Rochester Institute of Technology RIT Scholar Works Theses Thesis/Dissertation Collections 2-2006 Development of nickel silicide for integrated circuit technology Phu H. Do Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Do, Phu H., "Development of nickel silicide for integrated circuit technology" (2006). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Thesis/Dissertation Collections at RIT Scholar Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of RIT Scholar Works. For more information, please contact Development of Nickel Silicide for Integrated Circuit Technology A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Materials Science & Engineering By PhuDo Materials Science & Engineering Department Rochester Institute of Technology February 2006 Sean L. Rommel Dr. Sean L. Rommel (Thesis Advisor) Dr. Santosh Kurinec (Committee Member) Santosh K. Kurinec Dr. Surendra K. Gupta (Committee Member) Dr. K.S.V. Santhanam (Department Head) Date: Date: 0$ S. K. Gupta Date: Santhanam KSV Date: , (J2f 10 , C.3 I ~2/0-6 !i~i ~ a MS Thesis PhuDo Development of Nickel Silicide for Integrated Circuit Technology By PhuH. Do I, Phu H. Do, hereby grant pennission to the Wallace Memorial Library of the Rochester Institute of Technology to reproduce this document in whole or in part that any reproduction will not be for commercial use or profit. Phu H. Do March 23, 2006 First M. Last Month Day, Year 11 MS Thesis Phu Do Acknowledgement to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Sean First, I like thesis study. His determination The research. numerous Rommel, for his focus have kept and enlightening discussions with me Dr. Rommel have expected" data, and and planning/structuring this thesis. In addition, his helping me finalize on also for all additional experiment persistence and patience this thesis hours in editing my work, this thesis I the entire aided me in all to help have been documentation. Without his would not me achieve crucial guidance and have been successfully the in editing long completed. like to thank Dr. Santosh Kurinec, thesis committee member and department head, her help in coordinating the external RBS and SIMS analyses. She has been a crucial contributor successfully to the success of this thesis. Through comprehend and analyzed the RBS, XRD, initially suggested using the way to finding the thickness of nickel the one that was during this study such as redefining the thesis research, comprehending the "not as aspects of goals of throughout the guidance track on inexpensive suggestion was crucial in the her guidance, I was able to SIMS data. In addition, she and grooving technique as a quick silicide. as evident in this thesis, and such successful analysis of this study. In addition, I also like to thank Dr. Surendra Gupta, thesis committee member, for all his assistance in training me how to use the AFM and XRD tools. Through many long discussions and trainings, he has taught me the importance of such tools and their corresponding data thesis analyses. In addition, he has spent many long hours in editing this the University of Central document. Thank you to Dr. Gabriel Braunstein, Department Florida, for performing the RBS analysis. of Physics at Lambers, University of Florida, for performing the SIMS Thank you to Dr. Thank you to Mrs. Anita Thank you to Lance Madam, IBM, for performing the Barron, fellow student, for his help additional in training analysis. XRD analysis. me on the AFM and XRD tool. Thank the you to Reinaldo course of Vega, fellow student, for data, formulating electrical testing. He played a crucial role and current external studies related to this thesis. Since and intriguing discussions throughout helping me analyze numerous Reinaldo' study in his processing, he has played focus in advancing this thesis research to nickel silicide track the fine tuning the thesis experiments, wafer processing, in getting updating my awareness in recent puzzling this all this thesis study. Reinaldo has contributed in s and and thesis study involves using a major role completion. in keeping me on In addition, his preliminary thesis results have confirmed the successful implementation of nickel silicide into RIT device fabrication and proven the relevance of this thesis research to MOSFET device fabrication. His contributions have been invaluable to this thesis in study. Phu Do MS Thesis Thank Fabrication for to you through the and and financial generous Department at RIT Semiconductor & Microsystems Microelectronic the Engineering Department at RIT improving you contribution the SMFL Microelectronic and my writing this thesis Emily Brandon, writing. Through her for all editorial her in proof she helped proper format work, putting this thesis writing into the skills and help style. to my parents and all my family members for their loving supports financially emotionally throughout my time encouragements through all primary of RIT. and editorial work of writing Thank and of to my dear friend from high school, you reading in staffs/managements Laboratory (SMFL) Engineering me the their processing supports. All processing and electrical analyses were possible all Thank all reason for my the at ups and RIT. Thank downs of for you my life at all RIT. their They cheers and have been the educational success. fiance, Thy Do, for her endless supports, understandings, Thy has been the primary driving force for me since my initial In addition, I like to thank my and encouragements. on sign- to this master of science been there for me, taken comforted me through while I was you too busy study. with very much for giving me given me and She has always this research, and guided me iv done for me throughout the opportunity to come to this country, through the outstanding education, given me employment in this difficult times. afforded me an and of me this thesis my difficult times. Most importantly, her persistence oversight has been crucial in pushing me to finishing this research. to thank God for all the things He has my life. Thank study, care completion of all of my research progress Lastly, I like degree to the completion of this thesis Phu Do MS Thesis Phu Do MS Thesis Abstract Continuous integrated circuits with smaller The complementary of this success. several in devices, advancements materials device dimensions, higher metal oxide semiconductor The MOS transistor is shrinking decades. As the device dimensions capacitance resistance, and and inductance are functionality and (CMOS) technology has following the approaching beginning are have processes to higher been the Moore's Law nanometer resulted over regime, influence the in speed. engine the last parasitic performance significantly. Self-aligned gate and contact resistance process also enabled TiSi2 CoSi2 comparable no line delayed serious as low resistivity as is Titanium modern reduction of materials. The of linewidth nickel single thermal Rapid thermal The (TiSi2) and Cobalt effect and excessive silicon monosilicide and less silicon relatively NiSi into future (NiSi). NiSi has during formation, planar silicide-silicon generation devices has been thermal instability. in this thesis, carried out on nickel silicide. of treatment, silicide devices. With devices shrinking, traditional silicides yet consumes presented Silicidation has been studied and alternative by limited knowledge of its into silicides limitations However, implementation silicon regions. metal extensively attractive dependence, In the study metal finding resistivity width interface. are One consumption. using been implemented into (CoSi2) have and by that allowed mid eighties higher packing density. Many silicides have been silicide developed in silicide process was silicidation of nickel metal doped has been investigated. and non-doped polycrystalline and crystalline process was used for the silicidation of sputtered nickel electrical and material properties of nickel silicide were vi Phu Do MS Thesis characterized, and silicidation conditions have been Electrical resistivity using the four-point was used to The silicide surface and XRD technique The the topography condition Such topography in condition yield a silicide was NiSi 695C study correlation and SIMS between and phase composition. It is resistivity concluded using the AFM done to A nickel silicide's electrical multiple phases mixture that the 500C for 20sec resistivity at 695c for 60 of -1.6 x for obtaining the lowest or more. resistivity (Poly). vn of- Such 1.6 sec. 10" (Si), 3.3 x multi-phase mixture condition yielded a IO"5 x temperature most optimal silicidation 10"5 with an electrical phase mixture with an electrical calculation. analysis were single-phase nickel monosilicide was most optimal silicidation at electrical crystalline silicon and polysilicon regions at NiSi film found to be resistivity measurements of nickel silicide. strong respectively. for obtaining the H-cm (Poly). The uses of sheet Furthermore, RBS material properties and and properties, and phase composition were analyzed respectively. composition was observed less than 573C through the the silicide's thickness necessary for with surface material technique and the grooving technique. The grooving technique experimental result showed resistivity data, electrical made. was calculated probe measure complement between correlations (Si), 2.5 NixSi IO"5 x + 2-cm Phu Do MS Thesis Table of Content Acknowledgement Table of List of Figures List of Tables 1. iii Content viii x xii 1 Introduction/Motivation 1.1. Integrated Circuit Technology Overview 3 1.3. IC 6 Technology Challenges 9 1.4. Rationale 2. 7.5. Silicide 13 1.6. Conclusion 14 Reference 16 Background: Silicide 17 Technology 2.1. Titanium Silicide 19 2.2. Cobalt Silicide 22 26 2.3. Nickel Silicide 2.4. Silicidation Kinetics 2.5. Material and and Electrical Transformation 30 Property 31 2.7. Conclusion 32 34 Experimental and 3.1. Atomic Force 3.2. 37 Microscopy X-Ray Diffraction 40 42 Resistivity 3.4. Conclusion 45 Reference 46 Electrical Characterization 4.1. Sheet Resistivity 5. 35 Analytical Technique 3.3. Four-Point Probe: Sheet 4. 28 2.6. Transition to NiSi Reference 3. 2 1.2. MOSFET Fundamentals 47 Four-Point Probe (Rs) by by Grooving Electrical Resistivity ofNickel Silicide 47 4.2. Depth Profile 51 4.3. 55 4.4. Discussions 60 4.5. Conclusion 62 Reference 64 Material Characterization 5.1. Surface Morphology 65 by AFM 65 5.1.1. Reference Regions 5.1.2. Near Critical Temperature 5.1.3. Silicidation Temperature Effect 68 5.1.4. Silicidation Time Effect 69 5.2. Phase Identification 5.3. Phase Composition 66 and by XRD Constant Time 67 70 by RBS 74 vm Phu Do MS Thesis 5.4. Elemental Concentration 6. by SIMS 78 5.5. Discussions 82 5.6. Conclusion 84 Reference 86 87 Closing Summary Future Work 90 APPENDIX 91 1. Fabrication Process Procedures 91 2. Fabrication Process Cross-Sectional Diagram 92 3. Design of Experiment Raw AFM Data 92 4. 5. Raw XRD Data 95 6. Raw RBS Data 93 105 Ill References IX Phu Do MS Thesis List Figure Description 1.1 Cross-section 1.2. MOS Capacitor 1.3 NMOS transistor 1.4. Schematic Figures of Page model of a of a NMOSFET apply gate voltage, Vg section 3 5 NMOSFET cross-section prior cross with no 10 to salicidation showing various series 11 flow from 12 contributions to resistance 1.5 Channel channel MOSFET to salicidation with showing current silicide 2.1 TiSi2 silicidation process. 2.2 Sheet resistance of 2.3 General 2.4 Poly CoSi2 Co Not to 20 scale function silicide as a 23 of temperature. 24 silicidation process N+ sheet resistance vs. length for TiSi2, CoSi2, gate and NiSi 25 silicides 3.1 Experimental 3.2 General 3.3 Schematic 3.4 Typical XRD 3.5 Four-Point Probe Schematic 4.1 Sheet resistivity 4.2 Top-down diagram wafer quadrant 37 AFM 38 X-Ray Diffraction 41 Setup of division of an plot of of 29 intensity vs. four 42 angle 43 50 regions of groove (a) and cross sectional view of groove 52 and wheel 4.3 Calculated junction depth 4.4 depth 4.5 Calculated 4.6 Resistivity as profile as a function electrical a of four regions of temperature at resistivity function plotted of RTP time X 53 20sec and 60sec time by regions at 695 C and 54 57 573 C 57 MS Thesis Phu Do Page Figure Description 4.7 Resistivity as 4.8 Electrical resistivity 5.1 Reference AFM and nickel on 5.2 Surface a function of doped roughness temperature of RTP of D3 58 temperature implanted 2nd regions after doped polysilicon, nickel on 60 RTP doped polysilicon, 66 silicon regions of surface silicide's known around critical 67 valued 5.3 RMS roughness as a function of temperature at 5.4 RMS roughness as a function of time at 5.5 XRD intensity plot D3 5.6 General prior to and 573C 68 60sec and 69 695C 71 after metal wet etch observed nickel silicide phase transition in doped crystalline 74 silicon and polysilicon for RBS 75 5.7 Cross 5.8 Summary of RBS 5.9 SIMS result for sample D15-Poly_P+. 79 5.10 SIMS result for sample D15-Si_P+. 79 5.11 SIMS result for sample D14-Poly_P+. 80 sectional view of samples sent analysis result with elemental ratio and XI RBS thicknesses 76 Phu Do MS Thesis List Tables of Table Description 2.1 Desired Properties 2.2 Comparison 2.3 Phase Formation Temperature 2.4 Crystal Parameters 2.5 Mechanical Properties 2.6 Electrical Properties 2.7 Characteristic 3.1 composition of experimental wafer quadrants 36 4.1 Sheet 48 4.2 Average 4.3 Calculated junction depth 4.4 Calculated 4.5 Measured junction 5.1 Nickel 5.2 Page of Silicides for Integrated Circuits of Noble and and Refractory Metal and 18 Silicides 19 29 Kinetics density for IC Technology 30 Silicide of bulk silicides: compressive stress at 293K of bulk silicides 30 31 of semiconductor silicides Resistivity of samples prior to processing sheet electrical silicide Calculated resistivity measured of four regions depth, Rs, and phase(s) detected silicide by CD resistivity based Detected film layer from 6.1 Result 6.2 Conclusion surface based Rs by XRD thickness based 5.3 on ResMapper resistivity thickness compared to thicknesses and on grooving technique junction depth data D3 regions groove 49 53 56 60 72 analysis on single-phase from after wet etch of implanted density and RBS 77 technique. down through SIMS analysis 81 88 Summary Summary 30 and Optimal Condition Xll 89 Phu Do 1. MS Thesis Introduction/Motivation Metal has been silicidation industry. This thesis semiconductor this chapter, the author presents a to explain the rationale and An integrated and and circuit is fabricated are resistors) material" [1]. The IC will focus "circuit in a (computers) most evident (shrinking) of faster the continuation of circuit most obvious of negligible characteristics. begin many Such circuits and on a elements single growth of transistors (transistors, diodes, chip of semiconductor of communication has industry this is given live people of rise to and work. (mobile phones), maintained dimensions. The benefits take Future IC features that at smaller the examples can be transistor are education at role continued or in However, numerous challenges. lithography system and advances beyond the capability many phenomena influencing in the transistor scaling transistor size reduction technology dimensions, dominant seen of the technology presents modern resistance. by higher packing density. of the conventional optical series sharper to In particular. material. power consumption and is the limitation Moreover, NiSi in tremendous growth since the invention industry transistor scaling in of smaller and system. the IC smaller speed, lower increase in the transistor once formation (DVDs). growth of transistors to are imaging important technology in the the integrated which experienced in the fields and entertainment The continuing imaging of an technological advances that have influenced the way Such impact is The the interconnected and industry has for this the first bipolar transistor in 1947 [10]. The numerous on brief overview requirements (IC) to be continues the the require of that the were transistor's series resistance where the Phu Do MS Thesis importance geometry The with property begins to be the device's chapter will provide a quick synopsis of the semiconductor industry. the of materials more following operation of a metal oxide semiconductor transistor (MOSFET). The chapter will also introduce several industry in the fabrication of down. Specifically, this chapter, issues related fabricating dissimilar (near perfect by Russel electrical 0.5 capable of producing the In first 3 -terminal point-contact the point-contact would each the other. semiconductor with to by scale focus mainly on challenges in the development are to light due to the and Shockley device resistance" since its at of materials in intimate The PN junction developed transistor. The transistor contact the time was recombination-generation at Bell Labs was operation [10] invented initially known is nothing more as a than a terminal to the others. Due to the complexity in producing transistor, in 1951 telephone, radio, will faced continue coverage of all charges, that such as electron junction transistor quickly became the as since chapters, technology began in 1940 volts when exposed one its dimensions Bell Labs [10]. The PN junction is merely two property, from major challenges effect Overview circuit at as field be impractical. 1947, Bardeen, Brittain, "transfer transfer of resistance Ohl with contact) of charge carriers. series resistance Technology integrated origin of the device as well as all subsequent down MOSFET a scaled the PN junction with the MOSFET to the transistor's 1.1. Integrated Circuit The than decreasing transistor size. This includes the fundamental the crucial Shockley developed the junction transistor. The essential component of all electronic and other electronics. devices such Phu Do MS Thesis In 1955, Bell Labs successfully fabricated the first field FET the birth sparked successfully built a Fairchild [10]. Noyce [2], by in 1959 layer with a process of layer metal then was oscillator produced a into Kilby, from Texas Instruments, 5 integrated by pattern components. to of metal over create method of by Further technology" combining the P dioxide (Si02), developed thin layer a evaporating of transistor (FET). The Noyce introduced "planar the integrated circuit of silicon etched consisting when processing technique is the primary circuits seen when IC" "simple advancements were made silicon separated IC technology in 1958 of the effect and Hoerni N junctions and the circuit. The from Lehovec evaporated the integrated circuitry. This idea fabricating complex and MOSFET integrated today. 