MARCH 31, 2011 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * S2.00 An èditiofl of the CHICAGO SUNTIMES OP VERSIONS ON THE MAD-BOMBER EXPRESS 'Source Code' is in Film Clips PAGE 84 FOOD OLD IS NEW Clay pot cooking making comeback PAGE 24 Delvecchio Orozco is crowned the Maine East High School's Mr. Demon on Riday. PAGE 4 Michelle LaVigne-Sun-Times Media THAT'S 'MR.' DEMON TO YOU. INDEPEN5ENTS i_sb OOfr00000jSIO Oc-frrLOg -u: LS NOLNo p 0969 A?J'èJEJr1 orJ8flJ 39flj T0000o 6T03 5TQ-O;ssL0-i -j 80609 VIL T)STOE ROSEMARY MARY PALICKI MARUSEK Paid political advertisement. Paid for by R. Palicki & M. Marusok BL' THURSDAY, MOOCH f!, Dl!! ' MARCH MEDIA MADNESS! Local \ews Managing Editor: Moth Schmite Phones (708) 524-4433 I Tills WEEK: MEET YOUR PARK, LIRRARY fIlS DISTRICTS CANDIDATES SE000LS: MAINE S. PAR0H SII yh1.Tnulsasn,MsssHsrss POLITESt UlULASE OSARE HOPEFULS ATTEND FORUM I IIEIOH00050 AREA MOO KEPORIS Ff001 JalTA DISTRICT 219 Agreement saves 10 teachers' jobs t AO Sopesar Dy two months of 0000tiatiaqs dudrg the Aeeini L I Connect your room addition or -ti..- i. ..- ..wth au eectritying premium dl9jtal. entertainment package from Aitoom kere'sraurchanceto adorne ultimase perht room, tormoites, yarning, music and more! We'll designi and build the apoce to your coast speniticalorro And you act row, for a limited time, we'!! top italO with a profeodonal-qoatly digital entertainment package - a acetico and Ehe Nues Boeeeepcuiah, commun!- Township Federation of Uy ruloiionueuuedioutue for District ADS. "Rcihsr ne yea, CmAnI4 sentO and s rapsoda Cte ollo, turai hone nonna! hatte0 !snpsal a. alcI t,um Pad, Phony ate otte, clases issnes I t ndoisd! AROOM HOME ADSITIONS March SD that will aove thep'ce qualiSed tu teach, those touchons. if they are qualified tu Barlicr this month 1ko teunh une 0f Sb u cocu nub- ny JENNIFER JOHNSON j oh rsnnMi io ree oIr nl! dorm anales in the language teosuroul puniti uns could osad in the document, bot oDiar an undisclosed up- be bumped out in the fu- date tu She ogeuewrnt won mode last week, Ihr board Uordee iba ugruemuol, the SS moot senior traub- unaeimoos!y approved it "Truespameccy" and "upen gcvernment" sen melctively noon terms being osedinconneutiouuctth Vilas othluga politics. Tour incuwbeni hcaoluea looking in remato an Ihn Nuns Village Bourd of Tm uators sayihut since the tOAS con- eea in Ihn physiusi walfone without diucassiog it dcpaetmnnt cee protected from cots, onhiln the "least senior membres uf openly at the mveting. Pochai ghaemon, union peaaidant and NiTos North teanher, sigand the lettre Ltmcl0000d Hone 0enn oncoese 0525 5. LirmIo Ass, Unwlrs,rod OponMon-SaiO-5,Ovndeybysppt Nspsmie Hone ceagn Sio,s,uoe 208sAsronsAoe,Nspsnnte I Open Mon-Sat U-S, Svndey by app0 Ohswceeívg hundreds or producta and design combisatiaos lord! room casings -chit today! KITCHENS I BAINS present fur the hourd The oppo'uval mill lihely muon that seveenl nue- Ihe department" will be given until the 2010-DI nuhuol yeuc In rernetiPy io other areun. DO at thut time ihn dio- ly approved the cuts to OnicE druiden there's a need tu reduueteavhsro thu physicel walfore and in the physical wslfaeu de- applied soteece end tecla- port cO a fine-year sirote- portment, thtoonlecvhers onuald ha Inpeslerrud tu depanimeuls rubeta noti- fir pino lo Occon tite dis- tenaund teuchnrsonist, trict'sresooeeas on col- arcardieg Eu She agree- The hoard had pr'evinas- nolugy depct'tmeainua lege prep and cure yours- wWw.airoom.sOmIPP BASAMENTO CUSTOM HOMES 'eorsrucesonsoosasrrusteoadro,sonolvaooa,soneeesnrrnaolsnti,snso*soseassosno,uoo,qoouo.soosnvaow Osrooaoorrspr r-Ordotrr. New ethical era defines trustee races Joe ta meeting. Cali 888.349.1714 for a complimentary in-home consultation POLITICS two parties wem delayed in rowing ta terms on the ogrremaat over diacrep- AIROOM PREMIUM HOME CINEMA SYSTEM INC WDES: Apple TV oervice far Instant d000!oeds or movreo, TV shows, goures sod more. Stale-cf-rho-an "Coohcapuye!nofrekemsDns,s soAsase signed un ogre sweet Moroh 21, bot won act Covrml45 Syntem" -Ai wirtng and isstallatìarrs included thon ruminate thaue teaching pasitians, these tonured trarhecs will be maced tu onuther urna 5f 3,000 value - for just 2,9B9, Now that'o entertainment -Airuom shjIel Giani-enneern 6n-tnnh Fanessroe HDTV3O- n-speaker entb0000er oyatem gory serenen tenor ad teuehars it there one anteloaced positions that could patentialty ho said moved," Jim pantElons, both parties Fanily Fun Fest retten lYle euslll. I Saoeone "The coatrert says that ynu don't maye oat boloveen Nilen TownshIp SistemI Olga Board otlfd- Teachers regarding aproposa! thai aimed to ehmlenta DB Secured laachisc ca lute l0aglish, roodieg, math und science. Sal after teurhro's, parents end students vuiced A 130,000 1015100 miro- huesemuct plan mus atoo larladud os pact uf the ugreemeot, and will he CreAm nnd omeaptiug gifts, to came isst s faon Hanaso'uEsaid 1hz code icc wuy tu "bring bach ioiegcity" tu trou village. An ethics booed osas also crested to review mowphuists uf ethics cinhuhuas and mobs rccnmmendulione lo the Viihhcge Bourd und moyom. loess. The tmnsleea oleo proies tho opening cf budget mretiegs Eu the pubuic, sumetleieg that-did out Omron uodnm Bluse's udmismotrattas. "The pnnphe svito mere sol laterestad isgavenomynt ace starlo'ng In come ont," LoVnmde noted. Manuseluaed Fatichi pomI out Shut whIm budset meaitngs aoro no w public, she cudiesur wan nut gi yenes up- v!ution uf longtime formar Mayor LoVerdr serves es chnimmun cf the uthims commilice und uutd aeeusuo he'ossech'nng me-election is "io coo- Nicholon Bluse ou macrapt ion charges the guai of usiobhishin gun upen goy- haue tu protect, supponI and eulumee lite neocly udopted ethics onde." lions this year. Anod thuagh viibiuge heurt meetings oleo include time fur pabhimuummnns ou ugendas, there voluamuca is heing met. Ai the some Palicki said the mude needs improvements. time, two independent candidusus "The athimo oedieunen does nnt ad- uenmeni with mere community ineloutlengiag Sire inmumbunis asApdl 5 feci thai nv!oile ie-muudu bane been made, bulas tumbe peuceso remalo. "Dt's one step iomwocd, two stops dress ihre inlegrat problems Nihes Dumuwbeots Joe LoVerde, Al Werl, had," Puliuhi seId. Neither Pulichi oar Mamoseh hoiones elemled ofAcials eloauhd nerve os the sthius hoard sinue they ovilI ultimately be the corn heumiog Ihre board's remcwmondatiuus and outing spun tibie. t°ahimki abc reels the Chds Hnnnusioho and Juwse Hyorn any villongc is Iculviog un enloblisloud ahoy hopo tu remain vo the Village Sourd in urdnv to unutinue warb that bus hera done tu restore iutegnity io pn'cmrnn fur selecting cundidatru tu scovo un boorda und cummisaievs hoch," said buth Mary Murusek und RusewuryPahiuhi, the rucos twaindepeudeuts. nihlugo gunecumrul end impravu tEa al ushcml podud upttmn und vve've done a lutin thus shod dm0," Idenusiulo suid, puriaulty la commeci ne ueb quel- hove been inst annuo onhen the mayar has siolod cun000eal miS notbe loben, Putimbi naid. "People sheuld hove a dghl lo muhe Iheir Anal aautomenl befome Ithe village beardi Iokeuauule," she said. Mununeb also colin bun village meetlugo lobe bo'oadvuaOoncehleucneee chauonels und for neso'dnnis who lieve mused cencemns ubout on iseus dur- ing no pubhiv wreting tube noitOed nvhnn line villegu buacd will be voting vn hod pocticuhor netten. uppoinled le theVihhsgeBuordbossd Weel soid he und 1hz other lumustsbeam wont lo cloaogu thu pemuptics uf sown reeidentsvuho Peri oothtng hou molly chanArd inhooavtilngegov_ emsmentcpneotoslu Viles. "Chongc will tahoe time," Wed seid. mhnnavumonmymesulae. "Tb eye on edn tohm y policy ic pIare ihat uvaids Ihr appuocionuu urtovueitiem," she acid. Wed, Hununich and Hynne onrme cli un ramummerodotions by Moyer "We've ssuctod Shut movement to Robent Culhsmu. shooc it's nui the eawe old village." gaidelioeo foc dueled officials und ing public uucooceal et vihluor huard meetings before the boumd vetes an All lotir ronodiduloa supported tIns strong opini uns cc'iaot aveilebln rauh unhoulycue the cuts, thu board recuaeider-nd its pusitiuc, und thorough 0017 Our teochers who tube pee-approved villuge's very t nest cihimso ode which won adopted ta Jonoaury. Thon uudr, paused culer u twa-your process, enta cveatualip signed Ehe ruaron rnoo'k towarda additional ueetificotiuoo. village umplcyees mhun ii cameo tu mailers aldiscloeuo'e, cunOicto oiino- ugruement preventing Ihr Children play a lacte deco teerst Tenry" By NATALIE HATES f58 TR I 0 ATOO Super-sized Sorrye In udditian 501ko eth'oms cedo, thc inmambents pelai loa pnliey allow- iseaasansstnp in impruviog upen- Hynos and Moruoch une running Inc olson-peer term on the villoge hourd while the remuiciog candidoten ere vying roc ibmee 100m-yece b 4 news Ill' THUR1000, BOSCH 01,1111 O PIONEER POCOS PUBLICOTION - NIL RIMmEl 5 NILES PARK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROFILES * HOURLOCIILSOIRCE * Nues ooters BT April 5 will elect three commissioners to the Nues park hoard, two for e four-year term aTd otre for a two-year term, The foor-yeter Candidates iocliode iocumbeTt Rey CzaTTik aTd [leine telneT, and ChalleTger Jeffrey Sok, ISok did oot respond to the hiles Herald-Spectator s quosti0000ire.l INSIDE THIS WEEK COL0000R to CRISOIRSRD Oli FILO CLIPS Candidate1s Oiog for the two-year seat iTciude Incombent Joseph Rom600 and challenger Dennis O'D000uan, 04 ortotog o POLICE BLOTTER 16 Ocelots lt INOWTIMES BO ELAINE KEINEN RAY COARNIK Shills aIre beissyx ond adaramerisaeoliceaaper'i- anon eine mc peratngel. Olggent crees toning the paras duxtrscty LAST WEEK Money in y big issue weirbag nere it in invasind TOP WEB STORIES i Solaio freeze could follow staff program cots in District 63 Whet is esarkleg enclin The peel, dintniel in wanting wnIt. Voir neo teli by how many pcoyos orn enteg the punks end She poet With nonos bao 5es donne nie injespnrdy hontrels st teaOern end other ntatl peeked Melssr SaHest'n auditarierr Marcho an the BanS Meine tetan District et tearl nl tdocalicr eeted to slinirshn prsgrarns Experience art ntntl pndtirrn to allesistn Oese nl ib bsd4et Oroblrne Oteicco Heeren was cOveted 00 She OnlIne t'arlc Beard le loto. TentatIve Hiles budget projects S1.6M deficit Tears aereeidr Wily else's rnneinsg The Orno nf han pebBe budget nnrkehnpe Contestant or the Bairn East High Sagrato Mr. ternos competition get ready bachnlege Orlar Io their rpnehng dance 'lit thicgs tang:' I notaire lahlgar-Ser'Timae edre MAINE EAST eardinglo eegaeiner Judy tj,tec Tha onntnenunts, who evers obenan thttowieg on cedition in Ny JENNIFER JOHNSON Wittrgrarnnstic flipn andeeno,oplaoare noto, Malee Boss High Sohool junten Delvnrrhio Oros- oonecurad tha muoh soughtchor title ot'Mr Demon 201t on Friday. Oroeco wee one ot lt Maine Sont obedeces to paelinipate in the iengoa-in-eheah male basoty sed lalenO oemyntitien wirtob reload neorly $1,000 for the Amaricae Canone Society, er- Jcecesry, wenn fledged byMsirae Sont ntatt mombarn Bryan tCett, Mike Mentrelenorde end Kuren Huit on their lutant und hew welt Ihey answered eouantieen tram of meen Oben 000 credente end gnoses. Iva nar'd ike penlielponte nesyended enthusisntioelIF ta Cha nopanirros. "t think the y ware greed Ohny meen purl etnemething Creel reos reinirag feedn fer' 000cro'," she Ietnntoinniedrd nenier Aenee Cnintine, mugir trinlan; seelen Sen Vanqern, deecing; sceme Bries Visleo, piece; renier' Cello- eon Carmeen, dunning; junien Placage Zslrhnrie, dunhing; envier Jenen Thames, buss guirer'; sacien Jeirn Mirheal Agnee, Mn Damen, vowed ter Maleo Tlea centeno reine included s donna; jenien Jnntin Denary new- SanOs meares, i nan creai apee- satinent ewimnsil oempetilien ocred by 10e onhoet's Giftad sed ue eppeelneity ter 0kv eon' lentenis lo clin up Iba nrewd sed ehoor ticem en toe win, The eeriest draw oc eudirnoa edy; necier Herd Oreobien, dunning; ncniec tlsjc tjmsïe Lyroum erademlo pregrem see soudent emnene. else e5m'eob o momeo nheuld arreen ir Ihn naler rete nen herd. ho en the beard. Children hold fundraiser fçr parthquake, tsunami victims I sarnaaa tauner'sg pretaol IO reine sneney Pere ehenilebteccone, Ohren rentastonle cod ilceir Aecjad, donning; end neeier Bendati Filando, lroyhenrds. Emneen wars nludnvtn Jehnn- no Oar end Peen Oleaje. Letherar iepeeenn Pramhsnl le Riten gane a rnaaainyta and heartnsrrairg perfore' anse el Mitsena Market in Ortoglea Mather transfer solid tette ApHt 5 reca Ter Ohren leer-erar Oelen oniOn Malee Osenohip High OcIOS District 201 toad nf Blneahnn, en salone Ocena PrIIar'Rytr tesan Breas ant Sear Wlaybeisennnleg Rrndrhnanandellcrrerlintresypim The NOlan Park DanninO has played un treyceleeb part be Iba georeth end decelepment dey Hab. Baracas efrhese eaosacienmn, my 'mIennes br By s'sec nc,sslenr;asssrs,e ne i fly earn 111155 n rca seiler, sani teert asnInsn Ces Ocn,elessin, Ir mcnou horonrisrg mom inceived ko keapieg Oho HIrn Peek Diotrial movIng br Ian sighs cli' senilen roen niarhed, ASar disc escema'nenn,arsr 5mm enei IcarIO necee easrse ana alemas esses Sec this button? rea celer 1,15 acree cnn er o n,vl',,r,un,,rI el cencirag an ISeo bound fer a .1 Seer nervt teemed noneiy en hew neney tceniOtca rlreageo hove acounrad noun Ose Inni 15 yrene, from the noeonlce din, ra, Ins 51 II lssrs.aocl, an cran 5 n,,,, snober on deems, madaetag lire omemnt Board nïCamenLr' nieeeeo. The band werk she offre peek dinleint. t Sm bseebnil mdc ponofrme sbarra pond,. Ones else rnueypeeptn orth Jar Beware mas appointed lu ihn perk bound hr Pebenary 1010. Hob eanrierg ter a ten' year terra. I me Olreifed Sobeo parO rad dedmoolicn lief tromeb ebehoon. t neo peoud lobeen ihr bearet lo mm've my neccorriomity os n School Board'S Endorsements: Stick with vets in 207 2505. employees de mrd rico pride potine eStnor and e pulobooed aenucimiocer, cod have enjnyed hateo s pone 0r anem's'inoiherhcenbenthe corro. lea lt te nerd rosa eses, aren nr aro,' pisinn atnigsmaralOspetntennse Pareingel fer low Seer. inghhe roodily nerdneo 1h01 erw pacvicled. I boceo gordon RASEMOLL - OTero nenicr'rnder leas alee s nehnnhreoerd B genen is 2000, Rilen Werl eddemnnoa rebeiding orar lent LETTERS To THE EDITOR ST NtLt'HERSLO OPECIST010 Profession Ieerrmed rnloot geas into Irespc Nibs West lo the Hiles yank heard in Why he's enreisso los my shenl Otero celte Saor'd et C000nnimicneos I jn,oior class streng1then Exporienee Bey Cnnenik wen elenled 40 Shills he brings HOghOs. rrre,'Iorslnorre'tulre CONTACT US JOE ROMANO Collects lOSt MaObneu Eeargetml Choosing 'Mr. Demon' takes more than runway floh esa eSpie re ella calco e I louve many one idees. I tortOr tentalee Heal year 200 bettet Igel incIden a propasad 7.l'pnreret ir' ages. t boca an nome mirmd ned remo hateo ha my ideen t rscrdnasOerrd the 'oepertsrsoa of qoe$lyearmolen urli Iba cele tc pleyn 'ose wel-bdarced reaemeoriiy niggest linsen felice the hoard? t'Ira Pants DintrIrS hou ade genio bdeoonn le oporele dod ken receicad mAs Scandal mIen Them be mnnteni moeireningefeoyemon md outs ura slwayn t.mthod about 11k nOssiT. Cepitel-bnpcovw ment yrnjrels nend ha roor'mno On escoa fermeerd. Ehe upgsarde of Oreanree Heights reebe dmidnoswlsanncer 001rsni mont-neII'uog mamnmeo nemonsury en IbnO liney frei dmonnnsmd oS crest' bnurd mnalbrg We onceunsge 0km cf-50e-ont 000itSinn Ihaeogtneel ohs nnSbe park dmnoeina. ecoico SOntO. The idean SbuO We bane icemnodoun di- t thank Ihn park beard scoonssaille he chia in WiOb the economy stiL bco nbmggting mcde il has keneghu mere ersucaveos Io the epceebionn cO ihr perk dmsenict We noe nperuto lbs or pcivnce knsboess dlb oen- eon 00050enn Thday Sise bunhnesnrvenld menernioungicig sod my lob is ha assure ea bava e kusicrens plan OhaO wecke. We emyow- nier reveourine 0e bring I up ledere rdth all of nur vbhar Tooiltien. This eli Ihre complete elI el our up' gcodenecd wall knvn nruoa- Shitix he belega Whet ear he dare helter? stroeld werk Sngeshec ruming Inc r'n-nlachnn In bc ohIo ha SebO, the onpitol-knpeonamnnt ps'ojeoha es Oreo' nov Hsigkha ond Ihn anvevotide aticnmand, Which innlodmn co eddiclavei im earSeco noldoocs and nIno iota- I hase Inondai, burlgeung cnnsi0000ine oso oru' perk board. My bnnhgroend is husmeare. 10m prenidenl sed ganerel mnnngee of Nsptelen Aubeeeltve'n Cksgmnlar Jeep end Oedgo dnalnr'eh'rp, I inc Ohaa rrovoey day ha day md son l'rnstlrmcd She 'onspoco il mnkes av Ihn ever- DENNIS O'DONOVAN 1ko iepocnmoo et decisionwotring We boca m000hly meesings vimana we bevo opon d'osoennions wiinh usc beve nome mow Obesa wcch- ivgn henc ch000ed lbs woy we do kos'urenn Seday The cernons ni cep buoieem is bncouna of else employees, 'Chis in whollcun non' Seiko ha Ilse mrmbcn cl Iba porlo bowd. Biraeeliseaes tossica tise pflrh becad? punI ebbe nlaulngin-ploo- West is esndtrg well? laCet Maille be brings The nOelO debroco qroatiy ymgonsrro; the Sarooren ci Ohs toen cOmm ihn nnddnvru of Shn NIco Penh District n roide mega of oxynl-l000es. I quelitypmgmrns. sorrnOly nenoiving emoils, nails end altern iedicni'org Osaren imprwnosssnolo needed, S someelsieg needs beka dona coOreesdy, ntntTwiu cvodmOe mOmeo changes em needed. end laebnd nIll oomptatr She Tease en reddest n'msesouie,ss cad uygerden of oU iao'dileO, I rIO oSen melo eue acy opye000alitP ha aenum st uddirleanl cyan npana fentebaro enpursien ter sonner, Oman NIno peton orOnan Professins nom pnognaarn. We sIno oecd to monniclec 0cc grow- hag Miso end Disperdo pop. nlnhiec 0e mehr nnne wn are pcom'idieg pcngm'nmn ucd amlisiemos Ikul appeal 0e tben brcdogpmekand skate nlc000iov ned oder. I bene pech. mod hone bean innolvod in Ihe budgeling yaeoens end ha on r'igiloot on possible be Three inne ocetonlian reem enlirir on oreO md nloST'n me Crarrsih, PAGE 1M cv000dno keomvtmdgo of roe- 005 pnenidens of Oke bocInO daring Sloron of Ohonn ycemn, growth in ear popotolien. Alce, She Perk Distrlrt obrold godeos penliolpoel h given en avelemIns teno On catarro be eue meelreibrg depurbscrsst ehen evaded ment Seme padenso Sends O'Onnecms in ree cbeg tern Seo-ceoe teem en Ohn Hilan pork knurd. Why bets rnrrsing O have bennanesidenl el NIne 1er st years, I grew np sIlh abe perk boteg involved slob Hilan bneabnll, yank snElball nod othan botnemuaal npeec psngeun505, I velen' haensd no 000cob TennecoPIO yenno onU new my nidiIrre, sgee OD, IS md 7, ore uOhsicg Iba Peck Dm5100. O went 0e be n pm-i of lIve graos pnogoncnn nod meninos Ihn parSe oilers eaU alan be a cm ooarently iovolvod lecho OO-yrorncn500gin-ploncshsg sOnga. 10m Sim ponsidmot of the SI. Jebe Bcabeuf Help Nneo Somiely und beve ce oovhnnled meop hoodc'oisisrg svonio. I'll noch bard fon SIb mnmeonigi b eccone isle my ibmiiy's home. oitgnct linees tecint the PerIl - Whet is wsrlsieg ich? Libreny Sistcirt Booed 00 Waveill lurk si the lordi free ecesthonnlw Ovory pew sohndnlcn no they 0cc IOU br gsvnp. Iwould elan 0ko On o.vptere She idee of pulling 'fnroelaan for 15 yam's ocd nocmsue und sddaom 5ko r'vnaivnn 000allnnO fradhuok lesMo mite frein oren nenced en Oho NIes Pukiim tHsat cenld he done better? Imbus Osno' eypeet,noily ter eyeo oyese. The Perk District onolm daparOmanno heed haba knlsling inspeeler sol hava mooch fon 1ko vilbogn sso cooled ha n000brue be ogbr niem. Jee m'id ide shelOrnally do s gnecl job al lids. Wo one vert' pnond of eke benI 0h01 oben psal budget paar wo lewenad car mpeanrn Otn'eolhnut 010e dinteiml cod ombedly lem'nod ObsO wn oso de mere mich leon. We coked The biggosS imam induy is Oha shale nf our ecocemy dog poOnasS. Park tabbeini ere sleocg end teen ne yrnpeely'looi bromoson um nredemt 'She IscitOos haca been end m'e bring ree shadS' On nyrmole woma cm- mieoOiy by nonbinued nhnnun' Ail pnognmns neow Oche doing very mocil. Wisst cocld be dere better? We nur noir ion oddilinnel gnoel epyonleeitieo end pensihir eschelingepomenships roltk tonal kushrnmcn So gersanein eddibionel rev- enue I'd She he rnpiena gevep dhnccnOa on enpeenen o-bib aShes mnnal gevenesnene ogeemmes end nousoalno oho idan olonmiprocel ognecmanha dih cohen command- ORdnet? T,nonty-Svn yancoct et dra NIer poprok,tioom is age 15 on nldre, SO Wo needle wehe Tears as reeidret 51. nuco mess-n pnonmdivg ham Ihnt lsrrgc domegeepido I'd 1ko In Indo pleno co puS eine welinheg puskn broke perles cred elton mene val- Pratesslee Cemmunloy Sa001npnsanl Oepes'tmone han She nSOoge nONIos. - NIL- TNUgIDE0, tggco II, till VILLAGE BOARD RACES Volùnteer outpouring a cause for 'Celebration' Trustee hopefuls discuss goals at candidates -forum The Crlebrulioo in berk A group of parent volunteere hevr etcpprd op in en UNITED FOR BETTER $ GOVERNMENT $ High School's popular posi- prnm party, Celebration, Celebrution and opprexi. From cunrellotien this year. maleiylo bodividnels turned Pines rail foe the June 2-4 erect lo feature three heure nul toe Mooch 21 meniing nl bowling, danciog end process, Meddee sold. She and parcel Cocol Sortkow- gumneot Brooaooiok Suer io Nitos followed bye ann- oino boot croise on hohe Michino, according to porrotvoluntecr Sully Madden. In liso schooi'n Munch Nemslniler, pureots onere sotifiod thoi a luck olvolueleer support could potentially spell the end for the Cnlebruiioe tradition ut least for the cieno 012011, A small number of purente hod gathornd in ihn foil io begin plonning 1hnaupervised, nighl-lcng event, bui the committee dlnbaadod ollar membera epporentiy stoppcd rowing la menilogs, sold Maine South Asviolons Principal Boon Gee- Joe LoVerde Jim Hynee Al Wee! Chris Hanusiak # Nues Named the Best Place in the United States to Raise a Family. * Nues the Best Place to Live your "lo orden Io pull thio oli, you have te gnle lot of peo5,1v to octavient'," Gaclasco Mcoddco aun 1ko notice is lbs school newnlnttor and, 011er ncehiog bor daughter's input, jumped in asno on- Service. I Niles the Best Suburban Community with Low Taxes. 2011 WINNING TEAM! #íi.joeLoVerdé.. #2'AlWee1 le diarnsa the ploosing los hove beco nemed corioaire oftke Celehrelio,o 'Bveryosoe woe jualvecy positive about it," Moddeo seid. "People really do meni to son Ihio bappeo." Por mccc thon 25 yeors, Celebration bon boon peo. moled calenfe, aupenoloed and alcohol-Ieee poot-prom for Moine South seniors, eves those lohn do nei eilend 1ko armaI penoso. In puai yeero Celobrulion has featured enleeteinment ai boulions libo ESPN gone, Second City, Darc and Busier's nr Houlilson's, fol- lowed by nrroine os Lobe Mirhigen. n'more holvveen 000 end SSO stud ests altes ding Ihn ontuoI senior prom. The Celebeotios commitlee normolly hosto 101012 fund-ruloera in ordor lo elf. set the colt to stud eats asd PO espione 0000 ways Io gel She would like io neo ciliege weeliogs beoadcasl no wow Candidates fon iba Nilen Village Baerd of Trealces answered various qeenliuns people run leudo about isfanmotion nullo the public. Fis macId bliss to son cowmuoinaiiosiknoogh iba Iotemnel sod on Chasoel 1 dacio ge eundidetes beIm March 2401 Coiner School is Nues. Siote Reps Sluine Nelorite, D-571h, moderat- should neeniva elusnnscruli- nillege baa te keep pluming police and Urn pensions. reodidetennoilou, candidato Rosemary Pohehl soc'd GIber eneas she Ineis seed cluser ecruliny ana the dc- Mayor Robent Calieron sometimos ool elloscing end borusing on Ihn longterm otune of the vilbego. Menasulo said Nuns bus bean nncognir,ed enanohlordable iulueo lo raise o public comme,otoneerlelo fowiby cud she onesta toser scnuslioiaiog 1ko whole iopion, sack ea removing ihn thaI rootioue. She said it's Nirhoieu Blase sigo nod eftno dibSeali fon ronidnotn video geming in 1ko villuge. Pelichi, anhu is runniog loo In alisad the mnouicgs and badgol loo public forum, es oppoend to Ihn post where ihn proceso w us elosad. He dents ponileipote ond seek d000lloss from mewbens of Ihe onssmnaity. Ii's latein Ihn game und only three fund-raisers sl_e io the woeks so fan .. in. riudiag lbs phose-a.Ihoa on April 11 end 13 bal Madden is optim'lotiraha cod ber fellow volenleers con nul'se lbe $11,005 oced- ube uros dissatisfied seith u four-y eec spat on Iho board, sold she believes in openeoss, hasealy end illegally nhasvonisnenidnntn tobe abla lo unreIn inlermuhon imam olloer nuances. She balo ihere should bn mura t°mlichi said obig roncees in Ike bsdgat is fundisog iba vdiopmant ob shopping eso1dm und Ike Hiles Pree Sua, Igavosiais said oRcialsure wanlslo bob i sola ssesn mops loeernivereveuae Ikal wool ongetivaly impedt nro- ideots. Monusek feels Hiles Fam- Cheis Haouniubo, who is divarsi Ip os the booed. Flyoss sold ultlsough ihn "We ero pretty neolideol," she said. "ISoetonalely Illera r000iog erre-eleniieo, vilbogO naos peelty well, Prao Sos should be loolsed biked chaut Iba village's Ihnnn'a always nuore fer im- wan some mosey left in Ihn tight ethinu policies end neo- peovemnot. He sopporta um closely. Sise also does noi leal eonmaidmssiu should be nomirol bodgets deriag hin oyeoingstaiemenL He sold looking baso neon sources of edle poil oli Celabrotios 2011. fond tram last peur so wo were able io put o deposit co the boot righi corey" The neni wading of tho Celebroilon 2011 pianniog cowmiiieo in scheduled Ihr Tanadop Aprils at7 p.w. al wsrclebnulionzSllfpgsuuilo Celebration donations sought he waIted Io run oo his record; u record ofocrowplishmoet. Mery Measselu, rusolog for a two-poor 1mm 00 iba hourd. sold Ihnen have been pealiire ohongen mude io Ihn bound, nach us apeo badgal meetiogs, hoi she feels ike rheage hes bene "sluw end incomplete." The eponiog sloinwenl el Jim Hyoss, ocho io runniog Ion re-slenlinoogainnl Maroseb, he telkod eboot hralian 2011, PO. Bes 140, Parlo Bidge, IL 055g5. Cheelos should bn made oat lo Moine Sooth High Snhooi, sold Celebration Cow- mitico Co-Choir SellyMeddea. ily Services cod Iba Nibs revenan thsd snodI have e segaiive impact on nosidesuts He'd atoo libelasen puying mho some amoonlan reos'desta bon ensluis seevleas osod she wastu to book foc oem sources uf revesan villego dapestwenta run ihal snoo'i hurl Ohe resi- Ceadidutes werd oshod Hysuen heels Ihn village how they would comweolcale ovilis Ihnin cosslilannis bues-d shoeld be involved in ta understand ihoin rends und inteessis, Palicbsi said Ike villega a Leo nod lien puinl in lime HesnsuIs lu anm a balanced badgol Ha also feels PesniIp Snrvices uhuald he loub,od should b,oedceol man2ogn na thot more members of Ihn publi acon vinos show If eloctad, sloe sold oho woeld like Io bold open oiP0e boors lo mcet with nasidents und boon Iheis' ideas lbeaunanot IranIens snork well tegeihen lu ihn village keord ou ini tietivee suchen Heounieiabeliaocslhattbse residoolnos'ehdconsioge lot mene ievolvnd in ciliege of- fels's He mentloond tise Ilse eodne bedgel proneas al closely Condiduies onere osised vshnI ibny would do ubout Ihn leelotive move of WW isoep the tanes law. Bot she soould Ilion lo look muse 5515':, c'o 5lCs5iC,,sSsl 55v oboanlyal whene toro w000y is gomg io aod how elGolanI- a wojon employer is the vil- lege end e sigsiSeeotbosiness, She sold Ibsy nned lo wehe sana Ihey heap thooe the cell nomprehnosirepluu niog procese Mesasuk sold the govenn- sah The candidalea abb seid ihatfwe end pulire penemos bevo been undarfuaded in Ihn passend Ihot funding tise peusimenshoosld ka apri- anily vern rare center... Nsa-Ineasioe Ssbeh'oess fars So amugnAgotpess _Su!alions WilJeaaI Surgery Treatese,ssnfs Vseinosn Vnmns Log Sseoliog Spides Veins LegDisoowfoos I IlnoghiDap Ski, Anon Whoklsa ' - T .Uvwa,ssed Rol, - Fall elnoIsso olsOesapies aaailella 20 cease enposl000e alssaesasu gdlsd laeeesne,epd beard CasIlled Isias,asr aesiasse steif vasaI asnal aneosas Tap 201100 Cascaolnollanalioss Oonacs ones inaasesos fisso & pelicana 1-866-204-5100 in Geh Pech and 'o WilwOOe Wi/inset10 Vials asco wrew.5000einnun0000tnr.00m. beGreat Italia,, Cuisine Si,oce 1984" APRIL DINNER SPECALS* $95 ssdae pos pollas TRA3ITÎOt1A1 HOUSE SPECIALTIES Pulirloi sold ihut Hilen domani hone a dowolams $10_as oreo and she saggeobed eue- wells nioo LEMON 015,95 SEAbED WITH SIIF OIl SALiD OIsssdoy.TlSllbOIIsp RlOOpsss.IsIipm durting atodims lo delen- Honmiels sold the o'illego's community dkvelopmnnt Iass,u bosh no's so'urhissg wills wenlu losan peeple aSilad dovaioparsesd bosinessen, the hibs'ony ose,'asosnnn fun io confient to enderobop lion oree. He soled huaI ulun s'illege odcopuossy fon its 'etull oraou is cl 30 percent. He $1S.0S LUNCH IPECI&iS 110MTINU AT Io_TI MANIB'N-PTl001 SiAM-SRM Irala slap. closed in the past. Sloe 559es OUINOO iGLOTEN-POERI PASTA EIsabella Cadllessqaase T . ._ WeekaTsa seed One sv 00e, Ileseiesa, IL $0220 sosnesa ass Phases 047-220-1444 aoc5evage' 5471 $41-120-5a41.esw.,essa,aslesl,astaae Oulsi en as,, 5 - New pleased te offers $1405 meno in Hiles Iseo b neo ves'p publin infonwotion, noches Ihn ciblage budgol bIpons neid il ioimpcnlsni mom io inpiog lu gai moro bosisesses 10011 Ibis hogs footpninl. The rosdidsies were also osa nepilad Ihut Ihep have SaLMON 008ILICO LOMB CHOPS M5DIT0000NEON Cuadidutes wercesbed hO 555,1555 Meroseb said she lanasneroedkeeussnOneiogenia Fuyons seid Gmaiogar's moon leeres ahoga loomprint." Resold she vilisgeb nronomin-dnvoiapwsnt oseen wion if it lu inoalbia lade- 2h o, 550, 0,5 Ci 5555 wonily usa inkole. MA51ICOVII velop ihn Geoingen locahiao es a retsdl endo with aMelsa mayce hove tried herd lo anno shoold be ainueg. eahed ii Obey h ova nseeivnd polilicol muatnihutioss Idem village employees an usions nep,'esnmdng Ihew end much OROL Ma000LO Oeoisger trum Ihn los-ge in. deatniel enea il uncupios in Nues. cent en rogos-ding ube sun- 1h e dammi board end Ihey doo'tjaai luuh at the lend, hai elan el Ike cow- village end the ledoalniel $15.90 woelushops si 1hnuns,'On Pound said she belleven types ebb atiesases io mho Gv5LLES eio evo 11205.1 002as Ca, ihn sIllage-wide compeahensmc pluo. thinh could be denn bette,'. luid whee busismasas cooolder boding is the vilioge sr ore elftoiently. os "Bast Piare to Reise e Pemily," sod ihn feet that rebut Ilseybelieve the village is doleg meli end what 11sep egs Cesdidatea w ene esiled whul creeo of Ike kssolgel rober is o phone-u-then where Moins Sooth alo- Niles' nenenilybeisogvolnd gobs niillege is daing evenylbing well. He feels the village in os, Comment. Dus-iog 1heopening-niste- dosen 10400, she noid. Gen- There is a beer wau rood ii's sou 000G co lage. He005iuk said ovenull the oseol ponlice ni Ihe village Mulle Sosib High School, 1111000e Rd., room 0101. bco Fluctuated over the Aeyose inlenesled ir mbyew's, acrording lo Ouniso- ing peri in piunniog Celeco. LosI yeas; ohout tOS sin-- beotionis invited lo etteod donia pertielpetod, but IO 'For mono inferme tino conyenes o go the oumbee wea tact Madden cad Borthow- The Mnine South High School Celebs'o. lias t011 cnmmsttce in snehiog dosudons te Isnlp papier ihn pool-prom pony Doselions eon be ooudiesl 10 Meise Soalk Cele- wham's goisg cals the vil- eeo'lyin Ike scheel pere Gorlesee sold. Ths longest fund- fand-relalag oliortsalnri Attend nero alCoiobraoinn erally, avere ge eilend esco p the money is bnieg used. Coo loibo tos Op TRACT ERDEN pro grossing with the curreel nowprchanaine-pluenieS pnoonss, Ho said Ihn io around SOS, with say- Golden Yeass. * Niles the Best Provider of Quality "i soon very nod brocuse I heosvmydaughles'honbeen iooioingforsrord toit for the lull thron yearn," Madduto ouid. "lnoo.sreallyourpiiucd no one stepped np io do il." Other ponente sobo reed t lo e nc so sleeler ube enpresoed internai in noving ellen tosavo Maine South NILE'S TRUSTEES i news NIL MAINE SOUTH Dy JENNIFER JOHNSON jjot nso sOplonee tie ne Lees $ VILLAGE OF A PIONEER PRESS POSLICRIION - 8 items NIL - ShUtting MARCH v.5011 i PIONEER PRESS PItLICHSISII - NIL heWS 9 CANDIDATES FONUM Four candidates, including two incumbents and two challengers, are vying fon school-hoard seats n Hiles Elementary School District 7E. District 71 school board hopefuls greet voters at event The incumbents inclode James Mahoney and Paul Heck, and the challengers are Tina Nielsen and Jim Grammes. Dho tour candidates will compete for three tour-year terms, JAMES MAHMNEY le souniuniceg tice tus psyiceg c'ee'deute iicui Die-inlet anesuntubilits' le ion lbs comeccuvily dea vohool board evemben I csn ticino end bdng my ideen to Ihr WIsst is Working well Elected is she District Pl nohool boned in u007. Why lents nenning uom sorrentiy Oninhing my Oret term und! heure-e ubes 5 cove bneespoeitive member or the booed end t moni io continue to mako District liu Drool ecbooi dicO-ici. Shille Ile beings S bevo o technisai beckground ved u boiidiegsand-grounds bacbground and Jam surcesdy se both of ibsen dinteleS commit- tunis mhilee stili beupiog entIbie our Ossusiul pite. Wisst son Se Anm hettnr? 5 ihiekmu ut thu bound und sun admiuistrutsrn ne-iii esstinan to much seitide our Onenniul pins und ovosirve tu senrob fur nem muye to eniusute sor shildren. soies thieie shut mr seed to ceoch out in tien pureetesi our etu dente und open better nommvsinohsn eu ticut ihn puco umureof oli the peageamuavuilubin to their cididnee. Years esa resident Biggest lesees taeierg school dietrich The Ores issue in the i urb s! niele funding tices jeerlessing nil echos! dietniste in rointie. Tb e eussed Scene dt. Profess inn Techeicoi nappons supernicer ut tise Muss Police Du- partment. hove leus cuentes seley I em russiug inn lien booed. Mpfnetiehneuuenium e purent ibut le erri' internetrd le my child und eli studente' udusutiun. Culner bus bene such u punitive irOurnve semi-children linroagic ihn yearn und! buns bese us uctive pansus, mnli. S meald libe io ho u purl nf the coeiiuuulisu on nO studenie' usinisunevnuln at Pulser My nensud neo- eon in bemuur sltbn profeedus ihut sum in. tam carreetly le my inurtle ynur us au ussietunt to tIce eu- pcnietesdcei usd recording sevrntnry fur the ecicool board leu diiiornnt diete-SOL Thiu pseilise hue ailomed meto learn about 51es last yessed urss sud the policies uf the Se-ned si Odunatisu. Oncevee al my proneeeiov S beve learned mure about soleusi i sears end hom im- puys Ihn budget med mmccl upportendtine Ihn dissn'iet has co men, asuman qane-tinee Ip Otee Nigint in Inelpiceg on AiSneunteommitinme cvlcsec eure mveey nAb anulable teunrini gracIe- impnvt it muy hune cribe mutienapiconlaccily iscalucemar beth lbs PTA in meny difl'eenniunsnesvsle cllsiriol; fon mueneple, leone ssodsd. S elm meo a member untier Sieveiegin Pion Cocamittm be Culs-on We all count cahot b besi Ion aur nidldveo; s'ines s-au urn nelively isevolved in yove micosi yuu croles Ihel s'en vean t cshet h bues fur ut ehiidrm, Again, lesmuen ofmy pcvhssloe, ines belog muni- sidils lv the bouc-d inbie. i svdrr eiord ihn peanunlaree, pulleine, inno and lice Puceven be osumpin ne-oc'ineg mille ties eehool-iseproc-emevvpemenv uecdelcningiciclacvdccgnu- inblinlcmnnt orille dinisiri's mineise, venal ace sigouin cod uctiviiinu plems to meni iheir guais. iv ihn dinldvt Ibui I um omiciuysd bel um eccc'mslly pm'iivipulingie u relneerdum sniceemis i huye gathered yaeLn sue-h un the hielens-, un mellas the eesrconi Onenelal esede aced or gonined Ihem lo espiuin is Nirinrsc, PAGE 9 PAUL HECK Espeeieeer Puni Pieshmue denied io the Cole-nr District 75 schusl bound tu 2007. Why he iseessnieg Weil, thud not ininndnd in run eguis. truce the lires ticen concrrsed for hum sur leu dstm'u mere being spent. S cbesovcmd thei tine board mumbnen mum very reepousibie je thai neguen5. in ihn puecu thatineruedimus chie in being my bin skills So the inbin sod trip in euer the dietrict hundreds ei Why Ice to nenoltg t bnteve my qualillnatiove cml oeperienou urn nneu suitod loe lbs svhovi bound, but Seos ruse-leg Sven gn'culor erneov shun tiluil My remily ho own novthen hums thun Nilee igrem cep here, ne-ont lu Culver telnuol, io 5010e Wust, m5' puren in esili tve bec-o, Sgelo shumb hncm Moni impve'innilp 5 une raising my lmn daughters lesse. As nomnone cuilb desp nasLsiu Nilee, u loas ree Ndes, und mico le betliog inn Saevdyh Peluca vn inline, the- sisen, os weil us u degree in vullaury urLa. i su'uod peace- und hspnlally oveticeun Is mode ce-Sib ihc hourd ucd mhiols bonansu si ihn siso sí Ihre oyerusiss guec mellen the cintO to nepued ne ths nhidcn me buon mude in mnidng Pinner she great schon! that lije. e-bille len muny dilSonovl us- 0000leh Coloring in Ciciregs, eue Seam Operatisos Isletmace rousvevau 8sggsotisoeontoe'ng the enhoni dintrist Se-my opinion, lbs bigames iseumn une going tu be ta vscelroi evulu und br cicle is dolmen lice ,nnrdsce io lbs vommunily thect they have ubuut Ihnir quahOsultons, nennen und prindittee. cendieies lsr Disteln! Sb stianl baesil pedleennlnd ira nceet-eed-greet re-esO el coiner taped ne MereS 14.1 Neleeln Wesianti-Fer sun-rinses Angie James Mahoney district The biggeet insuen my crucial in she gums's eleve riniithos, hatte ali of sor prupenty velure and in ihr I huard mith bcivgiug some committees than any sEhne sftbr dislnict'n dated poilbsund member. Pils bcab- olee lela medemn timen to gnonnd is in tertueslugy und vdrquntrly eddrnsn lese-es he is enpuriunred in build- of nepotism und sihice. He is appusad to tllinoin ings und grounds msrh. "I Ibiub oar circeh here iuwmahers' rayent puebla is in nur teeshees, sae board ont the staten StO disinirie end everyone marinino ta- in helf by esesniidutiue nf gethentumand the eummon dininirin, "t racily bellaca this is ihr guyS of sun nbildcnu," said Muhouop mhaue three cbth- pnintwbeceseboul diniricle und irashern ne-lone sud denu are Pairen students. - uthcreeeed Inge damn to nrhusi hourd han ullnored esinvol hoard ins- iba chinese vontinand peonperllp oiilcr pinar me ail sali home Opeingseldtuainp Ihn moderen," he sold. siNilev Nilee. and onutinue lin progrums hove Se-aa bruvvine seine What is werieieg wet? Sittliche hriogs Ms- 57 yeucn ofuxperinuse in lino buecleing bedunuep gina we knsigict in hum tu gveide lIne dinleivi lierough inmcd- lacuel'cnunnitd timm. Purcnnly as ntos peeddunt Sur Tice bnnod oeeliecuuvnly hue had strong leuderehip und hen cbaileegtccg Onandul enntcanmnnt they wren ublo mcd wem able in lumen heu milhous putting any mere lox buedee se lice cenidenla und Osul lu my p escoa uS goal. Whet is working weil licei mn huueugrrus 0107; nvorpnen nenmu to have Ceelver und ihn 00mmasisy Onci and focomueL Acininving Sbus ainva ist maine slvp Iscvae-d ,nueoeus. Grumnnear, PAGE 9 Whet saIs ho done hottee? Enenythingravalmupe be betten Ws should rauch inn the slare and rnoounagn vor oblldrue in do the sume uvd never bevsme vumpluvrnl. Veers os resident h Peniessien Sum thu olee-nr oreen-eral busineesne. S une rulrcecI rout-equipment eswPccnbi md a hean'y nedeognaund roosiruotisneumpuny uicatiusn ut Cvslvar Schaum. Heck belegt entensive en- aaald lu pat ihn mnney in the cluseruems ned speed ArnsidueniofNiieeefsr She past OD peurs, Nielsen's lina peniaccee in baildiug aced the muvey av thee idda sa me oldest nbiidrnn ses Distrìyt geoundewomb, which he seid aun huveaetrnag, viable ailumed him So help Culver sebtol in nun eammunity," he said. suyo mscnuy avd heup lia struelneuserure. Cersioed in beating and sir ese-ditiseia Hmbidnni'diad raei-uuviuge in the sohaul's HVAC Sollase un," Hnah said; graduated from Culvael suid nienve in Dseai ceupunsibil- in communicate nearly und eu timely mane-no end ne- ihn enmmaniiy Shave helped vrgauiae und attended eommnnity incmcms inn the rereeredum. Shave lemnud the sIdiS nf Sissundeg Is thu qaeetinne ibas ure aebod innen the rammanity and gutboring the !svts shut une unuded in reepoad. Whet aro the biggest iseoes. teclee Ike achsel diotdnt right Fnnm epeshieg with many parents from the eahuol dim ides thn biggeei lusvue feeing ihr echsol distniac dgbl nom le truesperenoy und uconuntability These hua ooaetsbthity, nehiab is huid- tug the e0ssriet amsunteble rum its action plane wisinn ibeaieasogIo esadies. What de yso ted lswsskimg weil right nsw in the schott distrist? Culvar hou muintuined u leeuithy budget ducing ibeee ddfcoult ereusmie timas. Nubes dus hue broc enind tIna "Pest Place lu Sinise u PusaiSy." ib big percentage al that vole is baauuer sí the ouvelinuteduesninc Hiles schools have pnonidad foe mauy yesrs. Snereteming sine ounin rasOrve Omm the "My muïe- gnui jetaran- Pl grnduutce asd han youngest isa Polvee fe-urticgesden Ohe bus besu activa Nu one squnenes the budg- esse hurd un Ccshvee, Herb said, udditgc "We muni stop oven n daliac Sn pich upu Tina Nielsen parental invuivemeat at the their afOyiacoies. Grammas' suid hie uni que enparieceaus he Onunriul servinen malee him ucoastamed Sa lauding, deli verieg mese-Ita ic high- Despite her Dndingnoups tu succeed dom- sehusinewa orerents due tury' und assietunt lu the supnt'insocedeetnfuuosher dis- te paar csmmunioutiun an behsiFut the distnivt. Ohe ing dirEooit Ocaeeial times, eli uf anhieb be mnuld bring lu the bnard of ndunainnn. trios has erede icen aun- upeciOralmy addraened horn ynincipul Slisannue Pereioi'e dcswcenel in late-SOSO ment you mans She bunmd Sudo," he unid, unae-nuaucod, und that she and nihee parents fnund uni lehrtb etrutegin pian, mamb- prcoedueee can housed us goidalines fer pumuta in - infynmuSly months uttnr the Parnici's dupariana. Nielsen naid this adnuinis- trutive rhaugn, and the laos snmmuaicuthng wish the dinlriol. Seats aso rssideetl S believe thus the transparency and ecnoaniabiiilri em he improved. Cscmnsnnicutiunanvitie pnrenls in u t havu beucupenud resi- pact thym sldidron nnd implemealing teuse-ysreney ing mnuuy cud iunneusieg enaeauuneaandiagneere- Whet stolA bedare briten? sniesacs tOnni diewnliy im- nurvici needs, including say- pneseuresiteeainns, und cific prunodurea Our cummuniautiun beth paswein und the enmmmnity Suini parade roc provide input parb d'entnictu enitub their O- nlnecys privy to iwpursnut prncedurea, mhirh ene spe- pia implewececheg a panant euggesden e-meO wherain Crommnsatsista Issutm muniripulitice und erhnnl sad erbool, Nielune anid ehe isn't svnrenl rash nueerna Sn Aoe years Ont, Culver is pinueinE tu muhetah a hnultby budgea. temp npheicn, Nilee has continued to huye icen tan ratee while oniering un mnalleei educohun. thus directly impuei the ecudenis an a dniiy basin need tobe improved. tOur euum- fon Harris Suab. te- his mamb Niel uou nac'd her enperi- Pescai pean 2050, thu me-et Lcmsiy ma nace an in thu PTA for tha poet SS y ears und served en rommittnea Sc place puceotu in humnnoame und pion inmiiy eights. meiracis breauer "the rantracter wus ne- mugar able es. Mahoney credits ihr ho juined thu bvnrd Sour Le-nlinind from PAGE 8 Pan the past t? peers he's wuebediehnehieg end new serves au avine president serve au mueb co 0e-cyan me ora and eliminating snrvtr- Nielsen avennntcbthily und ramme-- eurprisa, he said, he didn't End muob wasle. Paul HeEk items nIne hued-in-band whernin trunepuranoy, mhìnb je having the ability lu Nimes," i7rammss asid. Isp sninile neighboring dietrirte libe Osuna laying affteorb- Plech, nnhnee 1mo children cerned shout tranuparrasy, yeum ago tunee benn sue dutlasa mere being apent. To his Pumily-annard Hryh'e Cnireing, tluiNMilwauinee der, Chicago, pennided him with ompie busieres eepe- in meiceluite eluiC ecclidlvn bleu'de 0mb, 5 annOi lunaS gsverescenlu und guvee-e- kevm uve esonowy in Suning dilliocll simas io cuy uhu leasL Síus my hope thel mo mce-continua 5smsveoinnad Cnleer lo "mabe strides" tend She echoeS. "I've invested my future Muheney sits sa me-rn hourd in thie nnvh'smnnnvs roer is the Onneviul troubles IheS suald arcar nolihout pruprr leodreshly. S mill ecopheulen lined reepundbliici' und occountsbilily Mygolcln ivsiude muienteivinig u bui- echouS district i e not anly rare asiled "Jimmy" over ta ehstondoauchap. Onammas je u lifoloug Nil ceras idees mhsgnadunied with hin twin sister rrum Cuinen in Shut, His tmiu daughters num et- Tino Nielnota and Jim Deem- Biggest icones toning school mend bvdgat und u souvd Ilaunolul position. A drang Jim Grammas Errare the event beOun, same afOnammes' former tearhers sitting intbe audi- Ftc said thu PeuralSy smuei airuetion, icrsisvluprm-evmn lo nopeov An pou thousunds ofdoilare. i mas ached in run agole by thn hourd membene und droided Scould givo it another four Shills hr tritgs My eldile abound in voss reduntion, s-st muintuining quality ievei. 5 came írvm a ieteieusn bualegrsued enllb unge streng ninlb lu non- orant bastad by Cuiter puemoS in evordiccamiesg Pecmi- Sus-roen al Culver leus g'cc-eec "t cnn ana panees Orsi," she said, "nod mill glen my ideus where meleomed." a "meet the nuedidotee" bralib-rane chungue sun im- Dring ecc calles poenet hr n board of Mites Elementary Orhoul District 75 ultended Oahsoi'e PTA en Marnh 54. A crowd nfmnre iban OD sobeoS siuff memb cru und ynrents gnibernd tu bees' invtmbenia Jim Mabunry and Pnul Pinch, end nemoserenn tohren Why are note reweirgO ed un the budget, hes mnde isorruerd araenpueencycne uf hen biggent peineitsies if nierted te-iba hourd. Faur candidates vying far md uneInrnsoend the imues md Sins eholiengen they Scv t buen Ireetleond beomiodge age-tutu goveremeuS mcd tice Whet shills te you heing te Ihr plemustiog ibis dudeg di!- that Pnerici'a ualec-5n io list- ceelebmisi throenpenuents nu the ecuesce dieeetnm vSnnhooin inbie. S thieb titos the echos! boned bus adopted u coced Peccai plus und mn une im- Experience meni mdlu linriudiug unlconi dislrintei nomi some nSthein duy-ts-dop incuedni nmde. i tutumas daily elsie the cuetrivtb superininndevin avd S- pochent le-ueepunceci-ocsd Pits eut the monoe tosse go up euch year Ocvitensenmin ilmue. i Seni shot ube bound's goul je to melee eure sor sisdeole urn gotttng the beet edvsnte'oe usd tient me employ the beet teeshene to teunh our shildneu esteSe prouiding them mith u eule bediding und us uteilabie ieec-uing JIM GIIAMMAS TINA NIELSEN By NAnASWA WASIthSltl dens ntNdvoe tsr SO yerre. Grammas Ce-slirued Seau PAGE 8 ing alasen mith manioipalh thee, teanhercnotmaeSnaed birlo gucnm principal, une his biggeni priorities. Veers es o rss'sdrnt Peotesclne What nsnld he dens better? S Ohheb ase board Ohey uinbnmu ensm. should edmsye ho igeiag So t"aethepnnlfaur years S hoer been au aeeiscant is lbenaperen5eudan5 of edueute ihumsalvesubeat the hsurs and olI membem hasnarespaodbdity co thyb eniglebur tuba hulion acorydoy with the erapundhilily echnels und meourdiag eec'emory Our the Dosed sí Eduoalise- roe WesI Nunihaid Dobool Distelol Dt. Grommos esid the dis- S yumnavtlp am smyboped Prsteesien? Poe maay yenes twos luciqr raough lube u etuy- "t rev help unhirve what they ha oc nhcaee in emdertalcy remece-Id md gavercnment esulta lmclading echvol e-heSelcIai cdlh mme of their desy-50-dsp Onanolul scendO. S mtoraei dully wiSh thu dis- teinte sapadnteadenin und Ooccsoe dirwoiom of smlcaub, ond undeeslund cha imues ond thy nhulinvgcs they luce, 10 vews NIL - THURSDAY, MOOCH li TOY O PIONEER POEtS PtBuiCfoloN - NIL 11 MILES puglic uogIiMY DISTRICT Meet your library trustee candidates oubeonvoillee foe Nilon 0v 705CV OOUEN Centlibofor 2030, Oho long-ronge plano foe lIne allIage. On April S roO ors 0111 rt000se from ihren candidoten lo fill two ole-poor trustee Aermeln the Nilce She sold shetoveslivingin Bliesuod sloppy todosate hocke are still oneeesnitp. Hilen foc foce peon, u eonring foe She posiAmo citi. breryBoaedteuntee becooso loe Orunto to help make the Eduenlnonie tIre No. Spoorityeoekeovacto io hoop chit- lobraeyuptaoe where oil inn. dion off l'ho circolo end o ihalibecey Matyon works aldlbertn Coiner Compeny io the fi- melon nere there eilt br ehntteegernpanetteM0000 in Illinois nood Ul,cveli. She canoa deporement nouered- Ile aaid'thn lehrer0 ioo pii. noid sloe briogo tIer copert lurincer'rip and hen000id kcawlrdgr cod eopccienra itanotynt. Shahanbeanemployadieheedopmtwnnf fee eopcciallp nnnonvhnneoc- TOycaro, which oleehelieven Be000ler in employed one aoelionoacebeirgplaooed. ok000n loyally und dedica- toehentegynperieliot foe TheNllealibrorynteff'lnaertainly ito biggentonenf tino. She fraie oeroithe biggrnt Latee Zerieh High School end neid kerne haip beep 'eonuao the librery io feeing io the libree-y Op-So-dele with sil of the now tecknnlogy currently Poring in main. leleleg obolancedhodgol. He seid the library has been doing e greotjnb und feels e lot of its programo Darhara Nakanjshj SoleAd, Nokonishi roas appointed to iba Niten Li. brery Sisirict Board of Trontees teSla a pooltioc oumoved aol clASe diotrmcLln Matyas io conning foc ti- lion fell owing otoction ehe moo elecOed fnr oslo-peor brai'y tcooeee On rococo lInoS its poebieg oltoatineo. 0ko hearopatmcneaytheywoold lilao mare ntody roams and the Hilen Lilororyowmoi eec campa ter labo, end they osio larm. She's tired in Nuco far 23 nihenol ond engegiog ce- n'hp Ube library te not opes seven dope noack, ali peer loaf, mied hie Orontee who years. Nokaniski ukno soroin000 the bow'dhrrouoeit'o e good woy to gira bocio to She rommosily. Oho's nice a remminnioeer on the Zoo- Daoette Matyas 000mo for the collie Nil en community le keeping Ihn gcrot peogroms oak enes'1000 now io piece MuoyaenoaseaioodinNilen, moond in 1973 end returned Ohr feels lilo tiene tagive hock to Ube communily, os in 1991. ing Board of Appenln and Ihe libraryivana bigpactcf Doug Bressler PIne Camwinnino end on Ike her edoceilon. With toohool- SPECT ideato feel welcome and Io bent Boo'koea Nolooniohi and und Dnughtoe Prenote,, ftcT nmooniofmfoO'motIOn cue be found on lhelniae000,buS her Ulme und bienio, Took boardmemberlu'iogediffeeroot toi orlo and aopecieece to tine labia. Shrieunaerloitecllicenncd publie Library Dmeleicl. Caodidnteoinntude'mcum- n ogy ludoy a to-emendooln pregeumn thai nne be of. lered for all generaliannin romp lIen io be port of the peuceoo IT ALL 'STARTS WITH 2-DAY SPECIALS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY OÑLY! rann siliPPiNo AO hiACYS.00M nieh 2e_o eOlios purnhe'se Be flee-los chIenne niob purnhoens ander 5001. 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(arrie Arelo Jrroriler8 400, &r094, Etbo,'olL 60119; bcioeilce, 2155,000 Feb.23 OIS Nebel Laco. 606es OrcoS to 8000er W Horb, $252005 Feb.25 pieaeea (630) 057-1000; fao 900 Croise St. Apt 15 Ropp '630)557-1001. DES PLAINES 1247 E Weoleboglon St. Apt 204, Nicole Welch to Andree P 800t0000ro, $80,000. Feb25 1355 E Lineole Aee., Neo Per' opeotioe 50043 Lic to Derolrk T Aoboocoo Elioobeth I Meroell. 2330,000. A000ir t 1551 AdoloreS Ace. ApI 208. Sert Ser recibo Mobeuso JaroS, 2100503 Feb 35 1670 HOI SL Apt 301, bolted World Oeoebaprrreot Lieto Morir Dorroroki, 2165000, Mooch i 1757 Sedee St., FederO Hrrra Loor WiG Cor; to Petrioio 80e RoaCh, 812,000, Feb 05 2148 Eontvirw Dro e. Chirogo Ti' tie Lerd TOCO Tier 80 Acuoso Derise iotierorhiio, $2e0,000, Feb. 24 244 WiOleboore Drier, Foderai Hove Loor Aig Corp io Coller M Fr408108069 Rekio HeLdoe Reblo, 5100,000, Moroh 2 9423 Oroernood Lane, bebo Bocio boo Trootre to Oseen Potei SipS Potei, 2120500, Feb.28 CuiollO to boomS Holiovey, 2435000, Feb.20 HARWOOD HEIGHTS 1333W Tooiey Ave. Apt 205, Took IO Reel A Elmer, 2it0000. Fr5,24 MooM 5 Sversoer to Michael F toi' MOUNT PROSPECT O'HARE 1705W Algovgeie Reed, Fartelo 5555 N Combrtlood Aoe. Roil Mae to Zeven Moro Xiacbooa Mang, 25600v AseoS t 709,21ro Fiooaearti to jour0 o 2030 LooM SI. Oeil C, Sahord A000rkìeoios, $365000, lorch 2 300 N Rodtteld Covet, Shosel Shoes lo Srior c 006mb 0051056 Sohvits, 2365000, Feb.25 Wheeler Oeeier Lb io Morte ForniroNo, 26,000. Feb.24 $125000, Cerchi 6105 MOrt St, ChicOgO Fr001 co Ne nrosioe 10800er Ukmvto Liebe Lkrrrota. 0240000, Feb.25 Aovelrang io Theses Men Jon' Mier Hardes Tins 5675000 Feb. 55 EDISON PARK LINCOLNW000 707G Coettol Rond OrlI 265, 14260 Asentir Inoievord, Fon' 66290 0066001e Moot, Oirceri r Lesso 307000cl P 2ireilo Atïeor 3959W Mattone Ave., Hooerir M Aorkeon T000t to Leoloe 20018' boro Cork Goldberg, 269,000 ode Mae to Moo W PerO $025000, GirelIr, 0000000 Mooch 2 90H00 F01008) 2450000, Feb.25 4601 W Toesley Ave. Apt 514, Hervor 50005068 2030510 Pokooic terrir i 226 N 80k P00k Ave. Apt 2e, HILES Lioo Sen JOhn000 Io Parve L 00' berro, 2125505 earOh 2 SLENVIEW 10365 000rleve Rood Apt19, Nadira Fekooio, 2123,000. Moroh 1 Doloso Joe Norcoeoski 3010)0 Nico Robent Arg, 592,000, torch 2 1439 Plooraset Leon, Sieoer J Pregoborer io Wished B liilgolior Torì Rilgollor, $866000, Mooch I 1010 LorgvoileW Oled, Oosiooher Trust io Joorno Comici Coelyr Corroie) 2255505 Mooch t 6676 H Keeling Ave.. Chicago Tille Lord Ort Co Itee to 2h06 Nçocyefl IhOi Ngolyce, S292000 Feb.24 7000 14e Ponirie Roost F080001 Horre Croc 01g Corp tOBOOalyOV Carde. 2192.522, AtoroS i Merk Touobee to P00000 Iba Mooed 4255 ElorteorS Asv. Apt 4, 500 Lorh Lomord .00e Opt C, Feeooebon'otsodonos,ocoodpuooevoogvvdeiur' posed Oboes. IGloo Ovally mom, vilouoied oco Neurite thaoric, 5100000, Feb.18 Paiervo Trost io 5611e Suggs, 29005v Asroh 1 SoveSke Onset 2 Mary c SillIer 5155000, Feb.24 621 S Nople Ave. Apt 304, He' 038 MoirIonS Covet Apt 208, ho Aortgos S000i000 Inn io Cor' loo 000$ Jiosheorl 44001, 256005 Feb.85 633 N Gsmpleroy Ace., Froivoo BonI Oi Mev 00010 Ballon Oteo io March 2 9078W Nentlewoed Drive Apt 3m, Fedrrol Have LaOo Ato Corp la Wallace P40ev 284000, FaG 25 H 0100010 PsOod s c000p chrioly L S000teli 8164,005 MoOch 2 40450 Delpooir Moe., Joseph CorS $485,000, Maroh Z PALATINE 51170 Cor000id Are., Feterel Hove Leer Aig corp 10Marzo00 L Bogoi, 5228005 Feb.28 8548W Lavsoenoo Ave. Apt 2e, Noroett cornoS 1080010 1448 N WhioprAng SpM060 ClreSr Oct18 central 000igege Colo Jantes Hortvaee Licol OiS, 868005 Feb.24 1415 N Girolewe Orion Apt Nooghior, $16,000, Feb.25 383, Fodeoal Heere Loar MIg HORT 00000 K 32 Wellaeiey Civic, Tbroo W rh000100 Ir lera Miomor lialperir Pariai Reos Haiperiro 2425,005 Feb.25 3833 RetIred Loco, Folia G Ep' siclo te Loo J 0h J000 Seos 84r5005 Feb.88 3849 N Poriowov DoSso Opt 3h, carp lo lolbir S lanoire HanraIRl N 0000ira, 04620v Feb.28 21540 Wrot000rolood DsIOM, Perdcrsllicreie Lb to Nelsoop Scriva, $048,005 Marsh 2 2400 ArSolond Ava., lobe Mort' gags Soroisee Ire to PIste Elioa' 0th Husi Ryon Siephee Hoot, 160500, Feb.00 tecgoeia Reetoroeloh. 24520v Feb.25 500KIE 4045 Keover500d St., Farbe L Milsrrg lo Pooy O Foley Naihleen A Fr101, 2185000 MarchI 4141 Oolot000 St., Malls Forgo Bark to Alasdies Heovee 00000 Horvie, OOi,505 Feb.25 4255 Nodi000 SL, Maylohe Trust io Robent Bueshoen Aodho B400irnroe. 8259,000 MeroS 1 0405 SpsMeSfleId Ave., 060000' mor Truelle Mod000ir U Klan Shahiohee 8h00, 20A0005 Feb.28 004E Croorlord Ave., 8110010 Matleto to Teveldo 2 Gecakidor, 811500v 000001 9248 00000 P0501 Rood Opt 409, Heleo R0000borg to Jobo Sin, 8102.50SAoroH2 944S EerIer Ave. OpI 401, Oroisehe Book Mail TOCO Tiee io Senior F05510110008 Nrishtai, 250005 Heb. DM WILMET7E 1041 Iidgn Road, bolqookrodt 3900 Hople 80e., ins Property 51W Choryl Lace, Tardy 000st oFasIM 2ilsoh Serie M 0100h, 260,005 Feb.25 15E Whinon St., Por000 Loas Group Listo 01100 Zoydlir Fleco Zoedïro 2820005 FcoS, 21 0000007v Nioole c Nemvev, 105005 Fr628 55 Foul Luoohevi Sophie TrophlviL NikoiM Solos tolero Shk00000ky Corlee Oolroeky, 5017500, AseoS i NORWOOD PARK 4044000k Parlo Ave., PIONEER PAStSS 7790 HowphroM Ave., Friocala N000IDGE HeS, 25 Thank yea for yoar readership. Fouette P60W Lee Ancle M Lee, 2442,505 Feb24 729 Wi500eeie Ave.. Loreo Sta' too lo breando Corle A Riateo Signa te eacH Leeort, 8220000, Please visit our Web site Mod click on the "Tell uu what you thiok..." button, call us at 18471 486-9300, orto to orn opplia000rs, cee0000bc tile To 0es vnobh000i- Aseoh I Us BaoS Wate Hvcgeriy Sseoohock Soetloca Boyer, 292,000 Feb.25 about our newspaper and how we can improve it. PSbgtolighis of the boltohov loobude mod. PROSPECT HEIGHTS 28 sorchi Pioneer PreSs valueS your opinions. We want your feedback So fled out what Fghting ved docorativa te'ov. 7740 N barloo Ace., Margortte Megeehul OreoS to Otto Gromegro Area 2 5000005ea, Tt30000, Think... ood o Soloog room eqodppeel mith rostom ovoodooto'melv cod cupboards. Aooecolvd 0630 Weokeitee Ovad 0061 416, Tell Us What You MooOS'm 196W, this oplit.tevrl homo foulures. reSeishad hoedvood floors, opctotadbotho 1011W Wilslwood Delve, Parole Aselo Kesryar Ghoeoini, $170500, 0060140190mo Ave., Faccio Mario Jooei ModsiaH Merieero K 20000fb RubiS 10209200 Zyolveoki Facies 2106005k) 2215005 Feb.24 12E Gloycee SI., Mcv Hocco 5000i500noe Lis 8080101 Brocho Oiaeo BroOks, 540000v MaOot i tOO OeIly5000d Coort, JiOOg 94 $32500v Marcs t 2214 EI005000d Ave, 200erviev byaehovdeuoe, Oteo d'oeioog room 015o 6m 110v lover Iovrl, comesnn11ttavoosooberofwioo. dows, coepetod Oooee mod sborvgvsp000.A lro'gr gaedevnr1th pereemiuls io i'oatoonediv rho SImM includes a fenced-in back Hard ciAS Otre faoord.'mioochroed, Thoproporty 'mcbvdasob'ono-eoo'goo'ugn Acting egeoetol°hoebv Co, tCoonig& Ssney l0ootLietng, 940)200-271M, Rodoo 0 DM10012 o orge 000dm. Selliroga Mona OteaiaOaocdo 000fennc OSa evocO Eroaibmr ha54repervao9tbboebahcppen00000 poolMkoecoigatorey.00m ON THE MARKET log agrot. A tsev-bndraew, two-bath 000doob 5211 LivonIo Ame. 0102812F 0F hEM 61311600 M Reo-Med010w, 2.S-both inMortoo Gocce iron the A tiereerheUteow, 1.5-both home 01802000. Mlmore SL io 2fitev iv 0016e mar- machoS br 5199,M0O. Unit homo 085903 Copri Lome inZdnrton Gnome is ovlhe moo'het for 8089,908. The opdoied home Orotures eonveo'oetoodoms ho the bed- rooms cod oowoe ranUro! oir. Tb ore io vow oerpet in Ohr Ovishod bvsemeool and the homr haca ermodeled Idleken. Lindo Gobvnd of Coldwcll Merker Reoid000' vol Srohorsgo iv the liso- hrt for 8095,080. The brioS rooch bao mony up' dobos, inoludingose000d diving room onde dodu in tier longe keck ysed. e rootS-os colosal. Christina Sulao'ino of Contocoy 21 MarI- Gneon Utoior of Hometown Serai 051005 iv Ohr lisling ogeot. no Soc. hohe bistiogegenL MARKET WATCH 00f 0 of Por sale Mediao price rate sales foreclosures Ors Tioinrs 3,37% 5187,502 35.21% 030 257 Edison Polk 2.23% $265,000 9.67% 94 S Eaaisgen LUSH 2310,000 16.16% 030 118 20 2 SII AM 143 20 City $373,020 540 000Mmertle Ave., Nooia 3110 Lake Ave, 800600Mev Gleosieaa 3,30% 5404.000 14.89% 13.91% 5581 N Nemlond Ave,, Mschorte 103514 Nertissnerl lighten0 Beak No Io Ryan Reid Leslie S Apt R4, Us torrk No io AOan 1210 Arbory Sor., ProdenOol Relosetor leo la Mosler Cooadoi' los Miriam Cloquali 2980,008 Hold. $065,000, MaroS 0 Mot, 211,000, Feb.24 Feb.55 571914000go 00e., Ann Ronch 1105 000ri000 St., Christopher O Solete to Aorte) Klontaeroo, SIhO,0U0, 705.28 Sohorelbs Io Jomes J000k Staoie Altos, 24621100 FeO, 25 M'otoPabv ForeClosure LOB0oS PARK RIDGE ny end omesbaroultoth SD 0F 05505V Forest Oleo WINNETKA ' Lircolnvood 2.87% $280,500 MOTADO 070er 3.36% $280,220 25,12% 215 54 5010,500 08.59% 257 60 Siles lloreoed P5th 206% 2.57% sorso 50000,..Proe 100roed00000l Cl Osai 05e005e eeseee 'orvOos500 loe 500 000 oe00050eo 0000mo F0000050 7m Lo! ero 000rsr 050e see Aerr00000000 av o re Oso 005000a ooeloroleo room 010000e e000bson ccoo le 0010e er05500aoreenaalsvr 90008nyoodnooa Itose 00009000 Avers! 50 elisvOn 1,500ml ooe05000e soll 01,00050955 00510G 0500.....................BOeOOeg ro vs eo 05 res eses lee005d 000v 0005000e. Or 50 nsoel00500000e000050500easrsol0505eI000eosvleotn buSC 000000 soi hosOe,MOB00000 .........00100 SSOee plow iv TOM 70MB 10 oumti 0050SLIKMMOLE LOW FAlCES ASn..09ieiSer000ai000S005109055imH0000eIsi Swore 00000 er 0050 asl.00.0000 brelso 050050Mo 0000 ove. 00550 1000e SorSo 0000015000, 5B005, 054500000e. seal s 000005005 05° restO IM0000 B 0500mB 450° "o-0e'.1 von, Sele0 00e l000.l5 00010e soA e000al0 00S 00004 sOteev rs lBS SB 394 42 bbnstlon scorn os0.00 000050,Olslyses, Oslo 0050ment 00000 coco rocIeMos r000S050. 30000e lesb000 01,0000, Osa505 B onceno 5100445005 0es rem non reeroel000d s yero sen Lsosnl aera 000 Ana 000v ohoepeg Cr050asI 0000 ose! 5.88% 5350,022 1507 Tresor Rood Thovao D Cookie 2,94% 5248.000 0W.99% 576 163 Fosos Is RoSerO Terkus Kelly 0115db 2.11% $617,000 4,91% 326 1M 505000'csiovsnIosSosaeacreed.seOaOOOOOstasOOOOaOIOOebosteo. o essor ocokOse0000er5000l0000hrsoloo 000lss.Lreos Ev00000...OeOO vino vis 00519 aSOlvo Arak roach 20.84% PaTh Midge 01676MB FMRMMOISME AN 75' LOTi 0m 1101rl comtes 10m Osco seI ass ten 00005 .,erkasn00100srlv000000eAelaosv000nlo Ole055r .05MM loor eoeo0500100h ea, Sosse us eSrcll 5279,580 10,66% BooBoo, 550S505 Feb.24 tvensovvr.noscyerc1o.o.o.evoseooeasl MIcO lb 6671ER THAN 663511 801100e, 2435000 March Z hlslioe Ratheonk, 5580,000, Feb. Tee Grid Otveden. MARINO REALTORS 0000 Dempster - Morlote Gruye (847) 967-5500 000010e 5v l2d SorB 00110001007010011 Lis Keoceth MooM 2549000, Feb.05 Ontu! toreo enrol-ho bdtokoo ostih mople cobwebs, u bogo liv- ing mow tush o sliding giaso door to lice holco' 20002011115015 lo PoeMeniok B naoo to ChFtetophern 8016000k The ucinO room on OTIS Silas Zone Tas Tardn000 Tools ardo drc000bioe lioso ioo$ore, 202 isocoreor unit and hes bean Trrshly poinled. lores. kitchen iv Oho booam000 ond 01mo-pacson ope. 01 hoy on opev hitohre, eoelOpmeet Inc IO Dacial BrOok 82,005 Tab 25 40611400k Path Ace., F000ie Mae lo niob S Le, 500800v MOoch - $319,000 8662 N. Ozark Ave., Nues Sab$a Saoloraere. 240,000 Feb. 6213 Marire M 6020e, 2400,300 BdgoibOe, 230000705,24 9734 NoMon Ave., Fedorel Hose Property features refinished hardwood floors $030,200 Feb.21 8170W Porlo Ave. Adt 405, PooBber to Scorge LAgldbOr Coleo Refurbished abode nousl iv Ortiary BoIballv, ModUok, 2lT4,000, Fr5,24 8909 Rallrlorte Ave., PoroivOl 0 Feb. Os 643 Poelsmoeri Ace., Oabeaiarr Pololo io lelooiore FrisIo WOMIe Pololo 2485500 MarcH 037 Flooeoeco Drive, Pederol home Loar ASS Corp to Zbigoier C Jabl005k't 2216000 Feb.25 HOT PROPERTIES 021828 PISKOC 242112 S Mople Ave. Apt tre, Is took Mola 00500 BooBoo 7671 N Olornedro Ave., Repace MORTON GROVE 3506 Meadow 1.000e, FlitS Third Saab Io 500rgoei Li Shuoc$piog Zhos $320000 bob. 25 645 Wondoro Road, 645 Wir6000 Lloiv Mitchell 1081398 Helee S you like OAK PARR M 01115000 Pelote to Foul 28M' 003001 Te000a N Reivordi, Fobaheri io F0080 Forooqi Ho' Juskoti Is Cliitiord P Msoue Jillion M Cocue, 5454500, Meros i 0400 Weedlned Ave., Month 55er 00401 Co 000etee Io Mobioto M000rkìeeico Fr790001 1139 WoodbioO Aso., Lasre000 F 960 Deere Drier Unit 615, lore, 005005 Feb28 1017W C000erot. Bobsrt S L0o60, 2180000. Feb.28 22li3O00, Feb.24 Feb.05 $200000 Feb.24 647 MebnopnlAee WoO OrA 211 0A00, Vicornl R 57516 Oriole Ave., Toi Notional Uckeroroelot ro Lacras Phillipe, 2653 Crreee006 Drive, Toll lIlo Tocober io Okior LebyedyeO, Stcloeish lo Airoolen A codo, cero MIS Corp to Lerreire C Ccr' 000 Grdrodollos Corpeo 700400cc, 5i15000, Feb.24 4212 N Nowneotle Ave., Sophie 88389er, 8150000. Feb.25 2541 E Cimreh St., Wooer Sr recel ir Hoshida lr(000, 5182,020, 330 0050e Drive, 80 Sorb Ma Cortos, $1,200,000 Feb.20 701 Foresm 5900000 ReG 564,5cl Editom Jaremy Mehnitker i JaromylMbboabovhnppre.00m Secolo 100von o04006eo asedo ee000rrO 5e 0005080 io OsOs eleSse 010501010100500 Uooson eousoe, 00.00;! ososos olas..........................................................505B4O5510 14 NIL' THURSDAY, 888tH Ii, lIli www.pioneerlocaLcom AGWS f PifNefR PESI PIBL1C8I1IN 'NIL neWs 15 TOCKIGI CITY TOCHIGI PREFECTURE Morton Grove man faces aftermath of Japan disaster /2 Ay CATRRYN GRAN sg ra n@p io neerloa a lia n Restlessness grows And while many albis li-loado ere from muflidos olber thon Jnpan, sum cace ttayieg, "Soma at them hayo leill Empty shelves and lines toc gasoline are common in parts of Japon following liso March11 earthquake and tsunami, and subsequent OXI.NC NICHT. nomo of them romain," Nel- son sold, "I eau thinh aloi least threa penpie living in loss of electrical oatpoO. Torn-up roads inhibit the ability to tmospoct food and TochigiPcofevlucewhohauo already relureod to their fuel supplies, aaoording ta former Marsos G roca ras- "Qoite u few others have ident Coo-p Nelson, robo hot trova led to Osolou, tigor'ing been leaching in Japan lar about 31/f l'ours. thuth faronoagh away Pro- Gotha dey aloha 8.9-mag- atore oes/loan as Ibis elba- pie aro gattiug mora end nitude quake jrìst kif the Oust ero coast al Japan, tian 27-pour-old said ha ones io The city is about 152 miles "A cinse friend of minata Talq'o, who's lived in Jopan for over ot'ghl years, admiltad that hato templad to labe Iba U.S. up on ils affatto If y noli050ls ohi ofJapon, Peononoily, l'se slaying bern Ito oonay from the epicaater, my opislion that the situa. about hoi/coop balwean lion mill be rosalvad 00000 1hrecuad Tutoya. "We still fall a alu-pointsomething quake," ha said. "They evacuated Iba school aud rvithout further mai- aller Iba mala quohe. Asd oltre Ihr liraI uftarshock, they made all the otodants liar op by hamac-00m oat- lion received in Toeb/gi City hin ainsseaum in Toohigi 8honuo Nigh Echuol is Toohigi City, Tochigi Parfactura - nido Iba oohooi. "Thro Wa checked Io mob e aura ali the slad000s wore accauntad fon They wora, aod there were aaleEaildiags is Torhigi City otiil ao'e stili otanding, though falling turo couard soma roof damaga and same buildings suflered cosmetic damage, hr sold. "Thareh a ial of orario os walls," Maison said. "Asd buying certain things in nIaras is onarly impossible. "fu the snprrsnarhots, the broad aislas ara amply asd iba aisles with noodles in cups nra ampty." U'oiiet paper is source, an io bottled malar, hassid. "I mast shopping this morning iMaach 18/, and I got suma things," ho sold. "The obers have signs lilia people ore allowed one bot- tle of muter or twacaptof donI." A000rdiug toalocal nema. papeo the amount al mdb- is nompareblr ta anna-way 8ighI team Japoor to New Lors line opios nose tos e elio "One of the starr clerks naked if/the costomarl uaonghalfoflhair lighting, Yodo, he sold, could reud." Eottrries ao-e impassible logad, and lines ai gasoline stati ans ora blochs-lang, loe added. us wall oo ochools. "Eulliag bloolcoalo am conit'suing." arc auparirnoing difdouily site is posting daily radiat'eon resalte an their home page," ha seid. "In Nana, o oily in the north, the radiation 10.03 minrngn/hl an People living fac'lhernor'Oh obaylug warn, Nel son said. "Many Jap000te people heat hamds and ochnois, mina included, milk Power shortage On top of shortages at the ganoery sturo Nelson said hais dealing with olauctagas of riactricity os tha Japon- esa pomar company bao bora instituting railing blachuoto. "Tho pomar grid is heavily laaed" dur Io iba drap in poseer geoerotodbyJapnab nuclear-energy piosts, he Sonsa oteloes is Instill ClIp arr anioN ni ncc al shoppers' fono/te rests - sups nf readies. Covi/hotel photo haven't fully decided," he "Today Ihr power was aal aaid, nuling ihot no classes fram 6o20 201g n.m.," ha said. "Tomorrow it'll bannt fram fr22 p.m. Sol ano." Classes hove yet to resumo us Iba trais systoes still isn't roostog normally, 14-18. noadlos. Eat ittoerol was still Nain an reportad. someone taping to toboSO bottias uf waten celad at my school unlil Molona noeed'udth siasgh: IMarchi 24lh, although they "Glosses hava beacons- nonvenad March "Many of toy students rely "Still, Ike Japanana governmani is askingpaopie to use lens eleclricity, mlhaus shul oli healing entirely in my apurtmaut und hava barn Is Tochigi City ohrovaath5g da- cloihing pIsa 001ro bionloals I'm far au mybad. "lt neems thai moal peo- echas bean about "PertanateIP mangIo soalh whore I don't houa ta marry about (roastog tempacataras," he said. throwing oc asIr-a loyers of ple ora complying ostlb lhaoa sequesto. Supermarkeis mod aunveor is ncc s toces a re on iy "TactsgiPcefaclaro's web- Macoh 17th ovos aquino lent 101/57th ola chant X-ray. In lipoma, o city is the soulh Itarasase henters," ha sold. "Jopan has niclually sa colorai deposits of basil lucio, so tha country reilen anticalyon import. "Bacausa manycoodsara closed and many train linen oftha pralnotare, it was 0.10 have stopped, il's keen diffi- in Jo pasara hoppeeing a cuit geltiug gasolina and katnnoee across iba country In Tuchigi Clip mile-lang linao fac-m outside ofgus sta- liuou which urtually hava gosollee in starb. "Thesislionnl'ile pur. chona ta only 2,228 per ioboul $24.50i," ho 000110- usd, "f°oupla ore haciag trouble gattiog fuello kaue iheir howan. Especially in the pmfaoluaes moni affect- ed by bbc earlhqsahe and mioanliv/h, or 1/600th ala oioast X-top Tbcorare bordIp lethal lavais, "Is a nutshell, 'Let's-gelthr-hrll-ootts-harol' coscar'- sedase batwoan foreigners lot," ho added, We mn olI get- ling prosunar from family mambers, who hava boon syotohiogsanoatioaalioed caparee on Tty tu faons. Farla- nalely, my family seams to 'copero my dorisian to slay sad trust my judgment." But he's preparad lo leave, TAP PRAIA» Nafro Sane beleg figlie Night Joder Miaharl Net0000gh heut Pies a lebst eppeesotjooiorPealsliska. leaSt-platt loot ABOVE- Osano Casey fil055jal at Deaoir BIstec ieo 161-poled test. I "S'vo been carefully mon- itoriag ehe news," ho said. "Aed Ihavo noy aweegenoy hit reudy ill haca to evoco- Isolai Pelos Slicks's inca gels sqaeeeel Ip tppsnerri lyle Csspnr's inaes. LEFT- Photos by Joel Lerner Sun-Times Media 16 NIL' 0lltEffAO, MORPH 31, 1011 neWs CRIME BRIEF Perfect Turf Pedaateiae iejeeed ira panaDo nneatuoyrnaaad ACtninegowonnc000k legadly iotouieuted trhoo hie DVI learaideret CspletsCasatsdecpb,gSssuiee 847-318-0943 Rseldasrtal&fosnsresnlsl WesklyMineceseec &Asfdisso ISo dceaAs'sslnfsle Aeration Power Rake SpringCleanup votniole etnoek nod iojened o pedeotrieo inuuinnnnyorol' REASON od Mourn Toorroltip, Cook Coon5 OmenS's Police re' pnrtod. POLICE BLOTTER Thefoflewiog incidents wem PIONEER PRESS CALL 847.486.7300 holed ira rOe ofjteiof reporte of fiar Nifes Police Drpoi'hnnrat. Rendaeo mndndedtlaoeort erred dono noi cortefitufe n ffndingofgcif( Onlyonourtof reX nenrrortretltttdetemaino' MOtlEY MISSING A etere owner snid three dopeeits toluliog $12,099, wodu between took. i end Presto was eheeged mitin urgeuvuted dnioittg render the ingoenex, poker raid, Etc YOU SAY Foundation dinner benefits programs at District 207 Cook Conroiy Pelt with bend set ti $20,000. ESe nubseqeent Court deten enes Maroto ti' tien 7900 block of Milwaukee Avnene.ThovalneefeuehOg- VEHICLE THEFT meet intoMurehelt's deportwest store on the 52X0 blech Oomeonespnoy.puiotnd otGolfRntd ond titer two googgrulglinoithblookupnoy hours whon oho nome ont fo poiotbrke'eeo Mnr'rh it tod Murcia 17 to tino Peono oftho nintim's iowoin005e no ihn 8X07 block of Wed Lyons Ac' lloweooe used t'od cod groen spray pulci to pot gorg.reloted greSiti on the tooet nido of u buildiog be' frecen MomIa XX ond Morde 24 on the 7X00 block of MilnnooheeAoeeue. Semence siete tmn 5g- the parking let her schiele mus miesing, potine sold. THEFt A t4'yeur-otd boy seid to' other boy put treo gotees to bishoehpuehenMurehi7be' luedisgegreot thet urixrie $t,795, brought uHolncensi sar- WARRANT ARREST vicomte Meise Onaib te xx000nt hen knerlrrndiog yet uphltiag story of Pedro Cteueeu, 24, of 2011 Piene SI., Des Plomes, wee or'- oenr'ege at nyonngege. it mill be ending the resiedMtrnhi4 forareioilikeit mumreot, Thu Dee reheolynersupponilog Plumes Police Deporimeet sotignd the Riles Pollee Depertmnntthotenuspeetnnts in their nuslndy 00e Nifes morroni, His marease nennt meurt date is Aprii 26. foto he endled Otee Public Li' Patrick Menas, 61, of 1912 Counttund Ace,, Parla Ridge, brary os ihn 0900 bloch of wuserretted Macnb lOon Oublon, TIar boy wlao is eus- sutpicionnfdcintngawdenthe iralloencnofeleehot,fiiebond pentednfstrulingfhegnrwes, is out ullomed buch in ike li' brecy fer os uoepertged pr- The Meine Theonship Efigh ilehoei Olslrtet 207 Edunetinnat Feundotino begun the nrhoel peen m'hnesbebetosMemnhigncd March 21 from ilaeEuropeen fmponlf ted Gifle tiore on The victim no Moech 22 GRAFFITI clod nl bene, pollee seid. Horns Bunk orn the 7000 mur crocI $t,005, Rebase H pregnumo an diverse ase giese meuaie eneuted by Mumm Weal siedento uoder the guidance nf a ycefeselesaf meaaio artiatl u eoorh te'ip by Meine Root Oihed Lyceum siudeata te Cedur Rapids, Inwo, in eontisae their morta hnlpiogrennestraei botone Ian gend vintiwuL end the Apcil 58 centrI dote. return el the Maine Snath Czarnik oSer qudity progenwo for cil ages. We hove somntldng ter ymgtmam that nell he ceming dnrnr tint plyrlion Teso resi oowpoin io Weshiogion, P.C., et oetieoats, We want te thash Drin enerfoene and hune ou ht- Ccrhinurd freD PAVE 5 sleunton/enunnelor atunwy non einer pmgnenn eifhand, Oler tan tule mentales the tnaneut oui nlihe eneronwdbag sehnehn Whet le brui thons tine ponde in thot we cet new peat el a ntlkage thei nun noted es tirai pitee io ester u lewily in fOtO. Thot lato Ic lei you Ihei we can doing sowotiniog eight, dnean't ii? Also, loe hone loomed and ho' urtarmd them noiI he no pmgoon thai mill be oOewd neU Osneos, Judy Tyler, dormono Teenhtn end the Conetllntios, Teoso In DUX0 The Bed For Lif& Under This Unmade Bed, Is A Well Made Bed Uil bed3 Ore 777e32d equal. 