I #tjn1:fifr od deret rnSa riia{or $uu . . . . . . st^6 noa (III) Data-Acquisition Systems Data-Acquisition Systems Components AnaLog lnput-Output Comunication DigitaL lnput-Output Comunication Summary ProbLems 7.6 DATA-ACQUTSTTION SYSTEMS A data-acquisition syslsa is the portion of a measurement systen that quantifies and stores data. There are many ways to do this. An engineer who reads a transducer dial associates a number with the dial position. and records the information in a log book performs all of the tasks germane to a data-acquisition system. [n this section, we focus on microprocessor-based data-acquisition systems, rvhich are used to perform automated data quantification and storage. Figure 7.13 shows how a data-acquisition system (DAS) might fit into the general measurement scheme between the actual measurement and the subsequent data reduction. A typical signal flow scheme is shown in Figure 7.14 for multiple input signals to a single microprocessor-based/controller DAS. Dedicated microprocessor systems can continuously perform their programnting instructions to measure, store, interpret and provide process control without any intervention. Such microprocessors have input/output (VO) ports to interface with other devices to measure and to output instructions. Programming allows for such operations as which sensors to measure, and when and how otten, and for data reduction. Programming can allow for decision-making and feedback to control process variables. Computer-based data-acquisition systems are hybrid systems combining a dataacquisition package with both the microprocessor and human interface capability of a personal computer (PC). The interface between external instruments and the PC is done using input/output (VO) boards, which either mate to a board in an expansion slot in the computer or to an external communication port. These provide direct access to the computer's bus, the main path used for all computer operations. *'[,.*""_l l's [ I :ff*_l L J L i il;:Transducer ?"','r Data-acquisition system Figure 7.13 Typical signal and measurement scheme. Postprocessing 258 Chapter 7 Fundamentals ol Sampling. Data Acquisirion. and Digital Devices Digrtal i nputs Analog Srgnal transducers condittontng Multiplexer Controller Figure 7.14 Signal florv scheme for an automated data-acquisition system 7.7 DATA-ACQUTSITION SYSTBMCOMPONENTS Signal Conditioning: Filters and Amplification Analog signals will usually require some type of signal conditioning lor the proper inrerface with a digitat system. Filters and amplifiers are the most common components used. Filters Analog flters are used to controI the frequency content o€ the signal being sarnpled. Antialias analog filters remove signal information above the Nyquist frequency' prior to sampting. Not all data-acquisition boards contain analog filters, so these necessar)' components are often overlooked. Digitalflters, rvhich are software-based algorithms, are effective for signal analysis after sampling. They cannot be used to prevent aliasing or to remove its eflects. A typical digital filtering scheme involves taking the Fourier transform of the sampted signat. multiplying the signal amplitude in the targeted frequency domain to attain the clesired frequency response (i.e., type of filter and desired ftlter settings), and transforming the signal back into time domain usingthe inverse Fourier transform It, 2]. A simpler digital filter is the moving average or smoothing filter, r.vhich is used tbr removing noise. Essentiatly, this filter replaces a current data point value with an average based on a series of successive data point values. A center-weighted moving averaging scheme takes the form .r', : ()',-, + ... +)i-r *)'r *)'i+r l- ... *y*)l(2n* l) (7.f0) r,vhere 1i is the averaged value that is calculated and used in place of _1. ancl (2n + t) represents the number of successive values used for the averaging. For exanrple. if r'1 : -i. -]'c:2, then a three-term average of y5 produces )'j :3. ln a similar manner, a forrvard-moving averaging smoothing scheme takes the tbrnr )s:4, l',: : (l'i *)i+r * 1 .y;1" )/(n * I ) \1.2t1 and a back'"vard moving averaging smoothing scheme takes the form )'i :(Yi-,+"'+)'r-r * b r-;)I@+l) \1.r,\ 1.7 Data-Acquisition Sl,stem Components 259 r---------t t'= I Lru' L'yl-:,1,i:-i Figure 7.15 Voltage divider circuit for signal amplitude attenuation. Light filtering might use three terms while heavy filtering might use l0 or more terms. This filtering scheme is easily accomplished lr,ithin a spreadsheet program. Amplifiers All data-acquisition systems are input range limited; that is, there is a minimum value of signal that they can resolve, and a maximum value that initiates the onset of saturation. So some transducer signals rvill need ampliftcation or attenuation prior to conversion. Most data-acquisition systems contain on-board instrumentation amplifiers, as depicted in Figure 7.14, rvith selectable gains ranging from less than to greater than unity. Gain is varied either by a resistor jumper or by logic switches set by software, which effectively reset resistor ratios across op-amplifiers. Chapter 6.6 discusses amplifiers. Although instrument amplifiers offer good output impedance characteristics, voltages can also be attenuated using a voltage divider. The output voltage from the divider circuit of Figure 7.15 is determined by Eo: " Ei= 'R1 *t *R2 (7.2i) For example, a 0-50-V signal can be measured by a G-10-V A,/D converter using :40kO and R2 : l0kQ. Rr When only the dynamic content of time-dependent signals is important, amplification may require a strategy. For example, suppose the mean value of a voltage signal is large but the dynamic content is small, such as with the 5-Hz signal :2 (7.24) + o.l sinl0nt [V] Setting the ampli{ier gain at or more than G: 2.5 to improve the resolution of the dynamic content would saturate a *5-V A,/D converter. [n such situations, you can )'(t) remove the mean component from the signal prior to amplification by (1) adding a mean voltage of equal but opposite sign, such as -2 V here, or (2) passing the signal through a very low frequency high-pass filter (also known as ac coupling). Shunt Circuits An A/D converter requires a voltage signal at its input. [t is straightforward to convert cun-ent signals into voltage signals using a shunt resistor. The circuit in Figure 7.16 provides a voltage E, : /Rrnunr Q.25) for signal current 1. For a transducer using a standard 4-to-20-mA current loop, a 250 Q shunt would convert this current output to a l-to-5-V signal. 