Proc. 2001 IEEE-PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, BC, July 2001. Comparison of Voltage Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Techniques Claudio Cañizares William Rosehart Alberto Berizzi Cristian Bovo IEEE Member IEEE Student Member IEEE Member IEEE Student Member University of Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering 200 University Av. W. Waterloo, ON N2L-3G1 CANADA Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 20133 Milano ITALY Abstract This paper compares two different Optimal Power Flow (OPF) formulations that consider voltage security in power systems. The techniques are both based on multi-objective optimization methodologies, so that operating costs and losses can be minimized while maximizing the “distance” to voltage collapse. The techniques are described in detail and compared to study their similarities, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The comparisons are based on the results obtained by applying these two methods to a modified version of the 118-bus IEEE test system. fact that optimization techniques can be readily used to study the voltage stability problem [4], [5], has lead the authors to propose OPF formulations that “optimize” a system considering both costs and voltage stability criteria. Thus, in [6] and [7], the authors propose two different OPF techniques based on multi-objective optimization methodologies to minimize operating costs and losses while maximizing the “distance” to voltage collapse conditions. In the present paper, these techniques are described in detail and compared to study their advantages and disadvantages. The comparisons are based on the results obtained from applying these two methods to a modified version of the 118-bus IEEE test system [8]. This paper is organized as follows: Section II introduces the basic theory associated with the two voltage security constrained OPF techniques used in this paper, as well as the actual mathematical formulation of these two optimization problems. In Section III, a detailed comparison of the results of applying these formulations to a test system are presented, highlighting possible uses, advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques. Finally, Section IV describes the main contributions of this paper and discusses some possible future research directions. Keywords: Optimal power optimization, voltage stability. flows, multi-objective I. INTRODUCTION Optimal Power Flows (OPF) have been widely used in planning and real-time operation of power systems for active and reactive power dispatch to minimize generation costs and system losses and to improve voltage profiles [1]. Typically, these two problems have been assumed decoupled and thus treated independently. However, as the system operates closer to its stability limits, such as its voltage collapse point, due to market pressures, this assumption does not apply any longer, and hence there is a need to consider these limits within the OPF. By including these stability limits in the OPF problem, optimization procedures can also be used to improve the overall system security while accounting at the same time for the costs associated with it, which is becoming an important issue in open electricity markets. The voltage stability problem in power systems has been widely studied, and the basic mechanisms that lead to a network voltage collapse have been identified and are now clearly understood [2]. It has been demonstrated that the overall stability of the system is closely associated with the proximity of a system to a voltage collapse condition, i.e., as the system approaches a voltage collapse point, its stability region becomes smaller, resulting in a system that is less likely to survive contingencies (e.g., [3]). Hence, as a first approximation, one can use voltage stability criteria to account for the overall system stability. This added to the II. BASIC BACKGROUND The basic voltage stability and OPF theory on which the material on this paper is based is briefly discussed in this section. The two diverse optimization formulations in which the classical OPF is restated to account for system voltage security are then explained in detail. A. Voltage Stability The voltage stability problem typically consists on determining operating conditions where “equilibrium” points of a nonlinear dynamic model of the power system merge [2]. This can be stated mathematically using a system model represented by the following set of differential-algebraic equations (DAE): • x = f ( x, y , ρ , λ ) 0 = g ( x, y , ρ , λ ) 1 (1) where x∈ℜn stands for the system state variables such as generator angles and angular speeds, associated with the nonlinear field f:ℜn×ℜm×ℜk×ℜl→ℜn; y∈ℜm corresponds to the system algebraic variables, i.e., variables such as bus angles and voltages that are not associated with any system dynamics and that are directly defined by a set of nonlinear algebraic constraints characterized by the nonlinear function g:ℜn×ℜm×ℜk×ℜl→ℜm; ρ∈ℜk represents system controlled parameters such as AVR set points; and λ∈ℜl stands for “uncontrolled” system parameters such as loading levels. Equilibrium points of (1) are usually determined by solving the set of nonlinear