1.0 - Packet Outline - Passive House Institute US

1.0 - Packet Outline
1.0 – PHIUS+ Packet Outline
1.1 – PHIUS+ Process Steps
1.2 – PHIUS+ Rater Information
1.3 – PHIUS+ Certification Fee Schedule
2.0 – Database Login
2.1 – Database Instructions
3.0 – PHIUS+ Criteria
3.1 – Criteria for Certification
3.2 – Required Documentation
3.3 – Quality Approval
3.4 – Calculation Methods, Conditions, Reference to Standards
3.5 – Non-Residential Additions
3.6 – Retrofit Additions
3.7 – Blower Door Protocol Instructions
3.8 – Contractor Declaration Statement
Other Documents not included in this packet, but that may be of interest:
Energy Model Guidance: Values and Techniques for PHIUS+ Certification
PHIUS Technical Committee’s Monthly Tech Corner Articles
PHIUS+ Certification Contract
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
1.1 PHIUS+ Process Steps
Pre-Process Paperwork
 Review this PHIUS+ Certification Packet and all other information at
www.passivehouse.us including the clickable process steps outline.
 Review and sign the PHIUS+ Certification Contract.
 This contract must be requested by emailing
 Email or mail signed contract to certification@passivehouse.us.
 Register and make payment via PayPal or request invoice for payment by
Create a Project
 Log on to PHIUS+ Project Database
 If necessary, PHIUS will create account or give access to submit projects
 For CPHCs, this should not be necessary
 Upload an energy model and follow the database instructions located in this
 Once an energy model has been uploaded and project created, PHIUS
certifiers will be informed by the database. At this time, PHIUS will create a
DropBox folder for the project, and invite the Submitter to the folder. The
Submitter may invite other members of the project team. If the Submitter
does not want to use DropBox, please let PHIUS know ahead of time and you
may upload to the online database instead.
 When ready for a review, please inform PHIUS that all documents have been
prepared and uploaded to either the DropBox or database.
 When the contract, payment, energy model, drawings, and specifications
have all been submitted or uploaded, the Pre-Certification review will
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
 The QA/QC components of PHIUS+ Certification performed by PHIUS+ Raters
are an essential part of the PHIUS+ Process.
 That PHIUS+ component is covered under a separate contract between the
project team and the rater.
 For more information about the PHIUS+ Rater process, please review the
onsite rating worksheet and other information posted on the PHIUS website.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
 With the addition of a QA/QC process, PHIUS+ Projects are now able to gain
more performance based incentives.
 As of 2013, PHIUS is partnered with the DOE Challenge Home Program as
well as Energy Star for Homes. These programs are pre-requisites for
PHIUS+ Certification. Your PHIUS+ Rater will complete documentation for all
of these programs during their on-site visits, and you will be awarded
recognition from all three.
 Most projects will automatically receive a RESNET HERS Index score as part
of certification. The RESNET HERS Index is the leading industry standard by
which a home’s energy efficiency is measured. Many local, state, and federal
financial incentive programs require a HERS Index to demonstrate
PHIUS+ Certification (Final Stages)
 Take the verified results from the rater and adjust the documentation
 PHIUS will adjust the final energy model to match the verified results
 Upload final drawings, documents, pictures, etc to the DropBox or PHIUS
 PHIUS will review the final documentation and issue the PHIUS+ Certified
Passive House Certificate
 Purchase PH Certified Project Plaque ($50 additional cost, not required).
Information on this can be found on the Certification page of the PHIUS
1.2 PHIUS+ Rater Information
The PHIUS+ Rater is an integral part of the project team. Because of this, you should
hire a rater early in the process.
Coordination of the site visits and design review by the PHIUS+ Rater should occur
between the rater and the project team.
PHIUS acknowledges that the addition of this component to our certification does
raise fees. However, we also feel strongly that it helps create higher quality
PHIUS has not set a fee structure for the PHIUS+ Raters to charge for their services.
We are monitoring the situation to see how it develops. For a single family home,
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
you can expect 20 hours of work at your PHIUS+ Rater’s hourly rate (typically 75125 per hour depending on market). This does assume a relatively straightforward
process. Significant problems could result in more time needed and at the same
time simple homes may expect less time for completion.
Finding a PHIUS+ Rater can be done via the PHIUS homepage.
Be aware that travel can significantly affect the quote the project team receives from
a PHIUS+ Rater. If there is not a rater within 100 miles of the project location,
please contact PHIUS to see if we can work with you on a cost effective solution.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
1.3 PHIUS+ Certification Fee Schedule:
Fees for Certified Passive House Consultants that are also PHAUS Professional Members:
0-2500 Sq. Ft.
