Mining Industry Safety Leadership Group POWERED ROOF SUPPORT Guidance document – 5 June 2015 STATUS OF THIS DOCUMENT This information and guidance was prepared by a working group representative of sectors of the coal mining industry. It reflects current good practice. Members of the working group on the Design, Operation, Testing and Maintenance of Powered Roof Supports in mines Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr P Hetherington UK Coal Mining Ltd K Shaw UK Coal Mining Ltd D Williams Maltby Colliery Ltd G Parker Hatfield Colliery P Yates Joy Mining Machinery Ltd M Hole Joy Mining Machinery Ltd N Cheesmond Eickhoff GB N P Hill HSE V Fowler HSE P G Bradley HSE T Lowe HSE J R Leeming HSE 5 June 2015 2 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 What this guide is about 3 Primary legislation 3.1 Provisions relating to worker protection 3.2 Provisions relating to the supply of products 3.3 List of legislative provisions 4 PRS System Design 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Safety considerations 4.3 Assessment of ground conditions 4.4 How a powered roof support works 4.5 Structures 4.6 Yield loads 4.7 Modifications 4.8 Hydraulic system layout 4.9 Supply fluid 4.10 Connections to pumping stations and/or remote power packs 4.11 Hose assemblies and adaptors 4.12 High pressure injuries 5 Safety Critical Components 6 Maintenance schemes & Commissioning 6.1 Classification of defects 6.2 Maintenance management 6.3 Frequency of maintenance 6.4 Maintenance log 6.5 Commissioning 7 Function Testing 7.1 System performance and individual tests 7.2 Pressure and performance monitoring 7.3 Acoustic vibration threshold levels 8 Working on pressurised PRS systems 9 PRS operations 9.1 Operating modes 9.2 Cleanliness 9 July 2015 3 10 Management of PRS system hydraulic fluid 10.1 Fire resistant fluids 10.2 ISO coding of fluids 10.3 Fluid cleanliness – target setting 10.4 Filtration 10.5 Underground sampling at a pumping station and/or power pack 10.6 Pressure test and storage fluids for PRS 11 Electrical Systems and data logging 11.1 System construction 11.2 Lighting 11.3 PLC and data logging 11.4 Data logging system 11.5 System connection integrity 11.6 Hydraulic flow/pressure monitoring 11.7 Filtration and electronic monitoring 11.8 Oil mixture and electronic monitoring 11.9 Installation 11.10 Commissioning 11.11 Salvage 9 July 2015 4 1 INTRODUCTION This guidance has been prepared to capture current best practice and is intended to supplement Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) technical information and operating rules. Future technological advances will supplement this guidance. 2 WHAT THIS GUIDE IS ABOUT This guidance sets out the key elements for the safe use of powered roof support systems (PRS). It is aimed at: • mine operators • managers • operators • others, whose duties include the assessment, design, operation, maintenance, supervision or monitoring of powered roof support systems • individuals whose duties include the installation or salvage of powered roof supports systems • safety representatives. 3 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) FOR PRS Controlling and reducing the risks and hazards associated with PRS operations must be an integral part of the required organisational health and SMS. The structure of any SMS should consider HSG65 “Successful Health and Safety Management”, and the principles therein, to reduce the likelihood of low frequency, high impact catastrophic incidents associated with PRS. Mine operators need to introduce and implement an effective health and safety policy that meets legal requirements, controls health and safety risks and is reactively revised to address additional hazards. Operators must also maintain an effective health and safety management system that is proportionate to the risks and ensures communication of health and safety duties throughout the organisation. 3.1 Plan, Do, Check, Act The principles follow the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” sequence: Plan Determine your policy and plan for implementation Do Profile risks, organise for health and safety, implement your plan 9 July 2015 5 Check Measure performance, (using Performance Indicators (SPI’s)) appropriate Act Review performance and act on lessons learned. Safety 3.2 Safety performance indicators Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) provide information, which can be used to identify, understand, and control major hazard risks at PRS. There are two types of SPI: Leading indicators are proactive monitors focussed on critical risk control systems to ensure their continued effectiveness. They are factual precursors to weaknesses in the risk control system and can be identified during routine auditing (pre event) and prevent significant events and include: failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) o threats to barriers and control measures o inspections, testing and maintenance completed on time o prioritised resolution of defects according to severity o training and competence of operatives 9 July 2015 6 o staff turnover o compliance with operational procedures o correct calibration, use and operation of instrumentation, alarms and environmental monitoring o provision of adequate communication systems o PRS system design o quality assurance o routine condition monitoring techniques o complaints are routinely investigated o over inspections and audits Lagging indicators identify weaknesses discovered following an incident or near miss (post event) and could be a precursor event to an undesirable outcome (fire), including: o inadequately trained operatives o inadequate communication o failure of components o contamination and debris o repeated alarms o inadequate maintenance of installation standards o supervisors inspections o non compliance with recognised standards o near miss/incidents Analysis of SPIs for root cause failure of incidents and trend analysis of leading and lagging indicators may provide precursors to accidents and major hazards. 3.3 Risk assessment and risk ranking A suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to health and safety to which employees at work are exposed must be undertaken. The risk assessment structure may include a generic assessment reflecting the core hazards and risks associated with PRS. This may be adapted to address the specific hazards of each installation. Hierarchical categorisation of control measures and tasks should reflect inherent risks and ensure a safe system of work and inspection. Dynamic, on-site risk assessments should be undertaken and identify hazards, and subsequent control measures, resulting 9 July 2015 7 from changing circumstances, for example breakdown and maintenance. 4 PRS SYSTEM DESIGN 4.1 Introduction Powered roof support systems are a range of assemblies; these can be from a range of manufacturers or comprise a variety of different, compatible components combined to form an integral system. 4.2 Safety considerations Careful consideration must be given to complete system design to ensure the compatibility and suitability of all elements. Assessment of specific risks may inform the use of functional features to control hazards associated with particular geotechnical conditions, typically, anti-topple systems, base alignments, cusp supports. The system contains a number of safety critical assemblies that are essential to the safe control of the functions and operations associated with roof stability and coal face production activities. 4.3 Assessment of Ground Conditions This assessment is required by law and is a formal document detailing the design process undertaken and the equipment to be used should be compiled, maintained and reviewed following any significant change to the system and/or conditions. 4.4 How a powered roof support works Powered Roof Supports (PRS) are self advancing structures (machines) which are interconnected along the length of the longwall face. Each support along the line is also connected to each pan of the Armoured Flexible Conveyor (AFC). 9 July 2015 8 The functions of the powered supports are:• • to control strata deformation, fracture and movement around the coal face, to maintain a safe working environment, Each support structure consists of a roof canopy connected to a base via a shield and rear linkages. Side shields mounted to the canopy prevent excessive debris falling into the work space during support advancement. 