July 18, 1944. ,E. s. PURINGTON ' 2,354,141 UNIVERSAL RESISTANCE CAPACITANCE FILTER Filed Aug. 26, 1942 c c 3“ c ‘Tn II l/ ' II I RI R C RI =: 5E D"RI 2 ‘c 1, 2c|"' E . " 55 2 2 ‘r t - l ,r INSEDLRTCOIBSN, U) 9 U LIJ 2 LIJ a ‘ 1.0 2.0 ' 3.0 X = f4-0 4.0 INVENTOR ELLISON s. PURINGTON BY 719$ 4A/m/W ATTORNEY ' Patented July 18, 1944 UNITED 2,354,141 STATES PATENT ‘ OFFICE UNIVERSAL RESISTANCE‘ CAPACITANCE FILTER Ellison‘ S. Purington. Gloucester, Mass, assignor, '" by mesne assignments. to Radio Corporation of America, New York. N. Y., a corporation of Delaware Application August 26, 1942, Serial No. 456,286 7 Claims. This invention relates to a network of resistors and capacitors which may be used for frequency discrimination purposes. It is especially useful (Cl. 178-44) where M and N are functions of frequency and the relative proportionsof the various elements. From M and N, the performance 'as to effect of in frequency ranges where inductance elements the ?lter network upon the magnitude and upon are not highly practicable, as, for example, in low 5 the phase of the output current is given by audio or sub-audio ranges. _By properly chosen‘ insertion loss (db) = 10 log") (1112+ N2) design constants, the network may have the prop erties of a low-pass,,a high-pass, a band-pass or a band elimination ?lter, as may be desired. In the drawing, Figure 1 shows the general The insertion loss effect is of primary importance nature of the ?lter network according to the in in describing the properties of the ?lter network, vention, and Figures 2 and 3 illustrate curves but the phase shifting effect is sometimes re which will serve to explain the performance of quired. _ . the ?lter network of Figure 1 under certain con In some cases, it may be desirable to know the 15 transmission ratio T instead of the insertion The circuit of Figure 1 comprises a frequency ditions. . . discriminating network with structural symme try which is set up between two equal terminat ing resistors R, one of which, the sending termi ' ratio, that is, the ratio of the voltage 6r across energy E. The current i1 in the other termina tion, the receiving termination, is a function of the magnitude and the frequency of the source. T“_E—2(A'1+jN)_ i,_ 1 __< 2(llIZ+N2) M )_ J.( 2t1’ll2-l-N1) N ) the receiving termination to the driving voltage E. This is deducible from M and N by the rela nation, contains a source of alternating current 20 tions Because the performance is on a relative basis, the performance is independent of the magnitude the condensers C3, C1, C1 andCa connectedin series 25 of E, but depends only upon the frequency. Fur~~ , between the terminating resistors R audit, the ther the insertion ratio is not modi?ed if the shunt condensers C2 and C2, the series con value of each resistor in ohms is multiplied by a nected resistors R1, R1 which shunt the condens given factor, and the value of each capacitor in ers C1, C1, the shunt condenser 2C1 having one farads divided by the same factor, since this does terminal connected to the common terminal of 30 not modify the ratios of the impedances of the resistors R1, R1 and the shunt resistor ‘ elements. That is, although there are ?ve inde The frequency discriminating network comprises _ pendently choo'sable elements, there are only a fourfold in?nitude of performance relations pos having one terminal connected to the common 35 sible between the insertion ratio and the fre terminal of the condensers C1, C1. The restric tion of symmetry is for the purpose of making the performance a matter of exact computation quency of the source. . The number of in?nitude of performance curves is further reduced by putting frequency as well as transmission on a relative basis. That is, ‘ without excessive difficulty, and it will be under stood that the performance will not change 40 we can set up as a reference frequency F0, the frequency for which a resistor element of the abruptly if the conditions o‘f'exact symmetry are There are ?ve independently choos~ system has the same numerical impedance as a able elements, R, R1, C1, C2. C3, and the general possible capacitor element. Preferably F0 should repre sent some physically describable phenomenon. The ?ltering performance is most conveniently expressed by the insertion ratio, that is, the ratio of the current, E/2R, which would flow in the 45 For the present purposes, F0 is chosen as the fre quency for which the capacitor C1 has the same numerical impedance as resistor R1., That is, for a given choice of C1 and R1, the reference fre not met. performance ‘information combinations of choices. covers all quency is determinable by‘ Fo=159200/C1R1, and E, R and R directly in series, to the actual 60 where C1 is in microfarads, R1 in ohms, and F0 in cycles per second. For simplicity, the per current 'ir ?owing with the ?ltering network formance can be expressed not in terms of fre