An approach to precisely specifying the problem domain of design

Journal of
Visual Languages
& Computing
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
18 (2007) 560–591
An approach to precisely specifying
the problem domain of design patterns
Dae-Kyoo Kim, Charbel El Khawand
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA
Received 6 March 2006; received in revised form 22 February 2007; accepted 27 February 2007
The problem domain of a design pattern describes the problem context in which the pattern can be
applied. In general, determining the applicability of a pattern to a particular problem heavily relies
on the knowledge and experience the developer has with the pattern. This significantly limits the use
of patterns. To address this issue, we propose an approach for rigorously specifying the problem
domain of patterns. This approach systematically guides one to develop rigorous specifications of a
pattern’s problem domain using a precise notation. The resulting specifications can be used to
develop tool support for automatic evaluation of pattern applicability. We describe the approach
using the Visitor pattern, and show how the resulting specification can be used to evaluate pattern
applicability for a particular problem model. We also demonstrate tool support for the approach.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Design pattern; Formalization; Pattern applicability; Problem domain; Reuse; UML
1. Introduction
A design pattern encapsulates a proven solution for a class of recurring design problems.
Use of design patterns in software development often results in high quality product. In
general, design patterns are used during the design phase, and using the right patterns for a
given problem becomes an important decision which directly impacts the implementation
and the overall quality of the software. A question which naturally arises is, how to
determine the right pattern? One answer would be to use the problem domain of patterns.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 248 370 2863; fax: +1 248 370 4625.
E-mail addresses: (D.-K. Kim), (C. El Khawand).
1045-926X/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
A design pattern consists of two components, the problem domain and solution domain.
The problem domain describes the problem context where the pattern can be applied, and
is often used to determine the applicability of the pattern to a problem. The solution
domain describes the structure and collaborations of the pattern solution being applied to
the problem.
However, there are several barriers, which are not necessarily independent, to using the
problem domain to determine pattern applicability. Firstly, there is no clear understanding
or definition of what the problem domain is. While the solution domain, which describes
the structure and behaviors of the solution that the pattern provides, has been well
understood, the problem domain is only understood conceptually without a concrete
definition. Secondly, there are many patterns (e.g., see [1]), and it is extremely difficult for a
designer to choose the ones that are applicable without any tool support, even for the
designer who is highly knowledgeable about patterns. This becomes even more challenging
for novice designers who do not have much experience with design patterns. Thirdly, while
commonly used pattern descriptions (e.g., [2–6]) help one understand the problem domain,
it is extremely difficult to use them in a systematic manner, mainly because of the informal
nature of the descriptions and insufficient information about the problem domain. The
informality also contributes to the second barrier, where different designers may come up
with different lists of applicable patterns for the same design, depending on their
interpretation of the informal description.
These problems can be effectively addressed by techniques that rigorously specify
problem domain. Using rigorous problem specifications, one can systematically and
objectively determine pattern applicability. Furthermore, rigorous specifications can
facilitate the development of tool support for automatic evaluation of pattern
applicability. The rigorous specification of a problem domain requires at least two
factors: (1) a clear definition of the term ‘‘problem domain’’, and (2) sufficient information
about the given problem domain to be specified.
Our intensive literature search found only a little work on specifying the problem
domain. This might be because of lack of understanding of the use of the problem domain
in software development. The most relevant work is the work by Jackson [7]. In his book,
he discusses problem frames which capture a class of simple problems in a broadly defined
domain. The concept of problem frames is similar to problem specifications in our work.
However, problem frames are aimed at providing a conceptual view of a large domain
which is sometimes vague (i.e., rather than formalizing concrete properties [e.g., structures
and collaborations of participants, a participant’s properties] of the domain). Thus,
problem frames are highly generic and coarse-grained to cover all the problems in the
domain. Another relevant work is Lano et al. [8]. They proposed a problem specification
for the Abstract Factory pattern as part of pattern transformation where the problem
specification is transformed to a corresponding solution specification. However, they did
not describe how the problem specification was developed and how the transformation was
used. It should be also noted that there has been a lot of work (e.g., [8–14]) on specifying
the solution domain of patterns. Potentially, these techniques can be used to specify the
problem domain, but we have not found any work on this.
In this paper, we propose an approach to systematically specify the problem domain of a
pattern in a precise and rigorous manner. In the approach, we first define what the problem
domain is, and propose resources that are needed to specify the problem domain, and
present techniques that precisely specify the properties of the problem domain using the
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
resources. Problem specifications obtained using the approach facilitate the development
of tool support for evaluating the applicability of patterns.
In the approach, we use the Role-Based Metamodeling Language (RBML), a UMLbased pattern specification notation developed in our previous work [15], to rigorously
specify the problem domain. A problem specification of a pattern is used to evaluate the
applicability of the pattern to a problem model described in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) [16]. To describe the approach, we use the Visitor pattern in the Gangof-Four (GoF) patterns [3]. We chose the Visitor pattern due to its wide use. The proposed
approach can also be easily adapted for other patterns in different templates such as the
POSA template [2] and AGCS template [17]. We demonstrate an evaluation of pattern
applicability using the problem specification of the Visitor pattern and tool support for
automatic evaluation. We also present problem specifications for the Abstract Factory,
Adapter and Observer patterns in the Appendix.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the definition of
problem domain being used in this paper. Section 3 presents an overview of the RBML.
Section 4 describes the proposed approach using the Visitor pattern and three problem
examples. Section 5 illustrates how the resulting problem specification can be used to
evaluate the pattern applicability to a problem model. Section 6 demonstrates tool support
for automatic evaluation of pattern applicability. Section 7 discusses related work and
Section 8 concludes the paper.
2. What is a problem domain?
A problem domain can be defined by precisely defining a design pattern. A design pattern
describes a generic solution for a class of design problems. The generic solution is described with
variation points for different problems. These variation points defines a set of solutions. A design
problem is solved by applying a solution, which defines a transformation from the problem to a
solution. Based on this interpretation, we can define a design pattern as a 3-tuple (P, S, d), where
P is a set of problem models, S is a set of solution models, and d is the transformation function
from P to S. Given the pattern definition, a problem domain P can be defined to be a set of
problem models that are solved by the pattern solutions. This definition clearly bounds the scope of
a problem domain of a pattern such that only the problems belonging to the problem domain
can be addressed by the solution of the pattern. This definition also conforms to the principle of
design pattern creation that patterns are found (from solution models), not invented. This
implies that there should be corresponding problem models to the solution models which
constitute the problem domain. In general, a pattern is described in a template consisting of
several sections describing the problem and solution domain. For example, the GoF template [3]
and the AGCS template [17] are often used to describe design patterns, and the POSA template
[2] for architectural patterns. In this work, we use pattern descriptions in the GoF template due
to its popularity, but patterns in other templates can be also used.
Table 1 shows the GoF template [3]. Each section in the table describes a specific aspect
of the pattern. For example, the Motivation section describes a motivating example of
using the pattern, and the Structure section describes the solution structure of the pattern.
We partition the sections into two parts; the problem description which describes the
problem domain and the solution description which describes the solution domain. The
Intent, Motivation, Applicability, Known Uses and Related Patterns sections are the
problem description, and the rest to be the solution description. We acknowledge that this
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Table 1
GoF pattern template
Pattern name
The pattern name conveys the essence of the pattern, and becomes part of design vocabulary.
A short statement that states the need for the pattern.
Other well-known names for the pattern.
A scenario that illustrates a design problem, and how the pattern solves the problem.
The situations in which the design pattern can be applied, recognition of these situations, and
examples of problem designs.
A graphical representation of the structure of the participants in the pattern.
The participants of the pattern and their responsibilities.
