lego® mindstorms® ev3

Introduction to Programming
Teacher’s Guide
The Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum was
produced by Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Academy
The Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum is not a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® product.
LEGO Education or the LEGO Group does not sponsor, endorse, or support this product.
There is a growing recognition that Computational Thinking Practices are critical for
all students to learn. They form the cornerstone of the language of innovation, and
will drive all future STEM discoveries. They are a new set of “basic skills” that all
students need to know.
But what are they? At first glance, concepts like “consider problems analytically”
and “use data to inform decisions” seem abstract and difficult to comprehend.
Educational robotics systems like the EV3 provide a much-needed tool to make
them real and approachable.
Consider the first few activities in this curriculum: students program a robot to drive
fixed distances in set patterns. Even these simple programming constructs require
precise, thoughtful communication between student and robot – how far should
the robot move? How far should it turn? As the challenges become more complex,
students learn to break the large problems down into simpler ones, and construct
solutions with care, one step at a time.
Sensors add the element of data and make key information about the robot’s
environment available; numeric abstractions become a reality – 35 centimeters to
the nearest wall, turn 90 degrees – enable the student to make smart decisions
about the robot’s behavior.
These practices – precise logical thinking, using data to make decisions, analyzing
problems, and building solutions in teams – are critical in all forms of problemsolving, not just robotic ones.
Robotics activities are concrete, contextualized, and provide immediate feedback
– important factors in satisfying a student’s desire for success and creating the
motivation to continue learning. Students also learn about the robotics technologies
themselves, which impact all modern industries, from agriculture to healthcare,
banking, manufacturing, transportation, energy, and security. The pervasiveness of
robotics technologies, from airplane autopilots, to bank machines, to smartphones,
to self-driving cars helps students to be “engaged learners” as they believe that the
content that they are studying is important or will be valuable to them.
The Introduction to Programming curriculum is just that: an introduction. For many
teachers this will be your first experience at teaching robotics and programming. If
you need help, the Robotics Academy has lots of free resources on its website and
regularly offers teacher courses. If you have questions or find issues, we would love
to hear from you.
Enjoy your school year.
Ross Higashi
Ross Higashi,
Robotics Academy Learning Scientist Robin Shoop,
Robotics Academy Director
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
21 The Movement Unit
21-28 The Moving Straight Chapter
29-35 The Turning Chapter
36 The Sensor Unit
What is the Introduction to Programming
EV3 Curriculum?
Why should I use the Introduction to
Programing EV3 Curriculum?
43-49 The Ultrasonic Sensor Chapter
What are the Curriculum’s Learning
56-62 The Color Sensor Chapter
When should I use the EV3 Curriculum in
my class?
How do I use the Curriculum?
63 The Robot Decisions
What topics are covered in each Unit?
63-69 The Loop Chapter
What “Big Ideas” does the Curriculum
70-76 The Switch Chapter
36-42 The Touch Sensor Chapter
50-55 The Gyro Sensor Chapter
77-82 The Switch Loops Chapter
83-86 The Line Follower Chapter
Math Practices
Math Content
87-89 Final Challenge Resources
Common Core English/Language Arts
Next Gen Science Standards
Computer Science Standards
13 Classroom Setup
How should student work stations be
What are the System Requirements?
87 The Final Challenge
90-91 The Search and Rescue Challenge
Pages 92 - 142 Unit Quizzes, Answer Keys,
Handouts, Worksheets and Rubrics
Note: We have been asked by practicing teachers
NOT to make these public and so they are not
printed with this document. They are made available
with the curriculum.
14 In the classroom
General layout of all Units
14-17 Batteries, Firmware, Ports, Menus
18 -19 Big Ideas that all students will learn
20 Using the EV3 Software
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Before starting
►► Will Introduction to Programming help me teach to Standards?
Yes! See Standards, pages 10 - 12.
►► What do I need to prepare for class?
See Checklist, page 4 and Best Workstation Setup page 15.
►► What topics are covered?
See Topics, page 8 and General Layout, page 14.
►► What’s the lesson structure?
See How To Use, page 5.
►► I already have programming tutorials in my software. Is this the same thing?
No. Introduction to Programming focuses on building critical thinking skills through programming,
rather than rote knowledge of code. See What are the Big Ideas taught..., page 9.
During class
►► How do I begin with Introduction to Programming in my class?
See How do I use the Introduction to Programming Curriculum in my classroom, page 7.
►► Are there notes available to help me teach the lessons?
Yes. Every page in Introduction to Programming is summarized and annotated starting on page
14. There are additional notes at the beginning of each chapter.
►► What do I do about students who go faster/slower than the others?
All lessons are self-paced, so minor variation in pacing is not a problem. You can also include or
omit activities marked as Optional, and even let students work ahead on later chapters.
After class
►► Are there quizzes or homework?
Each Chapter includes one or more Reflection Questions designed to let students apply their
skills and knowledge to a more sophisticated and writing-intensive task.
You can find additional Handouts, Worksheets and Rubrics starting on page 92.
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Introduction to the Teacher
Identify the Focus of your Lesson
Robotics can be used to teach to lots of standards. This curriculum is designed
to introduce students to how to program, an important part of robotics, but not the
only thing that you can teach through robotics. Please read pages 5 - 12 of this
guide to learn more.
Set up the student workstations
See page 13, Workstation Setup.
(Recommended) Build the Driving Base for each robot
Since mechanisms aren’t the focus of this module, pre-building the basic robot
for your students can save multiple weeks of class time and allow them to begin
work immediately on Day 1. The plans can be found in the Moving Straight Unit
page 23.
Become familiar with the lessons
See page 7 to become familiar with the lesson flow. The general layout of the
Introduction to Programming the EV3 Curriculum is found on page 14. Review
the first couple lessons starting with Moving Straight on page on page 21.
Determine overall pacing for the module
Identify key dates that you would like to have each project due by; make these
clear to students in your syllabus or assignment sheets.
Review Big Ideas and Computational Thinking
See pages 18 and 19.
Review and print the Reflection Questions for each chapter
Chapter review questions, answer guides, and rubrics begin on page 92.
Note: The reflection questions can be used as class discussion questions, given as homework,
or as a quiz.
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©2014 Carnegie
or the LEGO Group does not sponsor, endorse, or support this product
Introduction to the Teacher
What is the Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum?
10 Projects and One Capstone Programming Challenge
The Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum is a curriculum module designed
to teach core computer programming logic and reasoning skills using a robotics
engineering context. It contains a sequence of 10 projects (plus one capstone
challenge) organized around key robotics and programming concepts.
Each project comprises a self-contained instructional unit in the sequence,
and provides students with:
►► An introduction to a real-world robot and the context in which it operates
►► A challenge that the robot faces
►► A LEGO-scale version of the problem for students to solve with their robots
►► Step-by-step guided video instruction that introduces key lesson concepts
(e.g. Loops) by building simple programs that progress toward the challenge task
►► Built-in questions that give students instant feedback on whether they
understood each step correctly, to aid in reflection and self-pacing
►► Semi-guided “Try It!” exploration activities that expose additional uses for and
variants on each behavior
►► Semi-open-ended Mini-Challenges which ask students to use the skill they
have just learned to solve a relevant small portion of the final challenge
►► The Unit Challenge based on the original robot’s problem, for students to solve
in teams as an exercise and demonstration of their mastery of the concept
►► Additional Reflection Questions found in the back of this Teacher’s Guide allow
you to assess the depth of students’ understandings while challenging them to
apply their learning to a higher-order problem-solving and writing task.
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Introduction to the Teacher
Why should I use the Introduction to
Programming EV3 Curriculum?
Introduction to Programming provides a structured sequence of programming
activities in real-world project-based contexts. The projects are designed to get
students thinking about the patterns and structure of not just robotics, but also
programming and problem-solving more generally.
By the end of the curriculum, students should be better thinkers, not just coders.
What are the Learning Objectives of the
Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum?
►► Basic concepts of programming
• Commands
• Sequences of commands
►► Intermediate concepts of programming
• Program Flow Model
• Simple (Wait For) Sensor behaviors
• Decision-Making Structures
• Loops
• Switches
►► Engineering practices
• Building solutions to real-world problems
• Problem-solving strategies
• Teamwork
When should I use the Introduction to Programming
EV3 Curriculum with my class?
Introduction to Programming the EV3 is well-suited for use at the beginning of a
robotics class, as it will allow students to engage immediately and begin building
core programming and problem-solving skills before undertaking more ambitious
open-ended projects later in the course. This curriculum module should take
approximately 6 weeks.
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Introduction to the Teacher
How do I use the Introduction to Programming
EV3 Curriculum in my class?
