ANALYTICAL CALCULATION OF LEAKAGE AND INDUCTIVITY FOR MOTORS / ACTUATORS WITH CONCENTRATED WINDINGS Dr.-Ing. Dieter Gerling Philips Research Laboratories Weißhausstraße 2 52066 Aachen, Germany Fax: +49-241-6003-465; e-mail: Abstract: There are many applications, where a concentrated winding around an iron core is used, e.g. in single-phase motors and transformers. For optimum dimensioning of the iron core cross section it is essential to know the magnetic field of the coil outside the core, because the leakage of this part usually contributes to a large extend to the flux density in the iron core. In this paper, an exact analytical method to calculate the field of the coil outside the iron core is presented, together with some simplifications that are useful to determine the respective flux density in the iron core. x coil A iron y B M z M B A section BB: section AA: 1. INTRODUCTION In the fields of electrical machinery and transformers it is well-known to wind a coil around an iron core. A widely spread example is the single-phase two-pole permanent magnet motor / actuator: As a motor it is found in many household devices and pumps, as an actuator it is used as a direct drive of the throttle plate for internal combustion engines in the automotive industry, see figure 1. coil iron magnet Fig. 1: Single-phase permanent magnet actuator. The principle construction of the electromagnetic device (neglecting mounting holes and some detailed curvature) is the same for all the applications, see figure 2: magnet lstator Fig. 2: Geometry of the single-phase two-pole permanent magnet motor / actuator and definition of the coordinate system. Mostly, rather sophisticated design procedures for calculating e.g. torque and power consumption exist, but often these procedures have one major drawback: As they do not calculate the leakage flux of that part of the coil which is outside the iron, the flux density level of the iron (i.e. the saturation level) and the inductivity are not computed correctly. As the coil is wound around the iron core (see section BB in figure 2) the leakage is rather large. Therefore it is decisive for the quality of the electromagnetic design to incorporate the leakage field of the coil: Neglecting the leakage gives the wrong inductivity, the actuator / motor saturates at low current and therefore the output torque is too low. Up to now this problem can only be solved with a 3dimensional calculation using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Two-dimensional FEM-calculations give wrong results as well, because then the large coil overhang in axial direction of the magnet is neglected. As 3-dimensional FEMcalculations are rather costly in terms of calculation time as well as pre- and post-processing, this method can not be included into a design procedure. Because of this an analytical calculation of the leakage field of such a coil wound around an iron core will be presented in the following. To avoid an iterative calculation of the flux density in the iron core, the relative permeability of the iron is assumed being infinite ( µ r, Fe → ∞ ). This interesting half plane y ≥ 0 this approximated field problem is equivalent to that one we get with the help of the method of reflection, see figure 3. coil (N*I) x iron h stator means that the presented method is only valid if saturation is avoided (a condition which usually is desired for the discussed electromagnetic devices). The assumption of infinite relative permeability of the stator iron has the following consequences: • The flux density level of the iron core calculated by this procedure has to be checked against the material data: If the calculated value is above the saturation level of the material, some input data have to be changed to remain below the saturation level of the material. • A single value of the coil inductivity will be given. As the inductivity decreases with increasing saturation, the coil inductivity is constant below the saturation value. z y a) x iron coil (N*I) h coil z y 2. FIELD CALCULATION In figure 2 the Cartesian Coordinate system is defined. In the following we will restrict the calculation of the magnetic field to values y ≥ 0 in the x-y-plane. Additional contributions to the flux density in the iron core come from the part of the coil in the x-z-plane. As the method of calculation is in principle the same, this will not be described in detail. With this, the total three-dimensional field problem is divided into several two-dimensional ones. Separation of the flux density in several contributions and adding these up is allowed because of the linearity of the problem (the assumption of infinite relative permeability of the stator iron was made, see above). b coil b) x (X, Y) coil (2*N*I) ζ z y 2.1. Derivation of an equivalent problem To come to a solution we are regarding the following 2dimensional problem first: instead of considering the outside radii of the stacked iron, a lamination with rectangular outside contour is assumed. In addition, the case of a coil facing a finite iron will be approximated by the case of a coil facing an infinite iron half plane1, see figure 3. In the 2*b coil c) Fig. 3: a) 2-dimensional field problem (finite iron); b) equivalent 2-dimensional field problem (infinite iron half plane); c) method of reflection. 