Lei Wu, Ph. D. - Clarkson University

Lei Wu, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699-5720
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
09/2005 - 08/2008
M.S. in Systems Engineering
09/2001 - 07/2004
Special Class for Outstanding Student Program
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
09/1997 - 07/2001
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
02/2015 - Present
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
08/2010 - 02/2015
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
09/2008 - 07/2010
Summer Visiting Faculty
05/2012 - 08/2012
 Best Conference Paper on Planning, Operations, & Electricity
Tel: (312) 714-9010
Email: lwu@clarkson.edu
Market in PES General Meeting
 John W. Graham Faculty Research Award, Clarkson University
 IEEE PES Student Prize Paper Award in Honor of T. Burke
Hayes (with my M.S. student Aditi Upadhyay)
National Science Foundation CAREER Award
IEEE Senior Member
IBM Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Award
IEEE Transactions Prize Paper Award, Power System
Operation Committee, IEEE Power and Energy Society
 Highest Standard of Academic Achievement, the Graduate
College Honors, Illinois Institute of Technology
Total funding amount $3,955,468 (my share $1,719,771), as of July 2016
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Improving Energy Reliability by Co-Optimization Planning
for Interdependent Electricity and Natural Gas Infrastructure
Systems, NSF, CMMI1635339, $203,616 ($203,616), Single
2017 - 2019
CAREER: Stochastic Multiple Time-Scale Co-Optimized
Resource Planning of Future Power Systems with Renewable
Generation, Demand Response, and Energy Storage, NSF,
ECCS1254310, $400,000 ($400,000), Single PI.
2013 - 2018
Technology to Improve Disaster Response Capability, NSF,
IIP1534035, $999,720 ($142,817), Senior Personnel.
2015 - 2018
Leveraging Industry Research to Educate a Future Electric
Grid Workforce, DOE/EPRI, DE-FOA-0000152, $764,544
($191,136), Co-PI.
2013 - 2018
Microgrid Plant Control Design and Development, DOE/GE
Global Research, DE-OE-0000728, $80,000 ($26,666), Co-PI.
2014 - 2016
Design of a Resilient Underground Microgrid in Potsdam,
NYSERDA/National Grid, PON2715, $711,901 ($237,300),
2014 - 2016
Parameter Identification for Optimal Electric Vehicle Rate
Structures, NYSERDA, PON2755, $75,000 ($37,500), Co-PI.
2014 - 2016
FTR Collateral Requirement Calculation, Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, $25,000 ($25,000), Single PI.
2014 - 2015
Stochastic Optimization and Coordination Control of Demand
Response for Enhancing the Secure and Economic Operation
of Power Systems, NSF, ECCS1102064, $307,709
($307,709), Single PI.
2011 - 2015
Multi-Institutional Curriculum Development and Delivery to
Create the New Smart Grid Workforce, DOE/Syracuse
University, DE-FOA-0000152, $359,928 ($119,976), Co-PI.
2010 - 2013
A Study on Present Electric Power System Control Centers in
North America and Europe to Promote Its Development for
Future Smart Grids, Hong Kong University, China, $15,300
($15,300), Single PI.
2012 -2013
A Course Develop on Stochastic Optimization and
Coordination Control of the Future Power Grid, IBM, $10,000
($10,000), Single PI.
2012 -2013
Energy Efficiency Research for Dispersed Large-Scale
Internet Data Centers, Seed Grant, Clarkson University,
$2,750 ($2,750), Single PI.
2012 -2013
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Lei Wu and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Security-Constrained Unit
Commitment under Uncertainty,” In Equilibrium of Electricity Market
Efficiency and Power System Operation Risk, Wiley, 2015 (to appear).
Zhi Chen and Lei Wu, “Real Time Residential Demand Response
Management,” In Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management and
Business Models, CRC Press, 2015 (to appear).
[J56] Wei Wei, Shengwei Mei, Lei Wu, Jianhui Wang, and Yujuan Fang,
“Robust Operation of Distribution Networks Coupled with Urban
Transportation Infrastructures,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016.
(to appear).
[J55] Yamin Wang and Lei Wu, “On Practical Challenges of DecompositionBased Hybrid Forecasting Algorithms for Wind Speed and Solar
Irradiation,” Energy, 2016. (to appear).