Introduction to Programming is designed for student self-pacing in small groups,
preferably pairs. Each pair of students should work together at one computer, with
one EV3 robot.
Curriculum tasks are designed to involve some – but not extensive – mechanical
consideration, so that hands-on design tasks may remain authentic without
becoming logistically difficult.
Solutions will not require parts in excess of those included in the 45544 EV3 Core
set, so it is sufficient to leave each team with one kit (although access to additional
parts may allow students to construct more creative solutions to problems).
A typical plan for an Introduction to Programming chapter is:
1. View the introductory video as a class, or in individual groups, then review the
challenge task for the unit
• In a group, identify and note key capabilities the robot must develop, and
problems that must be solved in individual engineering journals or class logs
(e.g. on sticky paper posted on the walls)
2. Groups proceed through the video trainer materials at their own pace, following
the video instruction directly, and constructing solutions to the Try It! and MiniChallenge steps as they go
3. Each group constructs its own solution to the Unit Challenge
• Groups may be asked to document their solutions in journals or logs, and
especially to explain how they overcame the key problems identified at the
start of the unit
4. Assign the Reflective Question for the chapter
• Students answer the Reflection Question for the chapter individually, as an inclass or homework assignment
• Reflection Questions for each chapter can be found in the Reproducibles
section of this Teacher’s Guide
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Introduction to the Teacher
What topics are covered in each Unit?
Unit Name
1. Moving Straight
2. Turning
3. Move Until Touch
4. Move Until Near
5. Turn for Angle
6. Move until Color
7. Loops
8. Switches
9. Switch-Loops
10. Line Follower (Mini-Unit)
11. Final Challenge
Main Topics
Motors, Sequences of Commands,
Block Settings, Downloading and
Running Programs, Move Steering Block
Turning, Types of Turns, Move Steering
vs. Move Tank Block
Sensors, Wait For Block, Touch Sensor,
Move Until Behaviors
Ultrasonic Sensor, Thresholds
Gyro Sensor, Compensating for Sensor
Color Sensor
Loops, Patterns of Behavior
Switches, Conditional Reasoning
Obstacle Detection Behavior, Repeated
Decisions Pattern
Line Following (a Repeated Decisions
Pattern Behavior)
Cumulative Application of Skills and
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What are the Big Ideas taught in the
Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum?
Robotics can be something you teach with, as well as something you teach about.
Introduction to Programming uses robots, and covers robotics content, but ultimately
seeks to give students experience and access to a much broader set of skills and
perspectives called Computational Thinking.
►► Big Idea #1: Programming is Precise
If you want a robot to do something, you need to communicate that idea with
mathematical and logical precision, or it won’t quite be what you intended.
►► Big Idea #2: Sensors, Programs, and Actions
Data from sensors gives a robot information about its environment. A program
uses that data to make decisions, and the robot Acts on those decisions. Data
underlies the core of the entire process.
►► Big Idea #3: Make Sense of Systems
To understand the way something works, construct a mental “model” of it in your
head that captures the important features and rules of the system. This helps you
make sense of it, and also gives you a tool to “play out” (similar) new scenarios in
your head to predict what would happen.
►► Big Idea #4: Break Down Problems and Build Up Solutions
To solve a difficult problem, try breaking it down into smaller problems. Then,
solve the smaller problems, building up toward a solution to the big problem.
►► Big Idea #5: Computational Thinking Applies Everywhere
These skills – mathematical and logical clarity, using data, systems thinking with
mental models, and problem solving – are not just for robotics. They are key to
solving many problems in the world.
A video introduction to these topics can be found in the “Big Ideas” block of the
Basics section of the product.
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What Standards does the Introduction to
Programming EV3 Curriculum address?
Common Core Mathematics Practices
Skills math educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students
Standard (CCSS.Math.Practice)
Introduction to Programming the EV3
MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them
Chapters are all based around solving real-world
robot problems; students must make sense of
the problems to inform their solutions
MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Programming requires students to reason about
physical quantities in the world to plan a solution,
then calculate or estimate them for the robot
MP4 Model with mathematics
Many processes, including the process of
programming itself, must be systematically
modeled on both explicit and implicit levels
MP6 Attend to precision
Robots require precise (and accurate) input, or
their output action will be correspondingly sloppy
MP7 Look for and make use of structure
Understanding the structure of the physical
environment, the interrelated components of
robot hardware and software, and commands
within a program are vital to successful solutions
MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated
Any programmed solution to a class of
problems relies on the programmer recognizing
and exploiting important patterns in the
problem structure. There is also an emphasis
throughout the module on recognizing common
programmatic patterns, as well as patterns within
a solution that invite the use of Loops.
Common Core Mathematics Content
Standard (CCSS.Math.Content)
Introduction to Programming the EV3
6.RP.A.1 Understand the concept of a ratio
and use ratio language to describe a ratio
relationship between two quantities
Students use ratio language to describe and
make use of the relationship between quantities
such as Wheel Rotations and Distance Traveled
6.RP.A.2 Understand the concept of a unit
rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b!=0,
and use rate language in the context of a ratio
The relationship between Wheel Rotations
and Distance Traveled is a rate, customarily
understood through a unit rate such as “# cm per
6.R.A.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve
real-world and mathematical problems
Students are required to apply ratios and rates
when they build their prototype examples of their
real world robots.
7.RP.A.3 Use proportional relationships to solve
multistep ratio and percent problems.
Comparisons between rate-derived quantities
are common during robot navigation tasks.
Common Core English Language Arts
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What Standards does the Introduction to
Programming EV3 Curriculum address? (continued)
Standard (CCSS.ELA-Literacy)
Introduction to Programming the EV3
WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments focused on
discipline-specific content.
[See also: WHST.6-8.1.a to WHST.6-8.1.e]
Reflection Questions ask students to analyze,
evaluate, and synthesize arguments in response
to robotics and programming problems
WHST.6-8.4 Produce clear and coherent writing
in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
Reflection Question tasks include composing
technical critiques, technical recommendations,
and creative synthesis.
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Introduction to Programming the EV3
MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design
solutions using a systematic process to
determine how well they meet the criteria and
constraints of the problem.
Solving challenges requires students to create
and evaluate both hardware and software
designs according to scenario scoring criteria.
Some Reflection Questions require students to
make recommendations between competing
alternatives based on criteria that they define.
MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate
data for iterative testing and modification of a
proposed object, tool, or process such that an
optimal design can be achieved.
When solving more difficult and complex
challenges, students are guided toward iterative
testing and refinement processes. Students
must optimize program parameters and design.
HS-ETS1-2. Design a solution to a complex realworld problem by breaking it down into smaller,
more manageable problems that can be solved
through engineering.
Problem Solving methodology for challenges
directs students to break down large problems
into smaller solvable ones, and build solutions
up accordingly; challenges give students
opportunities to practice, each of which is based
on a real-world robot
HS-ETS1-3. Evaluate a solution to a complex
real-world problem based on prioritized criteria
and trade-offs that account for a range of
constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and
aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural,
and environmental impacts.
Some Reflection Questions require students
to make recommendations about real-world
policies (e.g. requiring sensors on automobiles)
based on the impact of that decision
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What Standards does the Introduction to
Programming EV3 Curriculum address? (continued)
Computer Science Principles Framework (CSP)
Learning Objective
Introduction to Programming the EV3
1.1.1 Use computing tools and techniques to
create artifacts. [P2]
Challenge activities result in the creation
of a (simple) algorithmic solution and an
accompanying program that implements it.
1.1.2 Collaborate in the creation of
computational artifacts. [P6]
Students work in teams to accomplish tasks.
1.1.3 Analyze computational artifacts. [P4]
Students perform debugging on their own code,
as well as analyze and evaluate others’ code
and suggested code in Reflection Questions.
1.3.1 Use programming as a creative tool. [P2]
Students use programming to solve model
challenges based on challenges real robots face.
2.2.1 Develop an abstraction. [P2]
Robots gather information about the world
through sensors, which turn physical qualities of
the world into digital abstractions. Students must
understand and work with this data to develop
then implement their solution algorithms.
2.3.1 Use models and simulations to raise and
answer questions. [P3]
Students construct and use a “program flow”
model of programming itself to understand how
the robot uses data to make decisions and
control the flow of its own commands.
4.1.1 Develop an algorithm designed to be
implemented to run on a computer. [P2]
Students develop solution algorithms to
each challenge and mini-challenge problem
before implementing them as code. Reflection
Questions also ask students to evaluate
algorithms expressed as pseudocode.
4.2.1 Express an algorithm in a language. [P5]
Students develop code to robotics challenges in
the EV3 Programming Language.
5.1.1 Explain how programs implement
algorithms. [P3]
Students must communicate solution ideas
within groups and as part of class discussion, as
well as in Reflection Questions.