9 July 2015 9 Powered Roof Support at Test Facility 4.5 Structures PRS structures must have the capability and strength to withstand the external forces applied to them from the surrounding underground strata. The duty cycle and loading configurations imposed on them will vary depending on the local underground conditions. Factors such as local geological faults, caving characteristics and a corrosive environment will ultimately affect the performance and longevity of the structures. The specific roof and floor strength of the mine can also have an influence on the performance of the structures due to local load intensity effects. Industry accepted design codes should be used to ensure that a minimum design standard is adopted to determine the strength requirements of the structures. The European standard BSEN1804 -1 is the minimum specification for the requirements of PRS; it contains the minimum design requirements and specifies the acceptable design stress levels for materials and welds used in the construction of the PRS. It also specifies the minimum cyclic test requirements of design and the recommended specific cyclic test regime, however, the in service life can vary depending on the frequency of yielding experienced and the roof and floor conditions. 9 July 2015 10 Structural examinations required during service life will be stipulated by the OEM and may be stipulated to establish or limit continued use beyond the number of design cycles or following repair or modification. The presence of sulphides and chlorides in the mine environment create highly corrosive conditions that accelerate any deterioration and consequent reduction in operational life. Surveys on sample PRS at various positions during the operating life of the equipment may determine any inherent damage or fatigue experienced. Inspection sites identified by the OEM should include load input points such as leg pocket areas and other areas susceptible to fatigue stress. NDT methods, that may involve removing a whole PRS or specific components from underground, should be considered for detailed inspection procedures and thorough examination. Scheduled inspection intervals reflect the number of operation cycles conducted and record information to assist in the fatigue management of the PRS structures and may typically be conducted during interface transfer. Investigation of the effects of extraneous loads must be determined by additional testing. 4.6 Yield loads Yield loads are controlled by releasing pressure in the PRS legs at a predetermined set value. The yield valves are fitted directly to the leg cylinders and are designed to release pressure to avoid damage to the PRS whilst maintaining roof support. 9 July 2015 11 The following drawing shows a simplified cross section of a PRS two stage leg cylinder: LOAD (W) Roof Roof Support Canopy Leg Closing Under Load W Internal transfer valve Cylinder Mounted Check Valve (POCV) P2 Pressure relief valve (Yield valve) P1 Floor As PRS system pressure is introduced into the leg circuit (via the pilot operated check valve - POCV) major stage chamber P1 is filled. Fluid then continues through the internal transfer valve and into the minor stage chamber P2 until it is filled. The PRS leg cylinder extends and the pressure equalises in both 9 July 2015 12 chambers, they remain equal until external resistance is met such as contacting the roof. On contact, when there is sufficient resistance, the internal transfer valve closes and the pressure in both chambers increases. The pressure in the major stage will continue up to the system pressure (typically 320 Bar) and the PRS is set to the roof. Since the cross sectional areas of the two chambers differ (P1 typically double P2), the pressure in the minor stage can be twice that of the major stage. When mineral is extracted, the surrounding roof and floor exert natural forces, load, deformation and movement. These forces can typically occur during operations or during periods of inactivity and result in convergence (closing); PRS inherent design resists these forces. To prevent damage and keep the PRS within their safe design parameters, hydraulic leg cylinders are designed to converge in a controlled manner under increasing forces and from the roof load (W). These external forces can cause the pressures in both the major and minor stage chambers to increase. Eventually the pressure in the major stage chamber equals the pressure relief valve (yield valve) setting. If the roof continues to converge then the major stage will continue to close (lower/yield) until the pressure relief valve vents fluid at the predetermined “Yield Pressure”. The internal transfer valve opens via a plunger when the major stage is almost fully closed, releasing the minor stage pressure into the major stage chamber. This pressure vents via the yield valve upon further loading. This process is capable of repetition, until undesirable full closure of both the major and minor stages is achieved. This will result in catastrophic degradation of support control and potential PRS structural damage. The yield capacity of a PRS will vary during its operating range due to the leg angle variations. OEMs provide this information within technical specifications. Calculation of the yield load capacity of the PRS is determined by information from geotechnical studies and relevant historical knowledge of the mine environment and local conditions. 9 July 2015 13 The required roof support density is determined from geotechnical assessment. Equipment manufacturers determine the suitable support configuration from information contained in the geotechnical assessment studies. Yield capacity of the PRS is calculated to provide this density, over the specified roof area. Typically, these values are stipulated in tonnes per metre². Depending on the location along the face, a minimum of 10 to 15 times the extracted height or 10-15 t/m² is the recognised minimum parameter. Roof support density loading and maximum pressure settings must be maintained as the set to yield ratio of the leg operation can have major effects on roof control. Designed setting resistance should be at least 75% of the designed yield resistance based on a minimum available setting pressure of at least 276 Bar (4,000psi). The system pressure should be appropriate to meet the requirements of the geotechnical assessment. Positive leg setting can be achieved by using: • guaranteed leg set circuits – addition of specialised valves that sense leg pressure and initiate a leg set function. • active set controls – electronic monitoring/correction of leg pressure along the face. • increased set to yield ratios – incorporation of a dedicated high pressure set circuit. PRS typically employ the Immediate Forward Support configuration (IFS). This method of working allows the roof support to be fully advanced and set immediately after the shearer has passed, providing immediate support to the newly exposed roof. To ensure roof control PRS must be correctly set with full system pressure when advanced. To engender roof break-off points behind the legs toward the canopy cave line PRS must be correctly set. 9 July 2015 14 LLO OA AD D ((W W)) LLO OA AD D ((W W)) BREAK OFF POINT The diagram illustrates PRS canopy loading changes as the break off point of the detached block of roof moves. The desirable break off point is behind the PRS, providing optimum tip and support load. Examples of Tip and Cave Loads at 320 Bar Break off point over legs and behind the canopy 420 Tonnes 100 Tonnes 310 Tonnes -10 Tonnes Tip Load Cave Load Tip Load Cave Load X The tip loads that are designed into PRS structures diminish proportionally as the loading point moves forwards away from the rear of the canopy. This can lead to poor roof control and cavities (broken roof voids) on the face side. Inevitably, zero tip load causes the canopy to tip forwards and the rear of the PRS to push upwards into the void behind the canopy as shown in the illustration below. 9 July 2015 15 4.7 Modifications Strength and fatigue properties are implicit in PRS design. Any modification may have a detrimental effect on other features designed to counteract fatigue. Fatigue damage typically propagates from a weld feature or inherent stress concentration present in the design. Repairing fatigue damaged structures, to the original design, will never exceed the performance of the original structure. Repaired welds will generally perform as original with the exception of critical stop/start weld locations. Parent plate repairs do not always perform as well as the original plate. The OEM, or a suitably qualified design authority, (notified body) should be consulted to assess, verify and certify any proposed significant repair or modification in accordance with the requirements of Annex IV of the Machinery Directive. The specification, content and quality of any modification should be undertaken in accordance with OEM or approved supplier standards to ensure that only the correct materials, welding procedures, appropriate pre heat and welding consumables are used. Maintenance procedures and requirements should be reviewed following any repair or modification. 4.8 Hydraulic system layout PRS hydraulic fluid systems typically comprise of: • a surface mixing plant • underground distribution ranges • underground pumping stations either at the coal face or remotely situated. 