LIBRARY NETWORK AT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HO CHI MINH CITY: A SUCCESSFUL MODEL OF COOPERATION AND RESOURCE SHARING Ms. Nguyen Hong Sinh, PhD Chairman of the Library Committee - the VNU-HCM Library Network Vice Director - Central library – Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City Email: Mr. Pham Van Trien Vice Director - Central library – Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City Email: Abstract: Cooperation and consolidation are the real needs as well as real challenges facing many libraries nowadays. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) has been constituted of 6 universities and several affiliated institutions. Each university has had its own library. From 2003, a Library Network that links these university libraries has been initiated. The paper describes and analyzes the process of establishing and developing the Library Network. This process includes determining an appropriate model and laying the foundation for the Library Network, looking for financial support and establishing the Library Network, developing and maintaining the Library Network. Concurrently, the paper identifies and analyzes the resolutions and experiences from implementing the process of establishing and developing the Library Network, as well as the results obtained from the current practice. Several significant experiences have been drawn from the process including: all actions should base on the contextual factors and genuide needs, compassion and support from the leadership and consensus from all members, realistic benefit for all member, ability and reputation of the managers are vital, and “snowball effect” development is a sensible approach. Experiences from establishing and developing the VNUHCM Library Network that reflect the mutual respects for the characteristics of each individual library and the common benefits of the Network, as well as the results of the compromise between give and take are worth sharing. Keywords: Library network, Library cooperation, Resource sharing, BACKGROUND Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) is one of the two leading public university networks in Vietnam. It reports directly to the Prime Minister of the country. It was established in 1995 by grouping the elite public universities in the city, which have long traditions, great reputations and specific professional specialties. From then on, the number of members has steadily grown. Currently, VNU-HCM has 6 university members and several affiliated institutions. Each member has its resources and is independent in its operation, yet each member shares VNU-HCM resources. 1 From 1996 to 2003, each VNU-HCM member university had its own library that mostly served its own students and teaching staff. There were no communications, cooperation or sharing of library resources. As a consequence, there were many obvious weaknesses such as: (1) the information resources did not meet users’ needs, particularly materials in foreign languages and electronic form, (2) services assisting teaching and research only consisted of lending requested materials and had limited ability to advise or provide users with updated and selected materials, (3) there was no conditions for librarians and users’ interactions, (4) advanced technologies helping services and technical works were very limited, and (5) standards in cataloging, in OPAC and other search tools were not synchronized. Consequently, it was difficult for the libraries to meet the needs of their users and it was even more difficult for the libraries to achieve their mission of promoting high quality in education and research for each university as well as for VNU-HCM as a whole. In 2003, VNU-HCM Board of Directors decided to enhance the role of their libraries to help improve the quality of teaching and research at VNU-HCM by investing a robust library resource serving all VNU-HCM users. To reach this goal, the VNU-HCM was planned to establish the Central Library to embrace new library technologies, take bold initiatives, create a role model and coordinate the activities of the member libraries. Subsequently, one of the primary requirements was to establish the VNU-HCM Library Network to share all capitals and potentials including technology applications, information resources, information services, facilities and manpower. In 2005, the Central Library was official inaugurated. On the one hand, it has served users of all VNU-HCM member universities. On the other hand, it has launched a process to develop the VNU-HCM Library Network. PROCESS OF DEVELOPING THE LIBRARY NETWORK From 2006, in addition to the mission of playing a model library, the Central Library has concentrated on the development of the Library Network that consisted of 3 main stages: 1. Determining an appropriate model and laying the foundation for the Library Network 2. Looking for financial support and establishing the Library Network 3. Developing and maintaining the Library Network Stage 1: Determining an appropriate model and laying the foundation for the VNU-HCM Library Network Goals: A task force was established to conduct an investigation to determine an appropriate model and lay the foundation for the Library Network whose operational components included administration, technology and professionalism. The model would promote the cooperation, uniformity, and synchronization in infrastructure as well as in all activities among member libraries. At the same time, it was necessary to ensure that each member can develop its specific characteristics, be independent to enlarge its activities and explore its possibilities. By doing so, each member will benefit all resources from VNU-HCM, from other members and from itself. 2 Accordingly, all libraries can better satisfy users’ needs and effectively contribute to the education and research strategic plan of VNU-HCM. Objectives: 1. Identify specific characteristics, possibilities and needs of each library at VNU-HCM. 2. Suggest relevant operational model, investigate its feasibilities and determine a VNU-HCM Library Network. 3. Build strategic plan for the VNU-HCM Library Network for 2006-2015 with a vision projected until 2020 based on the selected model. 4. Create human resource to operate the Network according to the strategy plan by different means including sending staff to visit and do internship in advanced international libraries. 5. Enhance the knowledge and recognition of features and necessities of the Network by involving managers and key staff from all member libraries in the execution of the above objectives. Participants of the task force: The task force included 3 kinds of members: - Directors of member libraries – these members were able to understand the needs and provide SWOT analyses of their libraries. They also were able to propose new ideas and solutions for network establishment to promote the unity of the network and maintain their own specific characteristics. - Researchers – some senior faculty members on Library and Information field were invited to join the team. They had profound knowledge on library cooperation and rich experience in conducting research. They contributed greatly in reviewing relevant knowledge and experience on issues concerning international cooperation and the progress. - Leaders from VNU-HCM – The Vice-Director and the Head of Human Resource Department of VNU-HCM were also part of the team. These leaders were in charge of VNU-HCM finance and human resources. They were able to give advice on these aspects for the Network establishment. Moreover, they were able to obtain the recognition and support the Network among leaders in all universities at VNU-HCM. Achievements: After 2 years 2005-2006 the following achievements were obtained: 1. Establish an operational model for VNU-HCM Library Network with the following main characteristic: member libraries operated in a semi-centralized model including two management levels – network level (central level) and member level (individual library level). The management structure, functions, missions, main activities and responsibilities at each level and the connections between two levels were transparent and well defined. The Central Library played the coordination role of the Network. It took into account activities of the network level. 3 These aspects were officially accepted by Directors of all member libraries, approved by the VNU-HCM Director and became legal regulations. These regulations ensured the cooperation, synchronization and stabilities and effectiveness in library activities. 2. Release officially a set of legal documents on regulations, policies and guidelines for establishment, operation and development of the VNU-HCM Library Network. These documents included (a) regulations on structure and operation of the Library Committee, (b) regulations on organization and operation of the Library Network, (c) policies on human resources, information resources, library-information services, technology infrastructure, and other facility resources, (d) policies and guidelines on users’ services, professional and technical standards, and (e) guidelines on developing some particular activities and services. 3. Create human resource for the Network. Significance: 1. The investigation contributes to the knowledge and practice regarding library cooperation and sharing resources in Vietnam. 2. The operational model of VNU-HCM Library Network accompanied with documents on strategy plan, regulations, policies and guideline constitutes a practical example on how to establish and operate the cooperation and resource sharing among libraries in Vietnam. 3. The results of this investigation lay a foundation for establishing and developing a library network that optimizes and strengthens the synergy power at VNU-HCM. Accordingly, the libraries can provide high quality services to their users and reach VNU-HCM strategic goals in education and research. Stage 2: Looking for finance supports and establishing the VNU-HCM Library Network Goals: The operational model and foundation for the Library Network were established. The next stage was to obtain the funding to implement the model into practice. The project entitled “Improving library competence to support VNU-HCM’s strategic goal for academic excellence” was submitted to Work Bank and received its funding of one million USD. This project was part of the finance support packet from Work Bank for Vietnamese education during 2007-2011. Objectives of the project: Organize a management system for the Library Network to manage and optimize the resources and potentials of all member libraries, particularly: 1. Establish a Library Committee (its members are all directors of member libraries) to manage and operate all activities of the Network 2. Revise and complete the legal documents, regulations and guideline released during the first stage. 4 3. Implement the coordination and sharing of users and technical services including: (a) change the service concept of every member library from serving its users to serving those of VNUHCM, (b) launch inter-library loan service among all members, (c) create and enlarge library and information services for the whole Network. 4. Equip professional software that all members can use. 5. Subscribe e-resources that all members can use. 6. Increase the ability of human resource by: (a) Sending practitioners (library manager and staff) to international advanced libraries for training and doing internship, (b) Sending practitioners to take professional education programs in the universities abroad and eventually obtain professional higher degrees, (c) Invite international experts to be instructors for specific topic training sections, and (d) Conduct in-house workshops and seminars to share experiences among practitioners of the Network. Achievements: After 5 years (2007-2011) the following achievement were obtained: 1. The Library Network was established with the participation of all libraries within VNU-HCM. All member libraries adapted similar management and operational mechanisms, and cooperated and shared all their resources. This Network illustrates the power of synergy and stimulates more actions for collaborations between libraries of VNU-HCM and domestic as well as international universities. The members of VNU-HCM Library Network 2. The abilities of library practitioners were significantly improved to handle the management and implementation of cooperation activities. 3. Technical infrastructure and value scientific information resources for the Network were established and met the needs of VNU-HCM users. These achievements are the foundation for 5 further investment in the next stages on e-resources, technology applications and new services to the users. 4. The effectiveness of the operational model was valued by the VNU-HCM leadership who provided more support and gave priorities to the library investments in infrastructure, annual budget and policies for the Network growth. Stage 3: Maintaining and constantly developing the VNU-HCM Library Network Until 2011, the VNU-HCM Library Network was entirely established. The next task is maintaining and constantly developing the Network. This requires endless efforts from library practitioners and other stakeholders. The main challenges are obtaining relevant budget, increasing the effectiveness and quality of the services as well as launching new activities. Based on the principle of semi-centralized level management aforementioned, we implement all actions for a sustainable development of the Network at both levels (at the network and at the member level). The particular objectives are: 1. Ensure the cooperation of human resource: Each member library sends one of its practitioners to join the expert teams including cataloguing team, user service team and collection development team. These practitioners work together in their teams to share information and experiences, coordinate cooperative activities related to their areas, and assist individual members as needed. The Library Committee organizes annually training workshops and social events for all members of the Network. 2. Ensure the uniformity of professional standards: The expert teams and Library Committee are in charge of reviewing and compiling professional standards, guideline, and workflows. The Library Committee is in charged of approving and issuing these documents. All member libraries comply with these in their daily works. 3. Synchronize technology infrastructure for retrieving and using information resources: The Central Library is in charged of investing and managing basic technology applications for the whole Network. 4. Enhance the cooperation and sharing of information resources: The Central Library is in charged of subscribing online databases and serving the whole Network; all member libraries provide inter-library loan among them. Each library prioritizes the development of their specific collections that respond to the needs of its university. 5. Heighten the cooperation and sharing of library-information services: Each library organizes relevant services for its own users and provides them to outside users as well. The Central Library provides its services to all users of VNU-HCM. All information on services is available on the websites of libraries. EXPERIENCES TO SHARE Experiences from the procedure of establishing and developing the VNU-HCM Library Network showed the following facts: 6 1. Basic contextual factors and genuine needs: To organize the Network, it is necessary to investigate and deeply understand the contextual factors and genuine needs. They are the evidences to convince stakeholders to give support and commitments. Also, they are steppingstone to develop relevant resolutions to ensure the effectiveness and to limit the errors of the Network activities. 2. Compassion and support from the leadership and consensus from all members: To be able to establish and develop the Network, the two most important elements are to obtain the support from university leadership and the consensus from all members; without these two elements nothing would happen. To obtain them, the key persons of the Network must champion its causes, need to be convincing, persuasive, and master all aspects of the initiatives to explain and accept compromises. 3. Realistic benefits for all members: Skeptic and fear about cooperation are common in library community in Vietnam since cooperation often requires compromising and sacrifice. To overcome this prejudice, all Network actions should focus on serving the real needs of the members. When a member has a chance to contribute and gets real benefits from the Network activities it will stay in the Network. 4. “Snowball effect” development: Cooperative and sharing services should be implemented in a small scale in the beginning. Once they aresuccessful, a roadmap will be followed. This way, practitioners can fearlessly learn how to work with colleagues from other libraries, and how to handle new tasks and new situations while still keeping the situations under-controlled. For instance, in the beginning, many member libraries only agreed to offer services to teaching staff from other universities. After a little while, they opened their services to senior students, then to all. 5. Ability and reputation of the Network managers: The ability and reputation of the Network managers are vital. The Network managing team should include people with different skills which include fundraising, budget managing, professional managing, human resource managing. Cooperation and consolidation are the real needs in almost libraries; however, finding a suitable model for cooperation and implementing the cooperation activities are challenges for not only libraries in Vietnam but also in other countries. The procedure and solutions in establishing and development the VNU-HCM Library Network is practical example that worth to share among library community. 7