The Manchester DBA Worldwide

The Manchester DBA Worldwide
Learn from a world of experience.
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
The Manchester Business School doctoral programme
ranked no 1 by the Financial Times 2008
Are you cut out for a Manchester DBA?
Manchester Business School’s DBA gives you the opportunity to pursue your academic
interests whilst continuing a demanding career. The programme is offered through a
blend of core modules, workshops, self-study and supervised research.
Typically, our students have enjoyed
high levels of success in their business
careers and gained an MBA or similar
qualification from a good business school.
More often than not, each student’s
research proposal is related to their work
experience, providing an extra incentive
to succeed and opening up opportunities
for access to new business contacts and
On joining the DBA programme, you will
be allocated a supervisor, from over 200
within the faculty, with similar research
interests. You will work closely with
this individual, meeting face-to-face at
least twice a year and increasing your
chances of successful completion. Many
joint publications between students
and supervisors have resulted from their
The MBS Doctoral programme was ranked
first in the world by the FT in 2008. The
taught component of the DBA on how
to conduct business and management
research takes place in the first three blocks
of residential workshops (October and
February of the first year and October in
the second). The remainder of the second
year focusses on the candidates intended
research, starting with a literature review
followed by a mini project. This leads up to
the preparation of the research proposal,
followed by the research itself in years
three and four, and the writing up of the
dissertation in year five.
Many similarities exist between the DBA
and the Manchester PhD. The same
modules and workshops are offered
by the same faculty. Research and
dissertation quality expectations are
the same and both are defended by the
student at a viva attended by external
examiners. The emphasis of the DBA,
however, is more focused on testing
and extending existing theory than on
developing new theory.
Applying to do a DBA whilst continuing
a demanding career is a major decision
and commitment. Only the best and
most motivated should apply. If you are
accepted, you will find it an exciting,
life-changing experience as part of a high
achieving, international group with lots
to share at both personal and professional
levels. We look forward to hearing from
Prof Chris Easingwood
Manchester Business School DBA
A world-class research based qualification
Manchester Business School’s doctoral programme is well established and is one
of the largest in Europe. At MBS practitioners can undertake a substantial piece of
research work in conjunction with their professional working life.
The DBA offers part-time/blended
learning to senior executives who cannot
or choose not to put their career on hold.
Flexible, portable and international, the
programme enables you to balance the
demands of your career, study and family
while completing a significant research
To be eligible for a place on the DBA,
applicants must possess an MBA or
Masters degree in a relevant subject and
have achieved significant career success.
Participants are often practitioners,
consultants, senior executives or business
The results of research for a PhD will
almost certainly have implications for
one or more aspects of running an
organisation. The DBA, however, allows
application of state-of-the-art knowledge
to a specific management issue to directly
improve the quality of decision-making.
•The Manchester Business School
Already established in many American
universities, including Harvard, the
DBA is bringing a new impetus to
research and learning within commercial
organisations. The course focuses less on
the development of theory than a PhD,
although the employment of large-scale
databases is certainly not excluded.
The emphasis here, however, is on the
application and testing of existing theory
on particular sets of cases. DBAs are
also more likely than PhDs to be multidisciplinary and case-based.
•Manchester Business School is in
Key features and benefits
Throughout the thesis you will
demonstrate the usefulness of its results
to one or more organisations. Apart
from this more immediate practical
bias of research results, the elements
of the DBA are the same as for the PhD.
Participants must complete the taught
phase and are only registered for a DBA
upon acceptance of the research proposal.
Historically, substantial value has been
placed by participants on the training
they receive in research methods when
carrying out research of a commercial
The programme is delivered using a blend
of self-study and face-to-face teaching
in years one and two, providing solid
foundations for refined research methods.
Your studies will typically take five years
to complete, although a maximum of
seven is allowed.
doctoral programme is a world-class
qualification, ranked first in the world
by the Financial Times 2008
•Over 200 academics are on-hand as
supervisors, covering a broad spectrum
of research interests, many of them at
the forefront of their fields
the top 11% of schools to receive
an RAE 5 rating
•Around 34% of our DBA students
are CEOs, Company Directors or
Vice Presidents
•Two one-week workshops in year
one and two one-week workshops
in year two which includes the
project presentation will be spent
in Manchester, providing great
networking opportunities with
academics and fellow DBA students
“Contributing to academia whilst
continuing to work in industry had been
my long-term aspiration since graduation.
