User Manual

Welcome to the Stacks Help Manual
Stacks version 2.0.1
Step-by-step instructions on how to create, edit, and manage your Library website’s
content and settings.
How to Use the Manual
Numbered items are step-by-step instructions
Bulleted items are additional notes, suggestions, and advice
​ Items which are ​italicized indicate links or buttons available in the current view
Screenshots are provided throughout
Table of Contents
Book Jackets
Google Places
To acquire a Google Places API Key
To create a Google Business listing for your location
To enable Google Places integration
To enable Google Maps integration, enter the Maps API Key
IP Whitelists
To set a Whitelist for a range of IPs
To set a Whitelist for a specific IP
To configure Search
To configure a Bento Search
Similar Titles
Stacks Configuration
Create a New Row of Callouts
Edit a Row of Callouts
Delete a Row of Callouts
Database Listings
Create a New Database Listing
Edit a Database Listing
Delete a Database Listing
Directory Listings
Create a New Directory Listing for a Person
Create a New Directory Listing for a Place
Create a New Directory Listing for a Thing
Edit a Directory Listing
Delete a Directory Listing
Create a New EasyForm
Edit an EasyForm
Delete an EasyForm
Events Management
Create a New Event Listing
Edit an Event Listing
Delete an Event Listing
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1 of 85 Landing Pages
Create a New Landing Page
Add Content to a Home/Landing Page
Link Checker
Location & Hours
Create a New Location Listing
Edit a Location Listing
Delete Location Listing
Add Links to an Existing Menu
Edit a Menu Link
My Theme
Apply a Stacks Theme
Customize a Theme
Enable/Disable Page Elements
Configure Logo
Configure Shortcut Icon
Configure Theme Assets
Apply a Custom Background
News Articles
Create a New News Article
Edit a News Article
Delete a News Article
Create a Page
Edit a Page
Delete a Page
People & Permissions
Create a New User Profile
Edit a User Profile
Cancel a User Profile
Research Guides
Create a New Research Guide
Edit a Research Guide
Delete a Research Guide
Create a New Reserve Listing
Edit a Reserve
Delete a Reserve
Resource Flows
Create a New Resource Flow
Edit a Resource Flow
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2 of 85 Delete a Resource Flow
Create a New Slider
Create a New Mini Slider
Edit a Slider (Regular or Mini)
Delete a Slider (Regular or Mini)
Social Media
Configure Contact Info
Configure Connect (Social Media) Info
Create a New Vocabulary
Add Terms to a Vocabulary
Edit the Name or Description of a Vocabulary
This Day in History
Create a New Day in History
Edit a Day in History
Delete a Day in History
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3 of 85 Integrations Book Jackets
Book Jackets Configuration places covers on dom elements which contain a
data-cover-isbn attribute according to the specified configuration. Generally, the “Data
lookup selectors” will not require any editing. The most common configuration is
Syndetics. Multiple configuration URLs may be entered here, however only that which is
selected in the “Book Jacket Provider” drop down will be applied.
1. Choose the appropriate Book Jacket Provider from the drop down menu
2. Enter the related configuration url in the tab below
3. Click ​Save Configuration
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4 of 85 Google Places
In order to enable Google Places syncing within Stacks, you will need to have a Google
Places API, and a Google Business listing. Additionally, Google Maps requires its own
API Key. These services are provided by Google, free of cost up to a limit of 1000
requests per 24 hour period. By verifying the identity associated with the account
(which requires a credit card), this limit may be increased to 150 000 requests per 24
hour period. Click ​here​ learn more about Google Places Usage Limits and Billing.
To acquire a Google Places API Key
1. Visit​ ​Google Places API Web Service
2. Login to Google
3. Click the blue ​Get a Key button
4. Leave the drop down menu as “Create a new project” and click the ​Continue
5. Provide a name for your server key
6. Click the blue Create button
● You should now see your server/API key
7. Copy the key and save it somewhere very secure
To create a Google Business listing for your location
1. Visit ​Google my Business​ (​
2. Click on the blue ​Get on Google button
3. Search for your business by address or name
4. If you find your business, click on its listing and check the box authorizing that
you manage the business and agree to the Terms of Service
5. If you do not see your business listing, click “This doesn’t match to create a new
6. Complete the fields provided, clicking the blue ​Continue button as required
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5 of 85 NOTE​ You will need to verify your Google Business account before using it. As this
is done by mail, it is wise to take that delay into account.