A description of how pattern participants collaborate to carry out their responsibilities, and
interaction diagrams illustrating the sequence of requests and collaborations.
Concerns about how the pattern supports its objectives, trade-offs, the results of using the
pattern, and variation aspects of system structure.
Implementation issues such as pitfalls, hints, necessary techniques or language-specific concerns.
Sample code
Code fragments that guide through implementation.
Known uses
Examples of the pattern found in real systems.
Related patterns
Related design patterns and their differences, and how they should be used together.
partition is subjective, and one might come up with a different partition. However, we
believe that the partition is reasonably agreeable.
Two major sections in the problem description are the Motivation and Applicability
sections. The example in the Motivation section helps one grasp the problem context and
find potential properties of the problem domain. The Applicability section, as its name
implies, describes applicable situations which are, in general, described tersely in one or
two sentences. The other sections in the problem description discuss fringe information
(e.g., known uses, related patterns) that is not directly related to the problem properties,
but relevant to the problem domain.
It should be noted that the solution description may also exhibit some information
related to the problem context, though it is likely to be insignificant. For example, the
Implementation section often describes implementation variations depending on different
problems, and as such it may provide information about problem variations.
3. Overview of the RBML
We use the RBML [15] to specify the problem domain of a pattern as a metamodel that
defines the set of problem models, which conforms to the definition of problem domain in
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
UML Metamodel
Metamodel Level
Model Level
Pattern Solution
UML Model Space
Fig. 1. RBML approach.
Section 2. The RBML is a UML-based pattern specification language developed in our
previous work [15] to support the development of pattern-based UML models. The RBML
defines the problem and solution domain of a pattern in terms of roles at the metamodel
level. By defining a pattern at the metamodel level, the RBML promotes pattern use at the
model-level. This also supports the original intent of design patterns that they should be
used during the design phase. A role is a set of constraints, and it has a base metaclass in
the UML metamodel. Only instances of the base metaclass that satisfy the constraints can
play the role. Thereby, an RBML pattern specification can be viewed a sub-language of the
UML that defines a subset of UML models. Fig. 1 illustrates the RBML approach.
There are two types of constraints that can be defined on a role, metamodel-level
constraints and constraint templates:
Metamodel-level constraints specialize the base metaclass of a role to shape the type of
model elements that can play the role. They define additional constraints on the UML
metamodel, defining a subset of instances of its base metaclass. Only the elements in the
subset can play the role. Metamodel-level constraints can be represented either
graphically or textually in the object constraint language (OCL) [18].
Constraint templates are parameterized OCL expressions that define model-level
constraints (e.g., invariants, pre- and postconditions). A constraint template is
instantiated by substituting the roles (i.e., parameters) in the template with the model
elements playing those roles. The application model conforming to the pattern must
satisfy the instantiated constraints. That is, the application must have constraints that
imply the instantiated constraints [19].
A model is said to conform to an RBML specification when the model satisfies both the
metamodel-level constraints and constraint templates in the specification. Examples of
metamodel-level constraints and constraint templates will be discussed in the following
The RBML provides three types of specifications to capture various functional
perspectives of pattern properties [15]: static pattern specifications (SPSs) capturing the
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
pattern’s structural properties, interaction pattern specifications (IPSs) capturing the
pattern’s interaction behaviors, and statemachine pattern specifications (SMPSs) capturing
pattern’s state-based behaviors. In this work, we only make use of SPSs and IPSs.
3.1. Static pattern specifications
An SPS specifies a class diagram view of pattern participants, characterizing a family of
solution class diagrams of the pattern. An SPS consists of classifier roles and relationship
roles. A classifier role has the Classifier metaclass in the UML as its base, and defines a
subset of instances of the metaclass. A classifier role may have feature roles that determine
the characteristics of the classifier role, and can be connected to other classifier roles by
relationship roles which have the Relationship metaclass as the base.
Fig. 2(a) shows an example of an SPS that captures a partial solution of the Observer
pattern [3]. In the SPS, roles are denoted by the symbol ‘‘j’’. There are two class roles
jSubject and jObserver and one association role jObserves connecting the class roles. The
jSubject role has the following metamodel-level constraints where the first two are
represented graphically in the diagram:
1. The base metaclass Class denoted above the role name constrains that the model
elements playing the role must be instances of the Class metaclass.
2. The role multiplicity 1 shown in the right upper corner constrains that there must be
only one class playing the role.
3. Classes playing jSubject must be concrete:
context jSubject inv: self.isAbstract ¼ false.
These constraints must be satisfied by the model elements playing the role. For example,
in the class diagram in Fig. 2(b) there are three classes: ClockTimer, AnalogClock and
DigitalClock. All these classes are instances of the Class metaclass which is the base of the
jSubject role. Thus, they all satisfy the first constraint. These classes are also concrete
(therefore their names are not italicized or tagged as abstract), and thus the last OCL
constraint is also satisfied. At this point, all three classes are considered to be able to play
the jSubject role. However, the jSubject role has one more constraint to be satisfied that
Class Role
|State: |DateType 1..*
time: Time
date: Date
|Sub 1..*
1 1
|Observes 1..*
|Obs 1..1
Class Role
|Update (|s:|Subject) 1..*
Fig. 2. An SPS and a conforming class diagram: (a) an SPS; (b) a confirming class diagram.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
classes playing the role must have attributes playing the jState feature role. This rules out
the AnalogClock and DigitalClock class from being able to play the jSubject role, leaving
only the ClockTimer class valid. This satisfies the second constraint. The role multiplicity
1..* next to the jState role constrains that there must be at least one attribute playing the
role. If a role multiplicity is not shown, the default is 1..*.
The jObserver role has only graphical constraints similar to the first two constraints of
the jSubject role. A notable property in the jObserver role is the jUpdate feature role. The
jUpdate role has a parameter role jo whose type is jSubject. This constrains that the classes
playing the jObserver role must have an operation that has a parameter type of a jSubject
class. The jUpdate role may be associated with constraint templates defining the semantics
of the behavior. For example, the following constraint template may be defined for the
jUpdate role:
An operation playing the jUpdate role must invoke a GetState operation in a Subject
class, assuming that the jGetState behavioral role is defined in the jSubject role.
context jObserver::jUpdate(js:jSubject)
post: jSubject^ jGetState( ).
The ^ symbol denotes the isSent operator in the OCL [18], specifying that a GetState
message has been sent to a target Subject class between pre- and postcondition time of a
Update operation.
The template is instantiated by substituting the role names by model elements playing
the roles. In order to play the jUpdate role, operations must have behavior semantically
equivalent to the instantiated postcondition. In the class diagram in Fig. 2(b), only the
AnalogClock and DigitalClock classes satisfy the jObserver constraints. Having two classes
playing the jObserver role satisfies the role multiplicity 2..* of the role that there must be at
least two classes playing the role.
The jSubject and jObserver roles are connected by an association role Observes through
two association end roles jSub and jObs. The association end roles have the following OCL
metamodel-level constraints:
1. Association ends playing the jSub role must have an object multiplicity of 1..1:
context jSub inv: self.lowerBound( ) ¼ 1 and self.upperBound( ) ¼ 1.
2. Association ends playing the jObs role must have an object multiplicity of 1..*:
context jObs inv: self.lowerBound( ) ¼ 1 and self.upperBound( ) ¼ *.
It should be noted that the multiplicities in the OCL constraints are ‘‘object’’
multiplicities (as in the UML) which constrain the number of objects playing an object
role, not role multiplicities (for details, see [20]). The object multiplicity in the first
constraint constrains that the association ends playing the jSub role must have an object
multiplicity of 1. The two association ends on the ClockTimer class in Fig. 2(b) are
examples that satisfy these constraints. The second constraint on the jObs role is
interpreted similarly. The two association ends on the AnalogClock and DigitalClock class
have multiplicities of 2 and 3..*, respectively. This satisfies the Obs constraint since the
multiplicities are within the range of 1..*.