5.3.1 Evaluate a program for correctness. [P4]
Students test and debug their own code, and
evaluate others’ in the Reflection Questions.
5.3.2 Develop a correct program. [P2]
Programmed solutions to challenges must work.
5.3.3 Collaborate to solve a problem using
programming. [P6]
Students develop solutions in teams.
5.4.1 Employ appropriate mathematical and
logical concepts in programming. [P1]
Relationships such as “distance per wheel
rotation” are important to making solutions work.
7.4.1 Connect computing within economic,
social, and cultural contexts. [P1]
Reflection Questions ask students to make
evaluative recommendations based on the
impacts of robotic solutions in context.
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What is the best setup for student workstations?
Ideally, each pair of students will work together at one computer, with one EV3 robot.
Set up each workstation with:
• LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Programming Software installed
from its DVD
• Education version required*
• Access to the Introduction to Programming LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3
curriculum software
• This can be installed locally or on a local network server via DVD
• This may also be accessed remotely via internet, if your school’s
network infrastructure and policies allow
• Two pairs of headphones with headphone splitters
• One pair for each student
• Avoid using speakers, as multiple workstations in the same classroom
will generate too much overlapping noise
• One 45544 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education Set
What are the System Requirements for the
Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum?
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Programming Software: See packaging
Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum
• HTML5-compatible browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+)
• Tablets (iPad, Android, Windows) with HTML5 browsers should work as well,
if accessing the curriculum from the Internet
* Retail versions of the EV3 set do not include the Gyro Sensor or software support for it by default
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or the LEGO Group does not sponsor, endorse, or support this product
What is the general layout of the
Introduction to Programming EV3 Curriculum?
Introduction to Programming
This is the main menu. Click any section to
open the first step, or click a page number to
go directly to the page.
Basics Unit
Getting Started: Set up the robot and learn
about its basic operation and maintenance
Big Ideas: Five big ideas that will be
important throughout the course
Using the Software: General usage patterns
in the EV3 Programming Software
Behaviors Unit
Movement: Use sequential commands to
make the robot move and turn
Sensors: Use Sensors to stop the robot in
different situations
Decisions: Use Loops and Switches to
control the program with smarter decisions
Final Challenge Unit
Combine the techniques of earlier units to
tackle a more complex challenge
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Basics - Getting Started
Basics> Getting Started Chapter
The Getting Started portion is designed to get a new EV3 user up and running as
quickly as possible. Instructors should follow along with all steps, but the first two
pages in the chapter could be considered optional for students.
Key Concepts: EV3 operation and maintenance, battery requirements, firmware
►► Getting Started 1: Batteries
Walks through the options and procedures for powering the EV3
►► Getting Started 2: Firmware
Introduces the concept of firmware and walks through the process of updating
the EV3 to the latest version
►► Getting Started 3: Ports
Identifies and describes the functions of the various ports on the EV3
►► Getting Started 4: Menus
Walks through and explains the main areas and functions available through the
EV3’s on-screen menus
►► Go through Battery and Firmware installation prior to using the robots with
students. You may want students to view these videos as well for familiarity,
should issues arise.
►► The Ports (3rd) and especially Menus (4th) videos are very helpful for students.
Teacher’s Edition Note: This chapter’s notes will point out common structural elements such as Check
Your Understanding Questions. In later sections, common notes will be omitted, as they are the same
throughout the product.
Basics - Getting Started
Getting Started 1: Batteries
This step walks you through the process
of charging and installing the rechargeable
battery pack in the EV3.
Batteries Video
Walks you through the process of charging
and installing the battery. Follow along with
the video as it covers each step!
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Getting Started 2:
Downloading Firmware
This step explains the idea behind Firmware,
and walks you through the process of loading
firmware onto the robot.
Firmware Video
Walks you through the process of loading
Firmware onto the robot. Follow along with
the video as it covers each step!
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Bottoms of pages will sometimes be omitted from the
Teacher’s Guide if they do not contain important notes.
That is the case here – the next page of the guide will
go straight to the third Getting Started video.
Basics - Getting Started
Getting Started 3: Ports
This step provides an overview of the Ports
on the EV3 brick.
Ports Video
Identifies and explains the function of each
port on the EV3 brick.
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Getting Started 4: Menus
This step explains the general interface
conventions and tours the main areas of the
EV3 on-brick menu interface.
Menus Video
Shows you how to use the EV3 on-screen
menus to control robot settings, run
programs, and more.
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Basics - Big Ideas
Big Ideas 1 & 2
Big Ideas 1 & 2 Video
This video introduces two concepts:
Big Idea #1: Programming is Precise
If you want a robot to do something, you need to
communicate that idea with mathematical and logical
precision, or it won’t quite be what you intended
Big Idea #2: Sensors, Programs, and Actions
Data from sensors gives a robot information about
its environment. A program uses that data to make
decisions, and the robot Acts on those decisions.
Data underlies the core of the entire process
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 3 Video
This video introduces:
Big Idea #3: Make Sense of Systems
To understand the way something works, construct
a mental “model” of it in your head that captures
the important features and rules of the system. This
helps you make sense of it, and also gives you a tool
to “play out” (similar) new scenarios in your head to
predict what would happen
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Basics - Big Ideas
Big Ideas 4 & 5
Big Ideas 4 & 5 Video
This video introduces two concepts:
Big Idea #4: Break Down Problems and Build Up
To solve a difficult problem, try breaking it down into
smaller problems. Then, solve the smaller problems,
building up toward a solution to the big problem.
Big Idea #5: Computational Thinking Applies
These skills – mathematical and logical clarity, using
data, systems thinking with mental models, and
problem solving – are not just for robotics. They are
key to solving many problems in the world.
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Basics: Using the
- Big
Using the Software
Using the EV3 Software Video
This video provides introductory tips and trick of how
to use the EV3 software
►► How to Open the Software
►► Finding Building Instructions
►► Beginning Programming
►► How to Link Blocks
►► Mode Settings
►► Configuring Blocks
►► Saving
►► How to Run the Program
►► Navigating to the Program on the EV3
►► Scrolling on the Software Interface
►► Commenting Your Code
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Answer them before moving on.
Introduction to the
Moving Straight Unit
Movement > Moving Straight Chapter
In Moving Straight, students program the robot to move forward, then explore
variations such as moving for different distances or at different speeds.
Key Concepts: Writing and running programs, Move Steering Block, Rotations and
Distance, Sequential commands
►► Moving Straight 1: Introduction to Sensabot
Introduces the real-world robot (Sensabot), and the challenge modeled after it
(Sensabot Challenge)
►► Moving Straight 2: Robot Config
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Moving Straight 3: Steering Forward
Introduces the Move Steering Block and programming the forward movement
►► Moving Straight 4: Arm Control
Introduces the Medium Motor Block and programming the arm to move
►► Moving Straight 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► The Moving Straight Challenge
Requires students to make the robot move to 3 marked lines by controlling the
distance of each movement
►► Remember that each chapter is based around the real-world robot theme and
challenges. Use these contextual surroundings to help ground discussions
and decision-making processes (e.g. “Do you think guessing to find the correct
distance would be appropriate, since Sensabot needs to perform this task reliably
in the real world?”). [NGSS: MS-ETS1, CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1]
►► The Distance a robot moves is (Wheel Circumference * Wheel Rotations). This
is because the turning of the robot’s wheels are what propel it along the ground.
[CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4, CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2]
Teacher’s Edition Note: This chapter’s notes will point out common structural elements such as Check
Your Understanding Questions. In later sections, common notes will be omitted, as they are the same
throughout the product.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight 1: Introduction
This module introduces the Sensabot realworld robot that the chapter Challenge is
based on.
Sensabot Video
Introduces the real-world robot and
summarizes the chapter Challenge. Students
should watch this video before beginning
work on the chapter.
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Students should answer them
before moving on.
These generally correspond to Remembering and
Understanding tasks in Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Higher-level enrichment and assessment will be
handled by Try It! exploration items and MiniChallenge activities in later steps.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight 2:
Robot Configuration
The Building Instructions are located inside
the LEGO Programming Software. Follow the
instructions on this page to view them.
As of EV3 Software version 1.0.1, the
instructions cannot be printed, and must be
viewed on-screen.
Moving Straight 3:
Steering Forward
This step introduces the Move Steering
Block, and walks students through
programming a straight forward movement.
Step-by-Step Video
Walks students through the process of
starting up the software, writing the Moving
Straight program, and running it. Make sure
students follow along with the instructions as
the video plays (pause as needed).