1.2. MOSFET Fundamentals A MOSFET, metal-oxide-semiconductor device in today's active regions, electronic circuits. a source and a drain, or p-type semiconductor material. gate, and drain, are labeled as Typically, that are a MOSFET selectively consists of connected by building block two electrically a channel of n-type Refer to Fig. 1.1 for detail. The three terminals, source, S, G, and D respectively. (b) (a) Fig. 1.1. Cross-section gate field-effect transistor, is the voltage, induced when Vg, the model of a NMOSFET equals to the threshold Vg = Vt in (b). Image apply gate voltage, Vg, (a) and with an apply Vt, (b). An electrically conductive channel is with no voltage, adopted from [4]. Phu Do The MS Thesis source and drain are highly doped regions altering the conductivity Certain impurities of a doped with a donor such as the use of referred or to as a drain PMOSFET, with one uses p-type depends on n-type (polysilicon, capacitor. drain source and and polysilicon is a thin a "p- dopant. Similarly, to the Si as a positive charge and the p-type of by semiconductor wafer dopant implanted into the has been fabricated. A whereas electrical of metal is dopant for Si. The a p-channel regions are separated for the stack "donors"; A Si lattice by n- MOSFET, a region of isolation. On top of the (typically heavily doped dioxide layer. Together, the three layers stack forms the metal-oxide-semiconductor, MOS, gate isolating silicon silicon) drain Si. valence structure of is normally doped with the same dopant type as the source and regions. The operation of the MOSFET gate capacitor, Vg. In NMOS transistor, the a silicon above an oxide, The used as dopant impurities. valence electron relative the type of MOSFET that uses dopant. The semiconductor polysilicon) layer n-type ion implantation technique. The type regions a method of temperature contribute these mathematically behaves normal semiconductor silicon which provides isolating less hole. Typically, Boron is MOSFET, NMOSFET, channel to the phosphorus, are usually ion implanted into the high-energy source and impurities Doping is the additions of termed are Phosphorus is termed to be absence of an electron dopants, boron by and at room energy to current transport. These impurities semiconductor contains commonly semiconductor material activation type" lattice. This silicon wafer. contain an extra valence electron relative These impurities have low excess electrons in the Assuming a is controlled by the application of voltage on NMOSFET device in Fig. silicon semiconductor 1.1, its layer below the operation gate is is the MOS as follows. p-type which is MS Thesis Phu Do rich in holes, excess positive voltage is the polysilicon applied on thin oxide layer. A electrons near while the polysilicon positive voltage on the interface the oxide-silicon depletion silicon of holes interface, interface in near as a condition the much the interface as Vg forms in the positive voltage on connection inversion stage where MOSFET applied where which removes an induced Vt where defined as electrical region opposite the concentration of p-type silicon up direction established an electrical current of electrons regions. flow) The inversion to oxide if a can dm oxide 99999 t-SUBSTKAH 2E2EHS j-SUBSmA3t MM_m DEPLETION Fig. 1.2. MOS Capacitor INVERSION of a direct provide a can voltage known as the flow from the bias (Vd defines the be turned the induced channel connecting the source to the drain. rnkm inversion flow from the drain to the stage Vt. Refer to Fig. 1.2. The MOSFET oxide- the transistor. With higher the drain regions. This condition is set the the threshold voltage. The carriers, electrons for n-channel, to holes layer. The gate voltage where an is the concentration of n-type channel near of a the holes away from the the Vt is the a well-defined n-channel between the two Vg = of When created across induces the stage since (semiconductor silicon) source and to the drain (current flow in voltage) is Vt the gate, between the source region source substrate in field is all pushing lower than that threshold voltage of a MOSFET is usually region by n-type. electron, an electric gate, depletion results defined excess the polysilicon gate of oxide-silicon interface. This is commonly known near is rich in NMOSFET [4]. or drain on-state of a off when Vg < Phu Do MS Thesis 1.3. IC Technology Challenges Over the decades, past the MOSFET device has continually been to fulfill Moore's Law. Typical MOSFET channel lengths 20 MOSFET micrometers whereas modern The the origin of Moore's Law number of every year. transistors came per ever since and Why do doubles IC increases about has been known MOSFET need as like a resistor. resistance induced channel MOSFET and MOSFET has flow current and less length effect smaller observation operation speed of most channel. resistor and thereby thus more smaller chip has higher a shorter to number of size or chips with a for reason MOSFETs to fit in a length smaller speed and for scaling down is to cost. a The the higher Therefore, higher processing lower fabrication higher processing channel flow. In addition, current MOSFET. Another important and reason the drain through the smaller gate capacitance. density important as a current source. shorter of and smaller gate capacitance contribute size allows a has been true In the linear mode, MOSFET is to the source. A of a number of the transistor. Smaller MOSFETs traveling from and about Moore's Law. current gate, in 1965 that function, doubling the path higher MOSFET packing is This final to be scaled down in size? The resistance lower switching time obtain years. to pass through the induced along the of nanometers. observation made as an exponential size ago were several in the tens are In saturation, on-state, the MOSFETs behaves arises years the observation in 1975 stating that the every two MOSFET scaling is to increase the enable more current lengths from Gordon Moore's However, he later modified transistors per IC channel down in scaled Reducing fixed power on area. the channel The resulting the same chip area. MS Thesis Phu Do Therefore, the cost of fabrication is lower chips with higher processing power Since the invention of been in the fabrication difficulty decreasing the size of lengths with channel However, MOSFET, tools and Currently, as small as the fabrication faced gate with material related oxide increase in material resistance of must the ideal material; silicon. With such meet the criteria with size to limit to substitute the for capable of issue is series less work metals the them to continue density per fabricating IC and MOSFET have high induce a channel since power consumption and Highly doped the The primary work a of of the in IC technology is of in the the ultra thin source/drain and transistor, metal gate was compared gate voltage must silicon substrate. be polysilicon same chemical composition and similar work is This does not down a polysilicon gate was used an acceptable conductor since function to applied the applied voltage must also scale heating. Therefore, the requirement of a gate function differences higher in for more of a concern advancement At the birth function differences, and with of a major challenge becoming resistance polysilicon gate. for MOSFET scaling metal. the MOSFET becoming Continuing a good conductor. difference to overcome the is would enable battling issues ranging from the dielectric breakdown however, high that industry capability is advances. the doped be is constantly industry 90nm. insulator to the increase in is that it The material related in further scaling industry same wafer or difficulties in satisfying Moore's Law have processes the IC process today's MOSFET scaling. The the the MOSFET, thereby increasing the Moore's Law. fulfilling new fit into the and price. process capability. developing of the since more chips can as silicon. it has Phu Do MS Thesis Polysilicon is highly resistive levels, its concern (about 1000X sheet resistance in previous is more IC technology fact that geometry polysilicon, also known line dependence width In addition, resistance drain is present the as components greater source and regions (S/D) drain metals. This different a subsequent resistance, stacking up the of material it section. a pronounced doping was not a major size is needed a such as continues to thereby amplifying the to control the altogether. polysilicon overall nature of silicon S/D gate, the increase in source/drain consists different overall high the MOSFET. Since the source and The exists. with is relatively large. It is smaller replace to that of the also Rational to However, it is a material's resistance is getting region of series and components that make drain regions, there is of material several increase in the resistive layers in the series resistance will However, it is resistance, clear that be region. covered with smaller series resistance of the two that significantly affects the overall operation of the MOSFET. The two introduction transition silicon source/drain depth in the Even metals. to the geometry dependence silicon similar due to the geometry The different in Therefore, source and essentially in a major role of the polysilicon gate or in the to polysilicon gate polysilicon gate due to MOSFET scaling resistance the a similar challenge related regions are known of where plays the material. property compared line-width dependence. As MOSFET as the geometry of the resistance resistive) IC technology. previous significantly higher than still well-known decrease, in an acceptable gate material major challenges addressed above of a new material: metal silicide. metal with silicon. surface, is heated to a A can resolved metal silicide The alloy is easily formed specific be when a temperature. The heat is an together alloy metal, in allows by the mixture of a contact with a the two materials to Phu Do MS Thesis intermix to form the alloy, commonly material properties similar Silicide of a metal. to withstand retains the various found in metal, and dependence. This makes to that fabrication it as silicide. Metal silicide possesses of silicon as well as electrical properties similar the high melting some to referred point and It processes. have low silicides hardness sheet resistance for the a suitable substitute material of silicon which allows has the low also to that resistance with no it property line width polysilicon gate. 1.4. Rationale Metal silicidation semiconductor referred only it to has been industry. The in regions where a self-aligned process isolated The over metal beneficial a the thick silicon dioxide between the regions. gate and silicidation process. (oxide) As Once the seen important technique in the it is its self-aligning nature, (salicide). The contact with fabrication, Several in-between the silicon surface. the only This metal-silicon the formation steps are needed to of makes interface prevents spacers are sidewall spacers isolation during the the silicidation on the two sides of the polysilicon gate device. The in place, the in Fig. 1.3, the only scale). the polysilicon gate form the the S/D to provide the necessary electrical This often process of metal silicidation layer. Refer to Fig. 1.3 for detail (not to several steps after that may create a short of the entire oxide. is in an the gate regions. All other areas of the MOSFET are normally is normally deposited the S/D metal to be aspect of because in MOSFET source/drain and by most continues as silicide-self aligned silicidation occurs is in the and metal areas where sidewall spacers are layer is deposited to the metal is in direct usually cover made of the entire wafer. contact with a silicon Phu Do MS Thesis surface are in the S/D regions and the regions where metal silicidation can occur which makes Split 1 it Fig. 1.3. NMOS transistor essential role to reduce continuing technology behavior with low (Rac) resistance of spreading (Rsh) the from overlap of the increasing the Source-drain the drain in the surface the S/D region, and the layer to S/D it metal also across the depth contact resistance 10 (S/D) to gate associated the S/D, (Rc0) between on regions. an The maintain ohmic drive accumulation of takes degrades the degrades the resistance progresses with silicidation and gate contacts is due to the S/D, Fig. 1.4. salicidation. (CMOS) technology series resistance region gate to gate and source/drain source region as source or region (Rsp) from the advancement requires on a salicide process. cross-section prior devices number, resistance of resistance. MOSFET, particularly total and the only Implant metal oxide semiconductor dimensions are Oxide Spacer N+ decreasing these NiSi S/D Contact - Deposited Metal As complementary Hence, polysilicon gate region. current. layer with the current of a The resistance the current sheet resistance metal and silicon. See Phu Do MS Thesis Metal *c Metallurgical junction - Fig. 1.4. Schematic Both Rac and Rsp cross section are not easily for accounted contact edge and spacing, (1.1) by Rs equation [Cl/a] pscj = 1.1 is the doping where w sheet series resistance Rac is incorporated into place The in of the the a region with non sheet resistance can is the device width, resistivity [5]. s is the be gate and S/D diffusion [5]. w \Ps__ w (1.3) gradient. to Psd R=2___Hco I (1.2) practice since spreading usually takes resistivity due to the lateral S/D accurately in measurable active channel resistance and current uniform various contributions showing Pc RC0=^S icJpTp. sd wl R (1.4) = ^'"". w Equation 1.2 depicts the [H-cm2] is and pc 1 and .3 1 .4 case resistance, Rc0, N where lc is the interfacial contact resistivity between represent short contact case contact k4p~JfZ the short contact and is driven is driven mostly by long the contact window width, metal and silicon. contact cases of Rc0 respectively. the interfacial contact resistance while the by the current flowing into 11 Equations long the front edge of the contact. The contact MS Thesis Phu Do As from the evident resistance and contact be resistances can NiSi. An highly conductive silicide thin resistance, This constraint sheet Rc0, is in film resistance, less than that RSh is for the 1 equation under the the interfacial / contact Isolation resistivity is edge / ' isolation ^/ to a between around H ^ silicon. minimum so In addition, the lc, is now two and is The that the contact the entire S/D long silicide and metal contact is typically 10" i--cm - . [5] Spacers \^)iitiiiumiih>ti<>m_*^ />f\ oxide ^ spacer region. < / Local drain source and 10" negligible since these TiSi2, CoSi2, the contact width to satisfy the contact resistance the sheet sheet resistance of silicide the contact window width, variation of The .4. of by However, respectively. the edge spacing reduces also reduced since allows Rco mainly driven a minimum with metal silicide such as orders of magnitude only contributing region. to and resistances are this is illustrated in Fig. 1.5. The example of typically 1-2 Rsh resistance, reduced S/D discussion, above NiSi \ V}>'\,ni>"!'"'li"""~>!">i Tt/JJ/Trffr. m " \^\S " a" " "~ Equipotentkil Fig. 1.5. N-Channel MOSFET Silicide is gate as well as dimension also with salicidation implemented reducing the continues gate the flow from polysilicon gate with advances of nucleation sites. RC current contact resistance with metal to decrease to increase due to lack to the increase in over showing to 12 to silicide [5]. provide ohmic contact interconnects. However, in technology, The increase in delay of the MOSFET. channel silicide silicide to the as gate resistivity begins resistivity contributes MS Thesis Phu Do 1.5. Silicide Traditionally, and CoSi2 due the standard to their low resistivity dimension decreases to lack with advances of nucleation sites caused resistivity C54 CoSi2 silicide materials of choice since phase it Unfortunately, the use of junction leakage. The with shallow most junction, is low resistivity of about forming of The ITRS by the node report global universities. NiSi [6]. The future of sole purpose of technology Despite the benefits of the thermal (Ni2Si, NiSi, NiSi2), about International anticipated the no line width and a single lnm report width. and by of to be mainly step a silicidation previous silicides. Ni to 1.84nm over of Si, in the >32nm IC the S/D regions. technology. It is published industry leaders, is to assess, dependence, Technology Roadmap for semiconductor the semiconductor the line consumption used of nickel silicide material a global assessment of semiconductor known issue 2005 [7]. Its incorporation is is silicon in of for future CMOS advances, especially due to NiSi formation is collaboration The alternative its high by the introduction decrease a two steps silicidation required Semiconductor, ITRS, has identified technology limited with 14 uI2-cm, low Si consumption, consumption rate 2.22nm phased out with monosilicide, NiSi. NiSi has of a device the incomplete phase transformation to the low also promising temperature treatment instead The Si by CoSi2 is nickel as TiSi2 in technology, TiSi2 resistivity begins to increase due increase in resistivity no were high thermal stability [9]. However, Therefore, TiSi2 has been [11]. suffers and for CMOS device identify, researchers, and and predict current and and associated challenges. of NiSi as stated instability above, the [8]. There each of which is are main concern of Ni silicidation mainly three characterized 13 is the phases of nickel silicide by dramatic differences in sheet Phu Do MS Thesis The resistance. thermal silicidation process processes (RTP). The 250-300C followed by a which silicidation for has is to better nickel monosilicide composition for above phase obtain the NiSi that to three identify the phases, temperature agglomerate and between transform into of nickel required silicidation conditions is used to Microscopy (AFM) and rapid to be between [9]. A thorough investigation of NiSi Atomic Force silicide reported phase at X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) identification, structure associated with the Ni2Si formation is (~14(iQ-cm) understand and formation. thermal energy treatment through 550C, NiSi begins sheet resistance twice needed by highly resistive low resistivity 400-550C. At temperatures NiSi2 is driven the four obtain the silicide to study the grain technique to point probe sheet resistance of the phase(s). 1.6. Conclusion This chapter presented included was a brief history discussed to of provide subsequent chapters. a quick synopsis of the IC technology. The MOSFET scaling was also discussed critical silicide the advancement since they challenges was covered, discussed in this the nickel rational monosilicide for the and to is the (NiSi), not need for MOSFET the reading of for such scaling industry must face to all challenges general consensus in were facing a new material. A the metal that potentially can address such metal silicide was also presented. 14 ease the rational However, to this thesis. The chapter needed that technology operation of a the semiconductor the IC technology. are not relevant proposed, challenges and of basic most the fundamental understating was presented as well as some critical challenges continue the integrated circuit Phu Do MS Thesis The focus silicide. this thesis is to investigate and characterize the formation of In addition, compatible with formation RIT a nickel current condition needed Furthermore, its primary RBS, and The the IC AFM fundamentals cover and the of silicide processes. to form thin film process The will objective main nickel silicide with topography will be developed to be is to define the the lowest resistivity. be identified through XRD, techniques. chapter will technology in CMOS fabrication phase and surface analytical following silicide of nickel discuss the different past as well as the formations be will silicides current and covered for future that are of most advances. nickel silicide. interest to In particular, the Chapter 2 will also the current knowledge of the morphology, phase composition, electrical properties, the material properties of these silicides in more detail. 15 Phu Do MS Thesis Reference [1] P. Van Zant, Microchip Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing, Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000. IC Knowledge LCC, URL: Wikipedia-The Free Encylopedia, URL: Electronic Devices and Circuits Engineering Sciences, Harvard University, URL: 4th [2] [3] [4] s/mos_cap/mos_cap.html. [5] [6] Y. Taur, T. Ning, Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, Cambridge University Press, 1998. P. Lee, D. Mangelinck, Nickel Silicide Formation on Si (100) and Poly-Si with a Presilicide Implantation, Journals of Electronic Materials, 30(12), 1554-1559, N2+ (2001). [7] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS), [8] F. Zhao, J. Zheng, "Thermal Stability Study of NiSi and NiSi2 Thin Films", Engineering Journal, 71, pp. 104-1 11, (2004). B. Froment, M. Muller, "Nickel vs. Cobalt Silicide Integration for Sub-50nm ESSDERC, pp.2 15-2 18, (2003). W. Brinkman, D. Haggan, W. Troutman, "A History of the Invention of the Transistor and Where It Will Lead IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, (1997). 