CIRCUIT BREAKER - GAS Capabilities: In a large substation, circuit breakers are used to interrupt any short-circuits or overload currents that may occur on the network. A 345 kv, high voltage, three position/phase gas circuit breaker. Description:. Circuit Breaker Gas – A 345 KV Three Position Serial Numbers: N/A, N/A, 214, 215, 213, 207, 216, 212, 204, 205, N/A, N/A, 201, 0283A7944201, 0283A7944-202 In Service: 5/31/1983 thru 8/31/1988 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 15 units Size: Unknown Weight: 51,000 lbs Original Cost: 13 were $281,830.05 and 2 were $349,818.70 Condition: They appear to be in fair condition. Should be inspected for functionality. Location: X-533A Switch Yard 1 TRANSFORMER POWER – McGraw-Edison Capabilities: Each transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power 330/13.8 KV 100,000 Serial Numbers: 26201-2, 26201-1 In Service: 1 in 2/28/1955. 1 in 1/31/1975. Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units Size: Untanking Height 22’5” Weight: Serial #26201-2 To be lifted untanking: 244900 Tank and Fittings: 99600 Type 442 LTC Mechanism: 1600 Oil 15865 Main & Selector Comp:119000 Oil 700 Contactor Compartment: 5200 Total: 470,000 Oil 15825 Oil 700 #26201-1 253500 89100 1600 118700 5200 468,100 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: $758,897.97 and $658,305.55 Condition: All but one transformer exceeds life cycle. Location: X-533A Switch Yard. 2 TRANSFORMER POWER – Large Westinghouse Capabilities: Each transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power 330/13.8 KV 100 000 Serial Numbers: 6530371, 5069361, 6530372, 5069360 In Service: 2/28/1955. There are tags to indicate an upgrade in 1976. Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 4 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Core and coils Case Oil Total 275,000 128,000 195,000 598,000 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: $807,358.00 Condition: All transformers do not exceed life cycle. Location: X-533A Switch Yard . 3 TRANSFORMER POWER - Westinghouse Capabilities: Each transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power 330/14.4 KV 125 MVA Serial Numbers: 7002476, 7002477, 7002449, 7002358, 7002363, 7002418, 7002419 In Service: 6/30/1979 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 7 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Core and coils 202,000 Case 50,000 Oil 75,200 Total 327,200 Shipping 232,970 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: Varied from $701,226.01 to $730,102.20 Condition: All transformers do not exceed life cycle. Location: X-533A Switch Yard. 4 TRANSFORMER POWER - GE Capabilities: Each transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power 330/13.8 KV 100,000 Serial Numbers: C155609, C155607 In Service: 2/28/1958 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units Size: Unknown Weight: When untanking Tank & Fitting Main tank No. 10-C 7810 Top selector No. 10-C 790 Contactor No. 10-C 520 Total 146,500 108,500 132,700 5,900 3,900 397,500 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: $757,197.36 and $706,142.57 Condition: According to identified markings all transformers exceed life cycle. Location: X-533A Switch Yard. 5 TRANSFORMER POWER – Allis-Chalmer Capabilities: Each transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power 330/13.8 KV 100,000 Serial Numbers: 1-0140-24891-2, 1-0140-24891-5 In Service: The one located in the switchyard 12/31/1954. Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units. Size: Height 460 inches Weight: Core and coil Oil 20888 Tank & Fitting Total 296,700 157,000 105,300 559,000 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: $963,480.01 for one in Switch Yard. Condition: According to identified markings all transformers exceed life cycle. Location: One transformer is in X-533A Switch Yard and one transformer is on a concrete pad behind the X-533A Switch Yard. 6 TRANSFORMER POWER – BBC Capabilities: It is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power HV 13.8 KV/LV 2.4 KV Serial Number: SB77582-0101 In Service: Unknown Life Cycle: Unknown Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Unknown Weight: Core and coils Oil 20888 Tank & Fitting Total 2,934 1,582 1,087 5,603 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: Unknown Condition: Unknown Location: It is setting disconnected on a concrete pad behind X-533A Switch Yard. 7 TRANSFORMER POWER – PowerZone Capabilities: It is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power KVA 1500/1932 13800 Volts Serial Number: 820749-2 In Service: Unknown. Life Cycle: Unknown. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Untanking height of 150 inches. Weight: Core and coil Oil 20888 Tank & Fitting Total 4,055 4,342 3,743 12,140 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: Unknown. Condition: Unknown. Location: It is setting disconnected on a concrete pad behind X-533A Switch Yard. 8 TRANSFORMER POWER – Fayetteville Capabilities: It is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power KVA 6000 OA / 7500 FA 13800 Delta Volts Serial Number: 95156-01 In Service: Unknown. Life Cycle: Unknown. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Untanking height of 150 inches. Weight: Core and coil Tank & Fitting Oil 960 gallons Total 14,000 9,595 7,105 30,700 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: Unknown. Condition: Unknown. Location: It is setting disconnected on a concrete pad behind X-533A Switch Yard. 9 TRANSFORMER POWER – GE Capabilities: It is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power KVA 6000 OA / 7500 FA 13800 Delta Volts Serial Number: B686511 In Service: Unknown. Life Cycle: Unknown. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Unknown Weight: Untanking Tank & Fitting Oil 1700 gallons Main Oil 790 Gallons Oil 520 gallons Contactor Total 191,000 108,500 127,000 5,900 3,900 436,500 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: Unknown. Condition: Unknown. Location: It is setting disconnected on a concrete pad behind X-533A Switch Yard. 10 TRANSFORMER POWER – Square D Company Capabilities: It is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power Serial Number: 796006843 In Service: Unknown. Life Cycle: Unknown. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Unknown. Weight: Core and coil Tank & Fitting Oil 280 gallons Untanking Total 2,540 2,765 2,100 2,540 7,405 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: Unknown. Condition: Unknown. Location: It is setting disconnected on a concrete pad behind X-533A Switch Yard. 11 TRANSFORMER GROUNDING – GE Zig Zag Capabilities: Grounding transformers are used in utility distribution networks and in some power electronic converters in order to provide a neutral point in a three-wire system. Description: Transformer Grounding Zig Zag GE OA-JT. Serial Numbers: H-885175A, H-885175B In Service: 6/30/1979 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Untanking Tank & Fitting 10C Oil 425 Gallon Total 3,800 1,850 3,150 8,800 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: $24,520.79 Condition: They appears to be in fair condition with over 9 years of life cycle remaining. Location: X-533A Switch Yard. 12 TRANSFORMER GROUNDING – GE Capabilities: A grounding transformer is used to provide a ground path to either an ungrounded "Y" or a delta connected system. Description: Transformer Grounding Zig Zag GE OA-J. Serial Numbers: C155653, C155654, C155655, C155651, C155656, C155649, C155648, C155643, C155647, C155645, C155646, C155642, C155644, C155650 In Service: 2/28/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 15 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Untanking Tank & Fitting 10C Oil 400 Gallon Total 5,875 1,850 3,000 10,725 lbs lbs lbs lbs Original Cost: $24,520.79 Condition: They appears to be in good condition. Location: One transformer is on the concrete pad behind the X-533A Switch Yard and all others are in the X-533A Switch Yard. 13 BUS DUCT SYSTEM Capabilities: This configuration offers superior strength as well as reduced weight when compared to steel or copper rectangular designs. Provides equalization of reactance between phases – no phase transposition is required on long runs. Description: A 13.8 KV bus duct system from transformer to building. Serial Numbers: N/A In Service: 5/31/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 1 system. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $2,455,204.84 Condition: Good working condition. However, it is past its life cycle. Location: X-533A Switch Yard. 14 A HEATING AND VENTILATING SYSTEM Capabilities: Uses a fan to force air through air ducts to create ventilation. Steam coils are routed near the fan to produce heat when it is cold. Steam can be turn on or off according to the need. Oil is used as a filtering system. Description: Heating and ventilation system. In Service: 2/28/1955 Life Cycle: 35 yrs. Quantity: 2 systems and unknown number of feet for ventilation duct. Size: Unknown Weight: Original Cost: $162,251.07 Condition: They appear to be in fair condition and is currently in working condition. However, they are past their life cycle. Location: One in each Switch House of X-533B. 15 LIGHTING SYSTEM Capabilities: To provide adequate lighting throughout the switchyard for work to be performed during limited visibility periods. Description: An interior electric lighting system. In Service: 3/31/1957 Life Cycle: 30 yrs. Quantity: 1 system. Size: Unknown Weight: N/A Original Cost: $285,732.01 Condition: It appears to be in fair condition and is currently in working condition. However, it is past its life cycle. Location: Both X-533B Switch House buildings and control building. 16 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Capabilities: System contains manual and automatic alarm initiators. The system contains an audible warning and uses water for fire suppression and/or containment. Description: Fire Alarm System (Switchhouse). Two separate systems tied together for alarm. In Service: 2/28/1955 Life Cycle: 35 yrs. Quantity: 1 system. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $147,822.37 Condition: Appears to be in fair condition and is still being relied on. However, it is past its life cycle. Location: X-533 Complex. 17 CONDENSER SYNCHRONOUS - Large Capabilities: An apparatus for controlling voltage flicker in power distribution in a substation, comprising a synchronous condenser, a field adjuster for the synchronous condenser and a compensation circuit, apparatus being adapted to compensate the distribution voltage flicker due to a large load variation in substation and being able to adjust a predetermined distribution voltage within an allowable range. Description: Condenser Synchronous Serial Numbers: 6999723, 6920463, 6920464, 6999724 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 4 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Estimated 240,000 lbs Original Cost: $855,948.22 Condition: Appears to be in fair condition. Location: X-533B. There are two at the top of each Switch House. 18 SWITCHGEAR UNIT SUBSTATION – 480 VOLTS Capabilities: A switchgear is used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream. Description: Switchgear Unit Substation 480 Volt 3/phase Serial Number: 31525 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 systems. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $17,876.86 Condition: Appears to be in good condition. Location: One in each Switch House at X-533B. 19 CONDENSER SYNCHRONOUS Capabilities: An apparatus for controlling voltage flicker in power distribution in a substation, comprising a synchronous condenser, a field adjuster for the synchronous condenser and a compensation circuit, apparatus being adapted to compensate the distribution voltage flicker due to a large load variation in substation and being able to adjust a predetermined distribution voltage within an allowable range. Description: Condenser Synchronous 25000 to 31250 Serial Numbers: 6-S-10088, 6-S-10088, 3-S-10088, 2-S-10088, 5-S-10088, 4-S-10088 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 6 units. Size: Unknown. Weight: Estimated 140,000 lbs Original Cost: $287,743 to $295,657 Condition: Appears to be in fair condition. Location: X-533B. There are three at the top of the East/West Switch House. 20 SYNCHROSCOPE Capabilities: In AC electrical power systems, a synchroscope is a device that indicates the degree to which two systems (generators or power networks) are synchronized with each other. Synchroscopes measure and display the frequency difference and phase angle between two power systems. Description: Synchroscope (including meters fuses) Serial Numbers: N/A In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 25 yrs. Quantity: 3 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $1,291.85 Condition: 2 appear to be in fair condition and one is in poor condition. Location: X-533B Control Room. 21 INVERTER W/ 5 HP MOTOR Capabilities: This inverter is capable of running any load within its wattage range. Description: Inverter with 5HP Motor MODEL 5A51-25 Serial Number: 6931331 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 15 yrs. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $2,199.16 Condition: It appears to be in fair condition. Location: X-533B Carrier Room, West Switch House. 22 TRANSFORMER – DRY TYPE Capabilities: “Dry type” simply means it is cooled by normal air ventilation. The dry type transformer does not require a liquid such as oil or silicone or any other liquid to cool the electrical core and coils . Description: Transformer - A 2400/480 Dry Type Transformer Serial Numbers: KY In Service: 4/30/1986 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 system. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $12,111.60 Condition: Appears to be in good working order with a life cycle that expires in 2026. Location: One in each X-533B Switch House. 23 GENERATOR - DC Capabilities: In a direct current generator, the purpose is to change the alternating current (AC), which flows into its armature, into direct current. Description: Generator DC Motor Emergency 250 VDC Serial Numbers: 74415, 74416 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 20 yrs. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $3623.01 Condition: It appears to be in fair condition and is past original life cycle. Location: Downstairs of X-533B Control Building 24 DIRECT WRITING OSCILLOGRAPH Capabilities: A recorder in which the permanent record of varying electrical quantities or signals is made on paper, directly by a pen attached to the moving coil of a galvanometer or indirectly by a pen moved by some form of motor under control of the galvanometer. Also known as mechanical oscillograph. Description: Oscillograph Direct Writing 12-Channel In Service: 5/31/1970 Life Cycle: 25 yrs. Quantity: 1 unit. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $66,090.71 Condition: It appears to be in good condition. Location: X-533B Control Room. 25 TRANSFORMER – 2500 KVA Capabilities: Each transformer is large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer Power 2500 KVA 13.8 KV/2 Serial Numbers: 31126TRANS-1, 31126TRANS-2 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $14,348.10 Condition: They appear to be in good condition even though past life cycle Location: X-533B East/West Switch House. 26 TRANSFORMER – 2300/480 Volt Capabilities: Each transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer 2300/480 VOLT 300 KVA In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $7,257.46 Condition: They appear to be in good condition even though past life cycle Location: X-533B East/West Switch House. 27 TRANSFORMER – 150 KVA Capabilities: Each Transformer is a large encased group of metal plates about the size of a small house with 2 sets of insulated copper wires wrapped around the plates -an input and output - to convert a very high supply line voltage to a lower voltage. Description: Transformer 150 KVA Lighting Stockwell, Serial Numbers: 15606, 15607, 15608 15609, 15605 In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 5 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $2,727.39 Condition: They appears to be in good condition even though past life cycle Location: X-533B East/West Switch House. 28 OSCILLOGRAPH – RECORDING FAULT Capabilities: An oscillograph measures variations of electric current by having it go through a magnetic coil. Variations in current induce momentum in the coil, which can be directly measured. Description: Oscillograph – A Recording Fault System Serial Number: 16658 In Service: 10/31/1986 Life Cycle: 25 yrs. Quantity: 1 units. Size: In a cabinet Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $88,960.67 Condition: Appears to be in good working condition Location: X-533B Control Building 29 AIR COMPRESSOR UNIT Capabilities: A compressor takes in air at atmospheric pressure and delivers it at a higher pressure. This pressure is used to operate the three phase switchgears in a substation. Contains pump and air tank. Description: Air Compressor Unit With Compressor Serial Numbers: 10120, 10121, 10126, 10124, 10123, 10122, 10125, 10127, 10137, 10138, 10140, 10139, 10142, 10141, 10131, 10135, 10135, 10136, 10132, 10134, 10133, 10130, 10128, 10129, 10143. In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 24 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $9,442.46 Condition: They appear to be in fair working condition. Location: East/West X-533B Switch Houses. 30 MAIN CONTROL BOARDS Capabilities: Monitors and controls the power of the switchyard. Description: Main Control Boards - A System of Control In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 1 system. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $1,395,613.95 Condition: Appears to be in good condition. Location: X-533B Control Room. 31 SWITCHGEAR – 13800 VOLTS Capabilities: Each high voltage switchgear is any switchgear used to connect or disconnect a part of a high-voltage power system. These switchgear are essential elements for the protection and safe operation, without interruption, of a high voltage power system. This type of equipment is important because it is directly linked to the quality of the electricity supply. Description: Switchgear 13,800 VOLT W/11 Air Receiver In Service: 6/30/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 13 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: Varies from $418,288.69 to $503,167.69 Condition: They appear to be in fair condition. Location: X-533A. On top of East/West Switch House. 32 OIL TANK – 15,000 GALLON Capabilities: They purpose is to store mineral oil in order to be used by transformers. Description: Tank Oil Storage 15000 gallon capacity In Service: 2/28/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $6,001.50 Condition: They appear to be in good shape. Location: X-533A (West End) 33 OIL TANK – 34,000 GALLON Capabilities: They purpose is to store mineral oil in order to be used by transformers. Description: Tank Oil Storage 34000 gallon capacity In Service: 2/28/1955 Life Cycle: 40 yrs. Quantity: 2 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $10,923.50 Condition: They appear to be in good condition. Location: X-533A (West End) 34 OIL FILTERING SYSTEM Capabilities: Contained mineral oil to heat and pump oil through transformers in order to filter out impurities. Description: Oil Filtering System with minor tank In Service: 8/31/1974 Life Cycle: Unknown Quantity: 1 system Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $65,696.07 Condition: It appears to be in good working condition Location: X-533A (West End) 35 AIR CONDITIONER - WINDOW Capabilities: They re-circulate and cool air to regulate temperature in Control Room. Description: Air Conditioner 220 Volt Friedrich In Service: Unknown Life Cycle: Unknown Quantity: 2 units. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: Unknown Condition: They appear to be in good working condition and are working. Location: X-533A Control Building 36 LUBE OIL PUMPS Capabilities: Pump oil and create oil pressure into the synchronous condenser. It moves middle of synchronous condenser into place until the rotation speed will hold it by itself. Description: Lift and lube oil pumps In Service: Unknown Life Cycle: Unknown Quantity: 8 systems Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: Unknown Condition: They appear to be in fair working condition. Location: X-533B East/West Switch House. 37 Heating and Vent Fan Capabilities: The substation ventilation is designed to optimize air circulation over and around the transformers and through the panel compartment so that the substation operates at lower temperatures. Description: Heating and Vent Fan In Service: 3/31/1957 Life Cycle: 30 yrs.. Quantity: 1 system Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: $162,251.07 Condition: It appears to be in good working condition Location: X-533B West Switch House 38 Hot Water Heater Capabilities: A heating system that uses steam generated from a boiler. The steam heating system conveys steam through pipes to heat exchangers, such as radiators, convectors, radiant panels, or fan-driven heaters, and returns the resulting condensed water to the boiler. Such systems normally operate at pressure not exceeding 15 lb/in.2 gage or 103 kilopascals gage, and in many designs the condensed steam returns to the boiler by gravity because of the static head of water in the return piping. With utilization of available operating and safety control devices, these systems can be designed to operate automatically with minimal maintenance and attention. Description: Steam Fan In Service: Unknown Life Cycle: Unknown Quantity: 16 yrs. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: Unknown Condition: Condition varies from poor to good. Location: X-533B East/West Switch House 39 ELECTRIC HEATER Capabilities: A device for heating rooms that converts electric current to heat by means of resistors that emit radiant energy. Resistors may be composed of metal-alloy wire, nonmetallic carbon compounds, or printed circuits. Heating elements may have exposed resistor coils mounted on insulators, metallic resistors embedded in refractory insulation and encased in protective metal, or a printed circuit encased in glass. Fins may be used to increase the area that dissipates the heat. Description: 480 Volt Heater In Service: Unknown Life Cycle: Unknown Quantity: 16 yrs. Size: Unknown Weight: Unknown Original Cost: Unknown Condition: They appear to be in good working condition Location: X-533B East/West Switch House. 40