Check Your Understanding Questions
Quickly check comprehension of the topics
covered in the video. Students should
answer them before moving on.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight 3 (cont’d)
Mini-Challenge: 50 cm challenge
Challenges students to make the robot move
a specific distance by adjusting the Rotations
Mini-challenges ask students to perform a task that is
very closely related to what they have already done in
the video-guided portion.
Hints are provided, and can be revealed (one at a
time) by clicking the Show Hint button on the box
below the picture.
Mini-Challenges typically align to Applying tasks in
Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Optional Activity Cutoff Line
Activities below this line are helpful but not critical to
the completion of the Challenge. Use these activities
to help with class pacing.
[Optional] Try It!: Brake vs. Coast
Prompts students to try changing the Brake
setting on the Move Steering Block to “Coast”
and see what happens.
Try It! activities prompt students to explore an
additional feature or area of the software.
The What Happens? button will show the result so
students can confirm their observations.
Sometimes this exploration is for enrichment, but
often it is important to the Challenge. Use the Optional
Cutoff to identify when an activity is critical.
[Optional] Did You Know?: Projects
and Programs
Explains the relationship between Projects
and Programs in the EV3 Programming
Did You Know? activities provide additional
background information on various topics.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight 3 (cont’d)
[Optional] Did You Know?:
Rename Program
Programs can be renamed within Projects,
although this is typically only done when a
Project contains multiple programs.
[Optional] Did You Know?:
EV3 Menus
A brief overview of useful functions in the
EV3 on-screen menu system. See the
Basics unit or the EV3 manual for more indepth information.
[Optional] Did You Know?:
Auto-Detecting Ports
The EV3 has the built-in capability to locate
and identify any motor or sensor plugged into
it. This means you don’t have to worry about
port numbers, as long as there is only one of
a given device type attached (e.g. only one
Touch Sensor).
However, since there are two motors on the
robot, you do need to pay attention to which
one is the left and which is the right.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight 4: Arm Control
This step introduces the concept of
sequential commands. The Medium Motor
Block, which controls the single arm motor is
added to the program..
Step-by-Step Video
Walks students through adding a second
and third command to the program, using the
Medium Motor Block to control the robot’s
arm. Students should follow along with the
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Students should answer them
before moving on.
Try It!: Negative Power
Negative power levels make the robot move
Mini-Challenge: Cargo Retrieval
Challenges students to build on their previous
programs by making the robot move forward,
then lower its arm, then move back to its
starting location.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight 4 (cont’d)
Did You Know?: Getting the Program
Explains one of the common problems with
sequentially-executed programs: if any of
the commands cannot complete (e.g. if the
arm hits the ground and cannot lower any
further), the entire program will be “stuck”
and unable to progress.
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Students should answer them
before moving on.
Moving Forward 5: Review
Review steps come at the end of the guided
portion of a unit, just before the main
Challenge. Sample solutions to the MiniChallenges are shown here in picture format.
Placing the mouse cursor over any block in
the program will show a detailed explanation
identifying the block, describing the literal
command it issues, and explaining what
action it performs in context.
Movement - Straight
Moving Straight Challenge
This step lays out the details for the
Sensabot Chapter Challenge. Students
should work in their teams to complete the
challenge objectives.
Challenge Video
Describes the challenge in video format. The
robot must move to three marked locations
on a game board, and raise and lower its
arm at each location to represent taking a
sensor reading.
Challenge Diagram
A non-technical summary of the Sensabot
Chapter Challenge.
Challenge PDF
A link to the official rules and gameboard
layout for the Challenge in PDF format.
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in the attached printable
Sensabot Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to the
Turning Unit
Movement > Turning Chapter
In Turning, students program the robot to turn in place, then explore variations such
as turning in the opposite direction, and turning in a wide arc.
Key Concepts: Turning, Types of Turns, Steering setting
►► Turning 1: Introduction to Autonomous Tractor
Introduces the real-world robot (Autonomous Tractor), and the challenge
modeled after it (Orchard Challenge)
►► Turning 2: Robot Configuration
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Turning 3: Turning in Place
Uses the Steering slider on the the Move Steering Block to create turns
►► Turning 4: Other Turns
Uses other settings on the Steering slider to create wide turns
►► Turning 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► The Orchard Challenge
Requires students to program the robot to navigate rows of trees in an orchard
►► The “angle” turned by a robot is generally in reference to its heading. A 90 degree
turn means that the robot’s heading has changed by 90 degrees.
►► When turning, a robot’s wheels travel along a curved path. The shape and angle
of the turn is determined by how far each wheel travels along that path. [CCSS.
Math.Practice.MP4, CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2]
Teacher’s Edition Note: Notes on the purpose of common structural elements such as Check Your
Understanding Questions are omitted from this section onward. To review these general notes,
please see the Movement > Moving Straight chapter.
Movement - Turning
Turning 1: Introduction
Introduces the Autonomous Tractor and the
Orchard Challenge.
Autonomous Tractor Video
Introduces the real-world robot and
summarizes the chapter Challenge. Students
should watch this video before beginning
work on the chapter.
Check Your Understanding Questions
These questions are designed to quickly
check comprehension of the topics covered
in the video. Students should answer them
before moving on.
Turning 2: Robot Configuration
Building Instructions for the robot are the
same as Moving Straight.
Movement - Turning
Turning 3: Turning in Place
This step introduces the Steering slider to
make the robot turn to the side. For now,
only the center and ends of the slider are
used. Intermediate settings produce “wide”
turns and are explored in the next step.
Mini-Challenge: 90 Degree Turn
Challenges students to make the robot turn
a specific amount (90 degree change in the
direction the robot is facing).
This activity is directly analogous to the “50
cm mini-challenge” in the previous chapter,
and pointing out the parallels in the two
problems is appropriate.
The ratio of Wheel Rotations to Body Turn on the
REM-EV3 driving base model is approximately 2:1;
that is, it takes 2 wheel rotations to turn the robot
around exactly 1 time. Turning the robot 90 degrees,
then, would take 0.5 wheel rotations (180 degrees).
[Optional] Try It!: Direction of Turn
Prompts students to try moving the Steering
slider to the other side. This produces a turn
in the opposite direction.
The direction of turn always matches what
you would get if you turned a steering wheel
in the same direction (“left” or “right”).
Movement - Turning
Turning 3 (continued)
[Optional] Did you notice?: Wheel Pointers
Calls attention to a design feature of the robot:
pointers on the robot’s wheels help you see which
direction each wheel is turning, and how much.
The amount a wheel turns (e.g. 360 degrees of
wheel rotation) is proportional – but not identical –
to the amount the robot’s body will turn.
Turning 4: Other Turns
This step introduces off-center “wide” turns using
the Move Tank Block, which controls the robot’s two
wheel motor powers separately.
Any time the robot’s wheels move at different
speeds, the robot’s path will curve. The specific
shape of the curve is determined by the combination
of powers used.
Movement - Turning
Turning 4 (continued)
Mini-Challenge: Dizzy Drill
Challenges students to make the robot move
around an obstacle using a combination of
straight moves and turns (wide or in-place).
[Optional] Try It!: Different Motions
Prompts students to try different combinations
of motor powers. This produces differentlycurved turns.
Helper Activity: Role-play the robot
One student acts as the robot, while another student
issues left-foot and right-foot commands with different
power levels.
For instance, “left foot 50; right foot 0” means taking
a small step forward with the left foot and holding the
right foot in place. Straightening out your body from this
stance will make you turn slightly to the right, pivoting
around your right foot just as the robot does with a
Move Tank Block set to left 50, right 0.
Movement - Turning
Turning 5: Turning Review
Sample solutions to the mini-challenges can
be found on this page.
Dizzy Drills has two sample solutions
provided: one for a strategy that uses two
right-angle turns to go around the back of
the obstacle, and one that uses a single
U-shaped turn to swing around the obstacle.
Movement - Turning
Orchard Challenge
This step lays out the details for the Orchard
Challenge. Students should work in their
teams to complete the challenge objectives.
Teams get to choose where they start
their robot for this challenge. It is to their
advantage to pick a specific spot and use
it every time, rather than moving the start
position or aligning the robot sloppily.
The route shown in the picture is just an
example, not the required (or necessarily
easiest) route.
Retain this Challenge board intact, if possible, as it
will be re-visited in the Switch-Loops chapter.
Orchard Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to the
Touch Sensor Unit
Sensors > Move Until Touch Chapter
In Move Until Touch, students program a robot to wait until its Touch Sensor is
pressed before proceeding with other commands, then combine that behavior with
Motors On and Motors Off commands to make the robot stop and go based on
Touch Sensor commands.
This chapter is an exception to the pattern of “bookending” every set of activities with real-world
robots and challenges. While the chapter is still challenge-based, it is focused on the idea of sensors
rather than a specific robot that uses them.