Note that the ClockTimer class playing the jSubject role has a feature (date) that does
not participate in the pattern. This is allowed in the RBML as long as the class satisfies the
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
role constraints. In fact, in most cases (if not all) it is reasonably expected for models to
have application specific properties which are not necessarily participating in the pattern.
Having the SPS constraints satisfied, the class diagram in Fig. 2(b) is determined to be
structurally conformant to the Observer pattern.
3.2. Interaction pattern specifications
An IPS specifies an interaction diagram view of pattern participants describing how they
collaborate to carry out the pattern solution. An IPS consists of lifeline roles and message
roles. A lifeline role has the Lifeline metaclass as the base, characterizing a set of lifelines.
Similarly, a message role has the Message metaclass as its base, defining a set of messages
that invoke operations on lifelines.
Fig. 3(a) shows an example of an IPS that describes the interactions of the SPS roles in
Fig. 2(a). The IPS specifies that an js:jSubject lifeline invokes an jUpdate operation on an
: jObserver lifeline, and then the : jObserver lifeline subsequently invokes a jGetState
operation back on the js:jSubject lifeline. The filled arrow head on the message roles
constrains that messages playing these roles must be synchronous.
A sequence diagram is said to conform to an IPS if the relative sequence of the messages
playing the message roles is same as the message role sequence in the IPS [21]. Fig. 3(b)
shows a sequence diagram conforming to the IPS. The sequence diagram describes the
interactions of the classes in Fig. 2(b). Based on the mappings of the SPS and the class
diagram in Fig. 2, mappings for the IPS and sequence diagram can be derived as shown in
Fig. 3. For example, the a:ClockTimer lifeline plays the js:jSubject lifeline role, because the
ClockTimer class plays the jSubject role in Fig. 2.
In the mappings, there are two pairs of lifelines (a:ClockTimer and :AnalogClock,
a:ClockTimer and :DigitalClock), each of which plays the pair of js:jSubject and
: jObserver roles in the IPS. The first pair exchanges the update( ) and getTime( ) messages
Fig. 3. An IPS and a conforming sequence diagram: (a) an SPS; (b) a confirming class diagram.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
playing the jUpdate( ) and jGetState( ) role. This satisfies the requirement of having
messages playing the message roles in the role pair. In the message exchange, update( )
precedes getTime( ). This satisfies the sequencing constraint that messages playing the
jUpdate( ) role must precede the messages playing the jGetState( ) role. Given this, the first
pair is determined to be conformant to the IPS. The second pair is interpreted similarly.
Note that the nudge( ) and getTime( ) messages in the sequence diagram are not
participating in the pattern, meaning that they are additional application-specific
4. Proposed approach
In most pattern descriptions, the problem domain is described informally. While such
informal descriptions may be helpful in communicating and understanding the problem
context, it can produce ambiguities making it difficult for developers to determine the
applicability. Moreover, informality hinders the development of tool support for the
problem domain. In this section, we describe an approach that systematically guides one to
rigorously specify the properties of a pattern’s problem domain using a precise notation.
Fig. 4 shows the process of the proposed approach for developing a problem
specification for a pattern. The following subsections describe each of the activities in
the process.
4.1. Collecting pattern resources
To create a formal specification of a problem domain, we use two resources; a pattern
description that is commonly used for the pattern and examples of known problems that
have been solved by the pattern. In most pattern descriptions (e.g., [2–6]), the problem
domain is described in terms of a simple motivating example and a brief description of
applicable situations where the pattern can be applied. Although such a pattern description
helps understand the problem addressed by the pattern, the information given in the
description is often not sufficient to formalize the core properties of the problem. To
obtain more information about a problem domain, we use a set of known problems for the
Ideally, real world problems are the best resources. However, we find that it is very
difficult to find or access information about them. We think this is due to proprietary
restrictions and the lack of documentations about problems. Instead, we use easily
accessible examples which were developed for education and research purposes. The
problems described in these examples are often obvious, which may not be the case in real
Problem Domain
the Problem
Properties in
Problem Domain
Problem Description
Common Properties
in Problem Models
Problem Models
Fig. 4. Process of developing pattern’s problem domain specification.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
world examples. Nevertheless, these examples are adequate for demonstration of the
proposed approach.
When problem examples are considered, one might have questions like, ‘‘How do we
find problem examples?’’ or ‘‘How many problems should be looked at?’’. To find problem
examples, we suggest utilizing the problem description. The Motivation and Applicability
sections often give inspiration of similar problems in everyday life. Though limited, the
Known Uses section also provides some information on real world examples. There is no
such fixed value for the number of examples to look at. It depends on the level of reliability
desired is the problem specification. The more problem models examined, the higher
reliability achieved by confirming that core properties are repeatedly found. The core
properties may be found with a small number of examples, but the level of reliability would
be low. As more examples are studied, the core properties become clearer. However, it
should be noted that the goal of this paper is not to present highly reliable specifications,
but to demonstrate the proposed approach.
4.2. Understanding the problem
Having a clear understanding of the problem context of a pattern is important in
formalizing the problem domain. For an initial understanding of the problem, we found
the problem description (consisting of the Intent, Motivation, Applicability, Known Uses
and Related Patterns sections, see Section 2) of the pattern very helpful, especially the
example in the Motivation section. Motivation examples are usually designed to be
intuitive and can be easily found in everyday life. The problems are generalized in the
Applicability section describing the circumstances where the pattern can be used. Usually,
the circumstances are described briefly in one or two lines. Because of brevity, properties
may not be directly observed from the description. Nevertheless, this section provides
important clues to identifying the core properties. Real world examples of the pattern are
discussed in the Known Uses section. In general, they are not very accessible. However, this
section can be used to find other problem examples that are more accessible. The Related
Patterns section describes other related patterns. We found that in some cases, related
patterns are not only related to the solution, but also to the problem. For example, the
Visitor pattern makes use of the Composite pattern in its solution (see [3]), and we found
that the Composite pattern solution also participates in the problem of the Visitor pattern.
We will discuss this more in Section 4.4. It should be noted that finding such a relation
requires complete analysis of the problem domain of a pattern.
4.3. Identifying properties from a problem description
In this section, we use the Visitor pattern to show how problem properties can be
derived from the problem description of a pattern. The Visitor pattern was chosen for its
wide use and the availability of more information on the problem domain than other
patterns. In the following, we describe how each section of the problem description of the
Visitor pattern can be used to derive the properties of the problem domain. Based on the
definition of problem domain in Section 2, we specify the problem domain as a
characterization of a set of problems, capturing the common properties of the set.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Fig. 5. Node class hierarchy (taken from [3]).
4.3.1. Using the Motivation section
The Motivation section of the Visitor pattern uses a compiler example to describe the
problem. In the example, a program is represented as an abstract syntax tree, and the
compiler performs operations (e.g., type-checking, code generation, pretty-printing) on the
nodes in the abstract syntax tree. These operations are specific to the type of the node; that
is, the operations in assignment nodes are different from those of variable nodes. Each type
of node is represented as a class. Fig. 5 shows a problem model of the compiler example
used in the Motivation section described with the description.
