NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 Designing a Forward Power Supply Using The N3858x Series By Steven Hsu INTRODUCTION The N3858x series of synchronous rectification controller are designed for secondary side to control a forward rectification MOSFET and a fly-wheeling rectification MOSFET with the low Rds(on) characteristic, instead of the forward rectifier diode and fly-wheeling diode. Base on the power MOSFET technology, a few mΩ Rds(on) of power MOSFETs are very prevalent ,we can use the feature of low Rds(on) ,easily replace the forward rectifier diode and fly-wheeling diode of conventional forward power supply and obtain lower power loss . The N3858x implements a constant dead time control (patent pending), however, the AC input voltage is changing, the dead time will keep to be constant . BLOCK DIAGRAM VD VCC VIN VCC 1% COMP. 1 regulator + VCC COMP. 3 GATE1 - driver1 +5V + VREF - COMP. 4 +5V - UVLO + 7V VCC VCC COMP. 2 AND + RCT driver2 GATE2 - 2.5V front edge GND trigger Fig 1 N3858x Function Block Diagram REV : 2 1 JAN-12-2005 NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 PIN FUNCTIONS GATE 2 ( Pin 1 ) : This pin is the driver output pin to drive the gate of the fly-wheeling synchronous rectification MOSFET. It’s capable of source and sink 1A current ,directly connected to the Gate of the fly-wheeling synchronous rectification MOSFET or series with a small resistance of resistor . VCC ( Pin 2 ) : This pin is for supply voltage of the control IC. RCD( Pin 3 ) : This pin connected RT and CT to generate a constant saw-tooth waveform for obtaining a proper dead time control, RT connected to VREF pin and CT connected to GND. VIN( Pin 4 ) : Input pin (+) of the Comparator 3., connected R1and R2 to filter the sinusoidal voltage waveform during the DCM condition. VD ( Pin 5) : Input pin (-) of comparator 1, inhibit function detect pin, connected to the Drain pin of the fly-wheeling synchronous rectification MOSFET, if VD> 0V, the GATE2 output will be disable to turn off the synchronous rectification MOSFET Q2 when the current through it tends to reverse ,allowing discontinuous mode condition and providing protection to the device from eventual sinking current from the output tank. VREF (Pin 6) : 5V reference voltage output, it provides the charging current for CT through RT. GND ( Pin 7 ) : This is the GND pin of the ship, connected to the Source pin of the fly-wheeling synchronous rectification MOSFET. GATE 1 ( Pin 8 ) : This pin is the output driver pin to drive the gate of the forward rectification MOSFET, It’s capable of source and sink 1A current ,directly connected to the Gate of forward rectification MOSFET or series with a small resistance of resistor . REV : 2 2 JAN-12-2005 NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 TYPICAL APPLICATION See the Fig 2 ,it‘s showing the typical application with N3858x .The TVS1 is a transient voltage suppresor , it’s optional to clamp the spike voltage for using the lower voltage rating MOSFET , And R3,C2 ,R4,C3 are the snubber components to be needed for damping spike voltage . If a strong spike voltage appears on the VD pin ,then it is needed to connect a 10pf capacitor for filtering the spike voltage , prevent a wrong trigger to the output drivers. L1 B+ 2 R5 T1 C5 3 1 2 7 3 CT PWM Vo 4 9 8 D3 12V 4 Q3 N3858 GATE2 GATE1 VCC RCT C4 VREF VD VIN 7 R7 TVS1 D2 0~200R R3 6 Q2 5 P6KE68A OPTION C1 C2 RT R2 R6 GND 8 10P R1 ENABLE(LOW) Q4 2N3904 OPTION OPTION Q1 D1 R4 C3 FEEDBACK Fig 2 Typical Application With N3858x REV : 2 3 JAN-12-2005 NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 OPERATION •Synchronization The N3858x synchronization is obtained