Key Concepts: Wait Block, Touch Sensor, Forward Until Pattern
►► Touch 1: Introduction to Sensors
Introduces the idea of Sensors, the Touch Sensor, and some of the Touch
Sensor-based behaviors in the lesson
►► Touch 2: Robot Configuration
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Touch 3: Wait for Touch
Uses the Wait for Touch Block to make a robot wait for a Touch Sensor press
before continuing
►► Touch 4: Forward until Touch
Combines Motor On and Motor Off commands with the Wait for Touch Block to
make the robot move forward until the Touch Sensor is pressed
►► Touch 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► The Arm Position Challenge
Requires students to program a Touch Sensor-based “raise arm” behavior that
moves the arm to its “closed” position regardless of where the arm starts.
►► All of the chapters in the Sensors unit follow the general pattern laid out in this
chapter: Introduction, Wait for (Sensor), Forward until (Sensor), Challenge.
►► The Touch Sensor does not have a real-world robot because simple touch
switches are not commonly found on real-world robots; typically, robots shouldn’t
physically collide with their surroundings to sense them.
Touch Sensor
Touch 1: Introduction
Introduces the idea of Sensors on the robot.
This chapter does not use a real-world robot.
Instead, it focuses on the first use of sensors
on the EV3 robot.
Touch 2: Robot Config
The robot is the driving base from the
Movement Unit, with a Touch Sensor added.
Touch Sensor
Touch 3: Wait for Touch
This step introduces both the Touch Sensor
and the Wait For (Sensor) Block.
The Touch Sensor physical mechanism is
explained at the bottom of the page.
The Wait For (Sensor) Block “holds up” the
program’s flow until the sensor condition is
met. When the condition is met, the program
continues (with a Move Steering block in this
case). This is the simplest way in which the
sensor can be used to control a behavior,
and is used throughout the Sensors Unit.
Try It!: Already Pressed
Since the Wait for Touch Block literally waits
for the “Pressed” state, it can be triggered
instantly if the sensor is already pressed in
when the program starts.
This is a common source of error with
all sensors: if the sensor is already in a
“triggered” position, the “wait” is invisibly
short. This is often mistaken for the program
“ignoring” the sensor.
Try It!: EV3 Buttons
The buttons on the front of the EV3 are
essentially touch sensors, and can be used
as such.
Touch Sensor
Touch 3 (continued)
[Optional] Did You Know?:
How the Touch Sensor Works
An interactive animation showing how a
Touch Sensor acts as an electrical switch to
create a flow of electricity the EV3 detects.
Touch Sensor
Touch 4: Forward until Touch
This step introduces the Motor On and Motor
Off modes of the Move Steering Block.
Motor On – Wait for Touch – Motor Off
form a common pattern that makes the
robot move forward until the Touch Sensor
is pressed, then stop. This pattern is
sometimes referred to as “Forward until”.
Try It!: Forward Until Release
Prompts students to try the “Released”
setting for the Wait for Touch Block instead of
“Pressed”. The robot will move until the Touch
Sensor is NOT pressed.
Make sure the Touch Sensor starts pressed
in, or the “Released” state will be detected
immediately, and the robot will go nowhere
(see “Already Pressed” on the previous page).
Touch Sensor
Touch 4 (continued)
Mini-Challenge: Four Walls
Challenges students to make the robot
move to touch all four walls of an enclosed
rectangular space.
The desired behavior can be thought of as
“Forward until Touch (the wall), then turn”
four times. Backing up prior to turning may
help to avoid getting caught on the wall.
Students with prior programming experience
may know that a Loop Block would be helpful
here; it is up to you to decide whether it is
allowed at this time.
Touch 5: Touch Sensor Review
Expanded explanations for both in-video
programs and a sample solution for the minichallenge can be found on this page.
Touch Sensor
Arm Position Challenge
This step lays out the details for the Arm
Position Challenge.
This challenge involves more physical
construction than programming, as students
will need to find a way to position the
Touch Sensor so that it can detect the Arm
reaching the top of its motion.
Students should be allowed limited freedom
to modify the robot’s arm or add extensions
during this Challenge, but should not need to
modify or disassemble the driving base.
A concept picture of one possible layout is
shown on the page, but no specific building
instructions are provided: students should
work to complete a design on their own.
Arm Position Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to the
Ultrasonic Sensor Unit
Sensors > Move Until Near Chapter
In Move Until Near, students program a robot to wait until its Ultrasonic Sensor
detects an object within a certain “threshold” distance before proceeding with other
commands. This is combined with Motors On and Motors Off to produce a Forward
Until behavior parallel to the one constructed using Touch in the previous chapter.
Key Concepts: Ultrasonic Sensor, Threshold Value, Forward Until Pattern
►► Ultrasonic 1: Introduction to Sensors
Introduces the real-world robot (Hexarotor), and the challenge modeled after it
(Maze Challenge)
►► Ultrasonic 2: Robot Config
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Ultrasonic 3: Wait for Near
Uses the Wait for Near Block to make a robot wait for the Ultrasonic Sensor to
detect an object closer than the threshold value before continuing
►► Ultrasonic 4: Forward until Near
Combines Motor On and Motor Off commands with Wait for Near to make the
robot move forward until the Ultrasonic Sensor detects something nearby
►► Ultrasonic 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► Maze Challenge
Requires students to program an Ultrasonic Sensor-based solution to a maze,
detecting distances from key walls to known when to turn.
►► All of the chapters in the Sensors unit follow the general pattern laid out in this
chapter: Introduction, Wait for (Sensor), Forward until (Sensor), Challenge.
Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic 1: Introduction
Introduces the Autonomous Hexarotor and
the Maze Challenge.
Ultrasonic 2: Robot Config
This chapter uses the driving base model,
plus a forward-facing Ultrasonic Sensor.
Sensors from the previous chapter can be
left on or removed as convenient, as long
as they do not interfere with the Ultrasonic
Sensor (i.e. are not within its “cone” of view).
Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic 3: Turning in Place
This step introduces the Ultrasonic Sensor
and Wait for Near Blocks. The Sound Block
is used also, as a way of indicating when the
sensor has been triggered.
Mini-Challenge: Threshold Value
Challenges students to alter the Threshold
value on their Wait for Near Block to trigger
at 10 cm, and at 100 cm.
Thresholds are a key concept in robotics
programming, because they allow programs
to easily make decisions based on sensor
readings that range over hundreds of
possible values (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm...). Rather
then write hundreds of different responses,
the robot simply responds to the number
being above or below the Threshold cutoff.
Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic 3 (continued)
Try It!: Missing Object Alarm
Prompts students to try using Greater Than
Threshold instead of Less Than Threshold.
This is analogous to Wait for Release instead
of Wait for Pressed.
[Optional] Did You Know?:
How the Ultrasonic Sensor Works
A video animation showing how an
Ultrasonic Sensor uses sonar to calculate
the distance to an object.
[Optional] Try It!: Sound Sentences
Adding sounds within your program provide
excellent clues that alert you that a behavior
has just completed.
Focusing on the Sound Block, this Try
It! prompts students to string together
multiple blocks (saying different words)
into a sentence.
[Optional] Try It!: Sensor Change Mode
Prompts students to try using the Change
mode to wait for a change in Ultrasonic
values, rather than a value above or below
below a particular threshold (as it does in
Compare mode).
Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic 4: Forward Until Near
This step guides students through a Forward
Until behavior that uses the Ultrasonic
Sensor to stop when the robot gets close to
a wall (Ultrasonic Sensor value is below a
certain distance threshold).
This is analogous to Forward Until Pressed
in the Touch Sensor unit.
Mini-Challenge: Backward Until Far
Challenges students to adapt their behavior
to move backwards until the robot is a certain
distance away from an obstacle.
This activity is directly analogous to the
“Forward Until Release” mini-challenge in the
previous chapter, except that the robot needs
to back up so that it gets farther from the wall
(rather than continuing to get nearer).
Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic 5: Ultrasonic Review
Expanded explanations for both in-video
programs can be found on this page.
Ultrasonic Sensor
Maze Challenge
This step lays out the details for the Maze
Challenge. Students should work in their
teams to complete the challenge objectives.
The route show in the picture is the only real
route to the goal. However, certain walls are
allowed to move, or even be removed (see
PDF instructions).
The robot must use the “guaranteed” walls
to find its way through the maze without
touching any walls.
Maze Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to the
Gyro Sensor Unit
Sensors > Turn for Angle Chapter
In Turn for Angle, students program a robot to turn until its Gyro Sensor detects a
heading change greater than a certain “threshold”. This is the same pattern used
with Forward Until Touch and Forward Until Near, but with turning.
