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Oladeji Oladeji and and Lee Lee Chow* Isaiah USA Orlando, Florida Florida32816, 32816, USA Central Florida, Florida,Orlando, of Physics, Physics, University University of Central Departmentof Department ABSTRACT ABSTRACT We report the optimization of grown by by chemical chemicalbath bath deposition deposition where wherehomogenous homogenousreactions reactionsare areminminof CdS thin film grown We report imized. The optimum optimum parameters parameters have have enabled enabled us us to to maximize maximizethe the thickness thicknessofofthe thedeposited depositedfilm filmininaasingle singledip dipand andtoto imized. The grow thicker films replenishing the the concentration of reactants reactants while the substrate remains remains continuously continuously concentration of while the films by periodically periodically replenishing improved optical CdS films films exhibit dipped in reveal the the deposited deposited CdS exhibit improved optical and and elecelecCharacterization results results reveal in the the reaction reaction bath. bath. Characterization trical properties. properties. trical Introduction Introduction known' to be an excellent excellent hetsulfide (CdS) (CdS) is known' Cadmium sulfide ero junction partner partner of of p-type p-type cadmium telluride telluride (CdTe) or (CdTe) or erojunction (CuInSe2 ) due copper indium indium diselenide diselenide (CuInSe2) p-type copper due essentially essentially window widely used used as as aa window to its high high electron electron affinity. affinity. It is widely material thin-film solar based on on solar cells cells based material in high-efficiency high-efficiency thin-film CdTe or CuInSe CuInSe2 owingtotoits itstransparency transparency and and photoconphotoconCdTe or 2 owing ductivity of CdS CdS properties. The The thickness thickness of ductivity among among other other properties. film required for for the the fabrication fabrication of of these these cells cells isis in in the the film required 4 range' of However,ininother otherapplications3 applications2' of 0.05 0.05 to 0.1 0.1 p.m. ,um. However, meters, cells, light meters, CdS, which include include photochemical photochemical cells, of CdS, well working thickness thickness is image intensifiers, image intensifiers, etc., etc., the the working is well above above 11 p.m. pm. The used methods methods for for depositing depositing CdS CdS thin The commonly commonly used '5 sputtering, spray spray pyrolyfilms are vacuum vacuum evaporation, evaporation, sputtering, films" are pyrolysis, The latter latter (CBD). The chemical bath bath deposition deposition (CBD). sis, and and chemical ' 6 method"6 low-cost and and a scaleable technique for for the scaleable technique method , isis aa low-cost CdS films. films. deposition of high quality CdS Although CBDisis ideally ideally suited suited for for the the fabrication fabrication of of Although CBD window material in thin-film solar cells, cells, it cannot cannot be be readreadrequiring thicker thicker highused for for other other applications applications requiring ily used highquality CdS films films is because, (i) (i) the thickness of CdS quality films. films. This This is 7 formed by CBD and 0.05 and to saturate"63 saturate"' between between 0.05 formed by CBD tends tends to 0.2 p.m,and and (ii) (ii)atatlonger longerreaction reaction time timethe the resulting resulting films, films, 0.2 Vtm, though have a duplex This structure structure duplex structure.7 structure.7 This though thicker, thicker, have consists of an inner is very very adherent adherent and and an an layer which which is consists of inner layer outer its visual visual less adherent adherent despite despite its outer layer layer which which is less appearance. These is a limlimbecause CBD CBD is These limitations exist exist because heterogeneous process. In addition, the heterogeneous ited source growth process. reaction (or atom-by-atom7 of the film film on on the the subatom-by-atom7 growth of reaction, which which the homogenous homogenous reaction, strate) competes competes with the strate) further depletes form CdS CdS colloids colloids in the depletes the the reactants reactants to to form bulk of reachomogenous reacof the the solution. solution. A A predominantly predominantly homogenous tion often reaction, and and the the heterogeneous reaction, often terminates terminates the heterogeneous by adsorption67 adsorption6 7' of then grows grows by film then of colloids, colloids, leading leading to to a porous overlayer. overlayer. porous Here, we we report optimization of of chemical chemical bathHere, report the the optimization deposited reaction is homogenous reaction CdS thin films films where where homogenous deposited CdS minimized and the thickness of film film deposited deposited in in aa single single minimized and thickness of dip maximized. For aa concentration concentration of of cadmium cadmiumsalt saltthat that maximized. For is good quality 0.5 0.5 p.m jim thick thick film was 0.005 M, M, a good is as low low as 0.005 obtained. It isis also these optimization optimization also shown, shown, using using these obtained. It deposited by results, that that thicker thicker CdS CdS film film can be deposited by periodperiodically replenishing replenishing the ically the reactants reactants while while keeping keeping the the subsubstrate continuously continuously dipped dipped in in the the reaction reaction bath, bath, or or by by the the multiple dips dips method. method. traditional multiple heated Review of the the CdS mechanism.