equilibrium equations F ( z , p, λ ) = 0 equations; and G(z,p,λ) stands for a general cost function, which typically corresponds to generation costs or system losses. The OPF problem (3) can be used to represent a voltage collapse condition by simply defining the objective function to be G ( z , p, λ ) = − λ or −1 {J } G ( z , p, λ ) = σ min B. Optimal Power Flow The classical OPF problem can be stated as a general, nonlinear, constrained optimization problem as follows: G ( z , p, λ ) F ( z , p, λ ) = 0 z min ≤ z ≤ z max (5) where σmin stands for the minimum singular value of the Jacobian J = DzF(z,p,λ). The objective function (4) basically defines a maximum loading value, which can be formally and readily shown to correspond to either a SNB or a LIB [10]. The objective function (5) also forces the system to either a SNB or a LIB, depending on the system limits, as the system is singular or “almost” singular at these points. The OPF formulation (5) is mathematically and numerically more complicated to implement and analyze than (4), as it requires the computation of the minimum singular value and associated sensitivities. The use of the singular value makes it possible to perform an “absolute” analysis of the proximity of the system to a collapse point, without assumptions regarding the load and generator change patterns, which may be needed in some particular cases when using (4). It is worth noticing that the issue of how to use the singular value as an absolute proximity indicator to collapse is critical, because it depends on the system and loading conditions. However, the operators’ knowledge of the power system should allow for the detection of critical situations from the direct analysis of this value [11]. The actual implementation of both of these procedures in a multi-objective optimization formulation that considers operating costs and voltage security is discussed in more detail in the next sections. Observe that when using the OPF to study the voltage stability problem, more complex system models than the usual power flow model could be used, i.e., the equality constraint F(z,p,λ) = 0 can represent actual steady-state equations of the system. (2) where ideally F = [f g]T, z = [x y]T, p = ρ. However, in practice, (2) stands for the power flow equations, i.e., F, z and p are actually only a subset of the original state and algebraic equations and variables and control parameters, respectively. Thus, F typically represents the active and reactive power mismatches at all buses; z stands for the phasor voltages and angles at all buses; and p represents active power levels and voltage set points of generators. Nevertheless, better steady state models can be used if accuracy is an issue, particularly when controls and their associated limits need to be represented in more detail, as in the case of power electronics-based controllers [9]. Multiple solutions for (2) can be obtained at given values of the control parameters p and loading level λ. Voltage collapse points can then be associated with solution points for the corresponding p and λ values, say (zc,pc,λc), at which two solution points merge, and then disappear when λ is “slightly” changed (usually increased). This point may be associated theoretically with a saddle-node bifurcation (SNB), which is a point where the Jacobian Jc = DzF(zc,pc,λc) is singular, or with a limit induced bifurcation (LIB), which corresponds to a point where certain system limits are reached (e.g., a generator reactive power) [2]. In practice, whether the system collapses by a SNB or a LIB, the Jacobian Jc tends to be either singular (SNB) or rather close to singularity (LIB) at the collapse point. min s.t. (4) C. OPF with Voltage Security Constrains Based on (4) and (5), the OPF can be used to both minimize system costs and increase system security by simply restating the optimization problem as follows: (3) p min ≤ p ≤ p max 1. Maximizing the Distance to Collapse: Based on the loading level represented by the parameters λ, a voltage security constrained OPF can be formulated using a multiobjective approach as follows [6]: where z∈ℜ stands for the system power flow variables or dependent variables, which are usually bus voltages and angles; p∈ℜK represents the system parameters; λ∈ℜl stands for “uncontrolled” system parameters; F:ℜN×ℜK×ℜl→ℜN is a nonlinear function that typically stands for the power flow N 2 min (1 − ω ) C ( z o , p ) − ω λ o − λ c s.t. F ( z o , p, λ o ) = 0 F ( z c , p, λ c ) = 0 zo ≤ zo ≤ zo zc ≤ zc ≤ zc min min most appropriate given the system conditions. The Pareto set can be computed based on the Weights method or the εConstraint method [12]. In the Weights method, which is the method used in (6), the Pareto set can be found by varying the value of the weight ω from 0 to 1 in (6) max max p min ≤ p ≤ p max min −1 (1 − ω ) C ( z o , p ) + ω σ min {J o } s.t. F ( z o , p, λ o ) = 0 zo where o stands for the “current” operating point and c for the collapse point; C(zo,p) represents the operating cost function that usually depends on some of the system control parameters (e.g., active powers of generators) and system variables at the current operating point (e.g., transmission losses). The second term in the cost