This diagram shows part of the Node class hierarchy. The problem here is that
distributing all these operations across the various node classes leads to a system
that’s hard to understand, maintain, and change. It will be confusing to have typechecking code mixed with pretty-printing code or flow analysis code. Moreover,
adding a new operation usually requires recompiling all of these classes. It would be
better if each new operation could be added separately, and the node classes were
independent of the operations that apply to them. For example, a compiler that
didn’t use visitors might type-check a procedure by calling the TypeCheck operation
on its abstract syntax tree. Each of the nodes would implement TypeCheck by calling
TypeCheck on their components (see the preceding class diagram). [3]
From the description, one can reasonably derive a property that a problem model
should have operations that are distributed across the node classes in the hierarchy.
However, it should not yet be taken as a core property until the same is found in other
problem examples and confirmed.
4.3.2. Using the Applicability section
While the Motivation section describes the problem by a specific example, the
Applicability section generalizes the example. Thus, it can be viewed as an informal
characterization of the problem domain. As such, the section is an important source for
identifying the core properties of the problem domain. The description of the applicability
is quoted as follows:
Use the Visitor pattern when: (a) an object structure contains many classes of objects
with differing interfaces, and you want to perform operations on these objects that
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
depend on their concrete classes, (b) many distinct and unrelated operations need to
be performed on objects in an object structure, and you want to avoid ‘‘polluting’’
their classes with these operations. Visitor lets you keep related operations together
by defining them in one class. When the object structure is shared by many
applications, use Visitor to put operations in just those applications that need them,
(c) the classes defining the object structure rarely change, but you often want to
define new operations on the structure. Changing the object structure classes requires
redefining the interface to all visitors, which is potentially costly. If the object
structure classes change often, then it’s probably better to define the operations in
those classes. [3]
The description describes three conditions under which the Visitor pattern can be used.
The first two conditions (a) and (b) describe the functional aspects of the pattern,
generalizing the structural properties of the problem example in Fig. 5 in Section 4.3.1. The
last condition (c) describes the non-functional aspects (e.g., changeability) of the model
which was implied in the Motivation section. In this work, we only focus on the functional
aspects of patterns.
Conditions (a) and (b) can be specified in an SPS as shown in Fig. 6(b), characterizing a
structural view of the problem domain. The problem example in Fig. 6(a) is one instance
(or realization) of the SPS. The abstract and concrete classifiers in Fig. 6(a) are captured in
the SPS by the jAbstractComponent and jConcreteComponent role. These roles have a
behavioral feature role CrossCuttingOp which specifies the operations across the
component hierarchy. Based on the RBML binding metamodel [21] and the UML
metamodel [16], the following defines metamodel-level constraints for the ConcreteComponent role:
context jConcreteComponent inv:
self.roleBinding ! forAllðb1; b2j
(b1.boundInstance.patternType.oclIsTypeOf(Class) and
b1.boundInstance.isAbstract ¼ true and
! exists (op1 j
op.instance.instanceBinding.PatternRole.oclIsKindOf(CrossCuttingOp))) and
(b2.boundInstance.patternType.oclIsTypeOf(Class) and
Classifier Role 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
Generalization Role
|ComponentGeneralization 1..*
Class Role 1..*
Generalization Role
|ComponentGeneralization 1..*
Classifier Role 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
Fig. 6. An RBML Specification capturing the Structure of the Motivation example: (a) a confirming model;
(b) partial visitor problem SPS; (c) a simplified problem SPS.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
b2.boundInstance.isAbstract ¼ true and
! exists (op2 j
op.instance.instanceBinding.PatternRole.oclIsKindOf(CrossCuttingOp))) and ¼
The OCL constraint specifies that for any two bindings (b1 and b2) of the
ConcreteComponent role and model elements: (1) the bound model element must be an
instance (i.e., classes) of the base metaclass (Class) of the role to which the model elements
are bound, (2) the classes must be concrete, (3) they must have an operation that is bound
to the CrossCuttingOp role, and (4) the bound operations must have the same name.
The structures of components are captured by the ComponentGeneralization role. By the
definition of generalization roles in the RBML [21], the ComponentGeneralization role
specifies not only a single level generalization (as shown in the compiler example), but also
multiple levels which can be often found in more complicated structures. In multi-level
generalizations, the levels below the top level are considered as instances of the
ComponentGeneralization role. The jClient and jSupplier roles have a role multiplicity of
1..1 (not shown for simplicity) based on the definition of Generalization in the UML.
The mapping between the compiler model and the SPS in Fig. 6 shows that the compiler
example conforms to the SPS. This means that the model is a member of the problem set
characterized by the SPS. Fig. 6(c) shows a simplified version of the SPS by folding the
Component hierarchy.
4.3.3. Using the Known Uses section
The Known Uses section shows real world examples that use the pattern. However,
descriptions of these examples are usually terse, and it is quite difficult to find more
information elsewhere. This makes it difficult for the examples to be used directly in this
work. Instead, we use them indirectly as a clue to find other examples that exhibit more
information about the problem and have better accessibility. We also use these examples to
find the properties of the problem domain. The Known Uses section in the Visitor pattern
discusses two examples, the Smalltalk-80 compiler and IRIS Inventor. Based on these
examples, we found other similar problems, such as pretty-printing and rendering engine
examples. Section 4.4 describes these examples, and show how they are used to find the
problem properties of the Visitor pattern.
4.3.4. Using the Related Patterns section
The Related Patterns section discusses other patterns related to the pattern in one way or
another. For example, the solution of one pattern may be part of another pattern’s
solution or problem. The Visitor pattern describes the Composite and Interpreter patterns
as its related patterns:
Composite (163): Visitors can be used to apply an operation over an object structure
defined by the Composite pattern. Interpreter (243): Visitor may be applied to do the
This description implies that a solution (an object structure) of the Composite pattern
and a solution (an express structure) of the Interpreter pattern are problems of the Visitor
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
pattern. From this, one can infer that the solutions of these patterns should be related to
the problems of the Visitor pattern. The Visitor pattern is also known to use the Composite
pattern in its solution (see the Sample Code section), which we confirmed in our previous
work [15]. In this work, we will show the other case where the Composite solution is being
part of the problem of the Visitor pattern, which confirms the Related Patterns description.
4.4. Identifying properties from problem models
While the problem description of a pattern provides necessary information to
understand the problem context of the pattern, it is often not sufficient to derive the
core properties of the problem domain. To obtain more information about a problem
domain, we use problem examples. Given the definition of problem domain in Section 2,
problem examples are the best resources to find information about the problem domain.
Using problem examples, we observe characteristics that are common to them, and derive
properties of the problem domain from the characteristics. In addition to the motivating
example in the Visitor pattern, we will use three more examples found in the literature, a
rendering engine [22,23], pretty printing [3] and word counter [24]. We developed the
problem models of these examples as shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7(a) shows a partial model of a rendering engine system for drawing pictures that
are composed of graphics objects such as lines, rectangles and points. The graphics objects
may be edited by tools like a rasterizer or a shape clipper. The sequence diagram describes
a drawing line scenario based on the drawing structure in the figure. In the sequence
diagram, a window requests drawing lines on the structure, and the request is cascaded to
the components in the structure. The Picture component, which is composite, receives the
request and subsequently sends the request down to its line sub-components which are also
composite. A line component further delegates the request to its point sub-components.
Fig. 7(b) shows a partial model of a word counter that counts words in a document by line
and paragraph. The structure in the figure shows a document structure that has one
paragraph containing two lines, one of which contains two words and the other one
contains one word. A word counting scenario is shown in the sequence diagram based on
the document structure. In the diagram, a word count request is sent to the document
structure, and the request is passed to the document, the top-level composite component.