-In aa heated CdS growth growth mechanism—In Review of ' 68 aqueous alkaline alkaline solution, CdS CdS is grown grown"6" ' by bythe thereaction reaction between cadmium salt salt (e.g., acetate or or (e.g., cadmium cadmium acetate between cadmium Cd(CH3COO),), thiourea(SC(NH,)2), (SC(NH,),),and andammonia ammoniawater water Cd(CH 3 COO) 2 ), thiourea (NH4OH), (NH4 OH), with withammonium ammoniumsalt salt (e.g., (e.g.,ammonium ammoniumacetate acetate or or NH4CH,COO) buffer.From Fromthe the cadmium cadmium side, side, the the NH 4 CHCOO) asasa abuffer. main equilibria involved involved inin the the formation formation of main chemical chemical equilibria either CdS are as as follows follows CdS films or colloids colloids are NH ++ OHOHNH '- NH3 NH3 + H,O H2 0O - [1] [1] Cd2 Cd 2+ + + 4NH, 4NH3, -÷ Cd(NH,)42 Cd(NH3)42 + [21 [2] however, promotes promotes the The presence presence of ammonium ammonium salt, however, The forward reaction in in Eq. Eq. 1. This then then reduces reducesthe the pH, pH, or or 1. This forward reaction OW in the reaction according to the concentration, in reaction bath according OH concentration, 6 relation relation6 pH = pK0 pKa + log ([NH3]0/[NHfl0) ([NH 3 ],/[NH4]o) Here, [NH3]0 [NH 3]0 and areare thetheinitial Here, and[NHI+]o [NHflO initialammonia ammoniawater waterand and ** Electrochemical Electrochemical Society Society Active Active Member. Member. ammonium salt concentrations, respectively,and andpKa P'a is ammonium salt concentrations, respectively, J. Electrocherri. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. Vol. 144, 144, No.7, No. 7, July July1997 1997The © The ElectrochemicalSociety, Society, Inc. Inc. J. Electrochemical 2+ reported6 to 25°C. As reported6 to be be 9.2 9.2 at at 25°C. Asaaresult, result, Cd Cd'' is is predomipredominantly in Eq. Eq. 22 to toform form cadmium cadmium tetraammine tetraammine nantly used up in complex ions especially if if NH3 NH3 concentration complex ions (Cd(NH, (Cd(NH,)), concentration 3 )+), especially 2+] sufficiently high. is sufficiently high. These Theseensure ensurethat thatthe theproduct productof of[Cd [Cd'] 9 [OH ] is is less less than thanthe thesolubility solubilityproduct9 product of and [OW] ofCd(OH), Cd(OH)2 (1.2 x 10 4) and prevent (1.2 prevent the equilibrium equilibrium reaction reaction i0') Cd' Cd 2+++2 2OW OH-°'+ Cd(OH)3 Cd(OH)2 (s) [3] (s) [3] place in the bulk of from taking place of the solution. solution. For CdS CdS colloid colloid formation formation we we have, have, in in addition addition to to Eq. Eq. 1 and 2 (NH,)CS + OHOH(NH,)CS - SW ++ OW SHOH SH SH- + H,O + H,CN, H2CN2 2 °- S S' + H,O H2O [4] [4] [5] [5] and Cd' Cd 2+ + + 52 S2 -+ CdS CdS (s) (s) [6] [61 Equation 6 6 takes takes place place if the the cadmium cadmium and sulfide sulfide ions ions Equation ionic product is is greater than than the the solubility solubility product9 product 9 of CdS ionic (7.1 x 10-28). (7.1 11128). Mechanisms of Mechanisms of CdS CdS film film growth growth on on substrates substrates have have been been by many many authors.57'1011 authors. 67' 01 , The explicit, howproposed by Themost most explicit, however, is of Ortega-Borges Ortega-Borges and Lincot, 6 which ever, is that that of and Lincot,6 which in in addiaddiEq. 11 and 2 is tion to Eq. is as follows follows (A) Reversible (A) Reversibleadsorption adsorption of of cadmium cadmium hydroxide hydroxide species species + Cd[NH Cd[NH,ff + 22 OHOH ++ site" 4NH, [7] site [Cd(OH)3]ath [Cd(OH)2]ad, ++4NH, [7] 3 ]2 + <- (B) Formation (B) Formation of of surface surface complex complex with with thiourea thiourea [Cd(OH),]4th SC(NH,), -* [Cd(OH)2]ads ++ SC(NH2)2 - [Cd(SC(NH2)2)(OH)2]a,, [Cd(SC(NH2)2)(OH)2]a, , [8] (C) Formation (C) Formation of of CdS CdSwith with site site regeneration regeneration [Cd(SC(NH,),)(OH),]4dS [Cd(SC(NH2))(OH)2]d,—* - CdS CdS + CN,H, CN2H 2 + 2H,O 2H20 + site [9] [9] is inferred from these equations that CdS It is these equations at CdS film grows grows at To ensure this, NH3 NH3 must a lower rate. To must be be present present in suffisufficient amount to to bind bind Cd Cd'2 inincadmium cient amount cadmium tetraammine tetraammine comcomions, but OHOH and and NH3 NH3 are both introduced introduced in the plex ions, are both solution the form form of solution in the Therefore,toto allow allow the the of NH4OH. NH 4 OH. Therefore, surface of slow process process at at the surface of the the substrates substrates descrihed by described by Eq. 77 through through 99 to to take take place place predominantly predominantly over over the Eq. (reactions 4 and 5) direct hydrolysis of of thiourea (reactions in the the bulk bulk 5) in of the reaction reaction bath, ammonium ammonium salt of salt must must be present to present to control OHcontrol OW concentration and stabilize stabilize the the tetraammine tetraammine concentration and complex ions. complex ions. Consequently, Consequently, CdS CdS colloid colloid formation formation isis minminimized, which imized, which is is the subject of our study. study. Experimental Experimental The choice choice of of deposition depositionparameters parameters has has been been guided guided by by kinetic studies studies carried carried out outby byother otherauthors.6'7'10" authors., 71 0" Each kinetic Each experimental solution solution contained contained 300 experimental 300 ml ml of of deionized deionized water. This was was prepared adding into This prepared by by adding into the beaker beaker containing containing the stirred 85°C, stirred deionized deionized water waterat at 85°C,Cd(CH,COO)2, Cd(CH 3 COO)2, NH4 CH3 COO, NH NH4CH,COO, NH4OH, andSC(NH SC(NH,), from 0.5, 0.5, 2,2, 14.8, 14.8,and and 4 OH, and 2), from 0.5 M M stock stock solutions, solutions, respectively, respectively, in order. The 0.5 in that that order. The cleaned glass or SnO2/glass SnO2 /glass substrates, cleaned substrates, held heldby by aa substrate substrate holder, were holder, were immersed immersedinin the the solution solution prior prior to to adding adding The substrate substratesize thiourea. The sizewas 3.9cm. cm.The Thesubstrate substrate was 3.9 3.9 >< X 3.9 cleaning steps steps were: were: (i) (i) washing Liquinox soap, soap, (ii) (ii) cleaning washing with Liquinox ultrasonic cleaning cleaning in Liquinox soap soap solution, (iii) washing ultrasonic washing in distilled water; water, (iv) (iv) soaking in in chromic chromic acid, acid, (v) (v) washing in in acetone, (vi) (vi) washing in washing in in methanol, methanol, (vii) (vii)ultrasonic ultrasonic cleancleaning in distilled distilled water, water, (viii) (viii) ultrasonic