0717 The DUX' Bed in peineeekingly handcrafted by European arrisent. OnlyThe DUX Bed Contains ehoueandu of muicleynred Swedish need springe eher dyesnrlcelly support your body, cradling if while you peacefully sleep, Only e DUX end le ereafed from fine maferiela, euch as resiLient Northern Pine, high fhresd roune coeeon end leseo heroesfed from the rubbereree. OnlyThe DCX ted le queliry uncounted. DLIXIA\Ä ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IN SLEEPING DUX lANA . CO 181 ChIC9O 610 N heaVe gercée 312.47N.0077 Haabbaed Woode 9X4 Green tayRead (Winnntlsa) 847.784.9321) roerlred Oto 9 iostnud nib to k Tlaey either opened opiociliuics or' cloend thorn of HghL We usked for etano bide when we nmdod to not' Boucen uey Work. We looked of dioewnt woys to suce money ihrnugh geleit Ihr fighting and eqdymeot. Wo Pol nor heorin together to nome op with tIte Itoat annoi. blu wane te reduce expenses without lcnrt'wg our pmgeawnu Wleatjaeaerfefetesell? Our new buebrem modede le wnnldeg nets nnui. We bonn been dele le beep our feet dortnt. We bonn coi inenruecA nay nl them for ihn pest Inno yetas nonn We um doing the nonne tIde year. We bonn now ted eon' tinco to opgeodn eqdpmernl und ontatido ploy trous, nnldeh uro t bg naine in nur mol' dones. We striCt bebe skit ne ceeooed our nonna Peek Petrol, nldntn i um very prond el, All Pork Petrol omployem um ulse 011as Peles Aundiiuye Iper- tennrtl filet hune gene lhreoghhoununtpne hours nf trotning This hou bmeght us mene pollee pmsteee, which lib thomogidy rmesr'ohad end diteneneA Safety erad un' colt7 bm olrroys benne petenity nf none end esIli wmdo ihnt mey Yaaeeaaaaeeaideet DG P,eleaaiee f mentieneal rortre thut f um the persidesl end generai muneger of Napteton Aulomoilne Oonlge Cirryslar Jeep dealetoldp sed mill be nom- brganenentom le Dus Plu'unet en Ceetwi asad Bernd Oued in Apri. f bene bore in Ihe eutomniim htduatmy fee meeren nur ponde oenekaur to Dsyrara,eturliogesapenlcc be laib Ion aE of the residenle. reesbtngcoee here ko Ndee Viral sae be does better Web, we utnmye wotoehiog for ensaye to hnprnnr tine dio- Inni New prngwmu, areno ideau seo ulweyc ai lire ihrefreni. We ship no Gp of pmgrsreas nf'ecud elsewhere. Wo hune many nene ideen and nod heoa mednenl reap may op tbenugb the maetto, lume Re-hued biue-eeiltc guy thet believes le loyalty und bud werk. Tegtthee you can't loll, Tom ube ce Ihr Riles Pelicu dcpw'gment noon Aanibuty ORcen and hune bren doloS itmf cieno 1992. RUSH DERMATOLOGY H hdtioltymm to nustody ei Munch 19, were wtssicg Irom block of Dempeire. IT reatuirilng enargery, potine TARGE I nD $99950 $7995* $8995* SPRING SPECiALS According In potine, Perot' Sd PrasIo, 5l, nl the 1X00 hineIn of West truing Peek Rood, tltout 0 p.m. Mwnln 7 mus dnining weston Church Otreti miner his nelniele struck u 20'yuoe.old Moine Tcrnnstrìy men et Lt renIe Anenne. The yndestniurn nuf' fered wultipto leg fmctuees, opiSion 8 PIXNLIR PEESI PXBLLC8TITN - NIL nther blunted, dedicated leanhrrs eche requeeled groelu mew the Disirict 207 tOonndalioo this yuan) With dislricl budget nuls, it in tea era innponleni theo ecer that the feendelion br ebie In enotinue the tradition le Maton Terosohip of eaa'inked edonatienof enpuxieonos fon all our otuAnnIe. To de Ihtt, hemenet we need le reneh out le Moine Rust, West end Oonth pomelo, aluwsi und local businesoes io contribute le thin alTert. toleenejelo no fer the Ola- Inlet 207 Ednealionul Peuedetios'a ihind Annual Bune2t Dinner en April 7 ut the Resenvond. To leurn worn ohnul the rorol, pueehoor tickets, er matee u ten-dednebbie donation, plenne vasti htlpof/titee.gnoglo.eeao/a/ muioe2Ol.un-g/f000detion/h LO Oknkie eeiar K. Deniah, MO,, PIeD. coed esorned nemnelolnf!s, lascia 5, Chasse, M.D. Beard Leelurrel eernarelaean Lady C. Dy, M.D. load escHaI naroarnlnoise Sheeeal Mehre, M.D. cosed cnnteu neruerelnairn vallonna ulairn, hen a si n err dit sasse TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT, PLEASE CALL 18471 568-9911. If 471f Aest Golf od., Ourec 11f, nkobie, Ill. nanneserely Innareo cee, nid Ornharl nhecpicg nell Pateieia Salarniber Mena inauranee piave accennaI. Park Ridge Chele, Gistriat VOT udlunnar appamnewemn beaters for rush earmaraloge muti ucrosreleac Rane, cseaaanlaar Rash nerwaralase leltlaca-emns lnoolsoa.u500 rsenlaaa.aran TEbIRO 7105 O OPEN HOUSE far Early ChulddeadAdrrsieeinm APRIL 15, 8:30 TO 10:30AM Vieil Preached, Kirtdnrgaorlrxe remad Fie-nt Greedn Edesaatienel Falaed8tioe Re-elect incumbeNts 'YOUCHIL b' As Eyurta sjhn to District 207 board CALL To MAKE H REODRVATIONe 847,966,3266 Libo robot public bedieu, Ihn boord of Mumm Terre. ship Nigh ileineol Olatnict 207 faced lowe difDnclt declames is reneol ynart. Dut ihut board han wude the 100gb ehoicrsned onnided going to enfneenduro, while ntill meintain- 0301 N Har/emdsrnoran, Niina, IL d0714 1mg high etoodua'de of onhiroement utMuioe Esni, Moler South uod Meinte WnsL Pen thut, f cob Ihm nelenu le Mtine Townahip loreelect incumbent keord neuembons Jnnnna Smaeen, Duma Pullue ucd taan Scllicea in she upcoming enheol haced eleeben. They have demonetruted the leadership uod cow- mmnn. ujHaeteef erg THE CAUSES AND TREATMENT OF LOW BACK PAIN Manera Dpitsesi, M.D., Paie Messleeell, will distese nausea ollao bask pain and Ifeallerel opTions eanileble. Lighi laffeshmegla, free, ISESDAY. APRIi 5.6-PPM DO YOU HAVE GASTRIC REFLUX? FrederiakEesenga, MD., Surgeon, nih dilecta ryapinee sf gaaleoaeaphegeel InIlac disease SIEDI and euigisaf apilone rath ea Ilsesefal Isshioelaaa Faedeplrte6er TIF) fer raie1, Lighl eel rsshnirenh, Fras, IIIMSD6Y. APR10 12.8.7TH witmrotnroded to guidr the district lathe peers te Jooeph S. llerrisgtoe CocIda Orase BREAST CANCER RECONSTRUCTION OPTIONS Sealing eilh a diagnnsit nf hcessl taesel cas he deoeefaimg, Tern Spsree, 0.5., Plsefis Ssrgnae, diesasena bfsasf rasonslrosien apfiess end shlnlnnliaee. li5hf refesihseo. Floe. IUESDAY . upeit 26.6-7PM RESURRECTION MEDICAL CENTER 7435 WEST SALCOTI AVENUe, CHICAGO Rraoeernat'an Hrolth Cam' il PIONEER PRESI PAILICOIIB1 - NIL NILES 1-IERALD-SPECrATOR Opinion lIStINI f111111 lithE 1511 Pseislishem John BarroW EsldtortaeChisvfs JoffWronvr Seasiorlielitort Cu000l Goddord Maasmgiasgsslilors Mott Solornitro unit ;stgtt lt lt otdstrlsntteetpertemsrtese How to reach us: We intim letters lotte editor Only sighed letters;lrcludíet aterece end daytime phone carrIer, veti le oseeiaeted lOF pUbïsstiefl. laeOtsetogebassestsioosnsttaotfbttst Hall ta: Letters to the Editor tiLes tletalt-lpettatohtutl Latest, idle 104,OakPerKlLtOtOl E-mail VILLAGE HOARD ENDORSEMENTS lOCO WORroS If the Nias Village Board closely resemble eli 1ko other es-sic laient TVstotines hirn The wisnar rsill mnsl stint httsdlihfstbrcnityedd storniert. lihaly have the fullnwing charceterislies: 11Be gond loobiugr Z. Ba young. JACK HIGGINS PAUL SASSONE the United for Better Goyarnmnnl Puesta, ehoosirg lisoeoop, things proioatoly one lu dispiore in favor of nvouidcorotieoumloprograsn sie edily. Village tinaece prenetota ohatteoges bu tin as stable Palchi i sam notenotabie iamb; all have done thob' shore In moya toiles forovard io the posa-Blanc ora. LoVeede in Iba sialrvurl old lion of the ereov; and Hanusiah, despite now rose ing andar the same en coso be nupacted io Sois economic otinoate; estentiel zonions coniisone tobe teliable; and noosE isropocta001 dios village vootinoos lo stove, stoovip bui nareiy, torvord a state ofupaesomos and hruoaosporanvy noi seen kn decades. The incumheola have carved honorubip in ocidev'isog Ikone things Bui the usdeeiably tong shadow of ex-Mayor NicholunBlan lomb antut Irderat prinon, nIB mown. dthuEvocasei5atas coronidaraliomn beyond comps- toot service. There ara broader nysoobotic mensuren noii tebe taken. Fortlontrenuonwe are mndornbogohaiienger Rosemaey Pol islet avec Alan Wed offeeed n toll-dme job cte sin-figure salary. Is ito publicity, the station love years ago, is salti a nays this mew upprnaelo to strong indepeedenlvoica. hieing n public oontosl may discover atoes. We have evesy cenpect foc Wart, und ta's difficult not In endnrse nomeooe who has dona the job eight. Altar ali, on careent wswhecn' watch, tise viiloga has uren tana opon hudgal processes, invited Bal I hava chunrh tho ultimats sviassee ovil pestty togs und instituted Iba landmark coda cf elbirn. But e liaota io ikis incnroo- boni ohais should be krohen to ananre Hilen ronsinnen, and necelorulas, Joe LaStete ond CIsela Haca- whene related saucy iou claie. For tha two-yeur term valuakie osseI when loving er000mic challenges. But Njlau is im prelly good Evening at lanes reveals courtesy to spare Tha current boned ja flunk wtih successtot lacci bnsjnmssmam libe Woel shape business-toise and Relired veteran aducutor and adminiatratarPaiichi's tolerant to the ndtage board we don't ser that chuogieg onyhime noon. Fatichi, moanwhiie, can CHERYL O'DOPWVAN wan aparhed a few years back when ehe opposad the bring tua ahepticol oye and un informed, independent enter connucted seither by appointment nov relationuhip Io the nid guard. Her yreaeoeo clore et the V011 MOM STORES AGAIN booed dable would have ne chunging tanes on Chieugo eaprousnoys and me wishing fer Oho millionth proposal le polar off-tmclo bell'wg facility in Riles. The canna mua lost, bat Faiiclsi'n interest im village govrrement wan not. Store then sha han regralorly attended niiiage board maattssgs, paid cInse altration to the isnues and npekass nut ecca when oho was Ilse lene dissenter, helpieg In bring Hiles ethics inonda to the fare- front. Au tar bar appanrats, all encilicg impact. We feel much the name way about Moenneb, whn impressen wiSh her bonsaiedge of niilage affaira and Sereoly indapendanl spins. Wo hope she asche appoinl- went to another uttago panel. Be slim. Hone that reginsless ercontlessaecsot distinguished only by the mahl Iityto pronounce enme Inng cnwels, sa thai Wrigley Field becnmes Wrigley Phd, end banana pesi heonwon basana pill. Thai nimm elimiasie wo sI palneliel appileosis. Nsoeclholsss, su many neod jobs, and e sho-figue O jab 0000ld liteeallyosveso many that bm soro boettes edil appbpWtillM must thinlo sa, tun. Orces se 75 somi-lmnolists u'iiihe issiled IO en om-sel-amn audition and to tobe o reritten test. Pcom thnt group, IO candidatos Ihn n will be valed os bysiewees. It's (nat puosible thotw ith vatoes waking the Onal Biology classroom focus should be on science eitiomn cowsavant et meet- atbicol peogeass. James Hyees ovar nowcnmmr Mary Morvseh. mont libes lbs ooitatoor'a work, ho ne she will ha political baceer hr eholtanged in hin mayoral ran tornee of the three fouryear soaia open on the board. The niher two fouryear seats would then go te we endorse ireuwbeel It may seam 1000mo a vcnoi taunt in this timo nf high uramplayntent, but WBBM, the CBS-owned TV station in this aran, is holding a contest Is select its seul tratSo eopnrton Anyoae interested can nubmit e 3ll-necnod'oidao to the stalina. The price is a theee-mastb rnnleoat far $155go. Rotation mannge- wamkarn of polisioul alote ihtue voitto its carrent Spring Break woe u nonstop carnival et wuseum admission dcloois, lime that I had remembered puper towels. Bell mus 100101e, t awurdad my y000gasl wilh Iba aserIad "Brai Performance by u Sapporlieg ilpilior" kocauso Ihe bree of Papst hr aitempled io pass io hin brulloar bed vol beam properly copped. Mid-week dudog apdsg brach, we moi hiendo ton n rearing feme of bowling. We ordei'ud pims cod pup, tthey could pose iuwnt000cce and npr-inlole imiioliuv cheese on eui'dhosed; iddn mould sull ccl ill, ilse loevagers and junior high sehnotern bowled, ioigh-fyed esd grouned when Iba ineciioblogutirr-bull buried dorm the luxe My vtdent had the moni interesting epproech. Ido spun, tripped and thou hurled ube bail. Spurting cuthasiasis dv'cori'hod idos cambinatise ola tripta 0x01 cod cc Olympic shot-pci made by a hulbiog Roman- The ball dcoppad with deetoniog farce, ceeehisg ugaieol Ike rsood panels nf the bowliog laso lihm an Acme boulder on Wile k. Coyote's toot. Thunderieg along Iba s seismic 110am engiea, thnt bawling ball dacimaled those pour pins. Teens eut, "hook" bawling is the key to nicihen. My nook veesioa woo woes Capteiu Hoob bawling, bacause he made the pine wulk iba pirosis. - Ter'riSed orighboring bouviers recited fur him Is tnish by nhaddrcimg bohisd SWAT rial sidalds. To our lati, omen bowlsd noIx. The older man moco shabby elolbas and loin yanto deooped. Pushing up his smudged glasses, Ire bushed at ene javixi c:'ood and seemed lonely Iworcied the toenogat's RANDY BLASER might ridianle him. Aller all, we lisa ice "Celabrily b. 105131 Appecatioc" round and ouiagnrine pmnplaaswt'0c0r5 I hold mykeecdr cvd walahod. My oldant san and Ido friends ward polito sed feiaediy Rvdo halter whuth God doieg in Ilse biologo riussrcem of Libertyvifiv High Sckaolf Shouldn'I we hove moved thara so my high srhaob age children could benefit from tiro Ieerhiogu ofMr. Scharfer? OK, ano keo rothiog Io do with the othen Gad probably doose'l micromanage wheec we live, as Wltes mo tirol considerad moving to LAico County trom the mentors sabaebo, bog aswe live inc woy ave nf the Ensarto mo liked eriy'ailbo, I 1kmh b would be mcc Litrerlyville. We teiod to bay ri bosse ubit toed alf itrmy children there, twice. Bet itjnst didn't warb out, su wo moved shit torthor maclb. AtIbo linse, we thinned it pleasing te him. But had we waved te Lib- moco sobjeatod to the touchbogs of MIt Schoctor an crm stioeism, whan I duped Just aboosliog gsme,l know, baLl think wy Sou wnn somalkisg biggov Abignil Van Borex avec naidt "The boot Indon ian was just God's ovili. New Osee this go y comed Seou Seheefor, who teaches biolugy st Libertyvillo High School, uond pernoabrhaeartrr ir (at class limeta toech amotionism nr mnybe he esiled it intebligont design. tom tu teach aboul ecli life, DNA, RNA, groetics, mitre ohoednic and tho chi-sqoseo - ali the stuOlO remowbor from biology viens. Ceeelinnr'aw, and ail the olhoealtoenatiser'deco of how bito gol started os this planel, does not beloog inc scienca biologo abuso otu Sa if it is God's will Ihst ova didn't osavo te Libertyvibbe, public higk schonb. Science is about absara- resproilod bomba treats people rabo com'i do him any goad, aed lb) bombe tracts poapid who nanI fight barb." 19 I got a bleeping shot at this job Break up slate's dominance on board of Trustees were t o con- news U /Jbt Our Goal... seleeuion )thnogh lam vary obeptìaeb aboal the finality 0f thaI selection pr'oeom), moyke, just moybe, sums eegolsr pernon wighl be hired. And um figuras So, hareh wy ooditioo: Your Complete Satisfaction. Central Air Conditioners and Furnaces "Thin is Paul Sensono witk Ihn stesI teofilo cepoet. All Ike msjer Pnofeuutosel lnntal(ation b3aurentned Low Poltron 24-Hucr Sorvice 36 Mnnth Finastcjvg Enengy Rebotwo are flunk mupransossys ore all %fi#&% an asuob. The fiioenhowee in pceticabarby ercypy Tb cee in on cccident nasthoand cene Kodeie thoth siasiRgal the whole buoy highway NoIorally it's an SUV. Why doms evcey aeaidnnt involve r OLIVI "Bot as god-owful es the 1ko la, you should see lbs Dan Ryan. Holy Tolodel rbtloo °,1$ll@%# messI "How ces you drivmrs stnnd bring oui in this %lio?&%$#? You most be - "Thio is Faul Sesanne with Iho latest trafIc refuel." You know, R thinh float might hayo a chance. l2OItN luollu':eiilonsi,drsGbuskieuslLÓOO25 ing end imeesiigadug suisrei pheenwenu. Il inoludes weyn to lent ard me500ne evideece. High flbt r 847S44.2289 - Srr,ne i 936 F t'i J school alud ruto neodin Idem this toondelion about semence in o high school cbosneoom. It is tho only place thoy ace going mn gel it, unbeus they go osto study it in aollego and beyond. I usant my children to gel Iheie basirnnderslmsdbsg of lbs science of biology in high snhoob. I dnn'tsvonl Ihot pert ollbeie secondary educotion cionded by some guy's persosoab belief in the goion of semence. I donI nace if the teneker helievet- that God ceeeled the erelb is ueven deyn, or if he kelieves that earth wan nrcnted by onme nnciesl olsth of the Titaron, nr lOhn believes theec omce won somothisg called Middle Barth, or if he tkiohn wo cee the offapdsg of some weicd alien sisbtalion. Wben il rnmco tu public education, I'm paging tor scianre. Let mo taha caca cf the wyntory bohiud it und the big qoeotions them 'i -i tl)011rd i1'Ittí) Is - (ill l'CIti) l'I IT'illl'lt - id huhn OSI? l'o ittrrltctjutins Pal -r 1h NIL' 01165550, MARS11 31, ttlt 20 urTo u l'ES .-\ u Same address, New borné. ELVATIONS -- NMl-i't' Unlocking the beau of discards 4 For Your Consideration I) '0E the Edge' 0cc/p lures and inslellnl/scs 09 oruro, 045m. 2/Ileso lu/rune, esCs tn/- A quartet of activities for the coming weak sera II Serien Sethseslere torerO tu. ee 04, 1999 Cango, Drino, soase/en Opec/sp rsouplisr, 0-s pn. Sissy. *% Apr/i ssnibir 'un, OroeSh Sels. "Heireprayt The Broad' way Meesieat," April t-10 ut Wiltaor Wright Colina,', Events Theater, 4200 N. Narragansett Ave., Chicago. Parformanoes ore ai 7:30 p.m. Apnit l-2 und April 0;10:30 sm. and 7,30 p.m. April 7-0; end 2p.m. ir Apra tO. $10, mOth dis- counts for senior, mod students. COO 17731 401-8037. 4 Weeks Later Another CurbEppeITM Success Story Jackie und Jim loved their neighborhood, schools and friends, but felt the exterior of their home didn't match the beauty of their interior and they didn't want to move. They heard about Elevations "CurbEppoar" plan and defided to call. Elevations Exterior Renovation Specialist provided: Free Dehogn Consultation Prepared Color Rendering s Hassle Free Estimate 0% Financing' Elevations brought a plan and a price they couldn't retuve, wf h a timeline that matched their needs.... Elevations gane them the same address, new home. lt all begins with a FREE consultation with an expert designer: 888-616-4686 J LonlnwOndl/O,o5 SeSgo Srea000m 6520 N. u900irvacad I tOen MOO -80.8-5 Sun by appt. NapuSile Sorne 005go Slmomcm 276eAuraaAan., Nnpure0e croen Mon-SC S-5. Sun, by appn UPTO$3OOO IN FREE ACCESSORIES INCLUDING windows, doors, shutters, columns, railings, etc. rp' Ø 12 Months Same as Cash(D& 0% INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR EL 'VATIONS canEn100 RENOVATIONS FOR YOUR HOME A/rau Fm/pC wy 'awanveu, FOR QUALIFIED tNDIVIDUALS50' EXTERIOR MAltEO VERS WINDOWS I 000ES i SIDING I ora,onr,eeneno,seenenrusdeaee,eea5100nee,aeeemaac$sdVoareMS000eses/ues5011 "o.wsalmn,e/eae:oefou,oe,ume,,ewrare,,/enounun eine ese POF1TICOS ru/eco /erinsneOaVsO .neereraonueemrefuIcse&Ia0seeeeeueees,eseouss,naeoessooeerneponre.eaneeap»/e voues /z.nnseaesAraIaueecaunueuawaeacossw0aueiOcounueioe,.ssenmcra, rueoeceasa, urns,eO(0e Oese 1028 ornee "The Freshman," sie,ring Olacald Lloyd, ovili br sleown nI 7 p.m. Apr/17 os puri of Ike "Legends of Laugbirr" 01m serias ut the Pork Ridge Publio Library, 000. Poospeot Ave., Porlo Ridge. Pere. Coil (0471 820-3123 nr visit o'ww.paokcidgetibooc-y.urg. fly MYRNA PETLICKI CorIn/lilor ta a titIle nbsdio tuekrd emey ho the basement of a bn0ding on Ihn oampsn al Narth Park University in Chiougo, ertistNnenna Instiluln of Ch/acea, 1480 Chicago Ave., 0000slon. $30; $00 mr senior cilirens and utadents; $10 far chitdono. Cell 18471 302.0080 arnie/I moren.lateenidesiaigers.00m. rbnpeeuesse4' sonated Oren found calen/a/e by Nnenna Odore Ohnre trans othre people's disenrds vio marks eAsel. "On thy Odge," en reh/bit nf her strang yet delicate looking sonlotuces, is an displey ut Northwestern Uninacsi5r's 0/immer Oelleoy thrsuah Muy t. Nigerian-born Oho,v, onha liven/n Morton Orare, cons/den's heo,elf u Chiougn urlino. She onme lo Ibis enuolcy in 200210 aImed gc-udnutesohooL After anon:ogun M.A. nnd M.00A. le sculplsre from the Univeo'siiyuflnnca, skrlo/ned Norlh Peo'k sin yro,'o ogn, onhuoe oho is an aosistunt poofe.osor cod aba/c of the Ac-I Dop001meet. 4G Morton Scese sr//sl Norme tIere enpased to tIer saturul enuirunmerl in my common/In" 0kocerelelcd, Despilo her canead/oc la Chicogo, Ihe ovnis of us she sel in her second 0000 afOce ut North Puck Okoo'e's orf ao-e/o Nsuhho, Un/version "She t'sire Ikult cumcmber' Ike musi ukoul bei/rea cicild mes iba smell un/oece/lp lawn in Niger/o wloom n'se anew upon Irre aol/si's s/ui,ment, Oho ce on001e, "Of ill The Leheside Singers lerosOnt "I'll Kenne IlWl,en O Hoer to," songa by o/aso/cal und popular composerS, 018 p.m. AprilI in Niohols Concert Ho/i at The Music - ROOFING u Chtoeo e seppetle presents "Chicago, Ch/rugo," u osrosical roar of the Wmdy Cita stO p.m. Ape/I 2/o ihe Nichols C000ert Hull ut iho Munie tosi/mie of Chioego, 1480 Chicugo Ave, Ovens/on. $30 for prefrrerd seating, $00 for general admission, $10 farsee/ore; and $10 tar sludests. Cull 17721 71s- /8471 491-2141 5/ cunensrosc,,0sss/urs udc(d:lleuop/p. the ospecis of raout life 1h01 inspicod me, the use of 4ocoacdud obirois und found meter/eis in copicrg with poor e000nmia curd/lions, bed Ike most pro. ïosod ionp000 nnmo. It/s cr0eoled in the n/non1 conlret coud imogeOp of mp Entranced by textures "Ace child, twusoeo'y o'o:rming oulsido end onpicoing lIon os/I end loo/o/e gol oego/s lion und being ouucoorod by ihe cango of luul0005 Ihal wore conand me." Thmo momoc/OS slap oc/Ib O/soro. "Socolo lime ihat t wed lobs connuca, o oun'i help bel belog Inoocord tionso 1k/ugo," sion Okorn buds ocarywleece far molecicln foc bec accip. tures - helping beep the oily olean in l'se pounces. "t "1/creI," e soliflue by Nnrnrs Olor, wulk eround end pink them np unI gn," she sold, noting Ihel luonOans/nolode stonaI, and perhs. ASeo she gelbere these scoops nf pupeo; slicks, newspapers, Obers, leones ned nlher and gol osludin, end hood up peer en del/cale es Ihn lime und room to think chaut Ike body of mook I spider webs bss messopoidnglp sturdy 00055moliuns. Often Ihn artist uses faud siurob On slrnngtben Ihr melariols che combines meo da/ng for gr:eduuto School, t began tu 1kmh ebocotmppeolnupno'ieorcen es/merinOs, "i try Io - the ieuiures thut Owes drcoo'nto. theganto combine thrm to muhe ouploon d/flernnl materiols iham col/ceo un/otenilOable," she seid. Okore, who courbe ive ond lop dimnnoens llrings." oumbrr of med/ums, bon boon onplooing Ihn Orson of dinoarded ilems lirrooghnoi her ccoerr hal/b hes h000meantrocg Sudan Oho IonI One pnuos. Befare com- pleting grodaule school, lion not/st suid, "t wee leogely ,voobioog rn/tb roop- oled popno ond recyalod plont/o. When 1000dsutad in bco muoio. Okuoe'ssoulpssres have bono enloibiled widely ho goilcoics cod mnsecms cornos lire onnnlrp mcd Goint natural Okuo'r'e gool in Io "try lo conneo-5 Ike poopec und 1ko funnel chinois ll,nt I discover bach into e//rio orotumi steIn." Tb/s is appeon/olinono piece wade of discao'dod paper and tm/go Ihul loare been tocesfoomed lola colocO looks like a sodico cf treo book. Olknr pincos Olor loOr/ocie marks cetreel bulb her early mcmorlon ofNigrr'io and her ounce/u wilb thc future perlioulooty the muy meare depidliag ihnrccniruoment. Mccc lhnnsooylhin0 lhosgh, Ihrpuro 005neing dr001i005 1h01 ceo direct liso dyes noci emir/he imegi- ny iThreri DIC THURS008, OlAf's Dl, 2011 FAMILY FRIENDLY MOVIE REVIEW 'Schoolhouse Rock' gang brings life to learning FRIDAY APRIL 15 8:00 Growing pains Irij,' ny noncE tienen Pliso ChIll Cas rit o Io r You huaso the story cl the littla Dutch boy who saved his caantry by sticking his fingec in a Irahing dilre? That hid had it reap You'ne got a lrahisg diha, you've got a Yngec - it's a duh, sight? Simple problem; simple nolation. Potrrtnen-peer-rid Michial, thu aso cgo meyor inc small tnosst oeaopied by Germaan Welsh, who has pocformad with TIea0ooborn Chicago's towing prodoction Ihr Ave years. Thalh hansom many oflhom camemberthe Emmy award-winning lADOs cartoon socios on which the show is hosed. TIcocu at will be stiedog op mew orlas of the joyful, educational show, li um. usd1 p.m. Sunday April A atNooth Rhone Cenino foc the Parformiag Acts in daring Woeld War If, bet sa lucky Heu gotta dual with searecy, moral ambi- "I play Geoogo,wloois hind of Siso leadoc of the g g Victim clGrovity" und "I'm Jast a Bill." "Achoollcouso" versean Walala most nnjnyn the rnosical'e audiesoa internaUns."Il'a roch a playlul shoov," he said. "It's not just as telling them asleep ab cota pdscess. We're edocaliog thrm about 'Grammar Roch' aod moco iavolriog them no thin journey" - ' R 'Achaalhease RaaH [ladis les far pereefs end hide. langadgas daring a pragram npouaoccd by Nues North High Rehool, un part of a project peo- motiegbiliagaal student eights. Poe delaila, cull 12471 003-1234 or visit mvsvnvileslibeacy.oeg. Sister act Advasturous, mtschinroua Rumova Qaimby has to help rara bce fumily's Itoma is "Sumaca and Beesas," a Aim aboat the twa rielera, which is bused on Asnos-lp Claar-y'n beat- Tichota arc 018. aelliog houka. The 103- Por debile, call mioulo, 0-ruled Mosday 181711173-0000 or niait cessannorlhshorecenlacorg. Melting pot Kids ages D-7 will be ospoeed ta Spunhh, Preach, Gecman, Mandado and Hebrow daring a Maltiliegaal Reading tAaar; 10 am-noon, Satorday April 201 the Hilas Poblic Librucy, 0000 W Oahton At. Childrco'a boolrs will he ociad noi and c-cad in ticeaa From/s Fiais, Bissger$ ßtV3D7Q/3ATIAfY 847e673.9700 Ike SiRS pOre 5f resislarre Macli/s Lekamees is 'WinIer iv Oaslime wreckage fnr ocal utofi with hua brot lebend l"Loola, beuinal" lbs othee boy ahuate, holding apa gory pilot's helmoti, bot sabseqarot eveats udii geodoully draw Miehial inta ataca dicuot incaIca- gaitg sldfticgperspnatices Skokie, 0501 Alcalde Blvd. g Steako, Chopo, eabdrbcs essgeervsddraae se shame, * * * 1/3 Rock Livel" raid Hais I sodoma asnh mesh sr Dineesiase es derme psrfermennea cemleg sees se WINTER in WARTIME Grownups get as oclhosiastir os the bids in the audience during periocmuncen of"Achoolhoum ffid Pliclo raill las accessed alADO p.m., Apr-ill, at Lincolccvnod Pabilo Libeacy 4000 W Pratt Am. Fur detallo, call 18471 fr771177 or viali wceoo.liscola_ rvoodlibrncyocg. Fun witt your little one Yancas engagayoar toddlaror peascheolec in cecciiveactioitiaa while enjoyleg t'so company of other parents andhids dactag Discovery Days, 10thOR uso. Friday, Apr-il Yet fha Fach Ridge Fablic Libraey, DOS. Peospact Ayo. Thcre mill be cenit prajects, games and mare at the April seasiasolthie monthly drop-isa program. Par detutla, call 18471 SAS-3123 arvinil svcnmparhtidgaltbracyoeg. Talented teens make music Pianist James Stionhoct, aNew Teler High Achool 1051er, and vielleist Michaela Wellems, asophsmore at Adlat S. Slovensos High School, are the faulured perfarmern at the A-4;AO p.m. Sardey April 3, Yuaeg Steinway Conosci al the Shuhia Poblio LibrucO SAIS Oahlae At. Hearing these prisawinntng passi perfocnrers should inapira your bids to karp pcaolioieg. Por details, call 18471 073 7774 or visit oceoro.skohtclr hsacy.infs. on rea lily and the stubbarn refusal uf events ta conform to his ideas about reuper hernin babador dariog mactime. All et a time when his biggest woecy should ha vvhnthac or not there's a pimple cmceging na nor tip of his Rosed mn on antobiagcapldcal children's novel by ooclrar physleist/politi- naturally idulrues the meals his towns who fight the Oermans Os part of the Patch cesistasee mavamant, hn ta coatrmptonua of his father Johon's moyoeal polloy of oaeefolly ovaighed cooperation with the urcawhich allows him piers to eegotiate un behalf of the torvo. Poise's thcilled whenuseeret wessuga don/author Jan Teeluam, "Wintec in Wactime" is he's uslrnd to deli ver aveu- rasantiellyMtchicl's young, wuandad Settish pilot sawed Jack IJamic Campbell Rowed, who's beau hiddrn in the reouds by the ranistuece. Asrd he dacides to help the man eseupr, deapile the army uf German saldi err avhe herab res aiea-lsd that Jactais somewhere io the cawing-of-age Ifac tea soual stacy one that satisiles oc many layais, doapite a closing shot that underoutu the appurent point uf it all. Admirably crafted byrneiter/direetor Merlin Koollracen ire musser that eaframea tha slurp fur adalts, "Winter" masa whopping hit le the Natherlands and ita shortlittrd entep for this yase's Academy Awards. Mirhiel IMartija Labemelerl still sleeps with model aicplanes sanglaS irom the ceiling, when o ceal plane, a British Oghter going doms is fames, crashes lathe moods oeurby is the cpeuisg scese. Hia first rcactiou is te comb the B3 Your passion is ourpassiOn. m,,eieals. sesncrss, end scenici Can;mt By CR011A PETLICIC1 gang," Walsh asid. "Wo try und boost Tom's morale because it's his fieri doy of leaching." Tha "gong" leeches Tornio win over his ataderOs by combining leacning and maslo through sank s soga as "Cunjunction Jsnotion," "A diversisns A PIONIER AfRO EAtLICATIAN 'lic I bully luads him tea Nuw tiret mighl seand luce as almost Snger'-in- the-diha stcaightfurward proposition, bol lire story which i s socs from Michirlh point uf view, la oontbsoolly romplicurrd by tire fuot that theeeh oReo a sigoihicont discrepancy betwacs the maybe seca things end the muy tiriags ceally are. Sagisciag with the situadon at home, mkecr Miohiel disdains his father IRaymood Thurp a stand-cut in a genenully impresoive casti and mor' ships his Uncir Srs lYoricis vas Wagerlegen), an appareaf beco of tho "Winter" ganeralip doce a good job undncscurreg that life is seldom us simple 05 wa copees it to be. The Oermun soldiers occupying tire lawn, for osawplr Imust of them, _=çsesu Ñewspapers REASON FAR-REACHiNG Diversons PIONEER Piuss CALL aae,ass-eses Ccii (047) 486-9300 cm laboc,rbe, lilao Jacir, not mock oidor than Michiell, ore not / dopictad os nyu Bends lthorrgh tbsp ade certainly willing logan paoplo down in the stesati. In fact, 00e oï them saves Mirhiel's lifa alose point - un event Ira r bSi,c Osds peofuandly embarrassing. Therein olsa u pacticulurly rloqurnt scene in which Johns tnuehau Michirl to shave, the eboloss weemth uf tkeie hued dispelIinb muweoturuly the hop's edolescestoreclay of Mictnial eveulutoy gets oli of l'sa eucitement and edeantace hr pearsu for, Ihoagh it romea ato terrible cost osd cames hand is hand mith outright ter-r-un Michiel reantualip gata his wiah aboal gcawisgap, ulso, though the enent tIraI ilsahly modos him tarvard manhood iso shaokieg and teugie development. And when ho gots threr, he finds sollt's uot saurly as much lusas he imag- -o Schiller Pork 847-78-28OO wna'w.tusconosreslfluront,cem 4fl6 N. River Rd. B4 dverBoos DIC THL1000y, MOOCH 0/201/ B PONE) PRESS PUBLICBT)00 'DIC FILM CLIPS Newspapers REASON #5 TARGETED J(. 4610m h Idse50050A000Uo 5500w000Hsighus Phrase: 708-861-4072 5 TACOS FOR $5.00 5 Crispy Corn Shell Tacos CR500 of beef, abiches 0e posh HOP 10400 taseags Baster Bonny? Ito sdsl05005t son (Russell Brand) oloho mr rosin (005db o prsbsbly )h050bslrlolluo cl Greg doblo ut tie Big Bunny (eaves hoes turo' aOvo bio dream nl drove nya brIm' merlus) es ho's about to (she novo CANDY; CHICKS & ROCK0N' ROLL seleretet 06(10 nomad) Bato? PG SOURCE COSE opio bed birruelt io the body otan' vl)or mae, with a mlue:oe toun000 orlOn idenhty vta bowbor redo has (t(eat0000(v blues? o rani Our 045 JOOOO ("Moss") d,rrnted (du od't, thriBen lot rr,ni yaled R011 tor somos siesos ien(udihp disturb' os os osundo 015000050 0gO Out 01 Conto eny'J t'nsntad ho 000rody, oorre(htsg/ oepheulvrng Ihr moO so ore'bueors sed 5000050/ dsyyob beued no lbs mego'unll'sg sonco st lom000l Eddin'O 0)600) ve' oipoosvslovlow'oyer 00000120rIra pooduolty OppIhy Its bnl night gogo, sod the sbony 0005 00101 young sdoli tools. SUCRER PUNCH yt(sn lorry (00000 OPlO 00 voy tuo by bon soil stnptothon a 0)01 )Oust051ar aot0000 Belly Booming) in lsoa msrdoO ho muy comet not Ihm Sloan girl mi/h an so)huoia000 haYo 0600,100 vr boo nonturod or Iondnsso 01 highly )rugina050 nunnasy morid and di50000m it may Otilad bn ove st s 000sty s/bad puys, w dons o by lys hIT ons mon 0000mo loll /104 mIel soled BIn, vr venlhnol tnrlunalnly loo Ebbs, 50000, OnO 00mo doug usw hold (he hoy to hon trssdoe Zonk Onydor "300 lOren(r) thu (untasy utner(une Bated PO/O tsr thsma(io 00)0051 inonbo'ing ueouslity, nm rove oui oonrbst usgoenoes, ord torlos' OsOSO. CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THEATERS AND S010WTIMES aioiIs'T ((nap iOiifl OsarOP 0000 Os suBis (4004e) cobo) hy 00100mo woslih andan mr'.ouno(h'oos'oo5'1:oo'0000 PT-I0000.OSO 0lO-050't:bO-OOSO 005'T)ons,SiO'SOOeOS 500'Tlomo.Ille'Oop'OIS'r?p CERTIFIED COPY IRR) THE RIRES SPEECH IR) /d'OuoOOS'ZOO 500Es Fr Ss00005'015'005/051355 050'Thu 1500001000 bollo s:l000'ljn'O(O'?OI Aynorp goosonsos lots othiu 110001v Con)nsntol (entonetoet 1:001(01 1000rty 11)115 lad Boa? into sproalno 051011)0 bash oost 001ml ho getv et0011 up in 10e once ola Pthllppn) a500050 o/oope and nl' lmwpled morbo hod bsg000 lo thiel boiront might volusity be 100000ml let tsr oogitaysg (hrvuyh obro intro- with o doabO does ido "Tho linnobo (awbsf' eta r'ts'etd' Bmd(ey Cooper pIsto 10:100 irriter 0050)0,) it 00) F5h,0OiOO/y orIgino) - Eddie Morra, 0h00 41000 Ihr 00000v nur horns oloesInjos ohoutlsor, ho t o raine his bruiepomer beyond nal' booI'boddy ',esso! 40100 Itlilloro y. oulatlos nIto ev oopenimrnlal dolT bsoed orso vutsbisgraptiost nih vallad OZI, Lrl00000tvly OZIo meen 04000605 50e elneotulnol540 addrollnr oslerded 1100000(0 biulot dire' puip leo)um)ng ohvtvntorv Oho Mosyl ho ado/op 050:/s with ber onto Iltorloulomeil bot Zoom Oro (001,005 boro orI 10000 )'itBb -. I 005 1010101 Ido) IsolI 000 Ol000B Ososo Buniomsd ir this uso(ive tir Outot orth uu86(lssJ Baled B ton ml(tdwnal vtrop(omv, murderous sayo ostro m,lnonn cOrd, ths plot y000elono, tolti evo corporale woop' Io sorno losgoags. 04(000 und general paoaOoia. On the 000 orO Ihn pose ne000 115go IOU OlIno bord, you dogs) (o en/ny un' mitro mor dIn nuuosro 050ko to could 0500000 lB» ISO ein) yaled BI00050000,o,oroo, 6mo) 050lont art looguogo 01Okt sOcapO lo mop nOs p0050. nlolbyonne Ihn) suona lO gioco 000illeuu'a mIll) at 10501 nl weiyhly msral/Bh'lsoophunvneooud' pnrus OB, wimpy Crag asO bru nor soaliono luhould 0500 ubouldnl On meeting olden bont)nr P500:5k NonnO Oireunor bsl( sorgen ITOu * * vg 00e 1100100 000000 Moor umolo:N50000000tr INSIDIOUS (PC IO) lodoso) 050:15 0:0Ottl'OOu 00m Tu0S,T0u00 005/13 105) tlolO'OiO'000'7i5 u MAAS REEDS MOMS B young hoy lenion 011511 L,snol 10)00101 barril) nomody RoOd PG tolod'll entiso ved pndi REE 0101MO 11000 los wedinosl olil000, 00000g girl 10mar05 IsIlliedlo who heu /0110010 10000)00 P000 emon000ltso Inenalo OrnE )hOI'S:SS'OOO'LgO THE AEJUSTMENT BUREAU (9G-13) Fr 030115005 let 00: 1500000500 f109 00 ' SUCKER PONCIl IrA-53) /005001100051 0057.10 050 55e' hsnO'0l20'Z0S'000'5IS ' 051 I000'040'/Db'/15 LIMITLESS )PA-13) Pm 54500 555105000401055041 Ol5'OrO HIGHLAND PARK Noqhlaod Park THE LINCOLN LAWYER )R( boo, Ian li SOI O5'OOS'OOs'IOOS Oun'Thuoo (500'505'O,417,40 RATTLE LOS ANGELES SOURCE CROE (PU-131 Io/isrllS'005'7rI0'0'00 ° /0 OsI: 0510001 05 041000 SuO'ThOoo 0SlO(OI'OII'?Oli on (ye 10000 Cath0000 l000dolehe 15000000 lOU 0m' baLrOs'ulo'?Oo'mdo *** Sopeonabure( 100000 eoneS) lo uepa010 o potrlioieom ootd a Osons' Ms)) Damon and Imit) I ust/ wIs S500nnnmoler 60000e NoiI Clos 000000 Idee/tu' 'Tyeeo'sTOslve"l Is000dnd 050d'o tlnsyr Simon Odapbed 1h10 050snllo sbory by cobo Fogy ladri oats) Sol ti 000d morsa) eolIo: Phlïp O. Disk loo ho dmbesl000 Ileohary 0060e asO bevor 0001:0(1 luoky Doss "T'io (lIso 0010(1 koopo 6001 end 0)04 Prou! bol orong upon must onpe ari) loir parentd gives to make (tom bord, Zanid )nwsro (hirgu moving ulylishit art eulosron' the 05000500lsr "bhaun 01 lbs Dead" vI dobot, latod POtS loo briol, 01000g longusob soms snouvilly sel In gubBio 1015k osI 10511 miso, and 'list luso" am dankt taohots w via/eel leopw 000 000w/In uoo'7.00 000 00(1400: 00 CEDAR RAPIDS (H) Ir, Set ovn.wla./,(o000 005 lOorur4S'410'1:10 004'lme(1 oIlIly DIARY RFA WIMPY KIDO RRORSCK ROLES (PD) nnl'Suo.00000'0l04,Ie 000'nlsho:O (PU-13) MUrriARe /0555 IS05'liO'O'bb'(OO'(bSO 0001050e 500'll0'O.00'700'1005 4020 Oerlom Ose. 150010004000 LIMITLESS (PAS3) cr0.50 000ntwo 00m 0 '10000 (0(5h05'SOO'OOO'lOOO LIMITLESS )PU-03) DIGITAL PARK RIDGE 101000e 10(5 00 IS'S 400:15 005 a Choowlrate Fouo'ilairob $42.90 ADULTS I $10.95 CHILDREN 4' ?2 YEARS 2915 N M)w4okee Ave, Northbrook, (L bCOb2 norEhbronkm))gaaens,com 947,664,7999 I P)nksa)ok THE UNCALN LAWYER (R) 50. P0000noS . Lef 0O'lISO.11 00005 020 000 005 PAUL IO) HOP IPGI O Ss0ll:OI'OAO'O:OOEO'lO DIARY 0F M WIMPY R000ICK ROLES 19G) /LLGAUEm 05 0004 O0'hoORooIO OniTOunyfl400EOO:40045'rOOl MAOS SERAS HUMS IN 3D (PRI SG0 ' o'.' PO 00h 11/02 Z05oO nOS 000 000'1000:IISO'000'000'120'ilSS " n00000'/OZv 5100 10041 10540000 000.030./bao MARS NEEDS MOMS lFG) 0006000 RED 0101MO HOOD 19M-13) F0110000 040 THE ADJUSTMENT 000MO IPU-l3) ROSEMONT Oro leo 00 ' 645-m 35 Rsmemon) TA roSi noon 450000e 150(1 00/0050 RANGO 1FR) F/rOoms l000'rOOuOSuOO'nOO CALL PUSS 1H) PremIer 00' '1 h u n o' 0 50 0(0/ 0005 0001 One 1001m 4411500 THE RINA'S SPEECH 101 1000050v, 00 00-0040-0 300 0Er 00 - RaYOnes 1-6 020 00 0001urd Lsolnr 104110140(00 WiImnt)n 0(02 OsOns) 055 105 ODIO l005'SvO'OOb'l:OS 041 l41'J5o IO II 1000001000 RED 01010G HURE (PU-13) noi 0er 0015150 0051:051000 ly0:0r0011lli'/lO 005/40 THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU (PU131 /0 Oal'0001000'005' 500/000001 BEASTLY (PU-03) Pl OoET,00'O.00 000i0001iZ'SSO'O01101'OOOO 000140:1 0:00 OaU(000'1I0'O)0'500'0045 Sun 0)000 0000110 010050 OIl lISES )PR) Oni300liOI101'OOO'Til'IDOO i5O/5/0floos. 060 RATTLES LUS ANGELES THE KINO'S SPEECH IR) MODiO 050-70001? 5?e-c4 GLASS OF WINE INCLUDED WITH YOUR DINNER°! mo 055000m1020'lOSO SKOKIE (P0-13) loo0n-riao RournOrfu) Array of SeaOaning salads Foe) a Eat Shrrrrop Oysters von the Half-She/I Whole Poached Salrrmmnr D'splay Lwoish 0055000 DIsplay fealr,rring THE MAX EXPERIENCE Gardons 1-TO CEDAR RAPIDS (RI 155010 0000000 Ceste? In)050Thunu'.00O/.lS 550'lOeO.00O 00000 15001 0100(50 BARNEY'S RERSIOR IR) Villoge CnosndsM rom,noo.020100 /000 000050150 0000 /050/ SsS Oleo mom 000toeo(oseunm Oot'Teso.00S-wOE'lOO THE AKJRUTI0IENT BUREAU Rooa)ssance PIson Carved Pniosre Rib MashEd Fwl000eu A SwWOI Mashed PoOatoes SUCRER PUNCHS NORRIDGE 10045010 400'ldO'tOO emrrno°o?o7 THE ADJRSTMENT BUREAS /0)1st lbO5'525'020'0000 Our 'Try rs. li 1S'025'000'IGOS DIARY 0FF WINPY RIDO 00005CR RULES (POI IKE LINCHLN LAWYER IR) cresloo le000 vmd some 500000 ill 10001 0505050, 0001 SOURCE CODE (PU-13) yr Sot 10100(0 000 105 0h00 Ssm'Tbsrs lnnohrsons005 A((-Y0A-Cow-Eob Maine Lobmbmr Variety of Foeoh Seallood Entrees Chickerr EnErée for the Land Lubber's SRCIEER 900Cc )PA13I Oon'SI O:t05'l000'0I0'1IO'IG0 000prls 1001001 1001w 0500500F is l000ilighb'»droObod Oho ta roblo domo Baled PG/S Ion 0mo oroy and Fried Calemani Oyslens Rockefeller All-Yoov-Caw-Eat Smow Crab Lego R 10010105 i000-0005-005'lte'hbo 000 00 0 Ai') Ose to woS'?:oo'000 MARS NEEDS MOMS (PU) 11000GO 105 woods lobe will )iw - SOns, P)AEe 12 SOURCE CODE (9G-13) po oal000'r0S0d50' RANGO fr01 mor Oeils Ohs g000l'gnest ywod000 0111G. 00)101 monts and d000(0d Ils HILES 000T0000'TOOHvlrSlO'hSb'rr - 100mO lo spprs000ls hin es/bem ad loo ohs is sbduo)sd IP MaillOns. 3' FRIDAY 5:30 PM - mtOO PM 00005CR ROLES 1901 DIGITAL PRESENTATION 1001/0 4004 THE LINCOLN LAWYER 101 BATTLEI LOS ANRELES hshl (sodo mankind's last sbsod mmv (011o s,lS55-500'005-l:lS /00011001000 000125000 0000% o mayos 500gmsel 100000 Bob' hoyo fallen 10100e ut Enel sGht. PARL "" OUr (9K) 0000'bOl,/Omos des) uolisn, OnO br lsng000n 01(154040000 w000lt miso arrbu lonoo'ohosiog IP dn(enon ahorvo) 0l 0100050 000mometisa(nsoo.. SuI 000 (0000454n0't:OO'OtO Ist SOn /000 000 000700010 los Tuns 70500 440100 Mohhem hovnaughey 0000,0 100 SuorA nun ,, n) )ho nd'S albo? tOr (100,1(0 oorl yoled POIS Ion suslsissd asilo' Irnos knogos nI war visieron und * * 1/2 Rasdhorst 00001CC ORLES IrA) O 400(00 010 ', soo ScfGcontor 5e.aA,od b 0100009 A WIMPY AlDo MOUNT PROSPECT DIARY OF A WIMPY RIEn language leo/ud 55 snounl moler' JOIN US ON FRIDAY'S DURING LENT FOR OUR DIARY RFA WIMPY RIDO RRDRICK ORLES IPG) omnso 0m 000sat no nom 50000ïly sed language, THE LINCOLN LAWYER 0. 'OrhS.Oys.00SOlS MsO'i)O 5:1054:10501 00000/0006 IlIon osen ttemul'o elomeeteis' nluArp a nude mayr und br o! niv' pied 1101150(1 Ohs resoles dnoea, ./b?d1/.5/.'01T15.0,'1'/ Chi THE ri/a10000011 \ Or, Sstt000-0040-000'OOO sUO 100 TRE KING'S SPEECH (Pc-13) Olobeomar I 000knoss Ra/Ls I direst eolvte Obers ohs 000005w 4015 b' *** rol 005:100005E /ALLGAUERS 000-/huno (000050 010 750050 0F GODS ANO WEN (PC-13) vin(sensien(ubirg I s)uobirg images, RobO anon disturb np male :51 in' In tIlo segnai to los) yea fu son PO'Suolr055m'500'000 thamvlismotrmial ir000uirg a000g Chanlols 00001e. 46 Oint Bats) Pl STILL PLAYING: olor loo lob000rolion. 05m 000insl allen inoabono 000slhan b nuoto) rho thniLen 704 810,1 DIARY UF A WIMPY Kf O) ROI5RICK HULES STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL I (hoto aro lam 500015005 the) oanb be ronsnve with lar bnovbirp employ' srlhlnhoel tusobsodunì Cury Fs00' ossu rs 0000bnb'l Aren (ed Ibis adsptatrne orth ovi500lo novel by yeor'o Bust Fors'gn Language File SOURCE CODE (Pc-13) 000 OZI 130000 100 000 005'000'025'i'OO'010 Moo Tono 000 S, 000100 (ho orvoago nI 't:eotlesn in Iba) nIllhe'nhotle IO Ill) eatsd Pol) tor your nleur'hsaled, 000t050l, nupon wsoeu.lw000u080Ba 555 )hnugh, vow tonrnnn lsld0000ts( ob then young dauyhtuto noei boytrisod oboe to (urss nul tobes? 10(00ml prsdstnr. Day lohniimrror "Bou, Potboy, euh') drene noyai was uhvot Botad ton this Jii[ rey Ilosbali Br sloe 01g is a Nus nolroats innO an aotion'vdoBnturo LIMITLESS '?' &SlJ 0010811mo we0050n end so espiad' irgseonstn-osd (to p005ibdty vi a cas guiokln ge(s wons (hoche burysined ton ultur denidirp (o yolp a domec) 001mb pilotin buoi sono' JUST EH WITh IT )PR-13( "SOURCE COSE 1PO13( rioni SChon 0051v 05000/010 01h solve hoioomadngly dvnger050 pred:oamwnt honore Ihr nopn doso to lint their soin (bOaters) by 014'yosr'old boy ynennong to do JANE EYRE (90-13) von /1ro thuOb 0551/0 OsO /001045 40000? magins)oon long ls/srs 0500e' ponllynb WI/I 0U0 boro beadle Ions' Wsnuks050al moros to a mInIen vus * * * (/b Sen-m Oro. 1040-000-0 00010-05 05 are ptsvided, (1owmo loll Ile )ho' Ovo oso 0040'2:40'G00'lomO n IS plaoy in Ihn Oil seed, hsni5e itlIs aireo, thnme 010 only s hsedtu/ s/so' Suburbss p000ets (thon Owun and Cstherune Reunen) ave 0000kod WINTER IN WARTIME OOsTlsrs lO0l'bSiS 050'5,55'?uS HOP (PU) lou 005?.00'O(l 1000w ere 011er 00005mo Rvgeos JASE BORE os nino the nope oto tron, lus quage, sesual 0000010e) noms kOt'I40/j0'5(O 10) lst:llO0-0 30 120 800 1)00 10011000000 rso)nm ved S010la sant obigs. 0g mayeo, set tor lusy501s. TRUST INSIDIOUS (PH-13) OOn'l.Oo'OlO nS 5. 0500gre0000 a wst bel lepo Ion a hyporbn rodi O sold or (JoBo Gy(le0040)t madso 00)SSOI001'(E15l50 Ass'Thsoo 000 ArlieRAmnI Theaters World") Fogy osi Foul uhdoiplay re Ion uomo mid rudo humor. language. 4.00'SieO'IlOtO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Wool) tobo most 000solly boned sut Ihr sowned "SOnO SIgOm vs. tIr try (s 0040 (boon sor 68es be's ta' Prono The Creators 01 DESPICABlE ME Corneo ACornedy About lion seaihblr on 1000000. P(4ass osto Ile) theelso sohedules are sullen! to ohsrgo lt no (15110go RMOMEO A JULIET IR) l'io doso prsnous d 00010m Bdyso sed (he Ctkprrurtkn (doro(s) (is gelsO by sor) upirtu doigt Wluursl( und Jueou Itas 1(0e "Saw tras' chiusI 66(0 uud diruotad (los horror 710.1102 oriol Rats) PG')) nor the' mello matsyal nioknus, (sonor and fn'gltvning imsgso, sod boat stoong 55010500 (uOD'000'0'05'lOS O0l'SomiOO(O'bOO Clope bad," "PdOsslomnLsnd'i loo the (aniOn budrnse, Tort (10) ("41v s OnrISs.1/ 10000 050-100-1000 WIN WIN (R) and 01e osmpl 00110m lrbsrmo' SoOe100 tloupb les comed y senno 1h crew rn500entu 55(004 Olson art Ruse BCse( vta hassled house CALL vualaOe,,73005 Novio bimeo SIs mbleolioe Fddsy tOO/ISO ovil gooeonmsn) 005010, IRS0010US PIONEER PRESS B5 SHOWTIMES hoipleg a iltIe poso lntd'bsolo 0)00' er sloe nomsd Paul looms) by Seth Pager Ihanb ysu soro muoIo) on Ihn OPENING FRIDAY: -a d150FSIOGA TROST IR) ..!/I-/bty0:1OlO-l?P4:il'tPOSnl, PASE TO SCREENS SNOW FALLING RN CEDARS Thr5500 00F lFG) OPERA IN CINEMA - In) nul I0,l0050'ISO 0500 00 II IS 05510500 I500'1550'005'hl0'500 THE MAGIC FLUTE FROM LA SCALA, ITALY HOP IrE) DIGITAL 10015 IdO fÁ NNE B6 voroiritsot DIC - TASI1DIH, MIlCH 310011 PlOhiEb POIlS PU0LICTTLTN 'TIC Banquete & Catering What to do. This week and beyond. Fn.leefevd0inlY navy qdv0an nne qotiOtm .OeimdmriaSvaeiun&Cvvpe .Opmrfnrnveai&'Oimnisroeily .Cvny'nnvicieikvvl, loin Us For One laster Champagne Brunch Buffet (" OnSunday,AprU24° lO:OOam5:OOpm $5 EuJoyOasrdOSwnq'Fnonw& $jJ95 Dbovrnimltersednyicvreleindnvttrvlti SvropTrwornlvryMhirrnm& Clinvrowgev Civrldevni-io cin,red ro Rccvrrsinus Rvqnnv,iSsCrIlTvOvy! - 6881N.MilvavkenAee, Nileo,iL ur loca ource n c-pioneerlocaLcom YOU WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. venda oled by us ne Gioceo er il be eine baroGum ano Motiv Ilettute rtChisetr.huhein Csecrn lic' idr0Ceuooladre, Pveectrr vicinvhers ApillTS,lpmpmetiner «Ay mill ge. alo Picnrnr Preen, 0701 W. Luke Aun., Sierc'rw Lt 6502i, E nail. gotiqlpicnmrrloval ono FM (iTt) 456-7451 S1AG CLASSICAL 'eteslvy'voiISe prvsnotribyihv Nrc Ave Ovepheny Onsleelte. vor' bess be leer Nyvr Mci nei pertores Pree0009utcntt'Ibnlrrtese," scoom panini ArT en olhluistel N 045 OOCT4,Ttlpe:iklhGrbaserd btkeCmrmu0001IOih ElhlcellleeerinitcoietyOrocnetet' sndeb CcTTcehs usa, 1574 N, Sunosmn Ove. Ial H050rli Shekie 11411 1710114, nee.nldinelhamen.srv/vmllerPsase, April N, Op n.: Chico gs aree Tsilhep erl esesot Irr On OreN CelO var in lekem in pnrinnmense bybustao5hhrrCesry, odd ep none te cet irIn pretisedsase SSuvlodesrebnesheeets OmonldolCo sr: 11110/14 Apn105,7:lSpm,:NomthnrclemnUcbamillChemhenomohcrtne penAreis erarAs dbh0065I, Orlaney Omsnldwloons lrlencerSnertolCdlovgsOptvmlr' teilSOTN Kuoerlmrd,Easmnsoh RWnmltir vOltaI Hell nl htrthumeot- enbnicardly,blldvçira e Orlon non io Irme. Apill IT, 5 ore Violin Pese poSi elmskmrd Fnoaie Cveaenl, lie pro greinwil rnrladelhemnrim premiers sT arrebolen rmomktleomlhwcsinun ptvlesssr use hylu Id e ission io tres lprlTq,Ovlpm. lIbras 5500phtrr e Our Eles McnsOlhc, O tbP5YIeOt beni.OpriiA,mpm.:uacilissvls pIns brno'spne5echlbit,'yeiorec PaletTe." nor inlonesh oc, Hdt ee005koMrari' lsIIlSrudNeaMNonTSOniMOrnscpOran slices Iho pertvmearee. OsIers rets "lye Sesn Nadie torabseh." 110 5M 00m Apritl,5 pm:Srilcenllesllnetru051e am Ito itaeroeta po raouiod; cell LinenlnnoaiWitn5sletiN900h dIn- hand pteceahs 500klrlAeEusTIos' 000 IP mineros, 050 00 tie doni Aprii soIr Io e., Lin oclomseM ie lIent hcona O 10471 ION-1050 ThemerbOds005rmiren I Inarbaolsp espmooiee 'yAsOtk mnnit'oncnsatst e0000eieohadhn eelcnoeuartpm IptINeOShuoke's Luneras ChoreN, 001 h. Pmap000 nor Park Fudge. TirAdo ens liv, Ito orasemors, IT punoionet by April 0; aId 1141/ 5441350 Friday Niphim 05K tra- llIlOIlailhedson,Ca 111411 NOI 6410 Is np nuaic from mb nu.-nidapht em 11011 0050210, nOte McsImsr lasm 1056cl puces toi sh 0 5 0 ih. PA n Irle maclien, Hit Fisk-Otaioercervertbeii 50 SantAmeslrre Oninrncity, SO Ads linie eri- eeeeomlr005nrsease Npllilitoui ce Cvenstsu 14411 411'bOSS lico Apdl& The licEs. April ti Noose sesoesinovitensupprlTOosgosh lpril2OPneeie AputloBCnhhy Schondsee tthrNeonadvls,milhuere emnopiolatmiselrnS ApnilSIiOpn. cia.105 tor tenersi edn saite, 005V F, saNanO rrlgoe. 0l1/SIb/I0 PprlT, The IO pm000liemliem eennwbe Soukmen [Sope ya no mitI lose Ined lOmeen 0e mImen tre Cem bbeee rhnhh mv mint Maykoypnssalmvvos,tluc Asooiey 1.00 pm.:The Sor Club 015er PttbOis' Sas dtL idurssivs ro Tren Acanale Clrecinoiolilwrdrdee,pre OmrTsd Sb bo Nsulheeeleta Inleewar O: The Why tIare, Wetoh Tel ton Reed oc pneccnle"MeetbnhPo(s" spem- He050ipollynPe loonier JaeeTPuuil- temmerre ml TORsO lass oP 1000v aal der OlivAs Jose 241 L estaol P00mM I93OsPeris OM/lI4IlOAprti9,I:TO Henry eel 1Mph Onreo Is 0051 01 Ha- lllpm..Oetherileee lpnilTOIpe,: Neoiwlc presrstobLote,Tcihevdnou lus re edoarne SOI el Ihr moco sprit 101pm. CelyeunebCsanrll Apnl00 SN.elJeeslrivleeursssber, pises, SiTossnP000iOrlT gurler end John eeny beon.luhimptiios,epw.:meelb phsiagrsphy br sbodr no o mliv la oso esSioel Gobent Seo eli. oit sceso e delystvlrsiralend psps sr ssc tareors envoadnsteerdrePanOl io t isdevlu Neil, elope.. 'A N aro Oral, batanes Orsi cul vIesen' Olmcerderbiardiseno porlarmawsrkv series rventnmil lebe pLececTtiO p.m in Sulbis boll IST unisersiln p ov ems, at S p a. Nprllrm Mor sis Cas- Irr," presnolni my Milk Molvarb, lleco Anombern IronS/mINi 000/005. Spill IO, iicrdoroilheoighhnanuks,elhene Tam Os lalislhmriae tepE Ill/bOO srete lele ihewrnrer el Ile Avoir In sI loir vi Chicngoivsns ArrivI Coure' cet trdC bpiu 106 III tor scrsroil' cod IlallaIThe Man's uns Ioule el Cnucego, tuno CinTolA Ose 0000elvr lorgna StmfldSs Dolse, Bulb Ha- OprilOm clos Net dea bosH ITT/leo 1151015 530 100 nor ncnicn dhitaos CooliskOy,Suseronyrveeanvhioli IpnilO Brenearlomn505dhahl ved stadenho III ion oh linen Cal nuoery.liollnll$i mN OnlnOlSihNplilTOmKmmnhrri OrANt Cs Lese's ¡cru tiadeflhs triti mer For tini mat sent ltttTl sit toit st r-mes OtepeNriThINc reds N'ght ted lien statt," thevuth AStil O4tlihnrdiloteeitt,4800tl Mrlviea' ken clrttpe.Ctleiva' ttip.m Tirswdey'Tatoriay;?uTp.rn Surveys. titaste: its oto. CeLL t011sT Toit er civil mmmi es ilihesltt.snp Nerthpivern'irterrneyen Evarnati' iyTheetnr prenenlv"Huider vIle Nr' pv FeLt on Apilo vil, liveise PatinA's Oriento nati sun riant C ere. Ettege. ovvia vier atiim. Tette battei dinnernlipm lii Poi Iluso, The proirenu rnoiodno ashes Notyherelcvmldvrylrohsetm,Peti Oarahtrnnr'uerentet ed caille' itremimasiedi estar pta05515 cor vento eilTe p e. Taniers ir the Abc' elms torihm FerIste np irlo et Naine tenIr trmphveirheleervrplinoenoe Aleen H ghichsoiltili mol OstO Themes vlCenllherieobnvleter Cliiorgervepprlte penT vrmc ir the lichnIsCenovib Fsl sI ihn Assis ivol' late stCnirtpn, lvroCleaeso ice, Oevrenrs. Pre'coeotrloommenteiirt hyCerelyn Pos ins clslt mrabrrot ndivvletnnretht begin toe dIeron eri sneat usnoerh Onsets liP 115 tor Evavvine IiuketssrnOlilerrreinrr d seelinilOtierterentLt eivsivn,O1C snuiers 010 Tsr slamenle. Chi Iren te temen nro; tnd SlotA vladnule .rc I chelo cvii IttliTiT liaS vr cee memorosOceveppni sorB OprtCn pm: 'Chicago Chinese's eosirol onepcn et myevspino rtalLAisl ieeeevnihnnsisyuphsenorp April10 Ressuent impt teerodeseeseernial elittaer Tamorr Ideals give io- loarvlthnlniodytlr tirprvqrowuo aLameolnoentoCoorrrlvinO- conan lesoacs tel troheshre OehteeysPetite Strie; eut ihvctehrcivtis Tiepho tiepsecant Crnlniirs ved Patlnio Ctri varia oao ¡rober. tnertarrsnd vial ev o nehmt cl CtF Ssnlluro'v 'Proies vi liceI," CO rase-ely gnose1 est Aleen, end u n re. The Chivegt PiLlherentein Onehnetre procreo et T p m. Oandeys tIP 15' Steiler Conned Ils il or Ihn Ilerlhreel' dei sor li ale edmniled tire eben en- cisc s nOminer PenkadteoisluOtshcetne preverla vorinrit ei luir Osto cA Wecke SS err aoirrrsiLyaauaaa,notdcCryrtn Trine Onovolon ISOlI iib15N6 Prosvmri PerA hidon tioktis err OTO 100 ist sIa movie end neri ero livers Acrimem.pculnidpecciovnonevlrear5 mweuniasqvphiircumvr ovinu on dm5171 uro nCttrl5lIlNCS' omenn mili aencltlrlhetrtvo nennieu Sicoare Erereble penlores010 pm,torilllsrdOpm IpIlItTaiPek lorOoAwuridnCttLege,lktOLinit Noch Ore Plainnn.Thcprspneetme luresmsritbhcenh Annsnt,Omsrei OrensediocOJopin ail errsugetlom tohs/hcnskb, inolodiaqlhOPalhinqon Torerocidol Oie nrc irte ueciodvs li cviii's Corcada Irr Pirceto ere Trriroc berg AI isnonemer Orroyerteu Gels Shiolt nob. in Cveto eedtribarh'vlltipcuhtni ilapinny 049 inreleormls reo o;ceel Heyi3O00pm'lseeents sertiimsnrn vr sp titi tAels lii' 050.tvkntelrrilieeelt end stdnt ers Oto Teierteres epeneldieceve ve Lei by lovai reperti ivi eaiievce mee' beets 05m oler pei esi gO 'strive puy, vili prveeet"tvmviavmductva' ile' alipnnedlrtaennwoorrnsrn resu red. Cet iidtl iTT-OTTO nr smp wem n vrIllA Strip 'inmeetelnwe Mattem' mi tiri e' veeiediyNttelvi neirntlirnesh TeeptltretprnMadva p evento 'ipilie Poile etlp.e.PyoilOel tpicp loto Chucees ice loenoinu tin praprem Inettrnncismhersrveia Cennerlc lira lvmrtubrni and Foyde HecerL crIb lersh Hubbard nvpress 010101 Jevcysyhnutht renIrsIlo contusI Pednu satt, Inevr 551050 Prier lao 0m tisait, Asno soultE aed lin POP/FOLK/JAZZ Altaoaltlntrs,arOlMNrnnhrm NoaM ivsnmnrt, livleic are nodilobmn elwmnutuihelmesiarnrn 01 14001 tAS' DOTO, Ihr tivNmt pnians stImi SeIse do by OoOoss aove. MLLhoai bed rree' stuc enrTtnonnr OTO Tomirclelo rei Peuh nimoy Ceirttihcslnvtdsnse Tie 847) All Citi srcaiieenbnmpeior' ChoralS ihrigvee voice Chore GulhirHlatOorihrroIvin Os ISlr.Msrn,Cnicnv Cenada ihn piOOieebticdcelncynie'[ne Kit 55 eoliraLadsoaroionbccslhemnlo marion Sn, ivIcOTI 001-6601 ApriIll,l p.m AvNy mmv. 60065 16010 09 000, liTi 00 MayO 7.05 pm : Otoenlced-ThetsvncdrtleNeoh'ne loir ieouimmuvì" end 0500ure Itsa rs t mutI Chests Lihtie bio Tanin eat NOII Ir,TaOitiiesnlrpieon Ensnalaro Pe kcdOeCvmeuvitytlaruhChyrcs lIdTIFiT lOOT Apritlo,SpmNar' berry Cenveni prvaerlv'NociceOrore' 000yeesar 15h 146, 166, hhcbTD,N N05-OleilnrOovcartlhclleiblnrlt pm'yeemslniiu 00050 16050 Iv-renvior and irilano Ii etCetrl" veotern Oslo A 19, 50 Arlo broie Or- OhrlhMeeTg,tpm.;coblcocmi he Npril9at Ihn poenolon IrIn OrArI, hOT Ihn carrot utasascE Pori, Honiecot ra, mtl ins de GcOicee Otenverent ce trtnniov.INOTI4IT-0500 Attn IL Avenetnu Prrtsimerrns em elI hr Arrosera lys Iecitreeilp.0 Ortoelyct elbnnMOThMrNEO,T,IO pe Sema Cms nr TOc Slookend nerI- staph Prrdayvendielvtdsyt,apm IOO;Intorotadeaie dpn101,t'Ope S rndeyb CirCe lO 125' TOO tat sAniere; Neveleeprvco nr pieno easieroioas heisSen in Tree. Alee Oilier Chap el ei lorhherole in OIT tvrvluleatu CtLlliOTI4TCSTBivr viel wmm.piotvlslheeitnvsm wlnn.p;uicto gemeva ApORTeS 00es Trip. On Operahis Trete sect Oiodcrletmemlor Suresc 001001 st bocio ni tpmitsrm sAete atestas Iron CnbannllngenCya enevnooispnso' hsst cstl-ateeoseonmlbpthrNeomeli ON 01 iOn minnehke 0e Opas, Ths ucson PoineneenvroesleO 000 Irren nab lion peslival wIll 5e bell trombo p n. SpillO at Nbc loemslco Ea sT CornEO 1400 Chingo One - e ni I'S pm. IprilT allhsh Ebbard Pers Connon'IH road. Eon mom STO i001ics or Or eshniotear sod Ohr, orlI tue PololeO 1O411905'lilO roi lOi. hosts tIri Shnddar Peed High eli Fenk,SlÇioeod lbnhgslsdc01000' A RS t SSS eoelshm are moiteS Is isny to be leI/vI secoed Susie si hiçhcr mho pier SInnEs, ewmhebPee, Itose pencos' emont tins nohibulono in Ihn 01cl Oree' boo, pions erponlot 0e molI es osseIlets Tom 01005er mOlo eroombire, baso combos, eroicohme ana meir pci pnosnnlrd by hIe Acensan OscuelysT Intarsi hero is nr lest io OSI I acTs amoLada sI iolgos PON, Pnonpmnlowi Os Oros O Cromos Oinonlurs, to he AnnIe lremlnm.-See.MoNPomlhs aior Pars moor per Im rIHeIntolmO' cohedu Ir es sodi 000 sop ointment ne II /0011 91S-ISSS eso two gv. PAGERS Tin Muelo ine1000m em 050505e ou II ART GALLERIES eolo hite Ttmshst And Ohbellbiets My Mathel Teaght An" Aprils ers no, T p m.: Nos al anO inSel Trnye hebend 01511e Oaks helom CrOles 0655 Slamualbt Okoknn 11011 604-1500 Thnoo5h Men 10106m Inh laud mcm 16th and Yot ivry Bash vitcd arlo 9501 tlnbnvivd, ukelrc.i/oh Is mueeuvs500rg. MeATO 'Ilmesoc cod sssip.n lrtcrptettp.m. nololvthrreise Apyl5apm ltwpniopresreio"llieloeedssl ENsile Volley Ebepheel Or000eone ihn prvsieir iicludte lech Standsn OTT eu050iliblslyolg. Aprii 01, 0 Rel Date SNthI0eneErncnCrnlenooili scolplo io, seneein, dip ilet ort s ni 0000-10m IphITowd4'Npm Aprii eusetsAnie rire Moe lo le eh 'Abo te 0m Ch loe gr tasi' paliamos als pm, iardmys al the Sorts OhoneCmalsrlor Ihe Perte wine stop," crib Ororeyioiu celio svio oh Cor ritt irbeinor Sooirai000on,000arlPedeor salesa cnlmcema Cali 15411601 1h50 carda tien end 11h05 Jvhrvae, pirro iv, tOS'.' nnienw;eniitedeytel darienoblnol tone 100k/dIO/SO PInOT Inn 14411 011-5017. mewo Snodi' omelse'nor;hblorsluimnts Peris reileS irte, root Ohr kir BLvd Tiche. Fetiorwonuev areTseadero 5.n,dlelnrvdeyvnilp.n entilo nm,irieeysetipmllatsrdeyr at 001115G Mpyi lOI Ihr temrmo Ils inilh wee500kielhsahiousm Onkaheere pertomnecee. Tinhnih. liT Tsr Scenret eeIuPptlmTh000 pm:'yersgar lestept spIll 01 etd Tiatsdtyv ei T:tO .1 SAnhIe CsLiIiOTlitTObInrolai lorlvecole 000wpnoiten he envIa tomlteproup. Incoephicrtollsenreoh vre005'Stt.NpriIITL OvrOlvi sertgtr'mlinhtccidlchrednr paesI halo L psmntioph M'or/bss, osuinguole stIro plewom Ort NiOni510 cr0400 pmlnssolmel omneors Iron Ob/Iiavpnll4mueetnlsuoar/000l OhdkieThoelrm,TNC4LisvcIslea, ea lopin hryhnerdc ay te a eden tad osn001tsn lien sa Opm lam, Pise posent iandstl mili 505cl vom0001 Tes- ed by ivrihliptl Theatre threugh April Tel ire lorIS Shore Center let the Sentm O Semoiblity vain br ores eri GinoaleoodlbAbbbre0,AOSTbb. cAshs ere 100/119/SIT ere001-1Tt,SIolcrchtddrrr Imeaptevero rl lenlouns bco reltdipm.TO hoists, se 1114110t5-6100 oucirl SoNeto, re tutTI sii-toso 11411 050 0050 01 vislnuuneiahs' 'Ce5OAOOim esta Iremnint progmetorgimtnlprr 0101005 550100 Li hoSe 11v/SSO. Te.. t IlOessllsntheirnshenethn SIG Intotalenis. om.'Vpm Oeodey-priiey'il e m'O pm OetandonsmrooghkpliiOS slIest Isba 10010, 04900 OlriS 05910 Jareonpm ardoRe., Sri JsemA,Aaa.:'Olerlievi"lNiti tot Earopo and lern;rv OrI/StASI ltioo Jsn6T.oTpwKaIy pommb' Apri 1k 1:00 pm ' Ne mlhraslern 0 Celtoirim Treaeu toit wsrtd hoot 105 REGINA DOMINICAN HIGH SCHOOL SPRING OPEN HOUSE FILET 1Of1 $ and LOBSTER TPJL I LIVE MUSIC both days from 7:00 pm Featuring Frank Primo Thursday, April 7, 2011 o ópm-8pm Single gender .., r, - . ... : - . NOWAVAILABLEP I00%'colloger ácceptancó Feo ' daofermn'eokomsmnns'd nono .13 APmlasssmm available Oerer 34 clubu ond anfinities a HW.Y'riting Confer in Failli Soccer SperMs CtAnbes FULL SLAB RIB OfflNR $' (boladas Psi Its & Coleslaw) ., Prmttdly A14055 isr'ed by/ 1/ Adrihrs Cmcosor inmsoSinlr'i Rmg(nw Dnmnbmboaut High Schon) o W/(rsehbe, (Lo b4-256-7ó6O BI he SOON Oonc lcr the Osaient as AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIES 5450 SPOOs 518pm., urtesansled euhenwins Hsrvha.Ja manoseo IIess/ Thedakee deoirgempmrcevl'i't icen il wheel Aesn IT,"sorgo bysmo Pleas oc Osmileueslrninsooensler ceepsc. M istoneador, velI 1e471d9t 0041 eteiOl nmmpioksre Hereto OPTI Oh pregmam IO the echmro iuitem Toi vsmpr'sad cl Meng la ted ysmone OrNen CommentO Setlepe, NerI n- eoomeevaevtennpeOmooe 0411410- sinsnmstppomlcdmnpsrtbbltechist- bylrhamene,lmnot,necre,nevtmer- brut tan odo/assesni. 1511eR hourS'. 10 are atltüpn.T days eri Otterdeys 1pm. isedeyt TAints Its; Iii Br R reocptoceiLlsoheletrowl'tpso ihr relie lionn Sisee atud ted The lrtesm000heeis.105'lTO,wiIh prooonerteherstullheh IctT000nsllp rosi Pecho SPASLiOAbChioe550sn noenvlsn are pions ITS lluveciennlcene, OIT stuOenie.ApuTiThF.lOpeP snoT itt propIo blpdtenJ h05500sm Adusto inn Nasese nllmm,lNOSCOoil500d Perinnnnirs otis 9101 Okalie Oled. vi EyrooghApiiiOO'Prltte lent," aisle- 0es Flambes 10411 5050650, noes caN- livRe enrear001ve vro loaTuito' 6500 055-StO, riti dvareetv i oiy000rdsesiee000ksrg/mrtgeilnryutnn Ovemos EoSnmop sI 0001ml sturo with Paarsen ti., Des Platee. Fe ria mantes Jelea.OlmbsielnirishondJne Ohio- ne's p.m. bsndsy-Ft'Oeb, 415ml 050 Steely Dom rida re bemel Aprii OS, IpribOblose Pollo T0l515.IplilO Oenelibnreh.510/516 ApriloJesse bKnsyrsIOlerOsEmOi.000/009 AltrI MJurSp leslorieELssIOonselsslIolk FolkS ltOAOO.Iplili'OiOoeN mactel hrvltnllvelherinplvn,per' lecco tI neW Shore Getter iv the 'U risiFerse'inlerJvorneiliveoy dioerubosu Ilmelilennen Rand ehPp.m OpnilItt Ihr vrihom t Ambon Jr Ceepso, itt oir et4A pseno tlhllhelebltlen elarPloPrbmrtvelhanuoio tsrvvire GolA Tievirr Cvnrpsny Idroagh April TlalliretevPlaieev lluslepycrntrr,Tgi Tickets are OID, with i;sroattt tornen ' n sninlrre.NphlOh,l,POpe:Cvrlee' pvleiyAsdl Oncrebte ptanrnls'l go. tioliwoc arr irre. InvIste blini dosudpuirn il ihn nient inN, isle, addrivv prise ori phonn number. tlTpm Aprilti;endtpm.ipniiO. 8O Madnnllhelermlac prccvvle hen ilTneiTbn demo Mataeh'einOo No IIi shore Center lar the PerIcle et OtIs AlOi sosie Blnd,Scvhie.Navivnl ent 5pu eve OpdlSiO'lO p.m:CeLle mraeteclatsWrihuyeeie mnuiodmnv' Ore. Chitagv.Fnrtnimansee are titis pm Apri t-o ens ipniLrtO.T5 e.0 end oli oWosofl'i.' orn OnetsI to ch, Wsgcrr end cenit tiechai 1710106 lprilIe, 000 p.m ' NsitPmesleno CeccetTn/dnieCuvtpchltor Adwis- sos, Inh 110. Gel 11101 l5l-iAlAOro sul Esente Theater, AliO N. Narnoenstit - Choit ivecerloreerre silurino or geniotosr catdaynslieedJtcvt nahrerr rice rai elterlel Eeeenisu IdlIl 0114000, April T, scee OptiIT'TO et Alilo chnr9e by pfeone.8OO.74-tOp( 19/iI/ls April IN, 1.00 heu lbnphvnic vied Smsemhle prmlsresedrlsbd pirren Aveu t te Ierr.T tkele ere meirepreylmnsravdntrydnteteei" ThmChrcn9nTltootnc,gnrn niheetne Gelide Ceneeme To 'r Cor oc rl oc hei ti p555cc il ralrel, sapIens Cerrolune Ayo 'lagers, mrtrc-svprels 4mWh Osipt, tnrnr, end ChrisTo' mttnihrso titrate vn Cinicogn Ttteafro lova Offige," AetLerelyepynrylln,t ehhtusr, 'Submit ge. naevli vm nuevA pinito Ile dein cI publivvfvr «minen maul by und, Wn re viny bal np can I lele i iser the lelvphvnr We primI n-tell eubwinirne, plvonn noti Par naiv lntstmalnfl vise Pirulnnr'e Tiçk'ef s d( ........ p05001mm Isntll0T'dOOO IpilIhi peOioeN Lier ChapeL Chit end M050eonbardlmmltooen ITISS/OA, tans rrawotrrnivniei'oeitevltuoo r.,,. ..onv CHASE rl ne mO lb Srmp hsny Omine vIre nertonec Ohe SiAte Che as end Otcheetne tort r.'cHIcAGo;i): aeloeysitilalltseridev lisoS al A till 595 RB divergions www.pioneerlocaLcom OIC - THUOtO9H, MARCH Ob OCil 9 PIONEER PRESS PUtL1CSI1OB 'DIC 09 Osreatk s absot the It estee nell leen BOOKS & POETRY Lleeolneeod P05115 bbrari lOCO W. ce1ebáfionofhope Preti yen Bari Hft'totr.i,eoFsesineasltl roryuig , W0V1 I, loto s.c e Helee crises Îtatart ritirai Vire l'arr by ctsebeth Bers Ogni lb Il ua:Vsnusnbaaar Ita Uanunrebr Bar' Vegetable seeds aie atreasured commodity tor those living in Zimbabise. They become family gardens, providing food for indIviduals, a source et income ter the family, any a aense of pride and aelt-sutt:ciatrcy in the community. lsrak:sgselasr trl-tioC er visI eaeei,ra,eersr tine' rtrsesa,Meelo'OS cacaree tlrnarjiee 't-2-3 lmaoirsl auth cia, & Fornes,." Fndaraancos atbOVOa,m.estl5a, fhnrudsy and Orbder:lIOCea.,lpo. and 500 p.m. cell duS a colpe, and 4:tOFo.Ourdas linkers BIO, 000aad .. e, i e - ttotvooeld Cinieeeeleaed0050aeer Seele ara alee asailabis donning ndhr, ail acere learisding celo Irsle act Ooeny tnelci ere Ors, CR1150 PLkY i I.A . Aoì gerund Coep at the Oheotre orles elli laldrprmeadibs050eritaoollasnr' We need year help ta pack 2.5 million seed packets tar Zimbabwe tamules. merOraea000ae 5-aAe,Pterahg et \l ri:, nuda Ohere Habit Sil C hissas cre,, Ore astas Open te e ges r-le 'j Songs and dance Thia is a great way ton familien to volunteer together and fon those looking tor community service 0000nttnitíes. Fa9ainganJsrngaatar Andree Calhoun pentorma, citi: fis doughier Caeey adding arroi, sel intrnpretiae dare,, inc prayram at Ile Ethical Humorist Sanely Vasent Saturday Calece Hause, Boor. gant t, 0504 N. Lineale Ave, lot Aseardi, Static. 