1 The problems of finite and infinite iron are equivalent, because they can be transformed into each other by using the conformal mapping (especially the "Schwarz-Christoffel mapping", see [1]). This equivalence will not be used in the following, the infinite iron half plane will be taken as an approximation. The Cartesian Coordinate system is defined as shown in figure 2, because then the interesting field distribution is represented by the first quadrant ( x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 ). This makes the graphical representation easier when the software tool "Mathcad 7.0" [2] is used for the calculation of the field distribution. The field problem described above can now be solved by using the law G G H ⋅ dl = N ⋅ I . (1) ∫ To get an impression which degree of simplification is permissible, the following three calculations will be performed: • concentrating the coil to a single point in the x-y-plane at x = y = 0 (i.e. "0-dimensional current distribution"); • concentrating the coil to a line segment ( y = 0 , 1 1 − hcoil ≤ x ≤ hcoil ); 2 2 • regarding the real 2-dimensional coil ( −bcoil ≤ y ≤ bcoil , 1 1 − hcoil ≤ x ≤ hcoil ). 2 2 In the last two calculations the total current ( 2 ⋅ NI ) has to be distributed equally on the line segment or area, so that a surface current density or a current density, respectively, has to be considered. The solution of equ. (1) will then be gained by integration (over line segment or area, respectively). In the following, the positive direction of the current flow is assumed to be in the positive direction of the z-axis. If the coil is concentrated to a single point, the solution of the field problem is very easy: The field lines are concentric circles around the coil, the field strength decreases inversely proportional to the distance from the coil. As we are calculating for air in the whole plane (see figure 3c) the G G flux density becomes B = µ 0 H . 2.2. Calculation for the 0-dimensional current distribution For a specific point ( X , Y ) of the x-y-plane the x- and ycomponents of the flux density distribution become (the index "0" stands for the 0-dimensional current distribution): µ − sin(ς ) B0, x ( X , Y ) = 0 2 ⋅ NI 2π (2a) X 2 +Y 2 , B 0, y ( X , Y ) = µ0 2 ⋅ NI 2π cos(ς ) X 2 +Y 2 . (2b) ( X , Y ) ≠ (0,0) For ( X , Y ) = (0,0) the field strength is not defined as the G value for dl in equ. (1) becomes zero. The angle ς can be calculated from ς = arctan(Y / X ) . 2.3. Calculation for the 1-dimensional current distribution If the coil is concentrated to a line segment ( y = 0 , 1 1 − hcoil ≤ x ≤ hcoil ), the x- and y-components of the flux 2 2 density distribution for a specific point ( X , Y ) can be calculated as follows (the index "1" stands for the 1dimensional current distribution): µ 2 ⋅ NI B1, x ( X , Y ) = 0 2π hcoil ( X − x, Y ) ≠ (0,0) B1, y ( X , Y ) = µ 0 2 ⋅ NI 2π hcoil ( X − x, Y ) ≠ (0,0) 1 hcoil 2 ∫ 1 − hcoil 2 1 hcoil 2 ∫ 1 − hcoil 2 − sin(ς ) ( X − x) 2 + Y 2 cos(ς ) ( X − x) 2 + Y 2 dx dx , (3a) . (3b) Y The angle ς can be calculated from ς = arctan . X −x 2.4. Calculation for the 2-dimensional current distribution Considering the coil in its real 2-dimensional expansion 1 1 ( −bcoil ≤ y ≤ bcoil , − hcoil ≤ x ≤ hcoil ), the x- and y2 2 components of the flux density distribution for a specific point ( X , Y ) can be calculated as follows (the index "2" stands for the 2-dimensional current distribution): ( X , Y ) ≠ (0,0) µ 2 ⋅ NI B 2, x ( X , Y ) = 0 2π hcoil ⋅ 2 ⋅ bcoil 1 hcoil 2 bcoil ∫ ∫ 1 −b − hcoil coil 2 − sin(ς ) ( X − x) 2 + (Y − y ) 2 dx dy , ( X − x, Y − y ) ≠ (0,0) , (4a) µ 2 ⋅ NI B 2, y ( X , Y ) = 0 2π hcoil ⋅ 2 ⋅ bcoil 1 hcoil bcoil 2 ∫ ∫ 1 −b − hcoil coil 2 cos(ς ) ( X − x) 2 + (Y − y ) 2 Y − y The angle ς can be calculated from ς = arctan . X − x dx dy , ( X − x, Y − y ) ≠ (0,0) . y-coordinate in mm 25 2.5. Numerical evaluation hcoil = 33 ⋅ 10 −3 m and bcoil = 9 ⋅ 10 −3 m . There is no field plot for the 0-dimensional current distribution (i.e. current concentrated in the center of the coordinate system), because the result is obvious: We get concentric circles around x = y = 0 with e.g. B0 = 40mT for a radius of 10mm . y-coordinate in mm 0.017 15 0.017 0.022 10 0.022 15 0.02 0.018 0.016 0.022 0.024 10 0.022 0.02 0.018 0.024 0.018 5 0.01 0.022 0.022 0.016 0.02 0.014 0.018 0.024 0.024 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 x-coordinate in mm vector is always perpendicular to the iron surface if µ r , Fe → ∞ is true). Because of this, the calculation time can 0.028 be decreased by far. From the following figure 6 we can deduce, that even for calculating the flux density on the iron surface we have to consider the 2-dimensional current distribution to obtain the correct result. 5 0.034 0.028 0.022 0.034 0 5 0.018 It is obvious from these calculations, that only the calculation for the 2-dimensional current distribution gives the right result. For evaluating the flux density in the iron core of the coil and the inductivity of the coil, it is sufficient to know the flux density on the iron surface, i.e. the flux density for y = 0 . In addition, only the y-component has to be calculated: The x-component is always equal to zero, because µ r , Fe → ∞ has been assumed (the flux density 0.017 0 0.016 Fig. 5: Distribution of the magnetic flux density (in T) for the 2-dimensional current distribution. 