Comets, Asteroids and Meteors • E4 Vegetable Light Curves Activity E4 Grade Level: 9–12 Source: This activity comes from the web site for NASA’s Dawn Mission, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The activity was contributed by Dr. B. J. McCormick (McREL). It is in the public domain. What’s This Activity About? Tips and Suggestions Most asteroids are small chunks of rock, orbiting in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. We see them through large telescopes because they reflect the light of the Sun. Occasionally, it is possible to see variations in the reflected sunlight and use these to determine the shape and surface features of the asteroid. (Astronomers have joked over the years that the irregularly shaped asteroids resemble nothing as much as potatoes.) •A s suggested in the write up, it may be useful to review Moon phases with students before doing this activity. See section B of The Universe at Your Fingertips for a range of moon-phase activities. •N ote that building a potato rotating device is required before your students can do this lab. Instructions and a list of parts needed is given in the write up, but this means that this is an activity for which you need to prepare significantly in advance. What Will Students Do? Students will observe the surface of rotating potatoes to help them understand how astronomers can sometimes determine the shape of asteroids from variations in reflective brightness. What Will Students Learn? Concepts Inquiry Skills Big Ideas • Asteroids • Rotation • Light curves • Experimenting • Inferring • Predicting • Graphing • Recording • Comparing • Observing • Explaining • Reasoning • Patterns of change • Models and simulations • Interactions The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific Page 1 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors History and Discovery of Asteroids E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Vegetable Light Curves TEACHER GUIDE BACKGROUND In the Activity, “Vegetable Light Curves,” students will observe the surface of rotating potatoes to help them understand how astronomers can sometimes determine the shape of asteroids from variations in reflective brightness. When astronomers graph data relating to reflective brightness as a function of time, the resulting graph is called a “light curve.” A good animation that illustrates and presents additional information about light curves can be found at: MATERIALS Activity Sheet, “Vegetable Light Curves” Several sheets of graph paper A watch with a second hand Materials for each team of three: Two potatoes—one spherical and one elongated; a cucumber and carrot are optional An illumination system—a 40-watt lamp and a dark background or a darkened room An assembled potato-rotating system Sharpened dowel sticks to mount the vegetables. (There An alternative method would are several ways in which you can prepare the equipment be to have two or more sets for this activity. See “Vegetable Light Curve Assembly of equipment assembled and Instructions” for equipment sources, complete assembly have teams rotate from instructions, and safety precautions. You will need to select station to station until they the method most appropriate for your classroom setting have completed their and your students’ experience in the laboratory. observations. ― You may assemble all the equipment yourself. ― You may assemble part of the rotating system yourself and have your students mount the vegetables themselves. ― You may have students assemble all the equipment. Optional Copies of the assembly instructions and safety precautions from “Vegetable Light Curve Assembly Instructions” if you decide that students should set up their own equipment. The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves Page 2 DAWN 1 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves PROCEDURE Part 1: Light Curves Section One 1. Divide students into teams of at least three members and distribute copies of the Activity Sheet, “Vegetable Light Curves,” to each team. 2. For Section One, Question 1, ask team members to engage in a general discussion of the various factors that might affect the apparent brightness of an asteroid. Tell students that they can assume observations are being made from a space platform and that clouds and dust are not factors to be considered. Then have them address the remaining questions. Circulate among the groups and ask appropriate, leading questions to stimulate their discussion. 3. After allowing sufficient time for teams to complete their answers, call the class together for a share-out session. Have each team share one factor from their list of answers to Question 1. Students probably will quickly identify size and distance from Earth as factors that affect brightness. They may also conclude that reflectivity or albedo of the asteroid will have an effect on its brightness, especially if they have completed the Activity, “Seeing Circles—Studying Albedo.” Less obvious will be the effect that phase or degree of illumination has on asteroid brightness. Make sure the students’ answers to If your students do not understand moon phases, you may Question 2 include a clear wish to have them access understanding that asteroids are like stars—they do not emit applications/astronomical-information-center/phaseslight. Instead, like the moon, we see percent-moon for an explanation. them only because they reflect light from the sun. Hold up a potato and Click on this (see obtain a moon phases activity guide: ask students if they could see the potato in a totally dark room. They should recognize that you could not see the potato at all since reflected light provided by a source such as a lamp