
Regulations and guidelines relating to Title 10, Chapter 32 and
Title J7, Chapter 194A of the Chicago Municipal Code
City of Chicago
M. Daley. ~yor
Office of the Mayor
Dear Fellow 0'""",",
MIrly..,. )'Wt .,0. ~ ialn.oduo::td !be G.uI. 10 1M O~
I-'wyHOrd-. lit Ih£ decatk _ _ tbisJWdc has bccomt I .......blc
i _ a : III ~ ODd illoutmmc 1M rcqwrtm£ftII old!< I '""","pc
Ordim ...... l'IIrouab OM"...... • appbcauoa aDd mfut ............. oIlbc ~
"" taav.:a>oYed ciOliC 10 OUt p i of~ ..... p1 •• , d' lrtC.laxd 1IrC<:I
. " boIIlen:rds, _......,CW -a.. aDd ""h,~ piopc:n:,
KO'OI ... _~ lIpOftl.....,.m'llcrmjnm !hal odnwwlra1>On1lld
!be City c..u..cll hayc.,..m lIkeD
lead III beau:Q1'yma: OW my by ~ I
TMSed l.andsc.ape ~.I itMte yea to study this ;u II> 1M Ch~"fO
~ ON/1ItiIM. 10 IIDCIemmd tbe$o ~lu!Ia:a md II>< lit ... '""YI ill
.. hicb WI: can til imp<ove the character of our city.
~~~11bc iDcIividuaIs who have OM~1ed lhcu Ia>o ...lcd~ md
IIlppOIt 10 !his dl'CII'I. I 1II'J' die: mizcm; ofChicaao 10.10'" ... ,.lIoLc!ltancd
support of OW _ , .,."",.. ()rdm.!Itt I look forwvd 10 all of ... 1Iwm& ill
do!: bcDofits of III tDa'tUiDalY beautiful ary,
Cbpter I: Parkway pbatiac
Cbapter 2: Parkinlloc aDd .... aflU .., .. iliac
- ~;
. .~
CIIapur 5: EM..............
Chzpccr 6: C"'oria&nIIId.i"",
Appeocli:r A: Ddlnitioas
"PP"""i' C: 'luu typel &lid ~
Appe<ldil E: SU1Ktunhoil
----------------------n.e IJDIIl of Chica$o', " .......ope ~ W
been 10 belp .... h~ up to the
dcscnpI>Oa ofc::h>cap caprum! ill DID" Clly .....L ""\;rbs III Hono.~ Of Clly III I
G... <So:!I.. Ow oOjc<:n,'c " ..... a",",,~ cny or ::..,.hDC>CIott«U lnd. bouln-.rd$.
p-cene: ... "bborboodo, ""d eniwIud ~ ,·.I\IeO. ChlCalo Iw bad •
'lI"0II1 brw;bcapo o~ In effec' lUlU IWI. :md ma.ny of 1IIou ob)e<:nvu
ha~c already beea a<;hieved.. HW1drc4s of PfOJ«!S have plaruOl! 1Mo,,·ndt of
!rOeS &lid ohnIbs III parkw10ys lDd an>WXi Of WIlhm poI"bni loa llI>U ll-.a' tI.:M.
n.e peopII: ofOx:.1" (fa>dc;tl$, bt,·,,,..... ov.=, &lid ,"",:on alike) bcndi:
bu:mNI cly filled wllhlm:$. s.brobs.:md flcto.'eI"J We all bme!lt
..-tom the tugb ta::pe:U:JreS ohbe -urbc beat oslmd"" ..... ~ by the
OOo:nslve use of ~ Q<IOPY !fees "'..", bot. u;w.l: ","vOl! i = poI"bn;
lots.. BmIi &lid othr. ""ldhfe benefit from !be "'0=; ond ~ habnlt.
11'fu&c, aDd food iOIII«S ptOV>ded by ll2ldical''''_ ill ,,"hal COIIld o~ be •
oterile u:ban cnVU!><ll!lCl1L
ibe Cily ofOica ... ba$ led by examplo III tht- :o:u. of u:ban 1andicop",,, :md
Iw _ &IUd 0Ihcn II> do ... hal ,\ os .." willml to do ,tIC\!. Satttscapc I'",)ects
ha~ mulled !D cr=m>I ond beallnflCallCa !I::-o<.-gbout doc oily. Schoob..
libnne:s, pol:« &lid ~ SII_ &lid 0Ib::: ~Iic bt,jJd,"i' ~. &lm:tIt ..-r.bou:
~ ~ &lid bw/I wrIIt COftS>Ik:':I.-. tOf 1.."'oC'I'IIII &lid bea:mflCl._
!IDa. It "dcsucd tIw all publIC bt'iJd:nl ~ ,.lant au. I%ICUWUII •
of 4~ W",n
of ,.la:!"",
ibe "'1d'Clpt' 0I1ii:tunt. adoplOl! In IWI ~~tred ,.fO)CCII
I """tmW:!
.LZC (IIOI iD<:1wlIn& ''''Ile borneo. No"O-fi.1S. &lid ~11a1l) 11> ....... 11 :md
mIiIIu.m hndvtplllJ ao pU1 of their C<IaOtnICtlOn, repo1I". or ",hobwlIlIOII.
~ III t!Iru bas.: ~
""'"1""1 ....,
f'I:brc lot &lid ~ "" area Ia"Ce:I:lII
f'I:brc lot ond "cIuc\:llr .... ara ~ 1'!.onn=J
h II the ""':til oftlua <C\'IIfd bnch,.,po 0I"Iii:ta!:>cc to make Chlc.,o bealth= :md
""'"' beautiful Tha may be done: by truW.DDI !andscIP"'I ~\I=IJ '"
ueI$ whkb we.,. ;trCv_ly overloo1<<d. Of by incrnlU1llat>d.scltpittl "'Q\lIn'"'""" the c:usuaa ~" baw: n.mod 0111 10 be !IW!cqII.a:c. or by
&:fIM:ta ~uim:lcu1S IlIOn: cml'uJlY. 10 th:zt l,ndv'P"'l is 110: lvoided
throup .... of ,ml1l!C'_1 "1oopbo1o$. ~ In 04chooc to ~ =~
~I$, 1_1
l .... atId o1bcr ",~n:d .... bl . 0 '.utiL.;n be mrutred III
doc fo1lowmc 04ch1JOCLll CllClontI'
f'I:brc SWCIllrQ atId JL-a;es
hb ... UKnll(pl&ulcn. Wff1 l'un....I""... etc.)
Oro"""" med1"", ond ,.Llnttt desip
aU of the ludscqc ~~IJ lR be"" (butied.. Some ofdwl ba$,.
"",hld.". ;m>JCC1S thaI ...., exempt from Wtdscap"'l ""I"!rCttICtIlS,
me sar:>o:. Pwkways '"'"' fOf example ... i1111i1l be ""Iu~-OI!" the 1:I:C
of ..... (I) tr« pc:: "'"mIy_ftw: Imcar feet (IF) of Wff1 fmn~: the lIZC ofthc
1m$. bowc-.--cr. w'J! be UICtUUd. The
KCUo:! JI'fOYtdcs ..... overVJ/fOI oflbe "...,., IaMse'l'1III ~\III"emttI$. :md tbt boknc:c ofthos 600......."
.......~. detailed explam.1lOa atId i1lustneort of all of:be ...... lat>d.sclt;>:n;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ---,
Wb., typeS of proj«u
tnmpl from lalldscapill&
Com1nlCUOn. repol:". or n:h.lbihlltio~ of."y ODe, t'A'0, Of Ihre. ftmily
Ratonotion of..,y buildmf or poftIOfIIheteof damazed by rln:. expioslClll,
flood. ~UIW:y. or 0Il:eT ,aJcniry
~ tCpllt. Of
n:!labilillt"""of""y acceuory (t.... ,Inl', f=.
etc.) buildmpor $InICtIn$
10 ....-bl otber mSllLDce$ 151111dscaping nOI requirt'li?
Par.... y tn:cs an: IlOl r..qutm! ...'lIm: !be pam<...y (1M dllWICc from tht
Sc=& i$ not ftCII1md for parkiDa \oIs Of od>er vehicular _
1:!1mIAl plam:q IS IlOl reqwred for ~ Iols or odin >'Cbu:ular use areu
amlkr than l.OOO Sf
CUIb 10 me riJlu-of·.....y) is !eu dIalI em. (9) fffi wide
.....u..- tbanl.200 sqlW'C feel (Sf)
of proj«u are J'ftluind
m:llh:llain Landsl::apinc?
Wbl ~~
10 iDSllI.lI alld
CoDsttIICtI<XI of any prmapa\ t.!ild'~ (~c .. !be m&lD build:n!I or l = c .
II ~ 10
are ..
*" ac«UOI')' 11K or ~)
AcIdmcIcs Ie> build=p'" acas ofl.500 Sf of floor am
Rcpuo< ~ of. ,""jI'!'q 1!!bc _ ~SlO,OOOOt 50
~ of!bc wild",,', replacc:mr:rll-. ...1oJI;bo-;er IS ~
c-uc_ of 1ft)' ~ 101 or ocbe: ,~ UK ana Fate tban
R.eplu-. ",hahllilOlIOII, or ~\O.ft of .."y e"XlI",,& ;wkmt 10. or other
vdncular _ .,.". "",,1I.l.DllI1 mon: IlwI l ,200 SF of auclI repoir. ",N.bila,.
11011, or expusioa woWd IIICrtut !be: nwnbe:r of exlSMi pa:bIIJ; fPlUS by
more tbaI1 2S ~ or 4 'fIKQ
DIqoml park:tq dcsIpcd IIId ...... tnICIed ",,:hm 11K npt-o(-way Ja'eODiq around parltiac lOb .Dd 0I1m" ".laicuh. _
II'US is nqoind for:
CoaslNCt>oc of any nblCUlar .... area of 1.200 SF 0< man: "'hIe!! u >"uiblt
!'rom • public ript...,f.WIIY
Coourn.u;tiQ:l of lJIy vchi~\l.1u .... ma ofl.200 SF Of !nOR CQ:I!l;uou< to •
RcsIdeDcc DutnCt or exutIDl UIS!l1U1io!I (c.", ocbools. bospllals. chl.lIobcs.
Itq>all". rchahihllbCC.. or opus"'" of.., y CUStlDI po..-\<"'I Lot or othc,
..e.eular _ :l,,,,,,!nOn! thu 1.200 SF ifS\IC!l~. rchahd!tatlOC, or
rq>'n_ ........scI i:>creaK !be IIWIIbcr of e:w:ms; pclw:.l: 1pK0I by:MfC
"C1w12.S percem or ~ Jpaca.. 'fIiI>I:bt\"C1 IS lt$$
Laadsupt pI... ti"l ooitlllJl parlti"l lou.:lad
arno io reqlllM 'or:
Co:Is~ of veblcuW
om- ,·tbieodar '*
areu of 1.200 Sf 0: I"QOR:.
Is:l special permit ntcessa'1'· ror the inSlall:llion of required
A pennI' Is mtull"~ from Iht SIlt""u of Fo:-estty 10 n:mDVe. pWn. Inm. or
lab my ..:ti<m thaI .. ,u, In lD)' way, aife<:, 1M health of !reel III !he pub1.J<
A ~ WIdscap< p<:mIII .. no: requmd lor otbcr IaftdscIpc malenall.
~ pcmulI ore • pa.'t of ~'>e' roormaI ptO«$I of"bui\d.lq &lid
ztJnIDi permltlppbca:JC:IS.. If you ....., reqwrcd 10 apply for bllildml Of
ZOIIIDi pmrua.. you 1M)" be m;wrcd to IUbmll ta""":apula pIam.. You
IboWd I) ~ wbnIwt !lilt project UlUbJCCI \0 die
"C!IcIe'- 2) cr.cmm", !lilt aK, ,.,qu.=u., 3) ~ a J:u.l.
~ plan. &lid .) iUbm:l !lilt plu 10 W ~, (Room
Ciry HllJ. 121 Son!> LaSalle S:=t, ChlcaJO. illInOIS 606(2) au pan of
!lilt i)o ljld'Dl permll apphcatlDO..
Tbe ~I of Zorunl ,,"Ill !"C'·;e" ..."><1 apprOve or ~o'·, ....
bndacape plu. If;, II DO, approved, SpIIC,f" recomm<udatlOlll to brUlE ll-.e
\an.dKlPC platl ,,"0 co:lfO:"ll"'WlCe wlth!hcst Guldel",es WIll be IIOIod 0tI!he
cortCl'tIOII $Itw..
What inform3tion must be submintd?
See Appcad.Il< 8 fOf • d>o.:klIS!. of reqwmi m!ormIlIOII.. A copy of IIuI;
cbecklw IboWd be atIaCb<d 10 lho I..... v . pl&ll.u!d filled DIll by !lilt
:appbcIIU poor 1091""""_
! IrvlV'lp" permit ="""11
QOIIlWIIhc ............
by lho ......a
&lid rqlllel"td IlDdsc:ape *,,:lonec"I tha, lho ch""'iI hi" been ~ III
wuh !be reqwremenlJ of !lilt ~ Ordu!arcc oflho City
of ChiCl.iO and oflho G~ufc k> lAc CJucago L/Jftd4c#pt. Qrd"",tICt.
Wbal types or plant ml(~rial$ are acceplab)~?
See AppmcI .. C for a I.., of '«<p1:lble ,,""$, shrubs.*"" OIlIc platllS
Can (be lalldSl:aping rrqui~m~Dts be wlh·ed?
Tbe vreemIIl Of" IarIdsape ""!'I~ may be "'.... ,.~ Of :nodIfotd
p<OV>!Scd !hal !lilt Zo~ Ade·e"'...."" fmds!ha, I) 1bc 1t:"\Cl appilUtoO:O of
!be rtqW."C:1r.IIS ...-ou!d 4c;mvc :be app!<alu of n"UOIIIblc "" of lho !&:Ie!
~ od>c:w .... i:D;>ov m = - b k hatdIhl;>. &lid 2)!be coo.:htlo:!s
aJ>d C'.m:mI_ UJ>OI1 ",.bJct,. lho " "&"'C Of" moc!IflCal>OII II-alII uc 1lOI
caused by !be appltant. FIlr1hc.! ........ !he ZoiIma AdrniIIilU"lto: may prnr.r:
liI .... ~11eCtwa1 01 wWn !icslp>- solutlOO 10 the vreemIIl of park'D; .........
:uOVlded!be allmlallVC m=s:he :-equ....mmll ofs..l>s«nOil 11.7",,:; (IO)
o{ibc ChIClJO Zo:uq Onl.m;uu:e.
-:l:t I
Pennit review
How long d~ it lake to get a permit?
A 1mdscI~ pl.&n will requi.." no IIIfm I1mf: Iba~ 1$ f~1lOd for _ I
ptOCC$$I1!J ofb<aiJdula: and t<mma apphcat>om. III some cues. COMmon&!
~ or your 2IDGIIIJ permll$ ~ be ~ pcnduI,c
Buna.I. or
Foruny', _ _ ofl'f'lPO'edp.. :n...y trees. Tho B;llUu ofForemy ..ill
pcoc= pabo..y cree plam &lid permll$ .... lIull ~'"" worIaq day •.
How wiU th e 11I n ~. pio g requ irt mt nlJ be t n forctd?
P~I from me [)epanmCIIt orZo=a: will !U$p<Cl projfe\ lU~i 10
=:-0: WI me ... qwmllmdv>plD&: """ bea> '''$!tIW A Cctnl'icI .. of
O-O,...ncy.....u _ be itsv..d ICliI iDspcC1Oi1 have VWlcC me llle &lid
dete. 11IIDtd Willie reqwred la:Idtca;:"tlI tw btc:> "...:aIled.. Surf&«
p&:l';m& k>a mel ocIIer ,"dt>cuIar IIS< ...... fft!Wf"". Cemfil;a.w of(kcu.
,f_lbo::r p<!vtl\a IlIe InStillatIOn of ... quired I&tldsuPlfII:, IlIe ZorunJ
Admmts_ will rtqtute • pe:tfOi"D'>lllCe boad 10 iDsIIro Willie rtquiml
!lncIsc2pq will be....wJed "'~!luQ.a ~ _ pmod{up 10m
1tIOII:lhJ). Fou......aa me imun.tion ofw mptt:uIl ........p\II&.-I mspec.
l>ODb)'me CJly~l.lIIcpm<lmWlOi: boad ..ill be ... lelKd.
IhlllJlpllCllll 1$ pl&nWtJ; mon: !ball tweDty.r"", (25) parkw.Y 11"0<"$, tbt
B"","u ofFOIaI1Y rtqIl ..... that all m:. tlUJDi be doDe b)' I Bwuu
reptnOlIlSlIve pno< 10 dlums. Applo.;ulS tboold =re: tN.. die ,,~
".." StlWI~ 1be m:es aud IlIe IIMvapr uchIleC1 obs.c:rvtq lbc pl&nUIIJ
.... familiar With !be Bureau', SW>dardt :and. specUlC>.1IOIlS. III 0Ihcr
,,"..""'" dw BUlUII'1 aatr willlDlpCCl tra:s at lbc osnot)' Ifrcqucstcc!
by m. app!ICIIIL If1 fIlCh cues, 1be appbcw mtoSt pay all BI=Iu ex;>mS<'i
u:>SpOeI>OD mclud:q 1be COlI orln... "l. IocII'IIJ (t! !IeUU&IY). :and. 1
percent aclr.,,""tranve ovcthc-acl fee.
