the MGA Leadership, Achievement, and GOLD Achievement Awards. View a complete list of the 16 recipients and additional information IEEE MGA Operations Manual Change: write-in votes permitted for geographic unit elections (archived 15 February 2013) (posted 26 November 2012) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES At its 10 November 2012 meeting, the MGA Board formalized its position that write-in votes are allowed in all geographic unit elections. Each geographic unit must record their decision to allow for write-in votes in its operating procedures. This revision is reflected in MGA Operations Manual Section 9.0.D – Geographic Organizational Units: “MGA and all of its organizational units may allow write in candidates for elections decided by members.” E-mail MGA staff with questions regarding this MGA Operations Manual change IEEE Life Members Fund - Maxwell’s Equations (1860-1871) Commemorative Coaster (archived 15 February 2013) (posted 26 November 2012) In commemoration of the many engineering feats our members helped make possible, and to recognize donors to the IEEE Life Members Fund (LMF), the IEEE Life Members Committee is offering Maxwell’s Equations (1860-1871) commemorative coaster. This is the sixth in a series of limited edition pewter coasters commemorating various historic IEEE Electrical Engineering Milestones. The coasters are available to individuals who donate US$100+ specifically to the IEEE Foundation - Life Members Fund (LMF) from October 2012 to September 2013. If you do not yet have your IEEE Life Member pin, a gift of US$150 to the LMF entitles you to both the pin and the coaster. One coaster will be given per donor, per year. The LMF provides grants to new and ongoing projects that benefit potential engineers and engineering students. Your gift will both preserve the memory of James Clerk Maxwell’s engineering achievement and support future technological innovations. Individuals may donate to the LMF when they confirm their annual membership profile or donate online anytime. 2013 Presidents' Change the World Competition: registration deadline 31 January (archived 4 February 2013) (posted 24 January 2013) The IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition recognizes students or teams of students who, through the identification of humanitarian needs and the development of projects to meet those needs, demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of many people by applying engineering, science, and computing skills. The contest offers students the perfect opportunity to have their ingenuity and enthusiasm for engineering and technology recognized by prestigious IEEE members around the globe. The registration deadline is 31 January 2013. The winning team receives US$10,000. The leader of the team or the individual whose entry is chosen as the top prize will be invited to receive his/her prize at the IEEE Honors Ceremony in June 2013. View the Official Rules (PDF, 253 KB) for complete information on eligibility, project submission requirements, prizes, judging, and deadlines ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for nominations: MGA Student Awards: deadline 1 February (archived 4 February 2013) (updated 24 January 2013) The MGA Student Activities Committee would like to congratulate the 2012 MGA Student Award recipients. The deadline for 2013 MGA Student awards is 1 February 2013. Follow the individual award links below to view the 2012 recipients and submit nominees for 2013: IEEE Student Enterprise Award Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award Recognition Program The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award Call for nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards: deadline 31 January (archived 4 February 2013) (posted 26 November 2012) Nominations are due 31 January 2013 for the 2014 IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Since 1917, the IEEE Awards Program has paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society, the engineering profession, and humanity. By this means, the image and prestige of the organization, its members, and the profession are all enhanced. Download nomination forms and award-specific criteria Learn more about IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions E-mail IEEE Awards staff Call for nominations: IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award: deadline 31 January (archived 4 February 2013) (posted 26 November 2012) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Have you worked with a dedicated member of the IEEE professional staff that has shown outstanding service and leadership in IEEE? Nominate him or her for the 2013 IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award. The award is named for Mr. Eric Herz, a longtime dedicated volunteer and staff member at IEEE. It is presented annually for demonstrated contributions over a long period by a present or past full time staff member who has served at least ten years on the professional team. The nomination deadline is 31 January 2013. Download Nomination forms and award-specific criteria E-mail IEEE Awards staff IEEE-USA Online Engineering Video Competition for college students (archived 24 January 2013) (updated 17 October 2012) IEEE-USA is challenging U.S. college students to create YouTube videos that reinforce for an 11-to-13-year-old "tweener" audience "How Engineers Make a World of Difference." The organization is seeking to tap the enthusiasm of U.S. college students to spark younger students' creativity and ingenuity and to inspire their interest in learning about engineering. IEEE-USA also seeks to expand broader public understanding of engineering through the wide dissemination of these videos. The competition deadline is 18 January 2013. More information and guidelines are available. Featured News around IEEE: IEEE Societies and Communities Blog (archived 24 January 2013) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is IEEE Societies and Communities Blog. IEEE Societies and Communities Blog is a news page and blog with the tagline “Brightening the future, improving the world” that promotes the value of IEEE Societies and communities. Articles cover humanitarian, educational, and technological achievements and initiatives, including those of Engineering for Change. IEEE members select Roberto de Marca as 2013 president-elect (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 17 October 2012) J. Roberto B. de Marca, professor, Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been selected as 2013 IEEE president-elect. Pending acceptance of the Teller's Committee report by the IEEE Board of Directors in November, de Marca will begin serving as IEEE president on 1 January 2014. He will succeed 2013 IEEE President Peter Staecker, AMP M/A-COM (retired), Massachusetts, USA. The other candidate for 2013 IEEE president-elect was Tariq Durrani, research professor, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Both candidates were nominated by the IEEE Board of Directors. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The following individuals were elected to the Office of IEEE Region Delegate-Elect/DirectorElect, 2013–2014: Region Region Region Region Region 2: Timothy P. Kurzweg 4: Robert C. Parro 6: Thomas M. Coughlin 8: Costas M. Stasopoulos 10: Ramakrishna Kappagantu Review the complete 2012 IEEE Annual Election results IEEE MGA Operations Manual change: annual hard-copy mailing no longer required (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 17 October 2012) At its 30 June 2012 meeting, the MGA Board approved a revision to Section 9 of the MGA Operations Manual regarding “Annual Hardcopy Mailings.” Prior to 30 June, geographic units were required to send hard-copy mailings to members at least once a year to: 1) inform them of how to subscribe to their unit e-mail list; 2) provide the unit’s Web page URL; and/or, 3) advise members on how they can update their contact information in the IEEE database. The requirement to send hard-copy mailings to all members created an unnecessary cost and administrative burden to the geographic units when more efficient options are available. This revision to the MGA Operations Manual is reflected in Sections 9.4.D.5 Section, 9.5.C.2 Subsection, 9.6.C.5 Chapter, 9.9.C.2 Affinity Group. The sections of the manual now read: “Reasonable efforts should be made to notify all members of Section (Subsection, Chapter, Affinity Group) meetings and activities. Methods of communication could be, but are not limited to, e-mail distributions (in keeping with IEEE e-mail policies), postings on Section (Subsection, Chapter, Affinity Group) Web sites, social-media venues, or hard-copy distributions.” Please e-mail MGA staff with questions Changes to IEEE geographic unit officer reporting process (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 24 September 2012) Effective 28 September 2012, all geographic unit officer reporting is to be submitted using vTools.OfficerReporting. Geographic unit officer reporting will no longer be accepted using the legacy form, which will be deactivated at 5:00 PM ET on that same date. vTools.OfficerReporting enables current geographic unit volunteers to submit officer reporting online. Volunteers can enter new officers and view, remove, or replace existing officers. Officer names are automatically validated and then updated to the IEEE database. An e-mail confirmation is sent for each submission. Please note that validation is based on business rules per geographic unit type. Submit officer reportnig E-mail MGA staff with questions regarding this process change ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE MGA Operations Manual change: geographic unit officer term limits (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 24 September 2012) At its 30 June 2012 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved a motion that limits the number of years any one individual may serve in any one geographic unit officer position. This term limit policy is applicable to the following geographic units: Region, Section, Subsection, Geographic Council, Chapter, and Affinity Group. Section 9 - Geographic Organizational Units - of the IEEE MGA Operations Manual outlines the new policy within each unit type’s section of the manual. It states that: “All officers shall not serve in any one position, in any single organizational unit, more than six years in total.” The policy also states that “exceptions to this rule require approval by the Region Director who will annually report such exceptions to the MGA Board.” Within the next few weeks, MGA staff will be distributing notifications to those volunteers who are about to reach, have reached, or have exceeded the six year limit in one position in the same organizational unit. In the near future, additional information will be provided to geographic unit Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committees on how to apply this change to their N&A process. Additionally, the and vTools.officer reporting tools will be updated to incorporate the new officer term limitations. E-mail MGA staff with questions regarding this MGA Operations Manual change IEEE policy on elections and electioneering (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 24 September 2012) IEEE Policy 13.3.C “Elections and Electioneering - Means of Informing Members of IEEE Organizational Units” states equal opportunity for all candidates must be provided to promote their candidacy. “Members may be informed of the candidates’ views and of issues pertaining to initiatives through Board/Society/Council/Region/Section or Chapter meetings, conferences and publications. Equal opportunity shall be provided to all candidates for the same elective position. The editor, conference chair or other individual responsible for the activity shall determine the information to be presented or published, within the guidelines 13.2 established by the governing body of that organizational unit, provided all candidates are treated equally.” When publishing information about a candidate (all media formats), equal opportunity must also be provided to the other candidates in that election office. The full IEEE policy covering IEEE elections can be found in Section 13 – Nominations and Elections in IEEE Policies. IEEE volunteers who are unfamiliar with the policy are encouraged to review it and share it with others in their unit. It is important IEEE volunteers and members understand the organization’s electioneering policy. When endorsing a candidate, the endorsement must be clear that it comes from an individual member, so it is not perceived as an endorsement from your unit. Learn more about electioneering E-mail IEEE staff with questions ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE launches IEEE to raise awareness of computing careers (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 24 September 2012) IEEE has launched a new, online pre-university computing education portal, IEEE, to raise awareness of and spark student interest in computing and associated careers. IEEE Educational Activities and the IEEE Computer Society developed IEEE to make computing education resources available for pre-university teachers, school counselors, parents, and students all over the world. The site, modeled after the successful launched in 2006, features a wide range of information about academic and career preparation in computing including: profiles of computing professionals and students that show the wide range of career options available; a computing career cloud tool that suggests careers for visitors to explore further based their personal interests; lesson plans designed to help pre-university educators introduce essential computing concepts to their students including step-by-step instructions and lists of necessary materials, student worksheets, and references to education standards. Teachers can also rate and review lesson plans featured on the site; a searchable database of accredited computing degree programs worldwide; lists of competitions, scholarships and extracurricular activities. 