To enable Google Places integration
If the entered API Key is authenticated, the “Test search” will return the location
information for Hybrid Forge
1. Enter your Google Places API Key
2. Test the key: query a location with a known Google Business listing such as
Hybrid Forge
To enable Google Maps integration, enter the Maps API Key
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6 of 85 ILS
ILS integration works with III, Polaris, Sirsi, and SIP2-based systems. ILS integration
enables “My Account” patron features including authentication, placing old requests,
cancelling old requests, viewing items out, renewing items out, viewing fees and fines
and viewing reading history when available. Only that system which has been selected
in the “Authentication System” dropdown menu will be deployed.
1. Choose the Authentication System from the drop down
2. Enter the authentication credentials in the related tab below
3. Click ​Save Configuration to apply the changes
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7 of 85 IP Whitelists
Create and manage IP Whitelists for Database Listings access. A White may be set as
either a range or as a single address. There is no limit on the number of Whitelists
which may be set.
To set a Whitelist for a range of IPs
1. Enter the first IP in the “IP Start” field
2. Enter the last IP in the range in the “IP End” field
3. If all Whitelists have been configured, click ​Submit to apply the changes
To set a Whitelist for a specific IP
1. Enter the IP in both the “IP Start” AND “IP End” Fields
2. If all Whitelists have been configured, click ​Submit to apply the changes
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8 of 85 Reviews
These Reviews will appear in your item details on search results, when available.
Though only one set of credentials is required, you may choose to configure both APIs.
Doing so will allow Stacks to pull reviews from either or both sources, when available.
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9 of 85 Search
Stacks provides four Search types: Internal, EBSCO EDS, External, and Bento. Any
combination of these search functions may be made available to patrons.
To configure Search
1. For each of the “Search Form Options” provide a logical name which will be
displayed as the search type
2. If setting an External Search, choose the source
3. Ensure that the credentials associated with this search are provided in the
related tab below
Integrations: Search: Configure Search cont on next page...
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10 of 85 4. Select the “Default Search on Form” from the dropdown
● This is the search option that will appear first in the list
5. Click ​Save Configuration to apply the changes
NOTE​: Selected search types appear in the search dropdown, available to patrons.
To configure a Bento Search
1. After choosing Bento as a search option in Integrations, return to the home page
2. Click ​Customize this page at the bottom of the window
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11 of 85 3. Click the
button in the top-right corner of the pane you would like to add the
Bento search to
4. Click ​Bento Search
5. Click ​Add a Bento Box
Integrations: Search: To Configure a Bento Search cont on next page...
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12 of 85 6. In the “Select a Bento Box” field, select the results type to display
7. Enter the number of preferred search results to display
8. Click ​Finish to create the Bento Box
9. Continue adding Bento Boxes as needed
10. Click ​Save to add the Bento Boxes to the home page
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13 of 85 Similar Titles
Manage your NoveList Select API Key to enable reader-focused features such as
reading recommendations.
1. Enter the NoveList User ID
2. Enter the NoveList Password
● This password is required in order to make requests of the NoveList server
3. Click ​Submit to apply the configuration
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14 of 85 Stacks Configuration
Configure site-specific details including the site name (which appears in the header),
the slogan, and the email from which automated emails will be site. You can also
enable or disable the use of Landing Pages.
1. Enter the name of the library, which will appear in the header, in the “Site name”
2. Enter the website slogan in “Slogan” field
● If no slogan is entered, the space will be left empty
● The use of the slogan is dependent on the site’s theme
3. Enter the e-mail address from which automated should be sent in the “E-mail
address” field
● To prevent emails sent from this address being flagged as spam by the
recipient, use an address ending your site’s domain
4. Ensure that “Enable Landing Page” is checked
5. Click ​Save configuration to apply your changes
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15 of 85 Callouts
Callouts are visual bookmarks which highlight special events, a particular section on the
site, a set of services, etc. Callouts are generally displayed with a title and image as
well as optional links.
Create a New Row of Callouts
NOTE​: Callouts MUST be created in groups of four, to form a row. For this reason
only a row of Callouts may be created, rather than a single Callout.
