5789 Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Conftld~ration suisse Confederazione Svizzera Confederaziun svizra Eldgenasallchn llepllllement lllr UmwaH, Vorl<ohr, El18flllo und Kommunlkation lNEK llundnomt Ill< Zlvlllullfohrt BAZL 5BHE Dfrektlon AKTEN-KOPIE 2 7. DEZ. 2011 Visum: CH-3003 Rem ee.n Eingaqg He!ikopter Ente Nazionale per I'Aviazione Civile Direzione Manutenzione e Produzione Via di Villa Ricotti, 42 00.161 Rome. fax +39 0644185731 . ·' ' .. ·~, ~ .~ '• ',; ' ... ·' Re111ronz/Aktenzeldlen: 54-08 Agreement 83bis HB-ZJY Sachbearbeiterlln: Vlttorto del Vecchto Tel. +41 31 325 91 09, Fax +41 31 325 93 24, Yfttorio.delvecchloQba.l.admln.ch lttlgen, 21.December 2011 Transfer of Oversight Responsibilities pursuant to Art 83bis of the Chicago Convention and the applicable European Community Regulations· Extension until31.12.2012 '''\llllilllllivJI~t"~mrll A109A helicopter (sin 7227) registered t~~!'i!illto be operated by AIR WALSER Sri (AOC n• I-043H) in Commercial Air Transportation under a dry lease contract Dear Sirs, .. With reference to our letter dated 23.12.2009 concerning oversight transfer of HB-ZJY we have been informed by Karen SA (owner of the aircraft) and by Air Walser Sri as the current operator of the subject helicopter, that the dry-lease-period Is going to be extended by one more year, until 31.12.2012 (see annexed "appendice 2 al contratto di locazione del elicottero del 07 settembre 2009 e successive estensione de114 dicembre 2010" between Karen SA and Air Walser Sri dated 14.12.2011). Since, in this case, we see ourselves unable to fulfil the oversight responsibilities of the State of Registry, we kindly request your Authority to accept, according the provisions of article 83bis of the Chicago Convention as well as the applicable Community Regulations, the transfer of the operations, personnel and continuing airworthiness surveillance functions and responsibilities as identified in the enclosed appendix 1 during the lease period. This Agreement will be valid from the date of your acceptance. lt will take effect and pertain affective during the above mentioned lease period under the condition that the aircraft is being operated by Air Walser Sri. under their relevant AOC/CAMO granted by ENAC. During the aforementioned lease period all oversight and surveillance responsibilities of the State of Registry shall be discharged and accomplished by ENAC in accordance with the Bundnomt fUr Zlvlllullfohrt POIIadr8no: CH4G03 Bern www.bazJ.admln.ch ·' Reforenz/Aldonzaichon: 84-08 Agreement 83blo HB-ZJY terms and conditions laid down In the appendix 1 which reflects the guidelines provided by ICAO in the Circular 295 dated Feb. 2003. This agreement will enter into force as soon as you have accepted it in writing. The transfer of responsibilities will, however, only be effective during the aforementioned lease period. A copy of thla letter aa well aa a copy of your letter of acceptance and appendix 1 must be carried on board of the helicopter at all times 1t la operated according the provisions of thla agreement under the AOC of Air Walaer Srt. Furthermore, Air Walser Sri. is requested to provide FOCA, Helicopter Operations Section, with correct references (responsible persons, address, telephone and fax numbers, etc.) of the operator's department which is in charge of continuing airworthiness, In particular management of mandatory continuing airworthiness action (e.g. Airworthiness Directives), and operational matters in order to allow timely delivery of any communication from FOCA. The Information must be held updated by Air Walaer Sri. at all times during the validity of thla agreement. Any failure by the lessee to comply with the above obligations shall relieve FOCA from responsibility of untimely delivery of any relevant and applicable information. We look forward to hearing from you soon. We always appreciate your friendly co-operation. Yours Sincerely Federal Office of Civil Aviation Cl.~ Christian Hegner, Vice-director Safety Division Aircraft Copy to : Roland Steiner, Vice-director Safety Division Operations - Karen SA, Aeroporto di Locamo, CH-6596-Gordola - ·Air Walser Sri, Via Leonardo da Vinci 14, 1-26659 Trontano (VB) ,._ .&....:t.:-- Referanz/Aktonzelchen: 54-06 Agreement 83blo HB-ZJY Maintenance 4. The continuing airworthiness of the aircraft while being operated by the Italian lessee under the appropriate operational approval granted by ENAC will be managed and ensured by the Italian lessee itself holding a Part M subpart G - approval (CAMO) granted byENAC. .. ,, .. 5. Aircraft shall be maintained In accordance with the Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) approved by ENAC to the lessee for the subject aircraft in accordance with relevant requirements of Annex I (Part M) of EC Regulation 2042/2003, as revised. Operational equipments will be maintained in accordance with the Authority of the State of the operator maintenance specifications taking into account equipment manufacturer maintenance recommendation. In default of any maintenance specifications of the Authority of the State of the operator or the manufacturer, the requirements of the State of registry Authority will apply. Due consideration will be spent by ENAC to validate, whether feasible and applicable, aircraft maintenance approved by FOCA to former aircraft operator in order to facilitate the lease back of aircraft at the end of lease period. Surveillance of the aircraft maintenance programme will be performed by ENAC in accordance with its national procedu~s and in compliance with P.•rt M provisions; any variation,. if reque~ed,.to .... ".~ .. the approved mainienaiice program (e.g: short term interval extensions, escalatioris;'etcY'"· will be approved by ENAC in accordance with requirements, guidelines and Interpretative materials for the management of maintenance programs which shall not be less restrictive than part M provisions. 6. Repairs and modifications to be performed on the aircraft shall be approved in accordance with relevant provisions of Annex (Part 21) to the Regulation (EC) 1702/2003, as revised, and relevant implementation procedures, before their embodiment. The express permission of the aircraft registered owner and of the lessor is required prior to the incorporation of any modification in order to ensure compliance with all applicable requirements and facilitating the lease back of aircraft at the end of lease period. 7. All the maintenance inspections, repairs and modifications to be performed on the aircraft have to be carried out and released to service by a Part 145 appropriately approved Maintenance Organisation. 8. The lessee shall be responsible of maintenance records keeping during the leasing period in accordance with applicable Part M requirements and lessee's natiQnai procedure. Aircraft and engine logbooks issued by FOCA for the aircraft shall be kept updated by the lessee in accordance with relevant Part M and Swiss provisions (ordinance for continuing airworthinessi"Verordnung Ober die LufttOchtigkeit von Luftfahrzeugen; VLL, SR 748.215.1"); alternative system may be adopted by the lessee once approved by ENAC and agreed by FOCA. All the maintenance records as described in the applicable Part M requirements shall be transferred to the lessor/owner when the aircraft will be leased back. 9. Leasing contract, Operations, continuing airworthiness management exposition and Organisation Manuals system approved to the lessee by ENAC must reflect all stated conditions in this Appendix 1 as applicable. Certificate of Airworthiness 10. The continued validity of the Aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) shall be ensured in accordance with EU regulation 2042/2003 Part M requirements. Relerenz/Aktenzek:han: 54-0fll\gleement 83bla H8-ZJY APPENDIX 1 Transferred responsibilities and oversight/control functions: 1. ICAO Annex 6 part Ill 2. ICAO Annex 8 part 11 chapters 3, 4 (all responsibilities which are normally incumbent on the State of Registry and those portions which provide for aircraft operator and operator's Authority responsibilities in relation to the intended operations) 3. ICAO Annex 1 Personnel Licensing - issuance and validation of licences 4. ICAO Annex 2 Rules of the Air- enforcement of compliance with applicable rules and regulations relating to the flight and manoeuvre of aircraft. Working arrangements. General 1. The European Union (EU) and JAA set of requirements, directly or indirectly called for in this agreement is to be intended at the latest amendment/change respectively issued by EU or adopted by ENAC in accordance with the pertinent effectiveness and implementation schedule as defined respectively by EU or by ENAC (for JAA regulations). In the case ENAC would grant exemptions under provisions of art 14.4 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 these exemptions shall be notified to FOCA as soon as possible unless otherwise explicitly established elsewhere in this agreement. Approved type design 2. The aircraft, and any product or part thereof, must comply with relevant EASA approved type design (refer to provisions of art. 2 of EU Regulation 1702/2003 dated 24 September 2003). ENAC will be responsible for supervising compliance with this requirement after aircraft delivery to the lessee all the time the aircraft is being operated by the national operator under Swiss registration marl<s. Mandatory Continuing Alrworthinns Information (MCAI) 3. As applicable according to EU regulations, the aircraft must be in compliance with all the Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information (such as AD's, Emergency Conformity Information (ECI), etc) applicable to that aircraft, and to any part thereof, mandated as applicable either by the relevant State of Design Authorities (refer to Decision No. 2/2003 Of The Executive Director Of The Agency dated 14 October 2003) or by EASA. The aircraft may be also requested to comply with MCAI's applicable to the subject aircraft model, products or parts thereof, issued by FOCA or by ENAC under the provisions of art. 14 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 when an equivalent airworthiness action has not been made mandatory by State of Design Authorities or more restrictive terms of compliance are mandated by FOCA/ENAC. To this late regard, a coordination between FOCA and ENAC will be ensured and design or maintenance program implications deriving from the above mentioned mandatory airworthiness actions will be treated in accordance with terms and conditions of appropriate paragraphs of the following section Maintenance. The Italian operator must hold and keep up-to-date a complete set of the above applicable mentioned MCAI's. Regarding to FOCA MCAI's, they are available in the FOCA website; http:/lwww.bazl.admin.ch/fachleutellufttechniklentwicklung/00656/index.html?lang=en and therefore the Italian Operator (lessee) is requested to regularly look at that site to absolve their continuing airworthiness responsibilities in respect of this aspect. The Italian Operator is also requested to regularly look at EASA and other relevant State of Design Authority web sites to absolve their continuing airworthiness responsibilities in respect of aircraft and its components. Any derogation to MCAI's requirements must be approved in accordance with EU regulations. Referenz/AI<tonzelchen: 154-08 Agreement 83blo HB-ZJY Aircraft Inspection and findings 11. In case of survey of the aircraft carried out by FOCA (in order to comply with EU regulation 204212003 Part M.B.303) or by ENAC (in order to comply with EU regulation 204212003 Part M.B.704), they will inform each other of any finding that might affect the other Authority. Operations 12. The aircraft shall be operated in accordance with EASA approved Aircraft Flight Manual, or deemed as EASA approved under (EC) 170212003 regulation, and, if any, ENAC approved MEL that has to be not less restrictive than the relevant EASA approved/accepted MMEL, or deemed as EASA approved/accepted. If this does not exist, the use of an alternative MMEL (e.g. MMEL produced by the Type Certificate Holder and approved by the Authority of the State of Design, MMEL produced or approved by another EU Member State Authority or by FAA) is subject to agreement with operator's Authority; any deviation to the approved MEL shall be approved by ENAC in accordance with the pertinent procedures approved to the Italian operator. 13. The aircraft shall be equipped in accordance with relevant applicable Italian operational requirements for the Intended type of operations. Consequently EASA approved AFM may be requested to be integrated with accordingly with ENAC required and EASA approved supplements. If major changes to aircraft type design would be necessary for such configuration. they will be treated in accordance with the provisions described under the relevant section of this agreement. 