2501 - 4500 Sq. Ft.
4501+ Sq. Ft.
Case by Case
Additional Hours
$120 per Hour
*Based on a 20% Discount
Fees for Certified Passive House Consultants and CPHC-in-training (non PHAUS Members):
0-2500 Sq. Ft.
2501 - 4500 Sq. Ft.
4501+ Sq. Ft.
Case by Case
Additional Hours
$150 per Hour
*Based on a 5% Discount
Non-CPHC Owners:
0-2500 Sq. Ft.
2501 - 4500 Sq. Ft.
4501+ Sq. Ft.
Case by Case
Additional Hours
$150 per Hour
*This is the base price without discounts
*Non-Profit Organizations such as Habitat for Humanity are eligible for a larger discount.
*For projects larger than 4501 sq ft, the price will be less per sq ft, but will require a quote.
To request a quote, please email certification@passivehouse.us
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
2.0 Database Access
Go to http://www.passivehouse.us/projects.php
The Login Link is at the bottom of the page.
If you are currently a Certified Passive House Consultant, you can simply log into your
CPHC database account. You can create a new a project once logged in by clicking on the
"New Project" button and following the instructions in this packet. If you have any
questions about logging into your account, contact certification@passivehouse.us.
If you are not currently a Certified Passive House Consultant, you will receive an email
message with instructions about how to log into the system as a Project Submitter once you
pay the certification fee and sign the certification contract.
Once in the system, you can begin the upload of your project to the PHUS Projects Database.
However, it will not be reviewed until the Certification Fee and Contract is on file. When all
of the required documentation and models have been uploaded, please double check with
PHIUS that your project is noted as ready for review.
2.1 Database Instructions and Tips
PHIUS Project Database Access
If you are a Certified Passive House Consultant, you should have already an access account
on the PHIUS Projects Database. You should have received instructions on how to log on
already. If you have not, please email certification@passivehouse.us.
Creating a New Project in the Database
To begin a new project, log into the system then:
Click the“ New project” button near the top of the page. A comprehensive form of project
detail fields will appear.
Note: Most of these fields will be completed later in the process, and many cannot be
completed until the project proceeds. (Once the project is ultimately pre-certified or certified,
many of these fields will be viewable to the public.)
To create a new project in the PHIUS Project Database, you initially need only complete the
three following fields:
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
Project Name: (e.g. Dublin Project)
Energy Model File: (Browse to select the energy model for your project.) The file
must be 12 MB or less).
o If you are using WUFI Passive, you will need to upload a blank excel file to the
database in order to create your project. The WUFI Passive file will be
uploaded to the DropBox folder.
After you’ve selected the energy model, click the “Add project” button.
After your project is created, PHIUS will create a DropBox folder for the project, and invite
the Submitter to the folder. The Submitter may invite other members of the project team.
A few important notes:
We strongly encourage you to click the “Add project” button as soon as you have
added the key pieces of project information listed above. That creates the record
and puts the project in the system.
Uploading can take some time depending on the size of your file(s). Do not click
“Add project” again or attempt to make any changes during the upload. Doing so can
create duplicate projects, in which case you’ll need to email
certification@passivehouse.us so that we can delete duplicates.
Upon successful upload, you will see a screen that indicates the project has been
Important: To review or edit your project, click the “Edit” button at the end (right
side) of the project listing. Do not use the “Back” button on your browser. In general,
use the “Edit” button, or to return to the basic project listing, click “Projects” in the
upper right of your screen.
As the project submitter you will be able to add to or modify the project until the project is
marked as Certified by the PHIUS certifier.
Notes on Project Details fields
Projects that reach Pre-Certification status will be accessible by public search of the
PHIUS+ Certification Database. Please note that not all information supplied for
certification will be visible. In fact, only a subset of the Project Details fields will be
listed, as well as photographs.
The “Units” field in Project Details refers to the number of living quarters (not
measurement units).