present. Using vector notation output arm if the ?ltering network were absent quency, but in terms of the reduced or relative insertion ratio = = (.11 +jN) I frequency, which is the ratio of any frequency f to the reference frequency F0. This for simplic 1 2 2,354,141 ity may be termed 0:, the main independent vari in?nite. The parameter h is assigned three dil able in expressing the performance. ferent values. By thus placing the transmission on a ‘relative basis, and also the frequency on a relative basis, For . ' the insertion loss function is the simplest possible, the performance of insertion effect as a function of the relative frequency is expressible by a three fold in?nitude of curves. That is, the insertion being the same for a: as for l/m. This arrange ment is suitable for band elimination purposes. Theoretically the loss is in?nite at :r-—-l. It will be understood that the loss in the vicinity of 1:1 the ratios of impedances. These parameters 10' can be made ?nite if desired by causing the vari ous elements of the ?lter to be inexactly chosen. will be as follows: ; The dotted line in the curve is for the purpose of Parameter h (height) is the ratio of R1 to R, effect is__a function of a: and of three secondary independent variablesL or parameters, expressing tying the two portions of the curve together. But that is h=R1/R; with parameter )1 chosen large, say h: 10 as illus Parameter s (series) is the ratio of C1 to C3, that is s=C1/Cs; 15 _ Parameter 1) (parallel) is the ratio of C2 to C1, trated, the system has the properties of a high pass filter, with high-loss for low values of :r, and especially high loss near :c=1. Or with h chosen small, say h=.2 as illustrated, the system has the The parameter h is an impedance level param properties of a low-pass ?lter, with high loss for eter. As it is changed, the impedances of all elements of the ?ltering network are changed 20 high values of x, and especially high loss near x=l. That is, the properties of the ?lter can be with respect to the terminations, without chang greatly modified by choice of the impedance level ing the ratios of the impedances of the elements parameter. While the use of this central network without the ?lter itself. Parameter s expresses with p=s==0 is known for purposes of making the the series condenser effect in blocking the passage loss in?nite at x=1, it is believed new to choose of low frequency currents, and this ‘effect is zero the impedance level as here de?ned either abnor for s=0, making Ca in?nite. Similarly 1; ex mally high or abnormally low to produce the low presses the parallel condenser e?ect in preventing pass or high pass effect. For ‘example, in the the passage of high frequency currents, and the design of resistance-capacitance ?lters for ripple effect is made zero for p=0, making C2 zero. For elimination in power supplies for radio, it would both s and p zero, the network comprises solely 30 be new to use a ?lter of this type with's=o so that the central elements R1, C1, R1/2 and 2C1. With the filter will pass direct current, and also with h It, s and p all positive quantities, the insertion abnormally small to permit effective passage.oi ratio function M and N depend solely upon the direct current, and F0 chosen at 120 cycles to main independent variable x, and the secondary _ attenuate especially the double frequency ripple in independent variables h, s and 1). Without going 35 a full wave recti?er operated from 60 cycle supply. into the details of the method of solution, it will Application of the ?lter with s not zero is for be found that M and N are computable from the band-pass purposes, illustrated in Figure - 3. equation below: Sharpness of cut-off is greatly enhanced by the fact that the insertion loss must go to in?nity at 40 3::1. The constants are here chosen to make the insertion loss lowest at a value of: less than unity‘, and to make the insertion loss for values of a: greater than ‘unity always greater than for z ‘ 45 yielding minimum loss. With C3 ?nite corresponding to a positive value , of s, it is physically apparent that the loss will be in?nite both at a:=0 and 1:1, therefore with a minimum ?nite loss at a point between :c=0 and The quantities P, Q, U, V, W assume numerical 50 :r=1. Also with C: ?nite, corresponding to a positive value of p, it is apparentthat the loss will values when parameters h, s and p are ‘specified. These numerical values are then inserted in the 2 be‘ in?nite also at x: <1 and therefore a minimum equation involving 0:, h, s and 12. x=o=, and also to determine the losses at these ?nite loss also at a point between :c=1 and x=¢. equations for M and N to make the insertion ratio While of course it is possible to set up the condi a function of a: vcorresponding to the particular values of h, s, p chosen. This is simpler than 55 tion to determine the points of minimum loss be tween rr=0 and x=1, and