14. Operation of the aircraft being conducted under the lessee's AOC/license will be carried out in accordance with applicable Italian rules and regulations (Appendix Ill to Regulation 392211992 (EU OPS 1) and EU Regulation 1008/2008); surveillance will be accomplished by ENAC in accordance with the current national procedures. 15. Permit to Fly in respect of the Swiss registered aircraft, where the aircraft is temporarily not in airworthy condition, shall be issued by FOCA (or by other entities entitled under applicable EU Commission Regulations) upon appropriate application (21A. 703 and 21A707) in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) 170212003 as emended by Commission Regulation (EC) n. 375/2007 dated 30111 March 2007 and taking into account ED Decision 2007/006/R dated 04 April 2007 and Commission Regulation (EC) 376/2007 dated 30111 March 2007. Permit to Fly may prescribe particular limiting conditions to permit the aircraft to be flown without fare-paying passengers to an approved maintenance facility at which it will be restored to an airworthy condition (refer to Commission Regulation (EC) n. 375/2007 dated 30111 March 2007, 376/2007 dated 30111 March 2007 and ED Decision 2007/006/R dated 04 Apri12007). In-service occurrences or incidents 16. Information, written in the English language, on significant in-service occurrences that affect or could affect continuing airworthiness of the aircraft shall be provided by the lessee to the organisations responsible for the type design, FOCA, ENAC and State of Design Authorities as soon as possible (in particular with quickest means available in case of any accident or serious incident, in addition to the notification to the appropriate accident investigating authorities - for Switzerland "Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (BFU)". - but not later than 3 days. ENAC shall provide FOCA with more detailed information on investigation processes of those major events for which mandatory airworthiness actions may be taken or deemed necessary by ENAC. In case of in-service occurrences that could invalidate the aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness, ENAC is entitled to prevent i·•7. ·.f'· ": ·. Referwnz/Aklenzelchen: 54-06 Agreement B3blo HB-ZJY aircraft from resuming any operations and shall immediately inform FOCA in order to allow proper corrective actions. Licences 17. Flight operations will be conducted by the Italian operator employing flight crew members holding an appropriately rated license issued, accepted or validated by ENAC. FOCA validation must be obtained by the lessee if the said licence is a Italian National Flight Crew Licence not issued in accordance with JAR FCL or has been accepted or validated by ENAC. Otherwise FOCA validation is not requested if the said licence is a JAR-FCL licence issued by any of the EASA member State Authorities under JAR-FCL mutual recognition. 18. Any flying training activities will be conducted, as necessary and required by JAR FCL regulations, under the supervision, responsibility and authorisation of Flight Instructors employed by the lessee holding the appropriate pilot license with the requested ratings, issued, accepted or validated by ENAC, and validated by the FOCA. 19. Any student pilot shall meet the requirements specified by the applicable Italian regula-· lions. Obligations of Lessor and Lessee 20. The lessor and lessee shall be engaged to provide free access for ENAC and FOCA inspection respectively at any time it will be required. Maintenance and operational records must be up to date and available to any request from FOCA and ENAC till the end of the delegation. The associated documents shall be issued in the English language. 21. The lessor and lessee shall be engaged to promptly provide FOCA and ENAC with information about any variation in the lease agreement or termination thereof so that appropriate actions can be taken. Agreed terms and conditions for the delivery back of the aircraft shall be timely notified as well. 22. This agreement shall remain in force until the aircraft will be delivered back to the lessor by the lessee operator. A written communication about the termination of the agreement will be provided by Lessee's Authority to Lessor's Authority. 23. All communications affecting the execution of this agreement and its attachment Appendix 1 - working arrangements shall be made between the designated representatives of the ENAC and FOCA as follows: FOCA: For matter of principles in relation to this agreement, co-ordination for specific issues with the other Interested ENAC involved Departments is: Safety Division Aircraft, Christian Hegner, Vice-director Safety Division Flight Operation, Roland Steiner, Vice-director ' ('''t N. ''I" l .I I ., /. 1., ..J · • '4 I !I~. lNAC MANi l'i\UIJUI!ONl .!, () I il AI presente fox, Mn segulrb /'origino/e (Atti<olo 6, l" cammt~. '-!1ge n. 4U dol30/ll/ll9l} Thfl orlgln•l tsirned _ , wiU not follow tDihls fG1t {Aifl<le 6, fHlfOgfrlph z_ Ltlw No 4J2 of :Jo.JZ.utJ.} ENAC ENrf NAZIONAI.E PER l'AVI/.1210NE CVLE Airworthiness &. Operations R•gulation /TA!!Af'l (M AVIATION AIJT110IJTY MR ROLAND SNEIDER AND MR CHRISTIAN HEGNER BUNOESAMT FOR ZlviLLUFIFAHRT POSTADDRESS: CH-3003 BERN STANDORT MUHLESTRASSE 2, 3063 ITTIGEN SWITZERLAND Division ENAC 1 dal 04/01/2012 Prot.oao1 o 0000942/ENAt/SND FAX +41438162688 e. c. DIREZIDNE CENTRALE STANDARDIZZAZIONE SICUREZZA DIREZIONE REGOLAZIONE PERSONALE Dl VOLO DIREZIONE ltCENZE DIREZJONE OPERAZIONI SEDE 01 TORINO AIR WALSER S.R.L. Subject Agusta A 109A helicopter ($/n 7227) registered HB-ZJY to be operated by AIR WALSER S.IU, (AOC n• 1.043H) in Commercial Air Transportation under a dry lease contract. Dear Sirs. With reference to your letter dated 21" December 2011 (your ref. 54-08 Agreement B3liis HB-ZJY) relevant to the subjed aircraft, we wish to inform you that ENAC is willing to accept under the provision of article 83 bis of ICAO Convention the continued transfer of operations, maintenance and continuing airworthiness surveillance responsibilities for the subject aircraft while being operated by AIR WALSER S.R.L. up to 31ot December 2012 inclusive under their AOC/CAMO and other operational approvals granted to that company in respect of the subject aircraft by E:NAC In accordance with relevant rules and regulations. ·This letter cancel and replaces our ref. 0157382/SNO dated 28111 December 2011. Surveillance shall be accomplished by ENAC In accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in the appendix 1 enclosed with your leUer dated 21 11 December 2011 (your ref. 54-06 Agreement 83bis HB-Z.JY). To this regard and in relation to the point 14 of the Appendix 1 of your above mentioned letter dated 21st December 2011, please consider that the operations regulations currently in force in Italy for helicopters operated in CAT operation are JAR OPS 3 Amdt 5 as reported in the ENAC Regulation "Regolamento Certificate di Operators Aereo per imprese di trasporto aereo • Ed. 8 dated 31st October 2011, published in ENAC webslte (regulations quoted In point 14 of the appendix 1 of your letter dated 21st December Headquarters : Viol« Castro Premrlo, 118 Ol'l'icos: Via Goeta, 3 00185 Rome - Italy www ,enac.gov .it ph, +39 06 445961 fax +39 06 44596731 regolazione.navlgobilita@enac:..gov.it +N.-~~.{'· ..•. ·• ·,,, ,. 4. GEN. 2012 13:14 ENAC MANT PRODUZ!ONE NR. 670 P. 2 2011 are to be considered as a given example being related to aeroplanes). Please revise this reference in your files. Being the subject aircraft in operation with an Italian operator, consequently surveillance of the subject aircraft while in operation with Air Walser s.r.l. will be accomplished by ENAC in accordance with the relevant Italian methods and procedures. AIR WALSER s.R.L. which is receiving this letter as a courtesy copy is hereby requested to keep it on board the aircraft during the lease period along with a certified true copy of your letter dated 21st December 2011 {your ref. 54-06 Agreement 83bis HB-ZJY) {enclosed). The lessee is strongly requested to promptly notify both the Authorities about any variation of the approved lease· agreement and in particular the date in which. th§. aircraft is leased back to or taken back by lessor. This Is to timely re-allocate maintenance and operations surveillance re.ponsibilltles for the aircraft with the proper Authority In accordance with ICAO provisions for international oparations. ENAC points of contact are quoted in Appendix A to this letter. In the end please consider that FOCA is expected to register this revised agreement with ICAO in accordance with ICAO Convention provisions. Please provide ENAC with evidence of that registration as soon as available, Yours Sincerely 1:>. Marco Sllanos '~r Enclosures 1. certified true copy of FOCA letter dated 21st December 2011 {ref. 54-06 Agreement 83bis HB-ZJY)