Cost fields will only accept digits. Do not include commas or dollar signs.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
Project Documentation:
For PHIUS to begin a Project Review, the following documents need to be added to the
The Project Name and energy model on the Project Details Tab
3.2.1 Drawings
3.2.2 Specifications
All other documentation must be added to the folders before Final Certification can be
The following does not need to be completed for Pre-Certification (though any additional
information available should be uploaded):
3.2.3 Airtightness Reports
3.2.4 Ventilation Commissioning
3.2.5 Contractor Declaration
3.2.6 Photos
**If you choose to upload project documentation to the PHIUS database rather than the
DropBox, please download the ‘Database tips.pdf’ from the Certification page of the
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
3.0 PHIUS+ Criteria
The following requirements need to be met to achieve PHIUS+ Certification:
3.1 - Criteria for Certification:
Specific Space Heat Demand*
Or Heating Load**
Pressurization Test Results
Specific Primary Energy Demand
Specific Space Cooling Demand***
4.75 kBTU/ft2yr
3.17 Btu/hr.ft2
0.6 ACH50 @ 50 Pascal
38 kBTU/ft2yr (11.1 kWh/ ft2yr)
4.75 kBTU/ft2yr
*If the Specific Space Heat Demand is below 2.54 kBTU/ft2yr or the ratio of free heat gains to heat losses is
above .70 on the Annual Heat Demand Sheet, the Monthly Method must be used. A white paper is available
that describes the difference between the two methods. This paper leads to requiring the Monthly Method
for almost all projects.
**For some climates, this may be easier to meet.
***Currently accepting calculations from the 2007 PHPP, the 2012 PHPP, or WUFI Passive.
3.2 - Required Documentation:
All documentation should be updated to the PHIUS+ Database as outlined in Section 2 of this
packet. The numerical headings in this list correspond to the database tabs for each section.
For Pre-Certification, only parts 3.2.0, 3.2.1, and 3.2.2 (partial specifications are acceptable)
are required. The remaining documentation from 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5 3.2.6, and 3.2.7 must be
submitted for the final certification component, or as soon as they become available or
3.2.0 Energy Model
Must be:
 Fully complete with all pages/branches filled out
o The Pre-Certification review can begin without all final specifications
developed. Most commonly, this refers to appliance types or mechanical
systems - not building envelope components.
 Congruent with the rest of the submitted documentation
3.2.1 - Construction Drawings:
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
The construction drawings should be submitted in .PDF format and cover the following list
of documents:
Design Drawings:
 Plans
 Sections
 Elevations
Detailed Drawings
 Showing all junctions of the thermal envelope
o Exterior and interior wall junctions to the basement floor or slab
o Exterior junctions to roof or ceiling
o Window installation conditions (including reveal dimensions)
o any exterior anchoring systems for balconies or awnings
 Airtight details
o Window Installations
o Building component connections
o Penetrations
o The airtight layer must be marked and its details comprehensive at all
 All details must be fully annotated with dimensions and information regarding
materials and thermal conductivity
 Airtight details must be comprehensible and show a continuous uninterrupted
barrier that forms from the different materials and components.
Thermal Envelope
 Must be clearly identified
 Thermal bridges need to be called out
 Best accomplished using section or elevation drawings with exterior dimensions
Mechanical Drawings
Mechanical drawings need to show:
 Ventilation
o Duct layout and sizes
o Airflow rates at each diffuser and the diffuser location
o Soundproofing , filters, pressure overflows
o Supply and extract air values
o Outdoor intakes of exhaust and supply
o Duct insulation
o Duct length from the inside of the exterior wall to the ventilation unit
 Heating and Cooling
o Location of elements - both point source and supply air
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
o Size of elements
o For PHIUS+ and incentives Manual J/D calculations or dynamic simulation
may become necessary
DHW System
o Type of tank(s) and system
o Comprehensive length of the DHW pipe length calculation as shown in the
Energy Model Guidance document.
Additional systems (solar thermal, defroster, ground loop, earth tube, etc)
*In climates that need a defrost for their ERV/HRV, we require a pre-heater defrost
to be installed rather than relying on re-circulation defrost
Ventilation Calculations
 Gross Building Volume
o Total enclosed volume of the building
o Uses exterior dimensions, to the edge of the thermal boundary to calculate
 Net Air Volume
o The real building volume for use with the ACH50 pressurization tests
o Total volume within the building envelope - drywall to drywall
o Important to calculate accurately
o A full description is referenced in Section 3.7 of this packet
Site Plan
Needs to show:
 The buildings orientation
 Changes in topography (if applicable)
 The location and elevations of neighboring buildings or structures
 The location and elevations of trees or ground levels that cast lateral shadows
The site plan and site shading photos together must show the complete shading situation.
If necessary, other drawings should be included.
Site Shading
PHIUS requires that you complete a shading study on the project site. We will need skydome or sky-panorama images for each façade, with overlaid measurement grids. Solar
PathFinder images are preferred. However, other methods are acceptable. Please contact
PHIUS for the Shading Protocol Package.