A permit _
be obW!ICd from !be Bwuu of Forestry pru>r 10 pla.o..u.nJ
...... ;,,!be p.!blic nah!-of·'n)'
\\bat is an ac«puble performa DC"e bond?
....'hell • perf~ bo:od IS ~ !be bo"ilditla: O"TIti" Wll POU JUch
boad ""h !lie (;.on-q>troller of !be c.ty of Clma",. A ~ffQmWlC. bond
may inClude CIty ".;unties 0: fixed income ".;un1lcs, a, tbt Comptroller',
dlsc:rcticIII. 10 eDIIII"C me tm::I!IwoII of !be reqwrnl. ~PIIII.
In t!>e~. of. b.ih!n:
W: m;w:ed pm=na:oce. t!>e Za:t"" Ado""","",
slIalll>ObfY !be to,jk!,"1£ o"'-..n of _b failo..... ..".s w1l snpubw :he
per;.cofWDe ",which !be bwldma O'III-..nlw 10 con=!be fatlun:. Iftbo
PiIun: 1$ _ COllected 1lI:he $npal&tcd lime, lbc: Zoltllli Adlllllllll,.,1O: may
deeM !be buildlttJ """"" ID deflul, of the ffq~iml peffonnanc:c. ""'" the
Oty ",.y mOt« \he oOlIaauoD by "biw,·.. means may K "1'1'"'1' ..... :0 10
!be 1t:ualtoD. llui IOCIudes Jettms COftne\J fo: do"'J ""Y m;um pIann:!J.
iIIStIl' • ...,." or 1mlII!.<:lUl:II;C. a<>d pa)'IDa: all labor. matcnal a<>d ocbcr cosu
_c:..l "",111 iUclt ",-.rl: !':om t!oe boad Of Ci:y """"!lei !be buildma
0".....,. OS ~ 10 proviJk.
Tho Oepa:1mCD! ofZo:lmi sbalI wnw IlId let a ,Q!l...
.... ct for tho! ....talbl1a:l
Pennit review
of IOQIllft'd !oNlvap'.!II for p:<>p:tI III dtfl",h. OfII:t \be <:OIIntt IS
lwarded. Ibo boodml pnoes ..ill ~ baw! I;Iport II>c: ~ btcI prices,
HI,...,. I <:OIIU'aC1Df' readily avoil&ble 10 !m!.Ill lind""""" ..;u a>eoural¢
......"Iopen 110 c;ompln< !be l'ndvap"'C oc tile" OWl!. Also. <Ius <:OC.:.KI co:
be ~btCI IllppOPC"1< II\I<r'oU 10 k.,..,1:>or>o:\ma _
.........1111..., IUIC!
wnb I'IIIrl<et pnca.
S7SO.00 per requlfCd 4" or &rater taliper tr« ;" ifuwr OOWl!!O ..... ~a
SSOO.OO per reqllllcd 2.5" or ¥mit':" tallpe. tre<O
SSOOOpn required shNb
55.00per squ= fooIofrequ!JCd W>dscr,>ed ma
Who is responsiblt for tht 1U2inltD20CCl of required
I.Dd$c2p in l?
• AlII'foCl1U1'cd bndVapmc _
be .......!al::>Cd by Ibo ptope<!)" owce: in sood
CODCbIlOlL ADy damall£d ... dead ~ sh.-..bI. or ~ .. mill! lit
prompdy Iq'laccd.. M~ or~ arus mcludon. but is!lOl
!"'Iiwd 10, .... et<b.q. ~ ~ ptWWII cd&mI. cull1'"l1IOI>.
oecdI.q. r~UOII. ..... terma. pest CODlfOlllld lDym"" else necessary 10
= bCllthy. V'iorous pllDt IfOWIh If\d 1TI1mtall\ 1M .... m I Slplly
• n.. landyope <>1'IllnIDcc: reqUIrCS propmy ownen 10 mamulII park ......y
for I miDlIIIW>I pmod. of five ye.of$ follo"'""'l Ibolr wUJJ pllDuaa.
Af\.et thIS five yur penod.!he City', BUK... orForcmy ",.,U lIIIrIIIt
rapomibo1ny for !be ....1DlenIDi:C of parbioy _
I andlOplllllllJlll1ed
OQ ptl\".11It ptOpmY ""'" be m&zfIwud dunD& Illlmla WI !be jAOPC:lY is
Oepvtmtm of P'lar.tllJli IlId D<'",,!op...eru
CnylWl, Room 1000
121 Sortb LaSall<: Strut
Ou01Oo 1110..0;1 60602
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _cSouom
and s cape re quire m e nts
H~IS oftbe '""'Isc .... ~ ""' N follows;
amplcll: bSIS ofrcqwremc:lts:
*' followq dlap-.m for
Park"ny plantil1&
One (I) tree per ....' (2$) h:xu fm(Lf)of!rm<a&< 0'" pubhc
fOllr (4) wh ItUlIimwn cal:pe'
:hm !be "paItr doIo"lOWII" (L-ea
bouI>tW by :-;'«\h Av..,ue, l ab Midlipn. CmnU ko.od. _>d
= ...
(2-112) meh minimum caliper IrftS O\IUI«!he "1feI1tt
AU pvbhc boiiJdma pn>j<ru ohouJd. bulan> DOl requlftd 1(1, wWI four (4)
incb ~ <:lJ.pc:r ~ rep<<ll,," of iogouoa rciauve 10 !be "i<U"Cf
CoaIlDUOUS, open pWI:en wuh COIIWll>OIl$ plaDwta
IJIOU .... Iumes arc;
plmled ID ~ ope:mnp; ..,.
of ...... ma<k fn>m recycled mnmals if ~
Swc=raJ IOil or root paIhI: OK rcqwred below ~ " WD 1JCIO ",,1eS
T.... JWa an: reqIW'td .i><n
Bild lava roc:k mukh:md III&IIS" plvaftElDlllwd ....., mesh an:
req.umI ilI_ pllS below Uft palOS ",!be JlUICf do1o.... I0"'" arc;'
:>1= bto;b he""t: 7'-0" abo>.., tbe I'OOIbloU
Parking lot lnd vehicular use aru screening
• So,...., (7) fOOl wide perimeter IandJcapc<l Ue& (2 fOOl car ovubaD,. S fOOl
Iaodsaped area)
C""""''O''. ~ bod",. !lWt1tamcd hefWUQ 1hiny (30) """ fony-e,pt
(48)...ebea bot&ht
T_p~ toqIIIrt<i 1ft ~1.Inc1!clpM &!H" I talC' or~ per
fW'eaI)'.fivc elS) feel of lmear froctate
Fluibih1)' III o:m: "*",,i fo:- pCruI>I::n I.......p " _
Om·""",·! IIItIaI ftIICUIl .........:I ....... parkq Jotr; aM 0Iber ""bICUW use
areu{4 rOOl belsbll)'plQl; 6 footbellhl ar<NDd1CClU'Od ~ 100). 10
be Ioeared five (S) fOCt from P<kwalk IZI K>'"" (7) rOOl pcnmo:w. Iud-
..... -
fCDC"', zroUDd exlStm& pukma lou iIDd 0Iber vehicub:
(be>a;b::s per Iho~):
ExutinJ pulull, lou ill. ",">Ie, 60"'",10"'''' !O add onwnomal m<1al
Oruameatal meW
fCKUli by 2002
uilWla ~ lOtS above ]00 IplCes !O add OI1IaIIlC1IWII>CW
relIC"" by 2004
E:cisWII ~ lots abo·.. e 41J>"CS to add
Q!CtIOl fencm,
., "".
NI r<qIIU'm>mIS for crimn, pukmz lou of DOI.for.profil iml:MlolIS
Fcr.aDi ""!lInd OIIly aIoa: po:blK: npw.r..... y; allcyt 1>01 IIICIudcd
Om· ......"'!
req-=c.l alon$: 10< IirIfs ~C!lt to ~ _
fcDa:. Ioodze rcqmre<! aloo:z IIdI: or ~ar lot Lmcs or properIICS
<Oans-& ..~lh IUIdc::maI distnc:J
(loam.1mk ftlle"" 1>01 pa=ned
HOle bibbI req=o:! '"'"tty ODe lIw>dmI (lOG) feet 1I::ouzbou< prn.-nner
].ndv,P' ana
• Wan.
mew f""""',
Summary of landscape requirements
ParkiDg 101 and ,-tbicula r ust area inltOlal plallting
Rcqwred ludsaped area of \Whoa !oil lIId OIM!' vehicular U$C areas 10
,~ as a fu:.:tioa of llZC:
- hrklll; LoIs below MOO Sf' !'o IIIIm1&1Ia:1dsa;>ed area ~
- pam.., Lacs be.....'" 3,OOOud..,500Sf': btanll laMs; lped_
equalllCl (h.., (5) perot::! of I0O.I ora.
- ParkIII& Lacs be""",,u 4.300 ud. 30,000 Sf': IaICnIaIlanelP"3p"d ora.
equal 10 ICVefI and 0<II!-1Wf (1 ,5) pm;cm o(lOIll ara.
- ParIMJ lou above lO,OOO SF Internal W!d$caped area cquallO II;n
(!O) PC'"'" of lOla! area
ODe (I) tr« pc!' 125 SF of requtrW. IIIIm1&1 landscaped area. ,,,eha,,.., of
11'"" pwn"" . .IUd III perimcIcr IenOvopt L-ea _ see ChapleT T\O'Q
Four (4) irIch mm,"",,,, caliper Ln'CS wnIw! IIIc ~sra:er do-o.'DIO"''U" (see
Two ud. OO\C-balf(2-1'2} ""'h ""-"ltIII.U! c:ilipa' LI'«S wlS>de die'
Tr« lor:aUon. vducuW use areas below 4,500 SF: RcquIUd Ln'CS may
be pw",:d "" penm:tn
Tree Joc:anon. vdI>cuIar U$C:areu abow •
SF; R~ tueS mL:St
be p!w.ed III iDIenW ..w.ds
esc of porooa$ or perme:ablc P* ...... ::amnaIs for "'~ pa:ha; aro:!
odIa low "" vailS ClICOW1I.ccd
M"w"m IWO fOOl (2--0") cxea'"llJOtI below IIIc parkmJ owfacc
Backfill mtctnal iIblIda with 1OJ>'OL! \0 top of curb, &I>d 1I'IOIInc11Op1<1~ up
&lKIther $I" (6) inc:bes above lOp of fILI'IOILndmg curb
s.: .. spreadiq tmopy trees, 10 IDCreqe w~ lIId ~ '\L:tq hea:
..w..r- .(ffel
Parking Slruttures and guagts
Trees. Wubl., ~''''' and pe1't'DIUal p!&:!t:niS must be p!w.ed '"
any <a!<U-~ HIbod: ZOllO
w bue of. paron) S1nICwn:. 'f 10 ~lermUted
Vifte$ may be fcqu.uN "
by !be Department ofPl.o.:!run, ... d De-vc!opmtn.
0... m.:..nd p:n:cDI of lOW IiDnr ftlOllL,c of = n e d ottuc1LIn:
I':aruc' public nght-of-way II ~ 10
pet UIIU".
Janel" ; I "l'I'"" In-el ~ 1w:PIS baskns.. no ...... bcu:t$_
or ftn..... "'1lII J>b= d:suibuwl alort& me """'" InLJtt. orlbe &cade
s.:1ISa«'IItd opnmp facm& <Uld.eali.lluscs or other OCZ$lnve COIIdItIoos
0..00:1_ fa<:"'1 • public rigbl-of-way may be ~ \0 "''''' penmeler
pw.MJ methodo pc!' abO\'e
s.:DOOvOKd plrltluc oc !be top !cv..1of I parl::D£ ItnIC!IIR &han m;uire
rooftop pWIICI'I arounc1 the enure penmtUr of !he top flooI'
(pbQltrs, strtc'1 fUOIisbillgs. elc.)
0... (I) Sf of IIdew1lk ptamn f«[IUmi per I=a: fOOl of public ""'Hlr","'y frorIla,. "'-.ns .... here: ""' CanDO! be pJa...tcd; 1~"I!k piarl:cs
<mOUI1,cd m odIa are&.I
RooflOp p¢:'1m£ .... pbnten reqwrcd OIIlll stn!Ct::fO$ wllcK the roof is
_bl" lPK<= (i.e. .oceeu fO: buildm& midents c. \IIef1 IS m<ODnzcd)
5 .. (6) fOOl ~ zrwo=y 1CreCII ....n rtqUL"("d arounc1 o:hamp$:ctI"""odIa !rash eoUeo:r>oa bms .,..j " " ' " turu..bed ...,1lL ~, lockable
p:es. ...-y walls ..~1lL YUleS plan!ed •• !he base
Summary of landscape requirements
0... (I)ouldoor-'YP" ~ ~Ie rcqllU'Cd pet ~ plo:nct
or nc. for le'Mn'III&h1lD& or cIocorwoG.
ll'eaIieI' do"&'1.ID....II"""
"""'*",,",11# _
Grol'ill, medium
Thm fOOl (3'-0"1 M'""' '''rn ~
Th:ft fOOl wr mdo (3' -6"1 1DlIll..""mm ...Jd< dear wodtlo; a;reater tlwo fh'e
fm (5'.q') II dcsu'lble
Soil compo5IDOD' 4S_ 77% sill, 0-25% clay. 2S-J3% IolIII!
Soil a.cidily: pH 6.0!O 7.0; amend ooiIas requU"ed1O Ichlevc!lus pH
Soil o:p:uc e<lnter.t: Three
(3l 10 five (S) pucetll
POlkway planom lO be as loni """ as <:OntlmlOUl as pouilM
ed&' 01110: plan~or tree P"
~1mlmum five fut(5'.q') ftorn tho! ....
lID tho! WI 1m: m my ICries or pnup 01_
Ctl:bl1IDd low ~ 10 be m· .. lkd UOUDd puhI-.y pIa:um Wc<!sD_!lie -a:r- do'fo...lO"*tl,~ m cot:ImtIc.al_ vcu.. ucI m od>er bavy
....... """-
PcR:ola_1HWI& 10 be doce".- 10 IIISI:IllaI>orl of any pl&D!:na
Soil '"""" of exJStlfl& soib lO be &:>... pnor!O ...mlLanor> of ... y
Soil ~tm.& of impon soil$ 10 be OOIlC pnor 10 iDmJb,1I«I 01 uy plan"""
Mccbmicllillt.wface dBmaic rcqwre<l If! poor pe=lanon
IlId dnIfIa,c ra~
~ lIKIlow Ih:ub, ~ of a:r-. bark o.
en....1 mukh, or 0IMr aon_h~. matcnals
"SlnICtunl soil" (0" .. "ComeIT' mix, eu:.) a, a depth afro.'O fOOl I:><
irw:heI (2'-6") aad I or roo, polhs reqwrcd below lIdcwalk slabJ betwwI
pMkway pLa:oom lIKI otI>cr areas 01" ~.
Wben I.I&:Yo-alka arc rcpt.ccC, "stNctunl ooiI~ or fOOl polho arc ~=cc!
bt-Iow ~"Ilk.1abs lO pc<:nIl fOOl cnwch beyond small pi! or ..".....,; '"
Rooipodos .... y be uxd lOcon:ICC':ttecsplamtd If! pam."Y' (~
110m !lie t.('\, ar!he e.ub lID !be cd&c ofw "",\~f- .... y) ID
"'JX= ............