1. Click ​Add New
2. Add a title to describe your row of Callouts
Callouts: Create a New Row of Callouts cont on next page
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16 of 85 3. Click on “Callout 1” to expand its fields
4. Add a short descriptive title, an image, a description and the url to which users
should be directed after clicking on the Callout
● Images must be exactly 800 x 600 pixels, and no larger than 2 MB
5. To include additional links at the bottom of a Callout, include a Title and the URL
for the link
6. Additional links can be added by clicking on Add another item, and repeating
Step #4
7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until there is content in each of the four Callouts
8. The content which forms the Row of Callouts can be previewed by clicking on
the blue ​Preview button at the bottom of the window
Create a New Row of Callouts cont on next page
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17 of 85 9. This preview is NOT formatted as it will be on your website. It does provide you
with a complete list of all images, links, and the title and description.
10. You can either continue editing your Callouts by scrolling further down the page,
or continue to the bottom to save or cancel
11. Optional​: Enter an expiration date
● On the expiration date, Stacks will automatically remove the row of Callouts
from any page on which it appears
● This is helpful for time-sensitive content eg. seasonal content, content related
to a particular event or holiday
12. Click ​Save to complete the row of Callouts
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18 of 85 Edit a Row of Callouts 1. Locate the Row of Callouts you would like to edit from the list of Callouts
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Row of Callouts to be edited
3. Make any necessary changes to the Row of Callouts
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
5. Click on ​View to view your changes
Delete a Row of Callouts 1. Locate the Row of Callouts you would like to delete from the list of Callouts
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Row of Callouts to be deleted
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Row of Callouts
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19 of 85 Database Listings Create an online index of external databases on your Library’s website
Create a New Database Listing
1. Click ​Add New
2. Add a descriptive title that will be easily identified by patrons
3. Optional​: Provide a brief description of the database listing
4. Select the category from the Category list which best describes the Database
5. Optional: Click ​Browse to add an image to the Database Listing
Create a New Database Listing cont on next page
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20 of 85 6. Set a Category for the Database and check whether the Database should be
7. Add the e-Resource and/or the ezProxy URL
8. Optional​: Set an Expiration Date for the Database Listing
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Database Listing from any page it may
have been added to
9. Click the ​Save button to add your Database Listing to your Library’s website
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21 of 85 Edit a Database Listing
1. Locate the Database Listing you would like to edit from the list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Database to be edited
3. Make any necessary changes to the Database Listing
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Database Listing
1. Locate the Database Listing you would like to delete from the list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Database Listing to be deleted
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Database Listing
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22 of 85 Directory Listings Searchable listings of people, places, or resources including relevant contact
information and hours of availability
Create a New Directory Listing for a Person
1. Click ​Add New
2. Click ​Browse under ”Picture” to include an image of the person the Directory
Listing describes
Create a New Directory Listing for a Person cont on next page
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23 of 85 3. Select “Person” from the “Type” dropdown
4. Enter the first name of the person in the “Name” field
5. Enter the last name of the person in the “Last name/Secondary name” field
6. If relevant
a. Enter the person’s phone number
b. Enter the person’s job title in the “Job title/Location/Information” field
c. Enter the person’s email
d. Provide a description of the person
7. Expand the “Hours of operation” accordion to provide the person’s availability
Create a New Directory Listing for a Person cont on next page
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24 of 85 8. Expand the “Social media” accordion to provide the credentials for any
associated social media accounts
9. To complete the Directory Listing, click ​Save
Create a New Directory Listing for a Place
1. Click ​Add New
2. Click ​Browse under ”Picture” to include an image of the place the Directory
Listing describes
3. Select “Place” from the “Type” dropdown
Create a New Directory Listing for a Place cont on next page
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25 of 85 4. Enter the name of the place in the “Name” field
5. If there is a related secondary name or nickname for the place, enter it in the
“Last name/Secondary name” field
6. If relevant
a. Enter the phone number
b. Enter the address/location in the “Job title/Location/Information” field
c. Enter an email
d. Provide a description of the place
7. Complete the hours of operation
Create a New Directory Listing for a Place cont on next page
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26 of 85 8. Expand the “Social media” accordion to provide the credentials for any
associated social media accounts
9. To complete the Directory Listing, click ​Save
Create a New Directory Listing for a Thing
1. Click ​Add New
2. Click ​Browse under ”Picture” to include an image of the item the Directory
Listing describes
3. Select “Thing” from the “Type” dropdown
Create a New Directory Listing for a Thing cont on next page
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27 of 85 4. Enter the name of the item in the “Name” field
5. If there is a related secondary name or nickname for the item, enter it in the
“Last name/Secondary name” field
6. If relevant
a. Enter the phone number
b. Enter a brief description in the “Job title/Location/Information” field
c. Enter an email
d. Provide a description of the item
7. Complete the hours of operation in order to indicate hours during which the item
is available for use, rent, etc.