or the sun is what enables you to see the potato. This point should be emphasized here because “seeing things” is often taken for granted without thinking about what makes it possible for us to see them. Ask them what fraction of the total surface of the potato they can see. The fraction (or percentage) of the surface we can see, which at most is 50%, is directly related to the amount of light reflected from the surface back toward you. Students’ answers to Question 3 should indicate an understanding that asteroids pass through phases, just as the moon does. You may wish to engage them in a discussion or review of moon phases. To help students answer Question 4, ask how the motion of an asteroid might affect its brightness. Make sure student answers include the fact that asteroids revolve in an elliptical orbit as well as about internal axes. TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 2 Page 3 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves To stimulate students’ reflection on Question 3, ask what factors other than surface area might affect the observed amount of light. Student answers might include the difference in reflectivity (albedo), which might be due to differences in color or texture due to cratering. 4. Pose the question, “How might Earth-bound astronomers obtain an estimate of the shape of an asteroid?” Emphasize that “shape” implies three-dimensional characterization. After students have exhausted their possible answers, tell them that they will be modeling a technique that astronomers have used for many years to obtain information about the shape of asteroids. Section Two Your explicit student instructions for Section Two will depend upon how much of the equipment assembly you have decided to have your students complete and how many complete set-ups you have for your class. See your options in “Vegetable Light Curve Assembly Instructions.” 1. Divide the class into teams of at least three members. (These groups may be the same as the ones in Section One or they may be different.) Each team should determine the time that is necessary for an elongated potato to make 10 complete revolutions. 2. Instruct the students to follow the directions in Section Two of the activity sheet as they make observations. All team members should make individual observations of the rotating potatoes, except as noted above. As you move about the room, make sure that the observing student’s line of sight is level with the potato. Sections Three and Four 1. Sections Three and Four of the activity should be completed as a team. 2. When all teams have finished, collect the reporting sheets and graphs and post them around the room. 3. Engage students in a discussion of the conclusions that were reached in Section Four. Below are some important concepts that you should bring out as students discuss the answers to their conclusions. Question 2. Pay particular attention to the rotational aspects of asteroid brightness. Make sure students understand that asteroids are expected to rotate about internal axes. As a consequence, the image of an asteroid at a particular time will depend on its rotational position with respect to the observer unless the asteroid is spherical, in which case there will be no rotational dependence of the brightness. Question 3. It might be concluded that the area of the larger side is twice that of the smaller side. However, if there is a difference in the albedo of different areas of the asteroid, then that conclusion may not be valid. For example, in the Vignette, “More Discoveries…Better Descriptions,” there is a sentence that describes Vesta: “In 1987 speckle interferometry showed that 4 Vesta is dimmest when its maximum cross section faces Earth and that its surface features have more influence on its light curve than does its shape.” Question 4. If the observed end of the asteroid is uniform in albedo and not distorted by craters, the light curve would be much like that provided by a sphere. In other words, a TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 3 Page 4 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves graph of light reflected versus time would be a straight line if the end of the asteroid were perfectly circular. Question 5. At any one observational time, one measures the light curve of a rotating asteroid at a particular point in its orbit. This means that it is impossible to see all of an asteroid’s reflective properties from a single observational point of view, i.e., the backside or the ends of the asteroid will remain obscure. However, as an asteroid moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, its position (think “tilt” or “inclination”) with respect to the Earth changes. This positional change coupled with its rotational properties provides a different view over time. Therefore, a sequence of light curves measured over a long time frame may provide sufficient information to determine an asteroid’s entire shape. Question 6. You might want to have a potato mounted at a 45-degree angle for students to observe as they discuss their answers to this question. Questions 7 and 8. Students’ answers to these questions will depend upon their original measurements in Section Two. The main emphasis here is to help students see the relationship between rotational rate and the angle through which a potato rotates during a given period of time. If you have the students pursue the “Quantitative Extensions” (below), they will use the rotational rate determined in the activity. Question 9. You should be able to read the answers to these questions from the light curve. Eros was brightest at about the three-hour mark. It was dimmest shortly after the four-hour mark. One Eros “day” is about 5.25 hours. (The day ends before the light curve does. The last peak you see is the beginning of another day.) Question 10. The two brightest peaks were different in amplitude because light was reflecting from two different surfaces. The same is true for the two lowest reflecting surfaces. Question 11. The light curve of a regularly shaped asteroid would be very close to a straight line because its surface would reflect the same amount of light regardless of what part of its surface we were viewing. The greater the differences in light reflected during the period of rotation, the greater the irregularities of the asteroid surface reflecting the light. 