All rcqu:red iaDdscaP"'I OIl pn"ltc p:openy 10 ~ ","IIItalJ'.ed Ihroughall:
w hf. ofw project; obhgatlOD wumcd by IUbsequC1l1 O\\"JIm
All rcqulrOl;\ I'Ddvap"" wnhm public nahl~r- ....y 10 be replaced, if
oecded. for • """,mum of five (S):ynB by the ~nll Ippllcml oI\d ""Y
"'~ owaom. Respo!l$ibilll)' for replaccm:n: will be lU""""! af'.cr
five (5) yean by !hi< Ciry of ChlCII&<,
• !O be suppLcmm!cc! ...-; .......\Cr for I lOW rate of ""~ (I ) IIIth '"'"
",cci: dwm& tho! &fO"'1nJ scaso:>s for tile flQl ........ ycara
• Slow rclc.uo (c........:or"'l bap L~ ,
oW for Npplcmc:l:al
• Poa pobbe IIOIlOC of ta..dsca;>e ....ta' ]o"o" lIKI .... lDtc!II!ICC !'t<jUlI"C*
meDll, it! orda 10 alt:r. Df:1&hborI """ concerned ~11lZCDS 10 a PfoJ«t"
JandV"pc' rcqw:remtIIlS
All rcqwcd !Iadle"p"" :0 be :'ep!ace<l !hrou&hout tile hro of Ibo P:OJC<'~
as ~wn:d; ob~pllOJll'l'l"""" by subseq......! ~
Summary of landscape requirements
"'amlD ty
All requ,red lara4t.:ap""l 00> pnva", P'09CI'Y 10 be rcp\&Ced 1h:ouJ,boul ~
h!~ oftbc proJeCt. u rcqutm!. oblJ.ptlOlO a.sumed by .w-q~"" ""',,"'"
All 1andscaJ'''''i ",,:hn! publ>e !'\ihl-o[-.....y 10 bc rcpll«d, If
oecdcd. fo: a m",,,,,,m of five "l years by !be onamal appbca%ll aDd ""r
SI.IbHq=>' 0100-nm. Rcspoasibilny for rcp*=cn,..;n be US>IIDed &l'tcr
five Ul )'eU$ by !be City ofChieato
See Appmdur. B for • Itsl of mformabOfl rcqUtte<l
=;-,------- - --
\and.$elpe phns
tree .. ~ Iat>dscage ¥G
1,7------ -----
tree .. par1<way planter
~I_-------- 1* •• oeurlanesctpe ¥G
T_ and
dHt Gu,de kncIude
Ihose >hewn h~
• ..,.
Tbo:fe IS • world of dlrr"""""" beroo""" .Ibady. artt"- """.tm.d tttut. on tho
ODe hw:1. 1Dd, bot. """leu $lIft1 dommated by pi"""" oa tho otht:- hand. The
pnm:lp.a.i <hm:m>ce be""oun the$c 1\0'0 ilm:lS, IIId 1M pc~CPIlOll of tb:If
1I!raC:11'-c:lCSI or WIIt1nCU'= 1.1 Ibt prn<1KC Of lack of shade 1Zft:I pbrued
III. !be patho'lY Tbe p~:r.... y 1.1 meas<lfed from the bar:k of tbe =b 10 die ~.
of!he n&h!-of._y. n.. parb.'IY pbnn.,. L..,' IS located be ........ 11M: back of
cwb IDd Ibt SICkwalIc 'fI'1lhm die pubbc np1-O!'· ....Y.
l'utwIy pllll!mi LI IlK most typtcal reqtlIfnne1>' oflandsca.pc ordm&aca
lhrouJbout die COWIIIY. p~Y pbn"", hal beeD I reqU=L ofCh,caco's
I...k"t;:>e ~ trom tbc be~ TbiJ ~ rev\llOn of1hc 11M.
JaIl'" ordmmI:. would IlO'l clwt&e tht ..=obct' of ....... ~ bul _Id
IDI:I'ftSC tbev lID'. IIII1&m)W sidewall!: a:'I:u, or .....~ wbere w:e IS Miry
pocIcsIn.m nffic, IDd 1Zft:I ~ be plu:ed '" Irtc: p:l$. CIt.".~
pI'""'Io !his p.<>pClItd ~U>OII of the l.neI ....!'" orduw>cc .......Jd mjIIlte thaI
'"'" be ~ by Irtc: p<eswbm 1bcymust Mplu:cd '" uee 1"11. { : iC of
Irtc: I"lfds, lO prolect 1Zft:I further, "'OIIld be ~ed., bill l>Ol re<ju!ted.
hrtw1.y pllll!mi ,~'"..,.., expl&ulcd and illusua:.d '" deW! '" dus
5tCtioo.. ID1i are ~ Miow;
• OM (I ) nc per fWa1Iy.ftvc (25) Imw" fca (l.F) of I'rooaa< 011& pabl>c
• Feu: (4) IIIclI m'''imu m ca1."pe1 uen .'>lhm 1Iw -","m ~...* (a:ea
boOJ:odcd by:Xonb A,=uc:. Lake ~1Chl ..... CDm.a>: Road. and AShland
of gn:.. mado from recycled =un&1I1S encaurqed
SlroerunlIOil CIt !WI ,,*W :In: mjII.m Mtow l>&walla .. bet! I:'«' p:cs
' -1
T~ •• lWf (2.ln) inch mJO,mum callpc!' ....... outsIde:
Lhc: *VC.ter
All publ>c build!IIJ projeCtS should. bill a:'I: "'" req=ed 10, iAsWl foil: (4)
vo::!> mm",,,"11 c:Wpcr lI«I,
u.s hel~ .,'P'~ the
... onI charxter of I nt,.tlbomood'
wt... ....:I....:ir'Ir: I~ .."d hUI from
the $Un.
oflocallOll ",La:!,-. 10 Ibt-;a:r.
Cormrn ........ open plazucn "~Ih COAlm1lOI1$ PWw:t& soil volllmCS a.-.
8t.c:k Ina rock mWch Il>d I Bpu;c p!~anwo/l h.:'d ..".. mcsb :In:
reqwn:d ttl !ftC pus below nc ......" ttl die "",,:c:r ,sov....:o"" a:'I:'
M . = brmcb be!Jb1: T-tJ~ aboI,..,!he lWIball
Tree ~..,.., reqwn:d "her<: U«OUn: pbnted '" ,><kwatl< opcnL"I': use
~-.- . , .
, ..0.--.
q ;:B
plu:cd O<IlIidoe !be pn:n ~:0'10'11 area C'onh Avcue. Lake
Ct:=.ak Rmd. AshlaDd A~e:lIK) are 10 M 1.5~ IIUD_ ca\Iper
TIH'$ plu:o:! _ohm J:!ea:ef
A D publu: bwId:nJ proJCCtIlhouId, bul a..., 1\01 fcq.u.~ 10. mstaU f_ (4)
cabpe11fffl. ~&.rdJw of Ioc&ttOfI ~!aI1V<: 10 the ""F"ter
~ ..hl,",,"
doooo.,.""".,. area are 10 M ';~ ::ImI11I<P'II c:abpft
ParkwilY pfilflting
Strm IrUI
be '11eUI 10' fltt'" !he edit O'! a TUJC!e!otl1l dnvevo"y O!l
me ,ide O'f!he Str •• , onlC""",t",,, closer 10' aD aUlomob,l. dnver (-...",
S"WI1IftS _
!he SIdo of lbr
be" lear. 10' from doe ~e ofa ruwIc:ltl.l! dn'-."lIy..,
t:t\lt'TSeC!lOCl a,'mer ~rom an a,'l.omobd. dtt~ .. (~w
The City of ChbCO
Parkway planting
v.'bm: \be parkway (m. d,n"" &om do. bocl: of'Ct>c at:\) 10 >;be ed.J< of
Ibo :tJlu-of-"'llY) is berooWll ~ aM. 12 feel W><II:, ,!feet lr<CS !DIW be pla%>1aI
us"",. Ira:
p1>lC 10
provide ~lC ,oom ro, pedestN:lS
Street ttftt pl&nlCd with Ira: pileS !nUS1 be planted In lOpSOil b«I:lit! .... "h
~ IIO~ placftl betwcm Ira: pi .. l1tIdci P"",-,,' ....-=: "" Ch>;IlCt
SIX and Appmdu: E
Ibc pubay (tile <!ls1mcc from !be IlKI: ofw cu,t> 10 1hc ocIJe or
• Wbort
w n&lll-of_W1lY) II """'" tIIIn 12 feet ""* 1'n"C< tn'Q
be pl&nlod III a
"""""UOUS pari:."'llY pial".,.
I'lametl II\IIf, be I.lleasl 3" -6~ widt: (inside-IO-,<WIlc or prn1'nIItCt .011\))
lbc 11K of lII\I(flIaIlIO~ ""'Y be ,cq>med I'IlIkt ~ 0Ul$lde of"'"
punllY pl&nter; ICe C!apoot SIX aM. A~ E
'W"heo. m..1"....1 parluD,lI des!Jncd J.I:d COMII'IIC1C'/l ""Il'u:! m~ parn."ay,
CX"""J ""' III Ihe parkway are to be ..,"ed by ulCorponun,lhem ,nW
~cw :tft', are 10 be pl&n:ed '" "WId< al bod> ...:It oflbt parmi area In
"mlSabJe eod IIlazIdI. yrov>dcd 30'_ SIde IUId 20" W ~ "'*bare
Parkway planting
~"""""" banch he.p, !D W Gtntot Do.....u.wa A"'~. 7'-O~ U
&om 1bc lOp o(!be: roo:balI
~= ~b
beI&h:!D alI01hn arus: 6'-0" aI!IIt.I.SUml from the
ordlc fOO!hall
Tift pta arc rtqI>lfUI ..i>= lJeCS rtq\Otted by 1M 1"",,... p'" orduwIa
.... pWlltd ill!k "I>"""n, (L~. no opc1I pili .... .uo..-ed)
Opcmna at IrWIk ma: ~ Up&!Idablc
Tree ,..wdJ .... allowed. b<lt :>Ol r~Q101nId.. ,,-~ lJeCS arc pta:u.od !D a
lodcoI~!k opemlII wmb a :reo ~
Tm ",*,da may only ho ...eel ..-br.. ~ IS a iuslOr)' or ~~ 10 ~
!reel; dIcy an: _ 10 ~ lU<:d I"'-""iy for &CSIlImc _ _
Ko UPllahWII <.all be located ~low;ndc undoT the pIC
It coodwl (or ~Ie<:l:ic. fo<:o;acl~ IS provtdod. II m"lI
the I'0OI ball
Nfl <:tYCf, DO!
In IfUtot<lo ...... "'""." arc~ oaIy. black Ia"a nxk mlIlch" ~u""d iII:rff
P'" ....tb ~ poa
La,~ nxk 10 ho of a moe,""'''' aptb 10 J"" !ill votd I>c\v.-em :ootbo.ll &no:!
It! J1C&'" <10 ...."_.,, :uu out)'. t:.P<ec:ll (II)
!'lC[iurcd (or !"OCk!1t <:on...-ol
W"" meslIlO ha~ .... CIfIC1II'!i &n>O::Id "'"
p"" hud "'"l.."'e mesh
If« IrWIk
of lr 10 Illow ==>k
Th. City of Ch!C>lO
Parkway planting
In onk:" 10 proItcIlJ'teS and their TOO! Iystcms. new parkv... y lJ'teS mus, be
lowed no clow thlI the followifta dim= from waIki, aubs, utilines. ""d
other structures l~ !be parkv... y:
from vcmical flce)
Bu.ildillg ~11S
S' .I)M
S' • I)M
Manholes IZId =otcbbuins
Wall hydrants, Stalldp,p¢1
S:reet Ughu
Trees (fasn~ Of colwntPr forms)
21)' ,I)"
PedcsIriat! OVCfPUK' and IWlIIels
25' .1)"
2S' , I)"
2S' .1)"
OtbcrstrucNCe$ (;mItI$ dm:ctcd~)
Railroads (wlIh approval)
Viadl>ClS (willl appfO,'&!)
S(I' ,I)'
S(I' • ()"
Guide '0 Ille Cho<2&O l.anc!scape Ordinanc:e
0. oflht Itm flO'OAbIe <mpreSSIODI1iom. Jtrcet is \be scmo of pus""
tbrou;h • sea of park"" . in. r"OSldemW clIf.=~ parkuI, lou ~ !W;!Q"aCU'"C
IIIlNSioIU lhal duainWI ~ appea:mce and Ibt vzI ... oflho: odJ&UII\ rqideDll&1
p«>pmy. ID I c~ ...1 ch.stn~ parkllllioll In II:c hf~blood of ... WI aDd
ocher =mm:W KIM!)". but t!>cy play I suppomD&, """ • ptI!IC1pa1 tOk. and
$boWel DOl bo
Mm'NnI ~ of I ruaiI e<>mdor or ... lJhboobood <hscnct. I"I:tlq lois a:e ...".;Jarly ~. 10 _~ and
~ uses. bII, iIley exis, 10 PfD'"Idc pozkma for employ_ and vwtors. and
.... 1>01 tho 1'fUI':,.,.t - .
S<:reenmg of parkuI,iocs aDd ollie, vt!ti<ulu ILM areas (\l"&J1cr park"" and
PO""., "",eo mu.. ouuIoo, SIO:1II<. etc.) is 1'YP'.al rcqu""",""" of Ia:>d.
ocapc amml",," tItzouabou' the ecIIlllly. ~ of parIw:I& loa and
~!,IS< . . . - bas beea • reqwremem of Cbx:qo's 1aftdscape crdu>a:>ufrom !be btz,mn'''1 T10JS '.pd"..! I.M,cape onimaIIcc docs IlOl chaDce iIle
IoeIIIOII or IaK of Kret%WI& requ:red. It docs. bowt\..,., u>t:rUM the llU ofthc
reqw....:I ~pcd "!back. III orde: 10 P"wu!c I more f.'"OI1bl. envUOMlCtl.
lOr pl.ulllJOWlh, >lid abo adds • '.m!IC1l1 for. ro ... oflrees 10 bo pw.",~
IZOImd Ibt pmmetcr of parbq lou Ind ~hJcular IlIC artIS.
!\cw pd:mc 101 and wb,,·,.. I.. !,IS< II"Q ICfftIWl;I rar.memenllln: c:qoWDec!
IlOd iIh=uod III <Ictul III """ sectOI.lI>CI .... 1I<ImfrIa.~ bo)ow,
• $e\'en (7) r_ ...~ penmete:r lmd$cIped area (2 fOOl elf o~trlwtllo ~ foo<
"""-'" ~)
(48) iDchn he-lih'
Wi6er pQrrun: bed> an:Iund the
ponmeter 01 vehlQJlu UK .....
will unp ........ the numMr .... ~
halt!\ 01 pW>tJ used to Wettl
..... ""....
bcdgc. mainWllCd be,......".!Iuny (30) IN! forty...,ij\bt
l.I,·c JtOUDdcoY<!r II r«<>mII>I:fI<ied III elf ov~ .....,1 .......... 1IWo."",""""
will bo p<O>1dcd; ~"1SC: pus or __ I,ve INleri.ol. ... eb II JR'.~
IIIIIich or po~"" are reqw:red
T=pl.m!m&reqwmI iD pai"...... 11...wlped II"Q (same"l'K"'i or
q-.wmI)" as pIth"a)'
ODO (I) per 25 Lf)
Raibihty ia ~ rpacma (p-otlpulJl of,,", p¢n:Uned.. 1>01 oftl), ... ~Iu
P:!.rbn;c loa IhouId" IO_,*C
lodrNaliu and
to .'9' _
quaiit)' of udI.
u.. uWIetoc.
Parking lot and vehicular use area screening
C>rmm...W metI.I feDcm; arou:Jd ,..... po:Iu:>; Loll mel odx:r vdI..:..Iar __
~ (4 f_ bc'JII' I)1IlClI; 6 fOO! buJh! uot:nd ~ ;whoa 100<$). ID
be IoaICd fivc(S) rec, from ..&"..-.Jk III KVell (7) foo, ~ LL'I<!·
Ornut:enulmeuJ r...."" arOUDd UJlWII ;wkm.& Iott azul 0Ibcr ""hlCl:Iar
__ reu (lIcIah3 per lbove) '
E:caWl. parkin,lots III
downU>W!l \0 add Qm.1..!II£fI:a! mcuJ
(eDem, by 2002
E>usuna: pa."l:m& Ioaabcn-c 100 sp..:es \0 add onwnemal mcuJ
f=:"", by 2004
ExlSMJ puInn,loo<$ abo,-c 4 fl*es ID add on:>amo'ttW mcuJ fr.IcmJ
by 2006
1'0 Rqlllter\'lellU for ""un:.; pUluna lou of lIOI·for·p:ofu IlUIIN~OtIS
Fao=a reqn=d ~ a10q public n&Ju ... f.",·oy: alleys _ ID<;IwXd
On:.m>nua! meW fCl<"'I I'CC(\ltred aJoq IoIImcs odjaCCII to pubbc SIr«!I
lCTeenlllll'Cq\Ul'ed odj:tCe'n' \0 rn,c\mnal dlStneIJ and
Wan. fODCC, or bed.. requtred aIoD& ride or rear IoIlmes of propc:rDCS
!UIdmn&l dlstncll f~mg _ pm!Ulled
co=.~ wr.h
Hose I>ibb$ required c""'Y (IflC hUDdred (100)
rec,~, po!runt<t1
7· wide JIOnmotcr landKaJlO &reI (2 · Car (lVcrlwl,. S· landscape: .re.)
f'rot1l <he np....'...,y \III( (pubbc W>cj ,&MOl be ."""LOIl ",ward
~ fulfLllmem oftlus obllpl1On)
S· ...1Ok 1aDC!scapc: &re•
....m COCtu:UOlIS lied.. (l&4S" ma~
he,p') ."d ~CI' Of aU,UO\II.l ,,10m ma'CI'l.l
Soil» be platcfd for ........ Wld.Ih of 7' penttI<.cr ~ atc&. 1lIClud.n,
Gtoo.ndcov-e!" or I",. planuna IS recortlmelldo<l III ell" o'·crlwla are. ",h..,.
will be ~ Othen."lte puI O. OOft.~ ma:o ..... lIlucb
U pvt"l IfIIIlch 0< ~,.... are mju.::ed
6" cu:t> II back of ~'&Ik ~ bl:: 001 requll'ed
Soi! below ",.r.ce III ell" oVCO"Iw>, IJ'ea
Parking lot and vehicular use area screening
Tree pla:ln~J requ~; J Me p<1' 2S LF ofpcnrnorer Jtndse1p" at. .
