CONTROLS & SYSTEM MEASUREMENT Electronic Capacitor Controls X A No M ® C A PA C I T O R C O N T R O L S Time • Temperature • Voltage • VAR Made In USA FEATURES • LCD Digital Display for Confirmation of All Settings • Built-in Digital Metering: LCD Display Monitors System Parameters • Operations Counter and Adjustable Daily Limit on Operations • Field Adjustable Time Delay for All Operations • Automatic Control or Manual Close and Open • Front Panel Accessible Fuse and Battery SERIES 2000 • Software Selected Secure Mode Prevents Unwanted Field Adjustments • Easy Field Adjustment for Vacuum or Oil Capacitor Bank Switches • Surge Protection on All Inputs • Intuitive Front Panel Controls Just Dial inYour Settings • RS-232 Interface for Programming, Data Logging and Communications SERIES • Windows™ Software 1000 ™ HD ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 4 7 5 L A K E S I D E D R I V E • W A U K E G A N , I L L I N O I S 6 0 0 8 5 U . S . A . PHONE 847.473.4980 • FAX 847.473.4981 • w e b s i t e : w w w . H D E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y . c o m X A o M N 1000 ® SERIES CAPACITOR CONTROLS X ® A oM NSERIES 1300 oMAX NAdaptive ® Trip AUTO / OPERATIONS TIME DELAY CONTROL MODE MON–FRI MAX OP's / DAY OPEN VOLTS SAT SWITCH TYPE CLOSE VOLTS SUN SCHEDULE 1 HOLIDAYS SCHEDULE 2 TIME ON SCHEDULE 3 TIME OFF SCHEDULE 4 START DATE STOP DATE VOLTS MONITOR SET TIME + – SET DATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ADJUST 1300 T ER A T Y The 1300 is a Time Control with Voltage Override. Four independent time schedules can be programmed for seasonal changes or to block out portions of a day or year. Voltage override allows high or low voltages to override the time schedules for applications where voltage regulation is important. The voltage settings can be programmed to be time independent or to allow differing voltage set-points at different times of the day or year. Voltage sensing is RMS and is averaged over time so the Control will ignore brief sags or spikes. CLOSE B The two models of the HD Series 1000 Capacitor Controls monitor and control capacitor banks based on combinations of time of day, ambient air temperature and system voltage (RMS). All controls have an electronic clock with perpetual calendar for leap years, holidays and daylight savings time. A 10 year replaceable battery maintains the clock time through extended power outages. The LCD display confirms all settings and displays the nonresetable operations counter. Front panel lights confirm the proper operation of the control and display the capacitor switch status. A front panel toggle switch allows manual control. Adaptive Trip measures the average voltage change caused by operating the capacitor bank and uses this data to prevent “hunting”. The date and time, system voltage and ambient temperature are all monitored with digital accuracy and displayed for easy field adjustment without test equipment. All control settings are easily and quickly entered from the front panel. Sophisticated internal software prevents inappropriate control settings. Software selectable Secure Mode prevents unwanted field changes to the Control program while still allowing field monitoring. With the RS-232 interface and supplied software, Controls can be programmed by computer, a quantity of controls can be quickly and identically programmed. This interface is also used for downloading stored data to a computer. All Controls can monitor their own operation and they can record temperature and system voltage over a period from a few days up to 6 months. OPERATION PENDING MANUAL FUSE OPEN This feature eliminates unnecessary and unwanted capacitor bank switching operations. The Control anticipates voltage changes caused by opening and closing the capacitor bank switching operations. This feature works by measuring the line voltage before and after each switching operation. Adaptive Trip will prevent “hunting” and other nuisance operations. 