also between 1:1 and having M and N expressed in terms of one long ~ In using these equations for design purposes, it. points of minimum, the equations are so complex that it is quite impracticable. If the design for is contemplated that performance curves will be computed say of insertion loss as a function of a: 60 band-pass purposes is to be by computation, it is for various combinations of h, s and p. By a much simpler to proceed by the method of trial and error. The two combinations of‘ Figure 3 illustrate designs that have been made for spe cific purposes. The curve for h=.2, p=0, s=.4 produces a band-pass 'e?'ect without requiring condenser C2. The ?lter so organized, with Fe established from the chosen curve as to what chosen 1000 cycles, is suitable for transmitting value should be assigned to F0, the various ele- ' well at 120 cycles, and badly at higher frequencies, merits can be computed by the following for especially in the range of maximum audibility. mulae: 70 The curve h=1, p=.2, s=.2 gives band-pass effect in the vicinity of 2:.2, with p chosen so that for h=1, s=.2, the ?lter also transmits equally well For purpose of illustration, in Figure 2 are a band of frequencies in the vicinity of 2:4. Or shown curves of insertion loss in decibels under this arrangement may be considered as a band the special condition of p=s=0, so that C2 and C: are not required, one being zero and the other 75 elimination arrangement for which the loss be method of trial and adjustment, a combination of h, s and p will be found that best approximates the desired performance curve shape. The ter minal resistances R being known, and it being 65 3 2,354,141 comes a minimum at points other than 1:0 or a:=in?nity. input terminals, and a. terminating resistor is connected between the output terminals. ' These examples will serve to illustrate some of the three-fold in?nitude of curve shapes which may be used as a basis of design with this struc tural arrangement. Various modi?cations may be made in the in vention without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, and it is desired therefore, that only such limitations shall be placed thereon as are necessitated by the prior art and set forth in the appended claims. 4. A resistor-capacitor ?lter network as de ?ned in claim 2 wherein the three-terminal net work comprises a pair of parallel T-networks, one T-network comprising series condensers and a shunt resistor, the other T-network comprising series resistors and a shunt condenser. 5. A resistor-capacitor ?lter network compris ing input and output terminating-resistors, a plu rality of condensers of values Ca, C1, C1 and C3 series-connected between said resistors, a pair of resistors of equal value R1 connected in shunt to the condensers of equal value C1, a condenser of value 201 having one terminal connected to the common terminal between the resistors of equal value R1, a condenser of value C2 connected to each of the other terminals of the resistors of er ual value R1, and a resistor of value What I claim is: 1. A resistor-capacitor ?lter circuit compris- I ing a T-network of series condensers and a shunt resistance, a second T-network connected in par allel to. the ?rst having series resistances and shunt condenser, series and shunt condensers connected to the input of said networks, and sim ilar series and shunt condensers connected to the output of said networks. 2. A resistor-capacitor ?lter network compris 53 20 2 having one terminal connected to the common ing a pair of input and a pair of output terminals, terminal of the condensers of equal value C1. a pair of condensers serially connected across 6. A resistor-capacitor network as de?ned in the input terminals, a similar pair of condensers claim 5 wherein the values of the several con~ 25 connected across the output terminals, corre densers and resistors are so chosen that there is sponding condensers, one from each pair, having produced a very high insertion loss for one fre a common terminal which is connected to one of quency and a minimum of insertion loss at an the input terminals and also to one of the output other ?nite frequency other than zero. terminals, and a three-terminal network com 7. A resistor-capacitor network .as de?ned in prising resistors and capacitors having one termi 30 claim 5 wherein the values of the several con nal connected to said common terminal and its densers and resistors are so chosen that the net— other two terminals connected respectively to the work serves as a low pass or as a high pass ?lter common terminals of the serially connected con denser pairs. 3. A resistor-capacitor ?lter network as 1de ?ned in claim 2 wherein a frequency source and a terminating resistor are connected between the in accordance with the choice of the impedance level of the ?lter elements with respect to the terminating resistors. ' ELLISON S. PURINGTON.