Create a New Directory Listing for a Thing cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
28 of 85 8. Enter the username and URL for any related social media accounts
9. To complete the Directory Listing, click ​Save
Edit a Directory Listing
1. Locate the Directory Listing you would like to edit from the list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Directory Listing to be edited
3. Make any necessary changes to the Directory Listing
4. Click on the ​Save button to apply your changes
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29 of 85 Delete a Directory Listing
1. Locate the Directory Listing you would like to remove from the list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Directory Listing to be removed
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Directory Listing
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30 of 85 EasyForms Create surveys and polls with ease and manage your results.
Create a New EasyForm
1. Click ​Add New
2. Add the title of the form (screenshot)
3. Include any content that will be display before the form fields in
the ”Body” WYSIWYG editor
● This might include a description of the form, or instructions for use, for
4. Click the ​Save button to move on to adding form elements
Create a New EasyForm cont on next page
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31 of 85 5. To add fields, click on the field type in the “Add a field” toolbox
Drag the field from the toolbox into the ”Form preview” window
● Fields can be reordered by dragging them upwards or downwards within
the ”Form preview” window
6. To view the properties of a field, click on the field within the Form
preview window
Edit an EasyForm
1. Locate the EasyForm you would like to edit from the EasyForms list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the EasyForm to be edited
3. Make any necessary changes to the EasyForm
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
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32 of 85 Delete an EasyForm
1. Locate the EasyForm you would like to delete from the EasyForms list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the EasyForm to be deleted
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this EasyForm
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33 of 85 Events Management
Manage all your events and program listings with online registration
Create a New Event Listing
1. Click​ Add New
2. Enter the name of your event in the ”Title” field
3. You have the option of entering only a start date/time or both a start and end
time. To include the end time, make sure the Show End Date checkbox is
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34 of 85 Create a New Event Listing cont on next page
4. If your event will be repeating, check the Repeat checkbox
a. Choose whether the event will be set to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or
yearly from the ”Repeats” dropdown
b. Complete the fields to set the repeating schedule, including when the event
should stop repeating
c. Set any dates that should be excluded or included outside of the set schedule
5. Set the Type, Topic, Category for the event as required
6. Optional​: Enter the ​Location​ associated with the event
● Click ​here ​to learn more about creating a Location listing
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35 of 85 Create a New Event Listing cont on next page
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36 of 85 7. In the Body WYSIWYG editor include the description of the event, information for
participants, etc. This may include text, links, and images
8. To attach additional files to your event listing, click the ​Choose File button
under ”Add a new file”
9. Browse to find the file you’d like to attach and click the ​Open button
10. Continue adding as many files as needed
11. Once all files are added, click the ​Upload button to attach them
Create a New Event Listing cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
37 of 85 12. To include an image to be displayed alongside the event details, click on
the ​Browse button under ”Image”
13. Click on the ​Choose File button to browse to find an image to include
14. Click the ​Upload button then ​Next
15. Complete the ”Publication Date” section
● Stacks allows you to choose not only when an event listing will be published
for viewing by patrons, but also when that listing will close
● Event listings may be created well ahead of time and scheduled to be opened
or closed to patrons at specific, scheduled dates
● To publish an event immediately, make sure the present date is set;
otherwise, set the publication and end dates as needed
16. To complete the event listing click the ​Save button
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38 of 85 Edit an Event Listing
1. Locate the Event you would like to edit from the Events list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the event to be edited
3. Make any necessary changes to the Event
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete an Event Listing
1. Locate the Event you would like to delete from the Events list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Event to be deleted
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Event listing
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39 of 85 Landing Pages
Create and manage pages using panel templates. Any previously created content node
may be added to a panel. This might include:
Create a New Landing Page
1. Click ​Add Landing Page
2. Enter a name for the Landing Page
3. Enter the file path for the Landing Page
● This should be the name of the Landing page, preceded by a “/” and the
relative location from which this Page should be linked
4. Click ​Add Landing Page to create the page
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40 of 85 Add Content to a Home/Landing Page
This includes configuring your Library’s home page.
