IN THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA THE FLORIDA BAR, Supreme Court Case No. SC- Complainant, The Florida Bar File No. 2011-11,146 (13F) 2011-11,150 (13F) v. DENNIS HERNANDEZ, Respondent. ___________________________/ COMPLAINT The Florida Bar, complainant, files this Complaint against Dennis Hernandez, respondent, pursuant to the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar and alleges: General Allegations 1. Respondent is, and at all times mentioned in the complaint was, a member of The Florida Bar, admitted on January 8, 1992, and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Florida. 2. Respondent resided and practiced law in Hillsborough County, Florida, at all times material and relevant hereto. 3. At all times material and relevant hereto, Respondent was the principal of Dennis Hernandez, P.A. 4. From approximately 2000 to 2010, David G. Eaton and Matthew D. Powell practiced law together as Eaton & Powell. 5. From approximately 2004 to 2005, David Tirella was employed as an associate attorney by Eaton & Powell, but then left the firm. 6. In 2009, Tirella came back to Eaton & Powell as a partner and the firm was known as Eaton Powell & Tirella. Subsequently Powell left and the firm became known as Eaton and Tirella. 7. In or about 2004, Respondent entered into an agreement with Eaton & Powell to refer cases to Eaton & Powell in exchange for referral fees. 8. Eaton & Powell reviewed a number of cases referred by Respondent and declined to take 10 cases. 9. From July 13, 2009 to October 11, 2009, R was suspended from the practice of law. 10. In or about December 2009, Respondent sought referral fees from Eaton & Powell for referring clients to them. 11. Tirella provided documents to Respondent’s counsel that showed Eaton & Powell declined ten (10) cases and thus no fees were generated on those cases. 12. On or about December 30, 2010, Respondent filed a civil suit against Eaton, Powell, Tirella (individually as well as their various business entities) and 2 eighteen former clients in the circuit court of Hillsborough County, case no. 10CA-024425. A copy of the suit is attached as Exhibit A. 13. In the complaint, Respondent alleged that all named defendants were directly and personally involved in numerous breaches of contracts against Dennis Hernandez & Associates. 14. Respondent further alleged that all named defendants failed to pay referral fees to Respondent pursuant to the agreement with Eaton & Powell. 15. Respondent failed to attach any supporting documents to his complaint for breach of contract. 16. None of the former client/defendants personally entered into a referral fee agreement with Respondent or Dennis Hernandez & Associates. 17. Respondent did not have a good faith basis to allege that the former clients breached any referral fee agreement. 18. Respondent named as defendants clients who had no liability or involvement in his dispute with Eaton & Powell. 19. Respondent named the clients for no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden third parties. 20. By filing a complaint containing allegations that Respondent knew were not true, Respondent engaged in conduct contrary to honesty and justice. 3 21. Respondent intentionally failed to obtain summonses for each client/defendant and failed to obtain service of process on them. 22. Respondent exposed the eighteen client/defendants to potential legal and financial problems by suing them and failing to give them notice of same. 23. On or about May 24, 2011, after the initiation of the Bar’s inquiry/complaints, Respondent voluntarily dismissed his complaint as to all the defendants. A copy of the notice of dismissal is attached as Exhibit B. 24. Respondent served Eaton, Powell, and Tirella with a copy of the dismissal notice, but failed to provide copies to the client/defendants. Count I Inquiry/Complaint of David Tirella TFB No. 2011-11,146(13F) 25. Paragraphs 1 through 24 are re-alleged as if set forth herein. 26. David Tirella never signed any fee contracts with Respondent. 27. Tirella was not a partner with Eaton & Powell during the time in question. 