ing ultrasonic cleaning cleaning in in isoisopropanol, (ix) (ix) washing washing in deionized deionized water, water, (x) (x) ultrasonic ultrasonic propanol, cleaning in deionized deionized water, cleaning water, (xi) (xi) boiling boiling in in deionized deionizedwater water until used. The last six steps steps were were also also used used for for cleaning cleaning the the substrate holder; holder, the and the thermometer substrate the stirrer, stirrer; and thermometer after after 10% HC1 rinsing with 10% HC1 solution. solution. The The experiments experimentswere werecarcarin a hood. hood. The deposition deposition time ried out in time ranged ranged between 30 30 240 min. During the the deposition deposition the approximate and 240 mi During approximate startstarthomogeneous and ing times times of the homogeneous and heterogeneous heterogeneous reactions reactions observed. Homogeneous were observed. Homogeneousreaction reactionwas was marked marked by by a and opaque reaction bath. A turbid and A predominant predominant heterogeheterogeneous reaction neous reaction was was characterized characterized by byaa clear clear reaction reaction bath, bath, 2343 2343 while yellowish yellowish CdS while CdS film film formed formed on on the the substrate. substrate. After After each deposition, the coated substrate substrate was each deposition, the coated was ultrasonically ultrasonically cleaned boiling deionized deionized water and and dried. cleaned in boiling Before the Before the multiple multiple dip dip or or continuous continuous dip dip deposition, deposition, the the growth of CdS CdS films filmsusing using optimal optimal parameters parameters was was studied studied to find the saturation point of mulof the film thickness. thickness. For multiple dip deposition, deposition, the was taken off tiple the substrate was off the the reacreaction bath about the the saturation tion bath at about saturation point point and and the the process process was repeated using using the same same substrate. substrate. In the case of conconcase of tinuous dip dip deposition, deposition, reactants tinuous reactants were were replenished replenishedperiodperiodically at saturation point ically at about about the saturation point of the initial deposiof the deposicycle. Reactant tion cycle. Reactant concentrations in the concentrations in the replenishing replenishing solution were the same as those those in the initial cycle, same as cycle, except except that of of ammonium ammonium acetate which that changed. which was changed. Thickness, Thickness, optical optical transmission, transmission, composition, composition,and and dark dark conductivity of the deposited films films were determined. determined. The thickness was film thickness was measured measuredusing using an ana-step a-step profilometer. profilometet X-ray fluorescence fluorescence spectroscopy spectroscopy was X-ray was used used to determine determine compositions of the compositions of CdS CdS films. films. Optical Optical transmission transmission of of the the films was measured using a Perkin-Elmer TJV-visible films specUV-visible spectrophotometer. For dark conductivity measurement, ohmic trophotometer. contacts were were made made by evaporating evaporating two coplanar coplanar Tn/Ag In/Ag contacts electrodes onto electrodes onto the the surface surface of of aa CdS CdS film film deposited deposited on on glass. The 13 mm, mm, the bias glass. The contact contact separation was 13 bias voltage voltage 9.9 V, was 9.9 V, and andthe the current current was was measured measured using using aa Keithley Keithley 614 electrometer. 614 electrometer. Results and Discussion Discussion Optimization.-Figure 11 shows shows the the dependence dependence of of Optimization.—Figure grown CdS film grown film thickness on on [NH,] [NH 3] introduced as as NH4OH NH 4OH the reaction reaction bath in the bathwith with[Cd(CH,COO),] [Cd(CH3 COO)2] == 0.002 0.002 M, M, [NH4CH,COO] [NH 4 CH 3COO] = 0.04 M, M, and [SC(NH) 2] = 0.012 M. and [SC(NHj,] = 0.012 M. We We note that that[Cd(CH,COO),]:[SC(NH,),] [Cd(CH 3 COO)2]:[SC(NH2)2] = 1:6. The The thickness thickness peaks at about about 0.6 0.6 M M of peaks of ammonia. ammonia.ItIt isis relatively relativelythin thin atat ammonia concentration low ammonia concentration and and decreases decreasesrapidly rapidly at at highhigher ammonia ammonia concentrations. concentrations. the same same growth growth conditions, conditions, Fig. For the Fig. 22 shows showsthe the obobserved approximate homogeneous homogeneous and heterogeneous heterogeneous served approximate reaction starting starting times. times. At At low low [NH,], reaction [NH 3], the the homogeneous homogeneous reaction starts reaction starts shortly shortly after after thiourea thiourea isis introduced introduced to to the the reaction bath. This is because reaction there is insufficient insufficient NH NH,3 to because there 2+ Cd 2+ into into Cd(NH,)t bind Cd' Cd' together Cd(NH3)42+ .And And excess excess Cd together with with available S satisfy the available S'2- satisfy the conditions by Eq. Eq. 6. conditions described described by 6. Therefore, homogenous nucleation CdS colloids Therefore, the the homogenous nucleation of of CdS colloids in in the solution the solution dominates and the film dominates and film growth growth takes takes place place mainly by adsorption of of colloids. colloids. increase in [NH,], [NH 3 ], however; however, increases The increase increases the the approxiapproxihomogeneous reaction mate homogeneous reactionstarting starting time time and and allows allowsthe the heterogeneous reaction heterogeneous reactiontotobe beobserved observedfirst. first.At At[NH [NH,] 3] 0.6 M, 0.6 M,though, though,there thereisisaatime timedelay delayininthe thestarting startingof ofboth both reactions, the time difference difference isis about reactions, the time about 66 min mm and and appears appears to be to the be constant. constant. This This time time difference difference corresponds corresponds to the during which which heterogeneous heterogeneous reaction period during reaction isis predomipredomi- 0.25 0.25 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 i '0 4) 4) C 0~~~~ 0.20 0.20 C) '.0 F_ 015 0.15 L 0.00 0 0.0 I _I I ) 0.20 0.60 0.80 0.40 0.60 0.80 Ammonia Ammonia concentration (M) (M) 1.00 1.00 Fig. 1. 