1. Navigate to the Landing Page to configure
2. Click ​Customize this page
NOTE: This will display the panels to which you can add any previously created
content. You do NOT have to include content in every panel, and you may include
multiple pieces of content in each
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41 of 85 Link Checker
The Stacks’ Link Checker regularly scans your Library’s site to uncover any links which
return 403, 404, or other general errors. The results of the most recent scan are
displayed when you clink on the Link Checker tile in the Dashboard.
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42 of 85 Location & Hours Set locations and hours for one or many locations, with optional Google Places
integration, details and maps
Create a New Location Listing
Click ​Add New
Enter the title which describes your location in the “Location name” field
You can use the Google Places query to auto-complete many of the fields for the
Location. To use this tool:
Ensure that the ​Google Places API Key has been properly configured
Enter the name of your location in the ”Google Places query” and click
the Sync Address from Google button
Create a New Location Listing cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
43 of 85 c.
If you expand the “Location”, “Contact”, and “Hours” sections, you’ll notice
that Google has auto-completed many of the fields for you
If the information is incorrect, correct it as necessary
Double-check that your initial query was both correct and specific enough
Complete any relevant fields not auto-populated by the Google Places Query
In the Contact section include the contact information for the location itself
as well as the information for any people acting as primary contacts
More than one contact person’s information can be included as needed
Add operating hours for the location by expanding and completing
the ”Hours” section
To complete the Location listing click the ​Save button
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44 of 85 Edit a Location Listing
1. Find the Location you would like to edit from the Locations list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Location to be edited
3. Make any necessary changes to the Location
4. Click on the​ Save button to save your changes
Delete Location Listing
1. Locate the Location you would like to delete from the Locations list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Location listing to be deleted
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Location listing
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
45 of 85 Menus
Customize your Library website’s menus and manage their contents
Add Links to an Existing Menu
1. From the Menus list, locate the Menu to which you would like to add links
2. Click ​add link to the right of the Menu
3. Add a Menu link title
● This is the text that will be displayed in the menu
4. Add the Path for the link
● This can be an internal (eg node/add) or external (eg
Add Links to an Existing Menu cont on next page
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46 of 85 5. Provide a description for the link
6. Choose whether to enable or disable the link
7. Select the parent menu item for this link
8. Set the weight for the menu item
9. Check which user roles the menu item should be shown to, or hidden from
9. Click on the ​Save button to add the new menu link
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47 of 85 Edit a Menu Link
1. Locate the Menu which contains the link to be edited from the Menus list
2. Click ​list links to the right of the Menu
3. Locate the link to be edited
4. Click ​edit to the right of the link
5. Make any necessary changes to the link
6. Click on the ​Save button
7. Click ​Save configuration to save your changes
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48 of 85 My Theme
Customize the look and feel of your Library’s website
Apply a Stacks Theme
1. Click on the thumbnail of the theme you would like to apply
2. Click ​Set default theme
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49 of 85 Customize a Theme
1. Click on the thumbnail of the theme you would like to customize
2. Click on ​Settings in the bottom-left corner of the thumbnail
Enable/Disable Page Elements
1. Under Toggle Display choose to hide or display specific elements
Configure Logo
Configure the settings for the logo that will be displayed in the main navigation bar of
your Library’s website
1. You may choose to use the default Stacks logo (by checking the ”Use the default
logo” checkbox), or you may upload or link to a custom logo
2. To link to a file accessible on the server, enter its file path
3. Otherwise, click the ​Choose File button to upload an image file to use as your
Library’s website logo
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50 of 85 Configure Shortcut Icon
1. You may choose to use the default Stacks icon (by checking ”Use the default
shortcut icon” checkbox), or you may upload, or provide a link to, a custom icon
2. To link to a file accessible on the server, enter its file path
3. Otherwise, click the ​Choose File button to upload an image file to use as your
website shortcut icon
Configure Theme Assets
1. To apply a colour palette to the theme, choose from one of the color
combinations in the “Select a theme” dropdown
● This will change the colours of the theme’s elements including but not
limited to labels, buttons, borders, etc.
