DESIGN STANDARDS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION DESIGN STANDARDS Section 1 – General Design Guidelines Introduction 1 General Design Guidelines Mechanical System Design Guidelines Electrical System Design Guidelines 2-4 5-21 21-44 Section 2 – Room Specific Design Guidelines Introduction 1 Bone Marrow Transplant Rooms (B.M.T.) Clean Utility Room Conference Rooms Corridor (Patient) Corridor (Public) Dining Areas Electrical Closet Electrical Room Elevator Cabs: Public Elevator Cabs: Service Elevator Lobby: Public Elevator Lobby: Service Elevator Machine Room Exam Rooms Information Technology Division (IDF)Room Information Technology Division (MDF) Room Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) Laboratories Labor, Delivery and Recovery Rooms (L.D.R.) Linen Chute Room 2-3 4-5 6-7 8 9-10 11 12 13-14 15 16 17 18 19 20-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-32 33-34 35 Lobby: Main/Reception Areas Lobby: Main/Waiting Areas Lobby: Secondary/Reception Areas Lobby: Secondary/Waiting Areas Locker Rooms Main Entrances: Vestibule Mechanical Rooms Medical Gas Storage Nurse Station Offices: Administrative Offices: Board of Governors Offices: General Staff Offices: Open Office Area Offices: Physician Operating Rooms Patient Rooms Patient Room: Toilet Rooms Patient Shower Areas Pharmacy: Inpatient Pharmacy: Outpatient Post Partum Rooms Procedure Rooms: Invasive Procedure Rooms: Non-Invasive Radiology Rooms (General) Ramps: Public Ramps: Receiving Ramps: Service Soiled Utility Room Staff Lounge Stepdown Units Storage Rooms Toilet Rooms: Public-High Profile Toilet Rooms: Public-Low Profile Toilet Rooms: Staff Trash Chute Room 36-37 38 39-40 41 42 43 44 45 46-47 48 49 50 51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73 74 75 76-77 78-79 80-81 82 83-84 85-86 87 88 Section 3 – Appendix A Building Products/Manufacturer Listings Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division 6 Division 7 Division 8 Division 9 Division 10 Division 11 Division 12 Division 13 Division 14 Division 15 Division 16 1 1 1 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10-15 15-22 22-30 31 31-32 32 32 33-79 80-95 Section 4 – Appendix B Interior Finish Products/Manufacturer Listings Floor Finish: Carpet Floor Finish: Ceramic and Porcelain Floor Finish: Linoleum Floor Finish: Marble and Granite Floor Finish: Rubber Select Box for Interior Finishes Floor Finish: Sheet Vinyl Floor Finish: Terrazzo Floor Finish: Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) Floor Finish: Wood Floor Finish: Transition Strips Wall Base Finish: Vinyl Wall Finish: Ceramic and Porcelain Wall Finish: Marble and Granite Wall Finish: Paint Wall Finish: Plastic Laminate Wall Finish: Wall Covering Wall Finish: Wall Protection Systems Miscellaneous Finish: Cubicle Curtains Miscellaneous Finish: Draperies Miscellaneous Finish: Mini-Blinds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17 18-19 20 21 22 Section 5 – Appendix C Interior Furniture Products and Manufacturer Representative Listings Introduction 01.06.11 - This section has been removed Board of Governors: Offices Board of Governors: Secretary Areas Classroom/Training Conference Rooms Dining – Informal Dining Areas – Formal Labor, Delivery and Recovery Rooms Exam Rooms Lobby: Main Waiting Areas Lobby: Main Registration/Reception Nurse Stations Offices: Administrative Offices: Department Heads Offices: Physicians Offices: Support Staff (Open Areas) Offices: Support Staff (Private Offices) On-Call Rooms Patient Rooms Staff Lounge Libraries Waiting Areas: Family Waiting Vending Areas and Recovery Areas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Section 6 – Standard Millwork Details Introduction 1 List of Hardware List of Material Typical Base Cabinet Typical Base Cabinet Typical Base Cabinet (File Drawer) Typical Sink Base Cabinet Typical Wall Cabinet Typical Wall Cabinet Typical Wall Cabinet Typical Wall Cabinet Typical Wall Cabinet Typical Work Station Typical Work Station Typical Work Surface Typical Work Surface 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Typical Work Surface Typical Storage Closet Typical Storage Closet 17 18 19 CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION STANDARD REFERNCE DOCUMENTS Information Technology Division Standards (I.T.D.) Fire Safety Standards Security Standards click for sharps mounting requirements click for ABHR mounting requirements Revised: August 2003 GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION This Design Standards Manual has been prepared for and issued by The Cleveland Clinic Foundation as a source for basic Design Guidelines and is intended for use by Consultants and their Design Teams. Contained in this manual is information defining the different CCF Departments and respective Contact Names to aid the Design Team during the preparation and information gathering process leading to the development of the Construction Documents. In addition, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation has standardized the following drawing format and information: · · · Standard CCF Project Cover Sheet Standard CCF Drawing Format with Sheet Border and Title Block. Standard CCF "Risk Reduction Standard" Notes. This standard drawing information may be used in either 24" x 36" or 30" x 42" sheet size, and can be obtained from The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Office of Construction Management or the CCF Internet website. All Construction Document drawings are to be prepared using this standard format and utilizing AutoCad Software Version 12 or newer. This document is not intended to cover all conditions and requirements for every space in The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Health Care environment. By addressing Building Systems, Selected Room Specific Guidelines, Building Product Information, Interior Finishes and Furniture Guidelines; together with established Cleveland Clinic Foundation departmental standards, this document gives the Design Team a comprehensive direction upon which to implement these standards with the design task assigned by The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Any additions and/or modifications to this Standards Manual will be produced and issued to the Design Team on a timely basis. Section 1 1 Revised: August 2003 Questions or concerns regarding information contained in this Standards Manual may be addressed to Brian J. Smith, Administrative Director, Construction Management or Thomas J. Shepard, Director of Facility Engineering. CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION DESIGN STANDARDS GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Developing Conceptual Design 1. Work with Healthcare Facilities Planner if requested to do so to develop program requirements and Conceptual Design a. Programming to involve the following Departments: Healthcare Facilities Planner Fire Safety Department Health Safety Department I.T.D. (Information Technology Division) Radiation Safety Department 2. Obtain projected Construction Budget requirements for project B. Design/Construction Documents 1. Develop Design through to completion of Construction Documents a. This phase of all projects shall include involvement from the following disciplines: User Groups Artwork Representative Cleveland Clinic Foundation Key Control Cleveland Clinic Foundation Project Manager (O.C.M.–Office of Construction Management) Department of Clinical Engineering Engineering Consultants Section 1 2 Revised: August 2003 Facilities Engineering Department Fire Safety Department Food Service Health Safety Department Housekeeping/Environmental Services I.T.D. (Information Technology Division) Parking Facilities Police/Security Radiation Safety Department Signage 2. Architect shall include in the Construction Documents set, the following CCF drawing standards: a. Standard CCF cover sheet b. Standard CCF sheet border and title block c. “Standards for risk reduction” notes 3. Maintain contact, interaction with OCM Project Manager throughout the Design process to stay within projected Construction Budget requirements. Do not schedule or attend user group meetings without the attendance of the CCF/OCM Project Manager. 4. Prepare Construction Document package for bidding and deliver to CCF/OCM Project Manager 5. Obtain bid due date from OCM Project Manager and attend pre-bid walk-thru along with Engineering Consultants if requested to do so. 6. Prepare Addendum package for issue to bidders. Addendums to be issued to bidders no later than 7 working days prior to bids due date, otherwise it becomes a change order (bulletin). 7. All applicable Codes shall be followed. 8. Refer to Design Guidelines portion of this Document for basic Design Standards information. Section 1 3 Revised: August 2003 C. Construction phase of project 1. Architect, Engineering Consultants to attend job meetings based on established schedule and if necessary or as requested by the CCF Project Manager 2. Architect to review, distribute to applicable Consultants and expedite return of all Shop Drawing submittals. Coordinate return distribution procedure with CCF Project Manager. D. Project completion 1. Architect to provide to the CCF Healthcare Facilities Planner a disk copy of architectural floor plan of project for the purpose of updating building Control Drawings. 2. Coordinate substantial completion date of project with CCF Project Manager and perform punch list walk-thru of project in the company of the CCF Project Manager. Punch list shall be prepared and distributed by the CCF Project Manager. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDELINE A. GENERAL MECHANICAL 1. Indicate construction phasing on the construction documents. Consider this construction phasing when designing mechanical systems so that a minimum of shutdowns and disruptions to occupied areas will occur. 2. During the design process improvements suggested by the Joint Commission (JCAHO) and IRI must be considered for the building or area to be renovated or constructed. Existing infrastructure upgrades must also be considered at the time of design. 3. Construction documents must show exact system tie-in points. 4. During the design of the renovation project coordinate existing riser locations with new floor plans. Reroute risers where existing shafts are to be demolished, but first work with the Architect to avoid offset or relocation. 5. Evaluate existing capacity and the ability of the existing systems to serve a proposed renovation project. Issue a letter to the corresponding CCF Project Manager stating the items to be tested or measured by a Testing and Balancing Contractor. Consider both total and outside air requirements when considering air systems; also consider coils, filters, fan motor, fan construction type and duct sizes. 6. During the design of all projects incorporate spare capacity into all systems to accommodate future expansion to the extent possible. Section 1 4 Revised: August 2003 7. 8. Consideration should be given to the possible failure of critical mechanical equipment and piping systems. Back-up equipment and piping should be installed to provide 100 percent redundancy. Full system back-up should be considered for the following equipment: · Heating system boilers · Heat exchangers · Pumps and auxiliary equipment · Steam system condensate pumps · Critical exhaust fans · Generator and boiler fuel oil pumps · Critical cooling loop chillers and pumps · Plumbing system booster pumps · Central high purity water system pumps · Medical and laboratory vacuum pumps and air compressors · Storm sump pumps · Sanitary sewage ejectors Install non-critical central systems equipment with a number and arrangement to accommodate partial systems needs (70 percent back-up) in the event of breakdown or routine maintenance of any one piece of equipment. Non-critical system include: · · · · Chilled water systems (chillers, pumps, cooling towers, auxiliary equipment) Steam boilers and auxiliary equipment serving only humidification or sterile processing equipment Domestic water heaters Supply and return fans in custom-built air handling units 9. In air handling units serving areas that are to be renovated, verify that existing filter efficiencies meet current code and guideline requirements for intended space use. If an increase in filter efficiency is required, and total system static will be increased with filters dirty, investigate fan static pressure capability and fan construction class modify as required. 10. Size main central systems, piping mains and duct mains with 20 percent spare capacity above that required to serve the current proposed design. Main central systems include chilled water, condenser water, air handling, heating including hot water and steam, domestic water, purified water, medical and laboratory gas and vacuum systems. 11. Review zoning, temperature and humidity requirements with the space users on a per project basis. Zone spaces having different uses, temperature or humidity requirements or exposures separately. Section 1 5 Revised: August 2003 12. The Mechanical Design Engineer must initiate the involvement of an outdoor air quality consultant on projects where a building/site model and wind tunnel test may be beneficial or where a concern exists in placement of mechanical system intakes and exhaust outlets. 13. Outside design conditions to be used in load calculations and equipment sizing/selection are: Summer Cooling: 95 degree F dry bulb 75 degree F wet bulb Cooling Tower Sizing: 95 degree F dry bulb 78 degree F wet bulb Winter Heating: -10 degree F Inside space design conditions (general): Summer Cooling: 75 degree F dry bulb Winter Heating: 72 degree F dry bulb Refer to "Space Design Guidelines" for additional information. 14. The following systems/equipment must be served by the emergency power system. The responsibility of the M/E Coordination of this equipment lies with the Mechanical Engineer during project design. Any equipment not specifically listed but critical to life safety must be coordinated with the facilities engineering department on a per project basis. · · · · · · · · · · Section 1 Building heating system components boilers, pumps, controls and auxiliary equipment Steam system condensate return pumps Storm system sump pumps Sanitary system sewage ejectors Fuel oil pumps and controls Medical and laboratory vacuum, gas and compressed air systems and corresponding alarms Domestic water booster pumps Fire pump systems Critical systems exhaust fans (coordinate with facilities engineering department on a per project basis) Smoke evacuation supply and exhaust fans 6 Revised: August 2003 · · · Air handling systems where the system serves building heating and is the only source of heat, smoke evacuation, operating rooms, lab areas with fume hoods, critical areas (to be determined on a per project basis) Critical chilled water system components and controls All building automation system components necessary for the control and monitoring of the equipment connected to emergency power. Central chilled water systems are not typically served by the emergency power system. If this is the case the chiller control system must be connected to the normal power system to avoid chiller shutdown during an emergency power test. B. 15. Suggest to the Owner where a project may require the services of an acoustical consultant. The Mechanical Engineer must coordinate all acoustical consultant suggestions into mechanical construction documents prior to project bidding. 16. If asbestos insulation is discovered or suspected the CCF Project Manager must be notified immediately so the material can be tested. If the material is found to contain asbestos removal will be coordinated by the CCF Project Manager. 17. Interior duct lining must not be used in HVAC systems. 18. Installation of piping in electrical equipment rooms, telephone/communication equipment rooms and elevator machine rooms is strongly discouraged; if installation is unavoidable provide sloped drain pans to carry liquids away from equipment that may be harmed. Pipe pan to the nearest floor drain or mop basin. 19. Coordinate plumbing vent locations with HVAC system intakes, operable windows and building entrances. Keep terminations far enough away so odors do not cause a problem by being drawn into system intakes. 20. In existing buidlings, coordinate new HVAC equipment labeling with fire alarm system designer and CCF Facilities Engineering Department during the design process. 21. On new building projects or renovation projects where mechanical rooms are modified, make provisions to seal the mechanical room floor to prevent water migration to occupied areas of the building or ceiling space below. Dam all floor penetrations with a minimum of 4" high concrete or pipe. Provide concrete dam around and under area containing a cooling tower sump; provide floor drain in dammed area. DEMOLITION 1. Section 1 Indicate on the drawings that the corresponding contractor must contact the Radiation Safety Department before the removal of any fume hood. 7 Revised: August 2003 2. C. D. Where areas being demolished share a common HVAC system with areas to remain or areas not part of the construction make provisions to rebalance the HVAC systems to adequately serve the area to remain without the possibility of construction dust or contamination from construction processes. Cap ducts immediately after final cutting and provide filters where return ducts must remain active. EQUIPMENT/SHAFT ACCESS 1. Equipment must be located a maximum of four (4) feet above a ceiling and accessible by use of an opened step ladder positioned on the floor. 2. Access to all equipment and system components requiring service, shut-off or adjustment must be provided. 3. Support all piping and ductwork systems independently of equipment so equipment can be serviced or removed without disruption to these systems. 4. Provide access to each vertical shaft at every floor level. For large shafts containing piping and ductwork of multiple systems provide at every floor a full size mandoor for access and flooring (concrete or steel grating) inside the shaft. 5. Mechanical shafts must run from the floor of the lowest level served to the structure above the highest level served to allow for ease of future shaft work, general maintenance and inspection. 6. Provide convenient access to all roof and areaways. AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS 1. All return air systems must be ducted. Ceiling spaces, mechanical rooms and electrical rooms must not be used as return air plenums. 2. Interior duct lining must not be used. equipment exposed to the airstream. 3. Constant or variable volume systems with hot water reheat coils must be utilized in design. Maintain in the space the minimum total and outside air requirements at all occupied times. Full shut-off terminal units are unacceptable. 4. During renovation of a particular area the design documents must indicate cleaning and sanitizing of existing duct systems including existing heating, cooling and reheat coils and air terminal devices. 5. In general, air handling systems shall serve a particular smoke zone or compartment. Criss-crossing of smoke zones should be avoided. Further, air Section 1 8 This applies to ductwork as well as Revised: August 2003 handling systems should be designed to serve a logical, predetermined area such as a floor, smoke zone, building wing, or entire building; avoid serving multiple building from a single system. Review all existing systems service extensions with the Facilities Engineering Department. E. F. G. 6. Exhaust all rooms where glutaraldehyde is used or stored. 7. Utilize radius elbows as much as possible opposed to rectangular elbows with turing vanes. CHILLED WATER SYSTEMS 1. Do not use "Triple Duty" valves, provide separate balance and check valve for each pump. 2. Utilize ball valves wherever possible unless stated otherwise in this document. CONDENSER WATER SYSTEMS 1. New systems served by new cooling towers shall incorporate an indoor storage sump to avoid system drain down in the off season. If an indoor storage sump is not possible a steam heated sump integral with the cooling tower should be considered. Coordinate this requirement with the Facilities Engineering Department on a per project basis. 2. In systems shutdown during winter operation not utilizing an indoor tower sump, the domestic make-up water line where exterior to building must be protected against freezing by an electric temperature maintenance system or an automatic shut-off and drain system. 3. Do not use "Triple Duty" valves. Provide a separate balance valve and check valve. 4. In systems which employ variable fan speed control, variable frequency drives are to be considered before two speed motors. HEATING WATER SYSTEMS 1. Section 1 In new construction at the main campus the first design consideration should be given to utilize fuel fired hot water boilers to serve heating and reheat systems in attempt to conserve central campus steam capacity. All fuel fired boilers must be specified with dual fuel burners (natural gas and fuel oil). Provide a steam to water heat exchanger to provide summer reheat water so boilers can be locked out of operation during summer months; tie into the reheat water system and provide manual changeover valving. 9 Revised: August 2003 H. 2. Consider providing a steam to water heat exchanger utilizing central steam to provide summer reheat water so hot water boilers can be locked out of operation during summer months; tie into the reheat water system and provide manual changeover valving. 3. In new construction in areas other than the main campus utilize fuel fired hot water boilers to serve heating and reheat systems. 4. Do not use "Triple Duty" valves. Provide a separate balance valve and check valve. 5. Utilize automatic (factory spring preset) balancing valves on smaller equipment such as reheat coils, unit heaters, fan coil units, radiant panels, finned tube radiator, convectors. Utilize manual balance valves on air handling unit heating coils. 6. Maximum supply water temperature must not exceed 180 degrees F for new systems. 7. Snow melt systems must utilize hydronic type heating systems (electric cable is unacceptable) and employ a plate and frame heat exchanger to isolate snow melt system from the central building heating system. A propylene glycol solution must be utilized to prevent freezing. 8. Control valves serving heating systems must fail to the normally open position. 9. Utilize ball valves wherever possible unless indicated otherwise in this document. STEAM SYSTEMS 1. In new construction an attempt must be made to conserve central campus steam in winter months. Steam shall be utilized for sterile processing, space and central system humidification and preheat coils in large air handling units whenever possible. Heat and reheat system should be served by fuel fired boilers. Refer to Heating Water Systems. 2. Steam supply line drips do not require bypass valves. Instead provide a valved and capped (threaded) drain ahead of the trap. 3. Provide globe valve bypass on all high pressure steam main shut-off valves for the purpose of preheating the system. Section 1 10 Revised: August 2003 4. I. J. All central valves shall fail in the open position in steam heating systems. Exception is high/low pressure steam systems where valves serve process equipment such as sterilizers. CONTROL SYSTEMS 1. During renovation of a particular area the design documents must indicate existing temperature control testing and recalibration. Any incorrectly or nonfunctioning items must be mentioned to the CCF Project Manager in writing by the corresponding contractor. 2. All drawing sets must indicate at a minimum the temperature control diagram for each piece of controlled or monitored equipment and a written sequence of operation. MEDICAL/LABORATORY AND VACUUM SYSTEMS 1. General a) System designs must comply with NFPA 99, AIA Guidelines and ANSI/ASSE Series 6000 – Professional Qualification Standards for Medical Gas Systems Installers, Inspectors and Verifiers. b) Contract drawings for all projects where extensive medical gas and/or vacuum systems are present must have system schematic drawings (in elevation) indicating areas served, piping, valving, alarming, wiring and major equipment. c) All wiring for alarm functions must be in conduit. d) Waste anesthetic gas disposal (evacuation)can be provided from the central vacuum system if a dedicated main with duplexed vacuum regulator and bypass is installed adjacent to the vacuum pump to create two totally separate piping systems. In new construction a dedicated evacuation pump and system should be considered. e) All medical gas and vacuum requirements apply to laboratory gas and vacuum systems with the following exceptions. 1) Individual laboratory zone valves are not required to be installed in zone valve boxes. 2) Valves are not required to be locked in the open position, but must be capable of being locked. Section 1 11 Revised: August 2003 3) Specific outlet/inlet types and alarm points must be coordinated with laboratory space users. 4) Laboratory systems must be separate from medical systems. f) Waste Anesthetic Gas Disposal (Evacuation) 1) 3. Provide dedicated station inlets having the capacity and level of vacuum indicated by the space users (Anesthesia Department, etc.) A separate system should be considered. Equipment a) All medical vacuum pumps and air compressors must be provided with redundant equipment and automatic changeover in the event of one pump or compressors failure or based on runtime. Runtime hour meters are required at all control panels. b) All medical vacuum and gas systems must be alarmed to the central BAS and served from the emergency power system. c) Provide control panels with a defeatable interlock on/off switch to allow system trouble-shooting without shutting down equipment when panel is opened. d) Manifold Cylinder Systems Section 1 1) System capacity must be coordinated with the space users so an adequate design can be accomplished. The Design Engineer must coordinate future expansion requirements with the end users and include requirements into current sizing provided this is economically feasible. 2) Install all manifold systems in a separate, lockable room that is accessible by an elevator in the near vicinity. Ventilate the room continuously through a dedicated exhaust system to the outside. 3) All cylinders active and stored must be chained. Coordinate this requirement with the Architect. 4) All vent lines must be routed independently to the outside. 5) Provide a labeled main shut-off valve indicating areas served. 6) All alarms must communicate with the master alarm panel. 12 Revised: August 2003 e) Compressed Air Systems 1) System capacity must be coordinated with the space users so an adequate design can be accomplished. The Design Engineer must coordinate future expansion requirements with the end users. 2) Provide a labeled main shut-off valve indicating areas served. 3) All alarms must communicate with the master alarm panel. 4) Locate air intakes in a clean air location away from plumbing vents, exhaust fans, vehicle fumes, vacuum discharges, etc. 5) Located equipment in a lockable room not opened to the public. f) Vacuum Pump Systems 1) System capacity must be coordinated with the space users so an adequate design can be accomplished. The Design Engineer must coordinate future expansion requirements with the end users. 2) Provide a labeled main shut-off valve indicating areas served. 3) All alarms must communicate with the master alarm panel. 4) Located equipment in a lockable room not opened to the public. 5) Provide a means to drain and service the receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. 6) Locate vacuum pump discharge away from outside air intakes, operable windows, compressed air intakes, etc. g) Waste Anesthetic Gas Disposal (Evacuation) 1) 4. Piping/Valving a) Section 1 Provide dedicated station inlets having the capacity and level of vacuum indicated by the space users (Anesthesia Department, etc.) a separate system should be considered. Piping shall not be installed in kitchens, electrical rooms or areas that are subject to freezing. 13 Revised: August 2003 b) As a minimum design requirement provide zone valves to meet NFPA-99. Coordinate locations with space users and the Architect. Label all valves by service name and color. c) Provide a line pressure monitoring gauge downstream of each zone valve. d) Provide valves at the base of all risers and at all branch lines emanating from the risers at each floor level. e) Ball valves must be provided in branch piping from mains to all pressure or vacuum switches to permit servicing of the switch. Provide a pressure/vacuum gauge adjacent to all switches. f) Coordinate type of medical gas or vacuum outlets and numbers with space users on a per project bases. As a minimum provide the type and number of outlets indicated in AIA Guidelines. Coordinate final plan locations with the Architect. g) Alarms 1) General (a) All alarm modules must be served by the emergency power system. (b) Label all alarm functions as to what is served or monitored including areas and rooms served, equipment, pressures, etc. 2) Local Alarms (a) Locate alarms in the vicinity of the corresponding nurses station of the areas served. Coordinate locations with space users and the Architect. 3) Master Alarms (a) Provide a minimum of two master alarm panels in two separate locations for all vacuum pump, air compressor and manifold systems. One panel must be placed at the nearest 24-hour security station, the second in a location determined by the corresponding users. (b) All alarms must be connected to the central BAS. Section 1 14 Revised: August 2003 (c) Monitor and alarm all points required by NFPA-99 for each separate system. A separate visual indicator must be provided for each monitoring point and an audio alarm for any point monitored. K. PLUMBING SYSTEMS 1. 2. General A. Provide control panels serving plumbing equipment with a defeatable interlock on/off switch to allow system troubleshooting without shutting down equipment when panel is opened. B. Provide shut-off valves at all equipment connections, branch connections to mains, main connections to risers, fixture groupings, and in mains loops to sectionalize and isolate the system. Utilize ball valves whenever possible unless indicated to do otherwise in this document. C. Provide inline check valves in service lines serving mop basins, service sinks and all mixing/tempering valves. Valves must be above accessible ceilings. D. Provide an indoor 1-1/2 inch fire hose connection with backflow preventor served by the domestic water system near all cooling towers for the purpose of cleaning them. E. Provide battery operated autoflush valves on water closets and urinals in public restrooms. F. Provide electrically operated autofaucets on all lavoratories in public restrooms. G. Coordinate the requirement for portable patient dialysis with space users on a per project basis. Where required, provide a spout base that can easily accept a vacuum breaker type spout. H. To the extent possible, hot water, cold water and recirculating hot water systems shall be routed and valved to serve particular zones of the building. The intent is that the shutting off of one area will not affect the operation of another area. Water Contamination Prevention A. Section 1 Provide an EPA approved backflow device to prevent contamination of potable water systems by non-potable water system or other hazards. Examples are laboratory sinks, laboratory equipment, HVAC equipment/systems, HVAC chemical treatment systems, fire protection systems, film processing equipment, purified water systems, sterilizers and glass washers. 15 Revised: August 2003 B. Separate domestic (potable) water systems from industrial (non-potable) water systems by a reduced pressure backflow preventer. Label all industrial water piping and all faucets/outlets “NON-POTABLE – DO NOT DRINK”. Coordinate the use of an industrial water system with the CCF Project Manager and the space users. C. All backflow prevention devices must be easily accessible from the floor for maintenance and testing. Installation above a ceiling is not permitted. 3. Site Irrigation A. 4. 5. Domestic Hot Water Systems A. Insure that domestic hot water is readily available to all plumbing fixtures by providing a recirculating domestic hot water system on new construction projects or extending existing recirculating water systems on renovation projects. Maximum length from recirculated main to fixture is five (5) lineal feet of pipe. If extension of an existing domestic hot water recirculation system is not possible electric temperature maintenance cable is acceptable. B. Domestic hot water systems serving general plumbing fixture must be maintained at 110 degrees F. C. Systems must communicate tank and system water temperature to the central FMS. Emergency Shower and Eyewash Systems A. 6. Provide a site irrigation connection with shut-off valve and backflow preventor. Coordinate with the CCF Project Manager for requirements on a per project basis. If required, coordinate a size with the Landscape Consultant or the Facilities Engineering Department. All emergency shower and eyewash stations or water systems must be served from a domestic (potable) source. Provide a mixing valve to provide tepid water to a shower or eyewash station. If many stations exist a designated water loop and central water mixing station should be utilized. Purified Water Systems A. Section 1 Water Quality: Coordinate specific water quality requirements with the space users during design. Levels of water quality include city water, filtered water, softened water, and various levels of high purity water. 16 Revised: August 2003 Consider the increased cost to the project of providing a water quality higher than that required. B. Issues to be addressed to define water quality are: 1) 2) 3) 4) C. Conductance Resistance Total dissolved solids Total bacteria count Areas that may have specific water quality requirements are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Pharmacy Surgery Hemodialysis Laboratories* Pathology Sterile Processing Kitchens * For laboratories where specific end user information is unavailable design the system to meet the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Type IB reagent grade water specifications: Specific Conductance Specific Resistance Silicate 0.1 microhms/cm (maximum) 10 megaohms-cm (maximum) 0.05 mg/liter (maximum) Microbiological content (bacterial growth) 10 cfu/ml D. The Design Engineer shall consider a central purified water system for larger projects with multiple outlets. Where more than one quality of water is required consider the centralize system providing the lower level quality and using polishers at the point of use where the higher quality water is required. This concept should be reviewed with the space users and adequate installation and maintenance space coordinated with the Architect. E. Central System 1) Section 1 Central systems will contain reverse osmosis (RO) type design with deionization tanks downstream. RO water will route to a storage tank prior to entering the feed water booster pumps serving deionization tanks. Return water will route to the RO storage tank. 17 Revised: August 2003 Other components to incorporate into the deign of the system include prefilters, water softeners, carbon filters, polishing filters, UV lights, resistivity monitor, and necessary bypass valving. F. G. 2) Components must be duplexed and bypasses provided to facilitate removal and maintenance without shutting down the central system. 3) Provide adequate floor drain sinks and electrical power to support the system components. Coordinate requirements with the listed providers, on a per project basis. Piping Systems 1) Centralized system design must utilize a recirculating loop type system that minimize or eliminates no-flow portions of pipe (dead legs). Consider piping loop dropping down in the wall and tapping off directly beneath the outlet. 2) System design velocity (for each main pipe): 5 to 8 feet per second. 3) The entire system must be completely drainable for maintenance, sterilization and repair. Include manual vents at high points to eliminate air within the system. 4) Provide both domestic cold and hot water to the central system through reduced pressure backflow preventers and a mixing valve to temper the water. Providing only cold water to the RO machine requires the use of a steam to water heat exchanger to temper water. Place this unit prior to the RO machine. Alarm/Safeties 1) The following system points shall be monitored and local indicators provided by the system installer/manufacturer. RO Machine trouble Low water quality (resistivity) Storage tank mid level alarm Storage tank low level alarm Lag pump running or no pumps running (low system pressure) 2) Section 1 One alarm signal for any of the above mentioned points shall be sent to the central BAS. 18 Revised: August 2003 7. Drainage Systems A. B. C. 8. Provide floor drains in the following locations: 1) Public restrooms 2) Outside shower stalls 3) Under reduced pressure backflow preventers 4) Mechanical rooms adjacent to all equipment requiring draindown or discharge 5) Sterilizers 6) Developers (acid resistant drains are required) 7) Free standing ice machines 8) Vending machine groups where machines that utilize water are present. Provide minimum 12 inch deep floor drain sinks in the following locations: 1) Under reduced pressure backflow preventers serving main building water service 2) Adjacent to air handling unit cooling coils (A/C condensate discharge) 3) Main fire protection system drains 4) Adjacent to fire pumps 5) Below kitchen equipment drains 6) Other locations where discharge is high and flooding or splashing is a concern. Storm sump pump and sanitary sewage ejector systems must communicate high level alarm and back-up pump in use alarm to the central FMS Main Building Domestic Water Service Section 1 19 Revised: August 2003 L. A. Provide EPA approved, duplexed, reduced pressure type backflow preventers meeting the local water department requirements. Devices must be installed indoors, discharge must be routed from an air gap to an adjacent 12 inch deep floor sink drain. B. If a new building is constructed with a connection to an existing building a cross connected back-up domestic water service is required. C. A water meter with electric remote reading capability that meets local water department requirements must be provided. D. Projects at the main facility campus in Cleveland, Ohio will first consider connecting to water mains located on numbered streets running north/south such as East 90th Street. Alternate connection points will be main streets running east/west such Euclid Avenue or Carnegie Avenue, if a connection is made to an east/west street a second connection (redundant service) is required to either another east/west street or an adjacent building with a service emanating from a different east/west street. E. Domestic water pressure booster systems must communicate high/low pressure alarm and back-up pump in use alarm to the central FMS. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 1. Refer to the Appendix for the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Fire Protection Design Standards. 2. Fully sprinkler all newly constructed buildings and remodeled areas with a wetpipe sprinkler system. Other types of systems follow: Utilize drypipe type systems in areas where freezing may occur: Canopies Overhangs Cooling towers (where required by IRI) Loading docks Unheated bridges and connectors Consider preaction double interlock systems in critical areas: Main communication rooms Generator rooms Do not sprinkler main electircal rooms or elevator machine rooms in main campus buildings in Cleveland, Ohio. 3. Section 1 Design and installation must be by a state licensed Fire Protection Contractor. 20 Revised: August 2003 4. Submit shop drawings to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Office of Fire Protection for review. 5. During the design of a project the Mechanical Engineer will contact the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Fire Protection Coordinator and the current insurance underwriter to discuss the scope of the project. 6. The minimum design will be based on Ordinary Hazard Group I Occupancy classification. Higher classifications may be required for certain buildings or areas and must be reviewed with NFPA requirements, the current insurance underwriter (IRI) and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Fire Protection Coordinator. Items that should be addressed (if applicable) include: Occupancy classification Standpipe locations Tie-in locations Sprinklered area Fire hydrant, post indicator valve, siamese connection, fire department valve, inspector test drain and fire pump accessory locations Preliminary design can be accomplished using the following criteria: General patient areas: 0.12 gpm/ft2 over most remote 3000 square feet Mechanical and storage areas: 0.17 gpm/ft2 over most remote 3000 square feet. Include a 500 gpm hose steam allowance at the base of the most remote riser for design purposes. 7. All fire protection piping systems must be completely drainable. 8. All fire protection system components must be on emergency power. 9. Main Fire Protection Service a. Section 1 Projects at the main facility campus in Cleveland, Ohio will first consider connecting to water mains connected on numbered streets running north/south such as East 90th Street. Alternate connection points will be in main streets running east/west such as Euclid Avenue or Carnegie Avenue: if connection to east/west mains are made a second connection (redundant service) is required to either a second east/west street or an adjacent building with a service emanating from a different east/west street. 21 Revised: July 2009 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDELINES Broadband 1. Design Process a. Coordinate meeting with User Group(s) to determine needs 1) To consider: a) Television b) Telemedicine aa. Direct Fiber Connection from point A to B with possible Broadband System connection to send outside Foundation bb. Over Broadband System c) Symposiums b. System Design 1) New Building a) Coordinate meeting with CCF Information Technology Division (ITD) to review floor plans and drop locations. CCF – ITD will design system up to and including all taps. 2) Renovation a) If new taps are required or the main trunk needs to be expanded to accommodate new drops, coordinate meeting with CCF Information Technology Division (ITD) to review floor plans and drop locations. CCF – ITD will design system up to and including all taps. b) If spare tap capacity is available, use existing taps to accommodate all new drops. c. Two sets of drawings shall be prepared and issued for separate bidding and construction purposes. 1) Electrical Bid Documents (Infrastructure) a) Back boxes and conduit stubs b) Electrical provisions for power supplies, etc. c) Conduit sleeves and conduits with pullwire 2) Communications Bid Documents (see also “Telephone/Data”) a) Power Supplies b) Main Trunk Cabling requirements c) Amplifiers d) Taps e) Splitters f) Equalizers g) Couplers h) Terminators i) Drop Cabling requirements j) Outlet Detail(s) 1 Revised: July 2009 2. Design Guidelines a. All Broadband System equipment shall be located within MDF and IDF rooms. b. Pathways: 1) Route Main Trunk cable to IDF rooms, as required, via floor sleeves (if riser) conduit or cabletray. 2) Cabletray a) Broadband System cabling, taps etc. may be routed and secured along the outside of the cable tray not within the cabletray. 3) ¾” conduit, minimum, shall be routed from device back box and stubbed above nearest lay-in ceiling. Provide 1” wall sleeves through full height walls to corridors for routing of cabling. 4) Cable may be routed via open architecture. “J-hooks” shall be provided every 5’-0” for support. c. Cabling 1) Trunk Cabling 2) Drop Cables a) Inbound b) Outbound d. Typical Devices and Equipment 1) Television Broadband Outlet (see detail in Reference Documents section.) a) Patient Rooms b) Non-Patient Rooms 2) ‘Lan’ Broadband Outlet (see detail in Reference Documents section.) a) Telemedicine, Symposiums, etc. 3) Broadband Yoke (see detail in Reference Documents section.) e. Typical Locations 1) Television Broadband Outlet a) Patient rooms b) Waiting areas 2) ‘Lan’ Broadband Outlet a) Users shall identify the areas in which Telemedicine broadcasts or symposiums will take place. Needs shall be coordinated on a per job basis. b) Examples: aa) Telemedicine may involve a two-way situation between a procedure room and conference room. In each room a ‘Lan’ Broadband outlet would be located for outbound and inbound inputs. Procedure room: Outbound camera to conference room; Inbound monitor to viewer audience in conference room. 2 Revised: July 2009 Conference room: Outbound camera to procedure room monitor; Inbound camera/projector to view procedure on screen. bb) Telemedicine may be a one-way situation between two rooms with a direct fiber connection between them and no ‘Lan’ Broadband outlets. Room ‘A’: Camera output to Room ‘B’. Room ‘B’: Receiver. A ‘Lan’ Broadband outlet may be used to accept an outbound input from the receiver in order to broadcast to other locations. cc) Symposiums consist of an Audio/Video department distributing prepared tapes over the Broadband System via a TV/VCR. Rooms wanting to receive the broadcast will require a ‘Lan’ Broadband outlet to view via TV, projector, etc. Rooms distributing the broadcast will also required a ‘Lan’ Broadband outlet to distribute the broadcast. f. Furnish/Install: 1) Devices & Equipment – Furnished by Communications Contractor, Installed by Communications Contractor 2) Cabling – Furnished by Communications Contractor, Installed by Communications Contractor 3) Backboxes & Pathways – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor 4) Final Terminations – By Communications Contractor g. Backbox requirements: 1) Television Broadband Outlet (Patient Rooms) – 4”x4”x2-1/8” deep box w/double gang plaster ring 2) Television Broadband Outlet (Non-Patient Rooms) – 4”x4”x2-1/8” deep box w/single gang plaster ring 3) ‘Lan’ Broadband Outlet – 4”x4”x2-1/8” deep box w/single gang plaster ring 3. General a. Construction 1) Labeling b. Verify type of HVAC return air system (plenum vs. non-plenum) with the Mechanical Engineer. Use plenum or non-plenum rated cabling as appropriate. (Note: The use of plenum rated cable in nonplenum systems is not acceptable.) c. See also Reference Document “Broadband Drop Installation Memo”. 3 Revised: July 2009 Fire Alarm 1. Design Process a. Coordinate required space for Systems closet(s) with the Architect during schematic design. (Note: Systems closet may also include Monitoring, Security and Nurse Call Equipment) b. Indicate Fire Alarm System devices on floor plans per design guidelines (refer to 2 below) and Code requirements. c. For large projects, inform CCF Fire Safety Department Protection Coordinator of new project and present system layout for approval 2. Design Guidelines a. Pathways 1) ¾” conduit, minimum, complete from device to control panel. b. Cabling c. Typical Devices and Equipment 1) Pull Stations 2) LCD Remote Annunciator Panels 3) Audio/Visual Devices a) Speaker/Strobe b) Synchronized c) ADA compliant 4) Flow Switch Local Alarm Bell 5) Visual Devices a) Sychronized b) ADA compliant 6) Duct Smoke Detectors and Remote Test Stations 7) Magnetic Door Holding Devices 8) Heat Detectors 9) Smoke Detectors 4 Revised: July 2009 10) Fire Alarm Control Panel 11) Cabling d. Typical Locations 1) Pull Stations a) Locate at all Nurse Stations, Reception Desks and per Code 2) LCD Remote Annunciator Panels a) Locate at all Nurse Stations, Reception Desks, Main Building Entrances b) In addition locate at least one per floor outside stairwells. (Base total quantity on size of floor) c) Avoid duplication. (i.e. -Single panel may serve both a Nurse Station and Stair.) d) Tone/sounder shall be disabled 3) Audio/Visual Devices a) Locate per Code 4) Flow Switch Local Alarm Bell a) Locate adjacent to sprinkler system flow valve at floor zones only, not at incoming line to building. 5) Visual Devices a) Locate in all restrooms (including patient rooms), conference rooms & similar areas and per Code 6) Duct Smoke Detectors and Remote Test Stations a) Locate as required by code to shutdown smoke dampers and supply & return fans. Coordinate with Mechanical Engineer. b) Smoke damper control is via pneumatic system and requires contact in detector base and 120v critical emergency circuit for connection to electric pneumatic (EP) switch. c) Mount test stations flush in ceiling nearest to associated duct smoke detector. d) Custom label fire alarm smoke detector with fan reference and whether supply or return point. Coordinate with CCF Facilities Engineering and CCF Fire Safety Department. 