Due to the nature of the Gyro Sensor, and of turning motion in general, a small
amount of “overshoot” in the turn will occur. The programming in this lesson is
broken into two steps to expilcitly address and accommodate this phenomenon.
Key Concepts: Gyro Sensor, Accommodating Sensor Error
►► Gyro 1: Introduction to Sensors
Introduces the real-world robot (Autonomous Golf Course Mower), and the
challenge modeled after it (Mower Challenge)
►► Gyro 2: Robot Config
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Gyro 3: Turn to Angle (Part 1)
Uses a variant of the Forward Until Pattern that turns instead of moving straight,
and uses the Gyro Sensor to detect the change in heading. Program will work,
but not be as accurate as desired.
►► Gyro 4: Turn to Angle (Part 2)
Discusses physical factors that contribute to the inaccuracy of the original motion,
and strategies to mitigate the issue.
►► Gyro 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► Mower Challenge
Requires students to program a Gyro Sensor-based behavior that will drive the
robot over all parts of a rectangular surface, even if it loses traction partway
through a turn.
►► The Gyro Sensor, like all real-world devices, is imperfect. This lesson uses that
imperfection as a learning opportunity.
Gyro Sensor
Gyro 1: Introduction
Introduces the Autonomous Golf Course
Mower and Challenge
Gyro 2: Robot Config
This chapter uses the driving base model,
plus a Gyro Sensor.
Sensors from the previous chapter can be
left on or removed as convenient.
Gyro Sensor
Gyro 3: Turn for Angle (Part 1)
This step introduces Turn for Angle in the
way that it would be expected to work,
following the Forward Until pattern.
Due to a number of unavoidable physical
factors, the robot will noticeably “overturn”
the target angle. This phenomenon is
addressed in the next step.
Gyro 4: Turn for Angle (Part 2)
This step discusses the reasons for the
seemingly strange behavior of the Gyro
Sensor in the previous step, and how this
can lead to a workaround (and what a
workaround is, compared to a solution).
Gyro Sensor
Gyro 4 (continued)
Try It: Left Turns
Prompts students to try using the Gyro Sensor
to perform a left turn.
Since the Wait For Gyro Block is in Change
mode, left and right turns both work – going 90
degrees in either direction is still a “change”.
This is not true in Compare mode, however, as
Compare mode uses compass headings that
will go negative if the robot turns left (and thus
reach -90, not 90).
Mini-Challenge: Rectangle Box
Challenges students to make the robot run
around a rectangular (or square) object,
using the Gyro Sensor to make each turn.
As with most mini-challenges, this task is
very closely related to what students will be
expected to do during the Challenge.
[Optional] How the Gyro Sensor Works
Explanation of the physical principle of
operation of the Gyro Sensor.
Gyro Sensor
Gyro 5: Review
Sample solutions and explanations for both
mini-challenges can be found on this page.
Gyro Sensor
Mower Challenge
This step lays out the details for the Mower
Challenge. Students should work in their
teams to complete the challenge objectives.
The “mud” zones (red squares) are designed
to make Wheel Rotations-based solutions
impossible. The robot should be picked up,
held briefly in the air (with the wheels still
spinning), then placed back down when the
robot turns on top of a mud patch.
The mud zones are positioned so the robot
will have to turn while on top of at least one.
If you have a game board surface that erases cleanly,
the eraser version of the board may work better. If
not, use the loose-parts version, but make allowances
for a large number of parts rolling onto the floor.
Mower Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to the
Color Sensor Unit
Sensors > Move Until Color Chapter
In Move Until Color, students program a robot to wait until its Color Sensor detects
an object of a certain color before proceeding with other commands. This is
combined with Motors On and Motors Off to produce a Forward Until behavior
parallel to the ones using Touch and Ultrasonic Sonar in the previous chapter.
Key Concepts: Color Sensor, Forward Until Pattern
►► Color 1: Introduction to Sensors
Introduces the real-world robot (Autonomous Motor Vehicle), and the challenge
modeled after it (Traffic Light Challenge)
►► Color 2: Robot Configuration
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Color 3: Wait for Green
Uses the Wait for Color Block to make a robot wait for the Color Sensor to detect
a green object in front of it before moving
►► Color 4: Forward until Red
Combines Motor On and Motor Off commands with Wait for Color to make the
robot move forward until the Color Sensor detects a red object
►► Color 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► Traffic Lights Challenge
Requires students to program a robot to move through three traffic signals, each
of which may be red or green at random
►► The main programming pattern in this chapter is very similar to the previous
chapters, but the logical complexity of the Challenge solution is higher. Students
must continue improving their understanding of the.ways in which behaviors
relate, to produce the best (and simplest) possible solution
Color Sensor
Color 1: Introduction
Introduces the Autonomous Motor Vehicle
and the Traffic Light Challenge.
Color 2: Robot Config
For the video portion of this chapter, the
Color Sensor will be mounted in the default
location. It will need to be moved to the arm
for the Challenge, as it will collide with the
traffic signal otherwise.
If this causes an issue, you can change the
rules of the Challenge to permit the student
to move the traffic signal out of the way
rather than moving the sensor to avoid it.
Color Sensor
Color 3: Wait for Green
This step introduces the Wait for Color
Block. This step is structurally similar to the
other Wait For behaviors – the Wait For
Color Block will wait until ANY ONE of the
selected colors is detected.
Try It! 1: No Color
The “No Color” option represents the state
where the Color Sensor is not getting a
reading from a surface in front of it.
Try It! 2: Port View Color Sensor Values
The Port View mode on the EV3 on-screen
menus don’t call colors by name. Instead,
they use the numeric codes shown next to
the numbers in the checklist.
Color Sensor
Color 3 (continued)
Mini-Challenge: Railroad Crossing
Instead of waiting for Green to go, Wait for
“No Color”.
[Optional] How the Color Sensor Works
The Color Sensor is actually three different
sensors: a Red Sensor, a Blue Sensor, and
a Green Sensor. By measuring the relative
amounts of red, green, and blue light that a
surface reflects, the sensor can tell the color
of the surface.
Color Sensor
Color 4: Forward until Red
This step adds the Motor On and Motor Off
commands to make a Forward Until behavior
like the ones from previous chapters.
Mini-Challenge: Forward to Stop Line
Face the Light Sensor down at the ground
to detect colored lines on the table surface.
This is a common use of the Color Sensor in
robotics competitions.
Color Sensor
Color 4 (continued)
Now try the challenge on other surfaces with
other colors!
Color 5: Color Sensor Review
Expanded explanations for the Wait for
Green program and the Forward to Stop
Line program can be found on this page.
Color Sensor
Traffic Signal Challenge
This step lays out the details for the Traffic
Signal Challenge. Students should work
in their teams to complete the challenge
Teams will need to reposition the Color
Sensor to the robot’s arm so that it can
reach high enough to see the traffic signals,
and also move the sensor out of the way
afterward. If this is inconvenient, modify
the challenge rules to allow the signal to be
moved out of the way.
Traffic Signal Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to Robot
Decisions - Loops
Decisions > Loops Chapter
In the Decisions Unit, students begin to work with Program Flow more directly. Loops
give programmers the ability to repeat commands; many students already know this.
However, the real power of Loops lies with the capability to decide whether to repeat
or not.
Key Concepts: Program Flow, Loops, Conditional Loops
►► Loops 1: Introduction to the Container Handling Robot
Introduces the real-world robot (Container Handling Robot), and the challenge
modeled after it (Container Handling Challenge)
►► Loops 2: Robot Configuration
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Loops 3: Looped Movement
Uses a simple (infinte) loop to make the robot move back and forth repeatedly
►► Loops 4: Loop with Count Control
Sets the Loop to repeat only a set number of times
►► Loops 5: Loop with Count Control
Uses a Sensor to decide whether the Loop repeats or not at the end of each pass
►► Loops 6: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► Container Handling Challenge
Requires students to use loops and sensor control to program a robot to pick up
a number of objects and move them back to a starting zone
►► The concept of repeating is simple, but it is important to begin building a broader
mental model of Program Flow now so students can understand how Loops
relate to Switches and Switch-Loops in the next chapters
Decisions - Loops
Loops 1: Introduction
Introduces the Container Handling Robot, the
Container Handling Challenge, and Loops.
Loops 2: Robot Config
The robot for this chapter uses the
Ultrasonic Sensor, and will eventually add
the Color Sensor in the Challenge.
Decisions - Loops
Loops 3: Looped Movement
This step introduces Loops. The default loop
sends Program Flow back to the beginning
of the Loop every time it reaches the end
(i.e. repeats infinitely).
The Program Flow-based explanation is
used because it explains the action of Loops
(and later Switches) in a systematic way that
avoids common misconceptions.