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51 of 85 Apply a Custom Background
To apply a background colour:
1. Enter the hexadecimal color value
Choose a color from the color picker
● To view an extensive list of hexadecimal color values click ​here​)
To add a background image from the Gallery:
1. Click on the preferred image to select it
● Selecting a background image will override the background color
Apply a Custom Background cont on next page
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52 of 85 To add a custom background image:
1. Click ​Attach
2. Browse to find the desired background image
● Selecting a custom background image will override both the background
color and any image selected in the Gallery
NOTE​: Click the ​
button to save any changes and/or
customizations to your theme
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53 of 85 News Articles
Create news articles to inform your patrons of events, features, or other important
Create a New News Article
1. Click ​Add New
2. Add a Title for your News Article and a date
● The date chosen does not affect when the News Article will be published
3. Use the WYSIWYG editor to add and format the content of your news article
● This could include text, images, links, tables, etc
4. To include an image that will be displayed in the preview of your news article:
a. Click the ​Browse button under ”Image”
Create a New News Article cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
54 of 85 5. To attach additional files to your News Article:
a. Click the ​Choose File button under ”File Attachments”
b. Browse to find the file you’d like to attach and click the Open button
c. Continue adding as many files as needed
d. Once all files are added, click the ​Upload button to attach them
6. Optional​: Include the name of the author of the News Article in the “Author” field
7. Optional​: Set an Expiration Date for the News article
● On that date, Stacks will remove the News Article from any page it may have
been added to
8. Click the ​Save button to add your News Article to your Library’s website
Edit a News Article
1. Locate the News Article to be edited from the News Articles list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the News Article
3. Make any necessary changes to the News Article
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
55 of 85 Delete a News Article
1. Locate the News Article to be edited from the News Articles list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the News Article to be deleted
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this News Article
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
56 of 85 Pages
Create and manage responsive content pages with easy multi-media support and full
Create a Page
1. Click ​Add New
2. Enter the title for your static Page
It’s important to choose a short, descriptive title that your patrons will
3. To add the basic content that will appear on the page, use the WYSIWYG editor
This editor includes options to add text, links, and images, with tools to
format those items
4. Optional​: Create a summary that describes the static content Page
If you choose not to edit the summary, Stacks will use the first bit of text
displayed as the default
5. Optional​: Set an Expiration Date for the static Page
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Page
6. To complete the static content page, click ​Save
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57 of 85 Edit a Page
1. Locate the Page to be edited from the Static Content list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Page listing
3. Make any necessary changes to the Page
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Page
1. Locate the Page to be deleted from the Static Content list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Page listing
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this News Article
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
58 of 85 People & Permissions Create and manage user accounts including passwords, contact info, permissions, and
automatic signups
Create a New User Profile
1. To create a new user account click ​Add User
2. Enter a user name
This must be unique and must not contain any punctuation except for:
periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores
3. Enter an email address for the user
All emails from Stacks will be sent to this address
This address will not be made public, and will only be used if the user
requests a new password or wishes to receive certain news or notifications
by e-mail
4. Enter and confirm the user’s password
To create a stronger password, ensure that it contains at least six characters,
upper AND lowercase letters, numbers, and/or punctuation
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59 of 85 Create a New User Profile cont on next page
5. Set the user’s status to Active or Blocked
If the account is blocked, the user will not be able to access the site
6. Check the Notify user of new account if you would like to send the user an email
notification of the account creation
7. Under ”Roles”, check the box(es) that are relevant to the user profile you are
There are four user roles/permission levels:
8. To complete the user profile, click​ Create New Account
Edit a User Profile
1. Locate the user whose profile you would like to edit from the People list
2. Click​ Edit to the right of the user name
3. Make any necessary changes to the user's profile
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your change
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
60 of 85 Cancel a User Profile
1. Locate the user whose account you would like to cancel from the People list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the user name
3. Click the ​Cancel Account button to save your changes
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
61 of 85 Research Guides
Create brilliant, responsive Guides & Tutorials with easy multi-media support. Unlike
more traditional research guides, Stacks provides you with simple but powerful
organizational tools that allow you to manage the content within your Research Guides
with ease. Stacks organizes Research Guides into collapsible Tabs and Blocks.
Blocks act like the individual pages of your Research Guide, while you can think of
Tabs as the folders that contain those pages ●
With a Research Guide’s content organized into neat Blocks and Tabs, patrons can
easily access specific sections of large, detailed Research Guides with ease Create a New Research Guide
1. Click​ Add New
2. Add the title for your Research Guide
3. Select a guide type from the ”Type” dropdown
You can specify course, subject, or topic as the type, or leave it as the default
to create a general Research Guide
Create a New Research Guide cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
62 of 85 4. Tag your Research Guide with any relevant subjects from the ”Subject” menu
This will allow your patrons to more easily find your Research Guide by
searching by subject.