32(12), 1858-1865, Microelectronic [9] CMOS," [10] Us," [11] R. Mann et al., "Silicides and Local Interconnections for High-Performance VLSI Applications, IBM J. Res. Development. Vol. 39(4), (1995). 16 Phu Do 2. MS Thesis Background: Silicide The investigation temperature stability, Schottky barriers metallization trend for Technology of metal silicides can physical properties and ohmic reasons More than half of the known not all are suitable undesirable properties. high diffusivity melting points interaction suited VIA) (Al and stability, as seen and noble metals depends Ni on as discussed many other the discussed in the include low have high Most metals (group earlier. VIII). The The most have oxidation rates handful most of which are of desirable properties of silicides suited 17 the (Mg for VLSI (Au and of silicides. one or more Pd) and Fe) and 450C, interaction and contact metals commonly resistivity. low with Si02, spiking due to that are (group IVA, VA, and Ti, Co, and used metals are Table 2.1 application. and application are the of metals with properties refractory for VLSI least at usefulness of such metal silicides factors besides their low form some eutectic temperature etchability, electromigration, are a technology current silicide metallization to form undesirable properties there silicide previous chapter. temperatures less than However, structure, low resistivity and high major categories: electronic and crystal the low resistivity application. properties [3]. Other for VLSI application, perhaps for VLSI poor in Al [1]. made while others Mg) of metals react with silicon of metal with silicon at poor chemical diffusion Such in silicon, in terms in IC technology, contacts faster devices has primary development focus for However, into four grouped interconnects in IC technology [1]. The gates and of smaller and be for IC technology shows a summary Phu Do MS Thesis Table 2.1. Desired Properties 1 Low resistivity 2 3 Easy to form Easy to etch for pattern 4 Should be 5 Mechanical stability; Surface smoothness 6 stable good Should reaction with Good device 11 For metals. final metal not contaminate 10 devices, contacts - low contact most metals there are suitable for VLSI minimal application are noble or distinct differences between Refractory contacts metallization silicides formed from metal silicides are more suitable and stability for gate whereas noble metal due to their low temperature formation mainstream IC technology has successfully implemented two into full-scale device fabrication. The CoSi2; TiSi2 belongs formation temperature and exhibit observed line to earlier metal silicide was to the refractory the dominant diffuser the noble metal silicide group with metal width resistance, and Schottky barrier height. Until now, the recent tools penetration However, better for or lifetime characteristics and window wafers, due to their high formation temperature relatively higher [7]. Line stress No silicides are has been adherence, low 8 metallization known to oxidizable 9 the two groups as seen in Table 2.2. more generation in oxidizing ambient; Stability throughout processing, including high-temperature sinter, dry or wet oxidation, gettering, metallization As previously mentioned, silicides for Integrated Circuits [1]. 7 junction refractory of Silicides width being being metal silicon whereas dependence is degree an of line width increase in 18 group 200nm, and with the high CoSi2 belongs the primary diffuser. dependence for features below show some silicide TiSi2 metal and to TiSi2 has been recently, CoSi2 dependence for feature below 50nm silicide's resistivity due to insufficient Phu Do MS Thesis nucleation sites with the attention observable of line line decreasing the IC technology industry dependence, width Further width. Table 2.2. Comparison as of Noble and reduction NiSi, toward being the next size has attracted a noble metal silicide with no silicide replacement for CoSi2. Refractory Metal Silicides [1]. Noble Metal Property Resistivity of metal in device Nearly Refractory Metal the same for all metals: 7.5 2.5 Decreases |jf2-cm with atomic in number a group and in a period Resistivity of silicide Crystal Nearly the same: structure of 25 10 Increases number with atomic number period No Same for silicide correlation with atomic number or group; group with atomic in |j.Q-cm. no correlation a group metals in and one changes with atomic number of metal Schottky barrier height (n-type Si) Greater than half the All have band gap energy; increases with atomic 0.55 silicon similar 0.05 value, eV number Formation temperature 200-600C >600C Dominant diffuser Metal Silicon Interatomic distances Dm-M Dm-m < Dm-Si Dsi-si Dm-m Dm-m > > Dm-sj Dsi-si Good Poor High temperature (>1000C) < stability 2.1. Titanium Silicide Titanium silicide The to silicide utilize metal silicide group. IC technology for low resistivity well-established process. belongs to the refractory thin film formation The thermal annealing process of process gate and TiSi2 is may be done in a a It was interconnects two-step thermal furnace or a rapid known deposited sputtering technique. Silicon dioxide onto the silicon wafer via and/or silicon nitride (Si3N4 - nitride) are RTA usually 19 or RTP. utilized applications. thermal annealing thermal anneal chamber, commonly as the first metal Typically, titanium (Si02 metal - is oxide) for isolation between different Phu Do MS Thesis silicon regions and interaction/reaction anneal process the causes moderately low resistivity of C54-TiSi2 RTP a during Fig. 2.1. phase minutes A 1st are not avoid easily circuit short phase ~1 [6]. The 1.0 is wet RTP N2 ambient. to form the metal and a 2M nd thin RTP C54-TiSi? Si Substrate Si Substrate by all un-reacted of H2SO4 part at a However, TiOx, or regions. which 2 and reacts phase metal parts is removed H202 at a ~750C by the use temperature to pure metals and completely into is leaves the needed to a more stable the RTP temperature should be below over This the could The resistivity equilibrium spacer regions potentially of C54-TiSi2 is desirable for IC device 20 scale. temperature of TiN standard wet chemistry. 4 times higher than the 293K, 1 Not to titanium chemistry only phase. between the device's [i-_-cm at 500C in C49-TiSi2 process the formation of TiSi, etchable about The first thermal After low resistivity C49-TiSi2 lower resistivity C54-TiSi2 775C to RTP silicidation process. formed, second transform the moderately and is TiSi2 etching chemistry consisting silicide untouched. no C54-TiSi2 Si Substrate for 1-2 above or the surface [2]. Refer to Fig. 2.1 for detail. Ti Metal of ~90C anneal. little the silicon-titanium interface phase at After of a wet the thermal to diffuse into the titanium silicon Before RTP Once the C49-TiSi2 has generally temperature chamber at C49-TiSi2 phase on titanium since with oxide or nitride step is usually done in The RTP layer isolation gate because they create a parasitic the metastable phase with metallization [3]. C49-TiSi2 resistivity of Phu Do MS Thesis TiSi2 has previously been used in IC device fabrication for to its low resistivity, low contact resistivity to both relatively high thermal stability Moreover, TiSi2 is [4]. silicides since TiSi2 is relatively insensitive to Therefore, it is best suited implementation into traditional CMOS scale for device's' laterally across a the devices, an effect atmospheric isolation "bridging." the thermal annealing is done in N2 The TiSi2 in devices phase Since titanium 200nm inherently have transformation to pure is less energy a nucleation-limited to increase the complete the One way to 2nd compensate described as and silicide. to other its and makes devices continue to is the TiSi2 previously. 21 this which as TiSi2 layer thin a effect can case for be suppressed RTP most and short anneals if [2]. than 200nm is the incomplete transformation from the phase of ~5.7eV on This lightly doped result an [5]. features less than with in silicon incomplete phase leads to higher resistivity compared dependence effect as the line for the line However, oxide or nitride spacer can process, devices RTP annealing temperature to the transformation [2]. spacer as to form available nucleation sites. from the C49 to the C54 phase, earlier. RTP processing in the smaller phase. C54-TiSi2. This is commonly known discussed across phase requires an activation silicidation titanium phase of However, However, which ambient, transformation from the C49 to C54 C49 to the C54 silicon regions as more critical problem with silicon, due show certain undesirable characteristics. known out n-type and oxygen contamination compared During the initial C49-TiSi2 phase formation, diffuse p-type the final stable process an ease. down below 200nm, TiSi2 begins to contact metallization width width dependence create more C54 effect of TiSi2 is nucleation sites and the higher temperature will lead to shorts Phu Do MS Thesis The TiSi2 for further IC technology use of requires additional onto a new dependence. The disilicide, cobalt and low temperature. Therefore, the C54 phase at focus time, steps, strategies, that has silicide more (smaller device advancement labor to increase the promising benefits new and more recent silicide of choice density nucleation industries have researchers and dimension) their shifted line minimal and for the IC technology of width industry is CoSi2. 2.2. Cobalt Silicide Cobalt the IC with silicide technology the shown belongs to the the resistance to HF cleaning formation of cobalt silicide metal etch in between. The 500C to 675C phase at and 1 and plasma involves metal at H2O2 the CoSi [9]. A convert all the TiSi2 to where 350C and RTP metastable is possible reactions of with low resistivity Moreover, compare to the device isolations. The first RTP immediately used transforms to the to selectively anneal at CoSi diffuses into the beyond [3, 9]. A phase the ability to has better to TiSi2, the wafers with oxide and/or anneal condition silicon is between to quickly form the metastable crystalline wet etch consisting Co of 3 CoSi2 CoSi parts HC1 leaving behind between 875C to 1000C is to its final equilibrium 22 and has been process with a selective remove all un-reacted temperatures silicide TiSi2 [8]. Similar sputtered onto the Ti metal cobalt silicide two-step RTP annealing the amorphous Co mixture 2nd etching a It has been introduced into dependence behavior. Cobalt is normally temperatures of 500C and part width selective etch of un-reacted metal. nitride sidewall spacers and phase its line comparable properties withstand Co2Si for TiSi2 due to as a replacement sidewall spacers and to have noble metal silicide group. phase with needed to resistivity Phu Do of 14.5 MS Thesis pft-cm (bulk of cobalt metal as single crystal CoSi2) [9]. Fig, 2.2 shows the sheet resistance profile it transforms to CoSi2. 700 V Co FILM ANNEALED FOP 10s 30 r (111) B IMPLANTED O 25 O (111) UNtMPLAMTEO X J100) B IMPLANTED A (100) UNPIANTED C5 LU O 20 CA) 07 UJ rc 15 - t_i UJ X 07 10 AMORPHOUS 5 - CoSi., a^jjT TEMPERATURE Fig. 2.2. Sheet during It has been of time observed that the at a specific temperatures resistance of Co silicide as a the two-steps anneals (700C) CoSi2 has been widely benefits overwhelmingly process. and enough used resolve as 900 (C) function of temperature Adopted from [9]. sheet resistance of the temperature, giving SOO 700 600 500 25 the final initial CoSi CoSi2 phase phase can be is a strong function achieved at lower time (-120 seconds) [9]. a replacement many issues 23 for TiSi2 for many associated with its years predecessor. since its However, Phu Do MS Thesis these benefits Co metal. are only realized with Fig. 2.3 depicts the Before RTP Ti Ti use of a Ti capping layer top on of the deposited general cobalt silicidation process. After Capping the 1st RTP After Etch After 2nd RTP Capping Co Metal CoSi Co Metal Si Substrate Si Substrate Fig. 2.3. General With the during Co Ti capping use of a the annealing C0S12 silicidation process. layer, steps since a the transformation use of a TiN capping layer first RTP annealing layer the interfacial during native oxide presence oxide of the layer in a of CoSi2 is very layer the native oxide sensitive growth of oxide on layer as width width dependence also observed silicide-silicon The interfacial chamber to traces top path of Si along the dependence interface of of 02 as the layer reduces desorbed layer may be the inherent or may be from the silicidation process. The [10]. The Ti capping as well as the growing CoSi underneath raises 24 early and captures and moisture the Co surface associated the use of Ti capping deposition the to K. Maex that the that a Ti capping oxide during by observed as whereas the silicon surface prior to Co O-elements in the RTP prevents line for temperature below 550C silicidation process. top the line to CoSi2. It has been found layer between the Co on silicidation observable self-aligned silicidation process compared eliminates behavior [10]. Maex silicidation of any metal resulted process showed no such elements from Co lateral minimal or no better TiSi2- In addition, the Ti capping layer with scale. Ti sufficiently blocks the diffusion [10]. This leads to metal surface there is Not to further it to the growth of surface. If the Phu Do oxide MS Thesis layer is oxide and the allowed into the Si to the RTP process, the diffusion during grow may be partially substrate completely blocked or Co through the thereby affecting overall silicidation process. CoSi2 undoubtedly advances and CD in IC technology within dependence still the devices Recent years. with to the device next generation I | 3 30 I I generation device I I | 4Ji I ] have by 20 4 1 15 I Poly N+, m 10 Nfr> (65nm CD), I o I I | I ''' 0,05 I I I reach reaches width a new metal silicide is usage is needed to | As doped t.:::ir=?:^ NiSi width 0,25 silicides. width beyond 200nm. Similar behavior however, length Adopted from dependence earlier, the line below 50nm. Note 6nm 9nm CoSnm -Ni (pm) sheet resistance vs. gate and i i-1 -Co i N+ Poly Fig. 2.4 demonstrated the line CD to have line ' 0,15 Gate Length for TiSi2, CoSi2, [7]- stated P + I I * Fig. 2.4. beyond 45nm. As IC 45nm 2005 CD below 50nm [7]. Although its - ft ,m 1g as the and end of CoSi2 shown to 45nm Ti 20nm & 5 its limit reach the 25 1 (CD) down 45nm CD. at I 65nm CD studies on polysilicon gate region with current dimensions to However, further TiSi2. with CoSi2 is beginning usefulness of 5-10 associated continue to push the critical manufacture next tolerable for advance to prepares many issues resolves below. Today, the industry as of of TiSi2 dependence can be seen and of as CD decreases starts to be apparent CoSi2 TiSi2 for CoSi2 as CD continues to that no such behavior was observed for nickel 25 Phu Do MS Thesis monosilicide future (NiSi). B. Froment has demonstrated that the devices generation turned to NiSi as the with CD beyond 45nm [7]. next metal silicide replacement use of NiSi can accommodate Therefore, many have researchers for the IC technology. 2.3. Nickel Silicide Similar to Ni metal critical cobalt the primary diffuser. Since the being dimensions above 50nm, the next metal silicide that knowledge base predecessors, years. TiSi2 understood prior process nickel general based is the will enable and around devices. of smaller sparked within there remain many application ambiguous to its successful integration experts with to be However, the that of its two the past several properties to be into future IC devices. silicidation process of nickel on recent publication and phenomena with group to devices by many CoSi2. Its interest has only been silicide involves [7]. Similar to Ti RTP annealing one into the di-nickel cobalt silicide, silicide third and 750C (NiSi) around equilibrium and a (Ni2Si) resistivity NiSi2 at around and a Co one-step RTP silicidation 325C phase has and for of 34 (xQ-cm anneal processes, an of about intermediate resistivity required to transform then quickly transforms into resistivity of 24 nickel silicide with [3, 1 1, 12]. 26 450C is phase which phase with nickel silicide also formation temperatures exists a suggested not as vast as metastable nickel monosilicide with has been is However, only metal Similar to for IC CoSi2 is limited use of development noble metal silicide sputtered onto silicon wafers with oxide and/or nitride sidewall spacers and isolations. the Ni nickel silicide of nickel silicide Therefore, The belongs to the nickel silicide silicide, 10.5 metal-rich \xi--cm | Ni2Si [3]. phase [3]. There also formation temperature Phu Do MS Thesis Since the NiSi the lowest resistivity previously, NiSi mentioned phase-out of TiSi2 and other electrical properties shows no signs of line width CoSi2 in IC device (refer to Electrical Properties nickel monosilicide phase and delayed its interest NiSi is its thermal sensitive extremely subsequent subsequent sintering thermal steps. circuitry. annealing steps were technological requirements It is not history fact that the for the last phase implemented in advances in major in back-end interconnects processing. are deposited traditionally involve and previous processes implementation into future devices but the severity is much has major problem with nickel silicide, it is processes normally Back-end processing and patterned one of current or more IC technology. technology metallization obstacle to its during contain temperatures at or above 700C found in the metal for many back-end processing the has maintaining the its formation temperature above Previous device fabrication steps difficulty in also superior to steps. thermal Such of TiSi2 However, the the and recent thermal thermal requirements NiSi and made The thermal stability is with prior metallization processes. 