A Study Paper on Experimental Analysis of Aircooler for

ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
A Study Paper on Experimental Analysis of Aircooler for
Optimum Performance Using Solar Tracking
M. Abdul Rahman
M. Madduleti
M.Tech, PG Student,
St’ Johns College of Engineering & Technology,
Yemmiganur, Kurnool (DT), Andhra Pradesh.
Assistant Professor,
St’ Johns College of Engineering & Technology,
Yemmiganur, Kurnool (DT), Andhra Pradesh.
G. Maruti Prasad Yadav
G.Lokeswara Rao
Associate Professor,
St’ Johns College of Engineering & Technology,
Yemmiganur, Kurnool (DT), Andhra Pradesh.
Assistant Professor,
St’ Johns College of Engineering & Technology,
Yemmiganur, Kurnool (DT), Andhra Pradesh.
The above figs will give the brief idea about photo voltaic effect & conversion of light to electricity.
This paper deals with a brief article about a solar tracking mechanism & its working explained along with Air
Cooler. A solar tracker is a device that orients a payload
toward the sun. Payloads can be photovoltaic panels,
reflectors, lenses or other optical devices.In this system we will use photo voltaic method to absorb the
solar energy usually withphotovoltaic panels.The solar
panel was tilted according to the sun movement. So
this mechanism is called “Solar Tracking Mechanism”.
Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 6 (June)
Key Words:
solar tracking, solar panel, Solar Tracking Mechanism.
1. Introduction:
The solar panel is converting sun rays to the Electricity by “Photo-Voltaic Effect”. This electrical power is
stored in a 12-Volt battery. Battery D.C power is used
to run the D.C motor and D.C water pump.The D.C motor is coupled with impeller blades. The D.C motor runs
during the air cooler button ON, the impeller blades
starts rotating. The water pump is used to circulate the
water to the blower unit. he forced air is flow through
the water which is sprayed by water pump, so that the
cold air produced. The switch control is used to ON/
OFF solar air cooler circuit. To understand this Paper,
we will take an example of air cooler with auto tracking
June 2015
Page 423
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
Fig – Physical Setup of Solar Air CoolerWith Auto
2. Components:
Components – Solar Panel, Battery, Blower, Water
pump, and auto tracker.
1. Solar Panel:
A solar Panel works on the principle of photo-voltaic
principle, the photo-voltaic solar energy conversion is
one of the most attractive non-conventional energy
sources of proven reliability from the micro to the
Megawatt level.
2. Battery :
In isolated systems away from the grid, batteries are
used for storage of excess solar energy converted into
electrical energy. The only exceptions are isolated sunshine load such as irrigation pumps or drinking water
supplies for storage. In fact for small units with output
less than one kilowatt.
3. Auto Tracker :
A solar tracker is a device that orients a payload toward the sun. Payloads can be photovoltaic panels,
reflectors, lenses or other optical devices.In flat-panel
photovoltaic (PV) applications, trackers are used to
minimize the angle of incidence between the incoming
sunlight and a photovoltaic panel. This increases the
amount of energy produced from a fixed amount of
installed power generating capacity. In concentrated
photovoltaic (CPV) and concentrated solar thermal
(CSP) applications, trackers are used to enable the
optical components in the CPV and CSP systems. The
optics in concentrated solar applications accept the direct component of sunlight light and therefore must
be oriented appropriately to collect energy. Tracking systems are found in all concentrator applications
because such systems do not produce energy unless
pointed at the sun.
Batteries seem to be the only technically and economically available storage means. Since both the photovoltaic system and batteries are high in capital costs. It
is necessary that the overall system be optimized with
respect to available energy and local demand pattern.
To be economically attractive the storage of solar electricity requires a battery with a particular combination
of properties
Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 6 (June)
June 2015
Page 424
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
3. Observation:
The Solar Tracker which we are showing in this paper is
single axis solar tracker. This is as shown in fig. We may
consider this though X-axis or Y-axis. But the rotation
of the PV panel should be from the East to West.
i. Compare to solar panel in fixed form, single axis solar tracker has better efficiency. The efficiency of single
axis solar tracker over fixed mount panel is 32.17%.
i. Single axis solar tracker tracks sun only from east to
west direction.
ii. Its efficiency is less compare to dual axis solar tracker
4. Efficiency of Single-Axis Tracking System
over Fixed Mount :
The power output for the single-axis and fixed mount
panel are tabulated for a single day. The average power
values prove that the single-axis panel produces more
power than that of the fixed mount. The power efficiency calculated for the singe-axis solar tracker is said
to be 13% more than that of the fixed mount. The tabulated values are simulated & obtained using MATLAB.
Disadvantages This kind of tracker is most effective at
equatorial latitudes where the sun is more or less overhead at noon. Due to the annual motion of the earth
the sun also moves in the north and south direction depending on the season and due to this the efficiency of
single-axis is reduced since the single-axis tracker only
tracks the movement of sun from east to west. During
cloudy days the efficiency of the single axis tracker is
almost close to the fixed panel.
Direct power lost (%) due to misalignment
(angle I):
Because of not imposing the solar panel to sun rays
we may lost the power production capacity. The below chart is representing the % of lost due to misalignment.
I = Incident Angle,
Hrs. = No of hours imposed to sun rays.
Table - Power output for thefixed mount and
Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 6 (June)
June 2015
Page 425
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
The below graph will show the difference between fixed solar system & solar tracking system. This will show clear
idea of the solar tracking system while in day times.
X- axis: Day time in Hrs. Y-axis: % efficiency.
5. Conclusion:
In this paper we have achieved a clear knowledge of
comfort cooling system for human by using non-conventional energy and heating system by power supply.
This study would be fruitful in both domestic & industrial backgrounds. We also know about non-conventional
energy sources and utilization.This paper although fulfilling our requirement has further scope for improvements. Some of the improvements that could be made
in this solar air cooler unit are listed below.
1. By adding solar panel auto tracking system
2. By adding some components to make solar heater
cum cooler
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