4. Ask students how much more difficult this activity would be if the observer were sitting: a) Across the room from the rotating potato. b) The length of a basketball court away from the rotating potato. c) The length of a football field away from the rotating potato. o How does the distance between the rotating vegetable and the observer affect the accuracy and reliability of the observations? o How does the length of a football field compare with the distance between an Earth-bound telescope and an asteroid? Between a space telescope and an asteroid? o Would the observer’s eyesight affect the reliability of the observations? How do the differences among the observer’s visual abilities model the differences in technology used by early astronomers (small, Earth-bound telescopes) and that used today (Hubble Space Telescope)? TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 4 Page 5 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves 5. Distribute copies of the Vignette, “I Can See You More Clearly Now.” Allow students time to read the vignette and then ask: a) Do you think that these images of Vesta and Ceres taken from the Hubble Telescope are clear enough for scientists to make accurate observations? Why or why not? b) How might better images of Ceres and Vesta be made? (One possible student answer might be for a spacecraft—manned or unmanned—to travel to the asteroids for a “close-up” look.) Quantitative Extensions The procedures provided in this activity provide dynamic—but only qualitative—information about light curves. Should you wish to do so, you can place the activity on a more quantitative footing by having the students pursue one or both of the procedures outlined below. This more quantitative exercise is made possible by the fact that in the activity the students have determined the rotational rate for their potato in degrees per second. Ask the students to use a protractor and prepare a sheet of paper with lines drawn on it from a center point of the paper out to the edges so that the lines are separated by 30degree intervals. They should complete a 360-degree pattern of repeating lines. Have the students label these index lines by placing 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. at the ends of the lines. Now have them orient the paper so that index line 0 extends to their right. Index line 3 should point toward them. Next, have them place their long potato on the paper such that its long axis is aligned with index line 0, with the potato center at the origin of the lines. Have them place a mark with a pen on the end of the potato near and in line with index line 0. Now ask them to visually estimate the fraction (or percentage) of surface they can see, and record their estimate along with the index number (0 in this case). Now instruct the students to rotate the potato by hand until the mark on the potato lines up with index line 1. Again, they should estimate the fraction of visible surface area and record the result along with the index number. This procedure should be repeated until the potato is rotated through 360 degrees (or more). Now the students can use their previously determined value of rotational rate in degrees per second to evaluate the time it took for the potato to reach the position corresponding to a given index line when the potato was on the rotation apparatus! In effect, the students are setting up a snapshot of what the potato would have looked like when it passed through 30, 60, and so on degrees. To have them complete the activity, instruct them to determine the number of degrees of rotation for each index mark and divide the degrees by their previously determined rotational rate to provide the time required for the potato to reach that snapshot point when it was on the rotation apparatus. They can then plot a graph of percentage (or fraction) of surface area visible vs. time and produce a reasonably accurate “potato light curve.” To aid them in making estimates of surface area it may be helpful to draw lines around the circumference of the potato at roughly 1 cm intervals. It also might be instructive to pursue with them the interpretation of the number they obtain when they divide 0 (the degrees corresponding to index line 0) by the rotation rate. The above activity can be made even more accurate by setting up a camera (digital preferred) and photographing the potato at each index mark. For best results, zoom in so that the potato fills the frame. The resulting set of photographs can now be printed on plain paper with a standard printer and appropriate software. The image of the potato can be cut out from each photograph and weighed on a good balance. The weight of each piece can then be expressed as a fraction of the weight measured in the photo with TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 5 Page 6 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves the potato exposed to the maximum extent. This procedure provides a reasonably quantitative measure of visible surface area, which can then be