rFd€1 qo S. REGD. NO. D. L.-13004/99 {q.-3300a/99 ffi ffi ffiT 1 Uhe 6sz elte of Sndio olfinfilt EXTRAORDINARY lIIq --{r{ 3---gll-gqr (i) PART Il--"S.ction 3-Sub{.ctioD (l) qr&qn rqtfrrn y{F!I{, qt{ ro, 201r./qrFIT :9t 1916 NEW DELHI, FRIDAV, MARCH 20,2olvPHNrUNA 22' 1936 T. No. i rs8l ffd. *-- qftql-fl Tt e-d. 19 qr{, 2015 * sr{I 469 ff sq-sRr (1 ) Tr.sr.R. 207(c).-+ftc rc+r<, iq-ff qfufrqr, 2ol 3 (201 3 Tr 18) qt{ (2} * qrE qB-d sRr 108 + Er(r crld {r rdr {'€ gq diTff (Fiq-{ 3lrr c{rF{) R{q, 2014 6r qt{ Thns{T'dhftqffifu{ft{q *rffi t, qak'1. (1) €{ f#i 6r dftE nrc iq-S (!dE{ dk smffi} drfrF{ ftcq, 2015 tl t <r.rva i r+rcF ff m&c dt 15 {rtt 2. ir-ff (xiq-{ Blt( call(i) ftcq, 2014 { fi-qE 20 + +qr+ r< ffifue ftqq {er (z) I qrqrn' eqk:qlqq + rcqr{<l) Eq frqq + rR{ i sqlig s{ €rqRor wfuilrii * tiitr i mt1 dt Frc+ ftq w ftqq + vqfri ff erff< * vw<r sct qqrd *Eq qffi ff 'd Ft (2) qrcftq xft{ft dR Rftcq +e tifr 6r fttic air FfA-filr sTEs() ftqt|i, 2009 + q€cTq xq qq{r q"dqrq xT + sRqfr{ ffi * R'fi riic-ff Frq+ ffi rr<rr *rr et+ \'fi-is { TI+aa mqr"r ilq( t qr frt iqff Frqi nq'fr-6c qc qvn r<w {, 3rci tadt * qruR"r ffi t C-{R r'{it( scnRn ffiq< ffirqrurc*s{+ rnR-rn +rv*T 'rdffgRut?'ftt "20. I ffitr lqrfu{'r {s R-{q } cM * RC, TE (i) "qflsf{'r fr irrcq W8'q RdrRE& RR?s, +fi{ RR-ftft sFt+q (ti:B{r) ftR?c qq-Er +nQte srf {Trd{ 6nr e-5frFc qir{ qq iirw erft}c { effi *r;r< nqft8-e BftRlr€r RR-?s' irrq C{tR-+fr qffi+q (dfrqr) RR?-s qq-{r 6Rii€ "EId {arrrq arr 1320 Gr/2015 (l) , TIT cAaTTB or NprA I EXrR oRpp{ARy tpARr rr-{Ec fr*.rq rimr n cnfuer Fftwr di( $rs-dT xcrln tst{rmc, q*rr rHfi-ft ftcrq, {qrt qi qr{r lHfi-fr dsrqc, crcd FttR i R*6.rq (vD * q*r RFz crd h o-gvm <Ql rerm rrr frlr a-gfrR-il ft (i0 (iiD (iv) llftid t * {itrfi-fi qrqc er<r qc.fl (TsRor qfti{ra d ra-cn t RS qrlril ffftfi fre t( trsr<tr q&hn ff crQc * *,c-*-sq srd R-{ F{e A; trfi{ $rf qT{T, scs(!r, tft, rqaq {FqE( riqrq-{, {-{r( tfr dlr sqn ftREr ff |rt qa-{r ff qiTfi5-d cdq, wc}.r, rt-Ar,or, Rrfi, qffa-dr qq-<r Rtrcr Ai t grft-{ T.cfl lrftf-dt 'dftq 6rfre' "qiqRr Eq drfrc + sq s!n# i (vi) qh Eff ft rFr* f @+tvr dt<rrqnff qrC qft}c* ffir (v) ffid tR * reqe t r*tr, c<d * rd * ef, +crr qs qq-fl dt< Rq{ sr+ rrq Ffr ff riqT <{ri} crff !f{R-{ Tdrrfr qrsrfu rfr{T * t q+qrfi-d qTqq dRr ftq rs ri1i cr{rt ff FciF qTr*r $Fr } srq q6 +ftfil s+i + rrtrqn -tcc t-q-d-{|i' + qfi i{fr}il t * Ri* F€ am ftff {Isnq qft+er{ * rqn ffi lrfi elr,r + ffiF rccn cqre Tr ssfrq r,<t{il ii ff tRsT + t E<ft-r xvrff +qa< 6€+v<, cHc( dt{ qftcr +.rft}d t fr ({) qnrn-f'dc.lF +(<5vfi,rtgft3.n tg(for{ 19 ffii-m drr cS qfuqrcqrr sR-{R{syrds {rrdr t 1lr1 qft+{ {rd * fi-{F{ d vfur sv * 1v1 (vii) t *gc wrr<ol <r gnn lffi a-g1e *ftc - ft drr *r a-lvrcr;rcrr Q; 'E+qrhF qrc{q ar{r Fr<rf ?({{ t-Tdqrf qFqfud { ffi vrrnor sft+{r{ + <iqrfi-a re wnd * qrqq * frqr rqr qfErl { ftt 1tw t-rc<n t Rq sFftT frqr qTvl (3) *€ F{s scfrqc (2) i frFs {s'd T{ Effi{ q|qq EI(T TftTl F.