Mini-Challenge: Square Lap 1
Challenges students to modify the
commands inside the loop so the robot
makes its way around a square box.
The key to this challenge lies in the
symmetry of the box: you can move the
same distance for each side, and turn 90
degrees after each movement.
Decisions - Loops
Loop 4: Loop with Count Control
This step introduces the idea that Loops
can end, by using loops that only repeat a
certain number of times.
Loops that only repeat sometimes are called
Conditional Loops. In this step, “sometimes”
is based on the loop count; in the next step,
a Sensor will make the decision.
This program builds on the program from the previous
step. The “Starting Program” linked to the right of the
video provides a working copy of the previous step’s
program if needed.
Try It!: Other Counts
Prompts students to use a different number
of Counts in the Loop.
Mini-Challenge: Square Lap 2
Instead of looping forever, students are
challenged to limit the lap-running behavior
to a single full lap (4 sides of the box).
Decisions - Loops
Loops 5: Loop with Sensor Control
This step continues modifying the program
from the previous steps by using a Sensor to
decide whether to repeat or not.
There is a common misconception that a
“Sensor-Controlled” Loop will continuously
monitor the sensor and end the loop
immediately when, for example, a threshold
is reached.
However, that is not the case; the Sensor
is only checked while the repeat-or-end
decision is being made at the end of the
Loop, not while the commands inside the
Loop are running.
This program builds on the program from the previous
step. The “Starting Program” linked to the right of the
video provides a working copy of the previous step’s
program if needed.
Try It!: Other Sensors
Prompts students to try using the Touch
Sensor to end the Loop instead of the
Ultrasonic Sensor.
The same rules about the timing of sensor
responsiveness still apply.
Mini-Challenge: Square Lap 3
Challenges students to adapt their Square
Lap program to end based on an Ultrasonic
Sensor value.
The program will only stop for obstacles that
are visible to the robot when the Loop ends
(typically just after turning).
Decisions - Loops
Loops 6: Loop Review
Sample solutions and explanations for the
mini-challenges in this chapter can be found
on this page.
Decisions - Loops
Container Handling Challenge
This step lays out the details for the
Container Handling Challenge. Students
should work in their teams to complete the
challenge objectives.
As noted near the bottom of the page, the
easiest method of solving the problem is to
use Forward Until Near to get to the next
object, Reverse Until Red to return to the
starting area, and a Loop to repeat the
behavior for all four containers.
Container objects should be large enough for the
Ultrasonic Sensor to detect, but thin enough for the
arm to close around. Erasers, toilet paper tubes, or
cuttings from cardboard boxes or packing materials
can all be good candidates. Be wary of soundabsorbing materials, however, which the Ultrasonic
Sensor cannot detect.
Container Handling Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to Robot
Decisions - Switches
Decisions > Switches Chapter
Switches and Loops have very different effects on Program Flow: whereas Loops
could send Flow back to repeat commands, Switches force the robot to choose
between alternative paths in the code. Like Conditional Loops, they typically make
this decision based on Sensor feedback.
Switches are seldom seen alone in robotics programming, because robots very
rarely make isolated, one-time decisions. It is far more common to put a Switch
inside a Loop, to allow repeated decision-making.
Key Concepts: Program Flow, Switches, Repeated Decisions (Switches in Loops)
►► Switches 1: Introduction to the Strawberry Plant Sorter
Introduces the real-world robot (Strawberry Plant Sorter), and the challenge
modeled after it (Strawberry Plant Challenge)
►► Switches 2: Robot Configuration
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Switches 3: Move If Clear
Uses a single Ultrasonic Switch to make a decision: move forward if there is no
object nearby, or turn to the side if there is
►► Switches 4: Looped Decision
Use a Loop to repeat the Switch-based behavior, allowing the robot to solve
certain simple mazes
►► Switches 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► Strawberry Plant Challenge
Requires students to use repeated decisions and sensors to program a robot to
sort a number of colored objects and move them back to a starting zone
►► Switches do not repeat unless a Loop makes them repeat (the same way a Loop
makes any block repeat)
Decisions - Switches
Switches 1: Introduction
Introduces the Strawberry Plant Sorter, the
Strawbery Sorter Challenge, and Switches.
Switches 2: Robot Config
The robot for this chapter uses the
Ultrasonic Sensor, and will eventually add
the Color Sensor in the Challenge.
Decisions - Switches
Switches 3: Move If Clear
This step introduces Switches, using the
Ultrasonic Sensor to choose between
moving straight (if no object is in the way), or
turning once (if an object is in the way).
The Program Flow-based explanation is
used because it explains the action of
Switches in a systematic way that avoids
common misconceptions, that also explains
their relation to Loops.
Mini-Challenge: Color Sensor
Compare Switch
Challenges students to use a Color Sensor
to decide whether to turn left or right.
This behavior is directly reusable in the
sorting task in the Chapter Challenge.
Decisions - Switches
Switches 3 (continued)
[Optional] Mini-Challenge:
Color Name Reader
Challenges students to investigate the
Measure mode of the Color Sensor Switch,
which supports multiple branches so the robot
can act on several different colors differently,
rather than having only two choices.
Decisions - Switches
Switches 4: Looped Decision
This step places the Switch in a more natural
context: inside a Loop.
A single decision often occurs too quickly to
be useful (or even noticeable). Repeating the
decision gives the robot has the opportunity
to perform more meaningful behaviors.
Most robot decision-making takes place in a
structure resembling this one.
Try It!: Maze Runner
Prompts students to try running their straightor-turn looped decision behavior in a maze.
The robot will go straight whenever it can,
and turn when there is a wall in front of it.
Students will need to adjust the distances
traveled in the program to match the “tiles” in
the maze.
The walls in this maze should be raised walls (as
opposed to marked on the ground). Use textbooks or
other free-standing obstacles if possible. If “thin” walls
are not available, you can use boxes and push the
“top” row back one tile to create a “C”-shaped maze.
Mini-Challenge: Smarter Decisions
Challenges students to add features to
different parts of their program.
Students must think about where to add each
command, which focuses attention on the
role that each part of the program plays.
Decisions - Switches
Switches 6: Switches Review
Sample solutions and explanations for the
mini-challenges in this chapter can be found
on this page.
Decisions - Switches
Strawberry Plant Challenge
This step lays out the details for the
Strawberry Sorter Challenge. Students
should work in their teams to complete the
challenge objectives.
The robot must sort four plants to the correct
side based on each plant’s color. The goodor-bad decision should immediately suggest
a Switch-based decision, and the fact that
there are four objects should suggest a
Repeated Decision (Switch in a Loop).
The same objects used in the Loops Chapter’s
Container Handling Challenge can be used for this
Challenge. Add colored paper around or on the sides
of each object.
Strawberry Plant Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to Robot
Decisions - Switch-Loops
Decisions > Switch-Loops Chapter
Switch-Loops are actually just Switches inside Loops, the same pattern we called
Repeated Decisions in the last chapter. However, if a decision-response cycle is
repeated quickly enough, it approaches a “continuous” level of responsiveness.
By analogy, a movie looks like it’s moving smoothly – “continuously” – even though
it’s really made of still images, because many frames go by very quickly (24 per
second). If a robot updates its motor powers very quickly in response to sensor
feedback, the robot looks like it’s responding “continuously”.
Key Concepts: Program Flow, Rapidly Repeated Decisions = “Continuous” Control
►► Switch-Loops 1: Introduction to the Autonomous Tractor
Re-introduces the real-world robot (Autonomous Tractor), from the Turning
Chapter, and the new challenge modeled after it (Obstacle Orchard Challenge)
►► Switch-Loops 2: Robot Configuration
Contains building and setup instructions for the rest of the chapter
►► Switch-Loops 3: Obstacle Detection Failures
Shows two “intuitive” attempts to add obstacle detection using existing
techniques, both of which fail
►► Switch-Loops 4: Obstacle Detection
Uses rapid Repeated Decisions to create a working Obstacle Detection program
►► Switch-Loops 5: Review
Explains sample solutions to mini-challenges from this chapter
►► Obstacle Orchard Challenge
Requires students to use Obstacle Detection to complete the Orchard Challenge
with the added element of obstacles
►► Switches inside Loops were already used in the last chapter (as “Repeated
Decisions”). The important distinction in this chapter is that “Continuous”
behaviors require a rapidly-repeating loop, which the “Discrete” movement
responses in the previous chapter did not maintain.
Decisions - Switch-Loops
Switch-Loops 1: Introduction
Re-introduces the Autonomous Tractor, and
introduces the Obstacle Orchard Challenge,
and Switch-Loops.
Switch-Loops 2: Robot Config
The robot for this chapter uses the
Ultrasonic Sensor.