7) Magnetic Door Holding Devices a) Provide for all Patient Rooms, Dirty Utility Rooms and per Code. b) Smoke detectors for Patient and Dirty Utility rooms, shall control associated door only. 8) Heat Detectors 9) Smoke Detectors a) Locate in all Electrical rooms, Communications rooms, Patient rooms, Dirty Utility rooms and per Code. 10) Fire Alarm Control Panel 11) Cabling 5 Revised: July 2009 e. Furnish/Install 1) Devices & Equipment – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor 2) Cabling – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor, Terminated by Electrical Contractor 3) Backboxes & Conduit – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor 4) Final Hook-up & Programming – By Electrical Contractor f. Fire Alarm Control Panel – Provide dedicated 120V, 20amp circuit on Life Safety emergency power. g. Audio Devices – Audio devices shall be Voice System based. Coordinate message template with CCF Fire Safety Department. h. Addressable vs. Hardwired Systems – All new devices shall be addressable. For small renovation projects, if existing system is hardwired, the existing system may be extended if approved by CCF. Replacement of existing hard wired systems, for renovation projects shall be determined on a per job basis, based on the size of the project. Coordinate with CCF Construction Management and CCF Fire Safety Department. i. Network – System shall be networked to CPU based campus system. j. Fire Pump – Fire pumps must be tied to equipment emergency generator power. k. Fire Alarm System shall be interfaced with the Security System for release of all secure doors under fire alarm condition. l. Codes: 1) Latest version of NFPA 2) Latest version of OBBC or local building code if other than Ohio. 3) ADA 3. General a. All elevator recall control keys for fireman service shall be type WDO1. Coordinate with the Architect. b. Construction 1) Installation of cabling, backboxes, conduits and devices shall be per System Manufacturer’s drawings. 2) Contractor shall provide copy of as-built drawings within (30) thirty days of project completion to CCF Fire Safety Department. 6 Revised: July 2009 3) Contractor shall provide background drawings on CAD to the Owner for input into the graphic control center. 4) Labeling c. See also Reference Documents “Fire Protection Design Standards” and “Cleveland Clinic Foundation Fire Alarm Network System”. Monitoring Systems (Patient) 1. Design Process a. Coordinate required space for Systems closet(s) with the Architect during schematic design. (Note: Systems closet may also include Fire Alarm, Security and Nurse Call Equipment) b. Coordinate meeting with User Group(s) and CCF Department of Clinical Engineering to review floor plans and discuss system needs. c. CCF Department of Clinical Engineering shall provide information for tie into existing central equipment or new central equipment requirements. d. Indicate all monitoring system devices on the floor plans per design guidelines (refer to 2 below) and CCF Department of Clinical Engineering requirements. 2. Design Guidelines a. Typical Installation Locations (Note: The use of a monitoring system shall be verified on a per job basis with the Users) 1) Intensive Care Units 2) Cardiology 3) Obstetrics 4) Anesthesia b. Pathways 1) 1” conduit, minimum, shall be routed from device backbox and stubbed above nearest lay-in ceiling. Provide 1” wall sleeves through full height walls to corridors, for routing of cabling. 1) Cable may routed via open architecture. “J-hooks” shall be provided every 5’-0” for support c. Cabling 1) Backbone a) Main Equipment to Systems Closet: (Verify type of fiber with CCF – ITD) b) Systems Closet to Systems Closet: (Verify type of fiber with CCF – ITD) c) Systems Closet to Remote Department: Verify the need for connection(s) to 7 Revised: July 2009 other departments’ monitoring system. Coordinate cabling requirements with CCF – Clinical Engineering Department. 2) Premise (floor) cable a) Outlet to Systems Closet: (1) category 6 4-pair copper 3) Premise (floor) cable - Proprietary Outlet a) Outlet to Systems Closet: Verify requirements with Owner’s Monitoring System Vendor 4) Holter Lab Connection a) Verify the need for connection to Holter Lab. Coordinate cabling requirements with CCF – Clinical Engineering Department. d. Typical Devices: 1) Monitor Outlets a) Bedside (monitoring) b) Nurse Stations (viewing) c) Nurse Stations (recording) 2) Proprietary Monitor Outlets a) Bedside (monitoring) b) Nurse Stations (viewing) c) Nurse Stations (recording) 3) Antenna System (Telemetry) 4) Central Equipment a) Rack (hub/switch/patch panels) b) File Server (System computer) 5) Cabling e. Furnish/Install 1) Devices & Equipment – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor* 2) Cabling – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor 3) Backboxes & Conduit – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor 4) Final Hook-up and Programming – By Owner’s Monitoring System Vendor * Exceptions a) Antennas shall be furnished/installed/relocated/removed and connected by the Owner or the System Vendor only. b) The Central Equipment shall be furnished by the Owner’s Monitoring System Vendor and installed by the same. c) Proprietary monitor outlet devices and cabling, by the Owner’s Monitoring System Vendor, shall be furnished by the Owner and installed by the Electrical Contractor. 8 Revised: July 2009 f. Backbox requirements 1) Monitor Outlets – 4”x4”x2-1/8” deep box w/single gang plaster ring 2) Proprietary Monitor Outlets – 4”x4”x2-1/8” deep box w/double gang plaster ring (Verify with Owner’s Monitoring System Vendor) 3. General a. Construction: 1) Labeling: a) All outlet faceplates shall be provided with a label reading “FOR MONITOR ONLY”. Labels shall be machine-printed with black lettering onto a clear adhesive backing. Labels shall be a minimum ¼” high with minimum 14pt. font. b) Tag ends of all cabling with “Brady Tags” identifying “System” and “room of origin”. Security and Time & Attendance 1. Design Process a. Coordinate required space for Systems closet(s) with the Architect during schematic design. (Note: Systems closet may also include Fire Alarm, Monitoring and Nurse Call Equipment) b. Provide floor plans, as soon as available, to CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department for review. c. Coordinate meeting with User Group(s) and CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department Manager to discuss security needs and requirements and time clock locations. 1) To Consider a) Security Office d. Indicate all security system devices and time clocks on floor plans. Provide hard copy of floor plans, including device locations and installation details, along with CAD files to CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department for final security system design by Owner’s Security System vendor. e. Incorporate any changes or comments from Owner’s Security System Vendor’s final design drawings. 2. Design Guidelines a. Pathways 1) ¾” conduit, minimum, shall be routed from device backbox and stubbed above nearest lay-in ceiling. Provide 1” wall sleeves through full height walls to corridors, for routing of cabling. 2) Cable may be routed via open architecture. “J-hooks” shall be provided every 5’0” for support. b. Cabling 1) As defined by Owner’s Security System Vendor’s drawings. 9 Revised: July 2009 c. Typical Devices and Equipment 1) Panic Alarms 2) Magnetic Locks 3) Card Readers 4) Push-to-exit Buttons 5) Intercom/camera unit (“Trigon”) 6) Door Contacts 7) Remote Data Panels (R.D.P.) 8) Reader Control Module (R.C.M.) 9) Exterior Security “Blue” Phones a) Require power and telephone connection b) Provide conduit complete to Telephone Terminal Board for telephone connection. c) Provide dedicate 120V, 20amp circuit on critical emergency power. d) Provide phone foundation per Owner’s System Supplier’s requirements. 10) Closed Circuit Television Cameras 11) Multiplexers and Power Units for closed circuit televisions 12) Motion Detectors 13) Alarm Outlets for emergency powered lab equipment 14) Time Clocks 15) Cabling d. Typical Locations 1) Panic Alarms a) Reception area b) Information c) Customer service d) Public “greeting/receiving” areas e) Pharmacy f) Cash register locations g) Financial Coordination Offices h) Security Safe locations 2) Magnetic Locks a) Card reader locations 10 Revised: July 2009 3) Card Readers (public side) a) Staff entrances/exits b) Restricted areas c) MDF rooms d) IDF rooms e) Entrances to buildings requiring after hours access f) In-house pharmacy g) Pharmacy storage 4) Push-to-exit Buttons (secure side) a) Card Reader locations 5) Intercom/camera unit (“Trigon”) a) Secured doors requiring patient access 6) Door Contacts a) All secured doors b) Doors to be monitored 7) Remote Data Panels (R.D.P.) a) Systems Closet 8) Reader Card Module (R.C.M.) a) Systems Closet b) (1) per every (2) Card Readers 9) Exterior Security “Blue” Phones 10) Closed Circuit Television Cameras a) Pharmacy 11) Multiplexers and Power Units for closed circuit television a) Systems Closet 12) Motion Detectors a) Pharmacy 13) Alarm Outlets for emergency powered lab equipment a) Emergency powered laboratory equipment b) Pharmacy refrigerators and/or freezers 14) Time Clocks a) Near staff lounges and lockers e. Furnish/Install 1) Devices & Equipment – Furnished by Owner, Installed by Owner’s Security System Vendor 2) Cabling – Furnished by Owner, Installed by Electrical Contractor, Terminated by Owner’s Security System Vendor 3) Backboxes & Conduit – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor (Surface mounted Card Reader – Backbox furnished by Owner, installed by Owner’s Security System Vendor) 11 Revised: July 2009 4) Final Hook-up and Programming – By Owner’s Security System Vendor f. Backbox requirements: 1) Panic Alarm – as specified by Vendor 2) Card reader – 4”x4”x2-1/8”deep box w/double gang plaster ring or 2-gang box flush mounted 3) Push-to-exit button – single gang 2-3/4”deep box w/single gang plaster ring (conduit must enter box from top or side not back) 4) Alarm Outlet – 4”x4”x2-1/8”deep box w/single gang plaster ring 5) Time clock – 4”x4”x2-1/8”deep box w/double gang plaster ring or 2-gang box flush mounted g. Junction boxes - Locate on secure side of door h. Remote Data Panels - Provide dedicated, 120V, 20amp circuit on critical emergency power to each Remote Data Panel. Normally Closed relay connection shall be provided from Fire Alarm System Control Panel to each Remote Data Panel. Under Fire Alarm conditions, Remote Data Panels will release all secured doors. i. Elevators - For card readers located in elevator cabs – The Elevator Supplier shall provide cut out within cab and travel cable per Owner’s Security System Vendor’s requirements. Coordinate with the Architect j. Pedestals- Coordinate devices requiring remount mounting due to mounting space restrictions (card readers at curtainwall, etc.). Pedestals, where required, shall be designed by the Architect and provided by the General Contractor. Coordinate with the Architect. k. Fiber Connection 1) Verify connection required with CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department Manager. (Dial-up connections may be required) 2) Quantity (based on new building) a) Security – 4 Fibers (ultimate destination Police Command Center – verify path with ITD) b) Time & Attendance – 2 Fibers (ultimate destination QQb – verify path with ITD) c) Closed Circuit Television – 6 Fibers (ultimate destination Police Command Center – verify path with ITD) 3) Coordinate requirements with CCF Information Technology Division 3. General a. CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department shall provide budgetary estimate based on meeting results (refer to 1.b above). Meeting shall be scheduled allowing adequate time to accommodate budget estimate due dates. Estimate will include devices, cabling, final hook-up and termination of devices. Estimate will not include installation of back-boxes, conduit, wiring and 12 Revised: July 2009 installation of magnetic locks, electric strikes and door contacts. b. Allow (30) thirty days for return of Owner’s Security System Vendor’s final security system design drawings. Coordinate with schedule to allow final security design drawings to be issued with documents for bidding. c. Construction 1) Installation of cabling, backboxes, conduits and devices shall be per Owner’s Security System Vendor’s design drawings. 2) Owner’s System Vendor shall do final hookup, installation and termination of all devices except magnetic locks, electric strikes and door contacts. The Contractor shall contact “Securtron” for magnetic lock installation jig and/or template. Contact: Bockert and Associates Inc. John E. Bockert 18 Fort Monroe Industrial Parkway Monroeville, OH 44847 Ph: 800-321-7550 419-465-4631 Fax: 419-465-4216 3) Contractors may purchase device samples from CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department. 4) Contractor shall provide copy of as-built drawings within (30) thirty days of project completion to CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department. (As-built drawings must be received before final payment will be made.) 5) Labeling d. Notify CCF Protective Services Technical Operations Department of all applicable changes promptly. e. See also Reference Document “Security Standards for Construction Projects”. Telephone/Data 1. Design Process a. Notify and review plans of project with CCF Information Technology Division (CCF – ITD). Determine need for new and/or expanded MDF, IDF and Ameritech “Litespan” rooms. (Space allocation for Ameritech “Litespan” equipment may be required for service to a building. This equipment maybe located within an MDF room. Exact room size requirements shall be verified with CCF –ITD) b. Coordinate required space for MDF, IDF and Ameritech “Litespan” rooms with the Architect during schematic design. c. As soon as reasonably complete floor plans with furniture layouts are available, coordinate a 13 Revised: July 2009 meeting with User Group(s) and CCF-ITD to discuss needs and requirements. 1) To consider a) Multi-media applications (fiber at workstations) d. Locate and indicate all telephone/data (and multi-media if applicable) outlet locations and proposed cable tray routing. Obtain written sign-off from CCF-ITD on MDF room, IDF rooms, cable tray and conduit sleeve provisions. e. Drawings: 1) For large renovations and new construction, two sets of drawings shall be prepared and issued for separate bidding and construction purposes. a) Electrical Bid Documents (Infrastructure) aa. Back boxes and conduit stubs bb. Cabletrays cc. MDF and IDF room electrical requirements (power, conduits, back boards, etc.) dd. Conduit sleeves and conduits with pullwire ee. Conduit(s) for connection to Ameritech manhole for service to building ff. Conduit(s) for redundant (“back-up”) feed to building gg. Demolition of Conduits and backboxes. b) Communications Bid Documents (see also “Broadband”) aa. Backbone cabling requirements bb. Voice Interconnect cabling requirements cc. Premise (floor) cabling requirements dd. Faceplate detail(s) ee. Connectors ff. Innerduct gg. Connector Housings hh. Hardware ii. Cable runways within MDF and IDF rooms jj. Demolition of cabling, device, punchdown blocks, electronic equipment 2) For small renovations, one set of electrical drawings shall be prepared and issued including both electrical and communications work. Communications work shall be bid separately and work shall be performed by qualified communications contractor as approved by CCF ITD. 3) NOTES: A “Request For Proposal” (RFP) document will be distributed by CCF Construction Management to all bidders as a supplement to the drawings. This document will contain site specific information including list of materials, bid form, project schedule and ITD drawings. Attachments will include “Technical Specifications” and general CCF “Terms and Conditions”. All information included in this document shall be considered part of the scope of work. Refer to Reference Documents for example. 14 Revised: July 2009 2. Design Guidelines a. Communications Equipment Rooms: 1) All new construction and large renovation projects shall require the Communications Rooms as described by the Room Specific Design Guidelines. New room requirements or expansion of existing rooms, for small renovations, shall be decided with CCF – ITD and CCF – Office of Construction Management (OCM) on a per job basis 2) Electrical provisions and layout of all outlets shall be approved by CCF – Information Technology Division b. Pathways: 1) Provide 1-1/2” corrugated riser rated innerduct between the MDF and each IDF equipment rack and 1-1/2” corrugated innerduct from site MDF to remote MDF for routing of fiber optic cables. Innerduct shall be routed via floor sleeves (if riser), conduit or cabletray. 2) Cabletray a) All IDF rooms on a single floor shall be connected via cabletray b) Size for less than 50% fill capacity on initial installation. c) Use of cabletray for systems’ cabling other than telephone/data is not acceptable. Exception: Broadband System cabling, taps etc. may be routed and secured along the outside of the cable tray. 3) Provide pull boxes as required in order not to exceed a maximum 1800 of bends. Minimum pull box size shall be 16”Wx16”Hx8”D. 4) 1-1/4” conduit, minimum, shall be routed from device back box and stubbed above nearest layin ceiling. Provide 2” wall sleeves through full height walls to corridor, for access to cable tray. “J-hooks” shall be provided every 5’-0” to support cable between conduit stub and nearest cabletray. c. Cabling: 1) Backbone – Fiber Optic Cable a) site MDF to remote MDF: 24 strand multimode b) MDF to each IDF: 12-strand multimode and 6-strand singlemode 2) Backbone – Voice Interconnect Cable a) MDF to each IDF: 200-pair copper 3) Premise (floor) Cable – Fiber Optic (multimedia outlets only) a) Outlet to IDF: 4-strand multimode 4) Premise (floor) Cable – Data and Voice b) Outlet to IDF: (4) Category 6 4-pair copper (per four jack outlet) d. Typical Devices and Equipment: 1) Data and Voice Quad Faceplates (see detail in Reference Documents section.) a) Four (4) modular jacks 15 Revised: July 2009 2) Multimedia Faceplates a) Two (2) multimode duplex SC connectors b) Four (4) modular jacks 3) Cabling a) Fiber Optic – Singlemode and Multimode b) Copper 4) SC type connectors 5) Closet Singlemode Connector housing with SC Coupler Panels 6) Closet Multimode Connector housing with SC Couplers and Coupler Panels 7) 110 Wiring Blocks and C-5 Clips 8) 110 Patch Panels 9) Relay Racks 10) Innerduct e. Furnish/Install 1) Devices & Equipment – Furnished by Communications Contractor, Installed by Communications Contractor 2) Cabling – Furnished by Communications Contractor, Installed by Communications Contractor 3) Backboxes & Pathways – Furnished by Electrical Contractor, Installed by Electrical Contractor 4) Final Termination – By Communications Contractor f. Backbox requirements: 1) Data and Voice Quad Faceplate – 4:x a: x 2 – 1/8” deep box w/single gang plaster ring. 2) Multimedia Faceplate – 4”x 4: x 2 – 1/8” deep box w/double gang plaster ring g. Elevator Telephones 1) Dedicated 110 writing blocks in elevator machine room connected via dedicated conduits to dedicated 110 wiring blocks in communications equipment room. 16 Revised: July 2009 h. Special Systems 1) Verify and provide appropriate fiber connections for the following building systems a) Energy Management System – Verify quantity of fibers required with the Mechanical Engineer. b) Security System c) Fire Alarm System 3. General a. Construction: 1) All equipment and cabling shall be labeled according to CCF – ITD requirements as described in the General Statement of Work document. a) Faceplates b) 110 Wiring Blocks c) Premise Cabling d) Connector Housings e) Equipment Racks f) Voice Interconnect Cabling g) Backbone Fiber Optic Cabling 2) Installation and testing of all equipment and cabling shall be per CCF – ITD requirements as described in the General Statement of Work document. 3) As-built documentation, as described in the General Statement of Work document, shall be provided within 15 days of completion of all acceptance testing. b. Verify type of HVAC return air system (plenum vs. non-plenum) with the Mechanical Engineer. Use plenum or non-plenum rated cabling as appropriate. (Note: The use of plenum rated cable in non-plenum systems is not acceptable.) c. See also Reference Document “General Installation Statement of Work for a Structured Cabling System at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation” (G-SOW). Electrical 1. Power a. Unit Sub Stations 1) Double ended 2) Metering 3) Circuit breakers with Micro Versa Trip Units 17 Revised: July 2009 b. Wiring Devices 1) All outlets located above counter within 6’-0” of a sink shall be GFCI type. (Kitchen receptacles shall be GFCI per NEC) 2) Receptacles located within the rooms, bathrooms, playrooms, activity rooms, and patient care areas of pediatric wards shall be listed tamper resistant a) Receptacles that we have found to be acceptable are: Hubbell, hospital grade, tamper resistant, type HBL8300SG, and are available in several colors including red for emergency receptacles. 3) The use of MC type cable is not acceptable. (Hospital Grade AC cable shall be permitted when approved by CCF Office of Construction Management) 4) All distribution type disconnects shall be of the circuit breaker type. 5) All busway plug-in connections shall face out and be accessible c. All electrical distribution (panelboards, transformers, etc.) shall be located in electrical closets/rooms. Panelboards located in walls on the floor is not acceptable. 2. Equipment a. Meds Dispensing Unit (“Pyxis”/”Omni”) – Provide duplex receptacle on critical emergency power and data/voice outlet. b. Pneumatic Tube System – Provide electrical requirements as indicated by equipment supplier. All equipment associated with the pneumatic tube system shall be served by critical emergency power. c. Nurse Call 1) The existing nurse call system in an area to be renovated shall be matched and extended as necessary unless otherwise indicated by the users and CCF – Office of Construction Management. 2) Space provisions shall be made in “Systems Closet” for Nurse Call system control cabinet(s). d. Elevators – If equipment emergency power is available, elevators shall be feed by emergency power in order to allow one elevator to operate at one time. 3. Lighting a. Incandescent lighting fixtures are not acceptable. 18 Revised: July 2009 4. General a. Guarantee and Warranties – Request shall be made for guarantee against defects in workmanship and materials; repair or replace any defective work, material or equipment within one year from date of formal written acceptance by the Owner. b. Equipment Identification 1) Refer to reference documents for Nameplate Detail a) “Normal” power system – black letters on white background b) “Critical Emergency” power system – white letters on red background c) “Life Safety Emergency” power system – white letters on red background d) “Equipment Emergency” power system – white letters on red background e) “Standby Emergency” power system (dead bus under normal conditions) – black letters on yellow background f) “Fire Alarm” system – white letters on red background g) “Communications” systems – red letters on black background c. Test – Request shall be made for the following test 1) Insulation Resistance 2) Ground continuity 3) Short Circuits 4) Communications and signaling system (paging, fire alarm, etc.) 5) Demonstration of complete electrical system d. Training – Request shall be made for instructions to be given to Owner’s maintenance personnel in operation and maintenance of all electrical equipment controls. e. Operating and Maintenance Manuals shall be prepared and provided to the Owner. 19 Revised – 2/24/06 ROOM SPECIFIC DESIGN GUIDELINES CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION ROOM SPECIFIC DESIGN GUIDELINES The information contained in the Room Specific Design Guidelines section is presented in general terms as a list of options. These options can be used in different combinations to provide a finished design, which satisfies the requirements of the project and the user. The Design Team is to utilize the following sections of this manual in conjunction with the Room Specific Design Guidelines for detailed standards information. • Appendix A -Building Product Selection / Manufacturer Listing Division 1 thru 16 • Appendix B -Interior Finish Product and Manufacturer Listings • Appendix C -Interior Furniture Products, and Manufacturer Representative Listings • Cleveland Clinic Foundation Standard Millwork Details Section 2 1 Revised – 2/24/06 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT (B.M.T.) ROOMS: Flooring: See Interior for base Details Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl or Sheet vinyl with 4-1/2" vinyl base (flooring material dependent on chemicals or medicines used) Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 6" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board at the headwall. 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 4'-0" x 8'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 ga. stainless steel frame, welded construction Hospital push-pull latch, 1500 series by Tirmco. Finish to be US 26 D 2 pairs of ball bearing (4-1/2" x 4-1/2" BB-1263 swing clear US-15 steel door hinges). Overhead door stop 906S, US-32D Door gaskets, PS-074 Stainless steel door edge guards Door wall bumper Casework: Patient Head Wall, custom wood veneer casework with laminate countertop at Medical Headwall, including sliding doors to conceal Medical gases and electrical. Nurse charting area (outside the Patient Room) Custom wood veneer casework with laminated countertop. Casework includes Base Cabinet for C.P.U. storage and Overhead Cabinetry with doors and slots for form storage. Custom wood veneer Wardrobe Cabinet. Accessories: Bed locator, cornerguards, door frame protectors, cubical curtains, sheers, draperies and valance Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain. Ceiling mounted I.V. track Blood pressure cuffs Sharps container Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: Section 2 Provide 16 inch x 19 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wrist blade handles. 2 Revised – 2/24/06 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT (B.M.T.) ROOMS: (continued) HVAC: The room shall be designed for a positive pressure with respect to the surrounding spaces. Return low near the entry door. Provide “HEPA” type filters in laminar supply diffusers at the ceiling. Each room shall be independently zoned from other areas and contain a space adjustable thermostat with exposed adjustment. A ddc controller will control the pneumatic terminal unit and the total air quantity shall be indicated at the central FMS. A room airflow monitoring device must be provided to serve each room and must continuously indicate the desired room pressure relationship. Ante rooms should be considered on a per project basis depending on the importance of the room. Equipment (such as control valves, terminal units, heating coils, etc.) must be located to minimize maintenance within the space or adjacent spaces. Electrical: Section 2 General Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, Multi-level switching from bed location, 50% lighting on critical emergency power Task lighting (undercabinet, downlight) with local switch control on normal power Recessed wall mounted night lights on normal power controlled by switch at door Patient Lighting: Wall sconces (either side of bed) on normal power, Controlled via wall switch at door and nurse call system pillow speaker Power: 120V Duplex outlet on critical emergency power (minimum 4 at bed location) 120V Duplex outlet on normal power (minimum 4 at bed location) (1) Outlet for powered bed on dedicated normal power circuit at bed location (1) 120V Duplex outlet on normal power for television 120V Duplex outlet(s) on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Data/Voice outlet (1 at bed location) Television Broadband outlet (television shall be controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker) Data outlet for “Web TV” (locate adjacent to television broadband outlet) Monitor System outlet Nurse Call system single patient station with pillow speaker Nurse Call system locator receiver Nurse Call system dome light (corridor side of door) Nurse Call system bed interface unit Fire Alarm system smoke detector and magnetic door holding devices Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect 3 Revised – 2/24/06 CLEAN UTILITY ROOM: Interiorwith Finishes for Details Flooring: See Linoleum 4-1/2" vinyl base or VCT with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex semi-gloss paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges L.C.H. door closer Overhead door stop Door gasketing Door wall bumper Casework: Custom plastic laminate millwork 36" high x 24" or 30" deep plastic laminate countertop with radius corners 36" wide x 24" or 30" deep sink base cabinets with doors 4 drawer base cabinets and 2 door base cabinets as required 32" high x 14" deep upper wall cabinets Accessories: Door frame protectors and S.S. kickplates Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Surface mounted soap dispenser Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Marker board with tray Plumbing: Provide 16 inch x 19 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wrist blade handles. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate or Fixed Blade Section 2 4 Revised – 2/24/06 CLEAN UTILITY ROOM: Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lenses (100% lighting on critical emergency power – Inpatient only) with local switch control Undercabinet task lighting with local switch control Power: 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for convenience and housekeeping; 120V duplex outlet(s) on critical emergency power for equipment charging (if applicable); 120V duplex outlet for Meds Dispensing Unit (“Pyxis”/”Omni”) – (if applicable) Communications: Wall phone outlet Data outlet for Meds Dispensing Unit (“Pyxis”/”Omni”) – (if applicable) Nurse call duty station Nurse call locator receiver Intercom system master station – wall mounted (if applicable) CONFERENCE ROOMS: Flooring: Carpet with 4-1/2" vinylfor baseDetails See Interior Finishes Wood border with wood base in high profile conference rooms Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint Fabric wallcovering in high profile conference rooms 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 9'-0" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door gasketing Door wall bumper Casework: Section 2 Plastic laminate serving counter and base cabinet for storage Custom wood veneer base cabinets with "marble" countertop at high profile areas 5 Revised – 2/24/06 Custom wood chair/presentation rail and wood base at high profile areas Accessories: Marker board/bulletin board with trays Manual overhead projector screen Concealed, motorized with remote control, overhead project screen at high profile areas Wood veneer marker board cabinet at high profile areas. See furniture standard, Appendix "C" Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Zoning: Each section of a subdivided conference room or classroom shall be zoned independently with a dedicated thermostat located in each section. Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louvers, multi-level light switching and local switch control Downlights with local dimming control Cove lighting at high profile areas Film viewers (verify if applicable) Power: Combination power and data/voice floorboxes/poke-through devices (if applicable) 120V duplex outlets for lap top computers (perimeter of room) 120V duplex outlets on normal power for housekeeping 120V circuit and provisions for power operated projection screen 120Vduplex outlet for television (if applicable) Provisions for telemedicine or symposiums (if applicable) Provisions for Audio/Visual system (if applicable) Communications: Combination power and data/voice floorboxes/poke-through devices (if applicable) Data/voice outlets for lap top computer (perimeter of room) Wall phone outlet Fire alarm system visual device Master clock system clock Television/broadband outlet (if applicable) Data outlet for “Web TV” (locate adjacent to television broadband outlet) – (if applicable) Provisions for telemedicine or symposiums (if applicable) Provisions for Audio/visual system (if applicable) Section 2 6 Revised – 2/24/06 CORRIDORS: PATIENT Flooring: Linoleum with 4-1/2" vinyl base See Interior Finishes for Details Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8" – 2-1/4" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Nurse charting area outside the patient room – see "Patient Rooms" Nurse hand washing sink cabinet Accessories: Crashrail/bumper/handrails and cornerguards Semi-recess fire extinguisher cabinets Pull-down writing desk Plumbing: Coordinate the requirement of a sink with the architect. Options are 12 inch x 12 inch ID stainless steel, 19 inch x 16 inch OD oval stainless steel, or 20 inch x 17 inch oval vitreous china; gooseneck faucet with wrist blade handles. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louvers Wall sconces; Cove lighting; Downlights Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Undercabinet task lighting at nurse charting areas with local control Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – match existing (typically local control); Small inter-departmental corridors – local switching control Power: 120V duplex on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Nurse call system dome lights and zone lights Nurse call locator receivers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices Fire alarm system pull stations Fire alarm system smoke detectors (Exception: Fully sprinklered building) Monitoring antenna system – “Telemetry” (if applicable) Provisions for Automated Charting (if applicable) Paging system speakers (Hospital and/or departmental) Master clock system clocks Section 2 7 Revised – 2/24/06 CORRIDORS: PUBLIC Flooring: See Interior Finishes for Details Epoxy terrazzo, marble and granite with precast terrazzo, and marble or granite base Linoleum with 4-1/2" integral base Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" to 10-'0" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Custom wood veneer and glass Display cabinets and display niches Accessories: Crashrails/handrails (high and low) Recess corner guards Painted steel semi-recessed fire extinguisher cabinets Electric water cooler High impact wallcovering/wall protection system Signage System with A.D.A. Braille Plumbing: Coordinate with the architect a requirement for an ADA accessible electric water cooler. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 lay-in fluorescent light fixtures with 3" deep parabolic louvers Cove lighting (recessed fluorescent fixtures) Wall sconces Accent lighting (if applicable): wall washers, track lighting Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting Control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards, Small renovations – match existing (typically local control); Small inter-departmental corridors – local switching control Power: 120V duplex outlets on normal power for housekeeping Section 2 8 Revised – 2/24/06 Communications: Nurse call locator receivers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices Fire alarm system pull stations Fire alarm system smoke detectors (Exception: Fully sprinklered building) Paging system speakers (Hospital and/or departmental) DINING AREAS: Flooring: See Interior Finishes for Details Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Linoleum with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint, vinyl wallcovering and high impact wallcovering 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 10'-0" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 1 pair 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 3 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Overhead door stop Door gasketing Door wall bumper Casework: Wood planter Plastic laminate or wood veneer cabinets at Condiment Stands with plastic laminate or solid surface material at countertops. Plastic laminate or stainless steel counters at tray returns Accessories: Cornerguards Mini-blinds Waste receptacles Tray return carts Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Section 2 9 Revised – 2/24/06 Grilles: Eggrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3" deep parabolic louvers Power: 120V duplex outlets for housekeeping; 120V duplex outlets on dedicated circuits for vending machines, as required Communications: Paging and/or sound system speakers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices ELECTRICAL CLOSET: Flooring: Walls: See Finishes for Details VCTInterior and 4-1/2" vinyl base Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-6" Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal doors or solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door gasketing Door wall bumper Provide louvers in door, if required Casework: N/A Accessories: N/A Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Provide continuous heating, cooling and ventilation from the central system. Provide general exhaust where heat generating equipment is present. Electrical: Lighting: Industrial fixtures chain hung to 8’-6” above finished floor 100% lighting on critical emergency power Section 2 10 Revised – 2/24/06 Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on critical emergency power at 48” above finished floor near door Provisions as required for system control cabinets Communications: Fire alarm system smoke detector(s) ELECTRICAL ROOM: Flooring: See Interior forsealer Details Concrete with Finishes hardener and in Electrical Rooms Walls: Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint Exposed – to be painted Underside of structure Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal doors or solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door gasketing Door wall bumper Provide louvers in door, if required Casework: N/A Accessories: Fire extinguisher mounted on a board Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Provide heating, cooling and ventilation through a system dedicated for electrical/mechanical rooms to maintain a temperature range of 65 degrees F to 80 degrees F. Do not utilize central air handling systems that serve other occupied spaces. Provide a dedicated exhaust fan sized accordingly. Coordinate space equipment heat gain with Electrical Engineer. Electrical: Concrete pads for floor mounted equipment Lighting: Industrial fixtures chain hung to 8’-6” above finished floor Section 2 11 Revised – 2/24/06 Main rooms – 45% lighting on critical emergency power and 10% lighting on life safety emergency power (night lights) Sub rooms – 100% lighting on critical emergency power Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on critical emergency power at 48” above finished floor near door Main rooms - 120V duplex outlets on normal power at 48” above finished floor for convenience and housekeeping Communications: Main rooms - wall phone outlet Fire alarm system smoke detector(s) Main rooms – fire alarm system audio/visual device(s) Elevator Design Criteria: General Monitoring System: Latest version of Lift-Net Monitoring System, manufactured by Integrated Display System. Specific information can be obtained from, (847) 4752475. Electrical: Liftnet requires an additional 120V Duplex GFCI outlet on dedicated emergency power. Data: Data drop with fixed IP address located in elevator equipment room. Keys: Special Emergency Service (Firefighter’s Service) keyswitches shall be keyed for Adams WD01 key. Mechanical floor lockout keyswitches and Car Operating Panel service cabinets shall be keyed for H200 key. Fixtures: Hall Indicators: Digital Position Indicator and Direction Arrows at each landing, CE Electronics GTCV-OS or equivalent. Hall Button Fixtures: Otis M3 series or equivalent buttons with LED illuminated halo. Engraved, paint filled ANSI Fire Signage shall be incorporated into the hall button fixture faceplate. Car: Otis M3 Series or equivalent buttons with LED illuminated halo. Digital Car Position Indicators with direction arrows in each Car Operating Panel. Engraved, black paint filled elevator number/designation (as designated by CCF) in each Car Operating Panel. Integrally mounted (flush mount) ADA compliant emergency Hands-Free telephone within main Car Operating Panel. (1 per car) Engraving in each Car Operating Panel designating ‘Main Lobby’ and where applicable ‘Skyway’. Engraving shall be black paint filled, adjacent and to the right of corresponding button. Section 2 12 Revised – 2/24/06 Lobby Panels: Where lobby panels are required, panel should include digital position readout, direction arrows, Car to Lobby keyswitch (per car), Car to Lobby illuminated jewel (per car). Engraving shall be black paint filled and include elevator number/designation as determined by CCF. If elevators are connected to Emergency Power, Lobby Panels should also include Emergency Power selector strip behind locked door and Emergency Power illuminated jewel (per group). Door Protection: Otis Lambda 3D or equivalent. Priority Service: Code Blue Priority Service for each elevator group. Priority Service keyswitch in main Car Operating Panel and in the hall button fixture at each floor. Note: If group has more than one (1) hall button riser, the Code Blue keyswitch only needs to be provided in one of the hall risers. Service Cabinet: Service cabinet shall be provided in all secondary (auxiliary) Car Operating Panels with lockable door and vision window to mount certificate of operation. Cabinet shall include 110VAC GFCI outlet, emergency light test button, and keyswitches for light, fan, inspection service and independent service. Elevoice: In car voice synthesis annunciation announcing floor of arrival, direction of travel, and other emergency and operational messages. ELEVATOR CABS: PUBLIC Interior for Details Flooring: See Marble and Finishes granite Marble base, granite base or stainless steel base Walls: Type: Manufactured pre-fabricated walls Wood, plastic laminate with fire-rated core board and stainless steel trim Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Plastic laminate or wood veneer Manufactured pre-fabricated ceiling panels. Stainless steel 7'-6" to 8'-0" Door/Hardware: Manufactured pre-fabricated door and hardware Stainless stain doors Casework: N/A Accessories: Handrails: Crashrail/handrail Stainless steel or hardwood Cove lighting with fluorescent strips Section 2 13 Revised – 2/24/06 Downlights with halogen lamps and dimmer switch control Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Exhaust fan by elevator cab manufacturer. Electrical: N/A Section 2 14 Revised – 2/24/06 ELEVATOR CABS: SERVICE Flooring: See Interior Finishes for Details Linoleum with plastic laminate, linoleum or stainless steel base or Rubber with plastic laminate, linoleum or stainless steel base Walls: Type: Manufactured pre-fabricated walls Plastic laminated with fire-rated core board and stainless steel trim. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Plastic Laminate Manufactured pre-fabricated ceiling panels. Stainless steel. Determined by the building condition Door/Hardware: Manufactured pre-fabricated door and hardware Stainless steel doors Casework: N/A Accessories: Protection pads Hooks for protection pads Handrails: Crashrail/handrail Stainless steel or hardwood Cove lighting with fluorescent strips Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Exhaust fan by elevator cab manufacturer. Electrical: N/A ELEVATOR LOBBY: PUBLIC Flooring: See Epoxy terrazzo, marblefor andDetails granite with precast terrazzo, marble or granite base Interior Finishes Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Section 2 Marble, granite, wood, vinyl wallcovering and latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 15 Revised – 2/24/06 Ceiling Ht. = 10'-0" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Wood Display Niches: with tempered glass and "Fabri-Trak" panels Accessories: Free standing graphics Waste receptacles Semi-recessed painted steel or stainless steel fire extinguisher cabinets Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile area) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile area) Electrical: Lighting: Suspended pendent light fixtures (on main floor ONLY); Downlights; Wall sconces; Cove lighting Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – local control at secure location (staff desk, etc.) Power: 120V duplex outlet on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Fire alarm system smoke detector (elevator recall) Fire alarm system audio/visual device(s) Paging system speaker(s) ELEVATOR LOBBY: SERVICE Flooring: Walls: Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl or See Interior forbase Details Rubber with 4-1/2" vinyl base Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = High impact wallcovering Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 10'-0" Door/Hardware: N/A Section 2 16 Revised – 2/24/06 Casework: N/A Accessories: Crashrail/handrail Recess corner guards Semi-recessed painted steel fire extinguisher cabinets Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: General lighting: (match surrounding area) - 2x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lens (utility space); 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louver (public) Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: (match surround area) - New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – local control at secure location (staff desk, etc.) Power: 120V duplex outlet on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Fire alarm system smoke detector (elevator recall) Fire alarm system audio/visual device(s) Paging system speaker(s) ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM: Flooring: See Interior Finishesand forsealer Details Concrete with hardener Walls: Type: Concrete block Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint Exposed metal deck. To be painted Underside of structure Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal doors, 3'-6" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall/floor bumper Casework: N/A Accessories: N/A Section 2 17 Revised – 2/24/06 Plumbing: Fire Protection: Provide sidewall sprinkler heads where possible. HVAC: Provide heating and cooling from the central system to maintain a temperature range between 60 degrees F and 85 degrees F. Supply air should be constant volume with reheat. A dedicated exhaust fan must be provided to service the room and run continuously. Diffuser: Double Deflection Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: Lighting: Industrial fixtures chain hung to 8’-6” above finished floor 100% lighting on critical emergency power Power: (1) 120V duplex GFCI outlet on dedicated critical emergency power circuit. ALSO reference Special Power Requirement under Elevator Design Criteria. Provisions as required for elevator Communications: Communication provisions as required for elevator Fire alarm system smoke detector Fire alarm system heat detector EXAM ROOMS: Standard Square Footage: 135Finishes sq. ft. See Interior for Details Flooring: Linoleum with 4-1/2" vinyl base or Sheet vinyl with 4-1/2" vinyl base (material dependent on chemicals or medicines used) Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 ga., cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted. Mortise lockset, 8265 privacy function, US32D LCN door closer 1-1/2" pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Door gasketing Section 2 18 Revised – 2/24/06 Overhead door stop Casework: 36" high x 21" deep x 4'-0" long plastic laminate countertop with radius corners. 24" wide x 20" deep sink base cabinets with doors 16" wide x 20" deep, 4 drawer base cabinet 32" wide x 14" deep upper wall cabinets with doors and paper slots. 36" wide x 7'-2" high x 14" deep storage cabinet with 2 doors and 4 adjustable Shelves Systems furniture – writing desk Accessories: Cubical curtains and mini-blinds Double coat hooks at wall 18" wide x 48" high mirror with stainless steel frame Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain Blood pressure cuff Magazine racks Sharps container Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Surface mounted chart-holder outside room door Signage System with A.D.A. Braille outside room door Plumbing: Provide 12 inch x 12 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles. Provide a minimum of one oxygen outlet, one vacuum inlet, and one slide bracket. Use quick-connect type devices. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: General lighting – In Patient: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, multi-level switching, local lighting control and recessed wall mounted night light, switch controlled Undercabinet task lighting General lighting – Out Patient: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, multi-level switching, local lighting control and 100% lighting on normal power Undercabinet task lighting Power: (2) 120V duplex outlets on normal power (at head of bed, 1 each side) (1) 120V duplex outlet on critical emergency power (all inpatient, all critical care and as directed by the users) (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power at 42” above finished floor on staff side of bed (2) 120V duplex outlets on normal power for convenience and housekeeping (1) 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer (if applicable) Section 2 19 Revised – 2/24/06 Communications: Data/voice outlet for computer (if applicable) Nurse call – In Patient: room-to-room communications station, pillow speaker, locator receiver, dome light (corridor side of door) and bed interface unit with pillow speaker jack Nurse call – Out Patient: single patient station, staff assist, locator receiver, dome light (corridor side of door), bed interface unit and pillow speaker jack Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION (I.D.F.) ROOMS: Standard Square Footage: 100 sq. ft. Minimum one per every floor (one/10,000 sq. ft.) Minimum floor space – 10’x10’ Flooring: See Finishes for Details VCT Interior and 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: Two hour wall construction 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 2 layers of 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint Exposed structure Paint Black To underside of structure Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal door (90 min.) or solid core wood veneer door (90 min.), 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame (90 min.). Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer with a hold open device Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: N/A Accessories: N/A Plumbing: Section 2 No piping shall be routed through the room. 20 Revised – 2/24/06 Fire Protection: Consider using a drypipe sprinkler or FM200 system on a per project basis. Coordinate the use with CCF ITD personnel and the CCF Fire Protection Coordinator. Where wet pipe sprinkler systems exist attempt to use sidewall sprinkler heads to minimize piping within the room. If a wet pipe system is used and sprinkler piping is present utilize troughs under piping to prevent water damage to equipment in the event of a leak. Provide wire cages over all sprinkler heads. HVAC: Room Conditions: 64 degrees F to 75 degrees F DB 30% to 55% RH System must serve room requirements for heating, ventilating and air conditioning continuously (24 hours per day). Provide dedicated zone control. Maintain the space under a positive pressure with respect to surrounding areas with a minimum of 1 air change per hour. Coordinate with CCF ITD Personnel for room equipment loads on a per project basis. The HVAC System serving the room should be connected to the equipment emergency power system. No piping shall be routed through the room. Diffuser: Double Deflection Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: Location shall be centralized to minimize horizontal cable distances IDF rooms shall be stacked in riser configuration throughout the building. All walls shall be lined with 8’-0” high gray fire retardant painted plywood, for equipment mounting, starting at 5” above finished floor Lighting: Industrial fixtures chain hung to 8’-6” above finished floor 100% lighting on critical emergency power Minimum 50fc at 36”above finished floor Power: 60Amp dedicated 208/120V, 3 phase, 4w, 30 pole critical emergency panel located adjacent to door (each double duplex outlet in room shall be served by a dedicated circuit from this panel, unless otherwise noted) (3) double duplex outlets (1 per wall other than wallfield) (3) double duplex outlets in corner on wall adjacent to wallfield (“shumway”) Single Rack: (1) L50-30R Twist-lock receptacle for UPS, (1) double duplex outlet on normal power, located adjacent to UPS receptacle Multiple Racks: (1) L50-30R Twist-lock receptacle for each rack (alternating critical emergency and normal power circuits between racks) All outlets shall be mounted at 9” above finished floor, unless otherwise noted Grounding: Insulated copper grounding conductor shall be provided between each IDF room ground bar and to MDF ground bar (conductor size shall be 2kcmil x distance from farthest IDF to MDF). Ground bars shall be ¼”x4”x36” mounted above ladder racks on one of four corners - not on wallfield (exact location shall be verified with ITD) Section 2 21 Revised – 2/24/06 Pathways: “Chatsworth” universal cable runway with “radius drop” accessories as directed by ITD within room; Penetration to main corridor with cabletray ‘Tee” fitting from cable runway; 4” sleeves between each IDF and associated MDF room as required for telephone/data cable routing, also allowing for future growth (Minimum of (2) 4” sleeves to each IDF room); 2” sleeves between floors in communications rooms as required for broadband cable routing, also allowing for future growth. (Minimum of (2) 2” sleeves between each IDF room) Communications: Data/voice outlet (located on wall adjacent to wallfield) Fire alarm system smoke detector Security system card reader Security system push-to-exit button Security system magnetic lock Security system door contact HVAC: System serving this room shall be fed from the equipment emergency power system. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION (M.D.F.) ROOMS: Standard Square Footage: 200 sq. ft. Minimum one per building preferably located in the basement. Minimum floor space – 10’x20’ Flooring: See Finishes for Details VCT Interior and 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: Two hour wall construction 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 2 layers of 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint Exposed structure Paint To underside of structure Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal door (90 min.) or solid core wood veneer door (90 min.), 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame (90 min.). Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D Section 2 22 Revised – 2/24/06 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer with a hold open device Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: N/A Accessories: N/A Plumbing: No piping shall be routed through the room. Fire Protection: Consider using a drypipe sprinkler system on a per project basis. Where wet pipe sprinkler systems exist attempt to use sidewall sprinkler heads to minimize piping within the room. If a wet pipe system is used and sprinkler piping is present utilize troughs under piping to prevent water damage to equipment in the event of a leak. Provide wire cages over all sprinkler heads. HVAC: Room Conditions: 64 degrees F to 75 degrees F DB 30% to 55% RH System must serve room requirements for heating, ventilating and air conditioning continuously (24 hours per day). Provide dedicated zone control. Maintain the space under a positive pressure with respect to surrounding areas with a minimum of 1 air change per hour. Coordinate with CCF ITD Personnel for room equipment loads on a per project basis. The HVAC System serving the room should be connected to the equipment emergency power system. No piping shall be routed through the room. Diffuser: Double Deflection Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: All walls shall be lined with 8’-0” high gray fire retardant painted plywood, for equipment mounting, starting at 5” above finished floor. Lighting: Industrial fixtures chain hung to 8’-6” above finished floor 100% lighting on critical emergency power Minimum 50fc at 36” above finished floor Power: 100amp dedicated 208/120V, 3 phase, 4w, 30 pole critical emergency panel located adjacent to door (each double duplex outlet in room shall be served by a dedicated circuit from this panel, unless otherwise noted) (6) double duplex outlets (2 per wall other than wallfield) (1) L5-30R Twist-lock receptacles for UPS (1 per rack) – (alternating critical emergency and normal power circuits between racks) All outlets shall be mounted at 9” above finished floor, unless otherwise noted Grounding: Insulated copper grounding conductor shall be provided from MDF ground bar to main building ground and to IDF ground bar riser (conductor size shall be 2kcmil x distance from farthest IDF to MDF). Section 2 23 Revised – 2/24/06 Ground bars shall be ¼”x4”x36” mounted above ladder racks on one of four corners - not on wallfield (exact location shall be verified with ITD) Pathways: “Chatsworth” universal cable runway with “radius drop” accessories as directed by ITD; Penetration to main corridor with cabletray ‘Tee” fitting from cable runway; 4” sleeves between MDF to each associated IDF room as required for telephone/data cable routing, also allowing for future growth (Minimum of (2) 4” sleeves to each IDF room); 2” sleeves between floors in communications rooms as required for broadband cable routing, also allowing for future growth. (Minimum of (2) 2” sleeves between each IDF room) Communications: Data/voice outlet (located on wall adjacent to wallfield) Fire alarm system smoke detector(s) Security system card reader Security system push-to-exit button Security system magnetic lock Security system door contact HVAC: System serving this room shall be fed from the equipment emergency power system. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (I.C.U.): Standard Square Footage: 140 sq. ft. (per bed) Flooring: See Interior Finishes forbase Details Linoleum with 4" integral Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. 8'-0" high, Aluminum and glass Telescoping partition Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Overhead door stop Section 2 24 Revised – 2/24/06 Door wall bumper Door silencers Aluminum and glass sliding doors, 8'-0" high. Overhead track and hardware included Casework: 32" sink base cabinet 15" x 15" x 7-1/2" deep stainless steel sink with an integral stainless steel 22" deep countertop 32" wide x 14" deep plastic laminate wall cabinets Accessories: Cornerguards, cubical curtains and mini-blinds Power column with medical gases Blood pressure cuff Sharps container Wire baskets for supplies Television mounting bracket Chart-holder outside the patient bed space Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain Ceiling mounted I.V. track Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Plumbing: 12 inch x 12 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles. Bedside toilet units by Acorn HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: General Lighting - Perimeter: 2x4 recessed light fixture with prismatic acrylic lens and radio interference suppresser, multi-level switching, 3-way control (head of bed and door) 100% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting on isolated power “X-ray In Use” light Patient Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, multi-level switching, 3-way control (head of bed and door) 100% lighting on critical emergency power Wall mounted above bed fixture with up/down light combination and controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker on isolated power Power: Isolated power panel located in room (12) 120V duplex receptacles at head of bed on isolated power (1) 5-15R receptacle for powered bed on isolated power (2) 120V duplex receptacles at foot of bed on isolated power Section 2 25 Revised – 2/24/06 (1) Isolated power module at foot of bed with: (2) 125V Hubbellock #2300HG receptacles X-ray receptacle and GFI circuit breaker disconnect on critical emergency power (1) 120V duplex receptacle on isolated power for television (1) 120V duplex receptacle on isolated power (1) 120V double duplex GFI receptacle on critical emergency power for computer (1) 120V duplex GFI receptacle on isolated power for patient toilet/sink area (1) 120V duplex GFI receptacle on normal power located near door for housekeeping All receptacles served via isolated power panel shall be red in color Communications: (2) Data/voice outlets (1 at computer location; 1 at bed location) Data outlet for “Web TV” Television broadband outlet (television shall be controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker) Nurse call system single patient station with pillow speaker Nurse call system bed interface unit Nurse call system dome light (corridor side of door) Nurse call system locator receiver Nurse call system equipment interface alarm Nurse call system code blue Nurse call system toilet “pull for help” station (if applicable) Monitor system outlet Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect Device quantities and locations shall be verified with CCF LABORATORIES: Flooring: SheetInterior vinyl with 4" integral See Finishes forbase Details Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex semi-gloss paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core plastic laminate veneer door, 4'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Section 2 26 Revised – 2/24/06 Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D Wireglass half-lite at each door 12" high x 46" wide stainless steel kick plate 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: Systems casework/prefinish steel Chemsurf laminate and/or epoxy resin countertop with integral backsplash and bullnose edges Stainless steel, self-rimming and/or epoxy resin under mount sinks Accessories: Surface mounted soap dispenser Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Glassware drying racks Marker board/bulletin boards with trays Battery operated wall clock Horizontal mini blinds at windows Laboratory coat rack Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Wall mounted fire extinguisher on a wood board Gas cylinders steel rack with lock and chain security hold-downs Plumbing: Laboratory Gases – Air, Natural Gas, Carbon Dioxide Laboratory Vacuum Sink – Lavatory hot and cold water utilizing gooseneck spout, Purified water, spray hose, all utilizing vacuum breaker Emergency shower/eyewash Verify requirements with space users. Additional requirements will exist. HVAC: Room Pressurization: Negative with respect to surrounding areas. Each lab module will be provided with dedicated zone control. Provide a variable air volume system that tracks supply, room exhaust and hood exhaust air quantities. Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louvers, multi-level light switching and 50% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting Power - bench: (1) 120V double duplex outlet on normal power at all desks for computer (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power, 26” above finished at each knee space. (shared knee spaces required double duplex) 2-circuit plugmold above every bench with alternating circuits Power – equipment wall: Section 2 27 Revised – 2/24/06 120V duplex outlet(s) on dedicated normal power circuit 120V duplex outlet(s) on dedicated critical emergency power circuit 208V, 30Amp outlet on dedicated normal power circuit 208V, 20Amp outlet on dedicated emergency power circuit 120V duplex outlet on dedicated emergency power circuit, dedicated neutral and #10 wiring 120V duplex outlet on dedicated normal power circuit with dedicated neutral and #10 wiring Power – general: 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Data/voice outlet at all desks for computer Multi-media outlet above counter at wall benches Wall phone outlet Equipment alarm outlet(s) LABOR, DELIVERY AND RECOVERY ROOMS (L.D.R.): Standard Square Footage: 440 sq. ft. (with bathroom) Flooring: Walls: See Interior forbase Details Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 4'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Stainless steel door edge guards Kick plate, 12" x 46" stainless steel Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: Section 2 Plastic laminate wardrobe cabinet Hand washing sink and cabinets 28 Revised – 2/24/06 Accessories: Cornerguards, cubical curtains, sheers, draperies and valance Ceiling mounted I.V. track Blood pressure cuff Sharps container Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Surface mounted chart-holder outside room door Plumbing: Provide a toilet room adjacent to the LDR room containing: Flush valve toilet with bedpan washer and rim mounted at 17 inches above finished floor Lav. Whirlpool type tub with shower Provide in LDR room a stainless steel counter sink with gooseneck faucet, wrist blade handles and hose spray Provide a minimum of one oxygen and one air outlet, two vacuum inlets and two slide brackets at adult patient bed. Provide one oxygen, one air, one vacuum and one slide bracket at infant crib. All devices to be quick connect type. HVAC: Temperature: 65 degrees F to 80 degrees F drybulb. Space Relative Humidity: 40% to 55%. Air Change Rate: 15 AC/HR Room Pressurization: Positive Supply Air: 24 inch x 24 inch or 48 inch x 24 inch laminar flow HEPA (99.97% efficiency) filtered ceiling supply diffusers. Return Air: Ducted to central system with return grilles located 12 inches above the finished floor. Minimum of two grilles per room located on opposite sides along the perimeter of the room. Each LDR room will be zoned separately of other areas and contain space adjustable thermostat and humidistat with exposed adjustment. Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlay, multi-level switching from door location and 100% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting with local switch control Recessed wall mounted night light controlled by switch from door location Patient lighting: Wall mounted above bed fixture with up/down light combination and controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker Power:(2) 120V duplex outlets on critical emergency power at bed location (4) 120V duplex outlets on normal power at bed location (2) 120V duplex outlets on critical emergency power at infant bassinet location (3) 120V duplex outlets on normal power at infant bassinet location (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for television Section 2 29 Revised – 2/24/06 120V duplex outlets for convenience and housekeeping Communications:(2) data/voice outlets (1 at bed location; 1 at staff location) Television broadband outlet (television shall be controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker) Data Outlet for “Web TV” (locate adjacent to television broadband outlet) Monitor system outlet at bed location Nurse call system “code pink” device at infant bassinet location Nurse call system single patient station with pillow speaker Nurse call system bed interface unit Nurse call system dome light (corridor side of door) Master clock system clock Intercom master station – wall mounted Fire alarm system smoke detector Fire alarm system magnetic door hold open Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect LINEN CHUTE ROOM Flooring: See Finishes for Details VCT Interior and 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6' Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal doors or solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Wall/floor stop by Rockwood Casework: N/A Accessories: N/A Section 2 30 Revised – 2/24/06 Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Exhaust linen chute and main linen chute room to maintain a negative pressure with respect to surrounding areas. Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with prismatic acrylic lens Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Fire alarm system smoke detector LOBBY: MAIN/RECEPTION AREAS: Flooring: Walls: See Interior Finishes Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl for baseDetails or custom wood base at Registration Desks Marble and/or granite with marble or granite base at Information Desks Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Wood, latex eggshell paint, vinyl wallcovering Wood and fabric wallcovering in high profile Reception Areas. 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 10'-0" to 11'-0" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Wood planters Reception desk/counter Wood paneling along walls and columns Wood display niches Accessories: Waste receptacles Wall clock tied to the Hospital Time System Fully recessed or semi-recessed stainless Fire Extinguisher cabinet Free standing and surface mounted Signage System provided by Owner Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: General lighting: Suspended pendant fixtures, downlights, cove lighting, track lighting wall washers Section 2 31 Revised – 2/24/06 Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – local control at secure location (staff desk, etc.) Power: 120V duplex outlets on normal power for convenience (reception desk); 120V duplex outlets on normal power for housekeeping (lobby); 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer (reception desk); 120V duplex outlet on normal power for each fax machine, printer, etc. on dedicated circuit (reception desk) – (if applicable) LOBBY: MAIN/RECEPTION AREAS: Communications: Data/voice outlet for each computer, fax machine, printer, etc. reception desk) – (if applicable) Public pay phone outlets Wall phone outlets Paging system speakers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices Fire alarm system pull station (reception desk) Security system panic alarm at reception desk LOBBY: MAIN/WAITING AREAS Flooring: Walls: See Interior Finishes for Details Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base or wood base Terrazzo/Stone border – New Projects: Renovation Projects: Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Wood, latex eggshell paint, vinyl wallcovering Wood and fabric wallcovering in high profile Waiting Areas 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 10-0" to 11'-0" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Section 2 Full bed Epoxy Wood planters Wood paneling along walls and columns Wood display niches 32 Revised – 2/24/06 Accessories: Furniture, as noted in "Appendix B", Interior Design Guidelines Waste receptacles Free standing and surface mounted Signage System provided by Owner Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: General lighting: Suspended pendant fixtures, downlights, cove lighting, track lighting wall washers Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – local control at secure location (staff desk, etc.) Power:120V duplex outlets on normal power for housekeeping 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for television Communications: Television broadband outlet(s) Web TV outlet Paging system speakers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices LOBBY: SECONDARY/RECEPTION AREAS Flooring: See Interior Finishes forwood Details Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl or base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint, vinyl wallcovering 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 10'-0" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Section 2 Wood planters Reception desk/counter Wood paneling along walls and columns Wood display niches 33 Revised – 2/24/06 Accessories: Waste receptacles Wall clock tied to the Hospital Time System Fully recessed or semi-recessed stainless steel fire extinguisher cabinet Free standing and surface mounted Signage System provided by Owner Magazine racks Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louvers and downlights Undercabinet task lighting (reception desk) Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – local control at secure location (staff desk, etc.) Power: 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer (reception desk) 120V duplex outlet for each fax machine, printer, etc. on dedicated normal power circuit (reception desk) – (if applicable) 120V duplex outlets on normal power for convenience (reception desk) 120V duplex outlets on normal power for housekeeping (waiting area) Communications: Data/voice outlet for each computer, fax machine, printer, etc. (if applicable) Public pay phone outlets Web TV outlet Paging system speakers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices Fire alarm system pull station (reception desk) Security system panic alarm (reception desk) LOBBY: SECONDARY/WAITING AREAS Flooring: Walls: See Interior Finishes for Details Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base or wood base Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Section 2 Latex eggshell paint, vinyl wallcovering Wood and fabric wallcovering in high profile waiting areas 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 34 Revised – 2/24/06 See Interior Finishes Details 15/16" wide exposed tee,for flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" Ceiling Ht. = 10-0" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: Wood planters Wood paneling along walls and columns Wood display niches Accessories: Furniture, as noted in "Appendix B", Interior Design Guidelines Waste receptacles Free standing and surface mounted Signage System provided by Owner Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louvers and downlights Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – local control at secure location (staff desk, etc.) Power: 120V duplex outlets on normal power for housekeeping 120V duplex outlet on normal power for television (if applicable) Communications: Television broadband outlet (if applicable) Paging system speakers Fire alarm system audio/visual devices LOCKER ROOMS: Flooring: See Interior Finishes for Details Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base VCT with 4-1/2" vinyl base Ceramic tile (shower area) Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Section 2 Latex eggshell paint Ceramic tile (shower area) 35 Revised – 2/24/06 Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = See Finishes 24" xInterior 24" x 5/8" or 24' x for 48' Details x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: N/A Accessories: Pre-finish metal lockers, welded construction, 12" wide x 18" deep x 72" high on a built-up wood base Prefabricate wood benches 24" x 72" mirror with a stainless steel frame Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Ventilate to the outside. Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Fixed Blade or Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with prismatic acrylic lens Wet location downlight for shower (if applicable) Power: 120V duplex outlet on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Fire alarm system visual only device MAIN ENTRANCES: VESTIBULE Flooring: See Interior for Details Epoxy terrazzoFinishes flooring with precast terrazzo base 3M Recessed walk-off mat Walls: Type: 1/2" tempered glass partition 1" insulated glass and aluminum frame system Finish: N/A Ceiling: Section 2 5/8" Type-X, gypsum board Paint 36 Revised – 2/24/06 Ceiling Ht. = 8'-0" to 10-'0" Door/Hardware: Sliding doors – 1/2" tempered glass Sliding doors – 3/4" insulated glass and aluminum frame Casework: N/A Accessories: Aluminum thresholds Weather gaskets Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Linear bar Grille: Linear bar Main entry vestibules must be heated by fan coil units located above the ceiling and ducted to diffusers and grilles. A thermostat dedicated to the space will control the unit. Cooling the vestibule should be considered on a per project basis. Electrical: Lighting: Downlights (typical) Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Lighting control: New buildings & Large renovations – programmable lighting control panelboards; Small renovations – match existing (typically local control) Power: 120V duplex outlet for housekeeping Communications: Fire alarm system LCD annunciator panel Security devices as required MECHANICAL ROOMS: Flooring: See Interior forsealer Details Concrete with Finishes hardener and Walls: Type: Concrete block Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint Exposed Underside of structure Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal door/double doors, pair 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted. Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 330 series – NZD/ ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 3 pairs of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door gasketing Section 2 37 Revised – 2/24/06 Door wall bumper Casework: N/A Accessories: Fire extinguisher mounted on a board Plumbing: HVAC: Provide outside air intake and exhaust ventilation when occupied or when temperature control is required. Provide heating and cooling to maintain a temperature range of 60 degrees F to 85 degrees F. Do not utilize central air handling systems that serve other occupied spaces. Electrical: Lighting: Industrial fixtures chain hung to 8’-6” above finished floor 45% lighting on critical emergency power and 10% lighting on life safety emergency power (night lights) Power: 120V duplex outlets on normal power at 48” above finished floor for convenience (1) 120V duplex outlet on critical emergency power at 48” above finished floor Power provisions as required for mechanical equipment Communications: Wall phone outlet Fire alarm system audio/visual device(s) MEDICAL GAS STORAGE: Flooring: Walls: See Finishes for Details VCTInterior with 4-1/2" vinyl base Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint and high impact wallcovering 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24' x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Door wall bumper Door silencers Section 2 38 Revised – 2/24/06 12" x 34" stainless steel kick plate LCN door closer Overhead door stop Casework: Accessories: Cornerguards Cylinder rack storage system Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Marker board/bulletin board with trays Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Provide a dedicated exhaust system that operates continuously. Maintain space temperature between 68 degrees F and 75 degrees F. Electrical: Provide lighting and fire alarm system devices as required by code based on room classification NURSE STATIONS: Flooring: Walls: See Interior forbase Details Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-2-1/4" Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: System Furniture or Custom Millwork Sit down work surface and standing height transaction counter Provide separate work areas for charting stations, dictation areas and nurse work areas/patient monitoring systems. Accessories: Cornerguards Marker board/bulletin board with trays Section 2 39 Revised – 2/24/06 Plumbing: Where applicable locate medical gas alarm panel and branch piping shut off valves in the vicinity of main nurses station. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic louvers, multi-level light switching, local lighting control, 50% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting with local switch control Power: 120V double duplex outlet for each computer (minimum one on critical emergency power) 120V duplex outlet for each fax machine, printer, etc. on dedicated normal power circuit 120V duplex outlet(s) on critical emergency power for Central viewing monitors (if applicable) 120V duplex outlets on normal power for convenience Communications: Data/voice outlet for each computer, fax machine, printer, etc. Monitor outlets for Central viewing monitors (if applicable) Nurse call system master station – desk mounted Nurse call locator receiver(s) – ceiling mounted Intercom system master station – desk mounted Fire alarm system pull station Fire alarm system LCD annunciator Master clock system clock Paging speaker(s) with local wall mounted volume control OFFICES: ADMINISTRATIVE Standard Square 120 sq. ft. for Details SeeFootage: Interior Finishes Flooring: Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24' x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Section 2 40 Revised – 2/24/06 Door gasketing Door wall bumper Casework: Furniture – see Appendix C Accessories: Blinds Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Marker/white boards Bulletin boards Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 3” deep parabolic louver Multi-level light switching Undercabinet task lighting Power:(1) 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer (1) 120V duplex outlet on dedicated normal power circuit for printer (if applicable) 120V duplex outlets for convenience and housekeeping (1 per wall except printer wall) Communications: Data/voice outlet for computer Data/voice outlet for printer (if applicable) OFFICES: BOARD OF GOVERNORS Standard Square Footage: 300Finishes sq. ft. See Interior for Details Flooring: Carpet with wood base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Fabric wallcovering 24" x 24' x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Section 2 41 Revised – 2/24/06 Door gasketing Door wall bumper Casework: Custom wood cabinetry Wood furniture – see Appendix C Custom wood base and wood trim Accessories: Sheers and draperies Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Linear Bar Grille: Linear Bar Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 3” deep parabolic louver Multi-level light switching Undercabinet task lighting Power: (1) 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer (1) 120V duplex outlet on dedicated normal power circuit for printer 120V duplex outlets for convenience and housekeeping (1 per wall except printer wall) Communications: (2) Data/voice outlets (computer, printer) OFFICES: GENERAL STAFF Standard Square Footage: 120Finishes sq. ft. See Interior for Details Flooring: Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24' x 5/8" or 24' x 48" x 5/8" thick, standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Door gasketing Section 2 42 Revised – 2/24/06 Door wall bumper Casework: Systems Furniture – see Appendix C Accessories: Mini-blinds Double coat hooks at wall or on back of door Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 3” deep parabolic louver Multi-level light switching Undercabinet task lighting Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for furniture systems integral task lighting (if applicable) (1) 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer 120V duplex outlets for convenience and housekeeping (1 per wall) Communications: Data/voice outlet for computer OFFICES: OPEN OFFICE AREA Flooring: See Interior Finishes for Details Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24' x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick, standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" fine-line grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Door gasketing Door wall bumper Section 2 43 Revised – 2/24/06 Casework: Systems Furniture – see Appendix C Accessories: Mini-blinds Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 3” deep parabolic louver, Multi-level switching Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Undercabinet task lighting Power: (1) double duplex on normal power for computer and (2) duplex outlets on normal power for convenience at each desk Provisions for powered furniture systems if applicable (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for furniture system integral task light (if applicable) 120V duplex outlets for housekeeping Communications: Data/voice outlet for computer Fire alarm system audio/visual device(s) OFFICES: PHYSICIAN See Interior for Details Standard Square Footage: 140Finishes sq. ft. Flooring: Carpet with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White Ceiling Ht. = 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges Section 2 44 Revised – 2/24/06 Door wall bumper Door gasketing Casework: Furniture – See Appendix C Plastic laminate wardrobe closet Accessories: Mini-blinds Double coat hooks at wall or on back of door Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 3” deep parabolic louver Multi-level light switching Undercabinet task lighting Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for furniture system integral task light (if applicable) (1) 120V double duplex outlet on normal power for computer (1) 120V duplex outlet on dedicated normal power circuit for printer (if applicable) 120V duplex outlets for convenience and housekeeping (1 per wall except printer wall) Communications: Data/voice outlet for computer Data/voice outlet for printer (if applicable) OPERATING ROOMS: Standard Square Footage: 400 Finishes to 500 sq. for ft. (clear space) See Interior Details Flooring: Epoxy terrazzo flooring with precast terrazzo base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Field applied catalyzed epoxy paint by Tnemec High impact wallcovering to 48" above floor 5/8" Type-X gypsum board ceiling 9'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 5'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" Section 2 45 Revised – 2/24/06 Stainless steel frames, 16 gauge cold-rolled steel, welded construction Sliding door operating with controls Casework: Owner supplied recessed cabinetry One folding wall mounted shelf Accessories: N/A Plumbing: Provide oxygen, medical vacuum, medical air, nitrous oxide, anesthesia waste evacuation and nitrogen in the quantity dictated by the space users but no less in quantity than AIA Guidelines dictate. Provide separate medical gas and vacuum shut-off valves for each OR; locate in the surgical corridor. Verify all above information with the space users on a per project basis. HVAC: Temperature: 64 degrees F to 75 degrees F drybulb. Space Relative Humidity: 45% to 55%. Air Change Rate: 25 AC/HR with 5 AC/HR outside air (recirculation systems), 20 AC/HR for 100% outdoor air systems. Equipment loads may dictate a higher air change rate. Room Pressurization: Positive with respect to all adjacent areas. Supply Air: 24 inch x 24 inch or 48 inch x 24 inch laminar flow HEPA (99.97% efficiency) filtered ceiling supply diffusers located above the patient table. Return Air: Ducted to central system with return grilles located 12 inches above the finished floor. Minimum of two grilles per room located on opposite sides along the perimeter of the room. Each operating room will be zoned separately of all other areas and have a temperature/humidity control panel with adjustable setpoints and LED display. A ddc controller will control the pneumatic terminal unit and the total air quantity shall be indicated at the central FMS. Electrical: Lighting: 2x2/2x4 recessed surgical fixture with low voltage lighting control (connected to normal and critical emergency branch circuits via local relay cabinet) Ceiling mounted surgical/procedure light with wall mounted variable lighting controller. Film viewer(s) “X-ray In Use” light Power: Dedicated isolated power panel (3) isolated power modules with: (3) 120V duplex receptacles (red in color) and (4) 125V Hubbellock #2300hg receptacles (2) isolated power modules with: (1) 120V duplex receptacles (red in color) and (1) 125V Hubbellock #2300hg receptacles (1) 120V duplex GFCI outlet for O.R. Computer and UPS unit to critical emergency power Provision for O.R. Sound system X-ray receptacle and GFI circuit breaker disconnect on critical emergency power (1) 120V GFCI outlet on normal power near door for housekeeping Section 2 46 Revised – 2/24/06 All receptacles served via isolated power panel shall be red in color Surgical Column: with (4) 120V duplex receptacles (red in color), (4) 125V Hubbellock #2300hg receptacles and (2) data/voice outlets Communications: Main communications junction box located near door (all low voltage communication conduits shall enter this box from corridor prior to going to device within room) Wall phone outlet Data/voice outlet for computer ‘LAN’ broadband outlet Master clock system clock Digital elapsed time clock (if applicable) Fire alarm system smoke detector Nurse call system code blue Nurse call system dome light (corridor side of door) Tie into nurse call system code blue “light bar” system (if applicable) Nurse call environmental services call button Provisions for O.R. sound system Notes: Verify surgical column manufacturer and necessary provisions with CCF Device quantities and locations shall be verified with CCF PATIENT ROOMS: Flooring: See Interior forbase Details Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 6" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board at the headwall. 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 4'-0" x 8'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 ga. stainless steel frame, welded construction Hospital push-pull latch, 1500 series by Tirmco. Finish to be US 26 D 2 pairs of ball bearing (4-1/2" x 4-1/2" BB-1263 swing clear US-15 steel door hinges). Overhead door stop 906S, US-32D Door gaskets, PS-074 Stainless steel door edge guards Door wall bumper Section 2 47 Revised – 2/24/06 Casework: Patient Head Wall, custom wood veneer casework with laminate countertop at Medical Headwall, including sliding doors to conceal Medical gases and electrical. Nurse charting area (outside the Patient Room) Custom wood veneer casework with laminated countertop. Casework includes Base Cabinet for C.P.U. storage and Overhead Cabinetry with doors and slots for form storage. Custom wood veneer Wardrobe Cabinet. Accessories: Bed locator, cornerguards, door frame protectors, cubical curtains, sheers, draperies and valance Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain. Ceiling mounted I.V. track Blood pressure cuffs Sharps container Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: Medical Gases: (1) Oxygen, (1) Air, (2) Vacuum (2) slide brackets. Use quickconnect type outlets/inlets. Coordinate requirements on a per project basis. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Grille: Eggcrate (standard); Linear bar (high profile) Where possible patient room shall be independently zoned with space adjustable thermostats. Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, multi-level switching from bed location and 50% lighting on critical emergency power 2x4 recessed light fixture or downlights on normal power at entry hall Task lighting (undercabinet, downlight) with local switch control on normal power Recessed wall mounted night lights on normal power controlled by switch at door Cove lighting (head wall and foot wall) Patient lighting: Wall sconces (either side of bed) on normal power, Controlled via wall switch at door and nurse call system pillow speaker Power: 120V duplex outlets on critical emergency power (minimum 4 at bed location) 120V duplex outlets on normal power (minimum 4 at bed location) 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for convenience and housekeeping (1) Outlet for powered bed on dedicated normal power circuit at bed location (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for television 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for housekeeping Section 2 48 Revised – 2/24/06 Communications: Data/voice outlet (1 at bed location) Television broadband outlet (television shall be controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker) Data outlet for “Web TV” (locate adjacent to television broadband outlet) Monitor system outlet Nurse call system single patient station with pillow speaker Nurse call system code blue (if applicable) Nurse call system pillow speaker Nurse call system locator receiver Nurse call system dome light (corridor side of door) Nurse call system bed interface unit Fire alarm system smoke detector and magnetic door holding devices Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect PATIENT ROOM: TOILET ROOMS: Flooring: See Finishes Details 12" xInterior 12" Porcelain floor for tile and porcelain tile base 2" x 2" Ceramic tile with Porcelain tile base at showers Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = 12" x 12" Porcelain wall tile 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White". Painted gypsum board soffit at shower and above vanity 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 8'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 ga. stainless steel frame, welded construction Lever handles mortise lockset, privacy function by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US 26 D 1 set double acting pivots, EP 5J, US 26D door hinges Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: Section 2 Solid-surface "Corian" countertop with integral sink and plastic laminate shelving unit built into the wall adjacent to the vanity 49 Revised – 2/24/06 Accessories: Mirror above vanity and grab bars Paper towel dispenser Deck mounted soap dispenser Vinyl coated grab bars at water closet and shower stalls Plumbing: Provide wall hung water closet with bed pan washer, lav with gooseneck faucet and wrist blade handles and shower with built-up shower base by general contractor and drain by pluming contractor. A floor drain is required outside of all shower stalls. All fixtures will be ADA accessible. HVAC: Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: Lighting: Wet location downlight for shower (if applicable) Compact fluorescent down lights Wall mounted up/down light fixture mounted above mirror Local switch control Recessed wall mounted night light controlled by motion sensor on normal power Power: (1) 120V duplex GFCI outlet on normal power Communications: Nurse call system toilet “pull for help” station Fire alarm system visual only device PATIENT SHOWER AREAS: Flooring: Walls: See Interior for Details Ceramic floor Finishes tile with ceramic tile base Concrete filled, waterproof shower floor with ceramic tile finish or precast terrazzo shower base Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" moisture resistant gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Ceramic wall tile 5/8" moisture resistant gypsum board 8'-2-1/4" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Section 2 50 Revised – 2/24/06 Casework: N/A Accessories: Shower curtain and/or door Robe hooks on back of door Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Fold down shower seat Stainless steel grab bars Shampoo and soap dish Towel bars Shower rod and shower spray Plumbing: All Fixtures and accessories will be ADA accessible including shower stalls, shower operator, hose spray and shower seat. Provide a floor drain outside of shower stall. HVAC: Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: Wet location downlight Communications: Nurse call system shower "pull for help" station PHARMACY: INPATIENT Flooring: See Interior for base Details Sheet vinyl withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex semi-gloss paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48' x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 9'-0" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Section 2 51 Revised – 2/24/06 Casework: Prefabricated storage system supplied by owner Accessories: Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Wall mounted fire extinguisher on a wood board Plumbing: Provide 16" x 19" ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles Verify the requirement of purified water with the space user HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Verify the requirement of a hood with the end user Electrical: Lighting – Disp/prep (Office) Area: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 3” deep parabolic lenses, multi-level switching, local light control and 50% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting with local switch control Lighting – Lab Area: 2x4/1x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lenses, multi-level switching, local light control and 50% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting with local switch control Power – Disp/prep (Office) Area: 120V double duplex outlet for each computer (minimum one on critical emergency power), 120V duplex outlet for each fax machine, printer, etc. on dedicated normal power circuit 120V duplex outlets on normal power for convenience and housekeeping 120V duplex outlet for furniture system integral task light (if applicable) Power – Lab Area: 120V duplex outlets on normal power for convenience and housekeeping Provisions for laboratory hoods (normal or critical emergency power as directed by users) 120V outlets on critical emergency power for refrigerators and freezers Power provisions for pneumatic tube station (if applicable) 120V duplex outlet for furniture system integral task light (if applicable) Communications: Data/voice outlet for each computer, fax machine, printer, etc. Wall phone outlet Intercom master station – wall mounted Paging system speakers with local volume control Security system equipment alarm outlet(s) Security system devices at doors Security system cameras Section 2 52 Revised – 2/24/06 PHARMACY: OUTPATIENT Flooring: CarpetInterior with 4-1/2" vinyl base (Patient area) See Finishes for Details Sheet vinyl with 4 1/2" vinyl base (Staff area) Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 9'-0" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: Prefabricated storage system supplied by owner Accessories: Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Wall mounted fire extinguisher on a wood board Plumbing: Provide 16" x 19" ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles Verify the requirement of purified water with the space user. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Verify the required of a hood with the end user Electrical: Lighting – Public Area: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 3” deep parabolic louvers Display lighting – track lighting Section 2 53 Revised – 2/24/06 Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Light control from staff area Lighting – Staff Area: 2x2/2x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lenses Undercabinet task lighting Egress lighting (night lights and exit signs) on life safety emergency power Local lighting control Power: 120V double duplex outlet for each computer (minimum 1 on critical emergency power) 120V duplex outlet on dedicated circuit for each cash register, fax machine, printer, etc. 120V duplex outlets for convenience and housekeeping 120V duplex outlet(s) on critical emergency power for refrigerators/freezers Communications: Data/voice outlet for each computer, cash register, fax machine, printer, etc. Wall phone outlet Security system panic alarm at cash register location(s) Security system equipment alarm outlet(s) Security system devices at entrances to staff location (storage) Security system cameras Security system motion detectors POST PARTUM ROOMS: See Interior for Details Standard Square Footage: 300Finishes sq. ft. Flooring: Linoleum with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 6" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board at the headwall. 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 4'-0" x 8'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 ga. stainless steel frame, welded construction Hospital push-pull latch, 1500 series by Tirmco. Finish to be US 26 D Section 2 54 Revised – 2/24/06 2 pairs of ball bearing (4-1/2" x 4-1/2" BB-1263 swing clear US-15 steel door hinges). Overhead door stop 906S, US-32D Door gaskets, PS-074 Stainless steel door edge guards Door wall bumper Casework: Patient Head Wall, custom wood veneer casework with laminate countertop at Medical Headwall, including sliding doors to conceal Medical gases and electrical. Nurse charting area (outside the Patient Room) Custom wood veneer casework with laminated countertop. Casework includes Base Cabinet for C.P.U. storage and Overhead Cabinetry with doors and slots for form storage. Custom wood veneer Wardrobe Cabinet. Accessories: Bed locator, cornerguards, door frame protectors, cubical curtains, sheers, draperies and valance Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain. Ceiling mounted I.V. track Blood pressure cuffs Sharps container Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: Provide one oxygen outlet, one vacuum inlet and one side brack. All devices to be quick connect type Provide 12" x 12" ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Provide a space adjustable thermostat with exposed adjustment. Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, multi-level switching from bed location and 50% lighting on critical emergency power 2x4 recessed light fixture or downlights on normal power at entry hall Task lighting (undercabinet, downlight) with local switch control on normal power Recessed wall mounted night lights on normal power controlled by switch at door Cove lighting (head wall and foot wall) Patient lighting: Wall sconces (either side of bed) on normal power, Controlled via wall switch at door and nurse call system pillow speaker Section 2 55 Revised – 2/24/06 Power: 120V duplex outlets on critical emergency power (minimum 2 at bed location) 120V duplex outlets on normal power (minimum 4 at bed location) 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for convenience and housekeeping (1) Outlet for powered bed on dedicated normal power circuit at bed location (if applicable) (2) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for television 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for housekeeping Communications: Data/voice outlet (1 at bed location) Television broadband outlet (television shall be controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker) Data outlet for “Web TV” (locate adjacent to television broadband outlet) Monitor system outlet Nurse call system single patient station with pillow speaker Nurse call system pillow speaker Nurse call system locator receiver Nurse call system dome light (corridor side of door) Nurse call system bed interface unit Fire alarm system smoke detector and magnetic door holding devices Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect PROCEDURE ROOMS: INVASIVE Flooring: See Finishes forbase Details SheetInterior vinyl with 4" integral Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Field applied catalyzed epoxy paint by Tnemec 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 gauge cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Section 2 56 Revised – 2/24/06 Door silencers Casework: Custom plastic laminate millwork. Coordinate with end user. Accessories: Cubical curtains and mini-blinds Paper towel dispenser Soap dispenser Sharps container Surface mounted chart-holder outside room door Signage system with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Instrument racks/holders as required Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain Plumbing: Provide oxygen, medical vacuum, medical air, nitrous oxide, anesthesia waste evacuation and nitrogen in the quantity dictated by the space users but no less in quantity than AIA Guidelines dictate for operating rooms. Provide separate medical gas and vacuum shut-off valves for each procedure room; locate in the corridor. Verify all above information with the space users on a per project basis. HVAC: Temperature: 64 degrees F to 75 degrees F drybulb. Space Relative Humidity: 45% to 55%. Air Change Rate: 25 AC/HR with 5 AC/HR outside air (recirculation systems) 20 AC/HR for 100% outdoor air systems. Equipment loads may dictate a higher air change rate. Room Pressurization: Positive with respect to all adjacent areas. Supply Air: 24 inch x 24 inch or 48 inch x 24 inch laminar flow HEPA (99.97% efficiency) filtered ceiling supply diffusers located above the patient table. Return Air: Ducted to central system with return grilles located 12 inches above the finished floor. Minimum of two grilles per room located on opposite sides along the perimeter of the room. Each room will be zoned separately of all other areas and have a space adjustable thermostat and humidistat with exposed adjustment. A ddc controller will control the pneumatic terminal unit and the total air quantity shall be indicated at the central FMS. Electrical: See electrical requirements for Operating Room PROCEDURE ROOMS: NON-INVASIVE Flooring: See Finishes forbase Details Sheet Interior vinyl with 4" integral Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Section 2 57 Revised – 2/24/06 See Interior Finishes for Details Finish: Field applied catalyzed epoxy paint by Tnemec Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White". 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" 16 gauge cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: Custom plastic laminate millwork. Coordinate with end user. Accessories: Cubical curtains and mini-blinds Paper towel dispenser Soap dispenser Sharps container Surface mounted chart-holder outside room door Signage system with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Instrument racks/holders as required Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain Plumbing: Provide 16 inch X 19 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wrist blade handles. HVAC: Diffusers: Plaque Type Grilles: Eggcrate Provide space adjustable thermostat with exposed adjustment. Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays, multi-level switching and 100% lighting on critical emergency power Undercabinet task lighting Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on dedicated critical emergency power circuit, 120V duplex outlets on normal power and (1) 120V double duplex outlet for computer (if applicable) Communications: Data/voice outlet for computer (if applicable) Wall phone outlet Intercom master station – wall mounted Section 2 58 Revised – 2/24/06 Nurse call single patient station Nurse call staff assist Nurse call pillow speaker Nurse call dome light (corridor side of door) Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect RADIOLOGY ROOMS (GENERAL): Flooring: Walls: See Interior forbase Details Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl Anti-static sheet vinyl with 4-1/2" vinyl base (if required) Type: 18 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with lead-line on one side and 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White". Provide structural steel above the ceiling to support equipment. 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Lead-lined solid core wood veneer door, 4'-0" x 8'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. lead-lined cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction painted. Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Lockset to be modified with leadlined protection. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Overhead door stop Door gasketing Door wall bumper Casework: Plastic laminate sink base cabinet with stainless steel handwashing sink Plastic laminate base cabinet with storage and one adjustable shelf Plastic laminate base cabinet with doors to enclose a laundry hamper Plastic laminate vertical storage cabinet, 36" wide, 84" high and 20" deep with 4 adjustable shelves and two doors Accessories: Door frame protectors All radiology equipment as required by owner Ceiling mounted I.V. track or portable I.V. pole Cubical curtain and track at technician's entry door for privacy Wall mounted hooks for lead aprons Section 2 59 Revised – 2/24/06 Foot stools Code blue nurse-call rough-in Plumbing: Provide one oxygen, one suction and one slide bracket. Provide temperature mixing valve where required and acid resistant floor drain and trap. Verify requirement with equipment provider. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate Provide equipment exhaust with blast gate, if required. Verify requirement with equipment provider. Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lens Downlights controlled via dimmer Film viewer(s) (if applicable) Power: Exact equipment requirements shall be verified on a per job basis with System Vendor 120V duplex outlets for housekeeping 120V double duplex outlet for each computer (if applicable) 120V duplex outlet on dedicated circuit for printer (if applicable) Communications: Data/voice outlet for each computer, printer (if applicable) Wall phone outlet Nurse call system staff assist station Nurse call system staff station RAMPS: PUBLIC Flooring: See Interiorsheet Finishes for Details Slip resistant vinyl with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Section 2 Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" (min). 60 Revised – 2/24/06 Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: N/A Accessories: Handrail and crashrail Wall Protection System Hardwood handrail and crashrail Plumbing: N/A HVAC: N/A Electrical: N/A RAMPS: RECEIVING Flooring: See Interior forsealer, Details Concrete with Finishes hardener and 6" vinyl base Walls: Type: Concrete block or 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex semi-gloss paint and high impact wallcovering All gypsum board walls to be protected with a "high-impact" wallcovering Exposed structure N/A Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: N/A Accessories: Crashrails (high and low) Steel railing Plumbing: N/A HVAC: N/A Electrical: N/A Section 2 61 Revised – 2/24/06 RAMPS: SERVICE Flooring: Walls: See Interiorsheet Finishes for Details Slip resistant vinyl with 4-1/2" vinyl base Type: Concrete block or 3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" type-x gypsum board on each side, from floor to bottom of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with semi-rigid acoustical batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint and high impact wallcovering 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick, standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong. 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" (min.) Door/Hardware: N/A Casework: N/A Accessories: Handrail and crashrails Wall Protection System Hardwood handrail and crashrail Plumbing: N/A HVAC: N/A Electrical: N/A SOILED UTILITY ROOM: Flooring: See Finishes forbase Details SheetInterior vinyl with 4" integral Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Section 2 Latex semi-gloss paint and high impact wallcovering 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 5/8" gypsum board drop soffit above wall cabinets 62 Revised – 2/24/06 Ceiling Ht. = 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D. 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Overhead door stop Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: Custom plastic laminate millwork Accessories: Door frame protectors and S.S. kickplates Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door. Plumbing: Provide 16 inch x 19 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wrist blade handles. Provide clinic sink with accessories. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque Type Grille: Eggcrate or Fixed Blade Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lenses (100% critical emergency power for in-patient areas) Local lighting control Undercabinet task lighting with local switch control Power: 120V duplex outlet(s) on normal power for convenience and housekeeping Communications: Wall phone outlet Nurse call duty station Nurse call locator receiver Intercom system master station – wall mounted (if applicable) Fire alarm system smoke detector and door hold open device STAFF LOUNGE: Flooring: See Finishes for Details VCT Interior with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Section 2 Latex eggshell paint 63 Revised – 2/24/06 Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = See Finishes 24" xInterior 24" x 5/8" or 24" xfor 48"Details x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: 36" high x 25" deep plastic laminate countertop 36" wide x 24" deep plastic laminate sink base cabinet 30" wide x 24" deep plastic laminate 4-drawer base cabinet 30" wide x 24" deep plastic laminate 2-door storage base cabinet 32" high x 14" deep x 8'-0" long plastic laminate upper wall cabinet. Accessories: Full size refrigerator Lockers Battery operated wall clock Marker board/bulletin board with trays Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Plumbing: Provide 16 inch x 19 inch ID stainless steel sink with kitchen type faucet and lever handles. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Eggcrate Provide dedicated zone control. Provide exhaust in staff lounges with microwave ovens present. Keep the space under a negative pressure with respect to surrounding areas. Electrical: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixtures with prismatic acrylic lens and local lighting control Undercabinet task lighting Power: 120V duplex outlet(s) for convenience and housekeeping Outlets as required for appliances (refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, etc.) 120V duplex outlet for television Section 2 64 Revised – 2/24/06 Communications: Television broadband outlet Wall phone outlet Nurse call duty station Master clock system clock Paging system speaker with local wall mounted volume control STEPDOWN UNITS Flooring: Walls: See Interior forbase Details Linoleum withFinishes 4-1/2" vinyl Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. 8'-0" high, Aluminum and glass Telescoping partition Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Overhead door stop Door wall bumper Door silencers Aluminum and glass sliding doors, 8'-0" high. Overhead track and hardware included Casework: 32" sink base cabinet 12" x 12" x 7-1/2" deep stainless steel sink with an integral stainless steel 22" deep countertop 32" wide x 14" deep plastic laminate wall cabinets Accessories: Cubical curtains, mini-blinds and cornerguards Power column with medical gases Blood pressure cuff Sharps container Wire baskets for supplies Television mounting bracket (ceiling mount) Section 2 65 Revised – 2/24/06 Ceiling mounted track with privacy curtain Ceiling mounted I.V. track Surface mounted paper towel dispenser Surface mounted soap dispenser Plumbing: 12 inch x 12 inch ID stainless steel sink with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: General Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with 1-1/2” deep, 105 cell louvers and matte white overlays Multi-level switched from head of bed 50% lighting on critical emergency power Downlights around perimeter of bed controlled via (2) dimmers at visitor location (1 dimmer foot of bed fixture(s); 1 dimmer visitor location fixture(s)) Recessed wall mounted night light fixture mounted near head of bed controlled via switch near head of bed. Patient Lighting: Patient/Bed fixture at head of bed Wall mounted or bedside/desk lamp type Controlled via Nurse Call System pillow speaker Power: (1) 120V Double duplex outlet on normal power (1) 120V Double duplex outlet on critical emergency power (1) 120V Duplex outlet on critical emergency power (1) 120V Duplex outlet on normal power (1) 120V Duplex outlet on critical emergency power for monitor (1) 120V Duplex outlet for television (1) 125V Hubbellock #2300HG receptacles Communications: (2) Data/Voice outlets (1 at head of bed, 1 at visitors location) Nurse Call System Single Patient Station with pillow speaker Nurse Call System Bed Interface Unit Nurse Call System Staff Assist Station Nurse Call System Dome Light Monitor System outlet Television Broadband outlet (television shall be controlled via nurse call system pillow speaker) Data outlet for “Web TV”(locate adjacent to television broadband outlet) Notes: Verify if manufactured headwall system is applicable with the architect Section 2 66 Revised – 2/24/06 STORAGE ROOMS: Flooring: See Finishes for Details VCT Interior with 4-1/2" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: N/A Accessories: Crashrails Metal shelving/Storage System supplied by the Owner High impact wallcovering Plumbing: N/A HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Eggcrate Electrical: Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with prismatic acrylic lens and local lighting control Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet for convenience and housekeeping TOILET ROOMS: PUBLIC – HIGH PROFILE (1st FLOOR LOBBIES) Flooring: See Finishes Details 12" xInterior 12" Porcelain floor for tile with 6" high Porcelain tile base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully Section 2 67 Revised – 2/24/06 See Interior Finishes for Details insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = 12" x 12" Stone or Synthetic Stone wall tile and Latex semi-gloss paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid or 9/16" fine-line (high profile) grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Tubular pulls and push plate – finish to be US26D Push plate automatic door opener by Stanley 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers 12" x 34" stainless steel kickplate. Finish to be US26D Casework: Solid surface material countertops with undermount or integral bowl sink Accessories: Full length mirrors with stainless steel frames Surface mounted paper towel dispensers Deck mounted soap dispensers Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Baby changing table, surface mounted/retractable Sanitary napkin and tampon dispensers (Women's Toilet Rooms) Painted metal or plastic laminated toilet partition system with surface mounted toilet sent cover, toilet paper dispensers, sanitary napkin and tampon disposal and purse shelf (Women's Toilet Rooms) Stainless steel grab bars Plumbing: Provide wall hung autoflush water closet, wall hung or counter mounted lavatory with auto faucet, and auto flush wall mounted urinals. Where multiple fixtures exist provide a floor drain in room. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: Lighting: Cove lighting with fluorescent strips at plumbing wall and above lavatories Compact fluorescent down lights Occupancy sensor lighting control Egress lighting (night lights) on life safety emergency power Section 2 68 Revised – 2/24/06 Power: 120V duplex GFCI outlet for convenience Communications: Fire alarm system visual only device TOILET ROOMS: PUBLIC – LOW PROFILE Flooring: See Finishes VCT Interior with 6" vinyl base for Details Sheet vinyl with 6" vinyl base Walls: Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex semi-gloss paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick, beveled tegular edge panels, "Tundra" by Armstrong 9/16" fine-line grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Tubular pulls and push plate – finish to be US26D Push plate automatic door opener by Stanley 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers 12" x 34" stainless steel kick plat. Finish to be US26D Casework: Solid surface material countertops with undermount or integral bowl sink Accessories: Full length mirrors with stainless steel frames Surface mounted paper towel dispensers Deck mounted soap dispensers Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Sanitary napkin and tampon dispensers (Women's Toilet Rooms) Surface mounted toilet sent cover, toilet paper dispensers, sanitary napkin and tampon disposal (Women's Toilet Rooms) Stainless steel grab bars Plumbing: Section 2 Provide wall hung water closet, wall hung or counter mounted lavatory with deck faucet and lever handles, and auto flush wall mounted urinals. Where multiple fixtures exist provide a floor drain in room. 69 Revised – 2/24/06 HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: Lighting: Cove lighting with fluorescent strips at plumbing wall and above lavatories Compact fluorescent down lights Occupancy sensor lighting control Egress lighting (night lights) on life safety emergency power Power: 120V duplex GFCI outlet for convenience Communications: Fire alarm system visual only device TOILET ROOMS: STAFF Flooring: Walls: See Finishes VCTInterior with 6" vinyl base for Details Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex semi-gloss paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16 " wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: Solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Door wall bumper Door silencers Casework: N/A Accessories: Grab bars in A.D.A. accessible toilet rooms 24" wide x 36" high mirrors with stainless steel frame Surface mounted paper towel dispensers Surface mounted soap dispensers Signage System with A.D.A. Braille mounted outside room door Section 2 70 Revised – 2/24/06 Plumbing: Provide wall hung lavatory with gooseneck faucet and wristblade handles, wall hung water closet. Where multiple fixtures exist provide a floor drain in room. HVAC: Diffuser: Plaque type Grille: Fixed Blade Electrical: Lighting: General lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with prismatic acrylic lens and/or wall mounted above mirror fixture with up/down light combination Local switch control Power: 120V duplex GFCI outlet for convenience Communications: Fire alarm system visual only device TRASH CHUTE ROOM Flooring: Walls: See Finishes for Details VCTInterior and 4-1/2" vinyl base Type: 20 gauge, 3-5/8" metal stud with 5/8" Type-X gypsum board on both sides from top of slab to underside of structure above. Stud cavity to be fully insulated with acoustical semi-rigid batt insulation. Stud bracing above the ceiling to be approximately 48" o.c. Finish: Ceiling: Ceiling Ht. = Latex eggshell paint 24" x 24" x 5/8" or 24" x 48" x 5/8" thick standard square edge panels, "Cortega" by Armstrong 15/16" wide exposed tee, flush grid system. Color to be "Super White" 8'-6" Door/Hardware: 16 ga. hollow metal doors or solid core wood veneer door, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 13/4" thick 16 ga. cold rolled steel door frame. Welded construction, painted Lever handles with cylinder or a mortised lockset, CL 3300 series – NZD/ML 2000 series – NSA by Corbin-Russwin. Finish to be US26D 1-1/2 pair of ball bearing steel door hinges LCN door closer Wall/floor stop by Rockwood Casework: N/A Accessories: N/A Plumbing: Provide chute and room washdown system. HVAC: Exhaust linen chute and main linen chute room to maintain a negative pressure with respect to surrounding areas. Section 2 71 Revised – 2/24/06 Electrical: Section 2 Lighting: 2x4 recessed light fixture with prismatic acrylic lens Power: (1) 120V duplex outlet on normal power for convenience Communications: Fire alarm system smoke detector 72 Revised 2/15/2007 APPENDIX “A” Building Product Selection / Manufacturer Listings Division 1 – 16 DIVISION 1 Division 1 makes reference to administrative requirements, financial information, quality requirements, regulatory requirements, testing service, construction equipment and etc. These items are specific to each individual project and are not directly applicable in defining "Design Standards". DIVISION 2 Division 2 makes reference to excavation, site preparation, utility services, sanitary sewage, power and communication, foundations, drainage, pavement, retaining walls, landscape and etc. These items are specific to each individual project and are not directly applicable in defining "Design Standards". DIVISION 3 Division 3 makes reference to concrete, concrete reinforcement, cast-in-place concrete, concrete finishes, precast concrete, post-tensioned concrete, grout and etc. These items are specific to each individual project and are not directly applicable in defining "Design Standards". DIVISION 4 SECTION 04082 ACCESSORIES MASONRY ANCHORAGE, REINFORCEMENT AND Masonry reinforcement shall be galvanized truss type or galvanized ladder type The steel wire that is used for the reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A82 (tensile strength). Revised 2/15/2007 Masonry anchorage shall be galvanized Corrugated Straps, R-Type, Twist-Type, Wire Type and Bar Type. Zinc coating (galvanized) shall conform to ASTM C641, Class I (0.40 03./sq.Ft. of wire surface). Manufacturer: Dur-O-Wall, Inc., Heckmann Building Products, Inc. and Hohman and Barnard, Inc. SECTION 04200 MASONRY UNITS Concrete block: 4”, 6”, 8” or 12” shall be Type 1, Grade N1. Concrete masonry units shall conform to the following: ASTM C90 (Hollow Loadbearing Block) ASTM C145 (Solid Loadbearing Block) Manufacturer: Koltcz Concrete Block Co., Akron Brick and Block, Inc. and Chas. Svec, Inc. DIVISION 5 SECTION 05515 LADDERS AND RUNGS Steel ladder and rungs shall be cold rolled carbon steel; all welded construction stringers to be 11 gauge, treads to be 13 gauge, landing and foot to be 11 gauge and handrails to be 14 gauge. Conform to the following: ASTM 569 Finish to be hot-dip galvanized per ASTM A123 Manufacturer: Lapeyre Stairs, Inc., O’Keeffe’s Inc. and Precision Ladders, LLC SECTION 05720 RAILING AND HANDRAILS Components for railing assemblies, including handrails, panels, posts and balustrades. Aluminum pipe railing, post and pickets are to be of 6063-T59 Aluminum Alloy, finish to be anodized. Conform to the following: ASTM B209 ASTM B221 ASTM B429 Stainless steel shall be Type 304, 18-8 Charme-Nickel Alloy. Conform to the following: ASTM A269 ASTM A276 ASTM A312 Steel shall be hot rolled carbon steel C1010. Revised 2/15/2007 Conform to the following: ASTM A29 ASTM A500 ASTM A512 Manufacturer: Julius Blum and Co., Inc. J.G. Braun Company, Poma Corporation, TSM Manufacturing, Inc. and R&B Wagner, Inc. SECTION 05586 ARCHITECTURAL METALWORK Metal roofs, screens, column covers, fascia covers, light coves and building panels. Cast-iron post, railings, handrails, guard rails, grilles, custom doors and gates. Cast-aluminum post, railings, handrails, guard rails, pickets and grilles. Steel sheet thickness: 24 ga., 22 ga., 20 ga., 18 ga., 16 ga. and 11 ga. Conform to the following: ASTM A653 Aluminum sheet thickness: .032", .040", .050", .063", .080", .090", .125" and .190". Conform to the following: ASTM B209 Stainless sheet thickness: 22 ga., 20ga., 18ga., 16ga., 14ga., 12 ga. and 11 ga. Conform to the following: ASTM A167 Manufacturer: Copper Sales, Inc., ATAS International, Inc., Metalwëks, Rimex Metals and Robinson Iron. DIVISION 6 SECTION 06412 CABINET AND DRAWER HARDWARE 1 Pulls (wire) No.MC-402-4, Dull Chrome Finish Manufacturer: EPCO 2 Hinge (125) No.77M 5580, Nickel Finish Manufacturer: Julius Blum, Inc. 3 Slide (Full Extension) No.3832, Zinc Finish Slide (Flipper Door) No.115, Zinc Finish Slide (Pocket Door) No.123, Zinc Finish Slide (Pencil) No.2006, Zinc Finish Slide (Files) No.4034, Zinc Finish Manufacturer: Accuride 4 Door Bumper No.SJ5312, Clear Finish Manufacturer: Julius Blum, Inc. 5 Shelf Support No.340040, White Finish Manufacturer: Julius Blum, Inc. 6 Grommet No. EDP Black Finish Manufacturer: Doug Mockett & Company 7 Closet Rod No.770-1; Chrome Finish Flange (Closed) No.734; Chrome Finish Flange (Open) No.735; Chrome Finish Rod Support No.1194; White Finish Standards No.87-48"; Anochrome FinishBrackets No.187-12"; Anochrome FinishClips No.211; Anochrome FinishStandards No.87-66"; Anochrome FinishSpring Loaded Hinge; No.346 Nickel FinishManufacturer: Knape & Vogt SECTION 06424 LAMINATES Plastic, wood or metallic veneers applied to a stable Fire Rated backing material. Backing material shall be MDF board or 45 lb. Density particle board. Plastic laminate thickness: .050" horizontal surfaces .032" vertical surfaces Revised 2/15/2007 Wood Veneer Thickness: .022" to .030" horizontal or vertical surfaces Metallic Veneer Thickness: .039" horizontal or vertical surfaces Conform to the following:ASTM E-84UL 723Class I/A = Flame spread < 25 Smoke < 450 Manufacturers: Plastics Laminate: Formica, Wilsonart and Nevamar Wood Veneers: Weyerhaeuser, Eggers Industries and Indiana Architecture Products Metallic Veneer: Metal Moulding, Inc. SECTION 06650 SOLID POLYMER FABRICATION Toilet room countertops, shower bases and patient room countertops A homogenous thermoset polymer compound, comprised of polyester and acrylic components filled with aluminum trihydrate. All surfaces are nonporous. Conform to the following: ASTM D-638 (strength and elongation) ASTM D-790 (flexural strength) ASTM D-696 (thermal expansion) ASTM E-84/class I and Class A (flammability) Fire Data: Flame spread < 25Smoke <30 Manufacturers: Avonite, Dupont Co., Formica, Swan Corp., Transolid, Inc. and Wilsonart DIVISION 7 SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSULATION 1. Thermal Batts are flexible, fiber glass insulation, made in R-values from 11 to 38. Batts are available plain or faced in kraft or foil. Thickness: 3 1/2" to 12" Conform to the following: 2. ASTM C518 ASTM E84 ASTM E96 Sound Attenuation Batts are lightweight, fiber glass insulation. Thickness: 2 1/2" and 3 1/2" Conform to the following: ASTM C665/Type I Revised 2/15/2007 ASTM E136 ASTM E84 3. Rigid and Semi-rigid fiber glass board-like product, made in R-values from 4.3 to 17.4. Available plain or FRK (foil-reinforced-kraft). Thickness: 1" to 4" Conform to the following: ASTM C518 ASTM C423 ASTM E84 Manufacturer: Owens Corning, United States Gypsum and Certainteed SECTION 07415 WALL PANELS Laminated aluminum face panel with a various center core material Core material can be Polystyrene, Polyisocyanurate, 1/8” tempered hardboard, 4mmcorrugated HDPE, Phenolic Resin and a thermoplastic resin Aluminum laminated exterior and interior skin thickness can be “.010”, .020”, .024”,.032”, 063” and .125”Panel thickness can be 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm up to 4” (max.) Architectural stone panels cut to various thickness.Stone panel thickness can be 5/16”, 7/16”, 9/16” and 15/16” Conform to the following: ASTM E283-91 (air leakage) ASTM E331-86 (water penetration) ASTM E330-90 (structural performance) Manufacturer: “Alpholic” by Mitsubishi Chemical, Alusuisse Composites, Inc., Citadel Architectural Products, Stone Panels, Inc. and United Panel SECTION 07510 ROOFING Roofing shall be either built-up or modified-bitumen. General specifications, unrelated to the specific materials shall remain the same for each process, ie quality assurance, pre-roofing conference, related work, job conditions,etc. Single-ply roofing shall only be installed if approved by CCFFacilities Engineering, as an exception. Additional detailed specifications are as follows: Built-up Roofing PART 1.00 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Work of this Section, as shown or specified, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents 1.02 WORK INCLUDED A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to Revised 2/15/2007 complete the built-up roofing as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including but not limited to, the following: 1 2 3 4 5 Built-up roof membrane. Vapor barrier. Roof insulation. Bituminous flashing. Accessories. 1.03 RELATED WORK A. Cast-in-place concrete - Section 03300 B. Metal decking - Section 05300 C. Wood blocking - Section 06200 D. Flashing and sheet metal - Section 07600 E. Roof drains - Division 15 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Obtain primary built-up roofing products, including roofing sheets (felts), bitumen, composition flashings, and vapor barrier from a single manufacturer. Provide secondary materials as recommended by manufacturer of primary materials. B. Installer Qualifications: A firm with not less than ten (10) years of successful experience in installation of roofing systems similar to those required for this project and which is acceptable to or licensed by manufacturer of primary roofing materials. 1. Obtain written certification from manufacturer of roofing stating that installer is an approved applicator of roofing system. C. Pre-Roofing Conference: Prior to installation of roofing and associated work, meet at project site, or other mutually agreed location, with Installer, roofing manufacturer, installers of related work, Contractor and other entities concerned with roofing performance, including the Architect and Owner. Record discussions and agreements and furnish copy to each participant. Provide at least seventy-two (72) hours advance notice to participants prior to convening preroofing conference. Review methods and procedures related to roofing work, including but not limited to the following: 1 Tour representative areas of roofing substrates (decks), inspect and discuss condition of substrate, roof drains, curbs, penetrations and other preparatory work performed by other trades. 2 Review roofing system requirements (drawings, specifications and other Contract Documents.) 3 Review required submittals, both completed and yet to be completed. 4 Review and finalize construction schedule related to roofing work and verify availability of materials, installer's personnel, equipment and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. 5 Review required inspection, testing, certifying and material usage accounting procedures. 6 Review weather and forecasted weather conditions, and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions, including possibility of temporary roofing (if not a mandatory requirement). Revised 2/15/2007 D. UL Listing: Provide labeled materials which have been tested and listed by UL in"Building materials Directory" for application indicated, with "Class A" ratedmaterials/system for roof slopes shown. 1. Provide roof covering materials bearing Classification Marking (UL) on bundle, package or container indicating that materials have been produced under UL's Classification and follow-up Service. E. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide insulation materials which are identical to those whose fire performance characteristics, as listed for each material or assembly of which insulation is a part, have been determined by testing, per methods indicated below, by UL or other testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: 1 2 3 Surface Burning Characteristics: ASTM E 84. Fire Resistance Rating: ASTM E 119. Combustibility Characteristics: ASTM E 136. F. FM Listing: Provide built-up roofing system and component materials which have been evaluated by Factory Mutual System for fire spread, wind-uplift Class 90, and hail damage and are listed in "Factory Mutual Approval Guide" for Class I construction. 1. Provide roof covering materials bearing FM approval marking on bundle, package or container, indicating that material has been subjected to FM's examination and follow-up inspection service. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, installation instructions and recommendations for each type of roofing product required. Include data substantiating that materials comply with requirements. 1. For asphalt bitumen, provide label on each container or certification with each load of bulk bitumen, indicating flash point (FP), finished blowing temperature (FBT), softening point (SP) and equiviscous temperature (EVT). B. Pre-Roofing Conference: Submit copies of pre-roofing conference records. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Weather Condition Limitations: Proceed with roofing work only when existing and forecasted weather conditions will permit work to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and warranty requirements. 1.07 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Store and handle roofing sheets in a manner which will ensure that there is no possibility of significant moisture pick-up. B. Store in a dry, well ventilated, weather-tight place. Unless protected from weather or other moisture sources, do not leave unused felts on the roof overnight or when roofing work is not in progress. Store rolls of felt and other sheet materials on end on pallets or other raised Revised 2/15/2007 surface. Handle and store materials or equipment in a manner to avoid significant or permanent deflection of deck. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Special Project Warranty: Provide written warranty, signed by Manufacturer of primary roofing materials and his authorized Installer, agreeing to replace/repair defective materials and workmanship as required to maintain roofing system in watertight condition. 1 Warranty period for manufacturer is Twenty (20) years after date of Substantial Completion; no dollar limit. 2 Warranty period for installer is Two (2) years after date of Substantial Completion; no dollar limit. PART 2.00 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ROOFING SYSTEM A. Built-up roofing system shall be a four (4) ply, fiberglass felt, asphalt system, having an aggregate finish equal to Johns Manville Spec. No. 4 GIG or GAF Spec No. 1-0-G or approved equal. B. Vapor Barrier: Three ply laminate consisting of two layers of high density polyethylene and a high strength cord grid equal to "Griffolyn Type 65" manufactured by Reef Industries or approved equal. C. Primer: Asphalt cut-back primer, complying with ASTM D 41. D. Bitumen: Roofing asphalt complying with ASTM D 312, type as recommended byroofing manufacturer. E. Felts: Four (4) plies of asphalt impregnated glass fiber mat, complying with ASTM D 2178, Type IV. F. Aggregate Finish: Gravel conforming to ASTM D 1863. 2.02 ROOF INSULATION A. Polyisocyanurate Board Roof Insulation: Rigid, flat and tapered (1/4" per foot), cellular thermal insulation with polyisocyanurate closed-cell foam core and manufacturer's standard facing laminated to both sides; complying with FS HH-I-1972/2, Class 1, aged R-values as designated at mean temperatures indicated, after conditioning per RIC/TIMA Bulletin #281-1; and as follows: 1 2 Surface Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame spread of 25. Thermal Resistivity: 14.4 at 75 deg. F. for two (2) inches thick insulation board. B. Acceptable Product/Manufacturer: "Energy 2" as manufactured by N.R.G. Barriers Inc., or equal made by Manville or GAF. 1. Roof membrane manufacturer must approve insulation in writing. Revised 2/15/2007 C. Cover insulation with 3/4" thick Perlite board equip to "Fesco" made by Manville or approved equal. 2.03 BITUMINOUS BASE FLASHING A. Provide bituminous base flashing system as determined by edge details and that isacceptable to built-up roofing manufacturer. 2.04 CANT STRIPS A. Provide cant strips formed of rigid insulation matching roof insulation or molded asphalt or coal tar impregnated organic fiber insulation material, 45º cant, unless otherwise indicated. 2.05 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Lead flashing sheet of 4 lb. Flashing lead for pipe flashing of common desilverized pig lead. B. F.M. approved mechanical fasteners for attaching insulation to structural deck. C. Walkway Pads: 32" x 32" x 3/8" thick preformed, skid resistant boards, consisting of modified asphalt, reinforcements, and fillers with a ceramic granular surface on both sides equip to "Dynatred Plus" by Johns Manville. PART 3.00 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine the areas and conditions where built-up roofing is to be installed for compliance with requirements. Report conditions detrimental to built-up roofing work. Proceed after unsatisfactory conditions are corrected to permit proper installation of the work. B. Clean substrate of dust, debris, and other substances detrimental to built-up roofing work. Remove sharp projections. 3.02 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Install built-up roofing in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations andrequirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Substrate shall be clean, smooth and dry, free of projections which might puncture the felts. C. Insure that all drains, curbs, blocking and roof penetrating components are in place before and roofing work starts. See that all roof drains are set 1" below the normal finish roof level to insure that additional flashing around the drains will not be built-up above the normal roof level and prevent proper drainage. D. Provide a visible thermometer and thermostatic controls on all kettles. Discard anybitumen not heated in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. E. Provide a tarpaulin covering the wall below the bucket hoist to prevent staining of the wall with spilled bitumen. Revised 2/15/2007 F. Provide protection of coping, cant strips and other building components adjacent to the roof deck unloading area. G. Assure good adhesion between substrate and members when temperature drops below 40º F. provide the following precautions: 1 2 3 4 5 No overheating of bitumen to compensate for rapid chilling is permitted. Insulate buckets to carry hot bitumen. Manual mopping no farther than 5 ft. in front of the felt rolls, and immediate unrolling of felts. Immediate application of top pour and aggregate, before stored heat in the membrane dissipates. Below 32º F., store felts in a warm enclosure or pre-heat felts before application H. Install flashing, including counter flashing, as roof application progresses. If delay isunavoidable, trowel the top of the flashing with flashing cement close to the joint toprevent water from entering behind the flashing until the counter flashing is in place. I. Start roofing application at far points of the deck and work toward area where base materials are fastened to the roof deck (to minimize traffic over newly applied roofing). J. Weigh down all membrane edges left incomplete before splicing with other sections of membrane. K. Provide enveloping of perimeter felts to prevent bitumen drippage. L. Prohibit phased application in which saturated felts are left exposed overnight or longer before top plies and topcoat are applied. Place aggregate surface on same day as felts. M. Inspect roof drains for obstructions and debris after the roofing work is completed. 3.03 INSULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER A. Fasten vapor barrier to deck. Tape punctures through membrane as recommended by manufacturer. B. Extend insulation and Perlite board full thickness over entire surface to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions, and fill voids with insulation and mastic. C. Apply a double layer of insulation of the required thickness, to make up the totalthickness. Stagger joints between layers as recommended by the manufacturer. D. Set first layer of insulation using mechanical fasteners spaced 2'-0" both directions inaccordance F.M. requirements. Apply second layer of insulation and Perlite board insteep asphalt. E. Do not advance the laying of insulation ahead of roofing more than necessary for sequence of operations. Cover insulation exposed at end of each day's work (and when rain threatens) with waterproofing materials. Do not permit insulation to become wet. Remove and dispose of insulation which has become wet; replace before proceeding with roofing work. F. Lay with edges in moderate contact but do not force into place. G. Stagger end joints; or tape joints where recommended by the manufacturer. Revised 2/15/2007 H. Install temporary water cut-offs at completion of each day's work and remove uponresumption of work. 3.04 MODIFIED BITUMEN A. Do not apply hot bitumen under any condition that would cause foaming. Test substrate for excessive moisture by pouring one pit of steep asphalt at 400º F on the deck, at the start of each day's work, and at the start of each roof area or place. Substrate is too wet if test sample foams or can be easily (cleanly) stripped after cooling. B. Bitumen Heating: Do not raise the temperature above the min. normal fluid-holding temperature more than one hour prior to time of application. Discard bitumen which has been held at an elevated temperature (as required for application) for a period exceeding 3 hrs. do not heat bitumen above the temperature required to ensure that the application viscosity results in adequate mopping weight and maximum adhesion to substrates. Determine the flash point of the bitumen, either by information from the bitumen producer or by suitable tests, and determine the maximum fire-safe handling temperature, and do not exceed that temperature in heating bitumen; but in no case heat bitumen to t temperature higher than 25º F below the flash point. C. Shingling of Plies: Lay plied bituminous membranes over insulation and Perlite board with felts shingled uniformly to achieve the required four (4) plies in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Prior to graveling, set walkway pads in hot asphalt around mechanical equipment and as shown on drawings. E. Aggregate surface as specified herein shall be applied at the rate of 400 lbs./sq. set in hot asphalt. F. Set on Accessories: Where small roof accessories are set on built-up roofing membrane, set metal flanges in a bed of roofing cement, and seal penetration of membrane with bead of roofing cement to prevent flow of bitumen from membrane. 3.05 COMPOSITION FLASHING AND STRIPPING A. Provide composition flashing at cant strips and other sloping and vertical surfaces, and at roof edges, and at penetrations through roof. Nail or provide other forms of mechanical anchorage of composition flashing to vertical surfaces, as recommended by manufacturer of primary roofing materials. Except where concealed by elastic flashing, apply a heavy coat of roofing cement over composition flashing. 3.06 ROOF DRAINS A. Fill clamping ring base with a heavy coating of roofing cement. Extend built-up roofing membrane into clamping ring or, where not feasible, provide two (2) plies of reinforced flashing mopped with Type III asphalt and extended into clamping ring. B. Extend flashings onto built-up roofing six (6) inches and ten (10) inches, respectively. Before placing clamping ring, set two (2) plys of glass fiber fabric in roofing cement and coat with roofing cement. Extend each fabric into clamping ring, and for distances of fourteen (14) inches and sixteen (16) inches, respectively. 3.07 CLEANING UP Revised 2/15/2007 A. Take special care to prevent splashing bitumen onto adjacent surfaces and immediately remove all traces of such splashed and/or spilled material. MODIFIED - BITUMEN ROOFING Scope: 1 Mechanically attach 2-layers of R-10 isocyanurate insulation (and saddles if required) 2 Mechanically fasten 1-ply of Soprema (or equal) soprafix base sheet and seal the seams. 3 Torch apply 1-ply of Soprema (or equal) granulated FR torch applied cap sheet. 4 Install a 2-ply modified flashing system. 5 20-year manufacture warranty. 