27 to high temperature lowered reduced stability a viable possibility. less than have refers complete that are detrimental to the underlying NiSi. For this reason, alleviated concern the for main reason that are Section) However, a well-known Since NiSi is process steps with These the its integration into device fabrication to any temperature steps where metal necessary have stability. or metal reflow steps processing CoSi2 until recently. processing dependence, advances, for CD beyond 45nm. It two predecessors in term of device operations. desired the three phases, it is out of that this is the phase of choice for integration into future IC devices. As obvious the phase possesses its still a Phu Do MS Thesis Since its interest, renewed concerning NiSi thermal impurity and/or and Ti [13]. silicon implementation closer to by formation temperature of has been established The remaining Ti, Co, Ni and comparison will be made the three for all 2.4. Silicidation Kinetics and between reaction dominant For TiSi2, diffusers are phases 2 on for of NiSi impurities of a higher to such as Pt, Pd, Ti capping layer has to up formation on NiSi 700C making its process of nickel silicide exist to the as the methods used, specific a relative [3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12]. compare the material and electrical properties of previous and recent data is published phase works. composition, A brief and other available. metal silicide fall into two main categories: diffusion- kinetics. In diffusion-controlled to form a new phase is limited by the kinetics, diffusion of the the toward the interface. metal species. reach phase silicides whenever metal and silicon primary diffuser to of depending phases the dominant diffuser is Si the that the use shown and nucleation-controlled diffusing species other implantation use of stability available made Transformation of reactions kinetics for concerning the morphology, three controlled thermal stability three based material properties of the The kinetics that the many studies; though differences sections of chapter silicides the [14]. The have been N2+ shown were reported thermal realization confirmed range increase can the publications It has been Furthermore, it has been increased successfully have been stability. [11, 12]. Similar findings temperatures F, in numerous the Initially, reaction whereas the for CoSi2 growth rate interface. As the 28 is high and NiSi, since it is silicide continues the dominant easier for the to grow, the Phu Do MS Thesis primary diffuser reaction Such being interface, thus the silicide the two variables [3]. enough of new phases. time, but adversely by However, It is of is with not Ti2Si, Co2Si, and "the grain temperature and time in the lower temperatures favorable in IC fabrication given since most reproducible of metal-rich Ni2Si. in free energy the shows such as the NiSi and associated associated with produced additional phases are also found in section CoSi, kinetics formation temperature. Other known to by the high temperatures. Such formation interfacial energy of silicon-rich the of the new phase associated with phase such as silicide phases and NiSi2 and Phase Temp fC] Ti TiSi2 425 Co Co2Si 350 CoSi 350 CoSi2 400 Ni2Si 200 NiSi 275 NiSi2 350 29 Kinetics [3]. Nucleation-Limited Phase TiSi2 Temp [C] - - - - - CoSi2 500 - - - - NiSi2 and of CoSi2. the corresponding 2.5 below. Diffusion-Limited Ni phase, mechanical and electrical properties of Table 2.3. Phase Formation Temperature Metal the thickness. most critical variable new phases at is generally reach [3]. Nucleation-controlled kinetics usually dictates the transformation intermediate phase, Table 2.3 function increasing the two categories and usually dictates the formation small and cannot compensate formation" with temperature is the Nucleation-controlled kinetics is typically occur when film thickness to throughput. Diffusion-controlled kinetics is the affects silicide phases such as kinetics silicide is decreased a parabolic to form possible extended reaction time formation kinetics increasing growth rate is best described growth pattern formation i* travel through the must 800 the silicide Phu Do MS Thesis 2.5. Material and Electrical Table 2.4. Crystal Parameters Property density for IC Technology and Silicide Crystal Compound System Ti Hexagonal 2.950 TiSi Orthorhombic 6.544 Orthorhombic 3.62 Orthorhombic 8.2687 C49-TiSi2 C54-TiSi2 Lattice Constant [A] c Density [g/cm3l 4.686 4.504 3.638 4.997 4.24 13.76 3.61 3.85 8.5534 4.7983 4.07 3.737 7.109 a/b/c b a - Co Cubic 3.5446 Co2Si Orthorhombic 4.918 CoSi Cubic 4.447 CoSi2 Cubic 5.3640 Ni Cubic 3.541 Ni2Si Orthorhombic 7.060 4.990 3.720 NiSi Orthorhombic 5.233 3.258 5.659 NiSi2 Cubic 5.406 Table 2.5. Mechanical Properties point, Silicide. Adopted from [3]. and thermal linear Silicide Phase of bulk silicides: expansion coefficient 7.42 - - 6.65 - - 4.95 - - 8.91 - compressive 7.40 6.56 4.859 - stress at 293K, melting (a). Adopted from [3]. Compressive Stress Wcomo 8.789 Melting Point [C] [MPal Si a [IO6 K"1] 1414 2.6 TiSi2 117.9 1500 18.89 0.55 CoSi 38 1460 11.1 1.0 CoSi2 100 1326 9.469 0.18 Ni2Si 316 1306 16.5 NiSi 158 992 Table 2.6. Electrical Properties Silicide Compound C49-TiSi2 C54-TiSi2 of bulk silicides. Adopted from [3]. Resistivity [fill-cm] 60 15 Co2Si 110 CoSi 147 CoSi2 15 Ni2Si 24 NiSi 10.5 NiSi2 34 30 - Phu Do MS Thesis 2. 6. Transition to NiSi As discussed earlier, the three have numerous similarities and favorable while the possess most most crucial silicides resistivity device three favorable fact that have are not many reached in terms NiSi most characteristics. of process its semiconductor Some predecessors: favorable is because the these traditional silicides and use of seems CoSi2. The the other two The benefit longer be of semiconductor silicides the [1-15]. Cobalt Nickel Silicide Silicide Silicide ( TiSi2 ) (CoSi2 ) ( NiSi ) 900 900 500 2-Steps Anneal Yes Yes No Resistivity (jiQ-cm) 13-16 16-20 14-20 Primary Diffuser Si Co Ni Yes Yes No Line Width dependence Yes Yes* No Silicon Consumption High High Low Good Good Poor High High Low Formation Temperature Prone to (C) Bridging Effect Thermal Stability Junction Current Leakage (Interface *For dimension < 50nm Spike) [15] 31 low some major characteristics of Titanium Characteristics of as no silicides of interest. Table: 2.7. Characteristic to maintained can decreases beyond 50nm. Table 2.7 details TiSi2 advances. industry characteristics are integration. Overall, NiSi their limits due to technological associated with size differences in characteristics over makes interest to the metal silicides of Phu Do MS Thesis As from Table 2.7, NiSi evident enabling further device capable of as well as energy lower junction the line lacked, are resistance width and However, to the dependence the reasons single Its formation step the requires much its resistivity is most crucial characteristics of bridging effect. and effect, low These are silicon the three the of three, less thermal Furthermore, NiSi has annealing. leakage due to interface spike, that of its predecessors. usability scale-down. less time due to its current to be the only silicide, out seems characteristics comparable that to enable its and resistance to NiSi that consumption, much TiSi2 and CoSi2 industry's interest in NiSi. that sparked the 2.7. Conclusion Numerous Based are useable. have far silicide enable exist, yet not all are well suited the current knowledgebase on industry metal silicides as In addition, these further useable silicides the limit of Therefore, further or require further to be the and contribute have current and to its while current a short a handful of metal silicides lifespan in the IC technology closely approaching the limit to research Based on the of studies, experiments characteristics are not have fully to nickel shown current comprehended the intention of this thesis study to verify attempting to gain a better understanding knowledgebase. In addition, 32 today's next metal silicide previous Preliminary advances future IC technology. However, the Many of its NiSi only to their limit. The technological an urgent need Therefore, it is some reported characteristics of its behavior industry, optimal candidate. NiSi is limited. verification. and are advancement. its capability to be beneficial to on TiSi2 there is technological monosilicide appears knowledgebase the IC advances push the silicides surpassed (CoSi2). of for IC device fabrication. another intention of of Phu Do MS Thesis this study is to establish Microsystems Fabrication processing on silicides will the two will on RIT be used following to investigate the given wherever current processing tool will set. in previous researches: silicidation chapter will cover the experimental and silicidation process of nickel silicide. necessary to experiment. 33 include silicidation process of nickel silicide most critical parameters reported technique discussions based RIT. Such knowledgebase at systematically investigate the temperature and silicidation time. The analytical knowledgebase for the Semiconductor & Laboratory (SMFL) conditions of nickel silicides This study based a nickel provide a Detailed better understanding of the Phu Do MS Thesis Reference [1] S.P. Murarka, Silicides for VLSI Applications, Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL, (1983). [2] R. Mann et al., "Silicides and Local Interconnections for High-Performance VLSI IBM J. Res. Development. Vol. [3] [4] [5] Applications, 39(4), (1995). K. Maex, M. Rossum, Properties of Metal Silicides, Datareviews Series No. 4, INPSEC, London, United Kingdom, (1995). J. Seger, "Interaction of Ni with SiGe for Electrical Contacts in CMOS Technology", Doctoral Thesis,IMIT, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, (2005). R. W. Mannet et AL., "The C49 to C54-TiSi2 Transformation in Self-Aligned Silicide Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 73(3566), (1993). S. Jones, S. Walsh, Wet Etching for Semiconductor Fabrication, Unpublished. B. Froment, M. Muller, "Nickel vs. Cobalt Silicide Integration for Sub-50nm ESSDERC, pp.2 15-218, (2003). L. Van Den Hove et AL., "A Self-Aligned CoSi2 Interconnection and Contact IEEE Transaction on Electronic Devices, Technology for VLSI Vol. 34(3), (1987). M. Tabasky et AL., "Direct Silicidation of Co on Si by Rapid Thermal IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices, Vol. 34(3), (1987). IEEE Transactions K. Maex et AL., "Self-Aligned CoSi2 for 0. 1 8mn and on Electronic Devices, Vol. 46(7), (1999). L.W. Cheng et AL., "Formation of Nickel Silicide on Nitrogen Ion Implanted International 1998 Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, Conference, Vol. 2, (1 999). P.S. Lee et AL., "Nickel Silicide Formation on Si(100) and Poly-Si with a Presilicide Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 30(12), (2001). D.Z. Chi et AL., "Addressing Materials and Process-Integration Issues of NiSi Silicide Process Using Impurity Junction Technology, The Fourth International Technology Workshop on Junction Technology, (2004). S. J. Park et AL., "Thermal Stability of Ni Monosilicide formed with Ti Capping Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, 2003 IEEE Conference, (2003). B. Froment, M. Muller, "Nickel vs. Cobalt Silicide Integration for Sub-50nm ESSDERC, pp.21 5-21 8, (2003). Applications," [6] [7] CMOS," [8] Applications," [9] Annealing," [10] [11] Below," Silicon," [12] N2+ [13] Implantation," Engineering," [14] Layer," [15] CMOS," 34 Phu Do 3. MS Thesis Experimental The study and gain of nickel silicide 150mm resistivity in the average wafer range of composition. p-type 25-45 (boron -.-cm dopant) Table 3.1 (sheet resistivity shows the of a and it general regions could 200nm represents be dioxide layer, gate of a region. on the wafer was atoms/cm2. This top of a 41nm stack This to semiconductor on blanket silicon wafers. initial electrical 382-687 QJn based on an oxide was used Looking at thickness mimic the heavily the transistor. The lower half of the wafer different in detail. With the equals silicon wafer material wafer flat to the thickness of the dioxide layer, on region consisted top the poly MOS regions was a of the single (metal between the from top to bottom, the P+31 at with 75KeV not receive any and and additional oxide 1200nm thick as a separation region doped source, poly-gate, did a transistor. The right primarily the having going from left to right. The left represented doped, by ion implantation, was each transistor. In between these two silicon and polysilicon regions. of seen silicon source/drain of a This 3 -region wafer. semiconductor) silicon the polysilicon silicon crystal of content of each quadrant region consisted of single crystal silicon with a wafer, in silicon wafers with an divided into four primary quadrants, top, three oriented on done all experiments were confirm of 655(im). thickness wafer was development study to a process silicidation process of nickel metal Therefore, conditions. are standard Each is intended to be better insight into the processing These Analytical Technique and upper dose drain of half 2E15 regions of doping. See Fig. 3.1 for details. The establishment of chemical clean these quadrants and separation regions was process, Radio Corporation of 35 America (RCA) Clean followed Process, by a wet to remove Phu Do any MS Thesis and polysilicon nickel metal deposited regions, section. onto Any the wafers surface probe by DC sputtering, nickel by wet 335nm of on metal chemistry; 1 the design not part resistance. This These the for secondary ion "in-house" analytical Table 3.1. Material Quadrant mass 99.9% purity of the consumed H2S04 : 2 during part H202 silicide cover AFM, XRD, conditions, spectroscopy as (SIMS) at metal was RTP annealed at a in the Appendix RTP anneal was 90C. Force Microscopy (AFM) composition, and four-point taken before and after the the fundamental principles of and four-point identified and the silicon seconds prior to nickel experiment by Atomic briefly chapter will samples with crucial silicidation done for 10-15 measurements were the three analytical techniques used at RIT: sent out of topography, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) for nickel silicidation process. Several was and each wafer was quadrants of each wafer were analyzed technique for sheet the ensure proper removal of oxide on HF immersion average time based and un-reacted selectively removed All four an additional deposition. An different temperature for To organic/inorganic contaminations. RBS probe by literature, analysis to technique. were also complement techniques. composition of experimental wafer quadrants. Material Avg. Thickness Additional Implant Composition (nm) Dose ID Upper Left Si P+ Si Substrate 2E15cm"2P+jl,75KeV Lower Left Si N Si Substrate N/A Lower Right Poly N Poly P+ Poly/Oxide/Si 200/41 /Substrate N/A Poly/Oxide/Si 200/41 /Substrate 2E15cm"2P+J1,75KeV Upper Right 36 Phu Do MS Thesis Oxide Implant No Implant Fig. 3.1. Experimental wafer quadrant division. 3. 1. Atomic Force Microscopy The atomic microscopes. force This to measure the Since scanned-proximity optical microscope and in the scanning to the class of attractive or repulsive probe electron microscopes scanned-proximity probe tip placed very force between the do microscope, the not utilize close probe and lenses major resolution to the as seen the in limitation lies size of the probe. Atomic force microscopy is sample. Unlike other typically microscopy, AFM sample's surface with atomic level grain sizes and shapes as well as 5 (AFM) belongs class of microscopes utilizes a probe or a surface of a sample sample. microscope the detector, and a data to investigate the surface gives resolution. the Such tip attached processor unit. 37 topography of a most accurate representation of resolution is capable of resolving surface roughness of a sample. essential components: a microscopic photodiode used An AFM the consists of to the cantilever, a scanner, a Refer to Fig. 3.2 for details. the laser, a Phu Do MS Thesis Fig. 3.2. General There are mechanism sample's two and one without. surface with height to obtain above the A feedback the driver to maintain the cantilever angular sample's surface measures optical it is detection of the be enable of be the and data force controlled force information or Si, is normally interaction two side one with a by to used data a or a the sample's maintain a constant to the sample- down from the downward by the end movement of intensities processor an position-sensitive The detector the information is converted to 38 over to measure any changes in side photodiodes. The scan the sample's surface causes photodiodes signal processor. feedback scanner above associated and extends upward or with is a piezoelectric at a constant the sample. The the difference between the two by AFM: laser beam. This deflection is detected detector consisting processed tip from Si3N4 system contour or the deflection of the cantilever, can made that can also to back out scanned across due to the deflection photodiode the height information. The tip An cantilever as AFM [1]. tip-cantilever assembly microscopic mechanisms tip interactions. The tip is usually of a cantilever. of an major modes of analysis possible on an piezoelectric cantilever surface Setup which system indicates a voltage signal provides that feedback Phu Do MS Thesis information to the deflections maintain surface typical use of the of a sample such as and surface roughness. grain polymer detection surface blends and in sample's hardness through the modes of operation exist the most can height be basic contact mode. and grain of the cantilever-tip based constructed maintain of that can be also be used the on the constant porosity, surface analyze to study different friction, More in the and viscoelasticity, and Many tapping mode, other Three material properties. on the a advanced components imaging. (PCM) mode, for discussions differences in Microscopy (LFM), Phase Contrast Mode section surface transitions between different used modes are contact See the Appendix surface to the analyze and magnetism. composition, adhesion, used is to structure, elasticity, charges, used of commonly microscope through Lateral Force composites of variations size, In addition, it may the tool include identification of force atomic material's surface properties such as uses topology or of the cantilever. most morphology the constant force the cantilever and the feedback changes necessary to of force/height height, to The three dimensional assembly. The scanner and of non- many different AFM modes of operation. For this study, the AFM using the tapping of mode. was used morphology force microscopy measure surface samples prior analysis. (AFM) and analysis. All was Scanning the surface in the No topography of the sample surface roughness and grain size Probe Microscope The Dimension 3000 SPM scanning characteristics. to the measure The primary interest the film. A Veeco Dimension 3000 all surface to (SPM) for was used utilizes automated atomic tunneling microscopy (STM) techniques special surface preparations samples were air cleaned 39 using were done a commercial on to any nitrogen- Phu Do based of MS Thesis duster air 7nm, product. was used for A Veeco OTESPA all measurements Refer to Chapter 5 for AFM 3.2. probe-tip assembly, temperature room with a tip radius at atmospheric conditions [5]. results and analysis. X-Ray Diffraction X-rays are short wavelength electromagnetic radiations produced charged particles such as electrons. a monochromatic target. The metal to their a high incoming higher energy band for return condition x-rays are is known constructively. and eliminate as represents incident angle, have unique and Bragg in = all generally and a target condition the that give them Ao 40 data in which anode to the its cathode electrons these Most unique then scattered x-rays occur when atomic planes. reflected rays the crystal, 0 characteristic x-ray. to electrons In this is the x-ray Different x-ray diffraction This interfere which satisfies such a condition. of In the emitted x-rays are from the corsists of processor. generated when scattering. decelerating typically However, diffraction does Bragg law wavelength of due to and excite directions. The causes themselves. shows the structures 2dsin0 metal tool from the electrons time. X-rays are patterns. (3.1) detector, the lattice interplanar spacing X is the atomic (XRD) phase with other scattered rays the Equation 3.1 "d" equation, in x-ray draws normal states and are radiated destructively scattered an bombard the short period of which Diffraction X-Ray voltage electrons directed toward the sample, interfere A x-ray generating source, x-ray generating source, the in silicon materials characteristic Phu Do To MS Thesis capture all possible graduated circle radiations are ray with x-ray detector sample, the a situated limited from the x-ray detector source and background diffractions from the sample as well as noise and collimate the from the the use sample s,S V ';.XU /O7SCHEMATIC into proportions, electrical and currents from the information obtained information shows peaks reference sources, phases can of OF X-R X-Ray Diffraction recorded processor will due to be or an sent [2]. a pulse-height analyzer scaled to the linear analyzed intensity relative phase identified. Refer to Fig. 3.4 below. 