2009 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing NCSP'09, Waikiki, Hawaii, March 1-3, 2009 Spice-Oriented Nonlinear Circuit Analysis Using Harmonic Balance Method Takaaki Kinouchi† Yoshihiro Yamagami† Yoshifumi Nishio† and Akio Ushida‡ †Tokushima University 2-1 Minami-Josanjima, Tokushima, Japan Phone:+81-88-656-7470 FAX:+81-88-656-7471 Email: {t-kino, yamagami, nishio}@is.tokushima-u.ac.jp ‡Tokushima Bunri University 1314-1, Sido, Sanuki, Kagawa, Japan Email: ushida@fe.bunri-u.ac.jp 1. Abstract form of schematic and/or net-list of Spice. The circuit can be solved by Spice simulator and the frequency characteristics To analyze RF circuits and modulators is very important for are easily obtained. designing integrated and communication circuits. They are driven by multiple frequencies, one of which is usually very high carrier frequency compared to the other. To know the 3. Nonlinear devices of HB combining with MATLAB transient behaviors, we need to calculate many carrier waveIn this section, we propose our HB devices combining forms, so that the transient analysis is very time-consuming. Spice and MATLAB. Analog integrated circuits usually conHence, we propose an efficient envelope analysis for calcusist of many kinds of nonlinear devices such as diodes, bipolating the asymptotic behaviors of the amplitudes, which is lar transistors and MOSFETs, whose Spice models are debased on the harmonic balance (HB) method with the slowly scribed by the several special functions such as exponential, varying coefficients. In order to develop the Spice-oriented square-root, piecewise-continuous functions and so on. For simulators, the Fourier expansions of nonlinear devices such these special functions, the Fourier expansions cannot be exas bipolar transistors are executed with MATLAB, and the ecuted in the analytical forms. Therefore, we need to apFourier modules should be stored in our computer library. proximate them with the Taylor expansions. For an example Thus, we can easily formulate the determining equations of of NPN bipolar transistor shown by Fig.1(a), the Ebers-Moll HB method called Sine-Cosine circuit. model is given by (b). 2. Introduction C C For designing integrated circuits and communication systems, it is very important to analyze the characteristics of nonlinear circuits. In these systems driven by multi-frequency inputs. There are various method to solve the characteristics. In this paper, we propose an efficient envelope analysis. The frequency components of communication systems usually consist of very high carrier frequency and low signal. Then, the transient analysis based on the numerical integration technique is very time-consuming, because we need to calculate many carrier waveforms to know the asymptotic transient behaviors. Our envelope analysis is a modification of HB (harmonic balance) method to the high carrier frequency components, where we assume that the Fourier coefficients are slowly varied by the low frequency signal. The harmonic balance (HB) is a well-known method for the frequency domain analysis, which gives good results even for relatively strong nonlinear circuits. In our HB, which combining MATLAB and Spice, it is largely improved such that it can be easily applied to large scale nonlinear circuits, where the determining equation called Sine-Cosine circuit can be given in the B αF id 1 id 2 id 1 αRid 2 B E (a) NPN Transistor E (b) Ebers-Moll model Fig.1 NPN transistor Ebers-Moll model. The characteristics of two diodes with Ebers-Moll models are given by vd (1) id = IS exp( ), VT whose parameters are given, for example, IS = 10−12 , VT = 0.025. Applying the Taylor expansion, we have id = IS exp( vd0 λ2 λ3 ) 1 + λvd + v2d + v3d + . . . VT 2! 3! ! (2) for a small variation vd at the operating point vd0 , and λ = - 530 - exp( V1T ). We assume the input waveform as follows; vd (t) = V0d + K X Vd,2k−1 cos kωt + Vd,2k sin kωt , Then, the inductor voltage and capacitor current are given by vL (t) = L (3.1) k=1 diL = ωc LIS (t) cos ωc t − ωc LIC sin ωc t dt +L where K is the maximum higher harmonic component to take into account. Then, the output waveform of (1) is calculated. However, these calculation is very large and complex. Therefore, we use MATLAB and calculated as follows; dIC dIS cos ωc t + L sin ωc t, dt dt (8.1) dvC = ωcCVS (t) cos ωc t − ωcCV IC sin ωc t dt dVC dVS +C cos ωc t + C sin ωc t. (8.2) dt dt K X id (t) = I0d + Id,2k−1 cos kωt + Id,2k sin kωt , (3.2) Using (8.1) and (8.2), we set the Cosine-component and Sinecomponent of Fig.3 in the manner that they respectively satk=1 isfy the circuit equations. Thus, the Sine-Cosine circuit are in the symbolic form. Namely, (I0d , Id2 , . . . , Id,2K ) are func- obtained as shown in Fig.4. tions of (V0d , Vd2 , . . . , Vd,2K ), and the input-output relations ω cC V are realized by ABMs of Spice; - ω cC V S C Ik,C = Iˆk,C (V0C , . . . , V2K,C , V0B , . . . , V2K,B , V0E , . . . , V2K,E ) Ik,B = Iˆk,B (V0C , . . . , V2K,C , V0B , . . . , V2K,B , V0E , . . . , V2K,E ) Ik,E = Iˆk,E (V0C , . . . , V2K,C , V0B , . . . , V2K,B , V0E , . . . , V2K,E ) k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 2K iC (t) = C L (4) ω cL I S L IC - ω c L IC IS C + VC - C + V S R Vsinω s t Sine Cosine Mth Sine Mth Cosine Cosine circuit R Sine circuit Fig.4 Sine-Cosine circuit of RLC. DC component Mth higher harmonic component Fundamental component Fig.2 Symbol of NPN transistor Fourier module. It is convenient to store the Fourier modules in our computer library. Replacing each element by the corresponding HB model, we can formulate the “Sine-Cosine circuit that is corresponding tothe HB determining equation. Resulting circuit is efficiently solved by Spice. They are coupled with the voltage-controlled current sources and current-controlled voltage sources in each other. From the relation (6), the voltage V sin ω s t in Fig.4 corresponds to the envelope of the forced input which is slowly varying because of ωc ω s . Now, we show that our envelope approach is validity when the difference between two input frequencies is large. The parameter values are set as follow; L = 0.1, C = 0.01, R = 0.01, ωc = 50, V = 1, and the other frequency is changed to ω s = 2, 5, 7, 10. 3 3 Envelope analysis 2 RLC envelope analysis 1 4. Envelope analysis 4.1 RLC circuit Now, consider a simple example RLC circuit Fig.3 driven by 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 v(t) = V sin(ω s t) sin(ωc t), ωc ω s . 0 (6) 1 2 3 4 5 , -3 0 (a) e(t) = sin 2t sin 50t 1 2 3 4 5 (b) e(t) = sin 5t sin 50t 3 L C i L (t) + v (t) - Envelope analysis 3 Envelope analysis 4 4 2 2 v(t) C 1 0 0 R -1 -2 -2 -4 0 Fig.3 A simple RLC circuit driven by a modulated signal. 1 2 3 (c) e(t) = sin 7t sin 10t 4 5 , -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 (d) e(t) = sin 10t sin 50t Fig.5 Envelopes of currents in RLC circuit of Fig.4. We assume the inductor current and capacitor voltage as fol4.2 Nonlinear RLC circuit Next, we consider nonlinlows; ear RLC circuit driven by frequency modulated (FM) signal iL (t) = IC (t) cos ωc t + IS (t) sin ωc t, (7) shown Fig.6. vC (t) = VC (t) cos ωc t + VS (t) sin ωc t - 531 - R + vL - i have Sine-Cosine circuit as show in Fig.8. So these parameters are given by Fig.8(c)-(f). + vq e(t) IC - i = γφ + δφ3 (9.2) rd . + QC ωQ 1[GΩ] 1[F] Assume the waveforms as follow; q = Qc cos ωt + Q s sin ωt, QC IS (10.1) φ = Φc cos ωt + Φ s sin ωt (10.2) 1[µΩ] VC S - rd . + S Q S -ωQ C (d) Capacitor sine element rs ΦC +Φ C Q 1[GΩ] 1[F] S 1[H] rs S (b) Sine circuit . IC S 2 2 C (c) Capacitor cosine element δ = 0. S (α+0.75β(Q +Q ))Q S (a) Cosine circuit (9.1) 2 (γ+0.75δ(Φ C+Φ ))Φ R + V S 2 2 C vq = αq + βq3 , γ = 0.142857, 2 IS C (α+0.75β(Q +Q ))Q C Let the nonlinear capacitor and inductor be are β = 7, 2 S + V C E e(t) = E cos ωt, E = 1[V], R = 1[Ω], ω = 0.01t[rad/sec] Fig.6 Nonlinear RLC circuit α = 1, 2 C (γ+0.75δ(Φ +Φ ))Φ R 1[H] . ωΦ S VS 1[µΩ] + Φ S - ΦS - ωΦ C The characteristic of nonlinear capacitor is shown in Fig. 7. (e) Inductor Cosine element 800 (f) Inductor sine element q[C] 400 Fig.8 Sine-Cosine circuit of nonlinear RLC 0 For the capacitor element, equations (13) are realized by Fig.8 (c), (d). Where we assume the voltages of two capacitors 1[F] are Qc and Q s . In the same way, the sine-cosine inductor −800 −4 −2 0 2 4 V[V] circuits are given by Fig.8 (e), (f). Where we substitute small dummy resistors r s and large Amy resistors rd to avoid C-E Fig. 7 Characteristic of nonlinear capacitor loops and L-J cut sets. Fig.8 is corresponds to the determining Next, substituting (10.1) into (9.1) and (10.2) into (9.2) re- equation of the HB method. spectively, we have fundamental harmonic components as follows, 1 −400 I vq = (α + 0.75β(Q2c + Q2s ))Qc cos ωt + (α + 0.75β(Q2c + Q2s ))Q s sin ωt, 0.8 (a) Analysis by HB Stable (11.1) 0.6 Going down i = (γ + 0.75δ(Φ2c + Φ2s ))Φc cos ωt +(γ + 0.75δ(Φ2c + Φ2s ))Φ s sin ωt. Going up (b) Envelope analysis Unstable 0.4 (11.2) 0.2 neglecting the higher harmonic components. We have from (10.1) and (10.2). On the other hand, (c) Envelope analysis(reverse) 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ω[rad/sec] Fig.9 Comparison between the HB and Envelope analysis. dq = (Q̇c + ωQ s ) cos ωt + (Q̇ s − ωQc ) sin ωt, dt (12.1) Thus, we obtain the envelope analysis by solving the circuit with transient analysis of Spice shown in Fig.9. The curve (a) is the jump phenomena where the dotted line is unstable and dΦ vL = = (Φ̇c + ωΦ s ) cos ωt + (Φ̇ s − ωΦ s ) sin ωt. (12.2) solid line stable. When the frequency is changed by ω=0.01t, dt we have phenomena (b) which has oscillations after jumping Terefore, sine and cosine components are as follows; down. When the frequency is changed ω=2-0.01t, we have phenomena (c) which has oscillations after jumping up. Ic = Q̇c + ωQ s , I s = Q̇ s − ωQc , (13) 4.3 RF amplifier Consider a simple RF amplifier shown Vc = Φ̇c + ωΦ s , V s = Φ̇ s − ωΦ s in Fig.10 whose input is assumed by Qc , Q s , Φc , and Φ s are unknown parameters, therefore it is necessary to make a circuit to satisfy equation (13). Thus, we v(t) = V1 cos ω1 t + V2 cos ω2 t, for ω2 = ω1 + ∆ω, (14.1) i= - 532 - for a small ∆ω. Then, it is written by 5 4 3 Envelope analysis 3 2 R 0 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 Transient analysis 0.004 0.008 0.012 time[msec] 0.016 0.02 -5 0 0.04 Transient analysis 0.08 0.12 time[msec] 0.16 0.2 (a) ∆ω = 0.1, (b) ∆ω = 0.01 Fig.12 Comparisons between the transient and envelope analysis. L vout Thus, the asymptotic behavior of the amplitudes can be calculated by transient analysis of Spice as shown in Fig.12. - C0 Q 1 -1 -1 + C V[V] 0 -4 0 R1 2 1 V[V] v(t) = (V1 + V2 cos ∆ωt) cos ω1 t − (V2 sin ∆ωt) sin ω1 t = VC (t) cos ω1 t + VS (t) sin ω1 t (14.2) Envelope analysis 4 E e 1 (t) Table 1 Comparison calcurational time between Envelope and Transient analysis R2 e (t) 2 ∆ω[Mrad/sec] 0.1 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.01 Fig.10 Simple emitter follower amplifier. C0 = 1[nF], C = 1[nF], L = 10[µF], R1 = R2 = 50[kΩ] R = 1[kΩ], E = 10[V], ω1 = 107 [rad/sec] We have used the Ebers-Moll model for the transistor, id = 10−12 exp[40vd ], αF = 0.99, αR = 0.3, (15) and approximate it by Taylor expansion. Then, the Fourier module can be obtained by MATLAB in the symboric forms as way of section 2. Thus, the Sine-Cosine circuits of RF circuit can be given in Fig.10. Envelope[sec] 3.75 4.83 5.5 5.53 11.12 Transient[sec] 20.45 29.48 40.55 65.05 189.86 And calculational time as shown Table 1. Observe that between transient and envelope. When ∆Ω = 0.1, our envelope analysis is faster about 5 times. However, when ∆ω = 0.01, faster than about 17 times. Therefore, when ω2 nearly to ω1 namely, ∆ω become more small, envelope analysis is more equal as shown in Fig.12. And calculational time of our envelope analysis is faster than direct transient analysis shown in Table 1. 5. Conclusions In this paper, we propose a Spice-oriented envelope analysis which is based on Harmonic Balance method. The coefficients of HB set to slowly varying. Thus, we can obtained efficient asymptotic analysis result. Fourier expansion applies to nonlinear devices by use MATLAB, and the determining equation of HB is replaced Sine-Cosine circuit. Therefore, calculation time of our envelope analysis is faster than direct Fig.11 Sine-Cosine circuit of the amplifier shown by Fig.10. transient analysis. Also we can analyze the circuit consists nonlinear inductor and capacitor. So, it is promising to analThe DC circuit shown by Fig.11(a) only has a DC volt- ysis more expansion for nonlinear circuits. age source, where the input source is removed by the shortReferences circuit. The Sine-Cosine circuits have slowly varying inputs δ(k − 1)VC (t), and δ(k − 1)VS (t) to the Cosine and Sine subcircuits, respectively. Observe that all the circuit configura- [1] P.Wambacq and W.Sansen, Distortion Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits, Kluwer Academic Pub., 1998. tions corresponding to the kth harmonic components are the same topology. Therefore, we can easily formulate the cir- [2] K.K.Clarke and D.T.Hess, Communication Circuits: cuits by “copy and paste” with Spice simulator. Ih this study, Analysis and Design, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1971. we consider maximum harmonic component K=3. 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