Job Hazard Analysis – Assessment and Control System Likelihood Severity / Consequence 5 4 3 2 1 Almost certain to occur in most circumstances Likely to occur frequently Possible and likely to occur at some time Unlikely to occur but could happen May occur but only in rare and exceptional circumstances Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Injuries or ailments not requiring medical treatment. Medical help needed. Treatment by medical professional Significant Serious injury Non-permanent injury. Life threatening injury or multiple serious injuries causing hospitalization Death or multiple life threatening injuries. 1 6 5 4 3 2 2 7 6 5 4 3 3 8 7 6 5 4 4 9 8 7 6 5 5 10 9 8 7 6 How to Prioritise the Risk Rating Once the level of risk has been determined the following table may be of use in determining when to act to institute the control measures. Risk Priority Extreme (E) (>7 = Extreme Risk) High (H) (6-7 = High risk) Medium (M) (5 = Med. risk) Low (L) (<5 = Low risk) Detailed action plan required. Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement engineering control measures. Work activities must be suspended immediately until hazard can be eliminated or controlled or reduced to a lower level. Remove the hazard at the source. An identified extreme risk does not allow scope for the use of administrative controls or PPE , even in the short term. Needs senior management attention. Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement engineering control measures. If these controls are not immediately accessible, set a timeframe for their implementation and establish interim risk reduction strategies for the period of the set timeframe. Job hazards are unacceptable and must be controlled by engineering, administrative, or personal protective equipment methods as soon as possible. An achievable timeframe must be established to ensure that elimination, substitution or engineering controls are implemented. NOTE: Risk (and not cost) must be the primary consideration in determining the timeframe. A timeframe of greater than 6 months would generally not be acceptable for any hazard identified as high risk. Specify management responsibility. Take reasonable steps to mitigate the risk. Until elimination, substitution or engineering controls can be implemented, institute administrative or personal protective equipment controls. These “lower level” controls must not be considered permanent solutions. The time for which they are established must be based on risk. At the end of the time, if the risk has not been addressed by elimination, substitution or engineering controls a further risk assessment must be undertaken. Interim measures until permanent solutions can be implemented: Develop administrative controls to limit the use or access. Provide supervision and specific training related to the issue of concern. (See Administrative Controls below) Manage by routine procedure.Take reasonable steps to mitigate and monitor the risk. Institute permanent controls in the long term. Permanent controls may be administrative in nature if the hazard has low frequency, rare likelihood and insignificant consequence. No real or significant hazard exists.Controls are not required but may increase the comfort level of employees. Job Hazard Analysis – Assessment and Control System Cont… Hierarchy of Control Controls identified may be a mixture of the hierarchy in order to provide minimum operator exposure. Elimination Eliminate the hazard. Substitution Provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task and is safer to use. Engineering Controls Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard. Administrative Controls Develop policies, procedures practices and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate the risk. Provide training, instruction and supervision about the hazard. Personal Protective Equipment Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard. Take action on the assessment. Depending on the assigned Risk Level/Code (or Risk priority), take the corresponding action according to the table above: If Risk priority is LOW for a task step requires monitoring. If Risk priority is MEDIUM select and implement appropriate controls. If Risk priority is HIGH Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Eliminate, substitute or implement measures. If Risk priority is EXTREMELY HIGH immediately stop the task step until appropriate controls can be implemented. A high risk priority means that there is a reasonable to high probability that an employee will be killed or permanently disabled doing this task step and/or a high probability that the employee will suffer severe illness or injury! Select Action: Try to reduce employee exposure to the hazard by first implementing engineering, work practice, and/or administrative controls. Note the control method to be implemented in the far right column. Certify the hazard assessment: Certify on the hazard assessment form that you have done the hazard assessment and implemented the needed controls. Incorporate any new requirements that you have developed into your written accident prevention program. Job Hazard Analysis Form Job/Task: ______________________________ Job/Task Step Location: ______________________________ Hazard Type Severity Probability Risk Code Control Method1 (1) Note: Engineering, work practice, and/or administrative hazard controls such as guarding must be used, if feasible, before requiring employees to use personal protective equipment. Certification of Assessment *Name of work place: ________________________________ *Address _________________________________________________________ *Assessment Conducted By: _________________________ Title: ________________________ *Date(s) of Assessment ________________ Implementation of Controls Approved By: __________________________ Title: ______________________________ Date: ________________ 3