41 ratemeter to to convert [2]. Typically, the final vs. one or more crystalline phases. (and the reduce Vt typically filtered by be to the detector. This is to x- J// the filtered signals are that between the slits IHFFSACrOMf.TER Fig. 3.3. Schematic measurable divergent XL ....,,.... ';_ are Non-diffracted circumference. of center of a rft /';:*> Signals from the x-ray detector in the "-'ll'' urs ..y' i--j' placed DIVUlUSxAl KlW H*tiNlN SSS. is Refer to Fig. 3.3 for details. radiation. W the on by sample 20 plot. This From this composition) in the processed plot and other silicide film can be MS Thesis Phu Do ISK-PVMjCiSFNiSiFroniPft/Do ISO 10 0 so LjKkj ^ n<ra Fig. 3.4. Typical XRD The Rigaku DMAX-IIB XRD plot of system i Ua_ intensity was vs. 29 angle [3]. to analyze all samples at room used temperature and in atmospheric pressure. All measurements were taken using a Cu (Ka, radiation source angle varied Refer to from = 30 1.540562 A, Ka2 120 20 with a 20 to 5 for XRD chapter "j, " aligned across film, step A) size of at 0.01 four contact drops film occur are measured the by and measured on probe due to the internal probe film thickness along with based on equation and 35 mA. The and at a rate of needles, linearly. Refer to Fig. 3.5 for detail. A direct potential 40 kV scan 1.57min. Resistivity probe system consists of the substrate or differences 1.544390 results and analysis. 3.3. Four-Point Probe: Sheet A four-point = 2 and and probe resistance of spacing 3.2 through 3.5 below. 42 current 4. As the 3. From the separated by a is apply to current travels distance probe across 1 the the film. These potential voltage and current measurements (s), the resistivity can be calculated Phu Do MS Thesis s* * s s * W D Fig. 3.5. Four-Point Probe Schematic. * (3.2) p All units 2ttS = in (Q are W - cm) D S, S (thick film) fy^ 2nS v (3.3 P j- J 0.01 W < s K (3.4) (moderately <10 K = 2nW \ + 22 4Y_ thick film) ->o f_nW + S , 7 w\v- (3.5) I ln(2) Equations 3.2 through 3.5 range (W) and sample [4]. For thick film, much greater than the zero since was based the 3.2 (D) at constant probe assumes (thin S film) spacing (S = 0.0625" = 0.15875cm) that the film thickness and sample diameter are Ideally, of a material should assumptions D S, the resistivity relationship for different film thickness probe spacing. the resistivity on show diameter equation W J the be constant. that the diameter 43 slope of a and resistivity However, thickness curve should be this ideal resistivity were infinitely wide to Phu Do MS Thesis for the hemispherical account to case finite diameter a Equation 3.3 account for the thickness' for this thickness resistivity would Finally, the geometric correction to the equation diameter correction 3.5 condition the factor is correction factor K is 3.2. Since thickness in probe shows much factor under such extreme ideal necessary. probe spacing of spacing, equation the resistivity less than the by was replaced boundary. All probe in this use equation 3.2 can no equation 3.3 is a longer be formula for thin film spacing of finite used with 0.15875cm. For this the thickness itself to better measurements were to represent done for this study in regime. The four-point of spacing known as property probe system used was a 0.15875cm. The sheet of a and resistivity) material, is system whereas the material's resistance point thickness, assuming does probe not. system measurements were chapter Since the done in 5 for four-point room outputting both The electrical (Q/n) is resistivity all thickness was not measurements temperature the exist, each (sheet needs whereas (also electrical of a to know the sheet foursample, the resistance). at standard atmospheric pressure. probe results and analysis. 44 Q/n unique only the resistivity known for in a requires a single phase composition with a probe sheet resistance Resistivity (Q-cm) is sheet resistance silicide reported CD Automatic ResMapper capable of resistivity. material per square centimeter area. the geometric To . be between 15.88|J.m to 15,880|im. Due to its non-ideal case of equation and sample equation, the this thick film with value comparable case. a 1 probe resistivity for moderately thick film. With boundary conditions, modified thickness, and represented the 1587.5um, moderately distribution from current All Refer to Phu Do MS Thesis 3.4. Conclusion This chapter covered the study of Appendix study. nickel section. Chapter 4 process. experimental procedures and silicidation. The will Chapter 5 the following cover will The complete two chapters the electrical provide detailed characteristics of nickel silicidation. 45 the processing will cover analytical analyses used steps the characterization analysis and can be found in the results and analysis of of the nickel discussion for of the silicidation the material MS Thesis Phu Do Reference [1] N. McGuire, "Window on a Small World," Today's Chemist at Work, 1 1(5), pp.21- 24, (2002). [2] U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-041 , U.S. Department of the Interior, (2001). [3] Introduction to [4] M. [5] Veeco AFM OTESPA Silicon Probe Specification. X-Ray Diffraction, California, Santa Barbara. Jackson, "RIT SESM 707 Material Science and Material Research Laboratory, Spectroscopy" Microscopy and Engineering Department, Spring 2003. - 46 University of lecture notes, RIT Phu Do 4. MS Thesis Electrical Characterization The electrical characterization technique to investigate the material under of deposition end This information resistivity. the point probe nickel the sheet This the were used silicide. process. film for phase sheet As to before the (fi-cm/cm was The CD nickel earlier, the mentioned of a thickness calculated. per square unit or sheet Q/n). to phase comparison of the silicide's resistivity profile indirectly probe Resistivity silicide's of all samples from the grooving technique chapter presents information be resistivity silicidation technique and the silicide depth pieces of must resistance of the silicide profile of nickel its thickness. Since the alone was not sufficient The depth comparison. measures the after represents resistivity to was used done through four-point was resistivity investigation in this study, its resistivity ResMapper two electrical knowledge requires prior this study of was also needed to enable such from the results collected four- from the grooving technique. These of the silicide taken at several steps of the fabrication calculate the electrical resistivity film. 4.1. Sheet The process. Resistivity (Rs) by Four-Point Probe sheet resistivity Measurements resistivity value, anneal, sheet post and post wet resistivity electrical of resistivity 550pm. The (Rs) were of all samples was taken prior to any processing to obtain the dopant activation etching of un-reacted nickel metal. the bulk post nickel metal silicon wafer prior was also calculated average anneal, resistivity was base on silicon sheet deposition, Table 4.1 shows post RTP the average to any processing. The corresponding the measured thickness 30.3826 il-cm 47 bulk which is within of the wafer at the manufacturer Phu Do MS Thesis 25 specification of sample D12 after anneal process. - 45 2-cm. Table 4.1 the removal This step samples at this part of the each region of unknown value measurable D12 limit any addition, This thermally immediately fabrication before the average sheet during for maximum and limit non-doped polysilicon was no meaningful measurements were obtained highly doped with P+31 dopant Table 4.1. Sheet Resistivity and nickel metal deposition. Region values were beyond the the Poly-N region was of at known to be for the Si_P+ not insulator. In 015 2x1 atoms/cm2. of samples prior to processing Std. Dev. Avg. p {ilia) (Q/n) (2-cm) Prior to an did region on all samples. Avg. Rs Bulk Si Notice the tool. This was expected since the region of the all resistivity in all samples respectively. The dashes indicate the region. sheet of activation deposition. Since identical processing, the same resistivity the dopant nickel metal the CD ResMapper. The sheet resistivity of doping, region was the shows grown oxide received taken to be the was for the Poly-N too high above the receive was of also =lrocessing 30.4 3 552 Post Dopant Activation Anneal Poly P+ 532 Poly-N Si-N region. Each of These calculated H2SO4 and 60mL dark discolored of for the different base measurements were sample was etched - - average sheet resistivities average value was - 9 638 Si P+ The 7 - on six cloud above measurement points in Table 4.2. The in each respective taken after the wet etching of un-reacted nickel metal. individually for 60 H202. It (6) regions are shown seconds at was observed the sample's consisted of 30mL that the etching of sample D3 showed a surface. 48 90C. The bath This seemed to indicate there was un- Phu Do MS Thesis reacted nickel metal XRD and RBS discolorations after remaining analysis the silicidation process. This techniques in sheet resistivity measured Wafer ID Time Temp [C] [sec] Si-N Poly-N Poly_P+ 1.1 746 60 0.28 0.31 1.3 60 8.4 14 27 18 D4 450 45 0.41 0.47 0.69 0.78 D5 450 75 0.35 0.45 0.63 0.72 D6 573 39 0.21 0.29 1.06 0.85 D7 573 81 0.26 0.76 D8 573 60 0.26 0.30 0.88 0.82 0.82 - - D9 573 60 0.25 0.29 0.70 D10 695 60 0.23 0.32 0.59 0.70 D11 695 45 0.25 0.30 0.66 0.86 D12 695 75 0.26 0.30 0.69 0.87 D14 520 20 0.35 0.39 0.58 0.61 D15 500 20 0.40 0.41 0.57 0.61 480 20 0.43 0.46 0.59 0.60 resistivity values The only sheet process condition first other samples should result or more of the for metastable phase of nickel on D3 sample silicide, compared D3 was Ni2Si, to its low RTP was known to Table 2.3. The RTP temperature one or more of three phases: NiSi, NiSi2, other of all or a mixture of three known phases. statistical analysis of the only in of sample that was different closely below this temperature based Design Si P+ 400 temperature at 400C. The was Resistivity (11) D3 Notice the remarkably high A other samples showed no visible D1 D16 two by by CD ResMapper after wet etch. Average Sheet occur was confirmed during wet etch. Table 4.2. Average samples. 5. All chapter fact significant the average factor in Rs data influencing of experiment, see appendix section 3, software. 49 showed that the silicidation temperature the silicide's Rs. The Central Composite was analyzed using the statistical JMP IN Phu Do MS Thesis Figure 4.1 the plot of the Rs for the four different shows (doped silicon), Si-N (non-doped silicon), Poly-N (non-doped polysilicon), (doped polysilicon). Notice sample D3 was plotted on whereas all other samples were plotted on the visibility Rs of of as compared dopant non-doped regions. effect interface [1]. Such silicide and electrical to the showed This "snowplowing" silicide/silicon material the plot. The general trend the primary as the silicidation an effect would aid was similar process the and Poly_P+ y-axis on the right left. This is to to Zimmerman's were down pushed the consumed aid in have slightly lower regions in reducing the interfacial the underlying layer. This lower Rs resistivity data in the the doped dopants where the secondary y-axis on Si_P+ sample regions: observation toward the silicon/polysilicon resistance between the observation was also confirmed by the next section. Sheet (10"1 O/Sqr) Resistivity 30 D3 on 2nd axis A D1 X D4 D5 -t- D6 - D7 o D8 D D9 D10 - ? D11 D12 A D14 D15 O D16 -D3 Si Fig. 4.1. Sheet resistivity varied for each sample. In addition, it was observable non-doped silicon regions are polycrystalline than in silicon of Poly_P+ Poly-N Si-N P+ four regions. RTP processing conditions were that the Rs was generally much polysilicon respectively. whereas the silicon 50 regions lower in doped Since the are and polysilicon regions crystalline silicon, this Phu Do MS Thesis suggested that nickel silicidation was preferential to more ordered crystal structure. observation was also confirmed data. Refer to the section 4.2. Depth Profile Each and actual captured using "D" where of RBS was used n" were factor technique more (4.1) resistivity to actual calculate of the groove wheel junction done to needed accurately. to inches. .560 Fig. 4.2 the shows was measurements of depth, Xq, were not of n," and the silicide of the 100% "m grooving accurate. film and These the actual silicide depth since precise measurements such validate to be 1 diamond light. Measurements for [2]. Due to limitations the junction depths obtained impossibly with was the With the with a top down image the groove. From the groove, a software. techniques, analyses were correction was measured seconds under constant pressure. values provided a good estimate of of "m and diameter using Image Pro is the diameter measurement groove wheel an optical microscope equipped with polarized were made 4.1 done using the Signatone grooving tool for 15 images "n" equation was The groove wheel. diagram and profile and electrical by Grooving sample was grooved "m" the silicide's depth 4.4 for further detail. The grooving technique impregnated by Such technique. The junction depth through SIMS and this technique. Based on SIMS and RBS analyses, a represent the This is illustrated in m x n Xo=_5~ r 51 actual section n silicide 5.3 and depth using the 5.4. groove Phu Do MS Thesis M N Film Layer (a) Fig. 4.2. Top-down diagram groove image Engineering The of non-doped Department calculated at poly RIT. consumed silicon (d). Courtesy were reported of Dr. regions. This and plotted from 397nm to 867nm silicidation process. Notice except the deposited sample was due to insufficient D3 was Actual Gupta, Mechanical in Table 4.3 observation was expected since D7 does sample size for in Fig. 4.3. sample D3 nickel was not not have depth to accommodate groove. Similar to the Rs plot, visibility. A was similar had and cross sectional view of groove and wheel. doped depths, XD, the during data for the two doped the (c) (a) and of all samples ranged (176nm to 215nm). This fully of groove junction The junction depth (b) much closer look in both sample at sample D3 showed silicon and polysilicon. higher depth profile than the also plotted on its that the junction depth However, axis of the to improve doped regions the non-doped polysilicon region non-doped silicon region. 52 own For all other samples Phu Do where MS Thesis the deposited nickel was were higher in depth profile polysilicon, seen doped in doped D7 doped that the junction depths to polysilicon despite doping. The highest followed silicon showed by non-doped silicon, non-doped polysilicon. Table 4.3. Calculated junction depth of sample consumed, the trend silicon regions as compared was and fully of four regions was unavailable regions based on grooving technique. due to insufficient Grooving sample size. XD(102nm) Wafer ID Temp [C] Time [sec] Si P+ Si-N Poly-N Poly D1 746 60 5.8 5.8 5.8 4.4 D3 400 60 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.9 D4 450 45 5.8 7.2 4.9 5.6 D5 450 75 6.2 5.6 4.7 4.9 D6 573 39 7.0 5.4 4.9 4.4 7.7 5.8 __ D7 573 D8 573 60 7.9 8.7 4.0 5.5 D9 573 60 9.0 6.5 5.1 5.6 D10 695 60 6.9 7.3 5.4 4.7 D11 695 45 7.8 6.6 6.1 4.4 D12 695 75 7.4 7.0 6.2 4.1 D14 520 20 6.0 5.2 6.3 5.3 D15 500 20 4.0 5.1 5.0 4.0 D16 480 20 5.6 5.8 4.2 3.8 81 - - Junction Depth (10 nm) A D1 X D4 D5 + D6 D7 - ? D8 D9 D10 - o D11 O D12 ? D14 X D15 D D16 H*-D3 Si P+ Fig. 4.3. Calculated junction depth secondary Poly_P+ Poly-N Si-N of four regions. y-axis whereas all other samples are on 53 Sample D3 is the primary. on a P+ Phu Do MS Thesis Silicide XDvs Time = 20 Temp sec 7 65 6 _. 5 5 5 -;- -: 5 4 3.5 470 350 480 400 450 550 500 600 650 700 750 Temp{ C) Fig. 4.4. Silicide depth profile Fig. 4.4 the depth shows function as a of temperature at of nickel profile silicide 20sec as a and 60sec time. function of silicidation temperature at two different silicidation times. For silicidation time of 60sec, the junction was seen at temperature around implanted of the polysilicon. drastically similar. At 500 400nm for C, was one small silicon regions range of the silicide's depth above was 500 C for the 500 C. This fact silicidation silicidation condition temperatures of time of 20sec. to verify range where silicidation rate and non- the silicidation rate and silicon were around the of non-implanted silicidation However, 500nm and In addition, the junction silicon region such observation 54 non- and non-implanted regions were deeper than that corresponding the for both implanted regions respectively. suggested C, the the silicide's depth profile was 20sec, for polysilicon implanted higher than that of all regions except 400-750 the same in both implanted of non-implanted polysilicon was polysilicon this and time at silicidation non-implanted and temperature at However, different. There of polysilicon above Within the temperatures polysilicon and silicon regions were never implanted films. depth 550 C to 600 C in deepest rate only the SIMS data silicon at of non-doped at temperatures was incomplete due to limited SIMS analysis. Phu Do MS Thesis Similar analysis was However, technique did by (correction offset value can accuracy of the be to each mentioned to the SIMS factor) seen other that the junction depth are RBS analysis these match next chapter. valid function and calculated techniques of by this time. grooving suggested the need for calculated values with actual value. However, the qualitative still a junction depth 100%. Limited junction factor derived from the Nonetheless, profile as found. actual silicide and to in the correction SIMS data. relative be not correlates profiles obtained offset value and should depth silicide's correlates no relevant correlations were Once again, it depth done to next chapter analysis could be low there was and confidence Such in the due to insufficient RBS comparison valuable an of all samples in understanding nickel silicidation. 4. 