Tree spacina 1101 ~\I.Iml to be equal; JfOUpings "'lIh niftlC'r spacmJ and
luger OS>C"UIJI bcf'."ecn JtlIUPtlIg. Ii pemu~
StagC'r or Of!"M1 !I'e« ....,rIO pzrl<oo~y !feel
Parking lot and vehicular use area screening
0mamtz:1al moW feaciq Of lind ........ ="'lIS ~ ~ 10
0mamtz:1al mcIIl feDClD& IS ~ akn>& lot \mQ tdJACC1IllO pubilC"
fUIdmQ&I aDd IIlSUnmona!
O .. nhnk
~= tiV1' (~) fOOt Kd>ack from propcny!iDe 10 !he fC'D<C
~~f~or ~ ~ IS ~q..ur<d odjICrmlO m>da:,ial
aDd m<ll:NtlOClilusn
O'm'mk kDclDl is DOl ptmUr-.ed
Vine pltntma II ItC"""', ....ckd DD. Of
*' !he hue of, reqwred penmtte,
ViDe pltnnq IS ~ Oft, Of at tho hue of. reqwred ~
Th. Ctty 01 ChicJ&o
lot and vehicular use area
I'Irlti:I& I0Il and o:her "cblo:ulu use areas 1liiy be dev.!1oped as "" !DOn !han
"""'e[icved npanaJ of uphaI. iN-VlDI. Sui:b parkmJ loa ate ~,~ bot.
and bn&bl III !be swmroor, and arc ~Ml !it:-.on \0 !be ""\!:"ba1l. bc.aI iaW>d"'
pbcDOmc_ .."hereby urb&D areas ate flpW=mly "'-a:mer. leu comfooable,
and lese bnllhy INn areu dominaled by trees, JfftDcty, and opeD lJIICe
ParkuI& I0Il 1liiy also be developed u "parkm; prdcns.. ","b t=S plaDlCd in
IS!aDcb aDd arculmaa dnw:s fla:.Ud by '"ndcoped areas pla:ued ...,tb trecs,
sbr..t.. and pcrcmmls..
PlmllllllltcS lfOUDd.. but especially .."bin parkin, lou and other vdl;ClIIu,,~
II"CU is a ~'PIUI m;ullmlml of Ia:Idsupc ord, ..."..., Ihroupgulll>c
Rtqwnq 11nds. ;«1 atU$ ""dun pWk"" loa.. aDd mf'IlnDi t=S WIIll.m !bose
\aIIdocaped _Iwbctll. ~lofO>u:alO" I·""V ..... ord_
from Il>c beJ=J. II al!"ocu the amowIioflandscopec11fU. the lIIlmbnof
,..qIW"C"d. and Il>c ~1Uio"
to proper ucavauon. lOpSOil b&l:ktm, and
plmun; of trees, shrubs, and otbtr planu in " 'NI IS IImmJly ...~ Ul!Iospllablt
..... ;, ....... "1 for p:ant&.
Plopooed parkma b; and nlucul&r....,
mtem&l planWl& reqwmDeIIIIa...
CXJIIamcd aDd m... tnlCd iD detail '" thi, I«I>OIl, (nel ... ,ve of Kn1I fool WIde
~1Cf laqrh:C"pt .... __ OIapc!el Two) &lid are o:urtIIII&fIUId below:
RequIRd I.r<\vapM ara of parbq Lots and o:hcf veb:eulzr use ...-cas to
Int trrQllSIan6s 01 ~ lots
should be pbnud - " Wde UHS
and &f"OI.">eIcoo< ... to imp< ... e tM
~ quality 01 U. 10:. ~
reduti"If: hut and
from tM
- Po:bD& Lots beJooo" l.OOO Sf; :'\0 ~ 'a""vapM area
• f'ukmJ lob bctwcm 3,000 and 4,500 SF: 1nv:m.allandscapM .... equal
to five (5) ptt«III of IOta! uu
- Pa:rkmJ loa bet"lCCD 4.500 and 30.000 SF: L~ttmd b"""",pM area
<qI'IlIII ........ and _balf{7.5) pc:rttm of I0I1l UI!:l
. Pa:rtiDa lOIIabovc 30.000 SF"
l:uml.al1andsQptd UI!:l~ \0 =(10)
o..e (!) _ pt, 12$ SF of ffii\11fCd iDtmI&llandtcaped u .. (nc"",ve of
".... plmwl,roqwred III po:rim<ur lat:dscapc.,.... _ _ Ooap\c:rTwol
Foou (.oil me" I11III_ uliper
!be "cralCf ao.atowu" {....,
T","(> and oat·hllf (2.112") i:lclIlIWIIZIIWII ClItpC1"
T"", Ioca.IIon. \'ducWar II$C ...
belGW 4.SOO Sf Reqwrtd.
""'Y be
plaD:cd oa ptn:IIeIer
Tm:lo.:aoo. vdIJaI!u.aea:rUJu.ovc4.500SF R.cq\::n<I=mwtbe
pWlled in ~ 1111ndc
UK of porous Of pmnuble
"""trial< (It overflow pa.-kJIli allll
o~ " "" II"CU II CIIC"""Jcd
Mw:rma two fOG! (2'.0, CXCO'"aDO<I below the pukq; -ra.c:o:
kl<foll ~ odaW ""lh toptoillO lOp of aab. and """"'" IOpIOil lip
aJICCb<r.." (6) mcbel above top of JUITIltIlIdiui C\I:b
Vie 'P"'&dius C"nOpy 1I"eeS. , I) ,,,,,,..uc llwIe and reduce "u:b&!I hUI
IIW>d" effi:e:
= """'"
outside Ibe """alCT
Parking lot and vehicular use area internal planting
VehicuW usc: areas sma1lc: lIwI3,ooo squ.ue fm (Sf) do no reqUIre ony
!.t<>dseape area
VdneuIar usc: areas be:wee:> 3,000 and 4.500 SF ffilUtre a I:andscape Ilea
1Iq\IoI! !o S pert""! of 1M IOta! area of \he "th'NW _ :utll
V~hi<:ular usc: :uus WIder 4,500 Sf ore ,,,U f<'qwrcd !o have
mlCma! :uta$ of the .... hJcul:u usc: area
Requmd ttecs arc alio'o.'ed 10 be pi.t.Dted in pcrime!er i:andsape areas
Vthieul.:u _ :ueu bcno"WI 4.500 I.fId 30,000 SF rtqUIn! • l:uld$capc :uea
equal to 7,S perc<::II! oftbe !OW arca of the "ehicul:u usc: areo
Veh>cular usc: areas over 4,SOO Sf are reqUlf<'(j to b,o,'e IrteS pbrued '"
irumW:Uta$ oflbe.....rucuw usc: area
Vclueular lISe :u0Ll ewer 30.000 SF .eqwre a landscape area equal '0 !O
perceD' of the Iota! area of 1M parkl~g 10:
Vehieular usc: an:u ,,,,er 4,SOO SF are n:quired !o have !fees pLanted in
",:emalareas of parkin) 10.
1,000 SF parl<m, 10:.
pl:u"od m
Parking lot and vehicular use area intemal planting
Tift< pWtte<l....,~'" tho VC1,..,. downw...nam C'onh Avenue, Lake
»{'cbia: .... Cermak Rood, AshlaDd AvtDuej :are to ~ 4~ nnrunwm C1bpn-
Trees plaDte<I ouuldc: 11M: vc1IerdQ ...nlQ ...... :area an 10 ~ 2.5~
Use of spread"" canopy II'ttS iii encQur1.atd 10 maease ~ or:d ~tc
• -un..:,
bntlSlaiid" effecl
• Trees an rcqwrtd 10 be plaDted '" ",,",,,,,,, !SlaMs
the pavm., swfaee
A mm,m!lm excllVlISOO 0(2
TopsoillMuld ~ mounded up an addmo .... l 6" !II v~h'cular II$C a....
"'lema! illand$
Topooil backfill should ~ Jeo,"el with. the top of curb
Parking lot and vehicular use areil internal planting
Comer d4cd$ _y be coo.:=:cd ",,,,vd, IIItco"ll&1 ~Mi teqI1tn::mall$
thou;!! !My on: COIl~"""" ..,th penmetc':" ilCTeeIWIIlnU
(7) fOOl pmmetcr does DOl COWIl toward mtem&l plmWlll
protQIIlCr< III IIlCCCU of """0>1 (7) fM will CO\III1 ~
requ"' .......,,,.
IIIlnnal PW,WlI
],'lmW PlanuJIa iJludl mrost Ix spa~e<I
w.. r.."i«II (I S) patbnJ
ThoI_ of porous 01' pc=cabI<' p;t~"'i ma=Wt for ovcrllow PUi<lDl >:>d
0Ibcr ~ use .,.,.. II mc<IWlIlod
Parkq ~ unJeu det1p:d ""'" devdoped WIllI "'"Slt"~ty 10 Ihou
5IUI'OIIfIdmp. o;&lI overwbelm !he ~ of, 1UOe.1IId ernie I very poor
pcdnm.." OIIvironment. In r«oJIIlUOll ofw imporwIce of aood pb.nruna; I!ld
desIp (or ~ .~ w City of Chic&ao puscd !he Parkma CianJc
Ordu:oncc in 1999 Tho: ordl<wlce ~ des"" ~ by 110: 0tpmmmI of
P~ - ' DoM-Iopmcm (OPD) (or aD IInICCI,Ira """"..,," " \'IiO or mon:
~ Ie-oocll above pa4c. Des"" l\UOk!mct fo: pL"kmJ 'lNCmrts baed ...
!be 0fdina:Icc are lvai1ab1e fnIm llIo DPD.
TIle or~ pn>!DOIeS parkmJ .,ructuru thaI 5Cf'<Cft both can ""'" 'loped
floon; from vic... Patlcway ~P1DJ is I mbcoJ compo<IC"!Il of cnlwIcona the
dcsIp ofparlaq pra;... (; .... ,es Wlthou.l p-ound noo. re:ai! or resldc:l!l.l!
uses IobouId. have IICU 10 twc:Ity foot. de:!sc!y~ sdlac:l: _
II srW for
~ Upper r.oon 1baI..., _
<Abu ..... ICI"lCIIOC! ...ill be reqwru! to
I""'""k ~ PWlIC:n Wlthm
<lppct·le-ooc! w.ue.ped setbIel:s.
"",,.,nl ba$l:e", Oowa bo~es.. or p:Uuq trelh$Cll on facades (;>CUI, publ'"
IIrCCU or (&Cilia ......,lIve Delpbothood «IIIdmoM All P"~ .tructwa WIth
_ned parl:in& em the top level .<hal! pfOVlde rooftop plantm around 1M
JICI'U'II'lCf. V.- plaDlCd II the base of the
1liiy be ffi\und II ~11
I onrlvzpc ~IS for parbnz WI>I:fWU .. ,Ihout ..:all a: Jndc &lid 0:
wuu .......... IIp!IC floor opcnmp a:e ap~ - ' i\b;ls!nlCd II\""~ 11\ thu
~ Ifld are summanurl below:
• T........ sh:ubs. &fOII"dcov.... .,.,. pmruual pLullmp m~ be planted in *"y
n:qII.lre4 Sl:tblck :tOM
Vmes may be reqwrerlll the base of. par):,n; .:ruCN.~. if II> dclCrm.:ntd
by the Ocpanmcm of I'WmizI& ""'" Onelopmen,
ODe hwld:ed. pnctm. of!(lll/ fu:,w foocaac of lItISaceotd s = openlIIp fllWlll public IlJh!-of-ny is ~ 10 ha,·c I"="""~ plwers.
IaD<\saped uwu level ~ h I D " baskeu. ""","C"l ... treU .....
WIllI plmIs <hstribulCd 1100& !be ctmte lensth oftbc bu6e
L"nsoreenc:I "P"',np rl/O"" re:stdc:nllll uses or othtt _bye eortdonorts
..... 1>0"1 f&Cu.a' publi. r!ib.-of·"·IY may bo: required 10 hove pmme,er
pbntilla methocb pc1"'bovc
Lneovcred porlurI; 00 the lOp i.-ocl of 1 parluna structure ~
IDppi=m 1I"OWId!be ""~pmmeIer ofllo: 1Op!loor
PI""", 'Ul.l(!;lJI"e< 'In .. ~ QtI
be .""dlandy "'"9' o , ed with u..
piarltInI d .1uubJ.1Ioww<s. w
\"\tIes alone <he perme;er.
Parking structures and garages
~ """"' .... opponlWl)' 10 c"h.",'" \be baJoc ~JIC reqIIoremeM.
nMeWed III !be
scctic!lS. Of to IIIINUIUII' oIher !&nd$<. ~a<melll$
...~ pa:kway wu UJd otbtf InlIlmellti clnDOl be OC<Ol'U,iO&olCd.
or $Ubsbtllto II'eIt:no:nl$ lneb>dt, bu.. m _ lmullrd 10. ~Il:
pltnm'l, roottap pmmcter pbnten.1Cfeao wallsl!'llWld .1" I btt aDd prbqe
_bInrr:$, IIICI el«mcal ~les '" IIW pili 1M plm:en mlCCOUllDOCb:c
Requ=:nenu (or ~ aDd loMvlP' mlw>cmIents arc ""plamed and
illu$<m<!<i in dewil ill dtia S«UOII, md m lummanzed below:
• 0... (Il SF ofs>d.......Jk plamer~pcr Iu>carfOOlofpo.>bbc "*",.of•
•,ay ~ '" arua w~ Irla taIIlIOI be plan:e<!; ""'"''Ilk plaDtcn
eoccoznp III od>cr an:&I (e." If parwl has 50' of !'roo:uli•• SO Sf of
plua:o:t ~ Ill< l"ti' piaIl:e.... ......1d WlSfylbe~)
Rooftop pn'IIDIlef p!amen ~ 011 an owctu."CS ,,'ben: tbe roof 11
usable Ip&CC (u. xceu for builcblll'wdnui or .mounted)
• S"" (6) fOOl beI;bt muoary ICI'eC1I ",'all ~ ll'QI:l>CI d""'l'S\efl and
odJcr tl"Uh co!lecuon b:ns and arua, l'wruWd WIth opaque. Iocl<ab!c
walls .....1iI vmn pla:IlOd at !he base
0... (I) ...1door-1)1H' duakmIet ret:t"pQC"!c teqIIlrtd ;><f ........Ik plamc Of
O'ee. fo: .... _1 b&hlml or dctcn-. III
dooo.'Il2>'<on and coa::DC".
a&I use an:&I ~
8r ~ trWI. ~W1.. iotncht$.
I~ vod l;>eoal pa"""
...., """""'
to lldewatk$. urban
will bot
Enhance ments
Planter! $hall bave. mlD .... 1tD JIZe ofr squue ",)' dJametr.
PLL"IIen&balI ba,..,. mID',",'''' orl' ODd ..... nm"m ~l of3'
ltooftcp penmcIef "la:!1CI1 ar~ ~ 011
1M: pLoruecl III tbo: pIIbbc """'...f ...... y
an IU'IICN.:'U ..~ IrOCS eo.:I:IIX
III ~ ..!:10m tbo: roof"
Rooftop pc:nme'..... pl.t:l.lJIf'I1."C tcqu:red 011
A WI {6J fOOl be!Jh! muomy iCreCI1 ...-all1S requircoc! If'OIIlId dumpslCl1 ~
od>o:r uaab oollf<;tioQ blflS 1!ld.t.'US
E1o:bctes on!: 10 be funus.bc4 ""Ih opaque, lockable P"'" IDd
Vines.,.., II> 1M: pilDlcol! III pla:m:l& beds {12~ .... """"""'" UOIInd :hi:
penII>O'Itt of doe' masomy ...-an.
..... plaDled Willi VIDCS
It is ftICOUn~ !bal &dc!!c.anal ~la:!", be planled III !be
pcr''''''''''' PWU"'I
The qlllJIIY ofllM: soil and 1M o.'mll dcs.ip of 1M PWlIe: area an: !be
fon"dallOll fOl' s".... essful ~~ PLanli mown: .., adequ.a:c voh:me of
qIIOilwlucb Iw 11M: ~ IIIIIntttS, I !T!ln"'....m pc::".",. of orpn>C
ma=, ODd soil acidIty m I okttDed raDJC. Tbc ....1 _ be .... Uo.dralZMld lAd
potm<1IId &om eompacllOtl ...bdl P==I:J wale: md Ill" from IUoC:IwI.I: 1M roo:
~ of p1alltl.