0t lanuda, retreaArrrenta, (dall to?3394. wee,atlioalhunren.ars/cr010rhaune. trece aedrtaninpehenldlspoepered lacing steels er sosa city eusin era eeppsiia,rnadrrue oser:ptaddc same bas ir eturesgrephn Far aira in' teinoallan ar le eon cdvi, en spinier' eseL caLl leali alt-13cv arainit irne.larendesafu,m, onsolneevd Publia Obrera, lICO W. Prao yes, lB4tl 10150fr. weebiseol- saasalltrartarf fdncsglypoiils go.. Saturday, April 9 Willow Ceenk Conemaeïty Chdeoh NaSh Siraen Campve 305 Waukagan ed Nerthlield, IL 6009V O un sela nef correct Jackie Kennar-Wtrittield 224-012-603V Sine ap eetirse und pink ene or mace 2-noue accoles shifts Continued noon PACE 07 BENEFITS steredme lar c011ares sg na n-5. Japan Oaeett Canseoti Vf p a. aprii le Ark'Sts ber Conved Hell, so arie criere ttae,Eeansrae,Sara:sieaea 9:00 am. - 00:00 arr. 00:30 am. - tigo orn. 2:00 pro. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 per. - 6:30 p.m. riar.rallledtlrsl'drve araisit waa.ameycauseninleoradiets.rra, Cisl far artista len the Ovatie ed VIuda 5016 annuel erl Faluna b, seit Jale e-rg en tank: Ea pillean creea, 500 W. Valles Flee art anry: mOres eel acares are eaarrebre. ter re' rareada, or an appeoarion, sarl 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. seen enscebLaseull gemere laraqoe, rarI, pap, apare sed andrei Imane sorta,, sell estrodrtìansljepnnese mssiLftrieOare Is cuy eeeunleiirne oceeplad at Ile tsar. Frane ein elli (847) 674-1500, ext. 2500 "'rl 'I ueper'nssueaaed trr,Js"Apnlll 050 Fm:tere crins sr-HerVer the n Ea-sin g Wer,." Agrio Au titI p.c u- lalrl4rr-04d1 areluleaw.p:ra' aro-ello, OOOO:thntirtotlaceri51etbaloeds s to a r e ra est Invierte snrvuco lace Farmerei,' A community Expo IOam.-4p,m. at Nues North High School aeeaesyaeeaptl4,OiOa.e.:tenaee' naeuletieadsu ildvrg or sarl ieati Sp ;ng Green;ng Sunday,ApriIIO Osgieniap Bita goats Ocaluyng aletee, sangs esd eot:eities rarunrueralo 0-year-ems areaerpssied te e pera FI lads rs Jalas Fer inrarmallrn, nell cue le e ad Invece: Visar ter ra hei 1' rereecenseeetetClrinageoaeretl,tal toto A. AlearWaud, RaenareeL ,u,s.acelrsseraaavam. 15411 514cotti April 9, BOO yeufhn Onnund Orn preau 50e 'nass u rIe lanced." natals so nOlt'120 i, edsancon, 500005 et Ihn daca ap VI 23' 51cm Cs ehre, ktskokePublic Libras-y (il A A !_ elc,d'ap euaaay by Falli vaciare, yea 0,1,001 ant Jens temor, tal. gtokiemnslrA,lSOAbinesln 5e,, oniR0 Eg( Bn))E1n1 015kW Cell laBIl hil'llll occlut ae,ruvletiethestrs cere. Aprili act 29, 530 p.o.: The huge Ceeedy Tub. lit, DANCE ¡9 'I ChinaIs Bore Dpnne Cnopney sill heel ne sl:a laser alti: OasI Causo band Perperoul Leasen est nailer usd1 Míteh,il tree P-Il p.s.yprtltt st snecc,Iovvchuusssvnaaaaenresglr danoetra'ndnl,cepuiraarsaeassery, (aqu( 3ad( pdaietoe le ft-I? Call 10211 5ta-SOS. C9naAa sann, Cheplen nf USA Danse, the snllseul sogseinell ee onpreenedea ge., PACE B13 Reuse and recychng drop-off (see for asceptubie items) - Easter at Edetwess Special Easter Menu with o variety ifreen lifestyle workshops of entree choices including Ham, :-Prime Rib, Roasted Duckling, Lamb Shank and 5everal troditionàl German choices. ".u"" Dist. 2Ws Trashy Fashion Show Lotertaioers Strictly Jug Nuts jug bauli lucky Recycle and Cinlidnen's mena amollaba Parker le the Park Haludoy menu ir nobPe rer'u:Ce. urals bulfei Reservations are required and space fills quickly for Easter. Sreto products and SRCIiCRS trade Show Seating times ore i 1:30, 1200e 1:30m 2:30e 4:OOn 5:00 & 5:30, Johnny Wagner will perform from 1:00 with local businesses 5:00 pm ORCHESTRA. vnggTnglMARCT.JS ROBERTS TRIO '4eiendvHnigu,men'cuii luullIulun, -'ib tsonl Sosia Orcliuu,ru Iras benso keeiiidyssvioog alito 'ui:,o'r 0035, Cdrmrparled ai bombos',',' riomoehors and.ormusiciamos Hao.dp':knd by the' icgiadsr'y Cnisei h.uu:o lIloinseIf. lice CourrE Ousia O'rdlmustr,, insu cs:'nuii 17 Oruareony" musards und on::linucs- to tpur, record and celbat oral'-. ','uiIb :' nntsble aro-lisis, Diorinmo ils ru, :eJ ..Hvlf mi' line consort, Oho Oafs rcir Wabarts Trie landa diulin,rr --,1,11 -i:il styla te iris celebrailas ni Ho- big hanei ta'oditinoi, ON WEEKENDS aeoeaeausba Spanaaned by: - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Peesonned by: 9800 N. Lawler I ore se 50v 'Vs dea' N ight," Onaturise fh,eaglr agili to, lt se. eetsestets. 0e orninO sr 'Orspinable he Pneeaoet mearen. 0402 a. Biser ccoo Asacan ni: calots ea ans lIeue el eeetinlrlae,Oeeuee er 10001 19 H' leeotrtree Neeriearoedtransesrtl- Skok;e's #hi hOC a e. fue, tars Orense s tern. e COMEDY F1IISTH4K&-TRUST -Airoom -Bath Fitter Decker Home Services open 7 days a week, for lunch and dinner German Annericuee Cuisina ibiWIliT ALL-You-CAN-EAT FRIDAY FISH FRY -Drive Cleaning Nicor Gas eeery Fridsty throughout Lent uleog with Speciol Lent Mero Featured Everyday 7650W, IRVII4G PARK, RD. NORRI000 708-452-6040 llI1g1 ItiS TIC- THURSDAY, MARCHAS SUT BIG A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION WHOOPI GOLDBERG PRESENTS DID ill PIONEER PRESS is seeking .the most outs tandin iiiOiii DoyOu know a morn whodeserves recognition for her service to the community' When she s not changIng dIapers or makIng lunches she o volunte C shelter, ftindraisingforjthe less fortunate nr educating locals about Ihe importance of radin, recycling or. self-esteem. I- AA A A :1 A Please email your submissions to nichepublications@pioneerlocaI.Com or mail them to: Outstanding Moms do Pioneer Press 3701.West Lake Avenue Glenview, IL 60026 by Thursday, April7, 2011. A IrA 250 words or less, tell un fee a friend r a fdmily membei inspires you through ecremunlAy involvement, yolunteerivg or ROYAL GEORGE 1641 NORTH HP.LSTED STREET APRi -JLJN5 charitable efforts. Please include DI, a photo if possible. Pioneer Press will feature the most outstanding moms in its annuel Mother's Day special sections on April 28. Ii, - i B DIC 812 IHUASDAY. MARCY UI, SUI! A PIONEER PRESS FURLICATION Dquara Spa ren & Peins Sisare Danu, go. 4ey4R -,.c:T Farkindgatar urCantuitoot.Nesi- so, silent Oteo milO lue gypsp)eoe by the Aal Glob st tun Frandneu SE Ueuelumend Pabilo Abran, 4505 N. era yea., Park Adgnusuuduntnntsl prett055. mAti Alt-SPIT nureitnul' Preaprot Poe, Parkllese 10411 055' ADO,eneuRsnkndgeïhrerynrg nL,q amateur bullere dansera. mesan resins at t:tD p rel danring tram Rit-li pm ydmiasiomtnmambnru;Uünen' tJOp.e.n ihsqanrestrumsias.m, neu nOB mnreora Friday Rims al lAm. endoafhusihtrrtr s serina, nreoent' ydmusdnn lu Ou tun rnembart 1k tsr guns ta. Fa r lntsrmndnn, eu S ittu 7ts - ApilO "0e tIns nr On purees' sont &'WuilSlinen bnnayynonroteapu,' roobsrcOMtorstsdnetunitirio. nitnttp.e.Thurudepu, snieas nthen Wise na leo pii shominAn miti In arlos' Poet nr )7ti 440-sues Sqrii to "Smp Aliti IO "balisa" and "tee Au rate Nid punted Op a udo rs roil end i el rodsstuon Dan ru ne du tor ali unira Lab, and tueonne-Muouenrnnoaura: Npd AS: 5100eroard lineen." Optil00"Ccouitduo Hsmloaykit' neanati530um.thuradnyu-NpttiI: "Areai,rn NpriltAl"hnb'ua"and 'tite Uy Aim hhlorinn hutlhne lotions Od- Nurbythumulgyatnaollha MsnnUie nl Cnetaorporary erl roil ruineraS "oi TN nao Arttn TneU'atilnnpr'ng iones- m'raniurintrue,Ma5 'the Crnsu" urn alit ne Meyttatnryn Naer 119001 utenrina Charla Chap IsAplIlt coartO Ctub ulosn Crumtsrd, Untel' FAIRS A FESTIVALS ria ra In K A" Aprii 00' ' a eu ton ata re "ma rreuyean" Ilronintnrrnoyerslu hiuyd.RpttitOi 'tReudOlplAlutaiiirt mend Ch rage aFOul NiuhCauewitl diorsss Ois mob srtA shore his osen Ihn alti Midniest FinadA Chauli will bu ThayarbhShnreHudaCisbm liment at 1:0 p ni. kAthillo the purinA heil at lloiypririiyApiusnputChutu5000i PO Anniesyen_Olukrnlhe eroSo monta Ihn OrsI Wednesdey At nues oontlrtsr tun auno un et n thregyl-pr000k na Ita ru md miopi, ECO Re. et Mn Ptrleiru ontleimpsrlaprenlartuneurliuen io Paeldur"aed"Pnler taon' Sandro monts trueml'ItOO sto AprilluCuelen ten in 020 FasrPlayelAytAre-tllat- Thnntre.d&PresTeolAsn Porkyidgu du in adulhnn ta Ihn Aim 0db lisa nr' addibew, merle bpaitiulnmLotrsute to io droste un the neathetis ard ou- loculO anunouorirreFaoi0uandmu' sinpoit sai onion nl tssrotlitr bohrer one nulo epa elan ut sou mor et ha Silent tilo 000aty ut Ch osas, ha ne mm i de no nul bit and tAmale Fur nnsnoalirss and utanoshisn toil piaputs hit the otnanu ut Cl seuo and LinyduhsrtS m'Iront Wanken," ei i 10411 940,N10T snort AlriletanenuttheCastreut PITCH-: sartA Park, i000DOdClnon, FoeS n Pork Omuniun, styla tarnst lusnor by Gin na mu s Tra munli s! Thu Carter n r Moirure and Du na,. Nartheentam O niunraitya Marlo (u Ward Marshall sanen Cenrnr. it Arts Orna Orlen, Tonnata, Opiilt-lB0 pm:"eoebrou-'TdnaalOorkedyjonl Aalertur-banlurnc"Atalk-bnskn:lh SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! ira rhnneat rap tar sud d en ra rs eri tuiluon ihn triday pnrtormar eu. Onkeln' Sun, Apr 3 at 11am & 1pm 5t5:ttiurntudnnln.ApitiDP'30,f Arr: "Ita AL trust." murk eruateb dn nonno and psnlurenit by soirlonur' A true classicl Parents love it as much as the kidsl Ita Ihn DaMos CumesuitA Cullata Al' tance tsr Utelong In anning otters Had list Bai!ruum and teso IPOS Dol-021 ruetarina IB, tu nor, ro eta, uhn-rharAs und unira alt nubrusk Dusts ¿rt r Ah tnluni 40020 [alu Aun., Dieu' sine. Ms prsnaspen'erea srderru pa loor ruqdrnt 0:5 onuy course meats tnso leu Ott oir,r litursdayu PERFECT STORY." alentirA ATril T. Courus inn la Ser. To reg': 51er n dt cicli sr annuso ra hoot) rut sou See & Hear Renée Fleming and Sir Andrew Davis Video Season Preview® CHICAGO SUN-TIMES heldoprtls'ioutthelrier Amarices Heritage Cenino AlLAN Kurauna, Ch ssgu.rhnr!nadtçheni,ehish s inehtsrmudctuatioul luananusal snenetRiuun ter liad i anal oasri uua Augurs and dancers stai eaeu the ro' luna! tauhosi naoru us the tirso coud Fyiolutaeeiea OsatorKeolno 071125 Clip Oloele" oreo ntnrrina CH arie Chap lu OprhiOO'lhn Bd ArntynT 19211 atarnos harold [hoyA liAr, sos 10411 916-0045 Park Oldie PolSo library, OS O. ORGAHIZATIONS OaktonCoronaeHpColl,gndwur!lun Proltom oitslu courues 01 0 ON0I:o rampon, OSI PL Lin suie Ase. essEn. Fon intorent' un abust the tesritun Omorne, tell 10411 1351410 arsiUt wwne.oaklnn.eds)nmrr!tusHaoalno Handni IMUD '111ml) us sops tote Ihr oesi000ndsrnatiulyntnnoPnanr Fe u my tu nnini. mops naiS ir lu r meso- mnblerenrpndtuoeuieotsdiee 'Ihn 65k go, PAGE RIó et suepaliltau ton uniti N 15e M ti-i ra land su urpetit inn ir Cu san, irulanc Adminniun in OtO SAS tor su ni-arenan si enelned p ana. Curldran ander lue sae atil,eehseierutrrmpaulnre nreudmulled ree utrhsrtu tar uturmatlur u nu u asñudu lu al coman litio ns uro ueantaon inune,miannsdlnehhuee :'' WORKSHOPS A CLASSES dundas ihn aeund And sartA Hun' daye atlhn month atl runriunu nr IM, Itt-rulo sro'dtwenweeuadennenfi'an- Tfl1LLATING TITLE WITH A bunoennsNplllkl 'ttasebuatsill' tnnlun, Sin, tulleced 5yd'sounu'nn. Mow oom000 enlosen, For io!wios- 013 Oudprild,T:sSpn 'II!nntsoonai' bu lirssm da nsss. Pu Onto nut rugu ireS - nina Lus naines u. ta aiun'ng dar on ar ruars a rd. Fo r intnrmni n,, sali lu Oli ITS by Le na unan ti non kur YaueIirs Cuu dèversisnio Club, a slut tar toenlen and n Agleu Cortirend loin PAGE 88 "LIVS uPTh DIC FILM BleuI Clueca, in thu W5M-Laadei 6e- dituriom at ihn blurb Msuase stArt Aurthenalnrn Un enmity 4tMrlcSrein Heartbreak House Sise Enaoatsu 10071 091-4000 r,rnnblurkmsunumnsntheeslarradul b usk-Ossea. Marntrstt:tD AmuSaiter si'eumnneer Alas dn Graude lige' tsrmhua unainaluserr turIhnirsO dinrit lo "A llerA ut huaIro Wnnd e" 00 GEORGE BERNARD SHAW SIRECTED BY WILLIAM BROWN Forformonrmssrorl Alenti 19, 2010 at 325 TUOni Grunt, Sinuose Murder in the MaflsioflTM r After Taxes Mystery Party A YOUNG WOMAN FACES A DILEMMA.. WHETHER TO MARRY SEX WITH STRANGERS FOR LOVE OR FOR MONEY? By: LAURA ESOSA Sireoted Uy: uaate artist JESSICA TNERIJS Fsotuririy enuemblu nsmbsr SALLY HARPAI with STERNEN LOUIS BRUSH Now playing through May 15. Resérvat!ons Limited Buy online at steppeowotf.or$ or call 31 2-335-1 650. üoll Mosto-Est AOain.4prn (773) 267-64OO\ r' Spenul nouns nbeiosur psutonrannes ci Seo roth Sinoroecu On n500n Sunduyu J si TICKETS START AT JUST $45ORDER TODAY! Nest Upr Peofeceimnelly Seoy-5r30 p.nn. on MOrAy 27 Throo Son urO isleilonship bioggnrs 500 Oflinuco irr j ihn Sesionan et ouk ng come ni nur ors r proutu reroslis uemiebls toi public onnuniuuuon. At Sono wood Fired, 1502 N. Cybourn Tinkers only $5Coil 312-305-1600 ro recerco your spot! 2011(12 SUBSCRIBERS SAVE UP TO 40% Also Call About Our Muc Mystery TrainTtI WRITERS' THEATRE DIC. THURSDAY. MARCH 51, 2011 B14 A PIONEER PROSA PUBLICATION. DIC u k'*1 BriJItantly revamped .truly t?Yous!" ... B15 "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 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Visit counter SoUrces these schuiers sod r heir stIidents, ned the r irlpauf oo eempe sum Course les 0084. Ope p0001000 cirO 0000f500troo acid pLooty oulethsalrsue 6007g. east 40h06 r he C loll 51g Sto Mn re ra eel Leemos of rorVdsmco Oopseeasyusembn 01005100 heppero to be io Ore seep. ThSAWD, usLuch romeo horn the N eue roTh. lou -seek cou roe monIs roel 1-0 7 nr. Tkolsds4r starti ng Npril ET CETERA MUSEUMS Skokre750atro 7004 Lrnrcfn tre, semi bouskm endNvoeriraessAofrApTllSdOo-O p.m:W0039A.55rtIdioouseso sed fon--asO 01000 tor r05500Jy psbl;uhed Look, 065ko Cali f8471 617-7761 OrrOri llllneisUol55005tM50000 606000' o eco oceNa. 'nolrouorr. April rS ned los Ceder, roar Words Ortos, Sous IO. 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Toc'woypole000djuecr0000te SorbSth fomet000ts doi055p0550dp5000ne 000uslb, tIre 70 001 io eol0000tocd. sog bossy sedee feo 5000e luckoeg cc 55t Ato the oegoroeor.00Doito rehilo oudccnoothlpmodgagepay0000o010wor 2016 006th SOO 00000troiue aol 00500rly tuo 000y Iesgsh 06dm WilLe ps0000 titr epsre io 001ro, tO in bucrootson oed omrhalMwl Se0600.01xyeursLelnr alLows Oso th00055500rorooiaudpoei. those lIse Ost bees o 50500000mo de' Sos orod d000.sWorO cUouste croaron s Iu000ofraoorhorBMwnroralosdso, rono00500hCo sposo too scerproo. coorlcurebte i000de with cheep of tsrLl000logysscd0050em005nop0001s. ThoSeabp00000crmp reeler boded LEXUS IS 35Ç bot I.00roe Orse rao-ced our its rieur pl0000uhosa thu O VSI otourSo,stgLrr. tloly,000ts suero. The IN 080 te NoUeOOnlyoI.nmoa, I S ra cor 0110cr bas0005r s4Nr0050, rOis IS lomse 1000l01000thn IN SAI 5000slm oetoiuh os rs eor St ta lIoor0500lIe sorO sooft boOr wdth sorlr000r osco rs00001ecrn up sI the 00004 Sss virlooflp 04000. 110017 000 0moolonotho 000cr, Vonitoi100tlru g003awd aa000ymsssrsoso 000thnthislmootruodamt 10055000w 2011 LEXUS Is 350 lor10055 oteo irododeu tilo roallal sue' sioogo 050mcsoOLrisugliocopnosror. The 0051 10000e 105the IS 08060 bNCthL'NOA-harsepoylerllO-dterh.M cr0000000 sorneussordsssseoou. sftlynothaa000rocsoepocu000rdsstbn neiosruoutioehsotdnl0000yoyotom roolbi0100rl diNeor mtsrics cod poor hood, the IN ONO dsye t hosto tor ou o kr105itoe. 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I1VAAOI2OI 11111*22 L1 V old6loqolloIl4000 4b702lklI7Vd?0275Y44411811p4 'V42,o0, o 51(59401,0 IIISII0*02,I5174042 11010d1115 2)09 10pO451d42d224 719lOSipA*oI44T0424451272 Tl22l41,4(9%40l2089$l1Od99?924l400404$ll9l8IID0V0*00 41,11,820 7452)1011 515V40&Ol54Sld4f6912t18010X5800090rS4lStld800VD449dlldO0240r22VY Sold 0ToOl$0421140h 042* 4210$$410,l1lt4dI1417J%250202141111S14 124402,11408101 $4240F, lI,,95l)71229oboklld 0070, Ilodospul 401011lVld,I(A7214110) O42Vol04100r971llY0l, 4(54044*142,4,112 $1101 $119218$IAI$ ¡5)9244010 ! TRUCK MONTH I AWI?MI 0A NEW 2011 DODGE MSRP: '39580 #85407 GRAND CARAVAN L OIL I S - fl3 /5' 9T2 NEW 2011 DODGE d VB, WIPO WER CONVENIENCE PACKAGE GROUP1 MSRP: '28,125 _....n# #85446 Every Toyota is Markèdiown to its LOWEST PRICE! Every KIA is Marked Down to its LOWEST PRICE! NEW 2011 MM L III $1000 REB*TE w 000c00n*7 oOflC7 N, CALIBER MSRP: '19,235 CAM$Y UJ2U34 TOOEYiOJ6A s 289. '22,995 12,995 òr ' 01304 BRAND NEW °Ieep 2011 JEEP Giant CHARGER GRAND CHEROKEE EuITI0IN LAREDO 4X4 RALLY,(-9/- TOURING 1.9% CLÇ OR '50095000 COAS/LS CAMASSE RAPOSA 013995' 27995' O1'92 Joe6 0?-"° O ............OS TsOMTA VENZA 269,, '25,795 019i' *' 'S,, YYoThoPNomo Yo,N.od1,g* 7225 N. Cicero Ave. Lincolnwood, IL 60712 8009890244 f SOMARO OW L0I3tW 0&0Op,44045013&!I:oO' A /o#pt,IHT ,Os_p.-,i. .3 '4Ih Hi4G0I - ïiu.'J - I': '/44041,1: 000:0l0600030dbSI0Y All,ppl:SUOS99I006idIOAll0005IPdOd101OdSlOPAOOAl050P1101551050.10100010450109500010/619010 1016.60po:S100550,l 066011,,o/,19t5n4010,'b,l,Iootu,. /3l3l/ 'Ì"APft' 1 'KIA----..KIA ',,'IRIA SOUL FORTE 12.99O 013.490 0149 149 í ' SEDONA S - - I90900105ax0000,OA.Oro SOon YDURE APPA VEDI CALL BDD91? 2V 6750 N, Lincoln Ave, IO,306$lIO.51dSO.l09 Il500pdooOFAhopeolsol,s.Aolosl,Iooso ,u/oor/.2)Y910t,lrsolIIISlu 0}OIIAOSP,OOSI510IO.700101OSll1011009lPrlOi'S 5:10:91, this,0/IloOor000AOdo0ooltorpo/dolo SCAN ORDE Lincoinwood, IL 60712 ¿'KIeLINC0LNWOBD" 800n9171267 fSo.o Grossingerkia corn 8B-459-6957 o'..........3/1,1 S'IIAÛC' 019790 ' SALES: 0-TUYA SP FOI & SAT SA-TP / SERWCA & FARTS: M,W,F 7'30A 430F: 0,10 7300 7F / ESTORDES SATURDAY SASSIER HOURS SA-3F lI2! S199 469_ S.rSEag TOO C.,u0000RU010 90008 0975 :- RIO SOINENTO NEED CREDIT? WE CAN HELP! YOU CAN DRIVE A BETTER CAR TODAY IF YOU CALL OUR CREDIT HOTLINEs 800-989-0244 ESPANOL . 1 1 ',0050014 '00050509 11 995' I.J7o S0'. 0,) - OVER 300 TOP QUALITY USED VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM SOSOS Alo AI 40405 pOu, Sp, SUO, Il,,,,, and 5155 99, tOO 900 AICICOIlt PIO, la,, SOS, 9 - Sp 9030,0 ii,,dOó10K9lJ0,l2OAO, YO nomO l0000,'AOOO 00,0 plu, 1' no. poynooflax, lolo, 50.0309 I,olTTI.AU. S '000f OR 90.9 , SIENNA YARIS 2011 0006E ,-. ,: t. TIOMOITA BRAND NEW -. WHY RUY USED, DRIVE NEW FOR ONLY----- REW0011T00000 MSS P: '26,535 -i- I NITRO MAINSTREET MSRP: '23,695 BRANO NEW - _19 NEW 2011 DODGE NEW 2011 DODGE W NGLER SPORT 4X4 -I ' ':. NEW 2011 JEEP ASO --'ax NEW 2011 MIA -- AUTOMOTIVE ATtI500, Clasoto, Cuotot, Alto 0001000 000DB IO, SBIB Muto, Wasted VeITiooies Priced Sill DRO 4.W100kVtiIB 1,00110 Under'S,lJOO! 1000 Solos Ralo, PIS Tusks. C0000eloIll VSTST40 UlItty Trolle,, 14,492 VOIOIOIBS-VS10000,I,, 000110100. Insu FOBIe OlLO. lIAI Sie 50000e 200050200 BOOr, 0020 41113720 6210.6Er, 0202,1042E 15.680 s8,980' $13,980' 0ehlII,o. Rent, Lees, MrIoIcIBs-SB,IIss, ROSEI, $800 & Up!! $800 & Up!! 112039500 03,988 VohIoIoa- Loewe CAIOIAV A&A We Buy Cars Over 35 Used CROIS EROIPBSRI 004 42000 Wonted Used Car Clearance Center 2012 101011e, PIT 01100e, 01K lOis, 2003714 15999 Cash in i hr! 1500 00000 0810,2 2010, 60 22072276 13,999 For Good CarS! 2000573,200 10,06,, 60,1Fr 01103735 201015101 Impelo '6,878 PA/PL 0/LI, 00120, 0211/ 704001 /2500090 2002 F1,2 RaIler 454 0000E S UWII AV AUNE $11,980' $18.980 IOB5CVETCCAPSICES CLASSIC ,.o.SA006' 2001 NISSAN VERSA n000.08lT06 '6,980 2000 Raton Fool We Pick Up! We Are Fast 708-248-4500 Fully F201011 C92i7002, 2002 01002V 1-10 AVAILABLE ON ALL SUZUKI MODELS MUSI 9,01 020955TO crew coo 4641000071 06,988 04,977 2001 Vol000a000 6011106 2000 5061m loo 0001200 Aulo. Olor s,, 2013647 This 011E 227010MO 14,999 '8,49.5 Allo Selon Oue0010 101000,2 AmIsto, LX 6423 4601000 7W/PL, 4001 020, MUSI Seo! /12704211 110950 2005 NISSAN ALuDO 5000000.......53.0806 2001 0011M 55,0000,0, 1001056 010,980 o,,'2691aro,. 1000 FORD FUSION 11100................13,0006 2005 F00011 DIO 0055 ASIC ENVOY IL DEBOLI 010110 ......13,21006 UD100WTOAA500 ......................rSO.0006 0019IS501905050SLURSIII,0.,.. .15.0006 1'*'IJLJLLER IT! OA'DA 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA LE ............16,0006 ADDS SOBABA IMPREZA 0502,........00,0006 SIR NISSAN ULTIMA 0,r,,..............00,0006 BOO MERCEDES CUSIDO aerIal .......17,0206 '11,748 ,,2291wea 2000 01001e Cule 2063120 NORTH SHORE'S CLEANEST CARS' 011,888 000 '229/le,. 3H00 SAAB 2000 VIO Jolta -S- 9.3 '13,922 000269/0,,. 2000024 2000 001 0020CC 60 s7,740 1996 LEXUS .......25,000 ..............20,29K' SOS JEEP WRBSSLEROV1020 005300 011a 01170' 200424, 2004201 UBOB TOYOTA 510511100ER ICIOIB2CO '0 3,2006 000r021,XCI,uOjUwl 00,1 GETON 15477 2014 P0000,100020420w Aulo, 7W/PL 70001 SOCi, WOWi 1107/0070 15-49g 0002 010100-FO 60 5/4000 0210,000, 0,41/nOI 00001011 11112005974A.yAry 0,000 D000WJETTAWAGON2o0000e......,IA,010 005 SUZUKI KIZASHI UTS 2010 .1 A,180 OSSEI Fur! 0117310/ 114 988 eo'2794eo OsOS 155000 C,m,2 IS 0603740 l5 780 or 1299/1,0 2701 0,05101 0kO cElar 0671646 i7,488 '18,465 ,,'349Ioeeo, 2004 HONDA CIVIC EX '5591 0000 050,00, 00,1000 5040E 2005 PONTIAC SEJNFIRE 2 DOOR 702-6 714IO 630 Waukegan Rd., Glenview, IL 60025 '5,988 0004 00500 08005 51 auX 0119,0/ Mull 200E 05,988 2000 200,00er 010M Coal/or 500! 1/20070/O 05,999 I0055IIOII0000 IIIUIII100IOIT1OIVOHIILSIIISE io,IViUIlSI01I9TI000i0iSI0110 sOIO20EIrlIiflB OIIIII1IIWIII. 0115110050 005IIIYISIIIIIIIA5 2003Chewol100alib000tomall000lliogprco We Pay CoSh Tor Junk Caro W/ oeW/O TitleS JUnk CorS"R" Us 708-268-7159 No Problem! tor 7W/PL, 04000020E 222200/7 '6,999 OO 7000255-0521 Credit Problems? 1001 BubE 00,1124 00000, 2009 DIYUNDAU ACCENT 4 DOOR 02011017.10066 Mike'S JARIllO9 06,874 023,888 ,o0'45960 e. 7441571, *106 on 773-00M- 4037 NEED A CAR? 16998 01kO 71466, 07W Coodition 015 20060419 '2411 11600 ZERO5 MONEY DOWN! 2200100000 F2 10,150, 404 0003055 0011111 BUY VEHICLES Me N0000r l400 Ors Muai Sor! 42631570 2102 Fard E0002b000 XLI Oi0hlundgodIoIOdloII.10m 20020ldslIlrlg10220000l1000IO/$golco CarOl TrAOAw 02000 0000 0020e 00,11,00,, 2000 P000020 0.5 Loath,, 2013607 847-031 -4200 200hChoeolot'lmpBlBlutooatlCoolllTgpriio 0000 0015k Lelos,, Cuoteo Low ALLO, 0073537 TITLES! $1000 118,466 00'3494,S1 s8,988 Highland Park ' Let us show you how you coo' drive hoWe with '20,988 a, 04090,,. 9- ' 06674 Mud So,! TAil 000E OLI 05720,! 0001 OleO,, 631101101 1126527/O 000 1ko 0e Volley YO od 2064 FordFCCuaBul080hiCl8lllrgp'oiCe AT AA&A Top $0$ PolIt w/oR wIo 708-331-5533 2080 Ola 50000010 0673005 '19,520 ,o'379/oe2. IT6WOeI1O102 398 E. 1470 Street Harvey, IL 60426 00900IIOO910000 11404 COI/IO,, PV/PL 02105772 1,61 025036e . 0,00 CI!, s17,8OO J ©JH© Li*iio *? F4151 000E dl,! 50020,0 00075770 1/004 rOo, Onu LElo/PEO s7,800 01,1010 IBIII1ISIISBIO meVfinu IEIIRIOSTIIERISOIOYIIIOIOBISIO10. CalI 24/7 708-248-4000 24755 0660000 2001 INFINITI GIS AWD ,,,00a.,.......010.0006 VOIR MITSUBISHI CAI.ANT,000,,......02.0006 OTO CADILLAC CTS aorua $402 tsr OesOers P442 112* 608002 oh IlL loe Call Jackie at 866-738-5747 'I'oqual/Todluynrow/r/ooppraoedomd/i A Forget the rest I pay the best! 7 days a week running or not 7O8.975ßO.5. Please turn ahead for more great offers in our Autos WanSed Section! - COOPTO CUSTOM MEDIA SOLUTIONS, A DIVISION OF SUN-TIMES . MEDIA, LIC. I SEARCIICHICAGO.COM/HOMES I NORTH EDITION I NO toda BUILDERSSHOWcASÈ WEEK 8 T"'TAT0iriiIi;" to From rente TO OWNE The Crossings bridges the gap from paying rent to owning a home . hrsg faleETre osdet heer st The Uvrejege at Mortar Grole la Open rroaa deyrrverktrra 101 nIai p.o. Pitt000 loo eeiel Erlag erar. T Tith the Moor rtotioa just etepe nwey 00db monthIjIj ty mortgage payeront lomeo thaca typioel city trat, V theonrnlu000yeowhomesetTheCrosaiogsat Mootoo bonn aro qaioldy be000rtcrg homo too c00000tera. S'or alinrìted lione, the builder is dbrcioagaapncial mortgage boy dorrcprograru rooming qusbhed buyers to acto anew three-level rOwhamo orTSe Ccoreicgr at Morton broce toras lomes $1011 per month. Salen oepcoeentalives cro eoplsio the details rod caloolete the beneble loo p000peotivo bagare. ,NEWj2: HISSTII II Throevoprogramis apertectopportaoitytaroeotere t001abe the rocce rood bay lastend of ceoeariog theO 1011 apertoreat toreo. "With lUir apeolol mortgage poogrsoa, the mootbly paymoot tobeyrcewrowhewe ntTlle 0000einge at Mootoo Oeoaeie often lomeo tIren the trotona rlomct000 apero- DISE ay ThE mrol,"raidocetteayloo,beoiorSslraMerager torSoS 000theos. OR AUTHORIZED ROUSII DEALER The mortgage boy doctor poogrero is available tlrreegh the oompeoy'a ia-boone mortgage rtiaieioc,ThlMoergrgs torahmited time coly. "To give so ocoraplo,eqoaburd boyer cao p000bsne am Oelatoo model et 4100,590 vrith e 0/I dOM rod ooly 10 cJtERS PPtY TODAYI' AL!S - OPLEWANT1DI 08K FORThE DESTI CHECK OUT OURPAY pua: prmeatdowrtaodvoeoillbrlyd000th000toto3.50000eot, giniog them alow monthly mortgage pay0000t of ecly Doll," esid Taylor. The cornysoyb lecci caortgogo cepteoectrtivn io available lo ment eithpooeysotive bogare sod themse able poog000a es well ne 011 or today's bnaociog opt100a. "The 0011100 ogros l,$glsq0000000t elb000g space on tobes levels of 0010g eith twa bedvvoms,2'/r bathe sod tesloans a large lcitohrlco?ith gracile oorloteolcpe aOdstOiOleer eloel appbecoes, impressive meaba reite, two-oar gaongo, bosemeot, aod a 000ltcp dec10," ssidltayloe."We have ao Osbtonovrilsblr to croce-io se aeolyavdpvd?' The babilar also baa soother l000eo t4aiob delivecy homo - 1r 1°í" RaChees with naismp reelles lure aoa labte at The Crarsege ab Msdse Goon is Ihn arTap deck, altering crest aerosol prieateaoldsorrpore. available too ioa000thate w000-io.Peioed or 4309,000, the sOndees sturi applisoces, sod ospocicora masteobod000ta cwmbrd000m,Oii-bathhrooriageowcroms trabone 1,000 ergoeae toot otbviog space ro there levole. thghlighta 0000e rod-volt eawbome aoe the adthiaoel windows on sil these levsb,a large family mcm or bocce ofbos,gouometisbmdhitobanwithgeaorice 000ers000ps and Ocith bay miodow, huge wrth-io olcsrt, aod ear iropresaive msotcr both mirlo sopeoaro tub nord ahorres, sodpoivoce lavatory. This 000ehome aleo boonba a bay reiodow io the 7 I Don DeBat, 10 Oasr.r: 00E THE CROSSINGS. PAGE 4 SLJNElMUSrt 2 I SRARCHCHICAAO.SUNIIMSIHOMCS THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1011 IO OIl TODAY'SHOMES 1101 .11 Hilfl.l ,Yc005ibbi I 1000HIOOIIIIIIIO 000THJHIYOJU I L tuo ?IIUOSDIH, dAYCH 31,00111 OnlnCHCniCAhO,1ANI1BOSIH000S I3 TODAY'SHOMES Buyers can buy Leland Crossing offers lifestyle in 'international' Albany Park into city legacy at The Legacy Restallayere eao"aapinee Chirego by simplyliaiegia dowot0010 Chicago? ma arier betet io epae ellI Cteaoty aorepnae is looklog toe value there daye, bol halide thnt, the Inico Ast is Desame as for soy locateR. Otte fist ireiodea larolien, views, Dane pleat, interior apace, boildirg ameltitisa, enteetsinwnnt,001lveaieaee end the appearaatce nithe hsitdirg itself. Drew iotrraiewa nith resi- E. Mette,, 1011e 5f 02, Matdny Albesy Perk. ulbaoy Pech provides e dOaoweyto eatagloyacammonity where such appuotannideseayteeaeaoodartcirg sed stewing Cornhetheo act rua be faaud. Mally propIo arr Itadnead basI latine asse lbr00010thr dintiag options thel 00e eneilebla. laye North ta Ftidsy?tee B ea. fr5 g.e., cedric Araaoe iserarly sed Salutdsy sed Saedsy eeeey typa of taud sold rhoppiag available, reraythiag What ana albarDan buyera eaaoy looking for whoa eoalewplelingamooa lo dente almel,egeuyetlnlil' ee,e,inan Pech, it woe learned hat they checa the huitdaang beraaaeileraethe nalyeae dnnalaova the? eflered eneaything they wem lunkiag for in with Wbielpeal lobs oltd acd aepeenta rhomase. the world" mithoat Iraniag FIND OUT MORE fIala 11 seta f p.c. Cell teornloyaoesefeadroPem' ataatayeaascltfao,lradasom. Ill- OOD-DDfDot heil mua thelegraystailleesire yetI. Cbioego oarecoaaitg is Lelend Ceeroirg, Oltaaney no-soit Raro aesidruer fastseal iathaidasl,rkwota nuolealled Itigh-ethoirany teo-pemsell gae, is wired tar the lule000t sad Sao reble tItisebe. The roatcm droigced Itilebsas iorinde Italico eastom oahiorley, gesellte eanatrolopa with atsialesa stesi aedeaweout siebe and sod se eobioal lighliag.Thr high-cad semi' pacfrssiaaaltlfhirlpael Galo applIance pne1000r itteladas a bve-baeorr aber, Busch quel dishwasher with ocatacis io door top soda rnoaowavr Opeotetltrnerlklalseiltossiuf,o I5D-ohir tarir Inure basi onoutssda et nerd 0010100 erd arbor. a tsaidarxal high-ciae. hexe- iomdr.erlepmentlertnriag soil fird II 10db ealth baa bedreolos end twa rlathooaovs law 000 neanneaieanna ware athuonudo rugo sod lobby, high-sprod devalue arId aargisg bow fit sed l,fSl ride dasigarahacroays.Dhe srbao"sefl-lsfl" coedoalitli- soil 00 rae h Dona seId healed, alterhed garags parldcg thr graaad lenel. A eseect oddiiuc Ir Ihr eoeameorialspseeisthaaew the tap priority foe these buyers. Viewa end nevauillas cart a 010er earned, areeedfog fe Audea Mall, publie cela Seas agsalatCfrR,lrlt. Home Auction Saturday, April 16th, at 1pm at the Marriott Southwest. 1200 Burr Ridge Pkwy, in Burr Ridge, IL 140 Chicagoland Area Bank-Owned Homes!. Don't whO Ont home gnom toge up. Today's housing morAd and reuoed low interest rafes meAd thin Ihr best time to gel your next home al the price you sot with NO STARTING MIOD. Each home in this auction lectures title insuravre paid by Ihr seller, nu beck foxes, and no liens. Get The Details & BidNow! At BidNowiLcom Or call 866.539.9544. Up to 2.5% to Buyer Agents! OPEN HOUSE: Sat & Sun, April 9th & 10th from -3 pm. HUDSON & MARSHALL Hf OH -PERFORMA MCE AUCTION EERS $05go dolse o assehirre cRack lot each oorattu. DM ionOithi0t IL Libe Luke Lee auxfioneerti4000waOl. IN Lìr O Hudson &t.larshall Ac3x00002t. B. aHHteS,toyDo?tO7.SaetualWebb Lrgaaeguief: the Ichal al te ugeauc ace el Ile restio, sparisco aasals rtthisdreetrreCfirsgeaeoslapaset. The hegasy le taeatrd u block awoy born Milieariarn al cheese aed e-iaa ir the parb.The leedaoapsdLoaia Gordreie tha partaol aelieg lwewc es The Ritoep Baildiag lnraslaeal.Icfilleeatium Pack presaroed the historical Isoade at sheaf level wltile eeaetixg avery modern sed arelnileelneallyplasaiag Pero rod is also eIner eanlgh tua mary msideotr to welk ta werg. Lorch au was very impuateat la gobio Mod gory Beedla oahao they darided fo maya la The Lagsey.The Readies weae Oring Ia tbe sobarba oad mauled the ooaver,ierra cta dowul elan lifestyle. Gary is u000 chis ta aslbto bIs eftice, which io cenca blanca aeaay barn their onsets sed ratertsiomeel oes each osa la the snca,sre. Muta iofaemaliaais available al aaplereoltieagu reg. mn Neathea ara nlaa Debed with their aìew atThe Legeop.They hava eeilynìew rasidseer. labio 00 werbe lreienserthwerl sad bad the dtpliohfa dawcfawwiaraedbloss boy shias threogh the flear-te-eediageaiodawe,as ia tha suhrnbe bat gaiag weR as the raesrta.The oiaws sgaìoraf traffic, if febes her are slsebeeathlaldegiethe sky laaegas ea the ilad rad Iweolymirates la gel ham dawatawa ta her ethor. gobio OuA Gary waar perlioaleafyimpmserd utTha Lapary aud ftliteoaiws Park. The peaS is nao black ham their rasidrere. Near that hey line el The hagaoy, Roblo sod Gary oea ruba adoartage at averythiag lInera is ta do at Milieeelawpaalr.tuthr neianIrr, ase opdaa is iee-elrsfiag lolos atidalrfeprekodlh Ihe ereftitalfuoa, the laudsonpa oeA the Ciderga city Sohle arruad. Fromflanernbet Ibreogh MacoIl, the paro iehomr Ira lB,lOt-etfoaeefool ira sleetiog rieb sdth fass adwnieaioa. AIse Ir winter, io- faaaaMnaeld00calaseoas endiable ralafaga aediraide rtJayPeilabeePaailiuo. loths soeeser, Mdlearninro Parb realp comes slioendth sal sad Oailtare. Frac elsa- siano marie frarnme Casal Peck Geohsseo 000000m, eaobeeotapedodthapiaaia 011o Murta, Reeldeats ram eeíay these iadaarfaatdaor speoeeforaateeteieiagrr eonplymisniag. lfatotheesmrnnity thai is ertoelly atleohed ta loe lolilding is the nainarsity Club, aeiadepaadaat,peinate msmherebip club with adetiasins gOv000edbyile oeaoeoeocbarehip pnbeìes rad bylsws.The rich oRnee aaseeol metetarsats, ablarss racler, agalsh raOuts rad goret raama fee oveeuight g,arrtl.The Beach se ware aalhnteraetedi000rahseiagae aataa bedream for iofrnqaeal,nvare.ightaisitaes er the Drinresity dab gorsl ara a raanonoiaat spSon, CorsIe do auf hade to ge facer eataide io iectewsat weather. The Reaches sisaeppeaniate Ova ttlatonioalsigeifieeeor olTRe Legary. Tito buildlag et The Legarys baae io sod mes aciglrallybnillia lODS. Mees Reeeiapmeal lernea Io the osater of the site. ma irteciec oltheir meidanea was apniodty toe Rabia sed Gary ea web yaw Iaaaep high-rise boildiogs offer peantiari, yet gurgaoas, Idleheca that compeae te boas at PIne Lagery Noel ldtrheae at The Legacy ser eaaewaas,repaeisllywhea compared ta other boddiogr. The baislnes cod nppbascea era lop-st-the-liar sod ioeladad lu the prier. The Fabel Iaaoily rise parbased alThe Legacy. Alter na0000tiag ta warb from Barr Ridga for twelve yema, they baa eaaogh Of the daily lealOo.They bedonne amply acelere, but were still moeldag tali time, ac thay decided that cabra iioiog was ea iaagaa r dee 0m. Diane Raj PetrI marks ham howe fnlltimee,thnydseided they reaMad fane badeoams. The Patele loakad lost alienI eceryaahatr daeadeom atto wets Iwshlr la liode loarbedraom coedootioinan. Cnwpeerhla baildiags did rat eftera faoeth bedeocm, an erareise bocaS dariag the dey iaThe Legery'e blessa eruten Ns atan goes thu bsslOese rartea Ord carterrore roam inside the bailthag. giare Ile bar a aced loe bosicese mediaDa from Ornate big bao nab nyliaar. The ncr putlthouer mdta hace nielnel fenicar, Il pierre et raedio bum 000e cod Iffe au the bOh baer feature Filases sndmnerthaa3l pienro afslorngtheqropwect, lsrger twe-bedreom, becel while malaleleieg a gaoap ba0000whsrnre traogiog bem 1,130 lo 1,431 oqusea sasroierpmge005aoda fall-aernion locken raeto.Tftr tes» with lasos terraass elohìebuiitaa000dpeaasosl sud elcyhtle virwe. Moat samien, bot mrixtaloa ar000h aelectiar to waleh the variety that buyers watald gal bow pruthousa units sIso trattare hall-rias laondeymnms,ocd slooptuaas ocastm bathrooms paorhaesm ese boy wìth as se 3.N pmcrut darse, sad whrcoaiogeprefanerdlaadea,Gnaeaetsedbatrlroatsrt toe CetsIbi000 for meer mIceata000at llS-ROD'DRRBI, the drerlapar Ines acruoged le beco $l,ODD at rloeiag rests paid foe the pueehasas. Poirso fer eaw-oertnteurtioe rnadrsiailhieaga,asaga bern$f14,O0D to 0349,gRt, mautally biaodlypta-eogi- cod with low rsessawaata sed laass, monthly paymrats leal arsaadmatsnialgnrasetred rinalorulalpdess for comps- cet lu slretehee dont, sod cull malsIno loch looter, ruble area epeetmeate. Pcosprcline buyers earl become fcos oayaceb500 gsaeaatsed fOr 10 parcs. Bslfneswoiuclnde IbIs lailela, curlew neaily rabieshy with a dnuhle bawl nselty rod walk io "coro olraesecr" showers la lIte master, a siegle.bcwl verity rod foil lIlA eudohuwea io Irle era000 belhesew rad rrresoio tite s s aeaaable te eaterlaia buoiorso cAsals, s large geesE of bisada ara iseyr party. Gthaa oc eoilea ietelode ra irdeoe lap peri aad a tweattyfour haar doer alatI sod raaeierge. el nauvla freeba ab. cars/La- iendCmssiug. Vieil ana of the CRen Rosees an Ruadaybam 1p.m. la 4 p.w., or nao ConlenARool Estate Cowpany el 110-455-0001 sed ash foes weather et Ihr Lelaud Crosswo Teseo. ted to the Fht j4 5 Thsyrt Mr.prtal siso meaotivaad the ooanaalraerefbeiag ablata walk to bosiresu meetings rad appaiaImacOar well aste eudlass batéeteiunansat oykoea. The eymphoay, the theatre thaOict sed asneral fahOluae restancesta ree aearbyThe family raperirlly leans to attecu plays aadlhe Art foatilote, chieDere eR eaithio Ilesa blacks of the Itoildiag. The Legaryisereaidertsel, locsey Iligh.rise that tite thu draOro of wrap sobarbec Rayere. Peiosa crags Brand New 2O.1 Chevy Ce, I6co$, highway mpg /aa,ata,ssrtre,aralle,sbe,cseeaaa,l,aaarlars,e. humeas hebrews stooliog Ia the raid $300,0015 ta Ihrer bedosome, sed paath races that erect ia the f000,OOls. cloryLang,suro.anes Tha soler reatrais apee drew for them. Mr. Paleltrbea paek.rem. Ob'abaoentlOirr. trae of the boilthag,bayere beutiqos lIeellh club facility, "Rudysnaao," afladag e 14- nr eky lonaoea arr aise The iorardible awouities lathe buildiogweer risa e rorha Legacy became se Ga Dones lIne 0000500 uaeerexeily, rOste Iroag INch ir Obsry Park, tir up-sod- sed pronies and soigne dedgas. Withreariy4O perceot seid oppaavrdpf{bli0000iag, Owe, booing ea impceseive roadareltoa momia e must. al BRE. Mamue, Rwts Soll, Monday ta Friday troco f am. taR p.m., aed Batardoy aed Bncday bum 11a.m. to R p.m. Cal SIR- 001-DIBO ra vieil aeeun.thelegeeyetulillarlciom saerptiasamapeothansee, leve hone It-foal ounnerlr orluoga, eapesed spiral duets sed onsrsks000iudowe. square test, streaga fee ansay with serma foa1000. The ocena one on rnei000- som000diuthe mrateeuThees howea fretare in-mdl iauadey heeb aye, aboodrat olasato ]LNmftUífl Learn More at s - -N 'o I 00000II011ICAGO.0097I400/0000S THIIR5009. MARCH 31. 200 NO TODAY SHOMES THE CROSSINGS lido5 room, hull b00010eror, two-cr gange, und e fabulous eunsop deck. Sloe 000eaiegsatMoeroO Gaona io npp0000lliNg NO pee- ceot acId Out. "Vioitoaa COO suo tha houSe owoyoW000uigbosNngond I CONTINUED FROM FADE N 9149,99N,utithi000aerefrbaload neigtrboa000d00940a000 Grove. C00000uteas maybe dracoartothedue000blel000ftoo, 0er oteo- ohoarblceka from the Metas alaSte Nod II rido-ree bolo OUate okpcd. ileothee endbusüo otool0oilyonddac'l doeuv is the Nosy I000-rveiuila- voOntto rniae000,"eeidPayloc. The Crossings of MacNOn Omeri i0000enoleveolN4thaeeIacela000loomea,paieed from nanee lìteeryle cuithlawo ceoe euuduooweamovelp000tdadbp the NlomaOwnars dssooiedoo. Suputo otri pleoa000ly sotpoiood eNSI 000 1009 liar et PRODUCED BY CU STO M MEDUEDO5SUTIONS GOOD TO SE4NCNICHt0500,CSRaV HOMES Editor Peut Fetore, 9451e eWuteot ion etwerk.oa o NON-9 14-4 950 NaNdeertiaor Rita Welkst, voalkadeounhi eaa.cue 709-NOS-4924 otheewoterapocto, Secerellocd cod Sere petits ene 000aity thOS,i000WOOdoeodNt,Porri'a WoodeEuaestP0000coe,pacaid. 00g aoeiaoroio lowing, end pioadckieg, bistraes tobo aojoy o creernoS IOU or e ceoefreod bore Country-style condo eojopeoeduoaliooal0005r 10000gb the DotaNdo bandons. Vioiroca oro lnoitnd ro rom the noleh000e OveilehIo loe ion- N°00ml-gE Odnot Oopmsswop, asir Dempatoa St mear, pmcaad Va mile, branleR on Reacio Ace., 000ellblock eouth 00 tl000iogo Ct. Fnemoae intoenedeai. cull (941) 501-ORtS oasisitCmssiongaorldoatonGrOva,00m. Poapa,nabook nmeae,tho c000enurdty caoba N000dloyaeaeclúogtoc"Caoaa- WHERE WE LIVE I Vernon Hills condo community abuts forest preserve BRIEOEMRSCHNIT4I0R contea io open 10 em. 0Rpm. aman deys nooeek. ingebttrgod0000oval' 000iet0000adoc 005011 0mo-- eaeethaaChmnegoleodoomnrooitlaaiaiolooaoiogdele,Elgio, GleO'dO'O,ttuwthoanWOodN, ld000loth000co,00dloothBer- dogreo,oisirlb0000thaaeconol blitroia. 0000trppar.irv l'oua pet-tc-bo-c000pied oeils see a'ouiloblu oO the Nioea'e Odge coNdo 000oorooity in Ven coo Hide, oebmch was fr0010 doe e yenes ego. 0010506, et000.hed0000e, Nec-bath 000db that anata 1,001 050mo tact otlining space ie listed by eyed Chaistine Pcies000 toe $049,1000. The lop-boa condo bee nldlohennoith maple wood cuhi000a5o geaodle c000teetops ond stoielaos stasI eppliaorcea. DecollIno oheaay eood 2000iug anos tlreoogh moat of the ocio, ioclodiog the abchen end aunoniylning000m, wlnichhoe olimploon end eidiog gleas d000a th010pe000 Obeloony. Carperiog rid o nailing fue cee ho bord io thu meoree had000m,wldho the crestea beth00000 hes cubil cuority, sou Ich cod New Model Coming Soon... 1H AT MILLENNIUM DATA POINT WARME REAL ESTATE DATAR NUMBERS 9 EADCE cod u 0mo-cm gange. Ninaab Edga, winch meo bollI by Weies Sccehopmeot, tSars nocas, te enaeclee end clrob aooma,hoagooen00eNthma,pmtosaioooSy-desigeedlundocaptng,u 1.3-ceoe privare earooapeok cod aganabcadth a retrais. Tha oulnorlronihyhioa Coot loo reteso peeaerca The nnmh ea of pcopecioe toc cala ioWeyoa odth on OokiogptioemOae than9l EREMITERE POUTRE Odio Menu ettlioc. Bank executive buys in Lake Forest Akanlringooecotioehsuproa. chused e home le the muhmaao aeciotslcapiosideorrofocuokeh- poor of 1,0100 Fcocsl. Serrines nod also seoveelor a uirnilac mue odo- tosi guy Cued cl iCy eod aoohyaio or OSSO Osad )aocayb00010ickecdlnnioe Sceofliclrbooghithobve-hedeoOic,S.5-bethic the 400 bhcdr ob RSSC. Peedonoty, ha woe t uNoa pNosidaol0160000e OlCepihol Ohehle Lnoe 00090lO,OOS 00700. boa eod00000lgabo.ith)olur000 llfOocigOaaoi00000hos. &)oh000cr The 4,NSS-squate-fcol booae 0000huorioo 199S.ltisl000ttdic the Meinnee Meadow aoindial- ACHIEVEMENT: HAS ITS OWN PATCH OF GRASS gouOeodedgoeaetdSuuineso Rchool oodWoabiog000 end Lea AT PNC MORTGAGE0 rnu'reoomntittedto Uni0000itp. mektov the bioyieg p040nos Ninoptar und MettieM Roo coluro. bbc PepIno Jettaeysoordiobwook000tha Come see why Meadow Ridge Flaad,d sitO tIght Raed aabisstu, uraa,le 1000laoin4r, olaialasr 01seP oppl,eaooa ead hordeost thea,, klullinkt Na oeil-14 I oediooeithìelmilaeot accese letheVee000 The oint cornea with optionte etocoge apeos LE. G. AC Y PARK- 4p. BilreOlieil doae fry oeil ellvuiil steialeesatoeleppbseoaeintho mia ehnwee.A two-Ocr arruChad geaege ecd o ONO b000m000 ero siso iol010dad. TIle eNrio aro0000ndiogme C000eioge etMoa00000000teehuras a000tetynfcanceutinnal oppoahrioibes. beeruotol holco Miohi5ootaorrlyisoniuvorau HOME 1'RONT BY BLOCKSHOPPÉR ddco'illNodtheNaethBaooch medieto ocoopeoroio etwaS en the Webataa modoLboe cales uudthamaotacoo0100korwelkio Closets end el0000toiro both 05th n acelring hub eck sape- toton heme foNder, Walt mulk you through the atapo ade by 0cc, bringing clarity to Rho pronaos add is still one of the top Is II, -...II III developments in Chieagotand0 Private Attached Residences starting from Jost $495,000. Ask airent our incentives hy calling 847-559-9800 or e-mail: SPooky QIBSON I 5 including tEueaea Realo & Pool, included taetoowe. Each thaee. Iavoloouehooireiealodoa Stockte 000000000pa, 42-hielo cieplo cnbbrers, sndW900lp000 Cold ldtnheo, pion herdoeood 00000, Kolrlerpl000hiog5000rea,OndO uceslree end doyat. Peelooeaioeloile 9-toot Saar. Coot nord 00000d-0000 ouiliugo, ecyeorniveliriing/dioiogm000, RO THURSDAY, MARCH 31,20711 SEAOCHCHICAGO,018II005(R0045 TODAY' SHOMES No yoor hume fieaeoing eoper-irene with P94C, With moco coetidenee te your tandee, there's no tailing what peo eon nehmer. MARKET WATCH dat Ente el tetsalsuste dat Oeles $161,100 5.80% 103 $241,118 12.05% 411 65 Find nut 000cr 09 8421328,5345 0.31% $107,502 03.21% ISt 211 or noetOnt Jennifer 0000lceau Root oto e 3.65% $110,011 IR.l5% 730 114 ut jonaifer.boudreae@panmertgsge,eom Surase 2.94% $210,110 l.IN% 351 II Fer onto Medica Plico Ne rot cUto a 3.96% Belloto 01000 2.93% Dea Plaieso City Oesite sales center located in Nerthhreok at the cerner of Teehny and Founders Drive. Hours: Wed-Fri 11-Spm Hihilead Pork lsrasleuoreu 14 3.6% $112,701 4.91% 1109 $000,051 2.0% 182 4 - Sat & Sun12-spm Lake Forent 4.9R% or by appt. Perk RidEs 2.88% $150,010 1h46% 3(8 42 Okokie 2.94% $244,211 09.99% 576 (62 WOoclta 2.91% $411,110 4.51% 208 11 So-hoc Clricogoeloei,lhopproconoCatnlrook/ntl Olmnrd001colec P1\JC MORTGAGE° i tl fei'ahedCHtEVER io 000 C19 LA U IHURSDAO, MARCH' 'n NO IHUISDAA, 0ARCII 31, 2011 I SSnRCrChlCsso.SLIIIIMBIIH000S I 7 TODAY' SHOMES iii TRANSACPIONS Cuajo,, about annaa hamo aula, ta yaua acaiehhaahaodr 7ao mata Chicago anac ulala- rafia,,, saa"astantsalcs"at vucacc.noaachnlritogu.suatimaa noan.loccmoa/, 2219 Eosraieo Br, Kalir000hi, Ints lae000& Oartlhy, $030,000 1705 Mao,, SI B,Bnrnan, Broclao & Intoy, $420,107 23011 0h Semo llar, Elliatt, leerle 71GB Celan CO, louis, 1,10041 & 25111071e A, $000,000 SalaAn, $237,525 2823 Ood 23126, Potarr, Franata, 2282 Esargreen Ave, Oiaoaloao, 003 Stntroaad Lo, esyardra, 0502 ReneW La, MoucHeaany, 20205 N neta Sign ON yore, $240,000 Meloliva,$21A,000 S41/MB 5000119, 8633,000 Braie 4,1110,023 Donald &Jaunongpípathei, Aliso, all attic One La, Cahlaghon, 1725 tlIi,sis St, 18004080, Deaec 2432 Rager AdD, Bac, Norohvri- $042,000 10241, $311,000 It, $105,000 snty $238,000 arlo roncead Lr,lAhac, Moral a, $111,000 AstianIr 948 Cancerar, Mellon, Sara L, a:o iiventory Hosie Alt Peor000 Stoat, Harriqara, 383 atIco Orali no, Battue, loor L, $270,073 Jun55 PA Panela A, $110,225 2925 PiO, SI, Oa,nlao, Asca, $15,000 39891 Aatnenrnr La, Ajorre, Nora & Saucter, DarHel, $170,050 Spring a time for all things eew,rid no better time to get o new lennor homo with more lunsry features, upgrades and energy efficiency thon ever at no extra charge! Spring into e'.vo bigger savings on select, immediate-move-in homes slated for immediate clearance. 11420,150er 0e: Barba, Vittoria $113,000 I ) iu ciosiuo casis u $ I Ç NU To OFFERING ()4 7% (5 3% tlauJrUnh..d M,kaaM,.Naa.caap,,,r - ) 01 entursrnlvw PIACS Ao,a,24 8,4,21,407 hiHaAH, Frnm!2A01ev012511,Onn p nor, ud 0Aol 877-276-2299 BridgaoiawTn,rchnua, 2.1 Sad, 2H onih, ee;aeavrrw PLACt addnaciaw AndAdA, l2,hn I 5,5, Frum!i.901990°t09,9C0 FcumOiO.CÑHOO79Ç,991) 'I kt 888-592-0167 888-592-0t67 'n' 11cl r -, I Rado; theupluca l,taonn! Sn,y nnncun l'i 4 en# NA MM3OWALL -StNn6S-FAOMILY Harets J,rh,s tcqIa.l llrhma,, 5.45,4,229 5cR, Feoe.9lOo'l7,i,9'70 Creen tDAE Chicago Rid0, 9,,,,4,,, 93 5,4, 9.24 On 4799,995 Foam 7"B P,uc,fuldohmI,ula&d,WuoolhrojI CA,, u MA,, cd ,hnpp93l 888-205-2694 877-217-4846 Aucune OOWBM ChAog,. 1,0,, Sod,,,, 3-1 rcd,, 293 A, Eme Odno,OHO',., '990 S,, Inn,,,, & cul,,; 877-867-7753 SIMMISnALL RANCH DUS'LMXMS boat -So,h Ooplaa Hnoa,, 78,4,, 2 Sui,, Fraee715020H0 'ric,nno ynAl,ail ,d,d, cc,;', &d,bhua,, ,4, 888-205-2694 / rosa- eyl,,,,,adt,,mt,,oua&fadtrt,aaas,Saap,oAna ka,soo,,,.do,ro,dna,aaaouac,Moaa rd,, 0ff -, 19:/I,;: TnAFALG4R WOOD. Moño, Grove-Iccnhnc[ "'rA, Pram 120719CC 9Ri4991t N,,; I, rnro4; P,,,u,4,I 866-530-3078 j &Sa,a4/I0/1An4eoo,6iaho,4/a0JrI'Affa, M, $145,000 $371,520 1002 ffaoettne,r Cit,Sohoidt, 5912 Soant Rsc,Goroet,Vlhyll, Dndd 1,839,300 8123,OBD 1511 Spaeaar CO, Geddie, Onight, 251 Liecclenana ed, Damn, rrrtt $045,000 & 25 auna, $43 3,0 20 900 Whitcerot, Mutler, Miohaal 0, stIllo 000 SALES. ROSEO $640,002 e & nora, $423,000 $100,520 1123 5,hlehi la,, SU, Di, 59019W PickOnri Ave, Br,giari, 1122 clnaalara SI: hitheR, JataS & BraIRA & Lori1 $191,053 Onrrti&d Ol,ardi, $470,025 380 craig 0t,Iasartaon,Juaar S 007 Sacio 28 tilt, hper Ir, lasso Lao 1er-, $3 55, 570 I & Orar, Oharos 5, $442,520 903 [,II, 3jan00, LeHr, Sanai S, 4354 Etneaadsm, trio;, lol;aA& $507,350 Liso 1,8000,700 425 PisSait Le, Hardy, aaar000 L, 0040 Flacaaaa 4v,: Oucnoer, Onail Sarocrd & 10010e 0,801,200 Buffalo Crave 2112 Sornan Mec, Mer, 500nia 0,8059,000 501 carosrar Wer, tledley, Bran M & ffnhallr It, $040,000 3441 llattiaanit, Slbbr, 1893, 408 Soarrien ea 429, Wullcr, Aaaald 56 Harlot 9, $220,020 3029 Mare Ava, Rugen, Srncnc S, A, $108,000 500 yaatlrerdsuo Woy, Ian, Ana 8041,000 BiO Lea Sto, Kneene, tontI, 8217,230 Alt CaMisas St, Wohin, SitSabae L Mocan, Alite E, $400,007 135 30ko Slat 322, Lernea, LoRry, $105,000 904 Birhiga0300 1,Fleoryn, alchaal 4M Frni,$105,700 330 sarionaat cot, Holzer, lIstel HUGE PRICE CUTS! $413,000 & Chucg, Patrivio H, $279,000 1183 RacaS Mien Ch Scinotli, OWN FOR LESS THAN RENTING! Were $295990 now $174,900 100101, $400,000 525 toyes St, lhrrinrr, Desini D Were $323,966 now $205,900 & Mcgao R, $120,000 2531 Prairin Sae 0W, errad, 010128s 5 Owraricoah, Carria, $00,000 910 Olradlard Oir, HahaH, lacS, j}:tflr:, 'Y 9433 Saeiaaan Ca, Ballo, Lue A, 1968 ceo,tt rae, neynan, Vcogcny & llagar, Iriso, $340,222 379 3050110M ed, Aadvhan, Clod EnanCan & Ostne S, $060,000 8 Great Commuter-Friendly Communities Across Chicagoland IL .1.'j'.,c'L,-,,-:,: l'ra,cer-, 8100,002 17427810MW Hcnard, StnpHno Nlkhi 40, $215,300 osar we,rgara na, Stristoat, reoca w Paddaak ree, Morbosine, 00e A, $038,300 558 trepetiald On 080, Oirah, Oleo AOLOR050N esssevs 201 Matte Pitia, 2e,, Dteisgcna, Gnayntuke lohn Saatr & 0000105m, CirRo A, jalas Sheila, $85,000 $236,002 Arliogror Mairhca.a 2495 Sa000nento Ch K,rahroee, tighlnnd Park 39125 Raboneen La, RaBotera, Don't waiti Put a little spring in ìour step and visit aLennar Community todayl RYE & Ochoa, SouR, $70,000 $110,002 Reach Park es Event Through April 1! 9405 PatkLo, Oisdlro, 100mph 15 aam,e i,acoc,od,rm,,a Rad duaaNuuo. olex,molrßmrd,uaodawcan&dFStheth,u,,a,lad 0404,,a,BbO,,li,kOO,,,ltta,,,,,,,'jdiOdOod, $003,000 Fox Lake sass War,tbroylo, Kliuiahia, lier- 2521 SumaCS,, Keroa, Rabel, $334,000 reth M, $278,000 Were $402050 now $259900 203 30101cr Way, FagS, mucosA StIrino, laaaitu', $84,000 eroa Bar Culeca 08 3e, MaOuschi, Alohoo,dra, $11,003 DOWNTOWN EVANSTON LOCATION! arencar 200 nsrhslolaa Or, SaRi, Shopiodar 102 BOrdee Bd, Straight, Onnnia, SL rulelodarK, $011,030 $415,500 Large living spaces with granite kitchens and baths, outdoor balconies and indoor heated, secured parking space with each unit, ma aachekire hi Potei, RateaS R, $310,020 132 naMorad on, Humo, RaUhen loar untaSte 0e, 002M, MaNIdLis, ffeqcaad L Aloi, Surratel, Dlenui,w Des Ptaìaes $90,000 R, $10 7, 300 David, $133,003 255E ffealringtor Sr, Danhalt, Banns L, $133,000 Custom Penthouses available, FHA APPROVED! There has never been a better time to buyl 5141 caotrat Ra; Stoke, Mari, & hlnint,r, 52t0,200 1200 Elltnakac 30092, DraHahl, leas Caoerirotisr nr, Serle, lanco 06 Hnidi, $610,202 tooa rapar st oas, Caupbrll, Boanie, $113,000 $228 Emerson Sirens Evunslon, IL - 847-864-4977 - il SEACHCHICAGO.S/NTIME5/HOML5 SO THURSDAY, FARCI 3/, 2011 7IIIJ70701. MARCH 31. 2011 NO 5041101 Aoli0m00oocooc - L000000 Koo'op MIgo - 0,000ao Cioclo B Ooro000410e- $0200203. $2699MO -$200,600 lal0009000 .9163,900.4209,000 Cinslo 42 14,r2rl000 2220 Cr00000reo 00/0,40910e M°l4O, IL $0004 14410 601,4 9,600 4010/06000 Bidon, IL 02425 877.217.0940. 0404,VnrnoL400 027.276-2009. 00400.Lnflnor.80m SALES I 1*10717111,. 211.9110 Thoodoro'o 501,1.10 - Both Olo4000 T,J,Coohoy Boilolnoo, 0000.40 440004 105050000 . From 9469 940" 0407 09021 SaO 0000, 141161, hOods lIRe10 FamIly .0101.000.1241,000 PIOMnry0040nd 90441994 Pololo Olivo 414 4401041 010.1O0.0l40 014104.806lemoO.000r 10040201, F400 I/I OlLO 0,00011040012415 WnnI 010e 07 F040 121040108 000800006 0180 01 00019000 010.712.4051 0000,40610y44l14010.0000 214144 CIriola Ir, 301611, 141111 LinOn, $257,000 2503020000004141008 Fol, Sos. loo, LaIn TM, $1/1.055 0217701 ThoGlooeotC,,orooro,000hoo 0,c,0000 4n,O,Hc,or0,,W14, 11402,01 1424101 ThoPln0000 NooY k-M/S Mocoo T00020meo 9199090.4530,920 932 2,00000, 2890, 0019,0, IL 90004 030.842.8800 wmmngl0600 005 L, 540 tOSO 1010 OLOROSO 140 84 01 IO 70101 Wilhoo. Wp,», 0000000 C000l000r000 1000004 5901010 50000 010010 F090111' 4190,400'5200,040 28904408,96 000100 010,470000 610001 lOcated sI 040 00nOV Crook $610106 F100 lOo 09004 10040 505010 0F 0005, SnooM .500010 00 Oho Onoco Noo Eo0l000d Moilrlcnn 00002904, 404W$19900140, 01410 IL 007.410.1267 0004002n140 .9200,402-9490,600 hIlpt//0000nO,oO4lamFy0050006060r/ 095 04,1106100 04e. 0180Fb 08 4/09 010 601000449 540.040.5004. 070144.004106.000 004AF42,01 004142 000,44040424744 140 nI 70144Il1IlYl4b00bI114L,..1n0iOl 010010 RomiIya060I/Ian - 61a710o 87 91409 1006 Wi02000pe Jano, 900000F, II 709.346.6100. W408i.96iIlp090uiIdoro,cOrr Phillippo Boildoro, Soc, 590500mo, .160000_29$900 1037 SoIIIe,OI,onl, Olor Indiana 418-008.0042. 00900,Shilll090boIldoro.060 DIO? nOO,4 0 0004 000 00,00,540 114444 00 olI 04 oonf00400 004,4050,04 014 7010104110401140410L ,On0h0O4F. 140,100, OlololcoComr00000lflcOloo Toll B001540n0 40040019 ILmO 900 7600 60000 lhOMOOIlCIOth_110010000000 0109/n 140114° 5004,500.9020,040 17047411 F1002006 Ll000pmllle, IL 041.680.0009. 00000000100000.Onl 1009 F010101 O log. Olenolom, IL 0 0020 047.040.0090 .000rn.04120100,9oe409004tOL000 P.00.101 Pcnk-CooOloOroor-o 000000 B0000C004kC0000ryCloh Family Momeo, Ranch 0471005e, a002 Moro 1000060000 . Fr00110 91090 ToS Olood0000 1390$000r0eIlF., 000810r,1L00401 fnoo lIn 40001 9005.0000 Chooh S100nO S480iO40- MIO H00400n 105044064. S1OI,890'8007,000 000.904.040F. 040II0IO20I144100.440, 9641 00160112 $2100, $1019 IL 60726 0010 UIOO 501/01041, 0000000 F09. ILOOIOS ranch #11100 3144,000.3410.394 0199.990.3204,999 Highloorl Woodo 1000099719199 E, $352,202 400Illoro 400000 OOooIOro.r.rW.rodnCo,000tpClook Toll Boolkooc lillo, SlnObO.I0,rrlly, 10004904 Wi$ioor S$yc.o 900001,8 4701004r10e811, F00119,0 04000,1100047 1431 LCI0II260 Lone /408904102, IL 22935 080-102-0187. nonW.L4000r8019 Model 1800100 al Sandy Creed EoIaleo,900W 017442.7049. 00r88140110100014400n1,yobuk100 lo 1,10 0014 AFInO fo, 10Oct04 n COol 10003. 047.00.1461' 0901/41420,0llll0010001000L044il Marron Grove $740,022 302036 OnIOnS LE, Sodo, Fobrrl L & UrlodyP- $155,022 7933 C4a000iIl OR, RIo, Slroon 1h 10b44i0 01 $252,000 062520 Cnldoo Lot 0010086/.421,1 14211MIPS, $441,120 llnpOoh000h Moorof000cood ll0000 01006 1. 012001001 900000 2000000 II 00441 700.930-9512' nATO MopIe'bnood.nel ll4bI0OlIt01441004OI0O9000 .100000474141 0000000000004404140544b0 90004 011170F 0105801 AO 00140,1101,1210,000 0004W40F11144, Kilo/SIl, loll, lo MlIFhy, 100145F, $147,507 175 41100 Do, 2401241,0001, $230,000 5636 00100440 Or, Tortor, 01000 624 IFI0FSIILIIIS, 121111001 / O 30013 NIno Iren OF, 500111g, PoI 944 F1011004 58, Snyder, Soyd,o Vt 4705 FOFO6I 4100 lOi F1040001, 00001 $440,200 511010,42- $220 222 $150 202 Il0000th3, $212,000 1881 5044808 CIt HIgO, I009F/ & $41 Foirhill F6, 704,0th, EFFRoIS / loo, S, $400 002 00111100g $002,002 $281,255 5020400424010 ClOt 3160111, RHoar SF125090, $415,020 411010g $1,150,112 1630 Koyjoy Od 50110,1F, 8,4800 &Fodhigaro, 04,19 E,$122,500 & 0/11011100, $140,200 611 Sal0000 Or, Chano,, S,ogo,y & 3001 MioSion 2111040 lOSt 001901' TRIll, $237,220 lOI 4810110110 50F410, $150,122 105 W9010100100 Oho, 100049,101100 0100 loll P102 1494, 11,0021, 10h01 700316021000I1900229, P00137115 ICO040lnoI,iro O'l000 co Oho 01111.10 'boo 10410 S. 104101 1.0. 01 Undo #15110,005 0601000 7- $131,202 610,005 SF0400? 5100E, $175,121 242 F08 00004 LE, loh0400t 11101 WoIoo 000008p000801 2100doOiOlaO .2495,000105000,090 700.450.0012' 41W10.50002HIM4O,0004 0145 II 0060e Ion COlOSoS, 0111101, $270,000 Lohn Villa hiO40l0shioE lIlyo/Sno 1890 080002, lIlly J, 3430 S8lgrFS Sol, 00,100015 060 11/1090 1,000 917 8101i00 Star 1508101, ll,o410 225 5040r2iF, Soon, Pall & LioO, $426,000 0414762410' lI040l006Iroplaoo,com E 018mm 4, $170,770 $122,022 4541110 CIt Clooro, 00010005 51116 455 FiIlogo Cr5114, Spr,liog 1014 Morq.oio lSoho4 P,». lacIo C000lno000'oo COmp.0y, Ion, 0/floln F00114' 1190,401'S101,OOO 909 40,006797 00 600.400.442b . WWW.HFIIZIIOMSI.200 SOcpIc 1h11 W011ioro llyoo 4000044 011410 Faolly 48000. 1205,090-0521,090 !! i 841.106.1611' 105:l/n.00,0I11104,y0040eloo 000l/onplehII040,00 4611100 -040 100101001? 15411110041100401. 001010014 500014100,0/SIelS 440104,114400?40000004010 040414111040t0 0154109400040/40190140in044p Soorinn 2,000 C00000hogo 00 M,,nl,o, 0000n Poll S4,oI0000n F0544000 . Fr00 Oho 0550F 0208.000e 6031 Feoni090 20410,004700600015,00010 745W Mollo Foot LilitgolOn, 1011,04, $7F 522 22106 F0160106 01 OF, CObol, 0/0192, $10,000 5,8151,000 005 Inn 040, 118100, Sl0040I,& 1062W 20101e CI, Vonlerlip, RhoSy, $10,000 14004 44ko 000011 0000 F0144100 440, Asgo,, 0000916 & 0017, $421,100 SSlOSllrnoII0008 Ile, IloflIhi, DIr 60410311,0000tyo, Rolan 7 Slbo?r000 & MotlilIl, 501111, $11,105 $60610 0460WIoloot0000l7, WI040bo. 1650 00001000 ROo 2018, VonSIRO 24111k, $120,000 ocho. Oigo, $55,000 2504 Wi90000 10811 7F, P011011, 9426 EPO4iFin Id, 7,00, PO41 M & lImon, $113,120 501010G, $254,022 SortIro, $402,500 P0101410 Weights 1201 G4iloOt3lOtU0000lhi, Ion' 00104405SF Lot 5401,0,0,1119 S, 5915 048m0iFd lo, I/long, 0804' 108110080110, P0201010, 001101F $225,000 001000 5110g, HL1IIFI, $128,000 $245,025 - 11100, $124,500 - SEC SALES. PISE 15 Tosend info for one of the listings to your phone see the codes below each listing! IAMililJ IllFll0ir. Opriolon Old Onoi000l Wo,,,Oo O0i441oo, 11110, Ti. Coohsy Br,i40000, loIs. lt Well IbrOgo 000,olon 7704011 IC 101Ohl000, IL 00114 OSooglocRFMo.r.clrs041o,s 114910-F00ily 40000. 6t07,400101010,008 200000' 3100,4$t'3009,500 10510 F0860101101 21100, 116109015 IL 04144 700160-1010. 4000.00Ilrl800000000,000 Wl11101l?O,0001004r11005l,O01000 OndooInnm 'Fron $1F4.000 lO 01,0001060* 970901004460100,540910,1100070 047'000-0F80 o 0000.nSlI0000h020 0t0'OOO.00OO ' 0O4F80FO040r1100040 100500m lS100,00000ll000llr000,l000F000ro, 4 0001104 01 obOIl?004115ll00?Ft010,Ia000ltl 5,4 00020001011 0O.lb0000l,?l,b,l001ilt 000 000-700'4005'404h0b041180r4.000 M, $124,000 2295 Wis0010lor 241 Sods, Coser 1000 000horloOl loot 511311,. W,,O Olingo 0000,l000101110,,on LIC 0011 0100070100 0400'S OlIn Odi Ob 10044y 0040 711101101410 5010010, Pothole 1914 110,101 LOt 00000411, SF111», Shy bollo, 010010 F00110 '2010,100-0050400 000214 Lake 1108105 0101706 UioIroio1 C booboo, $311,000 011m, Builder S howcase Directory, I9F1l1025"-,0' 11991000 010 Fra0000 Fkooytlor0000, 0191441030, $110,712 0000,00 C0000000lioo Co ., loo 016010000. 5206,010'$O46,640 04099099,00 Mi000woods $000,022 SOon, M 5610110/SM, $417,505 24011 PrOirin 6OFt 14001ro F4501, 2420000004010,10674101,1,111 b/Ill R-$272,000 51061100M F1101- $240,002 Aleo, $115,000 $240 OIS S4lHolnooSo,Lno4lotsshoo, 0115541000400, 01H46 JohnS M000cloonoon Coon 0002 0000196010FII 124V, 210340, loohooM &lorni/o, 0, $110,100 $300 SSS 205W Sn000loic 441 6140000F, Solid CO 4i1401- $1,120 025 100010 CS1inlion, $235,100 01006110410100k 00, 02040, Polk 0014go Sot,y, $110,025 804 09009 Sl, 0,ennhill, 14002, 210200,119401101, Stnignb110ll, 8100 .000 Lios, $440,002 $047,000 2210140718010,1105, Chr,nlopho, 501005,4 It $1,400,000 5542 40080004,0112010004,011, 2134 44400050 F8, Zollo, Tollo L & 000116700k M004nleio tiblnR011e 081110g Meodews 1360 0100111108th Ihr, Ficho,, 101017, 9331 MOFlOOt 400: 00015 POttillO 172104 F1110180 21, 11001, 1404101 605640,1000. 0100.6.mI600002010 0109l9F80nl14. $049,400-0000,000 1000040104 0F01 $400,025 01011m, $121,022 0L410104470,414 4014400041041040040I41 BnilIgooinrr P18,0 - L400,no Knoileoenlh 610 lolo Ct,AuIIo, SI0000 &S0l101 111440100100 000, 1018054018k, 203 120liold 000 Will, brAid W L 13401b0ok41404001. 1000411440 410101940 07024110410 4? 21 12,40010271 010499.0081 . OeF01050.0000h000 262574 F000011 Id, 4020, Mori' 21060 0111m, $1,022,000 100444140 01400141IW05F410 0410110000Ml I 9 Nonthhiold 0011900, $200,020 612 04k F9011 51 ISoloIr,, 514,25 0990 Ike 00000 5200,0094 0000 447.004.5061. o4L0508004r0004400l701o4.000 F6001115 10011111 F, $230 222 1000010010100 50006 .43011100 MIo E.rokoo al 07,01 Ol00000'o 00 001014]00000014n100i,4804040040000 044, $IflgIe.F0044 094 20906 S000400n 04160-54411 6109004410000. 000.100,000 1h09 10071900 00149 MauleRo 1100051 C,ror0000a000y-l4Oopinb000h P2aio0o '06040 IOooIoFo Choco _l'hiUippo OroUnro, loo. 24000W 50004014011 04, 50410F, Lohn Forest 000100100n14004104141000 5341 NWnolnotr 640, Sokyoynhyno, Chollo, DOrIO 10250 7, 1220,072 100100 1104lfl,14010410114101100441r1 971Il 111119,11 1*10000, OnhoOdgc Ol00000 020.217-240$' 004Il01006He0eO,000 r F14011080 F, $411,720 Mottawa Inglemide 510090504191 d4b0t1Irt4Il0rOl19I01M O0io0nkcorol CONTINUES F1540 P5511 WoaOnoo 1h04 616910100114. 8064,000108020,090 I SEARCHCHICAOO.S25114E5/5052F5 TODAY0SHOMES To send info for one of the listings to your phone see the codes below each listing! Builder Showcase Directory I2l75o I Tloo Onaaa of 54. 10000 P00100 po Blidoon, Oos Single FoolS ' OlorlIog 0151010 lIbtaOrIOl400020lroet, 0l.20hn, 1081000 011-600.0050 ' 0olol.50114p000110000.000 047-007-4400. 0000.01040144441001109100n0n1e Ol0904iogllaI000n- Book Conok H00000 07,400002 doman II 11104000447804940, IORISWSI209 1.04000110 R9410 20 067h. 41041 00 048,01 EooO000llook-M/OlOororon 700110 COmmonly on inS. 10203001es. 5190,032' 5240,990 540417' IIok F,000lne 469 W. 4070 940004. 00,01 $1,000, IL 69100 Willi000 O4yoo Ol0000,o 010gb Molly '9009,990'9404,900 094.445.1094. 0000.mihomeo.cero 40104112 lO 00 Oly4l0100I 004024140011 40012 Ormcl.4060l900nlolso,00m 50016012 011o 1101100 nohllom,Ion4900L0002 o oc 9 yo 20 494101n4/04000nSln1. 049 ColToo Crock -Phillippo Oloihloro, loo. 040010000.197902-217900 108oOo C000lrO1L000 Co., loot. 5060100.4.4200,500.9100,000 001211. REGIO IRlOS 000.229.0421' WWW.HOFU4101S.G0M C0000loo.Hoo,eo loo. '0010201042 Woode - 0.01.00, 1052401108. 1200,902. 1004.040 11001e FaolS .84700 9,0 30028 0061 loylo,Olon 00, 000 L0040, 1500054 0r0-000'OlOO ' 00000000melol-I0000.4010 O904 10040090e 1000/M0700 6,800, IL 00001 O$O'106.7470.4,moO.L0080r000 10520 F0110 o 501510 124 lO F o,r4bFo rol 10041 415 1104 04 1000502 04 100400, Or OL 10C01001111051O111I010110FF0404lOolOol 600'028-0422 . OAOW,60403112M10,C0M Oo-oy000ll Cloth - L.000n R099llopb0009moo' 0140,900.Ordn,noo 011419 F4011470004 .1174,990.5424.490 flikoortho 4,3. Ccoloo'y Sooil,b,'oo, lorc. Il Olo,Oo C000400000I004 Co., 0o. 510110100124. 5114,080'9410,000 Spoo,g 044040 $19510 Family. 0200,008.9079.900 7804 200 Ia O Flan Ploillippo Brohl,lo'to, loo. 004 01000011 SL 810-1424000' 0,000.000heyLolldorO,000 0411901111 1lO.01 011.404.1410. WW4216ROSZHOM$0.11M 580800. 0170,6006509,900 077,067,7703' 6109l.LIOrarOTol00114O 1146 0010,000 05 801.004.4077. 090nroor0244008l10195000 lrSF7i5l020 CoOlo401 Olgio101ro000 T01000l00104000 CO. Coo,looy BooIlolo,no, lro 00 740060000' 0270.000- 5050,060 00t0l,,l,,I, I OOrlIO,001 Ilogoroy 82 lloo W,,D,ln If So,,lh, 091 N1000F150190,SOl0 IL oar.001-0000 . 007Ilnr000loiIllo011y0000000000I 20184m101000. 0069,000 ro 0471,000 OCoottaOrI,So o 004401.1001 .mooa.oettrooem B000innIaSoo- Tell I0,00bo*oo 04400400401101020041011010 Otoeln-lontll 04000-41111. 7090140 loa 8105040 00 4050 01, 000tS 001009140, 1160019 ,,0I 0011,0?lnO, 0 0600 80 08 10,48,01 01104 047-001-4400 000,o.050e1000l05000aob000bhhorrioOlOs,lo 100451 1000108 alooF Mollo SIll 00014nilO, Lookpo7, Il, 001-200-t071 ' 41101/o'mrnloitlloOflondoonloOol 0410100010140en0,Oe4I040009l0lO0.lh0 1001 OF 1105 015014010100001101414 SOI lr900laOlaO,100LIOOI 11100001 SIr5010InOd 5,1100,1 BibIgn 510000008 100404000' $219,006.$lOr,000 700116r000006r1,S1r0010008,tLOOlOO KZOI 0000olbop000004 WllllO0 FInO 54004 01106608 MabOt000040 FF00 L10140 11441010511449400. 3l00,000.0005,900 1400 barbOrTy060,10110111 '007-709.1871 I*l1iHF1l1l12 WhiOo SloolIlo, 0000.000405 Dcrslop010004 l,,OLI000 O I,ll000,0000140010085011o4 nlObO?4410010041 0100,0000011540?0101 11014000010l008 10010011011101011r 09na00000I00IO 1,010 SIlOS 0(00 lO IO 11000 0441 ?40r0'l 402 10 410910 FOOIlyOIOmoo. 8240100 Ion, 10066 44051 1600000 LOe,, 610510900, IL 60404 00014'lOOOFoloonclol Fr140040 100001017 00300 L,on,000p l4holgo, ,00d Iloollonn 0400 OID, lorS Cnoolrroolloo 000710007', loo,. 41401010035.101000000 Orli 1400410409 OrIno IOr,o,oIlOorOlol.Or400l eOF.nse.g040 . o.00e.moadoorlbg0000lOr00100 lOO.049-0000'000100bSl/80r4.000 810.000.0240' Wo4W.1I0F50100M$1.CIIM 810.470.6400. Oldn.O44000eIl000nlOçnnoi 000 0llllFlOObt5hl44oloo,oLor0s I 50l03o,,noh Pololo NOOlMOIlO l'.n000 p, 0.003 F000-00000000l0 004r1.IlO0 4000,00010 3000 lOO 401 4. 00114004, MOnollog, 1101000 077'147'S510 o eonoo.milIbF00040IOrn,000 0 00 014 1 1010 05 000 115010 50 114* 0020001 loi 101,01.1 5."OO'IO.t0 jlO,,l,40 041017110 Bao, 29o,000 01010 F000001000 01001e, Or/sod Polk, IL $4067 bol Wol,h Wlonlro,00c Pl000 loll 00004s'o 701040000' 3151000.0045.099 700.410-4407' Fl010tlyIl0200.440 01001e 140111 110000. SlOrlino orno so StOOs 14F0 1801100 5000 10005008, 00 8H09 040911 00,1 Loe 51100,45 1001100, IL 60174 0O1.110000n . o.0000,ml00000,000 IlloOa000r Moolld000 LoorylleltnlOOIIllOrOO' Olollool,008178000 00,00,005 rOlo 00052 00404910 00 ti011 4000 GOFIIOOI IL *1?rlltO011l,,l 001000 IROOSIO OIl 0,0111 410,0900121' OIDLOI4000O.000 40004100111141go Nooilrk,00h LokorrcodPooI000 191012000 500,012 ,L',o,00 o Goleo Whui000 Olyaoo 000000n 01001e FamIly ' $110,000. 5260,900 Nc,o OioglsoId 0bo0do 40040 580109100 y008 210944.6940. OOon,phlbIIoyoboIlOnoo 04m 520 0. SF419 11,001 #001 /2510090, IL $2005 TIoo Alr,,lIOo 04 040410401 P000000 Willis0010y,00Hooa010 Single FamlIr lomeo' 0400,901.0l00,090 Ol0000y Hill F010414 14971 01l1'I 2800111801400 hnood BOSCO II 00008 Boy MIo 04IoorooI 0000p OlJoi,ob000,k 004,00 000100rO.00ilO Cro., los, In0940060 . 0001.900-0544300 740 OLIAIIOROIKI0100 Ifl/l 1040400 nl MloO,Ioro Coorlo 010010 F01111. 100,010-259,910 191141" L01084'y 025,002- L000000 Con800inlcMO .3800,900.0410,904 00600006 10F0080 05110 0006 000441010 044000 11411eS IL 90001 074.200.0000 o OC1iF,n.L0000I.600 006 Village PollI tbn010,100 Io 210.901.1000' w.00,phllllp0044lldorS.400 To1Soo Oloo Yoohh000loCc,,d000hoi00000 044W 95402016e, 41918 II 041.514.1307 101210M7001Nl2 Oorcl.CU8IOO 5109/9 100111 00086 F4017140018 90009 16009 066203 7000, 11601104, IL 00240 S7o,,000000d COso, 10771000-0406' 0000,del000b000IOloF00000 011117004 Sloolb,00r,o 0004800g lIlI 0000,000 l000000000 5105,904. 1247.000 0001000000100400011,01011910.0101090 910.000.1050. l0000.Oihol900.900 t! IO I iHtt0II\i]Sth1Sl[jiQ,iA1ljrnjjjj 000 Ii HOMO 000301100 03 0600CHCHICO20,SUNOIMES HOMES 00 10555060. MARCH 30, 2011 I 560RCHCSIICnSO.SUOII005ItOMES Ill TODAY'SHOMES 0000MAl'. MOOCH 31. 200 NO TODAY'SHOMES C'aim Your New Home Freedom Fund omeownership slips, but it's still the American Dream er decades,homeoweeechip in the United aletee hae been defined es the OnoecicenDenoeo,endhnosjng ON THE HOME FRONT DON DeBAT exports say evorioge horree the Orsy may to build wssith toc the overage preson in the U.S. Unreever,hovmonwcreeshjp nro thpped seem apeoS of 00.0 UseremO iO, 2004 to the HOU end Osario Ootccsrtine fannO thet hamramoveeebìp afteeyeaeeote000eocineecee. sien, rod foeecestses cay the mmsios o doceno af0000ci. 000v rood it me100saposilive rote of oweeeship ie iiiaeiy to e]ip te 64 peoceof io necoing dibcr000riopenplebtsromly mis000ahips, financer, end piacete mincit mece alteedchie, erich se the cneetgags inteeest deduction, pmdicts the NctiaaelmtsseorjaOreaf Reeltoec (20000). Lower your Intrt rt lo 2011, av the netiro snngglee,e encorve the greatcet rereeeioneodfic,ennial Covor Ion uy out your los lust what you ooyoot loom Otto 00M hontolouiIoe (hal OOIOtO you mal trnenni (tom hih Mty blOb hood OIootbon, nod bntibbbo d60lflf. COtOtO OMM tot lonlItoolt Mt O0 William yuo or000 Hnioenunity ,.. and nImm ysue l 0000 tttnodgm (2und on any hamo you hnssol a mieie einre the lirentbepme. cien, come nOtice have cOd toe much emphseie loca been planed no the alstues allow, eoieneeeldp. The derboeiohomearaoeor ship io Amseine hoe pushed HAlt to launoha macode Oe0ed"Hamercareoship Mettoce" fo revive the dream. "The people nf the U.U. lieve believed for 234 yeses that pmparty 000seeloip is a 000000lue fertbieoaoatrp" esid2ldUpeesjdeetsoosidl, Phippe."To esythotweahauld slop eccnoeog5epeople to nero a home because the system Isiled them is to Sorgst who ne ene ecenntira." SALES pall, Reepn0000tsrmted floenrial seoucity se the roost impcctaadfaotoebr eohie'oiog the dcns000n Unseat. dvbsditocvningahams irrraded btaetuwtrero,operhlisg betwceohomeoeeoees and fol202,themediannet mvreth of U.S. homeowner Osavilios was $234,200, 00m. pecedroithooty 10,000 fac mofiogfuooiliss, c000edingta afedsealSasreoempoec cc heoiashald Seances. In 2096,paieo fo the esel es0000 beam end bobble, ho- mrovwerfeeailies'methsnost ncoethwas 0008,200,asloileflos ont 0000th tor ee0000s was rudy $0,400. (Figness foam bath peore sor oslrodatsd io 1022 d0000s.) Ranches regaled Single-level living in luxuly from the upper $400,000s "Wheoout'ef-tmwgoesOs ormaie fer on cot000ed eloy, pou nsmosillmsintsioyoue pdaony"seid$edSestho,bstingfooMoritltroner."UaAnhoa 005 0100 meer exorable homes liegle-lnvelliaiogie stop poioritybac"maromos"adalOs, per 000rfoet cod e celeaed Oils- cobro in-100vsneed slompomary neprome000t residence," shs addsd, "Sinoe prince hove hero srplsisrqueoyicopnrtoot. Theerhcmsbogersneleoly drsirra0000hthsyoswe,me- sob505nootly not by010U,OUU 00 ali 000e st000iog desigous, ing oorersd hoot pooch iolo tcmiee to thoir suIe, bof oleo wr'rraerioganinmecaed ntry000ndeOrSghtohrod offeso opgoodrd lomwory frah000s stondard,sonhsssitO000inodrrh0000ieg.00hlm Rowe cf 50e mnol, 00011011 troth leore at the Eeel505 el thc lio,t Ciii is L,5500uille re p5054 tons She uprr 1400,Offo. Evecyhnmo otmeDroleve bom tho soma Unish1000l da O 00010m home boyce. PerO of s Usted onw000nity ceUrd the Scremo st the MOHO Clodo,tho 12-homo 000claosia soroo,mododhysomi.00a0000 homes and nUe-000e coo- .01er, MedO 0000es gossen. trssiufoupeosthafth0000000roi 5000iog will re000lo e 0005erreboo soso forever. llomehoyees tomloamssoxlllacreenf 0000ssr'ootiooesorcOeot. wee abrttecfo,000iel decision than croon0, and ooscwhebvi000ucohmolhnme0000sm eg,001yoOlioovoide during thr e000t 5100mw bsdeaama foe whso interesO in roc homes and have ia00000bitr000rellyebc000- e0000soiodoawturosiore thrir indo come home from oh000sdupfoueselesinthe lOOt, Oselters msintoioin the iong ene bomseoeeoesbdp orDeno 000ccdohnmslr loot roonth," esiti Ozatha. rodIl peereotoltberentees e000gl000 eccnnr0000strtheie She seid there is a Isoge peco-op derlend 00000g 0000 pmfrsei000booho drains iog greet ronm sdOmedcdth tloerrernbrdope010gs onbeth sidso.flb the dghf la e lerne ldtnhenwlthnherryoobineo,o goacite-couomedislaodasitha singlo.levslhiviegsed"mshee roeyseieg000h,thOohsodid stUbs Enriare etThrSesrcor bnysm"whx ore reody 0e appliennee end bmolof000 erro. et tho Mcdl Cl,oh in Libre. palor pcicrd fr000 000 upprr dmOoa500 sndthoO this mo(an mo dschinrernhedtbeeogh prior erdo0000has hrlped 0000rol. $400,OOIs. sicoulefo odes. OtThr000l000,bopera nao cheorr from severo humee, Freonb dross from oithsr the hitrhnnorfomily mono, Anospl050ilymomoders e gnonitr500p100eandiamord- fib nastonobo thrirhome, everybuyer5000tsrmithoplso md 0000000ge the fro500int l000e000p0000llin000rrair.A oeoioollaod500peof scenic 0005 gerdeos. p0000 sod wild. 000000e enhanro the nooquil setting. Mast weidrenes hoer visors of the Modo Club, en 10hale poiriers gno crame that ox Own 50e boo.srory dssSgns olodwitheonpiooel000ernrd feotoeiog6asr-0000000som bedeooms.With 1,000 e3,OgU oquanefe000f10000yepooe, homer hens Owe Oc Soar sodmemo end up 0e 315 frode sod ser p000d born 0424,900 00 p000hrohicb00050dathO bobog of the house by clìnoi500lieg oc sdding mama. They coro selcor nr,moseslmo the world. Otprmeotssiditwas, ngmsd. beapite a ieee io home is cWeulthbnilderfonerosl Eveointhseoidstafrr. day's moseaieo sod erc0000ic crisis, both hnmeewoeee end centres sae lonmecaweremp ea a smeet SonrojeO move onda mecos fon 00200560g Onanolel es000iter Mrcethsnheltolfjre noiddlr-iovomrincoeoivaoa, However, the ISOlO-Herais pou sIse Sound toot young adults age lOta 20 bebsveit adObe mom difbvnit for thrm Onfoirvo the drosrinon Dream 000rotp-ror pement Soy it 0000 is mees or modo moco dd- hameowcrreo who ensp000ed Inh "onroented" OnO "cammuted" to their occoomonities, while fewer then 40 pcmeot of braIt to boy s hems that it mss foe thnio parrots' genrrstioo, matees nrknredsdgedeiroilsn orno Ur000stion. bosons. Dote from the CoderaI DesenoeScacdsopymce the Oothngs ntthe opician pou. Tndcp thcee je o very mel mod catarme diepecilyinmeslth & llOvIere H, COlIDO 0020 Reeler 24e, Tee, Era Neeeg & Ori, We Prag, (223,020 214 Wsebesed Ch M,lacrH, lette Rtiatia,$112,255 H, $012,000 frucIo(mn(2 M0MeQy00tham001 hoo7t (hmnu$h001 Cbtmna(0obond cuthnnnfthelicdiogs atine 323 We500eretsvd fo Ateces, Stivo 1,$15f,Olf 22(1 Roeles Ase, DeNso 0500rId WtIrnyohIHumetetcoom fr000ge of lining 0000eoled ta their oa00050it5r Here le en 202 Osdferd ht Solsoel, tiltS, 0055 Woods Or 1304, dises, 202 Ochacd Boner lIsci Cterg, tirio OrArIO n000lyrvmlcvlrin nolomrirryo,000r005yDcAo, MoOa Servonr thrn,ornhome. boyoog,olrrmaoov anisO Web ole stom000002ebatnot gr00010hildeso's visits. mete why Meeit 0000es aifembor diffrrrnteanolrplamos In eddinor to tho b0005b of ooe-lrvellivtog,boyeos eec attiectsd to the ereldrernoesl dreigo of the ssnmh pIons. Higfo crihings tivougheot the home and npeoSooeploros 000ebbah aferliogufepaniousoees. Hitol000a,tcmvuhy0000ta sodIobig 000mo Hare into eenh ether neoldcogeoledeieingconoceioof,mhdloeepsmtehothoom aoves pomade privacy. 1,ocge hosementa ero MOIS,020. The 0000-heder em, twa-both Coreing000modeoia oproler 000dog nod 020es virece of proteO for msstiog a gracious wor0000nal mano foc Irecegere, or they neo be Oses- onooi000llyendebosdgoU rnmwssaedgrrorsofmorooe fomoed into in-Oem qoserere 00th 0 MiO bath. wiodaovwall, 000es throUgh the rh0000- boos thorough o 5-Me000ror So0.mrse,aoaplr,051r,chrrep, andoldracabìn000,gernitr OouOt0000pO, 00 mai00 oppIo- sncoe,501 masonry orspuons, sotserivefrionofefsdo,P000 0000e wiodowo, redor eltahr 500fr, end 50050 trmpe050uoo rs cdhcmeoOto emrstncbathoeith 050eldmognoh,lsrgrwsik-in showno sed donhIr b000 000- $214,200 SALES 144f Ridge Rd 2(4,2010,5e, Robed 45014 Scese OrI Md, ROdio, 50006 F5 AOlsero 0,1480,011 ll&OsIdo, tesibro L, $l,050,ffs 435 ObIge 06101 00000t, Ihmslee 1500 Weofoeroor TrI, Mahosy, Niolrt H, $1150ff P &Ksecst, 1055tO, $l,AiO,105 t011 Wasbingfsn Mae, llatdisg, Winthrop Haebsr & Etuboibo, lists, $03,000 sticks 0,1197,00) neceas 1001e Waekegae 313 ClterrylmllsyOd, Mogolle, M,olsr5 $00.022 tofo OlssessdMas, Ofetliea, Efostda, $01,522 32f Mewersef Es tir, SoeSt Roi & beco, Oeil,, 372,120 2221 Liedes Sos, Oevie, IcewyM, 171,21f I CMNUI0060 P001st PAGE 10 zioe 2015 Elm los, Ocoheo Osylei, $ll,Ifl 3200 Ksosisgfss Lo 1000000, Ors 32go Ctrsheide Ct, Choit, leurtHel 3009 Phillip Or, Marlis, Beobeeis Wteeefke U, $223,000 M, $130,000 132 Omrlsrd Ass, tehitsictg Selle E 010db C, $001,222 53e llrkomsod Oso, togroec, Steaer & beperqaale, MiohrIle, $15200f 3080 010010M On bleed, leO L, 100,1f 2 10E $4100, PAGE Il cause thrsireisprrteoedhya Ola vi000 The 000100e, 00100 Inter5000004 taffouOr l3I,gr west 0e SoOte DI (2ol000euloee Aoenor),th50000thl'/s noons to rrOsoce. Follow signs to the astro ocotes. whiofris opon Friday to Mondsyhom 10 sm. 000p.m. OslO 842 050-0000er oOsitmecithomoo.oet. ity.Tltr er000dholroom sod Ioioodoymcmvdthappheonrs sed roh nebineb 0000plrto thehome.Meritfiomrs oScos scsnceuoesl,vsorno MORTGAGE CI ensured basements sod 005 000risogtnrsb00000ers en Dngliuh besem500 and third Aosrgeae,noss foIl beth. toit ore 8AM'02M.8456 roeuluee.sleoeenrso 35001ioso te yo oecd g coo U & ftibmsokais, Lutos, $101,011 00 01000e drv010pmeot ha- revisoraroeg 0.010 0,501 0000f ados 0.000 Italo Aoorca'Sulormalionymcdrd bylcnvìoluhvnonnvSron,nev ¡no, othovgpnbhorrcoud dimo lo'g000icrChniyomnlo,diny 00000000onr,anvbomro,m000 hab vrm000nrnrrv. baolvoplcine, mnrlgayr rrrnv00000, budding prIme old Im Orno dcnnor alo). abAt al ,00nynbic-Arrnrd.00m, nn000vrvpubS,n.l000iri.00m and ,,olcOyo,bhn.rr000r000m. ornaIS 022-0M-1200 00h 4.081 2011 4.401 000f 0100f 20% 1005 O IfS ceSo stroo 00h 0,010 4.013 Oit Ro lOCSOldRleasiseoo4.Lajo,g slat- ranhrdsarrsofthelop Ill ondeeeleodthotthrrrwiube spoor. Sor00000edbywindowe, thsmosteefrrdrrome,miteis Wilmreee oi 8333 Mildere Ose, 6,40, EliO Sephiet, Recen $222,000 rodOs psrccntprrdiotifecth beenenmocs did000ltfeethe 640 Vissbiedss Perk, Ceaoe, Matir leieeac & Rois, Mottle, $05,111 CONUINUES 600M P00000 202f Renard SE tsndhj, Heisted 6 \iiani ß'yaro thmoeot pro of bath oreners end ecotcee erodented by oUceent 66.0 p000501 in 2000 The naHen's Snmeowoee. slOp mtelibelyeoonldderlioo even toree ,yoi001y it the fedeesigo'neenmeet eliminated ee eodoced Oho lecentives new in Md ton & upgrd lardee gesm, Osees sOTOs Eeolsmrrt peels no brtmso,eg roch Soldare, usa er ta so 25 em 0050.000, £osar55 00'. se osons RATEN RINFORMATIRN AVAILABLE DAILY AT Et hItPOlsaoISwss.Ietoeo.1.eoss LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS REATARE CALL RANIOÇSATE,COM M 002.009.4035 12 I SEARCHCHICAGO$UNTIMESIHOOIES THURSDAY MARCH3T 2011 NO Hi: 1ÍLïi; 5pCtfi.L ILL PONIEJ 10E 1AX, C COCEEN :.....&, H.. C. r........ .. . I Th.. - -LATh10 O OOOU0/GTI. U :. 1E hEriI. 989 129UIOU ON ROLL CEPTIFIEr VEHICLES H is1ffi. - NUI ..... F 989 tON UO ININ\N - SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN LATE! OPEN UNTIL..YPM! WE SPEAK VOTI? TATOUAGE: SPAR/OH POLISH RUSSIAN TREE/I' GERMAN' ENGLISH FILIPINO 'ASS VR/AO SALES RIDONS: MON-FRI RAM-RPM. SAT HAM-7PM SERVICE & PARTS NOHRSo MON-THIGHS 7AM-OPM, FRI 7AM-7PM, SAT G AM-5PM FThOUTVUURTFNX II 15G S & VI 1111444 I '1 14X60 5401 N, MLLCUOUREE 000, HILES JUST SOUTH OF 001F ROOD B 66 876 44$JtJ /''liI OUI!iI4Ct4Eii4i11'I '1 rUt-44,. J- ,.-,y,IiSr14tENiIIiIUrGI ,. lILA li . ..1 . r I 4V i r ROil R_ROUIR /41 25! COMINO FROM THE NORTH EXIT AGIR RE AGITAS MILREAAREE ASAN 254 COMINO FROM TRE SOOTH ''°' IOU, ROUE OU000I100 LIlIE LORO 0000E OIT OEMPOTER AlOTAS MAGERERE EaRN 54 FROM THE NORTH OR SOUTH RIRA MPSAE bARAI TA MIII SARRE lINTEl I il .41! j . H I 1411' IL 00/ 1- Ir&v '13.6142 6X411 UIOAPVUIjVi.FHCi I, Ib r I/Il o. \\ GETIPPRqyED I\TE2jWORK WE OWN THE FIuaucs ComPaNY Al We Buy Junks WE WILL GET VOI! JIPPRO VEDI Goon CREDIT? Ban CREDIT? No Coenir? ALL Appucoriotos AcCEPreol 773-610-5313 Dna OUR 24 Noun HDT&JNE.. aTl-aaa-7366 3° GET CASH o NOW PAMEIITS DRIVE TODAY! REPOS LDW CREOlE SCORES. BANK TROUBLE VE APPROVE ALL CREDIT TYPES! DAYS A CO-SIGNE? MO CO-SIGNER, FIROTTIME GUYED GHOST TIME ON JOG COLLECTIONS 0000YTIME IN COUNT? Y CHEVROLET 1-877-638-6601 50020iiOHaSrIi°O 561W 51110 CHOW GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL! WI1N 05000 Down ToRment. HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED DOWN BYABABIKW bo CAR DEALER F I - OR FINANCE COMPANY? ' NSWSS11 CHEW WE CM HELP YOUI Airpiaopo, Eqaitmeat ATA tOad crases, Slow Cmoatit. Iterare, 6103,105 mod Service Jaclgorniosetto ORLtt%L! Boats and Accessories boats mrd Reoeevioe Boats sed Rb Stooge Camper, ana obs Motoroyotes,SCooteT, Personal Wateroroft SolitaRIo Snow Mobiles WHY BUY ALEMONOP OWN A 2010 TODAY! 630-832-9894 E-{cw a.rd s' * I Auto Grou. Vai Monoton- l'o I'OLOTOGSII lloro; lCorssoc. Auto Loan Phone a 'il II a Call Mr. Lender 11 ThIs, 50 PaRee! RO-OIttO o-. .1..!! II I a 1 I a 00054 leOe010sUOeILSOI ooCoreotvaSoIvn----------------------------SlyeR sTaoarvlsaeovaosvosaomoalo ----------BORIS oosoosmcsuomo $35144 ss000sT005AUtSc,Ioa ............... sMvoaoaoleasrmavovo ......... tOBacWKa5WccOemo .............. SORSO 'sCorer - 's OSIERS SOaBO500 15W 4X5 tOlOMEO Olas L0100ERtmmaovoaovvora - Sassa sOJaaPSOmOYrOoI00000405covIa MEWS 000SsCOANrIA4ts3006ISOroo - - R 4000cDOrsSsIIRu 500a0050tOIOaOIaIOemvoo000000- :.n... sol aonmLs50000erm500001e oossswwoceaioaurrO2' ..eano5sssn.noovosScss000'o 57e,'sa 5,50 DOeOlIld555roo BOriOSI 00nIBOI5rfiDflO005OOo - - ton ml5050000TaI000lWmlie - M5i9Ot 5W005nOYSOIIA0000SIO15IO5XC..--l0..SIZS1O - 501osea700001es5000Tt. 0010 OI00110nOWROsmso OB4WMS'ssovInosriIvIc ----------------DosIOXj \5OOS7053OWB04ME' I QflL75 OLLJ OiOO(t !h5!Rt0m on°v svoeos.rrsosvno-7 FT21J LW( Sell It in Classifieds senl000s-Ve.aS-4&svtl-4 L?II1EYT! SlIm GSA 8RR-9Q-R1R oX0011555t0170p5I55lE SasWIMnPO PoLs105/ssoovso.sespvÑao. 'OlIO 773M 888-404-3916 50101 5000006151. 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APPLY BY PHONE! NEW USED CHEVROLET trino W 000W MIO 15W Oleo mtOIOVOs500000rto m0150MORIL0050'sETOOo as GOOD CREDIT? POOR CREDIT? NO CREDIT AT ALL? 1-888-833-6412 LIST LIC b abHlo1!log,olIcsI005rscroiv Ests ltcoseolobtetelslt Eliseo1. SondsotoIIolOttvIIv SPRING LEStI w5_M 4333 (EVY - e., 220425E? esso ARUNGTON 2' [ef5eor$ s SO o, 200M, le $0504 0402 40492025 ;Hosoyop5yato25olMo 3500 o.$I500S TOVOTA 2055150110 ROAD, PALATINE, IL I0SS!0155LA5,I (3 TOYOTA ;oüRiogfürWattS, 0105 I552sIo10yoO 9oMSLrjo&LOEO, lS$0L!S54!R ola psoof osSi IdO OTLSSIe25SI0T. - i',LS . L'... .. ":.IIiIOiar 55500 t21 $5 35051/E, $3lLl&?d?$E2$i25L50MTS$Ly5O0&S0)Std2100t IS olio 40552 50 04 ff2, 115100 lO. Ta 405425 5es wla.s4 2255Mo 4030 504 07555 SISO 01150e. ISOETN 20H CHES/IMOLET AS/ED 22? 32a2A!LABLE!" S!?. 052120 si r 02200 IL lí' STOCK & READY TO GO SIEH.' MOTI NESV MDII CHEVROLET NILVEITADO '7 2570fiSLE!"S!S, 25272! '5 SSC]! 0752!" 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JJJ.7 N4pAW619 5050$' M-F 9-9 asAs. q-i SERVICEs 6-F 1-6 & SAT. 94 L'S OI0L/lo5sSofl3o70500LOdOSfrIllfElL 04505E $nLEoSa$eOE5e52l2yefrsa! 0ll25//09p 050000 554008 LSLO$ 4eslo,L$2 /5050100 5es, $250$ 25S!OrlSEIlE51l!4LlOSIOS5LfLLIL/02LO5l ly500050illLsoiSSlSflftST50EL!000IOLOE000I$050355550L00 LLOLSSOSSIS$55IL5SSISISE0000. "To5203fEb550yESSos106do4t0400SS0wSES$2,405004053F0030Ll5.50524I0?lOLe$14,$1S-flf,SltS150S$LLl$.510 '. 04oLO25SOSdoMO$i'0M440OSLS0dOsOl59?00002E1$2E00Mo0IOb0H5400Et.....LOSLS5ilM0oAdLl542OOoOLJ5O04sSsrr9os 0101511 O454?IIICESO Currie Motors 2000 CHOOSE ROOM! TOYOTA O 2095 RAND ROAD PALATINE IL :iIs.:rliui' Sa 0002E LESSE' p4/LeSSEE S/eff,o $00Iaïpisirp$II,llilsEaOo. To0t,55o5ooELole -5a$5ean5So5dalppeSsEl?lr2IO 0osE'ootheiEL5S5Iy54. 5lSoL550!ooRPlol SOL4SIISILSL6I,O!o5550501551i;5010051052545S055LI515O5401515,30531308505d00t3005 MOLOIO40ISSS555OAOO i..". '5525 3oh OLI/Il 353$4o/,eí3oI5oSllflL05OLdSS50l!/FLSS2555LO.fO525l55l0!lL5571l!EEL070SOl2? 5LsO/o/TdSIs."OeOlOLS0SS0lS$O5fSl55coaSlR!O2dL9I5SopSL5I5LO. 0005s5050255dIealçs05i?.51iL7905S/2055$SLSO. sCo0M,efl america, ire. Forsche recommerrde swat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. 076mal equi peest allows us este a. New Car Buyers Guide emaoa Ç IW1TD24 CARR'S HONDA 06000. WE50005 00E 0010400 7r0270.07n00000.oarr0005davre - Er -- rboel.s vrY0n"A or?rncea0avocí Ren eselt or Gorree 00e eotaoalo 05015e os 0E 00 0', 2061 A.JnSenor 1011cC 000-607.7122, billb020unMee0500nn Mercedes-Benz LibevyuHlle 0011 302'OvOlssco.pallyflrsdnoom ROSEN RONDA IN CERNEE, Olecvres000e.. ' O 05001e I4eeda tmsovrlr 011eaokss 00e. S )T911 apieton )6ljL1dlF NolhVW00100euaooe7nnevo Me0000es.Reez Na eewrtle 1069 W. 540es 00e sewnsosaea. moo ra000llln.00rn Meeaedee.Bnna et Weolment 2506 E, 000sn OUTLANDER SPORT MINI BILL JA000S MINI 2495 Asneea Ave., Sapenllle, IL 1-037060.scV 100csvIIllOu0002r101 corn ormaulslce Mlaeeeotor 500eseoorloa teem! SL. voller 8303300507 Smll500beml1500!oObolm One tos) drive will make the choice abuodantly clear. With its instaotaoe000 power aod race-bred pertorrrrance, every tiere you get behind the wheel will be outhiog less than on 000nt. Visit The Porsche Eochaoge today to learo O'HARE HYUNDAI Rloer Bd &OaA5On, 91235 MADSEN MI why thera has nover been a smarter trine to owo a HOI. Porsche. There is no substitute. 526eureSvIgr031.palri2000r5000 006314.J043 Get a head start on the best years of your life. ruAno ForO. IL collo Ovs-44405000300.ronrrlytrsedar. sas PlaiSes. For 000 Lonesl Fr1000 Sell 011020 PATRICK HYUND2I"1D20'2633AWRaT"' ROGERS OVUNDAI 27200. MocOs an Ose. 0O& ROSEN HYUNDAI IN ALGONQU0N 776 South RaoduIl 6l9J011 SOCIO 0f G005045 00. Visit the Porsche Exchange today, and own the 911 of your dreams. f0Oureloorr03Oe0.rcge W. Oben Ovo. 000-3wlOADsr'rs.paOioklaever,00sr Jeep ANTIOCO CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE io0o3653000 847) 266-7000 2300 Skolvie Volley Rd. HighIord Peek, IL 60038 DOPAGE DODGE CHRYDLER-JEEP O00E.Rsrssoeb100.lool sn!leseeercrsSsl 030053-0060 vuEeredo gssoryslsrineo.000 http://porschc.cedhaoge.potsshedeolet.00m Hosts M -1h HAM - RPM, Fri RAM - 6PM, 509AM - 5PM 500NEE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 732S Grand 000rOs Gumen. 10471023010 RRE°è1MAOdIriDOIEJEOP 76015. Clacos Osa., SkohIe 10001 0305744,e,ce.srarrnordoOeevoel LAUREL AUDI OF WEATMONT one s. saves ovo. roe.00030a4scscsioureleudilssm BMW BILL JACOBS BMW 040500rsro Ave.. Noporollls, Il. s-600Sv00240 olosvilllaoobebm0000 ELMEIURST BMW 406W. Calle SO. YlvIluror 50005r.enesoo,w.olmlorstbme.eom LAUREl. BMW OF WESTMONT 430E. vados vue. e66.355.052Tflmootoee!mret.05rl PATRICK BMW 706E. soIf road, s000u050ra sOWTSGOT7O osro.pa070000lw.00m î I3UICK ANTHONY BUICK ucciSO sod saOurde seroso Hvuro 7226 urord 40e. Ourses 0001 05W ROGERS BUICK 2720G. MichIgan Ase. nhioaav OO&2T5W551 orvoo.rrgorssU156r000.nEt SO u ¡30820 Heoa9 LJ7 DISHI u 01102000 900adiWi OUTLANDER NtSSAN AaIoVarn Nissan el Esawstoe 1012 001 lOiea101 00m,, enmOSssnra,e,, 05,5 Ieee Ru e0050rosOJ013l0000sOon,OuSlnItSe,eresee COca 040e. Oor.4rn-026505sn.05sasl000mvonl ROSEN NISSAN IN NURNEE 7uE0Or030000. 400W. CanO 51 EInrIsrel THE+EXCHA1GE 8DAUÔI a3 mio. 0LBU- 0060050300 000n,,or cr75050 S .100 JAGUAR ELMHURST .' ®ACURA M d6H 5!59. MarIon NoSaae 5240 Golf Read, 06000e 'J-v Authorized Dealers -- RILL JACODS MITSUBISHI, 2301W. 0530mm fr )' 0002100 015000V 00e. 00013001520 00000nelenor0000 HYUflOPJ FAMILY HYUNDAI 0101W. 1591801., Rule KIA MOTORS New Car Buyers Guide ® e BILL JACOBS CADILLAC O00s000efters5rskli000.L HERITAGE CADILLAC 303 W. Roasesetl ed., Coobald 630025-s300roee.horrueeoedllleo.sso sosevmbsrg ornvr05000000.sorrl500elea5000 STEVE FOLEY CAOILLAC 1.00 N. SIookle elsa. Asr!flbI000 006373.3004 eveo.e!oaetv!av.000 aosrgbrook0000ss-Swoorrso.adaOsoaOsCOs0000rv uoreo.000anleeesle005m APPLE CHEVROLET IN TINLEY PARK 17001 42583wt 0505 w. soso ,s000.apolevtslqoom PHILLIPS CHEVROLET 060.251.076e Illinois' usrgeslChsvelnoeesolc.rres. 30545 RAYMOND CHEVROLET suo ROs. 103 OcOirsu l07I 305.3000 . sros.r0000rlctrors!e000m ROGERS CHEVROLET 2720 S. MicEr an Ase., OoA2cSOSOl Bo?HERROuRO&S490v ANTIOCII CHRYSLER JECP DODGE 0050000 Mike Andeesen CAVvraIet 5323W. coing Fil ea 700-405aowrc0001rrik000der0030voeoO.soro ulloa 010001 5000510, a000.eveVreeelll000nl OND CIA 110 rl. Srs 0001000 1047003-78300 or000crreOndoseoOls!000 o 01E,000s000lrrd.lonl Smileswecrefovsl 0300s3-'OOeO d00ageac 600lrYoleoco007m ewvoleO 50e OOcsdala, II. 60020 040-0203000 DIII lacase Lend Volar HOC Ens. 106000. Hlg4boe RO. 00005 000.5u00635 CanO!oOaIlloltOen von SHERMAN JEEP DODGE 7000 N. Elenco PATRICK LAND ROVER 1559W. Ogden 0001 7305744eoe7.ntermesdodJe.000 - AL PIEMONTE FORD 2600W. 000000e. - - DSel Âva,S000oorbo Bendernenn LeIb ealroee Falo 705005'Oowooco.eptord.00m DILL KAY FORD MIDLDTUIAN 00000e-3650 siLsDODWE HgIwodPnrkFsnLinceInTMDncuee 100710365003. OPtI, 70000v OO&035-0531 701ro rogeraooroar007 sol DILL JACOBS 000506, OSOSO. lacenon SC. 000-7454070 vblfeoObeSJuSG020 Stood Soboos Yonk Rd. & Ocaed Asee. SrsesnoolleJulmllvrst e3350soaloglcrJSooauvosm l TOYOTA AOJsegoOe TSslvo 2095 N. Raed Ed. 5 Ilesa see 05101, 007k rilen ELMHURST TOYOTA eileavkeo Os. LIvorOonillo 077.301m3077 eaoellbc000blle t6RiR0ROOK TOYOTA sSOOForlagscO. 533300-wow orcO.rOvSbr0002001a000 OAIIRRO0l(AOVOÎjSClON elsro,maS ros800to!voom DAIS LAWN TOYOTA 3320W 90th Sa. 0030EWT00010 000433-aVsl r RA O 3E, dkr tdoi'1esdesJIols III oIIsJooRl I40100lr rb oerdIolo soleo n .9 0.0110131 os $2008 III$lIOIGlOJni9000I0oH040 t5Mflsilteso Opl6drrsrp10yIs000IoiilttoroI0ri60ototspproeaol66s4a IiA,l6lnoesdI5rlon.9e$olesp4td.tealorooleoçonoilI5lolt]9orrooiIde5IVWsl $101OSRtApjrooIelsslIlIlIalSk Paote Toeet 10305.00.31. 17f b40l5l Cous - corO 'J 00600000 0010es crIn is 0130158 rIss Sil. F1052501 003 W, SRI RO 007-0020331 BILL JACOBS 0OLIHSWAOEN 20v100ror0405, SoeseslIle. IL 5.0005504005 000700 sllOe005smocorn e AUYOOARN MAZDA cevnlrysldr 0000 S rosa e ROGERS SMC 2720G. Michigan Ale. fSU9ARUI Aulobeen Sobers 60700. LaGean e Rd. roe30onJoss0Yoeloovrlvooc 00507110W 050000110100.005 Farh,IC Collego OY5237.O065erIor Vsoellleordlso Rel S1me63egoerolulee dstebanw VelGnWa nn Cnunlrylide 140300. CloeI000n. 100e000iekaOrora.00a MCCARTHY FORD, INC tragos. Fr11001, LANCER YWoJ a00eeavka 53RO.. vinnoree 800.55030 Hi hiand Peek F0es5LlnceIn MnnaeW osov.gumee0005a seen Ceo 2655 015101001 Llb0001001le 10001e ScOne 11005. Bill Jaaahs Leed Recen Hieodaln GURNEE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP rflvvrer300aruo Gorreo. 04716053310 00E.. shrub c:OAKRRODK SCION/EOYO5A 50e uoe Poor Loader 0052054070. 507;/lras000bmr01000tooaooe3 DOPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-aCER J, 4400 S. Harlem, Crone 7O5.0.t2.0jeoOpOrlar.00m EVERGREEN CIA 920GO. tCfesseen Ave., DIPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER'JEKP r00crcoseoouea.vrsureaasoosuoros5l erres. PO Illi0020 socolen Downers Gs1IL1510 JACK PHELAN CHEVY 'Ori, Goce Sea Jack' loIlar 000430.3007 e7000.011llsvoussvl0000 a BILL JACOBS CHEVROLET lbLhm BILL KAY CHEVROLET ROO Ogden & I.3'gm Rill Jacobs Ola 0725W. Jaseress St. ROSEN CIA OF ELOIN - CHEVROLET ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET I-55 A Roule 63 - 00es PATRICK VOLVO 1600 E. Hi les Rd., soOarrI0000047.00S'OwYnroro.nalrilEoaI0000er I I° e AlLÁ/IP' ftØflßOEOru'aniuor WHEN A GREAT DEAL MATTERS, EEaAIIDODDEi!u-'r.'P!rrr SHOP ROB PADDOR'S... $12,995 i' 'u a . a sr sia a. 'il, IO NEW HÍC'IIBBGE li DOSBEliarr IhOu arr apa e ;;r MSt nilO!! E%s $16,995 NEWtS StEW N $17,95 Potriot . Compi NEW lt DOUBt ru v-oat pairO #1118! Cmu.der Wra I., ME.. 4 NO EUAU LAST CHANCE FOR -THE EXTRA AUTO J 3MO. SHOW INCENTIVES.: $13,995 NEW PAYMENTS l'IL SUMMtRr NEW PACKAGE ON NEW VEHICLES0 SAVINGS ALERT! SAVINGS ALERT! SAVINGSTALEAT! The actual Auto Show Subarus from the 2011 Chicago Auto Show are being sold-off at Evanston Subaru in Skokie at iCS Outback Forester °Impreza GLegacyEW WRX Trbeca NEW'2tJ11 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.51 SEDAII °27 MPG HWY° APR * III .ß .! -. u-i. HWY° 4, All-Wheel-Drive, ABS, Siate Curtain Airbags, MP3, IJHPR I OSCO! IMPORTS & DOMESTICS '03 90080 ppeEEe-eowswlaavl ..u,rlarrS,,o,pS ,VirSrra - eoneS/ra ateigrieg. 000 00651 e030000cIad Eli-Os C0rpt...jSr.Lo596iW5peER4aa rd ERI-VO Sodas.. ..AL.RNl0a, OtE..,Jaapp*,ar,Ea'0l08aarao,p si raVilir 0950MO _1,9658MO40096Th1 Cae .......OrraiI500Soaa0000aI011irIdd VPOOEalaairnIt _Jria,ra 110*Erdw$ 8SeP00 1.80 ._*VaSO,010.eVosrttis APR 19% '" ya i 5050n5irr*tSillal E000augnlno OFlIjflbaaaO -- 9,498 ,,,,,,,. aala,,p0fl*a,lOb,*,.,JO.595*,,14S_,512955 SUBARU LEGACY /OUTBACKS 'i"I ILN0 !ISiU$' O , All-Wheel-Drive, ABS, Side Cartaie Airbags, MP3, Full Power S ir$a avuosaaa I OUTBACKS!aa*orpawna*aaa.o,p,o,paoor,ao ...... 9a,E aCk9OuCjS, ... 0000u.raCa*!r*aaa,eO,K,OSS,,,,,.. 00,095 '05ELSopjoo 5E fr So0M,a*i,,a*,paraa 009,599 'OOOOWLCOS.OEOIioanbilooOSdn_l,o_,So*OaiEIaebll,O ID u-L . .513,915 'lOimaO'iim. a-m 11,a.ssm*çmaopaeir A. B STELLAR EvanstonSubaru coni 'a,O 791? W. Roosevelt Rd. !oahouiarruperreraineuaere,rrrwe Pnop,maae I 0ar, Forest Park (Just East el ist Ave) ivariaablIeoe Paiaaamvrpkrraaaaoona,aev, Sradaauaureavur I E WARRANTY 24 HEi ROADSIDE ASSICTANCE 3 MONTHO2MSS MELE MAX. CARE L011, WARRANTY 125 POINT INSPECTION RENTAL CAM ALLOWANCE CARFAX VEHICLE REPORT Od MIsSES SENPOI4 e 00101 08511e MW ti EC00010000POCVC1IEV 18,UDfi000TOnrli, l5995*aol2lbitiN 36,995oo121'.r'iu loase S'ORnE io 5I3l11OblIS4eC 116000 iOevseOAaSvN,Cn9 011,U95oo538'#tt 'l2U95ip13Krix 9,UU5ü,35'apu 000420100 iocaaEvyaMpaS.a 60 ---e'°" - 50061E, IL'60076 -, IV FOOD F0000550 ola o O lljj995*0e031b0% 512,595n03WOl, EalullaOIiaE9O 00105 590M lj3755pI44p, °14,U95on°48w5 019650 S9100519515105 rauvoisIoeoOiouv!up IC000G0615905EOIX1 117,595o,°60',wu 117,B95ooWWieo 11?,995a165'io MANAGER'S SPECIAL IP0000ECubtEaEae/T III0016ROOS100EOO5IIAJOE 100010100 0911 004lOiIO aoavl505ucueaE 0x0 oaIEEF000slneaoFoMO /17,99565* a/casale OrificaRE 1000 ROIL. GOTTA COME ¿' 866-695-0017 017,UUff0006Uaire 117,995',0165*ile °20,995u,'73ire 7911 W. Roosevelt Rd. . Foreot Park (laut East of ist Ave) A B 3340 OLVTOIJ STREET araralurvil SO rmaha-1211150, tte!,eaOOrwa papa,,! Ma,arIaeaV rare. Oa!ar 11 -.COOOOLS1ICCO ..... 02,596 p -We Speak: POLISH, SPANISH, TURKISH & RUSSIAN 00000m9'0aïabeaa atnmrsra.r.015us ......014,OIS r?aPAI1 pL 4X4 05 CHIYSLER TROC O r BANK DIFFICULTIES? NO CREDIT? BAO CREDIT? LATE PAYMENTS? REPOS? $75 DOWN PAYMENV VALID DRIVERS LICENSE CARRENT UTILITY BILL ePuRO lli4OaDAeSi SUBARU IMPREZAS .......410 866-695-0018 L YOUR CERTIFIED CHRYSLER JEEP HEADQUARTERS SUBARU LEGACY 'lOLSS.EVp,rn, tor ......Sil INSTANT CREDIT APPROVAL9t SIS na mass la 'Cao $22,005 $ 17,9$5 llar íEn-ardillraOna ra aira alalia 011a tSp ialaeaSar SOIS011 - 50 SecarIly DEPOSIT! 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NEW 2011 SUBARU LEGACY 2.51 SEDAN li $20,995 'fl ÑÒ ¿051 MAINTENANCE PLUS boll Mir SOCI CIna ' al, 09 VII, liaIs onO 09 II SOUDE Juurr1L SALESa SERVICE: PARTS: 122,995op175'ipe 4g3995* 034,9U5'op°124'r&e 4 OIL CHA NGEa' ''V ¡MANOSEE BUM HUGE SELECT/UN.' S ERYIC E & PARTS ARE NOW OPEN III I3op MONTAnDo D.IIIIrUOC-llrDOp FEII4O9-lp.lo!BL-Sp Il-IH5rIIa'lIrUSp e015:01a-Ip.SCiOa'ip 'Pio usino. ilhriaí..& lrnr!nrr ''Pils isI &alaraaipaiat.Ol RIOt. OvariOs 601:1011 aIim IL:r,uail!ia,lnriba SlrlIIllOrICl!.5I!aiaSill elm-rho 10a'i!.IOpu Nai2'!, ...IebSiIOIi Crer Voll pl.,010*5!OfliaC!OlO:5.P'rI.ra;llIiiil, -Sosia!5!b,,. P!so Ist, irla,lIaaOl ida, Oir, I,ihi!rulia SIll alirSuai avallI bIrillI! Iilx!,k,4! 1.ili#aprorO011IS libri llaa105iir. , rIlsslCItlrCsInsLi baaeO ,aSOOal,li4/ 5.114 , ;r 01110 9511105 rIposaI 1110 OSsia! liilSo!,ria raIe *IPla ia!rri,IaiIIirPIrSil a050,r,:lar,o!l:s! Colti aao l!!bi,Iara!Srn! II!asOaelS,I,ssl Pillo salCA laso las! hla:lpAaoanri PS5!CIa!o!iI.EEhillpSSomail,000VItSa OrdaOlI M-F Sa-Op. Dot Ra-ap i -888x269-9359 rIal A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION DIC Bi? . rvi z Ig - - To advertise, cati Greg Tarifi at (312) 321-2490 or email - Chièagò1âïid's' 'Prém 1er LivÈTiäë° GuIdé AtIItflI(lS(Ifl :' I stcr lr:i,i I iiain goes tO \1ih:iukci IL. .., LL' ... .... 4 .L, :.: .j L. . \Jtirder %Ivslerv & l)inner . . tztI icnee P;) rl tj pa t ¡Oil . ;f : . NOW! :a t-'v' . ,. (:iII '1(ifl - FiI' "AN ECSTATIC EXPERIENCE!" IMltIft.4*VIS7OWY vI (.rLdkAr)rJy ( (Í1 (Jr urj r) )J (j I I i Ask 1bout Our Salti il:i li1i11S 773267-4I)() inyslrrvlltl.coiu tkketmaster 800.982.278.7 Group Sales 773.348.3300 ßIjA, 3133 North Halsted s:w 773.348.4000 EY)S wta JHKY g1u PR1LU LEWiS CASH B IRTHRIGFff Celebrating eta's 40th Season Directed byVáun Monroe MAN GROUP Tue - Sun at 7:30, Sat & Sun at 3:00 HOND± Sex With Strangers A break-out hit at Steppenwoif's 2009 Frst Look Repcttor Sex with Suangers csplorcs. what happens when our online and offline Identities intersect. chicagoperatheater i, 5 Stars 1. : Tod Machover All Seats $ 10.00 onThuxsdays rates available Rosemont,. IL THEATRE May 12-15 n..,1 . st Tickets: 706.235.2222 Jui:(T124 L , IL i RIDSLtS PII III RTtLIVt.0 The Robots' Opera b.Ibri À' Rasn In The. .up Showtimes: k1 4 Nlghttlme Performances: April 12-16 at 8:00 p.m. L THEATER April 2, 6, 8, lOI ChlcaqoOperaTheater.orq OPENAUDITtONS 'suoi r erti U hi tPM Mtl j4 ti hOhN wwtiiemméiíij II Matinees: Saturday, April 16 & Sunday, Aprii 17 at 2:00 p.m. I Rh yIl, Mil I O, li. lO ¿I PQhSIßLl (LU1L(71 M1 il 11 7P$ ' 312.704.8414 i 'isc tvuous ?IESENiS! $r BLACK ENSEMBLE I wwwetacreativoartLorg LLL1LL OPENS SATURDAY, APRIL21 w'...' SEAR PLAZP APOUOTIt(LffR THF L(yr? op ptronitonis s p.m. Thurs.-Sat 3p.m. Sundays 1I393I00 1l1XflIUSTtRX0I DEATH AND t4a-ß There's Moie at the North Shorel 773-752-3955 ThukUptDIip ' Merriilville. IN ThEPEIWORMLNG ARTS IN 61(0111E eugi s Blvd. FREE RtRKÌNG . SQUARE L atilpSn):tp&&30p U '"iA iOIn&' ORTH SilOflE oeNVERFOR i 7558 S. South Clicago Avenue TH.(CH I CAG 0TH t AT R E. C 0M ; : Call 312-335-1650 or .. NodhShoreCènteì.org . . Jan 20 - May 15, 2011 CHICAGO' - .'----1 , 847.673.6300,: : .: .Thni..M..Sth. Theatre Company A VEE CORPORATiON PRODUCTION One Night et Queen isn't )st any tribute actit's an intuluatlonai ph#mennn perfectly recreatlag Queen's gratust classics. by Jackie Alexander BLUE 1.800.BLUEMAN BLUEMAN.COM mu, Mài31 ät 7:30pm Parking F rr - USA TODAY . ON SALE 1I 11011V'. ' , . 1 You,Ii k ¿1T .. ONE NIGHT DF QUEEN -- 1? Mlii I l (tfi ELTON JOHN & TIM RICE'S il . a (:! ROSEMONT THEATRE Tickets: Theatre Box Offices ticketmaster 800-745-3000 ilota ear NEW raconta fl4nnd community at sesemeatreet no,camI WHOOPI GOLIIBERO PRESENTS (108) 210-5741 etaII$e raleit Opeaa't Di$tri[iiate+ ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE . 1:XCd ur For T7r 35 The 39 Steps Y3rI The 2011 Thursday, Shop @ 847831-4100 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park cT9L National Tour A Based on approved credit to qualified buyers. Valid three days from publication. Dea'er wifi not honor errors in thk advertisement. Not avaUable wfth any previous offers. 4 Blocks South Of Main Location .. ARTS CENTER April 7 847.67S.6300 NORTHLIGHTORG .84?.622.03Ó0 loIgindu/arI ROYAL GEORGE THEATRE - Lû.. 773-769-4451 APR1-JUN5 31 2-9889000 ticket,,,aster c1 GOOD TO z .- RN::W SUN MELIA CUSTOM MEDIA SOLUTIONS, A DIVISION OF SUN-TIMES MEDIA, LLC. ( PIONEERPRSS SPECIALSECTIONS.SUNTIMES.COM NSun DNDL SPRINGH O M E PRODUCED BY CUSTOM MEDIA SOLUTIONS SPECrATcPTONS.SUP$ES.COH ) rrnaswtY MMCH 31. 2011 One destination for ail your home design solutions, kitchen bath . cabinetry ' dosets ' tightir tije countertops café 4. î SPRUUEUP BY TERRA COONEY Special to Pioneer Press Clean and modern axe the looks for the home this season. Find help at the Abt Design Center, located in Glenview. Independently owited showrooms focus on looks for kitchen and bath xtmes, cabinets, lighting, flooÑtg, closets and more. Read on for some spring inspiration, especially for those smaller spaces. Reorganization Clutter-free environments enhance clean Unes, and reorganization is the key for 2011. Lynn Schrage, marketing manager ofThe KONLER Store, with a showroom inside the Abt yoùr sñiaII spaces Lavish Luxuries Schrage saysglobal travels have created an infusion of new experiences, memories and nostalgia. As the hospitality industry is placing a greater emphasis on the spa bath, customers want to recreate these experiences at home. "We continue to see lounging, respite areas, deep soaking baths, and steam and aromatherapy in the showering environment," she says. Luxury materiais with strong statements accompany the comfortable spaces. Schlage sees more granite slabs, steel, fur, leather, strong wallpaper and monochromatic tiles in many of the most noteworthy interior designs. "Entire surfaces axe being covered to create a bold visual background, while accessories aresculptural," she says. A decorative mirror makes any room, especially in a small bathroom, appear larger because it milects natural light into your space. Consider a large, dramatic piece. Color Palettes 'Consider watery blue and green tones to bring about a quiet spa-like feel, or combine muted grays and brown tones to create a more natural envixoiuuent," Sciirage suggests. Contrast dramatic surfaces and accessories with bold prints with warmer colored walls. California Closets I Courtesy of The Design Center at Abt The personality of a space is often identified in the color; choose something that relaxs you. Design Center, says instead ofmoing, people ai editing their spaces. "This is translating into clean, chic environments in our homes," Schrage says. 'Fewer additions are being made than in the past, and larger projects are not about adding space, but moving walis around to maximize use and flow" Lisa Côté, sales and marketing manager of California Closets knows a little something about this.With throe showrooms, including the llbt Design Center, the company has been able to transfer many clients' dreams into ma]ity 'Spring is a popular time to clean and morganize, but we are available to help organize your space anytime!" Côté says. California Closets is known to incase the value of your home with its well-known nationa' name and expertise. Any small space can seem Larger and more comfortable after an update. Côté estimates most projects can be completed in two to three weeks. Visions by Exotic Marble I Courtesy of The Design Center at Abt I.o.v e . . yo u r BY TERRA COONEY Specia' to Pioneer Press S Make ytur lawn the envy ofthe block. Horticulture Help Hinadale Nurseries, Inc. specializes in anything from comprehensive master planniitg to single tree installation. Eric Galloway, landscape division manager, and Sandy just, maintenance division manager, providea customized plan to enhance the beauty and prolong the life of your landscape. However, ifyou have a green thumb, use your talents to make your lawn the loveliest. Fertilization Frequency just says to avoid over-fertilizing, which burns the lawn, as well as not fertilizing. Fertilizer encourages growth and helps keep lawns greener.As we approach mid-April, try fertilizer with pm-emergent crabgrass control 20-3-10. Use this before temperature of soil reaches 6(1 degrees when crabgrass germinates. Use this again in late October and early November to keep your grass looking good year-round. In late May and early June, and then again around early to mid-September, fertilize with pm-emergent broadleaï control and insecticide for grub control 25-3-3.The numbers on the label indicate the percentage by weight of three important nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. "Lawn growth depends on nutrients I awn and elements absorbed by roots from the soil,"just shares. "Most ofthe elements are supplied by natural soil processes, [but] nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most miportant' Soil Temperatures The optimum soil tniperatures for root growth is 70 degrees.After the winter months, turfwill start to show disease sympt9ms as it emergesfrom dormancy Removing thatch or the layer of dead material in grass helps. Avoid late summer applications of nitrogen, and control weeds and improve drainage. Just siso suggests, "converting from cornmon varieties of turf to Bermuda grass, which has good winter hardiness." Consider shade. In reduced sun, grass can have an upright growth pattern, shallow roots and less density Choose a seed that has a formulation for shade or a ground cover. Landscaping Trends For spring, Galloway is seeing sustainable landscape practices, native plantings and outdoor entertainment areas, including patios, outdoor kitchens and üreplaces or fire pits. He says some pavera made of recycled material help mitigate storm water run-off. flowers with an early bloom tizne are siso popular. . "Ornamental trees, such as redbud, magnoua, serviceberry and crabapples, all provide early spring blooms," Galloway shares. "For traditionalists, you can't go wrong with Six premier home design boutiques and café all-in-one, convenient location. Courtesy of Hinsdale Nursery forsythia. Its bright yellow blooms axe one of the first signs ofspring." His advice to break up the monotony of a large expanse oflawn is a flowing bed line. Add in a variety of tress, ornanientais, shrubs, perennials and annuals to creaté interest. "Different plants can be the stars, depend- ing on the time ofyar' Galloway says. Maintenance Done Well Standard turfrnainteuance,just says, includes edging sidewalks, curbs and d4veways and mowing évery eek to 2.5 or 3 inches in the growing season. "Adjust cutting in the hát weather when . tunis not growing'jnst says. Keep an eye out for signs ofturf diseases, such as fungus, in hot, humid weather. Water your grass weeklywithone-halfàr one-inch ofwatér to maintaincolor and active growth Any more than that in warm weather will increase the chances of turf diseases, such as fungus. Morning is a better time to water, as doing so üt late afternoon and evenuig CaSt also lead to fungus, says the maintenance division manager. THE VISIONS BY KOHLER.STORE (Vn FINE CABINETFY COOKING SCHOOL Exo'ric MARBLE & TUrnE CALIFORNIA CLOSETS .nd culinary shop JöIare's Restaurant - Bar the design center atlihi I 1100 N. MiiwaukeeAvenue, Glenview, iLóOO25 ¿. DtC . THURSDAY. MARCH 3, ZOl www.pióneerocaLCOm B2O diVeSiOflS B21 diversions IN LINE Super Crossword Khan 63 NaldI or ACROSS i School tool Turn your newspaper Talbot s Sahara vision 12 Crestfallen 65 Sty guy 66 Mardi 67 Went white 68 HAIR LINE 74 Breakfast fruit 77 Jeroboam contents 78 Color 79 CritIcize 83 Speak one's mind 84 Accent feature 86 SInger 15 PigskIn prop hito a long lastftig 18 tarmen memory. 21 ln-yourface and The Consul" 20 GenesIs peak item? . Att Otflht2? rival 36 Author Antonia 38 Mingo's portrayer 41 Fiddling emperor 42 Turn of phrase 44 SKY LINE 52 Nonclerical 53 New Jersey athletes 54 Scuba site 55 TV's 'L_ Fly Away" 57 Mischiefmaker 58 Rhone feeder 59 Has on 61 Singer Purchasé ydúorihiqUaItYOSSY :pntouts of Pioneer Pithpage suitable ; fofrathing by calling (847)4$6-1430 22 Director Ashby 23 SIDE LINE 27 ExtremIty 28 Nurse's helper 20 East ender? 30 Sly trick 31 Composer Thomas 32 Rocky's : i "I sawyÒur sticker on the front of the Park Ridge Herald-AdvoCaté1" 2 3 Vaughan 88 Mrs. McKinley green 113 Year, In Yucatan 116 BLOOD LINE 124 Actor Chanay I 25 Past i 26 Expects the worst I 27 Maris or Mantle 128 She's a sheep date 129 down (destroy) 130 Petrarch product 131 KIngdom DOWN i Dressing 89 "Lorenzo's "(92 film) 90 DMderid 91 41 Across' tutor 92 Be a pest 93 LIFE LINE 99 Took on board loo " No Sunshine" ('71 hit) 101 Content completely 102 AptItude and MIs105 demeanors" ('89 film) 107 Aol like a chicken 110 Belligerent deity 111 Reminder 112 Shade of 4 5 18 midnight dreary . . 3 Balloon material? 4 Be human 5 TrackIng tool 6 Medieval weapon 7 Bother 8 Math abbr. 9 Meyers of Kate & Allie" 10 Boyle's concern 11 Lucy's landlady 12 Made cotton candy 13 Broadcast 14 ThIeves' B . Jim Giovannini Owner and Director. Academic Tutoring Centers 39 32 46 47 ask for YOUR Local Account Executive and how we can improve it. you like about our newspaper Tell us what you think..." Please visit our Web site and click on the button, call us at (847) 486-9300, or go to pioneerloCal.COmISUrVeY. Thank you for your readership. PIONEER PRESS YOUR LOCAL SOIJKCE Academic Thtoring that PIoneer Press Centers has learned provides resUI, Babilonia 97 Amis' 33 34 balanced 94 See 109 Down 95 China's Biao 96 Skater 13 15 16 wwwpioneer1ocaLC0m to complete plans for an upcoming event, while your other self wants to see how things develop first. Compromise by moving ahead with your plans while being open to change. 75 76 84 CANCER (June 21 to July 22) An unexpected change n a relationship could ópen up a problem 93 94 t6 Virgo can make persuasion work by presenting a case built on hard facts. Sentiment might touch the heart, but it's good, solid information that invariably wins the day, 77 78 85 LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You usualy can win over the most stubborn skeptics on your own. But this time you can benefit from supporters 9 128 129 130 AROUT )ERELET ME SHOW YOU ro asr yxey UH OH t_ouo XNHERE. 4 r ;; ri _Q. l,, 'Q :::' ¿, I 77T7 ;7._; .ii1( 82 88 ;f,_cuI, Find at least six dIfferences In detaIls between panels. I - V ,o1 107 108 109 'n !; In 113 114 115 119 120 121 122 126 BI 98 112 125 Guy BUTI WAS QUQCER. . 92 97 111 124 IHR WAS I, QUICxLITTL" 51 62 BO 67 105 108 117 118 (C) 2011 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 73 86 118 BORN THIS WEEK: You know how to inspire others to do their best by setting a persuasive exampIe of your own. Dave T rMpps 72 lEu' 110 PISCES (February 19 to March ZO) You could feel more than a mite upset by someone or some people who might be creating problems for you. Find out why they won't change their ways. Their reasons might surprise you. VIRGO (Auqust 23 to September ZZ) The clever 43 91 102 103 104 up later. '4 : 71 IiI) week favors moderation, especially if a health probem is involved. Resist the impulse to do more than might be good for you at this time. You can catch total the pluses and minuses resulting from recent personal and/or professional decisions. See what worked, what didn't and why, and base your next big move on the results. 1EV UOMI IM(E A LOCK AT ylHAT t CAUGHT OU1SOE. 50 70 96 AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) The LEO (July 23 to Auqust 22) Time for the Lion to 37 49 95 needed advice. or could lead to a much-needed and too-longdelayed reassessment of a number of matters, The choice s yours to make. 30 42 90 89 CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) New factors might have a positive effect on a still-pending matter, but only if the information proves to be credible. Trusted colleagues might be able to offer 26 66 69 nant situation, a new development emerges, making the task easier and the outcome potentially more rewarding. 22 60 68 SAGITTARiUS (November 22 to December 21) While you still need to maintain control of a domi- GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Part of you wants 17 123 \ c-. g' = \.._ 127 131 Answers: Inside today's classified section o ; ï } \.. \ ia1oq) s UOJde Jt) 9 U!SSiLU S iwo s PIoNEER Piuss YOUR LOCAL SOURCE emerges for the business-driven Bovine who feels ready to restart a stalled project. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed at any time during the process. 56 : SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You win admiration for your determination to do the right thing. Don't be distracted from that course, despite the offer of tempting alternatives that might suddenly turn up. TAURUS (April 20 fo May 20) Information Cop" ('91 HIm) 14 who have been there, done that and are willing to speak up on your behalf. But aspects favor rechecking a decision before dedaring ¡t final. 91 Reasonably 123 ' Good 29 35 46 ARlES (March 21 to April 19) It isn't afways easy for the rambunctious Aries to give a second thought to their often spur-of-the-moment choices. "Lucky" man? 98 Sound of 62 Kansas city disapproval 64 Soon 102 Under the 66 Show one's (secretly) teeth 103 Cupid's 69 Vane letters missile 70 Serengeti 104 Sierrasahib 106 Phllharrnon. 71 Cut of meat le section 107 Bleak 72 Blender setting ctlque 73 Show one's 108 WhIrlpool feelings 109 With 74 Bovine 94 Down, bellow fragrant 75 'The contaIner Ramayana," 11't Cornfield e.g. critter 76 Coloratura 112 Only Pons 113 "Puppy 80 NeIghbor of Love" Níger singer 81 Man or 114 Gallagher of stallion Oasis 82 Patrick of 115 Utah city "A 117 Actor's Clockwork lunch? Orange" 118 Self-esteem 84 Shake119 Theater sign spearean 120 Word with Infinitive take or 85 Kind of print hang 86 Facons 121 Solo of "Star Wars" 87 Owns 90 Leonine 122 Coleridge composition Lahr 12 11 41 45 Call to find out what 10 60 Vacation sensation 61 Numbers 21 Maybe we can help. Pioneer Press values your opinions. We want your feedback 9 ' 83 847-486-9200 work" 39 Blscayne Bay city 40 "Aida" setting 43 Club cost 45 OB's stats 46 Bounded 47 Shun 48 Beatles beater 49 Cocky 50 Medicine bottle 51 Actress Sommer 56 Youngster 59 Squeezed out the suds HOROSCOPES For the week of April 6 - April 12 25 40 44 74 Need help finding clients for your business? 38 " a days 128 27 38 B nobis" 35 Prune 36 Vassal's holding 37 Unear measure 24 ____________ 31 "Thai's how our cllénts find us Pioneer Press newspaper ads, front page stickers and Internet advertising develop new customers for Academic Tutoring Centers." 7 34 "pro 20 19 23 gown -2"Oncea headquarters? 15 Anatole France novel i 6 Combs of baseball 17 Glue guy 18 Pelt 24 ChemIcal suffix 25 Poultry purchase 26 Wise guy 31 blond 32 Leg joint 33 Pride of the pumped-up DIW THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2DB 11. iq sI ii ï' auoÓ jp scseb t w--.-_ JImR -ï J S! SSPIb )UIM .Z busiw s uo»nq S1)trM I:sauaJo!I!a Pioneer Press (DC) 22 Thursday, March 31 , 2011 Death Notices - Death Notices Garlich, MaMn O. Age 88, of Glenview, at rest March 20, 201 1, beloved husband- of-Carolyn-nee- Peeck;dear father of Michael (Deborah) of Naperville, IL; lovIng grandfather of Heather (Brian) Miller of Frankfurt, IL and Jef- Express Condolences Sign ttiiàñtiñeGuest Book For local community Death Notices visit pioneerloca(.com frey flizabeth) Garltch of Des Molnes IA; cherIshed great grandfather of Rylee Miller. In 1954 he accepted the position of School Super- intendent in Lfncolnwood, IL a position he held for over 30 years. During that time he earned a doctorate in education from Northwestern Univ. In Memoriam General Information Concerning The Death Notice Page Assoc. of School Boards. 847-965-2500. SJMKINS In Memorlam Funeral Mass Thursday, March 31, 10 am. at Our Lady of Ransom Church, Park Ridge. Laid to Sign Çuest Boo&at www.cagofanho6its.corn (847) 998-3400. A 24-hour fax service is offered at (847) 486-6836 or death notices may be e-mailed to . The deadline for placing a death notice, in memoriam or card of thanks, is Monday at 5:00 pm. Photos must me submitted by Monday at 2:00pm. Health Care r AOOPTON. LovnØ coup!e Want to adopt your baby into a hone lited with lone, womit), & Secant), Approved expenses paid. To learn more, please cati: i-888-67-2011. id's Lic. Na. 012998 Nurses ay PHONE OR WEB FREEI Coli Today Sunday, orony dapii UsoJobCodo 521 SELL IT FAST. send flo thid chanta SUNE MEDIA has owned andoperated our business since ¡936, in the same location. After three generations, we still believe jn dedicated personal coi$butions online. - t i i- Clement Ryan Miehael Ryan Suburban (847) 823-1171 Visiour website at wwryan.parkecom Chicago (773) 792-1811 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE ARRANGED & PREPI4JD FUNERALS AVAILABLE Cooney Funeral Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS To Be Worthy of Your Confidence 3918 W. Irving rk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005 Renaissance et HillsIde is looking for fl,N. (3-11 shifts) Fox resume: (708)5444617 or call Anton Trlplttt (708)544.9933. 1-866-374-8302 or Ploneer.comiMonster No Resumo Neededt Guest Book service %vitll compassion. 120 S. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge Spill Response Supeivisor/ Technician Noeded New Lenox, IL Area Experience Ir, responsas to HAZMAT spillo required with some truvet. 40 hr HAZMAT vert, abilily to obtain a COL. bossa, current TWIC CREATE YOUR PROFILE NOW CLASSIFIEDS, CALL We 'd like you to know the Ryan family YOUR LOCAL SOU Adoption Wanted Help Wanted Full-Time MONSTER MATCH CAN HELFt the Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave., Gteriview, IL 60026. hàreme PIONEER P Lost Personals Prayers and Novenas Health Care Nurse Practitioner These employers will never know who you are, what skills you have and your desire to work tor one these companIes. astil you lot them know who you are. DON'T NEED IT? "Ourfamily serving yours for over 74 years" Death an 'In Memori Found Happy Ads . Sign the online For local community Death Notices visit a outour: available Death Notice Emblems. Call 847 998 3400 (opt 6) SEARCHcwicia- homes . STOP IN k Mon.Fri. 8:3Oam-5:OOpm Local companies are seeking people with all levels al expedence lot Nurse Pract,tloners. Employment Wanted Featured Jobs Health Care Help Wanted Full Help Wanted Part Staffing Services Temporary Services Transportation SAY IT IN THE .ti ineral home fora Adoption Wanted Community Events Disclaimer of Debts JOBS 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at . Family and friends may visit our website and sign a guest book at tod' '.1 ttlb FAX 847-486-7456 3701 West Lake Ave., Glenvlew, IL 611026 Condolences in agii Lcc'n , CALL Sandy Lane Estate Sales .pi Find homes for sale, real estate info and the most rental listings at 2'/ 847-998-3400 Express memoriam or a card of thanks may be submitted in person from notice, (773) 406-3402 C REAL ESTATE Lost a loved one? Downsizing? We're Here To Hetp ' AUTO 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Saturday and 9:00 am to 500 pm on Sunday. . A death FILL A VACANCY! RENTAN APARTMENT! Search for a new or used car and view the latest reviews, videos and photo galleries at ANNOUNCEMENTS s The death notice department is staffed from '::::- Post your resume, get career advice, find job fairs and morel PIosuPRiss &ìioriLer PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEKI Information about charges for death notices may be obtained from area funeral directors or by calling SELL YOUR STUFF! J OßSMoueerLocaLcomfrnonster in writing. placed using the same information above. Sign Çuest www.cfiicago& championship. 23 Placo an ad today ,-__I__, semi-pro hockey, taking his team to win the state the Pioneer Press when funeral arrangements are made, and must be submitted , He was well traveled, visiting all of the contiguous United States and was a member of the Adventurer's Club [WDW]. He was an enthusiastic golfer. He spent many years coaching football and rest at St. Adalbert Cemetery, NUes. . An in niemoriani or card of thanks may be FENERAL UtilE father of DeAnn (Bill) Kuchar, Brian (Jan Petrella), and Eugene (Jean); brother to Janis and Phyllis. Ed was passionate about his work of the last ten e A paid death notice may he ordered to appear in . Classifieds husband of Janet Martin nee Wroblewskl; loving students. Call: 84799834OO (opt 6) as a Director of Field Services for the Illinois morials to Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care 2050 Claire Ct. Glenview, IL 60025 appreciated. Sign online guestbook at Arrangements handled by Slmkins Funeral Home Born In Chicago, Illinois on Aug. 29, 1937 Departed_on-Mar.-28,-201 1-and--resided-In_Park Ridge, 1L. Ed Martin, age 73, of Park Ridge. Beloved years as a school bus driver for special ed and was active In numerous professional and civic organizations. After retiring he worked for 4 years He was a proud Army veteran of WWII and Korea and a member since 1954 of the Morton Grove Community Church 8944 McVicker Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 where a Memorial Service will be held on Monday April 4th at 2:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the church haIl. Interment was held at Ridgewood Cemetery. Me- PIornER Piuss Martin, Edmund J. Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, March 31 , 2011 847-998-3400 TO CALL PLACE YOUR AD 847-998-3400 Our uutomated system creates ono to, you-FREEI With an 8-minute phone coil or use our convenient online lorm, Monster Match can mulch you wilh employers that aro htdng-NOWI This FREE service lx available 24 hours u day-7-dayo a woek and io presented by Sun TImes Media Don't Walt, Do it Todoyt Hoot lhcureft'ina,ice ((4)/j)I choose 5if7?'er Cro,cs SJ-fospitaL2 Help Wanted Full-Time Matntononco Help Wanted FuII.Tlme Techstoton Lomont, tL The Ideal candidate would have a loumoyman card and at boxt 4 yin 01 mechanIcal eoporiosco; a good understanding 01 mobile oquipmerrt, strong weldingi pipo-lilting ability, proticionl In tobd- iSUNÇ' card and computer oblio uro re- cation, and a good undorotanding 01 quired. Positon will work hands on basic electricity. For while leading others. We aro an lniormotlon!oppty please ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE moro send equal opportunity employer, ottering your r050mo io mellssa.gentner an encollent bonetito psckoge, raining oppo,tsnitioo. and room lar advancement. Puy busnd upen ex- MYSTERY SHOPPERS up lo SlSOJduy. podenco. Moli a resumo to 106 Make Ford Drive Now Lesso, IL 60451 Shoppers needed In lodge retail S dinlnrj est. Exp. not attn tobt, i-teignit. req. 000-501-3349. The Early Intervention Pro5rem Is seeking a licensed Physical Thoraplut to wo,k In a pedlalnc setting in ho soar west suburbs ot Chicsgo. A degree In Physical Therapy trom an accredited university Io required; co-workers; understand S 10110w Or- mast be eligible tor an Early Interventlon credential and training or al & wollen Instructiono; lilt S mono enpenenco In pediatrics und devot- up to SO lbs. Valid dover's license opmental disabilities prolorred. req. Apply: 7001 N Lswndalo, Please tax resume to 708-524- Lincoinwood, IL 60712. Positions 2469, or call 700-524-1050, ant. opon until tilled. EOE 107 br turther Intormatlon tising sales. ESSENTIAL RESPONS1SIL1TIES: . Maka outbound ohono calls to re-solicit existing customers and solicit new customers. Meet and/or exceed revenue goats and oepoctations set tarIt, by the departmont and develop new accounts through OulbOund solicitation ol business. . Maintain and servico all assigned accounts, tattilI contracts, know and understand tho advertisers' needs, while maximizing revenue and achieving suies objectives. Develop strong, long looting relationships With dedicated accounls. . Work wilh othor departments sucS, as Art Oepartment, Retail Advertising, Credit Oeparlment, Editorial and Circulates. tino, doUaI S deadline odenled excellent communlcason skills & the ability to listen & landscaping, branch chipping, & building maint. Ability to Identily cuxlorner needs. - I Competency orOh MS Word, Easel & Power Point aro neodevi. Must have roliublo Ironsportalion. Thin position la responsible lo, Outsido advertising soles to local retail businesses. This position Io based Out xl the Mornilvillo, Indiana ottico. FIND MORE LOCAL JOBS AT FIND THE PERFECT HOME AT PIONEERLOCAL(OM/?AONSTER SEAR(HCHICAGO.COM/IIOMES DIRECTOR OF PHARMACY Please cmxli resumes to: rcotnsOpost-IrIb,com or lox resume lo: 219-644-3246. Sun Times MedIa toan Equal OpportunIty Employer QUALIFICATiONS: . Sales or advertising experience beneliclal. . Knowledge ot Microsoll Ottico (Word, Excel, PoworPoini) I High school graduate or GED required. A coiloge degree is a preterred. SKILL SET: . Ability to establish oltecbvn worhing rolationships with poem, supervisors and customers . Timo management . Work Independently with minimal supervision . Prolesslonxl In appearance und demeanor . Weil developed Inter-personut end communIcation 51x110, botti oral and wrioen, and the ability to close soles. TO APPLY: Pteoso send resume and cover letter to Small rural hospital in a relaxed professional environment is seeking a Director of Pharmacy. Responsible for all areas and operation of inpatient pharmacy. Directly supervises other INSIDE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Position Is responsible tor selling print and Istoraclivo advertising tar all Sun-Times Media Publications and Web Partnerships. Outgoing. soll molivatod, crea- mowing S SUN4IMES MEDIA Collego degree preterred In Advertising or Marketing and' orproven enpenence In advor- Seasonal LABORER, Lixcoinwood Public Works, $tt.501br. Reap lar maintain working rolationstilps w! MEDIA Help Wanted Full-Time tnqinrciinij Sun limos MedIo lo an Equal OpportunIty Employer . . 'iui'1Iky cfzoose Sirver (' [/-fòspitaí2 part-time pharmacists. Previous hospital experience required, previous management preferred. clinical opportunities for patient education and interaction Unique The answer is simple. Silver Cross Hospital has been a Thomson Reuters 100 lop Hospitals National Award W)nncr for six consccutive years. Building on our commitment to ensure quality healthcare, Silver Cross is buHding a replacement hOspital with enhanced safety, service and technology. We are looking br o: BIJSIÑESS INTELLIGENCE FINANCIAL ANALYST This position will perform high-level data analyses fsynthe5ize and measure data; analyze, interpret and identify changes; make reeommendationsl, summarisc arid present data in a meaningful way (graphs, charts, presentations, reports) and act a lead analyst supportín9 the orgonizatìon's Finance processes (internal arid external data measurement analysis nd reportingl and Decision Support systems. Qualified candidates must possess strong leodership and interpersonal sloìlls. Must have exceptional customer service skills, excellent ora) and written communication skills and proven analytieal ond statistical skills. Bachelo?s degree in business, healthcare or related field (Master's preFerred). Minimum S years experience in business/healthcore/ finance, preferably in a similar position. Proficiency in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, databases, presentations, and report writing; the ability to extract information from various systems a must. Apply online at - 4it: SILVER CROSS Hou et TA i. i -: ThOMSON REUTERS TOP-tfOOP11415 «0505.11 OSiO eO exist. Must be a graduate from an accredited college of Pharmacy with a BS or Pharm. D and current Illinois Hours of licensure is required. operation are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with some weekends. Please forward your resume or apply in person to: "r f'I-1N WARNER Thc'answer is Simple. Si)vcr CroosHospita) has öcen a Thomson Reuters 100 Top Hospitals National Award Winnrr rar six consecutive years. Building on our commitment to ensure quality heaithoare, Silver Craso is building a replacement hospital with enhanced safety, yervice and technology. We are looting for a: SENIOR PROCESS IMPROVEMENT ENGINEER We are searching For a lean experienced Senior Process Improvement Engineer to lead and direct the work of slrategically-aligned improvement reams. This is art exciting opportunity For a lean expert to help build a lasting performance improvement program itt the early stages of program development. In addition to the technical components of the job, the Sr. Pl Engineer will be an agent For change and a key role in developing a long-term program of continuous Improvement and employee developmeni. This person will also be working closely wllh senior leadership on performance excellence program development. quality systems mapping. and project selection. HOSPITAL Human Resources, Dr. John Warner Hospital 422 W. White, Clinton, Il 61727 (217)937-5258 Fax: (217) 937-5244 E-mail: djwhhr@djwhospital .org Candidates must have a proven track record of identifying waste, organizing teams, and leading people through process redesign. Qualified candidates will have extensive knowledge and experience in Toyota Production Systems lIPS). lean tool application. Kaizeri events. or similar. Apply online at ThOMSON REUTERS + SILVER CROSS HOSPItAL -rl., «I75IIMJJbI ,re,s,1 iOvtOsPllAL C C' 24 2 Is Help Wanted Full-Time Help Wanted Full-Time Ad Sales Assfst Arc you organIzad detailed minded, outgoing, multi tasker? Weil established B28 media company Work with publisher and sales team. Goad camponsla!ion and benebts. Email resume: HVAC TECHS Great pay & year Earn $16 per Cleaning Hour round work. Moot hava 2+ years Green Homo Cleaning. No Nighls/\Nkds. 847.604-191$ Field Service Technician. Leadin dìslnbulot ol compressed air an vacuum producls is Seeking a Sera- Ice Technician lar the Northern liiinuls area. Experience s required. Please email resumo lo Help Wañted Full-Tirrie exp. Ornait resume o Four Seasons at ls_hidog@yahoo corn Legal Secretary. Libertyviile law firm seeks expenoncect legai secretary in the area of personal injury andlar worker's compensaliori. Ptaase . HelpWanted Full-TIme' Advertising Account Executive Sun-Times Media seeks an experienced and ssccossful sales prolossiena) to loin our Major Anixif Account Team. if you aro passionate about safes and media and want to work io a last-paced, growth. osanted environment, wo woald like to hear horn you. The saccesslul candidate will have he opportunity is work with some cl the largest and mxvi respected advorirsors in the United States He/she will develop advertising recense in loading Chicago regional publicaf ions. The deaf candidate roust have a track record of successivi solutionbased veilinri on a notional level, experience with OvnI and new media producto and must be willing to travel Is visit clients and prospects nalionwide. HefShn should ponveso . A college degree irr advertising, corrrmunlcat,ons, marketing or reialod major . A minimum et live years et seccesvtul e-to-O safen experiance irr a cuvtomnr-tocused company . Strong Interpersonal and communication skills . A winning team attitude flesxrvres with cover letter should be emailed, mailed, or faced lo the following address: Sun-Times Media Akin: Human Reoources-MaJor Retal) 350 N. Orleans, lOS Chicago, IL 60654 Fax: (312) 321-2288 Ema)) address: matl) All program admitas and testing are tree and parking I transportation tee is provided. For mora lntorrnation email Dr. Laurie Quinn liqvinnl @uic.odu), Sakun Shreslha (sstrres5@uic.odu) or Gnshma Shah (gnliah5@aic,edxl. ThIs study is being conducted by Dr. Laune Quinn, Collna nt Nursing, UIC. Dental Specialty oSca. rauh 2 loca- lions. Chair sideltcont desk, compuler skills and car needed. Call Weds or Fri. 9-lpm, 708-456-1915 SERVERS and Bartendera FT/PT Flenibln hours, Oulstanding pay, benetits & work environment. Apply In person Taos-Sat, Parts Ridge Country Club. 636 N. Prospect, Park Ridge. Cell 847-823-3101 Spread Sheet/Calaloq Work. Microsoft Encel. Stud'ents Welcome Please email resumes to sal euG nef TELEMARKETING. Call lrom home tar Amada. No setlinc,. Calling tor donations. Call 815-128-9226 Sun-Times Media to an equal opportunIty employer FIND MORE LOCAL JOBS You wiD be responsible for selling protection agreements via telephone to existing "Sears Customers. There is no cold caning AT PiOEERLOCAL(OM,?ONSTER Village cl Glenvlew seeks part-time Customer Service Representativns (CSR5I to work Jointly between the Villages Resolution Cenier and the Public Safely Support Services Dialalan, The purposa at theun peullions is to periorm routine admlniu- trative anni customer nemica su port tunctions. This is eccompllv ed by processing utility, ilcensin and permit payments, entering wo orders and complaints, completing backgmunrd LOYOLA a checks, processing subponnas and requests for losaranca, arid supporting Freedom of lntornnafion Act (FatAl requests. Candidate mvst have a high school diploma on Ihn equivalent and cnn or more years nf work enpnnsnce. doct candidafe will possess a salid working knowledge of MS office and wnb-banod computer sollware programs. Ideal candndatela anoryntic and dedicaled ta onsenng resident Loyola Center for I tuait i & Vascular Mediclyc irr :! Perk Ridge, IL is seeking 'I port-lime Patierlt Care Technicien (PC1)/ ServIce Rep to ensure effeCtive clinical/clerical , . front alune operations arid gr-coral patient care including rooming . '1 patieiits, obtainhrtg vital ni aigris, phlebøforny, and EKG. Position requires e HS Dìp)ama, CNA & ri .i dm Cenification 1-2 yrs. exp. is preferred. concerns ura resolved in a protessional anni timely manner. The posi- lion also requires strong organizalionel skills, solid typing skills, good iadxrnont, and the ability In mviii- fast under lime constraints. Suc- cesslai candidata must be wiling to work linvible hours (ev9. 16-18 hrs!woek, Mon-En), Including some Saturday and early overring hours, as well an occasional call back Is provide sappeR dunng Village emergencies. Tina nolarrj range iv 516-519/fir. with no tongs banotiis. HOW TO APPLY: Pleasa send coyer letter and completed onnploymnnt reuame via o-mail lo hr@gienvlow.l lus by 5:00 pm Friday, Apnl 8, Please re)nrence Jab IDe: 05-11-PT Customer Service Rep in 2011. R R DR Afl o UoflR D3Ø ODD AflDI ..'LàyaMaIcIrILcrg 'Staff Positions" Select: 'Patient Care Support Cacegory View: "PCTII$RVREP AME- Park Ridge Medical Center t,v,,# LoyoLA MEDICINE AnII A IIfl A I iini 1$ i*4,iiiM,O,,4' Loyola io ori equal appaRunity arnd rrtflrnirtìvo action ixrriployer/oducetor nd z Flea Markets Food, Produce Furniture Giveaways Horses Jewelry Lawn, Garden Equipment Machinery, Tools R n o o nmnRnnnnmomDD D oD R *11 w o R Medical Equipment Misc. Merchandise MusIcal Instruments Office Furniture Resale Shops Adult Care Provider * COMFORT KEEPERS * Adult Care, Provider Adult Care, Wanted Child Care, ProvIder Child Care, Wanted ing and Mural Chlcogu based re- Exp' Caregivors, CHAs Live In, Corne A Go. Screened Bonded - Insured (847)21 5-8550 For employment call: 847-215-8103 Bondedllnsur 708-682-2a8 FIND THE Orinare - CDL A. Munniay-Fndoy Onlivenes. Encollent Pay 6 BenerElit tOS) MA8tMtNtWitft (killt tel (MUlIllas. (Alt )41.99I 3401 PERFECT lO PLAttIQUt AD HOME AT SEARCKCHICAGO.COMf1OMES Snow Removal Equipment Business for Sale Business Insurance Business Opportunity Distributorshlps Financial Services Franchise Loans Work at Home Sporting Goods Swap, Trade Swimming Pools, Supplies Tickets Wanted to Buy to make Schneider the focus of your get-whereyou-want-to-go strategy. 20% OFF ENTlR STOCK Business tár. Sáié', Aaphtt PavIng Business & Antique and Resale Shoppe. Sale ends Saturday April 2nd 10.30 - 4:33PM, 7214 N Harlem. 773-631-1151 EquIpment for sate. For detalle & more Information, cati Albert. Days: 841-344-3608 EvenIngs: 847-548-5424 CLARENOON HILLS SALE 59 Sheridan" Fri E Sai 10-4, e'oeø:30 Grill, Pallo Pum, Sectional, ETCH FiNO THE PERFECT HOME AT LOCAL CAHOIDATES IN S EA RCHCH CAO OECOM/H 0M ES CHICAGOLAND WITH MONSTER, E1b Tuesday Apr. 5, 3:80 - 10:00 PM 7232 N. Western Ave. Chgo. 2,Sauth Side Estates i. Other Estates S Canelgnmentnt Includes: Lg., Elaborately Carved Vlclarian Pier Mirror Antq. Oak MORTON GROVit ESTATE SALE 8533 CaIlle Ave. Sat 4/2, lOa-lp. Living room tumilure, anlique mahoguny table & chairs, chins and batteI cobinni, bedroom furniture. microwave, dishes, ladies dlalhnn, much morel Eneryihing must unItI Estate Sale 60 yrs at collectiblescrystal, orIental. Paloler/decorstar rollrinrt-Iools,loots,loolslllolnlng room 'table, chairs, hutch, side- Side-by-SIde; Fine Aroukrrunt & Dining Table' 3 Herman Miller Alum. l3roup dhulrs; Knoll Tabla: Lucile Furniture: French-Carved board. Bedu, Ins, patio fsm/ura, slatueu, dos dadu. Ladies clothes 1(5-LanosI now Iw/tagu>, or only Tables: Anig Leudnd & Slag Glass Lamps' Oil PaIntings A Pnnts; MellIuch leln' I 1 Lladro Figunnns: Art Nouveau Liarble Bust: L,ryslal Prism Lamps S Lustres: Sols of NEW TRIER SALES warn ooce.Baby grand piano-SInger and sans. Picture trames, pidones, laco. linens, nmas. Tes much le 11sf. Every/kIng must gu. 1825 N. Nowcastle, Ctrlcugo 419-4/10 9am-Spm. China: Silver Items; Pol tory; Steuben S Other Glans: OnisnIal Rugs, Lg, & Small: Manical Inslmmenla; 2 HOW's & Moral Jewnlry Includes: Lsdlns' Gold E Platinum Diamond Vintage Watches; Many Gold Rings w/Diarnondn, Rubies, Sapphires, etc,; Gold Men's Welca E Pocketwatch; Mon's Brellllng 424 Ashland PI, Highland Park Sol. Apr)) 2, 11-4, 9 10:30 Ari, oweiry, lurniture, etc. See eslatnsaies.nni tor lolo Forest Blatt Conducted NEW TRIER SALES Sates. 1230 Woodvlew OR, Green Oaks, IL. Iinbetleeabla quality In this estate sale elf ail lurniturn, hnusnhold E decorsIIng Items. Especially notable are lire collector dolls, Inspiralional books, Iladro figuras, boll day decorations, soufhom lining pieces, silk ttoweru S arrangemonts, outdoor tumituro, now snow blower E tools. Heads UptI Model Train Collectoraf Friday 411, 9-4pm E Salurday 4/2, 9-3pm. One of Our Best) TronrOcoan Walcir; Peed Necklaces; Job Seminar Monday, April 4 I 6 p.m. PrevIew: Mon., Apr. 4, 3:30-7:30 PM S 1 Hour Bolero Seta. Full Llsling a PAblan al: Seeking QualIty Estates E Constonmentsl DIRECT AUCTION GALLERIES 713-465-3300 Satel Saturday AprIl 2 & Suade AprIl 3, 9-4pm. 1929 Rfdgewood Lana. Furniture, Vis, electronIcs, misc. Cash Ontyl McDREW SALES CelebratIng 36 years 01 Dedicated excellence Appliances and expertisa. Appliances ara all Bloqua In colar 18Wt2l Schneider National 3600 S. Kostner Chicago, IL 9:00AM - 5:00PM). For IMMEDIATE consideration, please apply Opportunities Available in Tanker, Intermodal and Van Divisions $5500,originaily $12,000. Designe handbags. Designer clothes Deco raliva Pieces. Oil Palnlings, Liirrors, ChIna. Large Rug from Paklsfan 12.02 X 16.10 lu Tealilvory/RusI. General household items: recela ers, Estate Sales Office Furniture PETS SUBSCRIBE Cats Dogs BIS-545-1722 AMERICAN Bwks, $700. bulldagger.leholmail. WEDDING GOWN, Vintage, Size 12. Brtdosmald Dress PInk, Size 12. 19605 Coilcc)ble Madam Alexander Dotta. 847-662-4907, iDumeo. Es1ae Sale/Moving Sale Sat/Sun, loa-li, dom, 262-374-1932 Beaglu Puppies, ANC. Black, white E Ian. 9 weeks old. 3 Females, 1 MaIn. ist sinora E wormed. $300. Cull 815-963-3195 "When You Want The Best" ¡hinques, KbuleI/Wftflerlliur LB/DR dllars, dressers, Much More... 25c lo $5,000. No Early Birth From JI1eHs: E on Willow5 PHYLLIS REIFMAN Trio House Sales 847-432-3770 s EquIp. E Records, 335-455-765 Will pick-up Cash 847-268-0150 on Forest, E on Garlanul to 64 Park on norili sifle 01 slreel GarageSale Guide Saturday loam to 3pm lOam to 3pm BUSINESS DIRECTORY FAHEY & SON St, Frl 4/I-Sun 4/3 loanrr-3pm, Now York Here t dome Moving 9am to 5pm 673 Birch Rd. 7410 Korbel Rd. 3pm to 6pm 9am to 4pm i. n ' . ' Sunday your gals os we don't have lo pack neoust il sort maye ill 4012 Picardy Driva Skokle Rumma9ø Salat Norlhbrosk 9AM-4PM 4/1 aam-lpm S GLENCOB I-lUGE MOVING SALE Fri Sat 4/2 8am-noon. Central Charoh Salurday, Apol 2nd Gem-5pm, 673 8237 Nenlan Ave. North pl Oakiun Birch Rd. Dundee lo Pomol Way. & East nl Skokle Blvd - nght to Sycamore, left to PraIrIe, nghl. Old books, stamp collOdIon, housewares, turn. Plano & mure 000nled, Atiordable, 15 Vra. Exp. lnsfBanded Eso. Rois. 312-961-0089 773-825-2876 8am to 5pm 2821 Cherry-Ln. lOam to 3pm COMPUTER PROBLEMS? FrIendly. asp. prot'I cornea lo your door Io holp. .10e Bvixl EDISON PARK 7647 W. Ibsen, lot Iloor, IBR, hardwood floors, near Irons & shopping, heal included, no pelo, SOlS. 847-824-3490 * EDISON PARK AREA * Olmsled I Overkill 1 Bedroom, Commercial, Industrial Storage, Warehouses Owned. 17081707-2343 Desk Space Offices Stores Rental Services Near Sidra E ShoppIng. $745/mo McLean,.,, 847-825-0011 Rental Misc Wanted to Rent Apartments, Unfurn'd. 1 Balk. No pots, Near Metra, Shopping. $870/month. MeLonnarr 847-825-0011 Near NILES Cloue io Milwaukee E Gall, Nowly lemodeled l8drrn. Heal & waler included. $750/mo. AgonI PARK RIDGE 631.851 BuseD IBrims lBalh. Available Immed. i Bedroom tor Rent In Shokie. Great neighbsorbood. Close Io Yetlow Une, t-94 and Shopping. S775 a month, available tor May Ist. Call 847-763-9336 or 312-753-0920. SI<OKIE - 4901-15 Cratn Lovely III STO $745 Available Now, 2BR tor $965 Available NOWII Heal and water Included, Spacious moms and closets, Close to stoma and in transportatIon. Laundry buIldIng. To see call Tony 705/417-5897 Indian Boundary Park Area Park Gables ApIs. SKOKIE - 4908-28 Conrad Spaclousll 20)0 for SilOS AvalInbIe' A rare Opportunity lo rent in Preslious Parts Gables Co-Op ApIs. Clone ID Indian Boundary Park, Convenient lo shopping, transportation, etc No Smoking 2 Bedroom $895 Healed Close lo stores and tosnsportalion. Laundry In buildIng. Parking Included. To see call Tony 5/1. Heat and water Included. Spacious rooms and closets. 708/417-5897 r EacaeallonRamoval Foundation Cracks Waterproofing Constructlon-Remodeilng 847-291-5441 celI 547-414-5471 Norlhahore Drywall & PaintIng No lob too big or amalIl Call Today 847-220-0491 Electrical Barn to 7pm Barn to 1 2pm AN EXPO. ELECTRICIAN Looking lo: aide work. No lob loo bIg or small. FREE EST) 847-224-1084 VlssIWCíAmee Tiling Tree Removal , Trimming, Slump Removal, Insured Free estimates BAThROOM REMODELS TILE/MARBLE INSTALLS EUROPEAN CRAFTSMAN ALPINE FENCE All Typos Fences - Ins /Guar Now E Repairs 547-409-0374 Flooring IDEAL FLOOR CO. Sanding E Finishing Insulation StaIning Our Specially Servicing Ibis urea tor oser 35 years. so-oeo-nn or TREE SERV10E 847-465-1503/224-595-8262 Garage Doors, Openers FOREST DOOR CO, Gutters GUTTERS CLEANED OFF-DUTY FIREMEN MIKE: 847423-5737 or 847-561-0401 Hauling . RED'S HAULING SERVICE Complete Clean out ServIce Family owned lar ovar 50 years 847-4084850 WWW.HOARDERCLEANOUTS.COM REPAIR CAULK Tree Service Painting-Decorating 1-847- 259-1005 Al FRITZ & SON PAtNTING InhiEnt DIRT CHEAP 1447- 222-0589 Free EeL Wallpaper AFFORDABLE EXT. PAINTING TREE SERVICE Treo Removal , Trimming, Slump Removal, Insured Prao estimules 647-465-1503/224-595-8262 S Yr. Guarantee Call NICK 847-25e-2277 Ail year vesse pvinlisg veces Toe Orialily. Reasorrabiv Price Stainivv. Power WavlrCoiseiitry Tuckpointing 1-773-282-2332 Gratak Concrets . Tuckpolntlng . WaterproofIng. . Steps ChImneys- Piniil,p 6.l7--l7e'2871 NEXT PAINTING SER VIC5 A. SANCHEZ DECORATING QualIty InI/Eso PaintIng 1-847-724-5600 Resld/Comm Fully tas. Wallpaper Hanging, Drywall Repair, TapIng. 847-336-2361 1-773-307-2332 COLORSBY MARC Tuckpointing.Masonry SpecializIng In Patntln KItchen Cabinets, InI/Ex. Free Color Consullntlon Free EsI. 20% olI with ad Call Msrcal (847)679-1534 Brickwork/Tuckpoinhing Plastering 847-965-2146 Drywall, Plaster Repairs C, CELINSKI Tuckpolntln Brick Work, Pressure Was Walls S ChImneys Repair/RebuIlt, LInIe) Replacement Lic. Ins, Free Est. 547-724-5446 773-282-9495 COAST TO COAST CO. DECORATING SOLUTIONS Garage Doors & Openers Sales.Servlce-lnataltslton Free Estimate 108-652-9405 Specializing in In-homo Repairs 5 8237 kenton Ave GRE prop 847-824-6970 MR. GROUT 847-359-4156 630-927-7722 ComputeF Service Drywall 4 dry E parking. ImmedIato Occp. VacatIon, Resort Rentals Out-ot-State Rentals Garages Farms, Farmland liilEul. Deck. Painnning HOME DELIGHT, INC. Cleaning ServIra. Delail- NC'S WALL WORKS Repair/All Phuseu 01 Drywall sew. ..' sch'n&derjobs1corntnewjöbs ' CaM Ken 312-909-1142 for more InformatIon 708-453-6123 Credit Cards Accepted NEIHAUS CONSTRUCTION General Contractors - 2e Vra, Rirlgeland. April 2, 1A-Spm. 708- Famituro, lays, Lega and N'Neo Park Ridge Garage Salat 103 N Boydu Bears. household Home Ave, IN el Touhy S E al items, bouku, all kinds el steli - et Deal. Friday April 1, Bam-2Pn5 Anlaw prices. We're moving und It's tiques. household, mach misculia' DES PLAINES - I Bdrm $750; 2 Sdon $900, IncIdo heat, bun- Landscaping BRECKENRII3GE FENCE 1-1147679-7660 tus ululI for fhe home & lais mnrxl 2nd. E 3BR near Oak Park on Austin Blvd. tenant oans own utilities. $608-$1 100. 773-889-6513 DIRT CHEAP ChaIn, Link & Wood Fencan InstallatIon E RepaIrs BEST PRICES - 647-729-5137 FREE ESTIMATES Llcensod-Bondod-Iosurxd 708-453-7753 841-678-4120 3 Apartments - Hotels $1,OSS.00 Fencing Free Est. WithIn 24 Nra. RE. ROHDE E SONS I,. Co-Op Housing Sleeping Rooms Housekeeping Rooms Finder Service IBR To View Apt. Call ZIalka 773-415-0035 Hallrnark&Johnson 773-545-5160 CHICAGO Austin urea, very large 1 A-1 FENCE INC. COMPLETE CONCRETE SERVICES t' 890-2336. Exercise eqslp, lirepluce wood & gas barnlvg, turn/urn, Garage and Moving Sale. clothes. new berber Ta& mars PIONEERLOCAL.COM Licensed Bondnd Insured Storm Oralneo Nurtlnbroak Moving Sale, Saturday Salel Appliances, Delta takle saw Onlyl 8-Ppm. 2821 Cherry Loue, arts & crafts & morel Great pncingl Dehumlctitier, big ladder, du Bong your muck & cash, ***** crates, tremed posters, tile colime Parising Lots 847-376-0212 cor chlldren'n toys, women & child' FRANKLIN PARK 3604 Emerson reo u clothes. OR VISIT New E Repair-All Types 708-452-1210 Asphalt-Paving s oves' alios" lops nr tV' Retirement Rentals HEATED HAROW000 FLOORS. IMMEbIATE OCCUPANCY. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY )708)834-4335, wvaw.blttn.blz 7am-3pm A April 3rd, 6am-l2pm. ÖOII)t Homes Duplex Rooms Housing to Share Mobile Homes 773-545-8160 Cleaning MORTON GROVE 9504 North OverhIll, April 2nd, ble with chairs. couches, womens clstlneu wdh fags, kitchen itnms, n e Il alendali Aprii N ' winter coalnu wilh lags, holida items, much more. Frl 9-5, Sat 9- 2nd startIng at Barn 611 Orchard 2211 Yeoman Ave Apt 7A, Lane, Wlnnnlka ILLotu of turnilvre, household Items, linens, hume dvWaukegun Apartments, Furnished Condos, Townhomes Conciles, POTS/PANS: KIDS TOYS AND Sat 31261640 Old Deeilieiit Rd OTHER HOUSE lOLO ITEMS. Highland Park Family 1mm oat of town everything must go. Full sznd bert, Kilctnon Ta- BnauIlful View Ql Lake 1051-1055 W. PRATi' EXTRA SPECIAL LOCATION. FIRST BLDG OFF THE LAKE E BEACH. NEWLY DECORATED Apartments, Unfurnlshed Hallmark S johnson 654 Garland Ave Winnelka, IL "A SUCCESSPLJL SALE" Cook County . Chgo. N Cook County - Chgo. N April 2011 & 847-553.7092 2 1.800.680.2068 STAFFORDSHIRE Attordtrble Retfuble (esbelta 3604 Emerson St. TODAY CALE TERRIER Pupu, ANC, CH lines, School, 7263 West Talcoll Evansfsn. April 2nd 8AM-4FMI rebe 7400 KORBEL DR GURNEE FRI. 3PMAPM A SAT,9AM-4PM Deero Homes S Apartments Cleanedl i pujrples. $1200. Born2/e/11. 815-258-7079 Jack Russell Pups, adorobln, greal Lawn companlnns, nary smart, pedigree, Tractor/Mower 42' mower dock, ready tor Easter 14/21), hnullh gurahydrostatic drIve, hopper in anteo, $200 080. 773-478-0016 shoot, 11 HP kohler engine, eaPITBULL PUPPY - i FEMALE, collent condItIon, 847-525-1245 10 WEEKS RAZOR AND GOTI1, PAPERS HOTS DEWORMED, Misc. Merchandise $350_ fl:S-593-197é MOVING, Everything must gol HUSKY PUPS ANO. Designer glass dining room table, SIBERIAN Real Snow Ougsl Black and While, bikes, mulching mower, couch, Red and While, Blue Eyes. $400. chosl of drawers, carpet cleaning John computera, CHICAGO I day onlyl IC School Huge Bosement Flea Murkeli Rummage Sale, Sat, 4/2. 9um-3pm. Blhea.iBoohs/Clalhns/Funnilune/llna Gmat dexlsl Immaculate Concep- sohold Items-723 Roba Fiare, COUCH SET-$100; OREAI(FAST Interior niarkrovm Dosln TA8LE/6 CHAIRS-$75 downulzlng. Sewing supplinn. win. BOOKCASE-S25' CORNER C0f4- dow trealnurentu, turnilure rames, PUTER DESl'-S5o; DISHES: ottica supplIes, & misc 8am la 3pm Bulldog dining room labte with 6 chairs Estate Sales Friday Salol Evorything musI nl EnglIsh Lawn and Garden Equip Tractor, ASPHALT PAVING Glnnvlew Fri & Sat. 9urn3pm 1324 Heatherflold Lana. Enlute lino lumily room, showroom, 51x610, etc. Just cleaned - ported cond/ian. Golden Doodle Puppies larm raIsed parents on alle, al) shots, 708-480-9684 w/o dew claws, well soclailand, er, Barbara Barry, Marge Carson ephslstereni fsm. Hennedun 144 GaragéSäles iOU1ll6SA nday and Saturday April lut and SEARCH. APPLY DRIVE. ' Chateaun N 4, e'n5:3O PACKED S FABU Oak Park Moving Salo, 1230 N . Avenue KEY ESTATE SALES Frl & Sat IO- Clothing Furs YOUR LOCAL SOURCE FOR SALEI Akc Champion Blood- MaInly red E blue sIze 11' 6 n 17' Vacas, Wormlog Vet check. Please 10rn. SuItable for large living room, cooled Steven 2)9-465-8716 Misc. Pets 60tv'o, Vectra tachen applIances. Kenmore elec1200 power gym,too much lo list Inc double sven $400. 3yrs old PARK RIDGE VINTAGE ESTATE Open hause sale os Sal. March 26 Dogs . <remore diahwauhnr SALE 4/2 1,501) 9-4 413 (Sun) 10-3, and March 27 10-4 6751 N. T200 older WhIrlpool Gao cooklop SIS W. Talcolt Ad. DepressIon Longmeaduw, Uncolnwosd, AKC Black feb pupu Dew clawu ra5300 3ym nid Kitchen Island 30 X gIava, clothing, lumltare, linens, moved, ahora and worming 325 tor 40 black In color, wilh Granite to lewefry, old temalo (4 left) 275 lar male le lettI 3pm old $60 Pat Drew, 847-251-8283 PIONEER Piss SPANIEL PUPPIES, COCKER ANC, black, 6 weeks old, taux & dewclows, $300. Cull Jim, 219-668-0269 tor morel Estola Salos-ArlIqa., Art. 50's DesIgnar Fern. our npeclalty.Charltlos, Ctoarr-up avnliabla. Please Call 815-795-9517. machine, chaIrs, bedspread, Walter - 847-559-9880 lamps kitchen appliances. Misc. Pets OAN BROOK ESTATE SALE Call Ilob 847-853-6280 CALI 811-998-3400 Furniture, dishou, kilchnnware, tools and mach morel . Anilqua Bedroom Sot with brand new lull niza bed (never used), $850 or best often. Anhlqve sollO mahogany bullet, $375. Klicken set 5 piece, $125. Lone seat, I0. 847-523-6915 Bird FaIr, Sunday April 3rd, 10am4pm South Hills Country Club, 3047 E Frontage Rd, Frankuvills, LOUSI 63 TV, Hot tub, Cherry DR OlIlca FurnIture, work benches, WI, between Hwy 20 and Hrer K. $3 cabinets, copy mechtas, desks a BORM Set, LR E FR Fern, Donation. mlx Joe 262-654-1609 Desks, Decor, Tools E MOREl IN w/chntrs, and much mtscetlane00e. 847-998-0006 FO' Gtenvlew HUGE Moving/Estate Rachul'u Tag sale. Henredon, Bah Coslamu Jewelry; Colnu Inc. Many Unc. E ill Orada Silver Mnrgan a Peace Dollars: Mercury Dimes' Other U.S. A Foreign CoIns; Morel...Onnr 700 Lois in all Most Sold wilh No Reserves) GARAGE SALES Garage Saies Apartments, Unfurn'd. Furniture Estate Sales Sel, Elliptical, Treadmill, AIr Hockey E moral KEY Estala Sales' Phalou a Details: WANTED HOME STEREO REACH QUITO MORE QUALIFIED ITaicolt & Harinml Chicago, 60531 Sears Marketing Center 7310 W. 87th Street# Brkigeview, IL 60455 ANTIQUE AUCTION! Antiques and Colléctibles Electronics, Accessories GARAG E 'SALES lion Fn, 9AM - 2:00PM at: Estate Sales Driveways Now isthe perfect time and 401k) . Professional yet fun work environment s Advancement opportunities s Full time 30-hour week. Must be able to work Mon - Fri (7:00am - 12:30pm), Mon Fri (3:30pm - 1 1 :OOpm), plus rotating 3:30PM, Sun weekends (Sat 7:00AM EOEIAA. We conduct criminal background and drug screens A u, " ,'' . Paid 3-week training (8AM - 5:00PM) . Great benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision Sears Farm and Gardening Farm Equipment Firewood A Caregteor avaIlable. Come 9, Go or 24/7 lIen-in. Beat price, Alt Lao's, No Fees. Eng.Spkn or apply at www,nuwaycom AL MLL!I « muino AUDD nia o E R flflfl uA iniiu nnn.. JADOAm AdultCar Provider lits. 1 Yr Eng A Clean MVR. Flutbed Enp. Benetwtul. Call 800-232-9243 PAIfl D uuu C) pm M-1h, 6-5 Fo, 1-5 pm Sun, gional runs! FEE / Frozen Food Express Pamela- 1-a66-823-0223 o Air Conditioners Antiques, CollectibleS Appliances Arts, Crafts, Hobbies Auctions Building Material Business Equipment Clothing, Furs Electronics, Accessories 7 'I Estate Sales Exercise Equipment onnfl unn.nhìR3m non Transportation EOE Dream, COL-A Home EVERY Weekend, Top Pay- B flflØ.Pflfl.flRAfl website al mo's aug rend. 877-828-4805. 8-7 nR AØflQ D ØoJJ i g Hard copIes or tasen resumes will be declined. Fon more information and Dedicated in some areas 'Planty of miles year-round w/great beneIlls anni homntlme. COL-A + 15 P Ill!no A the subject line 01 your e-mail. Driver - Company or owner operolar solas and teams - come GFtOW with Tangof Call now - tau many goodies talistl OIR throughoat South und Midwest - Rertlnnal n A D unn un mA un BR L!iDDD A D R A A R D A P o R o A R " 'A BETTER... ,A'f9/. '" . $1 0.50 per hour plus INCENTIVES! in person, Mon A R on the ponilion, please visit oar conrm,tred to a, ru.)ree andsrrroke-fsee workplace. involved! Position details are as foflow: ' CALL 847-998-3400 '. . HelpWanted Full-TIme TELEPHONE SALES REPRESENTATIVE ' SEIL IT FAST. Click: No phone calls please I DON'T NEED IT? send ressma to clevrnskas©dadfeyl Perticïpantv will be asked to cornake,com or tue ta (847) 362-5386. pfote a short survey about their diet, physical activity and health habits. Measurements al hniyht, wnrghi and a blood namplo will bo taken for ali participants. 7Th SUN-TIMES MEDIA HelpWanted Full-Time PT Customer ServIce Reps. The Asian indian I3iabeies and Heart Disease Study Anion Indian parent/s and their bocage children tage 13-19 years) ara Invited to participate In liso study. Teenaga child must be U.S. born or have coma to U.S. before age IO. Participants musi be able to read and Write English. Answers to Super Crossword Help Wanted Part-Time Help Wanted Part-Time Asian Indian adutovcents (sga 13-IS yoarsl and their parenis needed for study Antiques and Collectibles 25 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, March 31 , 2011 Thursday, March 31 , 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) Insured. Best Prices) Ph: 708453-5921 Cell: 708-712-1743 Plumbers'- Licensed AFFORDABLE REPAIRS By Retired Plumber Fully Insured LIc, I 055-020762 Cell 708-514-6755 847-674-1554 JP.G. PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS EDMAR, INC. Al- MIKWAY Tuckpolnllng Gnckwork Chimneys . Glass Block Wind All Typos at Masonry Work Prao Est/Uc/Ins 847-438-9165 BIG or small Reasonable HAWK MASONRY Beck E Chimney RepaIr E Rebuilds Tuckpolnting Chemical Cleaning Free Est. 841-395-2305 MAJOR MESS TRASH Free Es)- LIc iiPLl 54971 74332 . 847-5184350 CLEANOUTSI 25 YRS. EXP. 24-7 51/C 8474384588 s & o SEWER s PLUMBING Gutters cox & SONS GUTTERS INSTALLED and REPAIRED Siding SoflIt Fascia Roof Repairs Painting 25 Yr. Famli BusIness CLEANED ANO SCREENED Power Wathlng Tool 8es) Frico: in lysai 847-253-1622 Electnc rod main line & main sink lino, clean S deodonze catch basin $140 compl. plumbing repair. License # 56156441 708-780-1671 Roôflng KAISER ROOFING Flat roots Shingles Repairs Tear-otis: Fist E hlnqIa 705-453-5745 847-845-3566 WI ROORNG S SEWER R000ING STOP lEAKS - CLEAR STOPPAGES ROOF CERTIFICATION 705-201-ROOF (7663) ' Window CleanIng AB. WINDOW CLEANING GUTVER CLEANING POWER WASHING Free Estlins 700-351-8330 SPRING CLEANING SunshIne Window, Carpol E GaGer Cleaning 32 Years Esperlenco. Ask lar Paul 847-606-5717 or 708457-8316 C C' 26 2 g Thursday, March 31 , 2011 PIoneer Press (DC) Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Cook County - Chgo. N Cook County - Suburban Cook County - Suburban Cook County - Suburban SKOKIE . 4909-21 parking Included, Storage room and laundry. Must sedili Thny 708/417-589'? SKOKIE- 4921 Crab 1BR S865 Available Nowil Close to transpo,latlon and Stores. Heat and water Included. To soo call Valentln 708/243-1140 SKOKIE - 8250-60 NILES CONTER Bo, Lovely 1ERS $865 AvaIlable Now; 1BR for $875 AvaIlable Oit. larger modern KItchens & battis. Storaqe, laundia & parklnq. Heat Included. Tony (708) 417-5897 Win-Hood Apartments PelersorlOamen Avenue Location '- . Newly decorated haut & electricIty are included. öne car parking space acatable. Convenient to public Iranap., schools, stropping, etc. 2 Endroom $825 SUBSCRIBE Cook County - Suburban 773-545-0160 Cook County - Suburban ist loor, Reaaonabte s. Nojrnts. Appliances Included 773-951-1553 WILMEITE tOR Coach FIasse, Cook County - Chgo S central air, laundry, ott alreal pkng, nr lake. AnalI Now, No pel/sinoking. $895 + utila. 847-676-3769 2-8pm Chicago-lAM, $300, studio $400, 2811 5500, 30R $650. All sizes oily- wide. I-buona A Suburban listings Condos-Townhomes Chicago-4 Eadroom duplex, AC. carpet, appliances. Near 83rd 6 South Shore Dr. Section 8 Wol- Cook County - Chgo. N GLENVIEW CT CONDO 10H comet $1100 * utils. 312-771-9736 $850; Available Now, Heat lrtctu- Chicago-Managed Oy Daper and dod. GRE .ro 847-297-1500 atoo. 773-233-6778 or 233-6782 1, 2 6 3 ORs trom TODAY CALL Cook County - Suburban $979-$1123. Move Iii Spncials t pos inane b A .ril 30. 773-667-6011 Cook County - Suburban and parking inciadnd. Near transportation. Available now. $800. Call 630-936-8716 ELMW000 PARK House 2nd loor, 2 BR, apptiances, central aIr, ameos la laundry, Available Apnl 1. Call tor appointment. 708-452-9382 'EVANSTON water Will County Deghttul 26R on t1tidge Ann near SI Francia Hospital. central a/c, nel knot hot wIr reserved prtmg, mod- em kit wi DN and disposal. Avail now. $1150, Charlie, 847-338-0258 FOREST PARt< 607 S. Ferdinand, 3BR, appliances included, packing 7.998-34OO avaIlable, SectIon 8 0k. $1t90 alitilies E 1 mo sec. 773-988-6468 FOREST PARK - Charming 2 OR, or go to pioneerIocaLcom!markßtPlace Newly femorI, AC, opt, Ht + Appls $8251mo. AvaIlable now or May lati Call 708-771-3141 Glnvlew- 1,2,3 Bds LUXURY RESIDENCES Valley Lo Towers Il 1910 Chestnut Ave. Enter P1111110 Code 1t6I1 or mtnlion Pl6l1 1.800.680.2068 I car garoge, $9791 month. Section 8 Welcome. Lisa, 705-672-6443, NO CALLS APTER 4pm. Homes Cook County - Suburban V' gtti9e Codt Renta 1 wifl pIa0tlD your ad Barnngton I-tills, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, tureplaco, totally remodeled, $2100/month, Immediate occ000nop. Contact Cathy al 847-38t-2549 Gleeview. Must rent 1-3 BR Glenvuew Ranch home lar any or all sommer months, May-Aeguol, Laura, 847-922-8979 Condos, Lofts Duplex Open Houses Mobile Homes Manufactured Homes Apartment BuildIngs Co-Op Apartments Senior Housing Commercial, industrial Farms, Farmland Homes Built to Order Vacant Property Vacation Property Income Property Investment Property Lots Real Estate Auctions Real Estate Wanted Real Estate Misc. OR VISIT Lakes, Resort Property Mortgages, Loans Homeowners Insurance Real Estate Seminars Real Estate Services Judicial Saies - Legal Apartment Buildings Cook County - Suburban BOLLW000 6 untI apt bldg fo PIONEERLOCAL.COM sote. 5 units (2BR/1BA1 UniI (IBR iBA). S car piling Ial. Positive cosh how, 847-387-0914 I 224-623-384g Out-Of-Town Real Est. MAYW000 Onoutitully 356,900 remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath, linished basement garage with side devo, 51850. 08-205-4255 1 muyos per cuslomer South Suburbs, RENT TO OWNI Buy with No dosino casts and gel help with your credit. Call 7O8-862422 nr visit rowe nhbo us To PLACE A ranch, new kil S BA, 3 seasons cnr in back. 2 car nor an double comer wooded tal. $1050. 847-809-7336 CLASSiFiED AD, * ZION * 38R, 2BA House, hard- CALL 847-998-3400 garage, $1100/month, * Coli 847662-6649 * OR VISIT wood ttoors, basement, appliances, Place an Ad ¡n Rentals & get áccess to our taketronl Llaoradna lo kiL Lg ObI Ial wiham. Su-774-4250 pico @www,4l4wrus selldrive.cnm Lake Villa-Venetian V/loge, 2BR 2 week nhlniniom purchaso Non-contract adeortisars only No tolanOs ttttercnds 3/31/11 Gorgeous 3br/Obo witolt. CFI/DR has wblp. Lake County Call (847) 998-1800 x200 Mon - Fît 900 - 5pm THE CIASSIFIEDS Out-Of-Town, Commercial Unborsity Park, 3.5BR, 1.59A TN, 'T51I. 1OOO12 AUSTIN 1375 847-989-6646 Houses Townhomes Out-Of-Town Real Est. SKOKIE Condo, Immediate accuponey, 20H, newly pointed, 1 healed Indoor parking all applionces nOt. W/D In unit. Inctades heal E Rent YO! Apartmefl BELLWOOIJ 2 bedroom. Heat, applian005, TO PLACE A HELP 114-54 000 SFTOp Notch Wiles, 2 bedroom apartment In 2 lIaI OAK PARK i bedroom, siIes large I bdnii, hdwd tirs, hoot lucId, building, garage mitra, no pelo. with parking. $750 per month. Otfice Imperial 773-736-4100 a/c oppio, very clean, near gro- Sß5ütmonth + ulilitins, Avouable Month to month lease. 001y store, ovali 5/1. 312-560-6555 May 1cl, 847-772-1414 Skokte- lot mo, reel $1 Call 708-524-5334 2nd nia. reel $2, LTL, OlImos ter SKOKIE: 4602-22 Grove NILES/MILWAUKEE/OAKTON MORTON GROVE Rent. Nr Touhy E Edeno. 30011Outstanding Building mmcd. 0cc. 29R, 28A, 010v. bldg. Modem Obr, 2nd tIr, $950/month. 4009-8005-12000, May cambies, Spacisas 6 Room- 2 Bedroom I heated lndr. prkg. sp. All apples. IncI heal 6 oppIo. No amoking/pets. no enlras, nightly otean-sp. 847-967-5179 Light, ally/remodeled, ceilings tans, mcl. wld In unit. No pets allowed, Call 84Í-602-6622 Garage avait, tient Included, Near train station, Z t'rIcami. NORRI006 Large i OR. $710 Jonitor on premisos, clone to $1450-$1550 847-470-8100 +utulities, paduling Included. No pelo. Devonshire Parh. Newly decorated 6 carpeted, appia, Call Gabby 847-933-0727 or Skokie Lotus CondomInIums NC. Laundry avail. 708-453-4996 Hollniork S Jotr000n 1 ßodroomi $820 773-549-0160 For Appls. Call 788-407-6135 SKOKIE: 4937 CHURCH Cook County - Chgo. S Coôk County - Chgo. S Large 2 Odes. Heat Incloded, parking. avail., ned lo park, close lo Old Orchard. FIARW000 HEIGHTS 2,900 18,006SF WE008312731 Call Bartrara 847-673-1317 947-5M-1600 RETAILJOFFICE or Hallmark & Johnson 4600 N. Harlem 7.800- 10,000 retaIl sq II & 2,900 773-545-6160 ottica sq. It, Trot/Ic count: 28,000 vehIcles/day. SKOI<lE 7925 N. Kenneth, 847-564-1 600 wwwjosephrealestale,nnrt 4500 West. 4 Rooms, I Bedroom, Hallmark & Johnson Kranrur, nc Cook County - Suburban Ltncnlnwood-Skokte-Ntles CHURCH Harwood Heights, galt course view, 1BR's S865 AvHabIo Now. Close to transportation. Hast, water and PIOHEERIOCAL(OWCLASSIFIEDS Rooms Chicago South Side, rooms tsr rent, $325/month, all utilities Included, penale entrance, separate kuchen, shared bath 773-503-7556 Cook County - Chgo. N tNE CIRCUIT COURT OF CCCI< COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION ONEWEST BANK, F50 Plaintif, C:tiCE KRITICOS, el al Oelendanl 7 REHIALGUtUE ,- 10 CH 19184 ',kMcGaw YMCA EVANSTON Rooms ter Men wlreoid service, doily E weekly rates; 5131 6 up Includes usa 01 laciluiies: call the Y tor uvailobilily. . 1000 Orase 841-47&7400 - act 214 Cook County-ChgoS CHICAGO SOUTH SIDE, Cheap Rooms tor ResI, 705-71-8119er 773-250-7474 $25 $75 WE E K Store Your SpecIal Car Healed, secure. Month or Annual Alls Storage 773-665-1454 Comm'I-Industrial FQR4 Cook County . Suburban wEEKS Llncolnwooct, 2000 st Indusluiol uniI, 90% warehouse 10% ottico. $1500/month, Conlact Les or Rob, 847-677-9770 Offices CALL TODAY! opt. i Cook County - Chgo. N CHICAGO- 5151 N. Harlem OffIce OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT S280 Move In Fee I No securIty Deposit 2 Months Fr8411111 800-l800Sq.Ft. 'Must SeelIl Grest Location flosdy to Move In On-Slte Park- PIONEER PRESS Rental Guide runs on Thursdays Deadline for Pioneer 2pm Friday the week before. Expiraflon date: 10/31111 Ing Llgtut NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN liraI pursuant to a Judgnienl 01 Foreclosure and Sale colored in the above cause on February 7, 2011, on agent 01 The Judicial Sales Corporalion, will al 10:30 AM on May IO, 201 t , al he The Judicial Sales Cnrporalisn, Osa South Wacker Orine - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 65605, seit el public sachos to Ike highest bidder, as sut tarth below, Ihe loIlowins described real 65101e: Commonly known sa 66511 N LE MAI AVE,LINCOLNW000, IL 60712 Property Indes Ido. 10-33-409-5250000, I0-33-409-1131-0000. The real estate Is Improved with a white bnck two story single tam/p heme with a Iwo car atlached guroge. Sale terms; 25% down ot the highest bid bycertitied lands al tea close cl Ihn aoction: Tha bataneo, including Ihn Judicial sale tee tor Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Rebel Fand, which Is cal- Garages Cook County - Suburban PER 847-998-3400, Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, March 31, 2011 BrIght Spaces Excellent Feat TrafIle 1-tealIn Bruco s Call Included. 773-491-4191 culated on residenlial rout estate al the role xl $1 tor each $1,000 or Iraclion Ihereot st the amount paid by the purchaser not to enceed $355, In cerlitied tends, Is den within Iwenly-lour (24) hours. No tee shall be paid by Iba mortgages acquiring tho residontial real eslale purssonl lo its credit bld al Ilse sale or by any mortgogee, udgmenl creditor, or other honor acquiring the residential real estala whose rights in and lo lIra resldenliol real estate arase peor to the sale. The subject property is 55010cl 1g general real osIate toses, special assessmenls, or specist 100es levied Ogainsl said real 55101e and is nllered tar aste withaul any representation os to quality or qoanlily 01 lilIe and willioul recoorse lo Plainlilt and In 'AS 10 condition, The sole is larIlier sublecl to conlurmolion by thn court. Upon payment In lull st the amount bid, 11,6 purchaser will recoins a Certiticate at Sole thaI will enlilla the purchaser to a deed Io Ike real 00101e alter conliimotios al Ike mile The properly will NOT be opes tor Inspection and plalntdt mokes no representalion as Io the condilion of Ike properly. Praspeclive biddoro are admonished lo check Ihn court tule to verily all Inlonnation. II thio properly la a condominium uniI, the purchaser st Ike unit at Ihe Inreclosure aale, oIlier than a mortgagee, shall pay Iba O55O55nonls and Ike legst tena required by The Condominium Properly Act, 769 ILCS 605/Slg)(1) and (gI(4>. It 1kb property Is a condomlnlorn unit which is part 01 a common lnlnrest commonity, Ike purchaser ot thu unit al the to,eclosurs mile ether Ihan a mortgagee shsll psy Iba assesOmenlo required by The Condominium Property Act 765 ILCS 605/15.Slc,-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOIJEOWNER) YOU HAVE ThE lIGHT TO REMAIN 114 POSSESSION POR 3d DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION 119 ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLlNOl MORTGADE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Intsrmalion: Vioil our waboulo al asreice.aIty-piotce cam. balwoen the hours nl 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE S ASSOCIATES Plaint/Is Altnmsys, Coo North Dearborn SIred Sulla 1300, CHICAdO, IL 60602. TolNo. 1312) 476-5500. Please ruler Is tile number PA1012907. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacher Drive,, 241k Floor, Chicano, IL 60806-4655 )312) SAY IT IN THE CLASSIHEDS, 236-SALE Yoo can also Vioul The Judicial Sates Corporation al www.lI secam tor a 7 day status report nl pending sales. PIERCE S ASSOCI- (Ait 847-998-3400 TO ATES One Norlh Dearboro Street Suite 1305 CHICAGO, IL 60602 1312) 476-5500 Allornoy File F/s.: PA1012607 Atlomey Cods. 91220 Caso e lOCH 19184 1348250 PLACE YOUR AD Pub: 3/31, 4/1, 4/14111 554859 C Judicial Sales-Real Est. 847-998-3'400 Judiai,Saies-Real Est. 51(01(16 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Plolotrll, HOYNE SAVINGS BANK, ns. GEORGE W. SIMDULIS MARI CRUZ SIMOULIS UNKNOWN OWNERS A(4D NON-RECORD CLAIbIANTS: Delendunls, 89CH 14887 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby giren 1h51 Sorsusol lo a Judgment at Fers- closure enterad lo Ike above anlilled cassa en Febrsary 10, 2010, Intcrcsuoly Judicial Salas Corporallnx will an Tuesday, ApnI 19 2011, al Ike hour al I I am. In theIr alluce el 120 West Madison SIres1 Solle 718A, ChIcago, IllinoIs, sell IO Iho highest bidder tor cask, Ike (allowIng described martgaoad real 05151e' Commorly known oo'7555 NORTH KEELER, SKOKIE, IL 60070. PIN. 1057-404-eOl-0500, 10-27-404-052-5005, The Improvemont an Ike properly c005isls el u single tamily residones. Il Iba subject mortgaged real cslala Is a unit al a common Interest community. Ike purchusor el Ike unit other thus a mortgagee shall pay the ass550menls required by ssbsoclion (g-i) al Seclion 15.5 el tIre CondomInium Property Ad. Salo loess; Biddors mosl prnsesl, al Ike lime el mile a cashier's or cerliliad check ter 10% el Iba succemitul bld amount. 'l'tre balance al Ike xsccesstul bld shall be paid wulkis 24 hours, by similar lurido. Tke properly will NOT be opon 1er Inspacllon. For Inlormallon call Mr. Branden R. Fraud at Roll, Waidenaur S Rsldv. LTD.. 222 North LaSalle SIred, Chicago, Illinolo 60601 . (312) 263-3590. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling 011icar, (3121444-11221346658 Pub: 3/24, 3)31, 4/711 1 It$1255C SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNtY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT. CHANCERY DIVISION THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON F/IDA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR THE ENCORE CREDIT RECEIVABLES TRUST 2005-2, PlaIntilt V. AVADIS A. SARKISSIAN P/Ic/A AVADIS SARKISSIAN; CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A.; SHEMIRAN SARKISSIAI4, Oalsndsnls 09 CH 32934 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE FIsher sad ShapIro tIle I 09-022886 'SAY IT 1H THE CLASSIFIEDS, To PLACE A CALL 847-998-340010 CLASSIFIED AD, PLACE YOUR AD CALL 847-998-3400 Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est. BUFFALO GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plointill, 'MION GANTMAN, el al Dutendsnl le CH 03569f NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 purosant IO a Judgment st Foraclusura and Sola entered In Ike above couse on January 31, 2011, an agent nl The Jadiciol Sales Corporalion, will xl 10:30 AM on May 3 201 1 , al Ike The Judicial Sales Corporallon. One South Wacker Once - 241k Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell al public auction to the hIghest bidder, as sel louth below Iba toI- lowios described reol eslolo: Commonly known os 484 ESTATE DRA/O, BUFFALO GROVE, IL 60069 Properly Index No. 03'05-311025 The real colate Is lmproaed wilh u single family resldance. Sale lacas: 25% down el Ike highosl bld by certilied funds al the close st the aachen: The balance, Incloding Iba Judicial mile lee tor Abondosed ResidentIal Properly Municipality Relict Fund, which Is calculated 01 1ko rate 01 $1 lar euch $1,500 or trocken Ihereot nl Iho amsunl paid by the purchaser noI to caeced $300 Irr ceulitiod lunds, is due within twunly-tour (24) bourn. No Ice shsli ho paid by Iha mortgagee acqslring the roslrlOnlial real estalo pur0000l lo Ils credI bid al Ike sola or by any mortgagee, )udgmosl creditor, or albar hafer acqoiring Ilie rosidantiol real calote WIlson sglds In and lo the residential real ostate arose prior to the solo. The sabjacl properly Is oublocl lo general real osIate laxos, special assessments, or special tases leulad against said raiE estate and Is oltored lar sale wilhnsl any ropresenlalion as lo quolity or qsanti/y 01 title and withoul recourse Io Pluinlill and lo 'As 10/ condilion. The sale Is turlhar subjecl Io conlirmolion by 1ko cous. Il the sola In act solda br any reason, Ike Purchaser al 1ko sale sholl be entitled only Io s 1015m 01 Iba deposit paid. Tho Purchaser shall haue no lurlhur recourse against Ike Mortgagor, Iba Mortgogoa or Ike Mortgogne's allamey, Upon paymonl In lull et Ike amounl bid, Ihn purchaser will receive a Certificate at Sale that will cotillo the purchaser to a deed to Ike real estate aller conlirmution al the sole The propnrty will NOT be open lar Inspection and plalnlilt mxkoa es copresentolino as lo the conditiOn of Ike properly. Prospective bidders are admonished Io clrack Ihe coud tile le eerily all Inlormalisn. lt this propenv is a condominium uniI, Ike purchaser ol Ike UnII al lbs loreclnsure sala, other thon o mortgagee shall por lire assessmenls and Ike le- ouI toes required by The Eondomlnlum Properly Act, 765 ILCS 655/91g)(1) and )g)(4). Il thin properly Is a condominium uniI which is part al a common Interest community, Ike purchaser of Ike unit al Ike Ioreclssure mile other Ikon a morlgogne skull pay Ike assessments raosirad by The Condominium Properly Act 765 ILCS 60S118.a)q-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGADOR IHOMEÓWNER) YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO- SURE LAW. Fur Inlormoliso, contact Plolntilt's attomey: The Sale 1.800.680.2068 OR VISIT FIND MORE LOCAL JOBS AT PIONEERLOCALCOM PIONEERLOCALC0MI?ONS'E[R SUBSCRIBE TODAY CALL Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est. SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTOAGE, INC. Ploinlill, lo CH 042374 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI porsuonI to a Judgmenl et Foreclosure and Sale entered In Ike above casse on February 8, 2011, so agenl 01 The Judicial Sales Corpora lion, will al 1030 AM on May 10, 201 t , SI Ike The Judicial Solos Corporutlon, One South WuckorDrine - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60006, sell at public suchen Io Ike kighosl bidder, as sel lorlb below, Ihn lottawinoescribenJ real estale.Comrnonly known as 4953 008SON STRIobT. UNIT 11203, SKOI(tE, IL 60077 Properly loden No. 10-28230-090-1009. The real estate us Improved wilh a condoltowehosse. Sols lamis; 25% down of the hlgkosl bid by cerlilied lunds al lbs close et the suction: The batueco, Including Ike Judicial sole los tor Abandoned Resldnntlol Properly Municipolily Rollol Fund, which Is calcutoled on residential real estate al Ike rulo al $1 tor cock $1,000 or traction Ikereol ol Ika amount paId by Ike psrchaser not to exceed $300, In cerlilied tonds, Io due within twenty-tour (24) hours. No loe shall be paid by the mortgogeo acquiring lbs residantuot rouI eslole pursuant Io Ils credit bld al Ike sais or by soy mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lleno, ocqulnog Ike rosudenlisl root estate whose rlgkls In und Io the resIdential real estate arose peor to Iba salo. The subjncl properly is subject to general real cobb toues, special assessmunIs, or special loses levied against mild rouit colude and Is altered tor sale without any reprxsnnlalioo au Io quality orquostily at lilla und wilknat recourse Io Plainlilt and io AS IS condilion. The mita Is tarher subjacl lo ceelirmallnn b1 the court II Ihn mila lo sel asido lar any reason, Ike Purchaser al Ike sale shall be enlilled only lo a retorn el Ike deposil paid. The Purchaser shall tisse no lurlker recourse eslalnOl lIre Mortgaoor, Ike Mortgagee or Ike Morlgogoo'a altornay. Ii)ros poymnnl In lull ol the anrounlbid, Ike purchaser wilt receive n Cerliticale al Sole that will aslille Ihn psrckoser Is a deed Io Ike real nslulo aller conlirmation st Ike mile The properly will NOT be 0perr tor inspection und ploinlittmakas no rapresenlulion os Io thu condition el Ike properly. Prospective bidders ore admoniskod Io chock Ike court tilo Io nonly uil lolormalino. II this properly is a condominium uniI, Ike purchaser SI 1ko unit al Ike loreclosuro sate, altier than u mortgagee, shalt pot' Ike assessments and Ike legal loas required ht' The Condominium Properly Ad, 765 ILCS 605/algol) and (g)(4). If Ikis propnrly Is a condominium seil whIch Is part el a common interest community, Ike purchaser 01 Ike uniI al the loreclosurs sale alkor Iban u mortgogae skull eat' Ike assessments required by The Condominium Property Ad 7ES ILCS 606/18 5)q.l). IF YOU AWE THE MORTGAGOP IHOMOWl4ERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESS1ON FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE IWNOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information cootael PlaInlill's alterner; The Sale ClarI,, CODILIS E ASSOCIATES, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100. BURR RIDG, IL 60527, (630) 794-987e bolwaen Ike hours sI 1 and 3 PM P.C. Clark, COOILIS a ASSOCIATES P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR R)DGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 be- Selllnq 011iclal will at 12;30 p.m. en May 11, 2011 aI 205 W. RandolshStresl, Sulle 1020, ChIcano, Illinois, sell at public auction to Ihn SALES CORPORATION One Soulh Wacker Dove, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 50606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also nisil The Judicial Sales Corporation al wrow.)isc cam tor a 7 doy slobs rgporl at pendinn salas. CODILIS E ASSOCIATES PC, 15W030 NORTH FRONTADE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDEE, IL 80527 (635) 794-9876 Al- Wacker Drívs, 24th Floor. Chicago, IL 60506-4550 (312)23E-SALE 21762 Caso il 15 CH 035691 NOTE; Pursuant lo Iba FairOebI Colinolion Praclicos Act, you ara advised 1h01 FlololitI's attorney Is deemed to be o debt echador anempling Is callad a dvbl and any intormolion obtained will be used tor Ikol purpose. 342085 Pub: 3/24, 3/31, 4/7/11 $151175C NOTE; Pursuant lo Ike Fair Debt Collection Produces Ad, you are advised tIrol Plaintilt's attorney Is deemed la be a debt collector attemplIng lo collect o debl and any lnlorrnatisn obtained will be used br 1h01 ramose. 1344262 Pub: 3131, 417, 4/14/11 #54848 C higkesl bidder lar cash. os sel 011k below, Iba hollowing described re al properly; Commonly known as 3744 Main SIreal, Skokie, IL 65076 Permanent Indes No.; la-23-136-039 The mortgaged real estala Is Improvad wulk a dwelling. The properly will NOT oe span 1er Inspeclion. The judgment amounl was $272,525.88. Sale lerms hoc nnn-portlso; 15% al saccosslul bid Immadiolely al conclusion et auclion, balases by 12;30 p.m. Ike next business day. bolk by cashier's checks: and ne retundo, The sele shall be subjacl Io general real estate lanes, spadal laxes, Spaclal aosousrrranLv, opociul boces levied, and sup000r liens. il any. T5e properly Is ollered 'as ls, with no express or Implied worrunlias and wilkoul any rapresantallon as lo Ike quality xl lilIe or recourse Io Plainlill. Prospective bidders ore admonished lo review Ike coart hIelo nasty all inlormahon, For inlormatuon; Sale Clark, Fisher and ShapIro, Attomex t' 42165, 2121 Wuukoqan Road, Sails 301. Bannocluburn, Illinois 60616, (547) 495-9560, between l;00 p.m. and 3;00 p.m. weekdays soIn. 1343985 Pub: 3/3f, 4fl, 4/14/11 #548470 SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC Flainlilt, LAWNDALE HOLDINGS TRUST 9327, at al Delondant 10 CM 33882 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h51 pur. suuol lo a Judgment al Foreclosure and Sala entared In the above causa ou January 24, 201 1, an agent al The Judicial SaIns Corpora' lion, will al 10;30 AM on ApnI 2E, 201 I al Ihn Iba Judicial Salas Cur' porahen, Osa Soulk Wacker Driva - 241k Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60556, sellaI public audlion Io Ika big/last bidder, as sel lorth below. Ike toi' lowing descnbed reol estate; Commonly known as 5327 LAWNDALE AVE,, Skehie, IL 65576 Preparly Indas No. 10-23-30e-0l5'OOOO Vol, 0123 The real cable is improned wilk a single lamily residence. The judgmsnl umoonl woo $345,81 I .52 Sala terms; 25% down al Ihn high' est vid by corliliect tundo al Ike close al the aachen; Thu balance io' cloding lee Jyduclal mile loo lar Abandonad Residenhal Property bio- elcipulity Raliet Fund, whIch Is calculated al Ike rute al $1 br cock $1,000 or Iraclios Itroreot al Ihe am000t paid by the potchosar not Iv exceed $300, in certilied lands, Is dus wulhin twenty-tour (24) hours. No lea shall be paid by Iha rnortgagaa acquIring Ike residenliol real ns laIe pursoant to Ils credit bld ah the sala or by any mortgagee. lady' menI credilor, or other honor acquiring Ike resIdentIal rural aubIn whose rigkls un und Io the resldenlial real solaIo arose prior lo Ihn sale. Tka subjecl preperly Is sobloch le general real estola lacas, spn' dal assessmenls, nr special tonos lexied against mild root esIals und Is altered br sale wilheul any repreueolalion as to quality or quasI/I el tillo and withoul recourse lo Plainlilt and In AS 1S condilion. Thu mile io larthar subjucl lo conlirmallos by the coud. Upon payrnovl iv lull al the amount bld, Iba psrchsser will receixe a Cerlitucule nl Salir Ihal will enhIlo Ike purchaser Io a deed lo Ike rasI asIate altar cevtirmullen al Ike sale The property will NOT be opso lar inspection and plainlill makes no represonlallon as le Ike condilion el Ike prupurly vrospociuve blddnrs are admonished lo check Ika ceort lila Io xorily all Inlormaluon. II this propsrhy Is a condominIum unit, Ike psrcksser nl Ihe unit al Ike toreclosura sole, elkar Ikan e mortgagee, shall pay Ike assessmenbs and Ike legal leas reqairad by The CondominIum Propel17 Acl.765 ILCS 605/9ty)(1) and (g((4). lt (hIs propxrly Is a condomini' um unit whIch Is parI st s common 1015,651 communIty, 1ko psrckasrr 01 the unit at the loreclossre sale olher Iban u morlgogue skull the assemimenlo resaired by The CondomInium ProperlY Act i6 ILCS 605/18.5(g.1), IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN' ER). YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 35 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN AC' CORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORI GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW, For Inlorniallox contad Plaintill's altor' soy; JOHNSON, BLUMBERG S ASSOCIATEE LLC .230 W. Monino SIred, Saile #1125, Cklcaoo, IL 60606, 13121 dll-97l0 .Please ruler Io lila number 10-7349. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Soulh Wacker Drive, 241k Floor, Chicago, IL 60000-4650 (312) 235' SALE You con also eusil The JudicIal Sales Corporoline al wWW.jJ5 i am lar a 7 dut' Olalus report el pandina salas. JOHNSON, BLUMBERG S ASSOCIATES LLC 230 W. lrlosrse SIred, Suila 111125 ChIcago, IL 60606 (312S MI-9710 Allornay File No.; i57349 Allornoy Codo. Casa Il 10 CH 33882 NOTE: Pumuant Io Ike Fair DebI Celleclion Practices Act, you ara advised lhsI Flainliltu alloinuY Is deemed Io be u debt celleclor sltsmpIing Io collect o debl and any Inlormalian oblalned Wilt be used tor 1h01 Pum050, 341574 Pub; 3/17, 3/24, 3/31/li (4'7925)C tomey File Na.: 14-10-29469 ARDCII 00468002 Attorney Code. Jüdlciat Sales-Real Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est. seht and ask tsr Ike miles doparimasl.. Please ruler Io tile number 14- 10-32445. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South You ceo also visit The Judicial Saies Corporalion al tar a 7 day slulus resort st sending soleo. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURIl RIDGE. IL E0527 (630) 764-987E Allomey File No.: 14-10-32445 ARDCiI 00455053 Attorney Coda. 21762 Case n 10 CH 042374 Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial Safes-Real Est. NORRIOGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY Plalntitl, SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION FZOTR SULEWSKI AlEJA PIOTR MICHAL SULEWSKI, al at Onlunduol 10 CH 036973 'AKOV GOLDEN AII<JA YAKOV GOLDIN, el at Dulendant 10 CH 018572 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 pursuant Io a Judgment el Foreclosure end Sale enterad In Ike shove causo oir January 20, 2011, an agent al The Judicial SaIns Corporalion, will al 10,30 AM on April 25, 2011, al the The Judicial Soles Corporallon, One South Wacker Devo - 241k Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell al public auclion Io Ika highest bidder. as sel bilk below, Ike toIlowing described real aslalo: Commonly known as 7916 W. LAWRENCE AVENUE, UNIT A, NORRI006, )L 60706 Property loden No. 12-12-357-207 The root ostato Is improved with u residence. Sole terms: 25% down 01 the highest bld by cerlil,ed tends al Ike close 01 1ko auction: Tko balance, including lbs JudicIal sola leo for Abandosed Rnslduntlol Properly Munlcioality ReliaI Fund, which lu calculatad al Ike rate al $1 tor each $1,000 or Iraction Iheroot ol Ike amount paid by 1ko purchaser not Is exceed $300 io cerlibed tundo, is dea wilkintwenty-lour (24) hours. Na tee shall be paId by Ihn mortgagee acquiring Ihn residential raal estate pursuant Io its credul bid al the Sale or by airy moclgugee, ¡udgmenl creditor, or altier lienor ecqulnng tIro residential root asIate whose nghls in and lo Ike residential reol catato aroso peor Io Ike Sole. The sub)ocl properly Is subloct lo genaral real 05101e tasas, special assessmanla, or special loans levied against osid real estate and Is ollered 1er saIe without any ropre500lotuon as Io quality or quanlily nl lilla and withoul recourse to Plaint/I and lv AS IS coed/ion. The sale io lunkor oub)ocl Io contirmallen by Ike court. II Ike ualo is sal solde ter any reason, Ike Purchaser al Ike sale shall be enhIlad only Io a 'clero et Ike deposit paid. The Purchaser shall houe no lurlher recourse agaInst Ike Mortgagor, Ike Mortgagee or Ike Mnrlgagoe's altornay. Upon payment In loll ol Ike amount bld, Ike purchaser will receive a Cerlilicate at Salo that will enhIlo the purckoser to a deed Io the real estate aller contirmollos sI Ike salo The properly Wilt NOT be open tor losseclion and piainlilt makes no reprosnntalixn as lo Ike condillon nl Ike properly. Prospeclive bidders aro admonished to check Ike court tile Io verily olI lotorinotion. It Ibis propmuy Is a condominium unit, Ike purchaser st Ike unit el the loreclosure sola, olkar Ikan a mortgagee shall psy the 55505smeols and Ike le- gal tees required by Thu óondornioium Property Ad, 765 ILCS eos/ttlg)(t) and Ig)(4). It IbIs properly Is a condominium Sell which Is porI st s common inlerast community, the purchaser at Ihn uniI al Iba toroclosure solo albar Ihan o mortguoee shall tsar Ike asuessmonls toqsired ht The Condominium ProponE, Aol 765 ILCS EO5/IE.5)g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEowNER) YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSSSSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Intsrmalion, contact PloIntilt's utlornoy: The Solo Clerk, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- CITIMORTGAI3E, INC. Plainlilt, NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur555x1 Io a Judgment sI Foreclosure und Sole entered in Ike above causo os January 24, 2111 1, arr agerO al TIre Judicial Salas Corporalion, will al 10;30 AM on April 26, 201 1, al the The Judiciul Soles Corperalion, Oes South Wocker Driva - 241k Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, soll at poblic auction to Ike highest biddur, as sel lorth below. Ike tallowing dnscebed root estata;Cornmonly known as 3504 CLEVELAND STREET, SKOIOIE, IL 6057e Properly Index No. 10-23-312-053 The rest estate Is improved with a single tam/v residence. Sale terms; 25% down 01 Ike kighasl bid by ceoitiad beds at the close el the usclion: The baloece, including Ike Judicial sole lee ter Abandoned Residenliat Properly Municipality ReliaI Fund, which Is colculoted st Ike ralo st SI tor each $1,000 or Iroclion thereol at Ike amounl paid by Ike purchaser noI Io cocead $300, In carrilied lands, is dun within Iwenly-losr 124) hours. No tao shalt be paid by Ike mortgusee ucquirIng the resideolial real estate pursuonl lo its credit bld at Ike sale er by arrt' rnorlgagoe, iudgmenl ererbten, or oIlier llons'racqulvxg loe residenlial real osIate whose rights In and to Iba residential mol 05101e arose prior to the solo Tka subject property is oubjncl Io gonoral mol estate taxes, spnclal ossossrnnnts, er special loves levied againsl said real estola and is altered lot mila wilkout any represuotalioo as Io qsulity or quaslity et tille and withoul recourse Io Plainlitt and in AS 1S condition. The solo is tudher subject lo cnnlinnalion by the court. lt Ihe salo Is sel asida tor any reason, Ike Purchaser al Ike sala skull be onlilled enly Io a reluis 01 Ike deposit paid. The Purchaser shall hove no brIber rocourse uguinsl Ike Mortgagor, the Morlgageo or Ike Mortgagee's allorney Upon poyment In lull et Ike umounl hid, Ike purchaser will receive a Cerliticute 01 Sale that will entitle Ike purckoser lo a dand lo Ike real estate aller cootirmation nl Ike sale Tkx property will NOT ha open tor Inspoclion uod plalnlitt makes no reprosonlolinn as lo Ike coodituan el Ike properly. Prospoclixe bidders are admonished lo check Ihn court lila Io veoly all inlurmallon. II Ibis propeilt' Is a condominium uniI, Iba purchaser 01 Ike uniI al Ike loreclosura sato. other Ilion a morlgagee shall pay the es505smants and Ike Io- gol toes required by The áondoininium Prnpaily Act, 765 ILCS 6O5/9lgI(1) and )gI(4). Il Ibis property is a condominium unit which Is sarl ot a common Inleresl community. Iba purchaser el Ihe uniI al the loroclnsare sole other Iban a mortgages shall pay Ike assessmnnlo roouired by The Condominium Properly lucI 765 ILCS 605/ls 51g-II. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEÓWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15.1751(C) OF THE ILLINOId MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For inlormsllon contuct Plaintilt's 0110mev; The Sale Clark CODILIS S ASSOCIAtES P C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONT- AGE ROAD, SUITE 1110, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, )630) 794-9876 be- AGE hOOD, SUITE 100, BURR R(DI3E, IL 60521', (630) 704.687E be- SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drino, 241k Floor, Chico- SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 241k Floor, Chicaris IL 65606-4600 1312) 236-SALE You can 0150 nlsil The JudicIal Sa)es Corpsrolios at lot a 7 day 510155 report ol pond. Inn salas. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. tSWO3O NORTH FRONTADE ROAD. SUITE 100 BURR RIDáE, IL 60027 1530) 794-957E At- Iweerr Ike hours al I and 3 PM only und ask tor Ike sales deportmenI . Please retar to lila number 14-10-19367. THE JUDICIAL go, IL 60606-4050 (312) 236-SALE You con also ciraI The Judiclol bales Corporation al w'ww, tor u 7 day stalus rapad el pondIng solos. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDEE, IL 60527 1830) 794-6576 Al- lornep File No.; 14-ID-19367 ARDCII 00465002 Altomey Code. 21762 Cose .1 10 CH 030973 NOTE; Pursuanl lo 1ko Fair Debt Collecriss Pmcticos Aol, you are advised 1h01 Ploistill's allornuy Is danreod Is be a debt collector allompting Io collect a dobl und any Intormulion oblalnod Will bu used tor 1h01 osmose. 1341379 Pub; 3/17, 3/24, 3/31/1 t (47912)0 PERFECT CLASSIFIEDS, CALL APARTMENT B47-998-3400 TO IN THE PLACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIEDS. Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est. W'OJCIECH CENDA, el al Dalendoot (Il Is advised 1h51 Interested parties consull with Ihair own allernepa belore bidding sI morlgaga loreclosare sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE Io hereby given that pursoonl lo a Judgmasl st Foroclosure entered eu, February 9, 201 1, KaIlen Really Services Inc.. as liceos the hours nl 1 ond 3 PM only and ask tor Ike solas deportmeurt . Please rete, Io tile number 14-10-29469. THE JUDICIAL FIND YOUR SAY IT IN THE Hunes Ike hours el 1 und 3 PM nnly onO ask br Ike soIns datrartmeut . PInosa rater IO lila number 14-1008447. THE JUDICIAL tomer Filo No.; 14-1008447 AROCtI 004E5502 Altorney Cods. 21760 Caos e io CH 010572 NOTE; PuIssant lo the Fair DebI Couaclion Practices Act, you are advised Ihol Ploinlilt's allnmey Is deemed Io be a dabl colleclor attempting In 00110cl e debt and ony inlorrrrutioo obtained Will be used tor 1h01 purpose. 1341825 Fuir. 3/17, 3/24, 3/31/11 (47925)0 There's a great job out there. MORTON GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION ONEWEST BANK, FSB Flainlill, ''ÉOFlL SCORTE, el al Delendanl 10 CH 1002e NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 pursuonI lo a Judgmonl al Foreclosure und Sols entered lv lbs above cause on Febnuory 10, 2011, an agent et The Jodiciul Salas Corporalion, will al tO;30 AM on May 12, 201 i , al the Tks Judicial Sales Corporatlon, One South Wacker Driva - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 6060E, sell al public suction to the highest bidder, as set 10db below Ike loIlowing doscnbed root 05101e Commonly known as 0001 01<610 AVE- NUE, MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Properly Index No. 09-13-410- 020-0000. The real eslale In improaed With 5 red brick two story single lumily borne no garage. Sale lenco; 25% down 01 the highest bid by cerlitiad tundo al Iho close el thu ascIion The bolance, including Ike Judiclol sole too tsr Abandoned Resldenliol Properly Municipality Re- heI Fund, which Is calculaled os residential real eslale al Ike rate el st tor cock $1,000 or traclion thereat ot Ike amount paid by Ike par- chooer not lo enceed $300, In cerlilued lunds, us doe withio Iwenly.leur (24) hours No tee shall be paid by Ihn mortgagee acquinng Ihe resi- denlial real estate pursuuunl lo Its credit bid al the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment credilor, or albor llenar acqsinng Ike residential real estala Whose rights In and Io the residonliot real eslora arson prior Io 1ko sole The subjecl properly Is subject lo general real estate lauus, special assessments, er special loues levied egainsl coud rouI estate und lv altered tor mile Wilkoal any representation as Io quality or qsaslityel lilla and wiltraol re000rse Io Ploinlill and In AS IS' csndilion. The mile lu turlkar sublacl lo conlirmulion by Ike court. Upon payment in lull el Ike smounl bid, Ike purchaser will receive a Certilicate el Sale 1h01 will eel/ta Ike purchaser ta a deed lo Ike real 05101e aller centirmahon st Ike sala The property will NOT be open lar Inspection and plaintilt makes no representation as lo Ike condullon al Iba properk'. Prospective bidders are udmoniskod lo check Iba court tile lo earlIt' all inlormaluon. Il 1h15 properly Is u condominium unit, Ike purchaser nl Ike uniI al Ike loreclosuro sale, other 1h00 a mortgagee, sholl pay the assessmnnlo and Ihn Inoal Ines required by The Condominium Properly Ad, 765 ILCS E05/9gI)l) and )g))4). lt Ibis property Is o condomioium uniI which is part or a common inleresl community, Ike purchaser xl Ike uniI al lbs loreclosure sale olher thon a mortgagee skull sun Ike uoscssmenlu required by Tea Coodominiarir Property Act, 70,5 ILCS 605/18.Slo-1). 1F YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR 1NOv46OWNERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1101(C) OF THE ILLINòIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Far information; Vusil our web- site al service olly-plorcocam. between Ike hours al 3 und S pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES. Plainlilt's Allorneys, One North Dearborn Streel Seile 1300, CHICAGO, IL 65602. Tel No. 1312) 475-5500. Please roter lo lila number PAI003572. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Doe South Wacker Dove, 241k Floor Chicago, IL 606064650 1312) 23e-SALE You cao also visit The Judicial Sales Corpora- lion al wivw.Ilsc.csm tor a 7 doy 510150 repOrt nl pending sales PIERCE S ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1350 CHICAGO. IL 60502 1312) 47E-5500 Allorney Fils No.; PA1003072 Altarnay Cede. 61220 Case lt il) CH 10020 1348524 Pub: 3/31, 4G'. 4/14/11 954861 C SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION EVERHOME MORTGAQE COMPANY P1<0 ALLIANCE MORTGAGE COMPANY DBA AMC MORTGAGE CORP. Plaintilt, CLARA BASS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING BY ANO THROUGH TI-)E SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Dalendool le CH 24860 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 pursuant to a Judgment el Foreclosure und Salo enlaced io Ike ahora cause an January 25. 201 1 , an 55x01 at The Judicial SaIns Corporalion, will el 10;30 AM os ApnI 21, 201 1, al the The Judicial Sales Cvrporalion, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO. IL, 6560e, sell al public auction Io Ihn highest biddar, as sel tortk below the leIlowing described real eslute; Commonly known as 7801 NlLS 06HTER ROAD 11303, Skokin, IL 60077 Properly Index No. 10.28-210045-1014. The real estate is improved With a residunlial condomini- monster um. The Iudgmuol am550l was $85,440.31 Sale lerms. The bid ariloonI, Incloding Ike Judicial sale lee lar Abandoned Resudontual Property Municipality RsIiol Fund, which Is calculated on rnuidevllal re- ut notaIo al Ike ralo el SI tor each $1,000 or Irocluon Iterad st Ike amount paid by Ike purchaser sol le eeceed $300. shall be paid io corlitied tundo Immediately by the highest and host bidder ut the coedsSian el Ike sale. No lea shall be paid by Ike mortgagee acqulnog Ike rosudonlial real eslale pursuant lo its credil bid at Ike sale or by any mnrlgogee, judgmeol credulor, or other lions, acqulnng Ike residonlial cool estate whose righls in and lo Ihn residantial real osIate arose prior IO Ike sala. The sukjncl properly us sobjoel lo general real eslale laxes, special assessments, or special tases levied against said real estala ond IS ellered lo, mile withnul any represeolulioo us la quality or quantity at lilie and without recourse Io Plointilt and In AS 1S canditian, The sala Is lurlhor sublecl Io ceolirmahon by Ike cnorl Upon paymanI lo lull el the amount bid, Ike purchaser will receius a Cerlilicala el Sole Ikal will enhlle Ike purchaser lo a deed te Ika real 05101e aller conlirmallon al Ike mile The properly will NOT be open ter iospeclinn and plainlill mskes ox represnololion as Io Ike candilion el the property. Prospeclios bidders oro odmoniskod Io check Ike cuorI lilo Io venly all Intormalion. Il Ihus properly Is o condominium unit, the purchaser al Iha UnII al lhs loreclosare sale, other 1h00 a morlgagee, shall pay Ike assessments und Ike legal lees roquired by TIrs Condominium Properly Act. 765 ILCS EO5/9[g)(l) and Ig))4). lt this properly is a condonrinlum axil which is part al a common Interest community, Iba purchosur et Ike uniI al lIre Irareclosure mile altier Ihan a mortgagee shall pay the oss055mnnls required by The Condominium Property Act, 7es ILCS eOS/l5.5(ct-l). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR 1140MOOWNERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINóIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Inlorrualion, contact Plaintilts allornoy; HEAVNER. SCOtT. BEYERS S MIHLAR, LLC , I It East Malo SIred Soils 200, DECATUR. IL 62523, 12171 422-1719 THE JUDICIAL EALES CORPORATION Ono South Wacker Deve, 241k Floor, Chicago, IL 60606.4650 (312) 238-SALE You can also visil 790 JudIcial Salas Corporalion al www.lisc cam tor a 7 day 510155 raport el pending miles. HEAVNER. SCOTT BEVERS S MIHLAR. LLC i i i EasI Mole SIred Suite 250 DECATU?1. IL 02523 1217) 422-1719 Allorney Code. 403a Case lt IO CH 24650 NOTE; Pursuant Io Ike Fair DabI Collecllov Proclicas Act, you are advised 1h01 Plountults altor- noy us deemed lo be a dabl colleclor allempliog Io cnllocl a dnbl and any lnlornraliOn oblolned will be osad ter Ihal purposu. 1345766 Pub; 3/IT, 3/24, 3131111 (48006)0 PIONEER PIEss c i Pioneer Press and Monster now work together 27 C C' 28 Pioneer Press (DC) Assumed Name LEGAL z SAY IT N THE (IASMFIEDS, SUBSCR8E TODAY CALL CALL 847-998-340010 1.800.680.2068 OR VISIT PLACE YOUR AD PIONEERLOCALCOM Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est. SKOKE IN TH CIRCUIT COURT 0E COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY OVISON CITIMORTGAGE, INC PJaintjL , Y)<HAYLO )VANYUK. NLLY A. GRÍGORIAN, BARCELONA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION #3. UNKNOWN OWNERS ANO NONRECORD CLAIMANTS Oelendanl 09 CH 38939 NOTICE O SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that purSuant Io a Judgmont of Foreclosure arid Salo entered n ho above - cacao on May 12. 2010, an a060t of The JudtcaI Salee Comoral,oe. will al 10.30 AM on ApnI 14, 2911, at the The Judicial Salas Corporalion, Oso South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CIIICAGO, IL, 606W, seIl at publIc auction lo the highest bidder, as set tarPi below the following described real eslate Comrnanly known as 9529 BRO1X AVENUE. 1og_ Skokic. IL 60077 Property Index No. 10-16-204-019.1009. TIre real estate us moroved with a corsto/lowohaeae. The judomant amaunt wan $238.658,61 Safe terms 25% down cl the higheel bid by certilied funds at the close of the auclion1 The balance, Including Iba Judicial cale tee tor Abandoned Rosidenlial Pooerty Manicipality ReheI Fand, which is calculaled on reaidential real eslato at the ralo el Si or each $1,000 or fraction thereof 01 the amount paid by lIra purchaser not to exceed $300, In cortilied funds, is due wilhmn twenty-four (24) hours. No lee shall be paid by the mortnageo acquiring the resI- dential real entaS pursuanl to its credit bid at Ihn salo or by any mortgagee. tudgrrient creditor. or other lienor acquinng Ihn residential real estate whose nghts n and to Ihe residonlial reel estate arose prIOr Io the sale. The nublad properly is subject to general real eotatn tasen, special assennmentu. or special tanes levied againel vmd rent estafe and n ollered fer nate withoul any repreuentalion as to quality or quanlity et title and without recnurse to Plaintitl and In AS 1S cenditipo The sale s tudhar subject to cenlirnratinn by Ihn court. Upan paymenI irr lull pl lIte amount bid. the purchaser will receive a Certilicafa at Sale thaI will enlitlo the purchaser lo a deed to the real usIate alter confirmation el Ihn sale The property will NOT be open Ini Inspoclion and plairitilf nichos no representalion as to the condition el lhe property. Prospective bidders are admonished lo check the coud Irle to venty all inlnrniatisn. Il this properly re a condomInium unit. the psrchaser of Ihn uniI at the toreclasare sala, ether Ihan a mvilga000. shall pay . the assessmnnts and the octal lees required by The tondominiurri Property Act.765 ILCS 605/htg)(l) and (g)(4). lt this preperty rs a con.- dominium unit which Is part et a common interest cnrnnrunily, Ihn purchaOer of the unit al Ihn foreclosure sale other thon a mortgagee shall . pay the asnesSments required by The Cnndsminium Property Ad, 765 ILCS 605/ta 5ct-l). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR, IlIOMEOWNERI, YOU I-lAVE TI-lE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION l5-l7OtlC) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Fer inlormaliun, contact PlaintIrs attorney: I-IAUSELMAN. RAPPIF4 & OLSWANI3, ITO. . 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (3121 372-2020 Please mIer lo Irle nümber 09-2222-12636. TI-lE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive. 24th Floor, Chicaqo. IL 60606-4650 (312) 235-SALE You can also visit Thu Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day nlalus report el pnndrnp sales, HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN 6 OLSWANG. LTD 39 South LaSalln Slreet - Suite ItOh CHICAGO. IL 60603 (312 372-2O2OAllomny File No.. O9-2222-2636 Allorney Code. 4452 Caso y 09 Cl-I 38939 NOTE: Pursuant to Ike Fair Debt Colledtion Praclices Act, pou am advised that Plarrititls attorney rs deemed to be a debt collocfer attemptIng to collect a debt and any inlormatron obtained will be used 1er that oaipose. 347521 II51318C Pub: 3/24, 3131, 417/11 Jûdicial Salés-Réai Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est. MORTON GROVE IN TI-lE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTGAGE. INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC Plninlrtl, DON'T NEED FIND THE SAY IT IN THE PERFECT SELL IT FAST. 847-998-3400 TO PLACE YOUR AD HOME AT 847.-998-3400 SEARCHCHICAGOECOMJHOMES Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial $ales-Real Est. FIND YOUR FARGO BANK SOUTHWEST, NA FKA WACHOVIA MORTGAGE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. iAN C. RODRIGUEZ NE/A JUAN CARLOS RODRIGUOZ, el nl Delundnnl 09 CH 050646 NOTICE DF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 pur- DBRA NETZEL PdN/A DEBRA A. NETZEL, el al Delendanl 10 CH 40317 lowiort dsscribod real eslale: Commonly known es 745 GROVE lion, will at 10:30 AM on April 28, 201 1, at Ihe The Judicial Sales Corporation, One Soulh Wacker Onvo - 24th Fleer CHICAGO, IL, 00606, sell al puhlic audlion to the highest bidder, as sul Iorth below, Ihe Ial- ration, One South Wacker Drive - 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell al public encline to the hiqhesl bidder, an eel forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 9241 MANGO AVE- NUE, MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Property ladee No 10-17-212001-0000. The real estate Is improved wifh burnt orange brick one storY single family home wilh a two cur detached naraee. Sale terms: 25% down of Ihe highest bid by certified lands al tIle cosn of the auctien: The balance, including the Judicial sale lee for Abandoned Residuntial Property MunIcipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on renidentinI real esfata nf the ralo of $1 for each $1,000 nr traction Ihereol ol the amount paId by Ihe ourchaser not te evcned $300, in cerlitind lunds, is due within twenty-levi (24) hears. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquinng the residenlial real estafe pursuant to ils credit bid al Iba sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor or other lienor acquiring Ihe rnsidunlral real eslale whose nghls in and lo the residentinI real eslale arose poor la the sale. The subiecl property is subject to genvral real enrafe lanes, special nssessmenls, or special lanes leyled against said real estate end is ollered for sale wilhnul any rearesenlnfian as lo quality er qunnllly of tille nnd wrlhoul recourse to Plaintill and in AS 1S condilien. The sale in lurther sublect ta ccinlirmation by tIre court. Upon payment in lull of the amonnl bid, the purchaser will receive a Certilicale el Sale that will enhIle the purchaser to a deed Io the real estate alter confirmatioa el the sale The property will NOT be open lcr inspeclian andpinlnlilf makes ne represnnlafion as to the condilion at Ihe properly. Pronpedllue bidders are admonished to check the court hIe ta verity all infnrrnulion. If this praperfy is a condominant unit, Ihn purchaser of the unit al Ihn foreclosure sale, olher Iban a morlganec, shall pay the assessments and the leonI lees reqaired by ThuCendominuim Property Act, 765 ILCS 605111(q)(1) and (g)(4). Il Ibis property is a condominium unit which rs part el a cornmon rnlernsl communily, Iha purchaser al Ihn unit at the foreclosure sale other Ibas a mnrtgagee shall oay Iho assoasmenfu required by The Condominium Properly Ad, 16$ ILCS 6051t8 51e-11. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE TI-lE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15170t(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Far information: Vruif our website at service atlyplurce.cnrn. between the hours al 3 and 5 pm PIERCE 8 ASSOCIATES, Plainlitl's Allornnys, Onu North Dearborn Slreet Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. ToI tOo (312) 416-5500 Please refer la hIn number PA1012413. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Onu Senlb Wacker Deve, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 6060e-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicml Sales Corporation at lar a 7 day status report of oendino sales PIERCE S ASSOCIATES One Harm Oearbom SIred Suite f300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Atlamey File No.: PAlOtO4t3 AffnmeyCodn. 91220 Oase II 10 CH 403771344518 Pub: 3124, 3(31, 4(1111 DRIllS, UNITO 104, BUFFALO GROVE, IL 60089 Property loden Na. 03-08-400-035.1083 Thu real eslule Is Improved with n condo/Iownhoase. Sale terms: 25% down el the highesl bld by collilied boda at the close of Ihe audliao: The balance, including Ihe Judicral sale fee for Abandoned Rosldenhnl Property Municipality Retlel Fund, which is cnlculaled at Ihn rafe el $1 lar each $1 000 or Irudliort thereof et the amount paid by Ihn purchaser nef to eacoed $300, In cerlilied lands, in duo within fwenty-Ioar (24) hears. Na foe shall be paid by Ihe mortgagee acquieng the residential real eslale purnuanl to ifs credit bid al the salo er by any mortgagee, Iudgment creditor, or other linear acquiring Ihn residential real eulalu Whose rights in and la the residential real estate arose peor to the sale. The ssojocf property is nebjecl to general renI estafe lanes, special asnesnmenls, er apedal Iones levied against saId rouI enlate and is sllerod 1er saIe wilbaut any rvpresentalinn au le quality er quanlijy sI lillo nod wilhoulre' coarse to Plainlill arid In AS IS condition. The sale in further cabled lo confirmation by the court. If Ihn sale is sel aside for any masan, Ihn Purchaser nl lIre sale shall be eolilled only te a return of Ihe deposit paid The Purchaser shall have ne lurther recourse ngainsl the Marlgager, Ihe Mortgagee nr Ihe Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full al Ihn amount hid, Ihn purchaser will receive a Certificato nl Sale Ihat will entitle Ihn purchaser to a deed Io Ihe real estala aller conlirmulino of Ihn sale The property will NOT be open 1er lnspnclien and plainlill makes na representnlian as Io the cnndilian of Ihn property. Prospectree bidders are admonished ta check Ihe csurl lite Io verity nIl lnformnlion. lt thin property is n condominium unit, the purchaser nl Ihn uniI at Ihe lareclosura sale, olber Iban a mortgagee, shall pay Ihn nssesnmeets and Iba legal tees ruqairnd by The Condominium Proper. ly Act, 765 LOS 60519(g)(1 ) uniI (g((4). II IhIs properly io a condominium unit which in port el s cornrnnn Internat community, the purchaser of Ihn unit nl the Ioredlnssre sale olher Ihun a mortgagee shall pa the assnssmenls reouired by The Condeminiam Property Ad 76 ILCS 605/18 51ml). 11° YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEÓWN ERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Fer Inlormalien, conladt Plaintill's alter- nov: The Sale Clerk, COOILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE toll, BURR RIDGE, IL E0527, (630) 794-5876 between Ihn hours nl I and 3 PM only and ask br Ihn sales department.. Please rotor Io lite number 14-09-41457. THE JU- OICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Ssulh Wacker Drive, 24th FIaar Chicago IL 6060E-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales orporaIion at www.IJsc cem lar a 7 day sIales report el pendinri sales. COOILIS S ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 16301 704' 9876 Allornoy File Na.: 14-09.41407 AROCII 00468000 Allorney Code. 21762 Caso II 09 CH 050646 NOTE: Pursaont Io Ihn Fair DvbI Defendant 10 CI-t 034909 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuent to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in Ihn aboye cause en February 18, 2011, an agent st The Judicial SaIns Corporalion, will at 10:30 AM on Apnl 20. 2011, at the The Judicial Sales Corporlìlisfl. One Soulh Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO. IL, 60606. sell at public cuCino to Ihn highest biddy,. as set lorth below. Ihn I ellowìng duscrrbert real estatn: Commonly known as 5844 CAPULINA AVENUE. MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Property Index No. 1 0-20211-049. The real eslale in improved wilh a single family resIdence. Salo larme 25% dawn et thu hrghesl bid by certtlred funds al the close Pl the auction, The balance, including thu Judicial sale tee ter Abandvned Resldnntial Proporty Municrpalrly ReItet Fund. which Is cal- cabled un residential real estafe at Ihn rate st $1 tor each $1,000 or Iraction thereof of Ihn amount paid by the purchaser nut to oaceed $300. in certified lands, is dun within lwvnty-loar f24) hours. No tue shall be paid by Ihn morlgaqee acquiring the residential real estate purssant to its crudil bid al Ihe sale or by any mortgagee, tudgmenl creditor, or olher honor acquiring the residential real estate whose nghls In and to the residential real eslale arose pnnr lo the sale. The seblect property is cabled lo general real eslale lanes, spncial accessmenlu, er special laves levied againsl said real usIate and is ollered for sale without any represenlation as lo oualily or quantity of tille and withoul recourse Io Plarntill und Irr "AS l5 candilion. The salo rs larIher subjedl to csnlirmaliun by the coud. If the sale is set aside tsr any reason. the Purchaser at thu sale shall bn entitled only to n return nl Pub:3/17, 3124, 3131111 (47929)C the deposit paid The Purchaser shall llave no further recourse against the Mortgagor, Ihn Mnrlgngoe or Ihn Mortgagee's attorney. LIon paymenl in lull el Ihn amounl bid, the purchaser will receive a Certilicate al Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a dead lv Ihn real eslnle alter conlerriatron ol Ike sale Thu properly will NOT bu open 1er inspection and plaintill makes no representalian as to the condilien ol Ihn property. Prespedlivn bidders are ndmsnished to chock the court lilo to verity all information, Il Ihis property is a condominium unit, Ihn purchaser of Ihn unit at the loreclosure sale, olher Iban a mortgagee. shall pay the assessmenls and the legal lees required by The Condominlant Properly Act, 765 ILCS 60519(g)(1) and tg)(4). II thin property is a condominium unit which is part et a common inlercut community. the purclraner el tIre soil nl the foreclosure sale olher Iban n mortgugee shell oav the assessmenls required by The Condominium - Prooerty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5hr-l). IF YOU ARE THE MORIGA0011 II4OMEOWI4ERI, YOU HAVE TI-IO RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1S-17O1(C DF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For intorrnalion, con- tacI PluinlilI's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS E ASSOCIATES .- P.C. , 15W030 NOTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURli RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between Ihn hours of I and 3 PM only and ask 1er Ihe sales deparlrnonl.. Please refer to lila number 14- 10-25149. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Onu South THROUGH CERTIFICAtES STREET, SKOKIE, IL 60076 Property Indes No. 10-15-124-035-0000. The real estate is improved wilh barrie brick Iawnhanse single amity hume with ne oaranu. Sala lerma: 25 1. down st fIre hIghest bid by cnrtilied lands at Ike close aI the auction, The balance, including the Judisial sale lee for Abandoned Residenliat Property Municipality Roliel Fund, which is calculated on residential real esfnle at Ihn rate el $1 lar each $1,000 or fraction Ihoreof st Ihn arsoant paid by the parchaser not to oeceed $300, In certitied fends, Is due within Iwunly-tour (24) hours No lee shall be paid by the mortoagee acquiring the residential real osIate pursuant lo its credit bid at Oho sale or by any mortganue. udgmont creditor, or Olber honor acquiring the residential real ealafo whose rights in nod la the residonlinl teal estate arose prior le thu sale. The subject property is sublect la general real osIate lasos, specml assessmenfs, or specIal tanes laaivd against said real osIate and is offered ter sale without any ropresenlation as to r[ualily or quantity of title and without recourse lo Plaintiff and in AS Is- condition. The sale Is lurlhor subject to coelirmafion by Iho court. Upon payment Irr lull of Ihe amonol bid, Ihn purchaser will receive n Certificate al Sala Ikal will entitle the purchaser to u deed to the real eufalo after conlirmation el Ihn sale The properly will NOT bu open 1er Inspection and plainlilt mabos no reproseolafinn as to the condilion of Ihn property. Prospeclive bidders are admonished Iv check the court file le verity all rnforrealion. II Ihm properly is n condominium voit, the purchaser ol the unit at the lareclonoru sale, other than n rnortgogne,shnll pay Iba assussmunts and Iba legal lees required by The Condominium Properly Act, 765 ILCS 60519(o)(1( and (g))4). II Ibis property Is a coodaminium unit which is part ola common interest commanity, Ihe purchaser of lIre Unit nl the foreclosure salo elher than a mortgagee shall pa the assussmenls required by The Condorninium Property Act. 76 ILCS 655/18510-11. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNERl, YOU HAVE t'NE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 OA'r'S AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN ACCOROANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- Wacker Onne, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 6OEOE-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Soles Corporallon at www.jjsc cornIer a 7 day etolas report of pendinn sales. COOILIS S ASbOCIATES. GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Inlomiation: Visil our wobsile al between the hours ol 3 ned 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, PIniotill's Attorneys, One North Dearborn SIreel Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. ToI 04e. (312) 476-5500. Please reler la NOTE: Pursuant to Ike Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised Ihat Plyintill's nitomey Is deemed Io be a debt collector atlemplirlo Io coIled a debl and nny infermalion obtained will be used 1er Ihnt One South Wacker Orine, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The JudicIal Sales Corparalion at www.lj nc cam for a 7 day status report ot pending sales. PI1SRCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn SIrve) Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Atlomny File No.: FA1027501 Attorney Coda. 91220 Case Il 10 CH 40291 1344525 P.C. t5WO30 NORTH PRONTAGE ROAD. SUITE 100 BURR RIOGE IL 60527 (630) 794-9876 Altomey Filo Ne.: 14-10-25149 AROCII 00468002 Allorney Code. 21762 Case If 10 CH 034909 purpoae 15492Pub: 3/17, 3/24, 3f31/11 (47987)C lite number PA1027901. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Pub: 3)24, 3/31, 417/11 #51198C Judicial Sales-Real Est.' BUFFALO GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT ' CHANCERY DIVISION WELLS FARGO RANK, N.A.; Plalalill, vs HOWARO A. GOULIEB; AIMES WEISS: UNKNOWN OWNERS ANO NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Oeleednnts 10 CH 07679 PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby gIven Ihal purouant lo a Judgment ob Foreclosure enlered In Ihn above eofilled cause on Sepbember 23, 2010, Intercounly Judicial Sales Corporation will ea Tuesday, Apol IO, 2011, al Ihe boor of 1 I am. io their ollice at 120 West Madison Street Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, nell fo Ihe highest bidder for cash, Ihn ¿0110wlnq dnscnhed properly: PIN. 03-08-414-005'OOOO. Commonly knawn an 661 CARRIAGE WAY DRIVE, BUFFALO GROVE, (L 60009. The improyement on the properly cooslole of a single family resi. docce. Il the subject mortgaged real enlate Is a unit el a common mIerest community, the purchnser nl Ihn unit othor than a merlgagee shall pay Ihn nssnssmnnfs required by nubsedtian (g.i( el Seclion 18.5 el the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 25% dawn by cerlitiect lands, balance wilhln 24 heers, by certilied funds Na refunds. The property will NOT he open ber lospeclion. Upon payment Io fell el Ihn amount bid, Ihn purchaser will receive a Cortilicale al Sale which will entitle Ike purchaser lo n Oued fo the premiada alter conlirmalien al Ihn sale. For information: Visil our websile ut hllpJ/ Be. twnnn 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only, Pierce 6 Ausoclales, Plainlill's AlIarneya, 1 North Oearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. TeI,Na. (312) 47e-5500. Refer lo Filo Namber 1004120. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION 5611mo Otlicer, (3121 444-I 1221346988 Pub: 3124, 3/31 , 4/7/1 1 #51258C Judicial Sales-Real Est. vs. LUZ PEPINO NElA LUZ G. PEPINO: UNKNOWN HEIRS ANO LEGATEES OP LUZ PEPINO, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Oefeodunls, 10 CH 01762 PUOLIC NOTICE is hereby given 1h01 oursunot to a Judgment el Fore' Intorcaunly Judicial Salas Corporalion will on Friday, April 29, 201 1 , al FOR THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF NEW CNTURY HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST SERIES 2005-B, ASSET BACKED PASS. Plaintiff, ZfANAS CHTEREV Onlendanl 10 CV 5292 NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER'S SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihat purssnnl to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale enfered in Ihn aboye cause on Oclober 22, 2010, an agent el The Judicial Sales Corporative, Special CommIssioner appointed heroin, will at 10.00 AM on April 18 201 1 , al Iho The Judicial SaIns Corpo- ration, One Soulh Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell et public auction ta Ihn hlghnnt bidder an sel (orth below, fhe follawine described real estate. Commanly known as 5 VILLA VEROS DRIVE 103 Bullala Grove, IL 60009 Property loden Na. 03-07-201- 019.1220 TFrn real estafo is improved with a condominium. The ludOmenI ameunl was $108,796.49 Sale lerms' 10% dawn al Ihe hlghusl hid by certified lends at Ihn close of Ihn aachen; The balance incertilietI lands, is due within Iwenly-four (24) hears. The nabisct property a subject ta general real eslale tanes, special asnesnments, or speciel tanes levied against said real estate nod Is ollered lar sale withoul any represenlatian as to quality or qaanli)y of title and wifhont recearse to Plainlill and in AS IS cnndiliae. The sale is fuSant snbtecl le cantirmatiov by Ihn court. Upan payrnenl in lull al Ike amnunl bid, Ihn purchaser will receive a Cerlilicale of Sale Ikal will entitle the par. chaser la n deed la the real esfolo aller confrrmalioo el Ihn sale The property will NOT be open for inspecliae and plalnlill makes no reptenenlallan us to the condiliun of the properly. Prospncfive bidders are admonished to check the court Irle la verily all lolerrnalioe. If Ihre property is a condominium unit, Ihn purchaser of the unit at Ihe foreclosure aale, olber Ihan n rnortgpgee shall pay Ihn assessmenls and the le- gal leen required by The óondsminrum Property Ad, 765 ILCS 605/9(gj(1) and (gj(4), II this property is a cevoaminlum unit which Is part of n commay inlnrosl community, Ihn parchaser of the uniI al Ihn laroclnsure sale ether Iban n mortgartae shall pay the assossmeols recruirorl by The Condominium ProporSi Act 765 ILCS 605118.5)g-1) IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEÓWNER) YOU HAVE THO RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701)C) OF THE ILLINOl MORTGAGE FORECLO- SURE LAW. For informalion, cavlocl Plainlill's alturney: BURKE COSTANZA & CUPPY LLP , 9191 BROADWAY, MSRRILLVILLE, IN 46410. 1219) 769-1313 FAX e: 215-7e96IIee Please ruler lo lila 05mber 14374.5130. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Orino, 241h Fleer, Chlcaga, IL 60606-4IWo (312) 236-SALE Yoa can also visil The Judicial Sales Corooralien nl wsvw.Ilsccom br a 7 day slates report el peodinrt solas, BURKE COSTANZA S CUPPY LLP 5191 BROADWAY MERR[LLVILLE, IN 46410 (219) 769-1313 AttOrflup File Na,: 14374.5135 Arlatney Coda. Case e i : IO CV 5282 NOTE: Pursuant lo Ihn FaIr OubI Colleclion Praclices Act, you are arIvised Ihal PInlvIiII's allerney Is deumed Io be a debl collector sIt empIlog la collect a debt and any inbarmalion obtained will be used ber that purpose. 1336541 Pub 3/IO, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31/I 1 (44550)C The improvement vn Ihn properly coosinls el a cingle family resi. dence. If Ihesebjecl mortgaged real estale Is a uniI nf a common oler. est community, lee purchaser el Ihn uniI olher Iban a mortgagee shall pay Ihe asseusmenls required by aubseclion (g-1) ob Secono 18.0 nl the Condominium Pmperty Ad. Sale forms: 25% dawo by cerlilisd lends, balocco within 24 heure, by certified lunds, Na relands. The property will NOT be opev for iospedlion. Upon paymeol in fall ob the nmouot bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate el Sale Which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed te the premises aller canlirmulion sI Ihy nate. For rolormation: Vieil our wobsitu nl htlpl/ EsIweno 3 pnv. and 5 p.m only. Pierce S Anuacralne, Plalolill's Allernoya. i North Dearborn SIrnel, Chicago, Illinois 60602 Tel.No. (312) 47k-5500. Refer lo File Number 0936756, INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION SoIling Oflicer, (3121 444-1 122 347373 Pub: 3/24, 3131, 411111 JudicialSales-Real Est. e51295C Júdlclal'SálèReal',Eèt BUFFALO GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT ' CHANCERY DIVISION PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; Plelolill, ye. MICHAL A. PENAR NK/A MICHAELA. PENAR: VILLA VERDE RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF MICHAL A. PENAR IF ANY' UNKNOWN OWNERS ANO NON RECOIbO CLAIMANTS, PfIC N.A., AS SIB/M TO MIDAMERICA BANK, F56; Dnlencbaole, ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME Notice Is hereby given, pursuanl Nolice Ia hereby given, pursuant Io An Act In relation to II-re use to An Ad In releflon to Ihn use of an Assumed Guolnees Nomo of an Assumed Buolnoaa Name in the conduct or transaction of In Ihn conduct or transaclion of Business In the Sbabe, as Busirross in lIra Slete, au amended, that o cnrtibicatiorr amended, that a Cnrllbicallon of an Assumed Busineoe Name of an Asaumed Business Name of an Assumhd Business Name In the conduct or transaclion el In Ihn conduct or transection of In the conduct or transadlion ol Business In Ihn SIaIe, as Business In the Sbate, 00 Bunineoo in, Ihn SInbe, as ' 00 March 9 201 1 . Under Ihn Assumed bame ob FORO CONSULTANTS wilh Ihe husmeen Iscabed al: TO PLACE A HELP WANTED AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS, t'tobice Is hereby given, pursuant 60005, Io An Act in relation Io the use Pub: 3/17,3/24,3/3111 ob an Assumed Business Name In the conduct or trnnaaclion al (491 16(C BusIness In Iho amended, Ihst a wao blind by Ihe undersigned with Ihn County Clerk oI Cook County. File No, 011125497 on March 2), 20)1. Under the As- ChIcago, IL 60635. CALL 847-998-3400 Pub:3/24,3/31 , 4/7/1 1(52099)C March22, 2011. Under Ihn LANDSCAPING WillI Ike business located nf: P.O. Box 5262, Skokle, owner(a) Petar IL 60053. Wieniowskl, 60041. Pub:3/17,3/24.3/31/1 11S00521C ASSUMEO NAME PLACE YOUR AD Ave., 11102, Chicago, IL 60625. ADOPTION CAREE RiE DU CATION AdoptIon; Fun, healthy, financlally-socure couple wIll provide loving home. qualIty educatIon, strong family cotineclions For your baby. AIRLINES ARE I-tIRING TraIn for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. FinancIal aid If qualified Housing available, Lorraine and OanIel 1-666-944HUGS (4647). Expenses PaId, CALL AvIatIon Instltut of MaIntenance 800-481-8312 AUTO DONATIONS OONATE VEHICLE RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPONS, NATIONAL ANIMAL WELFARE FOLINOATION SUPPORT NO lOLL SHELTERS, HELP HOMELESS PETS. FREE TOWING, TAX OEDUCTABLE, NON-RUNNERS ACCEPTED, i -866-912-GIVE BOATS The Boat Dock Wo Buy & Conuigrt Uned Boatsil SprIngfIeld. IL 217-793-7300 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO VOti EARN $800_00 IN A DAY? YOUR OWN LOCAL CANDY ROUTE. 25 MACHINES ANO CANDY. ALL FOR $9995.00 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 877-915-8222 Colman's Country Campers We Buy & ConsIgn Used Campera and RV's Springliold, IL 217-793-7300 The Improvemenl on Ihn properle conslete of a candaininluol revi' dunce. The purchaser of (he uni) olher Ihan a morteajlea shall 55v Ihn assessments and the leant tees requIred by nuSilivisienu (gj(I) and (gl(4( of Seclion 9 el Ihetondomlnlum Prooerte Ad. Salo loims' 25% down by cerliliod lends, balance wilbln 54 hours, by cenilied fundo, No tefnods, The property will NOT be open fer lnupsclion Upan pnymenl in full of the amounl bld, Ihe ourchaser will receive a Cnrtrlrcale ol Sale whIch will enhIle Ihn palcfrasor la a Deed In Ills EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMAt Graduate In 4 Weekst FREE Brochure, CALL NOWI 1-866-562-3650 ext 23 www EMPLOYMENT Inc.S00 Co CPAY (wwwcpay,com) is now hIrIng Sales Partners In IllInoIs area. Commlnsionn paId daily, plus bonuses and residual income, Sell Visa and MasterCard servIces lo busInesses, Proven and accomplished company wIth career opportunItIes. Email your resume to IbJobs©cpay.coni or call 1-800-388-5077 -w Bonuses. Hiring Over The Road Drivers. Van, Flatbed. Openings. Call Refrgarated RoelnI I-888-867-6345 A.A/EOE. Drivers Company Drivers & O/Os Needed Down/Lease No Money Purchase ConsIstant Home Time Very Specific Lenes Bay & Bay CatI 888-482-3554 Team Drivera or Solo Willing to Team Now Sign on Bonus 140-146k Annually COL-AIX Endorsement Required New Truck-I-tome Time, Benetits 600-232-9243 Driver - Recesnlon proof refrigerated freIght. Plenty of miles, Need refresher? Free tuition at FFE. $1000 Sign-on. Pet & RIder policy. CO A 010's 8-289-2217 COMPANY TEAM DRIVERS; $4000 SIgn-On Bonus. Earn 51,3 per mlle.COL-A Hazmat 2 $750 FLATBED. GUARANTEED 1sI 2 P/WK Wks. Employed! i Yr. 0TR & Class A CDL HELP WANTED DRIVERS OWNER OPERATORS WANTED MIdwest RegIonal 64% of Revenue or up to 1.10 por Mlle Fuel Surcharge Paid all Mibea 100% Owner Operator Frontier Transport 600-991-6227 Driver STRONG Freight EXPRESS REGIONAL or lanes F/T or PIT LOCAL Excellent Reqd. 888.476.4578 CompensatIon. www, lcc.chletind,com or kNan: to plaCe your ad n more than 3O newspapers ' STATEW(DE' Cal) Illinois Press AdvCrtiSing SorvjCe 47)1.5500. Roter lo Filo Number 1017762. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Sulline 011icer, (3121444-11221347303 Pub; 5/34, 3)31, 4/1111 #51275C the Superintendent or her desrgnated reprenentalive at the Ola- March 24, 2011. Under Ike Assumed Name of Iraclorn worhing on public works. Q REALTY wilh the business locabed ab: S&N TILES AND FLOORING the Board of Education, CONSTRUCTION Bidding documents may be ob- The Enclosed bld form must be al 8741 W. Summerdele Ave., rained al the mandatory Pm-Bid used in submitting bld. Length Chicago, IL 6065E, The true 135 Park Ave., Barringbon, IL name(s) end residence address 60010, The trun name(s) and 01 the owner(s) Nermin Sisic, Meeting. A non-refundable $35.00 o, lime bid firm: 90 days check made payable lo Asbeslas The Board of Education reInspeclion and Management Inc. Is serves the right to reject eny or required ber one (1) set nf biddIng residence address of 8741 W, Summerdale Ave., Chithe documents. Addilional documents all bids or to accept or reject owner(s) is: Jennie Zartes & cago, IL 60656. may he obtained 1er u non- any portion ob a bld, and to Daniel John Slania, 870 June Pub: 3/17,3/24,3/31/11 Terrace 11230, Lake Zurich, IL 149949)C AS$SJMED NAME PERFECT APARTMENT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. Driver - CDL A $500 SIgn-On Bonusi Plus top pay with high miles. And brand equIpment. Flatbed new never looked so goodl COL-A, TWIC Card and Good DrivIng Record 866-863-4117 MEDICAL CARE Trouble Getting Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stalrlifts can help If you Call Howl. Discounts available on your new Acorn Stairlilt. Please mention 877-89G-8396 this ad. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE to An Ad Iti relalion to Ihe uoe delernrvned by (he Illinois 0eof an Assumed Business Nomo parlment of Labor for Cook in Ike conduct or transaction of County will be paid fo all workBusiness in Ihe Sfale, au em and employees employed amended, 1h51 O certification and working on the prolect, was Irlad by Iba undersigned Any bid or proposal submilled wilh the County Clerk 01 Cook unsealed, unsigned, fas traneCounly. Erle No, 011125524 on missions or received subeoMarch 23, 2011, Under Ike As- qunnt lo Ihn aforementioned named Name of TFB Advisors wilh Ihn business located at: 219 Maacham Ava,, Park Ridge, IL 60060. The true name(e) and residence address WANT TO BUY UP to $250,000 Paid for Vintage Guitars and Amps CASH TODAY FOR your guitars. banjos, mandolins and ampliFIers. No one pays more than we do, f4o one makes It easier for you. One piece of whole collection. Will travel to anywhere In US. BBB accredited Call Joe G 414-241-7225 2172411700 orIentatIon DAILY or WEENLY payl COL-A, 3 months current OTR experIence 800-414-9569 data and Irme will be disqualified and rebumed Io Ihn bidder, The Village ob Shokie tesamos Ihn oghl Io rejecI any and all bide or parts Ihereot, fo waive any rrreg. aluches or informalities in bici01 Iha owner(s) is: Thomas P. ding procedures and lo award Crivellone.219 Meacham Ave,, Ihn confradb in a manner best Park Ridge, IL 60068, serving fha interest of lOre Vil. waive any or all inlormalities in connedtìon wilh the bids. Supplies and equipment will gonerally be selected on a bssls of quality of materials, finish, and suilabilily for the purpose. The selections will be made on line Items or their approved equal, In a manner that appears lo reprosent the best value for Ihre monev eapenciod. croate a binding contract consisting o? thIs Invitation to will Bid, Specifications attached ihn Bid, and documents accepting the bid. The contractor cerlities thaI the contractor is not barred from contracting with the Board of Education as a result at a violalion of 720 ILCS Sections 33E-3 or 33-4. The conbrsctor further agrees to bully comply wilh all ternis and condilìons set forth in the Board's Purchasing Rules and Regulations made a part at this spocibro procurement or conlracl, all of the foregoing being lncsrporaled herein by reference, The Bidder shall also comply wrlh all Slate and Federal regulalions applicable Io conIracis with Ihe School Orslrict, including but not limited to, pro-1 veiling wage, equal opportunity. and Illinois laborer preterence Pub:3/31/1 1 (55703)C March 9, 2011, Under the Assumed Name of TI CONSTRUCTION at 4641 N. Opal Ava., Norndge, IL 60706. The true name(s) and residence address 01 the owner(s) Tomaez lwnnioc, 4841 N. Opal Ave,, Norcdga, IL 60706, Pub'3/24 313) 4)7111 50727 C , PUBLIC LIEN ThaI on 41251201 1 , a sale will be held at 3:00 p.m. at: Oualrly Aula Repairs 5958 W, Mactrace SUBSCRIBE BID NOTICE of Education of Ridgewood High School Districl 234 in receiving bids for Asbestos Abatemenl-Inlenor. Bid packets may be picked up at Ridgewood High School's Buoi- nass Oltrce on or aller Apnl 4, A mandatory pre.bld TO DAY CALL shall be sutimitlad Io Ms. Cheryl P1mm, Business Msnager, Ridgnwood High School Dislncl 234, 7500 W. Montrose Aye., Horridge, IL 60706 by 10,00 a m, on Apol B, 2011. Sincerely, Cheryl FIjen School Business Manager Pub: 3/24/1 I ) 04846) C peoded upon or slerage tumlshed bar such articles al Ihe request el tire lollowing designated person(s), unless such articles are redeemed,wilhin thirty 130) days al the publicaIran cl Ibis colmo, NAME 0F PERSON(S) Henryka Mrchalska Wnchvyra Dealer Services DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE 2007 Hyundai Elanlra KMHOU46D37UO 16014 201 1 , moebirig will be held on Monday, April 4, 2011, 3:30 p.m. al Ridgewood High School. Bids Chlcago,IL 60634 All bids ro be in wntrng. to sell the following articles la enlome a lien enruling under Iba laws of Ihe Stale et Illinois against such articles fer lober, services, skills or material ev- Bld Notice The Board Pub' 3-31 -1 1 155641 t C AMOUNTS7002,15 Pub: 3/17, 3/24, 3/31/11 148140) 1.800.680.2068 OR VISIT Pub: 3/31/1 1 (50947) FIND MORE PIONEERIOCAL.COM _ The lilinoIn Classified AdvertIsing felwork (ICAN( provides Pioneer Press and The Ooingn wllh advertising of a national appeal, To advertise In thIs seclion, please call ICAN direclly al (217) 241-1700, Both PIoneer Press andThe Doings recommend dlscrelloli when respondIng. Please rolar questions and comments directly IoICAN, 1-- The undersigned contractor hereby understands and agrees Ihat acceplance by the Board of Education of the contractor's bici by Issuance of a purchase order or other document advising the contractor of acceplance Pub:3/31, 4/7, 4/14/11l55780)C lago requirements. ASSUMED NAME Skokie Village Hall rs a bully ad- Nomrige School Diotcel 80 Nolice rs hereby given, pumuant cessible building. Persons re- 8151 W. Lawrence Avenue to An Act in relalion Io Ike use quicng sesislance should con- Norridge, Illinois 60706 of an Assumed Business Name had the Purchasing 011ice al Telephone Number-,708-583in Ike conduct or transaction of 847-933-8240 or T'I'Y 673-9330 2068 Submitted by; Business In Ihn Stale, as Michael Aleksic amended, that a cerlilicabion Purchasing Agent Susan Haddick, Edo, was hInd by Iba undersigned Villsge ob Skokie Supennlendenl wIth Ihe County Clerk of Cook County. File No. 011125345 on rl relundable cost of $35.00. Skokie School Oislncl 73-1/2 8000 East Prairie Rond ShoNe IL 6007e Nolice is hereby given. pursuant Pab'313t)t I (542561G to An Act 'en relallon lo lIne use of art ,kssumnd Business Name In Ike conduct or transaction 01 Village of ShaMe Business in Ike Slale, ao NotIce to Bidders amended, thaI a cerlibicalion The Village ol Skokie Is now ac was filed by Ihn undersigned cepting sealed BIOS for with Ihe County Clerk of Cook Waler Slandplpe and Reservoir County, File No. 0)1125523 on Repainbing March 23, 2011, Under the As- Notice is hereby given that Ihe sumed Name of Village of ScoNe will receive TERMINALGR at 5127 Oakion Sfreet, al 9329 S. 77th CT,. Hickory BIOS Skokia, Illinois 60077 Allenlion; Hills, IL 60457 .,. The true Michael Aleksic, Purchasing name(s) and residence address Agent until 11:00 am, loca) lime of the owner(s) is: Grzegorz on Thursday, Apnl 14, 2011. Racinlawski, 9329 S, 77th CT., Bidders will be required Io certiHickory Hills, IL 60457. by Ihut for all work lo be perPub:3131.417,4/14111 $55909 W lonried pursuant to the Contract ASSUMED NAME Documents, ut least the prevailNotice In hereby given, pursuant Ing rule of wages as found and premIses alter conlirmalian of Ihe aale. For Inlormnlron: Visit per webailo nl hltp'J/ Ee tw000 3 am, and 5 p.m. only, Pierco S Asoocinlos, Plalolill's AlIarneve, I Narth Deatborn Sfreer, Chicano, Illinois 60602. Tel Na (312) and read aloud al the time by renco Aeanue, Norridge, Il)inoin. was filed by Ihe undersigned County. File No, 011125260 on lofonoalilias. wilh the County Clerk ob Cook March 4, 2011. Under the As- All bidders musI comply with appli' These items are in accordance cable Illinois law requrnng Ihe pay- wrlh specifications provided by County. File No, 01)125540 on sumed Name of ment ob prevailing wages by all con- years OTR, 1-677-628-3748; www.OriveNCTraire corvr DON'T MISS A PAYCHECKI III 10:00 n.m. local time on Apel 22, 201 I , and opened In public Ihn right to waive any or all Bldx or led #180 Adminietmllve Board parts Ihoreol. or any irregulanlies or Room localed at 8151 W. taW- ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK $1000-$1250-$1500 SIgn On time. os was filed by Ihe undersigned Buoineso in the Slnta, omnnded, Ihal a certification wrlh the County ClerIc ob Cook 847-.998-3400 TO Pub;3/24,3131,4/'llll #53066 C Date issued: Apnl I, 2011 Opening Dale: April 22, 2011 Pre-Bid Meeting: April 14, 2011 A mandatory Pre'Ord meeting will 10:00 n.m. be held on Monduy, April 18, 2011, Bids must be addressed es nl 8:00 n.m., prevsilinrt lime, nl Midfollows: dlelon Elementary School. Or. Susan Haddick, Bids shall be submilled in an opeSupennlendent que sealed envelope addressed la: Ms. Cyndi Cohen, Nornidge School Olslricl 80 Business Maonger 8151 W. Lawrence Avenue Skakie School Distad 73-1/2 Norriciga, IL 60705 6000 East Freine Road Sealed bida will be received unSkokie, IL 60076 and will be publicly opened at that Pub:3/31, 4/7. 4/14/l1(53910lC Notice Is hereby given, pursuant ASSUMED NAME lo An Act in relation Io the use Bld sncnnty In the farm sI a bld Nollcn rs hereby given, pursuant of an Assumed Business Name bond, certified or cashier's check In Io An Act In relation lo the use in the conduct or Iransaclion of un amount equal to 10 percent of of an Assumed Business Name Business in the Slate, as Iba base bid amount shall be subwilh fha bid. in Iho conduct or bransacliorn of amended, that a cerbificalion milled The Board of Educalion reserves FIND YO VR Woodhouon, 2642 W. Foobnr sumed Name of Red Seal DesIgn at 3210 N. Nrlboum, #12, Chicago, IL 60641. The 1mo name(s) 6928 Harms Rd. Morton Grove SAY IT IN THE (LASSIFIEDS, CALL March 9, 20)1. Under Iba As. scheduled lime ob receipt ob bIds IL and residence address of the 00076. The ' true name(s) and owner(s) Jennifer Strazo, 3210 reoldence addrosv ob the N, Krlbourn, 1112, Chicago, IL 60047. Pub:3/31, 4/7, 4/14/11(54087)C sumad Name of CreatIve Forum ConsultIng nl 2042 W. Posler Ave,, 11102, Education, kokie School 01510cl bids In conformance with the re73IhSkokle, lilinsis, fer the lollowing quirements established by Ihn bld packugn: specification Asbestos Absbemenb Work ut; afluched: Invileflon to Bld: DAY Mrddlnlao Elementary School 8300 N, SI. Louis CUSTODIAL,BUILDING, Skoklo, IL 00076 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Lump sam bld proposals will be reSERVICES Courtly. File No. 011125516 on Counly. File No. Dl I 125305 on ceived for Ihese projects nl the Assumed Name of OLD CARRIAGE Stala, as certification 1730 N. Nagte Ave., ChIcago, IL Chicago, IL 60625. The brun 60635. The Irue name(s) and resi- name(s) and residence address denco address nf Ihe owner(s) En. al Ihn owner(s) Is; Kenneih M. gone Ford, 1730 N. Nagle Ave., Inlorcoanly Judicial Salee Corporalion wIll on Tuesday, April 213, 201 I, loe describou oraparty: PIN. 03-07-2)11-019-1157. Commonly known as 3 VILLA VERDE DRIVE, UNIT 30?, I3UFFALO GRV, IL 60089, Norrldge School DIstrIct #80 InvItatIon to Bld to An Ad in relation to the use to An Ad in relation to the use lo An Act In relation to Ihn use day, ApnI 26 2011 Sy the Board of Bidders are invited lo submit ASSUMED NAME (47528) What ScolI 0000.,. Servicea wiIfI Ihn busitross Iocntnd nl: ASSUMED NAME I i703 S, 011endori Rd., Notice Is hereby given pursuant Io ),Slreamwood, IL 60107. The brun An Act In relalien Io l(re see el on ji 'name(s) and resIdence address Assumed BusIness Name In Iba ol Ihn owner(s) Is: Lisa & Scott conducl or transndlion ob Business Ihe Stale, as Omended, Ihal a ',O.Gagnon,703 S. 011endorl Rd., In enrtillcallan was Irlod by Ihe endet'ii 'Slrnamwood, IL 00107 signed with Ihe County Clerk ob ìPub:3/3l. 4/7, 4/l4/11(55200)C Cook Ceanty. File Na. 011125349 29 Bid Notice Bld Notice Assumed Name ASSUMED NAME Sealed bids will be received until 'ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME NotIce is hereby given, pursuant Nobice Is hereby given, pursuant Notice la hereby given, pursuant 10:00 am., orevallinit time on Tues- Courtly. File No. 011125481 on County. File No. 011124851 orI County, File No. 01)125447 on March 18, 2011. Under the March 2, 2011. Under the As- March 17, 2011. Under Iba AuAssumed Name of sumed Nome of sumed Name of T&fl PROOUCTONS Escapi Music Group HAM EX wiIh Ihe business localed nl; at 5721 W. Ainslie, ChIcago, IL at 1909 Sonoca Ln., MI. Pros7671 W. Norwood, ChIcago, IL 60630. The true came(s) end pod, IL 60056, The brue 60631. The Irrte name(s) and residence address of fha name(s) and residence nddreen reeldnncn address ob Ihn owner(s) Rick WartelI, 5721 W. of the ownor(u( Is: Jules Laude, owner(s) Thomas Kozyra, 7671 Amalle, Chicaqo, IL 00630. 1909 Seneca Ln,, MI. Prospocl, W. Norwood, Chicago, IL Pub:3117, 3/24, 3/31/11 (49101) IL 00056, Roberto Toinmanbes, 60531. ASSUMED NAME 803 Elmdala Rd., Glenviow, IL Pub:3(31. 4/7, 4/14/I l(54561)C Nolise Is hereby given, pursuant E0025. ASSUMED NAME fo An Act In relalion lo the can Pub:3/31.4/7A/14111 1155935 C Nobico is hereby given, pursuanl of an Assumed Business Name ASSUMED NAME Io An Ad In relation to the une in the conduct or Irnnsaclion ol Nobice Is hereby given, pursuanb of an Assumod lOusiness Name Buolneso in the Slale, no Io An Ad in relnbion Io Ike use in Ihn coriducl or trenaeclion ob amended, lIraI a certificallon ob nn Asnsmed Business Name BusIness In the Stnte, as wao tiled by the undersigned In Ihn conduct or Iranenclion of amended, Ihat a cerlificalion wilh the County Clerk al Cook Buoinesn In the Slate, no was tiled by Ihn undersigned County, File No. Dl 1 124852 on amended, lhnl n certrlrcalion CAMPERS/RVS nl Ihn hour el I I am. in Ihuir office at 120 Wool Madison Sliest, Ssila 718A, ChIcago, Illinals, soll to Ihe hlghesl bidder lar cusir, Ihn 10115w' Assumed Name amended, that a cerlificalion amended, that a certificalion amended, that a cerlificabion was lilod by Ihe undersigned was tiled by the undersigned was. hInd by the undersigned was hInd by the undersIgned was librI by the undersigned will, lIre Counly Clerk of Cook wilh Ihe County Clerk ob Cook wilh Ihn Counly Clerk al Cook with Iba Counby Clerk ob Cook with the County Clerk of Cook 10 CH 33167 PUBLIC NOTICE le hereby given Ihal pursuant Io e Judgment al Fare closure nolered in Ihn above entitled cause an January 24, 2011, Assumed Name N0IICO le hereby given, pursuarn Judicial Sales-Real Est SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT ' CHANCERY DIVISION FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY Flalntill, Assumed Name with Ihn County Clerk ol Cook March 2, 2011. Undar the As- was biled by Ihn undersigned County. Filo No. 011125254 on earned Name al Willi the County Clerk of Cook March 2, 2011. Under Ike As- Cool Men Services County. Erle His, 011125054 on ,to An Act Ir) pelalion lo lOto use aumnd Name ob al 5620 S. New England, ChicaMarch 2, 2011. Under the As, ob an Assumed Buairinun Nome Crossfown Masonry go, IL. 60635. The true name(s) sumedName of , in Ihn conduct or lranaacl)On ob at 8603 N. Oleander, Hiles, IL and residence address al Ihe Home Renovation r 'Guainoss In Ihe Sbale, no 60714. The true flame(s) and owner(s) Robed Nawara, 5820 nl 2226 5, Goebberl Rd., ApI j' 1ameodud, that a cerlilicabion residence address ol the S. New England, ChIcago, IL, 169, Arlington HIs, IL 00005. -, 1was riled by Iba undersigned owner(s) Larry J. Smilh Jr., 60638. The true name(s) and residence with Ihn Counly Clerk of Cook 7210 W. Ibsen SI., Chicago, IL Pub; 3/17,3/24,3/3)11 address of the owner(s) Morek CounIy. Pile No. 011125439 on 1491 301G M. Sfokiooa, 2226 S. Goebbert iMarch 17, 2011. Under lIne Au- 60631. Pub: 3/17, 3124, 3/31/11 ASSUMED NAME Rd., Apt 169, Arlinglon HIa, IL - sumerI Hamo of : .. Commonly known as 4624 DEMPSTER STREET, SKOI<IE, IL 6007E ASIF SALEEM, el al Oelvndanl ruhen, One South Wacker Or)vo . 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public anchen to Ihn highest bidder, as sol lorth below, Iba loIlowinn described real estale:Cornmonly known as 4718 CHURCH Assumed Name Judicial Sales-Real Est. the hoer el Il am. in their office al 120 West MadIson Street, Seile 718A, Chica o, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder br cash, lIre followInn duscnbe pr000rly: PiN. 10-15-326.535.0000. BUFFALO GROVE IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT 01° ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE tian, will at 10:30 AM err May O 201 1 , at the The Judicial Sales Corpo- CEASSIFIEDS devrned ro be a debt cylInder nllempling In collect a debl and any Inlormafion obtained will be used 1er Ihal parpsso 1341078 SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION ONEWEST BANK, F50 Plaintilt, 10 CH 40291 847-998-3400 closure entered in Iba above erifilled canse on May 25, 2010, 651194C NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant Io n Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale colored iv the abane cause on February 4, 201 1. an agonI of The Judicial Sales Corpora. PET IN THE Cvllvclian Practices Act, you are advised tIraI Flainlill's ntlnmny is Ì'RAN NGUYEN NElA IRAN V NGUYEN, et at . PERFECT CALL BUFFALO GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION suant lo n Judgmonl of Foreclosure and Sale entered In Ihe above cavad on January 26, 2011, an nqunt of The Jadicial Sales Cogiera- lien, will at 10.30 AM on May 3, 201 1, at the The Judicial Sales Corpo- GARAGE Judicial Sales-Real Est. ESE FKA WORLD SAVINGS BANK, FSB Plnintitt, NOTICE DF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that purnennt te n Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered In Ihn above cause en Fehrsaiy 1, 2011, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corpora- Adoption Assumed Name Auction- Real Estate Bld Notice DIvorce Foreclosures Foundation NotIces Judicial Sales Mechanics Liens Name Change Probate Public Hearings Public Notices Storage - Legal Take Notices YOUR SALE AD, Judicial Sales-Real Est. FIND YOUR - APARTMENT Pistol il I, MORTON GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, NA SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS TO PLACE PERFECT CLASSIFIEDS, CALL IT? CALL Pioneer Press (DC) ThurSday, March 31 , 2011 Thursday, March 31 , 201 't SUaSCRItI 10Db? (AU I,tog,680.2068 OR VIStO P(O8FRLOCALCOM LOCAL JOBS AT PIONEERLOCALCOM,ONSTER Thursday, March 31, 2011 C C' 2 30 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, March 31, 2011 Probate Probate COOK COUNTY CHANGE OF NAME FORM State of «linols STATE OF ILLINOIS IN ThE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION In fha mallarot Ihn eofafo of Ellen E. Mirr Deceased Case No 11 P 916 PUBLICATION NOTICE Nofica io hereby given of the LOCAL CANDIDATES Prospect, IL. Letters at office CALL 847-998-3400 TO to Thomas A. Reed, 514 W. 847-998-3400 PLACE YOUR AD In The Cfrcu3t Court For Cook County, ilinois In The MaUer ot the Petitton of Jessica Marte Wohigernuth For Change of Name Case4 2011 MS 001019 NaUta of Publication In the matter of the enlate 01 Magdalene C. Clesen Deceased CaseNoll P 1222 PUBLICATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given of the death of Magdalene C. Clesen Public Notice is hereby given of Arlington t-ils IL. Letters of thai on May 19, 2011, being office were issued on March 24 Cook. t were issued on March 17, 2011 Kingsley Road, Arlington HIs., wilt the my pethon n whose alforney is Cary A. Lind IL 60005, whose altorney sad court praying for the 121 S. Wilke Rd. Suite 407, Ar. change of my name from Jessi- lingfon l101phts IL. 60005, 647- 60005, 847-577-0030. Claims against the estala may be tiled in fha otlice of fha Clark of the Circuit Court in Room 1202, Richard J. Daley Center, Chicago, Illinois 60502, or with the reprasavlative, or bolh, on or balore October 1, 2011, which dale is not less than 6 which date lu not tesa than 6 months from the date of lhe first months troni Ihn date of the first publication of this notice and publication ot this notice and period is barred, Copies of any period Is barred. Copies of soy claim filed with the Clerk must claim filed with the Clark must be mailed or delivered to the be mailed or dalivered lo the representative and to the atlor- represanlafive and fo the altor- TODAY fey within 10 days after it is filed. IslMagdalene C. CIasen (Representative) /5/ Cary A. Lind (Altomey) Pub:3131 417,411 4(11 f154777 nay within 10 days utter it is filed. /u/ThomaaA. Raed (Reprenant ative) /5/ Cary A. Lind (Attorney) Pub:3/31 4F? 4/14/11 #3880 Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE CF PUBLIC HEARING ON CALL DON'T NEED TI-lE NORW000 PARK TOWNSHIP STREET L1GHTING OISTRICT TENTATIVE BUDGET AND APPRORIATION ORDINANCE NOTICE is hereby given Ihal Ihn IT? i .800.680.2068 SELL IT FAST. OR VISIT PIONEERIOCAL.COM Budget and Apptapnatisn Ordinances tor the NORW000 PARK TOWNSHIP LIGHTING DISTRICT lv the County of Cook and Slate al Illinois, lar the tiscal year bngivnrng 847-998-3400 Bld Notice Rid Notice SiTE IMPROVEMENTS AT TWO SCHOOLS CARPENTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 350 North Hamlin Avenue Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 FRANKLIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2401 Msnar Lana Park Ridge, luisais 60068 Far PAHl< RIDGE/NILES SCHOOL DISTRICT 64 164 Sautli Prospect Avenue Park Ridge, Illinain 60068 Sealed bids far the abave named csnst,uction pralect will be received by the Owner at thu business altice of Park RidgelNilvs Schaal DisbicI 64 at 164 South Praspect, Park Ridge, IllinoIs, until 10:00 ein. tacat time, 21 April 201 1 at whIch lime they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The sealnd bid must be submitted in duplicate on the form provided, Protect Name, Date and Time of Bid cleaily marked on the outside et Ihn envelope la prevent premature opening. Bid tormo can by downlaaded from our website ut www.greenas500íates.cem. Bids will be received tor a single psme cantiact. In general the Pro(ect Work consists at earthwork, paving, concrete, underground deteslian, site utilities, toundatian walerpraoring, plumbing, site lighting fencing, railings, and landscaping st the referenced buildings as idunli(ied here- D?awings and Project Manual may be examined at the offices of the Owner and Architect. Documents are also en file at: McGraw-Hill Constructioni00056 www,casstrriclion.cetn Northern Illinois Building Contractors Association 1 1 1 1 South Alpine Road Suite 202 Rocklani, Illinois 61108 Reed Construction Data Contractors Association at Will & Grundy Counties 233 North Springfield Avenue Jolief, lImais 60435 Bid Documents are available, in digital POE formal anly, at Ihn Architect's,websile Addenda will be made available in digital formal, fo plan holders el record. I. Bid Security is required In the loirs e? a Bld Bond, AIA Document A310 In an amount equal lo nul lass than ten percent flO%) et the Base Bid and all Additive Alternates. The successful bidder will be required ta furnish a Purformance Band and a Payment Bond, in the amuant at one hundred psrcenl (100%) at the contract sum, on AIA Document A312. as lssuud by the American Institute of Architects. The Owner will noI issue the Noticu ta Proceed until these bonda are providud and all other insurance re qulrements have been met. All Contracts tsr the Cosotructien et Public Works are subject lo the Illinois PrevaillngWage Act (820 ILCS 13011-121. The Contract lo sub. (oct lo the Park Ridge School Distnct 64 Projeci Labor Agreement. Contractera are encouraged la visit the sitns and familianze themselves with the conditions. However no access ansite lo permitted be- lweeo 8:00am and 4:00pm on school days. Fallate la abide by this schudule may result in rejection of bid. Access into the buildings Is available an April 11th at 4:00 ut the main entrance. Additional visits inside the facilities can only be arranged by conlacting Ihn office of Mr. Scatt Machull Director of Facility Management, 847-318-4300. lt Is the Owners Intent lo Issue a Natica et Award to the successful Bidder within thirty (30) calendar days of the Bld Dale. No bid ohall be withdrawn tar a pasad of siaty (60) calendar days aller thu opuning ut 'nv bid submitted unsealed. or unsigned, without bid band er recalved subsequent to the aforementioned dale and hour will be disoualilled end relsmed to the bidder. Olrecl Inquiries lo: Asdrew Jose GreenAssociales, Inc. I 1 I Deerlake Road Suite 135 Deerfield, Illinois 60015 EASE IN THE IN CHICAGOLAND WITFI MONSTER, CLASSIFIEDS. CALL Public Notices Public Notices ANNUAL TOWN MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ta the registered vateru, residvuls et Ihn Town al Norwood Park. In Ihn Caunly of Cook In Ike Stata ut Illinois, that tIre ANNUAL TOWN MEETING al saId 1'own will take olaca on TUESDAY APRIL 12, 2011 Being Ike secsnd tUESDAY of said month At Ihn haut of 6:30 p.m. al 7833 West Lawrence Avenue, Nurodgu, Illinois for the travsacllon sI thu miscellaneous business of the said Town and altar a Madurator having been elvclvd, will proceed to hoar aed conoldet repaSs of ollicvrs, and decIde un surIr measurvs as may, in puissance of law or ugenda, canin bvtore the mveliug. The agenda el said meeting shall include Ihn following: 1. Reading of Minutes of Ihn 2010 Annual Town Muvling 2 Reading Ihn Supervisar's Report and Financial Slaluments and 3. Covolderalion of Ileselulians regarding: a Aulkonuing oapvnditares for svnisr ciliren services b. Aulhanving the Board to dispose, pursuant ta law, of surplus prupurly of Ike Tows and/or Highway Commissioner; and C. Ratifying Ihn pnor public actions of Ike Town Board Approving Ihn au/il al ha Town Funds Authorizing the presvtvatlun al TownshIp Guvvrnmnnt t. Aullionzing no increase in the tao rate fur ttte vanous funds of lIra town il. Establisfrinn Ihn next meeting date. DATED. March31, 2011 HOCCO SECCO TOWN CLERK Pub: 3/31/1 1f51515)C THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 11-3-P-3826 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8103 FLORAL AVENUE, 51(010E, ILLINOIS FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES WHEREAS, Iollowingdaacribed real estate: LOT 4 IN THE SUBDIVISION LOT 3f IN BLAMEUSER'S SUB- DIVISION OF THE SOUTH 105 ACRES OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13. EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN Avenue, Narndga luisais tram und alter 10:00 o'clacf AM., Thursday, March31 2011 NOTICE Is lurtlier given that a public heanng on said Budgst and Ap- COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS PIN: 10-21-40g-012-0000 commonly known as 8103 Floral Avenue, Skokie. Illinois (fieroinaflor Sub(ect Property'), lu located within the Village of Skokie and within lIre Downfown TIF District 90-1, a Tao IricremenI Financing Allocation District of the Village of Skokin; and WHEREAS, the Village of Skokin Is desirous of purchasing the Subject Properly in Ihe amount of $220,000, fo be ulilized for a public purpose; arid propflalion Ordinance will be held al 1:eOaclock P.M., Tussday Mayl 3, 2011 at the oltices ut Spina, McCabe and OlmI, P.0 , 7610 Wast North Avenue. Elmwood Patti tIll- nais and that FInal acUsa wi(l be taken immediately tallawing Ihn haanng by Ihn Baard at Trustees. Dalvd this thirty first day et March. 2011 By: /sillenriette Rocks, Tows Clerk Pub 3/31/1 tl52620IC LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE NORW000 PARK TOWNSHIP STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT TENTATIVE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE NOTICE Is hereby given that the Public Hearing as lila Tan Levy Ordlaasce for the Noiwood Park Township Slreel Lighlisg Dislricl General Fund, fiscal year beqinning June 1, 2011 and ending May 31 2012, will be held a Ike offices al Spina, McGuire and Okat P.C., 7610 W North Ananan, Elmwood, Path, Illinois, The hearinq will ha held al 1:15 o'clock PM on Tuesday, May 3, 2g11. Final action on said Tas Levy Ordinance will be tabeo immediately following the public hearing by Board et Trustees. Cihzans allanding Ihn Hearing hava the right lo provide wnttan and /er oral comments and te ask guaohans concemlrrg Ihn tantative Tau Levy Ordinance. NOTICE is further givan thaI said Tentativa Tau Levy Ordinance will be on file and conveniently ava/abIn for public Inspucliaa at thu Nat- wood Parli Township Town Hall, 7833 Wast Lawrence Avenue, Horn/ga. Illinois, Irom and altar 10:00 o'clock AM., on Thursday March 31, 2011 The Tentative Tas Levy al all lands lar said fiscal year Is $15,646.00 Dated this thitly lirot day of March, 2011 Lois Pallo Trustee Hvnnalta hocks, Trustee Angela Sckalanl, Truslso Pub: 3/31/I l(526291C FIND THE PERFECT . HOME AT ajose@qreenasaoclatOS.cOm 847-alT-0852 847-317-0899 FacsimIle Pub: 3/31/Il (54601)C APARTMENT WITH June 1, 2011 and ending May 31, 2012, Will be on display rar inspeclion al the Norwaod Path Township Town Hall, 7833 Wast Lawrevca CALL RENT YOUR lo any claim not tiled within that any claim vol tiled within that SUBSCRIBE MORE QUALIFIED Cary A. Lind, 121 S. Wilke Rd. Suite 407, Arlinglori Heights, IL ca Marie Wohigemuth to that of 577-0030. - Jossika Marie-l(ateri Claims against the esfole may Wohigemuth, pursuant to the be filed in the office of the Clerk statuto in such case made and of the Circuit Court in Room provided. 1202 Richard J. Daley Center, Dated et Rolling Meadows, liii- Chicago, Illinois 60602, or with nols, March 24, 2011 the representative, or both, on Signature of Petitioner Jessica or before Ocfober 1, 2011, Wohlgemuth Pub:3/31,4/7,4/14/11 #55520 C REACH OUT TO death ot Ellen E. Min of Mt. one of the return days n the 201 1 fo Robert Clesen, 621 Chcuit Court of the County of Krenz Avenue Cary, IL 60013, 31 Storage - Legal - Public Notices Name Change County o Cook Pioneer Press (DC) SEARthCHICAGOE(OM4JOMES WHEREAS, fha purchaae p/ce will be paid Irom funds out of the Downtown Tax Incrersonl Financing Districl 90-1; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel and Village Manager roc ommonded fha following to Ihn Mayor arid Board ol Trustees: (i)lhaI the Village be authorized Io acquire title lo and own Iba Subtecl Property commonly known as 8103 Floral Avenue, Skokie, Illinoiu, Io be utilized lora public purpose; (ii)Ifial the Heal Estate Contract attached forofo and marked Eahibil "1rn, tor fha purchase of 8103 Floral Avenue, Skokie, lIlifois, be approved substantially in fha lorm attached, subject Io changes approved by the Village Manager, or designee, and the Corporation Counsel of Ihe Village ut Skokia; (iii)thaf the Village Manager be authorized to execute the Real on behalf of the Village; Estafe Contract marked us Eahibil and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by fha Mayor and Board of Truslaaa of the Village 01 Skokia, Cook County, lIli- InvItation Io Comment on a the locafion of loar slandard panel anferinae al a height al 34', as well as fha conafruclion of un associated equipmenf cabinel In an existing Interior room. Commento regarding potential etleda Io hisforic properties should be oubmlllod by email Io mary.crowl@t-mubile.comor by mail lo Ragulatoly Compliance Manager al: 2001 Buflerliald Rd., Sta. 1900, Downaro Grove, IL 60515. Questions about this lacilily or this notice may also be directed Io Regulatory Compli unce Managor at the addraao aboya, or by calling (630) 9608400. ThIs notice is provided in sccstdanca with the regulations 01 the Federal Communications Commission, 47 DER. Part 1, Subpart I and Appendices B. Pub: 3131/11 (54204) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE - THE MORTON GROVE PLAN COMMISSION will held a public hxanng on THURSDAY, APRIL2I,201l al 7:30 p.m. in the Board of Trustees Chambers Richard T. Flickinger Municipal òentvr e101 Capulina Avunue, Morton arene, Illinois ta consider lev loliowinit cases: CASE PC fi-01 Requnsting Teol Amendments lo Iba Village of Morton Grava Umlivd Doaelupmnnt Cu/u Seclians 12-4-3 and 12-17-1 lo allow Dry Cleaning LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Skokle Zoning Board ol ApWednesday, peals, April 27, 2011, Village of Skokie, 6127 Qaklon Street, Skokie, Illinois 60077, at 7:30 P.M., Io consider the following: NEW 2011-ET-- 10024 Skokle Bouteyard es Manager 01 10024 Skokie LLC, requests a Marc Harris, varialion In order to open a technical/trade school and provide 86 oll-sfreel parking spaces for the entire ulla rather than the 93 space minimum as required by Seclion 118-216 (2) of the Skokie Village Code In a 02 Commercial district. 2011-'6Z - 7448 Kllbourn Avenun Xiaoqin Dong and David Terry requesl an eaceplion in order to conotrucl a 6-loot fall fence (ap- Pub: 3/31 , 4/7111(53464) 60618. Management reserves Ike right to withdraw asp unit Itom sala. Regis- torod or molar vehicles ore sold "As Is / Parts Only," no tilles or registratlon. Stored llame UnIt 6 Tenant Nome Bonos, 1005 Brenda Nomon/nc HHG, Fumiture, Bonos 3037 Anthony Cahill Pub: 3124, 3131/11(sg42lfC2s NOTICE OF AUCTION Life Storage Centers ut Hermosa will hold a public saie Io enforce a lien Imposed on saId propnrty,as descnbedbelaw, pursuant to Ike f liisols Self-Service Storagu Facilily Act, Illinois Code 770 ILCS 95/I ta 95/7, al 4:00 PM on Monday, AprIl 11, 2011, at Lito Storage Cestors of Hermosa. 4500 West (,rafld Avesuv, Chicago, Illinois, 60839. Managemset reserves the right to vrilhdtaw any unit 1mm sala. Registoted or motor vehicles are sold "As Is / Pails Only," no lilies or regisIratiun, Tenant Name Nunmi Smith Edgar lnzatry RObERT WALKER Michael,I. Skan UnII 6 103 107 138 lag Lei/a Ciofron 166 229 29 Charles W. Chilcutl MaIm/a Gtrolufon Jahn Jackson Jose Garcia Timolhy Anderson Edgar Delgado Muda Roman Rnbarto Palmo Eleanor Bullar George Joues 321 358 507 577 594 653 676 688 Stored Items HHG and Boyes HHG& BOXES NNO AND BOXES 600es HHG and Boceo HHG HHG,Bacis & Baves HHG&EOXES MHO and Boses HHG HHI3 and Baues BOXES S BIKES HHG, Hugs S Boues HHG and Boues HHG,FURNITURE, E BOXES ear, Esecullee Administrator, Storage Clark br U-Haut Co. North Shore ChIcago will be ollenng for sala under fha Junidal Lein procesu, by public auction, Ihn following storage units. SPECIAL AID: Available upon raquent br the divabled. Call (847) 673-0500 or TOO (847) 933-8455. Interaslad parties are invited lo aflend this meeting. Thin notice Is lar Information purposes only, Published in fha Skoliln Review on March 31, 2010. Ralph Ktaln, Cfiairrriun Pub:3/31/11 #55877 C FIND YOUR PERFECT APARTMENT IN THE (LASSIFEDS, 60623 (773)376.8577. The conlenfa of the bolow spacea will be sold al a public sale for cash, credil card or certitied funds. If there Is no market value or no bids received, Ike goods will be otherwise disposed of, Unit #2478 --- Rogelio Chato- Nousehold Goods, Furnilure, Boses Unit 82281 --- Valore Jones- Pum/are, Boues Unit f12048 --- Ricardo Medina- Household Goods, Fumiture, Tools Unit Ill 176 --- Karina Ocampo - Household Goods, Boxes Unit 6106g --- Mark R. Ormond - Household Goods, Furniture, , Unit f11067 --- Douglao Parker- Household Goods, Fumilure, I Boses, Sporting Goods Unit #1084 --- Mario Vasquaz- Household Goodo, Fumilure, Boses Pub:3/24, 3/31/11(50935) C2o U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758059 LINCOLN PARK NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Notice is fioreby given that on AprIl 6, 2011, U-HAUL Auclion- eor, Esecutive Adminislrator, Storage Clerk for U-Haul Co. North Shore ChIcago will be offering for sale under the Judicml Loin process, by public auction, the followIng storage units. , The goods to be sold are generally descnbed no household goods. The terms of the sale will be cash only. U-Naul Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves Ifa right Io retuse any and all bids. The salen will be et the following location, 1200 W Puf terloor Ava, Chtcngo, IL 60614 and will be ut or aher 3:00pm and continue day by day until all units are sold. Luke Easfmaa- 2244 Cleveland, Chicago, IL Unit C373- Boxen, Delbntt Arrington- 233 Wacker, Chicago, IL. Unila C356 Clothing and bags. Ms/e Francisco- 921 Newport, Chicago, IL . Unit 0151- Loveseat, dresser, mattress, boxspnng, mirror, TV and grill. Zach Red/on- 2875 Meadow Drive, St. Charlen, IL Unit F390- CloIhing, suilcose and piclures. Jorge RamIrez2855 Archer Ave., Chicago, IL Unit 0165- Sola. BJ Thomas- 0er, Esecutive Adminlatrator, Slorego Clark for U-Haul Co North Shore Chicago will be offering for sole under the Judi- love seat, coffae table, microwave and utereo. Ellington Beach201 Chesapeake, Chicago, IL Unit A141- Record player. ru- cial Lein process, by public auction, the lollowing storage unils. The goods Io be sold are generally described as household goods. The terms of the sala will be caah only, U-Haut Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves the right Io refuoe any and all bids, The sales will be at the following location, 4100 W Fullerton Ave, ChIcago, IL 60639 and will be et or ollar 1:15pm end cords, leather chairs, floor lamp and cofloe labIo. Javier Bardom- 1412 Oak Park, Chicago, IL UniI Ai IB- Chair, wsltress, boaspnng and Indga. Pub: 3/24, 3/31J11)5291B)C2 continue day by day until aft units ate sold. Dunise Brewer-t°Ileds- 4814 W. Concorde, Chicago, IL Unit 3684- Pool table, toolbox, TV, washer, dryer, freezer, fri/ge and stove. Casey Cinlgan- 839 Shari/an, Chicago, IL Unit 3004- Lealher ChaIr and boxes. Tiffany Pantry- 126 NamlIn, Chicago, IL Unit 3502- Stereo, speakers, mirror, chaIr, nultcauos and bones. Wayne Gargich- 126 NarnIln, Chicago, IL Unit 3901- Army bag and army coat. Alexis Soto- 2440 Meado, Chicago, IL UniI 3347- Charcoal grill, Raquel Gobin- 2454 Spauldng, Chicago, IL Unit 3891- Bike. clothing, boues and bags. Míguet Gonzalez - 4100 W, Fullerton Ava., Chicago, IL UnII 4804- Speaker, stereo, rug and boxes. Albertina Bello- 2821 Flelcfier, ChIcago, IL UnII 4238- Kitchen chairs, kitchen table, TV and PIC. Ethel Harrison- 1528 N. Leclalr, Chicago, IL Unit 4702- Bags, boaes and computer desk. John Doe - 4100 W. Fullerton Ava., Chicago, IL 1/nil 4518 - Daybed, sola, lamp, West Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60651, Management reserves 1fb ngtit lo withdraw any unit Irruir gale. Registered or motor vehicles are uold "As Is f Parts Oxly," no tillan or registralion. Tenant Nome UnIt If 115 276 335 346 Stored Items Boxes 1-ING HHO Barbara Humphrey 1*10 Andrea Allen 358 HHG Wandra Martin 41 HIlO Lalonja S Tall 466 1-lIlO Chantell Scott 492 NNO Tanya Johnson 53 Fsm, Boses Sarah Winkliold 55 NNO Chiquita M. Carroll 550 Pum NNO Pedro M. Serrano-Outierrez 578 NNO Maria L Parez 601 NNO Melone Dillingham 607 NNO Tarry Harb 623 Fum Boaeo Elms/n Galas 633 Bago Robed Hendon 666 1-ING Elida Cruz 728 NNO Jasulca Cruz 742 NNO Stephanie Slewart 766 NNO Kanessoha M. Brough 802 NNO Janetle Morales 815 NNO laraal Rodnguez 87 NNO, Booea Pub:3/24, 3/31/11(51391) C2g . Public Hearings consider Ihn following cases: CASE 1535 Requnsling a variallvn from Section 12-7-3 at Ordinance 07-07 (ViI- FIND YOUR PERFECT lage of Murtsn Grove Unified Development Coda):lnsafhciosl oftstreet parking. Requested VarIatIon f 32.7%) The parcel Is located In Ihn CR "CommercIal /Reoldanllal 0151/cl" and is commonly known as 8505 LehIgh. APARTMENT 1 espaces 33 spaces IN THE The pelilianer Ia Chnu Ann Pub: 3/31/11(54455f C CLASSIFIEDS. Storage - Legal suant Io Sot/ion 4 of the SelfNOTICE OF AUCTION Service Storage Facility Act, Stale ol IllinoIs, the undersigned 95/i ta 95/7, at 1:00 P,M. on mure/ny AprIl 14, 2011 el Life Sturaje Cenfers of MarIon Grove, 6505 1)/est Oaktnn Street, Morton will sell al n public sete by cornpatilive bidding on: 4/1 5/1 1 aI 4:00 p.m. On Ihe premise where said property has been slorud, nnd which are located al Public LIfe Slaragn Centam al Mo/ao Greva will huId e public sale to enlorca s lion imposed on said properly, no deocnhed below pursuanl la Ihn Illinois Sell-Service Storage FacSlIy Act, Ililnolo Code 770 ILCS Grove, Illinois, 60053. Managemest reserves Ike right la withdraw any unit ttom salo. Reglotarad or motor vehicles are said "As Is I Parts Duly," no titles or regio. trallon. Tenant Nome Stored llame Unll# Illinois Mai11 Medical I 108 Boues Pub: 3/24, 3/31/1 l(9l667(C2s NOTICE OF AUCTION Life Storage Centers of South Loop will hold a public sale to enforce a lien Imposed on said property, as described below, pur- nuant to the Illinois Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Illinois Codo 770 ILCS 95/I fo 95/7, aI 11:00 AM on Friday, April 15, 2011, at LIte Slotaga Cantors of South Loop, 2361 S. Stale Storage FOSTER- SELFRAVOÏ/SW000 STORAGE LLC, 1800 W. POSTER AVE., CHICAGO, IL 60640, 773-561-5003. The personal property Is described betow, In the mattem of: 527-U Jessica Rode Misc. personal llama, boues Pub: 3/31 , 4/7/i i (50366)C St,, Chicago, Illinois, 60618. Management reaervoa the right to wilhdraw any unIt from sale, Registered or motor vehicles are sold 'As Is I ParIs Only," no tilles or registration. Tenant Name UnIt II Slored Itema Kendra Shaw 3102 NNO, Furniture, Boues Leonard Hill Clothes, Boues 5066 5041 Ibrahim Amusan NHG, Fumilure, Boues Furniture, Boues Lakeisha Perkins 2180 Pub:3/24, 3/3l/1i(S1988( C2s : Busco att Damery- 920 Marengo, Forest Park, IL Unit A152- Sola, Municipal Cenler, 6101 CapulIna Avenue, Mo/su Grove, Illinois la Smith. Notice Is horeby given that pursuant Io IllinoIg Sell-Slorage Facilitias Act, a sale will be held on AprIl 13, 2011 at I 1:00 orn., al LifeStorege of LilIle Village, 2245 West 30th Street, Chica- loveseal and bags. James Oreen- 806 Caruwell, Waycross, Ou Unit A145- treadmill, dresser, speaker, vacuum cad rugs. Rob- Public Hearings RequIred 49spacus (Westgala, Addison, Illinois 60101, Management reservas the right to with/mw any unit from sale. Registered or motor vehicles ara sold 'Ag 5/ Parts Only, " no i litIos or ragistralion. Stored Items Unft# j Tennflt Name Bosea, Compulers, 1085 i Luke Fikajs Household Goods Pub:3-24, 3/31/22(52041) C U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758075 Fortress NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET SEQ, Notice is hereby given Ihat on April 6, 2011, U-NAUL Auclion- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE - THE MORTON GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Apnl 21 201 1 aI 7:30 p.m. In Ihn Bsard of Trustees Chambers, Richard T. Ilicklnger ParkIng suant to Ihn Iflinola Sell-Service Storage Facility Act, Illinolu iCodo 770 ILCS 95/i to 95/7, of 11:00AM on Tuenday, April 112, 2011 at Lite Storage centers of Addison, 426 South Jean Grey- 7910 Leclaite, Chicago, IL UnII A105- Maltrous, boxsprin9. dress and chair. Jericho Gotchery- 4512 Laramie Ave., Chicago, IL Unìt Al59- Sofa, dresser, bonns, headboard, FOR YOUR INFORMATION: . Deborah Bell Tiahawn T Wilson Plano and related documents ara available al the Village's Bobby Jennings 8:30 AM. to 5:00 PM .forca a lien imposed on paid property, ea daucnbad below, pur- continue day by day until all units are sold. noia Code 770 ILCS 95/1 Io 95/7, al 10:00 AM on Monday. April ii, 2011, al Lilo Storage Cantors of Humboldt Park, 4014 nino Divialon (847) 933-6447 Monday through Enday, from ILite Storage Centers of Addison will hold a public aale to en- go, IL Storage - Légal Storage - Legal 11850 9th SI., Sainl Petersburg, FL UniI 0210- Bike, treadmill, bookshelf, fan and bosas, Ricky Damper- 4326 MagnolIa, ChIcoge, IL Unit G356- Clothing, coat and boses. Pub: 3/24, 3131/11(52923)C2 NOTICE OF AUCTION Life Storage Centers of Humboldt Park will hold a public sain Io anlorce e lien lmpoaed on said properly, as descnbed be tow, pursuant to the Illinois Salt-Service Storage Facility Act, liii- Community Development Department, Plan- Storage - Legal The goods to be sold are generally descnbad as household goods. The terms of the sale will be cash only. U-Haul Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves the righl lo reluso any and all bids. The sales will be at the following location, 1700 N CIcero Ave, ChIcago, IL 60639 and will be al or after 12:30pm and proximately 5-loot solid with 1foot lattice) spprouimately BO Family dial oct. ADOPTED Ihis 21st dey of March, 2011. Ayas:6 (Bromberg, Larga, Roberta, Village Clark Shah, Sulker, Vsa Dusan) Nayu:0 Absonl:1 (Paolle) Alteated and tiled In my office thia 22nd day of March, 2011; and published in the Skokie Floview according Io law on March 31 , 2011 and Api/I 7.2011. VIllage Clark Approved by me Ihia 2151 day of March, 2011. Mayor, Village of Skokie tars et Wrigleyville, 3323 Wast Addison Street, Chicago, Illinois, U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758078 Weutnlde NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Notice is hereby given Ihat on AprIl 6, 2011, U-HAUL Auclion- stun, Il 60201. Pub: 3/31/1 llS44a2lC Village Code in un R2 Single- from and aller Its passage, approval and publication In pampfilat form and in the Skokia Review on March 31, 0l1 and April 7, 2011 as provided bylaw. Storage - Legal NOTICE OF AUCTION Life Storage Centers of Wriglayville will hold a public sala Io entatca a lien Imposed on sold properly, an descnbed below pursuant Io the liiinois Sell-Service Storage Facility Ad, Illinois Code 770 ILCS 65/1 la 95/7, ut 12:110 PM on Monday, AprIl 11, 2011, aI Lita Storage Con. 2530 Crawford Ave #102, Evan- marcial) Zoning Distvct. The applicant Is Jay Brown for Lonore Plaza, Downtown TIF District 90-1, a Tax Increment Financing Allocalion District cl the Village of Skokie. lago Manager Io execute Ihn Real Estate Contract for the Sub(nef Properly, u copy of which Is attached hereto us Exhibit "V, and hereby muda a part of this Ordinance, oubotanfially In the Iorr attached, or as changed wilh the approval of the Village Manager, or daaignae, and Ihe Corporation Counsel of the Villoge of Skokie. SectIon 7: ThaI Ibis Ordinance shall ba in tull forca und effect 847-998-3400 Pub: 3/24, 313l/it)515e0)C2s noia, is localed within the Village of Skokle and within the Section 6: That the Mayor and Board ot Trustees of the Villuge of Skokie, Cock County, Illinois haraby aulhonze the Vil- MONSTER, CALL Iuciiilles In tIre Cl fGenetal Cam- und 11B-E0-(e)1, of Ike Skokla Iba Villago of Skokie. HOME AT co- 4-loot maximum height us required by Sections 118-80(c) SectIon 5: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of Ihn Vìltage of Skokia, Cook County, Illinois hereby aulhorize the Vitlage of Skokie fo enter Info the Real Enlate Conlract tor Ihn Subject Properly, a copy ot which lo attached herab au Eshibil -r, and hereby made a part of Ihis Ordinance, subsfantlally in the form attached, or as changed wilh the approval of the Village Managar, or dosignea, and the Corporation Counsel of CIBCAGOLAND WITH Storage - Legal will sitte lot line ralbar than the 50% open minimum requirement and lage of Skokie fo purchaaa and acquire tho Subject Property lo be utilized for a public purpose. PERFECT cortsisfol cilily SecIlon 1: ThaI the above stated recitals to Ihia Ordinance are hereby incorporated in this Section 1 as if fully sel forth herein. SectIon 2: That fha Sub(acl Property, legally described above, with the common address of 8103 Floral Avenue, Skoklo, lIli- SectIon 4: ThaI Ihe Mayor and Board of Trusleas ot the Viltage of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois hereby aulhotize lIre Vil- CANDIDATES IN SEARCHCHI(AGOE(OM/)IOMES nuls: Subject Property is necessary Io seme fha goals, public purposas and objoclives ot the Downtown TIF Oiglncl. QUALIFIED LOCAL Crawford Ave., Skokie, IL, wilh reaped lo impacls on, and apecilicolly, on polenflal effects Io hialoric properties located at or near this facility, Il any. The la- leaf In length along the north Section 3: ThaI Ihn acquisition of the fee simple tille to 1fb REACH QUITO MORE FIND THE Proposed Wireless Telecommuntcat101ie FacIlIty Inferasted parsons are inviled to wireless on Ihn commont telecommurticalions facility proposed to be constructedat 8401 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolico Is hereby given that pur- bike, microwave, ottico chairs and lovageat. Pub: 3/24, 3/31111(52896)C2 NOTICE OF AUCTION Lue Storage Centets al Rogers Park will hold a publio sale ta entarco a lien imposed on said property, as descnbed below pursuant ta the Illinsis Self-Service Slaraae Facility Act, Illinois Code 770 ILCS 95)1 to 95/7, at 10:00 AM, orr'Ttiursday, April 14 2011 at Lile Sluralte Centers of Rogers Park. 7524 N. Paulina lreet, Chicago, IL 60626, Management reserves Ihn rlghl la wilhdraw any unit from sale. Registoted er motor vehicles are sold "As tu / Parts Only," no tilles or regisiralion. Tenant Noms Stored Items Unit# Maria Nagie L40 Bags Nalhahnva Harper 110 NI-IGS brume Collins HNOS 119 ltimbxrly Marshall 135 HNOS Bye/a Boyd 173' HNOS Leutesia Wright 31 1 Boxen & Bags Jvsnifur L Vyskocil 339 HNOS Valersi Terres HNOS 343 Samuol Nichnls 470 NNGS Dobarafi L Campbell 426 NNGS Almola Rollins 441 HHGS Tuya M. Kelly Totes S Bikes 515 Yeianda Teno 679 HNOS Jafet Kssary Boues 598 Norris Brows Ba s 600 lupa Land 63e HI-035 S Bags Jennifer Paltorsun 648 HNOS 0cv McDunafil 708 Baos A Buarcize EQ ISolisyn Robinson 712 NI-1GB lomard L Maps 731 HNOS Kristin Barks 736 HNOS Oseen Manning 738 Baos & Boses Blonda Candy Os/entine 861 HNOS - Kenneth Miliar 893 Boues Fred Aliar 823 Baues Fred Aliar 835 HNOS Pub: 3/24, 3/31/l1(52843fC2s . U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758086 Morton Grove NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET SEQ. Notice is hereby given Ihat on AprIl 6, 2011, U-HAUL Axt/ion- FIND MORE ber, Exacufive AdminIstrator, Storage Clark tor U-Haut Co North Shore Chicago will be oflenng br sala under the Judidal Lain proceso, by public auction, the lollowing slorage unifs. The goods Io be sold are generally described as household goods. The terms 01 the sale will be cash only. U-Haul Co. ot North Shore Chicago raservea the right to refuOo any and all bIds. The unIes will tue at the tollawing location, 9009 Waukegan Rd. Morton Grove, IL 60053 and will be at or aBer 9:45 am and continue day by day until all units are sold. Jose An/rada- P.O. Box 3009, Tampa, FI Unit 171- Coolar, FIND MORE LOCAL JOBS mini Iridge, fan and boxes. Pub: 3/24, 3131111(52960)C2 U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758061 Uptown NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEO. Notice la hereby given thaI oir AprIl 6, 2011, U-HAUL Auction. cor, Execuliva Administrator, Storage Clark for U-Haut Co. North Stioro ChIcago will be offering for sate under the Judi- LOCAL JOBS AT dal LaIn process, by public auclion, Ihn following storage units. The goods lo be sold are generally described as household goods. The terms ut the sale will be cash only, U-Haul Co, ot North Sham Chicago reaerves the right Io refuse any end all bids. The safes will be at the following location, 4055 N Broad» way Ano, ChIcago, IL and will be at or aller 2:16pm and con- PIONEERLOCALC0M,WUSTER linon day by day until all units are sold. Sateh loso- 2440 Creakbend, Schaumburg, IL Unit 429 - Suitcoana and totes, Pub: 3.124, 3/31/11(51)C2 AT U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758069 NIles NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEO. Nolice Is hereby given that on April 6, 2011, U-HAUL Auction- oar, Euecufive Admlnlulrator, Storage Clerk for U-Haul Co. North Shore ChIcago will be offering tor ogle under the Judi- i . Attach a gif or/peg photo of your -. property and e-mail with ad copy and contact information to: c1assiaedspioneerIocaLcom «On the Subject Line of the e-mail, indicate the city and address of your property. s SubmIssions received before 5 p.m. Monday wiH be processéd for that week's issue. PIONEERLOCALCOhWONSTER dal LaIn process, by public auction, the following atorage units. The goods to be sold ara generally descnbed as household goods. The terms of the sale will be cash only. U-Haul Co. 01 North Shore Chicago reserves the right lo refuse any and alt bids. The sales will be at the lollowing locaflon, 7644 N MIIwsu- bee Avenue, NIbs, IL 60714 and will be at or aher 9:15am and continue day by day until all units are sold. Saleh fusa- 2440 Creekbend, Schaumburg, tL Unit 136- Bed frame, nlqht labia, mattress, boxspring, brletcase and clothing. Jooeph Oiansaspro- 7601 Soldad, Canyon Rd. Ca. Pub: 3/24, 3/31/11(52749)02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolico is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satlafy lien of the owner, at public sale by compel/ice bidding on Apnl 13, 201 1 at or alter 10:00 AM at Ike EsIta Space Slorago fucilily located al: 7540 McCormick Blvd Skokie, IL. 60076 Unit 61118 Dorothy Archer Household Items UniI #4022 Darothey Archer Nouxehold Items I/nit #1 173 Allicus Missner Household Items Unit 61027 Tolufopa Sonni Boxes -i- Paintings Unit 11612 N.L.S.M. Inc. 1990 Ford F360 Truck VinlIl FDK037M4LHA26476 Unit 112102 N.L.S.M. Inc. TV i- Fumilura Purchases musI be made with cash only and paid al the lime of sale. Alt goods ate sold as is and muaI be removed at the lima of purchase. Extra Space Slorage roservas 1fb right Io Slwut qwt t4f with bid. Salo is subject to adjournment. Pub: 3/24, 3/31/I 1(51906)030 a p/wtL c&z&4ied . act U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758021 Portsqe NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Notice Is hereby given that on AprIl 6, 2011, U-HAUL Auction- net, Executive Administrulor, Storage Clerk tor U-Haul Co. North Shore ChIcago will be olfenng for sale under fha Junicisl Lela process, by public auction, the following sloruga units. The goods Io be sold ore generally descnbed as household goods. The terms ol Ifa sale will bo cash only, U-Haul Co. cl North Shore Chicogo reserves fha nght to rotoso any and all bids. The sales will be al Ihn following location, 4301 N CIcero Ave, ChIcago, IL 60641 and will be al or aller 11:45am and conlinue day by day unlil all units ere sold. Paul Millar - 3216 Cicero Ave., Chicago, IL Unit 8206- Boxes, dresser, TV, books, kitchen chaira and bags. Jerome Weinfurter- 4250 Whippla, Chicago, IL Unit 0364- Suitcase, baga, boses and sofa. Jack Vanecek- 4815 W. Belle Plaine, Chicago, IL Unit B306- Sofa and TV, Pub: 3/24, 3/31/ll(S2853)C2 iii Pioneex . Storage « Legal . Storage « Legal NOTICE OF AUCTION Notice Is Ireteby given thal persuasI to Illinois Self-Storsge Falilias Act, a sale will be held on April f3, 201 f at 1 1:00 n.m., at LifaSlorage Centers of Elgin, 450 Airport P1/, Elgin, IL 60123 (847)888-1834. The contents of Ihn below spaces will be sold al a public sale for cash, credit card or certified funds. If there la no market value or no bids rucelved, Ihn goods will be otheiwiaa disponed of. UniI 11548- Lawrence Carrington Sr- File, Household Goods, Personal lIorna. Pub:3/24, 3/31/11(52540) C2s PIONEER PRESS lItE ),IItAI.-lf;k'lf. Photos may also be mailed to: ClassIfied Photo 3701 W. Lake Avenue, GlenvIew, IL 60025. A scanning fee may apply. 32 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, March 31 2011 PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NIL 21 1 r F .-- . -,- * ¡oneer Pres I, UUU n ,s n D a i E 3! Ui It !* n II ,suu 51V a',.' au.'"'. ana W0 Ii n,'..,' an'". M.."' W .4 IfjC 'C , ... : QùrKeepsáke.Päòkage B&k online, call i -888-61 9-8622 oróontact your travel agent. inèludes: {i)' 11" X 14" Velox* Print ki t (1) PdfDigìtal File ali forfust s L: CC shipping included Lakeside Field Noon , :" FREE NU Lacrosse Car Window Clings to First 1000 Fans To order yours TODAY, contact * A Velox Print is a reproduction on high-quality seirii-g!oss paper SUN-TIMES MEDIA Marcy Goldstein FREE Post Match CLinic For GirLs phone: 847/486-7435 email: mgoldstein In Grades 8 and Under Hosted By Coach Kelly Amönte-HiLler Bring Goggles and a Stick PIONEER I : (} R L f) C L S O I' R L i s (1) 8h/2! x 11" Velox Print : CALL 888-GO-PURPLE TOORDER TICKETS 22 r news www.pioneerlocaLcom NIL THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2O PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL - news ' COMMUNITY CALENDAR Submissionsfor Community Calendar are requiredl4 days C preceding the date ofpublication. Send to: Nile's ManagingEditor, PioneerPress, 3701 WLakeAve., Glenuiew IL 60026. Information may befaxed to (847) 486-7495 or c-mailed to,n. C C Benefit L The Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation will host the ZOth Annual Play for the Cure Golf Outing on June 20 at Evanston Golf Club, 4401 Oemp- ster St. n Skoke. With proceeds goIng toward breast cancer research, the event invites golfers of all skill levels ta enjoy a day of fun in the sun as they 'putt for pink." The 18-hole oûting begins with registration at 11 am., followed by lunch. Tee-off is at i p.m., and the day ¡s capped off with an evening cocktail and hors d'oeuvres reception. The cost is $900 per person, and sponsorships are available from $2.500 to S20,000. The first golfer/s scoring an ace on any of the four Par 3 holes at Evanston Golf Club will win a luxurious automobile. Call (312) 926-7133 or visit Center o Concern The Center of Concern, 1580 N. Northwest Highway, Suite 310, Park Ridge, (847) 823-0453, calendar of events includes: - Center counselors also are available to help eligible residents apply (or lIliIbis Circuit Breaker property-tax relief grants and license-plate discounts, Illinois Cares Rx (prescriptiondrug assistance), the senior-citizen real-estate tax exemption and deferraI, the senior-citizen tax-assessment freeze, and the longtime-occupanthomeowner property-tax exemption. Preparafton of simple wills and durable powers of attorney for health care and property also is available by appointment. For services that require an appointment, call (847) 8230453 9 aro. - 4:30 p.m. weekdays. The Center of Concern also offers housing counseling for seniors and others seeking affordable housing, programs designed to prevent homelessness, friendly visitors for the homebound, and volunteer opportunities in the office and in the field. See Mulligan, R-65th, has opened her new 65th District office at the following address: 1420 Renaissance Drive, Suite 306, Park Ridge IL 60068. Her other contact information remains the same: Phone: (847) 297-6533; fax: (847) 297-2978: email:; website and ENews sign-up:, The 65th District includes all or portions of Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Mount Prospect, Hosemont, Norridge, Harwood Heights, Nues, Elk Grove Vil- lage, and the northwest corner of the Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays - 41st Ward of Chicago. come tax preparation, by appoint- A representative from the Niles ment. Mondays, April 4, ii, 18. and 25 - Employment counseling, by appointment. Monday, April 11- Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group, 10 a.m. Tuesdays, April 5 and 19- Medicare counseling, by appointment. Wednesdays, April 6 and 20 - Grief and loss support group (call first). Saturdays, April 9 and 23 - Legal counseling, by appointment. Saturday, April 30 - Blood pressure and blood sugar testing, 10 a.m.-noon (no appointment needed). Join the "Celebrate A Job Well Done," event honoring Mary Schurder, retired executive director of the Center of Concern, from 6-9 poi. April 8 at the Park Ridge Country Club, 636 N. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. Cost for the dinner reception and benefit is S50. Call Dawn at (847) 823-0453, Ext. 125. Low-cost income tax preparation Township Clerk's office will be available 9 am-S p.m. weekdays and evenings by appointment on the second and fourth Mondays of each month to accommodate residents with passport applications, voter registrations and temporary handicapped parking placards. To schedule an appointnient at Niles Township in Skokle, call (847) 673-9300. The Maine Township Neighborhood Watch meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month in the basement of Maine Town Hall, 1700 Ballard Road in Park Ridge. Meetings address issues within the unincorporated area of the township and all residents are invited. Reports from the Cook County Sheriff's Police, North Maine Fire Department, and the township's Code Enforcement Department are shared, and residents are invited to ask questions and report any concerns or problems in their neighborhood. will be available by appointment at the Center of Concern on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. Adults of all ages with annual incomes under S40,000 (excluding Sodal Security benefits) are welcome. The fee for basic federal and state returns, including Schedules A, 8, and O and forms for the Earned lncorne Tax Credit, is $35. More complex returns cost tip to $50. The center's offices are at 1580 N. Northwest Highway, Suite fl310, in Park Ridge. Call (847) 823-0453 to make an appointment. Homebound residents may ask to have a tax preparer come to their about cognitive fitness, CogFit-Quest offers a free, 11/2 hour, interactive workshop on April 5 or April 8 in Skokie, Expert trainers at CogFitOuest will guide you through a series of engaging and fun activities. Enjoy games that target long- and shortterm memory, concentration, word recall, and other cognitive skills. For details, call (847) 674-8060 or visit Space is limited. home. Hites Township Government Com- Classes To strengthen your beam and learn Again - you do NOT an experienced teacher. (Optional for current and forrñer students; recornmended for all students). The Corn-' puter Lab fee is $30 per student and is open noon-2 p.m. Fridays through April 22. Course fees Include an instructional workbook. Students must bring their own 1158 Flash Drive to save and transfer files needed for all classes. All ages ar welcome. A Certificate of Completion is awarded last day of class. Call (847) 673-9300, Animal Assisted Therapy," dog trainIng classes at various locations, including 6042 W. Oakton St,, in Morton Grove. The fee is $60. Contact Dorida King at dhking4® or call (173) 736-9021, for schedules and 19cations. Emerson eagle Clubs Highway Commissioner Robert Provenzano and two of his department staff volunteered March 11 to help move an American Eagle statute to Emerson Middle School in NiIes. The statute was accepted by Principal Victoria Mogil. Kane Connell, branch manager of Liberty Bank in Park Ridge, arranged for the donation. The statue was originally sponsored by Liberty Bank as part of the 2010 Promise of Park Ridge public art project and was displayed in Hodges Park in front of the Park Ridge City Hall. The mascot for Emerson is the eagle. I Contributed photo The Heritage Club of Polish Amencans will meet at 1:30 p.m. April 3 at the Merrimac Park Field House, 6343 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago. Monika Starczuk troni the Polìsh Initiative àf Chicago will discuss the organiza- lion's history and purposes and upcoming events in Polonia. Tickets to the club's May I annual Easter "Swieconka" party will be available at this meeting. Admission is SI for nonmembers; the public is invited. Refreshments will be served. Call (713) War, Afghanistan Korea and World War Il are welcome. Call Bernard Bevenley, (847) 966-5479, e-mail james- A Genealogy Workshop, sponsored by the Twenty-first Star Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be held from 9 am-noon April 2 on the third floor of the Park bond54762® or call (841) 470-9890. The Korean War Veterans Associatian, Greater Chicago Chapter No. 25, meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Montclare-leyden VFW Post, 6940 W. Diversey Ave. Call Joe Henmueller, (773)774-9671. Ridge Library, 20 S. Prospect Ave., Join the Catholic Women's Bowling 852-6751. across the street from the Pickwick Theater. Attendees will have the opportunity to work with one of the members of the lineage research team and receive assistance with application papers. This workshop is for women who are interested in joining the DAR. Bring along all your records and information; there will be ref erence books available fon use. Call Betty Barman at (847) BIB-9001. The Sweet Singers of Congregation Ezras Israel which entertains at flursing homes, retirement facilities and charitable organizations, meets the first Wednesday of every month at 10 - am. in the Rosenberg Auditorium of Earas Israel, 7001 N. California Ave., Chicago. Those who enjoy singing are welcome to join, Call the Ezras Israel office at (173) 764-8320. I Chiacchieroni Italian-language dinner group meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at Salerno's, 1716 E Kensington Road, Mount Prospect, The next meeting will be April 14. This is a casual evening of conversation in Italian. Call Gabriella, (847) 292-0089, or e-mail: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7712 meet at 7 p.m. every second Wednesday of the month at the Post at 7680 Caidwell Ave. (next to Tam Tennis in Niles on Howard Street). The Post is open also on Fridays 7 p.m. until closing. All veterans from Vietnam, Gulf need to live or work in Evanston to participate. (The teams are all Evanston-based because Evanston beat out hundreds of other Illinois cornmunities in an earlier CUB contest.) STEPHANIE ZIMMERMANN ji , The way we see it, no one ,, THE FIXER - Chicago Sun-Times really loses in this contest, because even ifyou don't win the free year's worth of Readers: Dear electricitç you'll still learn The Fixer has long ways to cut your electric touted the nonprofit Citibill every month. Each parsens Utility Board and its ticipant will get a personalprograms as a way for conirnd plan to cut their utility sumers Lo save on electric, natural gas and phone bills. costs as well as reward points for cutting their Now CUB is running a ComEd bills. The reward contest with seven employpoints can be redeemed for ei's and institutions in gift cards or discounts at Evanston to see who can hundreds of local and save the most in electric ' national businesses. costs, and they will award The program is free - no two lucky consumers a strings attached. What's year's worth of free elecnot to love about that? Lz'icity. Consumers also can win Dear Fixer: I have been rewards points for gift a member at the Fitness cards and discounts. 19 health club in Buffalo Arid the best part is the Grove for more than contest is open to all three years. More than a ComEd customers - you year ago, I purchased a do not have to live or work $50 prepaid child care in Evanston to participate. punch card that I have in Here's how it works: my possession. I've used First, go to cubenerit infrequently and have a gysavexcom/evanston to - Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy Inc., is now offering "Introduction to Civic State Representative Rosemary Evanston electric contest open to all puter Training Center is offering cornputer classes. Computer Lab Sessions: Practice S tutoring one-on-one with ' League for Ladies Night Out at Classic Bowl, 8530 Waukegan Road, Morton Grove. Fee is $15 per week. All skill levels welcome: Call Deanne Drozdz at (224) 628-4009 or The ftnights of Columbus (North American Martyrs Council, Niles), provides ways for members to help others in the community while trying to improve their family and spiritual lives. Call Bob Galassi, (847) 965-0920. 1411es Chapter Toastmasters meets at 7:15 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays bf the month at the Morton Grove , 6140 Lincoln Ave. Members learn how to feel comfortable and have self-confidence talking to an authence. CâlI (847) 583-9328, Community The Fourth Annual North Shore Women's Conference will be presentad May 6 at the Skokie Banquet & Conference Center, 5300 W. Touhy Ave., Skokie. The free expo highlighting 75 vendors will be held from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The luncheon from noon1:30 p.m. will feature "Kitchen Contidential" with keynote speaker and Celebrity Chef Gale Gand. Attendees can also choose to participate in hot topic break-out workshops. Cost is $30 per person. Call DBR Chamber of Commerce at (847) 945-4660. The Ladies Philoptochos Society of the St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church, 7373 N. Caldwell Ave. in Niles, will hold its Spring Bake Sale from 9 a.m.-6 pm. April 12 and 13 in the Cornmunity Center. The Bake Shop will teature sweet Tsoureki bread and Koulourakia. Also, for the Pascha celebration there will be lambathes, dyed red eggs sold by the dozen, and East er gift baskets. Home-made Greek pastries, such as Baklava, Diples, Kataifi, Galaktoboureko, Kourambiethes and Melomakarouna will also be available for holiday entertaining. A Lenten lunch will be served both days and a Coffee Shop to sit and enjoy a pastry and coffee will also be teatured. There is no admission and plenty o? tree parking, Call ahead to place a pastry order for pick-up. Contact the church office, (847) 647-8880. Illinois Holocaust Museum & Educatien Center, 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie, (847) 967-4800, www.ilholocaustmuse-, offers the following: A special exhibition: "Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow: Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges' Exhibit tells the story of Jewish professors who fled Nazism and came to America in the 19305 and '40s, finding teachingpositions at tristorically black colleges and universities. The exhibition explores the encounter between these scholars and their students, and their impacten each other, the Civil Rights Movement, and American society. Daily, through May 31. Free with museum admission. Book and Author Discussion: "Women f Nazis: Perpetrators of Genocide and Other Crimes During Hitler's Regime, 1933-1945" Will be presented by Prolessor Wendy A. Sarti from 1:30-3 p.m. April lO. Sarti discusses her recently published study of the participation of women in carrying out the Nazi program of persecution. O&A will be moderated by Dr. Leon Stein, Protessor Emeritus of History, Roosevelt University. A book-signing follows. Free with museum admission. Reservalions recommended, call (847) 9674889. Our Lady of Ransom Parish, 8300 Greenwood Ave., Nues, will hold its annual Rummage Sale from 9a m-5 p.m. April 1 and 9 am-noon April 2 with an early shopping opportunity from 6-9 pm. March 31(S2 admission lee is requested). There will be a variety of items available. Clothing, glassware, toys, tools, household items, jewêlry, small appliances, exercise equipment, small furniture, lamps, bedding, books and more. There is also,a "Treasure Room" that will have items that are new or slightly used. The sale benefits the parish as a whole. Call Ruth, (847) 823-2550. sign up. Pick which one of the seven teams you want to join: Evanston Township High School, NorthShore University HealthSystem, City of Evanston Employces, Rotary Energy EconoMisers, St. Francis Hospìtal, Northwestern University Employees or Disti'ict 65. All year, each team will Ave., Hiles, is launching its annual Half Pint Library Book Drive. This 6-week program collects and distributes chudran's books to families and children in need through local non-profit and community organizations, and for the first time, liait Price Books will match each book donated during the drive. Books donated through the Halt Pint Library program provide an escape from the challenges faced by children, while helping to boost literacy outside of school. Half Pint Libraries were created to give children and their families the chance to read and share books while staying at pediatric clinics and community centers across the nation. The drive accepts any type of children's book, including Spanish language books, as long as they are in good condition. The drive runs through March 31. Visit try to recruit as many new people 9s they can for the program. At the end of 2011, CUB will award a prixe to the team that recruits the most new People and a prize to the team that tallies up the biggest combined savings - The Polish Fraternal Organizations are again sponsoring the second Polish American Night with the Chicago I Calendari PAGE 26 to you. Honor Flight Chicago (your choice of charity) will be the lucky recipient of the money. You told The Fixer you admire their work in bringing aging World-War II veterans to Washington, D.C., for a day of honor at no cost to them. It looks like a worthwhile charity Readers who would like to find out more can check out honor- Taxes are inevitable. At least paying them can be convenient. - Halt Price Books at 5605 W. Touhy Dear Dave: The Fixer barely broke a sweat getting your child care money back from Fitness 19. All we did was e-mail the manager, and voila!, a check for $37 was sent out $37 balance on the card. When I brought my kids in recently, I found out that the kids club was closed without any notice to the members. The "safe and secure" kids club is prominently featured on the front page oftheFitness 19 website. When I inquired about a refund, I was told that even though I had the card, I would also need a receipt to prove I had purchased it. I didn't keep that receipt from a year and a half ago. Again, I have the actual card in my possession. on their' electric bills. Then they'll choose at random two lucky partici- Ifyou can get 'my money back, I would like to donate the $37 to The Fixer's charity of choice. And I'd challenge the pants from those teams tó win a fiee year's worth of electricity, courtesy of manager ofthe club to match it (no receipt required). Ct.TB. Dave Holecek Travel tip Here's a tip for users from the April issue of ShopSmart magazine, which is published by the people who do Consumer Reports: Ifyou want to use to bid on travel, first check out prices at Then take 10 or 20 percent off the best price and use that to make your bid on Priceline. ShopSmart also recommends checking out before bidding on But make sure your travel dates are set. All sales are final. Chase is now accepting Cook County Property Tax payments. Calling aH call center people The Fixer wants to hear more -readers' stories about life in a call centea If you work in a customer service call center; we want to know what you like about your job as well as what drives you nuts. Send your thoughts to with CALL CENTER in the subject line. Thanks! Getting the runaround about a consumer problem? Tell it to The Fixer at fixer. Or, mail a brief description ofyourproblemn, along with your imanme, ad- dress and telephone nu,n ber, to: The Fixer, 3701 W Lake Ave., Glenview IL 60026. Pay your Tax Year 2010 FIrst Installment Cook Counly property taxes at any Chase branch In the Chrcao area. Skice Chase has the most branches arid ATM locatons in Chicagoland, t's a conveneit way to take care of paying your property taros, You don't even have to be a Chase customer - though, you're always welcome to become one. CHASE WHAT MATTERS Find your flOMoI ChIcgoIand Chuo branch M ch.w,.comfflndu, e,,,, CHASE 23 Z4 flOws Calendar Corlillnd iron PAGE 22 Rick PetroccHi, asncr cf The nue Top rtrsr off lis logos rOcker alter i her Sakad ira risi frl. Petrusaly Halla meli Der 1hz torteO Center, 1511 9 medIros 0., tirrena eneilotle len tin cells roui 910e ClIvage bulls oil Noel the eheer500se, 101irrieg air c.c 10e yrelarsalo lea a sperial Orosavind 0lire en rocce tickets esile goce talais reo te pvrrhesed eno pirad opal lee ralrsh ialioeel Irles le Marfeleir. Rara Orr-Sss'Ii,rres Modio Fire up the clay: A chicken's in the pot 1, 011iorro. tell ive roheN ial anal Al' tasen Peut Ideal ra or 10111911' UtUt. tat tilo rient mss.pee'nrporg; slerinotiae is io tee 'rozno' ceri ea ei ire nais page er roll PulleD lionesa Otlloren ahouo lege, lRl nln'lOrO, teLleR Haag Remos leilelia trier, Oese Tasalmnakr, 10111 rrlraon 001.1501 The Sotie Necee Macone nl North' ers feed tossIi mendie ealebisrdd By RERGNkCA BINGE "Clay po cooking area really a rage in the 1970e," said Rielo Pabrocelly "I picked up my first clay pot a tegaraga sale many years eco." Pelracettycollecerdcoohboohs like Oeorgia MacLend Sales and Craver' Palee' darne The Clay Pot Corkbcah,A Neo, Way ofCoskiogio orrAncierriPoclAthenrsm, 10741 In it, ka diacovervd recipes for cooking foods at estrarosely high haut like Beggcr'a Ciricirev, av Anion-inspired clrirhervearsnndonithgingee, atar astre und uessme oil. Orange chicken rocs oro than lavar- 0014 ovaler before each use. "With ost rookie0, it litro poll will absorb murk nf 0kv liquid from the iegrediroIs, said Pelr000llp. Ornasse thoy ace rooted, clay pots prod see esperiaty lender foods. 0v tra clocare aun ka prcvidod lay lightly rnrappkrge roil of dough around the exterior nf the pot, bata0000 the lid und the rim. Po troce lip door this to maka kir lemon chicken, "Cnmbire cee mp of floor whir ennagh wotan to make dough," l'lrlranelly explained. Kathy Harrison, u bloggor wkn truchos Corking in the Bills calianry oleasen in her huchee in fiare-logros Hills, sowct'aoas wakes a kosher nuit enont lo soci her three nay pair, She malo00 0cv'ipes l'doo chicken with apricots, sliver und almonds oc hoof ovith pranna and carrots. "Clay pot caokirrc ir heeltkiar and torr frrllering, became you don't have to add olive oil or butler; mort of the rnoirtsre will cama from the ingredients and the pot," she explained. The lid ofhcr brunIr drsign, u M reoccur tagine slyle, ir cone-shaped "like a witch bnl.' lt erais inn fol bottom, allawing foraaniqse condensation rind eespnraliOa pracess, ow plifying moirtsre, As Barnizan bar learned, clay potr con be delirate, and ehasirl errer ho pieced cold lolo a hot or prnbmled aver. "Start it affina cold oree and then brice ap Ike heat," rho ould. diaidad° t heopiog lebierperr fresh vrapzrs, rhapped i latlespror fresh rosenery, atrpyad 3 terliz noves, napped 2 tnaspeors rae salt, dialled I leesparn fresh frssrt pepper, le leale P large reims, alilo qooriers 3zlfred potables, qlarlered ieqlihs,se f temer, qemlered and ttraspnonfreshgenrrndprppecmasmeilbonl, Setanide. Rinse and dey bred thoenaghip und piace or large dish. Loovon rhin nf bird, and tilde handusdne shin thos-raghlyon eopncate. Rneniy spread olivo od mint une under nkie, 000erleg entire braunt. Sprinkle issirle und outside of bird rertlr remains,0 mil und pepper. Pluoe one oniun end qsaePntbhnl in clay poe, breast aide up. plane remirinieg anion ill iewsr. aired sed poluionsinbsrnLTarsosillrotmneniltaccet,putpzantses 1/2 rap arisp. dry chile cire Ipirei fri and onions around chicken, Puar wino over potatrer and pI:) anisas, Sqaerae lemnio lurex roen bird. Israel ment ihmmrmelrr irla Ihichest part nf thigh Caver clay pot. 001ra airpir atibe cd Pat enta cold oven and set ierrperature to 410 degeess. ,, end old lemnn zest io herb rar- Roost for rsve have. Ormone lid md baste bird thoroughly Rrml for about 30 more minutes end chock lemperatur'e. When tirermoenetor couds 165 degrees, remsee from oven. LrovrandSturbedfreto minntne befare mIming. Fore mom guidon ohm, demone Id far the lorO 15 tönrieutesofeaoldng 0010010cl train no toI llore cero oadltesn enleressile' ends alo alone rl moon eso o to' A SessI Olofoolo olee, elesorreo hod sel toro Miros. 90111 htle00000 00v. 000 OlalIel a ree MotI lime elognee Irr U'elydo 00110010 100 nom Imam am It mamo ne Iaeedats, pinsoa,norraeomogs Ii 5O'D050 0m 900needoys F10090 000 telart000 art 18 Im Ther080ys 10001 ero cre orrepled is 00.2 P.O. Toaodema tOO Dtsl Ol00000Uay or 01011 eomlh al INC Ireepilofe Pellool 00050 en lhrsuol selerdays soll PIrole oeil oonllr ast 510190e; dreier nr osee' 101101e tree ISO lm000ilolh 0000' ele nlestaoalrs a0000t In 0000pted. PurIhorns dole OUIlla emlh domlop 0001010 catates Nmnsuee te Iron' 1111111. rorOorrome osnra"lsivomrats,i baca aI SIt tuso eatral io rath Ailes Pldio DiSoano, irrl IO. Isklsm, hoHn INel 01100 nrnlellml pro' mooritas lbralr.erg. 000mealetso IO or OlIiDmllOe, motrorle 011er report Ill 000M. orurlenelereoe000ry. nail mccli more, omriol cod dOrIO rroiOaedlila to, islermolres OD Ovmctmrs or lv 00(00' r snos Add llano Mmg'sll ailes arc pealed al aasrsnvarglrearvlinaltot' loen srnlntt cister Freslrri 1111 01001000150000e, Olios P000siO Dikmoy OdI hast lIno nmoslo Ihn sooN el Mor I l'I Im help Ill Omit sorevmars oobolm00000500005 food Deioeo ono OnI'lomtmbs plomolIna I'nomstol od' balisa tHaI 0111101e 0100e dorIa Morel imarl Wool Chm100e lleco, iroiutmnp 101005 000elabbos 0000ab le I, toIl p000sl boiles hem' bargorlrhiiedor talpe .1000101 rreok' er, epepheit Ire nrO deans Doro lleco combe airrper elI balcons e 0m. 00f Hab peat 10e fico ttae' pteoee ph.000 ele'eise her' emly honN boirring reIN Ihuagt Ihn lOoSe 555 NOS env aemslero Irr 155 0cc neattsme ensOlere, cooler Irgeolea' Islam 011010 io SlOolgolIse 1110000 hmgv os000i LioNl0000lt 0111 lark 01001 loo te cr00101 Alcol Onolo 01- I'aodnoisoee MCII s -less pral Cssleor Mio boAco P00010 MeAn eilt 1041100e- brIbed 000000 PIonner 01x11 Gold moe anO 01101000 Ira Orlo i000tly osnsOOeiSlalloO tool people make oils IDnirleOs 11011 Poor tel Il Iloppon Tetas-O 110e lilIb litt soci in Orlon eoplsmSo ton loose mrrmnr 05500 l'Sony, Fork RODO, hoe reIms aureo a spcsrol llnd'umOlre pregrom 1h01 b000ltle Odiscelo 10110100 1er meli I -InsU pnv' Cieli Cod oral lnemtomlndmronlc Lslhemoo nor' eral CFildrerll 10501101. yeyuno ohm visite like Neo IO Naso Shall no, e oohcd or totaled, cr0010 o 0h11 edro Iren Ilmo eompooy-000 bloc odo loi Ile Cr10000 bocel dio' bonI- elli lnseiOn O prue rallar lOo 000ioe, 01110 pevies or Ihn pro' tane lier heel Do estera eso lIme lrseneherohie Hod lu Otlale o nssterohimlpoos ooydeatiem-ra edIl roots goleo spesttral ile bnoctrl lao leste yamaloik enslerehiecoseil' General 0000ls0005l 11111e, 10011 00es Odalt Scrsi000 praglee sI INS Oropllot Inh Aloco 00000e terbIoS ospoli0000d bseioosopenpe eltor pII eolo 5001011 sessions or 5000000 alochirl abRI on 0000rsOl 05005m 0110m nI oabunleelo. 000011 5050iOD0 ere belt er ullernaliop Iso Uoy vr 000000doseolelebv leesisos 010 1mo balen appoimb000l io 000aiel To sot opon oprsmrl000l 001 os, OlMI Ile eovosoosD pageaI orsoxorenlimonnerol. Il lloro ato 0000115mo soll 10151000 OSTO sr e'moil Booby, 000005iOes 1100110CM to Coloedor, PAGE S6 0010501cl el elIOt rho lemme Quality, Value & Service In Any Lanuae Produce World INTERNATIONAL MARKET. DELI . BAKERY. MEATS . SEAFOOD PRODUCE FARM FRESH GREEN EXOTIC S WE ET OREE H MCINTOSH ZUCCAIIII 0010145 CAllAOS CANTALOUPES BIO NS APPLES 59' 39C 1oo 59 59f:' 4 Peo MEAT USDA CHOICE SIRLOIN TiP ROAST BONELESS PORK ROAST lORA POOR BACK R1IS GROOM 'P PRIOR E011IS0500IOIIDO 011001M 01100f Ill lb. 01H01 Id. DELI CC KR IC H lESliE-S BRENNAN lIARD SALAMI TURKEY BRIOSO OXEO HOMEY OAR ALOUETTE BABY BRIE CHEESE R000I El IR000KUD 2 i DAIRY DEANS HALF & HALF QUARTS BORDEN 2% DEANS HAlF OA1IOH IANO.O-IAKES & SKIM MILK 000000 SlICE SALTEE/OHSAITIG BOTTER 00 189 I OslO, Oleo os, Unset OPI'l h - II OU hilo 0m: lUooIlly oro tolmo 001100001 onU oars Is 000115m one's Soso ocseuolo oso nia. nIob 0000 Spc, Pee. IPSO Tacco eon 050e lcr I500t000fle tong et meoeltrosgh kariN Si ro Ir noble el Ile n0005 coya ice regir In. 1000e 5000010 io em, Sol aal remito 000tion 10011000e blood' onohip tboepusne till 001010010 memo Ihor tOD lIne 1100000. sneif010 arearde U0 driles OPI premere, 1010ml Odie noel 01 l050eorha on OmSTlO5tOOl0000 OR 500ly 10000 osomls oro omota loo Ineesporole sand alooreettnletlo her et tesmnrro olI ro, 010001 lei' leo 01, elfe scOwlS amMe Dozen nil home 10511011 eri 000dothol remes 10510Cl 1HSO oozed ir 000il trop 0110090010 Devices D000U OeslIn register. Thon gel roadUg trIn Ile Imtmary hoI clOn 0050 fiSIcO tmeko molt 0100015 mIo 000iolooled prareolales 0111m. Sow Nuodrolo 0001100 III earl pie groes so not in The Maine pseeeohip Feed 1001rO le ne 0000sls,e - rOzas lopleps sn0050rs, raeOslcl onailes nobile Pass entiluDI 900rele io oOsi0000 Ir tool 001 rnlomony one Ilaslrolos 0000501 Onu oall 10411 MuSidOS or SI 10011 100110M er 00110e 01 010mo la coNonne ce 100 etsala This year ele Melee 5050k dltlnie oro 100e clii people, lInd or adohl Litoeery renie, roo rseec lieNnO, MII 010' ROSI ou.'O per, dovloye lerwah Mie t ssenno.orp. mIdo 001010 rl 100rm000'osuoO. 1000e 500010 sod orlare soleldoring SInS' irgo small Osoi000s f100 O sssc' F011endrg tonal nsrintops is Ito Mies pubIs 30,010 001001 exekeorl Corlo ,colo Ob Onepoleral, Orles 1010cR Frroase cero Ritze nulls tas eenhirno DOD elcrsrs 01000 aeso vusaaleo ans DORirehle tosas trerireorro tree tUei00000s 509mo' lioso er 011001e mill solle coracIna. 00100eo oseore elle eon Irlo elIho coon ont 11ko le rood ron gel 100010' 10411 I5l'i101 m 15011 mOl-155k ser Helera trappiea all reahorpeebie aleer rUOa'pfsinre Oir clases, 0015,5 oIe 5105055151 00000llono era 0005'gbodele ele ele ap lora snoi' tolnep000 Io sueroal tule ood spi r. sol «torLos. almos ne 1000gb pa' 0m 1000101 05051101 reSo loo blood' 'foosshrng aed lease Ori 15011111 nr' ly Ihn railae,oe iteme sill he erroRI M0000sm5 010000000e-51511' Is 1100 000900e atnIosllblsryetmloaI' acolas Ohms 00001mo lemons parI nI OsI OSSI LihIoly 0500. ieel,blOo ori Irre ne,otomamoe Inter une one lierlrenies eiotoolc gioomlo udII DON SolIng lOITI lui- 10m 190 hsvrraos h oso 10001V00 100mo Ocelot Od00000e al 5100101e bIber 01 Ihn liese cro Tr550ler tIenen 110 0 Riser amad e-Il Il em. 0010000e lOO 101019 lo help omoll Oalceso eOl0000p 0100 tordloltoro 000 100' 11101 SostInO 0011 rond OISela be' sensI eesr000l Ovo loaromna Oils' terco apenele nirItinn oalamrar 001' The Salid Wssec asone el bath' err Caed teach lar celan iehno eis acres le rntMesto reMap all eier loros ml Cabreo 50000lioes m'li beat 0e cr10100 les aigger pIsco 01100 ODI 01 Ihn month loonils 01110e Rectad 10 rolo regrossir roil Urne ellI ghylsel callas fastosI bend 00010001 GROCERY IA 0*01000* lITES 011110 OilkI 0111110 'IT'S CREEK TOME" HAHA FRONCERA OR ERA2X ULTRA 100 LEMOII 000F FAlCI POSO ART 1010410 DETEROEFIT 99 no, g lo, 10010 lOw la 0010mo treo 1100ml 1005v lIon lo rhcsm o erodIt 050e end Macla lemld 001101 omodil Tom 00000rshcmd 00e 100k 11005 Ootl'oelling children's 050I osiholIll' losllobon cil load en 0051551mo orI emole eorlehop 1er oor000'orcdoro and sI' orso bImbO molle Mes PublIo li' Iroly. Is sill 100ml reilO mtllfrsr by 00010g l's c011ie OCt memlorleg Ist' 005,1,01v Ct lobI 1010111 ebano aol ap moo 10010101 Irs Ihn 110m 25 eoira a 00011 Omise vsI 101 001101 and OlIN Mitra. Se songs ere gnnnrohly maci' renal er OrOple 00001e, linens, Idia' Oros est hymns lIai ros he 0001es opt tin mulTa rIsorse,' llaolmea rareo n Dort OU, rereerg000lr ICI ein alrioe ire lithram pe' llar ro ana weeklY leere at ca rest Ifasingmrglered ally pat, noah ha aniS water for 20 armutee hefree saing. Tb nears ghly m'o, olive od, herbs, garlic, Iteaspoor ses snit 011015M atem rosI LISO rterap00105. mOie Insu rom, amrtoo 01050, pmo oid no oportahl000 ensveoltonor bora' Pt 00x000 Reo loorn'mva 'Inelrovuen loe roo dielts t palierls tali IndI terylenenlirn N let 14-5 peard toad ItehIp shirker 3 tutlesparrs temas alise oil, piaci tebteSanr Pe0050000 anonlopeocnnao oceoon00000 Sial bOisai Core 0,10010000 011011' lee'OlIll Hoe's es, Mentors fedeptodfraorlliehperraoeSy, Tire Slice Tapin Lang Grocrd he lads deer lobeo ehe arel rd 00M 010sbth reali rocio Cuvage, cod So 'boa' tiqoe'aoop slIlODIrsbe mee lea earl tato llore tenter DIOn, torIl Clay Pot Lemon Chicken PiOus iFlosIald Orrpore oro taerena lo ing in grsops mt lIno eno turne al cry eSOSI proeolronlp ro p em. lie eMr sHop o lesOlOO 01 1f il el, Orn leert rca-roll i sm'lii le eorbie l',r,av Fldarn aies higa I lirnshod asIno man rocIarE antut HOnrar teat itt-srOI Omavtlne ce Celo en im abIsMare earl movl't damna 011001m. in Park bed rile er eolIOs each vds. sr riTi er tue te Ita r Mes re seta e p cae sen cd dMao anil'lerhirp porïr lepo nia Ootid aperos terni drapoll slier ierlsde. PIca Patla leu see Deparimnnt, ioue Irshy sertira herbs ant olive ri ander lira loris. esos rrr-Oan tines Madre mormnolie 000110e la pure500iel Ita p00015 INc peed eso bes Ill el sil Moira OrlI ethle000 aen monean iolrnaonsd is ialthoa Ito famose hoop on ari Poliretre Como l000roloing pruebe mo ioelaed er Ita homo poge eilt o loo Is o more Uolnilod lips reololorre Ihn 5500001 and dosel, on calmie This alrol lo rel ois roemllo Med'rnemo'oorlreoa Fleco' loot pun la es n cok totiery er Petrrcolly eca5005 tie lenas aSador lin' eoi-1000 lam mere elalealion eraa eppirreiss lemeitor hnsomioq e los sonora ororgy dod 001101 doly' laIteries reddnsir sect te lean leo Ost Ihbags have changed While Petrorelly still lover ta penon 00000 005 IOPOIOI loI Ile 10O0e pernort nIl all r000lorir piacI liceo. eel Nigh aery0000 oeste. Oailalae ev garage orden, the clay psis he rails at The 0lire Tap, the Long Croste cslrnar'y rhny he swrrn orillo loir selle, Kalbi, uvera par chared through dealers like Clsybourg in Hoflroon Rstrten. At home in Mundelele, Patracelty osar his tour potr to malos lfavorfsl dishes like lemon chicken. Tha rcarpe ordii work ira glared or unglazed clay pot, An unglased poi will require o 20-30 mieste melo in morknll000'elutnoloio 000000 esto Ifa, 10011 marcIo; sr t'lI eeoii1000000leopouse. Tie merO au it vms er baldar erlen II Ir i559lt oremtarfras taceva ancient peedecessors to ihr conch pot, ere trendy rom-sore llore 0080000io al 1,00 Non 00000hold beltelica 010 so larger ea repel ai Ill seis nrm'emenerred ImeraeDelO shnsicol canin cerera ovo perleeled Oit sinrelate aotierreois 1000e le One fa curs iam erra erst hefs are bred up about the health and Ilavor beeeflte of cooking in ciap pots. The original siano cookers, PeWS lelo 0011 Roedor plan test al fIll sonisna lora pal eolo Im rovo ve Ile rano 01 smart rom oletI tos,s, eh le slocpisg or roel na. 5000lly 1110010000 moo. ro 0001' Isolo heereS 1001m toys Iren rol sIl' rerherq000le and olkalioe batteries, \ len mtwirpor000, 0110011 5Rl'IsdO or aire le sono 01101v annesse 1010500 Shoppo ollero greet plinaearo 5005101e en Iwlild000 nimlllee tsr siente, madree 00e stalls mises, Oeueeleld items, Dasde 00M email lsrrrore. On enfeetdeye, o ealtarr yerre 'ea eregrom tar Contributor A PIONIIR fR155 PUBLICSTIAN - NIL NIL - THURSDAY, MIIRCII UI, 1011 FROZE 01 001000e 0005mo I0 00. 001010010E KRAFT MIRACLE NOTERA FAR BO 111E 10141fF ORIOIMAL NAZE LO ST S PR BAD 99 Os' D MM. 00, i 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. CORraDO OP W4UKEIAO B DEMPS'IOm eOlIOS 00010.111 O 9 . SAT r-e . Sons s-y www.producewolldmnrkel.cum 847-581-1029 SALE DATES MA000 30 i, 251 1 THROUGh-I APOlL 010,2011 we vecen, ALL nvvlpaCrvommn CoupoNs naw 26 Calendar Codiciad loom PAGE 25 aile st mrntrnnnl otniegau 00 sit" sonso ny siso saloir passisi leur menthe Inirelleais' Astlento Nitos ledas aastemos, tiren-po? hsrvsries mstisr by phare. ro English and Igaeiat. ht lolling Ils 65110151 roso' sen oteahlnors ed doces flavos end LoesS With Kurs? Iris sp to thim-grade not addIs ere ina'itat 15 telabmst050iieO als latInI Conch pori lalonmst'sr lester lsll-iraa all nstlneia iella slgrnhtaaaia al Sarti Wallt 5010mm oea ihr'ressesïal psi tills Croise? silos cavoli? Cati 0th bonny neil ial Ihn meant ii nnisvoreiltuagioro orts Oesdiro CIaS, 'Stop by the Gaine Teosoore000 000aol Ooiisrsapo mill otter inn domscslrolisno, i Ott Services Department and pisO o a rooting Isp lo SAri prIen treni osso mill uloeoir enieiaionioilioiareoïoier IlsIls Osi lier hearth arrt lIa nlorr,mainetownehipism. t r Chiase Volons. Chinato anars ir e rtbmeatarfl Ilnisors Ir, Youth prognosos en s kreole beersB tytImo ir east. Aoriste tsr bollos suiesolepa, irving loti Opting" wit lake pi ose tram Il 00,-t PO. April t? leo Msinsiicsaearn nid Sotr Mill atipareS Cooler are ogairjOiisg arles lai the aneasleonatardestiti spsaeO, 50515km ii suret-sanie, rl-sl-salvad boo's orn se tino last Is rasnrva s dWell, aonlial tie laps Ol- donI 00mo oit OSI 011000E si Osnlni, 1616 isvalt Il., 1610 uwe rIdona, liso, ir 10 00 pm. 010001 aslodoiranni sod mieti o Meal ioulai I, tnglellotisr 'rsmngsiwo P55W, atilllse mdtenlo 000 nieced' dnolv OtO oddS, 00 anlaitssr dianas io toando iserdents bog YosambSo-OUOrt 0111 lIne lrnrsportalrn lo Weilst isdil- solo Oiled 0h11 alo el OsadO su lias ir srl real Soin Tinola ErlIhre omito dennis toqoramaelsii- 0100m RpiliSolOa1000PeerS rilar trebo 10500 SA droll Aso aile sposlb air nom lot thor Will Is ciada s esoneri ti vere ilseone aid asopimnoloit IslIosleerlo Sen lao al ltMll nna-5tE9 icily sii OnIella hatoS el bem mirrors al tIn smisI-mo L Ileirsaordia hiotits pio frass lIa n n h e no undo r. Ca nl rosa us near tonni dimir prognato tor children nuns at011 tinted os star na Osase, tinoerpista and estensI llotïme sti inert Riso E trino Stiiitlms:tO am Tturadetu vorn t-6 Witt avispoales at aIS tra, rango sii mols Goleo Tossneloip soy K. GeYser, Cloths dalia boWaohli is knotig engouai peno- AeiroltreseOm ai 18401 trI-OSlO mr Makro lornessIcsp'o Cesto tilleras Ir- usInera mol choose 05m mach live to srm boon sot bort p051110 bIlls, Call asIlnetirlleIslïsn Is bee000hl lue- 10511 III-5h00 is rssnrnn n lessen ntusIlIEglat Eq OssO - kils amero 16 Osnh tsr Sea000 linon Will he knit ant Parr aro 'isamlat ta paita'pelO mr this tun aseml 01 Ono i0?sotni Sn t Coulas 110m 1,05-ail pm. emil go HOMO-Marss A550eishlors 01000 inI oso hulL te aol torSsla tlnshitçhl eel 000 Ion rogo, Siturots sol rol n' lewd art gersolonui ist ha allareO denmseolrotr Ir ai allai Chi alit orn, is Conloncmei torChi baien' tuies-ath Chineas esstnirn miasma en prslle, sise ltsw'sgnloonersts that intrEcote 'leier-strarglh eUh mad lotir ara trealhiap Irlholauna lai Cli aso tsar nilerles, roplear tien lt lt nel iolenan, sod 051lire plydani smitrssol aco rneotal voll noiro Ira relire rgaonmenl Ihr sIsal lito, topear Sills, nit sereins reile Item pspulai ardrome I nieto modast crias shsW aaarma'e Perks impale un Ils Ilse 00 ley P51510 M lar rococo raptso tals irraors aol ois ore pmosmlod Sm Ihn gell Sir Ici oath pomicleosl 01551 500gb Ile, sInos sod pois, Orp'usllalria a occoetot 01100 trrlli ue'inrms O lIai, luI? 11, H000rd 01,0011 lOITI 1-100F al unIs sleet 101101 SepLi 0011, AprI Il al initmern m sort ils dsellinr Inc the mqoloi liosas appaltuslir Is onus? nnadalr Park D'rnlmllt'e linie Plc?, snlrsltsIlislal lesuon where Iho nssul pilai- al meulootisa nah oropel, Mtlopaersna Des P101105, Coll'Ma er LrnlsliOcnd 050e hilling loes rrmnll sTulpelisciO tsr dde ant leve, oIes a tal Motar Clore, Nitos yolk vulgo sad Stella la fiaMma aseraanol nsatora, sits ilIac supped lei POS- toelS bar moos st raser slur sr is hall mall t& Soasan pior rses nstir EO ritI apes si nseia lt aolsnir iing salt 11h11 116 SilO teys tri h SUlly 14 01 Oiseler toitilS, 8200 tIsIs Osa ergiatiellir tena are imItastI Sii inncosi001ts iag hi Aptm P01001 OsoOh 00005aIt - 050gios aisriotlo 11m eolioimsair osos I-Il Orgielor nom ber Pod, Holly Dsoea WOrIs050pe - I aoieo lsd al hiloa Paci O shrill mar01 li pemliomgote bollo lenI mc 100F, ioddarin 1111 nnsloddsnts, III OoniioInstlon tos dooms len tilos taorahsg d'iaeldors lascino erna oasi topsirmonis old emstisno d senil - Loegon - iddsls and llndays slob' teal's I abscOnsE Coil tice bill Os beere lodi 5101 llosstosu 5april' ab, Clos canin lolo Wrlrrsdoao I 1114515 Imsm 10101 air at Isar loepue leosdoy ecrorogu, SII- 05105 PonS DOsOnIsO il nllnirl An- ile pions bolIna 110-10 orioles) hoe Tots Apero Oyes - Pateela osm AsilO 001110411 111 lato March S, 2011 Brooa mond Triodo Abramos of Basffrili Giova Plldvois ossd Sniwarl and Detabda Roioh of Norllsbeook. rece Do, sod Mme, Edwin Zscuiog of Himodoti, Elli icho ecO plmnsod m50000cmce 1km emogogemrcms cf ahibi dacghlsn, Osidgil Zoilo5 oc Arrdeoam Hobbs, Andanas Comic soW cf Msajiihu rid mho lome Mock Hobbs of Riroised, 000osco, Bridgea hoc 2000 gcmdcnmi of Fliisdshi Cmommd High Sr?oot. Sloe gandssaad bio Mmqsina lJi'siemsifri la 2004 imbib e dogana il nccmndioeo tuionoas and mcomiaed hie dsccoeemo so phyoimd Iheonpy homo Moaqcolmo Um'rasrsiny lo 2006, Sumo ra a Pedurooc Physical Thsiapisc Lic Ncamh thmem Podhoech Theespp io Chirsgu Acdnois bss 0997 gendcame of Soplos Cnahotio l'Ohph tchccL l'li gendcsand boo lllioain SIamo Ui'siameily month s degeie lo Plumoso Rascsnoas le 2h02, Aodeoon 'co ccaeenalp mccployod so a Lied Sysl005 Amilysi aelah Aos odioso in Lr000loahsma, Ooch Said gem mod Aidcoio planned am osoas000ic elsiongogoasaamhohllaoirotoildrmn. jannico L ovrom mod Mdohaal SioO, Tiam hade-lm-bc is as dmodoana of Stovsrnnoo Hagh School, nba Umivrreily of tllieeoio-Clsoaupmiguood Midwaodoro Uasivarndfri She Eno Physaccoss's Assamneani fmr Dr. Lomare Smilerolaboor TIna future groove gs'oduoaed from Gloobnook Nornh Hdgh School, tha Urndvarsity od thlimoio-Ctsnanposga mend is oors'ronty purenivg hin Mossra"n Dogroomt Roonevata Uvivamniny. Ha is she tOsendE Seminare Mnvoger nr Hmrnnao Fono Solon & Mma'koraasg io Lonabord. Ass Augasa evadddog de plaesoenod. limoso Chisgs'o Lshoninrn nisglcbsehiod, They neo pleirmiog n Sopsimohir ,smddiog en So, Jobo si Ike Cross psaish mich neaunpaloc li tibias nl Cosrisgu Ganamo Cosoamy Club, Usons sand bireh of Csnoen lKlo Shell woo SOOl boon Melidel Csttor on oggoougn Allano Moach 5, roll in Ill, 11510055 bOrOill too ce- nnaasbosloS bondaIs Itnoalh ThoiSlool II lilassos orn al fleo lr0005l 1500 lorde OlsImoal yloor biso, it, Sony cl lys 05555, IrIneo, Poil C hi'Shi so Pd000trc 011osseo Ial SommI Ps oclsmmair ob anIs 1155505 lin al lares logos Till net I IrmOrelsysemiseo , C losses r011 ta heI IaionOnl elm nl bspol A PrI- olelta oPolel MordaIS Oolrsriots 110111 p tour 151151es 110 IO 00, 5010' ltnoud geondpornubs of Couler 01e, Lony aid Michele 1-luskeln of Napeeville, IL socI Vusco rod Liada Melidgl of 00000mnwoc, Skim sod gomat-graodpoaonio, Mike sod Jean Angel b) Nspennillo, IL, Roy Honkele (Oho laso Many Lii) cf I°Oanrbomgh, PA, Riuhoed and Caool lloghm of Honllsod, WI ouod Richoid and Jero Meindol of Clom Lake, WI, Coli 0901100e Omirlob, ywsulsol 01 leo OLCeluoSkIlo 11011000 00010 AVON GeL000u0501A WaM000 moo nos yEARS lOITI 40-bItt 0010e T0050k Ip Oigo South, dono oc 111k ' 004051 000db0 0 lerdO 'Aale 00101 00 Io io hold leO 2V alCol, assompaeyilosloosoo 1h51 so 51cl 050k Oily 'Orrng o Priest lu sqca4 la dsth oradmoreonteiwns il 0011 0511k Cali I 15511dm O w absoRb 0160 f115101 1001m'IO SIS- 005,5 sad Ir 50505e heur Cemos ars plorod el P15110 15100 n nos Plooso PiSoteos 01000 Punk CorIsco 000000/5100o One ana Isolo leIht Ill-1011, 10001e Judea Moons srl soon OOemraOo Ousoslyes0010ean Icriorlol ial pOdi as meetings eI am- lIssa brise Insolo 0w-t pm, Ipil lino OStlailtOS tell 15411291 1209,' it me TiM 'ssoc el loi) 5111 Irlos CooIon Reod, 01015 ii'rocoso t rs epoe ti IO lasmnnre i5. 105 00011500 cnt 1001 OntO lo nuIseS thneollt aponod lid 154101 il 10e aS mallos lIeimopIosSs sod 450015 ero lo Is lo 015000 1 IolsclSeI I non 0151001e 1151 oolnlralsd Ils s poS is si Moins OaoIb till 1100ml rihrsbob Irme bole Maule 1051 orI Melon moli Soi Gofo SoPeseS Cortes, emil so host o 01515ei I I ospoisslme b lis Silo Call 11M SI (0111 116-lIli Tempts 250es MIOflab, 011o lillo CoPlorcIub 015110, mmli hesl Im oncosI lund-Ifmoingnseo I et 6 po. Soy T, Ilinloulno nIcol III 1051010 0 I sunless by lOo TiM playoa silent ont saoos1005 a pcoanso look loll, 010101e 01 Is T loeantio TOO Pam Csksl, Call ils 15h50 501041) 0Th 000 Morsloh 10000000 015505mo 1105 loiIll One, PoikOmIbe Olido o 09151 'OO-edosaïsO hour nl 000 000i 050151, mIlO mar51 g oem' sa al 510 hmm 000ko Inc mtlhdmmn so 10511 sa no.051 15 lis 5051 SlIlny scymal S OIEIOI 1140 hala orrot-sols mo' 056510 I ponssroao 001111es 1nov I sonna oordmcSss ielorrant'sn will sIss 00 sos 10110 Arssmolrng talon usot cris mill siso ha oaihabo Cyis momia rfrseol el iniboun perk 010010111 tenO I Ion GOT ow,- yn000h 00?0ll 10 puoI005lc500.Clmlicelo 00151000 aIe aloileblo lomo 1552 pm, col 11011 011 1210 mo oolr MAse Pork D'maliIl 011010 Horlom Ils, in 010104 holm Idol 1001 Coon Ifs 101101 sI Boslocn Io 0050 OsI bottI 0000 P1055115 lIaI nO do reclama is hi're saoloiror ir itrio, nOmspopmns 00505605, Cille pegel lIso 000 coVi stspgreo solslegs, 0011 aie nnloloprs lobbiEs, 1011cm as hod poner 050 shceltot poser lOantE' Ss semlbcoiO II eholohmeln slboseeynshs0050 mIroIR Coil 10h11 001-6104 SO. doblo Orohosat Immuni COspel nilo Pomol gro rtrt 500101 OObT IC or000 Sis 50000,101 OP1 sol loIr Ion precio sod irrlmislmOO, Coli (847) III-5145, Imu050an,ssmtahseoh5000 Ti°°fÎed Poli Orale sI I Conosce I bdnadapeb Epson PIale 1510100 ai Ib mol 1100 iIi slIsoil Old Fl5500rl 0100001 orI Osrlhnnsl llgtriam Ito lIest ont 000ni ag alenim II l0101000 01 dccli- To place an ad here please call 847-998-3400 (option 2) to speak wit a sales representative. laIs leslarr000whiohr lnsol055l litho oors al publIo lis oluvei loo' lili idol n Il nuglllr ea 05151150 oeso'e S, SOI the aopaos oil molote troltofo Jo cr5000 ont asliais SaltI nannten tirs 019)1 lOe CO' Ines PIolo 101511 lorena nr bols osons o osonts 010 0500aPoesn i must to pollI smell n o 11005e Ion roleoolr orosaotosioeoo t 5001000Sr, Olson 00015 lOose 11 111 01 M SIPOOnI orNo 011Imoir 14411151' 0011, 15100 0h11 O15011 00S0 515051150 Is Ils mamI 11101 eso n00515 It 0101 0 10m Sb soorosi b si- PIONEER Pmss dross 010100es pdo 1050e I 0040ko 'olorvolen oonlusoas oIes sod unIe soil 'eISrasaOlso The 0066 ClOse nl 011grnvod till 501ml 5 pI OOmObOrOSli is orb larmolm ononnarrn'o g 51000m IO 01550 Your ad wilt appear in print & online! lom000ed lsp'ionisS aId Idem lo o noii tahilells'aswoesLSsllr *101 onoslil s nation Osp 10010101 010550m en Saldate ont vnnlnly MIdot Macboil sod isomonmloms 510 moloemr, Coli 100111104141 ergs Io man000l 510 loll Oli OSO-011O Rsu,b000 lomsesb510 055000e AsssobOOlOO mml sillar 0001101 omurdo 1101mpg loI ploisSIss nimnos milh r sr, dola PosheSt IS telling Ian siI OC isle troleulSmleei 510mO 415mmn' 0h05 I asniosh LOIn 000g 10411 101-OBb or o-mer t Irctsrlsil Omloolill Oid050mi i 110km 0005 moor onolesi O od Orson , ph000010 Tu have your garage sabe ad b ererol5500r5 tI 5gpI,lrbiol Osi toelbosolmacdlo 0111100m, april10 s-mail sIlbos, OrO 010V 550100515e? IrS aliAnte lo all bol summer vamp al Ito 0101000 51411151M mor sibIl Irr SLishn SIesosl 0000 00 sol sthor prsocamu CoIl 10411191 0000 oros IO 100111, Also PIggy lsmnuek ioposI or hour Ills, orteepapsrrelmmonoosnml, Icr aali50000nl sIS herrolotlo lelOsIso Os feo-loan inun'nos nl 11055es 1h01 00151' osI 'F' Cool lolos 0005ml Roo rosI Ihn tilos lolenon oeil luir I oddilomsl 00 ohleoroci Momorrel IlatorIsIll will lilt O nom- Cell 11111 051-0015 tsrsl 55011m trIllA ho Csoten oni reo Maleo Gest tieso el 1111 Ro usIne snl b011 S'OliaI OasI will J bocbsudrd im cao pomO gaoagr sale guide br Sope lv placo Isar soi by Manstay Spot Olaompdsr na omit Iocomoa or omord maims hoMers, Aso mosso moot t. CUstom coossno Ploys donor 0001' Sanflsndnllnrhrnsel500cru Skis' Shavleo - Oln,555,memn roluosOli 55105505 sI 015 lIlO oIl 1911, TEs leo doyroonlwi li lo bld io lUCI Ils nlIObOwhhp p151150, 0110m' 05001gb, CIsuiO16 ese 000 I5e Eane'HoOsnlm, ItO luIse Imeeship iaoioh CO50cesoive, NOII 000701er II, 100ko, 1110mo alnsl001mee lolo- oc timon 01 len sonnmio Turnio Sill u Pets & Vets! ChamE onU Oranc y lie Oral bobA 27 Let's Party tavm Pinnvnr Pielgo' Youth Looser Loag000 151101110e by ihllrbi Iseslen nos dcnpaed oIl io lie lottassI P011150 8022 1010m 7 pounds, 7 00000W1 20.5 mohos long. bolOnia birF Oc st rio bInIou ilse 0050 0, M alitI r nba ial Love your pet nid loierders oil ye011550d Ic eIlend lamp ollao lloy 0560mb hone lis nosisi olmos sa on tIroir 2010 1510 ednilo Coli 100110410010 flote mou1t 5dsesoaa ChoceS 0001 n 401150 000 011415, oil unid 01511 Ft lIdo Fislmirh The soholonship pro' olum ulIses 11115100 lIn sppudus Im Meindil, rlardeiisepn Wslcolsl0000l IIPOI EDO- ISOlO al neon, nul boro otin o, ihr raholerotio hioIl000pneacrat aloe Poi 0001051: AsIlo P0101500 on- l'dal bIli rl IpOsiUflitiOs Ill oIdor 11010 10101 pratuoto A cessgosablo pInol ari-yolbom 005lamaecsappoel Engagement noaom idIllI VISI Oslo Im respond by apri AI sohle 0001 P51 Pol' 11010es nIto CilIo usi pm, Itiopol sod Ilisroy 51190 lomeS mor don st I p,m,IClspnll loll IstucOst agil ao Wosalet el ICo Pasto Poil seheOl lIai m'osor nido? Tllenod ero w nmodr h IO lays ron000il sod sIten' tao Inmole llar OppshSllly Is io' Engagement 5501 FOSO MS no OasI Ileso 011151 pm. IChsosIl hmoe IrIsaI, sgml 02 1001111 iO 000 Fl 01055 nomInI inollill ird005d Ion odclOIois 551 0100510 tisi teodoro, Is piosddo nolormaliocnl roleioto or the 500mo I ChOlo tom ConilmoS Praemm, FO0Cl 011a 40' Zarling - Hobbs AprIl Dl loso 01110 LOsO 151001 rIO loll hosni nilseh551isi Fr501155 el- SOrio lar 1001010g 10011er tIsi 0115 Abrams-Reich per g Olosoreudes Imnoor sol lorohog o IF o suoI hoi scolI Ito 150e 15th 115511 lomolmadtsm Cile 00015m, o ole frs Molds lIaise 900551ko Carter Allen Meindel InI luuvlomaes- OIly ThscIioy, PS500000I - There oie sill 0415 olaitolie let sIssel-nemealor pro' 100cr 55 10510 Fr510515 Insm lie 011051 raemy bolo vr I dtivotly lUPI Oleo PsieOiSt StoOls Closons tnt sIrilo Item-17m. landsys, Thom lots 0001-mot ,O. AOaOsslOys inid000 mord t 0101e Csalsi Sosaiss Iseo flott Olino, CmsimlnsOire COSI 0100 5101150 mli s psmsomas ornuslmsoemee no molt MoIne Pork Plolniol 011000 aolonhioo sI blEui 0155 1005101 enaseavt llanissseol uigtt bulbs nr sole is iba psa is 110v 0 tights 151 Sod 55100 SrIOor Adsdt 00000e 500ose-icmn this soil y merdeS in mm July lO el I sIt all linlolnshim Rossi, IC Mor mo s0 0015sosbk5lte 01005000 lOss' Tos Moisir Os roldmoc P0161 4th'Sth Goods mouth Moor Ooohoe 0100e lay nerkahops 1001010g lOo tasmslsndsrnsstolS 010511m OasIs, Moo's P00505oot-ISalt555 al yrurratrsa oteas psepoelni ghrdosl sod moalol ahollaitee, Saisirai art InnI by Il-tosi nAIl Sollst A Dsp otosO yrero loads SolAio ilssens toar seno Osa onE laIn Pirol liso ira m000l 055 P 0W lclspslt 1001m 11511 lItt 5m ItOspeli lesIon 000doy Apih 00 ?ely hass st MSI sa, io I. 0000m500h Sonseo Oslo 'coil so. Ist 14 nl One mIl, rnseon sly 510005 sI ISo 05551 0 um, IClopol? 101m Saelsm onoiseo April IA 510 Irr 10101011 Oat apIri Il 01 010 Sr, ISIliilesI) ?OyWo 1 OsOmlOs- aol 005101e st il Sm, 10ml 1100100 01 aoelr P?0015 stoilel Apr I E Seo moo pocpdorg udS amorI al o anisoleen disenso I Od OlOr m011i 0960161,10 scOots as Vina naolsolmna Center belote Ils t'o losrecmlemsmoadsliiesninO singo ondocili n this 0101-nonO 1110m sa nr call lOi Pl biT 1005 s tesen st Ileiseelt Cerasme Orner, sal thins or cloro isla Ir starres In SoL POI 1011050 POils, Osso-Oho'KOiokom - Cbiltmeo 0h05 sapa) Bibi Opas par? nl lIte termorillos sed frorasi mando Pos enshiniltsksrntbsirstaly bInds5 iota tirino lia day bogus aliSas, eilt anllr till t ago Issloi My litri onisried Mein iRrte mar, StimolI Morale t lei Chi Iratruatop Will Class layo sot moos vary bal sost sels oso Uso r ir Marsh Doe 0cc len 0000 40101100e tOms dick sollo ml 00118016 ea Ballera dr- Cosi las 11201011 rshmsl yerrl Oroe dom Soplos mccl IO, Simio mill gnr- e 0iaso linier milito lembI 01 Soll 00005 01 Tre Pech Jobo Osso Spores - Ci asnos 010 qeoroI t 01001 Idrer 5055 D'i sed in obi00510m , 00011 smi spoIl slants unicI 011101 FOldrni Roeiealmem Cor lia iO 11101 lisle lynch high - eno- r 1101 no, len soornly ri ItS Arsiloasnllha fnirynuwrPorkola- e Coil 10011 all-Ill? irlialialinn inns ir sot eop Omise lIre11 I-5 mser' mit ary Wolsesdom si Ilurndom 111m Gelo Maleo I Me)nr sedoso mop msa Solo ore olidaS 000 woos al retsolslrntcs Is held Api1 1801 tw505s mMlllp 00 lAnds ano Precie ploy roca Isttoma, lori 00-iseo Ob lstrsirnl ne os are dosisnota loi rosroldeols, Isst Irevoorns On 5505111 ItO sor tarse ill 000n"Piggeal Caso u 00010m sad loam plam. loom shills aernovIsi tolmo o bosbol leoni- Atolls asir lire riras will br eri eri, sr calor trocs diiamaois pprsnod by Ito it. oiancrmaal Is' ninslios in the Cisl and hsn le sp t tora ti. loanpali h siso nanti tO, OSOS 41e lyosis Ian Coli is or resi asilo io crei be mollie, erbe olinto uso o coro ir walker Fini sIso eels tint appainiverts Is all 1000 to leid asad, Path Ridge, lo Coitad Slates horn Corsia raes' s Ihr CallOsas oat Oerers000l rara tiri era Ora son pails il noti? mast presso1 e assaIni Olas, asan' rl b'rolitl Tee Salicor g lis srl Halesii sninsrs ConIng 0110W 0100ml 11, sessens Orli Isacs so Ile loatemselols nl loamn'iqno, mode TInE, Osnomi nl OOoi5OmOl05 to omndor emy loI Oea 'tremino toc Sibs nsItlnll L0en505 len teilla orn, laths CimYSoilt asso. storing ir in-entering IWo United lokal Il Ihn terarl Cniouls Cenlsi, gando bsgn tal Isoirloled sIi Icen, pinot si Osta 'masieno, lia pistiso oit Cosat st Seien laniaif ann itaca bd sit. USnul'nrnasiteriip i Cloe Pooh 0100100 ra OsmOptreO mg' its simm inteimslur lait list ocmi n'ralrr Milis Olepoh utah tir anti lasmut ori-O n. Apri W lia Cloths lilao nut prallte pnaspsi iitsrrnst'irisa S arisons ria stanO Osesai appt astisno. St oltiarro moot ressac osait lassai? boit when Ion dog 05111501 101elwediale sIcderls Wodneedoys and Ihamslsyani O Cat 18411 liT-151F OofstloIior Allwo I PltNefP PAblO PUOLICAIIOI 'tIC IlL' Ttl0100?, MAyct ii loll www.pioneerlocMLcom YAWS Metro Seeb000 mo Mai00 T0500050bp eammoatmoso ore pmsynsrr 01105050 01101 opper luohimso 10m iosiloelo 01001 niter MSObeIsIil'rnolsdoS Olios ertlorIp- Cmlemdor', PAGE 29 , roo ,- no nno W ------Im. Place youp CboSnifiod ad amyli000 day op night, soEl 000-835-3492 Ir simio httpo//pioysrn010sut.omoso/msdostplaoo - ilL'TalssDsl, 55515 li5 ii:11_ S u' DISTRICT 64 Becasen chlldeen nl ever- ycunger ages me000assieg the Internet lhccugh many diffvivui socarre st home md on the ge, heaping chitfree sets is a groedeg roncars. Te help parrots supervise ddtdcec rlfavlively when usmg ccmputeeu, coil phcnas and other mobile deteces, Pech Ridge-Riles Srhocl Pistriat 64 is sponsoring e "SurDo' DefeR" purent program on April C Cpber-bullping jasdor identi- ty theft and seivial predetees err senong the lupins to beacosand. ilgt. Robert TornsbsOe of the hides Poiles Department 1'iil chers lais years of eaperiesce and a wealth of proctiret hoowledgs with parents during the Sil-minets session sterling al 7p.m. in the multipurpose mom et Swarms Middle School, Stilt N. Comborleed Ava., Riles. The free event is open tu the public se part of April's Healthy Lining Month odieltics in Pech Ridge. _,Ta help sintoree Pork Ihdga-Ndrs School Distriat 640 cisti behavior guais, Curpenter School tins - Caroline Wuluseya '131607061 und Shun- lea Cathalia Christiao ecliage prepara- gasse spasecced by tise Siicois Principals Associativo in recognise sladeeta who help ta cenete e pesitice rovimm000t in their schocin. Arcarding in Principal Mamy Corel, Carpenter's fifth-grade oiutf selected four studeatu team that grade lo cacoider for the IPA award; Suecia Sande, Syon Patrinic. Elalese Smith end Crin Stecke. "Saab of these siudruin cocuy etasd oat in modeling the traits of respect aad essponsibifity ihst eec at the heart of our civil behavior pmgcmu in District 64," Sc Cessi said. "ilbaply uteind, these four arr sil pualtive peinons iv boaw, wbiah in one alabe chacacisristios the ilPAsnasts to higislighi," ehe added, Eat iluding a Way to salant just ove prayed alsalleoging "Seneuss nil faur students ara Ralegieg from pottery and scratch art tu obrar prints, paintiog and moleccelare, a lively apedreas of slylrs and media are iraturad in the PulIssI lebt to 1)911. illysse Csr8LlO 12160034), le-118 Proeheske 'II 1806341 61es Ceelay 11 l6lS6h Osees Gansas '12 )6t656), Carotta Woloseyse 'lb 1627261 seil thssiee Osesuelle 'Il 162630). tsvteibalvd yhslt grade 8. District 64 art teachers selected atsdesi merlos lhst best capturad 1h a emotivo challenge presented in snob project. Sp005ocad by the cableges sud universities biSsais Art Education Auno- Islets that inva seco stodeals mainlais ingle scores vn AP tests even es these or t arec ted by 11 students nl Pech Ridge-Noes Schsal Dis- trict il navi on display at DISTRICT 207 (cindy litoovakin, gmde 1; JulIe Meise Tseannhip High School District 207 is among a hmdful e6 school districts natiosubde take honored in the 2011 ,°,P Sintsitat of the Yana Awarda. Monte, gs-sde S; Find Asno District 207 bone of only SchReite, gradeS; Ahlen Iter(Btie, graded; Eliesbetie Asmatmot, grade li; Pesublia - JoSa Gryneki, grade I; Ar- 380 U.S. public achool dietaints that sinsalts000usly in- re Wneeiakowekl, gande il; Jl1 liais 5050g med Natalio Selaeagonkl, grade 0; lico- ocrait Caroline Reeker, gmdr b; liete DIssect, grade il; Relleno Cr0000lly, grade 4; ceemed access to Advanced Placemest naurses foes beaudee cambar of'stsdscts and dan msintoinad ceboprayed fice eats ut whiah shale AP sludonts corned acaras afilar higher OOAP acorns. Daly 26 vlher distelots is illinais corned tins eqaollyouistseding, to pick ccsproaestative from Carpenter the anly fair way in the rod worin draw oea sosas randomly loam a hot," De Cenai noted, lo ibsi way Wmbingtas - Sophie Piece, gmda I; Aieeie fractale, Erie Steche vim selected in dye, grado)) Karouleelea Leelak, eilend the WA Student Socageitino Srealofaat for grado 8; Linaain - Corolgo AP caurses ore dasigvad te gire high schoal stadacts an letradactica to the rifare of railege comseworb. AP easeos ara scored cOOSpoint scale, md Sis Fitatikbeo mid Rachel Welch, by 1h escara for which mcoy grado 3; Cote P0001, greda li. Middle echual artists inaluduv hilwas'aco Molly Paetdeak, gmdr 6; Nikki See- obis 'lette ecli Iscador loe spiredsoislyla nisetne, eselei cell Inner ini ciel seckse auch esa 05)00001sci stIl sI 055551's culsselsto sill sasse ieee), Cost le bIS sesborn, fIt, sueste. diacioc fina. grant ingher-educaion credit ta high sehvvl students. Tise dgeifiecnee vi the Honue Soll designation is that it cecogelaas achool dis- diatricts hsve secoco-aged a bvegor and meen divaese group uf students in pcsah themselvos mid inSt their es- pubïitias by sigsdog optar AP ycoines. Aceosding tu Sc Ren Wdbaca, Snperiainsdsni, "We have esads inecbisg und corning the ceitical centra) odsdov af whvt we do each and every dey Our teacher leaders in District 107 have helped us ucinevs this succuss through theic cosonitmoot to evvlieuuas improvemeet, und acr imdesvinp team and baurd have provided critical aupparl and guidauce iv the pl-vasen" Dv Wallace continued; "Wewoddabeabacevdss if wo didn't uvbnuwledgo the great warb of vue elemon- hilT partner Districts 61,63, and 64 se wall as our maay they ace ail cveasdtbed to providing the best pomible cdncetiae Is ova 01v dents in 054er in peonide u fousda11cv for their saccess." cm' dudada fee anaccee. We have geaut woehing ealaticosinyc mich all of fhem, and D)geaf, PAGE 32 pnicats erkvolo Chat oil dv a tcamevdous job of preparing OSOs Sill 10501 sen oId 0150515 Daugh Is 10551 leur. Cleeens orn sgslurly bsrsic g and 05 511551 nonO eses i.e. Marsh lo. born lbs 1151015db sIal esurrIc I nIacin, leste (olas pIll'ssteouitablnIerlrnsiso,fo' fleteS innotiss il tIf onitnuudes snI Inlali Call nAIl OSb'hSbl, Csmossi 18 flUyO, Sf14 acsde Osa., rosc'tespesioi 058cm eSo sasys Molar Erase Csoelopnaleh Oaty lolo Salol Astees sntsne Marsh SI sIll 0115550 tree mIgo tultso sali plano lInse, o sertit,ed sesisr 010(151 000 lslnrsnlsnso II anImi II 50drssssnlen- The larqn tultsso snip suIe lIlla 5es Sisees 50511e and soler seen, bslecnll II lnr i ong-Iornssln IrinI esnsere ioinn hoosdol il ossi sg lsr I sng'tSrerels , und tesSI qseo In -'«r' ," end ulesi ose Itero epocseo 751v sediate rouliS lore sod mssary ceder recIas mee reSelle (or corn Ccli ISIS 147010110 sahotalo o pnrsesolised tsar Got Bill SIsaptIng Cesses io rnssvvg "loots nl pitnnss," a 50ll'salhieg pis5mm Anclase 1110011 daloltnys, le I'aslnnloraas.Fleco-SelllSsnntags esohln nonloss 15501k Hnbghe Ne Meso, o pendIs Sniolt I 550su ppOII 51005 solloCes nao Oneteis, I155055lObi05101nnnts8l Isle l'ps, rsiiprs, cad Ociptut linos la - , - u - '' prslooh aonsoi Irenon u oh Medsaic lesi olIdos. Isle prosras is (51511 noI aleyalt Iras idl'bS2 Os. 5010e drsllhamstay nl sash ovalI. 6101 Cs AlOI I larliouplosinesentiol oh (lII( OOd-brSl, eaighl soir Neclidlo Isle laIn las 5.lI'lEls as, misuse sI Ihn Issold Pesce 0cl lussi orn insistai Coil 11411 III-1100 lsreeevn a east. MeeLrr'a- Haro Thea o Coté, 7(10 tin selloS Wndnesder. lull tin EOlb Otilare tnnlsr, 1176 (osetl fI, 61es Mill ennsfesnnl olean loll) lac- )nlnIotes55005slkloì Call (Rl) 0754225 105lit. tran-ls-svderote-phcsd 510' flans such se eloisni leornisi pro' frano trtnssesloenee, Iren liseSIndoors enclOs sed ceatle ings, Ires cssss 500 Insilare, decisIlelnreerncnleiaes, spectei cicale Ost doy Icon Cell 111111754eR laI sere intsrsalren, sesept sOste nsf- tepsirvelorrel lenire to all secrete redime in nerI 51055, Iluso (dm000 eliseo, Nsnniags, SrGilInr Pork emcee Claun and biassed Park Ovillas 1db Saales esel Il yod beneil rollelle scnknre Io help scntde lohr hunau Innise are Suons Ilma nemes fi pnocrnnnad quaïlec Iaedymss sr soetrostsrs 55v nro salohetlo Sn rij1/ConCepts Desig es/B AiId/ MainlenaRce Weekiss MaintenaSce Dirt/Sod 630-964-5450 ilelfsnihl cils e fissnal louvE. Tree PIantinA lu i o nraiss land os epísfloons ere, [awn Repairs . Aeration pnmnnn(sl Ost vuinl000nes, SpIll Sod boll sisesupa, suinI, lIno sod RePjailiSgs - Mulch ohrsb p1001515, eIn, 630-530-92% elbdoaed 000904 (seep il on ohr ile sepplrl p1501 Oct addlaslns lessee olmI br pnnnno aso ennemi Suidoline, oie (000 bees nidloed ieee than los Soars Ills group senIl Irue T-III pm. an lia sncoso and dull o-ndoyai tie ssnll 010010' tse(ospiac end Pelliohtea Cele, 444 I. lultloson key, lulls IO, Pall PidgI SS per noonias Cull 1041) 65f- eels to 09151cc llsljne) (s A1PEMPnI listel. -. fon dookis caece ofgceorslrces! PlANT HEALTH CARE Enn;reid Ask brot '0115001 MAINTENANCE lrsspsuninf,bkiveisf aid baieseis Ploemeing 011e1 kIm Dimesso Csbdng osai fnsyIeg Desdmandoeenooai lnoeursedSieeene Dis6 rosie ersqras 1101 sIebtens aerobic eeoc, lys pfln1is Sutton sioOmiIQ mIse' pail otoaltieci soil. 15501g, sashing SERtoCING 111E NORTEE SHORE SINCE 1963 lens sill ntnsnsrs st ines densos sisdsoy OnresI rossisi. yell ssrh p.5.55 thu list mo-slay alSo conch terncpl Janonraendislylel seOn 55e00i torneos ropoin, sellpapering, luelpoi0055, mIld old Ihn felpoiesl Ilnrsps Cnolai 9Pm sinne sI dense 550115es in sor loloS- 147.255-ThEE (5733) sien susto stase lnssrfsrsliso ScIa. Prlalse,seells-Iisaisereg,aed albnt IrIreen sIria Tie lIasses sels (Islasaslally 1maI11 dbbberselietcseil( lsmle,sc whoSe le 5011150 tolete, Classee ale lIeu al Il nr nleissr tuyo 1h10 ase Daaaleg isallnred soro. tall tesi 111051f. 11121 1112120 CJE SesionAS le sOrocheS spOils- Church SI, ilse ylaisny' uso sollt on' IronIe, lsnlncl Meg (oSnrIelli (047) 11f-4115. Coeheebo Ckenlelee lb tin Olsldís' Cneo st lilloIs 'Insilos tisse SIs Itose 15111e eobimnau desrdnsen, 150f n omItIr 40e, is boira. Oshinnus 011ens o red tInitol 105505118 Sss' Calesdop, PAGE 35 6309188229' Trsn6esonui canotq, pIcalinS dryrsell, plOslnl- (Jelaenalea 'Jssscicise lssiloees 'doll nthoOn,a,,55sl5 630.343, 8296 COMPLETE TREE CARE SINCE 1963 Soil Cars PIsse Hao)Ih Core Pnuolanu topo aol elle et 1GO lob. Jshernrlaln 'asuro ,ls,llue Grasso SUNRISE TREE CARE The alteares soaeees Itospilal limbe Club Ist 01010 s005nre and De'ti loregooro 00010 lbs 14:50 leers Ile ralee Ort bule slraleotes._ festons ele antnaedass, 0115.5. Dscigo mad bsoIublulivs/Reaovefius rIss 15151 rOcie, asS email bines tor througlbut lbs neon osnry sselc sr lion sill Ile lily st lIllois teporIsosten ASIlI olIere e lrnn #nsn TIMBERRIDGE Shamrock LANDAcAI1NG, INC Lawn Service u unies, Bild coo OSaatsaOc Osees Garden Fane arelo canlhly te teiree Ihn PIObIUlO mrseninpo miti le cItarlI S. Oooins 00e., '101510e etaito il end eider Is eeper'reesc asoleeeinsoily - ilip pnhieipests 10h19 11151 05010 ssnlssi 105505es 00E spyrepniete (sr ployere cese Od Osons asd ntdnr ne. Ches Ciah (sr sinslnele demis and ree 50051e she sont es - p.5,05111 T SI lIa serbo Irles Sollt Andres 111515 aITsrinals indo' 1175 megos Cok ABbono, in soulubors- ùeanin nIle art tanS-lets tarn nl assisI' st Tse alla Seseen Costee alloro snsOerslip lo (flee setlerls soc 62 five olsen st sis lv II Pierson. es lain eso ai tin enclore meen Trilla spring teed e Irnaen 5115m an "aalareo 055' 5555eS Ala, 505 5 105 sisialtien Mill SSspptaq tIdIer, uciso 700bhp Mornllisomsv ont Psrtneesio hsalttrrano lIsIO fhsrn nmylsloss Irouph (noilt ceminere usi lisos °peoo Coas Csoeam 500cc mellen 0955cc n eetoreeareii cIna or u enrien oison issilne t Iososecni le Is ah' 7 spsnbornd bSOetIOOy Terroso, loll (312) 781-6700 550 F01511y Csogboeo 01550, em ed' 5500 oadtsu PPsv PIOUS Ion bully Debt ASOMO Lilo Cernee, 7007 S. besenS Oye, 811es etti tosi e trilla Heller & Richmond Ltd Seppert 55351100 Leneee OteaSes 6th (Sc Soles ASsen Life Cenies, 702GO FREE CoessaftetiOes & Credie Rmpsrs toys al Ill Ossi dlerl blksnrcilo Siseal 0555110e, I messr naln leo pooled Ohne, astietnl leise, loIn- Know your options. Make the right choice ExperittnCe Counts! lapes Soebene, s leOisO fnniss oreop Isrpeuplo sImm liso 85 snels 7'IIlGlrm Ihn 1151 cnt Ihild Sua1100111 lyrIcs 01511e lolpitol voll ornesrust 5556 0104m loomIs in- las-gol Fish Fry sanry Fits1, Piel cet sr blIni srneied 51011e 105295 'silt ISO idee. ONO oselressee p. 551- Why pay more! Talk to a Lawyer! 1551051 Isrbtly Innani 01 11411 411- "1iren Ii" osI lias dIllsisen rs- rets, leale plcane 5115015e Tens reetsel trIs cIpo. (forth Il, lela- pbmehcg fuod drives and ceIba elderly cf St, Joseph's Home and much maca bss been 000mplacy ta their peers, cobo mil) ose doy hein an IppilInlan sed loar 01 Sobis005. nosed eesrrsnsnnt. 155 pngras is ecpmssvl iheir pears. Their machis covelinatieg and die pea-lila silas-in ob the Wvmvs's Center noChicega, puired. ssbnlarnhips am 010110510. ToI Scannae'lllstnesns arsboar soIls est 5e01 sere a sani arIse heure. Set. Cnsl fr145 Menor ldeeelaeo liscoudi fOls. 555-lIbO (sloe opptvoilsn Pc Isober del Castillo, ehcpbsin et Noetbeidgs Prep, vvenbcntsd tha atadast leedcee of such cf lbs four baila ethinciheidge, sta esinch sIl sludeuts are divided. These membceca of student government were nomineind to vducleer boum to support b esSOiasssente 11 lIC Canpoeoe senil. tee ast cl PIlrsS peprr'sal' till sill in Imoil Irsssses'h,bl FROM $350 Total* uslnr tie prnold ene Il lis ill, la- irg Itraishiaa est ISeinilnedsee a chat Innierri ir curdle, lIroefIlon- 29 BANKRUPTCY gnces.TSOtocnl sOpporlilo 5001101 aro 000ilatll lIrcIph fit. Oppllnnnle slosh 0551115 I orsell151101 551515g p0115001 01 Coeds5 0M Edan 7e' soll psnnfs 5051100 5 elogeee,8a ottiyesdi 0051115 snialod bel le n- earI o esce Is sesptnle. MeIse Tesnalslp, e lesparsllsn silO Ihn Isst lesers binaIre 01h55, is asltevInç sled cell planes lo in cnrselci loe errrgeaae SII ese bss ene- 5511 Csslns Irisa, Slice. 00 sell (447) Fian NOrthnidga Pony sta- dmts received awards fram the Aechdboems va Starch 6 cl the RassisSe II Youth Lrodeenhip Award Eanquet, This eesaed bsaqaet, minch sechs aasuaily to banca yaveg leadara for their Oneida lathe conanveily end to tho Church iedvdsd ramp atsdents loom around the Archdivcese. Olo'tieh enorf yslasers elli as, Iiurldaye anl Fifeye, liaison sen nr nl. recisA Ills, Sr Ile irle 5h lhs classes ve teips se RelIme deNoto lese Ir lOe Iilse bsrlsr Conino, vol RORTHRIE1GE PREP brinosasseiorysllset.Ilsmninr 197-1515 M 160. est ele si It lIn- SaniarCootee dation, Youth Art Mvnth showcases the growth of students' cmaiisity and visoni comsnaeicaiian shills tin'vagh their original set. the Pech Ridge Public Libcasy in celebration nf Youth Act Month in March. Tisis yam's elementary seboul artists include Corpeater Paleuioc Bacini und file, fI blare O duo, (loess lt asor iosdyeee la lis ecco. Ilude kessel esacess esd esuli tan Is saisit n soso, esnlorl therese Icily, ecli ice Caravelle 'li 16il6301. Resurrection College Prep High School loathe ilrat lisce isa pro- lilt 005105e ovIlI 0e Toendoys lIaI Isoteren Issebi nahen It ssutel onislanitn i 000rsrsoe sr Melon Taneele'Ip is cckicg (sr osasbusce is lvculisi Noel, sellaSte ley '11 1600161, Danse Gowroo 'fil 1606511), the RavIli Cavh Regioc this month, along otile De Canal and her paraste, Cvilacc mcd Paul Stroke. tise telle Moieeftesos005eslhlf am.-4:sl i.e. IfnI 1f Faetsecls 6)1 lia bessel sois allia Ctis050 sd1iisrtuede scoppio si elsass's, frasi 5sf One's fasi, selleS acstdi- ftmily Proelcanha 'lt l6il634l, Alas Car- SCHOOLS DIGEST spring decided to participate Scum oso oldnr mho say nnnle letpiel load 51511 isabeilobIs un' selcI, Conlaal lin Neiaebteeoseu, 11411 7074510 seIn Is ssemitsslssssi'Ipusss. Dey Tslp - thesis lesso becchI students; Alysse Carrillo '12160654), tory high sahoal far young massen bautad at 7500W. TubaIt, Chicago, Por mare informa tian e baut Resuarcetion College Prep High Schoal, call 1773) 770-6616, ant. 129, argota wu'wrcsha.crg. co fi Isecan rs Isceli u eaallodln Try lhaqerlle-eslnrelo neorrien close, feti Pork Tille, asiese aeiemise Vio1in duet earns high marks at state contes. OnMurch 5, Resurrection College Prep High School Cheosbec Ensemble musiciens attended the Illinois High Scheel Aeeocatioe IIHSAI Soto end Ensemble Monje Contest at Reuvis High School in Surbueb, Ill. Theviolin duet nf senior EesilyPanehsslin ned junior Alyssa Corrillo received a Divisive I, Superior acting, which is the higlsrol rating possible. Tise Rrourrrrtino College Ps-up Chamber ilosresbie is directedicy Mike Longe und the members inolude lbs following seslsll505riotysteaerolee nIece- Csclinued lIon PAGE 27 s005loltee, uhish islets esliallias tee Ito epssssiri senti. 11551 svlsul)ee cro et Neuen Ives Halt. 7ff (allorI RESURRECTION COLLEGE PREP HIGH SCHOOL 11 111f cs, si Ihn led sed ihn iueedore nl ecli cenit b osi elsIe paond al 14 ellsndalll uniho is u odo51518 buildisi. Is uears,tni 05115 neI' tine dnsilnnd hoonnneoe ills, 67- Calendar RØWS 651591ES PfEIl PtiLtCASON 'NIL C nome Sema mes e Secsp 0115dm5 oocsu,IVILRISO7SGDSAROICO3onm 5% DtSCOUNT ON ANY 10 Illinois TREE SERVICE OVER $300 u CerRif led Arborists (OPTO $roo,E0) a On Staff - to speak th a sales representative. Calendar Continued torn PACE 29 hase esperresoss rae lees elk tasad seats solutOs la partiurpsia farte tecleo Dallaset in Servisere sr noi' s'do rL000I meet creer u esrrnmrost anteo Ittt 0usd 05a& tes Fonos. ttide' t, CHICAGO NuES CHICAGO Edison Park Lutheran Church Faith Lutherao Church (ELCA) 6826E. 0 ptWtAsr. 050050, IL (Heroes pork lIeR EBree Park Bets) 712 631 6131 vcrrs dreoaparko5oro9 seer St. Jahn Lutheran Church Park RMgo Preohytoriar Church 7429 MilwovkaO Ave., Siles t300 West Cr Scott Avsrue 6001 W Paterson Ass. 847-647-9997 847-523-4135 Chiasso, IL (773) 635-0755 wwus.pvrkrid epresby.on5 SuVdeA Scrs'cs 9:30AM 500606 VArskR 430 Fra. Emnsosg, OordoyRorskip Saturday Worship 5:30PM 6:00 a e. Trodeoss (Sept-1604) Sunday Worship 10:05AM sunday Sarvi Bt I 0:30 AM 9:000 or. Spirdsrdge 1030am. 050tearrorory Rely Commurion Weekly Ree. Sr. Mielas O SparSe, Sr Paular Peesors:Barbara Rerry-nailey Carola Edwards, Pudel Deacon Sian Rdder,Womhip/Aoso errA Jener7 Orne Mudan Leda, Chldree/Yse0000by NORTHFIELO Willow Creek Community Church Ostile Shore Campus 315 Wvvkaeeh Rood St. Paul Lutheran Church DEE NF IELD 56509 CostalA, 00531, )V06)E67-SO44, mmw.stpasloerlreld.ord Street Level, Ar Corry9orsd - North Shore Un'darian Church sardayWnrvlrt 6:15 & 1045AM sesmAs, IL Phone: e47-234-24R5 Sunday SrSorl & VAsE Bible 9:30AM Every Sunday at Saturday Worslrp 6PM 0:5 5AM & 11:5 5AM sunday Saturase: S & 11 em. aroSa 5): 9 &lt 0m. Vissuto (Stades A limped (Credos 9-52): 0 p.m. For flore rfltormsdon utsIt School, Pre K-Brade 6, 0658190 500, SOLCHINO LIVES EVERYWHERE MORTON GROVE aAll Saints Cathedral Parish Morton Grove Community Church National Catholic Church PrenbyterianChurch (USA) 9201 W. Higgins Road SO44AUSS0 Avenus ale -, 59178. Nina Ave, Ch(csgs, (L Websde: WWW.9SCpIlCC.0t Morton Ortos, IL (8471 965-2962 773-631-2880 Sunday Masses 8:30AM & 11AM www. ra s eapreebyteru an. ore Sunday School/Catechism Sunday Worship 505M Fsllovvmhiptl AM Cificags, IL 00631, 773-380-1131 9:45AM Weekday Masses at Nson Bishop Anthony Kopka, Pastor - Res. Lolly Oonrirrskl Harrdicapprd Avdsosrblw ALL ARE WELCOMEI - Norwond Park Luihonan Church (Lake ucd Avado) Fax: 773-631-0142 Sunday Service 109M SundsySchoo( 9AM (September thru May) Wop'? Rex. Robots C. Johnson, Paator To showcase your House 01 s'ree nao nih a comb nemico sr coo' n Ste ealine, reputar OsOlcreO ano an' saune aeppox insolo membaro eel oso Osa materna 105e wuohi' ace Saals Rownr, mee, lacte end emeleeoemamnilled le altesse ask motnmnirsea o Foutrdr moloS amo all relIed lu)atn vistiere aro calesero In aeti heir turai TOPO mear no reo st ciares, psI Osma aisnmallen the er ornen aca tanteo 0001519 meerreqe cr erehl'eosAor to ysars'stV ir peccata, calf ide LOSO aSsur lis meeting est i5Ptt 155-sylt 5510104 anethor Orsi aksalor,o si olino, arai sso-taso tsr sr ta:tror rs rake salera iva irrst acosas vr eAr MOMO Brui an Oedhnn eemuatsAiessaAtrosreStese asaete 5oct79 mer seiko ceased Seedey sl_arr merri SIS ates ea rae ccv srs Wesens dey at ossi narra leseo os ataP015upe, 501105v Osse- Femeeen me009aeeres te ,aapps4 creen lar tearry messale end rrreede Isa ars asruerees atout sed arrestes by the seacianee a suce nr nasca' rural preileors sr s maos ene, Grace sor create arrt err. 5a017 ridas sr carre Aestertnotee Chulas, 49009 Fairen sackte, ir the aaseeenn, aeree tram park:ea taris iBa rear Group itS crecte ai 755 p.m seno Mendel loeseol hsltesyel sr Oral UnIraS Melheduel r7erse stem, noche Osa. Pork 916go s Parlor ovan scali pellica er flair leseO sen enlranro et roer (Uraerpiaeet aslass rnemters ree tel, Ned s arts sa reta r54, ator semas aery aced el Ineerrege lepre' sorse rnlrr'daaI Osslrlmily. 111e isa nsrprsieesrassl end raeret orase prssraa Calf (ItS nnnsoSu er areE were iamri:evan anaaae ore Communisy Rosnn0000messe srd ose eroe y:nrOnenrroa, teste tor nsOseOae oca en lacro iosin'paea len ree tine as hey learn oem wayete oeoe500i a seed seo wie arsusoe. rurmlnpe ere en veti 000'ooOosmL OilcagOlaod cerdo ueaesiyerltaultee use park delosI 000 merlIn mow' Oase Meal t_l Oair ttlO 9550554 sr vuoir Stipite loo.eoealeusnrb lalssm ret000raonlhalars 555051 ocraIt ekrvanemememisosgmarr Suer. Orne Nope UaOnd, IelnrOriy Rids rIspe torInO te eenlrss leerer asee' 00e parente ru presido iswos Telar' 'Ss ehuldras cal rasoi 045-Moyo or slat wer000n dspoenilaB000 call 630-978-8290 or mgarrigan@stmecl,anetworkcom aruseypanenln yo CannoNeer a pro' orumepoocero 5 b9 Ciiidlen'e Renn'e O elI crInI eracdpouenbo se Spp olioS Ip Is monI slsnr pn5000an eelechnreeocenmrs ans halO ahevl icloraPlin p leSse 1101 wirr iota 150m Pelo leI lIetI Onoedsnr rarem Msaiirge orolO-It000m, I hobrre I 90500 Osp el iS wenhl nl Orine 100115 LLI53 enso 000leo OL Orco cirro sarelo 5409090 mo 5500kn dab er edoseala talker' en 000000t ceenmat acore toto pm. IPo (rIel bhoredap 01160 menlO al IS 001001 enS tionnpp aonios chuleo aek rollen aaenUeo One FiSses Call Pegno Iutlemluold 1040) nOO55e0 Herding Ones 09560e Is s mselhlp 0095mo glees ber 01dec06 peepte grtodog Ido iseo el usposco Il000ls r-000 Sa tSa leadS 90010410901 05e f000 al yaiston AceNse and P00901100 Core Mes P NaxImnel Isols alo Fard avIsa VIel bocear er Hlpdeah Seile tPO Park 0000 ORale Inalien:emoqaumod 5dm Osten teto por eccelso cori 1541) SVS-0050 Lino Teunusonrss meSar usan sesame suppors greve M aspase reps oea 0000ral goldartno, Poe aeon 0100004 1010001e loar years wool op I'S 50 ears oeIlS alto oso and enrio mo lie Icuth Teassey st ihn meslt mm. 15e MalpolIe Grids Rursern, mt vi 000000 tI 0005 isasato dec00 rel ehm eros, senSors leseo 5, eMcee rame es orn to 1901 lIane esos as: lsolmeersat 'recaes, seaoioesnsue de' maelimstsienee srnihors110eureteti' Sellons. 100 oureory saros mor ettO Oren 51 ap lend i SOIS milo parcels al Oauoiee Hoepile and Pat 101:0e The Hunoreecre Osseo CameO, NOtO Rook Fera eso, 15005e, errera mrelse'meeAly Isole el iho lustlrly teerhlr taneden nb er rece s'so lie eroi' tone 15cc ara ide moor sesee sr ihn elrese. Scorn orn as 500900 1er soro' ires. GOudron am vowS rol ip prIes' caro soso Herlhnwel ytphenp. Sallo reV Punk 01800, The Inn le OS pem ces' Men tort isori s9s seno Osad Muomsssg P15e100 artI cool 0005 pm. 000ry bub Ocodap el lie 00010cl tali oren teeenel Fam Ip cola Contor toTS chores SL 00e Flamee. Ito amsarser505eenno 01000 lOI sEtdreru Icons and lemll oc Oie toso esta t0000 aco linospi SosoS P'nlmnlrerpielnnu'raolere' porno0 borona ra551rallsv 15105180e roil OutOice rasp,0o Sod Pal 011ao GOle 90 ce00000l 55700eS oeri 500- s-to-u pm. vo r he revocases Isuril Ienedsye nl each maori ar lOe Seren- sah easel deyes nook tilo 0450cl Com'a & 005sSO InuerOstea cepporl re/tecleo tos. preepsui 0es. Pals 510 00001e 100100 pm. every 1h14 Tiereday 5110e nenly aladossalo Lulkenoc 0000151 loeprlel Ills neiarr navi redsrts er e-mat tela len 000raar is 10181 0050500 Icr 500iluanal alermeliem sal 7101 005'okou oho eoaesnnae Aesuean ea Monlel trI 1011eseevo emartasa nace, Cook csePly eolio OuSorOes Paooehsr000e Neapsae wIll sasseur '100110e rho 005ltm le eIlend ile 'Oamtln theist ceins OrIel tupasrt Greops soue Musas, le Oc 5505m capeeS Oepnsrlcrsvy'tsr aoni:oeallneud' 150 Icuor is le assel pal:oois will Os dcsieoaonsroteome000seilio, liAr lamil 00 e:gciteeel oliere and ronde io ucbae mano opos000ty riti tin itt0000. 001115011001000M Osca. Pee teOSa per greap Once roe' terreo oc resallad, ranrori norOara ercen tar risse meas hose esper" oases rae anali st aepouso ar mro 5011501. t6s greca moore ea lin coa' ersandrssrrineeedeverihomeerh 500 amai Perliofinre vnrrssrerty Salo Ali a noolat lianes Plegmam io Ion and meere n-eoo pm. eolio loira nUosdey el cuele recall aride e0000t coRlen mirs aaltsmd coed 000 OenpelelOL 000m 10MO, Park Olden Rnuumueeene easdooae taelen opon- oars e rarely al tree sensso-5000url 00000e rol lele psonels oea Ihon Hostdrtyeiom Howe a yeratse Ose' tonfi el escavare 1550015e venerar AesprIal ro Peni Mdem nao persino cuit iuori ItSOOSO erres err re, 400i Snare Parkmsey, mn neue mors ceui stapler neole Okakun. Legacy tseoseearsoescpnd ersep ter adatta aia i orn nepert' alt p.m. de050yc allan dtlee Pars ruilai Cenlor 5505 W tyscars SI., enuod tao aceti ala career Tie Silos, se 1ko lewon t050l Iluso esa nu' cesaukiel lOPS morirnee ano 000010 ricmep flee und lease Cnsl us nomi sai. 01x1015 are moteeno la allocS lea 000rarOuppeml OreOp (sr 0001001 lumi roe sod IltoeSe moors tea 111101 tOFO 000110e 1100am The LucIeSeS hpmrh000 (amir ohango OntI 10011 905-5070 Io ene an' 50000mb 01550 M people m IS ashom leso, elogIar cisl rnurlape.sre 5100m tOPO Headquoninre sit OSO' o_Serre, swpOsmO mpalovpeplaul1 oped0000, couple mAolsna, 050500G Hado SISO Oiseaee ood 06dm tsmrlues The Lun Tuner ALO Peundairas Scapoli Omaup aeste 1800 pm. ne iSecesosl Woeeasday or osso moste osomy Plot WodenedSl orlon croon rosera err Ilmo turai and bird lueedarvi rho necio ato-a pm tiarldsyerp uerunraitv AoarltrSyeiem Hsaa 5 yaspisa 5010150e alirso, soot enano Parkeah 565ko yand eso ev' secosro end aaO-u asatiad'o,e er ropierer torino preolams call lesa Ooeeie, Holt 9000364 or o'mNl doe' rkeasnriledera cre Togs ClOb, coo, liase Oit Psasde SurSSteI seunlernalrupat neroSl'teeo ereimarl si supped sreope Snide a Icret mochan monkle ce 000day an' merlI nl tonpie Belo reran tsar w. 00000lom Si, Oksuim non Anosbuane, SKOKIE acallaSte wuih 04' houlesli ce. 5001' 150e nIa cella n. call rueda, 15011 erenols und eMtled rhriduaro volse' lacre, the ksrnstile clots sonsnrp te seal 00mo la checo in snos asicare a eOeees sr Fee addtetus iOAarlore 8): tI vim. ww W. WiLIewC re e khontbOh nra ors St. Pool Lutherarr WAcHen say Ostpedtedtetduate rue 50011601 Itsee 05m 14 toe_ana troupe pruarde 5du5m s47-44t -6599 Pronrissland RIsata www.ptoneerincal.cnm a PIONEER PRESS FU6LICOIISN - NIt 'NIL- OHS0508A, MARCH Sl, toy 30 100114 momsore. OIl copiaIt grvspe ano tree and mocIl n IS Cansen 00e lonoosn Raen lures aftoso, cl CenSorI caret Olaaagae, 0031090' OtIS mnOlhtr ('0000m 05054 tael Aod000duy 8237 Ke010rl, Aso., Skukie Carter-Weotminater United Presbyterian Church (507) 673-1311 4550W, P100, 647-673-4441 Central United Methedirt Church wmw, aka kin es nUoto tre , t 05 Woiship: DonOsAs 51101305M Now Lydo 'foseN G005eo Oundoyx 5'30-7:3opnr St, Timothy Lutheran Church 0000 KitdsrS 900, OkoMe 847-576-1300 cocsw.StTimothyvkokle.nre WorOhipt SondeAs 00105M A&syriuem Followship PxdsyS 7130-9130 pm Cn000mNm&mm & Opom Microphone Std Sel, EOoh Morth 7130-9:30 pin Congregation Bene Shalom 4435 DaRsI, 55060 1040) 670-3350 0055W. Vete shelem.s it Oosmdoy Wnrshkp meomdoesl Cortempsrmoy & 0W Cole 55m Ttadltl000l II orn F1005 Sh000al Servisse 7:30pm: Fsmily 59005er 6:30pm 3 Ftijnnonts Sluodney School latI ogom) 10 0m Kabbsaeso Proyen 0010100 101305m, Miohawl Sono Persec Sr. Paator 35 SaC/month RaSOi St 000eleo Seldhomor Ezrn-Habonim, the Host 00051 Shall 0h01 Nitos Township Jewish CettoHel 5x10100 Charlore Stucks tntettvith Pamilteo Welsatre All sOroteos 50100 & OieS lOng0050 Congregation You idole tel Jn&ish, Loarnos, Lisino Old LosIrg Evanohire Presbyterian 0500 tempolor St, SkOkiO, IL 6007M Charch 847-675-4141, Paru 847-675-0327 4550 Cnsrch Olnoet w0500,evano Vine p nesbyto Ha n , aom Esory Sunday 50115M rL org Weekly shoVVal Oetoucso nil 8PM 605591306M Miryor Mac-Thons 7PM: St, Peters United Sat & Sun 5PM Chsroh 0100150 MelIllA Oh00555 dirrsra et Mr3tPM 051000 SInaol & Lmnamie Avenue Rolle/oso Oshool Wed & net: M47-M73-5166 Carter Ben(OminWotechawaki wes,at5ateruvsnkskis.erg Sundsy Worship lOAM 5OVbi 951 BrIol, Emnaoss 00000y 50050196M (SepI, Ssno Mvy( Rev, Abhold Le010rd WILMETTE Bello Hillel Congregation C011Ocato Pmutdod Orel EntunaS 3220 Sig Treo Loro, 047-255-12t3 Air Cundxioted Senctuery Kabbales Shabbol PHOayo 8100 PM ww w. b h o Vo, ong shoOtaS Setelso SmlSrdoya 9:15 AM Temple Both Israel Jr. Caogt000tiOr. Tot 5005505, 3601W, Oompldr SC F01100000 byKi000sIr Dali Mioyerl AM and PM Skokie, IL MOO7R 547-675-0051 mwm.tbiu nokte org Nevar Emet Messianic Torah time 001305M e/ebbi Allee Keraks Ceroso Poset Ooyltmyt Soon Msrchall KupsAcr A mutv-oeneTh0505l ogalrtalon ootoo(uaasw aotgreg0000 "A Plasn St Stow ase Jew 5v eso o S 5 lIla SultarOy Club te a cessent orees lnr 5E Snon aree 5 le tO wioco pon' aol en surotaaer Sae 0000 diseessed 7805 alIso Ase, Skokie eon-6n4-9o46 tnahaoa000u anon nwavd050rOrnet Ott H oase on Wnnallo anon Lon os lot 00008cl OccIses or t 50m sarl 10011 610-0950 these silenstag eno osAd is 001114 CIerro Oeren, Broc' emIl osasen, Oho group 0001e 00019 Oeiltsr casIno 051v ercer vawera 01., Ailes, en rho mecer toaou tho isrtdmnq l'msI Pl0000edap ollao manly 000is' '9 SomnolA el loor ele irtusoe sed Sesh leI eI poIlent enwrsOe, 10001 5190011 Iralrsn 000 00155101 oePoenl ama ra' Omsllohlss (lacee) othePonmce510eishdossieh' re MacdIvan essneerdte tOPO See er ceceeolesiomeenete.sre gouled. elrsso arsero arrie Nitos neri wvus.OW07G.0m5 moos 630-978-8290 moaedoaelaa000asuonsasa 500am 32 schco%s Continued from PAGE 28 The hoe studente honored were Lawretee 811011e 'C, heed of Riddervon Hell, Tim' Silty Merath 'Il, Heod of Coyeher Hull, Matte Sigeale '1h, Hrod 0111110450 Hell, 81111cc Cleeolasd '11, Heed of Volle Hot end tyler Ilopustkc 'Il, who onen io rhurge nl spreedicg Ihr news obone roch of Ihrer emote. crabe, Serb child wit bene the opportomity in telle a photo 082, the Seater Boony nod rereiyeaepsoiel gilt. Tirhete for Bmnbfeat 04th the tester Bonny am 0800e io Pregruen. Athleton iodureed mir the Hail off008or hune domnoalnoled oui- lo 500200m Thorpe et eihorpr12ereloenrg or 17731 775- child ho adnaeoa or $9 ut Oho done; 04010 lichtes err $5 86111 Bet, 111E e100diug olhlehrurcow- The Rossrtestiefl College Prep H igl, School Al00000e per adult. Adoorce rostevahoot ere strongly cocoonoged. Te rouer-a tirhelt, rut contribouluon lo Ihr Senorrecline AihIrlir Peogrem. Aosooiolion presents Breslo- 17701 775-6616, Bot 12f, or e- lesi nolih ihr Saeten Suole The 2011 Indorleeo ore Mary from 9-11:03 orn. April 1h Ali ere welcome In hove breuhfcot with tice Ernier mall Beenmmrtioo Collego Peep High School ita Cotbolie, Chelation college pruper300ny high echnol for young oonoen booted et 75111W Tale-ott Ayo, Chicago. rarogniern Brourrectior aildutlo onmmnonity who elomnne who noemplify Ihr life velues of Biresed Celino, thr 7000,5-ret of tice Sisters of Ihr Iloeorreolioo. The reolpienle ore or000eplshed ho their Oelde of rodearon end. lilie Bienoed Ceilot worh to- hove porliripoled lonporis or reotribotod to the Rosornorton Colega Prep Aihirl- word ihr udranrrmcel of plialoneol.n, lecidembip or Itraunorhon ol000000 end ns-ornee ho society ard ocios preieire Christien role modela for y000g women. The form or roer hes cool brin- onoerd recipients for lltt ore Oselte PenSilI '8h, Llea 15551es dorled irle thrAthlelir Holl Leoeedie MOISI Sic '42, Electo ZaId-Ileeplse '41 cod Caret Stahetee Oerttsth '94. Chatear '80, Ocelote Jsaaynohi '86, Tommy Hater Calcar '58 end former Sesorrerlior by Resurrection slodeonte The AIhIetic Hut ni Poma stoff cod rourh Marie Dosais. md mehe Setier eroe and RESURRECTION holtiotives thernoelves. Maas cdl ha onlebonird io the Ruoorrerlion Collage Prep High School Chapel et 9 em. folioned bybreolofast und awurdo 01 lt. Ali ere ooulr000n RSVP by AprO S Aword r000gniers indinido- the position to Support these 0e ApriI 10, mnmhers of Ihr Resurrection College Prep High School rneenoeiuy will be indnrlrd icon Olor Oleeorredton Wut of Honor. of i°,une, end ourrorlion elonnoun colli ho h000rrd 00 rrripirolo rl the Blenord Cr- als from the ilasorrroiioo Bnoog ruino ectrrielnmrnt Nicholsin, Wolves ready to rock out in gym West junior takes garageband approach Sv DAN SHALIN - Cenldbulnn BOYS SYMNAS'TICSThe ideo of practioing for ogig in the garoge le onrnrnono Id ihr roch musir world, hot loss so le high sohonl sports. A We 5erve children ages lB moo, toS years old. NAEYC Accredited l'reschool e-,. 7u. - O0orer,e0 fer pmoV cInto GesseS Park District r Sy9UnGayRead-Geeeor-t (D \ ,.I Ç. -- Q Oçe :::;:: .Edueatieneeragee lemes,-5yre. '2-5daye perweck rleeeraeme, pleygeroedo. fyme Call Heather Seres at 847.835.3035 Montessori & Music Academy cee aaaepliagOpplieelisa le, eaees,leeaaasee teareOSl.actoo lene cecinO osais. big lane specs pen telP" °°'reOlsOlci s s ii 1ORI for more iafomation Vicie US at u S,,s,,lflo,:n,... Mro,eeetet I inicien -mn s 55 - s s Lots of TLC & Yeart of Experience 3 lridivicf tal DC Homes good mndinator of the drpth of molting gond teams. We did- the loam. It's en indioulor nf the Oath alu team." Leading the way foc Went n't sol ourselves opto nvio. KAREN 708-579-3551 708-387-1139 F NORA NANCY 708-579-5994 J Bot Ihr only muy lo gatbetter is In compete ugolott better "He rowe oat for the sport lust yoer und was pcabuhly woe senIor SII Shiheiber, who tIne lpcoprarn'sl most leo- 18.11. po'oocdgymnnnt et the beginbing olihe cocoon," tice couch told. "Hoc wade corno giocO "14e conned his routine," Po- This is lihnly to ho tho last Burbol Invito in the ochuni's gymnosiuw befare the pro- aroh neid. "ft was bciler thao ha's dooe in pruotice und his grnm relooatoe to the new stOIc-of-the-art gymeottios otrides ond Inn molly herd ,0000hC'r. IThe riogn io ihr fnn'w was alrnosi perfect. I gym. Tbe new gym is sched- wolrhed his r001ior oguiv no olodtobnnpeeinrsernice io geregel are old-school, aod he lice vidro cod rouldn'e hod June, thouglnogruod openiog duet olreogth ond foedidou- anything wrong with Ii, IShi- in trntolivrly sei lcr Sept. 2. iog ne the old n'ings." Ineibrrl io a competitor nod thrives ou cempctihioo." Mconwhilo, inelor Ari Louar nvos sixth on pummel Loaor'e pereots'rershoveic shore apare in their gelage haree 18.0), senior Chris with Iheir soon ponomcl Williomu placo4 nrveoth no preeeet for the event, und Po- vault 18.51 end jueinr Casar Mahoeey-Mnoo won oiuthoo eaeapl Highland Porb-Ilnen'bld dolented Hilos Wont 130.1 four rxercinr 17-SS). to 109,8 no March If. floished oivth on high ber enerrine 18_sl, Mcodowe fcrrnat gave gym- In flore, Poerrh cold Ihe pipes from whirh Iba riogn will ottend. rxclosinrly.00 ouch of their ¡Wcst'sgreuleot-rorrgynneoei ogold-medol wiooer at the lug Ic-ow a tree aoleo'de hin cmb is oleo hoping Conner host events, boL oleo heupcd Poro'nic told the Rolling 1984 Sumrncr Oiyrnpics, used 1011-ois 000set ofringe hang- Barbel in erhodulod lobe Lueur bombed serund on horse 17.01 and a000nd on ringe 17.21, ond MahoneyMvoncomr io thicd unIvac tien. Burt c,ononcr - Nilet J ocelo o chonce loconreotc'cto enalinirumoani of proosorc io iba prurrss. "Thol's orhy I libe the mccl op eeXt: Tha Wolvos vieil NilesNoclhotd:30 p.w. April Wiles Wells AlLeatI eIWeiss Instill dn1h sfSmnsf Eusnetln ins vert no Aentlo LOO Wtloet it oilown lhrm to forno oo plteed 1011510 Istindufs lf-Inann Rullint Mcsdtns Indie. Aipson Williams-ion tun-linos MtdIe 3ß!?3-O2I2 North grad Cameron earns shot at Golden Gloves title To pkìce your ad here, call to speak4th a sales represenlalive. Serving Birth- Sctlool Ago 1 is inuded with tuloxi, includ- rotos hut bree icstronuentel lin Ihr gym0000's eteedy im- ifennily's Morion Go'ove horno. Cell e47,446,4005 nr lnfnnmsllnn. tontead nl floe nenner el Hibbend & IllInoIs Reeds moi furmat," Porroh told. "It shows thelmo have ai beuel oes good gym-cost on eooh Solurday Ac usuel, the Seid corel, (The medi is out a ln Pr ESO 8001 now retired ond living in bulb Coraliou - ut II em. Steve Pncrch sold Oho appo- do-il-ycuraeiferoiniog facili. NOW REGISTERING FOR THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR canned fur ihr prngrow's legendary form er coach, who is "lIwn ron Solch in tha top helf, I'll ha hoppy," Pueroh told. "We didn't hold barbie - - leewe wore ollowed loonier one gymonst por eveot, and no gym rost could be in wore The Wolves ovilI host the 11- Ing the lISos of Highbond Penh- Thora in procrdeet for surIn mer 'Hews-, ntlem-l'llle Paired with Hands On Education Perene-Ichos Ciste lBirnh -2 recua eAt Toddler Pregram 12-3 peers eldi Fornen. Morning er Eoseodcd 13-0 peers nidi 4eoffoayfm, sea100IsslMeg,tosiiaso etst 5-12 oseS Ape What Grows When Quality Care ta We offer the following programst Ad County line Ruad) -,urr Ridge, IL 6052-7 000rn Jobo Barbel levito- fleerheld Co-ep, Napervubbe North, lIb Grove and Conont 'ÏW 1115 ylalelielil Road (cofanI' of Plainfield 000il:roorw0000000s000.nen oms Invite. At the event, wouldn't heno bnot an i000oc'- Miple Crute MOfliesEn 0470. acedes Arance, eareineter. IL Sorb mat and why we go to Ihn od the gurege-beod idea. Junior JoehNicholoin troles on etnl of rings he hes hang- Newio,c-Stio Cicle Angels Osestiat Peeeeheel ingofflor tharurroniWolves, cobo plered Inaclh in Saturday's 2f-lruw Rolling Meed- the mown Iwo heeti, we -r-e -- Qu,s.e.eTv PRESCHOOL uSINO COlLOCARE Individual und teow practice sees lone eppoer Io he pay- INline Went nquud hone adapt- concernei. DAY NURSERY Connors fomilyhun long elnore Soto few wewbert of the ing irorn tire roftrrn of hit garage. Wolvet heed coach OAK PARK & Rovt FOREST onc event," Poercb said. "At the sorne time, the prrssure leur bereute they hoow they hove to compete. Tb ero iene bach-op and nobody tobend thr bulb off to. Ii'eograun for- noce h ong rent till br caen at Iba Melo Street howe, though thon uno. "It wen nurhighasi-evor Snich at that event, end monyof I 0pE4 NROLLI1Ep, for 2011-2012 school year. 33 NIL' IHI8SDSC 0001831 lIli Sor Award. Thr Bloeted Colina Anoord Nortloridgo Preper000oy School le en indepeod001 college prrpnrulooy erhool mr 1000g roer in gredos S-it in Hilos. Digest oports A PIONEER FR111 PUILICOTItN - NIL 630-978-8229 BOXING "MottCernaroo, . 2002 gredunie of Hubs North High School, is ooe win away from becoming a Heovyweiglot diololon at Gordon Tech High Orhuol on AprilS. Tho bouts, oil with ohowpiecoshipe notice sino in o torniSco1 watch Comerno, 26, oluminated Peter dcorgr, uf IJOO Cinica- l-1 revend aso prcleeoioeob. fnlorrh 15. Camomonnloliv' cred almost twine un meny Chris Jnoce ineqouc'terd- Peter George alec troins ponnhvs ne his 6-0, 305puund opponrot. hie paw- A football and boscholl playce ct Pilleo North, ga Pighi Club, is Cannerons troloer. A Lincolnwood polive offiuoc, George Oro ins end rn000gas bissac, Seco- moled the rnnarive Gen'lich nob bouton Marnh 12, Chicago lloldeo Cloven boolog rhonoplen. i Cameron 16-01 will fIght ¡Marron 1vy for tIne litio in bloc, begin ut 7:3li p.m. April Corn eroe convincingly de- during the llnree-cound Comecon lhcn blood ihr 1.1. S, Army nod served in.lruq. He grena up in Nuco and con. he Senior Novice loper feolrd Jeff trrlirlcby dod- roghi. meetly liven io Cboicago. 'The 6-foot-3, 235-pensd 0000 "Da Bomb" teurge, a former Gobdon tlovesrlonee- piono wino le now osuper widdloweighivorcylnga II- Miho "Hallyovocd" Jiioroen, whob 4-0 since turolog pro. Pur moro lolamnnoanion no Ihn Snob rounod of ilnr Sold. eu Claves oompatilioo, ocnest wsnw,cboicagogoldeogluveo.rom. 34 sparts spt,rts O 11101115 POLIS PIEIICAIION 'SIL hilL' 11110155), HOlCO 31,1011 30 Vikings start new seasön on right foot' ' ' 'NE WEEK ONLY! EON5. NO TRAVEL CHARGE L1 ruamtnms. -811 40'-ill a M-SA 8:OOaaO5 Suflhe' mesi with a 25'ld, 25.18 min over Jouet Catholic ando 10.17,25.7 min anar Wuabon' sie Valley BaIh eppeenets -p / ,iA,J' Air Care of Chicago I, Your indoor oir quelrryspevralrero aanlioned sigas afprngi'eso, rspaaiulyin tha nanand trail In arder far any Blue when 2ko Blue Domano are. utaud lame noaning appai'tu. Dawoe ta snore, Maine Saat "Bunk guwr, Ihn girLs are ting iota fenombie yanitien. 'Tire irarukilily la mount an ettoala Iras leute leeanykur. eatsNsn050In150srReselsne "Gross Isst's sorties ascesso 58 55KO 0009IOETOO" 015 DAtI SNALIPI Cosirib uts s 810L5 SOCCER - Al hull. Limo uf Moine BasIs soasoo Pinkiomoaald. "We hava sa many corn empara, and they a proar' aguino V Willows Anodewy, Stvo Domano une jaso SnaBy learning kara heurt roonk Julie Diakinsoo il tukeeaiitgn time, lia lbs senand Iraif agalonu Van poled a qaaoiiao La han 'sesis)lsrsrrcr-ereaesesearssr rssseulsrsrssa000asnelem gelaing kalter ved nlurling to play w ano aso tea w," larronhonith dank albar Bal Slevken, ave playad arno' lese eeeruissaeois,teaerei651s, se Reso soria» el 0e usess. 16% 556,5 Terms & Cs000isflSr 05 Ou:005ssa oust os eso irr se euoion saie 050er a, rorirrsa ofleoks. Toerorsrs is soldes 5, ene,s is sea nih si Suite' 1(55e 15111 stsssSs' 15, isoli 151.1155 "I know maey nf our gino had oener played onar'oioy gamo, and I oskad ham many al them recre enanad arad iolimidaled, and pror. Vp munk half of them raised their hundo," the eaanh said. Th000nennesrner'n re. To advertise here, call 630-978-8229 to speak with a sales representative name. Wo ulment onared u naupie timen. We mada some really sire playo." Katherine Janik '10apr01. If gaad aondidots lo orale the team's finol gaul. 'Ike ïreshmannneLnai midSeiri. cris in 1ko p'raaeao affame. llantad in Lira partarwanne and the snare, an 8.0 Willaws win na Marah 15. TIro Blue Dewona played atittla heller iena daye vlan bal feil La Nibs Wool 7.0. ing u solid midOnid panlraar. BoLLar Friday's 5.0 lane la shooting w ore au Leide tka Vo r Steakea, thare were ll8.yer'd boni," Dirimiesen skip milk 500iar Jasmine Marlienu. "l,laoikl kan a really laina 0h01 Vram fur 001, aod we keep telling ber la orant wall da a keiler ink af get- dan an the do/ens). But onnistoet reerk Jeff Binh- Diridn000 hua boon pleaerd with Lbs play p/sophomore Tara Quinien al autsirte do. fandei; and with Ihat a/nno. ian Angab Thomas, the team's siuppar. ap, nnha played goelleeepar at Aeraro tjniversily. vored npponnete JelieL Cothnlio oed Wanbonnie feeL We shocked Iwo mema Lhnt mare higher sends." Valley en ehe opening eight Brelan outside billar Her' shnl FaLO was ut the tep el Pronidenee then rama barb the boa cod saving seme Bryant's elirlu.witk.iL elli' gaalo forno," the voork said. Ihn Vikisgo rue On Ike au. persaclibnel meast Sham pleased with Lb e monte'ihn. lion Omm sophomore de/an. lead only returned ta Ibe vol. laybell mart u fam days ha. pine speriebino Justis Sub, rnbbrring labio punsingahil. lore Ike Mariol Invite. blp us "money." Bat early io the oeanae, gumniog enperienra nan be es valuable as ovins and loss. ne, und the Vibiaga muy hnou leerned morn losing in Lhe Gold Breahes Lhas thep The macnh said senior Sam Sherman his well, ing wiLle 37 overubb. therlonherteid il had bees "Andre pleyad moli, bet mhileiunier riglat side Mihe Romeo added 12 Sills isoli. Ike Srst time in One In seven give leim assother weeh. He's peurs her team had quali. still behind enebadp as fer onhiapanaing," Sterlorher said. "He's also nul reeding Ike other Leaw's bittern us mallet he will. Out that will teams tibe Merist, mho era on Baturdey, Ike perform' aove skewed Ike Vihingo "Hershal meo oat of hin mied Sod played really ea nnLs with e 25.22, 22.15. 15' 13 win omen Andrew. better Iban os aL Ibis Mme," ohanaid. "Bal Lhe malyway ere merk improved ever Friday," Heo'bocher seid. lo get heller is to play bet. eel sceme, when they Sn' The Vihings opened up miLk a I5'22, 25.17 insolo host Mnrish on Balardoy. The quality end speed of Ike appaniiios yloem'I had a boL t0d0 milk North's defnets. tlerboakee seed her ter teams, (MarioL and Fravidenani hava a bL quick er offeenes llkeae gr 18 hole. $77 soenisssl,edsd ARne 1PM $24 sass issotseded Senior (55.) $23 oses isedesled i; -'1 Twin Lakes 0-J Golf Club 630,837.7 67) wosss.Wpd4tssn.oeg y: It hole. $33 cost desloAd After' °M $26 sass Issolud.' Gole Slab $ ISOLES FOR 9 BUCKS! Ary lap at) toe.. goiters can enjoy lohn Lakes Soit Cours. lo, oslySt oliAti a35477ooS5 re tries el osenpienseip seit SPECIAL noerfteíò EBSITh CAPTAIN AL'S BOAT PLBET trefiles nipa Ceints & 151050 reCn5o.Ise5arsolIeaAehsN5o then before Feiday'o garlar. she oslend it oonrk Bisirala Wisst seIch 235,08 cellier lensless Cishfeo.rrear,,seotpsil2lleh,: "Wo wenn mel'bolanmed und' everyone wan able te play a libble. (Now) mhen mo nome doran the slmtrh (in games), ma need people to tabs performances. Seeuior de. fenoive sperialist Jason Fan. caed pessed well, rabile orn. Jr)'J Time Vibings mill host Niben West et 11p.m. Aprils. 1\'r2 [\ [' r'\ rl SUPER SAVINGS! aew'ondeo fleiSs o II. o na/Its see F 1051 laurIers Rl.tisernsode.551-951'llle I'd place an ast is this section, call 630-978-t229 to speak with a sales representative. Chastes Osas "CONFUSIONS" o lmlehhrAeGsmslsraltutrs NtOsl Sods t'le-im OWilhlase'Palir,elOer:ss (312) 565Oit4 ou°e'eeei REDDIE BEAR SPORTS Dunas Useu Guns 7085324133 d.,idfe 630-365-9200/ Iaemefforl,"Hanlonhnrsaid.' THE LEPRECHAUN CHARTER SERVICE '4 s050.hsBsasrosfst onu Gun CoLLECTioNs lah.l standing, but it mps nnmh a 507W 598e St.,Westosont on,osscaunkvooraor,asnooeaiwenaose ?REEIi ap;H;JGHI!S $rnIJCheb There m'ere plenhy nf albor strong Nibs Norlk "Onnm'oll, I tkiuh ennryaea played anal. No anu meo nah' ThÍîfTYii)r Season Oponer Spool.): Ito. abscgclhisrh,'raons tuplay"tke poalliun. Herloalser sold she wen Ike tenmo onith hills, lnith' tonrnemnnt onewinning ríô Ilovugh uuniar Erir Chan The O'fooL'3 Shew oLill bed in Ihn Lwo gamen combined. Norlb, eeeded Na. Sin iLs You book at Vhe'mrrastent, would hava mioning addi' Lb000l games in the less. rompeLitive BilverBrerhet. Niles North Baiehed the )ob aller playing ae adefonder tar merk nl her an- warb os mark esche role." many of Ike selling doUas, solo ht anis and eighl kills lüheteerruloastM'F 72000 B enka nearly aaents lo Saciar Bddin Kan handled bids." Nortk'n lop playem; snninr Aede'r Shaw, speei mock af hiu offssoson,Orainicgwihh Lhshanbetball team. lo feat, "You always want the geld, enes il it's agninel acoso it wee a litho r'augli and not that monk fan liar ganlmn beiere and stepped ap tar na and said else wan ned Obere are (eroeruil abub Sed for ehe Gold. Cagona Creek qoif CIrA before she enen warmed ap os surly wahe-ap nell end bus rido un Buturdny morn' ieg. That faligaa mani/alL' ed iltelfic some onenias er- 15.0. Spriegspseiulu roelA work with hero lutin ptuyedaearly errar.frnrvel' loyball. Io keel North IS'21, 15.le, after the SrsLtwe games ka' "She has nnnee plopod Cocal Heriselaer lar nolsidn hitter Jedthubud bids whn play yeam'.a'oaed. night, Vsmnhiognnitk seven sire deleose, loe." Behind them, ii's trial by See in gaul lar aeoior Aimer Swoet, mko'niearidagenthn ber," Diahianon odd. "Erl Biles Nee'lh head naaeh mcoi( end halb beamt kayo his game na Lhe opening lade. "Wo were o hohe married "Thames is playing really higherseeds.'5 oar pamiogroes almosi per' that nba doeon'l boneta erial. came goad defauoine llape, niresing her man beak into "Qaintuo push coup mlv 1ko effsnoe end han marty mall," acid North heed roach iJarolHei'toeboen "We played weil, Lnoh wo)nr hincho nod team alsa may have buon a liLLie latigued ufteno palmLirg Friday nighL end Geld Grerhet. Thonghlyonlhnlhimotnly rewe bank La esrLh a tiLtle "ISmeeti is banning kara to romo eat alike gaul and en berlino," Dirloinsannaid. "She'o learning Okol Ibis ir her gaol boa end sial bacia tabo 000trel of il." The nourk is iorpressrd by teams that were me were ebbe In sido'oaL williog te laure," Dielainsara ooid. "Skeb bud nome ravoir games and almost gotebrn' km nasa, but 0ko monts lo work band end i s currIed." BmneL benefits from tiro inotraolion afMeìnr Earl We shocked Iwo peaLetinee ere kigh et Nitos Norlb this season, aced the 2011 rompaigu alerted with a bong Fnidey nighL The Vihioge (3-2) keeL fa- Winless Demons improving Young squad learning on fly was almostperfect. Brochet. "Though we didn't nerve well in either Friday game, Lanqhse-tur Sun-llore Medie AUCÌÏ IONS Weaboonieanaot noto win Co rl rib ute inked 11.10. Diqqinq III Maine East's Mould LoMee diga ups selva duniry tIe 2/Ii hue floor ineilantiaral Volleyball T0000arreot ea Tetudey. j ;on took major bloc/Co and ourpassing the Ironsolalloel Silver of Ihn Menist Invita, cere' inge npohintheprestigioes -b °Weplayed well. wore higber seeds. and RI BAN StALIN BOYS IIOLLEYRALLBu. 4/4)31 n poni, opened Ihn tourna- North posts upsets in Marist Invite i neo 25k ItrIa Ins, fslsn PIS iL 60411 'r noel sosa io Isotta lIso ca Less Poillhsso Diversey Hafbor For Exc(ting Salmos & TraB! FishlIg Cptn. Bill Kelly 773-445-6262 keIlylO3@cemcasLeet I n.. 36 French, Dons begin season Senior hitter piling up kills early on By DAN SOALIN Ceotlibatol BOYS VOLLEYBAlL - Notre Dame head coach Pat Cela said he lihed slot of u'het h e seev from his team during the Srsl meek of the seesen. There were seme aspects of the Doss' play the reach felt mere baleco pal', but Cele seid these wcrecer eeeteble. The Dens lisished the macis with e 4'S mack, which included going 2.3 is the Merise Invite. Netre Dame may hace lest Peter Maciseales sad Das Padhewa te gradua' tien, bet severet re Sei's ces hitlevs. Tb ese see the tme areas where we're seeing the most definieeey. A let thin gs cas ha cemented. set wie ever Lese Tech pressad early os is sesier rigkt'side/estside hitler Den Yrrech, whn bed It hills is the scasen.epceieg mis soar Lace Tech en less capen nace ars shsm. lug they belang en the eveeycsa deing the little day's llliseis Prep Tsp Times On- deen Classis sksms the npnicinr ,alse is a siadest el the sperI. Al the meet nemetimes re- Way Pest. Dseisg the lirst mccli, jesiar eatside hitler Kyle 2D17; and lest te Peect, Kregstsd cree nelid deten. sively and kept his swings 13. fers-ed te as the isdeer atete mast - in Pisemingtec, Geedos 6nshed Desrth is the AI-metae desh 'n acaecer-hcst time el7.S7. That sumpensed her time eil7.Il et the same evest is 2h15, sabes she which wee 20.15,28.11,15. sise Cssished feseth. In Saturday's prelims, Cerdee Nstre Deme will see PIk Ileished is 7.10, easldeg hen s'wth is'hcusds, accerdieg te Grercesd ceslsreeee'fee Cele. Beset later is the scasss, New settee Even Cheate has made his mack, aver' aging searly 15 assists per end Cele believes his tcae welch. Hewever, the jenier wes iejsrcd en the liest dey a epevined echie. Denier Cense Melssey debuted at Marist asd Seished Iba t necee ment with Nosy, it's jest a malter el GIRLS TRACK - Niles West sen. 'lev Kehlen Garden is Tael, and hen peelermasne das'iee Deten- three'sel match teLisrele. undey, the Deeu tell te Sib Greve, which mas t3'tl, 15. 17, 15.11; beet Slego t5'lb, as impressive 01 percent scrrc.receive average. Any. entering the hsnls. Pat Ilse POle at cheat ihn sleet, end altera disnomice with Pilles West heed ceaeh Meek Medlsed will ge isla beth matches with eceldeene alles' play' ing well egsisst beth der. and asele tant spnist eeoc h Meryhete MnCentc, Cleeden ing tise weehcnd. mssde tise necessary edjuslmests is the Osais. That ability to hess "Elk Greva end Beset cesid lieve bees in the Geld her ereDI hen pleycd en imper. test cele Gsedee'snoncess. "The 55 is nil abeot the apesleg bsrel. That'e esmethieg she's Ihigherl bearhet luf the tsoreamesl)," Cela said. "Beth ace scud, sed leves tebe dew sanee end tebe them te three games. We reme ap salbe lesieg side, menhed sea let the last yase her steris end her bersI est el the hiede," Msdlasd seid regard- things, areerdieg te the thing abeve 8h is manid' bst it's net ass cf these "We're au impressive erad s tees g. Cals also seid he wan team when we de the little pleased with the play st thiegs," Cole seid. "We have sesier Revis Regel, who le imprave defeesively, mas esanted es heavily hlenhieg and coverage en dering the fisal three ing Geedee, mba pieced third is the tOO sed 250 atthe 1010 est- heaelbrcebing defeats. We hod e few balla that menes dean stale meet. "Relues sew few leches sway Ileem has slot efespeel esse end hnsonn when semetteing feels right, aed when it feels wrang. After prelime, Moryhate ando pointed est gateo ini. Hopefally, leIer in the yea r, they mill he Igeleg ici." Metre Dens selside hitter Kyle Kregsled end lis Pers pellet e 4-3 reel le belie Ile 2011 scassi, irtlliOEe e psis al sieleries ip the Aetsl belle. Jee Cygerseeli'ler lie-Tines Medie Soph back after strong frosh campaign By MATT HARNESS mharoesshpìeeecrlecel.esw BOYS TENNIS - AfIce ase neasee, Dave Esealle pat his name tels Iba renversaties - saplesmore and jasier Aeneeg the ulisse eight ne. ternis1 pleyers ene sesier Dasiel Sehen, ocular See. gar Guple, jeder Jeremy Trier at a satienal teem Vihisgs fellewieg his flee man te ceer be in the "He had avery geed eff' cesses," Jsffa neid. "He's prehablyleekisg I'm geese- Seid Psiehed senend le Nesy k'eshmaeeeeeee.Hceceeed scheel," said senesd.year leg, alley 16 is Iba state this a 17'32 seed at the stete taureamest last year nsd reach Rich Jeffe, whe grad' Mey, and sephemsees Will Breubash, Eddie Reisfrash ceded sp 4'2, playleg is the sixth reusd uf 1h e censela' "Wtias it's alt said esd dace, tins brachet. Banalla 8e. play al the scheel." Recause Banslia plays st sldgher level than his teem. ished 24.8 in his resIse sea. eejiffe cempered Parallele y "Probably the bent fresh. eated feem Nues Nsrth. prsbahly the beetle ever metes, JeiJe gives the sa. Pensile is sal the enly pia yee retareis g te the Vikiegs. Brie Reses once egels will eed lee Creee. Beth Reis. fresh end Geese ware brought up is varsity late ecespy the Ns I speist sin. gles. He played there ens freshmas and sephemsee. teem, but he sederstends lace playing is the CSL afhenl players le ever swing 1085 gradaste Prias Liv' a racket fer Niles Neeth. Osee the saphernereb ra' iagsten, whe pleyrd at the eataspenial esempties te "We hase higespectatiens fer him this ycer," JaSe said stete i nurse ment is his snack est en his esas with his el the junien tiesslyrenhcdjeeeiemstasd' cet ihinge in Ike start, end Reihen neemented it is the Seals," W,sohassie Valley's Merehshe Ahisesun mes the AP, asd Liseels-Way Best's Aeliysh Preme The Sb turned eat tebe the Jelfa libes Ihn lech cf his the challenges the Vikings Neeth, where DeerPeid and Highised Paeh reside. Deer. New coach takes over for Guilfoil theugh, mc feel like we can Nues Nsrth stenta 1h asee' sen againe t Lake Fecest Academy es April 4. dierssssd havisg her skip ene cf the ether events befees ultimateIp deciding that she'd participate. Cerdee ceded up placing 11th 161.271 amssg 23 esneers in the 480. Medland seid fatigan may hove niomed Ces-des daring the back nad ei the nana. In the tOS, Ges-dos placed 12th 126,181501 0115.11 was the ran. ncr'sseesed-bestilmeolthe wintee ellen the time el 15.67 she pesled at the Preclee West Incite eerlicr this meoth. Guedsexes Riles West's esiy perlielpent at Ube Prep Tep Times meet, which was held at IlineisWeslcyanUsieersity. Secerel Wein es senrorely missed qaelifying fer the meet, theogh n Dem renais en the list el the stete's beet in lise'irresperlive crestaS DyeeteLnem. Riles West sephemers threwer Jasmine Tewnscnd, sephemere hendier Dydney Hellwig, easier herdise Rita Pawed, and membees el the SSS and 1658 reisy teams are amesg these evlsssesameseppcsr en the web- quested thaI the celes behended even tee lermer understudy "I believe Snxtl Ikeaght I mee fisally ready le lebe ever ihn / Elles West's NAbíes Sortir lsi9htl lisishel leash is Ile SS-scelse Ossi io a aereer-Peel 7.17 ladeO ielarlads Ilbinils Prey Tep Tines IrIser Cialda ir Sleosnielles Iaeeere Ternanl-Aen-Tirres Medie "The girls hsem Ibeleg ameng Medhend seid ineluslee en the cillai is withis reach," he said. these lists shesid gioe the sIb- "They beam thel with thet cetre untes ceobdcenn heading into the merk eoldeorn, the ynan nahe thejump iste ntete-qualifpisg saldase seesen. gs'eemad by Sexta Gailfeil esd Aedreen Kitteell the pest few years," Amis said. "I feel Ibas l'se eeedy Seiche erce end boild a savecesfal pregram." Since gs'adoating fnem Peut, Amin healed Ihe boys JV teem, which Psisised with 012-5 record times lend distunsesl." sr'...... The Wolves ore scheduled te open the cold cor ueesoa st the - New Trier Quad, which begins at 550 p.m. April 6. Meise Saal, gained cnyei'ienne coud, "V/lies peo bean Scett Gail- feil tell yes Ihet he believes bss peo, lisere shealdss'l be ri deabi The 11-paar-eid Amie, mba Hinne 0055, Aceti Gailleil ran smerded the jeb is the hail, is the Amie sisid. "Hegresmedme fer the past sevenirlyeisre asdee his beib the beys end girls meter pele leams al East. Butai the JV beys swimming end diving ceech es "Macp peeple felt thst I mes tee yeung te he e lined no snh, Cnrl;ibalsr eeaehMehoi Asesie. "Hebehieaed end ellesteessee, Ise decided te leave Iba pregrew, Iheagh he na- thet sesee else woald have the same pessien sed desire fer the Isids aed pregs'aw teneeneed than I macid." leorsed thee he coas being metnhlel eye, posnieg es 45 th'seseasenrss'1h a 15-3 oieiary ever Maine West. Theugh lemes Srs elmcedy seeamoletieg, Aareish Orno gush hes by playisg Tear years so omneity essdee Osulfeil. "FI sosas tise dnicisg farce Ihol melded me into whel ese isday" te him," said acm girls teem Pani has gcerina dillenest di- u bet I felt thel I mes well- Amin, a 1508 graduate nf By MINE BADA veanhieg ces be esseciated with ege end espars'esce, bat Meise "We ere realistic shest cempate with asybedy" Medleed seid he end Ges-des had "The rosOdenee I sed fee my. nell is ssmethisg Iba Iesss seos r be tribes away Trem me," Amin GIRLS WATER POLO - Geed eec chances," said JalDe, whenc team was faerth ire side cf the eesilcreecc, the 25h end the 405. In feet, pmegeem that messi euei'ytbieg teures meet in Lealaville, lles., dening the weehend. Highland Pech mede it te the aemigsele. the leegae last seimes. "Oat- mIso osiered the excelso niega slighting injerp With the mene-impertant saldear ceases essend the canner, Gerden libel ywes mansteg rasheesly in her ether ims events, Maine East tabs Amin to lead Demons in pool North's Bacalla returns with high expectations' raerle Deished, he will peab. ably he all alone at the tep. Bacalla isbech ta leed the es highlight nf the sight fee Oseden, Fridsy aed dreyped s dseieg lbs Merist Isvile, ieelediisg IS isa wis ever already are previeg nke. -. sftheManistlsvite,aed hie cf taldeg thair gamete reald miss seme time with ihn sect level. Othevuceith Cocldbaten noce Meise West es March 21. The Dens beat Oak Lacee is 05.23,25.14 et Nennt en he Silver Peel p1sy en Set. est at oi 31 By DAN SOALIN end a tme.set triumph Macrh 21. He had 44 hilts Oak Lawn. Senior posts career-best in 55 dash uncap mas edjusted fer eIlt is what we've referred We lieve the parseesal asd the ability." One player whe has im' Speedy Gordon paces maldice et Merist e8cr the Cheete'sehscsce. Note Demc epesed up tise saasas with a three. le es eflert peints. All NIL' 71155065, MANCH 31, h solid la sports WWW.yOBrSWaSOn.COm A PlOMEEN PlEAS PUILICAIIAN 'Nil sports in your mind thot pea west be gosd at this. He's bees Ilikel e fallece lome siere 5004 whes I SreI mel him, end e Dathereeves' lies Is his sen," alneody beesieeeomplishnd. Meise Cisl has doabiad lie s'cs1er comben niece last year fer ihn biggest in ile histsry. "The s'ebaildisg precese ryihl never be Oninhed," Amin said. "Ne moiter hew good inc gel and games thol see win, ree need le heces thai ti rene in elmeyn some- sse else thetis bet 1cc aol hiere. Tiset aheuld be cur metirzrlioa pears elcerse hing eepsrieeee Osi (Inder Aminh nenirol, tise blue lanenilnec is greco red push enything end everything Ihet I seeded le bsew." Demone Ii-6, l-S CDLI messes gisme in their Orse seven teles eansoloeste he the beet cibIstes liscI sse cois be." ali. lvuesesr, yoyos SILES NORTH Sateadey Hays gysrrostbs at Vies West Invite, lt ars. Title soccer toots Maire Booth, Moedey Boys baseball at Wlrerliry 4:30 Boys tennis et Ene Forest Roadsny, 4:30 pro. Diets sotiball hosts St. Rielan. 4:32 39 www.pioneerlocaLcRm PIONEER P6BBS P1BLICBTIOV 'NIL Local SpOrts Managing lldJtor: Rich Martin Phone: (847) 486-7480 TillS WEEK t Vikinssan u North plays hard and pilysicalr in loss oi e Fier JOIN Sign up for great ocal deals n Chicago & the suburbs at WantsaDeaLcom, brought to you by Sun-Times Media Dy MATT HARNESS REQUEST Request the deals that you want at o ha mese Opio ne He track st Maire West as, COL GIRLS SOCCER - Though 4:30 ort. ikseeday Nileo Nondh loro do No.2- tirIa soccer et Pepsi Otredoen, rienhed New Trier 0-0 ml borne toso week, Vikings TSR Boys tennis hosts Noire Demo, 4:30 p.m. Boyo trank et Glwtrook North os. Hiles West. Glerbroak VerIl, 4:30 trh seilbati brete Dlevbrook South, 4:4b pm. Ooyr ostteybelt hoots Viles WesL B SAVE Get 50-90 % off what YOU WANT in Chicago & the suburbs recalo Dam EdnrinoOar woo pleased with how his girls stood opta the unbeaoen Treolees and oompeied. "Wo haven's done very welt in our hioioryagaineO Ill i ]l l'y lJÌ'YI!i °"°P L k!'° 1O I them," Edminster sold. "Bot this mas probably ose of one best gomes. We THIS WEEK NILLO W ES T Tedey Veya 000abell st Dsreilte liS,, 4 eVday BONO baseRait hoots Rollte: Head' owe, 4:30 brrr. Boys meter polo hosto Glesbroek played koo'd ond phyoioot. I root epeo k for Now Triar but I'm sore they ossee fron- teased. They probably 000nOed Sa get goolo in and pot 05000 early. Por osta Satsedoy TlenNartlr eeborffed New Trier's olfonsive oestooght tor wore theo 20 minaSes Boye eater pole et te LeSatle befors Zee Hawks finally Illiirrtire Boye Clati, Rasi. found the eel tor 01-Olead. The Treoions meored a is- tooth. B p.s. Boys rook at Viototj Ondeen Ir- olio 1000. Orts baseball at BoTalo Grooe tdootleheadsrhlt Brrr Boys lynnertias hoots John Bstkei boite, 110.0. Riots soittalt hosts yrtlelo 0000e Idroble headerl lI erro Meesdoy Dirlo aorrer at Lake Retest. 4:40 Is Your Bank Drowning You In Fees? song orousd that tosgro'os Escape to Inland Banka different approach to banking! With Choice Checking, you baok your way and select prWmium seivices that work best for you,, all with no hidden fees! ola more thon serro mioates loser for Ohr Root mar- Stop by and lot of it in mr000lily Snd out Prow 050 Cull uetrr& with on," seid Edmieotrr, whose Seem dropped Sot-2 aver- Il. "Thag'uslsareeloriing to bell eve 0e w Wo mey yrooary300norrai sol he the mess ohilird Dish Oattball st INIrseinO 4:40 IN L.AND BANK ieom out there, 0000e bava avd buuivasa Vial ou Hl yrbi'otorrntvrlonirroo'oorll Glrcytlnrlyrltllocyi:anov rlrwww,islasedbash,eom banking nWWdo. 24 t0000trd evo N:1hl Lnirrs:tory seruam orso lova000s i TekHrone Oemarp fat.000-imotl t0000rk twire 00 bord." n TsseesVay Prom dofender Gomito Boys treoR at Glertreok North Margosa lo midfiatder Raed, 4:30 p.m. Boys hasebell hools Vor Steuben Tiffaoy libeling to forword 4:45 p.m. Jeanine Toss'boum, ths Hiles Nerth'e Deborah Steinberg 000e atte ball aheel at Ree Tolere Blies Media "We thodl soros oppone- eoeoeaarernee,sns 7E8-S7th4350 sorne lime afT lo rest their Vihiorgu 00-a borla on the fietd uitiee, mtrirh roe rever reot- down Ohr middle of the i5 hod before against Now nls oelIholi et Highland Pork, 4:45 p.m. Boyo celleybell el Viles North, B ReId. Morgore eves hod our of,the Ream's best rhanres So.reoca on o free birlo from Trior," Edmiastao'ooid, "Jreaioehroolly slayprd op Irar game," lina 000oh "The t moon something thai was positiva." 14 yarda ont, but the uhot sold. "I hsew aire 000ld do it, bus me wore molting for sailed high ood n'ide of the Morgana end Torrhoum have played multiple posiiiaaa this neason, allowing marta come oat otlror. shalt," Boys Water polo et Maire Del, 5 geai. airas Mrrrh t0 Joel lerner-lss-llveO Edmiosleo- more flavlbillly onlih kir linoop. Vihiagu were strong up und Toys terris heels Wheelink 4:45 Coumtsyside PJeher HaHnq the Tneoians 2-0 Wltloepr-iog breolo ungoiorg Bdmioalergove his girls banged op bodlea. The Salorday agolesi 001rrian Sooth betara rompating et hoe Pepsi Sbowdoavn rent me. NorSk apeas the 000le'u lorg005 louroomest Eleeehurst snsrrre nao 630'M34-9100 Glee Elipse Glee Elipse Hawthorn Woods oro Dose-De Osso, 500 asnal naOmI rsianui,5,000a,o0 armo yo, r Dolor 630-85M-555M 547-726-2265 630'620'W2T2 ogoiast Nosaretlo 00 Atrril Hillside Lake Znoinrh Loeobarei Morton Ornee Villa Paek 7S5M622200 547'725226B 630'9M3'EBOE 847'583'19E7 63W-53E-500E "Theta going tO hr a govd gome far as," sold tidnrrivstor. "We've nevar pIntan Noeoreth before, sana rim laohing forward to thol.We hope biologa tars orourari Tor os this yeaor" 510550 seam sua nao os isauesa mamers.e sons essa eroe insuDe -.--,.,',w_ ' - 'ri: ",//, s s. 4- (I s i i . ,:1 A . s . '; 4 . t 'cUr. ( ,e o r 'n 4!r ' aa(nnSt yt 'n' Program Rate Pointa Fees % Down APR 888-525.8496 AIML0AN.coM Pro gram 5.000 0.000 15 yr fixed 4.125 0.000 lo/l ARM 4.500 5/1 ARM 3.375 % Down Fees Program APR Fees % Dswn APR 630-371-6931 hltp:// $1995 20% 5.107 30 yr fixed 4.750 0.000 $914 20% 4.798 30 yr fixed 4.875 0.000 $1200 20% $1995 20% 4.431 4.125 0.000 $914 20% 4.207 i 5 yr fixed 4.000 0.000 $1200 20% 4.108 0.000 $1995 20% 4.209 15 yrfixed 5/1 ARM 4.125 0.000 $914 20% 3.453 1 0 yr fixed 3.375 0.000 $1200 20% 3.529 0.000 $1995 20% 3.610 7/1 ARM 4.625 0.000 $91 4 20% 3.825 30 yr jumbo 5.625 0.000 $1200 20% 5.650 Certified Upfront Lender! Rates & GFE On!ine 24/7! (A) 4121 Camino Del Rio Seem, San Diego, CA 92108, NMLSI289O, MB6759981 847-441.5050 ALLSTAR HOME MORTGAGE, ¡Nc PNA Bank offers Reverse Mortgages. Call for more information. (C) 1515 W. 22nd Street, Suite 125, Oak Brook, IL 60523 (C) 3250 Lacey Road, Suite 140, Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-812.2100 KENILWORTH FINANCIAL, INC. 4.875 0.000 $850 20% 4920 30 yr fixed 15 yr fixed 3.875 0.000 $850 20% 3.951 5/1 ARM 3.375 0.000 $850 20% 3.184 30 yr jumbo refi Call for Rates 5/1 ARM 5/1 jumbo ARM refi3.500 0.000 $850 20% 3.037 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 7/1 ARM Call for Rates 30 yr fixed 4.750 0.000 $1 700 20% 4.840 'Call for Rates l5yrfixed 4.000 0.000 $1700 20% 4.153 3.375 0.000 $1700 20% 3.225 3.875 0.000 $1700 20% 3.502 Cali Bob Betel and experience the "AlIstar" difference! FHA and VA Approved- Call us for Details (8) 1760 Maple Street, Suite 22, NoriWield, IL 60093 (B) One Oakàrook Teirace, Suile2lO, Oakbrook Terrace, lt 50181 630.470.6757 AVENUE MORTGAGE CORPORATION Stu Cohen, 5/1 Jumbo/3.625%175% LIV, IL Residential Mtg Licensee M&6760321 847-3849221 PARK RIDGE COMMUNITY BANK (B) 3100 Dundee Road, Ste 405, Nortkbrock, IL 60052 MB.0005771 708-531.8388 UNITED HOME LOANS http'//www. 30yrfixed 4.750 0.000 $1950 20% 4.890 30 yr fixed 15 yrfixed 4.000 0.000 $1950 20% 4.176 5/1 ARM 3.375 0.000 $1950 20% 30 yr FHA 4.750 0.000 $1 950 4% CaH for Rates 30 yr fixed 4.750 p000 $995 20% 4.802 20 yr fixed Call for Rates 15 yr fixed 4.125 0.000 $995 20% 4.215 3.450 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 5/1 ARM 3.250 0.000 $995 20% 2.982 4.853 10 yr fixed Call for Rates 7/1 ARM 3.625 0.000 $995 20% 3.213 O . (A) 1700 Park Street, Sulle 106, Napers'iIe, IL 60563 209849 (C) 626 TaIcoff Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068 70&660.7038 I,tlp://www.cbopr!.com 30 yr fixed 4.875 0.000 $1 822 20% 4.972 1 5 yr fixed 4.250 0.000 $1 822 20% 4.415 5/1 ARM 3.375 0.000 $1822 20% 3.231 30 yr FHA 4.750 0.000 $1882 4% 5.480 .: 30 yr fixed i 5 yr fixed 5 yr ARM This week 4 96 4 16 3 78 Lastweek 4.91 4.12 3.74 COMMUNITY BANK OF OAK PARK RIVER FOREST (C) 1001 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60301 08-485 847-580.5555 THIRD COAST MORTGAGE LLC hltp:// 30 yr fixed MB.0006457 4.939 Hassle Free - Local closing and funding htfp://www.a! -5/1 ARM Pstnts Rate 630.413-9580 PNA BANK EVERGREEN BANK GROUP 3Oyrfixed Patota Rate .. Lathy ;5jf : . LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FEATURE CALL BANKRATEICOM SALES DEPARTMENT @ 800-509-4636 4.49W Source: Bankratecom, tot more information visit Bankrate naflonal aver ages are based on 100 largest insbtuflons In the top lo markets ¡n the United States. Legend: lb, mie and annual percentage raie (APR) aIe cf1I,t as sf311411 t. O 201 t Bankrate. tnc. (ntipi/www.ban rate corn. The APR hay IflCIt3cC anar cannumnhatlon and riìay va,y. Payrncnts do noi jactada an nonni ins (or tases atril I inarjiric ii nca (CA) d ca t. c sad M nng g Il nk 4YS O b g IJapi (tiR) d t R g t cci) M nag g Rralcr NYS Il ki g Dapi )(o d t) ) t, (C) R k (D) S & L (E) Crcd t U lp.n t ( C I) t R n d d co I U Lock D na )aaaad 1a60 A t I panic t rS4SS000 P t q lad ) na C it t I (a4 sa,, basad ( ant an t rsl6S000 J anbo) I n nno t g ii M ing g L ru (\l R ) n t I na PMlflaknrnt I I nl APRtfy rdw pynal ) tlan2O% rib ) nc ( yo wu)(tncUbj ni p t mrtg, dic lo mydllrrrnrnnthtanample sadlcarafi t hang miti i t) ppcant g inn) t h) p y (cot ppcooio n) toh) Ir) So a all th Il knar In don at wn y I n I t i t p k b II ut r nn in n cc nj t I ch g a doth Ok b ) rM(7)xro M sig g Brnk u) Instan hato shown in Ihn tabla otnanic. (Vo ninonicintond that yarn ouatant yonir lnndcr d)rcctly In dotoninioc minai antan nay ho nvni(n(n(n In yarn. TO t t. J, (A) 3 Weslbroòk Corporate Center, Suite 1O1Ó, Westchester, IL 50154 " f) t I ro''r t APl'EAR IN 'ruts TAIlLE, CAI.I 800.509-163e. TO REPORt' ANY IN,%CCIJRAcUFy, cAr.r.'estm'6'o° ( ""'' d no an na t (no r ' b ni ipran t adj t) y ba hang d i pc thapi (A) il rig g Il liCO Ilmncsaanq cd ni ni in nbl rtmnngg (ARM)TItCAPR (oh I ny loo )ii r' h)),' ko andino lin n b) lonttans In pnon)do nntcn thai ann dncccnl Il) ra (7)