One Quarter (27%) Of American Teens Use Facebook Continuously

One Quarter (27%) Of American Teens Use
Facebook Continuously Throughout the Day
Just One Quarter (25%) Don’t Have a Facebook Page
Ipsos Public Affairs is a non‐partisan, objective, survey‐based research practice made up of seasoned professionals. We conduct strategic research initiatives for a diverse number of American and international organizations, based not only on public opinion research, but elite stakeholder, corporate, and media opinion research. Ipsos has media partnerships with the most prestigious news organizations around the world. In the U.S and internationally, Ipsos Public Affairs is the media polling supplier to Reuters News, the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, and the Hispanic polling partner of Telemundo Communications Group, a division of NBC Universal providing Spanish‐language content to U.S. Hispanics and audiences around the world. Ipsos Public Affairs is a member of the Ipsos Group, a leading global survey‐based market research company. We provide boutique‐style customer service and work closely with our clients, while also undertaking global research. To learn more, visit: www.ipsos‐ For copies of other news releases, please visit: http://www.ipsos‐‐polls/. One Quarter (27%) Of American Teens Use
Facebook Continuously Throughout the Day
Just One Quarter (25%) Don’t Have a Facebook Page
New York, NY – On the heels of the announcement that Times Magazine has named
Mark Zuckerberg 2010’s “Person of the Year”, a new poll of American teens conducted
by Ipsos Public Affairs has revealed that three quarters (75%) of teens have a Facebook
page, and one quarter (27%) of them admit to accessing their Facebook page
continuously throughout the day. Furthermore, two thirds (65%) of teens that can access
the internet through their mobile device are continuous Facebook users.
Nearly three in ten teens (27%) check their Facebook page at least once a day, meaning
that a majority (54%) of online teens are on facebook every single day. In contrast, 13%
of teens access their Facebook page a few times a week, while 3% are on their page a few
times a month. Just 2% of Facebook users access their page less than once a month.
Wade Valainis, Senior Research Manager at Ipsos adds, “The worry the last couple years
was that as Mom joined Facebook and presumably started commenting on her child’s
posts, teens would abandon the social media giant in droves. This research shows that
isn’t happening yet.”
The data reveal that some teens are more likely to be “super users” of Facebook, meaning
they’re on the site continuously throughout the day:
• Teenage girls (30%) are more likely than boys (24%) to say they’re on Facebook
continuously throughout the day.
• Those aged 16 (38%), 17 (34%), 15 (30%) and 14 (28%) are most likely to be
continuously on Facebook, while teens aged 13 (18%) and 12 (13%) are less
Not only are most American teens on Facebook, but their devotion to the site begins at a
young age. Fully one half (50%) of online teens aged 12 years old have a Facebook page.
By the age of 13, the proportion of teens without a Facebook page drops to 35%, and then
down to 17% by age 14 when it then levels out, suggesting that many Facebook users are
solidified by the age of 14.
These are some of the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted November 17-19, 2010. For
the survey, a nationally representative sample of 1,009 randomly-selected teenagers
residing in the U.S. interviewed on the Ipsos’ U.S. Online Teen omnibus. With a sample
of this size, the results are considered accurate within ±3.0 percentage points, 19 times
out of 20, of what they would have been had the entire population of employed adults in
the U.S. been polled. The margin of error will be larger within regions and for other subgroupings of the survey population. These data were weighted to ensure the sample's
regional and age/gender composition reflects that of the actual U.S. population
according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
-30For more information on this news release, please contact:
Wade Valainis
Senior Research Manager
Ipsos Reid
Public Affairs
(312) 665-0552
Releases are available at:
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