FOR PUBLISHING IN THE EMPLOYMENT NEWS ADVERTISEMENT One post of 'Assistant Director (Official Language)'in Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, in the scale of pay of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Rs. 5,400 Grade Pay, Group'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, is required to be filled up by Composite method (Deputation/Promotion) :- The officers of the Central Government/State Government/Departmental to apply for the above post are advised to visit CWPRS Website or MoWR Website The detailed candidates willing advertisement along-with'lnstructions and Additional Informations'to Candidates for Recruitment by Deputation/Promotion has been displayed on Departments Website as well as on the Ministry website . Interested and eligible officers may send their applications (in triplicate) in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-'A'), attached with the detailed advertisement published in the above website, to the Under Secretary (E-ll), Ministry of Water Resources, Room No.633, Shram Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001, through proper channel, withln sixty days from the date of issue of this advertisement. The closing date of receipt of applications from candidates from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Sikkim, Laddakh Division of J&K State,, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar lslands or Lakshadweep or abroad will be 67 days from the date of publication of advertisement. E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx Jr tlqrrn TfiqR *i rarqrfr eq Tr-qT. s / t / zo1 2 -{arT. ql_{a {r{o|q rrEflem, Tfr ft-fl-fl rI Git{.T.TT grqqlot qetdq Adq qEr Gil{ fugd ergwum eTfdr, gq d vrdrcrfi- ft+pm lvrwww), rTtE "o'', qslgfufl, fq-et3v+Rl-fi-q t.T{ o-f vfi-qE s. 15600 - 39,,100 nilflqn + F. 5,400 i-s d-in q e-gffi frfU (qfuFqR/qqlqfr ) b aq ?r*I qr=rl 3nqr{o } : ird-q {r{fi-f( / vr.'q vrron/ frqrrhq Grf.ffl-fr BqRt-ffi fr fr{ sT-nf,{ o-{i \Fg Ee,n sg-qq{ idq qFT Gf-{ fuqd ugtrum e|-ff,| o1 A-q-nde q-q 3il{ .l.TI qJ-q&Tuf q-Tff,-q o1 t xRiFrgfr / q-qlqft dRI q-fr b http :/ / qT qET gi_gruq oQIT T{i ft-f,r--ii Me http / w iq ir-f,i * frq Bffi d GrRR-qd q--nfr Tq fr+qT tg fr-{Ed fr--e*-{ ftqFhq A-{tTr$d z/ http :/ / ol Ne {I E-{ft 4-{d q"l eTaEt{, Tfi fr-fiftT 3ii{ .rql qxqlq qTdq http :/ / t Tt *gT rn qroar t sr|ffi frqfRa fiwtqt qgo.r-r b.qrel s.Tqtqn affir{d q EEgqr 3f{ sT-{ q-ftC d) er+q e"fu-q l)' qo ft-{Ta q-fiTRrd fualq-{ *io.Tq | sqi en-}fi qrqfluq qTrf,q, cF-rNI oss , 110 001 o), {iT fuflrrq RTR rtFI, {.ht qr.I, r-$ fr qrfr d-i e1 dr0s nro fr rft-d{ sfud rTgqq r)-q tl-qti d t eieq, +qtrpl.' 3n"-{ o-yfr{ q-Gq Gfr-Utrzttl q+fl, Frq)-{q, qPrT{, qrqtis, ft1fu-R,, d{rg ar$a fufr fu-dT GrY{ Rqtqd e--+gt b zrqT fu-dT b qr.ft ss q?T|'I' ergtffi gq q-rd ud]qqt qr oerfiq qr fuM q Gil-d-fi qlw o-{i o1 M-{R f,rq i t ffiq{, ({ (fi{ t H flrft-s ffi- qq t oz mf fr ftdr rrrrrkr e)-fr E:\GROUP A TABTE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion b t €i qa fr-arq-q ech-fsm @t \\ * ftf} r regarding.docx ,/, FOR DISPLAYING IN THE WEBSITE No. 5/1 12012-Estt.ll GOVERNEMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, RIVER DEVELOPMENT & GANGA REJUVENATION ADVERTISEMENT One post of 'Assistant Director (Official Language)'in the Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune in the scale of pay of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Rs.5,400 Grade Pay, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, is