28. Tirella was not employed by Eaton & Powell during the years 2006- 29. Respondent did not have a good faith basis to allege that Tirella 2007. breached any referral fee agreement. 4 30. Respondent initiated a frivolous proceeding with no basis in law and fact to do so. 31. By filing a complaint containing allegations that Respondent knew were not true, Respondent engaged in conduct contrary to honesty and justice. 32. On April 11, 2013, the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee “F” found probable cause to file this complaint pursuant to Rule 3-7.4, of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, and this complaint has been approved by the presiding member of that committee. 33. By reason of the foregoing, respondent has violated the following Rules Regulating The Florida Bar: Rule 3-4.3 (Misconduct and Minor Misconduct); Rule 4-3.1 (Meritorious Claims and Contentions); Rule 4-4.4 (Respect for Rights of Third Persons); and Rule 4-8.4(c) (A lawyer shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation). Count II Inquiry/Complaint of David G. Eaton 2011-11,150 (13F) 34. Paragraphs 1 through 24 are re-alleged as if set forth herein. 35. David G. Eaton never personally contracted with Respondent or Dennis Hernandez & Associates. 36. Respondent did not have a good faith basis to allege that Eaton personally breached any referral fee agreement. 5 37. Respondent initiated a frivolous proceeding against Eaton with no basis in law and fact for doing so. 38. By filing a complaint containing allegations that Respondent knew were not true, Respondent engaged in conduct contrary to honesty and justice. 39. On April 11, 2013, the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee “F” found probable cause to file this complaint pursuant to Rule 3-7.4, of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, and this complaint has been approved by the presiding member of that committee. 40. By reason of the foregoing, respondent has violated the following Rules Regulating The Florida Bar: Rule 3-4.3 (Misconduct and Minor Misconduct); Rule 4-3.1 (Meritorious Claims and Contentions); Rule 4-4.4 (Respect for Rights of Third Persons); and Rule 4-8.4(c) (A lawyer shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation). WHEREFORE, The Florida Bar prays respondent will be appropriately disciplined in accordance with the provisions of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar as amended. Jodi Anderson Thompson, Bar Counsel The Florida Bar Tampa Branch Office 4200 George J. Bean Parkway, Suite 2580 6 Tampa, Florida 33607-1496 (813) 875-9821 Florida Bar No. 930180 KENNETH LAWRENCE MARVIN Staff Counsel The Florida Bar 651 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300 (850) 561-5600 Florida Bar No. 200999 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that this document has been E-filed with The Honorable Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida, using the E-Filing Portal and that a copy has been furnished by United States Mail via certified mail No. 7003 1680 0002 4614 1126, return receipt requested to Dennis Hernandez,Respondent, whose record bar address is 3339 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33609-2903, and via electronic mail to; with a copy by electronic mail to Jodi Anderson Thompson, Bar Counsel,at, on this 4th day of October, 2013. KENNETH LAWRENCE MARVIN Staff Counsel 7 NOTICE OF TRIAL COUNSEL AND DESIGNATION OF PRIMARY EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the trial counsel in this matter is Jodi Anderson Thompson, Bar Counsel, whose address, telephone number and primary email address are The Florida Bar, Tampa Branch Office, 4200 George J. Bean Parkway, Suite 2580, Tampa, Florida 33607-1496, (813) 875-9821 and Respondent need not address pleadings, correspondence, etc. in this matter to anyone other than trial counsel and to Staff Counsel, The Florida Bar, 651 East Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300, 8 MANDATORY ANSWER NOTICE RULE 3-7.6(h)(2), RULES OF DISCIPLINE, EFFECTIVE MAY 20, 2004, PROVIDES THAT A RESPONDENT SHALL ANSWER A COMPLAINT. 