To choose more than one subject, hold down the ​CTRL​ (Windows) or ​COMMAND
(Mac) key while making your selection
5. Add a name to the Tab
Tabs act like expandable folders which can contain one or many Blocks
Create a New Research Guide cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
63 of 85 6. Next provide a title for the first Block
7. You can now add the content to be contained in the block using
the ”Body” WYSIWYG editor
8. To add another Block to this tab, click on the grey ​Add another item button just
below the block you just created.
Repeat steps 6-8, adding as many Blocks of content to this Tab as required.
Blocks can be reordered a Tab by dragging them up or down, by the four-way
arrow icon to the left of the Block
Create a New Research Guide cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
64 of 85 9. To create a new Tab, click the bottommost ​Add another item button
Repeat steps 5-9 as required.
Tabs can be reordered just like Blocks, by dragging them upwards or down by
the four-way arrow icon to the left of the Tab
10. Optional​: Set an “Expiration date” for the Research Guide
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Research Guide
11. Once all of your Tabs and Blocks have been created and organized as needed,
click ​Save to finish Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
65 of 85 Edit a Research Guide
1. Locate the Research Guide to be edited from the Research Guides list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Research Guide listing
3. Make any necessary changes to the Research Guide
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Research Guide
1. Locate the Research Guide to be deleted from the Research Guides list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Research Guide listing
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Research Guide
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
66 of 85 Reserves
Create and manage Reserves for library resources associated with a specific Course,
Term, or Instructor
Create a New Reserve Listing
1. Click ​Add New
2. Add a title to clearly describe the Reserve
3. Complete any of the pertinent course description fields: Registrar Course ID,
Course ID, Term, Course, Course Date(s), Instructor Name
Create a New Reserve Listing cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
67 of 85 4. If required, include a description of the Reserve
● This might include instructions for use or a list of co-requisite materials
5. Click on ​Browse below “Attach media” to attach any relevant materials
6. Optional​: Set an “Expiration date” for the Reserve
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Reserve
7. Click ​Save to create the Reserve
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
68 of 85 Edit a Reserve
1. Locate the Reserve to be edited from the Reserves list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Reserve listing
3. Make any necessary changes to the Reserve
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Reserve
1. Locate the Reserve to be deleted from the Reserves list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Reserve listing
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Reserve
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
69 of 85 Resource Flows
Feature your reading lists with scrolling book jackets linked to catalog listings; patrons
can place requests via ILS integration if enabled
Create a New Resource Flow
Feature your reading lists with scrolling book jackets linked to catalog listings; patrons
can place requests via ILS integration if enabled
1. Click ​Add New
2. Add a title for your Resource Flow.
Create a New Resource Flow cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
70 of 85 3. Add items to the Resource Flow
For each book jacket, it’s a best practice to complete as many of the fields as
At a minimum include the title, ISBN and/or UPC and the link.
The provided link is where the patron will be sent when they click on this
particular book jacket.