4.8.1 Surface mixing stations 9 July 2015 16 Hydraulic fluid is usually mixed on the surface to form a clean, invert oil emulsion of typically 5% soluble oil to 95% water. The synthetic, refined fluid is mixed with water, of the correct properties and quality, at the pre-determined level. It is stored in the mixing station and piped to the point of use underground and fed into the system on demand. Continuous monitoring techniques should be deployed to ensure the effectiveness of the mixing station and quality and cleanliness of the fluid. Biocides inherent in hydraulic fluid invert oil emulsions may be supplemented to control and prevent the growth of bacterial organisms. Surface mixing station 4.8.2 Underground distribution ranges Distribution ranges should be of sufficient capacity to deliver adequate quantity of clean mixed hydraulic fluid to the pumping stations. They should be appropriately routed and supported to avoid damage and leakage. 4.8.3 Pumping stations deliver the hydraulic fluid to PRS and comprise: • electrical and mechanical control equipment • several pumps available on system demand 9 July 2015 17 • • • • a storage reservoir a filtration system a distribution system an accumulator system to reduce pressure transients A suitable underground location should be selected and prepared for the pumping station and/or power pack (self contained, typically temporary, localised pump unit) to facilitate reliable, effective delivery of hydraulic fluid on demand. Pumping stations can be located either remotely to a coalface or as a part of the pantechnicon unit; an example of a remote pumping station is shown. 450kW Variable speed 5 piston pump and unloading unit 9 July 2015 18 Filtration unit and accumulators Main supply tank 4500 litres capacity Fluid is typically supplied and returned to and from the pumping station via pipe ranges that should be adequately routed, supported and clearly marked. 9 July 2015 19 4.8.4 Flexible hose supply At their furthest point inbye, the rigid system ranges convert to a flexible hose supply and return system to facilitate retreating production activities. The flexible supply system is typically managed by hose and cable handling arrangements prior to connection to the inbye distribution and control system. 4.8.5 Inbye distribution and control system The inbye distribution and control system is typically mounted on a series of ancillary platforms (pantechnicon) and comprises the: • electrical control system • electro-hydraulic safety (dump) valve assemblies • filtration system • hydraulic distribution system • high pressure boost facilities • ancillary supplies The electrical and hydraulic supply is routed from the pantechnicon, via cable and hose handling arrangements into the beam stage loader and onto the face. A number of hydraulic supplies are configured to form an ring main to supply the face equipment, including the powered roof supports, to ensure all parts of the system are equally served with adequate fluid flow and pressure. The ring main is an essential design requirement of powered roof support systems. A typical layout is shown in the example of a coal face pumping station below. 4.9 Supply fluid 9 July 2015 20 4.9.1 Pressure Lines For PRS to work effectively an adequate supply of fluid at the correct quantity, quality and pressure is essential. Operational demand determines the volume of supply fluid required; typically up to 6,000 litres (280 gallons) per minute. Filtration of the system fluid is of paramount importance to maintain the cleanliness of the PRS system. Fluid is typically supplied at a pressure of 320 bar (4,500 psi). This pressure has the potential to cause serious injury or death and careful selection and management of the hose system is essential. 4.9.2 Return Lines Fluid used at the face is returned to pumping stations by means of the return lines. Flow resistance generates return line pressure however excessive return line pressure should be avoided to prevent deterioration of the effective operating pressure and malfunction of PRS. Typically this can be achieved by installing larger bore return lines than pressure lines to minimise the effects of back pressure. 4.9.3 Tidal flow – negative head PRS operations remove fluid from reservoirs at a rapid rate. Surges of return fluid can disrupt PRS sequences and typically occur when operations cease and the face is higher than the pumping station. Hydraulic fluid returns under gravity, until the range is emptied to the reservoirs, potentially causing overflow. Limited capacity of surface mixing plants delays refill, and adequate time is required to replenish reserves lost during overflow. This undesirable fluid surge and range depletion is mitigated by the installation of tidal flow control valves. Tidal flow valves are adjustable return pressure regulators typically located at pumping stations. Face elevations determine the amount of tidal flow valve adjustment required to control the pressure and flow of return line fluid to reservoirs. 9 July 2015 21 The head of pressure developed and identified at incremental points along elevations determines valve settings to maintain charge and prevent surge. The pressure head may decrease as the face retreats and valves should be periodically regulated accordingly. 4.9.4 Tidal flow – positive head An increase in return line pressure will occur when the face is lower than the pumping station (positive head) and the fluid returns to the reservoirs against gravity, increasing approximately 1 bar per 10m of elevation. Positive head effects should be considered at initial face design. 4.9.5 Minimum Standards of Installation for Protection of Powered Supports Return Lines from over pressure. The volume of the fluid flowing in the return line correlates to the number of operations taking place. The return lines are protected by a system of pressure relief valves, typically set at a maximum pressure of 40 bar (600 psi). Relief valves are located at points throughout the PRS system determined by technical assessment, design engineering and OEM recommendations. Any section of a bank of PRS that can be isolated should have its own return line relief valve to prevent inadvertent operation caused by hydraulic back pressure. Installation of relief valves in the return line system, at predetermined points determined by the technical assessment, will protect against over pressurisation when isolation valves are closed and hydraulic operations continue. 4.9.6 Safety Point Return system pressure should be checked regularly, preferably every working shift. A gauge with the facility to retain the maximum recorded pressure value, or an electrical transducer giving permanent outputs, should be positioned at the furthest point from the pumping station. 4.10 Connections to pumping stations and/or remote power packs 9 July 2015 22 The requirements for connection of the coal face powered roof supports to the pumping stations and/or power pack systems are as follows. 4.10.1 Temporary systems for installation purposes Temporary systems must be fully commissioned prior to use and have filtration capable of maintaining the required fluid cleanliness. Fluid composition should be sampled weekly to ensure it meets the specified standard. All hoses, fittings and staples should be of an approved standard and in good condition. Feed and return hoses should be routed safely to avoid increased risk from equipment movement. Inspections of flexible (wander) hoses and attachments should reflect the environmental conditions, duty and the number of operations. Safety devices must be fitted to pumping stations and/or power packs to stop and isolate the system hydraulic supply in an emergency or to facilitate maintenance. Risk assessment, documentation of isolation procedures and Permit to Work systems must be provided and used. Operations to attach and detach flexible hoses must only be carried out by competent persons in accordance with safe systems of work. Pressures delivered by pumping stations and/or power packs during installation procedures should typically not exceed 200 bar (3000 psi) max. • during installation, reduced pressures should be used initially and PRS canopies set to the roof protected by wooden packing, to avoid puncture by roof bolts. • system pressures should be incrementally increased following initial tests that have ratified the integrity of the individual PRS’ operation and functionality. 9 July 2015 23 • during installation, reduced pressures should be used on the associated pulling equipment to provide adequate factors of safety. Isolation valves should be identifiable, easily operated, incapable of being accidentally operated and lockable when necessary. 4.10.2 Pre-operational requirements Temporary systems must be fully commissioned prior to use and have filtration capable of maintaining the required fluid cleanliness. Fluid composition should be sampled weekly to ensure it meets the specified standard. 