6 2' x 2' x 2' concrete walkway pavers. *Must verity if decks are flat or have structural slope. Need to review sheet metal requirements. SECTION 07840 FIRESTOPPING Materials and products to prevent the spread of fire through openings in floors and walls. This also occurs with other building components (H.V.A.C., Plumbing and Electrical) penetrating through a fire wall or fire floor. Firestopping material must meet and conform to the following: ASTM E 814 UL-1479ASTM E 119 UL-723ASTM E 1966 UL-2079ASTM E 84 Manufacturer: SpecSeal/Firestop Products Note: Please reference this section to the Fire Safety Standards, "Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Fire Protection Design Standards." SECTION 07915 SEALANTS, CAULKING AND SEALS Tapes, gaskets, joint fillers and all other materials incorporated to make a watertight and an airtight seals between materials. All sealants to comply with ASTM C-719 and ASTM C-920 Manufacturer: Dow Corning, G.E. Silicones, Pecora Corp. and Tremco, Inc. DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND HOLLOW METAL FRAMES A. Hollow Metal Doors Exterior Doors: Face sheets shall be 14 ga. hot dipped zinc coated steel. Conform with ASTM A525 A60. Door cores to be completely filled with a rigid polyurethane core. Insulation value of R=10. Interior Doors: Face sheets shall be 16 ga. cold rolled steel. Conform with ASTM A366 or 620. Revised 2/15/2007 B. Hollow Metal Frames Exterior Frames: Frame shall be 14 ga. hot dipped zinc coated steel. Weld all face seams, grind smooth and zinc prime. Conform with ASTM A525 A60. Interior Frames: Frame shall be 16 ga. hot dipped zinc coasted steel. Weld all face seams, grind smooth and prime. Conform with ASTM A 526 A60. Stainless Steel Door Frames shall be 16 ga. and all welded construction. Lead-lined Metal Door Frames shall be 16 ga. and welded construction. All Doors and Frames shall comply with current National Fire Protection Standards, NFPA-80. All "Label" Doors and Frames shall bear a stamp or label from "Underwriters Laboratory." Manufacturers: Ceco, Amweld and Republic SECTION 08200 SOLID CORE WOOD DOOR The solid core material to be used shall be a structural composite Lumber Core which is an engineered hardwood composite, also referred to as LSL (Laminated Strand Lumber). Thickness: 1 3/4" Conform to the following: NFPA-80 (fire doors) UL 10B (neutral pressure) and UL 10C (positive pressure) ASTM E90-90 (airborne sound) Manufacturers: Eggers Industries, Weyerhaeuser and Buell Door Co. SECTION 08310 METAL ACCESS DOORS Drywall Access Doors: 16 ga. cold rolled steel frame and 14 ga. cold rolled steel door Insulated Fire Rated Access Doors: 16 ga. steel frame; 1" wide20 ga. steel pan type door with 2" thick fire rated insulationManufacturers: J.L. Industries, Inc., Larsen's Mfg. Co. and Milcor SECTION 08460 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Revised 2/15/2007 Automatic anodized aluminum sliding door system, shall be complete with operators and sensors. Concealed prestressed torsion bars allows emergency breakout egress and then selfclose after breakout. Door thickness: 1 3/4" (with 1" insulated tempered glass) Automatic Entrance Door system shall comply with ANAI A156.10, U.L. and C.S.A. listed. Manufacturers: Stanley "Magic-Door" or equal, only if evaluated and approved by Facilities Engineering SECTION 08710 DOOR HARDWARE 1. Butts and Hinges: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., McKinney Products Co. and Stanley Hardware, Div. Stanley Works 2. Pivots: Manufacturers: Glynn-Johnson Corp., Hager Hinge Co., LCN, Div. Ingersoll-Rand Door Hardware Group and Rixson-Firemark, Div. Yale Security, Inc. 3. Key Control System: Manufacturers: Lund Equipment Co. and Telkee, Inc. 2 Cylinders and Locks: CL3300 ML2000 Series Series – - N2D NSA Manufacturers: Corbin/Russwin Arch. Hardware No Substitutions will be accepted. 5. Bolts: Manufacturers: Glynn-Johnson Corp., Hager Hinge Co., H.B. Ives, a Harrow Company, Burns Manufacturing Co. and Rockwood Manufacturing Co. 6. Push/Pull Mortise Lock Manufacturers: Glynn-Johnson Corp. and Trimco Privacy Sets Manufacturers: Yale – AU5425LN (Special Modified) Best – 93KOL15DS3 2 Exit/Panic Devices: Manufacturers: Von Duprin, Div. Ingersoll-Rand Door Hardware Group (99 Series), Corbin/Russwin Arch. Hardware (5000 Series) and Yale Security, Inc. (7000 Series) No Substitutions will be accepted 8. Push/Pull Units: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., H.B. Ives, A Harrow Company, Rockwood Manufacturing Co. and Burns Manufacturing Co. 2 Overhead Closers: Manufacturers: LCN, Div. Ingersoll-Rand Door Hardware Group (4000 Series) and Norton Door Controls (7500 Series) Revised 2/15/2007 No Substitutions will be accepted 10 Smoke-Activated Closers: Manufacturers: LCN, Div. Ingersoll-Rand Door Hardware Group and Norton Door Controls No Substitutions will be accepted 11. Door Control Devices: Manufacturers: Glynn-Johnson Corp., Hager Hinge Co., H.B. Ives, A Harrow Company, Rockwood Manufacturing Co. and Burns Manufacturing Co. 12. Door Trim Units: Manufacturers: Rockwood Manufacturing Co., Hager Hinge Co., H.B. Ives, A Harrow Company and Burns Manufacturing Co. 13. Kick, Mop, and Armor Plates: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., Rockwood Manufacturing Co., H.B. Ives, A Harrow Company and Burns Manufacturing Corp. 14. Sliding Door Hardware Sets: Manufacturers: Grant Hardware Co., L.E. Johnson Products, Inc. and Stanley Hardware, Div. Stanley Works. 15. Sliding Pocket Door Sets: Manufacturers: Grant Hardware Co., L.E. Johnson Products, Inc. and Stanley Hardware, Div. Stanley Works 16. Bifold Door Hardware: Manufacturers: Grant Hardware Co., L.E. Johnson Products, Inc. and Stanley Hardware, Div. Stanley Works 17. Door Stripping and Seals: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., National Manufacturing Co., Inc. 18. Thresholds: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., National Manufacturing Co., Inc. 19. Automatic Drop Seals: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., National Manufacturing Co., Inc. 20. Sound Stripping: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., National Manufacturing Co., Inc. 2 Astragals: Manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., National Manufacturing Co., Inc. Guard Products, Inc. and Pemko Guard Products, Inc. and Pemko Guard Products, Inc. and Pemko Guard Products, Inc. and Pemko Revised 2/15/2007 Guard Products, Inc. and Pemko NOTE! Do not through out any old door hardward with the cylinders. All old door hardware should be returned to Police/Security – U12. Old hardware is reused throughout the Foundation after being re-keyed. SECTION 08712 EXIT DEVICES Exit devices are an essential part of a door opening or egress system. Exit device shall be stainless steel. Conform to the following: ANSI A156.3/Grade 1 NFPA 101 NFPA 80 Manufacturers: Von Duprin, Corbin/Russwin, and Yale Security, Inc. SECTION 08715 DOOR OPERATORS Actuating devices that will allow doors to be automatically open and close, includes door closers. Choice of controls, such as push plates, radio controlled push plates, and mats are available. A variety of finishes, sizes, profiles and logo are also available. The switches may also be mounted on a post or railing for maximum convenience and accessibility. Conform to the following: ANSI A156.19, UL, BOCA and NFPA 101 Manufacturer: Stanley, Besam, Dorma Automatics and LCN/Ingersoll-Rand Company SECTION 08810 GLASS Tempered Glass is four to five times stronger than annealed glass of equal thickness. Higher resistance to thermal stress. Laminated Glass (Safety Glass) meets safety glazing requirements and tends to remain in place when broken. Provides additional security and reduces UV transmission. Insulated Glass is made up of two lights hermetically sealed providing insulation. Reduces condensation and sound. Size: Tempered Glass: 90"x 165" (maximum) Laminated Glass: 80"x 165" (maximum) Insulated Glass: Varies Thickness: 1/8" to 3/4" (tempered) 5/32" to 3" (laminated) Varies (insulated) Conform to the following: ASTM C1048 (tempered)ASTM C1172 (laminated)ASTM E774 (insulated) Manufacturer: Pilkington Libbey-Ownes-Ford, North American Glass and PPG Industries, Inc. DIVISION 9 SECTION 09120 CEILING SUSPENSION/CEILING GRID See Interior Finishes for Details Ceiling Grid and Suspension System must be hot dipped galvanized for high humidity areas. Suspension System to be galvanized for interior applications and controlled areas of Revised 2/15/2007 humidification by an system. See Interior Finishes forHVAC Details Size: 15/16" Ceiling Grid System; Color: Super White 9/16" Fineline Grid System; Color: Super White Conform to the following: Class A; Flame spread < 25 ASTM E1264 ASTM E84 ASTM C635 (Performance under maximum uniform load) Manufacturers: Armstrong, Chicago Metallic Metallic Corp. and USG Interiors, Inc. SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD, FRAMING AND ACCESSORIES GypsumFinishes Board: for Details See Interior 5/8" Gypsum Board, Fire Shield/Type-X consist of a fire resistant gypsum core. Size: 4' – 0" wide and 8' – 0" to 16' – 0" in length. Conform to the following: ASTEM C36 Metal Framing: 20 ga. (.0359) metal drywall studs are fabricated in standard sizes and lengths from corrosion resistant galvanized steel. Size: (20 ga.) 1 5/8", 2 1/2", 3 5/8", 4" and 6" Conform to the following: ASTM C-645 ASTM A-446 ASTM A-525 ASTM C-754 Manufacturers: Dietrich Industries, Inc., National Gypsum Co. and United States Gypsum Co. SECTION 09300 TILE See Details non-vitreous tile with a fused impervious facial finish. The A. Interior Glazed Finishes Wall tile isfor double-fired, colored glaze is fired on a white body and pressed to 5/16" thickness. Material is suitable for interior use only. Size: 4 1/4"x 4 1/4"; 6"x 6" and 3"x 6" Thickness: 5/16" Conform to the following: ASTM C373 (water absorption) ASTM C650 (chemical resistance) B. Manufacturers: American Olean and Daltile Corp. Unglazed Ceramic Mosaic Tile is single-fired, impervious tile manufactured with porcelain Revised 2/15/2007 raw materials combined with inorganic stains to provide a color-though body feature. This See Interior Finishes for Details material will resist weathering, staining and fading. Size: 1" Hex, 1"x 1" and 2"x 2" Thickness: 1/4" Conform to the following: ASTM C373 (water absorption) ASTM C648 (breaking strength) ASTM C650 (chemical resistance) ASTM C482 (bond strength) Manufacturers: American Olean and Daltile Corp. C. Porcelain Tile is composed of two basic raw materials from the feldspar group of minerals and the clay mineral group of minerals and the clay mineral group. Feldspar is ground very fine and mixed with Kaolin or clay and quartz. Heated to a high temperature (2200°F) and acts as a cement to bind the materials together and becoming a porcelain product. Size: 3"x 3", 6"x 6", 8"x 8", 12"x 12" and 16"x 16" Thickness: 1/4", 5/16" and 3/8" Conform to the following: ASTM C373 (water absorption) ASTM C648 (breaking strength) ASTM C651 (abrasive wear) Manufacturers: Crossville Ceramic Co. SECTION 09510 ACOUSTIC CEILINGS PANELS 1. "Cortega" ceiling panel with a standard square edge. Panels are wet-formed See Interior Finishesacoustic for Details mineral fiber with a factory applied vinyl latex paint. Size: 24"x 24" x 5/8" thick or 24' x 48" x 5/8" thick Conform to the following:Class A; Flame spread < 25 ASTM E1264 2 "Tundra" acoustic ceiling panel with a beveled tegular edge. Panels are wet-formed mineral fiber with a factory applied vinyl latex paint. Size: 24"x 24"x 5/8" thick Conform to the following: Class A; Flame spread < 25 ASTM E1264 Manufacturers: Armstrong SECTION 09650 RESILIENT FLOORING Revised 2/15/2007 A. Interior Linoleum Flooringfor Details See Finishes Linoleum flooring made from renewable raw material for low environmental impact.Heat weld all seams to prevent penetration of moisture and dirt.Thickness: 0.079 in (2.0 mm) 0.098 in. (2.5 mm) 0.126 in (3.2 mm)Conform to the following Fire Test Data:ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux – Class 1 ASTM E662 Smoke < 450 Manufacturer: Forbo Industries Color: Gray Forbo shall not be used on CCF projects. B. Vinyl Sheet Flooring Vinyl sheet flooring is a homogenous durable solid vinyl construction, made to resistindentations, cuts and gouges. Also the ultimate in wear and tear resistance. Heat weldall seams to prevent penetration of moisture and dirt.Thickness: 0.080 in. (2.0 mm) Conform to the following Fire Test Data: ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux – Class 1 ASTM E662 Smoke < 450 CAN/ULC – S102.2 – M88 Flame Spread < 25 Manufacturer: Armstrong World Industries, Inc.; Mipolam and Tarkett, Inc. C. V.C.T. (Vinyl Composition Tile) Vinyl Composition Tile composed of organic binder, inorganic fillers and pigments. Organic binder contains vinyl resins, plasticizers, additives and 10% or greater, recycled vinyl. Size: 12"x 12"Thickness: 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) Conform to the following: Revised 2/15/2007 1066 SS-TSee Interior Finishes for Details ASTM F312B Fire Test Data: ASTM E648 ASTM E84 ASTM E-662 Composit ion 1, Class 2 Type IV, Composition 1 Critical Radiant Flux Flame Spread < 25 Smoke < 450 c . , Manufactu r e r : A r m s t r o n g W o r l d I n d u s t r i e s , I n M a n n i n g M i l l s , I n c . a n d T a r k e t t , I n c . Revised 2/15/2007 D. Vinyl or Rubber Base ("Tight Lock") See Interior for Details Vinyl orFinishes Rubber Wall Base ("Tight Lock") shall be constructed of first-quality raw materials and shall be smooth and free from any imperfections which would detract from it's appearance. 1. "Tight Lock" carpet base is a wedge shape profile which allows it to be reused, so that carpet replacements are quicker. Size: 4 1/2" overall height (4 1/4" face)Conform to the following: ASTM F-1861-98 2. "Tight Lock" resilient floor base is a wedge shape profile with a coved lip. Size: 4 3/8" overall height Conform to the following: ASTM F-1861-98 Manufacturer: Johnsonite E. Rubber Flooring Rubber Flooring or large Rubber tile and natural rubber grades. These supplemented by raw mineral materials extracted from natural deposits and by compatible colored pigments. Areas where heat welding seams are recommended is when the flooring is installed in rooms with continual and intensive wet cleaning for hygiene or other special requirements such as operating rooms and laboratories. Size: 48" wide (Roll Flooring) 19.68"x 19.68" (Square Tile) 24"x 24" (Square Tile) 24.2"x 24.2" (Square Tile) 24.6"x 24.6" (Square Tile) 39.37"x 39.37" (Square Tile) Thickness: 5/64" (2.0mm); 7/64" (2.7mm); 1/8" (3.0mm);9/64' (3.5mm); 5/32" (4.0mm) and 13/64" (5.0mm) Conform to the following: ASTM D2240 (hardness) ASTM E648/Class 1 (flammability) ASTM D2047-85 (slip resistance) ASTM E662 < 450 (smoke) See Interior Finishes for Details Manufacturers: Nora Rubber Flooring Revised 2/15/2007 SECTION 09688 CARPET See Interior Finishes for Details The carpet face construction is composed of DuPont Antron Lumena solution dyed nylon; 100% type 6, 6 nylon. The cushion backing is composed of a synthetic non-woven substrate, coated with sealant vinyl. This mixture makes-up a closed-cell condensed vinyl cushion. Size: 6' – 0" wide Thickness: .252 or 1/4" + Conform to the following: ASTM D-418, Section 12 ASTM D-1667 Passes CPSC FF 1-70 (flammability) ASTM D-2859 See Interior Finishes for Details Manufacture: Collins and Aikman Floorcoverings SECTION 09720 VINYL WALLCOVERING See Interior Finishes for Details Vinyl Wallcovering is composed of antimony, barium and zinc compounds (Polyvinylchloride). Size: 54" width Thickness/Weight: Type I, Woven; .015" to .020"/15 oz. Type II, Woven; .020" to .025/21 oz. Conform to the following:ASTM F793-90ASTM E84 (tunnel test)ASTM E603-77 (Early Warning effect) Manufacturers: Koroseal Wallcoverings SECTION 09910 PAINT See Interior forPaints, Details ExteriorFinishes and Interior Stain and Varnish Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Paints INTERIOR PAINTING SCHEDULE Area: OFFICES, COMMON CORRIDORS, PATIENT ROOMS, COMMON AREAS, RESEARCH AREAS/Drywall Surface Prep: Drywall – Interior & Exterior S-W 8Prime Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex PrimerFinish Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex Egg Shel (two coats) Revised 2/15/2007 Area: ALL CEILING FOR ALL AREAS/Drywall See Interior Finishes for Details Surface Prep: Drywall – Interior & Exterior S-W 8Prime Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex PrimerFinish Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex Flat (two coats) Area: ALL DOORS & CASINGS – METAL / Shop Primed Surface Prep: Solvent Cleaning S-W 13Prime Coat: Pro-Cryl® Universal PrimerFinish Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex Semi-Gloss (two coats) Area: ALL DOORS & CASINGS – WOOD Surface Prep: Wood – Interior S-W 24Prime Coat: PrepRite® Classic Interior Latex PrimerFinish Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex Semi Gloss (two coats) Area: ALL BATHROOM WALLS – DRYWALL/Drywall Surface Prep: Drywall – Interior & Exterior S-W 8Prime Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex PrimerFinish Coat: Harmony® Interior Latex Semi Gloss (two coats) Area: WOOD DOORS AND TRIM – STAIN Surface Prep: Wood – Interior S-W 24Prime Coat: WoodClassics® Interior Oil StainSealer: Sanding Sealer b26v43Finish Coat: INT SAT ALK VARN P&L 38 (two coats) Area: OPERATING ROOMS, LAB AREAS / Drywall Surface Prep: Drywall – Interior & Exterior S-W 8 Prime Coat: PrepRite® Classic Interior Latex Primer Finish Coat: Sher-Cryl HPA High Performance Acrylic Gloss (two coats) EXTERIOR PAINTING SCHEDULE Type of paint will depend on surface, temperature and other conditions. All exterior painting products must be Sherwin-Williams paints and will be evaluated by Facilities Engineering for approval. All painting subcontractors are to open a CCF Job Account and identify the project name, number and location when ordering paint & supplies on any CCF project. Sherwin-Williams will track and record this paint product and color data to meet the needs of CCF’s Asset Management System. Note: Any special areas or conditions requiring other types of products must be evaluated by Facilities Engineering for approval. DIVISION 10 SECTION 10110 CHALKBOARDS, TACKBOARDS AND MARKER BOARD Chalk and marker writing surface and mounting surfaces of various materials. The various surfaces including a framing system and accessories. Manual and motor operated units are optional. Porcelain enamel steel chalkboards and Marker Boards: Revised 2/15/2007 Writing Surfaces:Porcelain on 2 ga. steelPorcelain on 24 ga. steelPorcelain on 28 ga. steel Substrate Material:7/16" particle board7/16" industrial board1/4" tempered hard board Vapor Barriers:.015" aluminum sheet.005" aluminum sheet.001" aluminum foil Tack Board: Plas-Cork: 1/8" thickness (cork only) 1/4" thickness (cork only) 1/8" on 3/8" fiberboard 1/4" on 1/4" hard board Natural Cork: 1/4" thickness (cork only) 1/8" on 3/8" fiberboard 1/4" on 1/4" hard board Burlap Fabric: 1/2" Fiberboard 7/32" cork to 1/4" fiberboard Manufacturer: ADP Lemco, Inc., Bretford Manufacturing, Inc., Egan Visual, Inc., Nucraft Furniture Company and Peter Pepper Products, Inc. SECTION 10155 TOILET PARTITIONS Metal Partitions:1” thick, 20 gauge metal panels1” thick, 22 gauge metal doors1-1/4” thick, 20 gauge metal stiles (pilasters) Plastic Laminate:1” thick, .050 plastic laminate over 48 lb. Density particle board.1” thick panels1” thick doors1-1/4” thick stiles (pilasters) Conform to the following: ASTM D1505 (density) ASTM D638 (elongation) ASTM D1822 (impact) Fire Data: ASTM D1929-77 (self-ignition) ASTM D635-81 (rate of burn) ASTM D2843 (smoke < 75) Manufacturer: American Sanitary Partition Corp., Bradley Corp. and Sanymetal Products SECTION 10190 HOSPITAL CUBICLES Curtains and tracks for screening patients areas. Revised 2/15/2007 1. Cubicle Curtain Tracking Systems shall be a heavy-duty channel track extruded from 6063-T5 aluminum alloy, with a wall thickness of .062 (min.) up to .070 thickness. Provide appropriate attachment and anchoring accessories as required for an acoustic ceiling grid systems. Cubicle Tracks to be a clear anodized aluminum finish. 2. An I.V. Tracking System shall be the same as the heavy-duty curtain tracking channels. The following options are available: 1 Self-Locking I.V. Carriage 1 Twist-Lock I.V. Carriage 1 5 bottle or 8 bottle I.V. Pendant 4. 5 bottle or 8 bottle telescoping I.V. Pendant 3. All curtains are custom made and manufactured to the most rigid quality. It is recommended that all curtains be at least 10% wider than the cubicle curtain track. All cubicle curtains shall hang 12" to 15" above finish floor. Grommets will be nickel plated brass and will be machined into the top hem at 6" intervals. Standard nylon mesh to be at least 20" high, to allow ventilation and light flow. All curtains are to be flame resistant. Must comply with the following flame resistant requirements: NFPA 701 ASTM E-84 California Code 19 HUD Bulletin UM-44 Manufacture: General Cubicle Co., InPro Corp. and Salsbury Industries SECTION 10260 WALL AND CORNER GUARDS A. Wallcovering and Door Frame Protectors: Protective Wallcovering is a fire-retardant, Acrylic/PVC sheet with excellent cleanability and impact resistance. With the unique "thermo forming" capabilities, the .040 ga. Acrylic/PVC material is custom formed to fit specific door frames. Sheet size: 4'-0"x 8'-0" 4'-0"x 10'-0" Thickness: .040 ga. (3/64") .060 ga. (1/16") Conform to the following: ASTM D-638 (strength) ASTM D-790 (flexural) ASTM D-785 (hardness) ASTM D-256 (impact) Fire Data: ASTM E84 (tunnel test)Class I/A = Flame < Revised 2/15/2007 25Smoke < 450 B. Corner Guards, Crash Rails and Handrails: Corner Guards and Crash Rails are also made from Acrylic/PVC material. The formed guards and rails are mounted over a continuous (6063-T6) aluminum retainer. Size of corner guards are 2"x 2" and 3"x 3" The thickness of the impact cover is .078 (5/64") Crash Rails and Handrails are available in varies heights, therefore the impact cover thickness varies. 4" to 6" high, the impact cover = .078"(5/64") 6" and higher, the impact cover = .100"(3/32") Handrails are made from Acrylic/PVC material. The formed handrail is mounted over a continuous (6063-T6) aluminum retainer. End and corner caps are available either a foam cushion or as rigid plastic. Sturdy mounting brackets will maintain wall clearance and stability. Handrails shall conform to current A.D.A. regulations. Size of handrail is 5 1/2' in height and 1 1/2" wide The thickness of the impact cover for the handrail is .078"(5/64") Conform to the following: ASTM D-638 (strength) ASTM D-790 (flexural) ASTM D-785 (hardness) ASTM D-256 (impact) Fire Data: ASTM E84 (tunnel test)Class I/A = Flame < 25Smoke < 450 Manufacturer: Koroseal Wall Protection Systems, Acrovyn Interiors and Pawling Inc. SECTION 10270 ACCESS FLOORING Prefabricated, raised assembled flooring system that creates a cavity between the finish floor and the structural floor, cavity space to be used for Mechanical and Electrical services. Design System Load Capacity as follows: Standard Duty = 1,000 pounds per square inch Medium Duty = 1,250 pounds per square inch Heavy Duty = 1,500 pounds per square inch Panel systems are available in 24" x 24" and 60 cm x 60 cm panels. Floor panel material can be die-cast aluminum, steel covered wood cove, formed steel and concrete. Revised 2/15/2007 Floor covering can be V.C.T., plastic laminate and carpet. Installation tolerance: Level floor system to within 1/10" over entire floor area and within 1/16" within 10 feet in any direction. Manufacturer: Tate Access Floor, Inc. and Interface AR SECTION 10410 DIRECTORIES AND BULLETIN BOARDS Changeable strip and letter directories and display boards, coordinated tackboard/display case units and illuminated and electronic directories. Directories: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Component system with an extended aluminum frame. Finish shall be anodized or baked enamel. Background Options: Changeable cartridges/header (back illuminated) Photo transparency display (back illuminated) Optional graphics (back illuminated) Changeable letter board Custom maps/plans Magnetic display board Changeable message strips Self-healing corkboard Bulletin Board: 1 2 3 4 Component system with an extruded aluminum frame. Finish shall be anodized or baked enamel. Background Options: 1/2" thick backer Textured fabric over cork Vinyl over cork Graphic panel for maps and logo Manufacturer: Nelson-Harkins Industries, APCO sign systems, Poblocki & Sons Peter Pepper Products, Inc. SECTION 10520 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES Fire extinguishers and cabinets Fire extinguishers shall be a 5lb. ABC dry chemical. Rated at 3A-40B:C. Fire extinguisher cabinet shall be a one piece heavy gauge cold rolled steel with a standard finish of white baked acrylic enamel. Cabinet shall be semi recessed with a 21/2" rolled edge; also an embossed handle with the word "FIRE" in red. Manufacturer: Fire Extinguisher by "Badger", Model No. 5MB-6H, Fire Extinguisher Cabinet by "Larson's Manufacturing Company", Model No. 2409-R3. SECTION 10605 WIRE MESH PARTITIONS Framed wire mesh partition or woven wire panel system. Revised 2/15/2007 1 Wire: No. 10 gauge, 1-1/2" diamond woven wire mesh clinched to frames. 2 Vertical Frames: 1-1/4" x 5/8" x 1/8" "C" channels with 1/4" bolt holes at 18" o.c. 3 Horizontal Frames: 1" x 1/2" x 1/8" channels – all joints mortised and tenoned. 4 Center Rails: 2) 1" x 1/2" x 1/8" channels riveted toe to toe thru mesh and welded to vertical frames. 5 Cap Rail: 2-1/4" x 1" channel with 1/4" "U" bolts 2'-4" o.c. o 6 Corner & Intersecting Posts: 1-1/4" x 11/4" x 1/8" angle for 90 corners, 1-1/2" pipe posts for o other than 90 , 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" tubes for 3 and 4 way intersections. 7 Flatbar Posts: For partitions 12'-0" high or higher –2" x 1/4" for partitions 12'-0" to 16'-0" high21/4" x 5/16" for partitions 16'-0" to 18'-0" high3" x 5/16" for partitions 18'-0" to 20'-0" high 8 Line Post Bracing: Free standing partitions have 3" x 4.1# channel line posts at 20'-0" o.c. with 5" x 18" x 5/16" base plates. 9 Hinged Door Frames: 1-1/4" x 1/2" channel with 1-1/4" x 1/8" flat bar band on three sides, 1-3/8" x 3/4" angle welded to lock side. Each door to have 1-1/2 pairs butt hinges welded to both door and transom bar and bronze mortise type cylinder lock. Dutch doors are also available. 10 Sliding Door Frames: 1-1/4" x 1/2" channel with 1-1/4" x 1/8" flat bar band all around. Each door to have two 4-wheel roller bearing hangers, box track, bottom guide channel and bronze mortise cylinder lock. 11 Service Window Panels: Sizes made to order (hinged or sliding) with or without shelving. 12 Sheet Metal Bases: Partition panels available with No. 16 gauge sheet in lower portion. 13. Finish: Standard dipped coat of black enamel or red primer. Electrostaticly sprayed enamel in color as selected from our color charts also available. Galvanized finish also available. Powder coatings (epoxy, hybrid, urethane and polyester available as special order. 13 Special Meshes and Wire Gauges: Partitions are available in 1", 1-1/2" and 2" mesh sizes. Wire is available in 4 ga., 8 ga., and 10 ga. Manufacturer: Folding Guard Corp., G-S Co., Miller Wire Works, Inc. and Woven Wire Products Association. SECTION 10650 OPERABLE PARTITIONS Folding, sliding partitions and walls A. Accordion type folding partitions shall be made up of a series of voluted cover sections either electric or manually operated. Full-length steel hinges shall support steel panels by brackets fastened to the steel trolley yokes. Partition to be suspended from a track system. Track shall be continuous cold roll-formed steel C-channel. Partitions shall be supported by two wheel ball bearing intermediate trolleys and a four-wheel lead trolley assembly. Top and bottom seals shall be 4-ply sweep strips. Outer covering shall be class "A" rated in accordance with ASTM E-84, select heavy-duty vinyl with woven polyester backing. B. Operable wall shall be a series of individual flat panels, manually operated. supported with operable floor seals. Top Panels shall be 3" to 4" thick and a standard 48" wide (maximum). All panel horizontal and vertical framing elements shall be formed steel. Revised 2/15/2007 Partitions to be suspended from a track system. Track shall be a minimum of 11ga. cold roll-formed steel. Track shall be capable of direct mounting to a wood header or shall be supported by adjustable steel hanger brackets. All face material shall be of class "A" rated in accordance with ASTM E-84. Select a heavy-duty reinforced vinyl with woven backing; acoustical non-woven carpet or wall covering and upholstery fabric. A full height tackboard with fabric covering is also possible. Manufacturer: Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co., Inc.; Hufcor, Inc.; Modernfold, Inc. and Panelfold, Inc. SECTION 10800 TOILET, BATH AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES Stainless steel accessories for the typical toilet rooms: All doors to be 16 ga. stainless steel with a No. 4 satin finish All cabinets to be 20 ga. stainless steel with a No. 4 satin finish Types of Accessories: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Combination towel/waste dispenser (recessed) Soap dispenser (wall mounted) Grab bars, 18 ga., Type 304 stainless steel (1-1/2" dia.) one pair per each handicapped stall. Mirrors with stainless steel frames (surface mounted) Toilet tissue dispenser (surface mounted jumbo roll dispenser) Sanitary napkin dispenser (semi-recessed) Sanitary napkin disposal (serves two compartments/dual access) Folding utility shelf (women's toilet only; one per each toilet stall) Baby changing station (semi-recessed) Janitor's utility shelf and mop holder (surface mounted) Manufacturer: American Specialties, Inc.; Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.; Bradley Corp. and Koala SECTION 10824 TUB AND SHOWER DOORS/ENCLOSURES Doors, partitions and wall surfacing for tub or shower areas: 1 Glass: 3/8" to 1/2" tempered glass for a frameless application; 3/16" to 1/4" tempered glass used only with the extruded aluminum frame systems. Glazing material shall meet or exceed ANSI Z97.I1984 and CPSC standard 16 CFR 1201, Category I and II. 2 Extrusion: Extruded shapes shall be number 385 architectural bronze or alloy number 6463-T5 or alloy number 6063-T5, depending on the application. 3 Hardware: Heavy duty solid brass spring loaded hinges used at the frameless application. Heavyduty ball bearing roller system, stainless steel pivot bolts and piano hinges. Aluminum, polished stainless steel and solid brass handles. All ASD screws are rustproof stainless steel. 4 Finish: Chrome plated brass, solid brass, bright nickel, baked enamel brass, brush Revised 2/15/2007 chrome plated, pewter, antique brass, brush nickel, 24 K gold plated and anodized aluminum. Manufacturer: American Shower Door, Basco Mfg. Co., Century Shower Door, Inc. and Easco Frameless Glass Enclosure. DIVISION 11 Division 11 makes reference to maintenance equipment, security and vault equipment, bank equipment, library equipment, transportation terminal equipment, loading dock equipment, waste chutes, walk-in cooler, residential appliances and etc. These items are specific to each individual project and are not directly applicable in defining "Design Standards". DIVISION 12 SECTION 12484 FLOOR MATS AND FRAMES Recessed Entry Mat and Frame: 3M Nomad Scraper Matting 9100 (formerly 3M Entrap) The product is a durable, all-vinyl floor mat having an open, continuously pattern surface. Its open construction allows dirt and debris to fall through the mat for easy cleaning, while helping to prevent dirt from being tracked into the building. The product shall be made of all-vinyl nonwoven continuous filaments bonded together to form a durable, resilient mat. Do not use all-vinyl floor mat around chlorinated or hydrocarbon solvents, for example methylene chloride or mineral spirits. Solvents should not be used to clean these mats. The all-vinyl floor mat is intended for use in a recessed well. Metal frames can be aluminum, brass or stainless steel. Conform to the following: ASTM D418 ASTM G21-70 ASTM E648 Manufacturer: 3M SECTION 12492 BLINDS, SHADES AND INTERIOR SHUTTERS See Interior Interior Finishes product forfor sunDetails control, metal blinds:Horizontal blinds, raising and tilting, wand and cord operation.Headrail: .025" thick steel U-shaped rail. Revised 2/15/2007 See Interior Bottom Finishes Details rail:for .031 thick steel.Guardian Tilter: .042 steel housing with a self-lubricating nylon, automatic disengaging worm and gear mechanism.Tilt Wand: Solid transparent with a hexagonal cross section.Cord Lock: .042" thick steel, crashproofDrums and Cradles: Drums are .031" thick steel. Cradles are .042" thick steelSlats: Magnesium aluminum alloy material. Slats are 1" wide and .0085". Manufacturer: Levolor Contract and Hunter Douglas, Inc. DIVISION 13 Division 13 makes reference to sound-conditioned rooms, saunas and equipment, bullet-resistant protection, sound, vibration and seismic control, lighting protection, metal buildings, swimming pools, solar energy systems and etc. These items are specific to each individual project and are not directly applicable in defining "Design Standards". DIVISION 14 Division 14 makes reference to elevators, escalators, conveyors, material handling, people movers and etc. These items are specific to each individual project and are not directly applicable in defining "Design Standards". DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 – GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 All computerized controls and systems utilized on the project must be Year 2000 compliant. 2. Tests A. All piping must be pressure tested. Testing must occur before any insulation is installed on the corresponding piping. B. Include all testing documents in Operation and Maintenance Manuals. Submit all testing documents to Facilities Engineering and the Design Engineer within 7 days of test completion. C. The facilities engineering department must be notified and have the option of being present during all testing of piping and start-up of equipment. 2 Provide a minimum of 4 copies of the Operation and Maintenance manuals to Facilities Engineer for their distribution. 4. Pipe and Duct Cleaning A. Make provisions in specifications to have all piping cleaned and sanitized with an appropriate medium before piping system testing. Include cleaning of all dead-ends in supply and return piping to ensure flushing of the entire system. Submit cleaning certificate to Facilities Engineering and the Design Engineer within seven days of completion. B. All ductwork that contains construction dust must be thoroughly cleaned at the completion of the project construction. 3 Codes, Standards and Guidelines A. Comply with applicable provisions of latest editions of the following Regulations, Revised 2/15/2007 Standards and Guidelines: State and Local Codes and OrdinancesOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Centers for Disease Control (CDC)Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI)Factory Mutual (FM)Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA)International Plumbing Code (IPC)National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)Pressure Piping and Mechanical Refrigeration Systems and EquipmentAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)American Welding Society Code (AWS)American National Standards Institute (ANSI)National Pressure Vessel Code National Electric Code (NEC)American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and AirConditioning Engineers(ASHRAE)Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)American Institute of Architectest Guidelines for Design and Construction ofHospitals and Health Care Facilities (AIA Guidelines)American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE)American Water Works Association (AWWA)Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 6. Pipe Identification A. Identify each new and existing pipe in the areas of renovated and new construction as follows: 1) Color coded bands or marker backgrounds shall identify contents of pipe in conformance with Cleveland Clinic Foundation’s established color code schedule as follows: COLOR CODE SCHEDULE PLUMBING SERVICE BAND STRIPE Cold Water * RedWhite Laboratory Cold Water * RedWhite (with words “Laboratory Cold Water” lettered) Domestic Hot Water * BlueWhite Domestic Hot Water Recirculating BlueWhite Laboratory Hot Water * BlueWhite (with words “Laboratory Hot Water” lettered) * Any water service where water is non-potable must be labeled as such with the words “non-potable” indicated every ten feet adjacent to standard labeling. Fire Protection Fire Engine Red(including Sprinkler Piping) (entire pipe) Medical Compressed Air White & Orange 1/4" Black (Refer to Note 6) (equal) Stripe at each end. Revised 2/15/2007 Laboratory Compressed Air (Refer to note 6) White & Orange Process Compressed Air (Refer to note 6) Medical Vacuum (Refer to note 6) Laboratory Vacuum (Refer to note 6) Anesthesia Waste Evacuation (Refer to note 6) 1/4” black stripe at each end White None Light Blue & Black (equal) None Light Blue & Black 1/4” orange stripe at each end Light Blue 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. Oxygen (Refer to note 6) Apple Green None Nitrous Oxide (Refer to note 6) Aluminum (Silver) Nitrogen (Refer to note 6) Purple None Carbon Dioxide (Refer to note 6) Purple White 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. High Purity Water Supply Aluminum (Silver) Brown with 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. High Purity Water Return Aluminum (Silver) Two Brown with 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. Natural Gas Black Gold (with words “Natural Gas” lettered) Detergent Washing Supply Blue Black HVAC COLOR SCHEDULE Section 3 Rev. B (2/07) 42 Page 33 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Steam Supply (High Press. -75PSI and above) Brown None Steam Supply (Med. Press. -16 PSI to 74 PSI) Orange None Steam Supply (Low Press. -15 PSI and below) Yellow None Condensate Return (High Pressure) Brown Two Green Condensate Return (Med. Pressure) Orange Two Green Condensate Return (Low Pressure) Yellow Two Green Condensate (Pumped) Yellow Two Green Heating Water Supply - Reheat Dark Blue None Heating Water Return - Reheat Dark Red None Heating Water Supply - Radiation Dark Blue One White Heating Water Return - Radiation Dark Red One White Heating Water Supply - Induction Units Dark Blue Two White Heating Water Return - Induction Units Dark Red Two White Heating Water Supply - Fan Coil Units Dark Blue Three White Heating Water Return - Fan Coil Units Dark Red Three White Heating Water Supply Blood Conditioning Dark Red One White with 1/4" Gold Stripe at each end. Heating Water Return Blood Conditioning Dark Red One White with 1/4" Gold Stripe at each end. Rev. B (2/07) Page 34 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Chilled Water Supply - Primary White One Yellow with 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Return - Primary White Two Yellow with 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Supply – Secondary White One Yellow with two 1/4” Black Stripe at each end Chilled Water Return – Secondary White Two Yellow with two 1/4” Black Stripes at each end Chilled Water Supply - Induction Units White One Yellow with 1/4" Red Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Return - Induction Units White Two Yellow with 1/4" Red Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Supply - Fan Coil Units White One Yellow with 1/4" Green Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Return - Fan Coil Units White Two Yellow with 1/4" Green Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Supply - Blanket Conditioning White One Yellow with 1/4" Blue Stripe at each end. Chilled Water Return - Blanket Conditioning White Two Yellow with 1/4" Blue Stripe at each end. Glycol Chilled Water Supply White One Yellow with 1/4” Orange Stripe at each end Glycol Chilled Water Return White Two Yellow with 1/4” Orange Stripe at each end Rev. B (2/07) Page 35 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Blanket Water Return (Static Drain) White One Blue (centered) One Yellow on either side. Chilled Water Supply - Blood Conditioning White One Yellow Chilled Water Return - Blood Conditioning White Two Yellow Condenser Water Supply White Condenser Water Return White Fuel Oil Supply Black Red Fuel Oil Return Black Two Red Compressed Air (Temperature Control) White Black 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7. Red with 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. Two Red Stripes and 1/4" Black Stripe at each end. Background band: 6 inch wide; stripes 3/4 inch wide, and as noted. Produce band and stripe effect by use of plastic vinyl tape similar to Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company type 471 and/or 474, Thomas and Betts Type WCRT075, Seton Bonding Tape, or approved equal. Apply tape so as to overlap on itself. Provide identification marker near each valve and fitting, on both sides of pipes passing through walls, on long runs at not over 20 foot intervals, and at access door locations. Indicate on pipe, by stenciling with 1 inch high letters, direction of flow and contents. Place in location so as to be easily read from floor. Lacquer or varnish over stencils. Color code schedule shown above is subject to approval by Owner; modify or revise color coding, as required, to conform with system identification in existing hospital complex. In addition to the labeling designated, all medical and laboratory gas piping systems must be labeled per NFPA-99 (latest edition). Include arrows indicating the direction of flow. Equipment Identification A. Identify each piece of equipment and ducts as to nature of service and system number. Equipment designation shall conform to Cleveland Clinic Foundation Standard. Apply one coat lacquer or varnish over the stencils. Item Type of Identification Supply, Return and Exhaust Fans Nameplate Pumps Nameplate Motor Starters Rev. B (2/07) Page 36 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Nameplate Variable Frequency Drives Nameplate Air Handling Units Nameplate Switches, Pilot Lights (Remote) Nameplate Condensing Units, Condensers Nameplate Chillers Nameplate Rooftop HVAC Units Nameplate Boilers Nameplate Heat Exchangers Stencil Fire Hose Cabinets Nameplate DDC Control Panels Nameplate Cooling Towers Nameplate Fire/Smoke Damper Access Points Nameplate on wall or Ceiling TileMedical Gas and Vacuum Valve Boxes/Components NameplatePurified Water System Components NameplateDucts Stencil B. Lettering shall include horsepower, voltage rating and service designation. C. Nameplates shall be laminated phenolic with a black surface and white core. Use 1/16 inch thick material for plates up to 2 inch by 4 inch. For larger sizes use 1/8 inch thick material. D. Lettering shall be condensed Gothic. The space between lines shall be equal to the width of the letters. Use 1/4 inch minimum height letters which occupy four to the inch. E. Nameplates shall be attached to equipment with brass screws or rivets; no adhesive attachments will be permitted. SECTION 15050 – BASIC MATERIALS 1. Pipe. A. Heating Hot Water – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53) or Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). B. C. Heating Hot Water (12 inch and larger) – Standard weight black steel (ASTM A53). Heating Hot Water (Underfloor) – Type “K” soft copper without joints (ASTM B88). D. Chilled Water – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53) or Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). E. Chilled Water (12 inches and larger) – Standard weight black steel (ASTM A53). F. Condenser Water – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). G. Condenser Water (12 inches and larger) – Standard weight black steel (ASTM A53). H. Glycol Water – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53) or Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). Rev. B (2/07) Page 37 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 I. Low and Medium Pressure Steam Supply (below 75 PSIG) – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). J. Low and Medium Pressure Steam Condensate Return (below 75 PSIG) – Schedule 80 black steel (ASTM A106). K. Pumped Steam Condensate Return – Schedule 80 black steel (ASTM A106). L. Steam Vent – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). M. High Pressure Steam Supply (75 to 150 PSIG) – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). N. High Pressure Steam Condensate Return (75 to 150 PSIG) – Schedule 80 black steel (ASTM A106). O. Chemical Feed (heating, chilled, condenser water and steam) – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). P. Boiler Feed – Schedule 80 black steel (ASTM A106). Q. Boiler Blow-Off – Schedule 80 black steel (ASTM A106). R. Motor Generator Exhaust – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). S. Domestic Water “Inside Building 6 inch and Smaller” – Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). T. Domestic Water “Inside Building 8 inch and Larger” – Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe (ASTM A120). Domestic Water “Underground Service” – Type “K” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). U. V. Domestic Water “Underfloor 2 inches and Smaller” – Type “K” soft copper without joints (ASTM B88). W. Laboratory or Industrial Water ‘Inside Building 6 inch and Smaller” – Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). X. Fire Protection – Refer to Section 15300. Y. A/C Condensate Drain – Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88) or DWV copper tubing (ASTM B306). Z. Natural Gas – “Inside Building” Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). AA. Natural Gas – “Underground Service” – polyethylene “Drisco Pipe 8000” meeting Rev. B (2/07) Page 38 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 lcoal gas company requirements. BB. Fuel Oil Carrier Pipe – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). Utilize Perma-Pipe double wall containment pipe. CC. Fuel Oil Tank Vent Piping – Schedule 40 galvanized steel (ASTM A120). DD. Compressed Air Piping – (Temperature Control Air Mains and Process Air) – Type “K” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). EE. Compressed Air Piping (above 120 PSIG or where exposed and the possibility of damage exists) – Schedule 40 black steel (ASTM A53). FF. Building Sewers and Drains “Underground” – service weight cast iron, bell and spigot, soil pipe, and fittings (ASNI R 112.5), (ASTM A74), with Tyler “Ty-Seal” or equal, neoprene pipe gaskets (ASTM C564). GG. Soil, Waste, Vent and Drain Piping “Above Ground Interior” – No hub cast iron pipe (ASTM A888) and fittings (CISPI-301), as manufactured by Glamorgan, Tyler or Buffalo. HH. Storm Sewers “Above Ground Interior” (above ground inside building and interior storm leader stacks, rain water conductors and emergency storm drain systems) – no hub cast iron pipe (ASTM A888) and fittings (CISPI301). II. Acid Resistant Drain and Vent Piping (ceiling plenums where returns are ducted or pipe is inside a shaft) – flame retardant polypropylene (ASTM D635). Pipe and fittings Schedule 40 wall thickness, and joined by the socket heat fused joint method or electric resistance coil type joint method. JJ. Acid Resistant Drain and Vent Piping (If a return air plenum is necessary) – nonflammable polyvinylidene flouride (ASTM E84). Pipe and fittings Schedule 40 wall thickness, and joined by the socket heat fused joint method or electric resistance coil type joint method or Nohub, silicon cast iron (ASTM A518) and fittings (Trade name: Duriron). KK. Pumped Storm Sewer (Sump Pump Discharge) 2 inches and smaller – Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). 2-1/2 inches and larger – Schedule 40 galvanized steel (ASTM A120). LL. Elevator Sump Pump Discharge – Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). MM. Purified water piping (for piping not located in supply or return air plenums) – high purity, Schedule 80, polypropylene pipe, Enfield “Enpure” or Orion “Whiteline”; or (for piping located in return air Rev. B (2/07) Page 39 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 plenums or existing stainless steel piping systems) Schedule 40 Type 304 stainless steel, ASNI/ASTM A312. Both products must be capped at the factory in 10 feet lengths. 