1300•1600 TIME • TEMPERATURE • VOLTAGE CONTROLS X ® A oM NSERIES 1600 AUTO / OPERATIONS TIME DELAY The 1600 is a Time Control with Temperature and Voltage Override. The time control features are the same as for the Model 1300; a 365 day time clock with daily and/or seasonal schedules. Temperature override allows high or low temperatures to override the time control settings. Voltage override allows high or low voltages to override the time and temperature settings. The temperature and voltage settings can be programmed to be time independent or to allow different temperature and voltage set-points at different times of the day or year. This control provides maximum versatility for a variety of applications. OPEN VOLTS SWITCH TYPE CLOSE VOLTS SCHEDULE 1 OPEN TEMP SCHEDULE 2 CLOSE TEMP SAT SUN HOLIDAYS TIME ON TIME OFF SCHEDULE 4 START DATE VOLTS MONITOR STOP DATE + – SET TIME SET DATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS T ER A T Y ADJUST CLOSE B 1600 X MON–FRI SCHEDULE 3 TEMP MONITOR ® A oM NSERIES 1600 CONTROL MODE MAX OP's / DAY OPERATION PENDING MANUAL FUSE Front Panel Settings OPEN Control operates automatically according to settings. Light indicates proper Control operation. Display shows non-resetable operations counter. 3-600 seconds delay before all open and close operations. OPERATION PENDING light flashes during time delay period. AUTO / OPERATIONS TIME DELAY Set for maximum of 2 to 24 close operations per day. MAX OPS/DAY Set for common MOTOR OPerated oil switches or for SOLENOID operated vacuum switches with shorter operating times. SWITCH TYPE SCHEDULE 1 4 independent time schedules, each settable with the TIME switch. SCHEDULE 2 Monitors system voltage, e.g. 121.5V. May be factory scaled to indicate primary voltage, e.g. 7200V. SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 VOLTS MONITOR TEMP MONITOR NEUTRAL AMPS TRIP / RESET SET TIME SET DATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Monitors system temperature, e.g. 76°F. May be factory set to display °C. Optional: Sets threshold for tripping on high capacitor bank neutral current; detects unbalanced banks. LED indicates tripped condition. Lower voltage to turn cap bank on. CONTROL MODE Sets present date, in month-day-year format; e.g. 11-24-98. Temperature to turn cap bank off. MON-FRI OPEN VOLTS SAT SUN OPEN TEMP HOLIDAYS TIME ON TIME OFF START DATE Temperature to turn cap bank on. Control Sets control to automatically adjust time clock and time settings for daylight savings time. CLOSE VOLTS CLOSE TEMP A No M Radio Sets present time, in 24 hour format, in 5 minute increments, e.g. 14:25. Selects Control operating mode. Model 1600 modes are: 1) Time only 5) Voltage only 2) Time with temperature override 6) Time with voltage override 3) Temperature only 7) Time with temperature and voltage override 4) Temperature with voltage override Higher voltage to turn cap bank off. X ® STOP DATE Weekdays and weekend days are set for ACTIVE or OFF. Holidays are selected as a group for ACTIVE or OFF. Time of day to start selected schedule. Time of day to stop selected schedule. Start date for selected schedule in month-day format; e.g. 6-1. Stop date for selected schedule in month-day format; e.g. 8-30. All Controls can be fitted with radio control for remote override. The unit shown has a cover mounted radio for remote override. This version is used to add VARs on a systemwide basis. Cellular telephones are another option for remote monitoring and control. X A o M N 2000 ® SERIES CAPACITOR CONTROLS The NoMax 2000 VAR Capacitor Control sets a new standard for sophisticated automatic VAR and Voltage control of distribution capacitor banks. All necessary control parameters are dialed in on the front panel. The LCD display confirms all settings and displays the non-resetable operations counter. A full complement of system monitoring functions allows the user to monitor the distribution system and make the most appropriate control settings without extra test equipment. Front panel lights confirm the proper operation of the control and display the capacitor switch status. A front panel toggle switch allows manual control. Adaptive