ftfl g. d.lF.-33002199 rrR?T rr{irft REGISTERED No D.L.-33002199 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA #rt*'wf 3rutqKut EXTRAORDINARY srftffiRt lrfrrFrd PUBLIIHED BY .AUTHORITY u. ffi, 661 *TqR, sr*R 11 ,2o1ezdm 22,1938 DELHI, MONDAY, APRIL ll,20l6\CHAITRA 22, No. 661 qrft-tv ] ' 1938 PART-IV :. '' ffi w{?rn .rt'qls rrqqrfr,'dr{q" t{ GOVERNMENTOFTHE NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI . cRq-f,{ fdqFr qqqfq-{r ftd, rr BTf{, zoro e(zre)7qrcn-q-Clqq /cRoi;/zsls17$s, wofu, *.*q vrderrfr etc atri qtec c-tsul Erg e-$ur 6T e-gf, il.sl *a cc'rqr t' derT q. qr. qdlqa qrtq t wsfu, qrrf, S qmfiq rg-.ifq qnqrf,q. den ftlefr q-d ars t 3Tfu6 -{i$q €Rfl "qrqrtroqur i $Tfiq €EI aIFIIerq qn=ftq wq e\ f.T{iT"r fr fl-i ig a-o.rd .ar1 mv,i d m qrfr norq d c-ffH fla.{rrr€dr d qis (+r) d c{el qbf, €rnt 115 EriT TEn q-$rft qs fr-an S Tsd gq fu qn qFqr i's rr{qur d Frd'kd tn-{i d f?rn sTtro. sqrq tn-*i fltrq, m frT{fufud ftfrneq-o/qf*iem sqrq sr$q qt-dqr o1 qm z (i) (i i) qtr{f,{ qrs qftqr u6q lqtc{ rtrR eTIF{) ftil-rrf,r Etrqf, qqq frqrr cid (r,s,s,z,s) d. wnw E)-dI d qRcs{ qR s-aa1 uilo q€i at qqq-do frMf (eredq lo, 18, 20, 22 , 26 Sc g{fr ova) nen ir -.nx qnqr sr6q (der 3TrR) fu{r-o.r csq-a rw sas-sqo er.of (0,2,+,0,4) e vwn derl t sq-+r eTff, q*t A frqq frfudf (srerfi rs, 1s,21; n, zs sk gdt nrr) oi aarn Rtq Titq-rt E6 sfrsu efq Tn{fi { qfi-qn ns qftq=fi sri qRqr slr{t w rft i{r'1d'rrt n-s (iii) q6 qfuiEI gc (iv) :'re frMI if crf,, e{S S rnri e{S 6;p qq qfuitr {fudri -.d n-S E\.nl 1788 DG/2016 (l) d'n t DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY (v) qE qfoiq ga efi-qq-qT (vi) {q 3il-m znl ..Tcd€f{ erTq+\ur 2000,/=a-Td o.[ gqfqT dqrqT w]q-1 [Pnnr IV] d qrq riilq or-j{fr fr qen sffid ts *m d srdr-qT q{ drrl qfi d.lr 6Ti qq dR qrrr 3TBfrqq 1e8B at qmr 1s4 .d) oq qnr (r) d H-qil=il d r { I eTr'), R"fr *eq qr-rq M d Aqq rze d spr qEf, fes ErF{ a (rsae oi ss) o1 200S.** (r) o*n ernr 213 qff sqEril (j) d sr<r.fer e-(f, mfr gO.HU rm-rrff :.rt qv,qc elc ffi d vq-sr-qcrd g-er-{dTRT zoooT-w-i o1 $Rr oT umrn r qs d C"t ftF{fufud eTffi:q} d qrq-qq I d,(m) R@ gfuq d qeilc M d t-o aq g-s$ ws d t-.r d eTffir qfuq-dc frqFl, slqs rTqqffi eft ffi E-{6n d cEr-{ fr'Trfi d t-o ne{r *rq$ ,&w d to d siB-orft (.I) e{ffi qr qrffir flv.orqm,^iryy eTIq (qq) t fi, sTffiq.q airor THI gg 3fiErd-II{qI rs+ d srFftE qTB-{d fu-qr fi qRT ett sB.t fud 3Tfufrqq q)-ec Er€-{ olfuFrrq, tsee Tflon o'erffi qqgr of rggs Frr{r 213"o1 sqETRr qrf'n (r) ffim O1 ERI d fdq d ftqq rze d d ernrlo qRa6-{ ntr, oE)" qMqrft t qffiZwDqilffi fl-gr c{FH ?h1 G qrfu qR-{6{ frqFr, slq}q qrqtTlff etr . Fs - wtrqn qr*r qr "t"R 0041, o-{, ror-rrr$Sq-fr ftfo qq gqfqT),' d q,n oqr{ wtX, €-qf, 3{ft{nqcT TEAA or q-dq-o{i ts sTia. zoto S qqffi dfr rrqr eo eTfm. 2016 n?n cnl v$rft frd sron d r q-{qF (i) qrgo d rrEqfr d qrsc; (ii) qrra d oq-srqqfla d (iii) qr-{d,d qqnq* d qwc; (iv) {r"st d ir-qqrail d qrrc; (v) qno d gw vmr$w d qmq. (vi) q)-6i{,rT ol sr-Elc; (vii) qs d riful d qre-q, oTerreT (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) d idr qfrqeT d orrq. wwTwu srq eb d d qrsc, gqqfr, iTSq q-qqTff fr frFfi rr*rrTr ol Btsn-{; qird d s-qt@ qrund-q d qrqreM d qr6=L orsa riq dlo t-sr sTr*q, T€q T{rs 3Trgffilgfl-s olTg-d een qrgd d fizrao _ qarM&ro d et-o-eqiZ{rqwrn gq-------------'iBRT Trf,t irwq.rT d sqrtueT o-r arffr; tilo-erTr d sqrtqqT o-r errr; (xiii) (xiv) iTSq vtqerTfr elr Recfr d swrqqrcil rrr et6"T; (xv) ffi vq qrflotq d 5r* -qTqrfrq nen qr+nffi d qrec; (xvi) d-flT{d @T errr; (xvii) flqr-f,f,rd-{ qrrc aTQrff, q€-&crq, Eqo-f,. srwirf,, ta. crs qrt-t (xviii) ou64 urrri g^ry d erf,{, -R.q fr'rTm il$q rrqqrfi etr ffi {nqtR d sF{, -istrq ffi 1T{or{ em vrfu-qd qrec, srEl$B-6 qd E;flR; (xix) qeir {zmq of qrqr ff ord o6q, (xx) qrq-dez,\'stJ'q-d q6c; slqs "olq \TqqTfr €td orT-gftT (xxi) fr*E U{ffr ri{ (\'rTfid) d qwc; (xrii) €6 qqt srd {drqrfl d qrrc; qq .tfl t q-iili sra il-s{ (rc srcdi of qqd frirst{ qq M Eqwer urft_-"fr\'{fr (xxiv) oTrqr-il+l-d-{ ftfuffir d ftfd srdrr t arq qr € qrrq- 1frr-onr 3TrETrRd 6tr}); (xxv) srd-{ frr+ fr d{f, qM s rz s{ e-o o1 urg d qd E}r (xxvi) fffi-drq qfu ET{r zrarS qr v} er5q7qr6q fuc d ffiq- qfu td dt .(xxiii) .Ber qmFr-6 r ts ftft}e gm DELHI PART IV] GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY eTk{r0ZqErq-.5. ffir 3Tffi ffir "ifiqtr d qrsc. tnn T1a qfier-or/ffih qrac oil t qs grh otES g-.qR i tt.Fq g+ts sTrdri am tfl-d ti dr (xxviii) tS;6n frr+S frETrdq at e-fi t canlqd (xxvii) qrcq gcg 3rr'*.r, ' {r$q qqqrfi sq{lwltlrcT etd .} siliRr t ftd wrox d aen tsrT$ crq q{, d. d. Etrqr, f+*s GTrgffi (qRild=r) TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Delhi, the I lth APril, 2016 No. F.3 (21g)/MRTS/Tpt./2015/g3.-whereas the National capital Territory of Delhi has more than in nine million ,"girt*r"d vehicles and the vehioular pollution has become a major source of air pollution Delhi, and Whereas Hon'ble Supreme Court of Inciia, Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and Hon'ble Naticnal Green Tribunal have passed various directions from time to time to take immediate ac.tion to control the alarming level of vehicuiar pollution in Delhi and all out efforts are being made to give effect to the directions of the Hon'ble courts. Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section I I 5 read with clause (4 1 ) of seition 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act l9gg, (59 of tett;, the Lieutenant Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, ution c on being satisfied that further steps are required to con wheeled- vehicles (motor cars etc.), hereby orders i prohibitory / restrictive measures shall be in vogu: namely:(i) The plying of non-transport four wheeled ending-wiih odd digit (1"3,5,7,9) shall be p 18th, 20thr ZZnd, l,,6th and so on) and plyi public ational ' (ii) etc. on even dates of the non-transport (Motor Cars egistration number of April (i.e. 16th, having registration of April (i.e. month of the dates odd prohibited on shallbe number ending with even digit10,2,4,6,8) l5th, l9th, 2lst,23rd,25th and so on). These restrlctions shali also apply to the non-transport four wheeled vehicles bearing registration number of other states. These reitrictions shall be applicable from 8 AM to 8 PM of such dates' shall not be applicable on Sundays. shall not upity to the vehicles of such categories as mentioned in the Schedule (iii) iiui These iui These annexed to this notification. (vi) Viotu,ion of these orders shall attract a fine of Rs. 2000/- in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of section 194 of the.MotorVehicles Act, 1988' of section (l)of section 213 oft Further, in exercise ed by sub-section (l) ofsection 200 and under subAct, 1988 (,59 of 1988), read with rule 123 of the Delhi Motors Vehicles Rules, 1993, the Lieutenant Govern6? of the National Capital Territory.o.f Delhi is pleased to authorize the following officers to compound the aforernentioned offence with irre amoiirit of RuPccs 20AAl',= (a) iUi (c) Officers of the rank ol Hea{ Corrstable dnd above of Delhi Police. b,ff"e6 of the rank of Head Constable and above of the Transport Department, GNCTD' Officers or authorities as authorizedby Divisional Commissioner, Revenue Department, GNCTD' All such officers are also authorized to exercise the power under clause (e) of sub-section (5) of section 213 to launch prosecution under section 194 of the M.V Act, 1988 for the offences committed in violation bf tnir notification and they will be deemed to be officers of Transport DELHI GAZETTE [Panr IV] : EXTRAORDINARY Departmenf GNCTD under sub-section (1) of section 213 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 read with rule 123 of Delhi Motors vehicles Rules, 1993, for these purposes. : The amount compounded by the authorized officers/authorities shall be deposited in the ..Major Head 0041, taxes on vehicles, 101-IMV (Fees & Fine)", of the Transport Department, Govt. ofNCT of Delhi. The above notification shall come into force with effect from 15th April, 2016 and will remain in force till 30th April' 2016. (D (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (ui) (vii) ' (viii) ii*) (x)' ' , i"il (xii) (xiii) ixivi (xD (xvi) ixvii) ixviii) (xix) (xx) (rorD (xxii) (xxiiiy ' (xxiv) (xxv) (xxvi) (xxvii) Vehicles of the President of India; Vehicles of the Vice President of India; Vehicles of the Prime Minister of India; Vehicles of Governors of States; Vehicles of Chief Justice of India; Vehicle of the Speaker of L9f Sabha; Vehicles of the Ministers of the Union; Vehicles of the Leaders of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha; Vehicles of Chief Ministers of States / Union Territories except Chief Minister, Gov€rnment of National Capital Tenitory of Delhi; Vehicles of the Judges of Supreme Court of India; Vehicle , Union Public Service Commission, Vehicles of Chief Election Commissioners and Vehicle of Controller & Auditor General of India; Vdhicle of the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha ; Vehicle of the Deputy Speaker of'Lok Sabha; Vehicle of Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi; Vehicles ofthe Chief Justice and Judges of Delhi High Court; Vehicle of the LokaYukta; , Hearse vehicles;_ ,___ Emergency Vehicles i.e. Ambulance, ort Department GNCTD' Enforcemint vehicles i.e. vehicles military forces etc.; vehicles authorised by the Divisional Vehicles bearing Ministry of Defence number plates; Vehicles which are having a piloV escort; of Commission Fi of Co of SPG Protectees; Enrbassy Vehicles bearing CD numbers; Vghicles Comprossed Natural Gas driven vehicles (these vehicles should prominently display sticker :CNG Vehicle' on the front windscreen issued by IWs. Indraprastha Gas Ltd.), Electric vehicles, Hybrid vehicles; . Vehicles being used'for medical emergencies - (will be trust based); Women only vehicles: including children of age upto 12 years travelling with them; Vehicles driven/occupied by handicapped persons; Vehicles of State Election. Cornmission, Delhi & Chandigarh and vehicles deployed by the - Commission with Election Security vehicles etc' (xxviii) and Observers/Returning Officers/Asstt. ' Returning Officers & ' Vehicles carrying childlchildren in school unifonn. Bv order an3;#i,)l#: ii $il' i:?L:t :?H:ili K. K. DAHIYA, Special Commissioner (Transport) Printed by the Managel,.9.9n:tnment of India Press, Ring Road, Yryttri, New Delhi- I 10064 and Published by the Controll'er of Publications, Delhi-l 10054.