2. NN. Medical or Laboratory Gases – Type “L” hard temper seamless copper (ASTM B819) medical gas tube labeled per NFPA-99 requirements for oxygen use, precleaned and capped before shipment. Above 200 psi and below 300 psi use Type “K” hard temper copper (ASTM 819) with the same requirements. OO. Medical or Laboratory Vacuum - Type “L” hard temper copper (ASTM B819) medical gas tube labeled per NFPA-99 requirements for oxygen use, precleaned and capped before shipment. Above 200 psi and below 300 psi use Type “K” hard temper copper (ASTM 819) with the same requirements. PP. Laboratory Acetylene – Schedule 40, Type 304 stainless steel, ASTM A312. QQ. Air Compressor Intake – Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). RR. Refrigerant – Type “ACR” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B280). SS. Refrigerant Relief – Schedule 80 black steel (ASTM A53) or Type “L” hard drawn seamless copper tube (ASTM B88). Fittings. A. Fittings for black steel pipe (except high pressure steam, high pressure steam condensate return, fire protection and natural gas) – 125 PSIG, black cast iron screwed fittings on sizes through 2 inches and factory formed welding fittings on sizes over 2 inches. B. Fittings for natural gas piping – 150 PSIG, steam working pressure malleable iron screwed fittings on sizes through 2 inches and factory formed welding fittings on sizes over 2 inches. C. Fittings for High Pressure Steam Supply (75 to 150 PSIG) – 250 WSP, cast iron, screwed fittings on sizes through 2 inches and Class 250 steel flanges and flanged fittings on sizes over 2 inches. D. Fittings for High Pressure Steam Condensate Return (75 to 150 PSIG) – 300 WSP, malleable iron, screwed fittings on sizes through 2 inches and Class 300 steel flanges and flanged fittings on sizes over 2 inches. Rev. B (2/07) Page 40 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 3. E. Fittings for copper pipe – wrought copper solder joint type ASTM B16.22. Where silver brazing alloy is used to join pipe and fittings, fittings to be suitable for brazing. Where fittings will be used for medical or laboratory gas or vacuum systems fittings must be factory cleaned, packaged and delivered to the site in sealed dry nitrogen purged containers. Flare and compression type fittings are unacceptable. F. Fittings for purified water polypropylene pipe – Schedule 80 “Heat Welded” (socket fusion joints). Fittings joints requiring solvents or made with an integral electric resistance coil are not acceptable. Each fitting must be factory bagged prior to shipment. Grooved Piping Systems (HVAC) A. Grooved steel piping systems may be used for 150 PSIG working pressure hydronic heating piping, chilled water piping, and condenser piping systems in lieu of welded or screwed joints. 1) Piping: 2-1/2 inches through 24 inches. Standard weight Schedule 40, black steel, (ASTM A53), Grade B with roll grooved ends. B. Gaskets: Grade E, EDPM, green, temperature range minus 30 degrees F to 230 degree F within the manufacturer’s rated working pressures selection guide. C. Pipe Couplings: Style 77, 75, 07 consisting of two or more pieces of ductile or malleable iron. Coupling gaskets will be synthetic rubber gasket with a central cavity pressure responsive design. Coupling bolts and nuts heat treated carbon steel, trackhead conforming to physical properties of ASTM A183. 1) Fittings: Full flow cast fittings, steel fittings or manufacturer’s fabricated grooved or shouldered fittings. Fabricated fittings are acceptable when cast fittings are not available. 2) Butterfly Valves (use for shut-off only; do not use for balancing purposes). a) 2-1/2 inches through 12 inches: Triple seal type. Designed for bubble tight, shut off service up to 300 PSI and vacuum service to 29.9 inches of mercury. Maximum temperature rating 230 degree F. Furnish lever handles for valves up to 6 inches. Furnish valves 8 inches and larger with gear operators. For valves used in chilled water system provide bracket insulating kit. Vic 300. 3) Check Valves Rev. B (2/07) Page 41 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 a) 2-1/2 inches through 12 inches: Single disc with spring activated, non-slam design. Coated ductile iron body with elastromeric seal mounted aluminum bronze disc or nickel seat. Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation. Maximum working pressure: 300 PSI. Vic Series 716. D. 4. Manufacturers: Victaulic Company of American or equivalent by Grinnell Supply Sales Co. Grooved Piping Systems (Plumbing) A. Grooved copper piping systems and galvanized piping systems may be used for domestic/laboratory/industrial hot water and domestic/laboratory/industrial water piping systems in lieu of soldered systems. 1) Piping: 2-1/2 inches through 6 inches - Type L hard drawn copper tubing ASTM B88 roll grooved; 8 inch and larger – Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe (ASTM A120). 2) Gaskets: Grade E, EDPM, green, temperature range minus 30 degree F to 230 degree F within the manufacturer’s rated working pressures selection guide. 3) Pipe Couplings: Consisting of two or more pieces of ductile iron. Coupling gaskets will be a synthetic rubber gasket with a central cavity pressure responsive design. 4) Fittings: Full flow wrought copper and bronze grooved end fittings, ASTM B75 tube and ASTM B584 bronze castings for copper pipe. Schedule 40 galvanized grooved end fittings for galvanized pipe. Butterfly Valves (shutoff service): 2-1/2 inches through 6 inches. Triple seal type. Designed for bubble tight, shut off service up to 300 PSI. maximum temperature rating 230 degree F. Furnish with lever lock handle. Vic Series 608. 5) B. 5. Manufacturer: Victaulic Company of American or equivalent by Grinnell Supply Sales Co. Joints A. Assemble black steel pipe 2-1/2 inches and larger with welded, flanged or mechanically grooved joints. B. Assemble black steel pipe 2 inches and smaller with welded or screwed joints. Rev. B (2/07) Page 42 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 C. Assemble copper pipe with soldered joints. Make all soldered connections on copper piping by cleaning, fluxing (ASTM B813) and soldering with 95-5 tin-antimony solder (ASTM B32), except where a silver brazing alloy is specified. Fabricate in accordance with the Copper Development Association, Copper Tube Handbook (latest edition). Underground domestic water service mains where copper shall be silver brazed. D. Assemble copper process/temperature control compressed air pipe with silver brazing alloy having a melting point above 1000 degrees F. E. Make joints in refrigerant piping with silver brazing alloy having a melting point above 1000 degree F. F. Make joints in medical and laboratory vacuum, air, oxygen, argon, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, helium and nitrogen piping with copper-silver brazing alloy having a melting point above 1000 degree F, (B-cup Series) without flux. Provide a continuous oil-free, dry nitrogen purge during the brazing and cooling process. G. Make joints in above ground cast iron storm drain and soil, waste, vent and drain piping with no-hub neoprene gasket and stainless steel pipe clamp. 1) Provide hubless soil pipe couplings manufactured by ClampAll Corporation. Furnish with Clamp-All warranty covering labor and material. Provide warranty certificate to Owner. All couplings to meet FM Standard 1680 Class 1 and be labeled with the FM logo. Provide Model 80 to 4 inch size and Model 125 on pipe sizes larger than 4 inch. H. Make joints in stainless steel piping with either threads, butt welds or flanges. I. Make joints in polypropylene piping serving purified water systems with socket fusion welding. (The use of electric resistance type coils in prohibited.) J. Make joints in polyproplylene or polyvinylidene flouride piping serving acid resistant drain and vent piping with socket fusion welding or electric resistance type coils. (Exception: sink and lavatory traps – utilize mechanical joint) K. Make joints for “Drisco” pipe used with underground natural gas systems same as the pipe with solvent cement joints. L. Make joints in underground cast iron soil, waste, vent and drain piping with hub-and-spigot, CISPI HSN compression type with ASTM C564 neoprene gaskets. Rev. B (2/07) Page 43 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 6. Valves A. Provide all valves of the same manufacturer where possible. Manufacturers: Milwaukee, Centerline, Apollo, Watts or Dezurik. All valves to be of domestic manufacture. 1) Valves in water piping 2 inches and smaller (HVAC Water Systems): Two-piece ball valves with cast bronze body, Teflon seats, conventional port, blow-out proof stem, lever handle adjustable packing gland, 316 stainless steel solid ball and stem, soldered or threaded ends, minimum 150 WSP, 600 WOG. Milwaukee BA-150S. Equip valves used for balancing with memory stop. 2)Valves in water piping 2-1/2 inches and larger (HVAC Water Systems used for balancing) Cast iron body plug valve, flanged or Victualic end, teflon packing and plug facings withstanding a maximum temperature of 250°F, 150 WSP, 300 WOG, lever actuator, equipped with memory stop. Dezurik Series 100 or three piece ball valve with cast bronze body, teflon seats, full port, blowout proof stem, adjustable packing gland, chrome plated brass ball, brass stem, victaulic ends, minimum ISO SWP, 600 WPG, Apollo 82-100 series. Provide with memory stop. 3) Valves in water piping 2-1/2 inches and larger (HVAC Water Systems used for shut-off only): butterfly type, Class B cast iron body, stainless steel stem, aluminum bronze disc and EPDM liner; 175 WOG. Lug type with lug drilled and tapped, extended neck. Operators: on-off lever handles on sizes 2-1/2 inches to 6 inches, totally enclosed worm gear or Acme screw operators with hand wheel on sizes 8 inches to 20 inches. Milwaukee CL 123 Series or three piece ball valve with Cast bronze body, teflon seats, full port, blowout proof stem, adjustable packing gland, chrome plated brass all, brass stem, victaulic ends, minimum ISO SWP, 600 WPG, Apollo 82-100 series. 4) Valves in water piping 2 inches and smaller (Plumbing Systems) two-piece ball valves with cast bronze body, teflon seats, full port, blow-out proof stem, lever handle adjsutable packing gland, chrome plated brass ball, brass stem, soldered ends, minimum 150 WSP, 600 WOG. Milwaukee BA-155, Apollo 72-100 Series. Equip valves used on domestic hot water recirculating systems with memory stop. 5) Valves in water piping 2-1/2 inches to 4 inches (Plumbing Systems) three-piece ball valve with cast bronze body, teflon seats, full port, blow-out proof stem, adjustable packing gland, chrome plated brass ball, brass stem, female threaded Rev. B (2/07) Page 44 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 ends, minimum 150 SWP, 600 WPG. Apollo 82-100 Series. 6) Valves in water piping 6 inch (Plumbing Systems): bronze body, EPDM coated ductile iron disc, gear operated butterfly valve with grooved ends, 300 SWP. Provide removable insulation around drive hub extension. Victualic Series 608. 7) Valves in water piping 8 inch and larger (Plumbing Systems): ductile iron body and bronze disc, gear operated butterfly valve or OS & Y gate valves with grooved or flanged ends meeting AWWA C504 requirements. Dezurik BGS. 8) Horizontal check valves 2 inches and smaller: Swing type design, Class 125, 200 WOG, with bronze body and cap with threaded or soldered ends. Conform to ASTM B62. Milwaukee 509 or 1509. 9) Horizontal check valves 2-1/2 inches and larger: swing type design, Class 125, 200 WOG, cast iron body, flanged ends, bronze trim and bolted cap conforming to ASTM A126, Class B. Milwaukee F2974. 10) Vertical check valves 2 inches and smaller: 250 WOG. Center guided, silent, non-slam type. Bronze body, spring, and disc holder, threaded ends. Metraflex 700. 11) Vertical check valves 2-1/2 inches and larger: 125 pound flanged ends, wafer style, silent type, cast iron body, bronze trim, stainless steel spring. Metraflex 900. 12) Shutoff valves for Natural Gas Piping: 2 inches and smaller, butterfly valve or ball valve, 175 PSI working pressure, cast bronze body, viton seals, full port, threaded ends, stainless steel trim, AGA certified and UL listed for flammable liquids and LP gas. Milwaukee Valve BB2-100. 13) Shutoff valves for Natural Gas Piping: 2-1/2 inches and larger, plug valve, 200 PSI WOG, flanged ends, cast iron body, full round port. Dezurik Figure 118. 14) Shutoff valve for low and medium pressure steam supply (below 75 psig) and condensate return: Gate valve, 2 inches and smaller, 150 WSP, 300 WOG, bronze body, bonnet, and rising stem, union bonnet, threaded ends, bronze solid wedge disk. Conform to MSS SP-80 standards. Milwaukee 1151. 15) Shutoff valves for low and medium pressure steam supply (below 75 psig) and condensate return: Gate valves, 2-1/2 inches and larger, 125 WSP, 200 WOG, iron body bronze trim, O.S & Y., rising spindle pattern, with flanged ends, solid wedge disc and brass stems. Flanges to be faced and drilled to conform to ASME standards. Conform to MSS SP-70 standards. Milwaukee F2891. 16) Throttling valves for low and medium pressure steam supply (below 75 psig) and condensate return: 2 inches and smaller, globe valve, 150 WSP, 300 WOG, Rev. B (2/07) Page 45 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 bronze, threaded ends, union bonnet, rising stem, Teflon disc, integral seat. Milwaukee 590T. 17) Throttling valves for low and medium pressure steam supply (below 75 psig) and condensate return: 2-1/2 inches and larger, globe valve, 125 WSP, 200 WOG, flanged body, bronze mounted, O.S. & Y. Milwaukee F2981. 18) Check valves for low and medium pressure steam supply (below 75 psig) and condensate return: 2 inches and smaller, 200 WSP, 400 WOG, Y-pattern, horizontal swing type design, bronze body, threaded ends. Milwaukee 508. Check valves for low and medium pressure steam supply (below 75 psig) and condensate return: 2-1/2 inches and larger, 125 WSP, 200 WOG, horizontal swing type design, cast iron body, renewable bronze seat and disc. Flanged ends. Milwaukee F2974. 19) 20) Shutoff valves for high pressure steam supply (75 psig and above) and condensate return: 2 inches and smaller, gate valve, 300 WSP, 1000 WOG, bronze body, rising stem, solid wedge disc, stainless steel seat, union bonnet, threaded ends. Milwaukee 1184. 21) Shutoff valves for high pressure steam supply and condensate return (75 psig and above): 2-1/2 inches and larger, gate valve, Class 300, cast steel body, O.S. & Y., bolted bonnet, flanged ends. Milwaukee F3050. 22) Throttling valves for high pressure steam supply and condensate return (75 psig and above): 2 inches and smaller, globe valve, 300 WSP, 600 WOG, bronze body, stainless steel disc, union bonnet, threaded ends. Milwaukee 593A. 23) Throttling valves for high pressure steam supply and condensate return (75 psig and above): 2-1/2 inches and larger, globe valve, Class 300, cast steel body, O.S. & Y., bolted bonnet, flanged ends. Milwaukee F3060. 24) Check valves for high pressure steam supply and condensate return (75 psig and above): 2 inches and smaller, 300 WSP, 600 WOG, bronze body, Y-pattern, horizontal swing type design, regrinding disc, threaded end. Milwaukee 507. Rev. B (2/07) 25) Check valves for high pressure steam supply and condensate return (75 psig and above): 2-1/2 inches and larger, Class 300, cast steel body, horizontal swing, bolted cap, flanged ends. Milwaukee F3070. 26) Shutoff valves in purified water piping: ball valve, 2 inches and smaller, all polypropylene construction, 150 PSI working pressure at 73 degree F water temperature, maximum service temperature 180 degree F, plain or threaded ends, EPDM seals, full port. Cell Class PP-110-M30-A-10120 per ASTM D4101. Orion “Whiteline” or Enfield “Enpure”. Each valve must be Page 46 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 factory bagged prior to shipment. 7. 27) Check valves in purified water piping: All polypropylene construction, 150 PSI working pressure at 73 degree F water temperature, maximum service temperature 180 degree F, plain or threaded ends, EPDM seals. Cell Class PP-110-M30-A-10120 per ASTM D4101. Orion “Whiteline” or Enfield “Enpure”. Each valve must be factory bagged prior to shipment. 28) Shutoff valves in medical/laboratory gas and vacuum: bronze body, three piece design, full port, quarter turn ball valve with Teflon seals, chrome plated double seal ball and blowout proof steam design for a working pressure of 400 PSI or vacuum of 29” hg with factory brazed Type “K” copper tubing extensions. All valves must be factory pressure tested, cleaned for oxygen service and capped for delivery to the site. All valves must be lockable in the opened position. Obtain lock/cable from CCF Plumbing Shop. 29) Valve Chain Operator: Provides for remote operation of valves. Sprocket rim attaches to valve wheel. Furnish with chain and chain guide. Sprocket rim constructed of cast iron. Chain guide constructed of mallable iron. Chain constructed of steel. Handwheel to match valve. Provide chain operators for valves located more than 10 feet above or as indicated. 30) Automatic flow setting valve assemblies shall be manufactured by Flow Design, Inc. (FDI) or Griswold. Strainers A. Copper Piping: 2 inches and smaller, “Y” type pipe line strainer, bronze body, threaded ends, 18-8 stainless steel screen with 20 mesh openings, 300 PSIG at 400 degrees F. Provide pipe nipple with ball valve for blow down. Manufacturers: ITT Hoffman (42DC) and Armstrong. B. Steel Piping (water and low pressure steam): 2 inches and smaller, “Y” type pipe line strainer, cast iron body, threaded ends, stainless steel screen with 20 mesh water or 100 mesh steam, 400 PSIG at 150 degree F for water, oil, gas, 250 PSIG at 406 degree F maximum saturated steam pressure, screw plug with blow off connection. Provide pipe nipple with ball valve for blow down. Manufacturers: Spirax Sarco Model IT, ITT Hoffman and Armstrong. C. Steel Piping (water or low pressure steam): 2-1/2 inches through 12 Rev. B (2/07) Page 47 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 inches, “Y” pattern pipeline strainer, cast iron body, 125 pound flanged ends, bolted cover, 125 PSIG at 350 degree F maximum saturated steam pressure, 175 PSIG at 150 degree F water, oil, gas operating pressure, 0.045 (steam) or 0.125 (water) perforated stainless steel screen. Provide pipe nipple with 3/4 inch full port ball valve for blow down. Manufacturers: Spirax Sarco (CI-125 or F-125), ITT Hoffman and Armstrong. 8. D. Steel Piping (high pressure steam): through 2 inches “Y” pattern threaded pipe strainer, cast steel body, oil, gas operating pressure, 300 psig at 838 degrees F maximum saturated steam pressure, 100 mesh, 304 stainless steel screen, steel cap and pipe nipple with gate valve for blowdown. Manufacturers: Spirax Sarco (CT), ITT Hoffman and Armstrong. E. Steel Piping (high pressure steam): 3 inches through 12 inches, “Y” pattern pipeline strainer, cast steel body, 300 pound flanged ends, bolted cover, 300 PSIG at 838 degree F maximum saturated steam pressure, 400 PSIG at 150 degree F water, oil, gas operating pressure, 1/32 inch or 1/8 inch (0.045 or 0.062) perforated stainless steel screen. Provide pipe nipple with 3/4 inch ball valve for blow down. Manufacturers: Spirax Sarco (CI250 or F-250), ITT Hoffman and Armstrong. F. Condenser Water System: 2 inches through 12 inches. Simplex basket type. Cast iron body ASTM A216 Class B. Clamp type cover assembly, flanged inlet, outlet and threaded drain connection. 125 PSIG at 350 degree F maximum saturated steam pressure, 175 PSIG at 150 degree F water, oil, gas operating pressure, 0.045 perforated stainless steel screen for 2 inch through 3 inch. 0.125 perforated stainless steel screen for 4 inches and larger. Furnish with blowdown opening. Provide pipe nipple with 3/4 inch full port ball valve for blowdown. Expansion Compensators A. B. C. Rev. B (2/07) Utilize hard piped expansion loops consisting of piping system material specified. In steam piping, expansion loops must be welded. In high pressure steam and steam condensate piping, utilize sleeve type expansion joints where hard pipe expansion joints are not practical. High pressure system expansion joints shall carry a 300 psi working pressure rating for steam and 150 psi for condensate. Device shall utilize nonasbestos packing and be capable of re-packing without shutting down the system. Manufacturers: Adsco and Advanced Thermal Systems. In high pressure steam and steam condensate piping, utilize flexible ball joints where required rated at 300 psi (high pressure steam) and 150 psi (steam condensate). Manufacturers: Arco or Advanced Thermal Systems. Page 48 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 9. 10. 11. 12. Thermometers A. Provide before and after any device where system temperature changes (heat exchangers, chillers, boilers, heating and cooling coil, domestic water heaters). B. Manufactureres : Weiss, Trerice, Taylor, American. Pressure Gauges A. Provide before and after any device where system pressure changes (pumps, reducing and regulating valves, backflow preventers). B. Manufacturers: Trerice, American, Marsh, Ashcroft. Combination Pressure & Temperature Test Plugs (Pete’s Plugs) A. Provide at smaller devices where system temperature or pressure changes (reheat coils, unit heaters, fan coil units, convectors, finned tube radiation, radiant panel). B. Manufacturers: Peterson Equipment Company (Pete’s Plug) Equipment Pads A. 13. Roof Flashings A. 14. Minimum 4 inches thick, 3000 psi concrete. Coordinate with roof type on a per project basis. Access Doors A. Utilize double wall access doors in ducts to be insulated. B. Doors must be adequately sized to allow service access to all components. Minimum size 20 inches x 16 inches. C. Access doors in fire rated walls or floors must be fire rated accordingly. 15. Motors A. All motors 10 horsepower and above shall be approved for variable frequency drive control whether or not served by a variable frequency drive. B. All motors 10 housepower and above shall be "premium" with an efficiency of 93 percent or higher. Rev. B (2/07) Page 49 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 C. 16. Freeze Protection Cable/Temperature maintenance cable A. 17. Manufactures: Raychem, Thermon Underfloor Heating Systems / Snow Melt Systems A. 18. Manufactures: Allis-Chalmers, General Electric, Lincoln Electric or Reliance Electric. Wirsbro Roof Curbs A. Coordinate product with roof type. B. Provide curbs 12 inches high (minimum) . C. Coordinate roof openings with Structural Engineer. D. Secure roof curbs to building structure. Anchoring curb to roof insulation is unacceptable. E. Roof curbs for equipment more than 5 foot in any dimension must be full perimeter type. All duct and piping roof penetrations must occur through a curb. F. All pipe curbs must have plastic covers, PVC boots and all stainless steel clamps. G. Guy wire installation must be similar to pipe penetrations. H. Manufacturers: Thycurb, Pate, Custom Curb. 19. Refrigerants 20. A. Acceptable refrigerants are R-22, R-123, R-134a. Firestopping 21. A. Manufacturers: Specified Techologies, Inc. (STI) "Specseal" product line, Nelson, Tremco, 3M, and Hilti. B. Refer to the Appendix for the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Fire Protection Design Standards. Water Antifreeze Solution A. Rev. B (2/07) Utilize propylene glycol solutions only. Page 50 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 SECTION 15188 – WATER TREATMENT 1. Water treatment chemical and specialties for hot, chilled, condenser and cooling tower systems. A. Manufacturer: Betz SECTION 15191 – FUEL OIL SYSTEM 1. Fiberglass Storage Tanks A. Double Wall 2. Fuel Tank Monitoring System A. Manufacturer: Veeder-Root Rev. B (2/07) Revised: (4/09/2009) SECTION 15213 - MEDICAL GAS, VACUUM AND WAGD SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including general and supplementary conditions and Division I specification section, apply to this section. SUMMARY EXTENT OF WORK A. This Section pertains to all labor, equipment and services necessary for and incidental to the installation of piped medical gas and vacuum systems (PMGVS) including oxygen, medical air, medical vacuum, waste anesthesia gas disposal (WAGD), nitrogen, instrument air, nitrous oxide, helium, carbon dioxide, argon, dental air, dental vacuum, laboratory air and mixed gas systems as shown on the drawings and/specified herein. 1. Oxygen systems shall be complete to the source valve, ready for connection to the bulk gas supply system. 2. Medical Vacuum, WAGD and Medical Air systems shall be complete, started, tested and ready for use. 3. Nitrous Oxide, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Helium, Argon and Mixed Gas Systems shall be complete, tested and ready for use. B. Owner Furnished Materials for installation under this section 1. Supply of gases in cylinders or containers as appropriate for manifolds. 2. Initial supply of liquid (oxygen, nitrogen). C. Related Sections 1. Related work and materials are specified in Section 15010, General Provision Section 15050, Basic Materials and Methods; and other appropriate Sections of this Division. 2. Division 11 Section “Laboratory Fume Hoods” for outlets requiring medical gas service. 3. Division 12 Section “Laboratory Casework” for outlets requiring medical gas service. 4. Division 12 Section “Medical Case Work” for outlets requiring medical gas service. 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES: All references refer to the most recent edition. A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities. B. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), NEC National Electrical Code. C. American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) 6010 Professional Qualification Standards for Medical Gas System Installers. Revised: (4/09/2009) D. American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) 6030 Professional Qualification Standards for Medical Gas System Verifiers. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. All materials used shall be new and of the best grade and quality obtainable and workmanship shall be first class in every respect. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all Local, State or Federal codes. B. Provide all elements and accessories required for complete systems per NFPA 99 most recent edition. C. Contractor shall make all necessary connections to owner furnished equipment. D. Install all piping as shown on Drawings, as described herein and as described in Section 15050, Basic Materials and Methods, using methods of fabrication, grading, testing, repairing, cleaning and other procedures as described. E. Electrical power wiring for vacuum pump(s), medical air compressor(s), WAGD Producer(s), ceiling columns, alarms, and modular accessories associated with the system(s) shall be part of the electrical contract. Any equipment supplied by this contractor that requires additional electrical services shall be the responsibility of this contractor to supply these services. F. Perform Installer pressure testing, cross connection testing and final testing per NFPA 99 most recent edition and using procedures as specified. G. Coordinate with owner retained verifier, CHT, for final verification of the systems. Make corrections as required, including additional testing if necessary to attain full and unqualified certification. 1.5 COORDINATION A. Medical Gas Contractor shall coordinate with other trades to ensure timely installations and avoid conflicts and interference. B. Work with metal stud partition installer and/or mason to ensure anchors, sleeves and similar items are provided in sufficient time to avoid delays; chases and openings are properly sized and prepared. C. Coordinate with owner to ensure medical gas outlets, whether owner supplied or contractor supplied, in walls, ceiling and all equipment is provided by the same Medical Gas Equipment Manufacturer (MGEM) satisfactory to the owner. D. Coordinate with bulk cryogenic gas supplier for installation, connection and verification of bulk gas supply systems. E. Medical Gas Contractor shall supply and install the master alarm system, including the signal wiring. The electrical contractor shall provide power wiring Revised: (4/09/2009) to each alarm panel. Medical Gas Contractor is responsible for proper termination, testing and marking of alarm panels. Termination shall be done by or under supervision of manufacturer of alarm panels. F. Coordinate with Medical Gas Verifier, CHT, to deliver a complete, tested medical gas installation ready for owner’s use. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish the following as one package: 1. Medical Gas Equipment Manufacturer (MGEM) submittals including at least; a. Complete specifications for the product intended to be installed, dimensional drawings, and wiring schematics where appropriate. b. For Medical Air, medical vacuum and WAGD plants include: (i) Package drawing indicating package style, dimensions when complete, method of disassembly and sizes of subsections for rigging and installation. (ii) Compressor and package capacity expressed in ICFM. (iii) Lubrication method (if any). (iv) Drive detail including adjustment method. (v) Motor including manufacturer, frame type, service factor, horsepower, current draw, and RPM. (vi) Air filters including type and replacement element. (vii) Pressure regulators including type and manufacturer. (viii) Dew point monitor including technology employed, calibration interval, and annual drift in degrees. (ix) Carbon monoxide monitor including technology employed, calibration interval, and annual drift in ppm. (x) Air dryers, type; manufacturer; and design dew point at 50 psig. (xi) Sound pressure in dBa when operated at NFPA capacity. (xii) BTU output for the equipment c. For other medical gas products include: (i) Outlet keying system. (ii) Alarms networking instructions. d. Complete installation instructions for the use of the installer. e. Statement of specific compliance with paragraphs of NFPA 99 most recent edition as relevant to the equipment and as listed in those sections. f. Complete maintenance schedules. Revised: (4/09/2009) g. Warranty statement which must encompass all system components. Warranties covering only specific components or containing exclusions are not acceptable. h. Name and contact information for installation assistance, startup, warranty and service. i. Description of available Preventative Maintenance programs for Owners review. j. Information on training programs available to maintenance personnel for Owners review. B. Pre-approval: 1. Written pre-approval is required for equipment not exactly matching specifications. Submit the information required under Submittals above, attaching a cover letter stating the exact areas of deviation. 2. A Request for pre-approval of equipment must be received by the Engineer not less than three days (72 hours) prior to bid. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements 1. Electrical Control systems and Medical Gas Alarms are to be UL listed as assemblies with label affixed. 2. Medical air, instrument air, medical vacuum and WAGD controls are to be wired in accordance with NEC. 3. MGEM will include with submittals an affidavit attesting to compliance with all relevant paragraphs of NFPA 99 most recent edition including (d) below. 4. MGEM personnel assembling medical air, instrument air, vacuum and WAGD plant shall meet NFPA 99 “Qualification of Installers” and hold medical gas endorsements as under ASSE 6010. 5. The Contractor shall furnish documentation attesting that all installed piping materials were purchased cleaned and plugged or capped in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 99 and Contractor must also provide Cleveland Clinic with Certificates of Conformance indicating that all piping materials meet the metallurgical specifications set forth in ASTM B819. Note: The above-mentioned documentation must be submitted to Cleveland Clinic Revised: (4/09/2009) prior to the verification process being performed. 6. The Contractor shall furnish current copies of ASSE 6010 credentials for all workers installing medical gas piping. B. Installation and Start-up: The MGEM will provide factory authorized representatives to review installation and perform initial start up of system. C. Warranty 1. Warranty will be expressly complete, include all components of the system and be the responsibility of the MGEM of record only. Warranties limiting the responsibility of the MGEM for any system component or which pass through the MGEM to another manufacturer are not acceptable. 2. Warranties shall include on site repairs including travel, labor and parts. Warranties requiring return of equipment for adjustment are not acceptable. 3. All medical gas pipeline components shall be warranted by the MGEM of record for 24 months or longer from start-up. 4. Medical Air dryer switching valves shall be warranted by the MGEM of record for 10 years from start-up. D. Maintenance 1. MGEM shall demonstrate a national factory direct service capability able to perform major overhauls. 2. MGEM shall offer factory direct preventative maintenance contract for the owner’s consideration. 3. MGEM shall offer formal maintenance training courses for owners review. 4. MGEM’s offering scroll compressors shall include in their price all labor and parts required for normal maintenance of the actual scroll compressor(s) (i.e. not including service for the package and accessories) for 20,000 operating hours. E. Verification: Medical Gas Contractor shall deliver to the owner a complete system certification without qualifications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 QUALIFICATION OF MANUFACTURER(S) A. One Medical Gas Equipment Manufacturer (MGEM) shall supply the medical-gas system(s) and equipment to include, all but not limited to outlets, valves and gauges, valve boxes, alarm panels, manifolds, medical air, instrument air, Revised: (4/09/2009) vacuum and WAGD sources. B. The MGEM shall have a product specialist available to periodically check with the Contractor during installation of the pipeline systems equipment. MGEM shall provide service support to the hospital after turnover. Demonstrate factory trained service technician is available within 200 miles of facility. C. Approved MGEM: Piping Systems Components and Medical Gas Alarms; 1. BeaconMedæs 2. Alternate by Facilities Engineering Department with pre approval only. D. Written Pre-approval is required for all equipment from other manufacturers. 2.2 MATERIALS A. All pressurized medical gas piping shall be: 1. Seamless ASTM B-819, type K or L hard drawn seamless medical gas copper tubing, identified by the markings “OXY” “MED” “OXY/MED” “OXY/ACR” , or “ACR/MED” in green (Type K) or blue (Type L). Supplier must provide Certificates of Conformance indicating that all piping materials meet the metallurgical specifications set forth in ASTM B819. 2. Fittings shall be wrought copper, brass or bronze designed expressly for brazed connection, compliant with ANSI B16.22. 3. Pipe (Tube), fittings, valves, and other components shall be specially cleaned for oxygen service in a facility equipped to clean, rinse, and purge the material in accordance with the requirements of NFPA and received on job site cleaned and capped. On site cleaning of the interior surfaces of tubes, valves, fittings, and other components is not allowed. 4. Brazing alloy shall be BCuP-5 Brazing alloy or equivalent alloy with at least 1000 degree F melting point. B. All vacuum tubing shall be: 1. Type ‘L’, ‘M’, or ASTM B-280 ACR copper. 2. Brazed with BCuP-5 Brazing alloy or equivalent alloy with at least 1000 degree F melting point. C. All WAGD piping shall be: 1. Type ‘L’, ‘M’, or ASTM B-280 ACR copper, Schedule 5 galvanized steel, or equivalent sized ductwork. Revised: (4/09/2009) 2. If copper, brazed with BCuP-5 Brazing alloy or equivalent alloy with at least 1000 degree F melting point. D. Isolation of copper tubing from dissimilar metal shall be accomplished either through use of copper or copper plated hangers or hangers with plastic isolators. 2.3 SUBSYSTEMS A. Gas Cylinder Manifolds 1. Manifolds shall meet the requirements of NFPA 99 and 2. The manifold control(s) shall be fully automatic, including shifting to secondary bank when the service bank is exhausted, with automatic reset of replaced bank to primary status. Semi-automatic manifolds are not acceptable. 3. The manifold control(s) shall incorporate: a. Pressure switches to actuate designated signals when service bank is exhausted. b. Visible display on control unit to determine when primary bank is exhausted and the secondary bank is in operation. c. A continuously lit green indicator to indicate header in use. d. Gauges to indicate contents of each header. e. An amber indicator of header ready for the secondary header. f. A red indicator of header empty for each header. g. A pressure gauge for line pressure. 4. Manifold design shall ensure that the failure of any one component does not prevent continued supply of gas to patients. 5. Manifolds design shall incorporate dome biased regulators for header switching and shall not require heaters for any gas. 6. Alarm Manifold power supply shall be separate unit for ease of installation. Wiring between manifold and power supply shall be manufacturer supplied. Manifolds requiring electrical work inside the manifold cabinet during installation are not acceptable. 7. Wiring shall terminate in power supply box not in manifold. Power supply box shall include terminals for all NFPA mandated alarm signals per Table A5.1.9.2. Revised: (4/09/2009) 8. Oxygen manifolds shall not include polymeric materials. a. Furnish Copper pigtails. Flexible leads with polymeric linings are not acceptable. b. Cylinder check valves shall contain no Teflon or Kel-F. c. Header valves shall be furnished with copper seats. 9. Manifolds shall be designed to permit cylinders to be placed under the manifold controls. 10. Contractor shall furnish and install or field fabricate cylinder storage racks adequate to restrain the anticipated number of cylinders while attached to the manifolds. 11. Contractor shall furnish and install or field fabricate cylinder storage racks adequate to restrain the number of cylinders indicated on the plans while in storage. 12. Manifolds shall be BeaconMedæs LifeLine series with sizes as scheduled on the plans. B. Liquid Container Manifolds 1. Manifolds shall at least meet the requirements of NFPA 99 2. The manifold control(s) shall be fully automatic, including shifting to secondary bank when the primary bank is exhausted with automatic reset of replaced bank to reserve status. Semi-automatic manifolds are not acceptable. 3. The manifold control(s) shall incorporate: a. Pressure switches to actuate designated signals. b. Visible display on control unit to indicate when either bank is exhausted and the secondary bank is in operation. c. An indicator of header ready for the secondary header. d. Visible display on power supply box to indicate when Reserve is in operation. e. Visible display on power supply box to indicate when reserve contents are low. f. A continuously lit green indicator to indicate header in use. g. Gauges to indicate contents of each header. Revised: (4/09/2009) h. A pressure gauge for line pressure. 4. Manifold shall include all reserve header components necessary to complete a manifold with reserve. Header shall include at least the number of connections scheduled on the plans. 5. Reserve headers shall be separate sub assemblies suitable for mounting separate from the manifold controls using standard Type K tubing and brazing techniques. No special piping materials or techniques shall be required. 6. Alarm Manifold power supply shall be separate unit for ease of installation. Wiring between manifold and power supply shall be manufacturer supplied. Manifolds requiring electrical work inside the manifold cabinet during installation are not acceptable. 7. Wiring shall terminate in power supply box not in manifold. Power supply box shall include terminals for all NFPA mandated alarm signals per Table A5.1.9.2. Wiring between the power supply and reserve pressure switch shall be by installing contractor. 8. Manifold design shall ensure that the failure of any one component does not prevent continued supply of gas to patients. 9. Manifolds design shall incorporate dome biased regulators for header switching and shall not require heaters for any gas. 10. Oxygen reserve headers shall not include polymeric materials. a. Furnish Copper pigtails. Flexible leads with polymeric linings are not acceptable. b. Cylinder check valves shall contain no Teflon or Kel-F. c. Header valves shall be furnished with copper seats. 11. Contractor shall furnish and install or field fabricate cylinder storage racks adequate to restrain the anticipated number of containers and cylinders while attached to the manifolds. 12. Contractor shall furnish and install or field fabricate storage racks adequate to restrain the number of containers and cylinders indicated on the plans while in storage. 13. Manufacturer shall include with the manifold one copy of an applications guide describing the operation of liquid manifolds and their limitations for the operator’s use. Revised: (4/09/2009) 14. Manifolds shall be BeaconMedæs LifeLine series with sizes as scheduled on the plans. C. Medical Vacuum Pumps 1. Provide a complete medical vacuum source, complying with NFPA 99 in all respects, as specified and scheduled on the drawings and as manufactured by BeaconMedæs or pre approved equal. 2. All components shall be at least duplexed and valved (or check valved as provided In NFPA-99) to permit service to any component without interrupting vacuum supply to the facility during any maintenance operation or any condition of single fault failure. Each pump exhaust shall be isolated by a union fitting permitting capping for service removal. 3. Furnish complete plant consisting of pumps, receiver and controls capable of providing the scheduled capacity with one pump out of service. All capacities will be indicated in SCFM at 19 inches HG. 4. System shall be completely factory assembled, requiring only interconnection between modules on site. Systems requiring on site assembly other than interconnection are not acceptable (replacement of components removed for shipping is permitted). 5. Each pump will be direct or close coupled to a NEMA rated High Efficiency TEFC motor with a service factor of 1.15. 6. Each pump will include inlet and outlet flex connectors supplied by the MGEM. 7. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) will be used to implement operating logic. PLC has integral memory and EPROM backup. PLC shall control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit if required. A lag alarm on control cabinet and contacts for the master alarm will be provided. 8. The complete control system and all electrical components shall be NEMA 12 and UL labeled. The control system shall provide: a. Automatic lead/lag sequencing including self adjusting minimum run timers which adaptively optimize the number of pump starts based on demand. b. Circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum pump with external operators. Units with fuses instead of circuit breakers in motor circuit are not acceptable. The control system shall include an automatic minimum run time adjustment to automatically adjust run time based on demand. Revised: (4/09/2009) c. Full voltage motor starters with overload protection. d. Redundant 120 volt control circuit transformers. e. Visual and audible reserve unit alarm with isolated contacts for remote alarms and audio cancel. f. Control cabinet shall have lighted HOA selector switches g. Panel mounted vacuum gauge. h. Runtime hour-meter for each pump. FOR LIQUID RING (REQUIRED FOR LABROTORY USE.) 9A. Provide oil-free, single-stage positive displacement, and non-pulsating liquid ring type pumps. The pump will be fitted with mechanical seals. Each pump will be of all iron construction with a bronze or stainless rotor and carbon steel shaft. Maintenance intervals are calendar based and there is no hours based maintenance. Under normal operation, system shall minimize fresh seal water required. System shall include reservoir sufficient for up to 48 hours operation without fresh water supply. System is self contained. Provide BeaconMedaes systems utilizing NASH pumps or pre-approved equal. FOR OIL LESS ROTARY VANE 9B. Provide completely dry pumps equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. Bearings shall be lubricated and sealed. No oil is permitted in any pump. Each pump is completely air-cooled and has absolutely no water requirement. Each pump is fitted with a 5 micron inlet filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to prevent backflow through offcycle units, flexible connector, isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting location. Provide BeaconMedaes packaged vacuum system or preapproved equal. FOR CLAW 9C. Provide non contacting claw style rotary pumps. Internal construction is friction free and rotors are non-contacting. Air end is oil free and requires no sealants. Each pump is air cooled and continuous duty rated. Pump is provided with a single lubricated gearbox requiring oil change not more often than 5,000 operating hours. Pump is provided with exhaust silencer. Pumps are equipped with high vacuum shutdown, high temperature shutdown and alarm. Lubricant supplied shall be inert with oxygen and pumps shall be factory cleaned for oxygen service. Provide BeaconMedaes O2Assured pump or pre approved equal. 10. The complete medical vacuum system and all electrical components shall be factory pre-tested prior to shipment by the MGEM. Revised: (4/09/2009) D. Medical Air Compressor System 1. Provide a complete medical air source, complying with all relevant requirements of NFPA 99 and supplying medical air continuously for the life of the equipment. The unit shall be manufactured by BeaconMedæs or pre approved equal. 2. All components are at least duplexed and valved to permit service to any component without interrupting air supply to the facility. 3. Furnish a complete plant consisting of compressors, receiver, air treatment system and controls capable of providing scheduled capacity with one compressor out of service. 4. System is modular or field separable, allowing for ease of shipment and handling on site. All sections fit through a standard 36 inch door frame on a standard pallet jack. System is completely factory assembled, requiring only interconnection between modules on site. Systems requiring site assembly other than interconnection are not acceptable (remounting of components removed for shipping is permitted). 5. The control system is NEMA 12 and UL labeled. Provide in the control system: a. Automatic lead/lag sequencing and alternation. b. A separate circuit breaker disconnect for each compressor internal to the main control cabinet and protected by the safety interlock of that cabinet. c. Full voltage motor starters with overload protection. d. Redundant 120 Volt control circuit transformers e. Visual and audible reserve unit alarm with isolated contacts for remote alarm and cancelable audio. f. HOA lighted selector switches g. Panel mounted pressure gauge h. Runtime hour-meters for each compressor. i. When HOA switches are in Hand mode, system will operate on pressure switch and compressors will not run if lead switch is satisfied. j. Provide visual and audible alarm indication for high discharge air temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm. k. A temperature sensor at the outlet of each compressor cylinder or air-end Revised: (4/09/2009) to provide hi-temp alarm and shutdown that compressor. Systems employing a single switch for multiple cylinders are not acceptable. l. Dryers are controlled from main control panel with selector switches mounted on control panel. 6. Compressor motors shall be a NEMA rated, open drip proof unit with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or 230/460 volt, three phase, 60hz. 7. All moving parts (fans, pulleys and belts) shall be fully protected by an OSHA approved enclosure. 8. All support structures shall be a minimum of 10 Gauge Steel. 9. The compressor modules and motors shall be fully isolated from the main compressor base by means of a four point, heavy-duty isolation system for a minimum of 95% isolation efficiency. Engineering data shall be provided supporting isolation efficacy and equal weight distribution between supports. Pumps not having this feature shall have an inertia base sized for that system installed at this contractor’s expense. 10. Provide redundant medical air treatment systems including desiccant dryers, filters, and purifiers sized for peak calculated demand. Include dew point and carbon monoxide monitoring Medical air treatment shall include: a. Desiccant dryers producing a 10°F (-12°C) pressure dew point. Refrigerant dryers are not acceptable. b. Dryer purge flow control through an integral dew point based purge control system. Purge controllers using desiccant temperature are not acceptable. c. 441 transfer valve utilizing two ceramic slide plates. Units utilizing multiple solenoids or diaphragm type switching are not acceptable. Valve shall require no periodic service and be covered by a 10 year factory warranty. d. Mounted pre-filter rated for 0.01 micron with automatic drain and element change indicator at the inlet to each dryer. e. Final line filters rated for 0.01 micron with element change indicators, duplexed final line regulators, and duplexed safety relief valves shall be factory mounted and piped at the outlet of each dryer. 