required to be filled up by Composite method (Deputation/Promotion) :1. Officers of the Central Government or State Government:- (A) (i) holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre or Department, OR (ii) with two years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 plus grade pay of Rs.4B00 in pay band-2 in the parent cadre or Department; OR (iii) with three years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 plus grade pay of Rs.4600 in pay band-2 in the parent cadre or Department; OR (iv) with eight years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 plus grade pay of Rs.4200 in pay band-2 in the parent cadre or Department; and (B) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience: (l) Masters degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a subject at the Bachelor Degree level; OR Masters degree of a recognized University Bachelor Degree level; E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR in English with Hindi as subject at (oL)_Promotion regarding.docx ,l t, the OR Masters degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi and English as a subject at the Bachelor Degree level; OR Masters degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi medium and English as a subject at the Bachelor Degree level; OR Masters degree of a recognized University in any subject with English medium and Hindi as a subject at the Bachelor Degree level; and (ll) Five years experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa, preferably of technical or scientific literature in the Central Government Organ isation ; OR Five years experience of teaching, research, writing or journalism in Hindi in Central Government Organ isation. 2. The Departmental Senior Hindi Translator in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 plus grade pay Rs.4600 in pay band-2 with three years regular service in the grade shall also be considered along with outsiders and in case he is selected for appointment to the post, the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion. Note-1 . For the purpose of computing minimum qualifying service for promotion, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to first January 2006, the date from which the revised pay structure based on the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations has been extended, shall be deemed to service rendered in the corresponding pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the said Pay Commission. Note-2 : For the purpose of appointment on Deputation basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to first January 2006, the date from which the revised pay structure based on the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendation has been extended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the said Pay Commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx zl t with a common grade pay or pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay or pay scale is the normal replacement grade without any upgradation. Note-3 . The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion will not be eligible for consideration of appointment on deputation. Similarly, the deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion. Note-4 : The Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three yea rs. Note-S :The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. 