Decisions - Switch-Loops
Switch-Loops 3: Failures
This step deliberately walks through two
programs that do NOT work as a set up for
the program that DOES (in the next step).
Students often have strong preconceptions
that the methods shown in this video should
work with the right tweaks, when in fact, both
methods are fundamentally unworkable.
This video attempts to move students
toward greater acceptance of that fact, and
openness toward the new approach.
Decisions - Switch-Loops
Switch-Loop 4: Obstacle Detection
This step introduces the idea that large
behaviors can be built up from repeated
small behaviors, and that a Switch inside a
Loop can create this effect in code.
The rapid repetition of the Switch and Loop
decisions allows multiple sensors to be
checked, as neither one “blocks” the other
by holding up the program flow.
Since the behavior relies on the Loop to
continue running, exiting the Loop ends
the behavior. Consequently, the sensor
condition on the Loop (Motor Rotations > 4
in this case) determines when the behavior
ends. The sensor in the Switch determines
what the robot does in each given instant
until then.
This, of course, only works so long as the
program is able to loop rapidly; it would not
be able to check the Loop end condition if
another block were holding up program flow!
Mini-Challenge: Obstacle Detecting
Move Until Black Line
Challenges students to add a Color Sensor
to the EV3 and modify the program so that it
ends when the robot reaches a black line.
Since the sensor on the Loop determines
when the behavior ends, setting the Loop
condition to Color Sensor > Color > Black
means it will end when the robot reaches the
black line.
Decisions - Switch-Loops
Switch-Loop 5: Review
A sample solution and explanation for the
mini-challenge in this chapter can be found on
this page.
Decisions - Switch-Loops
Obstacle Orchard Challenge
This step lays out the details for the
Obstacle Orchard Challenge. Students
should work in their teams to complete the
challenge objectives.
This Challenge board is set up identically
to the Orchard Challenge from the Turning
chapter, but contains obstacles that can be
randomly placed. The obstacles can be the
same as the ones used in the Container
Handling or Strawberry Sorter Challenges.
Obstacle Orchard Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout,
as well as instructions for setting it up, rule
details, and hints for solving the challenge
can be found in this printable document.
Introduction to Robot
Decisions - Line Follower
Decisions > Line Follower Mini-Chapter
Note: The terms “Line Following” and “Line Tracking” are used interchangeably in this chapter.
Line Following is actually just another application of the rapid repeated decisions
pattern introduced in Switch-Loops. Consequently, the Line Follower chapter actually
contains no new blocks or concepts – it is a new application of an existing idea.
As it is more practice and less new material, the Line Follower chapter is condensed
into two pages and two videos.
Key Concepts: Applying “Continuous Control” in a new situation, Line Tracking
►► Line Tracking 1: Introduction to the AMTS
Introduces the real-world robot (Automated Material Transport System [AMTS])
and the new challenge modeled after it (Line Tracking Challenge). Also contains
the building and setup instructions for this chapter.
►► Line Tracking 2: Line Tracking
Explains Line Tracking as a use of Repeated Decisions and walks through
a basic program that performs Line Tracking. Also lays out the Line Tracking
Challenge, which requires students to move a crate along a curved path.
►► Line Following is a useful option any time there are suitable floor markings,
including many robot competitions boards.
►► Just as with Obstacle Detection, the Line Following behavior relies on the Loop’s
condition to know when to stop, and the Switch’s condition to decide what motor
commands to issue in any given instant.
Decisions - Line Follower
Line Tracking 1: Introduction & Config
Introduces the Automated Material Transport
System (AMTS), the Line Tracking Challenge,
and the Line Following/Tracking behavior.
This page also includes the building
instructions for this chapter.
Decisions - Line Follower
Line Tracking 2: Challenge
This step explains Line Tracking, which uses
the same Rapidly Repeated Decisions logic
used in Obstacle Detection.
The Challenge for this chapter is found
farther down this page.
Mini-Challenge: Line Track for Rotations
Challenges students to make the Line
Tracking behavior end after 4 rotations.
The same logic applies here that was
used to make Obstacle Detection end
after 4 rotations.
Decisions - Line Follower
Line Follower 3 (continued)
Challenge: Line Tracking Challenge
Challenges students to have the robot pick up a
crate and follow a complex line using a series of
line-tracking behaviors.
Students can greatly improve the performance of
the robot by modifying motor power levels.
The ratio of the left and right motor powers
determines the “sharpness” of the robot’s motion
(e.g. 75/25 follows the same course as 30/10).
High motor powers will make the robot move quickly
to save time, while lower ones will make it move
more slowly (but stay on the line better).
Best results are achieved by using multiple line
tracking behaviors back-to-back, with each one
having a different combination of motor powers.
Each can run for a set distance or length of time,
then end, allowing the next to run.
Line Tracking Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout, as well
as instructions for setting it up, rule details, and hints
for solving the challenge can be found in this printable
Final Challenge
Resources 1 : Flowcharts
The Flowcharts video .explains how a robot makes decisions. This video is designed
to introduce students to flowcharts.
Key Concepts: Problem Solving: Breaking Down large problems
Resource 2 : Iterative Design
The Iterative Design video gives students a process that they can use to solve their
programming problems.
Key Concepts: Building Up a solution with Iterative Design
Oftentimes, students’ first inclination when solving a problem that involves programming is to simply
sit down and start coding. This is generally counterproductive if the solution is not immediately
obvious – students are more likely to get lost than succeed if they do not “get their bearings” and pick
a sensible direction first. [NGSS: MS-ETS1, HS-ETS1-2]
Resources 3 : Project Planning
The Project Planning video .explains how important planning is when working in
Key Concepts: Problem Solving: Planning, Breaking Down large problems
Resources 4 : Engineering Process
The Engineering Process video .describes a logical and systematic way to solve
engineering projects.
Key Concepts: Problem Solving: Planning, Breaking Down large problems
Final Challenge Resources
Final Challenge Resources 1
Flowcharts Video
The Flowcharts video .explains how a robot
makes decisions. This video is designed to
introduce students to flowcharts
Final Challenge Resources 2
Iterative Design Video
The Iterative Design video gives students
a process that they can use to solve their
programming problems.
Final Challenge Resources
Final Challenge Resources 3
Project Planning Video
The Project Planning video .explains how
important planning is; especially when working in
Final Challenge Resources 4
Engineering Process Video
The Engineering Process video .describes a
logical and systematic way to solve engineering
and Rescue
Search & Rescue Challenge
This step lays out the details for the final
Search and Rescue Challenge. Students
should work in their teams to complete the
challenge objectives.
This challenge unfolds in two stages, to
help students focus on breaking down the
problem and building up the solution.
Building Instructions
Students should be allowed to make minor
modifications to their robots during this
Challenge, although they should not be
necessary; all tasks can be completed with
the standard attachments as shown.
and Rescue
Search and Rescue Challenge (cont’d)
Phase 1
In Phase 1, students should focus on completing
the tasks found in each room separately, using a
separate program for each room.
In Phase 2, these individual behaviors will be
combined with additional logic that makes the correct
behavior run at the correct time, and repeats the
process to cover four rooms.
In the “iterative” model, this is the first step – the foundation
upon which the next steps will be built.
Phase 2
In Phase 2, students work on the logic that decides
which of the four room-specific behaviors should
run, and at what times. It will then rely on the
existing, tested behaviors from Phase 1 (with small
modifications as necessary) to complete the room
In the “iterative” model, this step builds upon the first step’s
behaviors, and instead focuses on choosing the right one at the
right time.
Search and Rescue Challenge PDF
Detailed measurements for the board layout, as
well as instructions for setting it up, rule details, and
hints for solving the challenge can be found in this
printable document.
Table of Contents
1 Unit Worksheets
128 Rubrics
Student Work Habit Evaluation Rubric
Example Writing Rubric
Movement Straight Question and Answer
Movement Turning Question and Answer 132
Student Presentation Rubric
Design Review Rubric
Proposal Writing Rubric
Sensors Touch Question and Answer Key
Ultrasonic Sensor Question and Answer
133 Addendum:
Bonus Materials
Gyro Sensor Question and Answer Key
103 Color Sensor Question and Answer Key
Data Logging Investigation
Decisions Loops Question and Answer
Data Wires and Logic
Decisions Switches Question and Answer
Decisions Switch Loops Question and
Answer Key
Decisions Line Follower Question and
Answer Key
Robot Engineering Question and Answer
117Robot Programming
What are Behaviors?
What are Flowcharts?
What is Pseudocode?
What is a Robot?
Engineering Process Handout
Engineering Process Steps
Using Gantt Charts
Using PERT Charts
Introduction to the Engineering Journal
Using the Engineering Journal
Introduction to Programming EV3 ©2014 Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy