i' T~ \NSMITTAL TO CITY COUN\~ ..-•· Planning Staff Name(s) and Conta~... •'llo. Case No. APC NV-2007 -1683-ZC C.D.No. Joey Vasquez (2'13) 978-1352 Related Case No(s). 7 Last Day to Appeal TT-68783 JUL 2 l.20D8 Location of Project (Include project titles, if any.) 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Applicant(s) and Representative(s) Name(s) and Contact Information, if available. Henry Avalos 13414 Leach Street Sylmar, CA 91342 (818) 481-6236 Mark Danielson (661) 775-9112 Rothman Engineering 28145 Avenue Crocker Sylmar, CA 91342 Appellant(s) and Representative(s) Name(s) and Contact Information, including phone numbers, if available. Not Applicable Final Project Description (Description is for consideration by Committee/Council, and for use on agendas and official public notices. If a General Plan Amendment and/or Zone Change case, include the prior land use designation and zone, as well as the proposed land use designation and zone change (i.e. "from Very Low Density Residential land use designation to Low Density land use designation and concurrent zone change from RA-1-K to (T)(Q)R1-1-K). In addition, for all cases appealed in the Council, please include in the description only those items which are appealable to Council.) Approved the (T)(Q)RS-1 zone, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 12.32, and recommended that the Cit}! Council ado~t the ordinance to effect the change of zone, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, for a maximum 4-lot single-family subdivision on a 1.11 net acre site. Items Appealable to Council Zone Change Fiscal Impact Statement 'If determination states administrative costs are recovered through fees, indicate "Yes.H Env. No.: Commission Vote: 2007 -1523-MN D 4-0 .. Yes In add1t1on to th1s transmittal sheet, C1ty Clerk needs: (1) One original & two copies of the Commission, Zoning Administrator or Director of Planning Determination (2) Staff recommendation report (3) Appeal, if applicable; (4) Environmental document used to approve the project, if applicable; (5) Public hearing notice; (6) Commission determination mailing labels (7) Condo projects only: 2 copies of Commission Determination mailing labels (includes project's tenants) and 500 foot radius mailing list f1 A ·-'JJj F~l;rc:P~gol, Commission Executive Assistant North Valley Area Planning Commission ~JUt. 2 3 200 D~T.Ii.: PLANNING 8 l.f\1\ID USE MANAGEMENT JUL 2 ~' 2008 N:\ADM IN\EXEC\Commission\APC\NORTH VALLEY\2008\CASE PROCESS\APC\APCNV-2007-1683\APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC (Transmittal Form) .doc NORTH VALLEY AREA PLANNING COMMISSION 200 N. Spring Street, Room 272, Los Angeles, California, 90012-4801, (213) 978-1300 www.lacity .org/PLN/index.htm Determination Mailing Date: CITY COUNCIL Room 395, City Hall Applicant: Henry Avalos JUL· 0 ~ 2~08 CASE NO. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC Related Case: Tentative Tract No. 68783 CEQA: ENV-2007-1523-MND Location: 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Council District: 7 Plan Area: Sylmar Request(s): Zone Change At its meeting on June 05, 2008, the following action was taken by the North Valley Area Planning Commission: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Approved the (T)(Q)RS-1 zone, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 12.32, and recommended that the City Council adopt the ordinance to effect the change of zone, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Recommended that the applicant be advised that time limits for effectuation of a zone in the "T" Tentative or "Q" Qualified classification are specified in Section 12.32.G of the L.A.M.C. Conditions must be satisfied prior to the issuance of building permits and, that the (T) Tentative classification be removed in the manner indicated on the attached page. Approved and recommended that the City Council adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 2007-1523-MND. Adopted the Findings (attached). Advised the applicant that, pursuant to California State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring. Advised the applicant that pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination (NOD) filing. Fiscal Impact Statement: recovered through fees. There is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Page 2 This action was taken by the following vote: Moved: Seconded: Ayes: Absent: Rodriguez Padilla Leyner, Sampson Corona VOTE: 4-0 ~1, Commission Executive Assistant North Valley Area Planning Commission Appeals: If the Commission has disapproved the request, in whole or in part, the applicant may appeal that disapproval to the Council within 20 days after the mailing date of this determination. Any appeal not filed within the 20-day period shall not be considered by the Council. All appeals shall be filed on forms provided at the Planning Department's Public Counters at 201 N. Figueroa Street, Fourth Floor, Los Angeles, or at 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 251, Van Nuys. FINAL DATE TO APPEAL: JUL 2 l 2008 If you seek judicial review of any decision of the City pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, the petition for writ of mandate pursuant to that section must be filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the City's decision became final pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. There may be other time limits which also affect your ability to seek judicial review. Attachments: (T)Conditions, Zone Change Ordinance, Zone Change Ordinance Map, (Q)Conditions, Zone Change Signature Sheet, Findings C: Notification List Joey Vasquez Case No. APCNV-200't- •683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue T-1 CONDITIONS FOR EFFECTUATING (T) OR [T] TENTATIVE CLASSIFICATION REMOVAL Pursuant to Section 12.32 G of the Municipal Code, the (T) or [T] Tentative Classification shall be removed by the recordation of a final parcel or tract map or by posting of guarantees through the 8-permit process of the City Engineer to secure the following without expense to the City of Los Angeles, with copies of any approval or guarantees provided to the Department of City Planning for attachment to the subject planning case file. Procedure: The tentative classification shall be removed by the recordation of a final parcel map or tract map, or by provision of the following or by the posting of guarantees satisfactory to the City Engineer to secure the following without expense to the City of Los Angeles, with copies of any approvals or guarantees provided to the City Planning Department for attachment to the subject City Plan Case File. Recommendation that recordation of the final parcel map or tract map be made as a condition of the Zone Change Approval. The above language does not preclude the Advisory Agency from requiring the recordation of a final map for compliance with the subject conditions or similar conditions: Notice. Certificate of Occupancies for the subject property will not be issued by the City until the construction of all the public improvements (streets, sewers, storm drains, etc.), as required herein, are completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 1. Covenant. Prior to any permits relative to this matter, an agreement concerning all the information contained in these conditions shall be recorded by the property owners in the County Recorder's Office. The agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding on any subsequent owners, heirs or assigns. Furthermore, the agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval before being recorded. After recordation, a copy bearing the Recorder's number and date shall be given to the City Planning Department for attachment to the subject file. 2. Street Dedications and Improvements. Street Dedications and Improvements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. Sewer. Construction of necessary sewer facilities, or payment of sewer fees, shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4. Drainage. Construction of necessary drainage and storm water runoff drainage facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Case No. APCNV-200"1-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue T-2 5. Driveway/Parkway Area Plan. Preparation of a parking plan and driveway plan to the satisfaction of the appropriate District Offices of the Bureau of Engineering and the Department of Transportation. 6. Fire. Incorporate into the building plans the recommendations of the Fire Department relative to fire safety, which includes the submittal of a plot plan for approval by the Fire Department either prior to the recordation of a final map or the approval of a building permit. 7. Cable. Make any necessary arrangements with the appropriate cable television franchise holder to assure that cable television facilities will be installed in City rights-of-way in the same manner as is required of other facilities, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 17.05.N to the satisfaction of the Department of Telecommunications. 8. Recreation and Park Fees. Payment of the appropriate recreation and park fees to the Department of Recreation and Parks. 9. Lighting. Street lighting facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Street Lighting. 10. Street Trees. All trees in the public right-of-way shall be provided per the current Urban Forestry Division standards. ORDINANCE N O . - - - - - - - An ordinance amending Section .12.04 ofthe Los Angeles Municipal Code by amending the zoning map. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 12.04 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by changing the zones and zone boundaries shown upon a portion of the zone map attached thereto and made a part of Article 2, Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, so that such portion of the zoning map shall be as follows: '-, ~ "'0 ~ " '-,' / ~ !!:! > ~ .:> // !=' e s: ("J ~ 1\:) 1\:) 1\:) i Ill ...... Cl CJ1 -.....! tl I / '\, ', ' ' \. ',...., / )> ' ,../' \. ..-:>... !'!' tl ', ' \, \, '( ','\. ,,',',<', ',, ',_.,, ' '', ' ', '\ ','\.'-, ...., \., '-,',', ', ...., ',',', '-... \\ '",',', '' ' ', '-... ,, ',,,, ',~..._~,, ',, ,,,, '-,',', ',,, ,, ',\,\, '',,,,,,, ' '<'\. ' ,,, ',\. ,, ',', '-, ,,,, ' ',); ' '· ,, ,,,, '-, ,, ',, ,,,, / "' I ...... 5" ~ CD .0 (') Cl ::T ~ c Ill en = I ...... 1\) -01 0 "' ~ )> I '"'0 n z < 1\:) 0 0 -.....! ...... I C) 00 CJ.:) N n 0 0') ...... 0 0 00 I CD CD p ', ' ', ' ', '-... \. '',,,, '-..., '' ' '-, ' '' ',,'-... '\, '' ',,, ', '',,, ' '',, ' ....,, ' '\ Vl ' '',..._,, , .... '\. ' ....,,, '' ' '',~',, ' ',, "'-,, '\ 0 ' ' ', '\. ' ....,, ',\, ',,, ', ' ,, '' Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Q-1 (Q) QUALIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pursuant to Section 12.32 G of the Municipal Code, the following limitations are hereby imposed upon the use of the subject property, subject to the "Q" Qualified classification. Entitlement 1. Related Tentative Tract. The applicant shall comply with all of the requirements contained in Tentative Tract No. 6'8783 for approval of four lots being processed concurrently with this determination and any subsequent modifications thereto. 2. Use. The use and development of the subject property shall comply with all provisions of the RS-1 Zone, pursuant to Municipal Code Section12.07.1, except where conditions herein may be more restrictive. Environmental Conditions 3. Hillside Site Design. a. Grading shall be kept to a minimum. b. Natural features, such as prominent knolls or ridge lines, shall be preserved. c. The project shall comply with the City's Hillside Development Guidelines. 4. Light. Outdoor lighting shall be designed and installed with shielding, so that the light source cannot be seen from adjacent residential properties. 5. Tree Removal (Non-Protected Trees). a. The plan shall contain measures recommended by the tree expert for the preservation of as many trees as possible. Mitigation measures such as replacement by a minimum of 24-inch box trees in the parkway and on the site, on a 1:1 basis, shall be required for the unavoidable loss of desirable trees on the site, and to the satisfaction of the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services and the decision maker. Q-2 Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue b. The genus or genera of the tree(s) shall provide a minimum crown of 30'- 50'. Please refer to City of Los Angeles Landscape Ordinance (Ord. No.170,978), Guidelines K- Vehicular Use Areas. c. Comply with Mitigation Measures detailed in Tree Report, dated February 20, 2007, by Susan E. McEowen. Seismic. 6. 7. a. The design and construction of the project shall conform to the Uniform Building Code seismic standards as approved by the Department of Building and Safety. b. Comply with conditions detailed in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. Construction (Air Quality). a. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50 percent. b. The owner or contractor shall keep the construction area sufficiently dampened to control dust caused by construction and hauling, and at all times provide reasonable control of dust caused by wind. c. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust. d. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust. ·e. All clearing, earth moving, or excavation activities shall be discontinued during periods of high winds (i.e., greater than 15 mph), so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. f. General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions. I 8. Construction (Noise). a. The project shall comply with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance No. 144,331 and 161,574, and any subsequent Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Q-3 ordinances, which prohibit the emission or creation of noise beyond certain levels at adjacent uses unless technically infeasible. 9. b. Construction and demolition shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. c. Construction and demolition activities shall be scheduled so as to avoid operating several pieces of equipment simultaneously. d. The project contractor shall use power construction equipment with state-of-the-art noise shielding and muffling devices. e. The project sponsor shall comply with the Noise Insulation Standards of Title 24 of the California Code Regulations, which insure an acceptable interior noise environment. General Construction a. Sediment carries with it other work-site pollutants such as pesticides, cleaning solvents, cement wash, asphalt, and car fluids that are toxic to sea life. b. All waste shall be disposed of properly. Use appropriately labeled recycling bins to recycle construction materials including: solvents, water-based paints, vehicle fluids, broken asphalt and concrete, wood, and vegetation. Non recyclable materials/wastes shall be taken tO' an appropriate landfill. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed regulated disposal site. c. Leaks, drips and spills shall be cleaned up immediately to prevent contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away into the storm drains. d. Pavement shall not be hosed down at material spills. Dry cleanup methods shall be used whenever possible. e. Dumpsters shall be covered and maintained. Uncovered dumpsters shall be placed under a roof or be covered with tarps or plastic sheeting. f. Gravel approaches shall be used where truck traffic is frequent to reduce soil compaction and the tracking of sediment into streets shall be limited. Case No. APCNV-200"7-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue 10. Q-4 g. All vehicle/equipment maintenance, repair, and washing shall be conducted away from storm drains. All major repairs shall be conducted off-site. Drip pans or drop clothes shall be used to catch drips and spills. h. Comply with conditions in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. Hillside a. The applicant shall obtain a haul route approval from the Board of Building & Safety Commissioners for export/import in excess of 1,000 cubic yards. b. All haul route hours shall be limited to off-peak hours as determined by Board of Building & Safety Commissioners. c. The applicant shall provide a staked signage at the site with a minimum of 3-inch lettering containing contact information for the Senior Street Use Inspector (Department of Public Works), the Senior Grading Inspector (LADBS) and the hauling or general contractor. d. The developer shall install appropriate traffic signs around the site to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety. e. LADBS shall require the applicant to have all employees park their personal vehicles outside of the hillside area and utilize a developer-sponsored vanpool system for transport to the site. f. LADBS shall stagger haul trucks based upon a specific area's capacity, as determined by LADOT, and the amount of soil proposed to be hauled to minimize cumulative traffic and congestion impacts. g. The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) shall recommend to the Building & Safety Commission Office the appropriate size of trucks allowed for hauling, best route of travel, the appropriate number flag people. h. Trucks having no current hauling activity shall not idle but be turned off. i. The applicant shall be limited to no more than two trucks at any given time within the site's staging area. Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue 11. Q-5 j. No parking shall be permitted on street during Red Flag Days in compliance with the "Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag No Parking" program. k. In order to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles, all construction material shall be stored on-site and not on the street during hauling operations. I. The applicant shall provide a soils and/or geotechnical report to LADBS (reports needed to be determined by LADBS) for review and approval that shall include measures to mitigate impacts related to grading. m. Fences shall be constructed around the site to minimize trespassing, vandalism, short-cut attractions and attractive nuisances. Single Family/Multi Family Hillside Dwelling a. Project applicants are required to implement stormwater BMPs to treat and infiltrate the runoff from a storm event producing 3/4 inch of rainfall in a 24 hour period. The design of structural BMPs shall be in accordance with the Development Best Management Practices Handbook Part B Planning Activities. A signed certificate from a California licensed civil engineer or licensed architect that the proposed BMPs meet this numerical threshold standard is required. b. Post development peak stormwater runoff discharge rates shall not exceed the estimated pre-development rate for developments where the increase peak stormwater discharge rate will result in increased potential for downstream erosion. c. Concentrate or cluster development on portions of a site while leaving the remaining land in a natural undisturbed condition. d. Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation at the project site to the minimum needed to build lots, allow access, and provide fire protection. e. Maximize trees and other vegetation at each site by planting additional vegetation, clustering tree areas, and promoting the use of native and/or drought tolerant plants. f. Cut and fill slopes in designated hillside areas shall be planted and irrigated to prevent erosion, reduce run-off velocities and to provide Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Q-6 long-term stabilization of soil. Plant materials include: grass, shrubs, vines, ground covers, and trees. g. Incorporate appropriate erosion control and drainage devices, such as interceptor terraces, berms, vee-channels, and inlet and outlet structures, as specified by Section 91.7013 of the Building Code. Protect outlets of culverts, conduits or channels from erosion by discharge velocities by installing a rock outlet protection. Rock outlet protection is a physical devise composed of rock, grouted riprap, or concrete rubble placed at the outlet of a pipe. Install sediment traps below the pipe outlet. Inspect, repair, and maintain the outlet protection after each significant rain. h. Any connection to the sanitary sewer must have authorization from the Bureau of Sanitation. i. All storm drain inlets and catch basins within the project area must be stenciled with prohibitive language (such as NO DUMPING DRAINS TO OCEAN) and/or graphical icons to discourage illegal dumping. j. Signs and prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which prohibit illegal dumping, must be posted at public access points along channels and creeks within the project area. k. Legibility of stencils and signs must be maintained. I. Materials with the potential to contaminate stormwater must be: (1) placed in an enclosure such as, but not limited to, a cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevent contact with runoff spillage to the stormwater conveyance system; or (2) protected by secondary containment structures such as berms, dikes, or curbs. m. The storage area must be paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills. n. The storage area must have a roof or awning to minimize collection of stormwater within the secondary containment area. o. The owner(s) of the property will prepare and execute a covenant and agreement (Planning Department General form CP-6770) satisfactory to the Planning Department binding the owners to post construction maintenance on the structural BMPs in accordance with the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan and or per manufacturer's instructions. Case No. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue 12. Q-7 Fire The following recommendations of the Fire Department relative to fire safety shall be incorporated into the building plans, which includes the submittal of a plot plan for approval by the Fire Department either prior to the recordation of a final map or the approval of a building permit. The plot plan shall include the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width; all structures must be within 300 feet of an approved fire hydrant, and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150 feet in distance in horizontal travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane. Administrative Conditions: 13. Indemnification. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, or employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul this approval which action is brought within the applicable limitation period. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant of any claim action or proceeding, or if the City fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify or hold harmless the City. 14. Covenant. Prior to the issuance of any permits relative to this matter, an agreement concerning all the information contained in these conditions will be recorded in the County Recorder's Office. The agreement will run with the land and will be binding on any subsequent property owners, heirs or assigns. The agreement must be submitted to the Planning Department for approval before being recorded. After recordation, a copy bearing the Recorder's number and date will be provided to the Planning Department. 15. Approval, Verification and Submittals. Copies of any approvals, guarantees or verification of consultations, reviews or approval, plans, etc, as may be required by the subject conditions, will be provided to the Planning Department for placement in the subject file. 16. Definition. Any agencies, public officials or legislation referenced in these conditions will mean the agencies, public offices, legislation or their successors, designees br amendments to any legislation. Case No. APCNV-200"7-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue Q-8 17. Code. Compliance. Area, height and use regulations of the zone classification of the subject property will be complied with, except as such regulations are herein specifically varied or required. 18. Enforcement. Compliance with these conditions and the intent of these conditions will be to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and any other designated agency, or the agency's successor and in accordance with any stated laws or regulations, or any amendments thereto. 19. Mitigation Monitoring. Prior to the issuance of any building permit the applicant will prepare and execute a Covenant and Agreement (Planning Department General Form CP-6770.M) in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department requiring the subdivider to identify (a) mitigation monitor(s) who shall provide periodic status reports on the implementation of mitigation items required by conditions 3-12. The mitigation monitor(s) shall be identified as to their areas of responsibility, and phase of intervention (preconstruction, construction, postconstruction/maintenance) to ensure continued implementation of the above mentioned mitigation items. Sec. .:1_. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and have it published in accordance with Council policy, either in a daily newspaper circulated in the City of Los Angeles or by posting for ten days in three public places in the City of Los Angeles: one copy on the bulletin board located at the Main Street entrance to the Los Angeles City Hall; one copy on the bulletin board located at the Main Street entrance to the Los Angeles City Hall East; and one copy on the bulletin board located at the Temple Street entrance to the Los Angeles County Hall of Records. I hereby certify that this ordinance was passed by the Council of the City of Los Angeles, at its meeting of - - - - - - - - - - - - - KAREN E. KALF AYAN, Interim City Clerk By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Deputy Approved _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mayor Pursuant to Section 558 of the City Charter, the North Valley Area Planning Commission on June 05, 2008, recommended this ordinance be adopted by the City Council. gol, Commission Executive Assistant North Valley Area Planning Commission File No.-------...,.-------- F-1 Case No. APCNV-200t-1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue FINDINGS General Plan/Charter Findings 1. General Plan Land Use Designation. The subject property is located within the area covered by the Sylmar Community Plan, adopted by the City Council on August 8, 1997 (pursuant to City Plan Case No. CPC 930345-CPU, Council File 96-0429). The Plan designates the subject property for Low Residential land use with the corresponding zones of RE9, RS, R1, and RD6. The recommended (T)(Q)RS-1 Zone is consistent with the land use designation on the plan map and is in substantial conformance with the purpose, intent and provisions of the General Plan as reflected in the adopted community plan. 2. General Plan Text. The Sylmar Community Plan text includes the following relevant land use goal, objectives, and policies: Goal 1: A safe, secure, and high quality residential environment for all economic, age, and ethnic segments of the community. Objective 1-1: To provide for the preservation of existing and the development of new housing to meet the diverse economic and physical needs of the existing residents and projected population of the Plan area to the year 2010. Policy 1-1.2: Protect existing single family residential neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. Objective 1-3: To preserve and enhance the varied and distinct residential character and integrity of existing single and multi-family neighborhoods. Policy 1-3.2: Consider factors such as neighborhood character and identity, compatibility of land uses, impacts on livability, impacts on services and public facilities, and impacts on traffic levels, and environmental impacts when changes in residential densities are proposed. I Case No. APCNV-200 ,_ 1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue F-2 3. The Transportation Element of the General Plan will not be affected by the action herein. Moreover, requirements from the Bureau of Engineering on street dedication and improvements were included in the attached Advisory Agency action for Tentative Tract No. 68783 all satisfactory to the City Engineer and consistent with Municipal Code Section 17.05. 4. The Sewerage Facilities Element of the General Plan will be affected by the action. However, requirements for construction of sewer facilities to serve the subject project and complete the City sewer system for the health and safety of City inhabitants will assure compliance with the goals of this General Plan Element. 5. Street Lights. Any City required installation or upgrading of street lights is necessary to complete the City street improvement system so as to increase night safety along the streets which adjoin the subject property. 6. Zone Change Findings. a. Pursuant to Section 12.32.C,7 of the Municipal Code, and based on these findings, the action is deemed consistent with public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice. The recommended (T)(Q)RS-1 Zone is consistent with the Sylmar Community Plan Low Residential Land Use designation which lists RE9, RS, R1, and RD6 as corresponding zones. A change from the current A1-1 and RS-1 Zones to the recommended (T)(Q)RS-1 Zone will allow the site to be developed in keeping with the neighborhood character and in keeping with the goals and objectives of the Community Plan. Approval of four single-family lots and an accompanying zone change to (T)(Q)RS-1 would be more consistent with the surrounding zoning, pattern of development, and prevailing setbacks and yards within the neighborhood. The front yard setback requirement in the RS Zone is 25 feet, whereas the requirement in the R1 Zone is 20 feet. Four single- family lots and a zone of (T)(Q)RS-1 would better act as a transition than the R1 Zone, between the RA-1-K zoned properties to the west and the RS-1 zoned properties to the east, thereby implementing the Community Plan policy of protecting existing single-family residential neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. b. The action, as recommended, has been made contingent upon compliance with the "T" and "Q" conditions imposed herein. Such limitations are necessary to protect the best interests of and to ! Case No. APCNV-200,- 1683-ZC 12980 North Gladstone Avenue F-3 assure a development more compatible with surrounding properties, to secure an appropriate development in harmony with the General Plan, and to prevent or mitigate the potential adverse environmental effects of the subject recommended action. 7. Flood Management. The subject property is located in an area for which a flood insurance rate has been prepared. The National Flood Insurance Program rate map, which are a part of the Flood Hazard Management Specific Plan adopted by the City Council by Ordinance No. 154,405, have been reviewed and it has been determined that this project is located in Zone C, area of minimal flooding. CEQA Findings A Mitigated Negative Declaration (ENV-2007-1523-MND) was prepared for the proposed project. On the basis of the whole of the record before the lead agency including any comments received, the lead agency finds that, with imposition of the mitigation measures described in the MND, there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project will have a significant effect on the environment. The attached Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the lead agency's independent judgment and analysis. The records upon which this decision is based are with the Environmental Review Section of the Planning Department in Room 750, 200 North Spring Street. I hereby adopt that the Mitigated Negative Declaration, imposed the conditions shown in that document on this approval. DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT North Valley Area Planning Commission Date: Time: Place: June 5, 2008 After 4:30p.m.* Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley Constituent Services Center 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard Van Nuys, CA 91401 Public Hearing: Appeal Status: Completed on March 20, 2008 Appealable to City Council Case No.: CEQA No.: Incidental Cases: Related Cases: Council No.: Plan Area: Specific Plan: Certified NC: GPLU: Zone: APCNV 2007-1683-ZC ENV-2007-1523-MND TT-68783 None 7 Sylmar None Sylmar Low Residential A1-1 and RS-1 Applicant: Representative: Henry Avalos PROJECT LOCATION: 12980 North Gladstone Avenue PROPOSED PROJECT: A maximum 4-lot single-family subdivision on a 1.11 net acre site. REQUESTED ACTION: Pursuant to Section 12.32 of the Municipal Code, a Zone Change incident to a Tentative Tract Map from A1-1 and RS-1 to R1-1. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DISAPPROVE the Zone Change as filed. Approve and Recommend that the City Council adopt a Zone Change from A1-1 and RS-1 to {T)(Q)RS-1, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ENV-2007-1523-MND. Adopt the attached Findings. Recommend that the applicant be advised that time limits for effectuation of a zone in the ''T'' Tentative classification or "Q" Qualified Classification are specified in Section 12.32.G of the L.A.M.C. Conditions must be satisfied prior to the issuance of building permits and that the (T) Tentative classification be removed in the manner indicated on the attached page. Advise the applicant that, pursuant to California State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring. Advise the applicant that pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination (NOD) filing. ( ( APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC ;· Page 2 S. GAIL GOLDBERG, AICP Director of Planning ~gency NOTICE TO PUBLIC: *The exact time this report will be considered during the meeting is uncertain since there may be several other items on the agenda. Written communications may be mailed to the Commission Secretariat, Room 272, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Phone No. 213-978-1300). While all written communications are given to the Commission for consideration, the initial packets are sent to the Commissioners the week prior to the Commission's meeting date. If you challenge these agenda items in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing agendized herein, or in written correspondence on these matters delivered to this agency at or prior to the public hearing. As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability, and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or other services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request not later than three working days (72 hours) prior to the meeting by calling the Commission Secretariat at (213) 978-1300. 1/ TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Analysis ......................................................................................................... A-1 Project Summary Background Issues Conclusion (Q) or [Q] Qualified Conditions of Approval ............................................................ Q-1 (T) Conditions .............................................................................................................T -1 Findings .......................................................................................................................F-1 General Plan/Charter Findings Entitlement Findings CEQA Findings Public Hearing and Communications ...................................................................... P-1 Exhibits: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit4: Exhibit 5: Vicinity Map Radius Map Tentative Tract 68783 Tract Map Approval Letter Environmental Clearance APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC c ( A-1 PROJECT ANALYSIS Project Summary The project was approved for a maximum of four lots. Background The subject property is a level, rectangular-shaped, through lot, having frontages of 150 feet on the northeast side of Gladstone Avenue and approximately 156 feet on the southwest side of Montero Avenue. The subject site contains a total of 1.11 net acres (48,216.2 net square feet). The subject site is zoned A1-1 and RS-1, and designated Low Residential in the Sylmar Community Plan. The site is currently vacant. The applicant proposed a six-lot single-family subdivision which is consistent with the planned land use, but is inconsistent with the current A1-1 and RS-1 Zones. The subdivider is requesting a Zone Change from A1-1and RS-1 to R1-1. As originally designed, the subdivision layout was three lots fronting on Montero Avenue and three lots fronting on Gladstone Avenue. Lot sizes ranged from 7,500 square feet to 9,069 square feet with lot widths between 50 feet and 53 feet. Although, the proposed lots met the minimum 7,500 square feet lot area requirement of the RS Zone, the lot widths were below the minimum 60-foot requirement, hence the applicant's request for a Zone Change to R1. Adjoining properties to the north and south are zoned (T)RS-1/A1-1. Adjacent properties to the east, across Montero Avenue, are zoned RS-1. Adjacent properties to the west, across Gladstone Avenue are zoned RA-1-K. Street Classification Montero Avenue, adjoining the subject property to the east is a local street dedicated a variable width and partially improved with curb and gutter. Gladstone Avenue, adjoining the subject property to the west is designated a Collector Street dedicated to a width of 60 feet and improved with curb and gutter. Issues At the public hearing held on March 20, 2008, the Deputy Advisory Agency approved the incident subdivision for a lower density - four single-family lots instead of the requested six single-family lots. The Deputy Advisory Agency determined that four single-family lots and an accompanying zone change to (T)(Q)RS-1 would be more consistent with the surrounding zoning, pattern of development, and prevailing setbacks and yards within the neighborhood. The front yard setback requirement in the RS Zone is 25 feet, whereas the requirement in the R1 Zone is 20 feet. Four single-family lots and a zone of (T)(Q)RS-1 would better act as a transition than the R1 Zone, between the RA-1-K zoned properties to the west and the RS-1 zoned properties to the east, APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC A-2 thereby implementing the Community Plan policy of protecting existing single family residential neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. Conclusion A Zone Change to (T)(Q)RS-1 would be consistent with the subdivision approval of four single-family lots. In addition, a zoning of (T)(Q)RS-1 would be more consistent with the surrounding zoning, pattern of development, and prevailing setbacks and yards in the area than the requested R 1-1 Zone. ( ( APCNV-2007-1683-ZC Q-1 (Q) or [Q] QUALIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pursuant to Section 12.32 G of the Municipal Code, the following limitations are hereby imposed upon the use of the subject property, subject to the "Q" Qualified classification. Entitlement 1. Related Tentative Tract. The applicant shall comply with all of the requirements contained in Tentative Tract No. 68783 for approval of four lots being processed concurrently with this determination and any subsequent modifications thereto. 2. Use. The use and development of the subject property shall comply with all provisions of the RS-1 Zone, pursuant to Municipal Code Section12.07.1, except where conditions herein may be more restrictive. Environmental Conditions 3. Hillside Site Design. a. Grading shall be kept to a minimum. b. Natural features, such as prominent knolls or ridge lines, shall be preserved. c. The project shall comply with the City's Hillside Development Guidelines. 4. Light. Outdoor lighting shall be designed and installed with shielding, so that the light source cannot be seen from adjacent residential properties. 5. Tree Removal (Non-Protected Trees). a. The plan shall contain measures recommended by the tree expert for the preservation of as many trees as possible. Mitigation measures such as replacement by a minimum of 24-inch box trees in the parkway and on the site, on a 1:1 basis, shall be required for the unavoidable loss of desirable trees on the site, and to the satisfaction of the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services and the decision maker. b. The genus or genera of the tree(s) shall provide a minimum crown of 30'50'. Please refer to City of Los Angeles Landscape Ordinance (Ord. No.170,978), Guidelines K- Vehicular Use Areas. c. Comply with Mitigation Measures detailed in Tree Report, dated February 20, 2007, by Susan E. McEowen. ),I APCNV-2007-1683-ZC Seismic. 6. 7. 8. Q-2 a. The design and construction of the project shall conform to the Uniform Building Code seismic standards as approved by the Department of Building and Safety. b. Comply with conditions detailed in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. Construction (Air Quality). a. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50 percent. b. The owner or contractor shall keep the construction area sufficiently dampened to control dust caused by construction and hauling, and at all times provide reasonable control of dust caused by wind. c. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust. d. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust. e. All clearing, earth moving, or excavation activities shall be discontinued during periods of high winds (i.e., greater than 15 mph), so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. f. General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions. Construction (Noise). a. The project shall comply with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance No. 144,331 and 161,574, and any subsequent ordinances, which prohibit the emission or creation of noise beyond certain levels at adjacent uses unless technically infeasible. b. Construction and demolition shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. c. Construction and demolition activities shall be scheduled so as to avoid operating several pieces of equipment simultaneously. d. The project contractor shall use power construction equipment with stateof-the-art noise shielding and muffling devices. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC . e. 9. 10. c ( Q-3 The project sponsor shall comply with the Noise Insulation Standards of Title 24 of the California Code Regulations, which insure an acceptable interior noise environment. General Construction a. Sediment carries with it other work-site pollutants such as pesticides, cleaning solvents, cement wash, asphalt, and car fluids that are toxic to sea life. b. All waste shall be disposed of properly. Use appropriately labeled recycling bins to recycle construction materials including: solvents, waterbased paints, vehicle fluids, broken asphalt and concrete, wood, and vegetation. Non recyclable materials/wastes shall be taken to an appropriate landfill. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed regulated disposal site. c. Leaks, drips and spills shall be cleaned up immediately to prevent contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away into the storm drains. d. Pavement shall not be hosed down at material spills. Dry cleanup methods shall be used whenever possible. e. Dumpsters shall be covered and maintained. Uncovered dumpsters shall be placed under a roof or be covered with tarps or plastic sheeting. f. Gravel approaches shall be used where truck traffic is frequent to reduce soil compaction and the tracking of sediment into streets shall be limited. g. All vehicle/equipment maintenance, repair, and washing shall be conducted away from storm drains. All major repairs shall be conducted off-site. Drip pans or drop clothes shall be used to catch drips and spills. h. Comply with conditions in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. Hillside a. The applicant shall obtain a haul route approval from the Board of Building & Safety Commissioners for export/import in excess of 1,000 cubic yards. b. All haul route hours shall be limited to off-peak hours as determined by Board of Building & Safety Commissioners. c. The applicant shall provide a staked signage at the site with a minimum of 3-inch lettering containing contact information for the Senior Street Use Inspector (Department of Public Works), the Senior Grading Inspector (LADBS) and the hauling or general contractor. J '~ APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC 11. Q-4 d. The developer shall install appropriate traffic signs around the site to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety. e. LADBS shall require the applicant to have all employees park their personal vehicles outside of the hillside area and utilize a developersponsored van pool system for transport to the site. f. LADBS shall stagger haul trucks based upon a specific area's capacity, as determined by LADOT, and the amount of soil proposed to be hauled to minimize cumulative traffic and congestion impacts. g. The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) shall recommend to the Building & Safety Commission Office the appropriate size of trucks allowed for hauling, best route of travel, the appropriate number flag people. h. Trucks having no current hauling activity shall not idle but be turned off. i. The applicant shall be limited to no more than two trucks at any given time within the site's staging area. j. No parking shall be permitted on street during Red Flag Days in compliance with the "Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag No Parking" program. k. In order to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles, all construction material shall be stored on-site and not on the street during hauling operations. I. The applicant shall provide a soils and/or geotechnical report to LADBS (reports needed to be determined by LADBS) for review and approval that shall include measures to mitigate impacts related to grading. m. Fences shall be constructed around the site to minimize trespassing, vandalism, short-cut attractions and attractive nuisances. Single Family/Multi Family Hillside Dwelling a. Project applicants are required to implement stormwater BMPs to treat and infiltrate the runoff from a storm eve.nt producing 3/4 inch of rainfall in a 24 hour period. The design of structural BMPs shall be in accordance with the Development Best Management Practices Handbook Part B Planning Activities. A signed certificate from a California licensed civil engineer or licensed architect that the proposed BMPs meet this numerical threshold standard is required. b. Post development peak stormwater runoff discharge rates shall not exceed the estimated pre-development rate for developments where the increase peak stormwater discharge rate will result in increased potential for downstream erosion. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC c ( Q-5 c. Concentrate or cluster development on portions of a site while leaving the remaining land in a natural undisturbed condition. d. Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation at the project site to the minimum needed to build lots, allow access, and provide fire protection. e. Maximize trees and other vegetation at each site by planting additional vegetation, clustering tree areas, and promoting the use of native and/or drought tolerant plants. f. Cut and fill slopes in designated hillside areas shall be planted and irrigated to prevent erosion, reduce run-off velocities and to provide longterm stabilization of soil. Plant materials include: grass, shrubs, vines, ground covers, and trees. g. Incorporate appropriate erosion control and drainage devices, such as interceptor terraces, berms, vee-channels, and inlet and outlet structures, as specified by Section 91.7013 of the Building Code. Protect outlets of culverts, conduits or channels from erosion by discharge velocities by installing a rock outlet protection. Rock outlet protection is a physical devise composed of rock, grouted riprap, or concrete rubble placed at the outlet of a pipe. Install sediment traps below the pipe outlet. Inspect, repair, and maintain the outlet protection after each significant rain. h. Any connection to the sanitary sewer must have authorization from the Bureau of Sanitation. i. All storm drain inlets and catch basins within the project area must be stenciled with prohibitive language (such as NO DUMPING- DRAINS TO OCEAN) and/or graphical icons to discourage illegal dumping. j. Signs and prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which prohibit illegal dumping, must be posted at public access points along channels and creeks within the project area. k. Legibility of stencils and signs must be maintained. I. Materials with the potential to contaminate stormwater must be: (1) placed in an enclosure such as, but not limited to, a cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevent contact with runoff spillage to the stormwater conveyance system; or (2) protected by secondary containment structures such as berms, dikes, or curbs. m. The storage area must be paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills. n. The storage area must have a roof or awning to minimize collection of stormwater within the secondary containment area. o. The owner(s) of the property will prepare and execute a covenant and agreement (Planning Department General form CP-6770) satisfactory to APCNV-2007-1683-ZC Q-6 the Planning Department binding the owners to post construction maintenance on the structural BMPs in accordance with the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan and or per manufacturer's instructions. 12. Fire The following recommendations of the Fire Department relative to fire safety shall be incorporated into the building plans, which includes the submittal of a plot plan for approval by the Fire Department either prior to the recordation of a final map or the approval of a building permit. The plot plan shall include the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width; all structures must be within 300 feet of an approved fire hydrant, and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150 feet in distance in horizontal travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane. Administrative Conditions: 13. Indemnification. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, or employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul this approval which action is brought within the applicable limitation period. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant of any claim action or proceeding, or if the City fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify or hold harmless the City. 14. Covenant. Prior to the issuance of any permits relative to this matter, an agreement concerning all the information contained in these conditions will be recorded in the County Recorder's Office. The agreement will run with the land and will be binding on any subsequent property owners, heirs or assigns. The agreement must be submitted to the Planning Department for approval before being recorded. After recordation, a copy bearing the Recorder's number and date will be provided to the Planning Department. 15. Approval, Verification and Submittals. Copies of any approvals, guarantees or verification of consultations, reviews or approval, plans, etc, as may be required by the subject conditions, will be provided to the Planning Department for placement in the subject file. 16. Definition. Any agencies, public officials or legislation referenced in these conditions will mean the agencies, public offices, legislation or their successors, designees or amendments to any legislation. 17. Code. Compliance. Area, height and use regulations of the zone classification of the subject property will be complied with, except as such regulations are herein specifically varied or required. C. APCNV-2007-1683-ZC Q-7 18. Enforcement. Compliance with these conditions and the intent of these conditions will be to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and any other designated agency, or the agency's successor and in accordance with any stated laws or regulations, or any amendments thereto. 19. Mitigation Monitoring. Prior to the issuance of any building permit the applicant will prepare and execute a Covenant and Agreement (Planning Department General Form CP-6770.M) in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department requiring the subdivider to identify (a) mitigation monitor(s) who shall provide periodic status reports on the implementation of mitigation items required by conditions 3-12. The mitigation monitor(s) shall be identified as to their areas of responsibility, and phase of intervention (preconstruction, construction, postconstruction/maintenance) to ensure continued implementation of the above mentioned mitigation items. •.. / APCNV-2007-1683-ZC T-1 CONDITIONS FOR EFFECTUATING {T) OR [T] TENTATIVE CLASSIFICATION REMOVAL Pursuant to Section 12.32 G of the Municipal Code, the (T) or [T] Tentative Classification shall be removed by the recordation of a final parcel or tract map or by posting of guarantees through the 8-permit process of the City Engineer to secure the following without expense to the City of Los Angeles, with copies of any approval or guarantees provided to the Department of City Planning for attachment to the subject planning case file. Procedure: The tentative classification shall be removed by the recordation of a final parcel map or tract map, or by provision of the following or by the posting of guarantees satisfactory to the City Engineer to secure the following without expense to the City of Los Angeles, with copies of any approvals or guarantees provided to the City Planning Department for attachment to the subject City Plan Case File. Recommendation that recordation of the final parcel map or tract map be made as a condition of the Zone Change Approval. The above language does not preclude the Advisory Agency from requiring the recordation of a final map for compliance with the subject conditions or similar conditions: Notice. Certificate of Occupancies for the subject property will not be issued by the City until the construction of all the public improvements (streets, sewers, storm drains, etc.), as required herein, are completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 1. Covenant. Prior to any permits relative to this matter, an agreement concerning all the information contained in these conditions shall be recorded by the property owners in the County Recorder's Office. The agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding on any subsequent owners, heirs or assigns. Furthermore, the agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval before being recorded. After recordation, a copy bearing the Recorder's number and date shall be given to the City Planning Department for attachment to the subject file. 2. Street Dedications and Improvements. Street Dedications and Improvements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. Sewer. Construction of necessary sewer facilities, or payment of sewer fees, shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4. Drainage. Construction of necessary drainage and storm water runoff drainage facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 5. Driveway/Parkway Area Plan. Preparation of a parking plan and driveway plan to the satisfaction of the appropriate District Offices of the Bureau of Engineering and the Department of Transportation. 6. Fire. Incorporate into the building plans the recommendations of the Fire Department relative to fire safety, which includes the submittal of a plot plan for ( APCNV-2007-1683-ZC c; T-2 approval by the Fire Department either prior to the recordation of a final map or the approval of a building permit. 7. Cable. Make any necessary arrangements with the appropriate cable television franchise holder to assure that cable television facilities will be installed in City rights-of-way in the same manner as is required of other facilities, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 17 .05.N to the satisfaction of the Department of Telecommunications. 8. Recreation and Park Fees. Payment of the appropriate recreation and park fees to the Department of Recreation and Parks. 9. Lighting. Street lighting facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Street Lighting. 10. Street Trees. All trees in the public right-of-way shall be provided per the current Urban Forestry Division standards. F-1 APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC FINDINGS General Plan/Charter Findings 1. General Plan Land Use Designation. The subject property is located within the area covered by the Sylmar Community Plan, adopted by the City Council on August 8, 1997 (pursuant to City Plan Case No. CPC 93-0345-CPU, Council File 96-0429). The Plan designates the subject property for Low Residential land use with the corresponding zones of RE9, RS, R1, and RD6. The recommended (T)(Q)RS-1 Zone is consistent with the land use designation on the plan map and is in substantial conformance with the purpose, intent and provisions of the General Plan as reflected in the adopted community plan. · 2. General Plan Text. The Sylmar Community Plan text includes the following relevant land use goal, objectives, and policies: Goal 1: A safe, secure, and high quality residential environment for all economic, age, and ethnic segments of the community. Objective 1-1: To provide for the preservation of existing and the development of new housing to meet the diverse economic and physical needs of the existing residents and projected population of the Plan area to the year 2010. Policy 1-1.2: Protect existing single family residential neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. Objective 1-3: To preserve and enhance the varied and distinct residential character and integrity of existing single and multi-family neighborhoods. Policy 1-3.2: Consider factors such as neighborhood character and identity, compatibility of land uses, impacts on livability, impacts on services and public facilities, and impacts on traffic levels, and environmental impacts when changes in residential densities are proposed. 3. The Transportation Element of the General Plan will not be affected by the action herein. Moreover, requirements from the Bureau of Engineering on street dedication and improvements were included in the attached Advisory Agency action for Tentative Tract No. 68783 all satisfactory to the City Engineer and consistent with Municipal Code Section 17.05. 4. The Sewerage Facilities Element of the General Plan will be affected by the action. However, requirements for construction of sewer facilities to serve the subject project and complete the City sewer system for the health and safety of ( APCNV-2007 -1683-ZC ( F-2 City inhabitants will assure compliance with the goals of this General Plan Element. 5. Street Lights. Any City required installation or upgrading of street lights is necessary to complete the City street improvement system so as to increase night safety along the streets which adjoin the subject property. 6. Zone Change Findings. a. Pursuant to Section 12.32.C,7 of the Municipal Code, and based on these findings, the action is deemed consistent with public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice. The recommended (T)(Q)RS-1 Zone is consistent with the Sylmar Community Plan Low Residential Land Use designation which lists RE9, RS, R 1, and RD6 as corresponding zones. A change from the current A1-1 and RS-1 Zones to the recommended (T}(Q)RS-1 Zone will allow the site to be developed in keeping with the neighborhood character and in keeping with the goals and objectives of the Community Plan. Approval of four single-family lots and an accompanying zone change to (T)(Q)RS-1 would be more consistent with the surrounding zoning, pattern of development, and prevailing setbacks and yards within the neighborhood. The front yard setback requirement in the RS Zone is 25 feet, whereas the requirement in the R1 Zone is 20 feet. Four single- family lots and a zone of (T)(Q)RS-1 would better act as a transition than the R1 Zone, between the RA-1-K zoned properties to the west and the RS-1 zoned properties to the east, thereby implementing the Community Plan policy of protecting existing single-family residential · neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. b. 7. The action, as recommended, has been made contingent upon compliance with the "T" and "Q" conditions imposed herein. Such limitations are necessary to protect the best interests of and to assure a development more compatible with surrounding properties, to secure an appropriate development in harmony with the General Plan, and to prevent or mitigate the potential adverse environmental effects of the subject recommended action. Flood Management. The subject property is located in an area for which a flood insurance rate has been prepared. The National Flood Insurance Program rate map, which are a part of the Flood Hazard Management Specific Plan adopted by the City Council by Ordinance No. 154,405, have been reviewed and it has been determined that this project is located in Zone C, area of minimal flooding. CEQA Findings A Mitigated Negative Declaration (ENV-2007 -1523-MND) was prepared for the proposed project. On the basis of the whole of the record before the lead agency APCNV -2007-1683-ZC F-3 including any comments received, the lead agency finds that, with imposition of the mitigation measures described in the MND, there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project will have a significant effect on the environment. The attached Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the lead agency's independent judgment and analysis. The records upon which this decision is based are with the Environmental Review Section of the Planning Department in Room 750, 200 North Spring Street. I hereby adopt that the Mitigated Negative Declaration, imposed the conditions shown in that document on this approval. ( ( '·. APCNV-2007-1523-ZC P-1 PUBLIC HEARING AND COMMUNICATIONS The public hearing for the Zone Change and Tentative Tract 68783 was held concurrently by the Advisory Agency at the Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley Constituent Service Center on March 20, 2008. Testimony was taken from seven individuals: the applicant's representative, five members of the public, and Council Office No. 7. Members of the public indicated the presence of heavy traffic on Gladstone Avenue, overcrowded neighborhood schools, and the desire for a maximum of two lots on the site. A representative from the Council Office stated that they had not met with the applicant and requested that the case remain open for one week to allow the applicant to meet with the Neighborhood Council. In addition, two letters were received from a resident who requested approval of only two lots, as the area was already overbuilt and morning and evening rush hour traffic was a problem. EXHIBIT 1 VICINITY MA.P EXHIBIT 2 / / . / / / / / / /"' ' '' // '' '/\. .,., " /' / /r ' /.' /.' /' /'' /' /' /' "' ..( l.,ll;al: POR tDT ;,4 (Nm 1). tDT et. II LOf ....C U R 107-24/25. 1HE aw:t.AY RNDtO EX-YSSION Of' SAN fERtWilO 'fRAC'fVI 37~/US HEW T.B. PAG£ 4112 GII!D D-4, C-1 c.o. 7-VACNlr C.T. 10151.13 S'IUW! P.A. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 068783 CAD GRAP111CS Blr ~JPL Zoning g,...;,.,, Inc. 6263 Van Nuys Blvd Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818)781-0016 CASE NO: 02-15-07 IV.TE: DRAWN BY: JPL ZONING SERVICES 0.11. OR CAD: 22:,S157 SCAlE: USES: FJELD NET ACRES • 1.10Acrea ,••,oo· CONTACT PDlSOII: RC71HMAN ENGINEERING PHONE NO: 6l51-775-V112 JPL-5630RM --···-·--- .. ···- ·-- ... ··- -- -· -- - ......- ---~ ·-- _,____ --- .. - __._.. v. TENT~TIVE ! m . ·TRACT NO. 68783 FOR SUBDIVISION PURPOSES I BEIHG A SUS[SlOO Of' THE NOOlltWESltRLY IZO FT. Of BLOCK J'l, MAClAY EX-MISSION SAN FRAtiCISCO, fH THE CITY LOS AHG£1.£5, COUNTY Of LOS AHGti.ES, STAlE or CAU1'0RHIA, FER UAP RECOfiOED IH BOOK 37, PAGE ~ T. 5£'0. OF LC!SC£l.L.AHtOUS flECOflOS. IN K omct Of lH£ COUNTY nteofiDER OF SAJO COUNTY. >< I lOGttlfER v.1lH TU£ • SOUlHv.ESTERLY 30 F1 Of PACOIUA A~UE VACAlED AO.ONiliG s.tJD LAND ON lH£ ti00n-!l>£ST.: fOGEtHER Wfnt lOT Ell, mACT HO. 25111!1, IN 1Hf CllY OF LOS A!iG£1.£5, COUHTI' OF LOS /IHCEl.fS, STA're Of CM.JfOIWIA, PER UAP RECORDED IN 0001( 0~9. PAGES 8 THROUGH U lliCUJ~ OF UAPS. IN 1H£ OFflCE r:E lH£ COO;TY RECORD£R Of SAID COONTY. I - OJ -I - tv NOTES: 1. AftrA: 411201 Sf' litl ~72151 SF GltOSS 1.11 ACRES NET 1.31 ACHES GROSS 2 20NIHG; Al-l- EXlSliNG .5: Rl-1 PROP'OSW 3 stMJtS .-.nE AV.Ail.ABLE. 4 ORMitAGt: OY' SURF.ACE J.i!:THOOS. 5 AODRESS:12080 CU.OS'TOO£ Avttru£. S'!UIAR, 913-42 6 CAD MAP: 222-B-1b7 7 COUI.IUHITY PLA~ S't\.UAR. AOOPlEO 7-25-74 8 ~~~~E ~: :A~~~t'A~~· ~·~s ~cPRng;tATY. 9 na£ ARE NO EASEMENTS ON-lHIS'POOP£RTY, EXCEPT.AS SHOWN. 10. lHERE ME OAK iREE.S, BUT NO SO. CAL DLACK WALNUTS M:SlERN SYCAI.IOR~ Oit 1!AUFOSN1/. BAYS ON TillS PROf'ERTY. 11. PARK!Wl• 12 SPACES 12.. LOTS•& 13. PR~ERTY IS VACAN1. '" ."\., Q .,_~..,0 ~ '" \!'): ·~;>.." 4!\., 0.-y<" '~ ' ~ " -..:_, ~ ) ' t~ OWiiER/SUBO!VIOtll: HE'rLA AVAlOS 1341o4 I..EACii ST. SlUIAA. C.\ 01342 (81B)4BI-G2J6 ~ " '·· " \ .... '\ ·~. ~...\.. .../ . :2( / , 12-'IR \, .· ,<I!' -~» I ,:::.~. ,1/• \,,_,....•....-.... ' (;' ~"· '~",. ~ ~~~ ,..'(·, ')...~ -~' ''" ·> ~ ;~~owr~' -x . . ,y '·, .~ '\ ' ~ \ }; qt'-<.. ,~~--~~- ~... \<\ " v[k-' ..,~ '"'t / ~';,'~ '(,_ ./';)._ "-,:~ G# ~<v"' . ,A'<" ••..,;..,"' -~ "\'<" ~/<$. ::v '? ?/ •• ~ " ,, '\. ~ ~- '\(<) ,,'{_, ~ ·.'VC< ~ ', ',(<"" ,,. '\,... ... VICINITY MAP .\r~~, -."·< .."~·· ·· .;s ' "" "':- -~, ... ~ V: .... '>. ~ • , ..... ':P 'f· ·,,.. ' ~ "'' __),:... _ -.;;~ SCALE: l••:zo' NO St:ALE. I ,\ '~!"' -~ " '" .,_\ 0~~ ~~ / '-\,/" lll-22-07 ,¢ <v_'<" ..... "'Q;-'<) ~_)" '? cml.-u.ar~ru- •o OZlll.llt.oal :Sl~noci:if!:"=8~~ nr (UI)in-"00 T.U: (Ut}77J-813J DEPARTMENT OF LITY OF LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING CALIFORNIA EXECUTIVE OFFICES S. GAIL GOLDBERG, AICP DIRECTOR (213) 978-1271 200 N. SPRING STREET, ROOM 525 Los ANGELES, CA 90012-4801 AND 6262 VAN NUYS BLVD., SUITE 351 VAN NUYS, CA 91401 JOHN M. DUGAN, AICP DEPUTY DIRECTOR (213) 978-1274 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION JANE ELLISON USHER PRESIDENT WILLIAM ROSCHEN VICE-PRESIDENT DIEGO CARDOSO . REGINA M. FREER ROBIN R. HUGHES FR. SPENCER T. KEZIOS CINDY MONTANEZ MICHAEL K. WOO EVA YUAN-MCDANIEL DEPUTY DIRECTOR (213) 978-1273 ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA FAX: (213) 978-1275 MAYOR INFORMATION (213) 978-1270 www.planning.lacity.org GABRIELE WILLIAMS COMMISSION EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (213) 978-1300 Decision Date: April 15, 2008 Appeal End Date: April 25, 2008 Heyla Avalos (A)(O) 13414 Leach Street Sylmar, CA 91342 Mark Danielson (E) Rothman Engineering 28145 Avenue Crocker Sylmar, CA 91342 RE: Tentative Tract No.: 68783 Related Case: None Address: 12980 Gladstone Avenue Council District: 7 Community Plan: Sylmar Existing Zone: A1-1 ENV-2007 -1523-MND In accordance with provisions of Section 17.03 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, the Advisory Agency approved Tentative Tract No. 68783, located at 12980 N. Gladstone Avenue for a maximum of four lots as shown on the revised map to be submitted, in the Sylmar Community Plan. This 'unit density is based on the RS Zone. (The subdivider is hereby advised that the Municipal Code may not permit this maximum approved density. Therefore, verification should be obtained from the Department of Building and Safety which will legally interpret the Zoning Code as it applies to this particular property.) For an appointment with the Advisory Agency or a City Planner call (213) 978-1330. The Advisory Agency's approval is subject to the following conditions: NOTE on clearing conditions: When two or more agencies must clear a condition, subdivider should follow the sequence indicated in the condition. For the benefit of the applicant, subdivider shall maintain record of all conditions cleared, including all material supporting clearances and be prepared to present copies of the clearances to each reviewing agency as may be required by its staff at the time of its review. EXHIBIT 4 AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY- AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ( c TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 2 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING - SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. That a 2-foot wide strip of land be dedicated along Gladstone Avenue adjoining the subdivision to complete a 32-foot wide half right-of-way dedication in accordance with Collector Street Standards satisfactory to the City Engineer. 2. That a 20-foot and variable width strip of land be dedicated along Montero Avenue adjoining the tract to complete a 60-foot wide public right-of-way all on an alignment satisfactory to the City Engineer. 3. That the existing future street easement along Montero Avenue be accepted by a suitable resolution satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. That the Sewerage Facilities Charge required pursuant to Section 64.11.2 of Municipal Code and outlined under Condition No. S1 (a) not be paid and the subdivider construct the necessary offsite sewer to serve the tract. 5. That Board of Public Works approval be obtained, prior to the recordation of the final map, the removal of any tree in the existing or proposed right-of-way area associated with improvement requirements outlined herein. The Bureau of Street Services, Urban Forestry Division, is the lead agency for obtaining Board of Public Works approval for removal of such trees. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY, GRADING DIVISION 6. That prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, or prior to recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall make suitable arrangements to assure compliance, satisfactory to the Department of Building and Safety, Grading Division, with all the requirements and conditions contained in Inter-Departmental Letter dated October 30, 2007, Log No. 58967-01 and attached to the case file for Tract No. 68783. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY, ZONING DIVISION 7. That prior to recordation of the final map, the Department of Building and Safety, Zoning Division shall certify that no Building or Zoning Code violations exist on the subject site. In addition, the following items shall be satisfied: a. The legal description on the submitted map does not match ZIMAS. Please address the discrepancy. b. Approval of zone change is required prior to obtaining clearance from the Zoning Section. c. Specify on the map the lot width of Lot 2. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 3 d. Show all street dedication(s) as required by Bureau of Engineering and provide net lot area after all dedication. "Area" requirements shall be rechecked as per net lot area after street dedication. e. The submitted map does not comply with the minimum lot width, lot area, and maximum density requirements of the A 1 Zone. Revise the map to show compliance with the above requirement(s) or obtain approval from the Department of City Planning. Notes: Any proposed structures or uses on the site have not been checked for and shall comply with Building and Zoning Code requirements. Plan check will be required before any construction, occupancy or change of use. An appointment is required for the issuance of a clearance letter from the Department of Building and Safety. The applicant is asked to contact Del Reyes at (213) 482-6882 to schedule an appointment. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8. That prior to recordation of the final map, satisfactory arrangements shall be made with the Department of Transportation to assure: a. A minimum of 20-foot reservoir space be provided between any security gate(s) and the property line. b. Parking stalls shall be designed so that a vehicle is not required to back into or out of any public street or sidewalk (not applicable when driveways serve not more than two dwelling units and where the driveway access is to a street other than a major or secondary highway), LAMC 12.21 A. c. A parking area and driveway plan be submitted to the Citywide Planning Coordination Section of the Department of Transportation for approval prior to submittal of building permit plans for plan check by the Department of Building and Safety. Transportation approvals are conducted at 201 N. Figueroa Street Suite 400, Station 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT 9. That prior to the recordation of the final map, a suitable arrangement shall be made satisfactory to the Fire Department, binding the subdivider and all successors to the following: a. Submittal of plot plans for Fire Department review and approval prior to recordation of Tract Map Action. (' TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 b. c PAGE 4 Access for Fire Department apparatus and personnel to and into all structures shall be required. DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER 10. Satisfactory arrangements shall be made with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) for compliance with LADWP's Water System Rules and requirements. Upon compliance with these conditions and requirements, LADWP's Water Services Organization will forward the necessary clearances to the Bureau of Engineering. (This condition shall be deemed cleared at the time the City Engineer clears Condition No. S-1.(c).) BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING - SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 11. Street Lighting clearance for this Street Light Maintenance Assessment District condition is conducted at 1149 S. Broadway Suite 200. Street Lighting improvement condition clearance will be conducted at the Bureau of Engineering District office, see condition S-3. (c). Prior to the recordation of the final map or issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (C of 0), street lighting improvement plans shall be submitted for review and the owner shall provide a good faith effort via a ballot process for the formation or annexation of the property within the boundary of the development into a Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. BUREAU OF SANITATION 12. Satisfactory arrangements shall be made with the Bureau of Sanitation, Wastewater Collection Systems Division for compliance with its sewer system review and requirements. Upon compliance with its conditions and requirements, the Bureau of Sanitation, Wastewater Collection Systems Division will forward the necessary clearances to the Bureau of Engineering. (This condition shall be deemed cleared at the time the City Engineer clears Condition No. S-1. (d).) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGENCY 13. That satisfactory arrangements be made in accordance with the requirements of the Information Technology Agency to assure that cable television facilities will be installed in the same manner as other required improvements. Refer to the Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 17.05N. Written evidence of such arrangements must be submitted to the Information Technology Agency, 200 N. Main Street, Room 1255, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 473-9973. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 5 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS 14. That the Quimby fee be based on the RS Zone. DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING.:.SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 15. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall prepare and execute a Covenant and Agreement (Planning Department General Form CP-6770) in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department, binding the subdivider and all successors to the following: a. Limit the proposed development to a maximum of four lots with a revised map to reflect the approval of four lots in accordance with the RS Zone. b. Provide a minimum of 2 covered off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. Lots with less than 50 feet frontage shall have one guest parking provided on site. c. Note to City Zoning Engineer and Plan Check. The Advisory Agency has approved the following variations from the Los Angeles Municipal Code as it applies to this subdivision and the proposed development on the site. Not Applicable 16. d. That prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, a minimum 6-foot-high slumpstone or decorative masonry wall shall be constructed adjacent to neighboring residences, if no such wall already exists, except in required front yard. e. That a solar access report shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Advisory Agency prior to obtaining a grading permit. f. That the subdivider consider the use of natural gas and/or solar energy and consult with the Department of Water and Power and Southern California Gas Company regarding feasible energy conservation measures. That prior to the issuance of the building permit or the recordation of the final map, a copy of the Zone Change Ordinance APCNV-2007-1683-ZC shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Advisory Agency. In the event that APCNV-2007-1683-ZC is not approved, the subdivider shall submit a tract modification. DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING-ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES 17. That prior to recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall prepare and execute a Covenant and Agreement (Planning Department General Form CP-6770 and Exhibit CP-6770. M) in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department requiring ( TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 ( PAGE 6 the subdivider to identify (a) mitigation monitor(s) who shall provide periodic status reports on the implementation of mitigation items required by Mitigation Condition Nos. 18, 19, and SF-2 of the Tract's approval satisfactory to the Advisory Agency. The mitigation monitor(s) shall be identified as to their areas of responsibility, and phase of intervention (pre-construction, construction, postconstruction/maintenance) to ensure continued implementation of the above mentioned mitigation items. 18. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the subdivider will prepare and execute a Covenant and Agreement (Planning Department General Form CP-6770) in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department, binding the subdivider and all successors to the following: · MM-1. Grading shall be kept to a minimum. MM-2. Natural features, such as prominent knolls or ridge lines, shall be preserved. MM-3. The project shall comply with the City's Hillside Development Guidelines. MM-4. Outdoor lighting shall be designed and installed with shielding, so that the light source cannot be seen from adjacent residential properties. MM-5. The plan shall contain measures recommended by the tree expert for the preservation of as many trees as possible. Mitigation measures such as replacement by a minimum of 24-inch box trees in the parkway and on the site, on a 1:1 basis, shall be required for the unavoidable loss of desirable trees on the site, and to the satisfaction of the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services and the decision maker. MM-6. The genus or genera of the tree(s) shall provide a minimum crown of 30'50'. Please refer to City of Los Angeles Landscape Ordinance (Ord. No.170,978), Guidelines K- Vehicular Use Areas. Note: Removal of all trees in the public right-of-way shall require approval of the Board of Public Works. Contact: Urban Forestry Division at: 213-4855675. MM-7. Comply with Mitigation Measures detailed in Tree Report, dated February 20, 2007, by Susan E. McEowen. MM-8. The design and construction of the project shall conform to the Uniform Building Code seismic standards as approved by the Department of Building and Safety. MM-9. Comply with conditions detailed in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 7 MM-1 0. The applicant shall obtain a haul route approval from the Board of Building & Safety Commissioners for export/import in excess of 1,000 cubic yards. MM-11. All haul route hours shall be limited to off-peak hours as determined by Board of Building & Safety Commissioners. MM-12. The applicant shall provide a staked signage at the site with a minimum of 3-inch lettering containing contact information for the Senior Street Use Inspector (Department of Public Works), the Senior Grading Inspector (LADBS) and the hauling or general contractor. MM-13. The developer shall install appropriate traffic signs around the site to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety. MM-14. LADBS shall require the applicant to have all employees park their personal vehicles outside of the hillside area and utilize a developersponsored vanpool system for transport to the site. MM-15. LADBS shall stagger haul trucks based upon a specific area's capacity, as determined by LADOT, and the amount of soil proposed to be hauled to minimize cumulative traffic and congestion impacts. MM-16. The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) shall recommend to the Building & Safety Commission Office the appropriate size of trucks allowed for hauling, best .route of travel, the appropriate number flag people. MM-17. Trucks having no current hauling activity shall not idle but be turned off. MM-18. The applicant shall be limited to no more than two trucks at any given time within the site's staging area. MM-19. No parking shall be permitted on street during Red Flag Days in compliance with the "Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag No Parking" program. MM-20. In order to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles, all construction material shall be stored on-site and not on the street during hauling operations. MM-21. The applicant shall provide a soils and/or geotechnical report to LADBS (reports needed to be determined by LADBS) for review and approval that shall include measures to mitigate impacts related to grading. MM-22. Fences shall be constructed around the site to minimize trespassing, vandalism, short-cut attractions and attractive nuisances. ( TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 ( PAGE 8 MM-23. Project applicants are required to implement stormwater BMPs to treat and infiltrate the runoff from a storm event producing 3/4 inch of rainfall in a 24 hour period. The design of structural BMPs shall be in accordance with the Development Best Management Practices Handbook Part B Planning Activities. A signed certificate from a California licensed civil engineer or licensed architect that the proposed BMPs meet this numerical threshold standard is required. MM-24. Post development peak stormwater runoff discharge rates shall not exceed the estimated pre-development rate for developments where the increase peak stormwater discharge rate will result in increased potential for downstream erosion. MM-25. Concentrate or cluster development on portions of a site while leaving the remaining land in a natural undisturbed condition. MM-26. Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation at the project site to the minimum needed to build lots, allow access, and provide fire protection. MM-27. Maximize trees and other vegetation at each site by planting additional vegetation, clustering tree areas, and promoting the use of native and/or drought tolerant plants. MM-28. Cut and fill slopes in designated hillside areas shall be planted and irrigated to prevent erosion, reduce run-off velocities and to provide long-term stabilization of soil. Plant materials include: grass, shrubs, vines, ground covers, and trees. MM-29. Incorporate appropriate erosion control and drainage devices, such as interceptor terraces, berms, vee-channels, and inlet and outlet structures, as specified by Section 91.7013 of the Building Code. Protect outlets of culverts, conduits or channels from erosion by discharge velocities by installing a rock outlet protection. Rock outlet protection is a physical devise composed of rock, grouted riprap, or concrete rubble placed at the outlet of a pipe. Install sediment traps below the pipe outlet. Inspect, repair, and maintain the outlet protection after each significant rain. MM-30. Any connection to the sanitary sewer must have authorization from the Bureau of Sanitation. MM-31. All storm drain inlets and catch basins within the project area must be stenciled with prohibitive language (such as NO DUMPING - DRAINS TO OCEAN) and/or graphical icons to discourage illegal dumping. MM-32. Signs and prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which prohibit illegal dumping, must be posted at public access points along channels and creeks within the project area. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 9 MM-33. Legibility of stencils and signs must be maintained. MM-34. Materials with the potential to contaminate stormwater must be: (1) placed in an enclosure such as, but not limited to, a cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevent contact with runoff spillage to the stormwater conveyance system; or (2) protected by secondary containment structures such as berms, dikes, or curbs. ·MM-35. The storage area must be paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills. MM-36. The storage area must have a roof or awning to minimize collection of stormwater within the secondary containment area. MM-37. The owner(s) of the property will prepare and execute a covenant and agreement (Planning Department General form CP-6770) satisfactory to the Planning Department binding the owners to post construction maintenance on the structural BMPs in accordance with the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan and or per manufacturer's instructions. MM-38. The following recommendations of the Fire Department relative to fire safety shall be incorporated into the building plans, which includes the submittal of a plot plan for approval by the Fire Department either prior to the recordation of a final map or the approval of a building permit. The plot plan shall include the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width; all structures must be within 300 feet of an approved fire hydrant, and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150 feet in distance in horizontal travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane. 19. Construction Mitigation Conditions - Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. or the recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall prepare and execute a Covenant and Agreement (Planning Department General Form CP-6770) in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department, binding the subdivider and all successors to the following: CM-1 That a sign be required on site clearly stating a contact/complaint telephone number that provides contact to a live voice, not a recording or voice mail, during all hours of construction, the construction site address, and the tract map number. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO POST THE SIGN 7 DAYS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN. • Locate the sign in a conspicuous place on the subject site or structure (if developed) so that it can be easily read by the public. The sign must be sturdily attached to a wooden post if it will be freestanding. ( TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 ( PAGE 10 • Regardless of who posts the site, it is always the responsibility of thE? applicant to assure that the notice is firmly attached, legible, and remains in that condition throughout the entire construction period. • If the case involves more than one street frontage, post a sign on each street frontage involved. If a site exceeds five (5) acres in size, a separate notice of posting will be required for each five (5) acres or portion thereof. Each sign must be posted in a prominent location. CM-2. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50 percent. CM-3. The owner or contractor shall keep the construction area sufficiently dampened to control dust caused by construction and hauling, and at all times provide reasonable control of dust caused by wind. CM-4. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust. CM-5. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust. CM-6. All clearing, earth moving, or excavation activities shall be discontinued during periods of high winds (i.e., greater than 15 mph), so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. CM-7. General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions. CM-8. The project shall comply with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance No. 144,331 and 161,574, and any subsequent ordinances, which prohibit the emission or creation of noise beyond certain levels at adjacent uses unless technically infeasible. CM-9. Construction and demolition shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday, and 8:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday. CM-10. Construction and demolition activities shall be scheduled so as to avoid operating several pieces of equipment simultaneously. CM-11. The project contractor shall use power construction equipment with stateof-the-art noise shielding and muffling devices. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 11 CM-12. The project sponsor shall comply with the Noise Insulation Standards of Title 24 of the California Code Regulations, which insure an acceptable interior noise environment. CM-13. Sediment carries with it other work-site pollutants such as pesticides, cleaning solvents, cement wash, asphalt, and car fluids that are toxic to sea life. CM-14. All waste shall be disposed of properly. Use appropriately labeled recycling bins to recycle construction materials including: solvents, water-based paints, vehicle fluids, broken asphalt and concrete, wood, and vegetation. Non recyclable materials/wastes shall be taken to an appropriate landfill. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed regulated disposal site. CM-15. Leaks, drips and spills shall be cleaned up immediately to prevent contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away into the storm drains. CM-16. Pavement shall not be hosed down at material spills. Dry cleanup methods shall be used whenever possible. CM-17. Dumpsters shall be covered and maintained. Uncovered dumpsters shall be placed under a roof or be covered with tarps or plastic sheeting. CM-18. Gravel approaches shall be used where truck traffic is frequent to reduce soil compaction and the tracking of sediment into streets shall be limited. CM-19. All vehicle/equipment maintenance, repair, and washing shall be conducted away from storm drains. All major repairs shall be conducted off-site. Drip pans or drop clothes shall be used to catch drips and spills. DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING-STANDARD SINGLE-FAMILY CONDITIONS SF-1. That approval o(this tract constitutes approval of model home uses, including a sales office and off-street parking. If models are constructed under this tract approval, the following conditions shall apply: 1. Prior to recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall submit a plot plan for approval by the Division of Land Section of the Department of City Planning showing the location of the model dwellings, sales office and offstreet parking. The sales office must be within one of the model buildings. ( TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 2. c PAGE 12 All other conditions applying to Model Dwellings under Section 12.22A, 10 and 11 and Section 17.05 0 of the Code shall be fully complied with satisfactory to the Department of Building and Safety. SF-2. That a landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, be submitted to and approved by the Advisory Agency in accordance with CP-6730 prior to obtaining any grading or building permits before the recordation of the final map. The landscape plan shall identify tree replacement on a 1:1 basis by a minimum of 24-inch box trees for the unavoidable loss of desirable trees on the site. In the event the subdivider decides not to request a permit before the recordation of the final map, a covenant and agreement satisfactory to the Advisory Agency guaranteeing the submission of such plan before obtaining any permit shall be recorded. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING- STANDARD CONDITIONS S-1. (a) That the sewerage facilities charge be deposited prior to recordation of the final map over all of the tract in conformance with Section 64.11.2 of the Municipal Code. (b) That survey boundary monuments be established in the field in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer and located within the California Coordinate System prior to recordation of the final map. Any alternative measure approved by the City Engineer would require prior submission of complete field notes in support of the boundary survey. (c) That satisfactory arrangements be made with both the Water System and the Power System of the Department of Water and Power with respect to water mains, fire hydrants, service connections and public utility easements. (d) That any necessary sewer, street, drainage and street lighting easements be dedicated. In the event it is necessary to obtain off-site easements by separate instruments, records of the Bureau of Right-of-Way and Land shall verify that such easements have been obtained. The above requirements do not apply to easements of off-site sewers to be provided by the City. (e) That drainage matters be taken care of satisfactory to the City Engineer. (f) That satisfactory street, sewer and drainage plans and profiles as required, together with a lot grading plan of the tract and any necessary topography of adjoining areas be submitted to the City Engineer. (g) That any required slope easements be dedicated by the final map. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 S-2. S-3. PAGE 13 (h) That each lot in the tract comply with the width and area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. (i) That 1-foot future streets and/or alleys be shown along the outside of incomplete public dedications and across the termini of all dedications abutting unsubdivided property. The 1-foot dedications on the map shall include a restriction against their use of access purposes until such time as they are accepted for public use. G) That any 1-foot future street and/or alley adjoining the tract be dedicated for public use by the tract, or that a suitable resolution of acceptance be transmitted to the City Council with the final map. (k) That no public street grade exceed 15%. (I) That any necessary additional street dedications be provided to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. That the following provisions be accomplished in conformity with the improvements constructed herein: (a) Survey monuments shall be placed and permanently referenced to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. A set of approved field notes shall be furnished, or such work shall be suitably guaranteed, except where the setting of boundary monuments requires that other procedures be followed. (b) Make satisfactory arrangements with the Department of Traffic with respect to street name, warning, regulatory and guide signs. (c) All grading done on private property outside the tract boundaries in connection with public improvements shall be performed within dedicated slope easements or by grants of satisfactory rights of entry by the affected property owners. (d) All improvements within public streets, private street, alleys and easements shall be constructed under permit in conformity with plans and specifications approved by the Bureau of Engineering. (e) Any required bonded sewer fees shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. That the following improvements be either constructed prior to recordation of the final map or that the construction be suitably guaranteed: (, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 (' PAGE 14 (a) Construct on-site sewers to serve the tract as determined by the City Engineer. (b) Construct any necessary drainage facilities. (c) Install street lighting facilities to serve the tract as required by the Bureau of Street Lighting. (1 ). Construct one (1) new street light on Gladstone Avenue. Notes: The quantity of street lights identified may be modified slightly during the plan check process based on illumination calculations and equipment selection. Conditions set: 1) in compliance with a Specific Plan, 2) by LA DOT, or 3) by other legal instrument excluding the Bureau of Engineering condition S-3 (i), requiring an improvement that will change the geometries of the public roadway or driveway apron may require additional or the reconstruction of street lighting improvements as part of that condition. (d) Plant street trees and remove any existing trees within dedicated streets or proposed dedicated streets as required by the Street Tree Division of the Bureau of Street Maintenance. All street tree planting's shall be brought up to current standards. When the City has previously been paid for tree planting, the subdivider or contractor shall notify the Street Tree Division ((213) 4855675) upon completion of construction to expedite tree planting. (e) Repair or replace any off-grade or broken curb, gutter and sidewalk satisfactory to the City Engineer. (f) Construct access ramps for the handicapped as required by the City Engineer. (g) Close any unused driveways satisfactory to the City Engineer. h) Construct any necessary additional street improvements to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. (i) That the following improvements be either constructed prior to recordation of the final map or that the construction be suitably guaranteed: a) Improve Montero Avenue being dedicated and adjoining the subdivision by the construction of the following: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 15 (1) A concrete curb, a concrete gutter, and a 5.5-foot concrete sidewalk adjacent to the property line and landscaping of the parkway. The front of the new sidewalk shall match to the existing sidewalk with the back of the new walk to be at the new property line .. (2) Suitable surfacing to join the existing pavement and to complete a 36-foot roadway (18-foot wide half roadway). (3) Any necessary removal and reconstruction of existing improvements. (4) The necessary transitions to join the existing improvements all satisfactory to the City Engineer. b) Improve Gladstone Avenue adjoining the tract by the construction of a 5-foot concrete sidewalk including any necessary removal and reconstruction of existing improvements satisfactory to the City Engineer. c) Construct the necessary off-site and on-site mainline sewers satisfactory to the City Engineer. NOTES: The Advisory Agency approval is the maximum number of units permitted under the tract action. However the existing or proposed zoning may not permit this number of units. Any removal of the existing street trees shall require Board of Public Works approval. Satisfactory arrangements shall be made with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Power System, to pay for removal, relocation, replacement or adjustment of power facilities due to this development. The subdivider must make arrangements for the underground installation of all new utility lines in conformance with Section 17 .05N of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. The final map must record within 36 months of this approval, unless a time extension is granted before the end of such period. The Advisory Agency hereby finds that this tract conforms to the California Water Code, as required by the Subdivision Map Act. c TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 ( '· PAGE 16 No building permit will be issued until the subdivider has secured a certification from the Housing Authority that the development complies with the requirements for low-and moderate-income housing, per Section 12.39-A of the LAMC. The subdivider should consult the Department of Water and Power to obtain energy saving design features which can be incorporated into the final building plans for the subject development. As part of the Total Energy Management Program of the Department of Water and Power, this no-cost consultation service will be provided to the subdivider upon his request. FINDINGS OF FACT (C.EQA) The Environmental Staff Advisory Committee issued Mitigated Negative Declaration ENV2007 -1523-MND on January 2, 2008. The Committee found that potential negative impact could occur from the project's implementation due to: existing ambient air pollution levels potential loss of significant trees illumination from the project site noise from the site potential seismic activity marginal fire protection facilities lack of open space. The Deputy Advisory Agency, certifies that Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ENV-20071523-MND reflects the independent judgement of the lead agency and determined that this project would not have a significant effect upon the environment provided the potential impacts identified above are mitigated to a less than significant level through implementation of Condition Nos. 18, 19, and SF-2 of the Tract's approval. Other identified potential impacts not mitigated by these conditions are mandatorily subject to existing City ordinances, (Sewer Ordinance, Grading Ordinance, Flood Plain Management Specific Plan, Xeriscape Ordinance, etc.) which are specifically intended to mitigate such potential impacts on all projects. In accordance with Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code (AB3180), the Deputy Advisory Agency has assured that the above identified mitigation measures will be implemented by requiring reporting and monitoring as specified in Condition No. 17. Furthermore, the Advisory Agency hereby finds that modification(s) to and/or correction(s) of specific mitigation measures have been required in order to assure appropriate and adequate mitigation of potential environmental impacts of the proposed use of this subdivision. PAGE 17 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 FINDINGS OF FACT (SUBDIVISION MAP ACT) In connection with the approval of Tentative Tract No. 68783 the Advisory Agency of the City of Los Angeles, pursuant to Sections 66473.1, 66474.60, .61 and .63 of the State of California Government Code (the Subdivision Map Act), makes the prescribed findings as follows: (a) THE PROPOSED MAP WILL BE/IS CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PLANS. The Sylmar Community Plan designates the project site for Low Residential use with the corresponding zones of RE9, RS, R1, and RD6. Approval of a development for four single-family lots is consistent with the land use designation and the Community Plan. (b) THE DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ARE CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PLANS. The adopted Sylmar Community Plan designates the subject property for Low Residential land use with the corresponding zones of RE9, RS, R 1, and RD6. The property contains approximately 1.11 net acre (48,216.2 net square feet) and is presently zoned A1-1 and RS-1. Approval of four single-family lots is allowable under the recommended zone change to (T)(Q)RS-1 and meets and implements the following goal, objectives, and policies of the Sylmar Community Plan: Goal 1: A safe, secure, and high quality residential environment for all economic, age, and ethnic segments of the community. Objective 1-1 : To provide for the preservation of existing and the development of new housing to meet the diverse economic and physical needs of the existing residents and projected population of the Plan area to the year 2010. Policy 1-1.2: Protect existing single family residential neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. Objective 1-3: To preserve and enhance the varied and distinct residential character and integrity of existing single and multi-family neighborhoods. ( TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 ( PAGE 18 Policy 1-3.2: Consider factors such as neighborhood character and identity, compatibility of land uses, impacts on livability, impacts on services and public facilities, and on traffic levels, and impacts environmental impacts when changes in residential densities are proposed. The site is not subject to the Specific Plan for the Management of Flood Hazards (floodways, floodplains, mud prone areas, coastal high-hazard and flood-related erosion hazard areas). Therefore, as conditioned, the proposed tract map is consistent with the intent and purpose of the applicable General and Specific Plans. (c) THE SITE IS PHYSICALLY SUITABLE FOR THE PROPOSED TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT. The area is developed with single-family dwellings and the proposed project does not deviate from this. The project is located within a Fault Area identified by the State of California Special Studies Zones. According to the geologic-seismic report, approved by the Department of Building and Safety, Grading Division, no evidence of active fault rupture was found on the site. The report concludes that the site is free from active fault rupture or unstable ground. (d) THE SITE IS PHYSICALLY SUITABLE FOR THE PROPOSED DENSITY OF DEVELOPMENT. The development of this tract is an infill of an otherwise single-family residential neighborhood. The existing zoning on the project site is A1-1 and RS-1. The adjoining properties to the north and south are zoned (T)RS-1/A1-1 with surrounding properties zoned RA-1-K and RS-1. The applicant has requested approval for six single-family lots with a zone change to R1-1. Although, the proposed six lots meet the minimum 7,500 square feet lot area requirement of the RS Zone, the lot widths are below the minimum 60-foot requirement, hence the need for a zone change to R1. Approval of four single-family lots and an accompanying zone change to (T)(Q)RS-1 would be more consistent with the surrounding zoning, pattern of development, and prevailing setbacks and yards within the neighborhood. Four single-family lots and a zone of (T)(Q)RS-1 would better act as a transition than the R1 Zone, between the RA-1-K zoned properties to the west and the RS-1 zoned properties to the east, thereby implementing the Community Plan policy of protecting existing single family residential neighborhoods from encroachment by higher density residential and other incompatible uses. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 PAGE 19 The site is level and is not located in a slope stability study area, or high erosion hazard area. The soils and geology reports for the proposed subdivision were found to be adequate by the Grading Division of the Department of Building and Safety. The project is located within a fault area. According to the Geologic-Seismic Report, no evidence of active fault rupture was found on the site. The Department of Building and Safety, Grading Division, has conditionally approved the tract map. (e) THE DESIGN OF THE SUBDIVISION AND THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE SUBSTANTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE OR SUBSTANTIALLY AND AVOIDABLY INJURE FISH OR WILDLIFE OR THEIR HABITAT. The Deputy Advisory Agency, certifies that Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ENV2007-1523-MND reflects the independent judgement of the lead agency and determined that this project would not have a significant effect upon the environment provided the potential impacts identified above are miti_gated to a less than significant level through implementation of Condition Nos. 18, 19, and SF-2 of the Tract's approval. Other identified potential impacts not mitigated by these conditions are mandatorily subject to existing City ordinances, (Sewer Ordinance, Grading Ordinance, Flood Plain Management Specific Plan, Xeriscape Ordinance, etc.) which are specifically intended to mitigate such potential impacts on all projects. (f) THE DESIGN OF THE SUBDIVISION AND THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMS. There appear to be no potential public health problems caused by the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision. The development is required to be connected to the City's sanitary sewer system, where the sewage will be directed to the LA Hyperion Treatment Plant, which is currently being upgraded to meet Statewide ocean discharge standards. The Bureau of Engineering has reported that the proposed subdivision does not violate the existing California Water Code because the subdivision will be connected to the public sewer system and will have only a minor incremental impact on the quality of the effluent from the Hyperion Treatment Plant. (g) THE DESIGN OF THE SUBDIVISION AND THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH EASEMENTS ACQUIRED BY THE PUBLIC AT LARGE FOR ACCESS THROUGH OR USE OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION. ( TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 ( PAGE 20 No such easements are known to exist. Needed public access for roads and utilities will be acquired by the City prior to recordation of the proposed tract. (h) THE DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION WILL PROVIDE, TO THE EXTENT FEASIBLE, FOR FUTURE PASSIVE OR NATURAL HEATING OR COOLING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE SUBDIVISION. (REF. SECTION 66473.1) 1). In assessing the feasibility of passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the proposed subdivision design, the applicant has prepared and submitted materials which consider the local climate, contours, configuration of the parcel(s) to be subdivided and other design and improvement requirements. 2). Providing for passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities will not result in reducing allowable densities or the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure under applicable planning and zoning in effect at the time the tentative map was filed. 3). The lot layout of the subdivision has taken into consideration the maximizing of the north/south orientation. 4). The topography of the site has been considered in the maximization of passive or natural heating and cooling opportunities. 5). In addition, prior to obtaining a building permit, the subdivider shall consider building construction techniques, such as overhanging eaves, location of windows, insulation, exhaust fans; planting of trees for shade purposes and the height of the buildings on the site in relation to adjacent development. These findings shall apply to both the tentative and final maps for Tract No. 68783. S. Gail Goldberg, AICP Advisory Agency MIC~O~·Gva· (}(5 Deputy Advisory Agency MSYY:GC:JV:jh Note: If you wish to file an appeal, it must be filed within 10 calendar days from the decision date as noted in this letter. For an appeal to be valid to the City Planning PAGE 21 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 68783 Commission, it must be accepted as complete by the City Planning Department and appeal fees paid, prior to expiration of the above 10-day time limit. Such appeal must be submitted on Master Appeal Form No. CP-7769 at the Department's Public Offices, located at: Figueroa Plaza 201 N. Figueroa St,. 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 213.482.7077 Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley Constituent Service Center 6262 Van Nuys 81., Room 251 Van Nuys, CA 91401 818.374.5050 Forms are also available on-line at www.lacity.org/pln. The time in which a party may seek judicial review of this determination is governed by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Under that provision, a petitioner may seek judicial review of any decision of the City pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, only if the petition for writ of mandate pursuant to that section is filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the City's decision becomes final. If you have any questions, please call Subdivision staff at (213) 978-1330. n:tract_letters (02-27 -08) r. .. -·-~ ··-·· ,_.. ·- ···-----·. CITY OF LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ROOM 395, CITY HALL LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION -- ··-- . --·· ... ·--···· .. LEAD CITY AGENCY LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE ENV-2007-1523-MND PROJECT LOCATION 12980 N GLADSTONE AVENUE; SYLMAR ·- ··-- .. --·. ···- . - ·- ···- ···········- ·- ··-··- -· ..... ·-· -- ·-··. ·--··· COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 . -· icASENO. TT-68783 . - PROJECT DESCRIPTION Tentative Tract and Zone Change to R1-1 associated with development of a vacant Jot into six, individual single-family dwellings, on a 48,261 square-foot site within the A1-1 and RS-1 zones. A protected on-site tree exists and will be maintained with nine non-protected trees to be removed and 2,700 cubic yards of dirt imported. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT IF OTHER THAN CITY AGENCY Heyla Avalos 13414 Leach Street Sylmar, CA 91342 - FINDING: The City Planning Department of the City of Los Angeles has Proposed that a mitigated negative declaration be adopted for this project because the mitigation measure(s) outlined on the attached page(s) will reduce any potential significant adverse effects to a level of insignificance (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) SEE ATTACHED SHEET(S) FOR ANY MITIGATION MEASURES IMPOSED. - Any written comments received during the public review period are attached together with the response of the Lead City Agency. The project decision-make may adopt the mitigated negative declariation, amend it, or require preparation of an EIR. Any changes made should be supported by substantial evidence in the record and appropriate findings made. THE INITIAL STUDY PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT IS ATTACHED. NAME OF PERSON PREPARING THIS FORM TITLE TELEPHONE NUMBER TANNER BLACKMAN CITY PLANNING ASSISTANT (213) 978-1353 ADDRESS SIGNATURE (Official) 200 N. SPRING STREET, 7th FLOOR LOS ANGELES,.CA. 90012 DATE JthL-6 (/ D% ,~ . - -- . - EXHIBIT 5 ENV-2007-1523-IvlND Page 1 of25 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION ENV-2007.,.1523-MND I c1. IV f. VI aii. Vlb2. Aesthetics (light) Environmental impacts to the adjacent residential properties may result-due to excessive illumination on the project site. However, the potential impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by the following measure: • Outdoor lighting shall be designed and installed with shielding, so that the ·light source cannot be seen from adjacent residential properties. Tree Reriu>val (Non-P~otected Trees) Environmental imp01cts from project implementation may result due to the loss of significant trees on the site. However, the potential impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by the following measures: • The plan shall contain measures·recommended by the tree expert for the preservation of as many trees as possible. Mitigation measures such as replacement by a minimum of 24-inch box trees in the parkway and on the site, on a 1:1 basis, shall be required for the unavoidable Joss of desirable trees on the site, and to the satisfaction of the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services and the decision maker. • The genus or genera of the tree(s) shall provide a minimum crown of 30'- 50'. Please refer to City of Los Angeles Landscape Ordinance (Ord. No.170,978), Guidelines K- Vehicular Use Areas. • Note: RemovC:!I of all trees in the public right-of-way shall require approval of the Board of Public Works. Contact: Urban Forestry Division at 213-485-5675. • Comply with Mitigation Measures detailed in Tree Report, dated February 20, 2007, by Susan E. McEowen. Seismic Environmental impacts may result to the safety of future occupants due to the project's location in an area of potential seismic activity. However, this potential impact will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by the following measure: • The design and construction of the project shall conform to the Uniform Building Code seismic standards as approved by the Department of Building and Safety. • Comply with conditions detailed in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. Erosion/Grading/Short-Term Construction Impacts Short-term air quality and noise impacts may result from the construction of the proposed project. However, these impacts can be mitigated to a level of insignificance by the following measures: • Air Quality • All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50 percent. • The owner or contractor shall keep the construction area suffiCiently dampened to control dust caused by construction and hauling, and at all times provide reasonable control of dust caused by wind. • All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust. • All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust. • All clearing, earth moving, or excavation activities shall be discontinued during periods of high winds (i.e., greater than 15 mph), so as to prevent excessive amounts of.dust. • General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions. • Noise • The project shall coinply with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance No. 144,331 and 161,574, and any subsequent ordinances, which prohibit the emission or creation of noise beyond certain levels at adjacent uses unless technically infeasible. . • Construction and demolition shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. • Construdion and demolition activities shall be scheduled so as to avoid operating several pieces of equipment simultaneously. • The project contractor shall use power construction equipment with state-of-the-art noise shielding and muffling devices. • The project sponsor shall comply with the Noise Insulation Standards of Title 24 of the California Code Regulations, which insure an acceptable interior noise environment. • General Construction .. ENV-2007-1523-MND Page 2 of25 c ( I, MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION ENV-2007-1523-MND • • • • • • • • VI e. Sediment carries with it other work-site pollutants such as pesticides, cleaning solvents, cement wash, asphalt, and car fluids that are toxic to sea life. All waste shall be disposed of properly. Use appropriately labeled recycling bins to recycle construction materials including: solvents, water-based paints, vehicle fluids, broken asphalt and concrete, woo~, and vegetation. Non recyclable materials/wastes shall be taken to an appropriate landfill. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed regulated disposal site. · · Leaks, drips and spills shall be cleaned up immediately to prevent contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away_ into the storm \:!rains. Pavement shall not be hosed down at material spills. Dry cleanup methods shall be used whenever possible. Dumpsters shall be covered and maintained. Uncovered <;tumpsters shall be placed under a roof or be covered with tarps or plastic sheeting. Gravel approaches shall be used where truck traffic is frequent to reduce soil compaction and the tracking of sediment into streets shall be limited. All vehicle/equipment maintenance, repair, and washing shall be conducted away from storm dr.ains. All major repairs shall be conducted off-site. Drip pans or drop clothes shall be used to catch drips and spills. Comply with conditions in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30,2007. Hillside Mitigation Measures .. Environmental impacts may result from the project's hauling operations and shall be reduced to a less than significant level by the implementation of the following mitigation measures: • The applicant shall obtain a haul route approval from the Board of Building & Safety Commissioners for export/import in excess of 1,000 cubic yards. • All haul route hours shall be limited to off-peak hours as determined by Board of Building & Safety Commissioners. • The applicant shall provide a staked signage at the site with a minimum of 3-inch lettering containing contact information for the Senior Street Use Inspector (Department of Public Works), the Senior Grading Inspector (LADBS) and the hauling or general contractor. • The developer shall install appropriate traffic signs around the site to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety. • LADBS shall require the applicant to have all employees park their personal vehicles outside of the. hillside area and utilize a developer-sponsored vanpool system for transport to the site. • LADBS shall stagger haul trucks based upon a specific area's capacity, as determined by LADOT, and the amount of soil proposed to be hauled to minimize cumulative traffic and congestion impacts. • The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) shall recommend to the Building & Safety Commission Office the appropriate size of trucks allowed for hauling, best route of travel, the appropriate number flag people. • Trucks having no current hauling activity shall not idle but be. turned off. • The applicant shall be limited to no more than two trucks at any given time within the site's staging area. • No parking shall be permitted on street during Red Flag Days in compliance with the "Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag No Parking" program. • In order to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles, an construction material shall be stored on-site and not,on the street during hauling operations. , • The applicant shall provide a soils and/or geotechnical report to LADBS (reports needed to be determined by LADBS) for review and approval that sfiall include measures to mitigate impacts.related to grading. • Fences shall be constructed around the site to minimize trespassing, vandalism, short-cut attractions and attractive nuisances. VIII c1. Single Family/Multi Family Hillside Dwelling Environmental impacts may result from erosion of sloped hillsides carrying sediments into the stormwater drainage channels. However, the potential impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by incorporating stormwater pollution control measures. Ordinance No. 172,176 and Ordinance No. 173,494 specify Stormwater and Urban Runoff Pollution Control which requires the application of Best Management Practices (BMPs). Chapter IX, Division 70 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code addresses grading, excavations, and fills. Applicants must meet the requirements of the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) approved by Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, including the following: (A copy of the SUSMP can be downloaded at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb4/). E~-2007-1523-~ Page 3 of25 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION ENV-2007-1523-MND .. Environmental impacts may result from erosion of sloped hillsides carr}'ing sediments into the stormwater drainage channels. However, the potential impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by incorporating stormwater pollution control·measures. Ordinance No. 172,176 and Ordinance No. 173,494 specify Stormwater and Urban Runoff Pollution Control which requires the ~pplic~ti\)n of Best Management Practices (BMPs j. Chapt~r IX, Division 70 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code l)!ddresses grading; excavations, and fills. Applicants must meet the ,requirements of the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) approved by Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, including the following: (A copy of th!'! SUSMP can be downloaded af: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb41). • Project applicants are required to implement stormwater BMPs to treat and infiltrate the runoff from a storm event producing 3/4 inch of.rainfall in a 24 hour period. The design of structural BMPs shall be in accordance with the Development Best Management Practices H;mdbook Part B Planning Activities. A signed certificate from a California licensed civil engineer or licensed architect that the proposed BMPs meet this numerical threshold standard is required. • Post development peak stormwater runoff discharge rates shall not exceed the estimated pre-development rate for developments where the increase peak stonnwater discharge rate will result in increased potential for downstream erosion. • Concentrate or cluster development on portions of a site while leaving the remaining land in a natural undisturbed condition. · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . XIII a. Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation at the project site to the minimum needed to build lots, allow access, and provide fire protection. .Maximize trees and other vegetation at each site by planting additional vegetation, clustering tree areas, and promoting the use of native and/or drought tolerant plants. Promote natural vegetation by using parking lot islands and other landscaped areas. Preserve riparian areas and wetlands. Cut and fill slopes in designated hillside areas shall be planted and irrigated to prevent erosion, reduce run-off velocities and to provide long-term stabilization of soil. Plant materials include: grass, shrubs, vines, ground covers, and trees. Incorporate appropriate erosion control and drainage devices, such as interceptor terraces, berms, vee-channels, and inlet and outlet structures, as specified by Section 91.7013 of the Building Code. Protect outlets of culverts, conduits or channels from erosion by discharge velocities by installing a rock outlet protection. Rock outlet protection is a physical devise composed of rock, grouted riprap, or concrete rubble placed at the outlet of a pipe. Install sediment traps below the pipe outlet Inspect, repair, and maintain the outlet protection after each significant rain. Any connection to the sanitary sewer must have authorization from the Bureau of Sanitation. All storm drain inlets and catch basins within the project area must be stenciled with prohibitive language (such as NO DUMPING- DRAINS TO OCEAN) and/or graphical icons to discourage illegal dumping. Signs and prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which prohibit illegal dumping, must be posted at public access points along channels and creeks within the project area. Legibility of stencils and signs must be maintained. Materials with the potential to contaminate stormwater must be: (1) placed in an enclosure such as, but not limited to, a cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevent contact with runoff spillage to the stormwater conveyance system; or (2) protected by secondary containment structures such as berms, dikes, or curbs. The storage area must be paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills. The storage area must have a roof or awning to minimize collection of stormwater within the secondary containment area. The owner(s) of the property will prepare and execute a covenant and agreement (Planning Department General form CP-6770) satisfactory to the Planning Department binding the owners to post construction maintenance on the structural BMPs in accordance with the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan and or per manufacturer's instructions. Comply with conditions in Department of Building and Safety Geology and Soils Report Approval Letter dated October 30, 2007. · Public Services (Fire) Environmental impacts may result from project implementation due to the location of the project in an area having marginal fire protection facilities. However, this potential impact will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by the following measure: ENV-2007-1523-MND · Page4 of25 ( ( ';,, MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION ENV-2007-1523-MND • XIV a. XVII d. The following recommendations of the Fire Department relath,te to fire safety shall be incorporated into the building plans, which includes the submittal of a plot plan for approval by the Fire Department either prior to the rt?cordation of a final map or the approval of a building permit. The plot plan shall include the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a minimum of 20 f«?et in width; all structures must be within 300 feet of an approved fire hydrant, and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall nQt be more than 150 feet in distance .)n horizontal travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane. Recreation (Increase .Demand For Parks Or Recreational Facilities) . Environmental impacts may result from project implementation due to insufficient parks and/or recreational facilities. However, .the potential impact will be .mitigated by the following measure: • Per Section 17. 12-A of the LA Municipal Code, the applicant shall pay the applicable Quimby fees for the construction of condominiums, or Recreation and Park fees for construction of apartment buildings. End The conditions outlined in this proposed mitigated negative declaration which are not already required by law shall be required as condition{s) of approval by the oecision-making body except as noted on the face page of this document. • Therefore, it,is concluded that no significant impacts are apparent which might result from this project's implementation. ENV-2007-1523-MND . Page 5 of25 CITY OF LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ROOM 395, CITY HALL LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALiTY ACT INITIAL STUDY and CHECKLIST I (CEQA Guidelines Section 15063) LEAD CITY AGENCY: LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES: LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT . . .. ... . .. - RELATED CASES: ENVIRONMENTAL CASE: TT-68783 ENV-2007-1523-MND -~ -~- LJ PREVIOUS ACTIONS CASE NO.: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TENTATIVE TRACT . - I COUNCIL DISTRICT: CD 7- RICHARD ALARCON v DATE: 11/29/2007 - ·-. ·-· - . .. ·---·-· '- ·- Does have significant changes from previous actions. Does NOT have significant changes from previous actions. - - - - . ENV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tentative Tract and Zone Change to R1-1 associated with development of a vacant lot into six, individual single-family dwellings, on a 48,261 square-foot site within the A1-1 and RS-1 zones. A protected on-site tree exists and will be maintained with nine non-protected trees to be removed and _2,700 cubic yards of dirt imported. ·-. ·- ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: The subject site is a level (less than 10% sloping), rectangular-shaped, corner site fronting on the northeasterly side of Gladstone Avenue and the southwesterly side of Montero Avenue (approximate frontage: 150 feet on Gladstone Ave and 156 feet on Montero Ave),within the Sylmar Community Plan area. The subject site is bounded by Gladstone to the southwest, Montero Ave to the northeast, and residential uses to the northwest and southeast. The subject site is not within a flood zone, coastal zone, landslide zone, liquefaction zone, methane hazard zone, inundation zone, tsunami hazard area, very high fire hazard severity zone, or Fire Districts No. 1 and 2. The site is within a hillside grading zone, Alquist-Priolo zone, and high wind velocity area, within a fault zone. Additionally, the subject site is located in the Los Angeles State Enterprise Zone (ZI-2374), subject to the Sylmar Plan footnotes and not eligible for a 35% density bonus. There are no schools or parks within 500 feet of the site. All land use and zoning within a 500 foot radius ofthe subject site are residential (zoned A1-1, RS-1, RA-1-K, (T)RS-1/A1-1, and (T)(Q)R1-1/A1-1). Residential uses within the radial area front along Gladstone Ave, Gridley St, Montero Ave, Wheeler Ave, Grade Ave, and Femmont St The Foothill Freeway (Interstate 210)is within 1000 feet, to the southwest of the subject property. The subject site is comprised of three unimproved, record lots, totaling 48,261 square feet. 11 trees exist on site (two protected Oaks to remain and nine unprotected Eucalyptus and P~lm): -· ·- PROJECT LOCATION: 12980 N GLADSTONE AVENUE; SYLMAR COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: SYLMAR STATUS: v Does Conform to Plan D Does NOT Conform to Plan ENV-2007-1523-MND - --· - -- - . AREA PLANNING COMMISSION: NORTH VALLEY -· - -- - . .. -- -· CERTIFIED NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: SYLMAR " Page 6 of25 ( ( "J,. ' ' MAX. DENSITY/INTENSITY ALLOWED BY ZONING: EXISTING ZONING: A1-1 - ·- .... MAX. DENSITY/INTENSITY ALLOWE.D BY PLAN DESIGNATION: .... ... . . ·-· .,. ·-. ·-····-··· ....... GENERAL PLAN LAND USE: LOW RESIDENTIAL - ... ENV-2007-1523-MND PROPOSED PROJECt DENSI"rY: .. - '' ''' o ··-••• o M, '> o oo':' ,_ •- LA River Adjacent: NO r-- r-- .!,,, ••' Page 7 of25 Determination (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) On the basis of this initial evaluation: D I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. y I find that although the p·roposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions on the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. 0 I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. D I find the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1} has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2} has been addressed by mitigation measures based on earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. 