~11 for J:fO'"'"I"i I2Wdlwn and parkwly pWlIe: dcs.ip ..., e:q>~
ODd illmnlCd m de:ail m!lus
~ belo<w:
• Thm fooc (3'~ fIWUIIII.II'II doepIh
• Thm foot .IX tnch {J'..6} = " 1 1 msodo clur wil!:h: Jt¢I'tllf "'"" fi\'e
fect(5'-Oj II dowable
So~ COIIlpO$1non: 4s-n pcrec:u oilt. 0.25 pcr<nll cl.1). 2S ,3) pert.,,1 sa:I<I
SoIl IcidIty: pH 6.0 10 7,0: &IIX:tId soil as rcq.o~"" to .,;b>e\.. 1hII pH ""',c
Soil oopzuc co:::en:: "l'brtt (3) to fivc (5) pem::::!
~Y plan= to 1M: as Ioas a.~d .. COII1lZWOUI as possible
)imlm:lm r..... feet (5' -OJ fro", tbo " ~c ofllle plaulCf or In'<: pro 10
tbo La! IrcC IJI Illy sena or JI'IIUlI oftren
CIItbs md low '*ilin&' 10 be irlmlkd IrOUIId parkway pl..,tm; th:no>~1
!be ~Jt¢I'ter cIo<o.'1l!DWJI. ~ ill """"""",c,,,l usc ...,as.. and ill oilier heavy
Hulthy, vozorous rooa will be
crow ........
tibIy :0
attenuon is ,.-. to the
and ~OJtrietlt to"ant of soil
~ Iraffi,; &lUI
PercolaGoll ~ 10 ;>nor 10 _lI.tKII> of >Dr pLan"".
Mcchamell subsurface dru:l.qe~.m;I m areas ...1:b pool' percolatlon and
dramlac rateS
Groo.mdc;ovc:r ODd k>'N Uln>b plamu>, .. q~~~ IIIIIt:a.l of iI&SJ. ba..\: or
JlI.vellllllkh. ... other _Iro"c r:wmab
"SlN<fWal1OiI" (c,1rmx. CIe,) at. dcpIh of two fOO! "" :::"bn
(2'.6' md 01' nKIC patbt .......,....l1M:1ow~"Ilk s.labo !>moo'tal parl<"'-.~
plI=.m and 0Ibn PWlnlll- 0:- ,,<CilIi*c
~l&ccd. ~ soil~ or
rOOI paths an: rcqwred
below 11de",..n. ,iaN 10 pe1"Mll root.rO"<o'lh beyond s"nlll I"l 0:- CIl1-out ttl
RocK paths may 1M: used 10 _ _ , tren pWlIed ill ~1r;1o.·a)'1 (!be dlS;OD«
&om do! bad< of:he e\Ifb 10 11M: cd&c ofllM: n,cbt-of-way) 10 ad.;...""
By makJ", ~npa_ areu of
parkway> u
u pouible an<!
~ $".t\IaUrai
soa Of 1'00<
pad!s when . . - lnI pIont«- cht
......~ *--.d 100 .... of the :t'
will be ''I''6antlt ""4" o.ed.
_+_ __
penone<. Jandsap&
Growing medium
Three (3) fOOIrrurumwn depth
Thr« fOOl "'" mcl> (3 '-6j nnrumum UI$>de ~le.,. widlh;
fffi (S') IS dnhable
~*''''' \han
Soil ComposillOll: 45_77 percen, lill, 0-25 percenl ~lIy. 25·33 pet"'" sand
Soil ac:c!lty: pH 6.010 7.0
Plan!t!> '" the par ....... y (the dtsWICC from the back of the Cl.J..-b 10 lb. edge
oflbe n""-of_way) Ire IQ be:u long l.~ as eonWtuo",:u possible
Curbs ""d low raiWtgs IQ be ""laUed If!IIlnd parkway plantm \hro1.1a.ho~'
!be ~"W oowr:lQ,.."..~ in tOrnIIIeTcill ~ .,..... one! m oth"" heavy
pedl<SIIi&n traffIC ~
Grounc!<:o"m >N! 1"" Ihrubs .... requll"Cc! III$tcld of &fa$$. bar\: or ","...,1
mulch, or otht, ~ ",..tcfI&lI
M = five f..., (5 '-OJ from the IIISJde edge of the plan'e, or tr« p>llQ
the Ia$. tr« III .."y sen« Of group o f =
Prn:oll:wn lCS~ IS rc<[uired prior '0 mstallati"" of l.IIy p!l.Iltmg 10
establISh "","" u'nl:ranQfl ro"es
Soil testma of ~ sod. :0 be dcu prior IQ lII$all~"on of arty plan""'g
Soil orp!Iic content: Three (3) to m'. (S) perc"'"
Soil !tsWlg of ""I"'" sotl$ 10 be do"" pM' 10 U'.$tallallon of any pla.~""'g
SOW .boule! be IUDOndcd 1.1 needed 10 provIde adequat.
Growing m e d ium
Sln>C1Inl_l or fOOl pa:hs OK IlOl rcqwred if !be JXIeoo.'aIlr. ...-..:WI IS 6' or
lets "'~ rrtU art' J!!L"Wd III COII"-"""lW plaD~ III ;>lfn-ays &:IC! 1b:rc IS
~ on !he 0UlC sido of!be SJ<ko,o.'allc
SlNcaual.oil (muumum <lepth or 2'-6/ or root
reqwrcd unde<
!be sodewall< ,f !be SIdewalk w,dth II veat .. than 6' ",here tfffS ore pLt,o,od
ill contlm>OIIS pw,!Cn III pam." ys and there II ~ on the o!her.!de
of tbe lOdewo-a1k
Sl:'\lttwallOil 0< fOOl paths L ... DOt n:qu<red bctwcez! 1m: ;>:ts and !be
,,~ ,fthe IIdtWalk ...>d:h 116' Of leu "'bere \ftOO'I ... J'lanad III 1m:
pllS WIth plItH III pUkwlyt and there :s !;Iuns~o. on the oth.. "d. of:he
Sln>C1InllOil (m""m"m ~ of 2' -6j Of , _ ~ths L ... <eqw."Cd be,...·..."
tree pItS and !be c..-emI?K" ,f!be lI&wallc ""dth II pUteI' Ih.&:r 6· "bo:.
Irees are olamtd III 1m: prtI ",..rb
;omc...-ayt iIod!be:<: .. "" P:"
on tile 11& ort!>o 0I6ewaIi:
,..,w ...
snra '"
In 1l10om III""I'mIi tm: plll ",Ih, l""owrallOiJ o,!OO\ palhl ...
requln<l betw=I the 1""
StnICtW>.l ooiI ( = de1>tl: on· -6) If, reqlllmi re,lrC!leu of m!...... 11<
... ,d~'1 ... beft' ~ ". pbrllta irI fl'0. pIli WIth "lIeS III pm::"'''Yl' and there
'" • s""cture on tbe o:he::" sode of the l!dc",..!k
Ic =b cues. lOOt pa:l:s are IlOl allowed excep110 lmk ~... tree p:1I1O .x!:
Growing medium
1b :are rep!accd ~.1rUCIImlIOil~ Of TOOt pa .... .,. reqund
bflow .,,"..'Ilk .bbs 10 pemI1' .oo' St",,'IlI bfyoDd srriaIl P" or Cu,......, In
See AppcD<hx 0 for
pllDl<nJ: deuils
See Appc:ndlx E for mtonmDon rqa...un, SI:'\IC1Uf1Il501l
Root pa;hs sl>o\lId. bf pbud "" men :han (OW" reet (4') oa cctc In • :ad:aI
pat'.e:u fi'<>m. each Irft 10 tbc odJac= ~e
The Clt1 of OUQ&<>
and _~ "" plams ""luch bn'c bo:c:Q 1lw.lI!Icd .... the ~Ic.
reqw::cm£IllS ro: IlUCCCSlfuI !.ndvap:q. PIarrts c&:mOl be 1IISWlec! &:>C!
I<fI aIooe III tbelr .....,. devICeS. esp«oaJ.Iy III the problcmallc wb&:l crlwo",..,el
.... bcff plants .... JUbJCC' 10 pOOl" SOIls, fOil CO~tI~ poor dnJlll~e. and
phys,oalabust;. SO """,,,td _onrelW>/;e IS • ~ compolle!lt of I ruec:n.IfuI ! •• ! I izL... U._ G;vea the IIIUaeS &lid nl"" 10 ...luch pll:llu.'T
~ md OCC"_"lyO'Ol'lD¥ 100'00""'" <ql«tof~ ' vvlvapmg
J'la:nl$ hi"" 10 be replaced, 1Dd. replacemc:Dt "'"lmlllty is also I DCC<'SAI')'
t:OIIIpOnml of. SllCGCul'W 1l>Idsel.p< UUWl&tiO", as "'ell u • &ood ir\«ftllv<: '"
~ propn- plw !nI.lnte<:ance.
l ·nds,,; I ~ alICIa rtpW:cmmt ...-arn:.'Y "" tYPIcal
~ ord_,,",
ha"" •
th:QU&bout !he 0I;I0,Wf)'.
most ordm.Da'I mmply
""",1fCmC01 11I1ed. bul "" detail "" Ihe panKUlu requ~·
",""I> such as wr.c:m&. "..,odi.a;. fmilization. p~ 1lUpe;~<m aI>Cl a a =
for uuectS I!Id. dlSeUes, ete:. f .rd..... pc ~, "",h·d... I fUI~~..".,.,.t
of dad or dcchflq plac!$. has bua I ~ of
o..c.SO',',MV'p" ordinance mm IlIo bq=J.. ThIS proposed reYl$lOll of
the Loodtcape ~ would be ""'"' Sf' ""til m])eC' ,., the octuJ.l wl:s
(OJ npt .......... '
ODd schedule o!w.dsc:apc maiDlcn>lI« 10 be followed,
Tho<-c>uzh mu"ltenatw:. on I
t:w4 " I C>'QC>i
_'>pO<>e<It 011 healthy ta.~
Ofdc':" 10 ."...,., tha,
;>!m1J. OQ!;1I'DS.. '1ed !lave the bel: cbl.!:w:c to pow md prospe<.
Requ:mDm1l fo:! hno4v'P" ~ .... OS rono..'I:
• AU I'eq\UfCd llftd'c"1»f\I on ptl'''!11 propcrry III be IIII.I%ltalllCd Ihrou&h<>ul
the 1m orlM PfOJcct; obli;au<m usu:ned ~y IUbseqUCDI
• All f'OIC(I'>mI'n...... pIIII ""'1hm pllbl>c; npt-or-,.;ay III be repla«<1, If
IIftOed.. fo< • m",_' ", of f.w ( S) ynt'I by cbo ..,..w opp'..... DI a:>d lII>y
~'0W1IIm. ~hry for ..,..!acomcnl ..'ill be ·m'...... LW
fi"., (5) yurI by 1M City ofa..a...,
• Rlillfl1llO be Npp1m>e,ued "mil ...... Ie' fo,.. 1011111'11" of OlIO ( I ) mcb IK'"
wl!dr. dunn& !be J1O"iDa 5CUODI f.... !be fll'St ch:u yca."I
• Slow ..,leaK (• .," wplCr') hap '"' ~3W -led for sup;o!enr.II.Il
PQfI. pul>bc DOlle. ofb:>dscape IDIIIIIIr~on a:Id m.tlll;e~ ~IS"
III ord« to aJerr. :ltichbors a:Id cOIIee-rncd ClIl.UIII to I jIrOJ«!"' Imdscape
All rupu:ed l '~ko I"" to be replaced Ih...........t!be lI!. of!be p:oJ«t. u
~ obbpUOll uswnecI by AbHo;uem Q1IiDm
8ou.niuJ _ : 'I'M Latm sc,,,,,:.1ic ,..,... or I plm:. a bmcnmal coaslSllllC of
aDd ~ rpean~; _bpbm bas I
WlIqIIC bowu<;,
o..tsade diameter of a ~ Inmk. IIICUUfCd 116" lbove P'I"""I fOf
oflw Wn .- eahpet, a1\d lIIUIV:ed II 12" abo\~ CfOWid for I1ftS or 4" or
Conlatafr. Str\II;\I,IR
fides aM. bouom. "!lUll On tIw IIdcw11k. fi1Ied
....Ih fOil used for pWltIl>.&. .specWJy ... pa'1I\l o. lIIi.Ltlie$ pruhld.
plarllmK III 1bc: ",run! pc<md.
C .... nay .. allc Sorrow ....:I< (usually 2'-6~ or )'-0") ~ !bo plIIIleI! ;>L"
of1t>o ~y, .c_l1III1t!e C\lrtlIO!bo ~'alk.
Driplillt: Im"l'!W)I1mc II 1M 0<I1C1mOa. of L'" If'OC aDOpy. ~IDI"'U:"
d_ ...... !:om wM II ....b.>;h proIeCUvc (/:1\0111& 1110 be: 1N1lI1i1niId.
Far si<k: A rclall\"C IIm71. depc:::idw!1IpOO tratrlC d!rceaol:. rcfUMJ 10 \2lI, p.o."
of If! "'~1>O0 acrou (on Ihe far S>do of) <be:
trom tho
drwen pom! of..,....
ill.......,,,,,, ".<CI
I OIOm! plIfItia,: All ... iIII>&: the pmmeIC1 of .
JmklnC lot _d for
Lall4so:lpod u U: At! ~ "'" ~ of "tuc:h :I tocpktely ~ wrth
&fO'IIIIkovcr. ahtub&. trees. Of od><t I...."" ~1a:I o:al£nl.l
MIlIIHuI." A a.... form ~ by N\~ m:nb. Ot """'" n.~ Iha:! I
' . Inmk. "Euqlles on:ludc bm:h 11>4 aldor
:-;ur lid .. A ",lao...., tom::. dcp:ndonl upon 1f1.lf", cI:r<C"'..lOIl. rcf"""'C 10 WI
pan of III """,,,.:Cboo before (on W DOar ,!do of) the IRten.ecWl, ~t fro:n
1hc d:wu', POlllt or V>t;W
On.a- ' lul '""': D«>du0u5nee, - . he>p' Im:ban )0 .. poa«$IOl
quah:>es mdt '" fIcr<o"aS. !rUlL and a~ foha:e Of ""'po:
D efinitio ns
Tbal pol"llOll of Ibe ;>Ubbc ..... y beIWeeo m. Itreel and !be a<areS!
pualkl propcrry line, ",e~ li~· .tk:area.
Pack,,'a), l,uu:lsc:ap* anoa: An ...... between !he ,ide,,'o!k o.nd the back of ,tree!
cu.-b used for iandsap"'t.
Pukwa)' pI...,IO" A
tars< pia,,,., CU'..,..' '" a .~, """,Uy qed Wltll •
coaa...., curl> and /or ""'ttl fen<;c \ocI.ted tfl me pu\:..... y Iand$cape area.
Perl_ler landsup* area: "The: "" 'en fOCOI....'IIle are_ ofa ,II. RWl$ut«! tflward
from 1M propmy hne
Perlmtter plaaler: A plantc1 Ioc.>.ICd along the ou ...
a~I=• .
0:1,. of. buld.tnf., 1,I$\laIly
Roo!!"p pbalor: A penmet<:r pw"er 00 the roof of _ bulding.
Roo! palb: A ~:C'xtile
Trees and ,
~M.l eo""e(~.n;
tree roolbalislO olh<:r adJac.,u
o • • ~ja<;.o, ~
Sbadelrce: Laq:.·S!:ale declduow; tree. mature beltbt ab,,,,. 30'. ,enenlly
having I s"'~i. $lC1n. plarned pnrnarily fo, shade.
Sbrub: S ..... II·scale planl$, ,eneraUy "'L""'~t. s:ngle stem. \!Sed IS ~.edges.
fOlllldaao~ pbnllDJ. borders. and accen .... possesslllJi: qtUh~ such as flowen.
fnu~ and _WS<:ti •• o. 5lupc:.
Struetunlloil: Soil thaI has been amended ",m aggrcpt. 10 suppon CODCfOtO
",dtW1IlkS =d asphalt pu\:in, lcr~ whik prI>''IIlinj; nourishmet>t 10 pll.!:tt rootS
(e.,. '"Comell . ~ •.Am$....dam, .. or other $Oil that has the
W Wpp011 •
~ ·bik dlo""", fo, root pen."omor.)
=. . .
T r .. ,nlle: Cut iron cO' -erin, over. tree pit allowmi; pe<!01!n1t1 circuLtnoo
"'hile ~""mg soil compacllon.
0Vtt the I'll
Treo ,uard: I"rotect:Ive CI,el!'OWld. nee uunI<. U$Ilally CUI·itoll. .!tached 10 •
n .. Jl'O:C', 10 p!'OleCI the lI'ee tnmk
Trft pil: A cut..,.., o. bol. III th< .u!ew>Ik. fjllc<! ""lit $O'~ UI ",h:.h. lI'ee is
p]a.~te<L $Omell:"•• =-ered w,th a 11'0. grat •.