function guarantees that the “distance” between the current operating point and the collapse point is maximized, and its effect on the optimization is controlled depending on the weighting factor ω, which is a scalar chosen to control the relative importance and scaling of the different terms in the objective function. Thus, as the current operating point gets closer to the collapse point, the value of ω should increase, so that stability takes precedence over cost as the system loading increases. This formulation is known as the “Weights” method and it is used in multi-objective optimization to find the Pareto set [12]. Usually, the choice of ω is important, as it defines the relative importance of the different components of the objective function, especially when these components have rather different values due to their base units. Observe that in (6), given the nature of the optimization problem at hand, both the current and a corresponding collapse point must be represented, making the constraints highly nonlinear, as the active and reactive powers are tightly coupled at the collapse point; this can create numerical problems during the optimization procedure. Furthermore, if a direction of load increase is chosen, λ becomes a scalar, reducing the search space for the optimization procedure by (l − 1); in this case, assumptions regarding load and generation change patterns must be made, which is usually not a problem given that these can be chosen based on appropriate, common, and well-known load forecasting techniques. Finally, the parameters p are basically the same at the current and collapse points, as a pattern of generation increase is chosen to respond to the desired loading pattern increase, i.e., a distributed slack bus approach is used. The latter is a reasonable assumption, as one is not interested in optimizing operating costs at the collapse point but rather at the current operating point. min ≤ zo ≤ zo (7) max p min ≤ p ≤ p max In the ε-Constraint method, one must choose a main objective function, while the other components of the original multi-objective function are treated as constraints. For example, using this technique with the cost as the main objective function, formulation (7) can be transformed into min s.t. C ( z o , p) −1 {J o } ≤ ε σ min F ( z o , p, λ o ) = 0 zo ≤ zo ≤ zo min p min (8) max ≤ p ≤ p max where ε is a threshold value chosen by the user for the “secondary” objective function. Choosing a value for ε is usually easier than selecting appropriate values for ω in the Weights method, as ε defines a minimum stability margin, which has a more “physical” meaning. A similar approach is proposed in [6] for the OPF formulation (6), where voltage security if accounted for in the OPF formulation by adding a minimum distance to collapse constraint. These OPF problems are solved using the Han-Powell procedure, which requires a second order approximation of both the objective functions and the constraints. In this case, a critical aspect in the solution of (7) and (8) is the computation of the singular value and its derivatives at every iteration, which can be done using the Hessian of the power flow equations as described in detail in [13]. The problem with this approach is that only approximations of the actual derivatives needed in the solution process are used, which could lead to convergence problems, especially if one considers that σmin may be highly nonlinear, approaching zero rapidly when close to the collapse point. This is a disadvantage of this method when compared to (6). In (7) and (8), only the “current” loading conditions, as defined by λo, are considered in the optimization procedure, i.e., the optimization is carried out without regard for the possible direction of load and generation changes, which is not the case in (6). This is could be an advantage of this method. 2. Maximizing the Singular Value: Of the different objective functions proposed in [7], the OPF formulations described in this section focuse on maximizing voltage security through the use of the minimum singular value σmin{Jo}. The procedures presented in [7] concentrate on the determination of the entire Pareto set, called also non-inferior set, so that various possible alternatives can be looked at to choose the 3 III. RESULTS λc The OPF formulations (6), (7), and (8) were implemented in MATLAB and applied to a modified version of the IEEE 118-bus system [8], which has 55 generators and 9 LTCs. Although a simple power flow model with limits in bus voltages and active and reactive powers of generators was used, the OPF procedures can be applied to more complex steady state models. The OPF formulation (6) was implemented based on the algorithm presented in [14], which is a nonlinear primal-dual predictor-corrector interior point method. The OPF formulations (7) and (8) were implemented using a HanPowell second order method [15]. The results obtained by applying (6) to the test system are depicted in Figs. 1 and 2 for different values of λ. In this case, the active and reactive powers in all load buses are assumed to increase in the same proportion as the base loading value, and generators are assumed to all pick up power in addition to their base loading using a distributed slack bus approach, i.e., for all loads L and generators G, Max.Dist. (w=1) w=0.9997 Min.Cost (w=0) 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 w=0.9999 w=0.999 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 λo Fig. 1. Loading factor λc at collapse versus base loading level λo in p.u. for the Maximum Distance to Collapse OPF formulation with different weighting factors ω when applied to the 118-bus test system. 