11. System piping shall be brazed except where unions are required for service. Vibration flexes shall be all metal and of sufficient length to achieve full isolation. Systems using rubber tubing flex connectors with hose clamps are not acceptable. Systems with short flex connections providing only nominal isolation are not acceptable. Revised: (4/09/2009) 12. Provide corrosion resistant, ASME Coded, National Board Certified receiver rated for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure. Include a liquid level glass, safety relief valve, manual drain valve, and a screened automatic solenoid valve. During normal operation the flow of air will travel through the tank to allow water vapor to condense in tank. 13. The complete medical air package shall be pre-wired, pre-piped and assembled on one common base with single point connections for electrical, intake air, discharge air, and condensate drains. All elements shall be factory installed including source valve. All piping shall be factory complete including all valves per NFPA 99 Fig. A- FOR SCROLL TECHNOLOGY 14A. The compressors shall be a continuous duty rated scroll type with sealed bearings. The design shall be single stage, air-cooled, consisting of one fixed and one orbiting scroll sealed with PTFE tip seals between the scroll halves and rated for 828 kPa (120 PSIG) discharge pressure. Orbiting bearings shall be grease filled and permanently sealed type requiring no lubrication at any time. Units requiring re-lubrication are not acceptable. Noise level shall not exceed 75 dB(A) for duplex system, 78 dB(A) for triplex system, and 80 dB(A) for quad system with pumps running at peak demand. Belt tensioning shall be achieved with a pivoting motor mounting base adjustable with one tensioning screw. Each compressor shall be equipped with an integral air-cooled after cooler designed for a maximum approach temperature of 7°C (15°F) at 37.8°C (100°F) ambient and complete with electronic drain valve. The discharge of piping of each compressor shall incorporate an integral valve to prevent more than 1/4 revolution of reverse rotation of the scroll at shutdown. The MGEM shall include in their price all labor and parts required for normal maintenance of the actual scroll compressor(s) (i.e. not including service for the package and accessories) for the life of the compressor. FOR RECIPROCATING TECHNOLOGY 14B. The compressors shall be single stage, air cooled, reciprocating type with corrosion resistant valves with stainless steel reeds. The crankcase and head shall be constructed of durable nodular graphite cast iron and designed to be fully supported on both ends by heavy duty permanently lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Aluminum crankcases and heads are not acceptable. An insulated “heat cut” piston pin shall minimize the heat transmission from the piston head to the connecting rod. Pistons with a thermal coating are not acceptable. Each compressor head shall have an in-head unloader. The maximum compressor rotation speed shall not exceed 1180 RPM. Crankcase ventilation shall be filtered to prevent dust and insects from entering the crankcase. All bearings shall be permanently lubricated and sealed; pumps that require bearings to be re-greased are not acceptable. Each compressor shall have an after cooler with approach Revised: (4/09/2009) temp of not greater than 5.7°C (12°F). 15. The complete medical air system and all electrical components shall be factory pre-tested prior to shipment by the MGEM. F. Waste Anesthetic Gas Disposal Pumps 1. Provide a complete WAGD source, complying with NFPA 99 in all respects, as specified and scheduled on the drawings and as manufactured by BeaconMedæs or pre-approved equal. 2. All components shall be at least duplexed and valved to permit service to any component without interrupting WAGD supply to the facility during any maintenance operation or any condition of single fault failure. 3. Furnish complete plant consisting of producer and controls capable of providing the scheduled capacity with one producer out of service. 4. System shall be completely factory assembled. Systems requiring site assembly are not acceptable (removal of components for shipping is permitted). 5. Each producer will include inlet and outlet flex connectors supplied by the MGEM. 6. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) will be used to implement operating logic. PLC will have integral memory and EPROM backup. PLC shall control the automatic alternation of the producers with provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit if required. A lag alarm on control cabinet and contacts for the master alarm will be provided. 7. The complete control system and all electrical components shall be NEMA 12 and UL labeled. The control system shall provide: a. Automatic lead/lag sequencing. b. Circuit breaker disconnects for each producer with external operators. Units with fuses instead of circuit breakers in motor circuit are not acceptable. c. Full voltage motor starters with overload protection. d. Redundant 120 volt control circuit transformers. e. Visual and audible reserve unit alarm with isolated contacts for remote alarms and audio cancel. f. Control cabinet shall have lighted HOA selector switches Revised: (4/09/2009) g. Runtime hour-meter for each producer. FOR LIQUID RING 8A. Provide oil-free, single-stage positive displacement, and non-pulsating liquid ring type pumps. The pump will be fitted with mechanical seals. Each pump will be of all iron construction with a bronze or stainless rotor and carbon steel shaft. Maintenance intervals are calendar based and there is no hours based maintenance. Under normal operation, system shall minimize fresh seal water required. System shall include reservoir sufficient for up to 48 hours operation without fresh water supply. System is self contained. Provide vacuum regulation to maintain a maximum system vacuum of 177 mmHg (7inHg). . Provide BeaconMedaes packaged WAGD system using NASH pumps or pre-approved equal. FOR CLAW 8B. Provide non contacting claw style rotary pumps. Internal construction is friction free and rotors are non-contacting. Air end is oil free and requires no sealants. Each pump is air cooled and continuous duty rated. Pump is provided with a single lubricated gearbox requiring lubricant change not more often than 5,000 operating hours. Pump is provided with exhaust silencer. Pumps are equipped with high vacuum shutdown, high temperature shutdown and alarm. Lubricant supplied shall be inert with oxygen. Pump shall be provided with vacuum modulated variable speed drive to control vacuum level at 177 mmHg (7inHg). Provide BeaconMedaes OxyAssured pump or pre approved equal. 9. The complete WAGD system and all electrical components shall be factory pre-tested prior to shipment by the MGEM. E. Instrument Air Compressor System 1. Provide a complete Instrument air source, complying with all relevant requirements of NFPA 99 and supplying instrument air continuously for the life of the equipment. 2. All components are valved to permit service to any component without interrupting instrument air supply to the facility. 3. Furnish a complete plant consisting of one compressor, receiver, simplex air treatment system, backup manifold for at least one hour’s operation and controls. 4. System is modular, allowing for ease of shipment and handling on site. All modules fit through a standard 36 inch door frame on a standard pallet jack. System is completely factory assembled, requiring only interconnection between modules on site. Systems requiring site assembly other than interconnection are not acceptable (remounting of components Revised: (4/09/2009) removed for shipping is permitted). 5. The control system is NEMA 12 and UL labeled. Provide in the control system: a. Automatic lead/lag sequencing and alternation (duplex compressor only) b. Circuit breaker disconnects for each compressor internal to the main control cabinet and protected by the safety interlock of that cabinet. c. Full voltage motor starter(s) with overload protection. d. Redundant 120 Volt control circuit transformers (duplex compressor only) e. Visual and audible reserve unit alarm with isolated contacts for remote alarm and cancelable audio. f. HOA lighted selector switches g. Panel mounted pressure gauge. h. Runtime hour-meters for each compressor. i. When HOA switches are in Hand mode, system will operate on pressure switch and compressors will not run if lead switch is satisfied. j. Provide visual and audible alarm indication for high discharge air temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm. k. Dryers are controlled from main control panel with selector switches mounted on control panel. l. Controls to activate the reserve manifold if the compressor is unable to supply the system. (simplex compressor only) 6. Compressor motors shall be a NEMA rated, open drip proof unit with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or 230/460 volt. 7. All moving parts (fans, pulleys and belts) shall be fully protected by an OSHA approved enclosure. 8. All support structures shall be a minimum of 10 Gauge Steel. 9. The compressor modules and motors shall be fully isolated from the main compressor base by means of a four point, heavy-duty isolation system for a minimum of 95% isolation efficiency. Engineering data shall be provided supporting isolation efficacy and equal weight distribution between supports. Revised: (4/09/2009) 10. Provide redundant instrument air treatment systems including desiccant dryers, filters, and purifiers sized for peak calculated demand. Include dew point monitor. Air treatment shall include: a. Desiccant dryers producing a -40°C (-40°F) pressure dew point. b. Mounted pre-filter rated for 0.01 micron with automatic drain and element change indicator at the inlet to each dryer. c. Final line coalescing filters rated for 0.01 micron with element change indicators, charcoal absorbers, duplexed final line regulators, duplexed safety relief valves shall be factory mounted and piped at the outlet of each dryer. 11. System piping shall be brazed except where unions are required for service. Vibration flexes shall be all metal. Systems using rubber flex connectors with hose clamps are not acceptable. 12. Provide corrosion resistant, ASME Coded, National Board Certified, receiver rated for a minimum 300 PSIG design pressure. Include a liquid level glass, safety relief valve, manual drain valve, and a screened automatic solenoid valve. During normal operation the flow of air will travel through the tank to allow water to condense in tank. 13. The complete instrument air package shall be pre-wired, pre-piped and assembled on one common base with single point connections for electrical, intake air, discharge air, and condensate drains. All elements shall be factory installed including source valve. All piping shall be factory complete including all valves per NFPA 99 Fig. A- 14. The compressors shall be two stage, air cooled, reciprocating type capable of 200 psig minimum. Each compressor shall have an after cooler with approach temp of not greater than 5.6°C (12°F). 15. The complete instrument air system and all electrical components shall be factory pre-tested prior to shipment by the MGEM. F. MEDICAL GAS OUTLET STATIONS: 1. Medical gas outlet stations shall be modular, quick-disconnect recessed type geometric key style or DISS screw thread recessed type as manufactured by BeaconMedaes. Threaded DISS connector shall be per CGA standards. Coordinate type of outlets with space users. 2. Outlets shall be field assembled with sequences and services indicated. Centerline spacing of multiple outlets shall be 5 inches minimum. 3. Outlet stations shall have a die cast light gray epoxy powder coated trim plate. Furnish indexed rough in and gas specific latch valve with noninterchangeable safety keying and with color coded gas service Revised: (4/09/2009) identification. The safety keying index pins shall be permanently captured in the latch assembly and irremovable without destroying the outlet. Designs with index pins molded in plastic are not acceptable. 4. The geometric key style latch mechanisms shall be designed for one handed, single thrust mounting and one handed fingertip release of secondary equipment. 5. The complete outlet shall be made, cleaned and packaged to NFPA 99 Standards, UL Listed and CSA certified. Medical gas outlets shall be cleaned for oxygen service in accordance with CGA Pamphlet G-4.1. The assembly shall be capped and the finish assembly poly bagged for shipment. 6. The rough in assembly shall be of modular design and include a gas specific 16 gauge steel mounting plate designed to permit on-site ganging of multiple outlets, on 5 inch center line spacing. A machined brass outlet block shall be permanently attached to the mounting bracket to permit the 1/2” OD, type-K copper inlet to swivel 360 degrees for attachment to the piping system. The rough in assembly shall contain a double seal to prevent gas leakage between the rough in and latch-valve assemblies after the wall is finished. A single o-ring seal shall not be acceptable. 7. The geometric key style latch-valve assembly shall telescope up to 3/4” to allow for variation in finished wall thickness from 1/2” to 1-1/4”. 8. DISS Outlets shall be used for all ceiling mount applications. 9. Furnish hose assemblies for all ceiling outlets for the finished ceiling height as indicated on drawings. Provide each hose with a heavy-duty chain type dual retractor for pressure gases and dual for vacuum. Retractors made of stainless cable are not acceptable. Allow an extra 18” of hose length for retractors. G. Nitrogen (N2) and Instrument Air (IA) Control Panels: 1. Nitrogen and IA control panels shall be designed to deliver variable pressures to power pneumatic surgical tools. 2. The control panel shall be provided with a 0-300 psig pressure gauge, shutoff valve, pressure regulator, delivery pressure gauge and outlet. A quarter turn of the valve handle shall be required to obtain a fully “open” or “closed” position. 3. An adjustable self relieving type pressure regulator, with an operating range of 10 to 250 psi. 4. Control panels shall be pre-piped internally requiring only external supply line connections. Additional outlets in the same room may be connected to Revised: (4/09/2009) the remote outlet pigtail furnished in the control panel. Remote outlets shall be regulated by the adjustable pressure regulator within the panel and shall match the nitrogen control panel outlet. 5. Control panels shall be available in horizontal or vertical orientation. H. MEDICAL GAS VALVES 1. All Medical Gas Valves shall be specially prepared for oxygen service and shall conform to NFPA 99. Valves shall be ball-type, with Teflon seats and adjusting stem packing gland with Teflon stem seal. 2. Ball valves shall be rated 600 WOG, actuate from full “ON” to full “OFF” by 90 degree turn of vinyl gripped valve handle. 3. Furnish and install only valves with factory installed type K copper tubing extensions. 4. Valves not in valve boxes shall be provided with locking handles, BeaconMedæs series 4255 (locks to be provided by contractor to owner). 5. All valves shall be cleaned for oxygen, capped and sealed in a polyethylene bag for shipping and storage. 6. Valve boxes shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel with white enamel finish. The valve box shall have a sliding, opaque door with pull ring and clear gauge window. The removable window cannot be replaced when any valve is closed. The frame assembly shall be capable of adjusting for variances in wall thickness up to 1”. The window shall conceal piping and mounting screws. Window shall be labeled “Caution - Medical Gas Shut - Off Valves Close Only in Emergency.” Provide clear viewing space in the window to display the gas service, the pressure gauges and the label for areas controlled by the valve. 7. Provide color coded self-adhesive gas labels for compliance with NFPA 99 labeling requirements. Apply labels to each valve in the assembly for gas service identification according to manufactures recommendations. 8. Zone valves shall include a 1 1/2 inch pressure gauge reading 0 to 100 psig for oxygen, air, nitrous oxide; 0 to 300 psig for nitrogen; and 0 to 30 HG for vacuum and WAGD. The gauge port shall be equipped with removable plug for pressure testing before final assembly of gauge. 9. All zone valve boxes assemblies shall read pressure downstream and vacuum upstream of the valve per NFPA 99. Valves shall be piped left to right with right being on patient side. 10. All main line, riser, service, and futures valves as scheduled on the drawings Revised: (4/09/2009) shall include plugged 1/8 nptf ports on inlet and outlet. I. MEDICAL GAS ALARM SYSTEMS 1. General Requirements a. All Medical Gas Alarm panels shall be UL listed as an assembly and shall include factory wiring, transformers, and circuitry requiring only 115 or 230 volt primary power. b. Alarm panels shall meet the FCC Part 15, Subpart B and ICES-003 to reduce possibility of magnetic radiation interference with other equipment. c. The alarm shall arrive on the job site pre-configured as shown on the drawings and schedules or shall be configured by MGEM personnel at no additional charge. d. Alarm shall supervise its wiring to sensors and switches, indicating at the relevant panel(s) if any wire is cut, disconnected or open. e. Each signal will include an indicator light to signify the condition monitored. Activation of any switch will light its LED and actuate the audio alarm. f. Each panel shall include a power on indicator and test function for testing all modules electrically. g. Alarms shall include features permitting field adjustment of alarm volume and display intensity. h. Termination of alarm wiring to be done by or under supervision of manufacturer of alarm. i. Network communication implementation provides browse, download, configure, and troubleshooting of Master Alarms and Area Alarms with a personal computer that is connected to the facility’s Ethernet. The alarm’s Web pages are built-in; no setup is required. j. Medical Gas contractor to include as separate price all labor, materials, specialist subcontractors, programming and other costs required for full advertised functionality of alarm network. Contractor shall coordinate with owners Information Technology (I.T.) personnel as required, but is not permitted to use owner’s I.T. personnel for system installation. k. Alarm shall include protocol card allowing connection to the facility’s Ethernet network. Alarms shall require no special programming or software to allow remote interrogation through any computer on the same Revised: (4/09/2009) intranet. MGEM personnel shall be responsible for alarm configuration at no additional charge. l. Provide owner with any software and manuals required for interface at time of commissioning at no additional charge. 2. Master Alarms a. Furnish exact duplicate Master Alarm Panels at the two locations shown on the plans. b. Wire the master alarm panel’s alarms directly to the individual sensors/switches, furnishing duplicate sensors/switches as required for compliance with NFPA 99 Low voltage shielded wire shall be provided and installed by this contractor. c. Alarms shall be tested, labeled and fully operational for owner. Where alarm configuration in software is necessary, it shall be provided by MGEM representative at no additional charge. d. Provide alarm points as indicated in NFPA 99 Table A. and as detailed on drawings. e. Master alarm panels shall be fully compatible with owner’s Ethernet network as supplied. 3. Area Alarms a. Each area alarm shall include a rough in including power supply, a sensor for each specific gas, and one digital display for each specific gas. b. The power supply shall be of the universal switching type (100-250VAC, 50/60/440Hz, 120-300VDC). Power supply shall be fused to protect the system from voltage and amperage surges. Alarm shall clearly indicate when power is on. c. The area alarm shall provide an audible and visual signal when an advisory or a fault signal is received. Signal limits shall be factory set, with the ability to be field adjusted without the use of tools. d. Each panel shall provide continuous digital display of the vacuum or pressure, high pressure LED indicator, low pressure (or vacuum) LED indicator and a Normal LED indicator. e. The Sensor shall contain a transducer to drive the Digital Module. Sensors shall be gas specific, provided with integral demand checks and capable of mounting directly in the gas pipeline system above the ceiling. Connectors shall be provided for attaching field wiring. Remote sensors Revised: (4/09/2009) shall have a DISS demand fitting. f. Furnish and install the alarm. Coordinate the power wiring with Division 16. Low voltage shielded signal wiring will be provided and installed by this contractor. g. Termination of signal wiring at alarm location will be done by or under supervision of manufacturer of alarm. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Bases and Site preparation 1. Contractor shall furnish 4 inch high concrete housekeeping pads under all medical air, instrument air, vacuum and WAGD plant in this section. Refer to Division 3 for formwork, reinforcement and concrete requirements. 2. Contractor shall furnish inertia bases in lieu of housekeeping pads where the equipment installed is not factory isolated by the manufacturer. 3. Cast anchor bolts into bases. B. Pipe work 1. All installation shall be performed in strict accordance with NFPA 99 5.1.10. Brazing procedures shall be as detailed in NFPA 99 Brazing shall be performed only by brazers qualified under NFPA 99 and ASSE 6010. 2. Where piping runs underground, install in accordance with NFPA 99 3. Copper, tubing, valves and fittings shall be pre cleaned and prepared for oxygen service by the manufacturer and received sealed on the job. Certificates of origin and of proper preparation shall be maintained on the job site attesting the above. 4. The use of flux is prohibited when making of joints between copper to copper pipes and fittings. 5. During any brazing operation, the interior of the pipe shall be purged continuously with oil free, dry nitrogen NF, following the procedure in NFPA 99 At the completion of any section, all open pipe ends shall be capped using an EXTERNAL cap. 6. Threaded joints in piping systems shall be avoided whenever possible. Where unavoidable, make up the male threads with polytetrafluorofethylene Revised: (4/09/2009) (such as Teflon) tape. Do not use liquid sealants. 7. Piping shall be supported with pipe trays or hangers at intervals as shown on the drawings or as defined in NFPA 99 Table Piping shall not be supported by other piping. Isolation of copper piping from dissimilar metals shall be of a firm, positive nature. Duct tape is not acceptable as an isolation material. 8. After installation of the piping, but before installation of the outlet valves, blow lines clear using nitrogen NF. 9. Piping exposed to physical damage shall be protected. 10. Label piping with name of gas service, identification color and direction of flow. Where non-standard pressures are piped, label for pressure. Labels shall be placed at least once every 20 feet of linear run or once in each story (whichever is more frequent). A label shall additionally be placed immediately on each side of each wall or floor penetration. Pipe labels shall be self adhesive vinyl or other water resistant material with permanent adhesive colored in accordance with NFPA 99 Table 5.1.11 and shall be visible on all sides of the pipe. Pipe labels shall be BeaconMedæs Series 6435. 11. Alarms and valves shall be labeled for gas service and areas monitored or controlled. Coordinate with owner for final room or area designations. Label valves with name and identification color of the gas and direction of flow. 12. Piping penetrating an electromagnetic shield shall have an isolation device on each side of shield. C. Labeling 1. Label the medical gas pipelines per NFPA 99 5.1.11 and as follows: a. Label each master alarm signal for function after ring out. b. Label each zone valve and area alarm for the area of control or surveillance after test. 2. 3.2 Labels shall be permanent and of a type approved by the owner. Owner will specify approved bar coded tags, wall placards, and pipe labeling. INSTALLER TESTING A. Prior to declaring the lines ready for final verification, the installing contractor shall follow strictly the procedures for verification as described in NFPA 99 Revised: (4/09/2009) and attest in writing; 1. That all brazing was conducted by brazers qualified to ASSE 6010 and holding current medical gas endorsements. 2. That all brazing was conducted with nitrogen NF purging. (Procedure per NFPA 99 Nitrogen cylinder must have a low contents alarm. 3. That the lines have been blown clear of any construction debris using oil free dry nitrogen or air are clean and ready for use. (Procedure per NFPA 99 An oxygen analyzer must be used to verify concentration when brazing at all times. 4. That the assembled piping, prior to the installation of any devices, maintained a test pressure 1 1/2 times the standard pressures listed in NFPA 99 Table 5.1.11 without leaks. (Procedure per NFPA 99 5. That after installation of all devices, the pipeline was proven leak free for 24 hours at a pressure 20% above the standard pressures listed in NFPA 99 Table 5.1.11. (Procedure per NFPA 99 6. That the systems have been checked for cross connections and none were found. (Procedure per NFPA 99 7. That the manufacturer has started up all medical air compressors, medical vacuum pumps WAGD producers, liquid oxygen system(s) and manifolds, and that they are in operating order. 8. The Contractor shall furnish documentation attesting that all installed piping materials were purchased cleaned and plugged or capped in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 99 and Contractor must also provide Certificates of Conformance indicating that all piping materials meet the metallurgical specifications set forth in ASTM B819. 9. Installer shall provide installers report and piping certificates prior to tie in. 10. All new piping shall be tested for particulate and purity, one (1) week prior to tie in by CHT using Nitrogen NF. 11. All labeling and alarm wiring must be completed prior to verification. B. Provide four originals of the affidavit, distributed; (1) to the engineer, (1) to the owners representative, (1) to the general contractor and (1) to the verifier. 3.3 VERIFIER TESTING A. Prior to handing over the systems to the owner, the owner shall retain CHT ( 216255-9607), who shall follow strictly the procedures for verification as described Revised: (4/09/2009) in NFPA 99 and provide a written report and certificate which contains at least the following: 1. A current ACORD insurance certificate indicating professional liability coverage in the minimum amount of $1 Million per occurrence, and general aggregate liability in the minimum amount of $1 Million, valid and in force when the project is to be verified. General liability insurance is not alone acceptable. 2. A listing of all tests performed, listing each source, outlet, valve and alarm included in the testing. 3. A statement that equipment used was calibrated every year by a method traceable to a National Bureau of Standard Reference and enclosing certificates or other evidence of such calibration(s). Where outside laboratories are used in lieu of on-site equipment, those laboratories shall be named and their original reports enclosed. 4. A statement that where and when needed, equipment was re calibrated during the verification process and describing the method(s) used. 5. A statement that the systems were tested and found to be free of debris to a procedure per NFPA 99 6. The flow from each outlet when tested to a procedure per NFPA 995. 7. A statement that the systems were tested and found to have no crossconnections to a procedure per NFPA 99 8. A statement that the systems were tested and found to be free of contaminants to a procedure per NFPA 99 except that the purity standard shall be 2 ppm difference for halogenated hydrocarbons and 1 ppm total hydrocarbons (as methane). 9. A statement that all local signals function as required under NFPA 99 and as per the relevant NFPA 99 sections relating to the sources. 10. A listing of local alarms, their function and activation per NFPA 99 11. A listing of master alarms, their function and activation, including pressures for high and low alarms per NFPA 99 12. A listing of area alarms, their function and activation pressures per NFPA 99 13. A statement that the sources include all alarms required by NFPA 99 Table A. Revised: (4/09/2009) 14. The concentration of each component of NFPA 99 Table in the medical air after 24 hours of operation of the medical air source. 15. The concentration of each gas at each outlet as specified in NFPA 99 16. A statement that all valves and alarms are accurately labeled as to zone of control. B. Provide four originals of this report and distributed accordingly; (1) to the engineer, (1) to the owner’s representative, (1) to the general contractor and (1) to the installing contractor. SPECIAL NOTES: 1. All permits are responsibility of Contractor; State, Local and Cleveland Clinic, as needed. 2. System shutdowns of the Medical gases shall be arranged with CHT (216-255-9607) and Cleveland Clinic. All shutdowns shall be scheduled one week in advance and use documentation in ASSE 6000, Annex J. 3. Contractor will be responsible for determining shutdown schedule and coordinating with CHT for verification and Cleveland Clinic respiratory for interruption of service. 4. All parties (Construction, Engineering, Facilities and CHT) must approve the Medical gas system shut down procedure before maintenance schedules the field work. 5. CHT must review all drawings containing Medical gases prior to construction and verify any required changes are made before drawings are issued. 6. All service valves, if available, shall have dual ports for purging and verification testing. Revised 2/15/2007 SECTION 15250 – INSULATION 1. All products must meet a flame spread of 25 and smoke developed of 50. 2. If asbestos insulation is discovered or suspected the CCF Project Manager must be notified immediately so the material can be tested. If the material is found to contain asbestos, removal will be coordinated by the CCF Project Manager. 3. Protect fiberglass insulation installed outdoors or in areas subject to moisture with two coats of glass fiber reinforcing fabric imbedded in a weather barrier mastic and covered with a 0.016 inch thick aluminum jacket. Position seams at the 3 or 9 o’clock position of the side of the horizontal piping with 2 inch overlap facing down to shed water. 4. Provide duct wrappings on hazardous duct systems such as isotope and radioactive material hoods. Coordinate requirements on a per project basis with the Radiation Safety Department. 5. Insulation type and application manufacturers: Owens-Corning, Knauf, Armstrong, Certain Teed Mason, Remco Technology, Inc. (removable/reusable insulation covers), 3M (kitchen hood exhaust). A. OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLASS: ASJ/SSL-II (3LB/CF DENSITY) ONE PIECE PIPE INSULATION WITH VABOR BARRIER Service High press. steam (75 psi and above) Medium press. steam (16 psi to 74 psi) Low press. steam (15 psi and below) Steam condensate return Condensate pump discharge Boiler feed Exhaust steam (vent and relief) Blowdown Heating water Chilled water Domestic, industrial and laboratory cold water Domestic, industrial and laboratory hot water Recirculating hot water Domestic, Industrial and Laboratory Horizontal storm conductors Horizontal and vertical emergency storm conductors Air conditioning condensate drain (not in unit cabinets) Horizontal sanitary piping carrying A/C condensate drainage B. AP ARMAFLEX: 1/2 INCH THICK PIPE INSULATION Service Rev. B (2/07) Revised 2/15/2007 Air conditioning condensate drain within air conditioning unit cabinets Refrigerant suction Hot gas bypass Liquid line (exterior to the building) Heating water (buried below floor) Chilled water (buried below floor) Chilled water within air conditioning unit cabinets Domestic hot and cold water (buried below floor) Water cooler trap and waste Execution C. Insulate all valves and fittings to match piping, making a continuous seal Finish insulation installed outdoors with two coats of Armaflex WP finish. AP ARMAFLEX: 1 INCH THICK SHEET INSULATION Service Chilled water pump bodies and accessoriesDomestic water booster pump bodiesPlate and frame heat exchangersChilled and hot water air separatorsChilled and hot water expansion tanksTraps of floor drain receiving A.C. condensate Execution Provide removable insulation sections to cover parts of equipment which must beopened for periodic inspection or service.Provide removable insulation sections to cover equipment nameplates or ASMEstamps. Tag surfaces of the sections to indicate location of information. D. OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLASS 705: ALL SERVICE JACKET (ASJ) EQUIPMENT INSULATION (Density 6 pounds per cubic foot) Service Heat exchangers Condensate receivers Deaerator storage tank and heater section Feed water tank Blowdown separator Domestic hot water storage tanks Steam water heaters Exposed supply air and return air ductwork (in non-air conditioned spaces and mechanical rooms) including standing seams, flanges and steel supports Exposed outside air intake ductwork Air Conditioning unit mixed and supply air plenums including standing seams and steel angle framing Water softener tanks Roof drain sumps Heating coils not integral with air handling units Reheat coils not integral with air terminal units Execution E. Provide removable insulation sections to cover parts of equipment which must beopened for periodic inspection and service.Do not insulate over equipment nameplates or ASME stamps, bevel and sealinsulation edges at these locations. OWENS-CORNING ALL SERVICE FACED DUCTWRAP TYPE 100: 2 INCH THICK Service Supply air ductwork including all steel supports Concealed outside air intake ductwork (above ceilings and in shafts and chases) Concealed return air ductwork in non-conditioned spaces VVT system supply air ductwork VVT system by-pass air ductwork Execution Include insulation of sound attenuators and automatic and manual dampers.Do not insulate over Rev. B (2/07) Page 77 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 manual dampers handles and automatic or smoke damperactuators.Do not insulate over access doors. Utilize double wall insulated access doors inducts that are insulated. F. 3M FIREMASTER GREASE DUCTWRAP: 3 INCHES THICK (2 – 1-1/2 INCH LAYERS) Service Kitchen hood exhaust ductwork G. OWENS-CORNING HIGH TEMPERATURE PIPE INSULATION 1200 (1200 DEGREES F AND BELOW) Service Insulate exhaust piping installed outdoors where sufficient clearance to combustibles does not exist. Emergency Generator Exhaust Piping 4 inch thick (multiple layers) Emergency Generator Exhaust Piping 4 inch thick (multiple layers) Execution Where pipe penetrates a wall, ceiling or roof provide thimble, airspace and counterflashing. H. REMCO TECHNOLOGY, INC. ONE PIECE REMOVABLE AND REUSABLE INSULATION COVERS Service Control valves Pressure regulating valves (HVAC and Plumbing Systems) SECTION 15300 – FIRE PROTECTION 1. General A. Refer to the appendix for the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Fire Protection Design Standards. B. Submit shop drawings to the CCF Fire Protection Coordinator prior to submitting for permit. 2. Pipe and Fittings A. Rev. B (2/07) Pipe, tube, and fittings shall be welded or seamless steel or copper (see exception) as scheduled in the latest edition of NFPA-13. 1) 2 inch and smaller: Schedule 40 black steel pipe with malleable iron threaded fittings. (Exception: In remodeled areas where the existing system is copper Type “L” copper with wrought copper solder joint fittings is acceptable). 2) 2-1/2 inch through 5 inch: Schedule 10 black steel with roll-grooved steel Page 78 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 fittings. (Exception: Standpipes 4 inch and smaller shall be Schedule 40 roll grooved pipe) 3) 6 inch and above: Black steel pipe with wall thickness schedule in the latest edition of NFPA-13; rolled groove fittings. B. Dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler system piping shall be Schedule 40 galvanized threaded steel pipe and fittings. C. Piping jointed with threaded fittings or by couplings with pipe having cut grooves shall have a minimum of Schedule 40 wall thickness. Piping joined with roll-grooved pipe and fittings shall have a minimum of Schedule 10 wall thickness. D. Pipe and tube used in sprinkler and standpipe system shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of not less than 175 PSI in general, this must be verified on a per project basis and most never be lower. E. Grooved piping system components shall be Victaulic Company of America or Grinnel Supply Sales Company. 3. Valves A. B. General: All shut-off valves located above ceilings must be marked on ceiling tiles. Shutoff valves in the fire and standpipe system shall be UL listed and FM approved OS & Y gate valves or butterfly valves, minimum 175 PSI. WWP (verify pressure requirement on a per project basis). C. Check valves in fire lines and sprinkler lines shall be UL iron body bronze mounted checks, flanged ends, minimum 175 PSI. WWP (verify pressure requirement on a per project basis). D. Valves ahead of flow switches shall contain tamper switches. E. Shut-off valves in pipe 2-1/2 inches and smaller: Milwaukee No. BB-SCS02 Slow Clsoe valve, bronze body, threaded or grooved ends, butterfly valve with manual operator, position indicator and built in supervisory switch with two sets of contacts. Equivalent valve manufactured by Grinnell is acceptable. Shut-off valves 3 inch and larger: OS & Y gate valves or Victaulic Series 708W butterfly valve. F. Fire protection sprinkler inspector’s test valves shall be bronze ball valve type. Gate or globe valves are not acceptable. Mount no higher than 7 feet above finished floor. G. Double check valves for fire protection service shall be double check detector assembly consisting of two outside stem and yoke resilient wedge gate valves, two check valves, and a water meter assembly, factory assembled in a UL listed unit. Device must be FM approved and serviceable without removal from the pipeline. H. Accessories: 1) Rev. B (2/07) Fused epoxy coated iron body with FDA approved seats and disc holder. Page 79 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 2) Stainless steel internal parts, replaceable bronze seats. 3) Bypass line shall include an approved Watts No. 709 double check valve assembly and water meter. 4) Manufacturers: Watts Series 709 DCDA, Febco or Hersey. 5) Fire department valves (standpipes): 2-1/2 inch angle type with local fire department threads, provide 2-1/2 inch to 1-1/2 inch reducer, cap and chain. 4. Sprinkler Heads B. C. A. All heads must be UL listed, FM approved and meet NFPA requirements. In remodeled areas match existing heads in surrounding areas. If this is not possible submit a sample head intended for use to the CCF Facilities Engineering Department. In new building construction where ceilings exist use one of the following concealed heads: 1) Central GB-FR, Grinnel F690, Star S110Qr. White cover plate, quick response. 2) Any other proposed heads must be submitted to the CCF Facilities Engineering Department for approval prior to commencing work. 3) Provide three sprinkler head wrenches to the CCF Facilities Engineering Department at the completion of work. D. Where ceilings do not exist or sidewall sprinkler heads are indicated or utilized acceptable manufacturers are Central or Viking. E. Provide quick response heads throughout smoke compartments containing patient care areas. F. In new construction provide a spare stock of sprinkler heads of each type utilized on the project per NFPA requirements. Provide a metal cabinet to house spare heads labeled “Sprinkler Heads” and mount where directed by the CCF Plumbing Shop or Local Maintenance Staff. At the conclusion of renovated projects, provide spare heads and deliver to the CCF Plumbing Shop or local maintenance staff. 5. Fire Hose Cabinets A. Fire hose/cabinet – Series 2300. Crocker recessed cabinet, 18 gauge steel tube with white enamel finish interior, prime exterior, aluminum trim door style. B. Provide 2-1/2 inch pressure restricting angle valve, hose rack, 100 feet 1-1/2 inch hose with fog nozzle and 2-1/2 inch to 1-1/2 inch reducer with local fire department thread. C. Control valves to have rough brass finish and be UL listed and FM approved, rated Rev. B (2/07) Page 80 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 for 175 PSI. D. E. Hose shall be single jacket rubber lined 1-1/2 inch size, 100% synthetic jacket with Dacron filler rated for 300 PSI test pressure. Provide cast brass expansion ring couplings. Provide Crocker No. 3463 cast brass adjustable fog nozzle 1-1/2 inch size, on-off fog or straight stream. Color of cabinet to be selected by Architect. F. Label “Fire Hose Cabinet” with red label and 1-1/8 inch high lettering. G. Coordinate with Architect to the requirement of having a fire extinguisher within the cabinet. Modify labeling accordingly. H. Manufacturers: Crocker, Elkart, Potter-Roemer. 6. Flow Switches A. Provide Potter Electric Signal Co. VSR-F, Notifier vanetype waterflow switch where indicated. Size as required for piping served. Provide with 2 sets of SPDT contacts and incorporate and adjustable retard. Switch shall be UL listed and FM approved. Division 16 to wire to building fire alarm system. 7. Tamper Switches A. Provide Potter Electric Signal Co. OSYSU-A2, Notifier or equal 125V gate valve switch. Provide with 2 sets of SPDT contacts. Switch shall be UL listed and FM approved. Division 16 to wire to the building fire alarm system. 8. Fire Pump and Accessories A. UL listed and FM approved horizontal split case, cast iron, bronze fitted, centrifugal type. 1780 rpm maximum. Mount pump and driver on a common base complete with OSHA approved flexible coupling and safety cover. B. Unit must be automatic start based on system pressure drop and manual shutdown. C. Motors must be open drip-proof listed for fire pump service. D. Fire Pump Controllers: Combined manual and automatic type design for wyedelta start with closed transition. Furnish with Resselectic transfer switches (where applicable), a separate set of dry contacts for connection to a fire alarm panel, low suction stop and alarm panel, and an IRI approved remote alarm panel. Acceptable control panel manufacturers are Hubble or Firetrol. E. Jockey Pumps: Centrifugal, multi-stage, close coupled vertical type with electric motor. Provide with a separate dedicated control panel containing a combination magnetic starter with “Hand-Off-Auto” switch, fusible disconnect, and pressure switch. The Pump Manufacturers designated representative must be present for the field acceptance and NFPA performance test. F. Rev. B (2/07) Page 81 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 G. Send start-up documentation to CCF Fire Protection Coordinator and Engineer within seven days of test and include in Operation and Maintenance Manuals. H. Manufacturers: Patterson, Peerless. 9. Clean Agent Extinguishing Systems A. Coordinate system requirement with CCF on a per project basis. B. System shall be an FM-200 type system as furnished by FIKE, Chemetron or Thorn. SECTION 15410 – PLUMBING FIXTURES 1. General A. Fixture trim such as faucets, traps, stops extensions, escutcheons and flush valves will be chrome plated brass. B. Supports will be concealed chair carriers with foot support for wall mounted fixtures. C. Insulate all traps and supplies with insulated safety covers at ADA sink and lav locations. Manufacturer: Truebro “Handi-lav” Guard Kit. D. Coordinate all spout, outlet and handle types with space users on a per project basis. E. Provide sink traps made of polypropylene and fastened with a threaded mechanical joint for all sinks served by acid waste systems and where corrosive materials could be wasted. F. Stops: Loose key straight or angle type, metal stems, threaded or compression type, rubber washer must be held in place by a brass or stainless steel set screw inside a reinforcing cup. G. Faucet manufacturers: Chicago, Engineered Brass. H. The following are general fixture types. The responsibility of coordination of all fixtures with the space users lies with the design team and must be done on a per project basis. 1) Water Closets a. Wall hung, elongated bowl, flush valve, top spud, siphon jet action. b. Manufacturers: American Standard, Eljer, Kohler, Acorn (stainless steel). c. Water Closet Seats – heavy duty, commercial grade, white, open front, check hinges. Manufacturers: Church, Beneke, Olsonite, Sperzel. 2) Urinals a. Wall hung, flushing rim, flush valve, top spud, blowout action. b. Manufacturers: American Standard, Eljer, Kohler. 3) Flush Valves a. Exposed, top spud. Rev. B (2/07) Page 82 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 b. Provide electrically operated water closet and urinal auto (sensor operated) flush valves in public areas. c. Manufacturers: Sloan, Zurn (Manual flush valves). Sloan, Speakman, Chicago (auto flush valves and faucets) 4) Carriers a. Manufacturers: Jay R. Smith, Zurn 5) Lavatories a. Counter or wall hang type with backsplash and concealed arms. b. Manufacturers: American Standard, Eljer, Kohler, Acorn (stainless steel). 6) Lavatory Fittings a. Drain - non-removable strainer with 1-1/2 inch tailpiece Chicago Faucet No 327ACP11/2TP, 17 gauge “P” trap with cleanout. b. Provide electrically operated auto faucets in all public restrooms. c. Manufacturers: Chicago, Water Saver Faucet Company (manual faucets) Chicago, Speakman (auto faucets) 7) Sinks a. 18 gauge stainless steel, sound deadened underside, non-removable flat grid strainer, Chicago Faucet No. 327ACP1-1/2TP, 17 guage "P" trap with cleanout. b. Manufacturers: Just, Elkay 8) Sink Fittings a. Provide vacuum breakers. b. Manufacturers: Chicago, Water Saver Faucet Company. 9) Mop Basins a. One piece molded stone, 3 inch drain. b. Provide vacuum breakers. c. Manufacturers: Fiat, Mustee. d. Fittings: Chicago, Water Saver Faucet Company. 10) Electric Water Coolers a. Trap and Waste insulated with 1/2 inch Armaflex pipe insulation. b. Manufacturers: Elkay, Halsey Taylor, Haws, Oasis 11) Clinical Sink a. Provide vacuum breakers. b. Manufacturers: American Standard, Eljer, Kohler. 12) Scrub Sink (surgical units) a. Manufacturers: Steris, Elkay (custom), Just (custom). 13)Showers a. Manufacturers: Bradley, Fiat, Kohler, Mustee b. Provide vacuum breakers where the possibility of back siphoning exists. 14)Bathtubs a. Manufacturers: Bradley, Fiat, Kohler, Mustee, Aquarius. 15) Bath and Shower Fittings a. Manufacturer: Chicago, Powers b. Provide vacuum breakers.16) Lavatory/Toilet Combination a. All stainless steel construction. b. Manufacturers: Acorn, Bradley 17) Emergency Showers a. Provide tempered water b. Manufacturers: Bradley, Encon, Haws, Speakman 18) Emergency Eye Wash a. Provide tempered water b. Manufacturers: Bradley, Encon, Haws, Speakman SECTION 15430 – PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 1. Plumbing Supply Specialties A. Rev. B (2/07) Vacuum Breakers Page 83 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 1) Atmospheric or pressure type as required by piping arrangement. 2) Manufacturers: Watts, Febco, Hersey. B. Water Hammer Arrestors 1) Provide before equipment having automatic, quick closing solenoid valves such as ice machine, scope washers, coffee makers, glass washers, etc. 2) Where used access must be provided. 3) Manufacturers: Precisions Plumbing Products, Siouxchief. C. Wall Hydrants 1) Provide freeze-proof wall hydrants on the exterior of all newly constructed buildings with a maximum spacing of 100 linear feet. 2) Bronze nickel plated, quarter turn, ¾ inch hose connection, integral vacuum breaker, vandal resistant cap. Manufacturers: Jay R. Smith 3) D. Hose Bibbs 1) Provide in areas where water is required for maintenance of mechanical equipment. 2) Cold water supply only: Polished chrome finish, vacuum breaker, ¾ inch hose outlet. Chicago Faucet No 952. Hot and cold water supply: Chrome finish, spout with vacuum breaker, ¾ inch hose thread outlet, pailhook, metal lever handles, integral stops. Chicago Faucet No. 305-VB-R. E. Backflow Preventers 1) Where used provide pressure gauges on inlet and outlet. 2) Provide a strainer on sizes 2 inch and smaller. 3) A.S.S.E. Approved. 4) Manufacturers: Watts, Febco, Hersey. F. Trap Primers 1) Provide at all floor drains. All feeds must occur below floor except for mechanical rooms where distance between trap primer and floor drain does not exceed 3 feet. 2) Must be capable of feeding multiple drains. 3) Where used Rev. B (2/07) Page 84 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 installation must meet ASSE requirements to prevent back siphonage. 4) Manufacturers: Precision Plumbing Products, Inc. G. Water Pressure Regulators 1) Self-contained, adjustable, bronze body. 2) Where used provide valved bypass and pressure gauges upstream and downstream. 3) I. Manufacturers: Watts, Cash Acme, Fisher. Water Temperature Regulating Valves1) Provide inline check valves.2) Manufacturers: Powers, Symmons, Leonard. 