directly from the secondary side using the voltage across the fly-wheeling synchronous rectification MOSFET as the information for the switching transitions. Refer to FIG.3 , a squire wave dectector filters the eventual sinusoidal waveform caused by discontinuous mode operation to prevent a wrong driving of the forward rectification MOSFET by a wrong synchronization . square wave dectector input (VD pin) VSIN VDP square wave dectector output (comp.3) on time of forward rectification MOSFET FIG. 3 VSIN R2 R1+R2 < 5V DCM waveform VDP R2 R1+R2 ; > 5V A proper setting R1 and R2 to make sure VSIN R2/(R1+R2)< 5V , VDP R2 /(R1+R2)> 5V to get a good driving of the forward rectification MOSFET . •How to Set The Constant Dead Time The RCD pin is connected a RT and CT to adjust a optimal dead time to prevent the flywheeling synchonous rectification MOSFET and the forward rectification MOSFET working on-state condition when during fly-wheeling period is ended.If RT and CT fixed,however AC input or duty cycle is changing ,then the dead time will be fixed to be constant. Before connect the GATE 1 and GATE 2 outputs of the N3858x to each MOSFET. First,short gate and source of each MOSFET ,then check the dead time is OK or not ,adust RT or CT for tuning a proper dead time, then connect the GATE 1 and GATE 2 outputs to each MOSFET . REV : 2 4 JAN-12-2005 NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 1.44 f(osc) ≈ RT CT Dead time(max) =Ts x Total Tol.%+ td(off) of S.R. MOSFET , TS = 1/fS Dead time(min) = td(off) of S.R. MOSFET , Total Tol.%=(Rt +Ct )Tol.% • Enable/Disable Function The VIN pin is able to provide the enable/disable function to control the outputs of GATE1 and GATE2 , if connect VIN to GND , the outputs of GATE1 and GATE2 stopped to output . See the Fig 4 ,it’s showing disable function in the DCM application with N3858x , The voltage detected from the photo-coupler of the feedback circuit , if the output is in the light load (DCM) condition , this detected voltage is lower than middle load , then connected this dectected voltage to a comparator , the comparator output pulled VIN pin to the low level when output is in the light load (DCM) condition . By the way ,if the comparator connect a PNP transistor to control the VCC , it also can disable the outputs of GATE1 and GATE2 of the N3858x . •Inhibit Function The inhibit function is detected the voltage of the VD pin , the VD pin is connected to the drain of the fly-wheeling synchronous MOSFET , if VD > 0V ,the GATE2 output will be disable to turn off the fly-wheeling synchronous rectification MOSFET Q2 ,when the current through it tends to reverse, allowing discontinuous mode condition and providing protection to the device from eventual sinking current from the output tank. REV : 2 5 JAN-12-2005 NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 L1 B+ 2 R5 D3 9 8 C5 3 T1 4 Vo N3858 1 GATE2 GATE1 2 7 VCC 3 CT PWM 12V GND RCT 4 VREF VIN VD 8 7 R15 TVS1 D2 0~200 R3 6 C2 Q2 5 P6KE68A OPTION C1 Q3 R2 C4 RT R1 10P OPTION R6 Q1 D1 R4 VCC 8 R9 R7 220K C6 4700P U2 1 4 3 2 R8 1M 1 2 - C7 330P R10 COMP R13 Vo R14 R11 PC817 C8 U3 TL431 Fig 4 3 + 4 D4 C3 R12 Disable Function in The DCM Application With N3858x REV : 2 6 JAN-12-2005 NIKO-SEM APPLICATION NOTE AN-1002 High Side MOSFET Application With N3858x See the Fig 5 , the N3858x is able to be used in high side MOSFET application . C3 R4 D1 L1 12V Q1 B+ T2 1 R6 3 5 D3 C5 6 TVS1 N3858 8 1 2 7 TRANSFORMER PWM R7 9 Q3 3 CT 4 GATE2 GATE1 VCC GND RCT VREF VIN R2 8 7 6 P6KE68A OPTION D2 0~200 R3 Q2 C1 C2 5 RT R1 C4 R5 VD R8 Q4 ENABLE(LOW) 10P OPTION 2N3904 OPTION FEEDBACK Fig 5 High Side MOSFET Application With N3858x REV : 2 7 JAN-12-2005