9 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION DENNIS HERNANDEZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A., a Florida Profit Corporation, Plaintiff, li/2c;­ CASENO.: { (.)·OZ'/ v. DIVISION: EATON & POWELL f/k./a EATON, POWELL &TIRELLA n/k/a EATON & TIRELLA, P.A., a Florida Profit Corporation; DGELAW, P.A., a Florida Corporation; DAVID G. EATON, an individual; DAVID TIRELLA, P.A., a Florida Profit cdrporation; DAVID T. TIRELLA, an individual; MATTHEW D. POWELL, P.A., a Florida Profit Corporation; MATTHEW D. POWELL, an individual; LOUIS ALTADONA, an individual, GEORGE BAER, an individual, PAULA BLACKST9NE, individually and as personal representative of the estate of RACHEL CORIN BLACKSTONE, JAMES BLACKSTONE, an individual, DEWEY DUNCAN, an individual, GAETANO PIRO, an individual, SHARON HARRELL, an individual, HEIDI HAGGAG, an individual, MYRNA MORRISSEY, an individual, ROBERT ROGERS, SR., an individual, MARIA BOISVERT, an individual, RENEE TISA, an individual, JOYCE WATERMAN, an individual, MARY FARLEY, an individual, JOHN FARLEY, an individual, MARIE MOBLEY, an individual, CARLEEN KENDRICKS, an individual, and ALCEA KENDRICKS, an individual, Defendants, SUMMONS YOU ARE' HEREBY COMMANDED t-o serve this summons and a copy of the complaint in the above-styled cause upon the defendant: DGELAW, P.A. By serving its Registered Agent: DAVID G. EATON 202 S. MOODY AVE. Tampa, FL 33609 Each defendant is hereby required to serve written defenses to said complaint on plaintiffs attorney, whose name and address is: Dennis Hernandez, Esq. Dennis Hernandez & Assoeiates, P.A. 3339 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33609 within 20 days after the service of this summons upon that defendant, exclusive of the day of service, and to file the original of said written defenses with the clerk of said court either before service on plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter. If a defendant fans to do so, a default will be entered against that defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint. APR 1 8 20"II WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court o n - - - - - - Clerk of the Circuit Court ,at. r. Dittz' J By: As Deputy Clerk TFB Exhibit A IMPORTANT A lawsuit has been filed against you. You have 20 calendar days after this summons is served on you to file a written response tO the attached complaint with the clerk of this court. A phone call will not protect you. Your written response, ins;luding the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the court to hear your side of the case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money, and property may thereafter be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in phone book). If you choose to file a written response yourself: at the same time you file your written response to the court you must also mail or take a copy of your written response to the Attorney named below. IMPORTANTE Usted ha sido demandado legalmente. Tiene 20 dias, contados a partir del recibo de esta notificacion, para contestar Ia demanda adjunta, por escrito, y presentarla ante este tribunal. Una Hamada telefonica no lo protegera. Si usted desea que el tribunal considere su defensa. debe presentar su respuesta por escrito, incluyendo el numero del caso y los nombres de las partes interesadas. Si usted no contesta Ia demanda a tiempo, pudiese perder el caso y podria ser-despojado de sus ingresos y porpiedades, o privado de sus derecbos, sin previo aviso del tribunal. Existen otros requisitos legales. Si lo desea. puede usted consultar a un abogado immediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede Hamar a una de las oficinas de asistencia legal que aparencen en Ia guia telcfonica. Si desea responder a Ia demanda por su cuenta, a1 mismo tiempo en que presenta su respucsta ante el tribunal, debera usted enviar por correo o entregar una copia de su respuesta a Ia persona denominada abajo como "Plaintifii'Plaintiffs Attorney" (Demandante o Abogado del Demandante). IMPORTANT Des poursuites judiciares ont ete entreprises contre vous. Vous avez 20 jours consecutifs