A full-time doctoral programme,
however, would have meant sacrificing
my corporate profile during a mid-term
career. The Manchester DBA programme
offered a solution to my dilemma. I
focus on a cutting edge research topic,
‘Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC)
at Asia Pacific Financial Conglomerates’,
with the sponsorship of my employer who
recognises the currency of this subject
“The programme format allows me
to observe the GRC framework closely
in my day-to-day work environment.
It further provides me with flexibility
of contribution – informing academic
Srinivas Yanamandra, Chief Manager,
Compliance Group,
ICICI Bank, India
Learn from a world of experience
Manchester Business School, since its establishment in 1965, has
been a leading centre for management teaching and research.
Today, it stands alongside the world’s top business schools, and is
recognised as one of the strongest in terms of international focus.
The University of Manchester
Stretching back nearly 200 years, the
University’s history is closely linked to the
emergence of Manchester as the world’s
first industrial city.
and administering independent guided
learning on a global scale. For more than
a decade, individuals and corporate clients
in over 80 countries have benefited
from our unique programmes.
With its rich academic heritage, the
University of Manchester can lay claim
to great traditions in astronomy, history,
music, mathematics and many other areas.
So the reputation of today’s University
is built on the shoulders of some real
academic giants.
Enabling access to quality management
education for career-oriented professionals,
regardless of location, we now support
over 2,500 MBA students and have over
2,000 alumni, which form part of the
5,000-strong MBS alumni network.
As for the future, there is a bold and
exciting plan in place – the Manchester
2015 Agenda, which aims to make the
University of Manchester one of the top
25 universities in the world.
Few cities in the UK are able to match
Manchester in terms of sheer depth
of cultural and business activity. A key
location for international commerce, the
city attracts some of the world’s biggest
businesses to its high streets, offices and,
of course, to its football pitches.
Manchester Business School
Manchester Business School is a worldleading centre for management teaching
and research. The School produces
research ranked among the world’s best
by peer academics and practitioners, and
is one of only a small number of business
schools worldwide to be accredited by the
Association of MBAs, AACSB International
and Equis.
Also highly valued is the successful and
proven method of study – The Manchester
Method. This unique approach replicates
real-world challenges in every project that
is undertaken, and sees learning directly
related to professional work. It also
produces confident and assured graduates
who are ready to take on high levels of
Research has shown that this method not
only enhances learning outcomes, but,
by promoting the immediate application
of knowledge, also makes study far more
relevant to the complexities of actual
business challenges.
Research at Manchester Business School
is about generating cutting-edge
thinking, and then communicating it
to our students and to business. MBS
leads business thinking and is constantly
learning from the contemporary
commercial environment.
Manchester Business School Worldwide
Acknowledged as a leader in our field,
Manchester Business School Worldwide
is dedicated to developing, supporting
Manchester - city of culture
Home to the world’s biggest football
club, Manchester United, along with its
local rival Manchester City, the city is
steeped in the sporting tradition. In 2002,
Manchester hosted the Commonwealth
Games, which brought huge investment
and urban regeneration with it. The
economic and cultural climate of the city
has changed dramatically over the years,
and some of the world’s most successful,
luxury high street names have been
attracted to the city.
World-class retailers such as Harvey
Nichols, have helped to give the city its
reputation as a shopper’s paradise, while
exclusive entertainment venues light up
the Manchester night. The City’s food
culture has taken a turn for the ‘haute’
and world-renowned chefs, including
Raymond Blanc, have now opened-up
restaurants here.
We have the best quality teaching of any
UK business school
Top 15
We are constantly ranked as one of the top
15 business schools in Europe – delivering the
distinctiveness you need in a competitive job
DBA programme structure
Stage one:
The taught stage of the programme will be completed in
years one and two.
Year one
Year two
You will begin with a week-long induction
programme on-campus in October. During
this period, you will also start three
core modules, which will be completed
during your February workshop sessions.
In February, you will also commence six
residential elective workshops, which are
chosen from a range of options.
You will continue with your elective
workshops during the second year, before
moving onto the literary review and mini
project (a preliminary research project).
The year will culminate with the research
• Core modules
Social research methods
An overview of social science research
processes and commonly used methods.
Topics include problem formation,
research and questionnaire design,
interviewing and observational methods.
This module covers the major aspects
of descriptive and inferential statistics
and their application in research.
Philosophical issues in management
These seminars examine epistemological
problems in management research
and their roots in philosophies of the
natural and social sciences. Assumptions
of dominant schools are discussed in
conjunction with the problems posed by
the contemporary philosophy of science.
• Start elective workshops
‘Typical’ options include:
- Qualitative Methods
- Survey Design
- Case Study Methodology
- Business Analysis
- Comparative Case Analysis
- Multivariate Statistics
- Action Research
- Interviewing including elite
•Continue with your elective workshops
•Literature project
•Mini project
•Research proposal
•Residential workshops
(years one and two)
During the first two years, you will
complete four week-long residential
workshops on-campus at Manchester
Business School. These are considered a
unique feature and are distinguished by
the following features:
- Students and faculty meet face-to-face
to put theory into practice
- Management issues are addressed
through exchange of ideas
- There is the opportunity to network
with fellow global business
- They enable group cooperation,
presentation and interaction
“I chose the DBA at MBS because it
allowed me to further my theoretical
knowledge, which would be useful in
my profession. Supervision from and
interaction with a world-class faculty also
influenced my choice. My research focuses
on various roles and strategies adopted by
subsidiaries of multinational corporations
in foreign locations, and I also look at
their activities in Japan. My extensive
experience as a consultant has enabled
me to identify challenges faced by top
“I will now be able to combine my
existing skills with new research skills
learned at MBS to strengthen my business
profile. In my new position as a business
development manager, I intend to learn
further from my research work and put it
into practice through strategy formulation
and implementation.”
Kazuyki Marukawa,
Head of Business Development,
H.C. Starck, Japan
Structure of stage one and two of
DBA programme
Year 1
Year 2
October, 1 wk block
October, 1 wk block
• Induction
• Core modules
• Continue Elective
February, 1 wk block
February, 1 wk block
• Finish Core Modules
• Start Elective workshops
• Literary Review
• Mini Project
• Written report & presentation
DBA programme structure
Stage two:
The research stage of your DBA will take a minimum of three
years to complete. You will develop a research proposal and
work with your supervisor to produce the thesis.
The research proposal
The research proposal, prepared in
consultation with a supervisor, will include:
•A description of the management issue
•Evidence of its academic suitability
•The conceptual framework for research
•Justification of research methods
You will need to arrange to meet your
supervisor face-to-face in the UK (or
possibly during their overseas visits) at
least twice a year. Regular contact is
encouraged through e-mail and telephone,
or video conferencing, where available.
The thesis
Based on original research that will
normally take a minimum of three years to
complete on a part-time basis, the thesis
is submitted at the end of the programme
and should be written in a way that is
acceptable for publication (either in a
journal or book). The viva (the oral exam)
then takes place where you justify your
assumptions, data and outcome etc.
Sample DBA projects
Below, we have listed a few sample DBA
projects that are currently in progress to
enable you to consider how your own
research interests may align with those
of the School:
•Maximising return on innovation in
emerging markets
•A study of governance, risk and
compliance framework at Asia-Pacific
financial conglomerates
•Stock return predictability with
book-to-market ratio
•The marketing role of the distribution
channel – a study of the Canadian IT
•Localisation of Japanese engineering
companies’ management of
subsidiaries in China
•Direct impact of corporate brands on
investor choice
•Assessment of the impact of e-Business
on Nigerian banks
•Ethical IT offshore outsourcing –
do social costs matter?
“My interest in governance, the
functioning of corporate boards and the
ethical challenges faced by corporate
directors led to my decision to pursue the
DBA programme. I love learning and was
excited by the prospect of filling in the
knowledge gaps relating to corporate
boards. The first stage of the programme
includes coursework on statistics, social
research methodology and epistemology,
which is both relevant to my work and
really interesting.
“Another key benefit is the opportunity
to develop relationships with classmates
from around the world – we are a truly
international group and bring different
perspectives to discussions, both inside
and outside the classroom. Originally, I
was considering a PhD programme, but
was delighted when I discovered the MBS
programme as it met all of my criteria.
It offered as much rigour, demanded
the same academic ability as a full-time
programme, and it had fantastic research
and academic credentials.”
Barbara Wilkes, President, Management
Initiatives Inc, Canada
We have over 200 academics available to act
as supervisors. Many of them at the forefront
of their field.
MBS is in the top 11% of schools to receive an
RAE5 rating.
Your DBA colleagues worldwide
Participants on the DBA come from a broad range of
industries and an even broader range of countries, giving
the programme credibility amongst
professionals across the globe. Finance, Investment, Banking
Industry background
Finance, Investment, Banking
North America
Rest of the World (including India & Middle East)
North America
Rest of the World (including India & Middle East)
World Class
The MBS Doctoral programme was ranked
first in the world by the FT in 2008.
Over a third of our DBA students are CEOs,
company directors or vice-presidents.
“I’m a graduate of both Harvard
University and Henley Management
College, I received my distance learning
MBA from the University of Hull in 1998.
The DBA offers me both academic rigour
and potential for practical business
application. My research proposal deals
with Islamic monetarisation of assets as
well as Islamic securitisation techniques
and conventions. Following a blended
learning approach via the MBS Worldwide
Middle East Centre in Dubai, I feel that
the programme is a logical extension of
the MBA programme, through which I can
undertake a substantial piece of research
work whilst remaining in a real business
environment with minimal disruption.
Internationally renowned, along with the
quality of the school and faculty, were
key factors in choosing MBS. After all, I’m
investing my own money.”
Dr Issam Zaid Al Tawari,
Vice Chairman and CEO,
Rasameel Structured Finance, Kuwait
Vice Chairman, Ain Takaful Insurance,
Academic profiles
Our programme leaders are revered thinkers in their respective fields,
offering you academic support of the very highest calibre.
Prof. Christopher Easingwood
Professor of Marketing, Programme Director
Chris is a leading expert in the marketing of
technology and services. He has authored
more than 100 papers in leading international
journals and conference proceedings. In 2007,
with Dr. Steve Moxey, he founded the High
Technology Marketing Innovation research
centre, funded by Microsoft, IBM, Vodafone
and Nortel.
He has held appointments at the University
of California, Berkeley and the University of
Michigan. He joined MBS in 1981 and has been
the Director of the Executive MBA and Head
of the Marketing and Strategy Group.
Teaching and research interests
Prof. Easingwood teaches Marketing,
Marketing Management in Technology-Led
Environments and Research Methods.
His marketing of technology research
interests include product launch, product
re-launch, channel competitiveness, high-tech
partner relationships, channel renewal and
regeneration, disruptive technology, as well
as the adoption and diffusion of major new
high-tech products.
His 1986 article, “New Product Development
for Service Companies” was, in 2007, declared
one of the 10 most influential articles in the
history of services marketing.
His 2000 article with A Koustelos, “Marketing
High Technology: Preparation, Targeting,
Positioning and Execution” was declared one
the 10 most influential marketing articles for
Prof. Pete Naude
Professor of Marketing, Project Supervisor
Prior to joining MBS as a doctoral student in
1988, Pete taught at the University of Cape
Town’s Graduate School of Business.
He taught at MBS until 1999, when he joined
the University of Bath School of Management
as Professor of Marketing. He returned to MBS
in 2005.
Teaching and research interests
His area of interest is in Business-to-Business
Marketing and, along with many of his MBS
colleagues, is closely associated with the
research themes of the IMP Group (see He and his colleagues
hosted the 23rd annual IMP Conference at
MBS in 2007.
An authority on the Marketing discipline,
Prof. Naude is well respected amongst the
business community and has been highly
published, including two books:
Business-to-Business Marketing (Naude, P.,
Salle, R., Michel, D. & Valla, J-P., 2003, Palgrave)
and The Business Marketing Course: Managing
in Complex Networks (Naude, P., Ford, D.,
Berthon, P., Brown, S., Gadde, S.,
Hakansson, L-E., Ritter, T. & Snehota, I., 2002,
John Wiley and Sons Ltd.).
