The Smart Podiums in all classrooms, the auditorium and the lecture hall are configured to give you access to a variety of technology components. These include:
networked computer with CD player
tablet monitor (you can use a mouse or write directly on the screen with a stylus)
DVD/VCR player
document camera (projects images of documents, pictures and even objects)
laptop computer connections
auxiliary video connections (camcorder, iPod, etc.)
Crestron component-control touch panel
ceiling-mounted projector and display screen
sound projection
intercom which connects directly to the Classroom Support staff during the following hours:
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Using the Smart Podium:
F i rm l y press the touch panel on the podium to wake it up. Touch the "Press to Begin" button.
The ceiling-mounted projector should automatically project onto the screen and the projection screen will roll down.
Windows users: press the NinerNet PC button (it may already be selected).
Macintosh users: press the MAC button. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to wake up the Mac.
If you need to plug in a flash drive, or other USB device to the Mac, please use the USB cable located under the metal flap on the top of the podium.
Log i n to the computer with your NinerNET account.
Guests may use the following- Username: presenter Password: presents
If you are using a Laptop:
Plug the VGA cable (located under the metal flap on the top of the podium) into the blue VGA port on the back of your laptop. Press the Laptop button on the touch panel. This will project your laptop onto the screen.
Usj n g the Document Camera:
On the podium touch panel, press the "Doc Cam" button. The document camera should start to project on the screen.
You may need to press the AF b u t t on on the document camera to achieve proper focus on your document. To return to the computer , p r ess the "NinerNet PC" button.
Podium Tips:
To temporarily turn off the projector, hit the Mute Video b ut ton . To tu r n back on, hit the button again.
If the projected image is off to the side, hit the System Too l s b u tton, then Auto Sync. This should center up the image.
If the speaker volume is low, press the Volume Up b u tton .
Technical Support :
If you have a problem with the computer or projector, cl i ck the red System Help button in the l ower left corner of the touch panel. This will connect you v i a i ntercom to the Classroom Support staff.
They can remote into the computer and diagnose the prob l em, or a C l assroom Support staff member will come to your classroom if available or onsite- hours vary. Classroom Support phone #: 704-687-5500, option 3.
When finished, please log off:
Go to the green "Start" button in the lower left hand corner of the monitor and choose "Log off".
On the podium touch screen, press the "End Class" button . On the next screen, it will conf i rm that you want to shut down the system. Press the "Yes" button. The projector will turn off and the screen will retract.
Leave the computer remote on the podium.
Wireless users have access to basic Internet services such as web browsing, email, and VPN access. Wireless printing, lab software, instant messaging, and peer-to-peer file sharing are not available via the campus wireless network.
UNC Charlotte provides two options for people who need wireless access while on campus. In order to access the wireless network while on campus you will need the following:
A computer, tablet, or mobile phone with Wi-Fi capabilities
Any web browser that supports 128-bit encryption
NinerWiFi-Secure provides secure wireless access for UNC Charlotte faculty, staff, and students by using your NinerNET username and password. UNC Charlotte uses a 3rd party configuration utility provided by Cloudpath Networks, called XpressConnect, to automatically configure user’s devices to connect to NinerWiFi-Secure.
All connections are secured using dynamic session-based CCMP-AES-128 encryption keys
A valid NinerNET username and password is required to access the network
Login -- Click here to automatically configure your device or scan this QR code with your smartphone:
For detailed configuration instructions, click here.
NinerWiFi-Open (uncc49er)
NinerWiFi-Open provides unencrypted wireless access for guests of UNC Charlotte and also for UNC Charlotte faculty, staff, and students whose devices do no support WPA2-Enterprise encryption/authentication. Users connected to NinerWiFi-Open (uncc49er) are rate-limited at
Wireless data encryption not enabled, which means any data transmitted will not be encrypted
You are only required to enter an Email address and agree to the terms and conditions.
Note: It is strongly recommended that you do not view or communicate sensitive information when using wireless unless you are using VPN.
If you need a secure wireless connection, encryption is available via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel. Download the Cisco VPN software
(UNC Charlotte Faculty & Staff Only)
Start wireless client
Select NinerWiFi-Open (uncc49er) network
Open a web browser
Enter email address in the Guest field and agree to terms and conditions
Which wireless network should I use?
Faculty, staff, and students should always try to use NinerWiFi-Secure.
Faculty, staff, and students should only use NinerWiFi-Open (uncc49er) if they are using a device that does not support WPA2-
Enterprise encryption/authentication.
Guests only have access to NinerWiFi-Open (uncc49er).