Download shading protocol package
Treated Floor Area
 Calculation Methods for TFA
o Follow Energy Model Guidance document for clarifications on the TFA
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
o For best results, combine numeric calculation with labeled and/or
highlighted drawings. Excel based calculations coupled with accurate PDF
documents can form a easily readable (and updatable) solution
Naming Conventions:
PHIUS has not dictated strict naming conventions. However, naming conventions should
be included for all windows and areas. These should be clearly labeled and easily
understood by a reviewer unfamiliar with the project. The best way to do this is to label
the drawing and have the labels in the drawings match the labels used in the Energy Model.
There should be enough overlap in the names such that each window and door can be
positively identified. Often, following a logical rotation (such as clockwise) is helpful. A
copy of the drawing set that is annotated specifically for PHIUS+ Certification is extremely
helpful and preferred. All penetrations should be listed.
Formats and Sizes:
PHIUS does not dictate drawing scales though they should be large enough to be
comprehensive and readable. PDF is the preferred drawing file format. PHIUS respects the
intellectual property right you have for your details and drawings. This concern should not
inhibit the sending of drawings, specifications, or other documentation. Remember that
comprehension of a project by an outside party (PHIUS) is the goal. The easier it is to
understand a project the quicker and less costly the certification will be for all parties
3.2.2 Technical Specifications
Data Sheets and Specifications are necessary for all values input into the energy
This should include documentation from third party agents including earth tube
efficiencies, shading calculations, appliance energy usage, and any other exteriorly
derived values
It is best to have this information available and formatted ahead of the PreCertification process
The following sections: 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.2.6, and 3.2.7 must be submitted for final
certification along with any updates to sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
3.2.3 Pressure Test Verification
Must be performed by an approved PHIUS+ Rater
Must be a multipoint test of both pressurization and depressurization
The final result is the average of pressurization and depressurization
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
A full description is located in Section 3.7 of this packet
3.2.4 Ventilation Commissioning
Will be completed by an approved PHIUS+ Rater and should include the following
 Description and location of the project
 Name and address of the Rater
 Time and date of commissioning
 Manufacturer and model number of ventilation unit
 Adjusted volumetric flows per diffuser - both supply and exhaust
 Flow comparison between supply and exhaust airstreams as measured between the
unit and the exterior, or the interior before any branch ducts (imbalance <10%)
 Power draw of the ventilation unit at nominal speed
3.2.5 Declaration of the Construction Supervisor
See Section 3.8 for examples
3.2.6 Photographs
1 main photo, 6 additional
At least 3 photos of the final project
Documentation for the construction is also acceptable
3.2.7 Additional Documentation
Examples could be shading studies, extra calculations, system sizing, ground loop
calculations, etc.
QA/QC Reports:
Supplied by the PHIUS+ Rater
Available to both the submitter and PHIUS
Submitter is able to update energy model and documentation based on reports
PHIUS+ Feedback Document
The PHIUS+ Feedback Document is one of the main ways to communicate between PHIUS
and the project submitter. Please inform your PHIUS reviewer when you have uploaded
this document to the database or added it to your project’s designated DropBox Folder.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
When the submitter makes changes to the PHIUS+ Feedback Document, the updated
energy model should also be uploaded.
3.3 Quality Approval
Once all required documents have been provided and the project has passed the PreCertification review, the following documents will need to be updated or provided when
construction has been concluded:
- Verification of the air tightness
- Record of the commissioning of the ventilation system
- Declaration of the construction supervisor
- 7 photos: 1 main, 6 additional. At least 3 of the finished project.
- PHIUS On-Site Rating Worksheet
3.4 Calculation Methods, Conditions, Reference to Norms
Climate data
 Must be approved by PHIUS for each project
 PHIUS has generated 1000+ Climate Data sets for locations around the US. These
sets can be found on the PHIUS website, and should be used for all new projects.
Energy Model Defaults
Internal heat gains, temperature set points, DHW usage, airflow rates, and any other values
built in to the energy model will be used by PHIUS. These values (and the way they are
calculated) may be updated by PHIUS in the future to coincide with research and best
Occupancy Requirements and Changes
Occupancy requirements are not strictly adhered to at this time. Deviant values may be
used with an explanation and approval of PHIUS reviewer. Especially with building types
that have unusual occupancy loads and patterns. PHIUS reserves the right to put a note in
the database for project designs which are above 540 sq ft. per person of treated floor area.