{+ qqi qer&+r< or q;t vftr ca-(I t dt< tq-fr qq ftcq h gFi* i {{Tnq d q} {s-q crftd nt ftl (4) *qi;rff* cc+ r<S * rftfrF-r rrqc cra F{<rr r<+ ff tRsr tff {, n} ffituc cfrcr rr e-gqrirl ittft, qqt(- 0 qR+{r{ wqtft' fi nftq iqff + {* F{Ffi, Aian* dt( ffi (F) {fr*f-r (iD ffitrwqq+, (q SR{r+{TEfrr; T{ nEq qqt* ircfd, xrffidiff{Fq*fd{-ftrqri$t Sd dr{r ffi qr * H } cqr( qlq-ff dl-( qfrfilr ff +ff&?, qR fi q&t{F ff nfrT t r*e c}€ER[ qr (q) qr.qft; (ii0 sr5 cr +} rc+ + FrE ai qr qTrarT- d, q< fird tqrq II-s!-€ 3(i)l tlRit fr iq-fr (q) ffis in {nFH | cRtlqIsl qEqq dr{r trdq|n ff gAEr am ftqr qrqrn: (qr) t rfr { e{rt vew iaa-6n \t rc<n ft {c{rl, qrt E+qrffT q6qn qlnff Tr qf,Fa cr trr r<riq artr d, ff tRsr qft}sr{ i ff crq'ft eln q&*qn { qm *} sri {{q, Fr€tt {(q €-Ti-ffi aRf irffir F( \€fr i-S ft{r t, qft+cn q' qc} mrFfi{ qr yfrrr qq{ q-r e+}r ft ft-q r<d i sftA{r+ t rtn <cer i-Rqra EFr qqnr qn ? ftqr t, ? qfri{rrr lTrrr ft €si t B'( sTFfi r+ Sc, i+ sr s|{ E-fr drt ('T) (iv) 3 t iftst(ar; qfrqrF-fi (qr) qrcqq drcr q-f,{rt * ftS yftqr rw rg(ff F{c {aft, tQI alR tft qffd qrg; Frq+ qt<n qrer {-rc-<n aRr {d sR qrfi, {,r swlf-d ftqT qFI: (_s) alft-{ drr.i$ + an n .q1+ t q(; (i) crc€ q+rt qr err Fri qt{ ffifi wql $kd tR + q?-{F -rd ff {R-( dr< tR cr Rftffe ft{q 20 + sqiiqq (4} * ds (D } q*{ 3{ft+qr{ } ftq iPe }R-{ 6{i * T6rd qR ftg trrqRsr wfu*m 6 u'4. U .*-i$q efrF ft-a .rd s€ Fr*, Frqi qr-ff Tr rFref-f( Frlf{c Rrt {, i rftft'+ vrmn rr, * sc Rr+ { qrrs cRsrft'd tfl d, t nw viffi ww { w-ft-rr q{ {R 3lt( ierF{ qFsrtfi di ern dffi ffi|qRs{ t sintrr crqr I {c-i-6'c q6 ER rfiftrt +tft dtr w G-frrr{ i qq * srq-lrrrr ftsftfuc frcc n€c frq srqi, ,i"{k - (v) 4qff, ({) 6T{ i {r.dR 6r {q{6r( Eiqrft+ rwe 7rc rrcn (s) ${q t-Ffrfi{ vrtv qri ff arQ'E *< qqq; fii * dfte df{ qqq: (rf 6€r t-T{<n (q) Mr+ €cru t ftqr cr st'rl; infte: (s) Tqfr Fnrft €fr ifu€, *fuc rd * sr< 4rff * itc< crF dtR-n 3n€* alh crq-q-€ qftqrg stt: +li qt{ {-{€ T{i Ern qft (a 6qTfti-trfficdR te t qt 6re {-rc<n a{ fr.ft; (qD tft Rl{t dsff i{|*}{r{ tscRq-d {<ddr{r Fn{r{*} rsF*ft;qk (F) *{ r-{q, FFr 6i{ff{rn am qci rcrfu-+n fiT Tftr {.{+ * qn fr qlE|toT i{if}rrl i ffq i ssifl { ft-g v} e+ftrien d 5+r q< ti ff ergar r€i d-,ft; alt< (€) +{ qR, ftc+r qrq red i rftgt qr lM.lft dnr {d qti sri qTqs{ €rffii'+rfr€{dsiftq fte ffi i{ftG-{ t, fr <.{q t-IrfiEr{ ff {Gsr 6r {prqlq qrqr(tr irB+cr{ it qn-er-+ q(i +r qra *rn; (Br) ft a-gra THE GA.ATTE OF INDIA : EXTMORDINARY *( w (a) iqff qfts{vr, * }*qriz ff } liren fu rccarff aft a;t qrffitr nfrtr a;qff + +fi'-€, qR+id, * qrc-fiq qfurlq ff (vi) (({c qrft * t-Ttrqr{ * gRsr oq t +q +{ Rdt d{ {rftq ff {* {irar 5.00 ei av<rgt 6 q1'6' l(i)l FEtr( qti qa}crd fr nE{ sr q{r cfr +}€ d, *r 'rt t dR (q) q+qrfi-d rO+ i ra-qn * Rq (Rqr * {iiff{ fgrdmd qrq, Ffirq, F{r, €td 3Tr{ff et< ifi.