3. Electrical Resistivity ofNickel Silicide The Rs data, electrical and Table 4.4 resistivity junction depth information. The and plotted generally lower for regions. in Fig. 4.5. The silicides Once again, this previously suggested by lower resistivity in both the snowplowing that the of each silicide samples were calculated formed in confirmed the plot showed resistivity data crystalline regions compared the Rs data. In silicidation preference term of dopants as seen to be 4.2, are shown in doping in to polycrystalline crystalline region as effect, doped regions showed This further confirmed in the Rs data. The lower resistivity indicated silicide phase composition was closer likely equation that the electrical resistivity was crystalline and polycrystalline materials. effect of composition was most calculated using to the NiSi phase. a mixture of 55 two or However, such phase more metastable phase since all Phu Do MS Thesis higher than that calculated resistivities were of the published NiSi value (1.05 10"5 x Q- cm) [3]. (4.2) p Table 4.4. Calculated = [Cl -cm] RsxXj electrical resistivity based Resistivity Wafer ID Temp [C] Time (10s and junction depth data. l-cm) Si P+ Si-N Poly-N P+ Poly 746 60 1.6 1.8 7.3 D3 400 60 16 25 58 33 D4 450 45 2.3 3.4 3.4 4.3 D5 450 75 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.5 D6 573 39 1.5 1.6 5.2 3.8 D7 573 81 2.0 4.4 D8 573 60 2.0 2.6 3.5 4.5 4.6 - 4.8 - D9 573 60 2.3 1.9 3.6 D10 695 60 1.6 2.4 3.2 3.2 D11 695 45 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.8 D12 695 75 1.9 2.1 4.3 3.6 D14 520 20 2.1 2.0 3.7 3.2 D15 500 20 1.6 2.1 2.9 2.5 higher in resistivity data Rs D1 Sample D3 followed the point [sec] on values. same It trend as all other wafers was plotted with a toward the secondary axis on the right showed the lowest resistivities that doped electrical in for dotted line nickel silicide. polysilicon regions were at one order of magnitude and ease of visibility. silicon and polysilicon were resistivity for but the Overall, was used Similar to the Rs data, to the resistivity most optimal material distinctly higher than the 56 indicator to obtain the electrical silicon regions. Phu Do MS Thesis Resistivity (10 Si P+ Si-N Fig. 4.5. Calculated D3 is Fig 4.6 indicated that resistivity of 45 range of the electrical electrical silicidation resistivity anneal to 75 differences between in sec all four by regions. Note that function regions. variation However, time. The plots of silicidation time) had insignificant little sample value. as a resistivity time (RTP plotted to its high the silicide. There was very sec Poly_P+ Poly-N plotted on a separate axis shows O. -cm) effect on in resistivity the overall over a wide the plots did show the resistivity crystalline and polycrystalline regions as previously seen. -Si_P. Resisitivity vs. Time Temp = 695C 1.0E+01 1 -Si-I Resistivity Temp -Si-N = vs. Time -Si-N S73C -Poly-N -Poly_P -Poly-N + 40 45 55 50 60 Time electrical -Poly -I 1 OE+00 .OE+00 Fig. 4.6. time Resistivity as resistivity a 65 70 75 80 30 (sec) function 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time (sec) of RTP and silicidation time at 695 C time. 57 and 573 C. There is little or no correlation between MS Thesis Phu Do Resistivity vs. Temp Time = 20-60 sec -1.0E+01 Temp(C) Fig. 4.7. Resistivity while all other data while an up-tick is Although the shows A time seen the were at regions 60sec time and silicidation 20-60 visible. sec was plotted since The first region existed 746 C to with an published other two region second - increase in resistivity composition of all samples at the Based between 450 published process was on and silicidation Fig. 4.6 Fig. being region 695 C, were at seen at 20sec RTP time 400 C RTP temperature 4.7, it was was the DOE by temperature at was apparent 400 C analysis. variable beginning Comparing phases, time. impact was characteristic lowest by of Fig. that three distinct with characterized and the silicide 450 to 746 C was significant correlation suggested no significant around resistivity. of nickel the third of observed region was the resistivity value of each it mainly Ni2Si seemed like the phase or a mixture of Ni2Si with phases. In the first region, the resistivity the correlation, there temperature as suggested between resistivity extremely high resistivity, the resistivity that at dramatic increase in resistivity is showed no silicidation variable. were visible at RTP temperature. Data of time. A 750 C. silicidation correlation range of for this function visible at between resistivity 4.7 as a 450C to 550C resistivity of D3 was over one order of magnitude of all nickel silicide phases. incomplete for the given condition. 58 This This suggested was evident higher than that the silicidation by the fact that there Phu Do MS Thesis was un-reacted nickel metal on this sample and not on received much higher temperature treatment for (75 sec) time. Yet no samples showed complete nickel silicidation In the second However, phases. into the known region, the resistivity hovered or other possible mixture combinations to were possible based Previous there was use as references. on SIMS and published works for has the shallowest suggested an incomplete for the two-step process at the junction depth, a in the decrease a of measured silicide resistivity for phase not silicidation process necessary, the sample was depth. Relative to After all for two-step the only sample that all other samples, D3 measured resistivity. silicidation process As stated therefore making it the un-reacted nickel best metal was polysilicon and silicon regions underwent a second RTP silicidation dramatic its the 5 for further detail. chapter two-step RTP the highest study. NiSi2 and/or confirmation of such phase mixtures D3. This 500 C for 60sec. Inspection yet silicide [4, 5]. Although silicide's profile as well as from D3, the implanted annealing resulted depth the a Ni2Si/NiSi, NiSi/NiSi2, exist within Refer to analyses. have implemented reasonable control over earlier, this removed the approach was also studied on sample allowed candidate that may However, previous metal silicide such as cobalt silicide annealing the RTP after resistivity may be the observed no published nickel XRD over longer insufficient to trigger was a mixture of multiple silicide phases such as Unfortunately, and much that of the NiiSi around is that the another possible condition combinations 400 C left other samples stable phase. resistivity for thickness. at All (20 sec) un-reacted nickel any overall any much shorter Despite the RTP time, the RTP temperature anneal. others. any drop electrical of the grooves showed in the resistivity 59 sheet by resistivity was little seen. variation Such in drop about one order of magnitude. See MS Thesis Phu Do Table 4.5 and Fig. 4.8 for detail. The final regions was on the mid to high However, its junction depth samples. Similar However, there were electrical side yet comparable remained fairly insignificant Table 4.5. Measured junction Wafer Region changes depth, Rs, Temp [C] and Time [sec] similar regions the same and much RTP processing step second to of resistivity in the was sheet resistivity done of implanted xD [nm] Rs [n/a] D3 from other samples. less than any several on resistivity the implanted D3 other samples. junction depth. and regions. Rs Std. Dev [Q/d] P [Q-cm] D3 Si P+ 400 60 195.1 8.4195 0.3730 1.6425E-04 D3 Si P+ 2nd RTP 500 60 187.2 2.0960 0.0203 3.9235E-05 400 60 185.5 17.7650 0.3249 3.2946E-04 500 60 172.6 4.1157 0.0787 7.1039E-05 Poly P+ Poly P+ 2nd D3 D3 RTP Two- Step RTP other -^D3Si P+ --D3Poly_P+ 1.0E+02 -| 1st RTP o i E _z 1 .0E+01 i *^\ ^^\ > <n CC 2nd RTP - 1. OE+00 1 500 400 RTP Fig. 4.8. Electrical resistivity of D3 Temp ( C) implanted 2nd regions after RTP. 4.4. Discussions The result. observations Doped regions made in section 4.1 were supported by the electrical resistivity generally have lower resistivity than that 60 of non-doped regions, Phu Do MS Thesis although this was more and electrical resistivity discussed effect done through SIMS SIMS did analysis The depth thickness not An due to resources and than in diffusion coefficient budgetary silicide's in the two was regions constraints. for profile needed thickness was This polycrystalline silicon regions. The difference in thickness 4.5 and respectively. for external a given nickel generally thicker in the was apparent mainly due to the difference in [6]. Kuznetsov has The be such confirmation. technique revealed that groove annealing condition, the and in Fig. 4.1 sheet absolute confirmation of this claim could not actively study the dopant the Similar region. believed to be partly due to the dopant regions was by polysilicon were observed earlier. profile obtained crystalline silicon above. analysis than in silicon resistivity trends Such lower resistivity in doped snowplowing in apparent reported in Fig. 4.3 nickel atomic that the diffusion 10" coefficient of nickel six in polysilicon, 2.9 exp{-1.30(eV)/kT} [cm x to eight orders of magnitude lower than in crystalline silicon range of 270 C to 435 C. Nickel crystalline silicon. However, reported to be a the presence of high concentration consequently the thinner silicide film in was about for the temperatures fast interstitial diffuser in the interstitial diffuser [6]. This caused the polysilicon retarded coefficient and was /sec], of dramatic intrinsic traps in drop in diffusion polysilicon region as seen in Fig. 4.3. In addition, Fig. 4.1 silicon the than in conclusion polysilicon was 4.5 also showed polysilicon regions that significantly lower resistivity in despite implant effect. nickel silicidation was preferential in terms higher in and of both formation This observation contributed 61 to to crystalline silicon compared to rate and silicide's property. crystalline regions as confirmed crystalline The silicidation rate by thicker junction depth result seen in Fig. Phu Do MS Thesis 4.3. The higher of the silicidation rate allowed three known stable phases. known through were not silicon regions suggested phases, Ni2Si discussion section Although the electrical phase transformation into one or more exact silicide's phase or mixture of phases measurements, the lower resistivity that the silicide composition consisted primarily NiSi, due and for faster of crystalline of the to their lower resistivity. Refer to the XRD first two and SIMS in Chapter 5 for further detail. 4.5. Conclusion The sheet electrical resistivity resistivity data and silicide's grooving techniques. The of the entire Material silicide any for junction depth layer without regards these silicide Therefore, is successfully measurements calculated electrical characterization of phase compositions. of nickel silicide resistivity to any films based calculated on through four-point probe and the resistivity represents overall composition mixture of silicide phases. shows the existence of multiple silicide the calculated resistivity is not and should not correlate to published single-phase nickel silicide values. Furthermore, the accuracy a correction factor factor is expected resistivity data. to of of electrical the depth data modulate However, the is much nickel silicide information is crucial in the depth and not absolute section still valid. polysilicon regions. The 62 and 4.2. The need correction electrical four different regions, silicidation rate This consequently in crystalline results in thicker of a MOSFET. This fabrication if shallow source/drain and crystalline silicon source/drain regions future MOSFET design due to the consequently the the qualitative analysis between the higher than in the film in the mentioned the junction doped/non-doped silicon/polysilicon, is silicon resistivity is MS Thesis Phu Do fully silicide poly-gate are is moderately higher in considered in such desire. Furthermore, the polysilicon compared device design. 63 electrical to crystalline resistivity of nickel silicide silicon regions and should be Phu Do MS Thesis Reference [1] M. Zimmerman, "Investigation of Contact Resistance NiSi Nickel Mono-Silicide during Columbus, [2] [3] [4] Dr. Lynn Formation," and Ohio State Aluminum Spiking University Thesis, Ohio. Details," Department of Microelectronic Fuller, "RIT PMOS Process Engineering at RIT, Rochester, NY(2002). K. Maex, M. Rossum, Properties of Metal Silicides, Datareviews Series No. 4, INPSEC, London, United Kingdom, (1995). S.P. Murarka, Silicides for VLSI Applications, Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL, (1983). [5] B. Froment, M. Muller, "Nickel vs. Cobalt Silicide Integration for Sub-50nm ESSDERC, pp.2 15-2 18, (2003). A. Yu. Kuznetsov, B. G. Svensson, "Nickel atomic diffusion in amorphous Applied Physics Letters, 66 (17), pp.2229-2231, (1995). CMOS," [6] silicon," 64 Phu Do 5. MS Thesis Material Characterization Various analytical Atomic force silicidation. of Rutherford mass determination electrical were data and tapping phase the actual RTP annealing for silicide's phase phase topography identification, composition, and silicide elemental concentration of surface other surface AFM analysis was topography three with techniques depth, and to determine the silicide's were used identification of to the condition. to and analyze the grain size of chapter the utilized root mean square was used automated (STM) preparations were for The (RMS) the sample using the basic surface was roughness value, and the morphology force microscopy in the grain size was analysis. (AFM) surface characterized was A Veeco Dimension 3000 all surface atomic of 3. The primary interest film. through visual inspection. (SPM) topography surface characterized using for composition, junction by the microscopy The to study the determine was used between quantitatively SPM to used composition. described in as mode Microscope was used characteristics of nickel Morphology by AFM was used roughness correlations any silicide phase at specific AFM was was used junction depth. The intention complement and validate 5.7. Surface (XRD) (SIMS) spectroscopy as well as there (AFM) microscope backscattering (RBS) secondary ion to study the material were used x-ray diffraction films, the silicide whether techniques qualitatively Scanning Probe The Dimension 3000 and scanning tunneling techniques to measure surface characteristics. No special surface done on any samples prior a commercial nitrogen-based air to the analysis. All samples were air cleaned duster 65 product. A Veeco OTESPA silicon probe- Phu Do tip MS Thesis with assembly, temperature 5.1.1. tip of radius Fig. 5.1 was used for room at measurements all and atmospheric condition. analysis was the shows polysilicon, done grain apparent on several reference samples prior structure and root mean square doped polysilicon, nickel metal on from left to right respectively. that nickel No information grain crystalline silicon compared to structure Although there the mimic ';- limited data, this were surface very morphology of the (RMS) was available and similar seemed to any and nickel me+al on roughness polysilicon region. roughness of deposited nickel were % 7nm, Reference Regions AFM was a roughness doped for doped were Furthermore, the suggest that of doped silicon regions silicon region. much It less in doped grain structure and to that of the underlying to silicide analysis. polysilicon sputtered nickel film. tends to underlying film. ' -#*>. . ' * f,, #-. Wt_f '-f " ": "< " -' ; Fig. 5.1. Reference AFM regions from left to Mechanical -J of doped polysilicon, nickel on doped polysilicon, Fixed scan size at 2.5um x 2.5|im. right respectively. Engineering Department, RIT. 66 and nickel on Courtesy of doped Dr. V. silicon Gupta, Phu Do 5.1.2. MS Thesis Near Critical Temperature Based at on literature references, the RTP annealing temperature Due to limitation of the RTP 400C. Fig. 5.2 shows 400C, 573C, and whereas were were of around 350C, 500C, tool, the lowest possible and were polysilicon Fixed scan size at crystalline silicon regions. Engineering Department, regions 2.5um RIT. 67 x 2.5nm. was were [1, 2]. limited to roughness of nickel silicide at regions. It polysilicon regions was apparent that the were visible at known whereas NiSi2 700C respectively taken in doped the lowest RMS roughness from doped and and temperature setting RMS taken in the doped silicon roughness of silicide's surface around taken for Ni2Si, NiSi, critical conditions 746C. The top images the bottoms Fig. 5.2. Surface Constant Time the surface morphology smallest grain structure and images and critical temperature valued. The the bottoms Courtesy 400C. of were top taken from doped Dr. V. Gupta, Mechanical Phu Do The MS Thesis surface 573C than morphology (grain at 746C. This region, the polysilicon structure and was most grain structure at RMS roughness) visible 746C in crystalline seemed to be a the spherical and cylindrical grains found at 573C. The seen in in region. at In the result of agglomerations of same agglomeration effect was rate of agglomeration appeared to be much were faster higher. Silicidation Temperature Effect Similar to the strong the silicon the overall grain structure and RMS roughness crystalline silicon since 5.7.3. correlation correlation. to However, crystalline region. slightly higher was 700C, increasing electrical with The RMS and resistivity characteristic, the RMS silicidation roughness began to drop temperature. increased off at linearly in previous works Time roughness as a shows temperature increased function = and eventually was vs. as of temperature at 68 60sec. a from 400C expected since agglomeration -A Si_P+ - Poly_P+ Temp 60s exhibited the plot for such [1,3]. RMS Roughness Fig. 5.3. RMS as 5.3 higher temperature. This temperature leads to the merging silicide grains as observed Fig. roughness of nickel Phu Do MS Thesis The correlation of such observation with higher RMS roughness leads to lower 400C, resistive silicide value at the the electrical resistivity Refer to Fig. 4.7. Note the resistivity. drop results showed in resistivity in the range of that highly 450C to 700C, the increase in resistivity at higher temperature. Fig. 5.3 also showed that such and changes doped in RMS roughness This polysilicon regions. faster in was much 5.7.4. were more pronounced seemed crystalline to support earlier reasoning that due to higher crystalline regions in doped nickel diffusion silicon than silicidation rate coefficient. Silicidation Time Effect Unlike roughness silicidation temperature, of silicide silicidation time film. Fig. 5.4 depicts the showed moderate effect on effect time of on the RMS silicide's surface roughness. Si_P+ - RMS Roughness Temp = vs. Time * 573C RMS Roughness Poly_P-. Temp 30 25 - \^ S. 20 - - ^*~"~ 20 Si_P+ Time -* Poly_P+ - ^. - ^--^ E - ID a, 15 _ vs. 695C ? 25 ^""\ e = _ 15 _ 10 - - o> =1 10 _ - CO _ 5 - CO A _ 5- - _ 0 45 35 85 75 65 55 - 35 45 Fig. 5.4. RMS roughness as a As observed, the regions. that This effect function of 55 65 Time Time (sec) of time at 573C and 75 85 (sec) 695C. time was more pronounced in crystalline than polysilicon was consistent with previous observations and silicidation rate was much faster in crystalline regions. 69 further supported the fact Phu Do MS Thesis Surface 695C roughness for both regions. to lower silicide between 573C time This respectively. Thus the 15sec another at data point on 60sec for temperature there longer time in relating higher the calculated values in in temperature The lowest However, at and of 573C and to the lowest electrical resistivity found in Fig. 4.6 695C, increased 695C. 40sec observation was consistent resistivity based and at corresponded on surface roughness. about highest was was was low found confidence needed 4. In chapter seemed to surface roughness surface roughness comparison delay/shift the at level in 573C was effect of delayed by such conclusion since in the lateral temperature plot for completeness. 5.2. Phase Identification by XRD X-ray diffraction (XRD) film. Doped analyzed, crystalline and samples prior the etch confirmed of silicon and results were shown D3 sample was by RBS D3 at indeed analysis. 29 = to polysilicon identify the phase(s) regions from in Table 5.1. XRD to and after the wet etch of detected only in wet analysis was used un-reacted selected analysis was un-reacted nickel metal. 44.6. This confirmed nickel metal. Refer to Fig. 5.5 for detail. 70 of nickel silicide that the dark Such samples done Nickel on these metal was cloud seen observation were was during also be Phu Do MS Thesis Fig. 5.5. XRD intensity 44.6. of Dr. Courtesy Besides plot of D3 to and after metal prior D15, sample (Kdi size of was set with a step 20 for DI, D3, 20 sample since no useful = 1 .93604 A) at 0.01 step size of critical variations As evident silicide phases with a D3 trace was 0.01 and at A, Ka2 and the A) be seen at beyond IBM. The tool 35 kV scan angle varied at 20sec/pt. The difference in XRD tools in the is presence at 29 and taken using a Cu 35 30 from from 35 Fe The scan 20 to 120 mA. 30 In addition, utilized a Lab Engineering at an angle of such range. at 35mA. The 40 kV done Siemens DMAX XRD and peak angle was varied other samples were could Nickel RIT. measurements were 1.544390 = 1.57min, D6. All information was analyzed on a (k 1.540562 = All system. at RIT Mechanical all samples were analyzed at using the Rigaku DMAX-IIB XRD radiation source wet etch. Gupta, Mechanical Engineering Department 20 to sample 68 D15 radiation source 20 to 75 was not expected to 20 with a cause any analysis. from Table 5.1, the majority (primarily presence of of Ni2Si and NiSi peak. significantly less than silicidation condition of D3 (400C the samples contained mixture of nickel NiSi). Sample D3 The all of intensity other and of samples. 