260 Chapter 7 Fundamenrals of Sarnpling, Data Acquisition, and Digital Dcvices L'l,'lrlgot:-.i E, = I B.n*, Figure 7.16 Simple shunt resistor circuit. E: i **"* i R2 Rnu,, CH+ cH- ift: ftr Figure 7.17 Circuit for applying a null offset voltage. (Courtesy of National Instruments, [nc.) E; Offset Nulling Circuit Offset nulling is used to subtract out a small voltage from a signal, such as to zero out a transducer output signal. The technique uses a trim potentiometer (R.rn) in conjunction with a bridge circuit, such as shown in Figure 7 .17 , to produce the null voltage, Enuu. A common use o[ this circuit is in conjunction with strain gauges. The available nu[[ voltage is Enurr:-F- EiRt(Rnr1 RnullR"en* t f Rr"nror) R3(Rnu11 * (7 26) Rr"nror) Multiplexer When multiple input signat lines are connected by a common throughput line to a single A./D converter, a multiplexer is used to switch between connections, one at a time. This is illustrated by the multiplexer depicted in Figure 7.18, which uses parallel flip-flops Figure 7.18 Multiplexer (four-channel shown). d 1.1 Data-AcquisitronS;'sternCornponents 26L (see Chapter6) to open and close the connection paths sequentially. The switching rate is deterrnined by the conversion timing control logic. A/D Converters High-speed data-acquisition boards employ successive approximation converters with conversion rates typically up to the l-kHz to l0-MI{z range or parallel converters for rates up to and over 150 MHz. Lorv-level voltage measurements require the high noise rejection of the dual-ramp con\/erter. Here the trade-off is in speed w'ith maximum conversion rates of l-100 Hz more common. D/A Converters A digital-to-analog converter permits a DAS to convert digital numbers into analog voltages, which might be used flor process controi, such as to change a process variable, activate a device, or to drive a sensor positioning motor. The digital-to-analog signal is initiated by software or a controller. Digital Input/Output Digital signals represent a discrete state, either high or loiv. Digital input/output lines may be used to communicate between instruments (see Section 7.9), control relays (to power equipment on or off), or indicate the state or status of a device. A common way to transmit digital information is the use o[ a 5-V TTL signal (e.g., see Figure 7.5). Digital VO signals may be as a single state (HIGH or LOW; 5 Vor 0 V) or as a series of pulses of HIGFVLOW states. The single-state signal might be used to operate a switch or relay or to signal an alarm. A series of pulses transmits a data series. Gate pulse counting entails counting pulses that occur over a specified period of time. This enables frequency determination (number of pulses/unit time) and counting/timing applications. Pulse stepping, sending a predetermined number ol pulses in a series, is used to drive stepper motors and servos. Several VO ports can be grouped to send parallel information. Central Processing Unit: Microprocessor Data-acquisition and control systems are usually built around a microprocessor. A PC is commonly used as it offers all the necessary components for elfective measurement, data collection, program logic, and feedback control. This includes large amounts of memory for programming and storage, control circuits, input/output peripherals, and a clock built around a central processing unit (CPU). The CPU controls operations, processes data, and sends and receives information to and from memory and peripherals via a bus. It consists of a control unit, arithnretic and logic unit (ALU), and registers. CPU timing is regulated about the regular pulses from its clock, and this is used to sequence actions. [t perlorms arithmetic operations, comparisons, logical operations, and data management by combining the contents of registers. The CPU moves bits between registers in blocks. For example, a 32-bit CPU can access blocks of 32 bits representing 232 different integer numbers. Special-purpose, direct-application microprocessors are also common. These are found in many devices, including stand-alone data-acquisition systems and closed-loop control[ers, and are quite flexible in their use. [n addition to data acquisition from sensors, d 262 Chapter 7 Fundamentals ol Sanrptins. Data Acqui.ition. rrnd Digitat Dcviccs BASIC STAMP II'', O: :: : : : : : : : ooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oo ooooo oo ooooo oo ITITIIIIIIII ooooo oo ooooo (JU Prototypr area n g BS2-lO socket ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo IIIIIIITIIII xxzooaNmso@sOOOOOOO <- FEFzLLLOLLLL ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo u;l;: " : 3 : : : : : : : P,RAVX fi 3 Figure 7.19 BASIC Stampt' typical ol special-purpose, reprogrammabte, muttiport microprocessors (Basic Stamp is a registered trademark of Parallax. [nc.) they are used to drive devices, such as motors, and to operate relays and to send control signals. To illustrate this class o[ device, Figure 7. 19 shows the BASIC Stamp2o. There are several versions of this l6-bit, 4-to 20-MHz battery-operated unit, but all offer fully programmable VO ports that are easily interfaced rvith 5-V TTL-level devices and, with a control card, are interfaced rvith non-TTL devices. This permits use of sensors and control of devices ranging from data registers. A./D converters, and alarrns to sensors, servos, relays, and serial Iines. Comrnunication rvith the microprocessor is also available through a synchronous three-rvire interface that can couple rvith a serial communication port, such as on a PC. [t can be prograrnmed using the serial poft to run interpreter-based software algorithms, rvhich are stored in nonvolatile, reprogrammable memory called EEPROM (see Memory section)- The utility and portability of such microprocessors is incredible, with applications ranging ttom multipurpose robots to remote sensing stations. Program logic controllers (PLC) are rvidely used to measure and output signals and to perform logic, timing, sequencing. counting, and arithmetic operations in the control of machines and processes. In this respect, they are similar to Pc-based data-acquisition and control systems but their simple programming is primarily dedicated switching operations. They are rugged and stand-alone units. L to logic and 7.1 Data-Acquisition Systenr Conrpone nts 263 Process Output adlustment devtce Data acquisition Signal condrtron ing Figure 7.20 Closed-loop control concept built around a data-acquisition-based programmable controller. Closed-Loop Controller ln closed-loop control, the controller is used to compare the state o[ a process. as determined through the value of a measured variable, with the value of a set condition and to take appropriate action to reduce the dift-erence in value ol the two. This difference in value is the error signal on rvhich the controller acts. This error can change as part o[ the dynamics of the process, which causes the measured variable to change value, or because the set condition itself is changed. The controller action is to adjust the process so as keep the error to within a desired range. The control process consists of this sequence: sample, compare, decide, and correct. An example of a digital control loop is depicted in Figure 7.20. Here the controller receives input about the process through a sensor that monitors the measured variable. The controller measures the sensor signal by sampling through an A./D converter or some digital input. The controller compares the measured value to the set value, computes the error signal, executes calculations through its control algorithm to decide on the conection needed, and acts to correct the process. [n this example, we anticipate that the conective elements are analog based and so the controller sends the necessary signal for appropriate corrective action at the output of a D/A converter. The controller repeats this procedure at each cycle. A more extensive treatment ol feedback control is provided in Chapter 12. Memory Memory provides a means to store and retrieve information. Memory consists of registers. Registers are locations for the storage of numbers, the basic form of information storage on a computer. Computers contain three types ol memory: Randoru Access Memory (P'1.luI), Read-Only Memotl' (RO[O. and external storage