*l nfi: "rcg IPARr II-SEC. q-di €rft *qqpe q-t.6qTqft; ff {rsRlr qfuicr{ elR (vii) (.('q r"Irfi * ftq, t-rc<n gFlIr qft rd ff arsfii + dkr{ cR q1R'{ sq i qr qqlfts sc frq< {e} ar+ in-ff r<s, ffic-d rr$e ff * *ggn, 6er €-ra-<n i++'w fl TriFr F{ cqir I t r!g nqe L'a' !a q,\ rcq'. n( cr vig qfuien { ffi t e sn c,c ! lni rr(qor q t+ ({Fq t-q6Em $ qreqq qq{r qflfl{ 6r srdFT s-rdr { ftFg st g{, qt ?A ff qg*m a-S q}ff: q"q 3IR iTrrr i | 3r: qn cr i, qgx rd ra, {rq,; dd fr +rq r+*q qr$Ror + {|E (r{'{ t-rrc,qr{ srcf} h dr i, w nRm d 'i< s{ R-{r qrq{r. qrd q-{ ft qR *{ di"rff qrsRlr i{fu+en } dt{ri, gq+rr t frd G {.s €-reerr * cq|{ O qdfi-6 clrrff srf6q qG qr fwq +cr t fi ss gRrr qftnem + flf rirdt rt fi-qR Fr+ qt( qrEn d cr* ffi eqw{ i <1+ a1- 061* U vm t* <ri nvr qrer {-rffirq rr<r T{rftr{R {r FfrIr rE mri Erfr €-{Rt trRT O re * Rq E{rdr sq+q frqr qr q+rnr (viii) (ix) {ffii ff ff6 6tn dt 6|+.d sr}g srdi3.te, srt d iiF|{ tqrsrr qr drt.f dqff sftq qr qf*+iFr qr qq of{ qft d s-+-m t qt 1n-ff fi ffiq-{ 4 d * xR-a A dk qt€ h <rq i qeen iit{ qc€c €-rc<r< yhqr ff riffsr ftqer !t}r ff*rd qt€ \rr cr 3Tn$ cr<lffffi*fis+: "rtT ffi+rc<nwn*+ (x) Tiffsrd qrBq; ffi t+ "qft ff qrqqr + t+i t q] iq-ff * ffiqc FfufrqRR-dd; qq r6R fr3-s dfrrrd fi-gft fi q-€'d Er{r qrRq eft< efife-a +gm x*w +-G * t {r fr alk Rq qcns *{r (xi) qrcer, qftrr(qr qftlarn {, dsq, frq q( TfrEr{ fr'fl qmr {, w Rqx,Rrd h dn i ft{q 21 i sqftqq (1) } ds (O + 1l;, qqr-sqtifue, fi ftffg re<r< ff rrf,q{ qr rrfl fiiFqr{ qr r{ F{d * ftc i qrsRvr 3{fr+cn + sqRrd e fr-( r.dti {ter €-{n{rq gRtn 6r rA-,T 6d Eq lrq-{r {n € f{cr t * Er<r d*er+1 ff rErrrm * vrw er-gare lrnr (xii) {4rrs qnrRlr q&+lr{ rrvnr +ti BfR * rcqr+ * qfur[fr sq+ {rs qft?{]-{ ccrF qr*, lit iqft * ffis{ Rllr i ern {q t;q rd, frff qft, i w Tr $ ff t di t n-.6rm *n q-6il wfu}em i sri riq q-dt ff * *-a< +q-*-qq qt d ger t-{frEr{ a|(I rrfr +{r {s +tm, cq rr dnfud ridin+ R,iiJ qtcw qr s{+ uRr eTfuf'd vrffi qfufi-dq fi-q F+ qR d fr sFff c( sR-{RrF{ *trr, yK( 6trnr } i lqFr ll-qrs 3(i)l ci3 3rcqsT qT(d qr Sl s{+ arr Rkc { crfuf'd lFIr, : qlrlqRq 5 qfr qfrfi ;Fr qftvnq iR{ Et{n; R*f,{lr - T( (cs frcr vmr Q ft raR Fret w6er<, rsdi i qr{r {d R{r { wlq, {e-iq nr sft'*n cr ffis 6€ + Rq rM{ rf.ft *r +fd*r* * en gr* qR r+ 3rrqq, {fteffi qr Fiff oFq qft d artr.q q-E ffi1 a+ai i rvi 6*v t-rcEr+ n<r i Rq t, Frur@r qfuil|{ ii qfr n- t, {{-er{ sil $pr t-qrEn * ftS q-dft rqrF qti } vxrq atr erur<vr qftlie|n U6 d+ + r{i FdRi, e{+ {rc, *ftfr, ftrit ff d,qr qt< tfi q-qrr A qqrrft fr dSffi + frc aRG'd t R-€ii 3{.Fr rt (r+s {-+fur * qrEqq t <r<r { ft-g fr+ri w nt* d a-g rd{q T€T{ qq;TI rFI sFfT rTI; rtmt +{} * flq, (xiii) rq (xiv) \frnr 6c d qr eiqqrftd Fq * qqft +r qrqR 3rRRRd 6d } ftS \rd <fter rdi Frqi {rq, Tfrr, dftd {. qT F{df ff qrt$, Mi ff {iqi, q+ ffi fi G-< {d.er{ .arrrl"c}|'a'i'"i€.i\-l|ql|: ifk ri'T q-fi TFll-c= ii+n-+} h qm- 3d}THT t t{i r* an