The request is delegated all the way down the structure until it reaches the primitive
component, a word. Fig. 7(c) shows a partial model of a pretty-printing application that
prints mathematical expressions in a nice looking manner. An example of pretty-printing is
inserting regular spaces between the components (e.g., separators, operands, operators) in
expressions or making indentations. The sequence diagram in the figure shows a prettyprinting scenario using the given statement structure. When a pretty-printing request is
received, the drawing structure propagates the request to its components. Even though the
three examples are very different in their context, they have certain common
characteristics. We have observed the following common properties from the examples:
Hierarchical property: The class diagrams of the examples in Fig. 7 show a hierarchy of
components which may be composite or primitive. In the rendering engine, the class
diagram has a two-level hierarchy of drawing object classes, and in the word counter, the
class diagram has a three-level hierarchy of document element classes, and in the prettyprinting, the class diagram has a single-level hierarchy of statement component classes.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Fig. 7. Problem models: (a) rendering Engine; (b) word counter; (c) pretty printing.
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
Generalization Role
|CGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Association Role
|Composed_Of 1..*
|Primtv 1..1
|Compst 1..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Fig. 8. An SPS capturing component hierarchies.
From this observation, we can derive a property that a problem model is likely to have a
hierarchy of component classes. This property can be specified as in the SPS in Fig. 8.
In the SPS, the Primitive and PGeneralization roles capture the hierarchies of primitive
components, and the Composite and CGeneralization roles capture the hierarchies of
composite components. As an example, in the rendering engine, the hierarchy of the Shape,
Line and Rectangle is an instance of the Composite and CGeneralization roles. The
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
composition relationship between the primitive and composite hierarchy is specified by the
Composed_Of role. The multiplicity 1..1 on the Primtv association end role constrains that
there must be exactly one association end on a classifier playing the Primitive role. This
should not be confused with object multiplicities (see Section 3). The Compst association
end role is interpreted similarly. The XOR in the SPS constrains that a classifier cannot
play both the Primitive and Composite roles at the same time. There may be cases where no
component hierarchies exist, for example there is only one primitive or composite
component. To capture such a case, we make the PGeneralization and CGeneralization
roles optional by setting their role multiplicity to 0..* allowing no hierarchy. Also, the
Composite role could be specified as optional. However, we think that without composite
elements, one would not be motivated to use the Visitor pattern, and therefore we do not
take this into account. The structural property found in these examples is a refinement of
the component structure in Fig. 6. This confirms that components are likely to have
Fig. 9 shows a full mapping to the SPS for the rendering engine example. In the figure,
the Shape, Line and Rectangle classes play the jComposite role, and the generalizations in
the classes play the jCGeneralization role. The Point class plays the jPrimitive role, and the
composition relationship between the Shape and Point class plays the jComposed_Of role.
Notice that the DrawObject class and the composition relationship between the
DrawObject and Picture classes do not play any role. This could mean two things. Either
the SPS is incomplete or they are application-specific properties not participating in the
pattern. At this point, we do not know which one is the case; this can be determined after
the final SPS has been developed.
Composite property: The class diagrams in the problem models show that a composite
component itself may be an element of another composite component. For example, in the
word counter example, a document may be composed of other documents, or it may
contain paragraphs and lines which are also composite. Another example is found in the
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
Generalization Role
|CGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Association Role
|Composed_Of 1..*
|Compst 1..*
|Primtv 1..1
Classifier Role 1..*
Fig. 9. An SPS capturing component hierarchies.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Classifier Role 1..* 1..1 |Comp
Generalization Role
|CCGeneralization 1..*
Generalization Role
|CPGeneralization 1..*
Generalization Role
|CGeneralization 0..*
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role
Association Role
Classifier Role 1..*
1..* |Compst
Fig. 10. An SPS capturing composite property.
pretty printing example where a statement may be composite of other statements.
This observation leads to a property that a problem model is likely to have composite
components that consist of other composite components. This property can be captured as
shown in Fig. 10.
In the SPS, the jComponent role is added to the SPS in Fig. 8 with the following
context jComponent inv:
- - Classes that play the Component role must be abstract.
self.isAbstract ¼ true.
This enforces that only abstract classifiers (abstract classes or interfaces) can play the role.
This constraint can also be visualized by italicizing the role name as shown in the SPS. By
adding the jComponent role, the unmapped abstract class DrawObject in Fig. 8 now can be
mapped to the jComponent role. The jComponent role also reestablishes the jComposed_Of
relationship role in Fig. 8 from the Primitive and Composite role to the jComponent and
Composite role. This enables capturing not only the structure of composite and primitive
components, but also the structures of composite components that consist of other
composite components. With the new establishment, the composition relationship between
DrawObject and Picture in Fig. 9 now can be mapped to the jComposed_Of role.
Component structure property: From the problem models, one can also observe that
request delegations are based on a particular object structure (shown in the middle of each
example in Fig. 7) composed of instances of the component classes in the class diagram.
This structure is managed by a certain class, for example the DrawingStructure class in the
rendering engine system, the DocumentStructure class in the word counter application, and
the StatementStructure class in the pretty printing application. This leads to a property
that a problem model should have a class that manages the object structure for delegating
a request. This property can be specified as shown in Fig. 11 by adding a new classifier role
ComponentStructure to Fig. 10.
The ComponentStructure role is associated with the Component role via an association
role Consists_Of that has two association end roles jCompStruct and jElem. The following
OCL expressions define metamodel-level constraints for these roles:
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Association Role
|Consists_Of 1..*
Class Role 1
Classifier Role1..* 1..1 |Comp
|ComponentStructure 1..* |CompStruct
|Elem 1..1
Generalization Role
|CCGeneralization 1..*
Generalization Role
|CPGeneralization 1..*
Generalization Role
|CGeneralization 0..*
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
|PClient |CPClient
Classifier Role1..*
Association Role
|CCClient |CClient
Classifier Role 1..*
1..* |Compst
Fig. 11. An SPS capturing composite component property.
Class Role
Association Role
|Consists_Of 1..*
Classifier Role 1..*
1..1 |Comp
|Elem 1..1 |CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
1..* |CompStruct
Generalization Role
Generalization Role
|CCGeneralization 1..*
|CPGeneralization 1..*
Association Role
Generalization Role
Composed_Of 1..*
|CGeneralization 0..* |
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
|CCClient |CClient
Classifier Role1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
Classifier Role 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..* 1..* |Compst
Fig. 12. An SPS capturing client property.
Classes playing the jComponentStructure role must be concrete.
context jComponentStructure inv: self.isAbstract ¼ false.
Association ends playing the jCompStruct role must have an object multiplicity of 1..1.
context jCompStructinv: self.lowerBound( ) ¼ 1 and self.upperBound( ) ¼ 1.
Association ends playing the jElem role must have an object multiplicity of 1..*.
context jElem inv: self.lowerBound( ) ¼ 1 and self.upperBound( ) ¼ *.
Cross-cutting property: Another property observed from the problem models is that the
operations (e.g., draw( ), countWord( ), prettyPrint( )) are defined across the component
hierarchies in the class diagrams. These operations are similar in semantics, but tailored to
the specific context of the examples. From this observation, a property can be
defined that a problem model should have operations defined across the component
Fig. 12 shows an SPS that specifies the cross-cutting property by adding a behavioral
role CrossCuttingOp to the role hierarchy in Fig. 10. This property postulates that
classifiers playing the Component role must have at least one abstract method playing the
CrossCuttingOp abstract role, and classifiers playing the Primitive and Composite roles
must have at least one concrete method playing the CrossCuttingOp concrete role. This
property confirms the CrossCuttingOp role identified in Section 4.3.2, and thus the
associated metamodel-level constraint for the role is retained.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
|c[i]: |Composite
|obj = |c[i]
Fig. 13. A Visitor pattern problem IPS.