35000 30000 Costs 25000 PL = PLo λ Q L = Q Lo λ 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Max. Distance (ω =1) 20000 15000 10000 (9) PG = PGo + K G ∆P Min. Costs (ω =0) 5000 0 where PLo and QLo correspond to the base load powers; PGo ∈ p stands for the generator powers at the current operating point, which are being optimized at the loading level defined by λo; KG is a value that defines the generation increase pattern (in the simulations presented here KG was assumed to be the same for all generators); and ∆P is a scalar variable representing the distributed slack bus. Based on (9), the power flow constraint F(zo,p,λo)=0 in (6), is associated with a load level (PLo + j QLo) λo and generation settings PGo, whereas F(zc,p,λc)=0 is associated with (PLo + j QLo) λc and PGo + KG ∆P. Observe in Fig. 1 that as the value of the weight ω in the multi-objective optimization formulation increases, the solution procedure puts more emphasis on maximizing the distance to collapse, i.e., the values of λc increase. Two extremes in costs are depicted in Fig. 2; here one can see that maximizing only distance to collapse leads to significantly larger operating costs than when minimizing costs, as expected. Figure 3 depicts the different costs obtained from the OPF formulation (6) for ω=0, ω=0.999 and w=0.9999; observe that the optimization procedure is very sensitive to the weight factor ω (see Fig. 2), which is a problem of the Weights method. Furthermore, as the base loading level λo increases, the procedure puts more emphasis in minimizing costs, as the distance | λo− λc| gets smaller, and hence has less weight in 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 λo Fig. 2. Operating costs versus base loading level λo in p.u. for the Maximum Distance to Collapse OPF formulation with different weighting factors ω when applied to the 118-bus test system 3500 Min.Cost (w=0) Dist.Collapse (w=0.9999) Dist.Collapse (w=0.999) Sing.Val. (w=0.999) 3000 Costs 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 λo Fig. 3. Operating costs versus base loading level λo in p.u. for to the 118-bus test system using the standard OPF (Min. Cost, ω=0), Maximum Distance to Collapse OPF (Dist. Collapse with ω=0.999), and Minimum Singular Value OPF (Sing. Val. with ω=0.999) formulations. 4 the objective function, which is a disadvantage of this method; this problem can be addressed using fixed stability margins or goal-programming techniques as proposed in [6]. This figure also shows the results of applying the OPF formulation (7) with ω=0.999. Observe that these results are in general agreement with those obtained using (6), even though the “security” component of the objective function is different; similar voltage security levels are attained in both procedures. Figure 4 depicts the results obtained when applying the OPF formulation (7) with ω=1. Observe that σmin-1increases as the loading increases, and hence the system gets closer to collapse, as expected. At the maximum loading condition, i.e., at the collapse point, this value may become rather large, especially if the system collapses due to a SNB (σmin=0); this can create numerical problems in the optimization procedure at heavier loading conditions, which is a disadvantage of this method. On the other hand, since σmin-1 gets larger as the system is loaded, the multi-objective optimization procedure “automatically” puts more emphasis on minimizing this value as opposed to minimizing costs when the system becomes “less” stable; this is an advantage of this method. Finally, Fig. 5 shows the complete results of solving the OPF formulation (8), for different values of ε, i.e., the complete Pareto set at different loading levels. Notice that operating costs and security levels are conflicting goals, i.e., improving security, i.e., lower σmin-1 values or higher | λo− λc| values, results in higher costs. Thus, one can observe that as the system loading increases, similar security levels can only be obtained at higher costs. The effect of system security on operating costs can be obtained from the slopes of the Pareto sets, or from the analysis of the weights in problem (6) and (7), or the Lagrange multipliers in problem (8); all these values indicate how the cost changes at different security levels. 4.66 4.65 4.64 4.63 σmin-1 4.62 4.61 4.6 4.59 4.58 4.57 4.56 4.55 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 λo Fig. 4. Inverse of the minimum singular value σmin-1 versus base loading level λo in p.u. for the Minimum Singular Value OPF formulation with ω=1 when applied to the 118-bus test system. 