graphed against time as determined above. Light meter on Calculator Based Lab (CBL) with light probe. Illuminate the potato in a darkened room. Measure the reflectivity. Then compare with measurements above. TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 6 Page 7 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves ADDITIONAL TEACHER RESOURCES WEB SITES Asteroid Fact Sheet Solar Systems Exploration Missions to Asteroids: Dawn %201 Missions to Asteroids: Deep Space 1 Missions to Asteroids and Planets: Galileo Missions to Asteroids: Hayabusa (MUSES-C) maker Missions to Asteroids: NEAR Missions to Comets: Stardust Missions to Comets: Stardust-NExT a Missions to Comets: Rosetta Interactive showing examples of irregular-shaped asteriods in 3-D. Hubble Space Telescope and Keck images of Vesta Animation of Vesta rotation This activity asks students to determine if the Statue of Liberty's nose is out of proportion to her body size. The activity, from the Figure This! list of 80 math challenges, illustrates how to use TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 7 Page 8 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves similarity and scaling to design HO gauge model train layouts and analyze the size of characters in Gulliver's Travels. Missions to Asteroids: Dawn PRINT RESOURCES McSween, H.Y. (1999). Meteorites and their parent planets. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press. Peebles, C. (2000). Asteroids: A history. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Roth, G.D., (1962). The system of minor planet. Princeton, NJ: Company Inc. TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 8 Page 9 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves APPENDIX C—STANDARDS ADDRESSED National Science Education Standards addressed: Science as Inquiry Understandings about Scientific Inquiry Different kinds of questions suggest different kinds of investigations. Some involve observing and describing objects; some involve making models. Current scientific knowledge and understanding guides scientific investigations. Mathematics is important in all aspects of scientific inquiry. Technology used to gather data enhances accuracy and allows scientists to analyze and quantify results of investigations. Scientific explanation emphasizes evidence. Science advances through legitimate skepticism. Scientific investigations sometimes result in new ideas for study. Physical Science Motions and Forces The motion of an object can be described by its position, direction of motion and speed. That motion can be measured and represented on a graph. Transfer of Energy Light interacts with matter by reflection. To see an object, light from that object must enter the eye. Earth and Space Science Earth in the Solar System The Earth is the third planet from the sun in a system that includes the moon, the sun, eight other planets and their moons, and smaller objects such as asteroids and comets. Most objects in the solar system are in regular and predictable motion. Science and Technology Understandings about science and technology Scientific inquiry and technological design have similarities and differences. Many different people in different cultures have made and continue to make contributions to science and technology. Science and technology are reciprocal. Perfectly designed solutions do not exist. Technological designs have constraints. Technological solutions have intended benefits and unintended consequences. TEACHER GUIDE: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 9 Page 10 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors History and Discovery of Asteroids More Discoveries… Better Descriptions VIGNETTE From the 1890s through the 1930s, asteroid research was buzzing with excitement; a total of 1140 asteroid discoveries occurred during this time. With such a surge in activity, it became necessary to record and communicate the latest findings. Beginning in 1890s, this responsibility was fulfilled by the Rechen-Institut in Berlin. They kept track of asteroids, published predictions of asteroid positions and the RI Circulars, which contained updated information about asteroids. During the early 1930s, the rate of asteroid discovery averaged about 38 per year. At the same time, new photographic (see “Silver to the Rescue”) and spectroscopic (see “Dawn Dictionary”) technologies merged with telescopes to determine asteroids’ shapes and the elements in their atmospheres. By 1929, Nicholas Bobrovnikov had used these newlydeveloped technologies to determine the spectra of twelve asteroids. He found that Ceres was bluer than Vesta, indicating that Ceres was reflecting more high-energy radiation than Vesta. Spectroscopes break up visible light into a spectrum of different wavelengths so that the light energy can be analyzed... Notice in the illustration above, visible light accounts for a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Consider this in the historical context of asteroid research: imagine how much more is out there than meets the eye! By 1939, asteroid discoveries and studies came to a screeching halt. Why? Think about world history. What was going on in Europe during the late 1930s through the 1940s? With the beginning of World War II in 1939, asteroid research virtually ended for almost three decades because the world’s attention and resources were directed to the war effort. However, as you will see, some of the technologies developed for the war effort ultimately advanced future asteroid studies. Asteroid Research in the Post-World War II Era After World War II, the activities of the Rechen-Institut were scattered. Parts of the material were moved to Heidelberg, but at least