Dynamic property: The properties that have been identified so far are structural
properties observed from the class diagrams of the examples. One can also observe
behavioral properties from the sequence diagrams of the models. One property we observe
from the sequence diagrams is the recursive calls for the cross-cutting operations in the
component hierarchies. This is captured by the IPS shown in Fig. 13.
The IPS specifies that a client requests a cross-cutting operation on a component
structure, and the component structure delegates the request to the components in the
structure. If a component is composite, then the component itself plays the role of the
component structure of its own sub-components, and delegates the request to them
recursively until it reaches a primitive component. This is specified by the repeat and or
fragments. The repeat fragment defines the number of occurrences of delegations, and the
or fragment defines the recursive calls. The repeat and or operators are RBML operators
which are metamodel-level constraints, and should not be confused with the model-level
operators (e.g., loop, alt) in the UML 2.0. The roles in the IPS have the default multiplicity
1..* which is not shown for simplicity. Some part of the behaviors in the IPS can be also
specified as a constraint template. For example, the following constraint template could be
defined for the CrossCuttingOp behavioral role in Fig. 12:
context jComposite :: jCrossCuttingOp( )
post: jComp.jComposite^ jCrossCuttingOp( ) and jPrimitive^ jCrossCuttingOp( ).
The postcondition postulates that the execution of a CrossCuttingOp operation in a
Composite class must subsequently invoke a CrossCuttingOp operation in its subcomposite and primitive components. The template is populated when the roles in the
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Class Role 1
Association Role
|Consists_Of 1..*
|CompS 1..1
|Clnt 1..*
Class Role 1
Classifier Role 1..*
1..1 |Comp
|Elem 1..1 |CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
1..* |CompStruct
Association Role
Generalization Role
|CCGeneralization 1..*
Generalization Role
|CPGeneralization 1.. *
Generalization Role
|CGeneralization 0..*
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
Association Role
|Composed_Of 1..*
|CCClient |CClient
Classifier Role 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..* 1..* |Compst
Fig. 14. A Visitor pattern problem SPS.
template are bound to model elements in a specific application context, and an operation
playing the jCrossCuttingOp role must possess a postcondition that implies the populated
constraint [19].
It should be noted that the dynamic property could not be found using solely the
problem description of the Visitor pattern, which demonstrates the need of problem
examples to fully analyze the problem domain.
Client property: From the sequence diagrams, one can observe another structural
property that there must be a client who initiates the request and communicates with the
component structure. We specify this property by adding a classifier role jClient and an
association role connecting the Client role to the ComponentStructure role to the SPS in
Fig. 12 specified. Fig. 14 shows the property specified.
In the SPS, the role multiplicity 1 on the Client is made based on the observation that the
problem models have only one client. In order to initiate a request, the client must be
concrete. This is specified as follows:
context jClient inv: self.isAbstract ¼ false.
This is the last property that we could find from the Visitor pattern description and
problem examples, and the SPS in Fig. 14 is our final problem SPS for the Visitor pattern.
In the SPS, we found an important fact that the Component structure is very similar to
the solution structure of the Composite and Interpreter patterns. This implies that the
solutions of these patterns are potential problems of the Visitor pattern. This supports the
claim [3] that the Visitor pattern can be used for localizing cross-cutting operations in
components in the Composite pattern. We found another example where the solution
structure of the Mediator pattern is found in the problem structure of the Observer pattern
(see Appendix C). These findings reveal that patterns are related not only to solution
domains (as shown in the GoF book [3]), but also to problem domains. In order to take
full advantage of patterns, there should be a study on establishing a complete relationship
amongst patterns including both problem domains and solution domains.
As shown in the Visitor pattern, some properties (e.g., Dynamic property, Client
property) could be found only when multiple perspectives (class diagrams and sequence
diagrams) of the problems were considered. As such, it is possible that more properties
could be found if other perspectives (e.g., state-based behaviors) are considered.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
When formalizing any domain that is unclearly bounded, we have to make a trade-off
between formality and the scope of the domain. That is, the domain scope should be
tailored to be clearly bounded. The same applies to the problem domain of design patterns.
The presented problem specification of the Visitor pattern captures only a subset of the
problem domain, and thus it should not be considered as a complete specification for the
entire problem domain which we believe is nearly impossible to achieve.
It should be also noted that the presented problem specification is not the ‘‘only’’
problem specification for the given resources. One may very likely come up with a different
specification, depending on his/her interpretation of the resources. The goal of this paper is
not to develop a correct or complete specification of the Visitor pattern, but to propose an
approach to develop a problem specification. We have also used the proposed approach to
develop problem specifications for the Abstract Factory, Observer and Bridge patterns
which are shown in Appendix A, B and C.
Class Role
Association Role
|Consists_Of 1..*
1..* |CompStruct
Classifier Role 1..*
|Elem 1..1
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
|CompS 1..1
Association Role
Class Role
Generalization Role
|CPGeneralization 1..*
|Clnt 1..*
1..1 |Comp
Generalization Role
|CCGeneralization 1..*
Generalization Role
|PGeneralization 0..*
Generalization Role
|CGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Classifier Role 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
|CrossCuttingOp() 1..*
Association Role
|Composed_Of 1..*
1..* |Compst
Visitor Problem SPS
Rendering Engine Class Diagram
Fig. 15. Conformance of rendering engine class diagram to the Visitor problem SPS.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
5. Evaluating pattern Applicability
So far, we have described techniques for formalizing the problem domain of a pattern.
The goal of the techniques is to enable systematic evaluation of the applicability of a
pattern for a given problem. In this section, we will demonstrate how the Visitor pattern
problem specification in Section 4 can be used to evaluate the applicability of the rendering
engine model in Section 4.4.
Fig. 15 shows the conformance of the rendering engine class diagram in Fig. 7(a) to the
Visitor problem SPS in Fig. 14. The dashed arrows in the figure denote the mappings
between the roles and the model elements playing the roles. The following are notable
points in the conformance:
The Picture, Shape, Line and Rectangle classes can play the jComposite role because
their instances are composite. For example, a picture is a composite of shapes, and a
shape is a composite of points. Also, these classes have a concrete cross-cutting
operation draw( ) that can play the jCrossCuttingOp role, assuming that the draw( )
operation has a postcondition that implies an instantiation of the jCrossCuttingOp
constraint template in Dynamic Property in Section 4.4. The Point class can play the
jPrimitive role because points are primitive components, and the class has a concrete
cross-cutting operation draw( ) that can play the jCrossCuttingOp role.
The fact that the three classes Shape, Line and Rectangle play the jComposite role
satisfies the multiplicity constraint 1..* of the role. The generalization relationships in
these classes play (are instances of) the jCGeneralization role on the jComposite role.
The association between the DrawingStructure and DrawObject classes can play the
jConsists_Of role because its association ends have object multiplicities (1, 1..*) which
satisfy the OCL metamodel-level constraints of the jCompStruct and jElem roles in
Component Structure property.
The Window class can play the jClient role because a) it is a concrete class, which
satisfies the OCL metamodel-level constraint of the jClient role in Client Property, and
b) it is associated with the DrawingStructure class playing the jComponentStructure role,
which satisfies the graphical constraint in the SPS that the class playing the jClient role
must be associated with classes playing the jComponentStructure role.