2011 IEEE Annual Report is now available (archived 24 December 2012) (posted 24 September 2012) The 2011 IEEE Annual Report provides an overview of key accomplishments of 2011 and demonstrates how IEEE furthered its mission of advancing technology for humanity. It can be viewed online, and a PDF version is also available for download via the Web site. IEEE-USA Online Engineering Video Competition for college students (archived 24 December 2012) (updated 17 October 2012) IEEE-USA is challenging U.S. college students to create YouTube videos that reinforce for an 11-to-13-year-old "tweener" audience "How Engineers Make a World of Difference." The organization is seeking to tap the enthusiasm of U.S. college students to spark younger students' creativity and ingenuity and to inspire their interest in learning about engineering. IEEE-USA also seeks to expand broader public understanding of engineering through the wide dissemination of these videos. The competition deadline is 18 January 2013. More information and guidelines are available. Last Senior Member Review Panel Meeting of 2012 (archived 26 November 2012) There will be one more Senior Member Review Panel meeting in 2012. This year’s deadline for staff to receive complete applications and reference forms is Thursday, 1 November 2012. Applications and references received after this date will be forwarded to a 2013 meeting, schedule TBD. This is the last chance this year for Sections to nominate Senior members and be eligible for the 2012 incentive. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Learn more about the Senior Member Program and how your Section can benefit Improved networking capabilities with IEEE memberNet (archived 26 November 2012) It is now easier for IEEE members to find and communicate with other IEEE members who have similar professional interests. Recently, IEEE memberNet, the online member directory, was improved by defaulting additional fields as part of a member’s profile. The following fields are now part of a member’s default profile: location - city, state (as appropriate), country, and Section; optional memberships - e.g. Societies, Standards Association, Women in Engineering; technical interest profile; e-mail Messaging - allows a member to send an email to another member; however, email addresses by default will not be visible. To further enhance their profile, members also can choose to share additional information, such as a short biography, employer’s name, student/alumni information, and/or a photograph. By sharing and showing this data on their profile page, members can search and collaborate more easily with IEEE professional contacts. By establishing a robust profile, each member is enhancing the experience for the entire IEEE community. Members can choose to edit their profile and opt out of these fields at any time by signing in to their myIEEE account, then selecting the "Community" tab, and following the “Opt-In Preferences” link within the IEEE memberNet gadget. View the FAQ list for more information about the memberNet changes Visit the IEEE Support Center for further assistance New for 2013 - digital delivery of IEEE Spectrum and The Institute for student members (archived 26 November 2012) In an effort to effectively serve a growing student membership with a next generation member experience, the MGA Board this past June approved digital delivery of IEEE Spectrum and The Institute for Student and Graduate Student members. The digital versions offer: interactive features like integrated audio, video, embedded web links, and e-mail links; retrieval of back editions and archives available from July 2007; improved and consistent delivery by removing risk of delay or interruptions by postal service; reduced use of natural resources. In addition, apps are available for IEEE Spectrum to be read on the iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire. The price of membership for students will remain the same as 2012: US$32 in North America; US$27 outside of North America. Student and Graduate Student members will have the option to receive only print copies of IEEE Spectrum and The Institute for an additional fee of US$5 or a combination of print and digital for US$14.95. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Additional information such as FAQs, a schedule of the transition to digital delivery for existing and new members, and screen shots of the member application can be found in the Volunteer Fact Sheet. Visit the IEEE Support Center with questions Global Term Life Insurance Program now available world-wide (archived 26 November 2012) Effective 1 August 2012, IEEE members throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific region, and Latin America will have access to a global term life insurance program. The new program will simply be called Clements Worldwide Insurance for IEEE Members. Through a new agreement with Clements Worldwide, a leading provider of international insurance solutions, IEEE begins to solve the challenge of globalization of non-technical benefits for IEEE members. This new term life insurance program will be the first in a suite of products designed to meet various member needs, and is available in all countries other than the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico, which are served by other insurance products. The new life insurance product offers one flat rate for applicants of all countries and is open to members between 18 and 65 years of age. Coverage continues up to a person’s 71st birthday, so long as they remain an active IEEE member. In addition, the product is portable from country to country, or job to job. One of the insurance plan’s most unique advantages is that it has no medical underwriting requirements, and it is this guaranteed enrollment feature that most distinguishes the IEEE-sponsored life insurance from publicly available plans. Learn more about program benefits or purchase insurance Last call for MGA Awards nominations: deadline 15 October (archived 17 October 2012) You can help recognize the efforts of outstanding volunteers by nominating individuals for one of the prestigious IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Awards. Each award has a unique mission and criteria and offers the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues, inspiring teachers, and corporate leaders. If you know someone who has made substantial regional contributions through innovative projects, exemplary leadership, service, or by fulfilling the goals of transnational activities, consider nominating them for one of the following awards: MGA MGA MGA MGA MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Innovation Award Leadership Award Achievement Award GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Achievement Award Please visit the MGA Award Nomination Web page to review the nominator guidelines and eligibility requirements, reference the step-by-step submittal instructions, and link to the portal for nominations. The deadline for nominations (completed nomination form and two endorsement letters) is 15 October 2012. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Day celebration: Tuesday, 2 October (archived 17 October 2012) Tuesday, 2 October 2012, marks the third annual IEEE Day. This year's theme is Engineering the Future and Beyond. IEEE organizational units (Regions, Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, etc.) around the world have been busy planning events to celebrate. If you haven't done so already, please register your event through the online form. For more information, visit the the IEEE Day facebook page or IEEE Day Web page. Members are encouraged to use social networking to communicate technological achievements, interests, and successes. The first IEEE Day was held 7 - 8 October 2010, in recognition of IEEE members -- past, present, and future -- on the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. Registration open for IEEE Xtreme 6.0 Programming Competition (archived 17 October 2012) The IEEE Xtreme Team is pleased to announce that registration is open for IEEE Xtreme 6.0, scheduled for 20 October 2012. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE student members – supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. View rules, judges, and previous winners Register now IEEE Annual Election: remember to vote: deadline 1 October (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE members are requested to participate in the annual IEEE elections. Participating in IEEE elections is your opportunity to shape IEEE’s future by voting for IEEE leaders. In addition to the two candidates for 2013 IEEE President-Elect, various IEEE divisions and regions, as well as IEEE Standards Association, IEEE Technical Activities, and IEEE-USA will be electing their officers. Please remind the members in your geographic unit to vote. The balloting period will end on Monday, 1 October, at 12:00 noon Central Time USA (17:00 UTC). Visit the IEEE Annual Election Web page to learn more about the election Sponsors needed for IEEEXtreme 6.0 Programming Competition (archived 17 October 2012) The IEEE Xtreme Team is looking for sponsors for the annual computer programming student competition, IEEEXtreme, scheduled for 20 October 2012. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE student members – supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. Sponsorship is an excellent way for interested companies and universities to get an edge on recruiting the next generation of top talent in the engineering, computer, and technology fields. Learn more about corporate sponsorship and promotion at your school ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition 2012 winners announced (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Presidents’ Change the World Competition started in 2009 as part of the IEEE 125th anniversary celebration. The competition recognizes students who develop unique solutions to real-world problems using engineering, science, computing, and leadership skills to benefit their community and humanity. Over the course of several months, teams submit entries identifying a real world problem and how their project will offer a solution which positively impacts humanity. This year's grand prize team, from the University of Oxford, in Oxford, United Kingdom, was honored at the 2012 IEEE Honors Ceremony on 30 June 2012. Their project, Clean Water: Transforming a Natural Disaster into a Natural Resource, will receive US$10,000 as the grand prize of the competition. Learn more about the 2012 award winning projects Watch the 2012 IEEE Honors Ceremony IEEE Computer Society now accepting Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship applications - deadline 30 September (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE Computer Society is offering US$40,000 in student scholarships, from US $1,000 and up, to recognize and reward active student volunteer leaders who show promise in their academic and professional efforts. Who is eligible? Graduate students, and those in the final two years of an undergraduate program in electrical or computer engineering, computer science, information technology, or a well-defined computer related field. Applicants are required to have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 over 4.0, and be a full-time student as defined by his or her academic institution during the course of the award. IEEE Computer Society membership is required. Current IEEE students can join IEEE Computer Society for as low as US$4. The deadline is 30 September 2012. News from IEEE-USA (archived 17 October 2012) IEEE/IEEE-USA Seek Nominations for 2013 "New Faces of Engineering" Recognition Program Nominations are now open for IEEE members to be recognized as the IEEE/IEEE-USA's 2013 New Face of Engineering. One program is for engineers under 30 and one is for college students. The Engineers Week (EWeek) "New Faces of Engineering" professional edition recognizes engineers new to the profession with outstanding educational and career accomplishments. It is open to IEEE members worldwide. The nomination form and more information are available. Featured News around IEEE: IEEE Spark inspires students ages 1418 (archived 17 October 2012) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is IEEE Spark. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Spark is an online publication intended to inspire students ages 14-18 to learn more about engineering, technology, and computing, and raise excitement about careers in these disciplines. IEEE Spark features articles on technological innovation, university preparation tips, professional career profiles, at-home activities, comics, and more. IEEE Spark is brought to you by IEEE with generous funding from the IEEE New Initiatives Committee. IEEE Milestone proposal process now a one-step application (archived 24 September 2012) The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing program honors significant technical achievements in all areas associated with IEEE. Each milestone recognizes a significant technical achievement that occurred at least twenty-five years ago, has benefited humanity, and has had at least regional impact. To date, more than a hundred Milestones have been approved and dedicated around the world. The Milestone proposal is now a one-step application, which will be simpler to use and will streamline the approval process. Milestones can be proposed by any IEEE member, and are sponsored by an IEEE organizational unit (OU), such as an IEEE Section, Society, Chapter, or Student Branch. After recommendation by the IEEE History Committee and