ft :ra*r mrf6tr l't F-{R, Br{dlRF 3ih {q{ftrt nT mI aqT Tc,rr( Tiffsrfi qtq ei; 'iqfr +r 'F+q' i{t e;q {.ifs6 fi.rq-T{ (xv) frql€e (xvD frftd qftvrlc ail-r Tifti-d + RE iq+ ff i{q|{c qR d, drtr qRvnq iR-{ 6ri } rorc qr<.dqt\nfr sET{r er<r rrer{ Tiriu (fi-Fc{ 3Tfufior ff }ernz c( 3&cs iqffi h qrqr ilqr frfr qre-cr yrs elo gtr+q f {+c-a t, €€ qrq+ €tn C"Fdlq qr qw#i'qn fr +ftft s{i ssi Trq{r t{{ q-+{d qtr+E YRvnc a{Tff i{frrlz F{ {Atr trcg R-{ qrq cfund diifud, (xvli) qEflf( {reqr t q( yrF {qffr qrgfil iiB h oTsti-, dacc Ti?iftrfr s{tqn s iiq {dr ff BTEfk( {lqr q&Rqq 'frelq rincq' + 6q i dtq vrftr a'<i h Rq 3rlFF{ F( dftr R*r(!r, qq ds + (xviii) E+tTftfi fleqq dr{T {fr{r{ t G-qR ff {remsr q'fu+qra q|{r } ftg yRrftd 1 14 dT.c * q*{ d t i -fi qM8 t ilR tt €i-d ff ilftq +1 crft{ 'FrFR,rr d{m' qr srqs ftqr Eqr i-{ qr{r crqmt' t$r. d. 01/34/201 3-ffgq-V-qFr-rl 3rq-{ffc ft{ qrtcr, Tr{-m {R{ fttqq.-qer fi-qq rTr€ + {rqr{, q{nsrrtqr, qFr-II, ris 3, sc-ds (i) C qr.6r.R. {qr 260(q) frrftE 31 Fd, 2014 dm sfifeir ftq rrq t sif< a-el-crd i qr."Fr.fr. 415(Br) t-q23E4,2014*{ (r.{r'.fr. ss7(BT) fll4 24 {qr€, 2014 ar(I qciifu( ft"n rrq1l | \>. Af,(tt-> 6 TIIE GAZETTE OF n'DIA I EXIRAORDn{ARY FARr II MIMSTRY OF CORPORAIE ATFAIIS NOTIFICATION ' New Delhi, the lgth M.tclr 2015 2fi(E).-In exetcise ofthe powers confered by section 108 read with sub-sections (l) and makes the (2) of section 469 ;fthe Companies Act, iOtl 1tt of ZOt:;. the Central Covernment hereby G.S'R ioitowing.uu nrtt Rules' 2014' er to arnend the Companies lMonagement and Administration) namelv:- Amendment 1. (l) Thes€ rules may be called the ComPanies (Managcment and Administration) Rules.20l5. (2) They shall come into force on tho date oftheir publication in the Official Gazette 2. 20' fte following rule In the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, for rule shall be substituted, @melY:The provisions ofthis rule shall epply in respect ofthc the date of commencement of this rule' notio€s are issued on or "20. voting though olectronic m€rnr.- (l) g"ner"t .""ing. fJt *nich 'ftEr (2) Every company other than a company referred to in chapter I"; 9),"l,""ge'e""tl cf tndh (l!e'.:e oi xB or chaPter xC ofthe Securities Cspits! 3nd Dieslcs'rr' F-equirenents) B-eg'r!41!o!rs' 2009 than on€ having its eq:uity shares list€d on a locognised stock exchange or a cornpany h3ving not less voie on rcsoiutiuns riSht to rheir to exercise thousi'nd _r-uen, shail provide to irs membors facility proposed to b€ considered at g€neral me€tings by oleotronic means Explanalioa. For rhe purposes ofthis rule. the expression - (i) " "agercy'' means the National S€curiti€s Depository Limited,lh€ Central Depository Services subject to the ltndi4iirnited or any other entity approvedby the Ministry ofcorporate Affairs Servic€s ral Depository condiiion that the Nalional Securitits Oepository