1. Influence Influence of ammonia concentration concentration on onCdS CdS film filmthickness. thickness. Fig. Growth conditions: Growth 0.002 M, conditions: T T ==85°C, 85°C,ECd(CH3COO)2] [Cd(CH 3COO) 2] == 0.002 M, [Cd(CH 3COO)2]:[SC(NHJ)2] == 1:6, [Cd(CH3COO)2]:ISC(NHj2] 1:6, [NH4CH [NH4CII3COO] M, time time ofof 3COO] == 0.04 hI, deposition 30 30 mm. min. J. Electrochem. Electrochem. Soc., Soc., Vol. Vol. 144, J. Electrochemical 144, No. No.7, 7, July July1997 1997The © The ElectrochemicalSociety, Society,Inc. Inc. 2344 15 15 adsorption of of colloids. colloids. In region region II, however, the partly by adsorption II, however, the is low, low, but very very minimum minimum homogeneous homogeneous reacgrowth rate is reaction takes place. may imply imply that that CdS CdS films grow prepreplace. This This may films grow dominantly in this region region by by heterogeneous heterogeneous reaction. dominantly reaction. In In addition, growth rate rate isis due due to to reduced reducedthiourea thiourea addition, this lower lower growth concentration. These concentration. Theseresults resultscorroborate corroboratethe thefact fact that that atom-by-atom is favored favored by by slow slowgrowth growthrate rate and and atom-by-atom growth growth is colloid by fast fast growth growth rate. rate. colloid formation formation by The regionisisofof interest interestinin this this work. work. For For our our The second second region study, the selected ratio of cadmium acetate to to thiourea study, the selected ratio cadmium acetate thiourea that minimizes minimizes the homogeneous homogeneous reaction reaction throughout throughout the the deposition period is 0.5. 0.5. deposition C E4) 'U (a) 10 .2 C 1 C C C U U 55 I4) 0. C. 0. C. 0 n ____________________________________________ _ 0.0 0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Ammonia concentration (M) 1.00 1.00 Fig. 2. 2. Effect Effect of of ammonia ammonia concentration concentration on the approximate reacreacFig. tion starting start ingtime: time:(a) (a)homogenous homogenous reaction reaction and and(b) (b)heterogeneous heterogeneous tion reaction. reaction. Growth conditions conditions same same as in inFig. Fig. 1. 1. place. This means 0.6 M M is t; aking place. means that that [NH [NH3] is sufsufnantly taking 3 ] > 0.6 2t ficient ficient to tto bind bind Cd2 Cd into intocomplex complex ions ions needed needed for slow slow growth described described by Eq. Eq. 77toto9.9.However, However, excess excess NH3 NH 3 growth complex ions reduces the the growth growth overstaydilizes the overstabilizes the complex ions and and reduces Thiis explains why why the film thickness rate. This thickness decreases decreases rapidrapid[NH3 ] = = 0.6 0.6 M. Therefore, under growth ly beyond beyorid [NH3] M. Therefore, under this growth ly 0.6 M M ammonia condition, ammonia has has been been chosen chosen as as the the concenconcenconditio n, 0.6 that stops stops ororminimizes minimizes the theearly earlyhomogeneous homogeneous tration that reaction reaction. the homogenous homogenous reaction reaction eventually On On the thee other hand, the eventually is sufficient sufficient NH3, NH3 , and thus more more observedI when observed when there there is and thus may be due to to excess excess sulfide sulfide ions. ions. The The hydroxide ions, may be due hydroxi le ions, are produced produced by by rapid rapid hydrolysis hydrolysis of excess S excess S22 are of thiourea, thiourea, as as 1, 4, 5. This shown in i nEq. 1, shown 4, and 5. This rapid rapid hydrolysis hydrolysis may may also also be be aided by b' y high concentration reaction aided concentration of of thiourea thiourea in in the2 reaction the ratio ratio of of concentrations concentrations of Cd ` to to S2 2 bath, since si nce the bath, of Cd2 1:6. It therefore important important to to find find precursors precurscors isis 1:6. It isis therefore homogethat minimizes minimizes the homoge[Cd(CH [C.d(CH3COO)2]/[SC(NH2)3] 3 COO)j2/[SC(NH 2 ) 3] that re action. neous reaction. shows the theinfluence influenceof [Cd(CH3COO)3]/ of [Cd(CH3 COO)2 ]/ Figure Figure 33 shows [SC(NH, )2] onon(a) [SC(NH2)2] (a)homogeneous, homogeneous,(b) (b) heterogeneous heterogeneous reacreactimes, and and (c) (c) film film thickness. thickness. Here, Here, concenconcenstaarting times, tions starting trations of of cadmium cadmium acetate, acetate, ammonium ammonium acetate, acetate, and and trations ammonia (NH4OH) (NH 4OH) are ammonia are fixed fixed at at 0.002, 0.002, 0.04, 0.04, and and 0.6 0.6 M, M, respectively. The respectively. The ratio ratio of of cadmium cadmium acetate acetate to to thiourea thiourea is by varying varying the thiourea thiourea concentration. concentration. This This figure varied by figure can be be divided into regions regions I and II. II. The The first corresponds corresponds to where the film is thick and where homogeneous to a region where homogeneous reaction is is present. present. The The thick film film obtained obtained here reaction here might might have been been partly partly deposited deposited by by atom-by-atom have atom-by-atom growth growth and and 45.0 II V - (b) -(b) I A (C) 0.60 0.3 0.3 .,E 0.3 Q 15.0 I4) n^ [I I1 Ca v c .9 .n 0.1 0.1 'I ,' "I • I . o E 0.40 'a 4 C a 0.30 0.30 C) 0.20 : _ _ 0.50 0.80 0.50 0.80 [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[SC(NH 2)2] [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[SC(NH2)2] n^ — 0.0 g$ uI 1.10 1.10 Fig. Influence ofof[Cd(CH3COO)21/[SC(NH2)2] [Cd(CH 3COO) 2]/[SC(NH2) 2] on Fig. 3. Influence onthe the approximate approximate reaction starting starting time: time:(a) (a)homogenous homogenous reaction, reaction,(b) (b)heterogeneous heterogeneous reaction reaction, reaction, and (c) (c)the the effect effect of ofthe the same same reactants reactants ratio ratio on onCdS CdS film film thickness. thickness. Growth Growth conditions: conditions: T T=85°C, 85°C,[Cd(CH3COO)2] [Cd(CH 3COO)2] == 0.002 M, M, 3 [NH4CH3COO] = 0.04 0.04M, M,[NH3] [NH ]==0.6 0.6M,M,time timeofofdeposition deposition45 45mm. min. [NH4CH3COOJ , / I, ., / ' I I ' 0 0 ,' 0j /0 0/ 0 O/ ./ / e(a) B/ I, . . /.."o 0.00 .', 0.00 00 ,,' /o / ! (b) (b) '' , 0.10 0.10 Al- -1 0.20 0.20 Growth of thicker films.