a partir de Ia date de !'assignation de cette citation pour deposer une reponse ecrite a Ia plainte ci·jointe aupres de ce_tn'bunal. Un simple coup de telephone est insuffisant pour vous proteger. Vous etes obliges de deposer vOtre reponse ccrite, avec mention du numero de dossier ci-dessus et du nom des parties nommees ici, si vous souhaitez que le tribunal entende votre cause. Si vous ne deposez pas votre reponse ecrite dans Ie relai requis, vous risquez de perdre Ia cause ainsi que votre salaire, votre argent, et vos biens peuvent etre saisis par law suite, sans aucun preavis ulterieur du tribunal. n y a d'autres obligations juridiques et vous pouvez requerir les services immediats d'un avocat. Si vous ne connaissez pas d'avocat, vous pourriez telephoner a un service de reference d'avocats ou a un bureau d'assistance juridique (figurant a l~uaire de telephones). Si vous choisissez de deposer vous-meme une reponse ecrite, iJ vous faudra egalement, en meme temps que cette formalite, faire parvenir ou expedier une copie de. votre reponse ecrite au "Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney" (Piaignant ou a son avocat) nomme ci-dessous. Dennis Hernandez, Esquire Florida Bar No. 915210 DENNIS HERNANDEZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A3339"West Kennedy Blvd. Tampa. FL 33609 (813) 250-QOOO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDtCAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA . CIVIL DIVISION 10 024425 DENNIS HERNANDEZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A, a Florida Profit Corporation, Plaintiff, v. CASE NO.: DIVISION D DIVISION: EATON & POWELL f/kla EATON, POWELL & TIRELLA n/kla-EA-TON & TIRELLA, P.A., a Florida Profit Corporation; DGELAW, P.A., a Florida Corporation; DAVID G. EATON, an individual; DAVID TIRELLA, P.A., RECE\VEO a Florida Profit Corporation; DAVID T. T\RELLA, an individual; MATTHEW D. POWELL, P.A., DEC 3 0 2010 a Florida Ptoflt Corporation; MATTHEW D. POWELL, an individual; ;_ouJS ALTADONA, an individual, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT GEORGE BAER, an-individual, PAULA BLACKSTONE, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fl individually and as-personal representative of the estate of RACHEL COR1N BLAC-KSTONE, JAMES BLACKSl=ONE, -an individual, DEWEY DUNCAN, dn individual, GAETANO PIRO, an individual, SHARON HARRELL, an individual, HEIDI HAGGAG, an individual, MYRNA MORRISSEY, an individual, ROBERT ROGERS, SR., an individual, MARIA BOISVERT, an individual, RENEE TISA~ an Individual, JOYCE WATERMAN, an individual, MARY FARLEY" an individual, JOHN FARLEY an individual, MARIE MOBLEY~ an individual, CARLEEN KENDRICK&, an individual, and ALCEA KENDRICKS, c~n individual, Defendants, ------------------------~' COMPD\INIFOR BREACH OF-cONTRACT Plaintiff, DENNIS HERNANDEZ & ASSOCIATES, PA f'DH&A"), sues defenQants, EATON & POWELL f/k/a EATON, POWELL & TIRELLA n/k/a &.TON & TIRELLA, P.A., a Florida Profit Corporation; DGELAW, P.A., a Florida Corporation; DAVID G. EATON, an individual; DAVID TIRELLA, P.A., a Florida Profit Corporation; DAVID T. TIRELLA, an individual; MATTHEW D. POWELL, '~ P.A., a 1 Florida Profit Corporation; MATIHEW D. POWELL, an individual; (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Lawyer Defendants"); LOUIS ALTADONA ("Aitadona"); GEORGE BAER ("Baer"); PAULA BLACKSTONE, individually and as personal representative of the estate of Rachel Corin Blackstone ("P. Blackstone"); JAMES BLACKSTONE ("J. Blackstone"); DEW-EY DUNCAN ("Duncan"); GAETANO PIRO ("Piro"); SHARON HARRELL ("Harrell"); HEIDI HAGGAG ("Haggag"); MYRNA MORRISSEY ("Morrissey"); ROBERT ROGERS, SR. ("Rogers"); MARJE BOISVERT {"Boisvert"); RENEE TJSA ("Tisa"); JOYGE WATERMAN ("Waterman"); MARY FARLEY ("M. Farley"); JOHN FARLEY ("J. Farley"); MARIE MOBLEY ("Mobley"); CARLEEN KENDRICKS ("C. Kendric~s"); and ALCEA KENDRICKS (~A. Kendricks"); (Aitadona, Baer, P. ·~ i Blackstone, J. Blackstone, Duncan, Piro, Harrell, Haggag, Morrissey, Rogers, Thompson, Boisvert, Waterman, M. Farley,..J. Farley, Mobley, C. Kendricks and A. Kendricks are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Client Defendants"), and alleges: 1. This is an action for damages in-excess of fifteen thousand dollars­ {$15,000.00) exclusive of costs and fees. 2. At all times relevant, DH&A maintained a place of business at 3339 West Kennedy Boulevard., Tampa,-Fiorida, 33609. 