approval by the IEEE Board of Directors, a bronze plaque commemorating the achievement is placed at an appropriate site, with an accompanying dedication ceremony. Learn more about proposing a milestone IEEE-USA launches new Career Manager for members (archived 24 September 2012) One of the principal reasons IEEE-USA was founded in 1973 was to provide career resources for U.S. IEEE members to help them enjoy long and fruitful careers. IEEE-USA, in its quest to continue providing these resources, has launched a redesigned careers page. The IEEEUSA Career Manager is organized into eight categories designed to help you manage and advance in your career: Career Management Interactive Workshop Salary Service Consulting and Entrepreneurship Professional Development Webinars Employment Assistance and Job Search IEEE Online Distance Learning E-Book Library Learn more about the IEEE-USA Career Manager Announcing 2013 IEEE MGA Board Members and Committee Chairs (archived 24 September 2012) The MGA Assembly met Thursday, 28 June 2012, and determined the slate of candidates for the office of 2013 IEEE Vice President-Member and Geographic Activities, to be sent to the IEEE Assembly for selection in November 2012: Ralph Ford (R2) - Erie, PA, USA Bill Kennedy (R7) - Calgary, AB, Canada ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES The MGA Assembly also selected the 2013 MGA Treasurer and Vice Chairs, as follows: MGA Treasurer: Don Bramlett (R4) - Livonia, MI, USA MGA Vice Chair-Geographic Unit Operations: T. Scott Atkinson (R5) - San Antonio, TX, USA MGA Vice Chair-Information Management: Kim Tracy (R4) - Naperville, IL, USA MGA Vice Chair-Member Development: Babak Beheshti (R1) - Bethpage, NY, USA MGA Vice Chair-Strategic Management and Analysis: Lawrence Wong (R10) Singapore, Singapore The MGA Board met Saturday, 30 June 2012, and approved the 2013 MGA Committee Chair appointments, recommended by the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee. Please visit the 2013 MGA Volunteers Web page for more information. MGA Outstanding Section Award recipients announced (archived 24 September 2012) On 30 June 2012, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board selected the following recipients of the 2012 MGA Outstanding Large and Small Section Awards: 2012 MGA Outstanding Large Section Award recipient is the IEEE Boston Section from Region 1 2012 MGA Outstanding Small Section Award recipient is the IEEE Galveston Bay Section from Region 5 Congratulations to the Boston and Galveston Bay Sections for being selected for these awards “For successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries.” This year’s recipients, as well as previous recipients, are listed on the MGA Outstanding Section Awards Web page. There is also a section of the page highlighting some of the 2011 calendar year activities of the recipients and nominees. IEEE Privacy Policy Compliance (archived 17 August 2012) As a result of emerging laws governing disclosure of privacy-related practices, IEEE is required to take steps to insure compliance, especially with regard to web presence. If your organizational unit has a Web site, you are required to include a link to the newly revised IEEE privacy policy: Privacy & Opting Out of Cookies. This update was to be made before 26 May. This policy explains how visitor information is used and addresses new laws regarding tracking cookie disclosure. If your cookie usage is highly intrusive, additional requirements may apply. For questions or additional information, e-mail IEEE Data Privacy Officer, Anita Ricketts. Introducing the ICX Conferences Application Platform (archived 17 August 2012) Beginning June 2012, IEEE conference organizers will be submitting conference applications through IEEE Conference Exchange (ICX), a state-of-the-art information infrastructure built on IBP, which supports many aspects of IEEE conference business. Conference submitters using the intuitive and comprehensive application forms will now have the option of saving ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES their applications and returning to complete them later. Additional features include an onscreen progress bar, an automatic duplication check, webform tools, and the reuse of data for Memorandums of Understanding and Conference Publications (future). With ICX, organizers can find status on their submitted conferences immediately, without needing to contact IEEE Conference Services. Review and approval for MoUs will be integrated into ICX, helping to speed the approval process. For IEEE Conference Services, ICX will enable better quality and more personalized service for organizers. Learn more about about ICX, view live overview sessions Volunteers needed for IEEEXtreme competition (archived 17 August 2012) IEEE is looking for judges and testers for the annual computer programming student competition, IEEEXtreme, scheduled for 20 October 2012. Student Members are not eligible to be judges, but all higher-grade members, including Members and Graduate Student Members, may apply. For more information or to volunteer, e-mail the IEEEXtreme team IEEE Life Members Newsletter available on the Web (archived 17 August 2012) The June 2012 edition of the IEEE Life Members Newsletter has been mailed. To ensure that IEEE Life Members (LM) worldwide receive the LM Newsletter as soon as it is available, it has also been posted to the IEEE Life Members Newsletter Web page. E-mail LM Newsletter with any questions or comments News around IEEE: IEEE members benefit from media coverage through IEEE Public Visibility Initiative (archived 17 August 2012) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. As an IEEE member benefit, the IEEE Public Visibility Initiative, a global and multi-year communications program seeking to raise IEEE’s visibility and increase public interest in the engineering profession, recently secured media interviews and bylined articles for IEEE members. These IEEE references build on IEEE's credible reputation with the public, while simultaneously positioning IEEE members as industry experts and enhancing their reputation with industry and local peers. For a listing of recent IEEE media coverage, go to IEEE in the News. Last call for nominations: 2013 MGA Committee members and liaisons: deadline 1 August (archived 2 August 2012) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is seeking candidates to serve as MGA Committee members and liaisons to other organizational units in 2013. Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 August 2012. Review the list of available 2013 MGA positions Complete the online nomination form for yourself or someone else ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund: deadline 24 July (archived July 2012) IEEE Foundation grants are made possible thanks to donors who generously give to the three grant making funds of the IEEE Foundation; the IEEE Foundation General Fund, the IEEE Humanitarian Technology Fund, and the IEEE Life Members Fund. The IEEE Foundation awards grants to IEEE units and other charitable organizations for innovative projects that further the scientific and educational purposes of IEEE. To be considered for grant funding, your project should have a clearly defined objective and provide support in the focus areas: Education: projects that expand and enhance engineering, science and technology education opportunities for teenagers through mid-career professionals to positively impact workforce development and involvement in IEEE. History of Technology: projects that increase awareness among the general public of the impact and influence of early technology on the present and future. Applying Technology for Humanitarian Causes: projects that implement or disseminate replicable, sustainable, technology-based solutions for humanitarian issues in underserved and underprivileged areas. The IEEE Foundation reviews grant applications in two cycles per year. The next grant application deadline is 24 July 2012, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. If your Unit, Section, or Chapter has an innovative project in the areas of interest mentioned above, you are welcome to apply for a grant through the IEEE Foundation Web page. Prior to submitting an application, please review the IEEE Foundation's grant guidelines. News around IEEE: IEEE Technology Navigator provides access to thousands of IEEE technical resources (archived July 2012) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. The IEEE Technology Navigator (TechNav) is a Web-based application that permits a user to find IEEE technological resources available to support engineers and scientists trying to obtain technical information about a particular subject. TechNav uses the same thesaurus that is used in the IEEE Xplore® database. A search provides the user with all relevant IEEE technological resources pertinent to the tag or keyword used – including Societies, geographical Regions, conferences, standards, publications, educational courses, and available job opportunities. It also displays applicable U.S. patents that match specified queries. E-mail Technical Activities Future Directions for more information IEEE-USA career resources e-books free to members (archived July 2012) IEEE-USA, as a special benefit to IEEE members, is giving away a free e-book in June and July. "Launching Your Career Book 1: How to Find Your Perfect Job" is the June giveaway. This ebook will help you define your personal, long-term career goals and provide a practical roadmap to assist in finding your ideal job. ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES In July, IEEE-USA's free e-book will be "Personal Positioning for Engineers." This publication is designed to help you learn more about employment options available to engineers. You will also learn how to position yourself for success by choosing the right options for you. This e-book will be available for members to download for free in July. To purchase IEEE member-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Account. Call for nominations: 2013 IEEE leadership positions: deadline 1 July (archived July 2012) IEEE is looking for people with the skills, passion, and perspective to volunteer and serve in 2013 as IEEE officers or on committees of the IEEE Board of Directors. The deadline is 1 July for select Standing Committee Members and IEEE officers (IEEE Secretary, IEEE Treasurer, 2014 IEEE President-Elect). View the list of positions and nominate yourself or a colleague Call for nominations: IEEE Medals and Recognitions: deadline 1 July (archived July 2012) Nominations are due 1 July 2012 for the 2013 IEEE Medals and Recognitions. IEEE Medals are the highest recognition within the IEEE awards hierarchy, with the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor as the premier award. IEEE Medals embrace broad and significant contributions within the technical fields of interest of IEEE. IEEE Recognitions reward member’s individual contributions to IEEE, published papers, and corporate advancements within the IEEE fields of interest. Recipients are recognized at the formal IEEE Honors Ceremony. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. For more information, visit the IEEE Awards Web page or e-mail IEEE Awards staff. New IEEE Business Platform launched successfully (archived June 2012) The IEEE business platform (IBP) was launched successfully and ahead of schedule on Saturday, 31 March. IEEE Xplore 4.0 was also released as planned. The platform includes significant improvements to the member and customer user experience. Now that the new e-commerce system is live, one of the most visible changes is a requirement for members and customers to change their IEEE Account username to a preferred e-mail address the first time they sign in to one of the upgraded sites such as Membership, IEEE Xplore, My Account, and Cart. After they have changed their username to their preferred e-mail address, they will use their e-mail address when signing in to other IEEE services. This will apply to all members and non-member customers, but does not affect institutional access to IEEE Xplore. If you need assistance using the new site, visit the IEEE Support Center, where you can view the most popular FAQs, submit a question, or conduct a Live Chat, 24/5, Sunday 4:30 p.m. through Friday 4:30 p.m. ET. You can also e-mail an IEEE Contact Center service professional or telephone at +1 800 678 4333 (USA and Canada) +1 732 981 0060 (Worldwide). ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE launches Society and communities news page and blog (archived June 2012) IEEE recently launched a news page and blog with the tagline “Brightening the future, improving the world” that promotes the value of IEEE Societies and communities. Articles cover humanitarian, educational, and technological achievements and initiatives, including those of the IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge. Visit the news page Visit the blog View the latest article Watch for upcoming news to discover more about the great activities and initiatives IEEE societies and communities are involved in. POCO 2012 registration now open: deadline 28 June (archived June 2012) Registration for the 2012 edition of the Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO), to be held 19-21 July, has opened. Budapest, Hungary, will be host city and provide a dramatic backdrop for informative and engaging POCO sessions. POCO presents organizers, regardless of role or experience level, with an excellent opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about organizing international conferences, meet colleagues, and learn more about IEEE conference practices. To submit your ideas or areas of interest for the 2012 POCO program, e-mail Susan Root, IEEE staff. Registration will be open through 28 June 2012. Call for nominations: IEEE-USA volunteer