4.10.3 Connection to permanent pumping stations and/or power packs The risk assessment should be supported by method statements detailing the process for connecting the supports from a temporary system to the permanent system. Pressure and return systems should be connected from power packs to the face with hoses/pipes of sufficient size, relevant to the number of pumps used and the most onerous demands, to avoid turbulent flow or excessive fluid velocities and to minimise the effects of back pressure. Pump systems must have a suitable isolation, distribution and pressure dissipation system. During installation and production, a diagram should be produced and maintained detailing the layout, sizing and route of each of the feed and return systems. This diagram should include positions of isolation valves, relief valves, crossover links and monitoring equipment. Construction of the feed and return systems throughout the main distribution network should, where practicable, deploy hoses of the same length. Hoses should be routed in compliance with hose specifications for minimum bend radii to prevent damage and premature failure. 9 July 2015 24 Risk assessment and documentation of isolation procedures should be undertaken and Permit to Work systems used. 4.11 Hose assemblies and adaptors Hoses used on PRS systems must be designed to provide: • flexible connections between equipment • hose cover protection from abrasion • hose crush protection • leakage prevention • hydraulic injection protection Supplementary hose covers protect hoses from external damage but can mask internal abrasion and/or damage and require additional inspection. 4.11.1 Hose selection Hose selection should take account of environmental conditions, pressures and duty. The construction of the hose determines its capabilities and use. The two main types of hose used on PRS have two wire braiding or four wire spiral wound construction around an inner core tube. 2 Wire Braid (2WB) 9 July 2015 25 Polyethylene outer cover Insulation rubber The core tube The reinforcement 4 wire spiral bound (4WS) The reinforcement The cover The core tube 6 wire spiral bound (6WS) 9 July 2015 26 Core tube Outer cover Insulation layer Wire reinforcement Two wire braid hoses having a bore not exceeding 12.5mm (½”) may be used up to a system pressure of 320 bar (4500 psi). Where system pressure and supply demands a hose having a larger bore then four wire spiral bound hose should be used. See comparison table below for selection. Working pressure specifications 2-Wire Braid British Coal spec 174 Nominal Bore Min Bend Radius Working Pressure Burst Pressure mm Inch mm BAR PSI BAR PSI 6 10 12 20 25 32 40 50 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 100 130 150 230 300 380 450 600 450 379 362 276 214 172 145 112 6525 5500 5250 4000 3110 2500 2100 1625 1800 1517 1448 1103 858 690 579 448 26100 22000 21000 16000 12440 10000 8400 6500 9 July 2015 27 4-Wire Spiral British Coal Approved Nominal Bore Min Bend Radius Working Pressure Burst Pressure mm Inch mm BAR PSI BAR PSI 10 3/8” 180 450 6500 1800 26000 12 1/2” 230 415 6000 1660 24000 20 3/4” 280 434 6250 1724 25000 25 1” 340 403 5800 1600 23200 32 1.1/4” 460 354 5100 1407 20400 40 1.1/2” 560 313 4500 1241 18000 50 2” 700 281 4050 1117 16200 Where excessive pressures/flow rates or adverse conditions exist six wire spiral hoses are available for selection. 6-Wire Spiral British Coal Approved Nominal Bore Min Bend Radius Working Pressure Burst Pressure mm 40 Inch 1.1/2” mm 510 BAR 352 PSI 5100 BAR 1407 PSI 20400 50 2” 635 352 5100 1407 20400 4.11.2 Hose identification Each length of hose should be embossed at intervals of not more than 0.6m with the following information. • hose manufacturer’s name • number of the specification number • British Coal approval number • month and year of manufacture • design working pressure • longitudinal double line parallel to the axis to denote construction • Hoses are typically marked with both DN and imperial nominal bore sizes as below. DN 6 = 6.3 mm ¼” DN 10 = 10 mm ⅜” DN 12 = 12.5 mm ½” DN 20 = 19 mm ¾” 9 July 2015 28 DN DN DN DN 25 32 40 50 = = = = 25 mm 1” 31.5 mm 1¼” 38 mm 1½” 51 mm 2” Any other markings should be separate to avoid confusion. Additional system identification information should be used appropriately to differentiate between duties. Where embossed details are not readily visible, e.g. beneath inter support protective covers, hose identification should be displayed by alternative means at one end of the hose using a water/oil proof label of a fire resistant material as illustrated. 9 July 2015 29 4.11.3 Routing and Retention All hoses should be routed correctly and retained to ensure smooth radii and avoid stresses that may contribute to early failure. The following are comparisons between good and poor practice. Swivel connectors can be used to prevent hoses becoming twisted, weakened and applying torque to, and damaging, the hose fittings. Hose construction and connector damage, resulting from seizure, should be prevented by ensuring the swivel can operate freely. Hose installed in twisted position Ample bend radius should be provided to avoid bore collapse and restrictions of flow. Excessive bend at hose ends results in strain on the ferrule and reduced hose life. 9 July 2015 30 Careful selection of hose lengths, suitable adaptors and manifolds will avoid exceeding minimum bend radii and strain on the hose and hose connections. Adaptors and manifolds should be used to: • eliminate excess hose length • minimise the number of connections • ensure optimum installation and hose management • facilitate maintenance Clamps or fixings should secure hoses in position. Flexing hoses should not be restricted or damaged by incorrect positioning and should be clear of hot or abrasive areas. 9 July 2015 31 4.12 High pressure injuries Hydraulic fluid released under pressure can puncture and penetrate skin and body tissues. Pressure injection injuries are caused by fluid at high velocities and can be attributable to high or low pressure hydraulic systems. A leak in a hydraulic hose under pressure can release fluid at a speed in excess of 183m/s (600 feet per second). The illustration below shows hydraulic burst damage to the external cover and the exposed internal braiding which could result in high pressure injury. Hose protection to avoid external damage Injected fluid enters the fatty body tissue and tendons and deep spaces of hand and body, the higher the system pressure the more serious the injury. Some personal protective equipment may not prevent high pressure, high velocity, injection injuries and appropriate remedial action must immediately follow any potential injection/velocity injury. 9 July 2015 32 The illustration below shows the barely detectable point of entry of hydraulic fluid under pressure. The illustration below indicates the extent of surgery that may be required to remove all traces of injected hydraulic fluid from fatty body tissue. 9 July 2015 33 5 SAFETY CRITICAL COMPONENTS Safety critical components include single-line components or assemblies, which, if they were to become defective or fail in service, may result in high risk of injury. Investigation of component and/or system defects should have OEM input to ensure cognisance of relevant technical and design aspects. Reporting, recording, logging and investigation of near miss incidents, inadvertent operation and/or unplanned events must be undertaken thoroughly by competent persons to ensure that the root cause of any incident is determined and adequate control measures are introduced to minimise the risk of re-occurrence. 