Limited, rhe Ce (India)Limitedorsuchorherentityhasobtainedacenificateftomthestandaldis4tio,rTestilB and tiuality Certification Directorate, DePartrn.nt of Itrformation Teclnology' Ministry of Cornmunications and lnfomation Technology, Govemment of India including with r€8ard to compliarc€ $rith partmeters specified undet Explanation (vi); (ii) geneml meeting for "cut-off date" means a dste not earlier than seven days before the date of geneml meeting; determining the eligibility to vote by electronic heans or in the "cyber secudty" means protecting informatioD, equiPment, device6, cofiputer, computel reiource, communicatioo device and information stored therein from unauthorised access' use' disclosures, disruption, modifi cation or destruotion; (iii) meons a seouted systom based proc€ss ofdisplay of electronic member3 and the nwnber ofvotes Polled in favour or against' ofth€ recordiafofvotos ballots, entira voting €xaroised by way ofelectronic means gets registered and manneithat the in such a serv€t with adequate cyb€r security; centralis€d registry in a counted in an elecronic (iv) "electronic voting system" (v) ''remote e-voting'' means the facility of oasting vote6 by a member using an elechonic voting system from a plac€ other than venue of a ganoral meeting; (vi) "secur€d systcm" means computer haldwde, softwarc, and procedure that - (a) are reasonably secure from unauthorised access and misuse; (b) provide a reasonable level ofteliability otrd oorr€ct operation; (c) a€ reasonably suited to p€rforming the intended firnctions; and (d) adhere to genenlly ac.apted secutity procedures; (vii) 'aotilg by electronic means" includeo "remote o_voting" and voting at th€ general m€€ting through an electrodc voting system which may be thc same as used for remote e_votm8 (3) A mernber msy exercise his riSht to vote through voting by electronic means on rcsolutions provisions of refenod to i! sub-rule (2) and the company shall pass such rcsolutions in accordance with the this nrl€. Lqn qITi 6I 1FFIT ll sfs l(Dl (4) A company which pfovides th€ faoility to it6 membeN to exeroise voting by €l€cfroric meal|s shall comply with the following procedure, namely:(i) the notice ofthe moeting shatl be s€nt to all the memb€ts, directots and alditoN ofthe company elmer(a) by rcgisrered post or sp€ed post ; or (b) thrcugh electronic meens, namely, registcred e-mail ID ofthe recipient; or (c) by courier s€rvice; (ii) the notioe shall also b€ placed on the website, after it is sent to the memberc; ifany, ofthe company and ofthe agency forthwith (iii) the notic€ ofthe rneeting shall clearly state- (A) (B) ' that the company is providing facility for voting by eleotronic means and the business may be traNacted Srough such votinS; th.t the facility for voting, eithor through etechonic voting systetn or ballot or polling pap€r shell also be made available at the meeting and membe$ attending the mectbg who have el ihe ^r. h- *6^r..