5.5 5.4 5.3 σmin -1 5.2 5.1 5 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 1000 λ=1.5 λ=1 2000 3000 4000 Costs 5000 6000 7000 Fig.5. Pareto sets as determined by the solution of the multi-objective OPF problem for different values of ω and of λ when applied to the 118-bus test system. REFERENCES IV. CONCLUSIONS The paper presents a detailed description and comparison of two different OPF techniques that consider voltage system security represented by basic voltage collapse conditions. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed based on the results obtained from applying the presented optimization procedures to a test system. From the results and comparisons discussed in this paper, the authors are developing improvements to the Voltage Security Constrained OPFs presented here. It is important to highlight the fact that the proposed OPF techniques could be readily adapted to determine some of the security costs associated with the operation of a power system, which is of great interest in electricity open market environments. The authors are currently working on methodologies to implement these ideas. 5 [1] M. Huneault and F. D. Galiana, “A Survey of the Optimal Power Flow Literature,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1991, pp. 762-770. [2] C. A. Cañizares, editor, “Voltage Stability Assessment, Procedures and Guides,” IEEE/PES Power System Stability Subcommittee, technical report draft available at, July 2000. [3] C. A. Cañizares, “Calculating Optimal System Parameters to Maximize the Distance to Saddle-node Bifurcations,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol 45, No, 3, March 1998, pp. 225-237. [4] C. A. Cañizares, “Applications of Optimization to Voltage Collapse Analysis,” Panel Session, Optimization Techniques in Voltage Collapse Analysis, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 1998. [5] T. Van Cutsem, “A method to compute reactive power margins with respect to voltage collapse,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, February 1991, pp. 145-156. [6] W. Rosehart, C. Cañizares, and V. Quintana, “Costs of Voltage Security in Electricity Markets,” Proc. IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, July 2000. [7] A. Berizzi, C. Bovo, P. Marannino, and M. Innorta, “Multi-objective Optimization Techniques Applied to Modern Power Systems,” Proc. IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Columbus, January 2001. [8] The University of Washington Archive, [9] C. A. Cañizares and Z. T. Faur, “Analysis of SVC and TCSC Controllers in Voltage Collapse,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 1999, pp. 158-165. Claudio A. Cañizares (M’86) received the Electrical Engineer diploma (1984) from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN), Quito-Ecuador, where he held different positions from 1983 to 1993. His M.Sc. (1988) and Ph.D. (1991) degrees in Electrical Engineering are from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Cañizares is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo, and his research activities concentrate on studying computational, modeling, and stability issues in power systems with HVDC links and FACTS controllers. William D. Rosehart (SM’94) received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Applied Science, Electrical Engineering in 1996 and 1997 respectively from the University of Waterloo. From 1991 to 1995 through the cooperative education program at the University of Waterloo, he worked in the Power Industry in Canada, including GE Canada, Hammond Manufacturing, and Waterloo North Hydro. He is currently studying for his PhD degree at the University of Waterloo. [10] W. Rosehart, C. Cañizares, and V.H. Quintana, “Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Voltage Collapse Constraints,” Proc. IEEE/PES Summer Meeting 1999, Edmonton, Alberta, July 1999. Alberto Berizzi (M'93) received his M.Sc. degree (1990) and his Ph.D. degree (1994) both in Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. Since 1992 he is being at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His areas of research include power system and voltage stability analysis and control. [11] A.Berizzi, P.Bresesti, P.Marannino, G.P.Granelli, M.Montagna: “System-area operating margin assessment and security enhancement against voltage collapse,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 1451-1462. Cristian Bovo (SM’00) received his M.Sc. degree (1998) in Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. He is currently a PhD Student at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Politecnico di Milano. His areas of research include power system analysis and optimization, and electricity markets. [12] V. Chankong, Y. Y. Haimes, Multiobjective Decision Making: Theory and Methodology, North Holland Series in Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, New York, 1983. [13] A. Berizzi, P. Bresesti, P. Marannino, M. Montagna, S. Corsi, and G. Piccini, “Security Enhancement Aspects in the Reactive-voltage Control,” Proc. IEEE Stockholm Power Tech, Vol. on Power Systems, Stockholm, June 1995, pp. 674-679. [14] G. L. Torres and V. H. Quintana, “Nonlinear Optimal Power Flow in Rectangular Form via a Primal-Dual Logarithmic Barrier Interior Point Method,” Technical Report 96-08, University of Waterloo, 1996. [15] D. G. Luenberger, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 2th edition, Addison-Wesley, 1984. 6