-Maximum films—Maximum concentrations concentrations of of primary cadmium cadmium and sulfur precursors precursors reported by primary and sulfur reported by Ortega-Borges and Lincot 6 to CdS Ortega-Borges and Lincot6 to produce produce high-quality high-quality CdS films are times those films are about about six to ten times those used used in in this study study to pm film. deposit 0.5 p.m film.This Thismeans meansthat that there there is is room room to to grow grow micron-range micron-rangegood goodfilm filminin aa single single dip dip using using our our optiopti- 0.50 0.50 0.2 0.2 i: growth curves are are similar similar to to those thosereported reported by byother otherworkworkgrowth curves ers.6 Theyare are characterized characterizedby by an an incubation incubation or or nuclenucleers. 6 They ation region, and and aa saturation ation region, region, aa linear linear growth growth region, saturation region. The shorter shorter incubation period and and the slightly region. The incubation period slightly steeper linear growth region indicate indicate that that (b) (b) has has aa higher higher growth region growth observed that that (a) (a) and and (b) (b)satsatgrowth rate rate than than (a). (a). It It is is also also observed urate respectively. Since Since the the cadcadurate at at about about0.5 0.5 and and0.4 0.4 p.m, Ilm, respectively. mium and sulfide concentrations are are the the same, same, one one mium and sulfide source source concentrations would expect the the saturation saturation thickness thickness of of the the latter latter to to also would expect also be This did reacsome reacbe about about 0.5 0.5 p.m. Vxm. This did not not occur, occur, because because some tants tants were were lost lost to to colloid colloid formation formation as as expected. expected. Other Other authors612 reportedconcentrations concentrationsofof cadmium cadmium salt salt and authors 1'2 reported and thiourea higher than than those those used used here here to to obtain obtain film film thiourea much much higher thickness that saturates saturates at at about or less. thickness that about 0.2 0.2 p.m ptm or less. This This shows reaction shows that that minimization minimization of of the the homogeneous homogeneous reaction with encourwith the the deposition deposition conditions conditions stated stated previously previously encourages atom-by-atom growth thickness. ages atom-by-atom growth and and maximizes maximizes film film thickness. '(a) * (a) I A reactants reactants are are obtained obtained from from the the quoted quoted ratios. ratios. These These 0.4 0.4 IIII E _ 30.0 We mentioned rowth mechanism We mentioned in in the the CdS CdS growth mechanism review reviewsecsecconfirmed in investigations that tion and confirmed in our our investigations that growth growth rate rate decreases with increase increase in in ammonium acetate concentraconcentradecreases with ammonium acetate tion. Generally, tion. Generally, for for our ouroptimal optimalratios ratiosofof[Cd(CH3COO)3]/ [Cd(CH3 COO)2 ]/ [SC(NH2)2] with the [SC(NH 0.5, [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[NH3] [Cd(CH3 COO) 2]/[NH 3 ] = 0.0033, with 2)2] = 0.5, the growth growth rate rate is is reduced reduced and and bath temperature temperature at at 35°C, 85°C, the the homogeneous reaction remains remains minimum minimum ifif the the cadmicadmihomogeneous reaction the interval interval 00 <<x < 0.12. um-to-ammonium salts ratio lies in the x< 0.12. To buttress point, we consider To buttress this this point, consider the the growth growth curve curve in in 4. The The growth growth conditions conditions are: Fig. 4. are:(a) (a)[Cd(CH3COO)3] [Cd(CH 3COO)2] == 0.005 0.07 which 0.005 M, M, [Cd(CH3COO)21/[NH4CH3COO] [Cd(CH3 COO)2]/[NH 4 CH 3 COO] = 0.07 which lies lies in [Cd(CH3COO)2} = 0.005 in the the stated statedinterval; interval;(b)(b) [Cd(CH 3COO)2 = 0.005 M, [Cd(CH3COO)Z]/[NH4CH3COO] 0.13 which not lie lie in in [Cd(CH3 COO)2]/[NH 4 CH3 COO] == 0.13 which does does not the interval. deposition the interval. The The concentrations concentrations of of remaining remaining deposition . . 50 100 150 200 200 250 Time (mm) (min) Time Fig. 4. Growth curve curve of of CdS CdS films films grown grown by by CBD: CBD: (a) (a) Fig. 4. Growth [Cd(CH 3COO)2] == 0.005 0.005M, M,[Cd(CH3COO)21/(NH4CH3COOI [Cd(CH 3COO)2]/[NH 4CH3COO] = 0.07; 0.07; [Cd(CH3COO)2] = 0.005 (b) [Cd(CH 3COO) 2] = M, [Cd(CH 3COO) 2]/ [Cd(CH3COO)2] [Cd(CH3COO)2]/ [NH4CH3COO] = =0.13. 85°C, [NH4CH3COO] 0.13.Other Other growth growth conditions: conditions:T7 = 85°C, [Cd(CH [Cd(CH3COO) 2]/[NH 3 ] = 0.0033. 0.0033. [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[SC(NH)2] 0.5, [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[NH3) 3 COO)2]/[SC(NHJ)]== 0.5, 2345 2345 Electrochemical J. Electrochem. Soc., Soc., Vol. Vol. 144, 144, No. No. 7, 7, July July1997 1997The © The ElectrochemicalSociety, Society, Inc. Inc. Table I. I. Effect in the replenishing Table Effect of [Cd(CH3COO),]/[NH4CH3COO] [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[NH4CH3COO] in reactants on on the the percentage percentage thickness thickness yield yield per per cycle. cycle. reactants [Cd(CHCOO)]/ [NHCHCOO] [Cd(CH,COo),]/[NH4CH,COc'] Yield/Cycle Yield/Cycle 0.08 0.08 42% 42% 47% 47% 0.11 0.11 10.0 10.