-w^rino.hrll ht ,hle !o erell:ise th.ir riqft meettng; (C) (iv) that th€ members who have cast tieit vote by rcmote e-votjng prior to the me€ting may also attend the meeting but shall not be entitled to cast their vote again; tho notice shall (A) (B) - indicate the process and manner for voting by electsonic means ; indicate the time schedule inoluding the time period during which the votes mav be oast by remote e-voung; (C) provid€ the details about the login ID; (D) speciry the process and manner for generaling or rec€iving the password and for casting vote in a secue manner' (v) '' of the company shall cause a public notice by way of an advedisemenl to be plblished' immediaLlyon completion of desparch of notices for $e meetinS under cleuse (i) of sub-rule (4) but at l;ast twenty'one days beiore the dato of gpneral m€eting, at least once in a vemacular newspap"r ia the principal vimacular language ofthe dishict-in whioh the rogist€red office of is situatcd, und having a;ide circulation in $at districL and least once in th" "o.p"ny ianguage in an English newspaper having country-wide circulalion, and specirying in English the said advertisement, tttel dfia, the followillg matte$' namelyi- 'l {a) statement that the business may be transactcd through voting by electonic means ; (b) the date and time ofcommencement ofremote e_votingi (c) the date and tiDe ofend ofrcmote e-volmg; (d) cut-off date; (e) the manner in which persons who have acquired sharcs and -become members of the company after the despatch ofnotice may obtain the login ID atld password; (fl (A) (B) trre statoment that- remote +voting shall not be allowed b€yond the said dtte and time; the manner in which the company shall provide foi voti[g by members prosont st the meeting; and (C) l3 to vote through a member may participato in the 8€neral meeting even after exercising his right remote e-voting but shdll not bo allowed to vote again ln the mcellngi ano 20 6tr1' f- !' 8 THE CAZETTE OF INDIA (D) : EXTRAoRDINARY IPART II.JEC, 3(iI a person whose name is r€gorded in the regist€r of members or in the regisler of beneficial owners maintaincd by dr€ dcpositories 6s on lhc cut-off date only shall b€ entitled to avail the facility of remote e-voting as well as voting in the generrl meeting; (g) website address of the company, displayed; and (h) name, designation, address, €mail id and phone numbq ofthe person responsible to address the grievanc€s connected with facility for voting by electronic means: if any, and of the ag€ncy where notice of tho meeting is Provided that the public notice shall b€ placed on the w€bsite of the company, if any, and of the agency; (vi) the facility for remote e-voling shall rcmain open for not less than three days and shall close at 5.00 p.m, on the date preceding the date ofthe general meeting; (vii) during the p.riod when facility for rcmote e-voting is provided, the members of the company, holding shargs either in physical form or in dematerialised form, as on the cut-offdate, may opt for remot€ e-voting: Providcd that once the vote on a resolution is cast by the member, he shall not be allowed to .h.noF ir."h..."a-rlu rh..