half of it remained in Soviet-controlled Berlin. The German observatories that had undertaken asteroid work before the war lacked essentials like photographic plates to continue their work. When the International Astronomical Union (IAU) met in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1946, it assigned most of the activities that had been centered in Germany to Soviet astronomers and observatories. The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific VIGNETTE: More Discoveries…Better Descriptions Page 11 DAWN 1 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors The Minor Planet Center at Cincinnati, Ohio was established as the IAU center for asteroid research in 1947. Since asteroid programs had become so disorganized during the war, the primary efforts of the center were focused on keeping Data collection, track of the almost 1,600 known asteroids. Other activities of the center, organization, and under the direction of Paul Herget, included publishing Minor Planet publication. Circulars, collecting and maintaining asteroid observations and calculating asteroid orbits and their positions. Eventually the Center was transferred to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Another astronomer studying asteroids during the post-war period was Netherlands-born Gerard Kuiper, who worked in the McDonald Observatory in Texas. New technology From 1950 to 1952, he conducted an asteroid survey using a 10-inch makes it possible to telescope that recorded asteroids down to a magnitude of 16.5 and find smaller, dimmer photographed the entire ecliptic twice. This technique produced a asteroids and to clearer picture of asteroid distribution in space and provided statistical study asteroid data on asteroid population. In 1960, Tom Gehrels was involved with characteristics. the Palomar-Leiden Survey, observing smaller areas of the sky and making brightness and distance measurements of some 1,800 asteroids. In 1971, Gehrels edited the first text on asteroids and organized the first asteroid conference in Tucson, Arizona. More accurate brightness measurements Whereas 19th-century astronomers could measure an asteroid’s brightness to an accuracy of 0.1 of a magnitude, new photographic technologies (see “Silver to the Rescue”) improved the accuracy of measurements to about 0.05 of a magnitude. The advent of the RCA photomultiplier tube during World War II was first used in astronomy in the early 1950’s in a process known as differential photometry. Three measurements, using ultraviolet (U), blue (B), and visual (V) filters, were integrated in minutes with an accuracy of 0.001 magnitude. This UBV system became the standard method for measuring brightness. A photomultiplier tube detects very weak light, converts it to electricity and amplifies the signal. It is used in photometry which measures the relative amounts of light in different wavelengths (visible colors), thereby making asteroid research more quantitative. Rotation rates from light curves The introduction of computers that corrected for air mass and subtracted background sky brightness, decreased the time necessary to process the data from the UBV observations, and made it possible to measure asteroid rotation rates from their light curves (see “Vegetable Light Curves”). Astronomers had attempted to detect asteroid light variations as early as 1810, but small variations (some as small as a few hundredths of a magnitude), erratic curves resulting from irregular shapes, and varying numbers of brightness peaks during each rotation made meaningful measurements difficult until the late 1960s. VIGNETTE: More Discoveries…Better Descriptions The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 2 Page 12 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors Asteroid shapes based on light curves Starting in 1971, astronomers tried a number of methods for modeling asteroid shapes based on their light curves. Modeling techniques included rotating Styrofoam bodies covered with substances such as powdered rock and graphite powder. Another procedure known as the convex-profile inversion produced a two-dimensional convex profile, which was then used to produce a three-dimensional shape. The camera system aboard the Galileo spacecraft captured a series of high resolution images of asteroid Ida’s rotation. This sequence enabled scientists to create a 3-D model of the asteroid. A new technology, speckle interferometry, was developed in the mid-1970s. SU uses ground-based telescopes and computer technology to make highly detailed or high-resolution images of asteroids by clustering together loads of tiny “specks” to form a clearer picture. These large telescopes capture a series of rapid exposures lasting only a few thousandths of a second. If you had a camera with a shutter speed that fast, you would never have to worry about somebody blinking or developing a blurry picture simply because somebody moved. This super-fast freeze frame also makes it possible to eliminate the blurry effects of a constantly moving atmosphere. Therefore, when a series of frames, taken over several minutes, are combined into a single image by a computer, the result is a clearer picture of an asteroid’s shape. Based on such observational data and theoretical calculations, the shapes of 1 Ceres and 2 Pallas were determined to be nearly spherical, and 3 Juno and 4 Vesta were found to be elliptical. The rest of the story In 1987, speckle interferometry revealed some surprising information. It showed that 4 Vesta is dimmest when its maximum cross section faces Earth, and that its surface features have more influence on its light curve than does its shape. If you have done the Vegetable Light Curve