3. David G. Eaton, David T. Tirella, and Matthew D. Powell (Lawyer Defendants) and each of the Client Defendants are individuals who reside in Florida. 4. EATON & TIRELLA, P.A.; DGELAW, P.A.; DAVID TIRELLA, P.A.; and MA,TTHEW D. POWELL, P.A. are Florida Profit Corporations doing business in Florida. 5. All conditions precedent to bringing this~action have been performed, waived or otherwise satisfied. 6. On various dates, DH&A, the Lawyer Defendants, and each of the Client Defendants entered into contingency fee contracts for r:epresentation. DH&A is in possession of originals-and/or true and correct co.pjes of each of the contracts, but have not attached any of the contracts to this complaint as an exhibit due to the confidential nature of the contracts. Pursuant to appropriate order of Court, DH&A may file-the contracts with the Court under seal or with such other protections irt place to maintain the confidentiality of the contracts. 1. Each of the contracts constituted a legal, valid and binding contract that provided Dbi&A with certain rights anct Imposed certain obligations upon-the Lawyer Defendants, including but not limited to paying a percentage of each of the Client Defendants' tecovery to-DH&A. 8. Each of the contracts-constituted a legal, valid and binding contract that provided DH&A with certajn_dghts and imposed certain obligations upon the Lawyer Defendants and each of the Client Defendants, including but not limited to paying a percentage of each of the Client Defendants' recovery to DH&A. '' 10. The Lawyer Defendants breached each of the contracts in several manners, including but not limited to failing to pay a percentage of any of the Client Defendants' recoveries to DH&A. 11. The Lawyer Defendants breached each of the contracts In several manners, including but not limited to failing to pay a percentage of any of the Client Defendants' money recoveries to DH&A. 12. Each of the Client Defendants breached his/her/their respective contract in several manners, including but not limited to failing to pay a percentage-of each of the Client Defendants' respective recovery to DH&A. 12. DH&A has done all the things that DH&A-was required to do under each of the centracts, except those things that DH&A was excused from doing or which bave been waived. 13. DH&A has demanded accountings as to files of each of the Client Defendants and has demanded payment of the amounts owed to DH&A under each of the contracts. 14. The Lawyer Defendants' breaches have been the direct and proximate cause of damages·to-DH&A. 1,5; Each of the Client Defendants' breaches has been the direct and proximate cause of damages to DH&A. WHEREFORE,-Plaintiff, Dennis Hernandez & Associates, P.A., demands judgment jointly and severally against defendants EATON & POWELL f/kla EATON, POWELL & TIRELLA n/k/a EATON & TIRELLA, P.A.; DGELAW, P.A.; DAVID G. EATON; DAVID TIRELLA, P.A.; DAVID T. TIRELLA; MATTHEW D. .. POWELL, P.A.; MATTHEW D. POWELL; LOUIS ALTADONA; GEORGE BAER; PAULA BLACKSTONE; JAMES BLACKSTONE; DEWEY DUNCAN; GAETANO PIRO; SHARON HARRELL; HEIDI HAGGAG; MYRNA MORRISSEY; ROBERT ROGERS, SR.; MARIA BOISVERT; RENEE TISA; JOYCE WATERMAN; MARY FARLEY; JOHN FARLEY; MARIE MOBLEY; CARLEEN KENDRICKS; and ALCEA KENDRICKS for damages, together wlth interest, costs and other relief this Court deems just and proper~ Dated I 2./Joi 2.d t 0 --;41L Dennis Hernandez, Esquire Florida Bar No;: 915210 Dennis Hernandez & Associates, P .A. 3339 W. Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33609 Telephone: (813} 250-0000 Facsimile: (813) 258-4567 Attorneys for Plaintiff ~ EATON•TIRELLA Metl,;a/ Malprach~ 202 S. Moody Avenue Tampa, FL 33609 The Florida Bar Attorney/Consumer Assistance Program (ACAP) 651 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300 iu/1111/; J11 J/,j,},,/,J, 111/1 j, 1/Miur/ius/,i1 1i, j,; 111 /il