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 C 40 mization parameters. parameters. In this study, mization study, the growth growth of thicker film multiple dip and by continuous film is carried out out by multiple continuous dip. dip. reaction bath, the thickness thickness yield yield per subsesubseFor a given given reaction quent dip dip in in multiple dip deposition deposition is is found to range from 100 to to 120% 120% of of the the initial initial thickness. thickness. This This agrees agrees with with the 100 results obtained results obtained by other other authors.8 authors.8 The The difference difference here, here, nevertheless, plm thick nevertheless, isis that 11 p.m thick film film can can be achieved achieved in in dips. two dips. Though ammonium Though ammonium salt salt acts acts as as a buffer in the chemical chemical bath deposition deposition process, process, it holds the key to the successful successful Table II shows shows deposition of thicker film by continuous dip. Table the effect ratio in in the effect of of [Cd(CH,COO),] [Cd(CHCOO) 2 ] to [NH4CH,COO] [NHCHCOO] ratio replenishing reactants the percentage percentage thickness replenishing reactants on the thickness yield yield per cycle. The reference reference thickness thickness here here isisthat that of of the the initial initial cycle. The cycle. cycle. The yields shown shown are those those where where [Cd(CH,COO),]/ [Cd(CHCOO),]/ [NH4CH,COO] liesininthe theinterval interval00<<x seen in in [NHCHCOO] lies x c< 0.12. As seen the table, table, when the ratio is high growth rate rate is high there is a high and hence high yield per cycle. However,when whenthe theratio ratio isis cycle. However, outside reaction takes takes place, outside this interval, interval, homogeneous homogeneous reaction place, leading to the the growth growth of of aa porous porous overlayer. overlayer. Despite leading Despite the the fact that that this thisnew new method method isis limited limited by by low low yield owing to the constraint constraint placed placed on salt concentraon the the ammonium ammonium salt concentration, it isis the thicker the least least laborious laborious method method of growing growing thicker film. film. Characterization.-Figure 5 5shows optical Characterization.—Figure showsaa typical typical optical transmission transmission spectrum of our films. films. Generally, Generally, the optical transmission transmission of of CdS CdS film film depends depends on on the the thickness'3 thickness"3 because of the increase from the because of increase in diffuse diffuse scattering scattering from adsorbed colloids, especially when when the the film filmisisdeposited depositedinin colloids, especially the presence reaction. Film Film thickthickpresence of of heavy heavy homogeneous homogeneous reaction. ness investigated investigated ranged 0.05 to pIm. The ness ranged from 0.05 to 11 p.m. The optical optical transmission transmission of of these these films films below below the bandedge bandedge of CdS CdS film ranged 20 to ranged from from 60 60 to 100%. 100%. Nair et al.'4 al."4 reported reported 20 50% optical transmission for chemically depositdeposit50% optical for aa 0.5 0.5 p.m ptm chemically ed CdS whereasfor for the the same same or or higher higher film film CdS film film at 85°C, 85'C, whereas thickness thickness deposited deposited at at the the same we have same temperature, temperature, we have transmission that is is well well above recorded a transmission 60%. This Thissugsugabove 60%. gests gests that that minimization minimization of of the thehomogenous homogenous reaction reaction improves the transmission below below the improves the optical transmission the bandedge. bandedge. The vs. The plot of of the square square of of the absorption absorption coefficient coefficient vs. photon energy energy is is shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 6. Curves a,a, b,b, and and cc are are 6. Curves those of of films those films deposited deposited by by continuous continuous dip, dip, single singledip, dip,and and 100 100 a o 60 60 . a 40 3- 20 20 0n 300 300 400 500 500 400 600 700 800 Wavelength (nm) Wavelength 900 900 1000 1000 Fig. 5. 5. Typical Typical optical optical transmission transmission spectrum spectrum ofofaaCBD-grown CBD-grownCdS CdS thin film. 0.007 hI, film. Growth Growthconditions: conditions:TT= =85°C, 85°C,ECd(CH3COO)21 [Cd(CH 3COO) ]2 == 0.007 M, [NHCHCOO] = = 0.1 M, [Cd(CH,COO),]/[SC(NH2),] [Cd(CHCOOj2]/[SC(NH2)2] == 0.5, 0.5, [NH4CH,COO1 0.1 M, [Cd(CH 2COO)2/[NH3] == 0.0033. [Cd(CFI,COO)2)/(NH,1 0.0033. Film Film thickness thickness 0.6 0.6p.m. p.m. Fi9. ('4 0.0 0.0 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.60 hv (eV) (cv) Fig. 6. Plot Plot of absorption absorption coefficient coefficient squared squared vs. vs. photon photon energy: energy: Fig. (a) continuous (c)multiple dips. Growth Growth condicondi(a) continuous dip, dip, (b) single single dip, (c) tions: tions: (a) (a) and and (c) T = 85°C, [Cd(CH 3COO)] = 0.005 0.005 M, M, 85°C, [Cd(CH3COO)2] ICd(CH3COO),]/ENH4CH,COO] = [Cd(CH 3COO)2]/[NH4CH,COO] [Cd(CHCOO),1/ 0.07, [Cd(CH,COO),1/ ISC(NH2),] [SC(NH2 ] == 0.5, [CdCHCOO)2]/[NH fCd(CH,COO),]J[NH3] 0.0033; film filmthicknesses thicknesses 3] == 0.0033; 0.7 0.7 and and 1 1Ism, m,respectively; respectively; (b) (b)TT==85°C, 85°C,ICd(CH,COO)2] [Cd(CH 3COO)2] == 0.002 0.002 M, M,[NH4CH,COO1 [NH4CH3COO] == 0.04 0.04M,M,ICd(CH,COO)2]/[SC(NH2)2] [Cd(CHCOO)2]/[SC(NH2) 2] = 0.5, [Cd(CH,COO),/INH3] [Cd(CH3COO),/[NH3] ==0.0033; 0.0033;Film filmthickness thickness0.2 0.2I.Lm. I.m. 0.5, About the the characteristic characteristic enerenermultiple dips, respectively. respectively. About multiple CdS, they similar optical optical properties. properties. As As gy of CdS, they all all exhibit similar can be films have have 2.39 2.39 eV eVasas bandgap, bandgap, aa be seen, seen, deposited deposited films value value that agrees agrees with with the the 2.42 2.42 eV eV value"'6 value "5 6 generally generally accepted accepted for bulk CdS. CdS. From x-ray fluorescence fluorescence spectrum, spectrum, an approximate From an approximate of cadmium cadmium to sulfur of 1:1 ratio of 1:1 was was obtained. obtained. This Thisresult result 2 is in line with with that reported reported in the literature.'2 literature.' The dark The dark resistivities resistivities of of our films are our as-deposited as-deposited films are between and io reported in in the the literaliterabetween 