Lecture 6 : Aircraft orientation in 3 dimensions Or describing simultaneous roll, pitch and yaw G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 1.0 Flight Dynamics Model • For flight dynamics & control, the reference frame is aligned with the aircraft and moves with it. (Why?) Xb Yb Zb Question: Where’s the origin located for this body axes ? G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control • The aircraft is modelled as a rigid body with __ degrees of freedom • The ___ DOFs correspond to • Denote the translational velocity of the aircraft by V = {u,v,w} • Denote the angular velocity of the aircraft by = {p,q,r} G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Figure 1.1 : Six Degrees of Freedom u Yb p - roll rate v Xb q - pitch rate r - yaw rate Note the right hand rule for rotation rates Zb w G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 1.1 Defining the aircraft orientation - Euler angles The local horizon axes is aligned with the Earth fixed axes but translated to the aircraft’s cg. i body axes I j I local horizon axes k K J Earth fixed axes J K G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Question : How do we express the basis vectors IJK of the local horizon system in terms of the basis vectors ijk of the body axes system or vice versa ? i I j k K J G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control The local horizon axes system IJK can be rotated to coincide with the body axes i j k by using three rotation angles or Euler angles Yaw Euler angle (Greek : psi) Pitch Euler angle (theta) Roll Euler angle (phi) NB : The order of the rotations is important ! G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Step 1) Rotate IJK by an angle about the K axis (yaw) This yields the intermediate axes i1 j1 k1 J i1 j1 I K = k1 K G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Step 1) Yaw about the K axis i1 j1 k1 = [ R ] I i1 I J K J j1 = cos sin 0 -sin cos 0 0 0 1 I J K G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Step 2) Rotate i1 j1 k1 by an angle about the j1 axis (pitch) This yields the intermediate axes i2 j2 k2 i2 i1 j1 j1 = j2 i1 k2 k1 k1 G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Step 2) Pitch about the j1 axis i2 i2 j2 k2 = [ R ] i1 j1 k1 i1 k2 = cos 0 -sin 0 1 0 sin 0 cos i1 j1 k1 G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control k1 Step 3) Rotate i2 j2 k2 by an angle about the new i2 axis (roll) This yields the body axes i j k i2 i2 = i j2 j2 j k2 k k2 G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Step 3) Roll about the i2 axis i j k = [ R ] i2 j2 k2 k j k2 = 1 0 0 0 cos sin 0 -sin cos i2 j2 k2 G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control j2 So finally, the basis vectors of the local horizon IJK and the body axes ijk are related as follows : i j k = [ R ] [ R ] [ R ] I J K Question : What happens if we want IJK in terms of ijk ? Hint : The rotation matrices have a special property [ R ]-1 = [ R ]T G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Inverting the matrix product to get IJK in terms of ijk : I J K -1 = = i j k [ R ] [ R ] [ R ] [R ]T [ R ]T [ R ]T G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control i j k Exercise : Express the weight force component in terms of the body axes basis vectors i j k Hint : The weight component points downwards ie W K hence we need only express K in terms of i j k G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Using the relationship derived : I J K cos -sin 0 sin cos 0 0 0 1 = cos 0 sin 0 1 0 -sin 0 cos 1 0 0 0 cos -sin 0 sin cos i j k Premultiply both sides by {0 0 1} K = = {-sin 0 cos } 1 0 0 0 cos -sin 0 sin cos {-sin cos sin i j k cos cos } i j k G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control What happens if the Euler angles are small ? 2.0 Rotation rates and change in aircraft orientation How are the body rotational rates p,q,r related to the rate of change of the Euler angles ? How about p = d / dt q = d / dt r = d / dt G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control The angular velocity vector is = p i + q j + r k written using the body axes basis vectors describes the rate of change in orientation which can also be written as : ’ K = + ’ j1 + ’ i2 Noting that K = -sin i + cos sin j + j1 = j2 i2 = i = cos cos k cos j - sin k G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control p q r -sin = 0 1 cos 0 cos cos -sin 0 cos sin ’ ’ ’ Inverting yields : ' ' ' = = = p + (q sin + r cos ) tan q cos - r sin (q sin + r cos ) sec What happens if is 90 o ? NB : These are the EOMs relating the rate of change of aircraft orientation to body rotational rates G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Ex : Rotation rates during a sustained level turn 1. What is the angular velocity vector for an aircraft executing a level sustained turn of radius R at speed V ? The bank angle is . 2. Hence state the body axes rotation rates. Are they all zero ? j k G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 1. The turn rate = V/R 2. Level turn the rotation axis is vertical 3. Hence the angular velocity vector is = V/R {0, 0, 1} = V/R K What is ambiguous ? not the body axes k ! So how do we write this in body axes ? G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 4. Recall the relationship derived via Euler angles K = -sin i + cos sin j + cos cos k Hence in body axes = V/R(-sin i + cos sin j + cos cos k) G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 5. Recall may be written in rotation rates as : = pi + qj + rk Hence the body axes rotational rates for a sustained level turn are : p = - V/R sin q = V/Rcos sin r = V/Rcos cos What is the implication ? G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Interpret this 6. What happens if we substitute these sustained, level turn rotation rates p q r = = = - V/R sin V/Rcos sin V/Rcos cos in the equations for change in orientation ? ' ' ' = = = p + (q sin + r cos ) tan q cos - r sin (q sin + r cos ) sec Physically what do you expect? G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Follow-up exercise : Determine the rotation rates for a loop G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 3.0 Aerodynamic forces in the body axes For a general aircraft orientation, the angle of attack a and sideslip b are defined as follows: Yb a b Xb Zb V direction of flight G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 3.1 : Writing body velocity components with aerodynamic angles Resolving the velocity vector Yb a Xb b Zb u = VT cos b cosa v = VT sinb w = VT cosb sina VT Question : What about the aerodynamic forces ? G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control 3.2 Writing aerodynamic forces in the body axes Often aerodynamic forces are specified in terms of 3 mutually perpendicular forces L D D : drag, aero force opposite to VT S L : lift, aero force perpendicular to VT S : side force a Y NB : L, D & S defines an axes system i.e. the “flight path axes” G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control Z b VT X The transformation can be written in terms of two rotations 1) a rotation about the Y body axes by -a 2) a rotation about the resulting Z axis by b and then inverting the components D S L cos(b) sin(b) 0 = - -sin(b) cos(b) 0 0 0 1 cos(-a) 0 -sin(-a) 0 1 0 sin(-a) 0 cos(-a) G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control X Y Z Multiplying the rotation matrices yields the body axes components for the aerodynamic forces D = - (X cosa + Z sina) cosb - Y sinb S = (X cosa + Z sina) sinb - Y cosb L = X sina - Z cosa G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control or the inverse relation X = L sina + (S sinb - D cosb) cosa Y = - (S cosb + D sinb) Z = - L cosa + (S sinb - D cosb) sina Question : What do you expect if a and b are small ? G. Leng, Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control