If links are not provided, the Resource Flow becomes simply a gallery of
images, rather than a tool to guide patrons towards new and interesting
4. Add additional items by clicking​ Add Another Item and repeating Step #3
Create a New Resource Flow cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
71 of 85 5. Optional​: Set an “Expiration date” for the Resource Flow
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Resource Flow
6. Click ​Save to create the Resource Flow
Edit a Resource Flow
1. Locate the Resource Flow to be edited from the Resource Flows list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Resource Flow listing
3. Make any necessary changes to the Resource Flow
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Resource Flow
1. Locate the Resource Flow to be deleted from the Resource Flow list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Resource Flow listing
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Resource Flow
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
72 of 85 Sliders
Display a series of images in a slim horizontal carousel
Create a New Slider
1. Click ​Add New Slider
2. Add a title to describe your Slider
Create a New Slider cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
73 of 85 3. Begin adding Slides
a. Use the “Body” field to provide a caption, slogan, catchphrase, or short
b. Under ”Link”, add the url to which you would like to direct patrons when they
click on the slide
c. Click ​Browse to add the background image for the slide
● The image must be under 2MB, 1566*450 pixels, and one of the following
image file formats: png, gif, jpg, or jpeg
4. Add as many additional slides as you’d like by clicking on the A​dd another
item button and repeating step #3
5. Optional​: Set an “Expiration date” for the Slider
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Slider
6. Once all of the slides have been created, click the ​Save button to create the
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
74 of 85 Create a New Mini Slider
1. Enter a title for the Mini-Slider
● Depending on the Theme, this title may be displayed above the Mini-Slider
2. For each slide:
a. Enter a label to identify the slide
b. Provide a link the user should be directed to upon clicking on the slide
c. Click ​Browse to select an image to accompany the slide
3. Click ​Add Another Item to continue adding slides, repeating Step #2
4. Optional​: Set an “Expiration date” for the Mini Slider
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Mini Slider
5. Click ​Save to create the Mini Slider
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
75 of 85 Edit a Slider (Regular or Mini)
1. Locate the Slider to be edited from the Sliders list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the Slider
3. Make any necessary changes to the Slider
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Slider (Regular or Mini)
1. Locate the Slider to be deleted from the Sliders list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the Slider listing
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Slider
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
76 of 85 Social Media
Link your favorite social media accounts with shareable widgets already included
throughout your web content, and set the contact information to be displayed in footer
of your Stacks site.
Configure Contact Info
1. Provide a title for the block which will contain your Library’s contact info
● Eg “Contact Us”, “Quick Connect”, “Important Contacts”, etc.
2. Provide the Library’s email address
3. Optional​: Provide any of the following which may be relevant
● Staff Directory URL
● Directions URL
● Dropbox Locations URL
● Phone #
● Phone # (Alternate)
● Fax #
● Newsletter URL
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
77 of 85 Configure Connect (Social Media) Info
1. Provide a title for the block which will contain your Library’s social media
● Eg “Social Media”, “Connect with Us”, “Social”, etc.
2. Optional: Provide any of the following which may be relevant
● Mobile TXT URL
● Twitter URL
● Facebook URL
● YouTube URL
● Google+ URL
● Instagram URL
● LinkedIn URL
● Pinterest URL
● Tumblr URL
NOTE: Click ​
to add your contact information and/or social
media links to the footer of your Stacks site
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
78 of 85 Taxonomies
Create and manage vocabularies of keywords to classify content with, similar to tags or
labels in other systems. Content tagged with these keywords can then be searched,
sorted, or filtered by them. Create a New Vocabulary
1. To create a new Vocabulary, click ​Add Vocabulary
2. Include a name for the Vocabulary as well as a brief description
3. Click ​Save to create the Taxonomy
Add Terms to a Vocabulary
1. In the Vocabularies list, click on ​add terms, to the right of the appropriate
Add Terms to a Vocabulary cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
79 of 85 2. Add the name for the term as well as a brief description
3. Expand the ”Relations” field to define a relationship with a Parent term
● For example, you might chose to create a relationship between "CompSci
1015" and "Summer Semester 2016"
4. Click ​Save to add the terms to the Vocabulary
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
80 of 85 Edit the Name or Description of a Vocabulary
1. In the Vocabularies list, click on ​add terms, to the right of the appropriate
2. Make any necessary changes to the Vocabulary
3. Click ​Save to apply the changes
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
81 of 85 This Day in History
Create and manage a list of historical events that can be linked to relevant library
resources via ILS integration
Create a New Day in History
1. Click ​Add New
2. Enter the title of the event
● eg. Daphne Du Maurier, author of Rebecca, is born
3. Enter a description of the event
Create a New Day in History cont on next page
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
82 of 85 4. To link the event to a specific library resource, enter the resource’s ISBN and
Title, as well as the author’s name, if relevant
5. Enter the date on which the event occurred
6. Optional​: Set an “Expiration date” for the Day in History
● On that date, Stacks will remove the Day in History
7. Click ​Save to add the new Day in History
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
83 of 85 Edit a Day in History
1. Locate the Day in History to be edited from the Days in History list
2. Click ​Edit to the right of the event
3. Make any necessary changes to the event
4. Click on the ​Save button to save your changes
Delete a Day in History
1. Locate the Day in History to be deleted from the Days in History list
2. Click ​Delete to the right of the event listing
3. Click the ​Delete button to confirm the removal of this Day in History
Stacks Help Manual v5/Stacks Version 2.0.1
84 of 85 