10' 10' and 104fl-cm. fl-cm. Values Values reported '8 3 ture"3 to ture" 'for forCBD-grown CBD-grown CdS CdS film film are in the range of 10' 10 to 10 2 fl-cm 10" f-cm before before any any thermal thermal annealing. annealing. After After annealing, annealing, the dark resistivities typicallydrop droptotoabout about10-' 10' to 10' (1resistivities typically 103 Qf2 cm. high resistivity resistivity"" films has has cm. This This high "'"ofofthe theas—deposited as-deposited films been attributed attributed to the the chemisorbed 0, at at the the grain grain boundboundchemisorbed 02 aries. aries. Our Our results results show show that that by by minimizing minimizing the homogehomogeneous reaction, reaction, as-deposited CdS low resistivity CdS film with low obtainable. This could is obtainable. could mean mean that under under very very minimum minimum homogeneous reaction, homogeneous reaction, little little 0,2 0, chemisorption chemisorption takes takes place. place. Conclusion In chemical chemical bath bath deposition of CdS CdS films, films, ifif ratios ratios of of varvarious reactants reaction bath at ious reactants in the reaction at 85°C 85'C satisfy the conditions ditions [Cd(CH,COO),]/[SC(NH,),] [Cd(CHCOO),]/[SC(NH2)2] = 0.5, 0.5, [Cd(CH,C00),]/ [Cd(CHCOO)2]/ [NH,] = 0.0033, lies in in [NH3] = 0.0033, and [Cd(CH,CO0),]/[NIEI4CH,C0O] [Cd(CH3COO)2]/[NH4,CHCOO] lies < x c< 0.12, the interval 00 <x 0.12, the the homogeneous homogeneous reaction reaction isis minminimized, the deposited film improved, and imized, the quality of deposited film is improved, and its thickness maximized. thickness maximized. Using Using these these growth growth conditions we conditions we demonstrated for the have demonstrated the first first time time that that thicker CdS CdS films films could be could be deposited deposited by by continuous continuous dip. dip. Acknowledgment Acknowledgment 80 F-' 4.0 'Z 4.0 a 2.0 2.0 The The authors thank thank James James Ross Ross and Dr. Dr. George George Stegeman Stegeman of Center Center for for Research Research and and Education in Optics and Education in Optics and Lasers, University Lasers, University of of Central Central Florida, Florida, for for the the film film thickness measurement; measurement; and and Dr. Dr. Tom Tom Li Li of Lockheed-Martin Lockheed-Martin Corporation for x-ray fluorescence Corporation for the x-ray fluorescence spectra. spectra. We We also also acknowledge Dr. Glen Cunningham acknowledge Dt Glen Cunningham of of the the Department Department of of Chemistry, University Chemistry, Universityof ofCentral CentralFlorida, Florida, for for the the use useofofthe the UV-vis spectrophotometer. UV-vis spectrophotometer. Aug. 14, 14, 1996; 1996; revised Manuscript submitted Aug. revisedmanuscript manuscript received received March March 18, 18, 1997. 1997. The University of The of Central Central Florida Florida assisted assisted in meeting the publication of this this article. publication costs costs of REFERENCES REFERENCES 1. T. T L. Chu, S. S. S. Chu, Chu, C. C. Q. Wu, Wu, J. J. Britt, Britt, and and C. C. Wang, Wang, in in Proceedings of the 22nd Proceedings 22nd IEEE IEEE Photovoltaic Photovoltaic SpecialConferences, p. 952 952 (1991). (1991). ists Conferences, Chandra,R. 2. 5.S. Chandra, R. K. K. Pandey, Pandey, and and R. R. C. C. Agrawal, Agrawal, J. J. Phys. 2346 2346 Electrochemical Society,Inc. Inc. 7, July July1997 1997The © The ElectrochemicalSociety, Soc., Vol. Vol. 144, 144, No. No. 7, J. Electrochem. Soc., (1980). Phys., 13, 13, 1757 1757 (1980). D: Appl. Phys., D: 3. R. Peggs, Peggs, and A. A. J. J. Parker, Parker, Electrochim. 3. G. G. P. P.Power, D. R. (1981). Acta, 26, 26, 681 681 (1981). Acta, 4. S. Nair, Nair, Semicond. Semicond. Sci. Sci. and M. M. T. T. S. 4. P. P.K. K. Nair, J. Campos, Campos, and 134 (1988). 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John Wiley Wiley & &Sons, Sons, New The Effect Effect of of pH pH Changes Changes on on the the Giant Magnetoresistance Magnetoresistance of of The Electrodeposited Superlaitices Superlattices Electrodeposited and W. W. Schwarzacher* Schwarzacher* Alpera and M. Alper° BS8 1TL,1 TL, England of of Bristol, Bristol, H. H. H. Wills Wills Physics PhysicsLaboratory, Laboratory,University University Bristol, Bristol, BS8 England S. S.J. J.Lane Lane Departmentof Geology, Geology, Univeristy Univeristy of of Bristol, Bristol, Bristol, Bristol, BS8 BS8 1RJ, 1RJ, England England Department ABSTRACT ABSTRACT We have have studied studied the the effect effect of ofelectrolyte electrolytepH pHon onthe the"giant "giantmagnetoresistance" magnetoresistance"ininCo-Ni-Cu/Cu Co-Ni-Cu/Cusuperlattices superlatticesprepared prepared We 15% while, while, (GMR) of over over 15% giant magnetoresistance magnetoresistance (GMR) low pH pH (1.8 (1.8 0.1) exhibited giant Films grown by electrodeposition. electrodeposition. Films 0.1) by grown at low anisotropic magnepredominantly anisotropic (3.3 0.1) exhibited exhibited either predominantly films grown grown at high pH (3.3 thicknesses, films depending magnedepending on layer thicknesses, toresistance (AMR) or much much smaller smaller GMR GMRthan than possible possible at at low low pH. pH. Also, Also,the thefilms filmsgrown grownatatlow lowpH pHwere werefound foundto tohave haveaa (AMR) or magnetization than those grown at high pH. higher magnetization pH. The The different different magnetic magneticand andmagnetotransport magnetotransportproperties propertiesobserved observedfor for different values of the the electrolyte electrolyte pH pH are are accompanied accompaniedby bychanges changesininthe theshapes shapesofofthe thecurrent currenttransients transientsrecorded recordedduring during different values of film growth growth and by changes changes in in the composition of the the superlattices. superlattices. AA possible possibleexplanation explanationofofthese theseresults resultsisisthat thatreducreduccomposition of film nonmagnetic layers between the ferromagnetic ferromagnetic and more abrupt interface between ing the electrolyte electrolyte pH leads leads to