3 The Assistant Director (OL), Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune will perform the following duties : i) Proper functioning of the Hindi Unit at CW&PRS and connected duties therewith; ii) Terminological work in Hindi and translation work from English into Hindi and vice versa: iii) Training of staff in Hindi; iv) Co-ordination, implementation for the spread of Hindi amongst the various divisions of the CW&PRS; v) Preparation and verification of Brochures/specific notes/reports and other allied matters in Hindi; vi) Planning and execution of duties connected with various committees involving the use of Hindi; vii) Supervision and guidance to the Hindi Unit Staff working under him/her viii) Promoting and implementation of Hindi Teaching Scheme for non-Hindi speaking employees at CWPRS as per Govt. directives from time to time; ix) Any other work that may be assigned by his/her superior officer from time to time. E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR {OL)_Promotion regarding.docx =/ t ti The terms and conditions of the deputation would be the same as prescribed by the Department of Personnel & Training vide their O M No.2/29191-Estt.(Pay ll) dated 05.01.1994 as amended from time to time. 5 Interested and eligible officers may send their applications (in triplicate) in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-'A') to the Under Secretary (E-ll), Ministry of Water Resources, Room No.633, Shram Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-1 10001, through proper channel, within sixty days from the date of issue of this advertisement. The closing date of receipt of applications from candidates from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Sikkim, Laddakh Division of J&K State,, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar lslands or Lakshadweep or abroad will be 67 days from the date of publication of advertisement. While forwarding the applications, along with attested photocopies of ACRs for the last five years, Integrity certificate and No Penalty Certificate during the last ten years in respect of the officers, the Cadre/Administrative Authority should certify that the particulars furnished by the officers are correct and that no vigilance/disciplinary case is pending against the officer(s). Applications received after the last date or without copies of ACRs/lntegrity Certificate/No Penalty CertificateA/igilance Clearance Certificate or othenruise found incomplete will not be considered. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their cand idatu re subseq uently. E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding,docx 4ft Annexure-A CURRICULAM VITAE PROFORM 1. 2. 3 4. 5 Name and Address (in Block Letters) Date of Birth (in Christian era) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules Educational Qualifications Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied, (if any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the authority for the same) Qualification/ Experience Required (1) (2) (3) Essential 6. 7. Office/ Institution 8. 9. Qualification/ Experience possessed by the officer (1) (2) Desired Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirement of the post Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your siqnature, if the space below is insufficient Post held From To Scale of Pay and Nature of Basic Pay duties (in detail) Nature of present employment i.e. Adhoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent ln case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state:(a) The date of initial appointment (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract 10 (c) Name of the parent office/orqanization to which vou belonq Additional details about present employment. Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) (a)Central Government, (b)State Government (c)Autonomous Organization (d)Government U ndertaking (e)Universities (f)Others E:\GROUP A TABLE-KUTTY\Recruitment -ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx --, '/r 11 12 13 14. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder qrade Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? lf yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale Total emoluments per month now drawn Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualifications (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy C i rcu la 15 '16 17. r/Adve rtiseme nt) (Note" Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient). Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/ Absorption/ reemployment Basis. (Officers under Central/ State Governments are only eligible for Absorption ? Candidates of non- Government Orqanizations are eliqible only for Short Term Contract.) Whether belonqs to SC/ST Remarks ( The candidates may indicate information with regard to (i) Research Publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/ Scholarship/Official Appreciation(iii) Affiliation with professional bodies/ institutions/ societies and (iv) any other information (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. Signature of the Candidate Address- Date Countersigned (Employer with Seal) E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx r/o fu r{rf,c q{ reffra o.ri ig Tfcq . s / t / zotz-{a{T. | lil{d {{{o-fE q-o e{flrm ri-Tr?fq, q-fi fr--fiTrT eiii.r-,n rrrq1q q-Troq | r'6''., {rqqhd, t{irdlq q-a e*-q f,{gd erg*rum pTfqrr, gd q {r6r{rfr fttyrfr (rrwr+rw), tlt6 GrgirRrflq {flftq cnr v6 qE s. 1s,600-39,100 b i_ila + F. s,400 }-s i-il{ b i-aiqra d rrgw fa-f} (qft@/qEffi) 1. Adq r+qrh b arrr r{r qmr erqr+o qr{of{ sT * :- {r-q ql{o-f{ b tt) erf}orql :- (oXi) d ao ofs{ qr ftqFT q ft qhd 3ilqx q{ vrifl qq qf{q os € d; qr (ii) d X-o o-rs{ rn ftqFT q-d-fl{ t.s-z t i.o-Tqn es00-34800 s. eil-q fs d s-{rq ftgft b qr4n ffi q d qd FrqR-a r}'qr .nq {b ei; qt (iii) dirn 4800 tt. d X-o.ils-{ ril f{qFT d i-d-q fu-z fi d.oqqn e300-34800 s. efr< is i.rl 4600 s. q E-nq ffi fi qvqm fi{ qd Frqn-o r)-qr d{ nb el; ql eilq }s (iu) u) X-o .nfsE qr frqFT q-ild-{ t-s-z b nd-{qrq e300-34800 s. Errq FqR b q'rqrd errs q$ ffi( tqr .nq gb d daq 4200 s. d t (u) FmfuR+o tft-n Gr*nq *il-q.U,m qqqdT E) ' elr-q rtTq fr +q-d-i d qrrsq (t) ft;qfr qf'tfflT HR ffiq-rflq M t ffi rqdd M {n{ rr{ eiffi \'fr faqq At M {tr{ .r{ fH Tfr ftqq d qT ft,qft qrqt.tT qrw M{ildq r) 3rffi d qrrsq fuft ei-.q qTer fr nq-d-{ rqde) gT ft.{fr srM lrtw ffi.ild-q ydr frEq b rq d ei qrdff,T li ftrrfr $ frq-q d qrcgq M ei}q qTq fr +{d{ M} tir{ qE ffi eil--q qI ftr{ft qrqflT qrd ffi-ilrdq i) ft-{fr fi fr-rq q frd qTrqq ri qrd{ M eilq q]lq dl +ilf,i M qaq M efq wQr di d-ilil{ M raq w eiffiYoftq-q fi$-{q d qT M-nEq wffivnfrsqbtrqdd; fr,qfr qErf,T qrw ffi ri ft'{fr fi frw q orffi qTrqq r) qrcsE t frd qr ffi {) erffi e|1-qrq ord or qiq qS mo rTItrq eqfl or$ q;r qiq q$ oT 3|1Tq d qRqTfr-qt arqqfr ord oi Gr\q / qr eiffi .hT 3IJrIq srJDqr-d: irdfq vr{ol{ €Td=1d q|o+fqt ql (tt) } qT E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx 'l t- Ardlq {r.rx b v+rrd{ d ffi d errqrq-{. erSwerR, dq{ w q+orftor or qm C or GrXTq ffii