Trip for both VAR and Voltage control modes measures the average system change caused by operating the capacitor bank and uses this data to prevent “hunting”. Sophisticated internal software prevents inappropriate control settings. With the RS-232 interface and supplied software, Controls can be programmed by computer; a quantity of controls can be quickly and identically programmed. This interface is also used for downloading stored data to a computer. VAR Controls can monitor their own operation and record voltage, current and power factor over a period from a few days up to 6 months. An electronic clock with perpetual calendar for leap years and daylight savings time provides accurate time stamping of all recorded data. A 10 year replaceable battery maintains the clock time through extended power outages. Software selectable Secure Mode prevents unwanted field changes to the Control program while still allowing field monitoring. The 2000 VAR Control works with Current sensors from Lindsey (CVMI) and Fisher-Pierce (1301) and the appropriate sensor is selected and adjusted by computer. Optional Neutral Current Sensing is available to monitor & disconnect unbalanced capacitor banks. Lindsey CVMI Current Sensor VAR Control with Voltage Override Enclosure Data Mechanical Data, All Controls: 11.5"* 292 mm 8.75"* 222 mm 5.5"* 140 mm * Dimensions are 13.5" x 12.75" x 5.6" for pole mounted enclosure with inside terminal block. Meter Socket Wiring (facing meter socket) 4 Jaw: Time, Temperature, Voltage Line Neutral 6 Jaw: VAR or Neutral Sense Line Current Sense 2 Open X ® oMA NAdaptive Trip Close Open Neutral Current Sense 1 Close This feature eliminates unnecessary and unwanted capacitor bank switching operations. The Control anticipates voltage and VAR changes caused by opening and closing the capacitor bank and uses this information to prevent or defer capacitor bank switching operations. This feature works by measuring the line voltage and reactive amps before and after each switching operation. Adaptive Trip works to prevent “hunting” and other nuisance operations. 2000 VAR • VOLTAGE CONTROL X ® A oM NSERIES 2000 AUTO / OPERATIONS X LINE AMPS A REAC CLOSE AMPS REAC KV VOLTS OPEN AMPS THD% KV THD% CONTROL VOLTS POWER FLOW DIRECTION KVA VOLTS CLOSE KILOVARS MONITOR TIME DELAY MAX OP's / DAY KILOWATTS POWER FACTOR SWITCH TYPE CONTROL MODE REVERSE POWER SET SET PT RATIO 2000 T E R AT Y ADJUST CLOSE B The 2000 VAR Control with Voltage Override is a versatile and flexible Control for the optimum in capacitor bank control. For ease of programming, VAR settings are in Amps Reactive. Voltage override settings are available to keep line voltage within prescribed limits for all VAR conditions. Programming is made easier by the extensive built in system monitoring functions accessible via the front panel display. Selectable Control Modes allow VAR control, VAR with Voltage Override or Voltage only. Reverse Power Set tells the Control what to do when reverse power flow is detected. The front panel selectable choices are Ignore (leave the Control in its present state and wait for normal power flow to be restored), revert to Voltage Control or take the capacitor bank off line until normal power flow is restored. Neutral Current Monitoring is an available option to detect faulty capacitors, malfunctioning capacitor bank switches or unbalanced capacitor banks. Front panel settings adjust relay operating time for motor operated or solenoid operated capacitor bank switches. A REAC OPEN OPERATION PENDING MANUAL FUSE OPEN ® A oM NSERIES 2000 Front Panel Settings Control operates automatically according to settings. Light indicates proper Control operation. Display shows non-resetable operations counter. Set Reactive Amps to OPEN Capacitor Control. AUTO / OPERATIONS Set Reactive Amps to CLOSE Capacitor Control. Set Control Volts to OPEN Capacitor Control. A REAC CLOSE Set Control Volts to CLOSE Capacitor Control. VOLTS OPEN For real time monitoring of major system parameters. Set with MONITOR switch. VOLTS CLOSE 3-600 seconds