a more and nonmagnetic layers by by suppresssuppressdissolution. ing Co Co dissolution. Introduction Introduction the giant giantmagnetoresistance magnetoresistance discovery of of the Since the the discovery of magnetic (GMR) in (GMR) inFe/Cr' Fe/Cr' superlattices superlattices the the properties properties of magnetic superlattices extensively studied, studied, both both because because been extensively superlattices have been of their importance applications such such as as importance for technological technological applications magnetoresistive sensors and because fundamenbecause of their fundamenmagnetoresistive sensors tal scientific such as as Magnetic superlattices superlattices such scientific interest. interest. Magnetic 4 3 Fe/Cr,2 Co/Cu, Fe/Cr,2 Co/Cu,3Co-Fe/Cu, Co-Fe/Cu,4and andNi-Co/Cus Ni-Co/Cu5exhibit exhibitparticuparticuroom temperature. GMR at larly large GMR at room temperature. proare generally generally propresent, GMR GMR superlattice superlattice films At present, At films are duced by vacuum vacuum deposition deposition methods; methods; sputtering sputtering and and molmolAlthough electrodeposition electrodeposition beam epitaxy epitaxy (MBE). (MBE). Although ecular beam some obvious has some obvious advantages advantages(in (inparticular particular the the apparatus apparatus required is extremely cheap) cheap) relatively relatively little little work work has has been been done using this technique.'1' we have have shown shownthat that Recently, we technique.6 ' " Recently, superlattices with with it isis possible to grow grow well-ordered well-ordered superlattices possible to repeat and we we have A"2 and have also also distances as short short as as —15 -15 A'2 repeat distances demonstrated both on on superlattices electrodeposited electrodeposited both demonstrated that superlattices polycrystalline Cu substrates substrates and on n-type GaAs GaAs (100) (100) on n-type polycrystalline Cu exhibit significant Of course, course, as as isis the the case case with significant GMR.6-' GMR. - 9 Of properties of techniques, the superlattices grown by other techniques, superlattices the properties of electrodeposited electrodeposited superlattices superlattices generally generally depend depend on on paraparameters of the the magnetic magnetic and and nonnonas the thicknesses thicknesses of meters such such as magnetic layers and and the the choice choice of of substrate, substrate, but but in in addiaddimagnetic layers tion potential, the the such as as the the cathode cathode potential, tion to these, these, factors factors such concentration and electrolyte used to grow the and the the pH pH of of the the electrolyte superlattices et al." Recently, Lenczowski Lenczowski et superlattices are important. important. Recently, superlattices elecelecproperties of of Co-Cu/Cu Co-Cu/Cu superlattices studied the studied the properties ** Electrochemical Electrochemical Society Member. Society Active Active Member. FizikBolumU, B1liimti, GdrUkle, Girikle, address: Uludag UludagUniversitesi, Universitesi,Fizik Present address: 16059, Turkey. Turkey. Bursa, 16059, trodeposited at pH 4 to 4.5 4.5 in in detail detail by byvarying varyingparameters parameters such the Cu Cu thicknesses, the substrate texture, texture, layer layer thicknesses, such as the the substrate concentration of additives. additives. electrolyte and the use of concentration in the electrolyte Cu They observed that that superlattices with relatively relatively thin thin Cu superlattices with They observed layers (e.g., (e.g., 16 layers 16 A) A)exhibited exhibited anisotropic anisotropic magnetoresistance magnetoresistance A) (AMR) whilethose thosewith with thicker thicker Cu Cu layers layers (e.g., (e.g., 40 40 A) (AMR) while GMR. exhibited GMR. of the elecIn this paper, we concentrate concentrate on the effect effect of the elecpaper, we in electrodeposited electrodeposited Co-Ni-Cu/Cu Co-Ni-Cu/Cu pH on on the the GMR GMR in trolyte pH superlattices. We superlattices. We compare comparethe the structural, structural, magnetic, magnetic, and and at of superlattices magnetotransport properties magnetotransport properties of superlattices prepared prepared at pH (3.3 (3.3 ± 0.1) 0.1) and and discuss discuss the (1.8 ± 0.1) 0.1) and high pH low pH (1.8 low like significant differences observed. observed.At At the the higher higher pH, pH, like significant differences Lenczowski for some AMR for some films, films, but we observe observe AMR Lenczowski et al.," we show are grown grown at at low low pH, pH, superlattices superlatticeswith with show that if they are thin Cu layers exhibit larger GMR than those those with with thicker thicker GMR than Cu Cu layers. layers. Experimental Experimental strong (100) (100) texPolycrystalline copper Polycrystalline copper sheets sheets having having a strong texture and aa thickness ture thickness of of 0.5 0.5 mm mm were were used used as substrates. substrates. These were were polished polished first first mechanically and then electroelectromechanically and These superlattices were were 50% H3P04. HPO4 . Our chemically using chemically using 50% Our superlattices deposited concell from an electrolyte electrolyte condeposited in a three-electrode three-electrode cell taining nickel Ni(SONH,), == 2.3 mol/liter; mol/liter; cobalt taining nickelsulfamate sulfamateNi(SO3NH2)2 cobalt sulfate CuSO4 CuSO4 = sulfate 0.4 mol/liter; mol/liter; copper sulfate CoSO4 CoSO4 = 0.4 copper sulfate = 0.05 mol/liter using HBO3 == 0.5 0.5 mol/liter 0.05 mol/liter; mol/liter; and boric acid H3B03 using a 6 '3' 4 The controlled by bya acomputer.6'13"4 computer. potentiostat controlled Thecomputer computer also integrates the net current deposition current net current (i.e., (i.e., the deposition also integrates charge minus any dissolution current) minus any dissolution current) toto give give the the net net charge passed between the the anode anode and and the the cathode. When this this cathode. When passed between charge reaches the the value to the the desired desired value corresponding corresponding to charge reaches