qfi z. i-rq fu-z fr qsoo-348000 s. efq }-s i-d-{ 4600 s. b Ail{qlq q fr?rrrflq ERw 1?di Gr1q|{fr qrq fr-qx fu-qr qt\r{r Gil{ qR rrE tN s-{J.nT d fi{ s-$ Frqtrf, +ql o1 t, qs $ cra.qR-d d rryror t d B-q} elqfr at{I q{t rErT {{r|$rT \ilvn } ffi I qm ft\ qr-dq 3rffr t-{r @t rrurn b qdq{ it ftq 'r qildfr, 2006 {n {6 .ilfrs lM ua nrdlq nd-{ 3il-q}',T o1 RiqrRvr} w enrnftf, grftl*-d i-d-a irE4il or ffio ft1 .d t, t $ ffi sriffi arEr FrqF-o w o1 q-$ +q or Gil-q}q o1 RiqrRsil w enqrRa f}ratRo awent'l *s ftquT r r b GTTTTT{ d-fl{ qT A-il;rqrq q +qT qrq-S} q-'rg'ft of Tf fuqq z : rftfrgR *. eneil{ w -d-d-{ Gnq).r ffi( o1 RrwRerJ ffi w enilRa t }- q-q)-q-{ grer|d-d nd-{ fr fuq 1 q{dft , rl{ilfl ffifl arfl-s M C., t yd frtifr 2006 qT E6 o'i.d u-} Atd|q qfffi a-Et w enLnRf, neert'l is id-I d-imqt{ d o1.€ w C.€ e-ql or i-cq qlq.ft gfi .T6r e.rqfq fs-ilil{ qr-}-f,q-ql-a b qflr{, gqt qr qo t 3rfqo $ fr-ilq Wrh Qql gqerferd d-ilrqTn ol gfr ns q fr-d-q fu-ql qqr t 3fri q6r q6 h-fqET Atq-d s-s qE qT \tt .rq) oT ffid fuq q6 }.s ild-{/nd-{qTq fufl ffi s-flq=r } rlmq qfr-{a.rq{ }s e) EnrT ffi silqf,T qfr RiqrRvTJ GirrTrq q1 q]E-Si t ftquT 3 ; qlqo !-q'l b t$ ft?rTrfl-q erflffi, .f,) qffi o1 {frfi q-R. q d, eftfrgfRr w ffi q}=rfr srcr FrgR At ft.q fdqx fuT fr-qri fuT qri b qre nfr Eti, s{fr ror{ qfrFg-ff qra q-SIeli qft b fA\ qd } t fuq{ a : ufrftgfr FrgR t rf,t*fl ftqq ft1 GmfU, ftNrb 3mfd Ardlq q-nd dffi ilRf, frr{fr sfq or€R qru qE w }- \r{fr ql rfrffi ffi wfdq qT fdqrT d W o1 3rqf} t., wqxqeqt dfe q-S t srfdoGf€t r s xftf\fr : er|qorStdfi 3. {f.rx w FrgR b ft\ ernfi qlq o-{i o1 eiftq artts o) so qd Q r {r6-fir-fr flqtyT-o o{i e}i Grf*fi-cm G{rg-{ftql (nvr+wr),, Atd|q qa ei-q fuqd uScun srcrr fi Frqfufua of-q) o) q.TrE{ , t. tt. lt. tv. v. Ardq q-o ei-s fuqf, erXriuil ynf,T q ffif 3qqFT * rgars nq Q q.rkr{ 3i-i rlqfEra Fd-d or slcrl o-$1T; ffi q yr<rqd srd Gli{ Grffi e ffi 3ITqIE eil--< fr--dqdl=ih d frd d uPreroi; Adq qs eil-q fugd eryrum trfdr b frft-q qrrrd d RFff o) q,cTi tg rmvw ei-"< orqlq+q; ffiror/FdRTq ftquft/md o)"d-flq ei-q e. iqa dFrT eil-q 3Fq H) t qqfqd ord; E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DiRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx "r/T ffi fi {rqf-fd f,df+q 1]ftfu.q) }.qnei g-g Ff,ql b ft*rreq; vt. vil. q)-q-n ffi 3tqFT d vilt. qlrrcr rfit r.rq i|{qtrft ftftfi fi siii !--q).T qi erflrqel or ft.qleToT sil-"{ qrHn s-qil; eryn< Adlq q-o ef.q fq-qJd er1rlun yrfri -l ti ffi qrfl offit il fr{ ffir fteIoT q}-q-il o-I e- .dt{r 3+-i orqiEsq' qrrrcr rrrrcr tx. 4. gi qq Gr|ffi w qRw 3rfqorM o1 orffifi ngn qRreloT frqrr qatneJ ffi e)-'fi qfrffi drct q,t prd, R\ rK 3fq ord d FfiE orffifr efq qRTe{"r qtcrT I frqnr At riqq-rtarcI q{ o* qlsr}f*a fi R-{rfi s.1.1994 b oTq-fd-q Frq{ {fcql z/zq/qt-wr(i,il ll) d fiqqfR-a t urr er|ffi frqtRd qW qer5eu-o) q.rqi 3rrd-{a (f,l qRd d; er+< uRro 1{ ll),, q6 errrrm rtltFFI, 6qrt q osg , ffi pTR q.FI, (Fl qnf , r-$ ffi-110 001 o), gc ft-flq{ At qrfr d-i o1 dNfs t qild fuil b rfl=d{ sfrd {rurq t tiq {ffi-d d r erqrq, +qTdrl, Gf{tun-rqt ,r+qt., ffi{q, qFrgq, lrrr$s, fr1fu-t, qq,3tt"{ opq{ {r'zr il eqrs Mqi, .{rd--d fufil fu'ar eilq ltsqtrd nQsr 6 zfql fufl fi qr.ft sq qqrr, 3issT;r \q ffifl{ dlq qW qr oel-dlq qr ft-teil d {ii qrd gd|qilt {) 3il-nfi qrd 6{i o1 ftfU fr-atq{ ecntsFr ot dfrTs r) oz fud b ftd{ e-rtlkl e}-fr r ed+q +wi {{'r.r, Grfffi of M qiq EEI o1 qrfrGrT{ cfr erywDro.htd oifr, rl.qRqt- n'rur.ra ei}q fM q{T qS it fu fr\ ffi echx b rc e-qfi qqr'Tq.