activity, you learned that the surface area directly affected the light curve. The larger the exposed surface area, the more light was reflected, so the brighter the object appeared. This 1987 finding about Vesta may appear to contradict the Vegetable Light Curve activity. Instead it shows that variations of brightness in an asteroid’s light curve involve not only the amount of surface area being observed, but also the albedo – the degree to which light is reflected - of irregularities and craters on an asteroid’s surface. In the 1980s, new electronic techniques employing CCDs are electronic detectors placed in charge-coupled devices (CCDs) had an enormous telescopes. The CCD shown here is packed with 100s of tiny light sensing impact on asteroid research. CCDs combined with diodes, each of which records the computer data processing provide astronomers with brightness of light and transmits this greatly enhanced observational capabilities. For example, data to a computer. the Spacewatch Program used CCDs in the discovery of a near-earth asteroid in 1989. This Arizona-based program, which has as a general goal of discovering small objects in the solar system, has identified numerous new asteroids smaller than 100 meters in diameter using CCD technology. CCD equipment is now available to amateur astronomers who have been finding comets and asteroids for years. Other successful VIGNETTE: More Discoveries…Better Descriptions The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 3 Page 13 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors professional electronic discovery programs are now located in New Mexico, Hawaii, and in other parts of the world. The Hubble Space Telescope in orbit. Observations by the ground-based Keck II Telescope in Hawaii, the Hubble Space Telescope, and unmanned spacecraft (see “I Can See You More Clearly Now” and “Modern Era of Asteroid Study”) are now contributing new knowledge about asteroids’ shapes, rotation rates, and surface features. The Dawn mission’s technology will allow us to “travel back in time” about 4.6 billion years. By focusing on the internal structure, density, magnetization, elemental and mineral composition of Vesta and Ceres, scientists will gather evidence to shed some light on the mysteries of our solar system’s origins. VIGNETTE: More Discoveries…Better Descriptions The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 4 Page 14 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Additional Resources This “Learning from Light” educational Web site offers activities and informative texts about concepts of light and astronomical spectroscopy suitable for middle and high school students. Provides instructions for a hands-on activity to build your own spectroscope out of a shoebox. This NASA Web site offers helpful, student-friendly texts about the electromagnetic spectrum. Featured topics include: Measuring the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Why Do We Have to Go to Space to See All of the Electromagnetic Spectrum? Space Observatories in Different Regions of the EM Spectrum and more. The Center for Adaptive Optics includes information and images about the latest technology for improving visual images obtained from various optical instruments including astronomical telescopes. This article “The Stellar Magnitude System” originally published in Sky & Telescope magazine explains how magnitude has been measured throughout history, and shows how the measurement system changed in response to new technologies. Historical information on asteroid discovery, data and images of specific asteroids. Asteroid Fact Sheet Hubble Space Telescope and Keck images of Vesta Animation of Vesta rotation Dawn VIGNETTE: More Discoveries…Better Descriptions The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 5 Page 15 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors History and Discovery of Asteroids Vegetable Light Curves ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. The following materials and equipment are needed for each team: • Two potatoes. One potato should be spherical and the other should be elongated. If you use potatoes that are very elongated—you’ll get better results. A long sweet potato of nearly uniform diameter would work well. A cucumber might be substituted for the second potato if it is more convenient to do so. A long carrot of more or less uniform diameter may also be used for making additional observations. • An illumination system. Ideally this will consist of a dark background against which the potatoes can be viewed, and a 40-watt lamp and shield that directs light primarily in one direction. \Alternatively, the activity may be carried out in a dark room. • Parts for potato rotation system. Obtain the following items for each system, as shown in the To order a motor, contact Scientifics. photograph below: 1) a small electric motor with a Web address: Phone orders: 1-800-728-6999 ¼-inch drive shaft to provide a means of rotating Address: 60 Pearce Ave. the potatoes at a constant, slow rate. A heavyTonawanda, NY 14150-6711 duty motor that revolves at a steady 3 rpm is sold Item number: F30607-44 by Scientifics at a nominal price that works Cost: $15.95 exceedingly well for this activity. The directions that follow utilize this motor. The motor has a hole in the shaft and a flange that permits it to be attached to plywood or another base with screws if it is so desired; 2) a 2- to 3-inch piece of electrical or other tape that is about ¾-inches wide; 3) a small hose clamp; 4) a ¾-inch long paper clip that has been cut with wire cutters to provide a loop 3¼ inches long; and 5) a small screwdriver. The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific ASSEMB L Y INSTRUCTIONS: Veg et ab l e L i g h t Cu r v es Page 16 DAWN 1 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves 2. Assemble the potato rotation system as follows: Insert the loop of the cut paper clip into the hole in the motor’s shaft so that the cut ends are pointing upward. Hold it in place while you tightly wrap it with the tape. Next, place the hose clamp over the tape and tighten it securely with a screwdriver. The potatoes can be pushed down on the upward-pointing ends of the cut paper clip to mount them securely to the motor and shaft. In the photograph below, you can see a picture of a potato mounted in this fashion. In the following sections, these upward-pointing paper clip segments will be referred to as “mounting pins.” 3. Procedures: First, choose the spherical potato. Gently push it down on the mounting pins so it will be securely held in place while the motor rotates the potato in front of the observer. The mounting pins should be inserted into the approximate center of gravity of the potato so it does not wobble during rotation. You may want to determine the center of gravity ahead of time and mark it with a pen. With the motor running, make the required observations. A similar procedure is followed with the elongated potato mounted in a horizontal orientation. This potato should be mounted in such a way that the mounting pins are stuck into the potato half-way between the two ends very near the center of gravity. You may want to find the approximate center of gravity by determining the point where the potato can be more or less balanced on the eraser of a pencil or other blunt object. Once again, you do not want the potato to wobble. With the motor running, make the required observations. Similar procedures are followed for mounting the long potato in a vertical position and making the required observations. Once again, do this with care, since you do not want the potato to wobble. If you extend the activity to include a carrot, be very careful so that you do not bend the mounting pins. It may be advantageous to “drill” small holes in the carrot with an opened paper clip to match the mounting pins before the carrot is placed on the apparatus. This should be done carefully to avoid getting injured should the paper clip slip. ASSEMB L Y INSTRUCTIONS: Veg et ab l e L i g h t Cu r v es The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 2 Page 17 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Alternative Rotation Devices Other rotation devices might be designed. For example you might use a faster motor and couple it with a gearbox (also available from Scientifics) to provide an acceptable lower rotational speed. Rotation speeds faster than approximately 3 rpm are not desirable. A motor/gear box combination for reducing the rotation speed of a faster motor might be used in conjunction with a discussion of machines such as levers and gears. A motor that does not have a hole in the shaft will require a different mounting system. If motors are not available, you might use a woodworker’s hand drill to hold a sharpened dowel stick (hazardous, be careful) upon which the potato is mounted and then ask a team member or other individual to turn the drill at as close to a constant, but low, speed as possible. Finally, if none of the above is feasible, have a team member or other individual rotate the dowel stick by hand at a slow and constant rate. The potato should be rotated at a speed such that observers are able to see clearly how the surface area changes as the potato rotates. If these latter two methods are used the quantitative extensions will not be feasible. ASSEMB L Y INSTRUCTIONS: Veg et ab l e L i g h t Cu r v es The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 3 Page 18 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors History and Discovery of Asteroids Vegetable Light Curves ACTIVITY REPORTING SHEET In this activity, you will investigate a technique astronomers have used for many years to obtain information about the shape of asteroids. You may wish to review the information in the Vignettes, “What Can You See With a Telescope?” and “Seeing Circles—Studying Albedo,” before you begin this activity. Section One Based on your previous experience and reading, answer the following questions. 1. List some factors that might affect an asteroid’s brightness. 2. Is light emitted by or reflected from an asteroid? 3. How would the brightness of light from an asteroid depend on its orbital position in space? Explain your answer. 4. How does the position of the Earth, relative to that of an asteroid, affect the asteroid’s apparent brightness? 5. In addition to moving in its orbit, what other motions might an asteroid undergo that would affect its apparent brightness? The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific Page 19 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Section Two In this activity, you will observe a potato’s surface as it rotates in front of you. The potato may already be mounted and ready for observation or “some assembly may be required.” Your instructor will give you explicit instructions. With one exception (see below), in Section Two each team member should make his/her individual observations. When you are the observer, sit in front of the rotation apparatus provided. Make sure that your eyes are level with the potato as it rotates on the apparatus. You should try to “stare” at the potato without moving your head during the observational period. When you are ready to start, have a teammate turn on the rotation device. Carefully observe the potato rotating for several complete rotations and then decide whether or not you can see a change