0 I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Signature Title Phone ............... ., Evaluation Of Environmental Impacts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants based on a project-specific screening analysis). All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less that significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of a mitigation measure has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to "Less Than Signifu::ant Impact.'' The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analysis," cross referenced). Earlier analysis must be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed irian earlier EIR, or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c)(3}(D}. In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a. Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b. Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c. Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less Than Significant With Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. ENV-2007-1523-MND Page 8 of25 :) ( ( 6. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated 7. Supporting Information Sources: A sources list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8. This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects In whichever format is selected. 9. The explanation of each issue should identify: a. The significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b. The mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. ENV-2007-1523-MND Page 9 of25 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. . . y AESTHETICS AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES -;/' AIR QUALITY BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES f:] CULTURAL RESOURCES GEOLOGY AND SOILS CJ v" HAZARDS A~D HA~RDOUS MATERIALS ~ HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY LAND USE AND PLANNING MINERAL RESOURCES NOISE POPULATION AND HOUSING CJ V l:J 0 'f/' 0 INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST (TobecompletedbytheLeadcityAsency) Background PROPONENT NAME: Heyla Avalos APPLICANT ADDRESS: 13414 Leach Street Sylmar, CA 91342 AGENCY REQUIRING CHECKLIST: DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING PROPOSAL NAME (if Applicable): ENV-2007-1523-MND y PUBLIC.SERVICES . -v' RECREATION r:J · TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION D UTILITIES f:l . MANDATORY FINDINGS OF' SIGNIFICANCE PHONE NUMBER: (818) 481-6236 DATE SUBMITTED: 03/29/2007 Page 10 of25 ., ( 1), Potentially significant unless PotentiallY, mitigation significant .... i!f1J~~c_t. - - i!Jcorp~~!~d- I. AESTHETICS a. HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECT ON A SCENIC VISTA? Less than significant impa~! ..... ---~~ i~P.!I_C:t ·-- -·· y -·-·- b. SUBSTANTIALLY DAMAGE SCENIC RESOURCES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT. LIMITED TO, TREES, ROCK OUTCROPPINGS, AND HISTORIC BUILDINGS, OR OTHER LOCALLY RECOGNIZED DESIRABLE AESTHETIC NATURAL FEATURE WITHIN A CITY-DESIGNATED SCENIC HIGHWAY? ···-· c. SUBSTANTIALLY DEGRADE THE EXISTING VISUAL CHARACTER OR QUALITY OF THE SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS? d. CREATE A NEW SOURCE OF SUBSTANTIAL LIGHT OR GLARE WHICH WOULD ADVERSELY OR NIGHTTIME VIEWS IN THE AREA? . . - . AFFECT. DAY .. . . . --~ II. j).~~!~':f_LTURAL ~~SOURCES .. _ _ _ _-·- _ _ _ _ .... a. CONVERT PRIME FARMLAND, UNIQUE FARMLAND, OR FARMLAND OF STATEWIDE IMPORTANCE, AS SHOWN ON THE MAPS PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE FARMLAND MAPPING AND MONITORING PROGRAM OF THE CALIFORNIA RESOURCES AGENCY, TO NON-AGRICULTURAL USE? b. CONFLICT THE EXISTING ZONING FOR AGRICULTURAL USE, OR A WILLIAMSON ACT CONTRACT? c. INVOLVE OTHER CHANGES IN THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT WHICH, DUE TO THEIR LOCATION OR NATURE, COULD RESULT IN CONVERSION OF FARMLAND, TO NON-AGRICULTURAL USE? ····-·-·-····-··· ····· ..... ··-·····-··· ---·-·-·····- ----······ ...... Ill. AIR QUALITY a. CONFLICT WITH OR OBSTRUCT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SCAQMD OR CONGESTION MANAGEMENT .. PLAN? ··-·-···-·-·····- ....... . ..... . b. VIOLATE ANY AIR QUALITY STANDARD OR CONTRIBUTE SUBSTANTIALLY TO AN EXISTING OR PROJECTED AIR QUALITY ; Y'.()LATION? .. ....... ······. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. . c. RESULT IN A CUMULATIVELY CONSIDERABLE NET INCREASE OF ANY CRITERIA POLLUTANT FOR WHICH THE AIR BASIN IS NON-ATTAINMENT (OZONE, CARBON MONOXIDE, & PM 10) UNDER AN FEDERAL OR STATE AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD? - - APPLICABLE --.. - - .. - . . . -· -· . . ·---·-··· ·-······ .. ..... -·· d. EXPOSE SENSITIVE RECEPTORS TO SUBSTANTIAL POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS? e. CREATE OBJECTIONABLE ODORS AFFECTING A SUBSTANTIAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE? IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES a. HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECT, EITHER DIRECTLY OR THROUGH HABITAT MODIFICATION, ON ANY SPECIES IDENTIFIED AS A CANDIDATE, SENSITIVE, OR SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES IN LOCAL OR REGIONAL PLANS, POLICIES, OR REGULATIONS BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME OR U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE? b. HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECT ON ANY RIPARIAN HABITAT OR OTHER SENSITIVE NATURAL COMMUNITY IDENTIFIED IN THE CITY OR REGIONAL PLANS, POLICIES, REGULATIONS BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME OR U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE? c. HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECT ON FEDERALLY PROTECTED WETLANDS AS DEFINED BY SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MARSH VERNAL POOL, COASTAL, ETC.) THROUGH DIRECT REMOVAL, FILLING, HYDROLOGICAL INTERRUPTION, OR OTHER MEANS? . . --· ... --· -----· .... ··-······ ...... ....... --· .... ·-· -··-····- .. d. INTERFERE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH THE MOVEMENT OF ANY NATIVE RESIDENT OR MIGRATORY FISH OR WILDLIFE SPECIES OR WITH ESTABLISHED NATIVE RESIDENT OR MIGRATORY WILDLIFE CORRIDORS, OR IMPEDE THE USE OF NATIVE WILDLIFE NURSERY SITES? ····----~ ···-····· .. ._ ENV-2007-1523-MND Page 11 of25 Potentially significant Potentially significant , unless mitigation Less than significant . -· .~0.-~_mP.a.c:~ _-·--~!.DPa.ct_ _.. . ~~cor.p_o~te.~ . .. . _iJliP.!:c~- v e. CONFLICT WITH ANY LOCAL POLICIES OR ORDINANCES PROTECTING BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES, SUCH AS TREE PRESERVATION POLICY OR ORDINANCE (E.G., OAK TREES OR CALIFORNIA WALNUT . Y.I{Oc:JJ?':A!.'J()S.)?. .. ..... --·· ........ ... ··.._.,,.. ····-·· .......... .... -·· .... ·-· -. .. ···-············· - -···-··-·. --· -·· - ····- -·····. ·-- ·- -·--··-' -··--·f. CONFLICT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF AN ADOPTED HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN, NATURAL COMMUNITY CONSERVATION PLAN, OR OTHER APPROVED LOCAL, REGIONAL, OR STATE HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN? . . ..... -- --· . - ___., ____ ---·.... ···-··· -· .. ····-···· ·-·. .... - -·· .. ·-···-···-- ... ·- .... --······ . -·- ··--· .. V. CULTURAL .... -. ·-- ··- ... -··.. ···-· . ... . ··-- ··-·· .. ........ --······ -·-· ···-··- . ······· ..... -... ·--. RESOURCES .. ---- ··- --- -··· -- ..... -- ---· ·-·· -·· ... . ·--- ·-- ·-- .. --·-- -------- -·· a. CAUSE A SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE CHANGE IN SIGNIFICANCE OF A RESOURCE AS DEFINED IN...STATE CEQA 15064.5? ... ... .. . . .. ... . .. . ...... .. -- ..... .. -- ... .. HISTORICAL ·-. . ·.. -· .. -····----- .. --- ····-······ . -· ···b. CAUSE A SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE CHANGE IN SIGNIFICANCE OF AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE PURSUANT TO STATE CEQA 15064.5? .. -- ···-·-···--·-- .. ----·····-- .. ----·- ... ·--- .. .. -- .......... ·-·· -. --- .. . ··--·-·- -·· .. ··-··-···- .. ··-- .. . - ··--···· -·· .... ··--·-·· ··--········-·-- . ·- ·-··-····-·· ·- -·· .. ---· -···-- -· .. c. DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY DESTROY A UNIQUE PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCE OR SITE OR UNIQUE GEOLOGIC FEATURE? ........ ···----·· ---- ······. .... - .... -· -- ... ·-·-· .. -·-·--··-----·--- -······" .•. . ·····-· ..... ··---- - .. -····-·-·-··--···· ---· ..... . .... -···· --··--·-·· ----··-· ········· .... -· .... ····- •. ------" d. DISTURB ANY HUMAN REMAINS, INCLUDING THOSE INTERRED ..../' OUTSIDE OF FORMAL CEMETERIES? ..... . ...... ........ -. .. ' ...... .._. ...... ..... . ·- ···------·· --·--- ·- . --·-···-- ·-·-·-· .... -- -·· - -·. --- ---·· ....... ·-------· --· ·····- .... -··. ·- .... -· . -· ...... VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS .... ····------- - -- ---·-- ................... ·- . . ··--·- ....... ... .... . ----- ··- -····--· ......... -· ...... --··· -··· .......... --- ---------· ......... -·--. ·----- .. ·-·- ·-·- .. .....-.-- ............... -- ... .. .. : a. EXPOSURE OF PEOPLE OR STRUCTURES TO POTENTIAL SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS, INCLUDING THE RISK OF LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH INVOLVING: RUPTURE OF A KNOWN EARTHQUAKE FAULT, AS DELINEATED ON THE MOST RECENT ALQUIST-PRIOLO EARTHQUAKE FAULT ZONING MAP ISSUED BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST FOR THE AREA OR BASED ON OTHER SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF A KNOWN FAULT? REFER TO DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY PUBLICATION 42. ........ ....... -·-··· .. ... ! --· .. ......... ·-·--- ·--- .. ---·····-·-· ····-· ·-· ......... ----. --···--·-. ---·-· .. ......... .. ... ...SPECIAL .. ........ ..... ·-· ---·-··- ··-----·· ·-·-b. EXPOSURE OF PEOPLE OR STRUCTURES TO POTENTIAL SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS, INCLUDING THE RISK OF LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH INVOLVING : STRONG SEISMIC..GROUND SHAKING? .. .. . -- ..... ..... ·-·- .......... ··-c. EXPOSURE OF PEOPLE OR STRUCTURES TO POTENTIAL SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS, INCLUDING THE RISK OF LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH INVOLVING: SEISMIC-RELATED GROUND FAILURE, INCLUDING LIQUEFACTION? ................... . ....... .......... _ ... . ..... .... .... . .. .. ' .......... .. .... ..... .. . - -·· - -- ---· ··- .. -·· . . "-· ...... - . ........ ··-·· ·-·· ----- ... .. . . . ....... d. EXPOSURE OF PEOPLE OR STRUCTURES TO POTENTIAL SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS, INCLUDING THE RISK OF LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH INVOLVING: LANDSLIDES? ......... ·-· . ...... ·- ......... ··-·. ·---·. - ... - .... .. .... .......... ... ·- -·· . ··- ---· ......... -· ·............. ... l ..... -· ..... ... ..... ... .. ·-···-- ........ e. RESULT IN SUBSTANTIAL SOIL EROSION OR THE LOSS OF TOPSOIL? --·· * ••••• --~ v ····----~ ---~- ••••• -· ~- -·---~-- - --- - - ••• 1 v ~- " ~ v ~ ·~ -~ y ·~ v ···-~· w ..... --~: y -----··-- ~ v v -v.- ~-- - .. ·- -· ·-. ....... .... ... ·- ··- . -- -· . ..... - ...... ---- ... -· ..... f. BE LOCATED ON A GEOLOGIC UNIT OR SOIL THAT IS UNSTABLE, OR THAT WOULD BECOME UNSTABLE AS A RESULT OF THE PROJECT, AND POTENTIAL RESULT IN ON- OR OFF-SITE LANDSLIDE, LATERAL .... ----- S,PR§API~~· .S_l!,~~IDJ::~C~! LIQl]E_F.P.-~!1()~. 9.~ CO~i!.-.P._S~_? __ g. BE LOCATED ON EXPANSIVE SOIL, AS DEFINED IN TABLE 18-1-B .OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (19~4), CREATING SUBSTANTIAL RISKS TO LIFE OR PROPERTY? -· .. ... . h. HAVE SOILS INCAPABLE OF ADEQUATELY SUPPORTING THE USE OF SEPTIC TANKS ORALTERNATIVE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS WHERE SEWERS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF WASTE WATER? .... .. . ...... ..... . . ... .... . ·- ............ VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .. a. CREATE A SIGNIFICANT HAZARD TO THE PUBLIC OR THE ENVIRONMENT THROUGH THE ROUTINE TRANSPORT, USE, OR DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS? .... .. .. .. . ···----· ....... --. -·· b. CREATE A SIGNIFICANT HAZARD TO THE PUBLIC OR THE ENVIRONMENT THROUGH REASONABLY FORESEEABLE UPSET AND ACCIDENT CONDITIONS INVOLVING THE RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INTO THE ENVIRONMENT? . .. ... ·- ---··- --·- ··-·- .... ··~ ~--·-·--·"···----·--·-·. ENV-2007-1523-MND -· .... ....... ....... ------··- . . - ---· .. .... ..... - . ..... . -·· ...... -·· ...I ..../' ..... . .. .................... ............ .. ..../' .•. ..../' .. ··- . ·-· . .... ·-· ..... ... -· ..../' . ....... -. . ... . .... ..../' - -· ....... Page 12 of25 •\ ( ( Potentially significant - .. i!'_lp~c.t. . Potentially significant unless mitigation Less than significant _i!'Jf:orpo_r.a!~d- . . J~-~~ct .. c. EMIT HAZARDOUS EMISSIONS OR HANDLE HAZARDOUS OR ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, SUBSTANCES, OR WASTE WITHIN ONE-QUARTER MILE OF AN EXISTING OR PROPOSED SCHOOL? ··- --.!..· .. ----- ·-··. -- -- ... - ------ --- •...• -· ---- -· ..... ---···-··. --- -··- -- ····- ··-·. ·-- •...•.•.. -... ---- .•.. .. • •..•••.. - -. -.... -· •. ------· - ••.•. d. BE LOCATED ON A SITE WHICH IS INCLUDED ON A LIST OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SITES COMPILED PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65962.5 AND, AS A RESULT, WOULD IT CREATE A SIGNIFICANT HAZARD TO THE PUBLIC OR THE . ENVIRONMENT? e. FOR A PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN AN AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN OR, WHERE SUCH A PLAN HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED, WITHIN TWO MILES OF A PUBLIC AIRPORT OR PUBLIC USE AIRPORT, WOULD THE PROJECT RESULT IN A SAFETY HAZARD FOR PEOPLE RESIDING OR WORKING IN THE PROJECT AREA? f. FOR A PROJECT WITHIN THE VICINITY OF A PRIVATE AIRSTRIP, WOULD THE PROJECT RESULT IN A SAFETY HAZARD FOR THE PEOPLE RESIDING OR WORKING IN THE AREA? g~ y . --······ ·-· • . .. ----- -· - ..• iMPAIR"IMPLEMiiNTATION"OF"'OR"'PHYfiiCALLY INTERFERE WiTii"AN. ADOPTED EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN OR EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN? h. EXPOSE PEOPLE OR STRUCTURES TO A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH INVOLVING WILDLAND FIRES, INCLUDING WHERE WILDLANDS ARE ADJACENT TO URBANIZED AREAS OR WHERE RESIDENCES ARE INTERMIXED WITH WILDLANDS? .. - . . - .... -... ···-·--· . - ... ---- ........ -· . VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY a. VIOLATE ANY WATER QUALITY STANDARDS OR WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS? b. SUBSTANTIALLY DEPLETE GROUNDWATER SUPPLIES OR INTERFERE WITH GROUNDWATER RECHARGE SUCH THAT THERE WOULD BE A NET DEFICIT IN AQUIFER VOLUME OR A LOWERING OF THE LOCAL GROUNDWATER TABLE LEVEL (E.G., THE PRODUCTION RATE OF PRE-EXISTING NEARBY WELLS WOULD DROP TO A LEVEL WHICH WOULD NOT SUPPORT EXISTING LAND USES OR PLANNED LAND _. u.s~s F~R WI:JIC.~ P~f{-~l_"f.S HAYE_ ~~~N G~~!E.D_p ·- . _ ... ... .. ____ ... _ c. SUBSTANT,ALLY ALTER THE EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN OF THE SITE OR.AREA, INCLUDING THROUGH THE ALTERATION OF THE COURSE OF A STREAM OR RIVER, IN A MANNER WHICH WOULD RESULT IN SUBSTANTIAL EROSION OR SILTATION ON- OR OFF-SITE? d. SUBSTANTIALLY ALTER THE EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN OF THE SITE OR AREA, INCLUDING THROUGH THE ALTERATION OF THE COURSE OF A STREAM OR RIVER, OR SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE THE RATE OR AMOUNT OF SURFACE RUNOFF IN AN MANNER WHICH WOULD RESULT IN FLOODING ON- OR OFF SITE? e. CREAT,E OR CONTRIBUTE RUNOFF WATER WHICH WOULD EXCEED THE CAPACITY OF EXISTING OR PLANNED STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS OR PROVIDE SUBSTANTIAL ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF POLLUTED RUNOFF? f. OTHERWISE SUBSTANTIALLY DEGRADE WATER QUALITY? g. PLACE HOUSING WITHIN A 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN AS MAPPED PN FEDERAL FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY OR FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP OR OTHER FLOOD HAZARD DELINEATION MAP? h. PLACE WITHIN A 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN STRUCTURES WHICH WOULD IMPEDE OR REDIRECT FLOOD FLOWS? i. EXPOSE PEOPLE OR STRUCTURES TO A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH INVOLVING FLOODING, INCLUDING FLOODING AS A RESULT OF THE FAILURE OF A LEVEE OR DAM? ·····- .. ····-········ ··-. -. -. ···j. INUNDATION BY SEICHE, TSUNAMI, OR MUDFLOW? ......v' .... "'"'" IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING a. PHYSICALLY DIVIDE AN ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY? I - '" •'••-- ••- -•-••n • • - · - - - - - · - · • · - • - • " ' - - • - · - - ENV-2007-1523-MND -- ·~ --- -~~·-• •••• -·•• ••~•• • ... L.......... -J . - ......-.J~. -.~~- . -..~: Page 13 of25 Potentially significant ... __ irr,t~~:~- ... Potentially significant unless Less than, mitigation significant _i~c~_9'()_~~£ld __ ·- _ irnJI":c~ -· __ti() i"._lpa~t b. CONFLICT WITH APPLICABLE LAND USE PLAN, POLICY OR REGULATION OF AN AGENCY WITH JURISDICTION OVER THE PROJECT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN, COASTAL PROGRAM, OR ZONING ORDINANCE) . ADOPTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF AVOIDING OR MITIGATING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT? ..... ··... ...... _.... , _______ ,., . ---·· .......... , ....... ,... -· ...... ·- ... I.--······ ............ ····-- ....... ---··, .. ···-·--··· ··-·c. CONFLICT WITH ANY APPLICABLE HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN OR ·~ ·~-~---~·········· NJ.'-11:'~ ~g~_MUt:JI~_<:;C?.N~~R-~,l\!_1?~ PLAI':J?. - . ..... . . . . - ..... -... - .... X. MINERAL RESOURCES a. RESULT IN THE LOSS OF AVAILABILITY OF A KNOWN MINERAL RESOURCE THAT WOULD BE OF VALUE TO THE REGION AND THE RESIDENTS OF THE STATE? b. RESULT IN THE LOSS OF AVAILABILITY OF A LOCALLY-IMPORTANT MINERAL RESOURCE RECOVERY SITE DELINEATED ON A LOCAL -· GEN_E~~~'!'~~_SP~CIFIC PLAN,_O_~<?Tf1.§R LANt:?U~_E_~LA.N? _____ .. XI. NOISE ·-··- . ·-·· .. ·-····- ··-- .. ....... -- -·-·. . . ... .. . ... -· . -·-··- ...... ···- ··-· . ·-·· . .. . ... ---·-··- .... --··- --·-- ...... - - ····- ··---- --·-· .... ·--- .... ·-··- .... a. EXPOSURE OF PERSONS TO OR GENERATION OF NOISE IN LEVEL IN EXCESS OF STANDARDS ESTABLISHED IN THE LOCAL GENERAL PLAN OR NOISE ORDINANCE, OR APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF OTHER AGENCIES? b. EXPOSURE OF PEOPLE TO OR GENERATION OF EXCESSIVE GROUNDBORNE VIBRATION OR GROUNDBORNE NOISE LEVELS? c. A SUBSTANTIAL PERMANENT INCREASE IN AMBIENT NOISE LEVELS IN THE PROJECT VICINITY ABOVE LEVELS EXISTING WITHOUT THE PROJECT? d. A SUBSTANTIAL TEMPORARY OR PERIODIC INCREASE IN AMBIENT NOISE LEVELS IN THE PROJECT VICINITY ABOVE LEVELS EXISTING WITHOUT THE PROJECT? e. FOR A PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN AN AIRPORT LAND USE PlAN OR, WHERE SUCH A PLAN HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED, WITHIN TWO MILES OF A PUBLIC AIRPORT OR PUBLIC USE AIRPORT, WOULD THE PROJECT EXPOSE PEOPLE RESIDING OR WORKING IN THE PROJECT ·AREA TO EXCESSIVE NOISE ......... - -... ··-· -- ·-····LEVELS? ..... ·... ... ·--· ... f. FOR A PROJECT WITHIN THE VICINITY OF A PRIVATE AIRSTRIP; WOULD THE PROJECT EXPOSE PEOPLE RESIDING OR WORKING IN THE PROJECT AREA TO EXCESSIVE NOISE-LEVELS? XII. POPULATJON AND HOUSING a. INDUCE SUBSTANTIAL POPULATION GROWTH IN AN AREA EITHER DIRECTLY (FOR EXAMPLE, BY PROPOSING NEW HOMES AND BUSINESSES) OR INDIRECTLY (FOR EXAMPLE, THROUGH EXTENSION .. _ C?~_R._C?.~f:?~OR_OT_H.E~ lf>J~~l:;:!f3Ug:f.IJ.~EF .. _ . . . .. .. . _ .. _.... b. DISPLACE SUBSTANTIAL NUMBERS OF EXISTING HOUSING NECESSITATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF REPLACEMENT HOUSING ELSEWHERE? c. DISPLACE SUBSTANTIAL NUMBERS OF PEOPLE NECESSITATING THE _. ~<?~~"t::f3.1JCT}O_~__OF REPLA(;EMENT HOUSING ELSEWHER~?. Xlll. PUBLIC SERVICES ... .. -.. .. .. a. FIRE PROTECTION? y - .. - . --··-- ·----·· ... ·- ' -·· -······--··-·-· ··- .. ~ b. POLICE PROTECTION? .... - y ... c. SCHOOLS? d. PARKS? e. OTHER GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES (INCLUDING ROADS)? . . Y. -·· XIV. RECREATION ENV-2007-1523-JvlND Page 14 of25 c ( '· Potentially significant impact f. RESULT IN INADEQUATE PARKING CAPACITY? g. CONFLICT WITH ADOPTED POLICIES, PLANS, OR PROGRAMS No impact v' v v v' ' y v .. ,.y .. SUPPORTING ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION {E.G., BUS TURNOUTS, BICYCLE RACKS)? XVI. UTILITIES a. EXCEED WASTEWATER TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLICABLE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD? b. REQUIRE OR RESULT IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW WATER OR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES OR EXPANSION OF EXISTING FACILITIES, THE CONSTRUCTION OF WHICH COULD CAUSE SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS? c. REQUIRE OR RESULT IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR EXPANSION OF EXISTING FACILITIES, THE CONSTRUCTION OF WHICH COULD CAUSE SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS? d. HAVE SUFFICIENT WATER SUPPLIES AVAILABLE TO SERVE THE PROJECT FROM EXISTING ENTffiEMENTS AND RESOURCE, OR ARE NEW OR EXPANDED ENTITLEMENTS NEEDED? e. RESULT IN A DETERMINATION BY THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROVIDER WHICH SERVES OR MAY SERVE THE PROJECT THAT IT HAS ADEQUATE CAPACITY TO SERVE THE PROJECTS PROJECTED DEMAND IN ADDITION TO THE PROVIDERS f. BE SERVED BY A LANDFILL WITH SUFFICIENT PERMITTED CAPACITY TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROJECTS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL NEEDS? g. COMPLY WITH FEDERAL. STATE, AND LOCAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS RELATED TO SOLID WASTE? XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNifiCA!IICE a. DOES THE PROJECT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO DEGRADE THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE THE · HABITAT OF FISH OR WILDLIFE SPECIES, CAUSE A FISH OR WILDLIFE POPULATION TO DROP BELOW SELF-l:lUSTAINING LEVELS, THREATEN TO ELIMINATE A PLANT OR ANIMAL COMMUNITY, REDUCE THE NUMBER OR RESTRICT THE RANGE OF A RARE OR ENDANGERED PLANT OR ANIMAL OR ELIMINATE IMPORTANT EXAMPLES OF THE ENV-2007-1523-MND Less than significant impact ~ a. WOULD.THE PROJECT INCREASE THE USE OF EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD AND REGIONAL PARKS OR OTHER RECREATIONAL FACILITIES SUCH THAT SUBSTANTIAL PHYSICAL DETERIORATION OF THE FACILITY WOULD OCCUR OR BE ACCELERATED? b. DOES THE PROJECT INCLUDE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES OR REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES WHICH MIGHT HAVE AN ADVERSE PHYSICAL EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT? XV. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION a. CAUSE AN INCREASE IN TRAFFIC WHICH IS SUBSTANTIAL IN RELATION TO THE EXISTING TRAFFIC LOAD AND CAPACITY OF THE STREET SYSTEM (I.E., RESULT IN A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN EITHER THE NUMBER OF VEHICLE TRIPS, THE VOLUME TO RATIO CAPACITY ON ROADS, OR CONGESTION AT INTERSECTIONS)? b. EXCEED, EITHER INDIVIDUALLY OR CUMULATIVELY, A LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARD ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNTY CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR DESIGNATED ROADS OR HIGHWAYS? c. RESULT IN A CHANGE IN AIR TRAFFIC PATTERNS, INCLUDING ~ITHER AN INCREASE IN TRAFFIC LEVELS OR A CHANGE IN LOCATION. THAT RESULTS IN SUBSTANTIAL SAFETY RISKS? SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE HAZARDS TO A DESIGN FEATURE {E.G., d. SHARP CURVES OR DANGEROUS INTERSECTIONS) OR INCOMPATIBLE USES (E.G., FARM EQUIPMENT)? e. RESULT IN INADEQUATE EMERGENCY ACCESS? Potentially significant unless mitigation incorporated .., 'f/" y. y Y' v v y Page 15 of25 Potentially significant Potentially significant unless mitigation - __ i!:'lP..a..~~----· _i!J.~!l_!'PO_rate~- _ Less than significant . i'!!Pa._ct_ ___ -~!:>_i~-~~~t. .... MAJOR PERIODS OF CALIFORNIA HISTORY OR PREHISTORY? ····-··--~-~···~·· .. ···-·-······-,.~--:.. ..... - ·-- --- ·-----·--·· ... ·-···-··--··-··--···--····· ·····-·· ·-··-··-- -··-·· ·-··· ·······-···- ··---···· b. DOES THE PROJECT HAVE IMPACTS WHICH ARE INDIVIDUALLY LIMITED, BUT CUiy'IULATIVELY CONSIQERABLE? (CUMULATIVEL'( CONSIDERABLE MEANS THAT THE INCREMENTAL EFFECTS OF AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ARE CONSIDERABLE WHEN VIEWED IN CONNECTION WiiH THE EFFECTS OF PAST PROJECTS, THE EFFECTS OF OTHER CURRENT PROJECTS, AND THE EFFECTS OF PROBABLE _ FIJ!~R_E_J=>~C?_JEC!S).___ ····--- __ ---·--·-·-- _____ ·--_____ .... ___ -------····-· ....... . c. DOES THE PROJECT HAVE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT~ WHICH CAUSE SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS ON HUMAN BEINGS, EITHER . DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY? ~--· ENV-2007-1523-MND Page 16 of25 ( ( .; DISCUSSION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (Attach additional sheets If necessary) The Environmental Impact Assessment includes the use of official City of Los Angel!')s and other government source reference materials related to various environmental impact categories (e.g., Hydrology, Air Quality, Biolqgy, Cultural Resources, etc.). The State of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology- Seismic Hazard Maps and reports, are used to identify potential future significant seismic events; including probable magnitudes, liquefaction, and landslide hazards. Based on applicant information provided in the Master Land Use Application and Environmental Assessment Form, impact evaluations were,l;>ased on . stated facts contained therein, including but not limited to, reference materials indicated above; field investigation of the project site, and any other reliable reference materials known at the time. Project specific impacts were evaluated based on all relevant facts indicated in the Environmental Assessment Form and expressed through the applicant's project description and supportive materials. Both the Initial Study Checklist and Checklist Explanations, in . conjunction with the City of Los Angeles's Adopted Thresholds Guide and CEQA Guidelines, were used to reach reasonable conclusions oli environmental impacts as mandated under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The project as identified in the project description may cause potentially significant impacts on the environment without mitigation. Therefore, this environmental analysis concludes that a Mitigated Negative Declaration shall be issued to avoid and mitigate all potential adverse impacts on the environment by the imposition of mitigation measures and/or conditions contained and expressed in this document; the environmental case file known asENV-2007-1523-MND and the associated case(s), TT-68783. Finally, based on the fact that these impacts can be feasibly mitigated to less than significant, and based on the findings and thresholds for Mandatory Findings of Significance as described in the California Environmental Quality Act, section 15065, the overall project impact(s) on the environment (after mitigation) will not: • Substantially degrade environmental quality. • Substantially reduce fish or wildlife habitat. • Cause a fish or wildlife habitat to drop below self sustaining levels. • Threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community. • Reduce number, or restrict range of a rare, threatened, or endangered species. • Eliminate important examples of major periods of California history or prehistory. • Achieve short-term goals to the disadvantage of long-term goals. • Result in environmental effects that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable. • Result in environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings. APDITIONAL INFORMATION: All supporting documents and references are contained in the Environmental Case File referenced above and may be viewed in the EIR Unit, Room 763, City Hall. For City information. addresses and phone numbers: visit the City's website at http://www.lacity.org ; City Planning - and Zoning Information Mapping Automated System (ZIMAS) cityplanning.lacity.org/ or EIR Unit, City Hall, 200 N Spring Street, Room 763. Seismic Hazard Maps- http:/lgmw.consrv.ca.gov/shmp/ Engineeringllnftastructure/Topographic Maps/Parcel Information- http:/lboemaps.eng.ci.la.ca.uslindex01.htm or City's main website under the heading "Navigate LA". PREPARED BY: TITLE: TELEPHONE NO.: DATE: TANNER BLACKMAN CITY PLANNING ASSISTANT (213) 978-1353 11/29/2007 ENV-2007-1523-MND Page 17 of25 Impact? Mitigation Measures Explanation APPENDIX A: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS !=)(PLANATION TABLE I. AESTHETICS a. NO IMPACT NO SCENIC VISTAS WILL BE. IMPACTED. b. NO IMPACT NO RECOGNIZED HISTORICAL OR CULTURAL RESOURCES EXIST ON THE SITE AND, THEREFORE, NO IMPACTS. c. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED MEASURES WILL BE IN CORPORATED I b1 TO ENSURE THE EXISTING VISUAL REFER TO MITIGATION MEASURE VI CHARACTER OF THE SITE IS NOT B2. SUBSTANTIALLY DEGRADED AND REDUCE IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL d. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED POTENTIAL LJGfiTING IMPACTS CREATED BY THE PROJECT SHALL BE MITIGATED AS REfERENCED. I c1 II. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES a. NO IMPACT REQUESTED ZONE CHANGE TO R1-1 CONFORMS TO LOW RESIDENTIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION FORTHIS SITE; NO FARMLAND EXISTS ON-SITE; NO IMPACTS. b. NO IMPACT REQUESTED ZONE CHANGE TO R1-1 CONFORMS TO LOW RESIDENTIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THIS SITE; NO FARMLAND EXISTS ON-SITE; NO IMPACTS. c. NO IMPACT NO IMPACTS RELATED TO OFF-SITE AGRICULTURAL USES ARE ANTICIPATED. Ill. AIR QUALITY a. NO IMPACT THI$ PROJECT WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH OR OBSTRUCT EITHER PLAN .. b. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED IVIEASUR.ES SHALL BE INCORPOAATED TO TO MITIGATE . ANY POTENTIAL AND TEMPORARY IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL c. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED REFER TO MITIGATION MEASURE VI CONSTRUCTION PHASE MAY INCREASE EXISTING BASIN-WIDE AIR B2. QUALITY VIOLATIONS; HOWEVER, THESE IMPACTS WILL BE MITIGATED TO A LESS Tl-fAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION OF PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES. ENV-2007-1523-:MND REFER TO MITIGATION MEASURE VI 8'2. Page 18 of25 ( ( Impact? Mitigation Measures Explanation d. THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE HAS POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS . THE POTENTIAL TO TEMPORARILY MITIGATION INCORPORATED CAUSE AIR QUALITY IMPACTS TO SENSITIVE RECEPTORS ON THE SUBJECT SITE AND ANDJACENT RESIDENTIAL USES; IMPLEMENTATION OF REFERENCED MITIGATION MEASURES WILL REDUCE IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL e. NO IMPACT REFER TO MITIGATION MEASURE VI B2. NO OBJECTIONABLE ODORS ARE ANTICIPATED FROM THE PROJECT. IV. BIOLOGICAL· RESOURCES a. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT THE PROJECT WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF FISH AND GAME AND U.S. FISH, WILDLIFE SERVICE, AND AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION TO ENSURE THAT APPLICABLE SPECIES ARE NOT SUBSTANTIALLYADVERSELY IMPACTED. b. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT THE PROJECT WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF FISH AND GAME AND U.S. FISH, WILDLIFE SERVICE, AND AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION TO ENSURE THAT ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO THEIR REVIEW RELATED TO POTENTIAL IMPACTS ARE FULLY ADDRESSED. c. NO IMPACT THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN WETLANDS; NO IMPACT. d. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF FISH AND GAME AND U.S. FISH, WILDLIFE SERVICE, AND AGENCIES · HAVING JURISDICTION TO VERIFY THAT ANY POTENTIAL WILDLIFE CORRIDORS ARE NOT SUBSTANTIALLY IMPACTED WITHOUT MITIGATION .. '' .... ., e. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED APPLICANT SHALL INCORPOAATE RECOMMENDATIONS OF TREE REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 20, 2007, PREPARED BY SUSAN E. MCEOWEN, TO REDUCE IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL. f. NO IMPACT NO IMPACTS TO ANY INDICATED PLANS ARE ANTICIPATED. IVf V. CULTURAL RESOURCES a. NO IMPACT ENV-2007-1523-JviND NO IMPACTS TO HISTORIC RESOURCES ARE ANTICIPATED. Page 19 of25 Mitigation Measures Explanation Impact? b. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT THE APPLICANT SHALL ABIDE BY CURRENT LAW IF ARCHAELOGICAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. c. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT THE APPLICANT SHALL ABIDE BY CURRENT LAW IF PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCE;S ARE DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. d. NO IMPACT NO HUMAN REMAINS ARE ANTICIPATED TO EXIST AT THE SITE. VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS a. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED THE SITE IS LOCATED IN AN ALQUIST-PRIOLO ZONE; REFERENCED MITIGATION MEASURES SHALL APPLY TO REDUCE IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL Vlaii b. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED THE SUBJECT SITE IS WITHIJ'J A FAULT ZONE; THE REFERENCED MITIGATION MEASURES SHALL APPLY TO REDUCE POTI:NITAL IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL .. Vlaii c. NO IMPACT THE SUBJECT SITE IS NOT LOCATED IN A LIQUEFACTION ZONE; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. d. NO IMPACT THE SUBJECT SITE IS NOT WITHIN A LANDSLIDE AREA; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. e. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED SUBJECT SITE IS WITHIN HILLSIDE GRADING ZONI: AND APF'LICANT PROPOSES GRADING 2700 CUBIC YARDS OF DIRT AND IMPORTING 950 CUBIC.YARDS OF DIRT; THE REFERERENCED MITIGATION MEASURES SHALL APPLY TO REDUCE IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL f. NO IMPACT THE SUBJECT SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A LANDSLIDE AREA; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. g. NO IMPACT THE SUBJECT SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN EXPANSIVE SOILS; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. h. NO IMPACT VI b2, VIe NO SEPTIC TANKS ARE PROPOSED, THEREFORE, NO IMPACTS. VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS a. NO IMPACT ENV-2007 -1523-MND NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE PROPOSED FOR ROUTINE TRANSPORT, USE, OR DISPOSAL AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. Page 20 of25 ( Impact? I Explanation b. NO IMPACT NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED CONCERNING THREATS FROM POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SITE;. c. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF A SCHOOL; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. d. NO IMPACT THE SITE IS NOT LOCATED ON THE LIST OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SITE;S; NO IMPACT. e. NO IMPACT THE SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN AN AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN, THEREFORE, NO IMPACTS. f. NO IMPACT THE SITE IS NOT LOCATED NEAR A PRIVATE AIRST~IP, THEREFORE, NO IMPACTS. g. NO IMPACT THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS PERMITTED IN THE ZONE AND DOES NOT SEEM TO IMPAIR IMPLEME;NTATION OF OR INTERFERE WITH AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE OR EVACUATION PLAN; NO IMPACT WOULD RESULT. h. NO IMPACT THE SUBJECT SITE IS NOT WITHIN A HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. Mitigation Measures VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY a. NO IMPACT THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PROJECT IS NOT ANTICIPATED TO VIOLATE ANY WATER QUALITY OR WATER DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS. b. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT SHOULD NOT DEPLETE GROUNDWATER SUPPLIES OR INTERFERE WITH GROUNDWATER RECHARGE; THE PROJECT WILL CONTINUE TO BE SUPPLIED WITH WATER BY LA DWP. c. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT THE ~ESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WILL ADD IMPERVIOUS SURFACES IN A HILLSIDE GRADING AREA, THOUGH THE INCREASE WILL NOT BE SIGNIFrCANT; ADDITIONALLY, IMPLEMENTATION OF MITIGATION MEASURE VIII C1 WILL FURTHER REDUCE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF OFF-SITE RUNOFF. d. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WILL ADD IMPERVIOUS SURFACES IN A HILLSIDE GRADING AREA, THOUGH THE INCREASE WILL NOT BE SIGNIFICANT; ADDITIONALLY, IMPLEMENTATION OF MITIGATION MEASURE VIII C1 WILL FURTHER REDUCE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF ENV-2007-1523-MND Page21 of25 Impact?· Mitigation Measures Explanation OFF-SITE RUNOFF. e. NO IMPACT THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WILL ADD IMPERVIOUS SURFACES IN AN ENVIRONMENTALL SENSITIVE AREA. IMPLEMENTATION OF ABOVE-REFERENCED MITIGATION MEASURES WILL REDUCE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF' OFF-SITE RUN OFF. f. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED IN ORDER TO REDUCE POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO WATER QUALITY. RESULTING FROM THIS PROJECT, THE REFERENCED MITIGATION MEASURES SHALL BE IMPOSED TO LOWER IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL. g. NO IMPACT THE PROJECt IS NOT LOCATED IN A 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN; NO IMPACT. h. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED IN A FJ,.OOP PLAIN; NO' IMPACT. i. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED IN A DAM INUNDATION ZONE; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. j. NO IMPACT THE SUBJECT SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL ZONE. VIII c1 IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING a. NO IMPACT I THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PROJECT WILL NOT DIVIDE AN ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY; NO IMPACT. b. NO IMPACT THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL CREATE .SIX NEW SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOW RESIDENTIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION AND THE LAMC; NO IMPACTS WILL RESULT. c. NO IMPACT NO CONFLICTS WITH REFERENCED PLANS ARE ANTICIPATED. X. MINERAL RESOURCES a. NO IMPACt NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED, AS THE SITE IS NOT LOCATED IN A KNOWN AREA OF MINERAL RESOURCES. b. NO IMPACT NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED, AS THE SITE .IS. NOT LOCATED IN A KNOWN AREA OF MINERAL RESOURCES. XI. NOISE . ENV-2007-1523-JviND Page 22 of25 ,, ( \': ( '···· Mitigation Measures .Impact? a. NO IMPACT CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT WILL BE TYPICAL OF ADJACENT SINGLE-FAMILY STRUCTURES IN THE VICINITY AND IS NOT ANTICIPATED TO RESULT IN EXCESSIVE NOISE LEVELS; NO IMPACT. b. NO IMPACT CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT WILL BE TYPICAL OF SINGLE-FAMILY STRUCTURES IN THE VICINITY; EXCESSIVE GROUNDBORNE VIBRATIONS OR NOISE LEVELS ARE NOT ANTICIPATED. c.. NO IMPACT PERMANENT SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS IN AMBIENT NOISE LEVELS TO THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIEs ARE NOT ANTIQIPATED. d. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED OBSERVATION OF MITIGATION MEASURE VI 82 WILL REDUCE ANY POTENTIAL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFIANT LEVEL e. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN AN AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN, THEREFORE,NOIMPACTSARE ANTICIPATED. f. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED NEAR A PRIVATE AIRSTRIP, THEREFORE, NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. REFER TO MITIGATION MEASURE VI 82. XII. POPULATION AND HOUSING a. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT PROPOSES THE CREATION OF SIX·SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. b. NO IMPACT THE PR.OJECT PROPOSES THE CREATION OF SIX SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED, NO, IMPACT NO PEOPLE WILL BE DISPLACED. c. XIII~ a. b. PUBLIC SERVICES · POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATION INCORPORATED THE L.A. FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL REVIEW THE PROJECT AND II'!/IPOSE ANY NECESSARY MITIGATION MEASURES TO ENSURE ADEQUATE FIRE PROTECTION AND REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT IMPACTS TO PUBLIC SAFETY AND POLICE RESPONSE ARE CONSIDERED LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT. ENV-2007-1523-MND I XIII a ' Page23 of25 Impact? c. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT .. d. NO IMPACT e. NO IMPACT ' Explanation Mitigation Measures THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SIX SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS AT THIS SITE WILL PLACE CREATE THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON EXISTING SCHOOLS IN THE AREA. MATTERS RELATED TO AN INCREASE IN THE USE OF PARKS IS CONSIDERED NO IMPACT. NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED IN MATTERS RELATING TO THIS CATEGORY. XIV. RECREATION a. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MlTIGATION INCORPORATED MATIERS RELATED TO AN INCREASE XIV a IN THE USE OF_PARKS IS CONSIDERED NO IMPACT. b. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT WILL NOT RESULT IN. THE CONSTRUCTION OR EXf?ANSiON OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. XV. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION a. NO IMPACT IMPACTS RELATED TO AN INCREASE IN TRAFFIC ARE CONSIDERED NO IMPACT. b. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT WILL NOT SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE THE LEVEL OF SERVICE ON THE SURROUNDING STREETS. c. NO IMPACT NO CHANGE IN AIR TRAFFIC PATTERNS WILL RESULT. d. NO IMPACT THE .PROJECT DOES NOT REACH A THRESHOLD THAT WOULD REQUIRE REVIEW BY LADOT; NO IMPACTS ARE ANTICIPATED. e. NO IMPACT POTENTIAL IMPACTS RELATED TO EMERGENCY SERVICE ARE CONSIDERED LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT.. f. NO IMPACT PARKING CAPACITY WILL NOT BE IMPACTED. g. NO IMPACT ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORATION POLICIES, PLANS, AND PROGRAMS WILL NOT BE IMPACTED. .. XVI. UTILITIES a. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT"IMPACT ENV-2007-1523-Iv.lND LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT BASED UPON THE ESTIMATED OUTPUT OF GALLONS OF WASTEWATER PER DAY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES' CURRENT CAPACITY. Page 24 of25 (' .( I• Mitigation Measures I ~planation Impact? b. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT BASED UPON THE ESTIMATED OUTPUT OF THE PROPOSED SITE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES' CURRENT CAPACITY. c. NO IMPACT THE PROJECT WILL NOT REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION OF EXISTING STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES, THEREFORE, NO IMPACT. d. LES$ THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT BASED UPON THE ESTIMATED OUTPUT OF THE PROPOSED SITE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES' CURRENT CAPACITY. e. NO IMPACT THE ESTIMATED OUTPUT OF THE PROPOSED SITE \lvJLL NOT BE SUBSTANTIAL TO IMPACT THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES' CURRENT CAPACITY. f. NO IMPACT NO IMPACTS RELATED TO SOLID WASTE; AS THE PROJECT .PROPOSES SIX SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES, RECYCLING AUTOMATICALLY APPLIES. g. NO IMPACT NO IMPACTS RELATED TO SOLID WASTE ARE ANTICIPATED. .. XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT b. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT c. LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ·ENV-2007-1523-MND THIS PROJECT DOES NOT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO DEGRADE THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE THE HABITAT OF FISH OR WILDLIFE SPECIES, OR THREATEN TO ELIMINATE A PLANT OR ANIMAL COMMUNITY WITH APPLICAIION OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED . IYI!TIGATION MEA::>l!.RJ;S. THE CUMULATiVE IMPACTS ASSOCIATEO WITH THE PR.OPOSED PROJECT WILL RESULT IN A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT WITH THE INCORPORATION OF THE ATTACHED MITIGATION MEASURES. ,. AFTER IMPLEMENTATIION OF MITIGATION MEASURES, THE PROPOSED PROJECT DOES NOT HAVE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS TO HUMAN BEINGS. Page25 of25