[, s{rR €q,f/qyTnTfufr erfDrmrfr H-rt q-6 qqrFTd l}-qr 'tt=tl "-tR{ qfr 3rfffi Ergr trqd fr-q-{uT {Tfi t ert erfffi il ftF€ o}$ {rdfidlzergnwfto qrrl.rT eRo tt 3nifi ftf] rrqrR b q'sqm rn fiq-+r q{fre{R q-Rqi / Rr. fivt q_rlroT qd / (s 1]qtfi e+lrut .ralqdfi-dT ,FrTUfrl-{ {T erqqr e+qi qqd silR w fr-qn r-S fu-qr qq-qT r qR'nqEqsq ilT qE } ft{ sd|qqn gril 3rrilfi fuT qd b qeqro sffi o) qrR--{T Tff fuql \flT {J.DnT 5. t'grn eilq I E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR {OL)_Promotion regarding.docx -"tl + fr-q-{ gfl qq-d 1. nq vq qor ( ww emrid ; 2. qq ftfg (ffittqd) 3. }-.q u {Niq {fq-rf{ d ftuw1rm Wo1 ,Tffts 4..ierfrToffi 5. $T qq + ft\ Grn-fhd *fhfr 3il-i erq q).qdry Wf * (qR oit qqT Frqd fi eidfq q),q-dl qnq-dT qTq-g@ qrfi.d dds-q-b b qilffi o-r nrri q-aK ) 3tn-Rd d.q-dTq 3r1qq / gnr ww equo / qtqaT ert0znrf} 3rFrnd' (1) (2) (3) qlu+q' ( 1) (2) 6. 6 3nq-b grr sq{ o1.d !ftBq} ?q-ql q o) eqn {rq-d Eq qql GTrq {iT.rq b fov oqf*n tq-drq Rq-i d q-ary E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _A55T DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx W t . srdmq"r1{Tri FrgRq} .F-r qt{, qR fri fuqT rrcn {a{T;r Gil{ulw Fq-fl ft-f*q-d F{flTeN i) eqrFrd Tfr GrFfl r1ifiIqfd-q / qrqem qrR a q-E t exet1fr GTqctT a) saq 6-i e cF d-n-qrTrfl Aa B. s-dqn FlgR d Cr ilor q;rrf or {rfws lftrcn r); cfl {qs-q dEzf ,, GTstcIT qa1J-fi{a c{q ctT qprrfr" e. qR{dqlqffiqfrFqfr/ogqq 3TTr[{ rN rrxq fuT E] d guw ddK : (F) rntt-oFqRof ftft ' 1u; xftftgft/o1qq w FrgR ol srqf} : (tT) Td olqld-q / €Td-{ enq €"iffo ro. .rf,rnq Fqfr t zn-l lrrl, ffi d., {rc-f*a erRR-q.T q-fl1- fililsot, ?q-qT fu q i) fu-ri .nrd-{a S erm ffifod d (6) +-{ rr.6f{ (s) qr-q rf{qrx ({) {qlq-fl €rE=T (q) q-.qtrfr sqln-q (s) ftlrqfuqraq (a) erq E:\GROUP A TABLE-KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR {OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx Ylv 11. fl-qr q-flt\ fu .rq-r enq sqfr frqrq d fld{d d nqr.hts{ }-s GT?ril qts{ t kts{ fs q t qgr}lfa n-d-rqf{ d d ? qR ar d il+s e-fl\ fu oq d rlqitrq g3ir Gil{ rjsiltrq Td A-d-{qTq or rft s-d-s of 4^ TqT 3{Tq tz. t d qri ard gro qRoFT-qi 13. q"Rqr6 14. srRftff qa=TT', ilT qE il fr\ qR ot$ e), fu-q-fl.Gilq sil-fi svg-nf,T b Hqsfu q sd-s Fq;IT 4-i, (flqtgu3rufuu-u)wr;+qrBqildI o-{T-$ ql qrm-fr t (r) 3rfrR-ff tfhn q}rrdl (ii)orc-wrfuo qRreroT Tq (iii)Rft qRqt /ft--an-{ t : qR erarqr.nrd gr3,rq d frqifi-d {sFT Grq-qfw d a) yem qirc rr-d-rn o.t) 1M qftFqR Cenffiqft) ?rt-n qarq fu enq eil+dl/gffi 3iltTn qr eli+fi os € € 15. lfao itq/{r'q qrEoiqJ d otd{fl 3rfffi 8 "sfi141" +.ft{ qTa E}i, rt{ TrrrtTfr qlTdfi } urfifl{ dg Grqf} ?,r3qq b qra d 3r$IRrd qrfr/Gr1-gtr-d q-q-wfr q-dfrd d, Eqr t 1-7 fr-q-d eTrrr vuffi o) FFTfufua q) q-qfhn Eqil +fi d.ft fu .rqr si-fr1ot$ (i) eryun qe, ffid G{?rcft ft-e}q qR*q-il ftqFrqT : 1 !-nrRrn E{ ) ( ii ( iii t, g{w-i/eu@/efiDrorfto qetrll ) erawrfuo gor€Zqrqerd/qilar3il q|{kIT t dzIT (iv) erq oi$ tgan, (M : qR {alFr q-qlw --ff qflfd srf,{T t e) q-o i) vrdrq ol qr {ffi-ft E:\GROUP A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment t,) _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)_Promotion regarding.docx Ll* q-i sqfdn qE b ftq Rr r{ RR q-RqdiF{flq{ oi wngfo +s fu tt Aii !-q( fu-q.Tq !-fuiffT fr|tr{d {fiFI qqq qi}-fr grEr fi fu-q-r qK{TT q;afirft t fu.qr t eiiq gS rq q) tiqltra fr-n+ga oT Tnroq w qq qrd +1TS fi q+q } I Bffi<-Efi b eqf,Te* q-T[ :- r\.:, lqilcr, q-RwflerRa (Frqiwn 5a< uR-c; E:\GROUp A TABLE_KUTTY\Recruitment _ASST DIRECTOR (OL)\ASST DIRECTOR (OL)-Promotion regarding.docx 1r