Academic profiles
Prof. Catherine Cassell – Professor of Occupational
Psychology, Director of Postgraduate Research
A Chartered Occupational Psychologist,
Catherine has held appointments at the
University of Sheffield’s Management School
and Sheffield Business School.
She is Chair of the British Academy of
Management’s Special Interest group in
Research Methodology and a former Chair of
the Occupational Psychology Section of the
British Psychological Society.
Catherine is an associate editor of the ‘British
Journal of Management’, inaugural co-Editor
of ‘Qualitative Research in Organisations and
Management: an international journal’, and
on the Editorial Advisory Boards of four other
journals, including the Journal of Occupational
and Organisational Psychology.
Teaching and Research interests
Prof. Cassell teaches Research Methodology
and Organisational Change. Her research
interests are in organisational change,
learning and development, and she has a
specific interest in the use of qualitative
research techniques in both management
and organisational research. Together
with Gillian Symon from Birkbeck she has
published a number of books and articles in
this area. Recently she completed a two-year,
ESRC funded project, ‘Benchmarking good
practice in qualitative management research’
(with G. Symon and P. Johnson) where the
team developed training materials aimed at
enhancing good practice in the field.
She has also received research grants from
a number of organisations including ESRC,
EPSRC, British Academy, ERDF and the EU.
Ismail Ertürk
Senior Fellow in Banking, Project Supervisor
Ismail joined the School in January 1987
from a merchant bank in Istanbul. From
1982 to 1983 he was a research fellow at Hull
University and continued his postgraduate
studies at New York University where he
specialised in banking.
He has taught Corporate Finance, Bank
Financial Management and International
Finance on the School’s MBA and Executive
Centre programmes. Recent teaching reflects
his research interests in financialisation and
financial innovation, which he investigates as
part of an inter-disciplinary team at CRESC at
the University of Manchester.
To view the many ‘leading
edge’ profiles of academics at
MBS please visit:
He has undertaken advisory work for
companies and government institutions
internationally and has developed and
directed senior banking programmes for the
Executive Centre. He has held visiting positions
on Executive MBA Programmes at Stockholm
School of Economics, St Petersburg, Istanbul
Bilgi University, and ESCP-EAP, Paris.
Teaching and Research interests
Teaching specialisms: Banking; Bank
Financial Management; Foreign Exchange
Risk Management; International Project
Finance; Corporate Finance; International
Finance. Current research interests include
financialisation, financial intermediation,
financial innovation, corporate governance,
executive pay, financial literacy, household
financial portfolios and cultural economy.
Student profiles
Our student body comprises a large number of successful business practitioners, working
on cutting edge research topics. We asked some of them to tell us about their personal
experiences on the DBA programme.
Jeff Word,
Vice President of Product Strategy, SAP AG, USA
Jeff is focusing on optimising corporate value
from the management approach to business
processes derived from globalisation and
technology adoption in business. His thesis
is titled, “The Event-Centric Enterprise: A
Multiple Case Study Analysis and Theoretical
Framework for Event-Centric Business
Since starting his DBA, Jeff has combined his
role in SAP’s medium-term product strategy
(3-5 years) with his research into the next
generation of business process automation
capabilities. This allows him to combine the
academic rigor of business research with
SAP’s global customers and to simultaneously
influence the product strategy with his
research findings.
His research focuses on a new breed of
business processes that have emerged as a
result of the past decade of globalisation and
technology adoption in business.
Through careful study of the behaviour of
these processes as they occur in the real-world
today and a creation of a methodology to
identify, classify and prioritise them, he hopes
to shed some light on the huge potential for
cost savings and efficiencies.
Jeff believes that to be successful on the DBA,
students should not expect to be handed
a case to analyse or a problem to solve. He
suggests that ‘doctoral training requires a
very different mindset that can be difficult for
someone with an MBA to adopt.
The intricacies of the scientific method are
sure to sound odd to an MBA, but the MBS
research training programme brings you into
the mindset quickly if you’re able to let go of
some of the paradigms you learned in your
MBA studies.’
Jonathan Giuliano,
Senior Entrepreneur and Investor, USA
In decades past, companies invented the
products they sold. This vertically integrated
innovation process was constrained within
the company and closed to others. Jonathan’s
research, thus, focuses on open innovation,
in which companies seek and employ both
internal and external ideas, technologies and
paths to market.
application. The programme also offered
Jonathan the opportunity to learn and test
ideas, develop new ones and prove them, as
well as allowing him, through the dissertation,
to make a unique contribution to the progress
of business administration as a professional
practice, a contribution that can benefit
people throughout the world.
His work focuses on how people organise to
acquire, develop and market innovation as
well as the intellectual property (patents,
trademarks, copyrights and know-how)
that constitutes the basis for the innovation.
He came to MBS because he was impressed
by its long-standing reputation as one of
the world’s best business schools, which he
believes is derived partly from its excellence
in doctoral programmes and partly due to its
truly global student body and focus.
The DBA has improved the quantity and
quality of the diverse sources from which he
can learn and provides a unique structure
for rigorous academic study and practical
Applicants will need a recognised MBA
or Masters to gain entry onto this
programme, however, those who do
not hold formal academic qualifications
may still apply if they have extensive
management experience.
Overseas students whose first language is
not English may be asked to take the IELTS
(International English Language Testing
System), which is available through the
British Council. Should language problems
arise during the first stage, then the
satisfactory completion of an approved
English language course may be required
prior to stage two registration.
You must submit a three-page outline of
your proposed research with the application.
It is recognised that ideas will be provisional
at this early stage, but you must give an
indication of your area of interest to
allow the School to judge your interests
and match them to those of an
appropriate supervisor.
Wherever practical and appropriate,
applicants are asked to visit the School for
interview by members of the faculty. If
this is not possible, a telephone interview
will be scheduled.
Making your application
Deadline for applications
In the first instance please forward a copy
of your CV and a draft research proposal to
This will be reviewed by our Academic
Director and an invitation to apply will be
sent to you, if you are suitable.
For full details of application deadlines
please visit http://www.mbs-worldwide. for
entry to the taught stage in October.
Applicants should also:
•make prompt arrangements for the
IELTS test, if necessary
•secure references from at least one
member of faculty at a previous
institution – all referees must be told
that the applicant is intending to
pursue doctoral studies
•nominate an industrial referee, if you
are employed in industry
•include relevant course transcripts or
certificates with the application
•include an up-to-date cv
Suitable candidates’ application forms will
be circulated to the appropriate faculty as
soon as possible after they are received.
Whilst every effort is made to find the
ideal supervisor for each candidate meeting
the programme’s entry requirements,
demand is heavy and sometimes the
applications of well-qualified candidates
prove unsuccessful through lack of
supervisory capacity.
Because applications may be sent to
several different members of faculty, the
application process can sometimes take
two or more months. We will update you
on the progress of your application within
one month of receiving it and at regular
intervals thereafter.
For an informal discussion regarding
making an application to the programme,
please contact one of our dedicated
Course Counsellors at or
phone them on +44 (0)1248 672 279/270.
United Kingdom
Manchester Business School Worldwide
Unit E
Parc Menai, Bangor
Gwynedd LL57 4BL
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1248 672222
Fax: +44 (0)1248 672201
Hong Kong
Manchester Business School Worldwide
6th Floor, Wilson House
19 – 27 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 25264694
Fax: (852) 2526 4910
Manchester Business School Worldwide
1 Phillip Street
07-00, Singapore 048692
Tel: (65) 6538 4344
Fax: (65) 6538 4404
Manchester Business School Worldwide
Sunway University College
No. 5, Jalan Kolej, Bandar Sunway
46 150 Petaling Jaya
Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: (603) 7491 8622 ext. 8125
DID: (603) 7491 8625
Fax: (603) 5635 8633
Middle East
Manchester Business School Worldwide
Dubai Knowledge Village
Block 6, 1st Floor
PO Box 502907
Tel: (971) 4 365 8313
Fax: (971) 4 360 4505
Manchester Business School Worldwide
Jamaica Institute of Bankers
39 Hope Road
Kingston 10
Jamaica, West Indies
Tel: (876) 978 6212
Fax: (876) 927 9405
Manchester Business School Worldwide
Rua da Candelária, No6
Centro-Rio de Janeiro–RJ–Brazil
Tel: 55 21 2197-5100
Fax: 55 21 2197-5200