[J54] Jie Li, Yikui Liu, and Lei Wu, “Optimal Operation for Community Based
Multi-Party Microgrid in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes,” IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016. (to appear).
[J53] Songming Zhu, Lei Wu, Xiaohong Guan, and Jiang Wu, “A SCUC-Based
Optimal Power Tracing Approach for Scheduling Physical Bilateral
Transactions and Its Verification Via an Integrated Power-Money Flow
Analysis,” IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 2016. (to
[J52] Shouxiang Wang, Na Zhang, Lei Wu, and Yamin Wang, “Wind Speed
Forecasting Based on the Hybrid Ensemble Empirical Mode
Decomposition and GA-BP Neural Network Method,” Renewable Energy,
2016. (to appear).
[J51] Zhechong Zhao, Lei Wu, Shaohua Zhang, and Xue Li, “An Enhanced
Network-Constrained UC Model for Leveraging System Operation Cost
and Financial Profitability of Shiftable DR Loads,” IEEE Transactions on
Smart Grid, 2016. (to appear).
[J50] Yamin Wang, Lei Wu, and Shouxiang Wang, “A Fully-Decentralized
Consensus-Based ADMM Approach for DC-OPF with Demand
Response,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016 (to appear).
[J49] Chenxi Dai, Lei Wu, and Hongyu Wu, “A Multi-Band Uncertainty Set
Based Robust SCUC with Spatial and Temporal Budget Constraints,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016 (to appear).
[J48] Lei Wu, “Accelerating NCUC via Binary Variable-Based Locally Ideal
Formulation and Dynamic Global Cuts,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, 2016 (to appear).
[J47] Yifei Wang, Zhiyi Li, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Lei Wu, and Chuangxin
Guo, “Stochastic Coordination of Midterm and Short-Term Maintenance
Outage Scheduling in Power Systems Considering Covariates,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, 2016 (to appear).
[J46] Shouxiang Wang, Xingyou Zhang, Leijiao Ge, and Lei Wu, “TwoDimensional Wind Speed Statistical Model for Reliability Assessment of
Microgrid,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2016 (to appear).
[J45] Shouxiang Wang, Sijia Chen, Leijiao Ge, and Lei Wu, “Distributed
Generation Hosting Capacity Evaluation for Distribution Systems
Considering the Robust Optimal Operation of OLTC and SVC,” IEEE
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2016 (to appear).
Aditi Upadhyay, Bingqian Hu, Jie Li, and Lei Wu, “A ChanceConstrained Wind Range Quantification Approach for Determining
Dynamic Uncertainty Intervals to Robust SCUC,” CSEE Journal of Power
& Energy Systems, 2016 (to appear).
Bingqian Hu and Lei Wu, “Robust SCUC with Multi-Band Nodal Load
Uncertainty Set,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016 (to appear).
Bingqian Hu, Lei Wu, Xiaohong Guan, Feng Gao, and Qiaozhu Zhai,
“Comparison of Variant Robust SCUC Models for Operational Security
and Economics of Power Systems under Uncertainty,” Electric Power
Systems Research, Vol. 133, pp. 121-131, 2016.
Bingqian Hu and Lei Wu, “Robust SCUC Considering Continuous/
Discrete Uncertainties and Quick-Start Units: A Two-Stage Robust
Optimization with Mixed-Integer Recourse,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1407-1419, Mar. 2016.
Shouxiang Wang, Liang Han, and Lei Wu, “Uncertainty Tracing of
Distributed Generations via Complex Affine Arithmetic Based Unbalanced
Three-Phase Power Flow,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 30,
No. 6, pp. 3053-3062, Nov. 2015.
Jun Shu, Lei Wu, Bing Han, and Lizi Zhang, “Spatial Power Network
Expansion Planning Considering Generation Expansion,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 1815-1824, Jul. 2015.
Xue Li, Xiong Zhang, Lei Wu, Pan Lu, and Shaohua Zhang,
“Transmission Line Overload Risk Assessment for Power Systems with
Wind and Load-Power Generation Correlation,” IEEE Transactions on
Smart Grid, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1233-1242, May 2015.
Zhi Chen, Lei Wu, and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Effective Load
Carrying Capability Evaluation of Renewable Energy via Stochastic LongTerm Hourly-Based SCUC,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,
Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 188-197, Jan. 2015.
Saeed Kamalinia, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Lei Wu, “Stochastic
Sustainable Resource Planning in Energy Markets,” Applied Energy, Vol.