L"rbl" bn! island: De'·.loped ...... marko:l by.., UI<re_!II amb,,:n, aD"
"~fW01 due 10 lu$e """"",,:s of coDCJe1e. asphalt and metal absorb""
"'[]<CIlII, saw
V.hicular USC area: An)" ;J."'¢a 0:11>< 101
located with", U)' C1>Closed o.
p.>."tU.lly ~doocd SW<:lIIre and "'hlch " devoted to a uS!: by or for moto'
"'hld01 "'dud:ng plJ"~!II1 (..( or aon·accosso:y) or SIOr.l,. of automobile .. 1n:Cks or othe. vehICles; Ioat\Los areas; ........... areas Ind dr",<'$; and
acoess alVa :LOci <lnv~'a)i"
_________ ____________ ___
info rm ation
Svt bl\leolulc 0< blac:klll>C prWS of !be bndsnpe plan IDII$I be subrnJud. The
p!an IDI>Sl
a scale of J' .. 4(l' -4" or Ius:cr Ie.&-. J' .. 30'.0- or \" .. 20'-0")
iIJId be CIa ~"I:I .IZC dn......, lbeea .... 10 excot<! 36" 4& 1t>:l>Q
Tht u.ndsc:ape PI&:! (m;~,",d under KCtIon ! I.S- 1 oftbe Ouai<' z.on"'l
Ordinanc<:) IIIIiSIIftCIude Ibt foUo ...... ",fonnaUOll.
OnWIIII onc:Dll<lOll (n!ic:aU>d by co:o>'nmono) nonh a:row)
Propmy lmcs, e&$e"""'tI.llId nptl-Of-wty fron:liCJ. ihc"'lIIi
StJlol IrWItIcs It "'~ aDd It aJJey and ~'ay curl> C\l1S
ua alao! .......
Loeauon wi dimoas!onI; of..o IaDdsca;>ed are.u mcJIIIiIq pa:k_y
P!&mIDi: pu\<mllot and vebil;l>w \If<! m.
park"" \oland
vebJcu.\u 1M area IJIlmlii Pla.o.t:<Il
! O"'non, "orao""] _ c d NCI of all p!anls lI>d !he loan<m of 0l.'Ie<
peM:Deut la:ylscapr fw:uu
LoQnoa of all ...stull trees "" .ne cra~ thml 2 Ill" al..,.,. WIthe
applic"'" proposes 10 mDOve
LocaIlOa of all e:usllni trees 011 "'~ JrU!er IhlZIl Ill" tal"., .. ruth ...., 10
be reWDrd ud """",ltd IO'OIUdt !be pI.""", "",lUm".ltIlS
Lounoa of ",lin.., p..,1,,,,... ), ttus mcl:lQq & deocnpnc>c 0[110.".
qua!tty iIJId
LocIIIOII. desi"" bctJb:. and build"" ma,enal of all ptopos«! ..... Is..
tfOO p,u.. "lamer COfltl1ll<'l'S, mI (_os
Log,I>OII of "MM, alii! J'I'OI'C*d s:rea h&Ju$ &:>d ("" hyo!n.'\lJ '" publ",
Siu ..-dlocanoa of all ~ m:I ~ publIC and p:1\"1:. YD11l)
tmpUv.......'" both ~ and overload. ...,111", \he publIC naftlS-Of·
hoposed Ia)wt oh ....""lIr
,",u "",bdml 1M
chmnwom of patkJII& ~ isIatId$, I:I:cnal
wanc..'1ys, aDd dn""" aw""
Ion""" aD<!
,:.:uu:.. ~
or No"t>-""I)' ano,.'.
OneOO!> of""",1 traffIC IOS"'I"""
Eswn.aled time Khcduled fOf pbnnq
:-.'-.Iddruses. aD4 J>IIc- IIUIrIbcn of IX a.'..,,, a:Id :be tqlSl<'m1
hndonpt ~ fUFOII$iblc fo: I""'P*=i \he ~ pions
IJ&Ded by !be _xr($j. e<>rnml:tl:li TO Ih< prOlCCl1O:ll
acod. i("""~f*'Y, rcp! of all OXISUIIJl p&OOoo"a)'
and 1I'1t=i1
IfftS desip;arcd fo: crcdll to...... d larulsup:tli ..... u = " (Set App<:ndt>:
=rocd ......""".
A certified '1I1e1:>e11t, tlped by !he .,...,..,qs). cornnu=: 1<> Ih< """,.:c_
of ~ 1t*A$-O;>-=I (Set A;>pe::>diJ; OJ
A certlrlCd '1IICmcm. _!pOd by Ibe ~ ia.'1d$cape ar.:1u~ .npoll'
"bl. for p«pmIIi Ill. !andscajlt pltns. 1ta1mi WI the plans ha,. bern
~ '" accorduoo ",,6 !he '"'=t ~ds of !h. Ouea;o Zo""'&
~ and 111. Ci~" 10 1M Oicqo 1 a·dv~ Ord""","{Scc
AppnId:x 0)
Require d information
Pial of SIIfW)'
S""·O)' &bowuIa: c"lSUIIS 1m:> (~ loa~ 1<1IIIS, IIId ~I><III)
l'botosIapha ofaU ~ uu, wnh I a!Ipe: ortwo(2) ,1ICbeS Of JI":cT
1".&11 of types IIId utecl of lOil mc>dirlU:>am w dn.iftqc
Resulll oflet! or UlSIU\i 1011
Resulu ofleSl of unpon ooi!
Resulll or pcrcolanoa L/:SI
n.. City III Chlal<'
'"'" - - . . daenlw:s ,<:DmO! ~; !I"e1O; SWldards;
1W>dards; ........ b pw.ttag IWIduds; md If<1UII'Ico .~r pw.ImS IWldards.
Gener21SllI ndu ds
mslallatoXl of pta:us !hal will ~ IUIdn- SlnSSfbl wbu ~""~
_ be<i TM ~ds h$tod below "';11 hcl;o
p<CVm1!be plamm& of IreeS !hal I>ecoJM bIzards. ...i:lW>en« pt'Oble<nJ. 0: a
~ ~
Kat 011 !be
Plw:s $balI-.!be SWIdards of ~Ammcaa SUIIdard fo: Xunery Steck. ~
ASS! Z60. 1_1I1C11 edlbOIl, A:nrnan AIsocl.atJon of SUlSC.)Uk'" ..laoc:h by
rd'~ is trIIdt'. 1*1 of1h<:sc S".ddllW l«fm:tICCJ 1(1 muuma .trill! maxt:n:I
...'UIt re:spec1 <0 pJw. bn&hl md "I'!e&d. roodoo.U dame-.." w depth. e1C•• are
from !Ius publieallOll.
pw.ts o.halI .....1 all requ=ts offedelll. SUIC. aod 10caJ II ... ,,~th rupee! 10
pW.11)'pe. labcllDa. nunny or planl UIIpO(\lOII. d!tase. UlJ«l.w od><t ptSI
W<SmlOA. .trIII! .... y oc!Ier reqwrtmeflll.
SubllnNWd "B-paclc~ or "Parle pdc:" pW.II.", out accq>tlbl •.
f!¢Id-coUectf;d PWlts 1ft oot acceptabl<. tvefI d'1bey have been f\lbscqurn:Jy
pla:IlOI! IU !be ~ 1\1 a r=Ier)' Of p1an:td III • e.....".".
P!an!s sbalI bave boa> FO"''U u: • clmwc moe muilar 10 Cbo::aao·... u~ t:fU".bd
S\aIcs DtJ*Wk'll or A~ 1 _ re<:em l:SDA ZOlk lwdmw UIIp) _
4 or 5 (ZOI>C 5 pianls L.., Ilcucnl1y hardy only lICIt !he "''3.''=''1 irtIII1mcc of
Lake )oj 1(:1uJu). Pllnll fiom ZOne 6B or mem. Lc .....~ e),,..... '" zones. arc
oola<~l •.
PIaats shall be ill 1 bnl!!Iy. VIgorous ccao!'lIOII. f:-ft of dead 0: brok£:o bruchcs.
\b:I ""' _ -"P1<v:1y bealcd.. ffop erxks.. cbsfiJW'lD& mou. broItcn 0<
!>uk. ,.,m.neI'n' kacIen or tnDcba.. "'hI>mI b:a:IdIel. Or """nona of
WId. PlmlllhlU _ have UIIIluplc It..:len. ..,.Jeu !Ius is 12>e .... t:!raI form;
UIIIl'H'''''' 1reeI"", OOIa<cq>u.bIc for IeqUIfC<I pbnl1Dl m putwa)'l
PIuIS IhIll ba,"C fiill. ....... "..,l1-dovcloped branolwlll and I <IcnK. m,tOQI. and
BIlkd·""d-bur1a;>ped (8&:8) pla.-.:s shall be clui ""'" a 1'.= roo:balI of naru:;,l
eurh. ofl= '" proporI>O<IlO the plant'.,~. as mcu-~,ed by cillper. bc,v,1.
Bo!l<d-il:lcl-burlappcd PWlts !.hall be ~ only by d:c ~L _
aw:tIi; or tnDcb£s.. u 11m ""'y break or Ioaoc !be roocballlOli
by !be
damI,. tbc
Plant types and standards
Container plants o.haII ha,'e beeD established f"" a muumum of one full JfOWIIIg
seaso.n lD u...,. con,.",",", bef= ins::aJ!ation,
(;oOtainer plaftlS shall be II&ndled only by !he comaincr, !IOI by !be lterm or
bnnches, 1$ this may pulllhc plml ou. of!he co~_ and break or 10<W:tl the
1'O<>1hall and damage !bc roo. oys<em.
Sm>-tooI shrubs and grotID<kovcr PWlts """ ac«p1lhlc, if !hey arc due and
""taIled "' the ;appropriate season ill:d h.lndlcd III !he appropNle mom:...
!hr.·rool \f..,. arc no1 ac:ccplable.
I'lmlS sholl be "'~ from drymg-CJllt dunng ..ruPP"'i WI'" WpaWms or
other covermg.
I'I.ants shall be proteeted from dryIng...... t afier delivcry by planWlg unmed:.
",cly; ittbU is no. possible. !be r<ICIlball shall be COVeted WIth peal !DOSS ""
earth, and Wltero mquendy 10 I:«p 11 molJI utllil p!&nan;.
00 1>01 1wId1e. move. bmcI. 1le or otheno."\SC Ireat plaft!$ $(11$ to damage !he
root\>a!~ roolS. tr'UIlk. 0, brvlches in my ""&y.
0uM.g tOIlS\f\ICtlOll. parn"&y tree. "ill be tnspected by the Depanmenl of and Iht SlUCau ofF01CS\fy 10 confirm comph= ,,~tl: the lands<:ap<
orduw>c:c. If tho: trees fail to meet !he reqwrclDCIUS ofth<- \a:Idsea;>< 01d:mnc •.
they be "Placed at tho: OlVUet', e"pellSC. AI the ... 0;1 of five (5) yeaJ'$. !be
~"'1mtttt of Zoning wi1IlIOtIfy the awe.a ofFore<\f)' It which !Ime !he
Buruu will pcnO""llfl ac«p1lJ>C(! inspce\foll. If !be project IS ilpp"n'td, !he
Buruu will then lS$t1ID£ 'O$pO"sjbihty for d>t tn:es ",!be pub4c nsh,-<)f·w.y.
If .... Ipphcan. IS pWlnnl mote thlf! I""etlty·fi .... (lS) puho...y treeS. !he B=ou
of foreouy re<j\Il .... wtlll tree tlUmg be do"" by I Buteau rtj>I"esen:aI1'·.
pnor 10 <humz. Applic&o.lS $hould tt:I$Uf< !hI1 tit. nw>eryman "'"W1ymS the
trees aad d>t !aDcbcape orcinUCI observlllg !he planhl\i are familiar Wt:ll !b<:
B='u'utl1ld:lrd.s and ip<'<,fiCiIlODS. At !be ~pphcant". request. :be B=~',
.wi" will jllSJlCC1treeS If :be nwsery. In such cues. !he applie;lnt """'I pay al!
Buteau expenses for IIISJICCtI<ICI mcludmg th< COl' of t<avcL \ (if
ury). ii'''! I ten pe=t odrtwwntl"c o,·etbcad fee.
Plant types and standards
T ree piantin g sUndards
Tf«1 $lull be ilItlSll«l ~ AI'P'="<fuc D. ~ Trte planWl~ '"
" Tree
'" IWfOW parkwly, ~ 1"ru plu.tII!j: '" parh'l.y p!amcr," -r....
p~ '" t:'U pit ""1IIl
~ <II' -rrte plan""" II! ~ 101 oslaDd. ~
2·112" cal!per II'oet shill be 12', 0" to 14'. 0" belsJn, ",Ill.
htl,h, of
2·112" allp.r II'oet Ihall mvc • "'''''"'''''' 28" dilmetcn IS" dc;IlII fOOIbIll.
n.c fou.,...""'1 deciduau 1RC spccla >lid voneuos are recOJlw",Ddcd (DO
comfert or oeedJc .~ L"C ac:c:cpllblc). Tbc ...lcaJoo oft,,,"
10 tht revie .. of !he 8\!U1.!I. of fortSit)' for spec:,flC Loea:iOlU
R.gqDg! !lIIl!C
Ace:- pl.o.QtIOOdos ' Emtra!d Qt>em.
E.-...:Ul QlIem ""......Y II:I?Ic
Sup:- ","pic
Cohtmnu SlIp:- .....ple
A. IlCeblntm ' Columrwe ' "
A . oac:chanrm ' Orten MOW! ~ ",'
A. sat<:banmt
Caralpl spp.
f ...... nc:&na 'A~= Apphusc'
f . amcI'l.;&ftl 'Au= Ptup\c'
F. ..... nc:&ZIa 'Rotc Hill'
ffUlllUl cl'UblOl
ftaxiDut pm>J)'I...,....
F. pe!IIIS)' I~1AICI '!\ewpon'
f . peml)'I ...... IC. ' PaImOrt"
f . per.nsyh'~ 'S\un=,'
GmkI<:> btlobll (mile oDly)
G. biloba ·A!I.= Gold"
G, biloba "f~'
G. bilobl 'l.&kcvocw '
G biloba"~ Scn~"' o
Green )..iOllMI!n I"'''' ""'ple
a,o::ben 111.,1/" maplc
Pr2znc Pndo hxtbcny
TIclwh rllben
WhIte ash
AU= Appt._ ,,-btl. ISh
Autumn Purple wh"...."
Rooc H U! wlute ISh
, ""~""
Se-o.por: If=' ash
l'lolmO:c;rcen ash
Su=1;rcen uh
AulJ.:.'"1\lI Gold iLCkio
l.aU>","" amtIo
P:-m=oa Sc-t:1Iy JII'.krO
Tho"*" ho.Ieylocml
Plant types and standards
BrnanrSlI Aln¥
Cqmrppn Almc
Gledm.&& aue&I1d101...emus
G. ~ 'HaIb'
G. IMIQllmo. mcn:us 'Sh>demmcr'
G. tn&c&nlhot IIIftI!lI$ '$kyIn>Ie'
t.modmdron Nhplfaa
~ ca!1~&III 'C!w>u<=Iecr'
p ca!~' R ~' "
P Clllfty&IIl'Whltebcwc' • •
Que, .... boeolo<
Qutraa IfIIbnana • •
QII<:r'cI>t ..... ..
Qgm:<d Nbnm: ••
Qumw. ma:-.a.'l'I ••
Tilia .....nQfI,I
amontI:Dl 'F~'
T amcncam .R.tdwoDC! '
Tilia co:dall
T . cordata 'Chanullof'
T _dati ·Gien\e';... ·
T. cotdall'Ol)11'11pic'
TIbI "cuchlora
TIbI pb.typbyllol
Skyu.w boIwylo<:Ult
KclllllCky colfectrec
Tuhp~. yellow poplar
AmlIf <orkll'''
Clw>llcl«, no, peal"
no ....
triD& peZl"
Whltcbouse flo..cnncpe.v
S... amp ..lute ~
S"",,!C oak
o.mhplD oak
I')nm>d1l Amcn<;.... Imdo:n
Lntlclcaf I.uIden
o.....ccllof hnok ..
Glmlcvcn lIDdeD
"'--OlympIC linden
..... ...,.....
S.hw ltllde ..
SIC.",,& Silwr ,ih'n bl\d£n
Tibl vulpn$
t:lm:a c.uplDl(olia ·AtcOladc ·
Acco1ldc IrrICIOChlnf elm
t: c.upilUfoblo 'H~'
Hoa"l'c!d ImOOIblufcb
],;. ar;owfoba .1tq.LI.
1.. SCfnIl
Grcc:avuc ulkO\'>l
'Gfe,mYUC '
• For only '" IIIl"T"OW pa.~)'1 ""m DUrby ho,kI'DI' ODd SlRlet
•• SF"lIIba OIl1y
"The ","'(":1I>0Il of unproved '·..,cUe! of pbnu is rtCommcDdcd, "The V,"".:II,S
ora I"·... spKl<' may bave a Itn>.gbLcr m.otI<, • II'O~ 1)1>IlIIC<I"1C&l Cl"own. booll«
f10WUUll: or Fall color, ,"UWlCC to dlseuc: or ~t mfeautio .... etc. All
shan boo wnppcd ""'Ill burlap from I>uc 10
brmcbellDd scaued ""th
b~te _
. i'roJOC! 0W!Ir.\ lI"e advued 10 ....1: adYlCe ",'bmael=1
pWI!J: ' ccrt1&d IlI1QU)'11W'. tho Coop<:ran"" Ex........aa SetvICC oflhc
t:UlVmlly of 1I1:Do1s. • ",,,"<red bndocape arciuleCl. a repuQb!c IaDdsape
COII_. n:.