in the amount of visible surface area as the potato rotates. Then answer for yourself the question, “Does the amount of visible surface area change as the potato rotates?” In the space below, write a simple statement about how the observable surface area changes with rotation during several complete rotations. For example, your answer might be similar to one of the following statements: “It does not change much at all,” or “It gets bigger then smaller,” or “It gets bigger and stays that way.” Observation of round potato You will observe at least one additional potato mounted in two different orientations. Your teacher may instruct you to make additional observations. Using a watch, your team should determine the time, in seconds, required for a horizontally mounted elongated potato to make 10 complete revolutions. A team member should record this time in the space below. Other observations of elongated potato in horizontal position Observations of elongated potato in vertical position ACTIVITY REPORTING SHEET: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 2 Page 20 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors Observations of additional vegetables Section Three As a team, discuss your observations of the round potato and your individual answers to the question, “Does the amount of visible surface area change as the potato rotates?” Reach a team consensus about the best answer to the question. As a team, decide what a graphical sketch of fraction (or percentage) of visible surface area (y-axis) vs. time (x-axis) would look like for the round potato. Keep in mind that the maximum percentage of surface area that you can observe while seated in front of the potato is approximately 50%, i.e. you cannot see the back of it. (See illustration below of the axis system and of a sketched graph. This sketch may or may not be similar to the ones you deduce from your observations.) Fraction of Surface Seen vs. Time Decimal Fraction of Surface Seen Time Make three graphical sketches—for the round potato and for the elongated potato in each of its two mounted positions. Make sure you label your sketches. Section Four Select a recorder. As a team, answer the following questions after you have created your graphs. 1. Did any of your sketches show periodic or repeating features, i.e. peaks and valleys that repeat over and over? If so, explain why. If not, explain why. ACTIVITY REPORTING SHEET: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 3 Page 21 Comets, Asteroids and Meteors E4 • Vegetable Light Curves 2. The sketches you have created are very similar to the light curves graphed by astronomers. In this case light reflected from an asteroid is measured electronically and the amount of light reflected (called the amplitude of the reflected light) is graphed against time. Explain how you think such measurements can give astronomers an estimate of the shape of an asteroid. 3. If an asteroid is observed throughout one complete rotation and its maximum brightness is twice as great as its minimum brightness, what can be inferred about the area of the largest side compared to the smallest side? 4. If astronomers happened to observe a carrot-shaped asteroid that is rotating around its long axis while its “north” pole (the stem end) is facing Earth, what would the light curve for this asteroid look like? 5. In order to obtain a good estimate of the shape of an asteroid, it is necessary to observe light curves at different parts of the asteroid’s orbit. Explain why this is necessary. (Hint: think about your answer to Question 3 and about the two sketches for the long potato.) 6. If the potato were mounted at an angle, say 45 degrees, to the axis of rotation, what do you think your sketch would look like? 7. The period of rotation of an asteroid is the time required for one complete rotation. Based on the measurements you made of the 10 revolutions of the long potato in Section Two, calculate its period of rotation in seconds. ACTIVITY REPORTING SHEET: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 4 Page 22 E4 • Vegetable Light Curves Comets, Asteroids and Meteors 8. Again, based on the measurements you made on the long potato, calculate the time in seconds required for it to rotate through one degree. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 9. This is the light curve of the asteroid Eros taken from the NEAR spacecraft. At what time (in hours) was Eros the brightest? When was it the dimmest? What is the period of rotation for Eros? How long does it take Eros to rotate through one degree? If you were a few kilometers from Eros and could observe it with your naked eye, how long do you think you would have to watch it to discern its rotational motion? [Hint: Would it depend on Eros’s shape and surface features?] Light curve of Eros 10. You can see two peaks and two troughs (valleys) in Eros’s light curve. There is a difference in the reflectivity amplitude of the two peaks, and the bottoms of the two troughs are also different in reflectivity. How do you explain these differences in amplitude? (Hint: Think about how the surface might change as the asteroid rotates). 11. The amplitude or the height of the peak in the curve gives astronomers an indication of the irregularity of an asteroid’s shape. High amplitudes imply very irregular shapes. Explain why this would be the case. (Hint: Think about your answer to Question 4.) 12. In light of your answers to the questions above, explain why it is necessary to send Dawn-like missions to asteroids to determine with certainty their physical characteristics. ACTIVITY REPORTING SHEET: Vegetable Light Curves The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific DAWN 5 Page 23