133, pp. 112-120, 2014.
Bingqian Hu, Lei Wu, and Muhammad Marwali, “On the Robust Solution
to SCUC with Load and Wind Uncertainty Correlations,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 2952-2964, Nov.
Saeed Kamalinia, Lei Wu, and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Stochastic
Midterm Coordination of Hydro and Natural Gas Flexibilities for Wind
Energy Integration,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 5,
No. 4, pp. 1070-1079, Oct. 2014.
Zhechong Zhao, Lei Wu, and Guohui Song, “Convergence of Volatile
Power Markets with Price Based Demand Response,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 2107-2118, Mar. 2014.
Zhi Chen, Lei Wu, and Zuyi Li, “Electric Demand Response Management
for Distributed Large-Scale Internet Data Centers,” IEEE Transactions on
Smart Grid, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 651-661, Mar. 2014.
[J31] Jun Shu, Lei Wu, Bing Han, and Lizi Zhang, “Enhanced MultiDimensional Power Network Planning Based on Ant Colony
Optimization,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,
doi: 10.1002/etep.1897, Feb. 2014.
[J30] Zhechong Zhao and Lei Wu, “Impacts of High Penetration Wind
Generation and Demand Response on LMPs in Day-Ahead Market,” IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 220-229, Jan. 2014.
[J29] Lei Wu and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Hybrid Model for Integrated
Day-Ahead Electricity Price and Load Forecasting in Smart Grid,” IET
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1937-1950,
[J28] Zhi Chen and Lei Wu, “Residential Appliance DR Energy Management
with Electric Privacy Protection by Online Stochastic Optimization,” IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, Special Issue on “Real-Time Demand
Response”, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 1861-1869, Dec. 2013.
[J27] Lei Wu, “An Improved Decomposition Framework for Accelerating LSF
and BD Based Methods for Network-Constrained UC Problems,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 3977-3986, Nov.
[J26] Yong Fu, Zuyi Li, and Lei Wu, “Modeling and Solution of the LargeScale Security-Constrained Unit Commitment,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 3524-3533, Nov. 2013.
[J25] Lei Wu, “Impact of Price-Based Demand Response on Market Clearing
and Locational Marginal Prices,” IET Generation, Transmission &
Distribution, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 1087-1095, Oct. 2013.
[J24] Shouxiang Wang, Zhixin Li, Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Zuyi
Li, “New Metrics for Assessing the Reliability and Economics of
Microgrids in Distribution System,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 2852-2861, Aug. 2013.
[J23] Mohammad E. Khodayar, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Lei Wu,
“Enhancing the Dispatchability of Variable Wind Generation by
Coordination with Pumped-Storage Hydro Units in Stochastic Power
Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 28082818, Aug. 2013.
[J22] Zhi Chen, Lei Wu, and Yong Fu, “Real-Time Price-Based Demand
Response Management for Residential Appliances via Stochastic
Optimization and Robust Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Smart
Grid, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1822-1831, Dec. 2012.
[J21] Amin Khodaei, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Lei Wu, and Zuyi Li,
“Coordination of Short-Term Operation Constraints in Multi-Area
Expansion Planning,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 27, No.
4, pp. 2242-2250, Nov. 2012.
[J20] Bamdad Falahati, Yong Fu, and Lei Wu, “Reliability Assessment of Smart
Grid Considering Direct Cyber-Power Interdependencies,” IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1515-1524, Sep. 2012.
[J19] Mohammad E. Khodayar, Lei Wu, and Mohammad Shahidehpour,
“Hourly Coordination of Electric Vehicle Operation and Volatile Wind
Power Generation in SCUC,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 3,
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
No. 3, pp. 1271-1279, Sep. 2012.
Lisias V. Abreu, Mohammad E. Khodayar, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and
Lei Wu, “Risk-Constrained Coordination of Cascaded Hydro Units with
Variable Wind Power Generation,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable
Energy, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 359-368, Jul. 2012.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Zuyi Li, “Comparison of
Scenario-Based and Interval Optimization Approaches to Stochastic
SCUC,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 913921, May 2012.
Jun Shu, Lei Wu, Zuyi Li, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Lizi Zhang, and
Bing Han, “A New Method for Spatial Power Network Planning in
Complicated Environments,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.
27, No. 1, pp. 381-389, Feb. 2012.