^,c 2o",.. ^. ""$ Provid€d further thdt a member may palticipate iD t'-he Sencrsl meelhg even after exefclsin8 his righr to vote through remote e-voting but shall not be allowed to vote again; (viii) at the end ofthe remote e-voting period, the facility shall forthwith be blooked: Provided lhrl ifa company opts to provide the same electonic voting system as used du.ing remote e-voting during the general rneeting, the said facili9" shall bc in operation till all the resolutions are considered and voted upon in the megting and rnay be ussd for voting only by the memberc attending the meeting and who have not exercised their right to vote tfuough .emote e-voting. (ix) the Board of Directors shall appoint one or more scrutinisers, who may be Chartered Accountant in pmctice, Cost Accountant in practice, or Company Secretary in practice or an Advocate, or any othcr person who is not in emplo)ment of the company and is a person of repute who, in the opinion ofthe Board can scrutinise th€ voting and remote e-voting process in a faif and transparent manner: Provid€d that thc scrutinisers so appointed may take assistance of a person who is not in employment ofthe company and who is well-v€rsed with the electronic voting system; (x) th€ scrutiniser shall be vrilling to be appointed and be available for the purpose of ascertaining the requisite msjorityi (xi) thg Chairman shall, al the generalme€ting at the end ofdiscussion on the resolutions on which voting is to b. held, allow voting, as provided in clauses (a) to (h) ofsub-rule (1) ofrule 21, as applicable, with th€ assistance of scrutinisers, by use of ballot or polling paper or by usilg an electronic voting system for all those members who arc present at the general meeting but have not cast their vot€s by availing the remote e-voting facility. (xii) the scrutiniserc shall, immediat€ly aftcr the conclusion of voting at the general meetin& firsr count the votes cast at the meetin& thercafter unblock the votes cast through rcmote e-voting in the pres€nce of at least two witnesses not in the employment ofthe company and make, not later than three dsys of conclusion of tie meeting, a consolidated scrutiniser's repon of the lotal votes cast in favou or against, ifany, ro the Chairman or a person authorised by him in writing lyho shall countersign the same: Provided that the Chairman or a person authorised by him in writing shall declare the result ofthe voting forthwilh; Explanotion.