delay before all open and close operations. OPERATION PENDING light flashes during time delay period. MONITOR TIME DELAY CONTROL MODE NEUTRAL AMPS TRIP / RESET REVERSE POWER SET Selects Control operating mode. Model 2000 modes are: 1) VAR only 2) VAR with Voltage override 3) Voltage only Optional: Sets threshold for tripping on high capacitor bank neutral current; detects unbalanced banks. LED indicates tripped condition. SET PT RATIO Sets the ratio of the voltage supply transformer for proper display of kV, kVA, etc. Tells the Control what to do when reverse power flow is detected: 1) IGNORE it; leave the capacitor bank in its present state. 2) OPEN, taking the capacitor bank off line. 3) Revert to VOLTage Control. Monitors total phase Amps, real and reactive. Total phase kVA. LINE AMPS Total phase kilowatts. Phase Power Factor. CONTROL VOLTS Monitors Control supply voltage; typically 120 or 240 V. AMPS REAC KV AMPS THD% KV THD% Monitors primary voltage; = CONTROL VOLTS x PT RATIO. POWER FLOW DIRECTION Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion. KVA KILOVARS Total phase kilovars. Control Set for common MOTOR OPerated oil switches or for SOLENOID operated vacuum switches with shorter operating times. SWITCH TYPE Amps Total Harmonic Distortion. A No M Radio Set for maximum of 2 to 24 close operations per day. MAX OP’s / DAY Monitors phase reactive Amps. X ® A REAC OPEN KILOWATTS POWER FACTOR Indicates Leading, Lagging or Reverse Power. Also indicates reverse connected current sensor. All Controls can be fitted with radio control for remote override. The unit shown has a cover mounted radio for remote override. This version is used to add VARs on a systemwide basis. Cellular telephones are another option for remote monitoring and control. X A o M N ® CAPACITOR CONTROLS RS-232 Interface and Windows™ Utility Software All Capacitor Controls include an RS-232 interface to speed programming, download stored data and for remote monitoring and control. The RS-232 interface is accessed via the front-panel mounted DB-9 connector. This interface can be connected directly to a portable computer to program controls, download a program from a Control to the computer, verify the Control’s date and time, for remote monitoring and communications or for accessing the recorded Control operations and power system data. If greater security is required for a Control installation, the software controlled Secure Mode can be turned on to prevent the program parameters from being changed from the front panel. All front panel monitoring functions remain active. The Secure Mode can be turned on and off any time on any Control using the computer. For VAR Controls, the software allows the user to choose the appropriate current sensor and enter the necessary sensor parameters including phase shift, conductor size, etc. Programming Uploading Set Points Downloading Data Real Time Monitoring 1000/2000 WINDOWS™ UTILITY SOFTWARE Data Memory can be used for recording a voltage, temperature or VAR profile, capacitor bank switching operations and power outages. For data logging, up to 5,000 data points can be stored at 1 minute intervals covering 3 days or up to 6 months at 1 hour intervals or only when the capacitor bank operates. Stored data is downloaded via the RS-232 interface for viewing with the supplied Windows™ software. All acquired Control and System data is stored inside the Capacitor Control in nonvolatile memory; no data is lost during a power outage or from a drained battery. The Windows™ software downloads the stored data and displays it in an easy to read format and graphs temperature, voltage or current data. The plotted data can be examined by zooming in or out and scrolling through each day, week or month. Customize the data plots to view only the data you are interested in and for the period of time you wish to examine. Print the acquired data as either a table or as the graphs displayed on screen. All collected Profile data is also available in text form for reviewing temperature, capacitor bank operations, line