Lei Wu, “A Tighter Piecewise Linear Approximation of Quadratic Cost
Curves for Unit Commitment Problems,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 2581-2583, Nov. 2011.
Jichun Liu, Peng Zhang, Lei Wu, and Liu Yang, “Multi-Objective Optimal
Electricity Transaction of Interconnected Power Network Based on
Improved Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic II Algorithm and Multiple
Attributes Decision Making of Base Point and Entropy,” Power System
Technology, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 30-34, Aug. 2011.
Lei Wu and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Optimal Coordination of
Stochastic Hydro and Natural Gas Supplies in Midterm Operation of
Power Systems,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 5,
No. 5, pp. 577-587, May 2011.
Lei Wu and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Accelerating the Benders
Decomposition for Network-Constrained Unit Commitment Problems,”
Energy Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 339-376, Aug. 2010.
Lei Wu and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “A Hybrid Model for Day-Ahead
Price Forecasting,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 25, No. 3,
pp. 1519-1530, Aug. 2010.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Yong Fu, “Security-Constrained
Generation and Transmission Outage Scheduling with Uncertainties,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 1674-1685, Aug.
Cong Liu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Lei Wu, “Extended Benders
Decomposition for Two-Stage SCUC,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 1192-1194, May 2010.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Cong Liu, “MIP-Based PostContingency Corrective Action with Quick-Start Units,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1898-1899, Nov.
Lei Wu and Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Financial Risk Evaluation in
Stochastic PBUC,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 24, No. 4,
pp. 1896-1897, Nov. 2009.
Jae Hyung Roh, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Lei Wu, “Market-Based
Generation and Transmission Planning with Uncertainties,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 1587-1598, Aug.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Zuyi Li, “GENCO’s RiskConstrained Hydrothermal Scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1847-1858, Nov. 2008.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Tao Li, “Cost of Reliability
Analysis Based on Stochastic Unit Commitment,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 1364-1374, Aug. 2008.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Tao Li, “GENCO’s Risk-Based
Maintenance Outage Scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 127-136, Feb. 2008.
Lei Wu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Tao Li, “Stochastic SecurityConstrained Unit Commitment,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 800-811, May 2007.
Lei Wu, Qiaozhu Zhai, and Xiaohong Guan, “Feasible Solution Criterion
of Power Generation Optimal Scheduling and Its Solution,” Power System
Technology, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-4, 2004.
[C11] Tom Ortmeyer, Lei Wu, and Jie Li, “Planning and Design Goals for
Resilient Microgrids,” 2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
Technologies Conference, September 2016.
[C11] Zhi Chen and Lei Wu, “ADP Based Long-Term Renewable Generation
Planning While Considering the Effects of Hourly SCUC,” 2016 IEEE
PES General Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.
[C10] Yikui Liu, Jie Li, Lei Wu, and Qingzhen Liu, “Ex-Post Real-Time
Distribution LMP Based on State Estimation,” 2016 IEEE PES General
Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.
[C9] Chenxi Dai and Lei Wu, “A Two-Stage Robust Transmission Expansion
Planning Approach with Multi-Band Uncertainty Set,” 2016 IEEE PES
General Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.
[C8] Yamin Wang, Lei Wu, and Shouxiang Wang, “Challenges in Applying the
Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Hybrid Algorithm for Forecasting
Renewable Wind/Solar in Practical Cases,” 2016 IEEE PES General
Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.
[C7] Yamin Wang, Chenxi Dai, Chen Liu, and Lei Wu, “Parallel Gaussian
Elimination on Single-Chip Cloud Computer,” 2015 North American
Power Symposium, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 2015.
[C6] Zhi Chen and Lei Wu, “Effective Load Carrying Capability Evaluation of
Renewable Energy via Stochastic SCUC,” 2015 IEEE PES General
Meeting, Denver, MI, Jul. 2015.
[C5] Bingqian Hu and Lei Wu, “Robust SCUC with Load and Wind Uncertain
Intervals,” 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington D.C., Jul. 2014.
[C4] Zhechong Zhao and Lei Wu, “Stability Analysis for Power Systems with
Price-Based Demand Response via Cobweb Plot,” 2013 IEEE PES
General Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jul. 2013.