60sec) 71 consisted the one NiSi mostly signature peak seen Consequently, was close of Ni2Si phase in this suggested the to the transition condition of Phu Do MS Thesis Ni2Si into NiSi. Such in both doped evident observation was crystalline silicon and polysilicon regions. Table 5.1. Nickel silicide phase(s) detected radiation from the Siemens DMAX XRD radiation from the Rigaku DMAX-IIB XRD Madam at IBM, RIT. at Sample D15 analysis. and all other samples Courtesy Dr. V. Gupta of Temp PC] Time D3 400 60 at RIT using Cu Mrs. A. and Poly_P+ Detected Phase(s) Ni2Si, Ni2Si, slightly NiSi Ni2Si, NiSi NiSi NiSi Ni2Si, NiSi NiSi Ni2Si D4 450 45 500 20 D14 520 20 NizSi, Ni2Si, D6 573 39 NiSi D7 573 81 NiSi Ni2Si, Ni2Si, D11 695 45 NiSi NiSi D1 746 60 Ni2S, on phases. higher than that respectively. NiSi the silicidation temperature in the temperature ranges from 450C to 520C However, of NiSi The two near the doped and at intensity of silicon region. and peak intensities 695C, the NiSi presence silicon region. The showed strong phase. presence of NiaSi peaks was silicide phase mixtures were seen single phase Once again, this NiSi to agree 72 were as Ni2Si in doped before the 695C 746C Within the completely gone crystalline polysilicon regions. NiSi complete compare and temperature only true in the mixture of Ni2Si and was seen at seemed comparable regime respectively. Note that this Table 5.1. In general, the alone, the peaks were an order of magnitude were more of wider temperature range on polysilicon region phase was seen. NiSi the lower and higher temperature range, 450C signals of Different Refer to Fig. 5.6 Ni31Si12 phases' temperature of 573C to only strong NiSi crystalline silicon region 746C Ni2Si Phase(s) slightly NiSi Ni2Si, increased/decreased from the lower/higher temperature leaving analyzed Si_P+ Detected [sec] D15 NiSi using Fe was analyzed were IBM. Wafer ID Based and XRD by at occurred for a transition to NiSi to 573C in crystalline and support earlier observations that the Phu Do MS Thesis faster in silicidation was much it be should Zhang's silicide phase that the noted experimental [4]. His observed polysilicon regions. However, during In at of Ni2Si phase Ni3iSii2 is in sample rich confirmed and D7. D14 Ni3iSii2, a One distinct samples. that 746C in was seen at such have nickel multiple crystalline silicon than D4 phase peaks of showed a was not sample the single phase not seen. the beginning accounting phase. This the phase highly such was DI. The reasoning is NiSi, of Ni2Si understood the final 73 in generally where analysis. and presence high temperature mixture with clearly strong observable quite in polysilicon occurrences were seen come at without in of Ni2Si was into the first observed phenomenon to be the primary, if not in by RBS for the two primary highly unstable phase that is trend mixture at Similar showed lower temperature generalized NiSi to why Ni2Si was expected D14 transform Ni2Si as detected NiSi samples. instantaneously presence of NiSi defined in the analysis clearly that would occurrences. as and silicide phase improbable and Furthermore, phase mixture was consistent with intuitively unlikely since the presence mixture with Therefore, Fig. 5.6 known Ni2Si four higher temperature silicidation process and [4]. D4, was seen at a metal polysilicon regions. silicidation. polysilicon region of samples NiSi NiSi was more apparent and well this was strongly identified whereas and than in results where multiple phase growth were observed The transition trend Ni2Si Ni2Si experimental results showed that coexisted region. crystalline silicon the not yet NiSi2 phase observation was Phu Do MS Thesis 400 C 450 C 520 C 573 C 695 C 746 C Doped Crystalline Silicon M2Si+NiSi 400 C NiSHNi2Si 450 C 520 C 573 C 695 C 746 C Doped Polysilicon Fig. 5.6. General The observed nickel silicide phase transition effect of silicidation not well understood. intensity regions. of NiSi This Based on peaks was seemed to time higher with to draw such conclusion was supported time higher yielded by surface External Rutherford would reveal was its the inability earlier in and D7, it of allowed lower silicon for thorough Ni2Si. The inclination results where and that the was apparent time in crystalline NiSi instead AFM mixture was it was observed electrical that resistivity, a earlier chapter. detecting capable of interest were Ni and overall nickel silicide phase to case backscattering (RBS) XRD data. RBS is elemental ratios of in by RBS 5.3. Phase Composition the D6 silicidation roughness characteristic of NiSi phase as concluded validate longer phase, in this to the longer data, that the longer silicidation time transitioning more stable crystalline silicon and polysilicon. on phase presence and concentration the limited XRD suggest in doped distinguish and was done to complement and elemental ratios of a material. Si in the silicide film. The in the film. One limitation identify 74 analysis the presence In this case, ratios obtained of RBS of multi-phases analysis such as Phu Do MS Thesis Ni2Si/NiSi. In addition, the there is one undoubtedly such as uniform result grooving in and thicknesses based calculated phase throughout phase thickness some = Such assumed that assumption would was used to calculate the and single silicide phase from K. Maex obtained overall silicides phase reference density. The [5]. __Z____FJ_ PNA (5.1) t = T thickness (cm) (atoms/cm2) atomic weight (g/mol) real RBS thickness = Mj Fj fraction = = p = NA Doped sent layer. entire RBS thicknesses density was 't the RBS data on variations when compared with other technique SIMS. Equation 5.1 on measured single silicide phase thickness based of material compound = 6.025 in compound density (g/cm3) 1023 x atoms/mol crystalline silicon and polysilicon regions of samples to the University Department of of Florida for RBS Physics, University all samples sent of analysis. Central (Courtesy Florida.) of DI, D3, and Dr. Gabriel D6 were Braunstein, Fig. 5.7 depicts the film stacks of for RBS. Doped Si Doped 334.6nm Ni 334.6nmNi 2500nm N+ Poly 200nm Si N+ Polysilicon 41.5nm Oxide P-type Si Fig. 5.7. Cross Fig. 5.8 summarizes other two sectional view of samples sent the RBS results crystalline silicon region of D6 P-type Si consisted of all samples. purely crystalline silicon samples showed 75 of NiSi slightly for RBS It analysis. was apparent phase, Ni/Si uneven that the ratio of distribution doped 0.5/0.5. The of Ni/Si ratio, Phu Do with but MS Thesis Si not ratio slightly higher. This tended to being entirely NiSi possibility. However, phase as in D6 seen this technique did that the suggest that some and not give sufficient silicide was primarily multi-phase mixture was a information to determine the content of such multi-phase. 746C, 60sec 400C, 60sec Sample IP Ni The Si 35% 65%, 3600xl015 Si02415A Si Si has been Ni 100%, 2500 A Si 415AofSi02 consumed and Sample 6P A Ni 100%, 2800 atoms/cm2 polysilicon 573C, 39sec Sample 3P Sample did 65%, Si 35% 3525xl015atoms/cm2 415AofSi02 Si The not change Ni2Si has polysilicon consumed and formed. formed. Sample IS Ni Sample 3S 49%, Si 51% 4850xl015 Ni interface between the top layer second layer, and the or a rough There is 48% Ni a thin and Ni top layer Summary There is of RBS Si, between and the a rough second the layer, In the doped of surface. Si result with elemental ratio and RBS thicknesses. Dr. polysilicon regions, 0.65/0.35. The significantly higher Ni phase was a metal ratio (~ 2:1) and the ratio suggested This the XRD detection D6 of showed suggested rich phase, Ni2Si. Similar to the disproportional confirmed DI samples and the or a rough Braunstein, Department of Physics, University Florida. Sample 1P=D1 Poly_P+, 1S=D1 Si_P+. Courtesy interface between the top layer layer of about 52% atoms/cm2 Si atoms/cm2 Si surface. Fig. 5.8. Ni 50%, Si 50% 4900xl015 48%, Si 52% 450xl015 a rough Sample 6S 100%, 2800 A Ni atoms/cm2 Si There is has been Ni2Si has Central a Ni/Si ratio that the primary silicide crystalline region, the slightly presence of multi-phase silicide composition as well. of Ni2Si and NiSi mixture in DI at 746C. Although not anticipated, Fig. 5.6 was valid with the presence of Ni2Si/NiSi mixture at the and higher temperature was completely range where single-phase consumed during of the NiSi existed. silicidation process 76 Notice that the for both DI and lower polysilicon D6 samples. Phu Do The MS Thesis difference in the RBS thickness slight Unlike the two undoubtedly the presence of that the the region by changed an order Furthermore, XRD process. also with a to Table 5.2 for the actual silicide thickness Table 5.2. Calculated compared Dl-S = silicide Ni/Si layer This the sample ratio of highly from before strong presence of calculated Density after silicidation. crystalline for resistivity Ni2Si in the region. density RBS thickness and Dl-Poly_P+, = D1-Si P+etc. Groove RTP Ni Si Sample Temp (C) Time (sec) Ratio Ratio D1-P 746 60 0.65 0.35 D1-S 746 60 0.49 0.51 D3-P 400 60 D3-S 400 60 0.48 0.52 NiSi 4.50E+17 49 195 D6-P 573 39 0.65 0.35 Ni2Si 3.53E+18 379 442 D6-S 573 39 0.50 0.50 NiSi 4.90E+18 538 700 Table 5.2 shows RBS - - the calculated thicknesses and single-phase silicide for the primary phase the Refer each region. RTP could of after the silicidation and from [5]. Dl-P adopted lower presence of nickel silicide since the sheet unlikely was observation 0.48/0.52 in the detectable thickness based on single-phase to thicknesses from groove technique. to the There was about an order of magnitude was no of magnitude detected related differently. yielded metal was present on the polysilicon region at 400C. This is on D3 sample of this silicide be and could process. In addition, there samples. insignificant of nickel metal on the surface. that nickel The thickness two other 280nm thin layer of silicide was a silicon region. discussed, samples validated earlier conclusion Notice there deposition of the polysilicon non-uniformity was be made for the silicide was in the Thickness Thickness Thickness Phase (atoms/cm2) (nm) (nm) Ni2Si 3.60E+18 387 439 NiSi 4.85E+18 529 581 - - silicide density reference Based in crystalline silicon on based on the measured [5]. Notice that the silicide mixture was used minor silicide mixture. thicker thickness 119 - in the this calculation. information, than polysilicon regions 77 phase it No RBS density account was clear that by 36%-42%. The Phu Do MS Thesis significant of this is that it further confirmed silicon as concluded earlier. Furthermore, it in D3 expected silicide crystalline region would be region, the about the higher showed that in silicidation rate with a 49nm thick silicide thickness in the corresponding 34nm thick. Such thickness crystalline polysilicon have been detectable should film by the RBS tool in Florida. 5.4. Elemental Concentration To done complement RBS analysis, secondary ion on selected samples. D14 doped Due to SIMS polysilicon budgetary by SIMS Three region) samples were sent constraints and (D15 doped to the limitation analysis was used as an alternative information. It was also a more mass spectroscopy the of Florida for SIMS number of samples sent to obtaining the necessary analysis. for RBS, phase composition technique in obtaining the accurate analysis was silicon and polysilicon regions and University on (SIMS) actual silicide The detected layers of each thicknesses. Table 5.3 sample are shows the SIMS results listed from top to bottom showed an ultra was not picked up and polycrystalline structure. the pad oxide polysilicon the with #1 samples. being the layer. Notice surface thin layer of native oxide on the surface. This native oxide all silicon and silicide surfaces This layer for the three grown from the in atmospheric conditions by the RBS The last during technique perhaps oxide processing. silicon substrate. in both oxide layer Fig. 5.9 through 5.11 University of Florida. 78 layer shipping due to its seen layer This during ultra all samples grew on and storage. thin thickness polysilicon samples was was shows used to isolate the the SIMS results from Phu Do MS Thesis SIMS: Poly_P+ Min: 0 20sec ( 500C, ) Max: 41820 CsSiO(177) D15-P: RTP Ulf = 500C,20sec. Red 5keVrCs, 205nA, 4v0um }L CsStfldl) -j V - frtWt r f L\ (342,0,7,35) Positive Acquisition^ 0 = Blue = SiO Green = Purple = Si Ni J-l - Cs'Ni(191) h^MYft> Cps A j V'' i LLl I ;V0 SiOj ~5nm NiSi- isO(149) 385nm NlSij ~91nm iflSD Si02 I III Si j gag^agzL, Fig. 5.9. SIMS result for sample 640 j 800 (nm) D15-Poly_P+. SIMS: Si_P+ Min:0 csaas?! __i 480 Depth ~46nm Courtesy of Dr. Lambers, University of Florida 20sec ( 500C, ) Max: 141530 CsSiO(177) D15-S: RTP = Red | 5uC, 20sec. Blue 5keV Cs, 205nA,l400pm J34^,0,7,35} Positive Acquisition ! i Cps ,-, = Green SiO = Purple = Si Ni ! l_ _) i.f\ 0 = i ^ -, /Vvv^-v /VV< / >v ; "V. i 'I ' _. -,.1 CsNifl-91) I \ i * : V( '-J I ;sNi(i9i) \ ! CsSiO(177) Depth Fig. 5.10. SIMS result for sample -V^fVWVvlk Si02 < Nij.Si - NiSix ~ 5nm 200nm 360nm ""---_ I | 640 480 160 -J Si CsSi|161) sO(149( WvWvv*^ , (nm) D15-Si_P+. Courtesy of Dr. Lambers, University of Florida 79 Phu Do MS Thesis SIMS: Poly_P+ Min: 0 20sec ( 520C, ) Max: 41148 ' D14-P: RTP = 52-C, 20sec. Red 1 5keV Cs, 205nA; 400|jm Blue \ (342,0,7,35} Positive Acquisition = Purple i I I I 1 CsNi(191) }.--r-^- ^^lX'>Tj.' . "atvs"- _iO$_ / i/ \. i [ j.\gsSj(161J j i fS ,AJ jfff''\f\ *s~_.-\ V.r _ SsSiO(177) I SiO = Green iXXX Cps 0 = ' CsN|(J9?)-, 'l v l; - i = Si Ni .-".', i/| "Ti I i i j i i SiO; ill i i i i i i i i i i i i i i j NiSi, ;y)(i49) i _:_ i/ _ ipfflSf] X J I Q$mkm^._. 240 Based similar three based on result sample D14-Poly_P+. between 500C to was XRD data. In the phase near the surface was present toward Courtesy of Dr. Lambers, University of Florida 520C, polysilicon the bottom of results. Since the temperature range of all such multi-phase results were expected region, D15-Poly_P+ showed primarily NiSi that accounted for about the layer 80% near of the entire silicide the pad oxide thickness. interface. The NiSi2 overall thickness was about 476nm. D14-Poly_P+ also showed similar result with the existence of multi-phase silicide not clear. silicide (nm) to those seen in XRD and possibly RBS on 48nm Si i - 320nm - the SIMS results, multi-phase silicides were visible in all three samples samples silicide for Si02 - 320 Depth Fig. 5.11. SIMS B^agsmiX- ~3nm NiSi-280nm ( 1 In addition, the bottom NiSix layer. This the NiSi film. However, the phase suggested into exact ratio of phase accounted for that the additional 20C allowed more silicon rich silicide phase. 80 The the bottom film was about 53% for further overall silicide of the overall conversion of thickness was Phu Do MS Thesis 600nm. Silicide about the three commonly known within "x" labeled phase with nickel silicide phases: Table 5.3. Detected film layer from indicates subscript NiiSi, NiSi, down through SIMS surface ratio that did and not fell NiSi2. analysis. Courtesy of Dr. Lambers, University of Florida. Sample RTP RTP Time Temp (C) (sec) D15-Poly_P+ 500 20 Silicide Thickness P+ D15-Si Detected Layer - 476 560 -5 2. NiSi -385 NiSi2 4. Si02 1.Si02 -91 2. NixSi -200 3. NiSi2 1 Si02 -360 2. NiSi -280 20 - (nm) 1.Si02 3. nm 500 Silicide Thickness Thickness nm -46 <5 -5 . D14-Poly_P+ 520 Silicide Thickness In the surface, NixSi phase was its for debatably present thickness was was about region, rely on near physically sputter acquired damaging through of point in the between NixSi polysilicon region. silicide seen with SIMS percentage since assumption made technique where sample material. As a NiSi2. Near the and the overall thickness. The monosilicide, the transition as to be NixSi thickness 18% thicker than the corresponding density away the -48 phases seemed 36% about -320 D15-Si_P+ also showed the presence of sample 560nm. Notice that the in the SIMS the NiSix 4. Si02 the two significantly less than the 36-42% entrusted 3. nm clearly defined not about 600 However, accounted presence was region ~ silicon crystalline multi-phase silicide. 20 with ions the RBS analysis RBS are result, polysilicon analysis. is more bombard is 81 However, overall silicide crystalline silicon region. More This was be merit should accurate, against and it does not SIMS technique is a the sample surface to created and profilometer measurements of this crater. NiSi2. The in this calculation. a crater and NiSi, the depth profile is Phu Do MS Thesis The thicker silicide silicidation was much silicide layer compare thinner was sample at thinner crystalline silicon also supported previous conclusion faster in this to polysilicon. also showed aided layer in and the bottom layer Similarly, top and thicker was region. Notice the top on crystalline silicon sample the polysilicon sample at higher temperature thicker bottom silicide thickness 500C. Higher temperature in the to polysilicon region compare seemed conversion of the silicide mixture to into enhance that (520C) to corresponding compare the silicidation process and more stable silicide phase, silicon rich phase. 5.5. Discussions As previously mentioned, the technique required an offset factor to represent the depth information obtained by factor regions and seemed range of to vary between 400C to 573C, RBS 70nm in was 52nm in both crystalline silicon were polysilicon region. Ni metal yielded silicide based on be was SIMS optical microscope more closely. grooving Based on the correction Within the temperature 157nm in crystalline region the average correction than at from RBS of nickel silicide results. 