The composition relationship between the Shape and Point classes can play the
jComposed_Of role inherited from the jComponent role to the jPrimitive role,
because the Shape and Point classes play the jComposite and jPrimitive roles,
Given the structural mappings in Fig. 15, the behavioral mappings between the sequence
diagram of the rendering engine and Visitor problem IPS can be determined as shown in
Fig. 16. In the figure, the lifelines in the sequence diagram are instances of the
corresponding classes in the class diagram, and thus they are mapped to lifeline roles
associated with the classifier roles in the SPS that are played by the classes. For example,
the :Window lifeline is mapped to the : jClient role, because the type (Window) of the
lifeline in the class diagram plays the Client role in the SPS. The recursive calls in the
sequence are mapped to the CrossCuttingOp role in the repeat and or fragments in the IPS,
and their message sequences preserve the sequence of the message roles in the IPS. This
determines that the sequence diagram conforms to the IPS.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
|c[i]: |Composite
|obj = |c[i]
Visitor Problem IPS
sd DrawLine
Rendering Engine Sequence Diagram
Fig. 16. Conformance of rendering engine sequence diagram to the Visitor problem IPS.
The conformance of the rendering engine example to the Visitor problem specification
concludes that the Visitor pattern can be applied to the rendering engine model.
It should be noted that even if a problem model does not conform to the problem
specification, it is most likely that the pattern can be applied to the model. This implies that
according to the definition of problem domain in Section 2, the problem model is a valid
problem in the problem domain, but not a member in the problem set characterized by the
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
6. Tool support
We have demonstrated a manual evaluation of pattern applicability in Section 5. As
evident in the demonstration, a manual evaluation can be time-consuming, error-prone
and complicated. Thus, tool support is necessary in order to facilitate the evaluation of
pattern applicability. In our previous work [25], we have developed a prototype tool,
RBML conformance checker (RBMLCC), for evaluating the conformance of a UML
model to the solution of a pattern described in the RBML. The tool was developed as a
plug-in of IBM Rational Rose, a widely used UML modeling tool. RBMLCC takes a
UML model and a solution specification as input. If the model is evaluated as conforming
to the solution specification, this means that the model is a solution model of the pattern.
In this work, we utilize RBMLCC to evaluate the pattern applicability of a problem model.
Instead of a solution specification, a problem specification is input to the tool. Since both
problem specifications and solution specifications are described in the same notation, the
Fig. 17. Visitor pattern problem SPS.
Fig. 18. RBMLCC: (a) RBMLCC; (b) Execution trace.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
tool can take either of them. In the following, we will show how RBMLCC can be used to
evaluate the applicability of the Rendering Engine example to the Visitor pattern.
Fig. 17 shows the Visitor problem SPS drawn in Rational Rose. Because the RBML uses
the UML notation for describing patterns, RBML specifications can be drawn by most
UML modeling tools that can tolerate some minor variations such as the bar symbol in
role names. After the problem SPS has been built, it is exported as a package into a pattern
library (directory). When the rendering engine model is loaded and ready for evaluation,
the Visitor package is imported into the model. After the package is loaded, RBMLCC
becomes enabled for execution. This is shown in Fig. 18(a).
RBMLCC implements a divide-and-conquer algorithm [25] to evaluate pattern
conformance. In the algorithm, the rendering engine model is decomposed into model
blocks, and the problem SPS into role blocks. Each model block is evaluated against role
blocks for local conformance, aiming that every role block must be satisfied. When all role
blocks are evaluated as satisfied, the pattern as a whole is evaluated for the overall
conformance of the model. Fig. 18(b) shows part of the execution trace of the evaluation.
The upper part of the trace shows the invalid mappings filtered out by the algorithm from
the initial mappings which resulted from the local evaluation of model blocks and role
blocks. The lower part shows the final mappings which correspond to the mappings shown
in Section 5. In case of non-conformance, one can easily identify the cause of violations
using the trace.
Rational Rose has two limitations that impact the features of RBMLCC. One is the lack
of OCL support. Because of this, RBMLCC does not support pattern constraints
expressed in the OCL. To mitigate this, OCL constraints are specified through the property
windows in Rational Rose, and the current version of RBMLCC is designed to access them
through the windows. In the next version, we plan to adopt the OCL support for Rational
Rose developed by Shen and Low [26] to overcome this limitation. The other limitation is
the lack of support for association inheritance. That is, associations are not inherited
through generalization relationships. Because of this limitation, the mapping of the
association k and the Composed_Of role in Fig. 15 could not be established. To mitigate
this, we implemented support in RBMLCC for single-level association inheritance which is
the most commonly found. We plan to support multi-level association inheritance in the
subsequent version. We are also investigating migrating RBMLCC to an open source
platform such as Eclipse where the above lack and other potential needs (e.g., code
generation) can be better supported.
7. Related work
There has been only a little work on specifying the problem domain of patterns. The
reason for this may be that the benefits of pattern’s problem domain have not been
recognized as much as the solution domain. The most relevant work is the work by
Jackson [7]. In his book, he discusses a notion of problem frames which capture a class of
simple problems in a broadly defined domain. A problem frame consists of four kinds of
elements, a machine domain, problem domains, requirements and interfaces between them.
The machine domain is the solution system being built. Problem domains are the problems
of interest that the system should solve. They are analogous to domain classes in objectoriented development. Requirements are conditions that must be satisfied when the
problems are solved. The concept of problem frames is similar to problem specifications in
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
our work in that both capture a family of similar problems. However, problem frames are
aimed at providing a conceptual view of a large domain which is sometimes vague, rather
than formalizing concrete properties (e.g., structures and collaborations of participants, a
participant’s properties) of the domain. Thus, problem frames are highly generic and
coarse-grained in order to cover all the problems in the domain. Problem frames
are also not necessarily object-oriented, although there is some correspondence with
object-oriented concepts.
Another relevant work is the work by Lano et al. [8]. In their work, a design pattern is
considered as a transformation that consists of a ‘‘before’’ and ‘‘after’’ specification where
the before specification can be viewed as a problem specification. The focus of their work is
to develop transformations from a ‘‘before’’ specification to a ‘‘after’’ specification at the
pattern level without considering a specific application context. Thus, they do not have any
notion of pattern conformance. More importantly, it is not described how a before
specification can be developed.
There has been considerable work done on specifying the solution domain of design patterns.
The work can be categorized into formal method-based approaches and UML-based
approaches. Some representative work in formal method-based approaches includes the work
by Mikkonen [14] and Eden [10]. Mikkonen [14] uses DisCo, a specification method based on
the Temporal Logic of Actions to specify the behaviors of patterns. Eden [10] introduces
LePUS, a pattern specification language based on higher order monadic logic to specify a
pattern’s structural and behavioral properties. These works inspired other researchers (e.g.,
[9,11–13]) to use the UML in specifying design patterns. Inspired by Eden’s work, Guennec et al.
[11] propose a UML-based metamodeling approach in which pattern properties are expressed in
terms of meta-collaborations which consist of roles that are played by instances of UML
metamodel classes. Their work is somewhat similar to our work with respect to the use of meta
roles. However, they do not address the semantics of pattern properties (e.g., pre- and
postconditions for behavioral properties, model-level invariants), and interaction behaviors of
pattern participants. Lauder and Kent [12] propose an approach to precisely represent patterns
using graphical constraint diagrams for UML models. In their work, a pattern is defined at three
different layers where the pattern at a lower layer is viewed as a refinement of the one at the layer
above. Thus, there is strong traceability between concrete implementations and pattern
specifications. Albin-Amiot and Gueheneuc [9] introduce a metamodel expressed in the UML to
describe the structural and behavioral aspects of design patterns for automatic code generation
and pattern detection in code. The DPML [13] is a visual modeling language that provides a set
of modeling constructs (e.g., interface, dimension) to represent the solution of design patterns
being used in UML model development. Potentially, these techniques can be used to specify the
problem domain of design patterns. However, before they can be used, a rigorous notion of
pattern conformance, which is not found in any of the works, should be defined.
In our previous work, we proposed the RBML notation to specify the solution domain of
design patterns [19–21,27,28], and developed tool support for generating a UML model from
an RBML specification [29]. The RBML has been used to specify: (1) the solution domain of
twelve design patterns (Abstract Factory, Abstract Method, Singleton, Adapter, Bridge,
Composite, Decorator, Interpreter, Iterator, Observer, State, Visitor) from Gamma et al. book
[15], and (2) the DAC, MAC and RBAC patterns in the security domain [30], and (3) the
checkin–checkout (CICO) pattern in the domain where items are being checked in and
checked out [31]. We proposed an approach to evaluating the conformance of a class diagram
to a solution SPS of a pattern using the divide-and-conquer paradigm and its tool support
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
[25,32]. We proposed techniques for finding pattern instances in a class diagram using a
solution SPS of a pattern by representing a class diagram as a logic program and a solution
SPS as a query in Prolog, and projecting the logic program to the query [33]. The work
presented in this paper continues our previous work.
8. Conclusion
We have presented an approach to developing a precise specification of the problem
domain of design patterns in a systematic manner. A problem specification can be used as
a check-point to evaluate the applicability of the pattern to a problem model. We
demonstrated the approach using the Visitor pattern and three problem examples. The
following summarizes the findings in this work:
While the problem description of the Visitor pattern was helpful to understand the
problem context of the pattern, the information on the problem domain in the
description was not found to be sufficient to formalize the problem domain. This led to
the need of auxiliary pattern resources where we used problem examples in this work for
more information about the problem domain.
Some properties of the Visitor problem domain could be found only when multiple
perspectives of the problem domain were considered. This implies that in order to
develop a complete specification, the problem domain should be analyzed from various
The solution structure of the Composite and Interpreter patterns were found in the
problem structure of the Visitor pattern. Similarly, the solution structure of the
Mediator pattern was found in the problem structure of the Observer pattern. From
these observations, one can reasonably infer that patterns are not only related in their
solution domains, but also in problem domains. In the subsequent work, we plan to
investigate the complete relationship of patterns including both problem domains and
solution domains.
The scope of the Visitor problem domain had to be tailored so as to be rigorously
specified. This excludes some valid problem models from the problem set characterized
by the problem specification. Thus, even if a model is evaluated non conforming to a
problem specification, the model should not be blindly considered as an invalid problem
The proposed approach can be easily adopted for other patterns such as POSA patterns
and AGCS patterns.
The current version of RBMLCC supports only structural conformance evaluation.
However, for a full evaluation the behavioral conformance should also be established. In
the next version, we plan to add features for evaluating behavioral conformance of
sequence diagrams to IPSs.
As an application, the proposed approach can be used in pattern-based model
transformations [34] where a problem model is transformed to a solution model using a
pattern. An important issue in this field is that not all patterns are applicable to a problem
model, and techniques are needed for checking the pattern applicability. The proposed
approach can be used to determine applicable patterns.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
Generalization Role
|ProductGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role 1
|Clnt 1..*
Association Role
|Creates 1..*
Realization Role
|ProductRealization 0..*
Classifier Role
|Prod 1..1
|CreateProduct() 1..*
Classifier Role 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Fig. A1. Problem SPS for the Abstract Factory pattern.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Thomas F. Piatkowski and the anonymous
reviewers for their comments to improve the paper. This material is based upon work
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CCF-0523101. Any
opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
Appendix A. Abstract Factory pattern
Fig. A1 shows a problem SPS for the Abstract Factory pattern. The description of the
Abstract Factory pattern [3] and six problem examples, two of which are from industry,
were used to develop the specification. The examples include a financial tools application, a
remote diagnostics application, a display-printer driver, a sports game management system
and a car manufacturing application.
In the SPS, the Product role hierarchy (see [20] for details of role hierarchies) captures
various product structures of problem models. The following shows a constraint template
for the CreateProduct role:
context jClient :: jCreateProduct( )
Generalization Role
|TargetGeneralization 0..*
Classifier Role 1
Association Role
|Clnt 1..1
|Creates 1..1
Realization Role
|TargetRealization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..* |TClient
|Targt 1..1
|Tar 0
Association Role
|Uses 0
|Adapt 0
|Request() 1..*
Classifier Role 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Fig. B1. Problem SPS for the Adapter pattern.
Classifier Role 1..*
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
post: jClient.jProd ! size( ) ¼ size( )@pre + 1.
Appendix B. Adapter pattern
Fig. B1 shows a problem SPS for the Adapter pattern. The description of the Adapter
pattern [10] and three examples of a vehicle simulation, a drawing application and an array
copier were used to developed the specification.
In the figure, the role multiplicities on the association role between the Adaptee and the
Target role hierarchy and its association end roles are set to 0 which imposes a constraint
that there must not be any elements playing the roles. This specifies the motivating
problem of the Adapter pattern that adaptee classes cannot be reused in problem models
because of their incompatibility. The incompatibility is defined in the OCL as follows:
context jAdaptee Inv
- - All classes bound to the ConcreteComponent role must be concrete and have an
- - bound to the CrossCuttingOp role, and the name of the operations must be same.
self.allOperations ! forAll(adaptOpj self.jTar.allOperations ! exists(tarOpj
Generalization Role
|SubjectGeneralization 0..*
Realization Role
|SubjectRealization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..* |SClient
|Sub 1..1
Generalization Role
|ObserverGeneralization 0..*
Association Role
|Observes 1..1
Realization Role
|ObserverRealization 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
|Obsv 1..1
|SubjectState:|StateType 1..*
|ObseverState:|StateType 1..*
|SetState(|st:|StateType) 1..*
|Update(|s:|Subject) 1..*
Classifier Role 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
Classifier Role 0..*
Classifier Role 1..*
i = 1.. NumOfObservers
Fig. C1. Problem specification for the Observer pattern: (a) observer problem SPS; (b) observer problem IPS.
D.-K. Kim, C. El Khawand / Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 18 (2007) 560–591
tarOp.hasMatchingSignature(adaptOp)) ¼ false).
Appendix C. Observer pattern
Fig. C1 shows a problem specification including an SPS and IPS for the Observer
pattern. The description of the Observer pattern [3] and four examples of an alarm clock,
an on-line customer registration, security system and a web-based news service application
were used to develop the specification.
The SPS in Fig. C1(a) captures various structures of subjects and observers through the
jSubject and jObserver role hierarchies. An observation reveals that the SPS structure is
quite similar to the solution structure of the Mediator pattern [3], which implies that
Mediator solutions are potential problems of the Observer pattern. This corresponds to the
description of the Mediator pattern [3], describing that the Observer pattern can be used
for communication between colleagues and their mediator. Unlike the Abstract Factory
and Adapter patterns whose problem domains are structural, the problem domain of the
Observer pattern is behavioral. Fig. C1(b) shows an IPS that captures the behavior
observed from the problem examples. The IPS specifies that observers are responsible for
notifying other observers for update, which makes themselves highly coupled with each
other and consequently reduces their reusability. The following show constraint templates
defined for the jGetState, jSetState and jUpdate roles:
context jSubject::jSetState(jst:jStateType)
- - A SetState operation sets the subject state.
post: jSubjectState ¼ jst
context jSubject::jGetState( ):jStateType
- - A GetState operation returns the current value of SubjectState.
post: result ¼ jSubjectState
context jObserver::jUpdate(js:jSubject)
- - An Update operation changes the value of ObserverState to the value obtained
- - from Subject, and invokes a GetState operation call.
post: let observerMessage: OclMessage ¼
jSubject^ jGetState( ) ! notEmpty( )
observerMessage.hasReturned( ) and message.result( ) ¼ st
jObserverState ¼ st.
The examples used have mostly structural information with little information on
behaviors. Only two examples (the alarm clock and on-line customer registration), which
were used to develop the IPS, exhibit some information on behaviors.
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