positions: deadline 9 June (archived June 2012) The IEEE-USA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee asks for your help in identifying U.S. IEEE members who may be interested in, and well-qualified for service on IEEE-USA committees and/or in the following IEEE-USA Board positions. The deadline is 9 June 2012. IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA IEEE-USA President-Elect (2014) Member-at-Large (2014-2015) Secretary/Treasurer (2013) Vice President - Career & Member Services (2013) Vice President - Communications & Public Awareness (2013) Vice President - Professional Activities (2013) Vice President - Government Relations (2013) N&A Committee (2013 -2014) Visit the IEEE-USA nominations page to submit a nomination ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Call for nominations: 2013 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors: deadline 1 June (archived June 2012) The following positions for 2013 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors (IEEE-HKN-BOG) will be open for election on the 2012 Chapter Election Ballot. The deadline for nominations is 1 June 2012. President Vice President Governor at-Large, West Central Region (recommendations accepted by the West Central region only) Governor at-Large Learn more about IEEE-HKN and how to nominate a candidate Email IEEE-HKN for more information News around IEEE feature: IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (archived June 2012) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. The IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, a monthly publication also available via RSS feed, features practical and timely technical information and forward-looking commentary on Smart Grid developments and deployments around the world. Designed to foster greater understanding and collaboration between diverse stakeholders, the newsletter brings together experts, thought-leaders, and decision-makers to exchange information and discuss issues affecting the evolution of the Smart Grid. The May edition of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter includes articles that examine a common occurrence, adapting telecommunications and Web technologies and techniques aligned with Smart Grid, among other topics. Other areas such as education and training, tools and testing environments, and analysis methods and design will also change in order to serve the multi-disciplinary, multi-system Smart Grid. An article on making the dispatch system of a grid smarter is featured as well. News around IEEE feature: The Institute (archived May 2012) Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. The Institute is the member newspaper of IEEE. Available weekly as a Web publication, it is mailed quarterly to all members of IEEE. The Institute Web site includes areas dedicated to: People: member profiles, students, part-time passions, and achievements Tech Focus: tech topics and history Benefits: products and services, conferences, standards, and humanitarian efforts Briefings: IEEE business, calendar, election, and call for nominations Opinions: blog, question of the month, letters, and IEEE President's column Region News: new geographic unit formations and other news, by Region Career & Education: career guidance, continuing education, pre-university education, and university education ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Second IEEE Technology Time Machine - Symposium on Technologies Beyond 2020 (archived May 2012) The second IEEE Technology Time Machine (TTM) Symposium will take place 23-25 May 2012, in Dresden, Germany. IEEE TTM 2012, sponsored by the Future Directions Committee, is a unique event for industry icons, academics, and government leaders who direct R&D activities, manage strategic programs, or oversee innovative product and service portfolios. The event is the second organized symposium of future technologies and will cover a selected set of potentially high-impact emerging technologies, their current state of maturity, and scenarios for the future. It will engage world-renowned technology thought leaders in conversation about revolutionary and evolutionary advances in technology, with presentations by invited leading experts from around the world. TTM is structured to facilitate informal discussions among the participants and speakers. As the number of participants will be kept relatively small, the symposium provides an excellent opportunity for informal interaction between the attendees and senior business leaders and worldrenowned innovators. Dresden, with its 800 years of historic, baroque background, combined with the pulsing high-tech multi-billion dollar semiconductor businesses that have turned it into Europe's number one silicon site, is the perfect place for the IEEE Technology Time Machine Symposium. Attendees will have an opportunity to visit leading German research institutes and industries. Call for nominations: IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards (archived May 2012) The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) is requesting your assistance in making the 2012 IEEE EAB Awards the most successful year ever. Presently, the IEEE EAB is seeking nominations for 2012 awards in the following categories: Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education Meritorious Achievement Award in Informal Education Major Educational Innovation Award Pre-University Educator Award Meritorious Service Citation Standards Education Award Employer Professional Development Award Society/Council Professional Development Award Section Professional Development Award The deadline for nominations is 30 April. Call for nominations: IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (archived May 2012) The Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is accepting nominations for the following positions (deadline 30 April 2012): 2013 Vice President, Publication Services and Products (1 year term) to serve from 1 January 2013 through 31 December 2013 Three (3) Member-at-Large Positions (3 year term) to serve from 1 January 2013 through 31 December 2015 Chair, TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (2 year term) to serve 1 January 2013 through 31 December 2014 Visit the PSPB Nominations and Appointments Web page for more information ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES Plan for SAMIEEE use (archived April 2012) IEEE has released the new IEEE business platform, also known internally as IBP. The new platform includes new applications, a new user interface, and a new version of SAMIEEE. Some of the SAMIEEE menus and options will change, but much of the functionality will remain the same. Training will be offered in April and May (details to come within the next few weeks.) While other Web services were updated between 29 March and 1 April 2012, SAMIEEE will be updated on 16 April 2012. During the entire update process, the current version of SAMIEEE will