746C, by The dramatic drop factor in the due mainly to the fact that the boundaries calculated and compared 1.389nm range. was obtained techniques, and polysilicon regions. more accurate silicide thicknesses silicide ratio could analysis temperature at depth actual SIMS In addition, higher temperature visually more defined in the With and the the average correction factor and correction value at depth information silicide to based Due to the 82 and lower temperature. SIMS techniques, the reference works. on RBS unavoidable metal to On average, lnm of results and limitation 1.65nm of of nickel RBS technique, Phu Do SIMS MS Thesis results are more accurate since no assumption was made thickness. In comparison below the were confirmed the was for pure this study referenced value of law of NiSi INi in both should not be the 2.2NiSi [1]. However, same as region, it of RTP was evident phase. Notice the On the that at followed [6]. This hand, other "x" this was clearly Therefore, by Ni2Si, NiSi, silicon substrate in at 520C, and was seen NiSi2 layer. Such For this study, it is silicide film upper was part of NixSi and by sequence a nickel local NiSi the case for this not from NiSi2 formed 83 formed at NiSi2. being the of nickel IO"6 x Ni2Si related NiSi2 NiSi2, silicidation D15 received polysilicon thicker than the NiSi phase. silicide as epitaxial growth of phase the Zhang and direct depositions to be during less than 2 that the phase, significantly thinner than the phase was rich notice regions of sample direct deposition highly possibly phases were such referenced value 520C for 20sec. In the this group could be the initial obtained experimental results nickel silicide as characteristic of a vacuum environment of results seen values the value obtained "2" during experimental results showed third phase was NiSix of formation finally to the Both received NiSi2 the less than that ratio was observation 500C, Muller D15. In addition, samples. D14 while sample and the silicide referenced value. three SIMS all observed nickel silicide study. the calculate experimental Keep in mind that results showed evidence of the time of and 500C for 20sec the = .84Si silicon and polysilicon regions of sample temperature their 1 + 2.2nm [1]. Froment phase silicide only. Recall that the SIMS have literature reference, both since all results showed multi-phase silicide. study NiSi with to first metal torr. Most and NiSi Ivey NiSi2, stable phase onto heated importantly, on the initial to the SIMS results of this phase seen at the bottom of the the start of the silicidation, and as observed by Zhang's experiment. Since Phu Do MS Thesis the silicidation time of NiSi2 was detected was still Notice that NiSi2 There are primary three in the XRD analysis. detected could 47.5 by and most XRD NiSi analysis than for NiSi2 for these three dominant analysis. time could allow for the and/or in phase Ni2Si primary a multi-phase mixture silicidation complete time detecting Si. in transformation of the initial NiSi2 by of NiSi2 the only single to be sufficiently NiSi2 in the XRD of all samples analyzed the the strong the detection order and peak, Therefore, NiSi2 be analysis. However, its signature out signature peaks requires not XRD range scanned. have possibly drown Other possibility for presence samples. samples through the 20 within coincides with one of phases could (20 sec), the all other samples detected in these three Such similarity in be due to the longer phases, Ni2Si shorter signature peaks of coincide with that of NiSi and N^Si the SIMS signature peaks presence of phase or by was not peak at about remaining two significantly analysis XRD. The longer phase into the stable NiSi. 5.6. Conclusion The material analytical characteristics morphology resistivity of of the silicide complement Such film. XRD analysis composition as well as analytical silicidation. nickel of nickel silicide. phase(s), RBS to techniques are is the used overall AFM to analysis results are analysis extend is is in characterizing the used successfully used to to obtain correlated identify the most material the successful in surface to the electrical dominant silicide the characterization and obtain the phase thickness of nickel silicide, and SIMS analysis the RBS technique techniques are used successful obtained the stated information. in obtaining the information 84 of is Overall, used these interest. In addition, Phu Do the information MS Thesis obtained from characteristics of the silicide each technique is successfully films. 85 used to validate common MS Thesis Phu Do Reference [1] Froment, M. Muller, "Nickel vs. Cobalt Silicide Integration for Sub-50nm ESSDERC, pp.2 15-2 18, (2003). K. Maex, M. Rossum, Properties of Metal Silicides, Datareviews Series No. 4, INPSEC, London, United Kingdom, (1995). J. Seger, "Interaction of Ni with SiGe for Electrical Contacts in CMOS Technology", Doctoral ThesisJMIT, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, (2005). L. Zhang, D. Ivey, "Prediction of Silicide Formation Sequence from the Principle of the Largest Free Energy Degradation Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 311, pp 299-304, (1993). K. Maex, M. Rossum, Properties of Metal Silicides, Datareviews Series No. 4, INPSEC, London, United Kingdom, (1995). L. Zhang, D. Ivey, "Direct Deposition Reactions Between Nickel and Silicon Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 31 1, pp 335-340, (1993). B. CMOS," [2] [3] [4] Rate," [5] [6] Substrates," 86 Phu Do 6. MS Thesis Closing Summary Various characteristics of nickel silicide at strong correlation The properties. between the that low by resistivity silicide's surface roughness. 400C to 695C addition, the roughness yields continued higher and reason for such This such reoccurrence region The is regions and is observation in 746C, be of In addition, it is is observation NiSi. XRD correction polysilicon the much be results a region and NiSi, is strongly It is higher degree resistivity. in lower result of In surface of multi-phase suggest the primary the earlier Ni2Si phase in the RBS analysis. The reasoning for this time. thickness silicide's way to estimate through for the temperature factor silicide reduces by crystalline silicon 87 of 400C to 573C. At in both optical microscope. all utilized analytical than in the crystalline silicon to an average of 52nm boundaries in the observed and confirmed grooving, the thickness of nickel factor is found to be 157nm in correction faster in by electrical temperature from silicidation could reformation as a quick used by consequently lower results also confirmed obtaining due to visually more defined silicidation the increased in not well understood at average of Ni2Si the method and 70nm temperature Such its as well as published works. characterized surface roughness and resistivity. technique works and can silicides. generally increase in resistivity is due to silicide mixture. Concerning techniques overall temperature. There is a silicide, predominantly Ni2Si increase in temperature beyond 695C involving silicide mixture was Furthermore, higher to study the material characteristics of nickel silicide and several analytical electrical are utilized silicidation time and varying existence of multi-phase nickel observed and confirmed observed techniques electrical and material analytical techniques that the polysilicon regions. As observed Phu Do in MS Thesis previous work, the reason coefficient in Furthermore, phase was by polysilicon is believed to be due to the six orders of magnitude range where the most NiSi is identified to be between 573C to 695C the optimal summary and thickness without has eight the silicidation temperature Table 6.1 and nickel silicidation conditions that silicon and polysilicon regions electrical to reduction of nickel substantial respectively. sacrifice of electrical resistivity that is best for IC device integration. significant impact formation. However, the composition of the overall electrical silicidation time does multi-phase silicide resistivity Table 6.1. Result film but of the silicide seem not to dominant nickel silicide 695C for 6.2 show the crystalline conclusion the thinnest silicide yield Only the overall silicide's resistivity as on due to interstial traps. and resistivity diffusion as well as the lowest silicidation temperature well as its primary influence the significantly enough overall to phase phase change the film. Summary Surface Roughness RMS @ fix temp, longer time @ fix time, higher temp = = moderately higher RMS higher RMS Lower p higher RMS Phase Composition = - - Ni2S + NiSi mixture higher temp Single phase NiSi in temp 400C - 573C, NiSi ratio 695C for both poly & Si regions Reoccurrence of Ni2Si + NiSi mixture at 746C at Silicide Thickness - - temp 400C (Si), ~450nm (Poly) < 1 OOnm at ~625nm = at temp >400C Resistivity - @ 400C Si - @ 450C Si ~ - ~ 1 .6 x 1 0"4 fi-cm, Poly ~ 3.3 x 1 ~ 6. 1 x 1 (T4 ii-cm 0s fi-cm 750C 3. 1 x 1 0"5 n-cm, Poly 88 increase with Phu Do MS Thesis Table 6.2. Conclusion Summary and Optimal Condition Temp : 400C - - - Temp - p ~9xlO"5to3xlO"tn-cm Phase ~ RMS Ni2Si 450C P Phase - ~ 700C 2xlO"5to4xlO~5Q-cm ~ Ni2Si - Temp - - - RMS NiSi + (more NiSi - 3.1nm(Poly) [RBS] ~2.6nm(Si), Thickness : NiSi mixture, mostly Ni2Si + at mixture higher temperature) 8.0-28.0nm (Si), 5.5-1 0.Onm (Poly) Thickness 549nm (Si), 485nm (Poly) [RBS, ~ ~ : SIMS] 750C P Phase RMS 2xlO"5to8xlO"5Q-cm ~ ~ Ni2Si NiSi + 16.1nm Thickness mixture (Si), 6.5nm (Poly) (Si), 387nm (Poly) [RBS] 529nm ~ Optimal Condition: Lowest p:500C, 1.6 x P > IO"5 Phase ~ RMS ~ NixSi 8.9nm Thickness - _ - - + NiSi (Si), ~ 20sec (Si), 2.5 ft-cm (Poly) mixture 7.1nm 560nm Optimal Silicide: IO"5 x (Poly) at 20sec (Si), 576nm (Poly) [SIMS] 695C, 60sec p ~1.6xlO"5(Si),3.3xlO"5n-cm(Poly) Phase NiSi ~ RMS ~ 26.6nm (Si), 8.6nm (Poly) 89 Phu Do MS Thesis Future Work Additional order work is needed to the silicidation temperature extend to observe the most dominant silicide phase in the It is believed that silicidation within dominant such temperature. the silicidation understanding of necessary electrical process in a temperature observable and detectable more experimental samples should range in of 573C to 746C to of nickel silicide and developing temperature/time to However, further CMOS be multi-phase mixture to study in be NiSi2. with be obtain higher processed a clearer the reasoning for the 746C. successful resistivity. Nonetheless, useful was silicidation into Furthermore, the phase(s) composition reoccurrences of Ni2Si at This study phase should range of this transistor this study was of fabrication achieve work is fabrication successful future implementation the nickel fabrications. 90 significantly low needed process in meeting the process and obtaining the nickel silicide's to implement the developed to determine compatibility. proposed objectives and should silicide into RIT CMOS designs be and Phu Do MS Thesis APPENDIX 1. Fabrication Process Procedures Process Step 1 Measure 2 RCA 3 Grow thin thermal 4 Grow 5 Etch polysilicon 6 Coat and 7 Comments sheet resistance clean polysilicon Target oxide film Target by chemistry develop resist to cover ~ ~ 500A 2000A wet non- RIT 6" WaferTrac, doped half of wafers. and S/D dopant implantation P31Dose-2E15 develop Energy 8 Strip 9 RCA Clean 10 Thermal S/D off photo resist in wet standard coat recipes. 75 KeV - chemistry BRUCE 01 TUBE 02 anneal 846 1000C S/D ANNEAL 11 Coat and develop resist to middle of wafer over poly cover This is to and silicon center of the wafer intersection. etch off. protect This the oxide at the will from being form the necessary divider between polysilicon and silicon regions 12 Etch off any oxide on polysilicon and deposition silicon substrate 13 Measure 14 Deposit 15 RTP 16 Remove any un-reacted Ni 17 Data during silicidation. HF dip immediately prior to metal sheet resistance Target nickel metal Vary anneal collection. Measure metal sheet resistance. 91 ~ 3 000 A temperature & time Wet chemistry; 90C for 60sec in 1 part H2S04 : 2 part H202 Phu Do 2. MS Thesis Fabrication Process Cross-Sectional Diagram / I I I I I I I I N-type implant N"* NiMeta Poiy-Si | ) Oxide ^^^__w_w 14 P-type Si Ni Metal Oxide (thermal activation) Polysittcon RTP Oxide NiSi i I ) Oxide 4 15 P-type Si ^ NlSi P-type Si Polysilcon N* \ Poly-Si j Oxide Ni Etch wet etch Oxide Oxide ^^^^ 5 12 P-type Si P-tvpe Si 3. Design of Experiment Central Composite Design Wafer Pattern (CCD) Temp (C) Time ID D4 450 45 (s) D5 450 75 +- D11 695 45 ++ D12 695 75 aO D3 400 60 AO D1 746 60 Oa D6 573 39 OA D7 573 81 0 D8 573 60 0 D9 573 60 -+ 92 MS Thesis Phu Do 4. Raw AFM Data Constant Time: Poly-I & Si Region Temp (C) Poly Si 93 Phu Do MS Thesis Constant Temp: Poly-I & Si Region Time (sec) Poly Si 94 Phu Do 5. MS Thesis Raw XRD Data Sample D15 Si_P+ (IBM) [D15-S.MDI) D15-S NiSi From Phu Do 25.0- 20.0- Ni2Si + NiSi 15.0" 10.0- 5.0 A xlO^ , A A.J U_J-^- ^__ 4&-1339> Ni2Si 1 1 1 I. . - NicWel Silicon . 38-D344> fJiSt- Nick*! Silicon , \ 1 I ,1 2-ThetaO 95 i il Phu Do MS Thesis Sample D15 Poly_P+ (IBM) [01 5-P.MDI1 01 5-P NiSi From Phu Do Ni2Si <t8-1339> 2-Thetaf) 96 N12SI - Nicket Silica Phu Do MS Thesis fDlPOLTlEWDI] 01-Polp Boh <P si=D.0> 3M- 250- 2ft)- g a. O 'CO (a ) 100- 012) (220) 50- 1 -xi D A X, i* A 1 T 1 I ? 1 r a EC^.'.v HCII-HO-ICiaa-'i 5>:ir-> mcc- 7? | uwn:mv:i | :^_?:c-zi-.\_x.-i . 0 s 1 , - , , ,,;",,,.,, , Two-Theta (deg) ^:\OATASCT'XiATA0-5\PHUDO>DO&1> 01-Si- FDI-'jI-IE-WDH E Saturday, Jut C#, 2005 07 57p iMJI/JADBS) COD) -Psi=0IiJ 300- - 250- 2D- O (112) "CO 100- (101) 50- 172 jjj, i . ,..- o 1 (UD U f^ v^ it 0 "3-i>- ^ & f 1 Ii 1 '_ i nesi-HKteicibni HI ?-;c*- tir_L- ? 1 | I 1 | 1 Two-Theta n i.- 1 ; iit>: i | 0 (deg) cADATASCAN\OAT;MH\PHIJDO\D0&1 > 97 Saturday. Jul 09. 2105 07 5Sp fMOLUADB) Phu Do MS Thesis fmPOLYIE.MOl] 05-Poly I Bch <Pl=0.P> Two- Theta (deg) <o:\DATASC.AN\DATA05\PHUOmDO&1 fDLt-SIIEMDI) DLJ-Si I Bch > Saturday, Jul 00. 2005 07 54p fluDWADBB) <4001 tPi*=O.0> (112) j | (220) (101) -i . , *A _J 1 r SK2SV NCJ-Uhl-M'l'ft.ii 1 1 . SMWlr 1 NEC- tiUISUl 1 , j5-oe*snti,iv-s) Two-Theta (deg) <c:\0ATASCAmDATAO5\PHUDO\DOE-l> .RlT 98 Saturttey. Jul 09, 2005 07 55p (MDWADBSJ Phu Do MS Thesis ID4P0UJ.MDI] 04Pdy_l (Pa=0 D> 4000- - ~ 3500 3000- - S 2500o -o ".& 2000m 15D0. " 1000- f* "*'*W\*M J D 7Q-2&S Is tie If iir. e i 't i ? 1 1 MCI- HOSISBteu 1 1 % 1 T2-1C6- 3l-3B1Ct T | i Two- Theta 1 r 1 (deg) <c:>D/MASCAWDArA-05y,HUDO\OOE3> T - Friday. Dec OS. 2005 05.p iMDWADE6j | 60DD- - 5000 -j 4000- "o O ^& 3000 -c -2 2D00- L 1Q0D- 0 r ( "-2SC- - V a 1 If P f f 1 1 1 1 1 r . . mxi-m.1;r.iii-.:i . r if fl? f 3 1 1 l Two- Theta I 5 a m . f ,. 1 ! (deg) '.C'.\DATASCArt\DATA[l5\PHUDO\D0E3> 'RIT 99 Friday. Dec 00. 2005 D7:0Tp ifcBDfJADE6) Phu Do MS Thesis <*>} fDP0LYIEM01] De-PoJv-l-E <Psi-C j 300- - 250' _* o O (2li) "CO 100- (112) (221 ' 50-, (101) vJH ~J i 4 0 1 i X 9 i f eS-M*- HCL-HlICII1,DI Hrt. HI i a i ! " | f i I Twd- Theta a (deg) Rrr <c;\DATASCAmDATAO5\PHUDO\0O-1> Jl HC-I- v i [De.SI-IE.MDI] ^V2LS> p m Saturday. Jul 09, 2O05 D8:0lp (MDI/JADE8) DfrSi-l-EiPsiO.0> t en -vie,-,-. ui^i-ur*titnic/>i Stussi.syi-Sl Two-ThetaCdeg) <o:XOATASCAN\DATA05\PHUOO\D0E-1> .RfT 100 Saturday. Jul . 2005 03:02p ijud l/J^JD E6) Phu Do MS Thesis [D7POI.YJ.MDt] <Psi=0_0>_____/_ MOD -C -O .^2000 w ^ 1500 1000 ""WW / U L-y.^ 7I-OS3B" UDtSH2- KtJstSltC n _1_L 7S-1C&S1- 9 Two-Theta (de RfT Friday. Dec 09, 2005 <c:\D/tfASCAmDATA05\PHUDO\DOE3> 07:13p IMDWADB5) 150- _t o i ig.o- j 5.0- JJ . . aJl_ . ._. f I A /v TH- HIS- HEtclSHOH = a i i = - a r I r J f I a , P J, Two-Theta (de :\DATASCAK\DATA05\PHiJD0UJ0E2> RfT 101 Friday. Dec 06. 2005 O4:02p i'MDt/JADE6') Phu Do MS Thesis [011POLJMQI] 011Pdy_l <Pg^0.0> f*t <V******,W1*^\w--L^^^J I'l^^H^1^ 3S-XJI-- tj-:^-A ua-rm?i:ui:vi ncc-nid*ic-BicM Two-Theta (deg) RfT <o:\OArASCAH\DATAW\PHUD0\D0E3> [D11SI IUDIJ 011 Si I Friday. Dec 09. 2006 05:59p (WDVJADE6) <Ps)=DJ)> 7S30 5000- 2500- I -^ \..VJL -jl.. T ,, ___j L> - . ^ \ 0 A , ,, J L r &:eu- hq- i i i I i f i it i HttglSikx 1 1 13439ft iir_t:-nii-i"[ii'.i ? Two-Theta (deg) RIT c.\DATASCAfADATA05\PHUDO'XiOE3> 102 Friday. Dec 09. 2006 06:00? (MD1/JADE6) Phu Do MS Thesis ! [014P0LYIMDI] ....... , D14P&iy_l ~'**m#*****^^ n^m^mkmJ e5-t5Di=- UCSI-Nfc) %% Two-Theta (deg) <o:\DATASCA)J\DATA05\PHUOO\DOE3> I [DI4SI 1 1.401] DI4SI ' ->- i ....... Friday. Dec 09. 2006 04.-57p (MDVJADE0) ' i , I 1 <Pri=0 0> 1 J J" ~^wj ffi-taP- BE3l-BI0al3!Itl 4 - 1 f .- r 1 a 1 1 1. 1 1 1 ? r r , 1 3" Iff i g j 1 l! f ? 3&isil> f M i net- i B f hhsiubm i ii Two-Theta (deg) c;UJATA";CAmDATA05VHiJDO\DOE3; RfT 103 Fnday, Dm 03, 2005 05 2i>p iVIDI/J^OBj Phu Do MS Thesis Reference Ni Metal Sample [013SHM3I] D13Si-tJ'to_RTP without RTP Anneal Psi=D.O Two-Theta (deg) 'RIT G:\DATASCAmDArA05\PHU 104 DO\O0E2> Friday. Dee 09. 2005 04:39p (MOI/JADE8) Phu Do 6. MS Thesis Raw RBS Data 1) Sample D6Poly_P+ Energy (MeV) 0.5 35 i 1.0 r "i 1 1 r 1.5 "i 1 1 2.0 r -i 1 1 r 30 25 2 20 xi N . I 15 o 10 5 - - Si 0 ~\ i i i i i i i i 200 100 i i i i i 300 i i 400 i i i i i i i 500 i i i 600 i i i "i 700 i i i r 800 Channel V M: XRump FSe/Plot Beam * 1 2 3 Window me up Scott le! Variables 311 Help sho? Sublayers Thickness 3525.00 415.00 40000.00 SIM Command: File: RBS Identif ier : ITCT Text: Date: Beam: Geometry: MCA: Detector: Correction: Go f or i 1 1 The Edit Layout /CM2 auto Si02 auto Composition Hi 0.650 Si 1.000 Si 1.000 /CM2 Si 0 0.35C 2.00C active c:\rumpdata\octl005\0029_0 HIT Hot 2n.rbs 6P implemented 10/10. 09:45:33 m 13.55 nA 4He++ 20.00 0 uCoul 2.250 MeV 8.00 Phi: 15.00 Psi : Theta: 615.00 IBM First chan: c 0.0 29.320 HPT: 1024 2.509 Econv: 10.0 Tau : FHM : 18.0 keV Omeg 0.9800 polysilicon has been consumed and Ni2Si has formed. 105 Phu Do 2) MS Thesis Sample D3 Poly_P+ Energy (MeV) 0.5 50 t r 1.0 "i 1 1 r 1.5 -i 1 1 2.0 -i r 1 r 40 X 13 30 x <D N a 20 o 10 N 0 "T" i i i i | i i i i i i 300 200 100 i | i j i 400 i i f\ 500 i i i 600 Channel SXRump f Be/Plot Layout Window Edit Variables Help Thickness A 2800.00 A 2500.00 Si02 415.00 /CM2 40000.00 iSIM Command: RBS File: Identifier: LTCT Text: Date: Beam: Geometry : MCA: Detector: Correction: Sublayers auto auto auto auto Composition Hi Si Si Si 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 active cNrunpdataNoct 1005\00 2 9_03n.rbs RIT 3P Hot implemented lO/lO. 10:15:43 9 11.09 nA 20.00 0 uCoul 4He++ 2.250 MeV 15.00 Psi : 630.00 8.00 Phi: Theta: IBM HPT: 1024 29.320 First chan: c 0.0 2.509 Econv: Tau: 10.0 FHM: 18.0 keV Omeg 1.0000 (Next? This sample remained similar to the as-prepared condition. 106 i i i r*T i 700 i i r 800 Phu Do MS Thesis 3) Sample DI Poly_P+ Energy (MeV) 0.5 40 t 0 r i i 1.0 1 i i i | i 1 i i 1 i i i i i i | 1 i 400 i 1 i | r i 500 i i i i 600 XRump Fte;'Plot Window Layout Edit Variables Help Sublayers Thickness /CM2 3600.00 Si02 415.00 /CM2 40000.00 ilM Command: File: RBS Identifier: ITCT Text : Date: Beam Geometry: MCA Detector: Correction: auto auto auto Composition Hi Si Si 0.650 1.000 1.000 active c:\rumpdataNoctl005\0029_32n.rbs RIT Hot IP implemented 08:34:53 4He++ 2.250 MeV 10/17. Theta: IBM 2.509 Econv: FHM: 18.0 keV 1.0000 20.00 uCoul e 25.69 nA Phi: 15.00 Psi 8.00 1065.00 chan : 0.0 29.320 First c HPT: 1024 Tau: 10.0 Omega: 4.000 Omeg [Your isli?_L_ The polysilicon has been consumed and Ni2Si has formed. 107 i i i r 1 t Channel - 2.0 1.5 n 1 300 200 100 | 1 i i 700 i i l I 800 Phu Do 4) MS Thesis Sample D6 Si_P+ Energy (MeV) 2.0 35 30 T3 - 25 11 20 N I I 15 o 10 Si 0 - i i i i i i 200 100 i i i i i i i i i i i 400 300 i | i i 500 i i i i i 600 i i i i 700 i i r 800 Channel JjlIXR-urnp Layout Window file/Plot Ecft Variables Help Thickness /CM2 4900.00 /CM2 40000.00 SIM Command RBS I LTCT Text: Date: Beam: Geometry: MCA: Detector: Correction: Your Composition Hi 0.500 Si 1.000 auto auto : File: Identifier: I Sublayers 1005\0029_04n rbs 6S implemented 10/10. 10:37:37 20.00 uCoul < 15.34 nA 4He++ 2 250 MeV 15.00 8.00 Phi: 15. Psi: 645.00 Theta: IBM 29.320 First chan han: 0.0 HPT: 1024 2.509 Econv: Tau: Omega: 4.000 FHH: 18.0 keV 1.0000 c : \ruipdata\oct . RIT Not _ wish? The top layer is about 50% Si and 50% Ni. There is layer and the second layer, or a rough surface. 108 a rough interface between the top Phu Do MS Thesis 5) Sample D3 Si_P+ Energy (MeV) 0.5 1.0 50 1 1.5 2.0 ~ 1 1 r i i t r i r i 40 13 30 x <D N <3 20 O 10 0 i i | i 200 100 i i i | i i 300 rp*n i 400 t [ i i 500 i i i ] i i 600 i i 700 i I I 800 Channel BUS! Hi ISxRiimp Window Layout uram! sis 'lot Edit Variables show Thickness 2800.00 A /CM2 450.00 /CM2 40000.00 ISIM Command: File: RBS | Identifier: LTCT Text: Date: Beam : Geometry: MCA: Detector: Correction: [Heat? I There is Help Composi t ion Hi 1.000 Hi 0.480 Si 1.000 Sublayers auto auto auto Si 0.520 active c\rumpdata\octl005\0029_30n.rbs 3S implemented 07:40:45 20.00 0 uCoul 9 25.44 nA 4He++ 2.250 MeV Phi: Theta: 8.00 15.00 Psi : 1035.00 IBM 29.320 First chan: c. 0.0 2.509 HPT: 1024 Econv: Omeg. 10-0 keV Tau: FVHM: 18.0 1.0000 RIT Hot 10^17. . a layer (can 52% Si, between the Ni top layer distinguish between N-type and P-type Si). thin layer of about 48% Ni not and 109 and the Si Phu Do MS Thesis 6) Sample DI Si_P+ Energy (MeV) 0.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 35 30 25 2 13 20 N S 15 o 10 Si 0 i i i i i i i i i 300 200 100 i i i i i i i i 400 i i N i i 500 i i i i 600 i r 700 800 Channel The top layer is layer and the about second 51% Si layer, and 49% Ni. There is or a rough surface. 110 a rough interface between the top Phu Do MS Thesis References [1] D. Baselt, "The tip-sample implications for biological Technology, (1993). [2] [3] [4] T.R. interaction in applications ", force microscopy and its Thesis, California Institute of atomic Ph.D. Albrecht, P. Grutter, D. Home, D. Rugar, J. Appl. Phys. 69, 668 (1991). Tutorial, Pacific Nanotechnology, URL:, AFM Access Date: 05/04/05. Veeco AFM product description, URL: 05/04/05. Ill Access Date: