October 2015 Newsletter

District 3 Hosts the Area 28 Fall Assembly October 23, 24, 25 Brewer Community School, 92 Pendleton St.
Downeast Intergroup
Volume X Issue 10 October 2015
The Downeast Intergroup Committee is a group of AA members coming together in the spirit of fellowship to help carry the AA message by publishing a newsletter,
sponsoring AA-oriented social events, and distributing AA literature. We support communication and participation between AA members, groups, and districts. Visit us at
www.downeastintergroup.org for current events, meeting lists, a map of our member Districts, and to read and download a copy of this newsletter.
Outgoing Delegate Theme
As delegate it is my hope that all members of our
fellowship believe that our program works – through our Twelve
Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts – It REALLY
works! One of the spiritual principles from our concepts that keeps
us going is the spirit of rotation. What is this principle all about? I
would have to fall back on one of our slogans – Let Go and Let
God. In order for our program to continue we need to stand for
positions we are eligible for, being willing to be of service, trust
that God will put us where we can do the most good, then step
back when our time is done to allow others a chance to be of
service. Rotation enables us to grow and to share the benefits of
service. It is scary when we take on a new position and it is
difficult, sometimes, to let go of a position – but we MUST, if we
are to continue with a healthy program of recovery that welcomes
all. This spirit of rotation is not just about Area service or District
service; it is fundamental at the group level. What a great gift to
newcomers to pass on service positions to them as they become
an integral part of a home group and this fellowship! Remember,
through our steps we grow out of our selfish, self-centered ways.
The spirit of rotation helps us experience the promises of our
program. The spirit of rotation has afforded me so many gifts and
experiences that I would not have ventured to even dream about!
As we assemble this October in Brewer, the spirit of rotation, the
principle of trusting our trusted servants and God’s will as it
expresses itself in our Group conscience will ALL come together
in full swing. Please come to the Fall Election Assembly and let
God work through you and with you. Give me a chance to say my
good-byes and express my thanks and gratitude for the
opportunity to serve you, our Area 28 and AA as a whole. Help
me step back so others may step forward on this road of happy
destiny. Your servant, always. Mary Lou Q.
Purchase AA literature at cost. Many publications are in stock,
and as DEIG orders in large quantities, shipping fees are paid by
DEIG. Here’s a list of the more popular books DEIG sells at cost:
Alcoholics Anonymous (4th Edition)
Twelve Steps and Twelve
Twelve and Twelve (soft cover)
A.A. Comes of Age
As Bill Sees It
Dr. Bob & The Good Oldtimers
Pass It On
Daily Reflections
Came To Believe
Living Sober
And speaking of Literature (Aislinn & Bev (207-852-0949)
Everything’s sold at cost, and no shipping! The book closet opens
up about 5:45pm for books; meeting lists and beginner packets
are free! We don’t have cash to make change, so please bring
the correct mount or write us a check payable to DEIG). Come to
meeting and say hello!
– In Service, Aislinn & Bev
Notice that the Tenth Step says that when we were wrong we
promptly ADMIT it. It doesn't say that when we were wrong we
promptly JUSTIFY it.
– Barefoot’s AA World
Hotline (207-479-1779)
Hotline – Billy has manned the phone while Rob is away for a
family emergency. 33 Calls were reported.
PI-CPC: Public Information – Cooperation with the Professional
Community, try it! You be amazed before you are half way
- Local Servant / PI-CPC Steve P.
CSO/Intergroup liaison
Reminder for everyone about updating your hotline list. To date
only have 6 districts that have updated, this is an ongoing
commitment for the suffering alcoholic that calls.
Thank You All. In Service, George O. CSO/Intergroup Liaison
( Note from Editor – this works for both hotlines)
From our last DEIG meeting September 21:
Treasurer Report: No treasurer report as Steve is away. Aislinn is
taking care of funds for this time.
Hotline: Billy has manned the phone while Rob is away for a
family emergency. 33 Calls were reported. The phone was down
due to bill not being paid. It was only down ½ a day.
FUNCTIONS: Plans are underway for another bi-annual Intergroup
fair. There is nothing concrete to report at this time. We need to
do something about By-laws during the event as we will take
advantage of catching a lot of AA members who need to vote on
this issue. We will have a by-law presentation at the fair that will
be kept brief as not to be boring. We will use this time to simply
present the by-laws and will plan to do all voting needed on them
at the November Intergroup meeting. It is still unclear if we will be
able to get the Congregational Church in North Orrington for this
event as we normally do. If not there are other fine options.
Literature: Literature sales are doing well. We need more big
books at this time. The local jail in Bangor is going to get another
order. There is a package of pamphlets for groups that is $26 and
Aislinn is considering having one on hand in the event it is
needed. There are some free pamphlets available and it was
suggested to have some of those on hand.
Newsletter: Newsletter editor is out of State right now. We need
to have groups send anniversary’s to the newsletter so they can
be included.
Web Page: The September Newsletter made the website. It is
unclear who has the password to update the site. It was decided
to table this topic and keep an eye out for someone who is willing
to do the job.
New Business: none.
Fall Assembly: Downeast Intergroup will have a table present with
literature; that’s in Brewer October 23-25
Editorial contributions are greatly appreciated. Please submit prior to the 26th to allow time for printing! Don’t be shy, WRITE!
Next meeting: Oct 19, 2015 starting at 5:30 for committees, 6:30
for the Intergroup meeting. - Respectfully Submitted, Sharon O.
District 10
Thanks to all who participated in the Love & Service workshop in
Patten on Sept. 26; a special thanks to our presenters. We hope
it was an informative workshop. A few missed anniversaries for
September: Val 3 years, Millinocket; and Larry 20 years, Houlton.
Congrats to both of you! Our next district meeting will be
Wednesday October 14 @ 1:15 pm at St. Andrews Church in
Millinocket. Come and be a part of your district.
– Denise J
See ya at the Fall Assembly.
District 16
There is a chill in the air, come inside at out next district meeting
and warm up with a district position, it could make a difference.
District Meeting was small, where was your GSR? Service work
doesn’t hurt or bite. Come to the October meeting and see what’s
cooking, you might want some. Here’s a little proof that A.A.
works: some anniversaries we missed last month: Squidge had
36 years, Al B had 20 years, Jolie had 25 years, Gerry M had 29
years, and Jim N had 3 years. Have you been to a meeting lately?
There are a few that need support. Not cross your heart support
but body support. You can get sympathy at an A.A. Meeting. In
case you are not going to A.A. right now, you can find sympathy in
– Joe M
the dictionary, two pages after SLIP and Oh Sh**.
“First of all, we had to quit playing God. It didn't work.”
Fall Assembly Agenda: Friday Oct 23 – Sunday Oct 25
Friday 5 PM registration and Pot Luck Dinner
Friday 6- 9 PM Speaker meeting & presentations
Saturday 7:30 AM registration and breakfast
Saturday 9-noon Assembly convenes & Standing committees
Saturday noon - 1 PM Lunch
Saturday 1-1:30 PM Agenda Item 1
Saturday 1:30-3 PM Third legacy Elections
Saturday 3:15 – 5 PM Agenda Items 2, 3 and 4
Saturday 5-6 PM Dinner
Saturday 6- ? Agenda Items 5, 6, 7
Sunday 7:30-8:30 AM Breakfast
Sunday 8-8:45 AM Spiritual AA Meeting
Sunday 9AM - ? Assembly convenes, District reports
Fall Assembly Agenda Items:
1. W. Responsibilities to select officers to Area 28
2. Raise Delegate’s budget for Int’l convention years
3. W. Archivist
4. W. Round Up sign language interpreter
5. W. Add guidelines for Website to workbook
6. W. Add guidelines for Webmaster to workbook
7. Affirm and accept Area 28 Bylaws
Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 are Workbook changes and require ¾ vote
Special thanks to District 3 for hosting the Fall Assembly this year.
The menu looks wonderful and the pies, yummy. This Newsletter
had space to include the Agenda Items, many of which are
changes to our Area 28 Workbook and require a ¾ vote to pass.
The Fall Assembly this year includes electing a new slate of
trusted servants to guide our Area 28 throughout the next 2 years.
On Saturday afternoon we will have the honor of witnessing and
participating in the Third Legacy Procedures which, totally unlike
our political election system, provides an avenue for the minority
to be heard and counted. Who could have imagined that a group
of drunks could come up with a fair and honest system to elect
those who serve us?
In the healthy spirit of rotation many of our local meetings and
districts will have elections this fall. My sponsee served as GSR
for my home group and will rotate in as DCM this month, replacing
me. I thought my service work would take a break and I would not
have to go to Waterville the first Sunday of the month, or have to
go to District the second Saturday of the month until my home
group had elections last month and I was voted in as GSR. It was
my plan to slack off, I was content to back away, but NOOOOO;
seems God has another plan.
I remember back about 4 years ago when God kicked me in the
ass one cold February Sunday and said ‘get back to your home
group’. What? It’s cold outside and I have stuff to do. Again ‘get
back to meetings’ was the command. That’s where my sponsee
found me and I found happiness. My home group was down to 4
active members and this new young kid asked me to take him
through the steps. One condition I replied: you go to Assemblies
with me. I knew he would catch the service fever and do the work
necessary to fit into the service side of AA. I moved into DCM
and he moved in as GSR. Now he moves up to DCM and I
become GSR again. How could I leave him without a GSR and
yet sponsor him to do service work? Once we catch the service
fever, it’s hard to shake it off, musical chairs or not.
Mary Lou, our beloved Delegate made a comment at a Post
Conference Forum which has stayed in my mind and my heart
“Recovery meetings keep you sober, service meetings keep you
happy”. So, come and join the fun the last weekend of this month
in Brewer. There will be about 200 happy, sober drunks doing
AA’s business so AA will be here for the struggling alcoholic when
he or she is ready. Look around at those who step up to service.
They are the happy, joyous and free people who have a bounce in
their step, a smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye, and they
reach out to help without asking anything in return. My people.
Oct 06 Machias – David B, 1 year (yea!)
Oct 07 Columbia – Carolyn , 7 years
Oct 09 Machias – Brian, 6 years
Oct 10 Patten - Saturday Night Live Group, 2 years
Beals Island – Denise, 5 years
Oct 15 Houlton - Gloria, 27 years
Oct 17 Bucksport – Larry, 25 years, Karin, 31 years
Oct 30 Machias – Mandy, 6 years
Oct ?? East Millinocket – Bill F, 34 years
Oct 19 Monthly Downeast Intergroup, Ellsworth Falls
Oct 23-25 Fall Assembly, District 3, Brewer
Nov 01 Area 28 Committee, 9AM Waterville
Meeting Makers Make IT !!
Please send articles, events, corrections, anniversaries, and other group or district news to Newsletter Editor David T, PO Box 102, Searsport, ME 04974-0102 or email to
editor@downeastintergroup.org . You can also write to the Intergroup Secretary, PO Box 2023, Bangor, ME 04401. Please mail contributions to support this intergroup to
Downeast Intergroup Treasurer, PO Box 1633 Ellsworth ME 04605. We ask for your name and AA job title from all who contribute items printed in this newsletter. Events
listed are for your information, and are not necessarily sponsored or endorsed by AA or this intergroup.
Editorial contributions are greatly appreciated. Please submit prior to the 26th to allow time for printing! Don’t be shy, WRITE!