[C3] Alberto Martinez-Mares, Claudio R. Fuerte-Esquivel, Lei Wu, and
Thomas Ortmeyer, “Wind Energy Impact in Fossil Fuel Management: A
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Multi-Energy OPF Approach,” 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting, San
Diego, CA, Jul. 2012.
Yong Fu, Lei Wu, and Zuyi Li, “A Hierarchically Coordinated Operation
Framework for Optimally Integrating PHEVs into Power Grids,” 2011
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC'11), Chicago, IL,
Sep. 2011.
Bamdad Falahati, Yong Fu, Zahra Darabi, and Lei Wu, “Reliability
Assessment of Power Systems Considering the Large-Scale PHEV
Integration,” 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference
(VPPC'11), Chicago, IL, Sep. 2011.
[T14] Tighter Modeling And Enhanced Solutions For Power System Operations
Under Uncertain Environment, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, NT.
Nov. 2016.
[T13] Developing Advanced Resilient Community Microgrid to Improve
Disaster Response Capability, Panel on Power System Resilient Design
and Optimization, 2016 INFORMS International Meeting, Hawaii, Jun.
[T12] Advanced Modeling and Optimization Techniques for Power System
Operations under Uncertain Environment, Group for Research in Decision
Analysis (GERAD), Polytechnique Montreal, Canada, Mar. 2016.
[T11] Two-Stage Robust SCUC with Mixed-Integer Recourse, Panel on
Stochastic Methods Applied to Power System Operations, INFORMS 2015
Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2015.
[T10] Effect of Smart Grid Technology on the Secure and Economic Operation
of Power Systems, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2014.
[T9] Secure and Economic Operation of Power Systems, MISO, Carmel, IN,
Oct. 2014.
[T8] Clarkson Power Systems and Smart Grid Education and Research
Activities, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China, Jun.
[T7] Resilient Community Microgrid, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China,
Jun. 2014.
[T6] Impacts of Demand Response on Power Systems with High Penetration
Wind Generation, Panel on Reliability Impacts of Demand Response
Integration, 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington D.C., Jul.
[T5] Impact of Price-Based Demand Response on Power Market Operation,
2013 IEEE PES Task Force on Reliability Impacts of Demand Response
Integration (RIDRI), IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Jul.
[T4] Stochastic Multiple Time-Scale Co-Optimized Resource Planning of
Future Power Systems with Renewable Generation, Demand Response,
and Energy Storage, 2013 NSF CyberBridges Workshop, Arlington, VA,
Jul. 2013.
[T3] Mathematical Optimization for Secure and Economic Operation of
Emerging Power Systems, Department of Mathematics, Clarkson
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
University, Potsdam, NY, Mar. 2013.
Stochastic Security-Constrained Power System Operation, NYISO,
Rensselaer, NY, May 2011.
Stochastic Security of Power System Operation, Advanced Energy 2010,
New York State’s Premier Conference for Advanced Energy, New York,
NY, Nov. 2010.
Lei Wu, ECE Department, Division of Research, Clarkson University, 2012.
Xiaohong Guan, Feng Gao, Qiaozhu Zhai, Lei Wu, Wei Tian, Lan Sun, Yan Guo,
Liqin Shao, and Xin Fan, Institute of Systems Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
University, China, 2003.