6 MAINTENANCE SCHEMES & COMMISSIONING 6.1 Classification of defects Based on the requirements of the former National Coal Board Manager’s Scheme for the Mine, defects can be categorised into three types - Level 5, 6 and 7. A Level 5 defect is that which if an action or repair is not undertaken and by doing so it is unlikely that the equipment would deteriorate to affect its safe operation. A Level 6 defect is that which is deemed still safe to operate at the time of examination, but has the potential to become a dangerous fault affecting safe operation if not repaired within a specific time frame. A Level 7 defect is where a potentially dangerous fault affects safe operation or is liable to quickly lead to an unacceptable risk to persons. PUWER 1998:- Regulation 5 describes that work equipment must be maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair and that where maintenance log is kept, it must be up to date. It is important that equipment is maintained so that its performance does not deteriorate to the extent that it puts people at risk. In regulation 5, ‘efficient’ relates to how the condition of the equipment might affect health and safety. It is not concerned with productivity. Equipment, and ancillary components, should be maintained to ensure that they are safe to use at all times, including: • guards 9 July 2015 34 • • • • • • • • • • • emergency shutdown systems pressure relief devices bearings filters valve gear cylinders connectors hoses assemblies cables control equipment hydraulic fluid 6.2 Maintenance management The extent and complexity of maintenance can vary substantially from simple checks on basic equipment to integrated programmes for complex plant. Maintenance management techniques may typically include: • planned preventive (pro-active) - involves replacing parts and consumables or making necessary adjustments at preset intervals so that risks do not occur as a result of the deterioration or failure of the equipment • condition-based - involves monitoring the condition of safety-critical parts that could fail and cause the equipment, guards or other protection devices to fail and lead to immediate or hidden potential risks. • reactive maintenance - involves carrying out maintenance only after faults or failures have occurred. It is appropriate only if the failure does not present an immediate risk and can be corrected before risk occurs, for example through effective fault reporting and maintenance schemes. PRS are complex powered equipment addressed by OEM maintenance manuals and instructions that specify routine recommended maintenance frequencies and requirements. 6.3 Frequency of maintenance PRS must be maintained to ensure that they are functioning correctly and safely. Any fault which affects production is typically obvious, whereas more rigorous testing may be required to detect faults in safety critical systems. This programme of testing should be included in maintenance schemes and take account of: • intensity of use – frequency and maximum working limits • operating environment • variety of operations • risk to health and safety from malfunction or failure 9 July 2015 35 6.4 Maintenance log A detailed maintenance log should be provided and kept up to date. The log should record previous action taken and inform future planning of maintenance activities. Supplementary or additional maintenance may be required and reviewed/revised, particularly when abnormal operating conditions are foreseen or experienced or prior to transfer to a new coal face. 6.5 Commissioning All PRS are subject to conformity and function tests by OEM prior to delivery, to ratify system and individual performance. During first conformity, accordance engineers. installation. installation on a coal face, PRS are subject to further function and commissioning tests by the operator in with OEM instructions and typically with OEM service PRS should be re-commissioned on each subsequent 6.5.1 Tasks prior to salvage from previous coalface Identification of PRS overhaul, repair or any other remedial requirements, prior to salvage or transfer to a successive coal face is essential to ensure they are suitable for continued use. PRS should be assessed, utilising previous examination results, history, known defects and cycles completed since the last overhaul, to determine if comprehensive works such as major overhaul or full replacement are required. The assessment should comprise a full physical external over inspection of PRS and ancillaries pumps, pumping stations, filter stations, dump valves assemblies etc., to determine their suitability for continued, safe use/re-use. Random samples should be compared with PPM history to ensure they were not previously sampled or changed, and include representative samples of: • spool valves • solenoid valves • leg and stabiliser ram Pilot Operated Control Valves (POCV) • leg and stabiliser ram yield valves The sampling process should be carried out by competent persons to ensure: • careful removal of components • ancillary damage is avoided 9 July 2015 36 • • • • contamination is avoided correct identification/labelling location and orientation identification a sampling audit trail Operation of PRS leg circuits after the last cut on a salvage face, before the supports are removed, can engender roof disturbance that may prove difficult to rectify. It is imperative that any diagnostic work associated with PRS leg circuits should be carried out before this stage. To determine leg seal/yield circuit condition it is recommended that supports are set to the roof and a standing test carried out for 24 hours following the last cut. To complement the comprehensive assessment a full acoustic survey should be carried out in the pre salvage inspection to detect any bypassing defects on: • spool valves • solenoid valves • gaskets • pilot operated check valves Defects identified during the acoustic survey should be categorised, prioritised and addressed in accordance with the PPM defect scheme. All PRS hoses should be examined for external damage and changed when assessment of their condition dictates further use will increase risks of failure and injury. Open hose ends or valves/connector parts should be capped off to prevent contamination of PRS during salvage or storage. The integrity of the individual support isolation and non-return valves should be assessed, results recorded and suitable action taken. To remove any inherent contamination from the bottom of the legs pressure should be defused and the legs completely lowered. To avoid contamination from entering into the system return line hoses should be disconnected for this operation. 9 July 2015 37 6.5.2 Tasks during transfer Before PRS are transferred onto a new coal face any known defects should be resolved. Known defective equipment should be identified as such in order to prevent reuse and must be removed as soon as practicable. The identification of component parts by serial number will aid identification and traceability of faulty items. Examples of tasks and checks/changes during transfer: • all cables and hoses between PRS • all internal cables and hoses within PRS • all linkages, pins and retainers for integrity and security • all leg top and bottom housings and retainers • side shield condition • face sprags and beam extension facility • security and condition of base lift facility and advance cylinders • valves, solenoids, spools, POCV, stabiliser and shield control valves are operational and fit for continued use (by OEM assessment) • all isolation valves • ensure all connecting bolts and fasteners are secure 6.5.3 Tasks during installation post-transfer PRS must not be installed on a new coal face until known safety critical defects have been rectified. Where any safety critical defects become apparent during PRS installation it is inadvisable to install subsequent supports until the defects have been rectified. Once a PRS being installed is hydraulically connected to the system it should be operated by use of a remote control unit, from a position of safety, until it is in place and set. 6.5.4 Tasks post installation PRS are typically installed and pressurised at 140bar (2000 psi) and set to the roof. For protection against canopy puncture and roof deformation timber should be placed between the canopy and the roof. The PRS electrical controls must be fitted, checked and commissioned in accordance with OEM installation procedures. Until the pressure release or dump valve system from each support is commissioned, a means to remove the electricity 9 July 2015 38 supply to the pumping station and/or power pack must be provided throughout the face. Commissioning of the pressure release or dump valve facility must be undertaken prior to introducing the main system hydraulic supply. Integration of the temporary and main supply emergency dump systems should be avoided so that control is from one system only. 6.5.5 Dynamic commissioning post installation During initial face cutting operations the PRS will be systematically advanced into the production section of the coal face to support the newly exposed roof. The system pressure to the PRS should be increased to 320 bar (4500/5000 psi) when the roof conditions are deemed competent. A full system pressure check must be carried out to identify any leakage or other defect utilising diagnostic methods such as acoustic or instrumented testing. A post installation condition test report should be prepared to record any leakage or other defects at full system pressure. Faults should be resolved appropriately, reported and recorded. 6.5.6 The hydraulic system PRS may be installed, set and commissioned using either a temporary or permanent pumping station and/or power pack. The pumping station and/or power pack and its associated connections to the face PRS should be installed, commissioned and maintained to deliver the hydraulic fluid to the PRS in accordance with ISO 4406 17/13. Flushing and filtration of all lines to and from the temporary or permanent pumping station and/or power pack should be undertaken prior to connection of PRS to ensure removal of contamination. Progressively graded filter changes may be required to remove contamination following installation. Individual PRS filters including “last chance” should be changed as soon as possible after installation. 9 July 2015 39 7 FUNCTION TESTING 7.1 System performance and individual tests PRS and systems function tests should reflect OEM commissioning processes and be supported by periodic testing in accordance with a suitable maintenance scheme. Examples of individual and system tests: • controls perform their intended designated function correctly and safely and stop on command/release • PRS maintain their set pressures • operating functions perform correctly and safely • sensory and instrumented checks for hydraulic bypasses/leakage • electrical and electronic adequacy and stability • fluid cleanliness • filtration system cleanliness • flow and pressure measurement • electro-hydraulic (dump) valve operation • emergency stop facilities 7.2 Pressure and performance monitoring Individual and system pressure monitors and gauges and electronic performance monitors should be provided at strategic points of the systems. Examples of individual and system pressure monitors: • leg (set pressures) • pumping stations • distribution points • isolation points • return line indication Examples of individual and system electronic performance monitors: • system diagnostic facility • audible/visual alarm monitors • event fault logs • plc diagnostic information • individual display facility • power stability testing • transducers 7.3 Acoustic vibration threshold levels The use of instrumented acoustic vibration equipment will detect any increase in background noise level in any hydraulic valve; this may be an indication of bypassing fluid. The root cause of any bypass should be established and cognisance should be taken of OEMs specifications for continued use. 9 July 2015 40 8 WORKING ON PRESSURISED PRS SYSTEMS All hazards associated with pressurised systems must be assessed and mitigated prior to any work commencing. Control measures may be stipulated in a permit to work system and craftsmen must be fully instructed prior to commencing work. Control measures should take cognisance of the recommended procedures in the OEM maintenance manuals. 9 July 2015 41 An example of a permit to work on PRS systems Location Date Activity Name of Supervisor issuing permit Names of persons undertaking task Date:……………………….. From: …………………… HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES YES NO To: ……………………….. COMMENT Signature Identification of circuit to be worked on Training of persons undertaking task Identification of isolation points Do you need electrical isolation Have the isolating valves been locked off Test for decay of pressure Provision of suitable eye protection (goggles) Provision of suitable gloves Identification of hazards to other persons Warning notices posted On site risk assessment completed I hereby declare that being a Mechanical Supervisor/ Command Supervisor/Inspector possessing the authority to issue a permit to work for the work specified above, it is safe to carry out the work on the pressure system, and that the above detailed safety measures have been carried out. Time:……………………….. Date: ………………… Signature: ……………………………………….. I hereby declare that I understand the control measures detailed on this permit Time:……………………….. Date: ………………… Signature: ……………………………………….. I hereby declare as a Mechanical Supervisor/Command Supervisor/Inspector in charge that the work for which this permit was issued is now SUSPENDED/COMPLETED/CANCELLED and that the pressure system has been left safe to operate. Time: ……………………………Date: ……………………… 9 July 2015 Signature: …………………………………………… 42 9 PRS OPERATIONS PRS have several modes of control and operation. These control systems range from simple manual operation of the hydraulic functions from within the PRS to fully programmable automation sequences that are interactive with the shearer operation and position. The working areas around the PRS can be divided into three distinct zones depending on whether the machine is being operated or maintenance work is being carried out: • • • Prohibited Zones - No access allowed. Restricted Zones - Limited access to these areas for maintenance and repair work, Machines should not be operating and equipment must be isolated prior to entering. Walkway Zones – Machines may be operating within zone. PRS designated zones 1. Prohibited Zone 2. Restricted Zone 3. Walkway Zone 9.1 Operation modes The electro hydraulic control system of a PRS offers many modes of operation to suit particular mining activities. For example: • Manual control • Adjacent control • Remote Control • Remote Adjacent Control • Bank Control • Face Primes (free running) • Shearer initiated primes Automated facilities of control systems should be used for the normal mode of operation. 9 July 2015 43 9.2 Cleanliness The operation of a coal face and mineral extraction inevitably produces debris resulting from mineral loading operations, accumulations on the floor, roof spoil and AFC blockages. The presence of debris and obstacles should be minimised within the designated pedestrian travelling route to permit the safe passage of persons. The extent of abrasion, wear and damage to external and/or exposed hydraulic hoses, cylinders and associated valve gear is typically attributable to the amount of debris situated between and within all PRS. External hose damage should be minimised by maintaining levels of cleanliness, protective routing, shielding and management to prevent contamination internally. Ingress of debris can produce potentially significant defects within safety critical components. In adverse geological conditions the application of phenolic foams and/or resin injection to consolidate the roof will reduce the amount of debris. The chemically aggressive composition of phenolic foams and resins has a damaging and detrimental effect on hose covers/cables, resulting in degradation and separation of the protective cover. 10 MANAGEMENT OF PRS SYSTEM HYDRAULIC FLUID 10.1 Fire resistant fluids Fire resistant fluid used in PRS systems, generally referred to as soluble or emulsifying oils, have been specially developed for use in hydraulic systems which operate in highly hazardous environments. Soluble oil is emulsified in water and should be mixed in proportions recommended by the equipment supplier and in accordance with the OEM Fluid Approval List. Emulsifying oils used in the mining industry for powered support systems are classified as type HFA, mineral oil and type HFS, synthetic oil. The mining industry in the UK uses type HFA as classified in ISO 6742-4 and ISO 7745 emulsion oils in PRS systems as this has been proven to have better corrosion inhibiting properties than synthetic emulsifying oil. 9 July 2015 44 Chemical or physical changes in the fluid could produce impaired fire resistance. Such situations could arise through persistent high temperatures, fluid spillage where evaporation or separation could occur or breakdown of fluid chemical properties during use. These issues should be addressed through regular fluid condition monitoring and maintenance. HFA fluid used in PRS should meet British Coal Specification No 463/1981 Emulsifying Oils for Dilute Emulsions for Hydraulic Purposes, or an equivalent, that contains the test procedures to ascertain the ability of the emulsifying oil to form emulsions that do not cause rusting on immersed ferrous surfaces. 10.2 Water quality The consistency of the quality of water mixed with emulsifying oils to form HFA fluids is critical to maintain the PRS hydraulic systems. It is unlikely that an “ideal” water quality will be achievable or available in sufficient quantities and it is imperative that consultation takes place with a representative of the emulsifying oil supplier to ensure that the specification of the emulsifying oil is tailored to suit the available water quality. In compliance with BC Spec No 463/1981, additives to the emulsifying oil and the water may be required to achieve the ideal HFA solution. Critical water characteristics should be considered: • hardness due to presence of salts of calcium and magnesium (low water hardness can promote foaming, inclusion of yellow metal passivators and antifoam agents can combat these effects). • air entrainment promotes attacks on none ferrous metals • organic feeds promote bacterial growths which lead to emulsion breakdown, filter blocking and increased corrosion (biocides can be added to the emulsifying oils to control such potential growths). • high chloride levels above 200 mg/litre and sulphate above 400mg/litre promote corrosion (ionic emulsifying and coupling agents give rust preventing characteristics). Regular samples of both the raw water used and the emulsified oils should be available to the supplier for conformity checks. Variables in water supply should be monitored and managed by the operator to allow adequate control by the oil supplier. 