device memory et 264 Chaptcr 7 Fundamentals of Sanipling. Data Acquisirion. and Digital Devices Figure 7.21 A PC bus is composed of an address bus, data bus, and control bus. RAM is memory used to store programs and data during computer operation. RAM is temporary, reusable memory- ROM is dedicated memory typically used to store the basic input/output system (BIOS) instructions of a computer or a dedicated component algorithm- The BIOS contains tables and machine subrourines related to rhe most basic operations- Variations o[ these memory forms include Electrically Erasable program- rutble ROM (EEPROM), u'hich is nonvolatile mernory that n.ray be repeatedly reprogrammed, a useful feature for controlling devices. External memory relers to peripheral storage devices, such as hard disk drives, and memory cards. Central Bus The path for communication between the CPU and memory and peripheral devices is the central bus. As depicted in Figure 7.21, the "central bus" is a collective term lor three information paths: the address bus, the data bus, and the control bus. It can be considered as a three-lane highway, one lane for each bus, connecting all devices that reside along branch roads on the highway. When information or data are to be sent berween devices, the address bus will contain the address of the device and the location within that device where the information is to be stored. The data bus rvill contain the execution instructions or the data being relayed. The control bus sends status information over the central bus. While information is being sent between any two devices connected to the central bus, a busy flag is sent out over the control bus to alert all other devices that the data bus is busy. This allows devices of different speeds to operate over the same lines. 7.8 ANALOG INPUT_OUTPUT COMMUNTCATTON Data-Acquisition Boards Analog interfacing with a computer is most often aft-ected using a general purpose DAS yO board. Typical units are available in the form of an expansion plug-in board or a pCMCtA card (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association). So the discussion narrows on these devices. A layout of a typical board is given in Figure i.22. These boards use an expansion slot on the computer to interface with the computer bus. Field d 78 Analog [nput-OutputConrmunication 265 I Figure 7.22 Typical layout for a data-acquisition plug-in board. (Courtesy of National Instruments, Inc.) wiring lrom transducers or other analog equipment is usually made to a screw terminal board with subsequenr connecrion directly to rhe rear of the vo board. A typical board allows for data transfer both to and from the computer memory using A/D conversion, D/A conversion, digital Uo, and counter/timer ports. A multipurpose, multichannel high-speed data-acquisition board is shown in Figure 7.23.Hadware setup and amplifier gain are set either manually, by a resistor jumper such as in Figure 7.24. or by software controlled su,itches. For example, the board in Figure 7.23 uses a [6-channel multiplexer and instrument amplifier. with its l2-bit successive approximation A/D converrer with an 8-9-ps conversion rate and its 800-ns sample-hold time, sample rates of up to 100,000 Hz are possible. lnput signals may be unipolar (e.g..0-t0V) or bipolar (e.g., *5v). For the board shown, this allows input resolution for the l2-bit converter with an Eese:10 v range of approximately o : gi:! : 2M to,y 2t) : 1.44 mV The amplifier permits signal conditioning with gains from G :0.5 to 1000. This improves the minimum detectable voltage when set at maxinrum gain to ,ru: Epsn (G)(z\:- lOV {toog12,1 :2'44ttY Digital VO can usually be accomplished through these boards for instrumenr control applications and external triggering. For the board shown, l6-TTL compatible lines are available allowing for one 8-bit output and one 8-bit input line. c( 266 Chlpter 7 [runcltrrticntals of Samptirrg. Data .A.cquisition. antl Digirat Devices 7.23 Photograph of a drta-acquisition plug-in board. (Courtesl, ol National lnstruments. Single- and Differential-Bnded Connections Analog signal input conncctions to a DAS board ma1' be single or dift'erential ended. Sittgle-e:rtdecl connection.t use only one signal line (* or HICH) that is nteasured relative to ground (GRD), as shown in Figure 7.25. The return line (- or LOW) and ground are connected together. There is a comrnen external ground point, usually through the DAS board. lvlultiple single-ended connections to a DAS board are shorvn in Figure 7.26. ,umper prns Jump€r block Prns J 1 and J2 are to be connected Ltigure7.24 A resistor jumper block 7.8 Io To tuD A/D t/o t/o connector connector (c Anatog lnput-Output Cotnnrunication 267 (b) ) Figure 7.25 (a) Singte-ended connection. (b) Differential-ended connection. all of the analog signals can be made relative to the common ground point. There should be no additional local ground at the signal source. Single-ended connecting rvires should never be long as they are susceptible to ElvII noise. Why the concern over ground points? Electrical grounds are not all at the same Slngle-ended connectlons are suitable only when voltage value (see -'Grounds and Ground Loops," Chapter 6). So if a signal is grounded at nvo ditTerent poinrs. such as at its source and at the DAS board, the grounds could be at dilferent '"'oltage levels. When a grounded source is wired as a single-ended connection, the dift-erence bet'"veen the source ground voltage and the board ground voltage gives rise to a comnen-ntocle t,oLtage (CMIa. The CMV r,vill combine with the input signal superimposing interference and noise on the signal. This effect is referred to as a "ground loop." The measured signal will be unreliable. Dffirential-ervled connedions allow the voltage difference between trvo distinct input signals to be measured. Here the signal input (* or HIGH) line is paired with a signal return (- or LOW) tine, which is isolated from ground (GRD), as shown in Figure 7.25. By using trvisted pairs, the effects of noise are greatly reduced. A cRD Source Multiplexer Data-acquisition board Figure 7.26 lv{ultiple single-ended analog connections to a data-acquisition board 268 Chapter 7 Fundanrentals of Sampling. Data Acquisition. and Digital Devices Analog srgnal in Channel 1N f rn.,*n Channel t __-_! c I I I Multiplexer Signal ground Shreldedl block Figure 7.27 Multiple differential-ended analog connections to a data-acquisition board- differential-ended connection to a DAS board is shown in Figure 'l .27 . The measured voltage is the voltage difference between these two (* and -) lines for each channel. When signals from various instruments are connected to a single DAS board, differential-ended connections are usually required. This is also the preferred tvay to measure low-level signals. Hou,ever, for low-level measurements, a [0-k to 100-kf) resistor should be connected betrveen the signal return (- or LOW) line and ground (GRD) at the DAS board. The differential-ended connection is less prone to common- mode voltage errors. But be careful. common-mode (CMV) range if the measured voltage exceeds the board's limit specification, you can damage it! Special Signal Conditioning Modules Signal conditioning modules exist for different transducer applications. These connect betrveen the transducer and the data-acquisition card. For example, resistance bridge modules allorv the direct interfacing of strain gauges or