Common pitfalls and problems
Please contact us early for more info if the project entails any of these items:
Spray foam, Flash-and-fill assemblies
(Please refer to the climate-specific recommendations in High Performance Enclosures,
by J. Straube, section 3.4.)
Floors with air-permeable insulation
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
Site altitude very different from the nearest climate data set location
Thermal bridge calculations
Thermal mass – anything more than “light construction”
Occupancy more than a factor of two different from the standard assumption (377
Gas exhaust dryers, exhausting range hoods
On-demand recirculation hot water systems
Heat pumps of any kind
Download Heat Pump COP protocol kit.
Thresholds in the energy model requiring additional documentation:
Ground Thermal Resistivity >0.1 hr.ft2.F/BTU.in
Window psi Installation
o For mid mounted, over-insulated window <0.015 BTU/hr.ft.F
o For mid mounted window <0.020 BTU/hr.ft.F
Subsoil Heat Exchanger efficiency >60%
Framing factors
o Down to 15% for advanced framing, 24 in. OC
o Down to 12% if window psi-installation calcs are done, because some of the
framing is accounted for in this calculation
Heat recovery Efficiency of CERV (from Newell Instruments / Build Equinox): use
Air change rate for window night ventilation is limited to 0.3 ACH
Solar fraction for hot water – expert/specialist calculation recommended if greater
than 65% covered by Solar
3.5 - Non-Residential Additions
The Criteria for Non-Residential Projects remains the same as residential projects.
There may be difference depending on number of units that require additional
documentation for PHIUS+.
The energy model for Non-Residential projects needs to contain information on
lighting systems, usage patterns, and potentially custom internal heat gains.
Will be updated at a later date as more information becomes available on these types
of projects.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
3.6- Retrofit Additions
For the time being, PHIUS will offer Retrofit Certifications that do not meet the Criteria
of Section 3.0 on a Case By Case basis based on the climate and project.
3.7 - Blower Door Instructions
Passive House Blower Door Testing Method General Notes:
First determine the net air volume for the pressure test. To determine the net air volume
we calculate the home’s interior volume (drywall to drywall floor to ceiling, wall to wall)
minus volume taken up by interior walls and floor systems. All spaces are counted at a
100%, including stair space (unlike the TFA calculation)
PHIUS is transitioning from DIN EN 13820 to a RESNET Approved Protocol for residential
structures. We have been in contact with the Army Corp of Engineer among others to
address airtightness in large buildings.
The DIN EN 13829 test conditions are below for reference:
All intentional existing openings in the building's air barrier are sealed off.
All doors and windows that comprise the air barrier are closed.
All interior doors are left open, but closet doors closed.
The exhaust ductwork for combustion burning appliances is sealed off.
The supply & exhaust ductwork of the HRV system is sealed off.
Any fresh air intakes for a forced air heating system are sealed off.
Clothes dryer ductwork to outside should be sealed.
Make sure that the fuel is shut off to all fuel burning appliance
Remove the ashes from fireplaces.
Setup Blower door on bottom floor of the building
Observe wind speed, note
Calculate mean building pressure with respect to outside over 30 seconds
If the difference between the average positive pressure minus the average
low pressure is 5pa or greater do not continue with the test:
it is too windy.
The blower door/duct blaster should be controlled by the Energy
Conservatory’s Tectite software which will make repeated measurement
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
at various pressures and then calculate a linear regression for the
most accurate cfm50 measurement, which can then be multiplied times 60
to get the cubic feet per hour leaving the house. The house’s net air
volume is divided into cfm/hr@50pa to arrive at the ACH50 calculation
needed for certification. Automated Tectite Software outputs in .PDF are preferred.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294
3.8 - Contractor Declaration
The intent of the Contractor Declaration is to have a written statement of proof that the as
built building conforms to the provided documentation. This information will be verified
through the site tests as performed by the PHIUS+ rater.
Here are some sample wordings:
I, ______________, as general contractor of the _______________ (project) located at
____________________ (address), confirm that the documents supplied to PHIUS on ____________
(date) are identical to the finished project.
Any discrepancies or changes are listed here: ______________________.
This declaration certifies that the _______________ (project) located at ____________________
(address), has been constructed according to the technical specifications in the ___________
energy model, which has been populated based on the drawings submitted on ______________
There are no deviances from the file or any of the supporting documentations that have
previously been submitted to PHIUS.
These declarations should be placed on an official letterhead and signed by the
construction supervisor or general contractor. These wordings can be adjusted, but these
are good examples to start from.
110 S Race St Ste 202
Passive House Institute US | PHIUS
Urbana Illinois 61801
ph 217.344.1294