9 July 2015 45 10.3 Fluid cleanliness Fluid condition monitoring regimes should include regular checks with a correctly calibrated refractometer; using fluid outside the specified mix proportions may lead to degradation of the hydraulic components and spurious operations. Regular checks should also be made for the presence of bacterial and fungicidal contaminants. Solid particles of contaminant are always present due to component wear and ingress. The distribution of particles within the hydraulic fluid, and where they accumulate, is critical and may result in damage; the abrasiveness of individual particles and their hardness enhance their ability to become entrained in softer materials such as valve seats and non metallic seals. The amount of contaminant and its particle size should be managed to minimise system failure including un-commanded operation. Typical modes of wear are: • • • • Abrasive wear - caused when hard contaminants larger than the fluid film thickness become trapped and are forced into contact with components’ inner surfaces. This causes abrasion of the internal surfaces of components. Adhesive wear - occurs when the dynamic fluid film breaks down and component surfaces typically micro weld and shear. Fatigue wear - caused when contaminant particles become trapped between component surfaces and successive operations cause surface cracking and metallurgical failure exacerbating particle release. Erosive wear - occurs when contaminants impinge on the component surface, particularly at an interface or seal, and increased fluid velocity engenders removal of material. 9 July 2015 46 9 July 2015 47 The following pictures of PRS valves show the results of damage due to contaminants. Erosive wear at interface between seal and spool valve caused by contamination, exacerbated by increased fluid velocity. Erosive and abrasive wear on a valve seat caused by trapped contaminants. 9 July 2015 48 Erosive wear of a valve operating pin caused by constant leakage of fluid. Erosive and abrasive wear on a valve ball. 9 July 2015 49 Invasive maintenance typically occurs during PRS operational life and can introduce contaminants. Contamination can typically be introduced whenever hoses are disconnected and/or components changed. All free hose ends, open valve ports and components should be capped/sealed to prevent the ingress of contaminants when PRS are subject to invasive activities, transported or stored. To avoid injury high pressure hydraulic systems must not be purged to atmosphere to remove contaminants; individual PRS filters should be inspected regularly for contamination and changed in accordance with OEM instructions. 10.4 Filtration Strainers and filters are contained within individual PRS to prevent large particle contamination that may typically lead to adhesive wear, valve seat separation and fluid bypass. Filtration of the pressure and return circuit fluid to the pumping stations/power pack is critical to capture finer contaminants which evade the coarse filtration at PRS. Fluid should be sampled after the filtration system, before the tank, to ensure fluid cleanliness to an acceptable ISO code and avoid return line contamination being delivered to the pumps and PRS. Suction strainers will be required in the system, between the pump and the tank, or within the tank, to avoid unacceptable pressure drop which may lead to cavitation and accelerated wear mechanisms. The fluid supply to the tank should be adequately filtered before it enters the storage tank. A typical system depicting the minimum standards of filtration is illustrated. 9 July 2015 50 9 July 2015 51 There are two types of filters: • Nominal filters have an arbitrary value based on the particle weight percentage removed and are not suitable for PRS. • Absolute filters are rated based on the diameter of the largest hard spherical particle that will pass through the filter media under specified test conditions. Examples of the effects of contamination: • A hydraulic pump continuously delivering ISO code 21/18 oil, at a rate of 250 litres/hr, equates to 4375kg of contaminate being pumped during the period of one year and the pump could typically have a life expectancy of approximately 2 years. • A hydraulic pump continuously delivering ISO code of 14/11 oil, at a rate of 250 litres/hr, equates to 25kg of contaminate being pumped during the period of one year. This could potentially increase the life expectancy of the pump to 14 years. 10.5 Underground sampling at a pumping station and/or power pack Fluid samples should be taken from the supply at the pumping station and/or power pack storage tank between the return line filters, before the storage tank, from the designated sampling point and not be contaminated. Samples should be analysed for both quality of water/oil mix and for cleanliness and bacterial content and appropriate remedial action taken. Permanent on-line monitoring should be considered. 10.6 Pressure test and storage fluids Ready mixed pressure test and storage emulsions are designed as dual function fluids for PRS and their component parts. They should be compatible with OEM recommended hydraulic operating fluids and sealing arrangements. Pressure test and storage fluids inhibit ice crystal formation at very low temperatures and typically contain both liquid and vapour phase corrosion inhibitors and offer protection against freezing temperatures during storage and transport. 9 July 2015 52 11 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND DATA LOGGING 11.1 System construction 11.1.1 Control system PRS control system components should be designed in line with harmonised standards i.e. BSEN 1710 Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground mines, and IEC 61508-1 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems. Ingress Protection (IP) rating, positioning and orientation of the system components should be designed to obviate any contamination from external source, such as fluid leakage. Components requiring inspection or maintenance should be positioned and accessible. Ventilation arrangements are designed to minimise and dilute accumulations of methane within PRS. Methane potentially occurs towards the rear of the PRS during normal operations and increases towards the return end of the face; location of the electrical components and interconnecting cables should take cognisance of this. Automatic detection of the presence of methane must be provided within the last support at the return end of the face, to provide continuous monitoring and alarm at an appropriate level. Electrical system components must be located and maintained to prevent physical damage during PRS operations throughout their full operating range. To avoid dismantling and reassembly of electrical systems, electrical equipment should remain in situ, where practicable, when the support is fully collapsed and during transport. Cables between PRS, when disconnected, should be looped and any open ports blanked to prevent ingress of contamination. Interconnection of the system components should be made by OEM interconnecting cables or hose cables, or those of an approved type. 9 July 2015 53 11.1.2 Cables To minimise the ingress of dirt and water, top entry orientation for cable glands or plugs and sockets should be avoided. Cables between PRS should be wrapped in an additional protective cover and suitably restrained collectively within and between each support. PRS interconnecting hose cables having staple lock type retention must have hydraulic rated staples fitted. Staples designed for electrical applications should not be fitted to hydraulic circuits. Electrical system hose cables should be colour coded or their outer coverings should be moulded differently to differentiate from hydraulic services. 11.1.3 Power supplies The adequacy and stability of PRS power supplies should reflect the range of voltage transients typically experienced during coal face operations, for example, variations in supply voltage during start up of large capacity plant. 9 July 2015 54 To ensure system stability, PRS power supplies should typically include constant voltage transformers (CVT) or uninterruptable supply units (UPS). All systems must include a failsafe electro-hydraulic safety (dump) valve assembly designed to operate on the detection of any safety critical event or loss of electrical supply. Only authorised persons must be permitted to reset any electrohydraulic safety (dump) valve system. 11.2 Lighting PRS systems and coalface lighting should have separate power supplies to prevent intersystem faults. The two • • • • systems should be integrated and take cognisance of the: cable routing between and within PRS. mounting and location of junction boxes for 110V supplies. labelling/identification of 110V components/cables. provision of staggered supplies to avoid the total loss of lighting associated with one supply and be clearly marked • provision of suitably labelled, lockable means of isolation for maintenance. The light fittings should be positioned to: • avoid glare • avoid entanglement with controls leading to inadvertent operation • afford access to PRS controls or components • avoid damage during normal operation. 11.3 PLC & data logging The PRS programmable logic controller (PLC) provides a management facility for the safe operation of the coal face, and allows the operators and technicians to observe and interrogate the system during its operation. The PLC is safety critical within the management system. See “The use of computers in safety critical applications” (ISBN 0 7176 1620 7) and “The TickIT Guide” (ISBN 0 580 36943 9). Differing levels of security provide access to the operating systems; these should be password protected in the following hierarchy: • • • 1 – free access to observe the various displays and menus. 2 – technician password for parameter and the system changes/operation. 3 – OEM password for manufacturer system changes. 9 July 2015 55 To eliminate irregular use and facilitate planned changes a password protocol should be maintained. Embedded critical system software changes should only be undertaken by the OEM. Planned software changes should be agreed with OEM and include testing and commissioning of the system. The construction layout and design of the system displays should clearly differentiate between safety and operational information. The PLC system should record and store PRS data for several support cycles and include a fault log. Memory capacity should be commensurate with the system complexity and retain and restore data in the event of supply interruptions. 11.4 Data logging system The PLC should be connected to the mine data network by a dedicated facility, the face switchgear, an integrated face management package or other medium. Data connection, protocol and system software should interface with high speed fibre optic systems to transmit both PRS static and dynamic information to aid and improve operational performance and early detection of safety critical problems or events. Data transmitted from the PRS PLC should interface with the surface network systems improving face performance monitoring and diagnostics. This information is typically presented using appropriate screen mimics of the PRS system rather than by the use of coded systems. A record of the data transmitted to surface should be retained and stored using a stable medium, having the capacity to store an appropriate historical log; routine replication should be undertaken. PRS system software and architecture enables automatic generation of reports for analysis of system performance for both safety and operational requirements. The safety related information logs should include any: • • • operation of the electro-hydraulic safety (dump) valve operations of any electro-hydraulic safety (dump) valve override facility operation of any emergency stop 9 July 2015 56 • • • • • • • • failure of the electro-hydraulic safety (dump) valve to operate on an emergency stop detected system fault configured to trigger a electrohydraulic safety (dump) valve operation failure of the electro-hydraulic safety (dump) valve to operate any support operation function, without an associated manual or automated command initiation of any automated sequence cessation of an automated sequence manually requested support commands position of the coal cutting machine. These events, and any PRS control unit commands that have been manually or automatically generated, including any system fault detection, should be identified, endorsed with an accurate time and date stamp, and recorded. Self diagnostics or supervisory programmes (watchdog) to alert users to status and stability changes should be an integral part of the PRS system and give early warning of degradation in the transmission system. Secure remote access to the data system facilitates OEM expert assistance to proactively and reactively view available data and allow appropriate changes to software via a data download. The security and operation of this practice should be controlled and covered by specific rules. Commissioning should include areas affected by the software change. 11.5 System connection integrity Electronic circuits can be easily damaged by some insulation test equipment and OEM procedures for insulation and continuity testing should be adhered to. During assembly incremental testing of the system should be undertaken and a record of results maintained to ensure any degradation of the system is apparent during routine maintenance, or when fault finding. Any test results should be compared against OEM recommended parameters. 11.6 Hydraulic flow/pressure monitoring Variable speed drive motors and pump systems provide increased performance by negating transient peaks in fluid delivery and are preferential to conventional fixed speed systems. 9 July 2015 57 System integrity is verified by pressure and flow monitoring. Return line monitoring should be installed close to the face and at intervals along the face line to determine levels of leakage on the system when operations are idle, and the return line pressure under operational conditions. Monitoring enables rapid identification of loss of containment. Systems may include restart timers to initiate smooth recharge of the hydraulic system following pressure loss and should be configured with the minimum time to afford the greatest level of protection. 11.7 Filtration & electronic monitoring Filtration monitoring should be provided on the pumping station and/or power packs and on both the pressure and return filters. To facilitate routine filter element changes, systems with replaceable filter elements should include at least two units to allow easy change over. These types of systems should be equipped with pressure differential monitoring on the filter system, to give early impending blockage alert. Automated systems should be installed in preference to simple manual replaceable element types. These can be configured to automatically change between units on detection of a pressure rise across the filter and purge the blocking element, or can be configured to change over and purge on a cyclic basis. 11.8 Oil mixture electronic monitoring On line continuous monitoring of the fluid condition should be installed to facilitate routine testing of the mixture as part of the system management. 11.9 Installation The installation of PRS may take place without the electronic control system being installed at that time and utilising a temporary hydraulic supply; to remove the hydraulic pressure from the PRS a separate emergency stop system must be made available throughout installation. 11.10 Commissioning PRS installations must be comprehensively commissioned. A written log of all checks undertaken, will determine if the equipment has been installed in line with the OEM guidelines and installation drawings. The log should detail verification of system configuration to ensure that only required system options are enabled. 9 July 2015 58 This log should form part of the commissioning system to confirm that all safety critical equipment is operational and functioning in accordance with design parameters. Commissioning commences as PRS are being installed. The function of the individual PRS stop button should be verified prior to the electronic control scheme being initiated to operate the PRS hydraulics. Proprietary test devices used to prove the functions of individual PRS control units, supplied by the OEM, should be deployed prior to connecting the control unit to the PRS. The completed commissioning document should record any defects identified on the system and corrective actions taken and documented in line with the mines planned preventative maintenance (PPM) scheme. 11.11 Salvage PRS salvage is a high risk activity and must be systematically undertaken in accordance with an approved methodology including safe systems of work and risk assessments. Personnel assigned to such work should be trained and competent to carry out the task. The salvage of PRS may take place without the benefit of the electronic control system and utilising a temporary hydraulic supply; to remove the hydraulic pressure from the PRS a separate emergency stop system must be made available throughout the face line during salvage. Operation of the in support valves will be required to remove the PRS. The operation of these valves must always be carried out from a safe area outside of the high risk zone using a hand held remote control supplied by the OEM. Further guidance can be found at: Mineral Products Qualifications Council - NOS Guidance on the design, installation and use of free-standing support systems (including powered supports) in coal mines Guidance on the support of salvage faces in coal mines 9 July 2015 59