current and voltage or power outages. This data can also be exported to spreadsheets for further analysis. X ® No MA SPECIFICATIONS 1000/2000 CAPACITOR CONTROLS ELECTRICAL Power Requirement 100-140 or 200-260 VAC, 10W Mounting 4 or 6 Jaw Meter Socket or Pole Brackets. Internal terminal block electrical connections for pole mounted units. Optional Amphenol connector for pole mounted units. Output Contactor 30A, 120/240 VAC 15 second On duration for MOTOR OP switches 100 millisecond On duration for SOLENOID switches Fuse 15A Slo-Blo® Surge/Lightning Protection ANSI C37.90.1-1989 Voltage Accuracy 0.5VAC, 0.1VAC Resolution Temperature Accuracy ±1°C, 1° Resolution Current Accuracy ±1% + sensor accuracy, 0.5 Amp Res. Compatible Sensors: Lindsey CVMI and Fisher-Pierce 1301 Phase Angle Accuracy ±1° lead or lag Time Accuracy Line synchronized and Quartz crystal controlled on back-up battery ±0.001% Battery Lithium cell, 10 year life, size 2/3A Display Liquid Crystal, backlit RS-232 DB-9 female on front panel, 2400 Baud; 3-5 minutes to download 5,000 data points. ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature -30 to +85°C. Humidity 5-95% non-condensing SETTINGS Voltage Close: 105-127 / 210-257 VAC; Max. of Volts Open 3V Open: 108-130 / 213-260 VAC; Min. of Volts Close +3V 5 minute time averaged voltage response Settings in 0.1 volt increments Temperature Close: 0-120° (C Display optional) Open: 1-120°F, no closer than 5°F to Close temp. 30 minute time averaged temperature response Settings in 1°F increments Amps Reactive Open: 100A Leading to 598A Lagging Max. of Close Amps -2A Close: 0.5A Leading to 600A Lagging Min. of Open Amps +2A 5 minute time averaged current response Settings in 0.5 Amp increments Time Delay 3-600 seconds, 3 second increments Maximum Operations/Day 2-24 Manual Trip Center-off, momentary Open or Close, Close and Open operations delayed by selected Time Delay, 5 minute delay following Open before reclose. Neutral Amps Trip 3-60 Amps, harmonic filtered, 5 minute time averaged response, manual reset, 5 minute minimum tripped time. PT Ratio Set 1-3000 Control Modes Model 1300: Time • Voltage • Time with Voltage Override Model 1600: Time • Time with Voltage Override Time with Temperature & Voltage Override Voltage • Temperature Temperature with Voltage Override Time with Temperature Override Model 2000: VAR • VAR with Voltage Override • Voltage MECHANICAL Mounting Meter socket, 4 or 6 jaw ringed or ringless (must be specified) or pole brackets with conduit hub, hole (specify size and location) or Amphenol connector. Enclosure-Meter Socket Mounting NEMA 4X weather-tight fiberglass; 8.75 x 10.75 x 5.5 in. Weight 7.2 lb., 3.3 kg., hinged left, lock hasp on right side. Enclosure-Pole Mounting Weather-tight fiberglass; 10.75 x 12.75 x 5.6 in. Weight 7.9 lb., 3.6 kg., hinged left, lock hasp on right side. HOW TO ORDER example: C 1600 D 1 4R N Code Code 1300 1600 2000 Basic Model Time with Voltage Override Code 1 Input Power 120VAC 60Hz 2 240VAC 60Hz 3 220VAC 50Hz RS-232 Interface & Data Logging Front Panel DB-9 only Code Time with Temperature and Voltage Override VAR with Voltage Override Code D 4R Neutral Sensing N No Sensing T Neutral Sensing with terminal strip sensor connections B Neutral Sensing with 6 stab meter base Mounting 4 stab meter base with mounting ring All sales are subject to the terms and conditions of the Limitation of Warranty and Liability set forth in the product Instruction Manual and at Users must read and agree to the Limitation terms, as stated, before using the product. HD Electric Company is committed to ongoing review and improvement of its product lines, and thus reserves the right to modify product design and specifications without notice. HD Electric Company products are available through HD sales representatives worldwide. 4S 4 stab meter base ringless 6R 6S 6 stab meter base with mounting ring 6 stab meter base ringless P Pole - bracket mounted, specify hole Printed in U.S.A. Bulletin No. NMC-2000a PA © HD ELECTRIC COMPANY, 2005 Pole mounted with Amphenol Connector