The City of Clua&o
Plant types and standards
Acuplablupecln, ... bJ""'0 appro"al
foIIowuIa IrCC spec'" a:>d nneua an: accep<lb~ If opcaflCaUy a;>pfO'"ed
by 1M B _ of foruuy:
Sih·cr .... p~
a".,Cf btrcb
AID", al"'lIIIOSa
Apples. tnbapplH
I)a ......
Popbn, coaoa.....,.s. UpOn
Cbcmea. plums
Black 10cust
The foUO'O<UI& ~ IpCaCI &lid vmcUel an: u::accq>Qhle (to:ufm 0< Medl~
...·a... e¢1'4 .... ~ble; ...... ""lIb lbotI>J an: _~ tot ~y park.....y
BOW"g! Plrnc
Cqmmoo r.lrnc
A= " " " " "
AilaIIItM altwImI
Elnal=" anpsufolll
Gonqo bi/oba (female)
female lmkio
PLanMI of any IrCC ",,",,'" Of
DOt hswl above U
will ~ appliaUOlllO, &:Id pmnW"'" !:om. !he
acceptIble sp<Clft
BIn,,,, o~ Fo:u=:<
1,;ouuptable fonns
Espolin /IT topiary' leometnca! pLan, fomu adllo,'c4 tb."OUp p:wllIli "hi<:h
:are COIInry to IIIlUnl rom.
o-if /IT ~·saM !bose Im'S "hid! '""'" h:;l>er tIII:Il'-(l'" INI Cl:"~"'101 be
u:><;\emuDmtd 10 a ml·tr""m
"",abt of6'-(l'"
Topped Of' dOltmru: trte$ WIth mosl ofme ctO\\'lII0fD0"ed, ..,eh thaI me malll
bBDcbes <tid lbruptIy iD stubs
Plant types and standards
Hedge pianliD ll $laDdards
up.-iib!. or smalI<1' plaII", such Q Jlpu>ete barbetTy. !'eklllS coleXlCal·
burmnJ bush. H,ck', y~. Comp&c, European cnnbeny. 1M
CompaCI Amenc .... C,,"bony may be dlfflcul,lO obt.l,~ ,,"'lth a 24" $pfnd. ",£I
lhall hlvu
IS" rp«ta~.
~am> ....
In. CompoCl
:Mn,,,,,,,,, 1iJ>IoC'II' of~~ plams $h.o.ll be ;.6"
:S&m::lW. upn&h~ Of smaller p:""", such as JIpa:lCK b:afbeny. Pekin, COW'OeU'
tot. C<I~ burt"", bush. H.eks ye ..·. Com","c, EIl.I'Op¢.... cl'Inbony.llld
Compact Atnmcan c......berry m.o.kc I mo" ~lfecnv.
to;ether. 1M IoholI
I maxmown 30' opa: ......
Hedic he:laht t.»ll be
JCfUD ... beD
planted clo$cr
pot Serno.:> 1Il.B. VchlClllu r:.. Area
S=e:rins kqulmnCllll
H"""es sJ:all be ........ tlmod as dmsc. con:ll!UOUS w..1 orfol:aJc, ilI>d shol1l1Ot
be 1o!Ie:a.~ IS a IomeS of wh~ p:......"..
H"""cs sI:aII be: sbt=d ...,111 '"batt=€' S>dcs. u .. W w><kr w"
110 .no-.- 1>p' 10 .-1I1bc ~'e' pan of:b< plant. IO~"" Ibt foha,e al tho
""" ."""".
The CO<)' of ChICJlO
Plant types and standards
R ~m"..nded
1be follo"""l shrub
spe<:'' ' aM ~ancti.. arc rc<:omme:>dcd:
Common name
Aroail me!anoc:arpa
Bc,bms thunbngii
SUXLlS =";fophyll.o ko=na
Cuapna arborescens
Cory"" amenC&na
CatoflUS!et ap,ocia ..
CotonOUlet bonzoutalls
FOfSythia 'Anlold o..'Uf"
F. nrio!iswna 'SfOoxensls'
F. ~ mtcmlledla
Slack choubmy
bpancw barbcny
Siberw:I pcashrub>eIi..., lilbe"
C"",betry """,nasle,
Rod:s",.), <XIoo~eam,
Sarooxi<: _"'ICleeper
ArDold d ..'Uffonyllua
Bronx g=nstem fonyt"""
!lox X IIltUfVUe
lWllpcn1l clw:<:nsi.s
JIIIIlJIC'US chiDensis procumbens
l~ hontoctahs
Owuf c""",",,, J\InJpe':'$
LlgWttum vulpr<:
Common pnVtl
Goldm VlCuy p:wet
Llgusttum X ~'c:L"Y'
Po«ntill.o irull<:osa
Rhus aromaU .. ·Gfo.\ow·
Ribr:s olP1Il1lfll
Sp~.". lapo,,;ca
Spi:ca X bumalda
S)'fUIP mc;=
Synnga parula ·~iu Kiln'
Taxus cuspidall
Toxus ~ media 'TaWloonii'
VibwntL'n carlnri ·Co:n;>K"... •
Vibu.'num ailobwn 'Computllrn'
Viburn"", m\obwn 'Hah$'
Viburnum XarkepbaJum
Chi..t1= Jwuper5
Japancw lard.., juniper
Gro-l.,...· sumac
Alpll!<: cum.'"
Ja;w>= sptrea
Bumalda sp~"Ca
)'llU Kim Korean IiW:
J"l'''''''' yew
TOUIltofi yew
Dwarf KOfeamp'ce ~ibu:nu:n
Comput Americ&n cnnberry
Hah$ Amen"",, c ......berry
Fn.lrar:: viburnum
Othe r Speciu
I'lantml of ""Y speci.. 0: vanetles IICI luted abo,·. "ill ~u~ apphc.o.IIOfl to.
andpmnwion from. 1M Burau ofl'o"'I,,), .
The City of Ch~
Plant types and standards
~""c:r plalll:mJ IS _
noqwre<!. """PI III ~ vducuIu "'" :are:a
",\CrDIJ p"min, However,,, is...::ounccd lIIaw.<>PNtt Ioca:ums IS ...
odJl'l'le' 10 reqltire4lt1<enW plunlll&
for Afoty IlDd VISibihty, g<OUDCIcovm em be p!&."Ited only III ee= arcu of
Sh>.ll be _Wl>06 below 3'..0"
<boukl _
bc<:Iousc of the """'"' ofw planll, thIS
be a problem.
l.ocaIC IUd> dIIlllnffic: I1J:II&ls an: , ...;1>10- for I
!IlCUWCd from Ibt &top liDo, IIplCIIi from the tn/'l'",
<bI;rua: of 250'.(1' as
closes! 10 !h. curb.
AeJopodVIm pDd:&pa.:u
Goo .....
Cotoaouter dammori
Camneu ..... bon"", ..!>' 'HesK"
C=!,inS (OIOMU"',
Bcarl>e:ry to!ODeUl.,.
Rod: J;lAY ~.. ~
Hesse OQ<OflOU""
EUOD),"'''' !'ommei 'Co!ontl'
£\IOtI)'II'IIS fottUt>e, ¥qel\lS
f'luplelnf ""~:"!c'''''''"'
Hodo:ra behlt
.Iumpc'us c h ......... ~
JIIIIipenIS ctw> ...." ...."iC!I'"
JWllpoN$ coMl/ftI
='J>ach)"smdn. IOmUD&lIS
a'&1uf "''''=cqoer
/1pOllICIC prdc= JII'IlI'CI'
Sariml JUOl,...,.
Sh..... JI1nl~
C=!,,,,, """,...,.
H="J' ""-y1IJ<!
JapaDOSC pachysa:>dn
aromaue, 'Gro-Joy,.,
Ccr.all! spec>OS luted aboo.~ requ~ a C>Ote shtltCed p;"'1Ul&e'~: a:xI
;m>J«,... advised 10 oed: advIc •• 'ben
plaDts.: • ce:t:f.. d
Dwxtyrr.l:I. the Coopcn:lve E~ttT'.&,on Sft'y,(e of the t:nl\'mity o! Ulino:t.. ,
~lSt.ralla~,*,P" .,.,hl«!, a repu:abk ~ cor.:ranot, ot(:.
~ of ""Y $pCCIH Qr "..,.,.,,, . . no, IlSred abo\." wi~ req~"'" I;)~!.ca""" 10,
a:xI per=sI= from. the ZocwIa Ad:n:n:stnlOr a:M! !he Bwu:I or FO'!"Ir)'
Plant types and standards
:sOl.pp....'_ for ........ .udIlIoIlJbom bfttI~ "unlllllM •• us
III!! DR[ lirn,;C< IR
:-'orw.y maple
Silver ma)'lle
Horx theslDlll
Rl'·er bln'b
"'"""" "'"'
511111 opp.
AU Willow
AU .Im
The Cit)' of Char<'
Plilflt types ilfld standards
;<ion. bost Slrett t l'ftS;
"""roved for ...., ill ASIa ... Io"lbono
_II< '1ura.o.fia~ areu ill
pubUc rizhf ..r-.....)'
Balint"! ume
CgmlDOll name
GymDoct.d:>s dIoo:u:I
Ccrcu c:am&mil (1= fDml)
~cWeqUOJa Ilyptowobotdes
ca-,.. spp.(ftC' fllr=)
QIa1usu fn..-an""" var. me:mu ~
O' ..... miwood
AtIItluoch>Uspp. (1= fomI)
"'""' ....
"""'" ~"'"""
Ccrt-ldIphyllum JlpGII>CI
MowIwn os!:l
CoIns spp.
l.inodtodton fIlhpdcn
SyrtDp opp. (1= form)
Tultp m<
Tums!o fiIbc:":
ar..y. '1fIiD'&4I (1= f<>ml)
" ,.
Toxodium dJstI/;lnIlII
""" "".
"""""""" ~
ComuJ rpp'(l= form)
&14 CypfO'"
H,uory and pecm
Plant types ;u,d standards
1"000 . host trees:
Appro ...'" (or use in non _ p.rk,,-a)' ",ran lonporo bftUe qnranrlne are",
BoW!!!;,! D3I!l£
Carp"'1IS spp.
CerclS canadcmlS
~ ewequo.a
AiLulIhu$ alu$llIDI
Cnolaep spp.
Qleoho:ua C-.";UlIQ VW IDm:m Spp
AmcW>ch!e: spp.
Ke:nb>clcy a>f!ee1rge
:.w<lenh&rr InC
""'~ """"'"
~.." ~..."OOd
I..inodcr>drao tu~p1fcn
S)"nIIP '>'P.
Thhp InC
""'" ""'-
- . . ".
L.q'"d'mNr $f)....,ifiwo
Pbolloc!l!:!odro:! ImlII"<:DCC
Carya 'PI'.
Hl<kol}" II:>d p<'«tI
lwl!l"' .... spp.
LIIrix spp.
Cercichpbylh:m J&POlUca
c.n.. ....
CoryhlS .".nan.
Pica lPI'.
Twp '>'P
Ilu $pp.
Ewopeu filben
Common I"'~=-non
Th\1J1. Spp.
J\1al&Ds I>ip
Black ..... !:u:!
C.9!!l!!!m !QIT5
Tbr followmJ placq dcWIs an: mtmtW l1li """" U pidn 10 !be tu=I
(\QIp. udlftSl&lbl>Oll o! pl:mll. They sbow Ibe rclalloOl>lJupl of ....!CNls """
COCICcpa de~ ~Ja.',bore '" !his G""de. They .... _ dr.a""II1O I putlC'.1lar
Kale fma! pl&m. as prepared by. rq; !.",w."P" ardIltOtI. will oeo.:! 10
""'o:pon.OIIidd:OODll, IIW-specif>c: det&iIs sach .. cIniftq~ ot:d .:npOOl:. Othct
,1enII CODCmIlIIi !be c-J.!""" and =tnIIDtC of pl&nll (,.~. JIN'WIJ: and
II'IIUIIllIIIDII bedp:) will Deed 10 be: &ddta.ud by 'I<p&ratc land",,";>" =teIWICC lrWlual pRjIUCd by me Iandseapc: archllect.
Please !!Ole !be deleoonoflreC'~ lUym" om! f!\ll\k "'"Willi ...'Iu~b w~
iD !be I'fCVIOII$ cdJlIOtI of Ihls Guide. Subocqucnt reseuch lfId 1fI<!u<try
pnmc:.. hI'~ u.o....., that such $W>d&tds n'Uly kNlUy do mo .. Iwm 10 L'><
1oQa-1Q'JI'J \'IIbilllY or I 1m: llw! IlOl US"" !hem at &ll (GI>)'UIl '"'Y still be
IodVl$ab\f I1I>CIef atrm'ICly wmdy wnd!lIDDS.) Trees
h.o~ Ihc-.: !>Onh .uk
marked II. !be IIIIlJa)' ODd $hould be pla:1leol ....m1110 ""'" oncnlItIOalt !be
_ 1111: TbJ will proV>Cle fo: !be sa::nt _
10 splffilD& t!w "'!"It'll""
P"O'-.dtd, ..hik _ """"'"'" Ibe !iCp!1'" cfl"cct$ of ~ wo;b as 1:1;r,:I"'f;
III comact ....rh !be !ftc' Tbr dew1s 1Ubm! u • part of
Ibe ' ..""e.... plaD sboWd refiecl1besc ~
N:ld!uoaaI ",fOii1llbOa rep."Iim& !be coma planlUll dclailJ
1='1 mel
ahrubl aft be ob<au>ed from die lJ!:etMuoml Saciff)' of Arboncul~, 1400
West Antbocy On,..,. Champa'S" 1L 61 521 (217) 355.9411.
. - . - 0.11 twine. ropoI. Wlrt and
Du.up from wp half of!'OOl ball
~I IS lhlpp40d wrtI'I a ......
arourw! tM roo< ball. ~tt<
_,.. In foo.<r f"K.eI and IoIcI 00wrI
8" .. to plan"", ho!.)
hlltusoil wxer ~ ~ of
~ I0Il
wnped soil """"'" baH
root baIll;WI ""~ or
Planting details
T ...... plantinl in narrow
pace Sl. to tM cleW
COUI"I...,. walIc It bad< 01 wrt>
wicl'I burll;llll'~
crown of rooWaIl ~ulh wr.h ~
2" mulch Qyer .. _at w.,..
....... ""
wuaunl so ~ or I'<><X ~
(_ dIapter _lor 0ttadI)
WIde ill pou,bIe. S"'C'
thoo ~ned con<!~
(flI&a 01 pit to" ~N)
tI'ft pit ..
T..- plantinl in paricw.oy
apply "'ueo pWltInI mncbor-61."
51. to
tI". dotad
l <~------------- Lhado tree wr.h SUOIlI un=!
c------------- .-~"'...<. bKk of curt>
r---------------- r
mulch layer .. Auai' ~
r---------------- pl~nun'~1
; -- - - - - - - - - - - --
piantel' WIth n>Wd curl> ..'><! taU
Planting details
T,," plananl in
pi< wkII
&PM' "tree plant<."'l <::aJ1c!an!s,"
51, 10 dus
...... WM wonl
'f---------~ .....