EE 333 Power System Engineer
EE 431 Power Transmission and Distribution
EE 452 Optimization Techniques in Engineering
EE 531 Power System Planning
EE 533 Operation and Control of Electric Power Systems
EE 534 Market Operation of Power Systems
EE 536 Advanced Topics in Emerging Power Systems
EE 552 Optimization Techniques in Engineering
Vaughn Thompson, 2015-2016
Bal Timsina, 2015
Michael Ferrari, 2015
Chase Turose, 2011-2015
Alysa A. Leong, 2014
Qiaoling Zeng, 2014
Zongyi Xie, 2013
Kimberly Oakes, 2012
Adrienne Zacaroli, 2012
Chenxi Dai, Jan. 2014 - Present
Yamin Wang, Jan. 2014 - Present
Songming Zhu, Jan. 2014 - Present
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
Yikui Liu, Jul. 2015 - Present (Co-advised with Dr. Jie Li)
Bingqian Hu, Aug. 2012 - Jun. 2015
Thesis Title: Robust Optimization on Secure and Economic Operation of
Power Systems
First Employment: American Electric Power, OH
Zhechong Zhao, Aug. 2011 - Jun. 2014
Thesis Title: Impacts of Demand Response and Renewable Generation in
Electricity Power Market
First Employment: PacifiCorp, UT
Zhi Chen, Jul. 2011- Jun. 2014
Thesis Title: Uncertainty Constrained Energy Efficiency Optimization in
Smart Grid
First Employment: Tenure Track Assistant Professor, EE Department,
Arkansas Tech University, AR
Shenyi Zhao, Jul. 2014 - Present (Co-advised with Dr. Jie Li)
Alex Giarratano, Aug. 2011 - Jun. 2013 (Co-advised with Dr. Tom Ortmeyer)
Thesis Title: Evaluating the Impact of PHEV’s on Distribution Feeders and
the Potential for a Novel PHEV Charging Management Strategy
First Employment: Electric Reliability Council of Texas, TX
Benjamin Joseph O’ Rourke, Aug. 2010 - May 2015
Thesis Title: A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Direct Load Control
First Employment: Goodrich Sensors and Integrated Systems, VT
Aditi Upadhyay, Jan. 2013 - Jun. 2014
Thesis Title: An MILP Based Chance-Constrained Approach to Quantify
Stochastic Wind Power Ramp and Its Application to SCUC
First Employment: NYISO, NY
Chuan He, Sichuan University, China, 2015-2016
Qingzhen Liu, Fuzhou University, China, 2015-2016
Jiahui Huang, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China, 2016
Shengyi Wang, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China, 2016
Siti Maherah Hussin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, 2015
Alberto Martinez-Tulais, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalg,
Mexico, 2011-2012
International Conference Technical Program Committee
 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
(SmartGridComm), Venice, Italy, Nov. 2014.
 Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy,
Chicago, IL, 2014.
 Power Engineering and Automation Conference, Wuhan, China, Sep.
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
 International Symposium on Green Energy Policy Innovation, Jinjuon,
South Korea, Dec. 2012.
International Conference Panel Session Chair
 Panel Session on Managing Uncertainty in Power System and Market
Operations I - Robust Optimization for Power System Operations, 2013
IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 2013.
 Paper Session on Power System Planning, Great Lakes Symposium on
Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy, Chicago, IL, Sep. 2012.
 Panel Session on Stochastic Operational Security of Power Systems, 2012
IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jul. 2012.
 Panel Session on Coordinated PEV-Grid Operations, 2012 IEEE PES
Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Washington D.C.,
Jan. 2012.
 Panel Session on Power System Operation Methods, 2011 IEEE PES
General Meeting, Detroit, MI, Jul. 2011.
Editorship of Journals
 Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015 - Present
 Editor, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2012 - Present
 Editor, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2015 - Present
 Associate Editor, Optimization and Engineering, 2016 - Present
 Editor, Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2015 - Present
 Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Special Issue on “Power
Grid Resilience,” 2015
 Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Special Issue on
“Reserve and Flexibility for Handling Variability and Uncertainty of
Renewable Generation,” 2014
 Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Special Issue on
“Optimization Methods and Algorithms Applied to Smart Grid,” 2013
Technical Review Activities
 National Science Foundation (NSF) Panels
 John Wiley
 Louisiana Board of Regents’ Pilot Funding for New Research Program
 Applied Energy
 Applied Sciences
 Applied Soft Computing
 Computers & Industrial Engineering
 Electric Power Systems Research
 Energy
 Energy for Sustainable Development
 European Transactions on Electrical Power
 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech Conference
 IEEE Internet of Things Journal
 IEEE Power Engineering Letters
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae
IEEE Power and Energy Innovative Smart Grid Technologies
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
IET Renewable Power Generation
Information Fusion
International Journal on Energy Research
International Journal of Production Research
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Journal of Algorithms and Optimization
Journal of Zhejiang University - Computers & Electronics
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
Senior Member, IEEE, 2013
Member, INFORMS, 2015
Full Member, Sigma Xi, 2009
Member of International Education/Relations and Graduate Students
Committee, Clarkson University, 2014 - Present
Member of Honors Program Research Committee, Clarkson University, 2010
- Present
Member of ECE Graduate Committee, Clarkson University, 2015 - Present
Member of ECE Department Faculty Search Committee, Clarkson
University, 2013
Member of ECE Strategic Planning Subcommittee on Research and Graduate
Program, 2013 - Present
Lei Wu: Curriculum Vitae