other resistance sensors through an on-board Wheatstone bridge, such as depicted in Figure 7.28. Temperature modules allow for electronic thermocouple cold junction compensation and can provide for signal linearization for reasonably accurate (down to i0.5"C) temperature measurements. Data-Acquisition Triggering and Sample Sequence With DAS boards, data acquisition can be triggered by software command, external pulse, or on-board clock. The acquisition mode is sequential, one channel at a time. The channel order of acquisition can be programmed on most boards. Normally, measured signals on adjacent channels are separated by the sample time increment, 6r. Some systems incorporate multiple A/D converters to allow for the simultaneous sampling of an equal number of channels at high sample rates. In such arrangements, all channels are measured simultaneously at each sampling with each channel's data points separated in time by the sample time increment. ob 1.g Digitat tnput-Output Comrnunication 269 P c b U s Figure 7.28 A strain-gauge interface. Gauges are connected by rvires to the interface 7.9 DTGTTAL TNPUT_OUTPUT CONTNIUNTCATTON Certain standards exist for the manner in u,hich digital information is communicated berrveen digitat devices t5, 61. Serial communication methods transmit data bit by bit. Parallel communicarion methods transmit data in simultaneous groups of bits, for example, byte by byte. Both methods use a handshake, an interface procedure. which conrrols the data transfer betrveen devices and TTL-level signals. Most lab equipment can be equipped to contmunicate by at least one of these means, and standards have been defined to codify communications between der.ices of different manufacturers. SeriaI Communications RS-232C The RS-232C prorocol, rvhich was initially set up to translate signals between telephone lines and computers via a modem (modulator-denlodulator), is an interface for communication bet',veen a computer and any serial device. Basically, the protocol allows twoway communicarion using two single-ended signal (*) wires, noted as TRANSMIT and RECEIVE, berrveen data-communications equipment (DCE), such as the modem or an instrument, and data terminal equipment (DTE), such as the computer. These trvo signals are analogous to a telephone's mouthpiece and earpiece signals. A signal GROUND wire allorvs signal return (-) paths. The remaining wires in the original standard are used to assess the state of the signal lines. 270 Ctrapter 25 7 Fundamentats of Sampling. Data Acquisition, and Digitat Der.ices prn Number Descflption (DIE) I 2 3 :1 5 6 7 8 l5 l7 20 22 Protective ground rransmitted data (TD) Received data (RD) Request to send (RTS) Clear to send (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Srgnal ground (GRD) Data carrier detect (DCD) lransmit signal element timing (TSET) Receive signal element taming (DTR) Data terminal ready (DTR) Ring indicator (Rl) Figure 7.29 Standard RS-232C assignments to 13 a 25-pin connector. Most PC computers have an RS-232C compatible I/O port. The popularity ol rhis interface is due to the wide range of equipment that can utilize it. Either a 9-pin or 25-pin connector can be used. The full connection protocol is shown in Figure 7.29. Ofticially, devices may be separated by distances up to about l5 m, but in practice longer distances seem to rvork iI using a well-shielded cable. Communications can be half-duplex or fullduplex. Half-duptex allows one device to transmit while the other receives. Fult-duplex allows for both devices to transmit simultaneously. The RS-232C is a rather loose standard, and there are no strict guidelines on how to implement the handshake. As such, compatibility problems will sometimes arise. The minimum number of rvires required between DTE and DCE equipment is the three-r.vire connection shown in Figure 7.30. This connects only the TRANSMIT, RECEIVE, and GROUND lines while bypassing the handshake lines. The handshaking tines can be junipered to fool either device into handshaking rvith itself thereby a[[or.r'ing the communication. Communication betrveen similar equipment, DTE to DTE or DCE, to DCE, needs only the nine lines connected as shown in Figure 7.31, so a nine-pin conncctor can be used. The nine-pin connector wiring scheme is shown in Figure 7.32. 2O- -+J-2 3070- -o3 €7 Figure 7.30 Minimum serial connections between DTE to DCE, or DTE to DTE equipment (RS-232C). 9-prn Number Description I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Shell Data carrrer detect (DCD) fransmrtted data (TD) Received data (RD) Data termrnal ready (DTR) Signat ground (GRD) Data set ready (DSR) Request to send (RTS) Clear to send (CTS) 9 I 6 Ring lndicator (Rl) Chassrs ground G',d, Figure 7.31 Standard serial connections between DTE to DTE or DCE to DCE equipment using a nine-pin connector (RS 232-C). t- Pin number Devrce L 9 Digrtal tnput-Ourput Conlntunicarion 271 Prn number Devrce 2 I 2 3 J 1 5 j---__--l g --------.--- 14 5 g 6 9 6 9 7 7 Figure 7.32 Nine-rvire serial connection betrveen DTE to DTE or DCE to DCE equipmcnt. - Serial communication implies that data are sent in successive streams of information, one bit at a tirne. The value o[each bit is represented by an anatog voltage pulse with a I and 0 distinguished by trvo equal volrages of opposite polarir), in the .i-to 25-V range. Communication rates are measured in baud, which relers to the number of signal pulses per second. A typical asynchronous transmission is l0 serial bits comprised of a start bit follorved by a 7-or 8-bit data stream, either one or no parity bit, and terminared by t or 2 stop bits. The start and stop bits lorm the serial "handshake" at the beginning and end oFeach dara byte. Asynchronous transmisslon means that inforrnation may be sent at randon intervals. So the start and stop bits are signals used to initiate and to end the transmission of each byte of data transmitted. The start bit allorvs for synchronizarion ol the clocks of the trvo communicating devices. The parity bit alloivs for limited enor checking. Pari4, involves counting the number of I's in a byte. In I byte of data. there ri'ill be an even or odd number of bits rvith a value of l. An additional bit added to each byte to make the number of I bits a predeterntined even or odd number is called a parity bit. The receiving device rvill count the number of transmitted bits checking lor the predetermined even (even parity) or odd (odd parity) number. Ia st'nchronous transmissirrrr, the two devices will initialize synchronize communication '"vith each other. Even rvhen there is no data to send, the devices will transmit characters just to rnaintain synchronization. Stop and start bits are then unnecessary allowing lor higher data transfer rates. Devices that ernploy data buffers, a region of preassigned RAM that serves as a data holding area, rvill use a softrvare handshaking protocol such as XON/XOFF. With this, the receiving device rvill transmit an XOFF signal to halt transmission as the buffer nears and an XON signal when it has emptied and is again ready to receive. full RS-422Lt423N449/48s RS-422A1423A provide recommendations lor the electrical interface, and RS-449 specifies functional and mechanical characteristics of a serial communication standard. Equiprnent designed tbr RS-232C can be used with these standards with stight modification. Using a 37-pin connector and differential-ended cotinections to reduce noise, they allorv for communication at rates up to 2-M baud and distances up to 1000 m. The standard uses a l-5 V TTL (transistor-transistor logic) pulse signal to distinguish between a I bit (+2:+5.5 V) and a 0 bit (-0.6:+0.8 V). The RS-485 protocol allows for multidrop (allorvs up to 32:255 devices on one line) operation that is well suited to local area netrvorks (LAN). It communicates in halfduplex along a two-wire bus rvhich makes it slower than RS-.122. od 272 Chapter 7 Fundanrentals of Sampling, Data Acquisition. ancl Dicital l)evices Prn number Descflption Datd lanes 1 2 3 4 L3 T4 15 t6 Digttal l/O data Ine I Digital l/0 data line 2 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Handshake lines 6 7 8 Bus management lines 5 9 lo UO data lrne 3 l/O data line 4 l/O data Ine 5 l/O data line 6 UO data line 7 l/O data line I Data valid (DAV) Not ready for data (NRFD) Not data accepted (NDAC) End or identify (EOl) lnterface clear (lFC) Service request (SRQ) II Attention L7 Remote enable (REN) (ATN) Cround lrnes l2 t8-24 Shield Ground Figure 7.33 CPIB bus assignments to a 25-pin connector. Universal Serial Bus and IBEB 1394 The universal serial bus (USB)permits periphe':al expansion fo5 up to 128 devices at lowto high-speed data transfer rates. The original USB (USBl.0/l.l) supports transfer rates [r'om 1.5Mbs up to l2Mbs, and the high-speed usB (usB2.0) supports rares up to 480 Mbs. The USB supports a "hot srvap" feature that allorvs the user to plug in a USBcompatible device and to use it without reboot. This bus connects USB devices to a single computer host through a USB root hub. The IEEE 1394 standard defines a high-speed serial bus, which is also called Firevtire, supporting transler rates upto 400 Mbs betrveen devices. The USB physical interconnect is a tiered star topology. In this set-up, the root hub permits one to four attachments, which can be a combination of USB peripheral devices and additional USB hubs. Each successive hub can in turn support up to four devices or hubs. Cable length between a device and hub or bet'uveen two hubs is limited to 5 m for USB and 4.5 m for IEEE 1394. The connecting cable (Figure 7.33) is a four-line wire consisting of a hub power line, two signat lines (+ and -), and a ground (GRD) line. IEEE 1394 uses six wires consisting of two pairs of signal lines and two power lines. Parallel Communications cPrB (rEEE-488) The general purpose interface bus (GPIB) is a high-speed parallel interface. Originally developed by Hewlett-Packard, it is sometimes relerred to as rhe HP-IB. The GPIB is usually operated under the IEEE-488 communication standard. The bus allows for the control of other devices through a central controller, and it allows devices to receive/ transmit information from./to the controller. This standard is wetl defined and widely used to interface communication between computers and printers and scientific instru mentation. ob 7.() Digital tnput-Output Comtnunication 273 Power Srgnal (+) Srgnal (-) - (a) (6) Wrrrng connectroo Star topology Figure 7.34 Cable configuration tbr the Universal Serial Bus (USB) The IEEE-488 standard for the GPIB operates from a [6-wire bus with a 24-wire connector (Figure 7.34). A 25-pin connector is standard. The bus is lormed by eight data tines plus eight lines for bus management and handshaking (two-rvay control communication). The additional eight lines are used for grounds and shield. Bit paratlel, byte serial communicarion at data rates up to 1 Mbytes/s are possible, with 1:10 kbytes/s most common. Connector lines are limited to a length of roughly 4 m. The standard requires a controller, a function usually served by the laboratory computer, and perrnits muttidrop operation, allowing up to l5 devices to be attached to the bus at any time. Each device has its own bus address (addresses l-14). The bus controller (address 0) controls att the bus activities and sequences al[ communications to and between del,ices. such as ivhich bus device transmits or receives and when. This is done along the bus management and handshaking lines. The communication along the bus is bidirectional. Normally, ground true TTL logic (<0.8 V HIGH' > 2V LOW) is used. The IEEE-488 standard specifies the following: Data Bus: This is an 8-bit parattel bus formed by the eight digital input-output data lines (lines l-4 and 13-16). Data are transmitted as one S-bit byte at a time. The handshake and bus management lines communicate through the transmission of a HIGI-{ or LOW signal along the line. A HIGH signal asserts a predetermined situation. Handshake Brrs.' A three-wire handshake is specified. The Data Valid line (line 6) asserts that data are available on the data bus and are valid. The Not Ready for Data line (line 7) is asserred by a device until it is ready to receive data or instructions. The Nor Data Accepted line (line 8) is asserted by a device until it has accepted a set of data. To illustrate the handshake concept, consider the handshake between a conl-roller (computer) and a measuring instrument. The controller unasserts NRFD indicating that it is ready to accept data. When ready, the measuring instrument asserts DAV indicating to the controller that valid data are being sent over the data bus. When the controller has read and accepted thc data, it unasserts NDAC. Bus Managenrelrt.' There are five lines reserved to manage the flow of information on the data bus. The tnte(ace Clearline (line 9) is used by the controller to clear devices. such as during the initiat boot. The Senice Request line (line l0) is used by a device to assert that it is ready to be serviced by the controller, such as when it is ready to transmit data. The Attention line (line I [) asserts that the data on the data bus are commands from the controller, devices are not to transmit. A low signal allows device messages onto the oe, 27J Chapter 7 Fundanrentals of Sampling, Data Acquisition. and Digital Dericcs data line, such as the device data readings.The End or ltlent(r'Iinc tline 5) is used by the transmitting de'uice to indicate the end ol a data transmission. \\'ith the Attention line asserted. it is used by the controller to poll its de"ices to determine rihich derice asserted itiService Request. The Rentote Enable line (line l7t is used b_v the controller to place a device in its remote mode. When asserted, the tl'ont par.rels ol tlie clevice are deactivated and the controller has command over device programming. The interplay betu,een the controller and the devices on the bus is controlled b1' software prograns. Most scientific devices rell'on sotnrare drirers, nlan)i of these are built around menu-driven programs, which are designed to provide :omc tlexibility in the specitic set-up or operating parameters of the der,'ice. Although a parallel interface is more costly than a serial interface, the GPIB allou,s multiple devices to be attached to a single computer, microprocessor, or network through a common interface, lowering overall cost. [t is faster and more efficient at data transfer than a serial interface. The parallel interface and 8-bit data bus is similarto those used by microprocessor buses and more readily adapted. EXAMPLE 7.7 A strain transducer has a static sensitivity of 2.5 Viunit strain (2.5 pV/pe) and requires a suppty voltage ol5VDC. It is to be connected to a DAS having a t5 V. l2-bit A/D converter and its signal measured at 1000 Hz. The transducer signal is to be amplified and filtered. For an expected measurement range of 1-500pe, specify appropriate values for amplifier gain, filter type and cut-offfrequency, and shor.v a signal llon diagran'r tbr the connections. olf the dataacquisition board and routed to the transducer. Transducer signal n ires are shielded and routed through the amplifier, filter, and connected to the data-acquisition board connector block using twisted pairs to channel 0, as shorvn. Ttie ditterential-ended connection at the btlard rvill reduce noise. The amplifier gain is determined by considering the mininrunr and nraxirnum signal magnitudes expected, and the quantization effor of the DAS. The norninal signal magnitude rvill range from 2.5prV to 1.25 mV. An arnplifier gain ol G: 1000 q'itl SOLUTION The signal florv diagram is shown in Figure 7.3i. Pouer is drawn boost this from 2.5 mV to 1.25 V. This lorver value is on the order of the quantization error of the l2-bit converter. A gain of G : 3000 rvill raise the lou end o[ the signal out of quantization noise rvhile keeping the high end out of satLrration. DATA ACQUISITION BOARD con nector block OUI +5V cHZHt + CHALd 8Hl IRANSDUCER (Grounded Source) + cHI Ht AMPLIFIER AND FILTER CH Figure 7.35 Line connections for Example 7.7 @d I Lol 9Hl - stcNAL TOA/D ... 7.9 Digital tnput-Output Comnrunication 275 With a sample rate ofl : 1000 Hz, an anti-alias. lorv-pass Butterrvorth filter rvith t 2 dB/octave roll-off and a cutoff frequency set atfv:500 Hz would meet the task. EXAMPLE 7.8 The output ttom an analogdevice (nominal output impedance of 600 W) is input to the l2-brt A/D converter (nominal input impedance of I MW) of a data-acquisition system. For a l-V signal, will interstage loading be a problem'l I(rvOltN Zt :600Q Z^: IM{l Et = 2Y FIND eI SOLUTION The loading error is given by €r : E^ - 81, where E1 is the true voltage and E^, is the rneasured voltage. From equation (6.39), er: Er(oh,-r) : -r 2mV The interstage loading enor at 2-V input actually rvill be less than the f2.4-mV quantization error of the l2-bit device. EXAMPLE 7.9 An analog signal is to be sampled at a rate of 200 Hz rvith a l2-bit A./D con!'erter that has an input range of - t0 to l0-V input range. The signal contains a 200-Hz component,.fl, u'ith an amplitude of 100 mV. Specify a suitable LC filter that will attenuate the 200-Hz component down to the A/D converter quantization resolution level and rvill act as an anti-irlias fi lter for quantization. KNOIIiV f' : 100 Hz I :200 Hz Ar : 100 mV Ensn:10V M:12 FIND Specify a suitable filter SOLUTION Frorn equation (7.8), forf,:200H2,f* is 100 Hz. So an appropriatedesign flor an anti-alias filter would have the properties oft: 100 Hz and M (100 Hz) = -3 dB. The A/D converter quantization resolution level is o For a : E2M :,* :'9',: 4096 100-mV signal at 200 Hz, this requires 4.88 mv a low-pass Butteru,orth filter with an attenuation of M(200",) :1##:0.0488 : or t (or - 26dB) fr* lf,frl-'": l, +effi/ roo)'*] (f = 4.3 = 5. Appropriate values for L oGt and C can be set from Table 6. t/1 t and Figure 6.30. 276 Chapter 7 Fundamentars of Sar.pring, Data Acquisition, and Digitar Der.ices EXAMPLP 7.10 - To consider how the GPIB lines might be used, suppose u,e wish to use a computer to instruct a !'oltmeter to take a reading and display ir. In thls case, the computer acts as the controller and transmits commands to the \,oltmeter, the receiver. With bus addresses set by software to: Transmit address :0. Receive address : 3, the process begins rvith the Attention line I I set HIGH (this halts activity white the bus devices listen to rhe computer commands): C :Computer; DV : voltmeter) C : Initialize all devices : Line 9 (lFC) HIGH then LOW. DV: voltmerer Ready (to receive instructions) : Line 7 (NRFD) Low. (Below C : : Computer Sends Instrucrions: Line 5 (EOI) HIGH. The computer addresses the voltmeter. The eight parallel data lines become active instructions are sent to the voltmeter. Instructions are 7- or 8-bit ASCII codes using as DI0l- 8. DV: Voltmeter Acceprs : Line 8 (NDAC) LOW. The voltmeter indicates it accepts the instructions. DV: Voltmerer Acrive: Line 7 (NRFD) HIGH. The voltmeter takes a reading. The line 7 status informs the computer that the voltmeter is busy so no new instructions should be sent. DV : Voltmeter Ready: Line 7 (NRFD) LOW. The voltmeter now displays its new reading. Ttris signals that the voltmeter awaits new instructions. The next instruction might be to t"nd th" n"ru ."uding ulong th" dutu lin"r to b" ,tor"d in .olpul", *"-ory. 7.LO SUMMARY This chapter has focused on sampling concepts, the interfacing of analog and digital devices' and data-acquisition systems. Despite the advantages of digital sysrems, they must interact with an analog world, and the back-and-forth exchange between an analog and digital signal has limitations. With this in mind, a thorough discussion has been provided on the selection of sample rate and the number ol measurements required to reconstruct a continuous process variable from a discrete representation. Equations 7.1 and 7 -9 explain the criteria by which a periodic waveform can be accurately iepresented by such a discrete time series. The limitations resulting from improper sampling and the discrete representation include frequency alias and leakage, and amplitude ambiguity. The fact that practically any electrical instrument can be interfaced with a microcontroller or a data-acquisition system is significant. The working mechanics of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters is basic to interfacing such analog and digital devices with data-acquisition systems. The limitations imposed by the resoiution and range of these devices mandate certain signal conditioning requirements in terms of signal gain and filtering prior to acquisition. These require analog amplifiers and filters, devices discussed previously. Communication between digital devices surrounds us. But their proliferation means that standards for communication must be set. These standards are evaluated and replaced as newer devices demand faster data transfer. bo Nontenclature 277 REFERENCES l. Bendat, J., and A. Piersol, Random Data: Anall'sis and Measurement Proceclures. Wiley-lnterscience, New York. 197 l. 2. Stanlej, \\'. D.. G. R. Dougherty, and R. Dougherty, Digitut Signal processing,zd ed., Reston (a Prentice Hall company), Reston, VA. 1984. 3.-Lyons, R., Understanding Digitat Signal Processing,2d ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Clitfs, 2004. 4. Vandoren, A., Data-Acquisition S1'stenrs, Reston (a Prentice Hall company), Reston, vA, 1982. 5. Krutz, R.. Interfacing Techniques in DigitaL Design: Emphasis on Microprocessors, Wiley, New York, 19886. Hnatek, E., A User's Handbook of D/A and A/D Converters, Wiley-Inrerscience, New York, 1976. 7. Money. S. A., Microprocessors York, in Instrumentation and Control, McGraw-Hil[, New 1985. Suggested Reading Ahmed, H-, and P. J. Spreadbu ry, Analogue and Digital Electronics for Engineers,2d ed-, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1984. Beauchamp, K-G., and C.K. Yuen., Data Acquisitionfor Signal Analy-sis,Allen & Unu,in, London, 1980. Evans, Alvis J., J. D. Mullen, and D. H. Smith, Basic Electronics Technology, Texas lnstrumenrs [nc., Dallas, TX, 1985. Seitzer, D-, G. Pretzl, and N. Hamdy., Electronic Analog-to-Digital Converters: Principles, Circuits, Devices, Testing, Wiley, Neu, york, 1983. Wobschatl, D., Circuit Design for Electronic Instruntentation: AnaLog and Digitat Hill. New york, 1979. Devices from Seisor to Displa1,, McGraw NOVTENCLATURE e eq f f" f. .fn, "f, f, k t )'(t) erTor Eo quantization error frequency [r-t] alias frequency [r-t] Ensn G 1 filter cutoff frequency [r-r] M maximum analog signal frequency [r-l] MA Nyquist frequency [r-r] N sample rate frequency [r-'l N 6t cascaded filter stage number R time [rl O analog signal 6/ y,, y(r6l) discrere values of a signal, 5R 1'(r) {1,(r 6t)f complete discrete time signal of y(r) 6t A amplifier open loop gain; also, constant t E voltage [V] AA Ei input voltage [V] bo output voltage [V] full-scale analog voltage range amplifier gain electric current [Al digital component bit size magnitude rario at frequency/ data set size total digital sample period [l] resistance [0] A,/D converter resolution [V] frequency resolurion of DFT change in resistance [fl] sample time increment [r] time consrant [/l phase shift at frequency/ [r-t] 278 Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Sanrpting. Data Acquisition. and Digital Devices PROBLEIVTS For many of these problems. using spreadsheet sotirvare or the accompanying software ',vill facilitate solution. Convert the analog voltage. E(ty : 5 sin 2nl nrV into a discrete time signat. Specifically, using sample time increnrents of (a) 0. 125 s, (b) 0.30 s, and (c) 0.75 s, plot each series as a function of time over at least one period. Discuss apparent differences between the discrete representations oI the analog signal. 7.2 Computethe DFT foreach of the threediscrete signals in Problern 7.1. Discuss apparent ditferences. Use a data set of 128 points. 7.3 Compute the DFT for the discrete time signal that results Frorn sampling the analog signal, T(t)=2 sin 4nr"C, at sample rates of 4 and 8 Hz. Use adata setof 128 points. Discuss and compare your results. 7.4 Determine the atias frequency that results from sampling fi at sample rate /s: 7 .l a. -fr b. -f, :60 Hz: f,: : 90 Hz 1.2 kflz f, :2 kHz c. "fr: t0 Hz; -f':6 d. ,f, : 16 Hz: f,:8 Hz Hz data-acquisition system is used to convert the analog signal, E(t) : (sin 2nt * 2 sin 8nr) V, into a discrete time signal using a sample rate of 16 Hz. Build the discrete time signal and from that use the Fourier transform to reconstruct the Fourier series. Consider the continuous signal found in Example 2.3. What would be an appropriate sample rate and sample period to use in sampling this signal if the resulting discrete series must have a size of 2'11 ,,r,here If is an integer and the signal is to be filtered at and above 2 7.5 A particular 7.6 tIz? 7.7 Convert the follorving straight binary numbers to positive integer base l0 numbers: a. l0l0 b. 1ilil c. l0l I l0l I d. I 10000t 7.8 Conveft:(a) ll00llt.ll0l(b.inary)intoabasel0number;(b)4B2Fintostraightbinary; (c) 278.632 (base l0) into straight binary. 7.9 Convert the follorving decinral (base l0) numbers into bipolar binary numbers using two's complement code: a. l0 c. -247 b. -10 d. a r0 r3 7.10 A 7.lI personal computer does integer arithmetic in t\^'o's complement binary code. How is the largest positive binary number represented in this code for an 8-bit byte? Add one to this number. What base l0 decimal numbers do these represent? How is the largest negative binary number represented in twos complement code for an 8bit byte. Subtract oue from this number. What base l0 decimal numbers do these represent? 7.12 List some possible sources of uncertainty in the dual-slope procedure for A/D conversion. Derive a relationship bern'een the uncertainty in the digital result and the slope of the integration process. 7.13 Compute the resolution and SNR tbr an M-bit A/D converter having a full-scale range of t5 V. Let Mbe4,8, 12, and 16. 7.14 A l2-bit A./D converter having an Ep5p:5 V has a relative accuracy of 0.03Vo FS (fullscale). Estimate its quantization error in volts. What is the total possible error expected in volts? What value o[ relative uncertainty might be used for this device? bb Problerns 279 7. 15 An 8-bit single ramp A/D converter rvith EFqq: l0 V uscs a 25-MHz clock and comparator haring a threshold voltage of I mV. Estimate: (i) (ii) (iii) a The binary output the input voltage is E :6.000 V. \\'hen E : 6.015 V. "r'hen The actual conversion time for the 6.000-V input and average conversion times. Tl.re resolution of the converter. 7.16 Courpare the maxirnum 7.17 7. conversion times of a 1O-bit successive approximation A/D converter to a dual-slope ramp converter if both use a l-lvlHz clock and Eesn: l0 V. An S-bit D/A convener shows an output of 3.58 V rvhen straight binary lOtl00 ll is applied. What is the output voltage when 0l100100 is applied? 18 A 0-10 V 4-bit successive approximation A/D converter is used to measure an input voltage of 4.9 V. (i) (ii) 7.I9 Determine the binary representation and its analog approximation of the input signal. Explain your answer in terms of the quantization error of the A/D converter. [f we rvanted to ensure that the analog approximation be rvithin 2.5 mV of the actual input voltage, estimate the number of bits required of an A./D converter. Discuss the trade-offs behr,een resolution and conversion rate for successive approxima- tion, ralup, and parallel converters. 7.20 A0-10-V, 1O-bitA/Dconvefterdisplaysanoutputinstraightbinarycodeofl0l0ll0tll. Estirnate the input voltage to rvithin I LSB. 7.21 A +5-V 8-bit A/D converterdisplays an output in twos-complementcode of l0l0l0ll. Estimate tlie input voltage to rvithin I LSB. 7.22 A dual-slope A/D converter has l2-bit resolution and uses a l0-kl-Iz internal clock. 7.23 Estirnate the conversion time required for an output code equivalent to 20 111s. Hou' long does it take an S-bit single ramp A./D converter using a 1-MHz clock to convert the number 173111? 7-21 A successive approximation A/D converter has a full-scale output ol 0-10 Vand 8-bit register. An input ol 6.2 V is applied. Estimate the final register value. 7.25 uses an The voltage from a 0-to 5-kg strain gauge balance scale is expected to vary from 0 to 3.50 mV. The signal is to be recorded using a l2-bit A/D converter having a *5-V range rvith the weight displayed on a computer monitor. Suggest an appropriate ampli{ier gain for this situation. 7.26 An aircraft n,ing will oscillate under rvind gusts. The oscillations are expected to be at about 2 I{2. Wing mounted strain gauge sensors are connected to a *5-V l2-bit A/D con\ielter and data-acquisition system to measure this. For each test block, l0 s ofdata are sampled. (i) (ii) (iii) Suggest an appropriate sample rate. Explain. [f the signal oscillates rvith an amplitude of 2 V, express the signal as a Fourierseries. Based on (i) and (ii). sketch a plot of the expected amplitude spectrum. What is the frequency spacing orr the abscissa? What is its Nyquist frequency? 7.27 An electrical signal frorn 7.28 a transducer is sampled at 20,000 Hz using a l2-bit successive approximation A/D converter. A total of 5 s of data are acquired and passed to computer memory. Ho."r' nruch l6-bit computer memory (in kbytes) is required? Ho"v many data points can be sampled by passing a signal through a l2-bit parallel A/D convefter and stored in cornputer memory, if 8 MB of 32-bit computer memory is available? If the A/D converter uses a 100-MHz clock and acquisition is by DMA, estimate the duration of, signal that can be measured. ben 280 Chaptcr' 7 [juncl:irnentals ot santpling. L)ata Acquisition, and Digital Devices sarnple rate and clata number to acquire-with minimal leakage the first five rerrns ol' a square rvave signal having a furtdamental period of I s. Selcct an appropriate cutotT frequency fbr an anti-alias frlter. Hint: approximate the square \\'ilvc as 1.29 Select an appropriate a Fourier series. 7.30 A triansle u ar,e rvith a pcriod .v(r) of 2 s can be expressed by the Fourier : 1122,(l - cos nn)f nnlcosnnt n : 1.2'. series, - Specify an appropriate sample rate and data number to acquire the first seven terms wittr minin.ral leakage. Select an appropriate cutoff frequency lor an anti-alirs filter. 7.31 Using Fourier transform sotiware (or equivalent sothvare), generate the arnplitude spectrum tbr Problem 7.29. 7.32 Using Fourier transtbrm software (or equivalent softn,are), generate the amplitirde spectrum tbr Problem 7.30. Use Dr : t V. 7.33 A single-stage low-pass RC Butterworth filter with/.: 100 Hz is used to tllter an analog signal. Derermine the attenuation of the filtered analog signal at 10, 50, 75, and 200 Hz 7.34 A three-stage LC Bessel filter with -f":100 Hz is used to filter an analog signal' Derermine the artenuation of the filtered analog signal at 10, 50, 75, and 200 Hz. 7.35 Design a cascading RC Butterworth low-pass filter that has a magnitude ratio flat to within 3 dB from 0 to 5 kHz but with an attenuation of at least 30 dB lor all frequencies at and above t0 kHz. 7.36 A complex periodic analog signal consisting of frequencyfl and its harmonics is to be sampled at 500 Hz. The signal is passed through a low-pass single-stage RC Butteru'orth filter rate{ ar -3 dB at250Hz. What is the maxirnum frequency in thefiltered signal for r',,hich the amplitude will be aft'ected by a dynamic error of no more than l07ol 7.37 Choose an appropriate cascading low-pass filter to remove a 500-Hz componcnt 7.38 contained rvirhin an analog signal which is to be passed through an 8-bit A/D converter having l0-V range and 200-Hz sample rate. Attenuate the component to r'vithin the A/D converter quantization error. The voltage output from a J-type thermocouple referenced to 0'C is to be used to nleasure remperatures lrom 50 to 70'C. The output voltages will vary linearly over this range lront 2.585 to 3.649 mV. a. [f the thermocouple voltage is input to a 12-bit A/D converter having a *5-V range. estimate the percent quantization error in the digital value. b. tf the analog signal can be first passed through an amplifier circuit, compute the amplifier gain required to reduce the quantization error to 57o or less- c. If rhe rario ol signal-to-noise 7.39 level (SNR) in the analog signal is 40 dB, compute the magnitucle of the noise after amplification. Discu5s the results of (b) in light ol this. Specily an appropriate +5-V M-bit AJD converter(8- or l2-bit), sample rate (up to 100 I{z) and signal conditioning to convert these analog signals into digital series. Estimate the quantization error and dynamic error resulting flrom the system speci{ied: a. E(t): 2 sin 20rt Y b. E(t): 1.5 sin ftt + 20 sin 32nt - 3 sin (60nr * nl4) Y c. P(/) : - l0 sin 4nl*5 sin Snr psi; K:0.4 V/psi 7.40 The follorving signat is to be sarnpled using a 12-bit, +5-V data-acquisition )'(r) : 4 sin 8nr * 2sin Z0nt * board 3 sin 42trt Select an appropriate sample rate and sample size that provide minimal spectral leakage- Problcrrrs 28 I 7.41 Static pressures are to be measured at eight locations unclcr the hood of a NASCAR race car. The pressure transducers to be used have irn output span ot' -r I V tbr an input span of cm HlO. The signals are nreasured and recordcd on a portable DAS rvhich uses a l0bit. t5-V A/D converter. Plessurc neecls to be resolved to u'ithin 0.25 cn-r H2O. The tl5 d1'narnic content of the signals is iniportant and has a tundamcntal pcriod of about 0.-i s. The systeur has -l-MB memory, po\\'ers alI instrun.rcnts. and has l0 min of usable batterl' lit'e. Suggest an appropriate sarnple rate. total sample tirne. and signal conditioning lor this application. Sketch a signal florv diagram through ttre measurement systern. 7.4 I has a rated accuracy of 0.2-i7o. Estimate the design stagc uncertaintl, of the transducer-A/D convertel systenl based on knorvn information. Would a Il,-bit converter improve things notably? If follorving measurements the engineer notes a 0. l0 cm [{2O uncertainty due to data scatter alone, u,hat uncertainty dominates thc 7.42 The transducer in Problern 7.43 measuretrlent? A strain gauge sensor is used rvith a bridge circuit and connected to a DASas indicateci iu Figure 7.17. Estimate the range of offset nulling voltage available ii: The bridgt: excitation is 3.333 V sensor and bridge resistors are each at a nominal value of 120 Q. and the adjustable trim potentiometer is rated at 39 kQ. 7.44 Design a lorv-pass Butter\l,orth filter around a l0 Hz cut-off (-3 dB) frequency. The filter is to pass 957a of signal magnitude at -5 [{z but no more than l07o at20Hz. Source and load impedances are l0 Q. 7.45 A two-stage LC Butterworth filter u,ith/"= 100 Hz is used as an anti-alias filter lor tn at 10, 50, 75, and 200 Hz analog signal. Determine the signal attenuation experienced The lollowine problems make use of the accompanying softrvare. 7.16 InthediscussionsurroundingFigureT.4,rvepointouttheef'fectsofsamplerateandtotal 7.47 7.48 7 .49 sanrple period on the reconstructed time signal and its amplitude spectrum. Use progrant Leaktge to duplicate Figure 7.-1. Then develop a similar exarnple (signal flrequency. sanrple ratc. and sample period) in u,hich fewer points and a slou,er sample rate lead lo a better reconstruction in both time and frequency domains. lncidentally, for a fixed sarup[e rate. you can increment N and rvatch the acquired rvavefornt develop such that the leakage decre:rses to zero as the acquired signal reaches an exact integer period of the u,a','eform. For a fixed N, the same can be shown for changes in sample rate. Using program Aliasing solve Example 7. I to find the alias frecluency. Observe the plot of' the original and the acquired signal, as rvell as the amplitude spectrum. Decrement thc signal frequency 0. I llz at a tirne until within the region where there no longer is aliasing,. Based on these observations, discuss horv the acquired time signal changes and holv tl'ris is related to aliasing. Use program Aliasing to understand the folding diagram ol Figure 7.3. For a sample rate ol l0 Hz, vary the signal lrcquency over its full range. Determine the frequencies correspondlng to,fN, 2fu, 3fp, and 4f11 on Figure 7.3. Deterrnine the alias frequencies corresponding to 1.6$,', 2 LfN. 2 6f^-, and 3.2fp. Using progra m Signal_C7 exarnine the rule that when exact discrete representations ale not possible, then a sample rate of at least 5 times the maximum signal frequency should be used. Select a sine wave ol 2Hz and discuss the acquired rvaveform as the sample rate is increased incrementally from a lorv to a high value. At what sample rate does the signal look like a sine rvave? Compare with the corresponding frequency and amplitude content from the amplitude spectrum. Write up a short discussion of your observations and conclusions. 7.50 Program l-eokagc samples a single frequency signal at a user-defined sample rate and period. Describe how sample period corresponds to the lengttr of the signal measured and hoiv this affects leakage in the amplitude spectrum. Does frequcncy resolution matter? bd