~::~ " - - - - - - - - -- - - rooo: balI..,u, b<.>t!&p !/2 '"'JO'''
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lava rock .....Ich wr..h Wire I'nt$IJ
(Grater Downtown ora only)
r------------ ......
as wide .. ~'bIe. IJYeIJ
th. cons""ontd condrJons
(ell", of pit <0 be J'O<1hened)
...... ~II
T.- plana", in parIci",lot
planfA'\C m,",QrQ,"
~5 I, <ot.~ .. ~
~-------------- ,~de
...... ..,u, 'tr'On.I
_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - o..r" n
adte 01 ~.:aIl
' - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ root ball w:th burlap 1/2
r----------------- ,.we (_
cr-.. 01 ro<><b>II /lush.....:fo fJndh
we fo<, ,6c!~
t.otW 10 ,100 """""'1
r--------------- 2" mulch Ia)'el' '" saucer sha~
Planting details
, -___________________
_________________ roo< b>l11Nlth burlap In ,tm<>ve<i
of ~I ftusk wtI:h
exJs"nl , ..<It
,--------------- r mulch bytt in
' -______________ plantm, 00<1
G roundcovtr planting
.w <------- 2" m~lch I>ye<
Tht Cq of ChIta&<'
Structural soil
'"Sln,IctlIn! lOW " • 11')......1 me<hl:m cic:slptd 10 pro'ide """" for the ~l_
op:DOIIl a:Jd JfO"'1h of plam roots ""biLe IDCCUq or ucccdmJ; pI~.melu
foomdallOll ~11. 11.... .te--clopcd by CameO UClwm,'Y "'. """ of
pp..~ .... vtls III eoM"onmnce ...,th the Uftified So.! ClO$$,rICJUQII .)'Sum
..... th • minlmum Califonua Bnrinl RallO nccedml 50 whm proper!y co",..
pU'tOd.. ~ soil If comprised of aw.hed SIOM (DOt !ItJle$U)1Ie). clay Loa:n
IJId I lIy<b.ceI stllIihza , The ;"=1 1110 fum. two pan ryszm: I nplluP
beamo;J Clj*lty _
1tN:~ a:><i. ""lIle rootm& zone for p:..ucd mau:m.l
nhm the va"" oIlbo __ llnIClIm'. nus .. acbi~td by IIWWII an
=Iulu ,I""" of kDcr<I"D 1= aDd shape
I soil predomm>.lely pusinJ I 11'200
..eve. Tbe objeet 1110 mmlmiu: or .1:m1Utc III siu frIcuoI:s betweell 0,7S
..,.1m _ mt<l=n WId (0_16 i:lCbcs) '" 6rfi=i by :lx USDA soil cLaa,!ica$"', ;
',ed ...
rCIIIh ill so;. Iyltem
tha,,, dt:s'sncd 10 encowalt ccm~.uous, il>1Cfcon-
fteCted 1001 ~ ra\her th&n i$olatcd tOOIJ '" U>dw!d....1!1ft p'lI. nus ..~U
lead 10 bcahluCfIrtC:l; .. bi .. J"O'"idmc • IOUIId base for plv"" matrnalt.
Swc-:onI $01.1 will ~ "'. SIIl>-buc _tcnalllrdn- -pII'~ for peck$.
1rWl ttaffic ... 1qIII fth>cu!a: trurLC ..m;, the abiluy 10 ..... thstand Ioa<WtI of
elllCflCIIC)' and/or mwtmw>Ce vtiIKlts. III lIItcncItd pwpoIC IS fo: ,,"bl"''''''1
ill aI'US ....hrn: the!l'tt if WQlly JI.I1'I'OU:Idtd by pavcmtnt aod tpao:"
~ Of othu facton preclude the "'" of _-pa,'O(!
pi:J:Ittm;a ODDmmm:zcd aras.
Irtt zo .......
La.1:e Irtt
For a&:IouooW mfOmlfUOll. COIl;a<l the (01\010."'1 md,v>duals 0: o..-ooltS
• SID Busul<, Ouector
t:rbut Hortic>Ilture lDwllltc
c -U UftIllmuy
Ithaca. ~,:y
Juo~ GtaboUy
Urbut H~lture Inwtllle
c-U U""·.,,.ry
Ithaca. 'S y
Gary WltMII:!
The Morton ArborcNm
lisle. Illino,.
Pal ~lsey
Tbc MO<!<><! Aztow .......
Remo>'~ IlI1Y bile fOUllcl willwltu:f UIC! land$caped ...,as
Check for and n:mov. any de"", =ght III trees aDd shrubs
~""" IIIIma", 011 winter C01Ientli$. 1!I(:luo:\ul,i; e~n boughs lrld
hobday bp.1lIIl
P:une any damaged tree bnncbts as needed
Remo,'. any litter fClUlld wilhiD turf ond land$caped ate..
~k fOf and 1mIO"c ltIy debris caught In trees and sbrubs
Remcr.-e 011 ..",''''' ~p. ""'I\1dI:1~ c,-~ boI:ghl. UK! hoJid:ly
Check p<1"Cll.I>I1l plartll.Il£$ ar.d fC$Ct !hose plants WI have been ba,"e<!
from \he ground d"" 10 frost
In$p<ct >.11 It«$, sh:\1bs (mc]1IduIg roses), and v", .. to de=c pruru.z>,
needs and complete !Ius ..m!.: pnor 10 bud btnlr;
Rm>o~ uy hllC'l" fOWld w1\1II11 turf aocI ~ L"US
Check fot and r,mo:We *",y debris caught m trees ""d .!:rubs
Remove 111 ...... 1<::" CO"enD&$. ll!.b.ldmg e'o'o:q;r«n boughs. and holiday
OIcck pen:nmaI pbmmgs :and
!box plam. WI have been hel"cd
fn:nn !he IfOWId due 10 frost
In$pea til "'IIO'S. sl\nIbs (~llld:ng roses), and '""'.. 10 detcnnine pnm1lIg
~=ls and com;>!etc !Ius " .. ork pnor 10 bud malt
1,=mno,'c ....y
fOWld within turf and l.addsc:tped an-n
Rcmo,-. lily
Check fot and
debns call3h: III trees and sh'''bs
Pmorm &pnni bed cl"",.up '" a111QC.lbotU prior ;0 *"y ,..~~ifflj divisIon
Trim back aU pen:nruab DOl pre.,'iously cut bKk
Wale!" $mIj-vrigltcd aDd 1I0,,..mptod I'ndscopcd are:u IS ""Iwrci
Bctm II>OIlnonlll fo, peSI and ~ problems
Beg'" mowin, lawll ~as
Y.onllor all ;>1.u!1mI be<:s for "'"«4)/ <:or.d!!IO:IS a."Id :.lke &PJ>TO?mttc
meUllfn to maiDtai%l III planll:lp '" a . ,(Cd·frte condJnoo
~uIch pl"'l!in~ areas
Landscape maintenance schedule
Remo,·c Iny litler fOWl<! ...,1lW: turf...,d lo.n~'i>"d areas
Cheek fOf and mllO\'c :ony deb";" caupl tfI "ee. and shrubs
Compl= requlffi! perennial eIi"ilion:ond II"lnSpll.ntlctlVlUes
Bmd 0< remove 2S% of crcm foliage ftom 'prtDZ bloonung bulbs
Tnm back oJl pertrulllls ..... qu.....d
WI ler landscaped L""eU" ~
Mulch p!lJlnng lIeas
Conlinue morutonnl fOf pes: and d!scue problems
),10M", oJl planunS beds for weedy co~elitiOll$ l."">d ~ke '?Pf"Oj):"1J.!t;
m... ures 10 mainum aU p11ntmgl m ....·eed_!"ree ~ondJnoo
Remov. Iny 1",., found ...,lIwIlWf I.Dd l&Ddscaped areas
Check r", 0J>d ,aIIOv. :ony delms c.lUsht 10 fneS UId ,1u\Ibs
),100110' ftCwly mstllled p~s for ""=1 'eqlUrem<OIS
),10m,.". .1I plantmll beds for Wttdy condinons and take .""""",'Ie
""'u~ to mau"lla<:IaU planungs in. weed·free <X\nd:no~
)"\00,10< aU landscaped 1.-eH for pest and cbsea ... problems
),Iulcb pll.n~ ........ ~
Prone .11 shrubs iIlId hedges (following bloommS period .f Ippropn.o"')
J uly
Rnnow ""y liner found "'Uti<> lWf and lI.n<baptd .reas
Cl!cck fo: and remove :ony delms •• UlhtlJl trees and shrubs
Con""~. 10 """,.IOT pan!!."\iS insl.l.lled rh.\S ...l$Oft for ....llenng needs
Y.o"'I0 •• 11 pll.nting beds fo: weedy conditions and take Ippropnale
"",uures to mau>t:IU> aU pw.ung. "'. w.ed-f~ condlnor.
)"\ociw. 11l11n<baped areas for pelt ""d d, ...... problems
),1orulo: mulcb oXpUt:ond adjust .. needed
Rnnow :my Imer fOWld Wlthm turf and ~1<baped .....
Cbo<:k for UId remove ""Y d<:bns caugllt m trees and sl>nlbl
Ekgm any 'e<illl,ed deadbeodma. dead lea,mll, pN.1llog. and pinchlJl~ of
peTmnWs IJId annuals
),1orutOl" oJl plantinl beds for weedy CondItions and lake 'ppropr.lle
meuurcsto rnam",in .n ...... in. weed fr« COI"Idltion
:.ioru:or mulch do:p1llS and adjusl as ..... dcd
Order spn"" bloo:mnl bulbi for fIn IlIStallation
),IorulO< aU W>dsaIptd lIeu for pest ""d
c.....ue problems
Landscape maintenance schedule
~ ""Y u:!cr foe<>d wr.hi:llWf &:Id ImI;\ocapcd
Clwck (or :md. ~~ ""Y dcbnJ caup. ~ Ifea and. shnobo
Cm,,"' ... &EIY ....... ~ Ilea ........",. de&<! Ju.r...... PfWI'III. a:.(! pmch::..I: of
pc:eDDa!s WlI:UI11ili
MomlOr 011 P:"'lmi beds for weedy e<>f>ChtlOGl and. Ilk. IppfOpnn.
mcaswa I(IlIW.Qta'-"l oil &re.u '-"I' ,,·oed me ~OIIdltlOft
COIItIJIW to nwmlOl mulch dcpIhs .. Meded
Survey all planMi ~ specified md lI01eand de&<!, damaged or musing
pW.1I md be;:m ",.tall",.!: ~ ..... pl.tJu maimaJ
""""" sh:ubs and bedges for <hi< lasl tII)Ic !!us mo~tII
~ ""y h= fou:>d wr.hll> IWf and lalIdsa.pcd &re.u
Cllcc-k for aftd """""e .... y &bns aathIm IrCn aftd sl:.-.:bs
Bcp folleleaa-np of p!antD.I: beds
00 _ cuI back pcrmruab. Il:ItilIhey SO dormam
~ ....Y be """""co:! ,.. m.. 1m>:
MODIIor 011 P:"'M& beds for ,,~~_ and Ilk. Ippropm'"
Il>USUmlIO nwntam .11 ar= m a ,,-..e.;! me CGDC!Inoa
COIIIIZl.Ic 1(1 marutor mul~h depths ud &<!J"'" .. needed
Compl~ icsIaIbllOll of _ plan, ma~1 by !he micldl. oflhiJ mo~:h
SqllllllSll.ilinl; Ipriq bloo~ bulbs
'-1l aDd lDallItai!1l>ollday dctonDOlU .. desire<!
I\emoYe ""Y hllCf fDUfld mrf &lid lIDcI$c:aped L""C1S
Coec:k for aftd ~ :my dcb:u ~ 1fI UUI and. sh:ubs
Coqolne IttSIoIlat>oa. of S>=.I: bkIoa:m; bulbo
Bcp perl""""", ""Y """""'Y :rec ptIUmI.I: ~ ooa tho t=s
~ foil bed clean-up !his IDOftlb
Pcmw&! foltlJe Ihall_ be CUI hack t:1IIil pJmlllfO
Mulch pIa.a:ma
IIWilll " ...........,,_ coven
M""'talll aU
Remove eay h:IU fOlllld WIIIu!I mrf aftd Ia.odK:aped _u for and mDI1"< ....Y dchns ~ In Ifea and shnobs
MIWIJD aU '"1tI:e< awenn", mc:t.>d:q ....~ bouJho:
~ aU hJI>ru:& m ~ O<dcr. ClChx1Ina alIlQSO:1all.!ll:=~
_:cr COYmnp., "..!udII!....."e~ ~
uzhbna ill ope:;Iunl ord... ;"~I>ldmi.U IClSONl h;l:.t:<Ii
____________________ ____
The follo>o"" CCfttf\od W1<'mI:mS L.., 10 be l1pd by !be appropr..:c pome>
aDd made. panor each 1Mdvv p:U.
SWOf1l lU'O""'D'
1»- o",.er
Comm:u 10 1M ~ of m;u;.~ IaMacIP"'I ill die
Sworn stateme nts
rono.."" fo=:
-n.c u:><;\er$Iped acicDowlcd&es IhaIW laMscI~ pl&nw!&
plaD """"'" OD IhI: attached IZIIdscape plaD(1) for 1M J>1OPO:"Y
(llr«: adcbcu), Ouca&0, Ilimoi$
(lrp 0:0601) has, 10 the best of the \ll\dmli'J"d appbclIDt'1
laIowlcdJ¢, been dcslgned and ,,-m be II\SlIl~ main""led.
one! rq,laced 0$ n:q\1IR!d, by cun'0lI' md ~UftlI owncn !II
1CCOrda!K:. with !he mr.umnrnIJofTiti. 10. Chapm 32 of
die CluQJO M!IAlC1p&I C<:><k. me-lalICK~p1tll fWIIbrds orlbe
Chicqo ZIIDmI Ordma:>ce. ODd the Gl.uIc II> do. Osc.
0rrI11!41!U. "
Commm 10 !be pn!<eC1>OII :me! tqllaeeI:>:n' of ~ bl>d$ca:P""
foUowma: form:
"~1UIi parkIo'lY UId .......,'" in!l!:nOt Ifni .... <0 be ",0:0<'«'1
while proJeCt is ~ comtnJC!lon I!Id will be ftpla«dby
md ""~.,.,, O"'l!<t If cbma,e<I:
S" 'om . ' "lOmonl
••pu ....ed landKlpe .~hi.tcl
CommItllO !he pn'p&IatlOlt of the !&Ddsap< plan III Ihe folloWUII for.:>:
"'The 1Uldemp<! ~ &:<:b.llCC:~ repsImd III \he Sale
aclalowl<qes thaI the 1atwlKap" plwm& p!an aDd
C<mIInICtIOC dcWIs shown on !be Il:aCbed lazIdK:Ipe pll.o(l)
fot!he J'"OI'C"Y at
( IftCt addrosa).
CJucaao. 1lliDo..
(ZII' cocItJ bas ben dCSIpcd '"
~ "'llh Ibe ~.. ofTlIlc 10, ChIp..,. 32 of
!be OIIca;o M~ Code. Ibc bndsca;>"'1 sw.:Ia.-dI <1(&..
OucIso 2om:!a: Orcb:J.,Iec, md :be 0"," 10 dI, Clu,,"t<'
~~ OrrI""'nc~
Public notice
Tho CIty ofChita&o; 10 ~ "" C1:mns 10 bdp CII.I'o!ce 1boo l.t:>dtcapc ~. By reqwnna !be folJowmS DOI>OtS 10 bt postal II • JOb SIle,
oDd m..-mted people C&II vmfy if 1bc: apprvvod p!&ru ~ bem;
.mplemeDled. ProjeCU WI .... IJUI'J'CCIed. 10 1101 be III comp\llI'<'e <:an be
n:ponecI for follo .... up 10 Ihe Deputmrnl of Zorun£.
The- fo\lolO......: ~ 10 be pul 0:0. duplay 001 510: .11be Arne time as 1M bui~
A top)' of!be appI'O''ft! lo ....... pc plan
SI:tlill:r!han II ~ K ! T'
Lammatod to proICCt 1boo pw..
~ aU plIIIl f)'peI. sizes. and IocaIlODS
So smaUcnb.D 8-112" x
1.&m!:wed 10 pro!eCl1bc: $IS:>
Stlw.a Ibe followm&;
n. City ofOucl;o """'1$ 10 ~ .11 dUUlU '" hell' eoforco me 1.u>d.
KIP<: ~ By ,",!ulriDg !he fo~ not>c .. 10 be polled 111]011 "Ie.
... ,pbon aDd "'Ie"mN peos:>le ell' "mty if !he approved 1'11= .... beiD,
rna",,_ 1t:apptO\led. ProJCC1S Wl .... suspcaed to !IOI be In eompll1:>« <:at>
be repo<taI for follow",,!, to Ibo ~I o! Zo=3-
n. foUoo.-q: are to be p.n ... dlsplay .....'" II me same lime I t !he buildq
A <OpY
ofd>c apoprove<l.l&ndscape plan
So smallenhan 11" x I T"
I..ammned to pro=< Iht plan
~ aU
plan, I);>cs. ad IocaIIOaI
So IZDIIkr than 11" x IT"
[.mm I!tod 10 pro!e<'! the SIP
SI:lllllIIhe folloWdll;
"1lIe O'O'DC" of I!m lite has a;::ftd 10 mstalI aDd m Ite!"· !he
reqtllI'Cd taDdi<:ap-.a; OIl !l:as II ... ml«O<daDc>e "",iii !be0.;,..1 •........,
ComphJ::>ce n>ql1IfU 1IIc
• SCYo· !<eft and i/uub$ will be "'llle~d for !he nn.! "'"0 )'W'$
f1rmly «Dblubed
· Sew IrftS aDd Iluul>s will be pNIICI<I [0
te:D:),.., dfad or
• Mulclo m plamiq beds will be ","In:amed .: I dtpdI of3"
• All pll·n." beds I:Id :rtt muIeh c...:1ts ..-ill be ..'eeded
• P=nmals and be:bac ...... shrubs will be p:u:!ed before \be
of n.-w apruli a:mwlh
• All J1I$S will be moWC<! rqulIrly ( i.e. once pet week )
d>:nDa !be JtOWdII JeItOtl
1f)'Oll_ any p<Ob\oI:::I::s ..,iii !be- taDdi<:ay""l of m. Inc ... 1IIc
...."',.......... of ll. pkast; caU !he Ozy ofC!uaJO. Dcpo.-unml
of:z.omaa 11312.7" .9445 "