-lt is hereby clarifi€d that the manner in which members have cast their votes, that is, affirming or negating the resolution, shall remain secret and not available to the Chairman, Scrutiniser or any other person till the votes are cast in the meeting. I lqn lt-€rs 3(Dl (xiii) qTRl rn lllFft I otqlgRvl l-or the purpose of ensuring that hembers who ha\le cast their votes through remote e-voting do not vote sgain at the general meeting, the scrutinisers shall have access, afler the closure of pefiod for rcrnote e-voting and b€fore the stan of general meeling, 10 details relating to members, such as theh names, folios, numb€r of shares held and such other information that the scrutinisers may require, who have cast votes through remote e,votillg but not the manner in which they have casttheir votosi (xiv) the scrutinisers shall maintain a reSisler either manually or electronically to record lhe Bssent or dissent received, mentioning the paniculars ofname, address, folio number or client ID ofthe members, number ofshares held bythem, norninal valrc ofsuch shsres and whether the shares have dimerential volin8 righB. (xv) the register and all other papers relating to voting by €lectronic m€ans sball remsin in the safe custody ofthe scrutinis€rs until the Chairman considers, approves and signs the minutes and thereafter, the scrutinisers shall hand ovcr the register and oth€r related papers to the company. (xvi) the results declared along with the report ofthe scrutinis€r shall be placed on the website ofthe company, if any, and on the website ofthe agency immediately after the result is declar€d by the Chairrnan : it,,;;J J'!!.' i.-r.i-i.6rr i.- company shall, simultaneously, forward the results to the concemed stpck exchange or exchaDggs whefe its equity shares arc iislcd anci such stock cxchanBc or excha ges shail place the resuhs on irs or their website. (xvii) subject to receipt ofrequisite number of votes, the resolution shall be deemed to be passed on the date of the relevant genersl meeting. Explaootion.-For the purposes ofthis clause, the rEquisite numb€r ofvotes shall be the voles required to pass the resolution as the 'ordinary resolution' or the 'special r€solution', ts the case may be, under section I 14 ofthe Act. (xviii) a rcsolution proposed to be considered through voting by electronic means shall not be withdrawn." lF. No. 0ln412013-CL-V- Part-lll AMARDEEP S. BHATIA, Jt. Secy. the Gazett€ of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), v,i?€ number C.S.R. 260(E), dated the 31st March,2014 and subsequently amended rr& numtrer G.S.R- 415(E), dated the 23rd June, 2014 and vide number G.S.R. 537(E), dat€d the 24th July, 2014. Note.-The principal rules were published in Printed by thc Press. Ring Road, Mayapuri. N.$.Delhi-l10064 and Published by the Conkoller of ?ublimt'ons. Dclhi-110054 Voaser, Oov€nn.nt oflndia i l I