ACCURATE SIMULATION OF THYRISTOR CONTROLLED REACTOR WITH SWITCHING EVENT COMPENSATION IN ARTEMIS C. Dufour, J. Bélanger, S. Abourida OPAL-RT Technologies,, This paper presents new simulation software that allows the efficient and accurate fixed-time-step simulation of complex switched electrical systems. The software, named ARTEMIS accurately simulates time-segment linear systems with discontinuities occurring anywhere between time-steps. This paper focuses on the simulation of a thyristor controlled reactor by the ARTEMIS DTCSE (Discrete Time Compensation of Switching Events) algorithm and the RT-Events algorithm, showing the accuracy of the software. 1 SIMULATION CASE: 1-PHASE THYRISTOR CONTROLLED REACTOR (TCR) The simulated circuit, a 3-phase static voltage compensator composed of a 1-phase AC source feeding a thyristorcontrolled reactor (TCR) controlled by a phase-locked (PLL) firing pulse unit (FPU), is shown in Figure 1. The snubber was needed only for the Tustin simulation, since without it the simulation missed some thyristor firings. ARTEMIS-DTCSE method while Tustin method produces spurious low-frequency jitter of about 5% in amplitude. In both cases the same 50 µs time step was. TCR current (firing angle: 135°) 0.292 DTCSE 0.29 jitter=0.1% 0.288 0.286 Current (A) ABSTRACT 0.284 0.282 Tustin 0.28 jitter=5% 0.278 0.276 0.274 0.272 Ts=50µs 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 Time (s) 0.75 0.76 Figure 2. Comparison of DTCSE and Tustin simulation results showing that the Tustin method produces spurious low-frequency jitter. Figure 1. Thyristor Controlled Reactor and controller. 1.2 Frequency domain analysis The effect of firing angle on open-loop current were investigated and are displayed in Figures 3 and 4. For comparison purposes, the results calculated using the ARTEMIS DTCSE/RT-Events and the Tustin algorithms are superimposed on a reference result calculated using the more accurate variable-time-step method (which unfortunately cannot be used in real-time systems due to its non-deterministic calculation time). The ARTEMIS algorithms provide continuous small signal linearity in fixed time step. This linearity can have a great impact on the design of closed-loop controls. Figures 6 and 7 compare the results with respect to the 3rd and 5th harmonics, again showing that the ARTEMIS algorithms produce visibly better results than the Tustin method. Close examination of Figure 4 reveals that the Tustin method produces an 2°-equivalent backlash in its characteristic. 1.1 Time domain analysis Simulation results for the TCR obtained using the ARTEMIS DTCSE algorithm are compared with those obtained using the standard Tustin algorithm in Figure 2. A jitter-free TCR current is correctly calculated by the c:\documents and settings\davidm\local settings\temporary internet files\olk58b\tn-art-08 tcr 1-ph.doc 1 Fundamental componant TCR current 5e harmonic of TCR current 1 0.06 Tustin 0.9 DTCSE variable time step solver 0.05 0.8 DTCSE & variable time step solver 0.7 Current (A) Current (A) 0.04 0.6 0.5 0.4 Tustin Ts=104µs 0.03 0.02 0.3 0.2 0.01 0.1 0 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 0 90 100 110 120 Angle (degres) Figure 3. Comparison of simulation results showing effect of 130 140 Angle (degres) 150 160 170 180 Figure 6. Comparison of simulation results showing effect of th Tustin quantization errors. Tustin quantization errors on the 5 harmonic of TCR branch current. 2 RT-EVENT TOOLBOX FOR EASY EVENTBASED CONTROL DESIGN The simulation of the thyristor-controlled reactor with DTCSE requires the use of the RT-Events toolbox to provide the DTCSE algorithm with precise intra-step timing of switching events. The RT-Events toolbox is easy to use and leaves standard alpha-controlled firing scheme techniques unmodified, as shown in Figure 7. 0.7 DTCSE & variable time step solver Current (A) 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 Tustin synchonization voltages Simulink subsystems band-pass filter and/or phase-lock loop Ts=104µs 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 firing angle α Rt-Event blocs >0.0 Rt-Event Rt-Event level detector triggered integrator α To switch gates Rt-Event pulse logic Angle (degres) Figure 7. RT-Events blocks alpha-controlled firing control Figure 4. Detail of Figure 3. The RT-Events blocks have the same functionality as their Simulink counterparts except they output additional timing information on intra-step events like zero-crossings. 3e harmonic of TCR current 0.16 0.14 Tustin DTCSE & variable time step solver 3 CONCLUSION The simulation of the TCR by ARTEMIS with DTCSE has eliminated sub-synchronous jitter and provided small signal linearity of the TCR characteristic in fixed time step. The software can be use for the design of digital controller, with the use of RT-Events, a Simulink Blockset, for realtime simulation, hardware-in-the-loop design and other simulation applications. 0.12 Current (A) 0.1 0.08 Ts=104µs 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Angle (degres) Figure 5. Comparison of simulation results showing effect of Tustin quantization errors on the 3 rd harmonic of TCR branch current. c:\documents and settings\davidm\local settings\temporary internet files\olk58b\tn-art-08 tcr 1-ph.doc 2