be available; however, there will be no data refreshes during this time. Therefore, please be aware of the following when planning any upcoming SAMIEEE use: IEEE began upgrading to IBP 29 March 2012. Beginning 1 April 2012, if you visit certain updated services pages, such as renewal or My Account, you will be prompted to change your username to your e-mail address. If you make this change between 1-16 April 2012, you will need to sign in to SAMIEEE with your e-mail address. Once you change your username, you will not be able to access personal reports until the update is complete on 16 April 2012. You will still be able to access the predefined queries in the shared folders during this time. The new version of SAMIEEE will be released on 16 April 2012. Please e-mail staff with questions Last call for nominations: 2013 MGA leadership positions: deadline 1 April (archived April 2012) The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for the following 2013 leadership positions: Vice President/Board Chair Treasurer Vice Chairs Committee Chairs Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self nominations are encouraged. The deadline to submit nominations is 1 April 2012. Review the list of available 2013 MGA positions Review MGA Committee descriptions Nominate yourself or a colleague now E-mail MGA staff with questions Reminder: 2011 annual reporting and rebate requirements: deadline 31 March (archived April 2012) All Section Officers and Chapter/Affinity Group Chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate: Meeting Report Form (L31) Officer Report Form 2011 Financial Report (L50) ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES - The L50 financial reporting process should be completed within the new financial reporting tool, NetSuite. Additionally, units that maintain a local bank account (i.e., not an IEEE Concentration Bank Account) must also submit the Bank Account Disclosure Form. Forms should be completed and submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 31 March 2012. Additional information on the Annual Reporting and the 2012 Rebate Schedule is available. E-mail MGA Staff with questions Call for Nominations: 2013 IEEE leadership positions: deadline 1 March (archived March 2012) IEEE is looking for people with the skills, passion, and perspective to volunteer and serve in 2013 as IEEE officers or on committees of the IEEE Board of Directors. View the list of positions; nominate yourself or a colleague Deadlines: 1 March: select Standing Committee Chairs 1 July: select Standing Committee Members, IEEE officers (Vice President Educational Activities; Vice President Publications Services and Products, IEEE Secretary, IEEE Treasurer, 2014 IEEE President-Elect) Call for grant applications: IEEE Foundation/IEEE Life Members Fund (archived March 2012) The IEEE Foundation cultivates relationships and resources to advance IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. To fulfill its role, the IEEE Foundation awards grants to new and innovative projects and administers more than 130 funds that support a variety of educational, humanitarian, historical preservation, and peer recognition programs of IEEE units. The IEEE Life Members Committee seeks to support programs that promote engineering to the pre-college community, the professional development of young electrical/computer engineers, the history of electrical/computer engineering, and the interest of Life members. The next two deadlines for grant applications for new and innovative projects are 16 March and 24 July. Before submitting an application, please review the IEEE Foundation grant guidelines. Submit grant applications online The IEEE Foundation / IEEE Life Members Committee consider projects that: benefit humanity through the use of technology improve primary and secondary math and science learning increase active interest in engineering and science preserve the history of IEEE associated technologies tap the technological expertise of IEEE members demonstrate ability to be duplicated E-mail questions to the IEEE Foundation ARCHIVED MGA NEWS ARTICLES IEEE Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) celebrates 10th anniversary (archived March 2012) Celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2012, the IEEE Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers across the globe to share their real-world experiences with pre-university teachers in a fun and engaging format. TISP prepares IEEE volunteers to provide professional development to pre-university educators on bringing exciting hands-on engineering, computing, and technology activities into their classrooms. IEEE volunteers are first trained on how to deliver the activities to teachers and connect with pre-university schools in their local communities. These volunteers then deliver the hands-on activities to teachers in professional in-service settings—who use the activities to engage students in their classrooms. Through TISP, hundreds of IEEE volunteers have been empowered to collaborate with their local pre-university education community. These volunteers help promote applied inquirybased learning; enhance the level of technical literacy of pre-university teachers; encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering; and increase the general level of technological literacy in pre-university students throughout their lives. Using hands-on activities in the classroom is an engaging and effective way to bring the excitement and discovery of engineering, science, and technology to life. IEEE volunteers gain satisfaction of supporting engineering education and developing future engineering students. E-mail Lynn Bowlby to learn more about the IEEE Teacher In-Service Program IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (archived March 2012) Start the year off by making volunteering for IEEE easier. Whether you are newly elected to your position in 2012 or are serving an additional term, we encourage you to take 30 minutes to review the training material provided in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE). The CLE provides an easy to use quick start guide for your position, and identifies key dates specific to your position so you can plan ahead. The CLE also includes a suite of optional courses through the CLE eLearning Library that provide guidance and tips on how you can be more effective and develop your professional skills to assist you in all facets of your professional life. Required geographic unit compliance (archived March 2012) It is important that every geographic unit is compliant with IEEE policy. As a reminder, your geographic unit should not hire staff or independent contractors and shall not lease or purchase real estate without proper authorization. Additionally, separate incorporation of IEEE organizational units is not normally permitted. E-mail MGA staff with questions or comments related to general compliance or these IEEE Policies