25 20 0.014 0.016 20 To solve equ. (2a,b) to (4a,b) the software package "Mathcad 7.0" [2] has been used, where the integrals in equ. (3a,b) and (4a,b) have been computed numerically. In the following some results of the calculation with Mathcad are given. Figures 4 and 5 show the flux density distribution for the first quadrant ( x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 ) for 1- and 2-dimensional current distribution. The x-axis (please refer to figure 2) is shown horizontally, the y-axis is shown vertically. The calculation has been performed for NI = 1000 A , (4b) 10 15 20 25 x-coordinate in mm Fig. 4: Distribution of the magnetic flux density (in T) for the 1-dimensional current distribution. flux density in T 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 x-coordinate in mm Fig. 6: Flux density versus x-coordinate for y = 0 and for 0-, 1- and 2-dimensional current distribution (dashed, dotted and solid lines, respectively). 3. PRACTICAL RESULTS To further reduce the complexity and the calculation time of the software program, the following simplifications will be introduced: 1 • For x ≤ hstator (please refer to figure 3 for the 2 definition of hstator ) we take the calculation performed for the 2-dimensional current distribution (even if the real field distribution will be deformed a little bit by the finite expansion of the stator iron); 1 • for x > hstator we assume the current to be 2 concentrated into one point at ( x, y ) = (0,0) . The second assumption is motivated by the fact that for 1 y = 0 , x > h stator the flux density calculated for the 02 dimensional current distribution is a good approximation for the flux density calculated for the 2-dimensional current distribution. For the example calculated above we get a relative error of about 7% ( hstator = 49 ⋅10 −3 m ). With this simplification a numerical evaluation of the actuator shown in figure 1 has been carried out. It could be shown that the flux density in the iron core coming from the coil leakage is of the same magnitude like the flux density coming from the desired flux path (i.e. the flux path crossing the rotary magnet). This means that for an orientation of the rotary magnet like shown in figure 2 the flux density of the iron core is doubled just because of the leakage. Evaluating the flux density in the iron core with maximum contribution of the magnet (i.e. a magnet position perpendicular to what is shown in figure 2) results in about 25% of the flux in the iron core coming from leakage. The inductivity can be calculated from the derivative of the flux linkage with respect to the current: L= ∂Ψ . ∂I (5) The flux linkage can be obtained from: Ψ = NΦ , ∫ Φ = BdA . A (6) As we assumed that no saturation occurs in the stator iron, the flux density generated by the permanent magnet has no influence on the derivative in equ. (5).2 Because of the assumed linearity, equ. (5) and (6) can be simplified to N ⋅B⋅ A . In addition, we will calculate the inductivity L= I just from the flux density in the iron core and the iron core cross section: L= N ⋅ Bcore ⋅ Acore I (7) The neglection of the coil area when calculating the inductivity is motivated by the fact that the flux density is at least a factor of 50 smaller than in the iron core and that not all field lines are coupled to all turns of the coil (the cross sections of iron core and coil are of the same order of magnitude). In table 1 the inductivity values obtained by different methods are summarized: Table 1: Inductivity values obtained by different methods. L / mH difference (from meas.) analytical calculation w/o leakage 6.5 -58.6% analytical calculation with leakage 14.6 -7.0% 3D FEM calculation [3] measurement 13.6 -13.4% 15.7 - From table 1 can be deduced that the analytical calculation considering the leakage comes quite close to the measured value. The same holds true for the 3-dimensional FEM calculation. It is obvious that the calculation without taking into account the leakage leads to wrong results. 2 If saturation occurs, the change of the flux linkage with a change of the current is smaller than for no saturation. This means that the inductivity is smaller for the case of remarkable saturation. 4. CONCLUSIONS In this paper an analytical quasi 3-dimensional calculation of leakage and inductivity for motors / actuators with concentrated windings is presented. To get access to an analytical solution, linearity is assumed and the 3-dimensional problem is divided into several 2-dimensional ones. It becomes obvious from this paper that calculating the exact 2-dimensional field distribution in each plane is essential for the knowledge of the leakage flux, which itself is decisive for the flux density level in the iron core as well as for the inductivity. The presented method leads to results that are of similar quality like results obtained from 3-dimensional FEM calculations, but with the great advantage of dramatically reduced computing time. This advantage becomes even more pronounced, when small changes are made to the design: For FEM calculations the whole model has to be set up again, whereas for the analytical calculation just some input parameters have to be adjusted. Therefore, the presented method is qualified to be embedded into the design procedure of motors / actuators with concentrated windings (see fig. 1 and [4]). References [1] [2] [3] [4] Simonyi, K.: Theoretische Elektrotechnik, VEB Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1980 (in german) Mathcad, Version 7.0, May 1997, MathSoft Inc. MSC/ARIES, Version 7., April 1996, MSC/EMAS, Version 3., July 1994, The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation Gerling, D.: "Design of a Single-Phase Reluctance Actuator with Large Linear Stroke", 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 1999, Lausanne, Switzerland (to be published)