2. Plumbing Drainage Specialties A. Manufacturers: Jay R. Smith1) Roof Drains2) Cleanouts3) Floor Drains4) Area Drains5) Trench Drains 3. Plumbing Supply Equipment A. Expansion Tanks 1) Manufacturers: Amtrol B. In-Line Circulators 1) Manufacturers: Bell & Gossett, Aurora, Paco, Taco, Grundfoss C. Gas Fired Water Heaters (Less than 50 gallon, tank-type) 1) Manufacturers: A. O. Smith, State, Lochinvar D. Electric Water Heaters (Less than 50 gallon, tank-type) 1) Manufacturers: A. O. Smith, State, Lochinvar, Ruud E. Water-to-Water Domestic Water Heater1) Utilize copper lined tank2) Manufacturers: Adamson, Reco, PVI Rev. B (2/07) Page 85 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 F. Steam-to-Water Domestic Water Heaters1) Utilize copper lined tank2) Manufacturers: Adamson, Reco, PVI, Patterson Kelley G. Domestic Water Temperature Maintenance System1) Manufacturers: Raychem, Thermon H. Domestic Water Pressure Booster System 1) All components and piping must be copper, brass or bronze. 2) Refer to products indicated in previous areas of this guideline such as valves, strainers, piping, insulation, etc. 3) Manufacturers: Systecon, Syncroflo I. 4. Hot Water Dispenser (In-Sink Aerator)1) Manufacturer: In-Sink Aerator Plumbing Drainage Equipment A. Grease Interceptor1) Manufacturers: Jay R. Smith, Rockford B. Oil Interceptor1) Manufacturer: Jay R. Smith, Rockford C. Plaster Interceptor Trap1) Rockford D. Acid Dilution Basin 1) Manufacturer: Town and County Plastics, Inc., Jay R. Smith, Enfield E. Storm Sump Pump and Sewage Ejector Packages 1) Duplex system to be provided with pump runtime counters (hours) and pump/motor removal system with guide rods, lift cable and extended wiring/piping. 2) Manufacturers: Weil, Paco, Peerless F. Sump Pumps1) Manufacturers: Weil Model 1400, Paco, Peerless G. Garbage Disposer 1) Manufacturer: In-Sink Aerator, Kenmore 5. Natural Gas Piping Specialties Rev. B (2/07) Page 86 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 A. Gas Pressure Regulator1) Manufacturer: Fisher Controls B. Natural Gas Pressure Relief Valves1) Manufacturer: Fisher Controls SECTION 15450 – HIGH PURITY WATER SYSTEMS 1. Acceptable Central System Providers: A. B. WTW Systems Inc. (Phone (330) 273-8494) US Filter (Phone (440) 234-8488) 1 Utilize copper piping in systems prior to the RO device. After RO device use piping specified for use in purified water systems as specified in Section 15050. All devices, components and accessories downstream of the RO device must be compatible with high purity water use. 2 Storage tank shall be polypropylene dish bottom type with bottom outlet. Illuminate the rear of the tank to allow the water level to be easily viewed from the front. Tank shall have the following water levels permanently marked on the tank: A. RO Device ON. B. RO Device OFF C. Mid-Level Alarm D. Low Water Pump Cut-Off SECTION 15500 – HEAT GENERATION EQUIPMENT 1. Flexible Water Tube Boiler A. 2. High efficiency pulse type boiler A. 3. Manufacturers: Bryan, Cleaver Brooks, Aerco Manufacturer: Aerco Electric Boilers A. Manufacturer: Indeeco SECTION 15505 – VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES 1. Variable Frequency Drives A. Provide with manual bypass. B. Manufacturers: Eaton/Cutler Hammer, ABB, Danfoss SECTION 15590--TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING Rev. B (2/07) Page 87 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Part. 1. General A. The balance/testing work shall be completed directly with the owner. Verify on a per project basis. B. Related Documents: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions and General Requirements, apply to work of this Section. In absence of documents direction of the Mechanical Engineer/Facilities Director shall prevail. C. Description: Include all material, labor equipment and incidentals for a complete air and water balance of new systems or revision to existing systems. Work shall include air balancing of existing systems, but not limited to rooms where areas were altered. Existing HVAC system integrity must be maintained, or if in question to be reviewed with the Mechanical Engineer/Facilities Director. D. Codes: The work shall comply with all federal, state and local Codes, AABC, OSHA, ASHRAE and SMACNA standards. E. Test Preparation and Procedure 1 After the installation of each system has been completed, make all required adjustments in the Owner’s presence to air dampers, registers, variable volume boxes, fans, hoods, humidifiers, etc., until all performance requirements are met. During all such periods of adjustment prior to the date of acceptance of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems by the owner, the owner’s maintenance personnel will operate all existing equipment, contractor all new equipment. When remodeling an existing area, the test and balance firm shall survey the existing conditions, prior to any demolition. 2 Preliminary balancing may be done prior to completion of systems; however, final balancing must be done with systems completely installed and operational. The test and balance firm shall provide two days notice prior to balance to owner. 3 New, clean filters must be installed in all systems by the installing Contractor prior to balancing. 4 Record and submit the total outside air and minimum outdoor air quantities after final adjustments. 5 All main air ducts shall be traversed, using a pitot tube and electric data meter. The manometer shall be calibrated to read two significant figures in all velocity pressure ranges. The intent of this operation is to measure by traverse the total air quantity supplied by the fan and to verify the distribution of air to zones. 6. Submit data in support of all fan deliveries by the following methods: a. Summation of the air quantity readings at all outlets. b. Duct traverses of main supply ducts. c. Verification of airflow quantities at the air volume sensors at the inlet to each VAV box. 6 Inspect all fan scrolls and remove objects or debris. Inspect all coils and remove dirt, debris or obstructions. Verify that all dampers are open. Verify proper operation of fire and smoke dampers. Lubricate all equipment. 7 Mark all settings made during system balancing. Part. 2.-Execution A. Air Balance Rev. B (2/07) Page 88 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 1 All fan systems will be operated for as long a time as will be necessary to test airflow from all openings, make all necessary damper and other adjustments until air quantities required at each outlet or inlet as shown are obtained throughout the various systems. Balance all air systems to obtain design air quantities at the least static pressure. Follow the AABC National Standards for balancing air systems. 2 Fans and duct systems shall be completely balanced to obtain the air quantities indicated on the design drawings by the adjustment of sheaves, controllable or adjustable pitch blades, air valves, dampers, registers and other volume and diverting control devices. All final adjusted air quantities shall be within 10% of the design requirements. Verify static pressure control and fan tracking with controllable pitch and variable frequency drives in VAV systems. Follow the approved manufacturers standards for balancing DDC VAV boxes. Test and record motor amperes and voltage. Record all Temperatures (W.B. and D.B. heating and cooling). 3 If, to balance air in the system, a fan speed other than that provided should be required, necessary changes shall be made in V-belt drive and /or dampers at no additional cost to owner. 4 Submit single line diagrams of all duct systems indicating all terminal outlets and terminal boxes identified by number. Data sheets shall list all such outlets denoted by the same numbers, location, and cfm. Submit this data for all supply, return and exhaust air systems. 5 Outside air dampers shall be adjusted to deliver the correct air quantity at all damper positions. Record and submit the outside air temperatures for both cycles after final adjustments. 6 During this testing period, make all necessary settings and adjustments of temperature regulating equipment with the assistance of the various control manufacturer(s) and/or installer. Verify accuracy of controls with computer programs and report any deficiencies to owner. 7 Upon completion of balancing and adjustment, plug all holes in ductwork and replace insulation to original condition. B. Smoke and Damper Testing 1 The balancing contractor shall test all curtain-type fire dampers, smoke dampers and combination smoke/fire dampers. Test results shall be documented in balance report. 2 Testing shall consist of removing the fusible link, verifying the damper freely closes completely and reinstalling the fusible link. Note where access doors are not within reach of damper. Coordinate installation of these additional dampers by the mechanical contractor and at no cost to the owner. 3 The sheet metal contractor shall correct any deficiencies prior to final acceptance by owner. C. Water Balance 1 Water balance shall be tested in service to determine compliance with the contract. Verify that system was thoroughly flushed with all grease and dirt being removed. Check that all water treatment chemicals are added and equipment in place for operation. Automatic controls shall be adjusted to required settings. Complete chilled and hot water cycles shall be tested for correct flows, pressures, and temperature conditions to all areas and in accordance of the Associated Air Balance Council. 2. The balancing agency shall perform the following testing and balancing functions in accordance with AABC National Standards: a. Strainers-request that the Mechanical Contractor clean all strainers. b. Air vents- check all air vents at the high points of the water system and determine if they are installed and operating. c. Valves—set all balancing valves and automatic temperature control bypass valves to the full-open position for balancing. For three-way valves, the rated pressure drop shall first be adjusted with the three-way valve set so that all water flows through the coil. The bypass balancing valve shall then be adjusted on each coil until equal pressure drop between supply and return connections is obtained, with the three-way valve set to bypass the coil. Rev. B (2/07) Page 89 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 d. Pumps- adjust chilled-water, hot water, and condenser-water pump to meet design GPM requirements. Check pumps for proper operation. Pumps shall be free of vibration and cavitation. Measure and record operating current and voltage. e. Tolerances-proceed to balance all chilled-water and hot-water coils to within 10 percent of design requirements. f. Marking-mark all settings and record all data after completing the flow readings and coil adjustments. g. Record and check the following items at each cooling/heating element: 2 Inlet water temperatures. 2 Leaving water temperatures. 2 Pressure drop of each coil, condenser, and heat exchanger 2 Pressure drop across bypass valve. 2 Pump operating suction and discharge pressures and final TDH. 2 List all mechanical specifications of pumps. 2 Rated and actual running amperage of pump motor. D. Miscellaneous 1 Submission of certified tests shall in no way relieve fulfillment of the guarantee provided by this Contractor. Warranty shall cover a period of ninety (90) days after Mechanical Engineer/Facilities Director has given final approval. 2 The automatic control systems and fire detection systems shall be properly adjusted and left in good working condition. 3 All gauges, instruments, thermometers and meters shall be checked and tested. Notify both the Owner and Construction Manager of deficiencies. 4 Submit 7 copies of reports to project manager and Mechanical Engineer/Facilities Director for approval. Part . 3. Approved Vendor Kahoe Air Balance 35601 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 Phone: (440) 946-4300 SECTION 15600 – REFRIGERATION 1. Water Cooled – Centrifugal Water Chillers A. Owner Representative must witness field test of chiller. 2. B. Manufacturers: Trane, Carrier, York Water Cooled - screw chillers A. Rev. B (2/07) Owner Representative must witness field test of chiller. Page 90 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 B. 3. Air Cooled Chillers A. 4. Manufacturers: Vulcain, MSA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus A. 8. Acceptable refrigerants: R-22, R-123, R-134a Refrigerant Monitor A. 7. Manufacturers: Trane, Continental, Liebert Refrigerants A. 6. Manufacturers: Trane, Continental, Liebert, Carrier, York Packaged air cooled chilled water systems (under 30 tons) A. 5. Manufacturers: Trane, Carrier, York Manufacturers: Vulcain, MSA Cooling Tower A. Manufacturers: Marley, Baltimore Aircoil B. Utilize only non-combustible, corrosion resistant materials and stainless steel basin. C. Counter flow towers must employ the following: 1) 6 inch diameter cleanout port in or at the bottom of the tower. A 6” dirtleg “T” is acceptable at the tower outlet provided the cap is flanged for easy removal. 2) Provide a strainer upstream of tower discharge nozzles no more than 10 feet above the roof level. 3) Provide capped cleanouts at the ends of condenser water piping to promote sludge removal. 4) Power band belt drive with internally mounted motor is acceptable. 5) Provide aluminum ladders with a ladder cage. D. Cross flow towers must employ the following:1) Gear reducers shall be provided with synthetic oil.2) Aluminum ladder, top rails, and ladder cage.3) Wet deck covers. E. 9. Towers utilized in winter operation should employ basin heatersor indoor water sump. Condenser Water Indoor Sump Rev. B (2/07) Page 91 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 A. Tank constructed of Corezyn 8301. B. Manufacturer: Edwards Fiberglass, Inc. SECTION 15700 – HEAT TRANSFER 1. Pumps A. 2. Hydronic Piping Specialties A. 3. Manufacturers: Peerless, Paco, Bell & Gossett, Weinman, Aurora The use of suction diffusers is permitted with end suction pumps. Provide a separate in line strainer opposed to an integral suction diffuser strainer. Steam Piping Specialties A. Traps 1) Manufacturers: Spirax Sarco 4. 5. B. Pressure Reducing Stations 1) Manufacturers: Spence, Spirax Sarco, Watson-McDaniel C. Thermostatic Control Valves1) Manufacturers: Macon, Danfoss D. Relief Valves1) Manufacturers: Spence, Spirax Sarco, Watson-McDaniel Condensate Pump and Receiver Set A. Duplex pumps, control panel B. Manufacturer: Mepco, Weil, Skidmore, Peerless, Aurora Heat Exchanger A. 6. Manufacturers: Patterson-Kelley, Taco, Bell & Gossett Unit Heaters (electric, hotwater, steam) A. Manufacturers: Airtherm, Trane, Dunham Bush, Q-Mark, Brasch, Chromalox. 7. Finned Tube Radiation A. 8. Manufacturers: Dunham Bush, Vulcan, Sterling, Trane Radiant Panels Rev. B (2/07) Page 92 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 9. A. Extruded aluminum construction, flat face (non-fluted) B. Manufacturers: Aero-Tech, Sun-El, Air-Tex Convectors A. 10. Packaged Air Handling Units (Indoor) A. 11. Manufacturers: Airtherm, Trane, Vulcan, Sterling, Dunham Bush Manufacturers: Trane, Carrier Custom Air Handling Units A. Units hall consist of the following: 1) 2) B. 12. All aluminum construction (base, casing and frame) with a thermal break to ensure a no-through-metal contact path between all interior and exterior surfaces. Minimum total wall thickness: 2-1/2 inches for indoor units, (2" insulation, U=0.070 BTU/hr/sq ft/°F), 3 inches for outdoor units (2-1/2" insulation U=0.056 BTU/hr/sq ft/°F). Draw through cooling coil-to-fan arrangement where applicable and stainless steel cooling coil drain pans. 3) Pneumatic dampers and valve actators. 4) Coils having a 0.009 minimum fin thickness, 0.035 minimum tube thickness and copper fins or entirely heresite coated. 5) Centrifigual fans manufactured by Cook, Greenheck, Trane, Barry Blower, Buffalo. 6) Utilize VFD control of fan motors. 7) Utilize 24 inch module filter cartridges. 8) Units not utilized for 24 hours operation shall employ an insulated outdoor air intake damper. 9) All floor joints must be welded. This includes joints formed in the field when unit is assembled on site. Each floor surface (section) shall have a minimum of 2 inch flange turned up on the outer perimeter of the interior to form a water tight pan, continuously welded. Manufacturers: Industrial Sheetmetal shall be the basis of design. Other approved manufacturers are Air Enterprises and Webco. Packaged Rooftop A/C Units Rev. B (2/07) Page 93 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 A. 13. Fan Coil Terminal Units A. 14. Manufacturers: Trane, Carrier Manufactuers: Trane, Carrier, York Heating and Cooling Coils (Air Handling Units) A. 0.035 inch tube thickness, 0.009 inch aluminum fin thickness, heresite coated or copper finned. 15. Air Cooled Condensing Units A. Manufacturers: Trane, Carrier, York, Liebert, Stultz 16. A. Air Cooled Condensers Manufacturer: Trane, Carrier, York, Liebert, Stultz 17. Computer Room Air Conditioning Units A. Manufacturer: Liebert, Stultz 18. Humidifiers A. Manufacturers: Armstrong, Dri-Steem, Spirax Sarco 19. Face/Bypass Coils A. Utilize integral tube/fin/damper type with damper/diverters over the entire coil face as manufactured by Wing. SECTION 15800 – AIR DISTRIBUTION 1. Dampers A. Provide an access door below dampers above inaccessible ceilings or remote operators. B. Manufacturers: Young Regulator Company, Ventlock, Dura-Dyne. 2. Grilles and Diffusers A. Supply Diffusers 1) Titus “Omni” – Plaque diffuser Use: All general areas including patient and staff locations. 2) Titus “ML” linear bar diffuser Use: Perimeter public areas, main waiting areas and main conference rooms, and high profile areas. 3) Rev. B (2/07) Page 94 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Titus “300RL” Adjustable double deflection Use: Rooms without ceiling and sidewall applications. 4) Precision Air Model “Lami-Vent” or “Hepa-Vent” Use: Operation, Isolation, LDR and BMT Rooms Other acceptable manufacturers: E.H. Price, Titus, Flanders B. Return Grilles 1) Titus “50F” Eggcrate Use: Lay-in ceilings of all general areas including patient and staff locations. 2) Titus “350 RL” Fixed Blade Use: All drywall ceilings, except conference rooms, or high profile areas. 3) Titus “ML” linear slot diffuser Use: Return air where supply diffuser type “ML” is used. 4) Titus “30 RL” or “33 RL” Use: Operation rooms, other low returns, or where subject to damage. C. Exhaust Grilles 1) Titus “350 RL” Fixed Blade Use: All toilet rooms, janitors closets, soiled holding rooms, IDF/MDF rooms and where drywall ceilings exist. 2) Titus “50F” Eggcrate Use: Lay-in ceilings of all general areas. 3) Titus “CT” linear bar without directional vanes Use: all sidewall counter exhaust inlets. 4) Titus “30RL or 33RL” heavy duty bar grille. Use: All low applications or where subject damage. Rev. B (2/07) Page 95 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 D. All diffusers to be Titus No. 26 white or equal coordinate with Architect on a per room basis. E. Coordinate the ceiling grid type with diffuser and grilles types specified (i.e. fineline, etc.) F. 3. Acceptable manufacturers: Titus, Krueger, E.H. Price, Precision Air, Nailor-Hart. Exterior Louvers 4. A. Extruded aluminum with ½” square aluminum mesh of inside face. B. Manufacturers: American Warming, Airolite, Arrow, Ruskin Roof Curbs and Equipment Supports A. 5. Fire Dampers A. 6. 7. 9. Manufacturers: Ruskin, Air Balance Inc., Nailor-Hart, Safe-Air Smoke Dampers A. Smoke dampers to be fire rated when installed in a rated partition or wall. B. Manufacturers: Ruskin, Air Balance Inc, Nailor-Hart, Safe-Air Access Doors (ductwork and plenum casings) A. 8. Minimum height: 12 inches above finished roof. Furnish in ductwork at each automatic damper location, fire damper, smoke damper and reheat coil location upstream and downstream. Utilize a double wall, insulated access door with cam type latches. Ductwork A. Interior duct lining must not be used. B. Laboratory fume hood exhaust-316 type stainless steel with welded joints. C. Commercial dishwasher , steam sterilizer, sterile washer exhaust-302 type stainless steel with welded joints. D. Kitchen hood exhaust-16 gauge black steel welded where concealed. 18 gauge 302 stainless steel welded, grinded and polished to a No. 2 finish. Fans A. Centrifugal: 1) Manufacturers: Cook, Greenheck, Trane, Barry Blower, Buffalo B. Vaneaxial Fixed Pitch: 1) Manufacturers: Flakt, Joy Rev. B (2/07) Page 96 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 10. 11. C. Variable Volume (laboratory fume hoods) – Strobic Air, Bailey, MK Plastics D. All Other Types: Cook, Greenheck, Acme Constant/Variable Volume Boxes and Terminal Units A. In lab areas and small to medium renovation type projects, provide with normally open, pneumatic actuator and DDC Controller. In new construction and major renovation type projects provide electric actuator with DDC Controller. (This may vary from project to project and space to space – refer to section 15900). B. Unit shall utilize double wall construction equivalent to a Titus “Steriloc” system and an access door upstream of any reheat coil. C. Manufacturers: Titus (PESV), Krueger, E.H. Price Filters A. Utilize cartridge type filters whenever possible. Filters must be UL Class 1. B. Provide HEPA filters as final filters in all air handling equipment serving patient areas. C. Refer to Space Design Guidelines for additional filter requirements. D. Coordinate special filter requirements for systems serving radioactive or biological hoods or areas on a per project basis with the Radiation Safety Department. E. Manufacturers: Farr, AAF, Flanders (Bag in/Bag out specialty filters) SECTION 15900 – CONTROLS A. System Manufacturers/Installers: 1) Johnson Controls2) Siemens Building Technologies3) Trane (Water chiller plants only) B. C. Air Compressor Manufacturers: 1) Ingersoll Rand2) Quincy Provide DDC controllers with pneumatic or electric actuators on terminal units serving critical areas such as operating rooms, laboratories, isolation rooms, BMT rooms, etc. Report airflows to the Central FMS. (Refer to Section 15800) D. In general, thermostat adjustments shall be accessible. Coordinate this on a per project basis with the space users. Mount all thermostats 60 inches above the finished floor. E. Include the temperature control diagrams and written sequences of operation as a part of all contract bid documents. Rev. B (2/07) Page 97 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 F. For pneumatically controlled systems (new and retrofit) utilize Honeywell, two pipe thermostat model series TP 970 with dial adjustment, direct or reverse acting, single or dual temperature as required. Utilize cover model 14004406-910 with temperature indicator. DIVISION 16 SECTION 16050 – BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Boxes -Masonry - FS series cast (surface) - Cast aluminum (exterior walls) Conduits - Heavy wall rigid galvanized steel - Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) -Flexible Metal Conduit American Brass Co. - “Seal-tite” type “UA” -Schedule 40 or 80 P.V.C NOTE: All emergency circuits shall be mechanically protected by nonflexible metal raceways Pipe Seals Pate Co. RPS Corp. Thycurb Corp. Wiring Devices Hubbell - Light Switches (AC Spec.) -Single pole Pass & Seymour - Three way General Electric - Four way Leviton - Key operated - Pilot light Revised – January 13, 2005 - Dimmers (Fluorescent) Lutron “Nova T-Star” - Dimmers (Incandescent) Lutron “Nova T-Star” “Nova” Lutron - Dimmers (Low voltage) Hubbell Pass & Seymour General Electric Leviton - Duplex Receptacles Rev. B (2/07) Page 98 of 117 - Hospital Grade- Isolated Ground (orange)- Tamper ResistantHospital Grade Ground Fault Revised 2/15/2007 Hubbell Pass & Seymour General Electric General Electric - Special Purpose - Manual Motor Starters Hill-Rom - Manufactured Head Wall - 30A, 50A, 60A- Twistlock2P,3W;3P,3W;3P,4W;4P,4W- Pilot Light - Overloads - On/off Switch Wire and Cable - < 600 volts - Copper - THHN/THWN - XHHW (feeders) Cablec “Unishield” - > 600 volts - Control - Copper - 15KV, 133% insulation #14 stranded THWN copper - Power Cords - “SO” type Safety Switches General Electric - Nonfusible General Electric - Fusible - Heavy Duty - Quick-make, quickbreak handle - Dual cover interlock - On/Off indication - Heavy Duty - Quick-make, quickbreak handle - Dual cover interlock - On/Off indication Fuses Bussman Reliance Fuse Gould Shawmut LittleFuse General Electric S&C - < 600 volts, < 600 amps Bussman Reliance Fuse Gould Shawmut LittleFuse General Electric S&C Bussman ‘JC’ Series - < 600 volts, > 600 amps - > - Class L, bolt type- E-rated, 600 volts, < 600 amps current limiting Rev. B (2/07) Page 99 of 117 - Class RK-1, dual-element, timedelay Revised 2/15/2007 Motor Starters General Electric - Combination type - Fusible safety switch - FVNR Across the line starting - 120V secondary control transformer On/Off indication - (2) N.C. contacts - (2) N.O. contacts Floor Boxes Wiremold/Walkerbox Hubbell Through Floor Fittings Wiremold/Walkerbox Hubbell Steel City Thomas & Betts Fire Stopping Specified Technologies, Inc. Access Doors - Flush - Steel - 16”x20” minimum Cable Trays Chalfant Series 6 -Louver ventilated - Trapeze with strut support Surface Mounted Raceways Wiremold Supporting Devices -Gal. Steel or Aluminum -Hardware -Supports -Hangers -Brackets -Angle iron -Channels -Rods - Clamps Pads, Foundations & Enclosures -6” concrete pads w/1”chamfer edge - Concrete block oil containment curb for silicon filled transformers SECTION 16200 – EMERGENCY/STANDBY POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Rev. B (2/07) Page 100 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Generator Caterpillar -Diesel -Fuel System -Controller - Remote Annunciator - Remote outdoor tank with 24 hour capacity minimum -Indoor day tank with 4 hour capacity minimum - Microprocessor-based SECTION 16210 – AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES Automatic Transfer Switch Russelectric - Bypass/Isolation (Bypass for both normal and generator) -Draw-out configuration -NEMA 1 cabinet -(3) or (4) double break contactor type poles -No circuit breaker type poles - Elevator Accesory 23b and 14b for signal to elevator controller (if applicable) -RMT type - Adjustable low voltage and full phase failure sensitive relays. One sensor per phase. Dropout shall be 5 to 20% below the pickup of 75 to 100% of the normal line voltage. Normal settings shall be 80% dropout and 90% pickup. Overvoltage: 80% dropout, 90% pick-up;Undervoltage: 120% pick-up,110% dropout;Over-frequency: 110% pickup, 105% dropout; Under-frequency: 90% dropout, 95% pick-up; Phase balance: Operation at 20% unbalance; Phase sequence: ABC or CBA -Time delay on engine start starting and transfer switch operation to override momentary normal source power outages adjustable 0.5 - 6 seconds. (1d) -Time delay on retransfer to normal, adjustable 0-31 minutes (set 30 minutes), with engine overrun to provide adjustable 0-5 minute unloaded engine operation after retransfer to normal. (2a and 2e). - Load test switch to simulate normal power failure (maintained type). (5at). - Push-button to bypass time delay on retransfer to normal (key-pad initiated). (6b). - Contact to close on failure of normal source to initiate engine starting or other customer function. (7). - Contact to open on failure of normal source to initiate engine starting or other customer function. (8). - Push to test button for all pilot lights (6x). - Green pilot light to indicate switch is in the normal position, LED external to processor. (9axx). - Red pilot light to indicate switch is in the emergency position, LED external to processor. (9bxx). - Pilot light to indicate normal power is available, LED type. (9ax). - Pilot light to indicate emergency power is available, LED type. (9bx). - Pilot light to indicate bypass to normal (solid), isolate (blinking), LED type. (9nbp) - Pilot light to indicate bypass to emregency (solid), isolate (blinking). LED type. (9ebp) -(2) Auxiliary contacts closed in normal position, wired to terminal strip. (14ax). -(2) Auxiliary contacts closed in emergency position, wired to terminal strip. (14bx). Rev. B (2/07) Page 101 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 - Frequency and Voltmeter to read phase-to-phase of normal and emergency. (19bd). -Elevator on emergency power signal (14bx) – 1 per controller -Elevator pre transfer signal (23cx)- 1 per controller - Relay to prevent transfer to emergency until voltage and frequency of generating plant have reached 90% of rated value. (2l). - Compression type lugs (Burndy Hypress). (xx). - Control circuit disconnect plug to allow service on de-energized transfer switch without interrupting normal service. -RMTD type - for large motor and transformer applications -Double throw, “center off” - Dual motor - same options as RMT - Time delay on transfer to emergency, adjustable 0-255 seconds. (2b). - Time delay relays to control contact transition time on transfer to either source, adjustable 0255 seconds. (2d). SECTION 16400 – ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND POWER DISTRIBUTION Grounding -Driven rods -Ground ring Branch Circuit Breaker Panelboards (< 400 amps) - Door-in-door trim General Electric - 240 volt - Copper bus ‘A’ Series I n n e r a n d o u t e r d o o Rev. B (2/07) Page 102 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Series - Door-in-door trim General Electric - 277/480 volt - Copper bus ‘A’ I n n e r a n d o u t e r d o o r w i t Circuit Breaker Distribution Panelboards (400 – 800 amps) General Electric Spectra - 240 volt - Copper bus Series Power Panelboard - Door-indoor trim -Inner and outer door with lock and latch General Electric Spectra - 277/480 volt - Copper bus Series Power Panelboard Door-in-door trim -Inner and outer door with lock and latch Circuit Breakers -Panelboards - Thermal-magnetic, molded case bolt-on type -Distribution Panelboards - Thermal-magnetic, molded case Transformers (Non substation) Rev. B (2/07) Page 103 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 General Electric - Dry type- 115°C temp rise Surge Protection Devices Liebert Corp. Current Tech., Inc. SECTION 16410 – SWITCHBOARDS Switchboards (>800 amps – 1600 amps) General Electric Spectra - Circuit Breaker Type - Copper main bus and riser bus Series Switchboard - GE Spectra RMS molded case circuit breakers o u n G t e r o d u p c o m n c e h c SECTION t 16415 – ( r BOLTED > i CONTACT c SWITCHES 8 0 B 0 o < l a t 1 m e 0 p d 0 s ) 0 C o a G n m e t n p a e s c r t a l S A w m E i l m t Rev. B (2/07) Page 104 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 e t e r 1 0 0 0 V o l t m e t e r a m p s - General E l e c t r i c Ammeter SYSTEMS SECTION 16417 – BUSWAY > Voltmeter F a u l t P r o Busway General Electric H o r i z on t a l Rev. B (2/07) G r o u n d Page 105 of 117 C o p p e r V e r t i c a Revised 2/15/2007 r t y p e P l u g i n General Electric F e e Busway Plugs 16420 – LOAD CENTER UNIT - SUBSTATION C iS r c u i t B r e a k e r F u s i b l e k e y i n t e r l o c k s S w i t c h s h SECTION Rev. B (2/07) u b s t a t i o n K i r k Page 106 of 117 d e r t y p e Revised 2/15/2007 a l l M a i n T i e M a i n b e p r o v i d e d d e v i c e b e t w e e n High Voltage Incoming Line Section -Double Ended -Duplex Load Break Air - Pad lockable Interrupter Switches (fusible) Transformer Section - Double Ended- Silicon Immersed Low Voltage Switchgear (see section 16425) SECTION 16425 – LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR Switchgear General Electric AKD-10 - Sections - Low voltage -NEMA 1 enclosure -Isolated vertical sections -No ventilation slots -Integral breaker lifting device -Bus Bars - Copper - Incoming and Outgoing - Compression lugs Terminations - Copper cable material - Breaker Compartment - Draw-out rails -Pad lockable General Electric - Low voltage Power - Electrically operated for auto “AKR” type Circuit Breakers Rev. B (2/07) Page 107 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 transfer between Main-Tie-Main - MicroVersa Trip PM General Electric - Extended Function (PQM 3720) Electronic Metering SECTION 16445 – MEDIUM VOLTAGE TERMINATION TAP BOX ” x 3 ” N E M A G r o u n d 1 E n c l o s u r e B u s B a r P a d ( 3 ) l o c k a b l e ¼ ” x 4 ” P h a s e h a n d l e s B u s ¼ Rev. B (2/07) B Page 108 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 a r s y I n t e r l o c k K i r k K e Nameplate Elastimold Dead-break junctions (allowing imimum one spare junction) Elastimold Parking stands Elastimold - Cable connectors SECTION 16470 – mISOLATED POWER SYSTEM Isolated Power System Post Glover - Isolation Transformer “IDP” Series - Line Isolation Monitor - Mark III Module - RRP -Ground Module/Jack - GJP -Power and Ground Module - RRP -Ground -Master Ground Module -GJB-24 l - Isolation Transformer I “IPP” Series - Line s Isolation Monitor o t r o and Ground Module - -Ground Module P -Ground Module/Jack o -Master Ground Module w e r NEW CONSTRUCTION SECTION 16500 – LIGHTING LAMP AND BALLAST SPECIFICATION STANDARDS FOR Rev. B (2/07) Lamp Specification Guidelines 1 The following lamp specifications apply to all new light sources that are specified or purchased for use at any CCF facility. Architects and Engineers should specify lighting fixtures that make best use of the operational characteristics of these lamps. 2 Where a special lighting application requires the use of a Page 109 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 lamp type that is not included in this standard, obtain approval to use the lamp from the CCF Office of Construction Management and the Facilities Engineering Department. 3 Incandescent lamp sources, including halogen types, shall not be specified unless approval has been obtained from the CCF Office of Construction Management and Facilities Engineering Department. 4 Standard fluorescent lamp color temperature is 3500°K. Other color temperatures shall not be used unless approval has been obtained from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. All CCF Operating Rooms and adjacent support areas, such as, preand post op., sub sterile rooms, 32 watt triple High Intensity G.E.Pulsearc MultiVapor Metal Halide clean storage rooms, corridors and nursing control desks shall use a lamp color temperature of 4100°K. 5 Standard metal halide lamp color is 4000°K. However, when installing metal halide lighting fixtures at interior locations, Engineer should select a lamp with a color temperature of 3200°K. Verify this selection with CCF Office of Construction Management and Facilities Engineering Department prior to specifying lamp. 6 The standard fluorescent lighting fixture for general lighting applications shall be a 2’ x 4’ lay-in type fixture with (3)T8 lamps and electronic ballasts-quantity as required by switching level arrangement. Lens types shall be selected by Architect and approved by the CCF Office of Construction Management and Facilities Engineering Department. 7 Lighting fixtures of the 2’ x 2’ size shall not be specified unless approval has been obtained from the CCF Office of Construction Management and Facilities Engineering Department. 8 Exit signs shall contain long-life, diffused red LED’s, and shall be similar to the diecast aluminum Exitronix 400 series. Lamp Type Specification Standard Linear Fluorescent T8, medium bipin 48”, 32 watts, SPX35, CRI 86, low mercury Content - G.E. T8 Watt-MiserF32T8/SP35/IS/WM/ECO U Fluorescent T8, medium bipin, 32 watts, SPX35, CRI 84, 6” spacing between legs - GE. Mod-U-Line with Starcoat F32T8/SPX35/U/6 • High Lumen T5, 4-pin base, 22.5”, 40 watts, SPX35, CRI 82, - G.E. High Fluorescent BiaxLumen Biax - F40/30BX/SPX35 • High Output T8, 400 ma recessed double contact base, 96”, 86 watts, SPX35, Fluorescent CRI 84-G.E.T8 High Output with Starcoat F96T8/SPX35/HO • Compact T4, 4-pin base, SPX35, CRI 82, G.E. double, triple or quad biax-Fluorescent wattage as required by application 13 watt double - F13DBX/SPX35/4P 18 watt double F18DBX/SPX35/4P 26 watt double - F26DBX/SPX35/4P 26 watt triple - F26TBX/SPX35/4P F32TBX-SPX35/4P 42 watt quad - F42QBX/SPX35/4P or standard Metal Halide Discharge (HID) as noted, 4000°K, CRI 65 minimum, universal or vertical burning 70W-150W position as noted, clear or coated as required by application watt clear, 7 universal 0 MVR70/U/M Rev. B (2/07) Page 110 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 E coated, D universal MVR70/C/U/ 7 MED 100 0 watt clear, universal w MVR100/U/ a MED t t att coated, universal MVR150/C/U/MED 100 watt coated, universal MVR100/C/U/MED 175 watt clear, vertical base up MVR 175/VBU/MED/PA 150 watt clear, universal MVR150/U/MED 175 watt coated, vertical base up MVR 175/C/VBU/MED/PA 400 watt clear, universal - MVR 400/U 1 5 0 Ballast Specification Guidelines 1 The following ballast specifications apply to all new ballasts that are specified or purchased for use at any CCF facility. Rev. B (2/07) w Engineers should specify lighting fixture types that accommodate the specified ballasts without costly modifications to the lighting fixture. 2 Only electronic ballasts shall be specified for all fluorescent lamp applications unless approval to use a nonelectronic type ballast has been obtained from the CCF Office of Construction Management and the Facilities Engineering Department. 3 Where a special lighting application requires the use of a ballast type that is not included in this standard, obtain approval to use the ballast from the CCF Office of Construction Management and the Facilities Engineering Department. Page 111 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 4 All fluorescent and HID ballasts shall be fused. 5 All fluorescent ballasts used at exterior locations shall be rated for 0°F starting. 6 Fluorescent lighting fixtures used in the following areas shall be equipped High Lumen Fluorescent Biax with an RFI shielded lens and an RFI suppressor for each ballast: Operating Rooms, Pre and Post-Op, ICU, CCU, PCU, NICU and other similar Critical Care Areas, as well as other areas where electronic equipment is used that is sensitive to RF interference, as determined by the CCF Office of Construction Management or the Facilities Engineering Department. Ballast Type Specification Standard • Linear and U High frequency rapid start electronic, fused 120 volt or 277 volt Fluorescent input as required by application, parallel circuit operation, .98 power factor, THD<10%, 5 year labor and material replacement warranty - G.E./Magnetek HP series operating 1, 2, 3 or 4 F32T8 lamps. High Output Fluorescent Compact Fluorescent fused High frequency programmed rapid start electronic, fused 1 or 2 lamps, 120V B232I120EL/Ultra fused 1 or 2 lamps 277V - universal 120 volt or 277 volt input as required by application, series circuit operation, end-of-lamp-life shutdown circuit with auto-reset, 5 year labor and material replacement warranty - G.E./Magnetek TRIAD series operating 1 or 2, 40 watt double lamps C240PUNVHP-Bfused. - B332I120EL/Ultra High frequency instant start electronic, fused 120 volt or 277 volt input as required by application, parallel circuit operation, .95 power factor, THD< 20%, 5 year labor and material replacement warranty - G.E./Magnetek RH series operating 1 or 2 F96T8HO lamps. - fused 3 lamps 1 or 2 lamps, 120V - B286I120RH - fused 1 or 2 lamps, 277V - 277V - B286I277RH - fused High frequency programmed rapid start B332I277EL/Ultra - - B432I120EL/Ultra electronic, fused universal 120 volt or 277 volt input as required by application, series circuit operation, end-of-lamp-life shutdown circuit with auto-reset, 5 year labor and material replacement warranty- G.E./Magnetek TRIAD series operating 1 or 2 compact fluorescent lamps. - fused 4 lamps, 1 or 2 lamps, 13 watt double - CT213UNV - 277V - fused 1 or 2 lamps, 18 watt double - C218UNV - B432I277EL/Ultra - fused 1 or 2 lamps, 26 watt double - C2642UNV B232I277EL/Ultra fused 3 lamps 120V fused 4 lamps, 120V Rev. B (2/07) Page 112 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 - mps, 26 watt triple - C2642UNV - fused 1 or 2 fus lamps, 32 watt triple - C2642UNV - fused 1 ed lamp, 42 watt quad - C2642UNV - fused 1 or 2 la HID) wattage autotransformer, fused 120, 208, 277, or 480 volt input as required by application, 2 year labor and material replacement warranty - G.E./Magnetek Universe Precise Series - match ANSI ballast type to lamp used. Dimmed Lutron Hi-Lume type.Fluorescent High Intensity Exterior applications: Core and Coil type, -30°C starting, constant Discharge ( lications: Potted Core and Coil type, 30°C starting, constant wattage autotransformer, fused 120, 208, 277, or 480 volt input as required by application, 2 year labor and material replacement warranty G.E./Magnetek Universe Precise Series match ANSI Ballast type to lamp used. I n t e r i o r a p p Lighting Fixtures Alkco - Surgical Troffer ST8240 Series Vista Sealed Surgical Light Marconi Rev. B (2/07) - Film Viewers Page 113 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 McGraw-Edison - Exterior Site fixture - Bronze in color “Cirrus” Series w/Spider Mount Lamp Protection - Lexan Lamp Sleeves - Exposed fluorescent lamps SECTION 16600 - LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM Lightning Protection System -Independent Protection - Materials - Copper or Aluminum Co. (Distributed by Western - Air terminals Reserve Lightning Rod Co.) SECTION 16611 – UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM U.P.S. - Bypass on type Liebert SECTION 16700 – COMMUNICATIONS Telephone/Data System (per CCF - ITD Specifications – seeITD Reference Document) Broadband System (per CCF - ITD Specifications – see ITDReference Document) Master Clock System Simplex 6400-9001 Simplex 6310 Series - Synchronous system - Clocks Simplex 2975-9038 - Single Dial Back box Simplex 2975-9024 - Double Dial Back box & 2310-9810 Bracket Simplex 2861-9001 Overhead Paging System by Sound-Com Corp. of Berea, OH - Clock Power Booster System Stentofon - Amplifiers - 8” speaker/baffle/transformer Atlas/Soundolier #FDD72W Rev. B (2/07) - 8 amp output - NEMA 1 enclosure Page 114 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 - Speaker rough-in back can Atlas #96-8 - Tile bridge Atlas #EQ81 Security System by Matrix (See Security Standards Reference Document) SECTION 16704 – INTERCOM SYSTEM Intercom by Sound Com Corp. of Berea, OH Stentofon - System - Two-way “hands-free” voice communication - Audible annunciation of calls - All-call (station paging) and group call (zone paging) - Privacy mode - Press to talk - Call transfer and forwarding - Camp on busy and busy call-back Conference call - Flexible numbering - All-call automatic respond Overhead paging Stentofon - Wall Station Stentofon - Desk Station 16710, 16715, 16717 – NURSE CALL SYSTEM Rev. B (2/07) Page 115 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 Outpatient Nurse Call System by Sound-Com Corp. of Berea, OH Rauland-Borg System - Tone/ Visual 8000 Series #NCS8000 #NCS8036 #DS800 #PCS113 #SS300 #BPS113 #BS800 (single) #BS800 (double) #CL4094 - Controller - Terminal CabinetsAnnunciator- Duty Station- Toilet and Shower Station- Staff Station- Patient Emergency Help- Single Patient Station- Dual Patient Station- Dome and Zone Light Rauland-Borg System Responder IV Model NCGCM - Networked - Hub Controller Model NCTSM - Nurse Console (Master Station) Model NCBSS1 - Single Patient Station Model NCBSD2 - Dual Patient Station Model NCSTAFF - Staff Station Model NCDUTY - Duty Station Model NCPCS1 - Toilet and Shower Station Model NCSPB1 - Single Call Button Help Station Model NCDPB2 - Dual Call Button Help Station Model NCCB1 - Code Blue Model NCSRS3 - Staff Register Station Model ES3200 - Pillow Speaker Model CC200 - Pushbutton Callcord Model NCCLT2(F4, S6) - Dome and Zone Lights – 2lamp (4 lamp, 6 lamp) Model RTSH404 - Infrared Locator Receivers Model RTTH200 - Tracking Badge Model NCDATA - Data Interface Module - Nurse Management Software by Hill-Rom Inpatient Nurse Call System Station Communication System - Terminal Cabinets Composer Networked Master - Room-to-room Communication Device - Remote Call Device (toilet, shower, code, emergency, etc.) - Dome and zone lights - Locator Receiver Rev. B (2/07) Page 116 of 117 Revised 2/15/2007 g e systems to be -installed in conduit Pillow Speaker NOTE: Nurse call SECTION 16721 – ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Addressable Fire Alarm System by Simplex Time Recorder Co. -System - Voice Communication -Networked Simplex 4120 - Control Panel - Remote Annunciator - LCD Simplex 2099 Series - Manual Pull Station - double action, break glass Simplex 4098 Series - Smoke Detector - photoelectric Simplex 4098 Series - Heat Detector - rate-of-rise 15°F - set point 135°F Simplex 4098 Series - Detector Base Simplex 2098 Series - Base relay Simplex 4098 Series - Duct Smoke Detector - photoelectric Simplex 2098-9806 - key test switch Simplex 4903 Series - Audio/Visual Device - ADA compliant - Voice/strobe Simplex 4904 Series - Visual only Device - ADA compliant Simplex 2088 Series - Magnetic Door Holders -Zone Adapter Module - Monitor IAMS -Control ZAMS Simplex 2901 Series - Flow Bell - 4” round SECTION 16900 – MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS Motor Control Center General Electric 8000 Line Series - Motor Starters - FVNR SECTION 16905 – PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING CONTROL PANELBOARDS Programmable Lighting Control System General Electric TLC Level 3 Series Rev. B (2/07) Page 117 of 117 Select Box for Interior Finishes DESIGN STANDARDS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION DESIGN STANDARDS APPENDIX C Section 5 – Appendix C Interior Furniture Products and Manufacturer Representative Listings 01.06.11 - This section has been removed Introduction Board of Governors: Offices Board of Governors: Secretary Areas Classroom/Training Conference Rooms Dining – Informal Dining Areas – Formal Labor, Delivery and Recovery Rooms Exam Rooms Lobby: Main Waiting Areas Lobby: Main Registration/Reception Nurse Stations Offices: Administrative Offices: Department Chairpersons/Heads Offices: Physicians Offices: Support Staff (Open Areas) Offices: Support Staff (Private Offices) On-Call Rooms Patient Rooms Staff Lounge Libraries Waiting Areas: Family Waiting Vending Areas and Recovery Areas 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Revised – July 2004 Page 1 Infection Control and Epidemiology Quality and Patient Safety Institute Desk P58 216-444-5194 Mounting Requirements for Sharps Containers All architects, planners, interior designers, project managers and facilities engineering personnel involved in the construction or renovation of patient care locations should be aware of the requirements for hanging wall mounted sharps containers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends: 1. The user should have a clear unobstructed view of the opening 2. The container should be located within arm’s reach 3. The fixture height should be below the eye level of 95% of adult female workers Correct installation heights for fixed, wall-mounted sharps disposal containers are 5256 inches above the floor. Al coholBasedHandRub(ABHR) Di spenserMount i ngi nHeal t hcar eOccupancy ABHR Bot t om ofval veshoul dbe54”f r om f l oor ..................... Di spenser smustbemount ednol ess t hansi xi nchesf r om anadj acentsour ce ofi gni t i on( i ncl udi ngphonej acks,cal l swi t ches,Kr onost i mecl ocks,and t her most at s) ,asmeasur edf r om cent er l i neofdi spensert ot henear estedge oft hecoverpl at eori gni t i onsour ce. Di spenser scannotbemount edabove anysour ceofi gni t i on( asdef i nedabove) . The‘ ul eappl i es si xi nchf r om cent er l i ne’r i nf i ni t el ybel ow t heval veoft heABHR. Recommendedhei ghtofval vef r om f l oor :54” I fABHR di spenseri spl acedi ncor r i dor : cor r i dormustbeatl eastsi x( 6)f eet wi de,anddi spenser smustbeatl east f our( 4)f eetapar tf r om eachot her . Uset heappr ovedst andar d9oz.cani st er . I fABHR i smount edovercar pet i ng, bui l di ngmusthaveover headspr i nkl er syst em i npl ace. Cl evel andCl i ni c Qual i t yandPat i entSaf et yI nst i t ut e JZ Feb. 2007 Al coholBasedHandRub(ABHR) Di spenserMount i ngi nBusi nessOccupancy ABHR Bot t om ofval veshoul dbe54”f r om f l oor ..................... Di spenser smustbemount ednol ess t hansi xi nchesf r om anadj acentsour ce ofi gni t i on( i ncl udi ngphonej acks,cal l swi t ches,Kr onost i mecl ocks,and t her most at s) ,asmeasur edf r om cent er l i neofdi spensert ot henear estedge oft hecoverpl at eori gni t i onsour ce. Di spenser scannotbemount edabove anysour ceofi gni t i on( asdef i nedabove) . The‘ ul eappl i es si xi nchf r om cent er l i ne’r i nf i ni t el ybel ow t heval veoft heABHR. Recommendedhei ghtofval vef r om f l oor :54” I fABHR di spenserpl acedi ncor r i dor , di spenser smustbepl acedatl eastf our ( 4)f eetawayf r om eachot her . Uset heappr ovedst andar d9oz.cani st er . Cl evel andCl i ni c Qual i t yandPat i entSaf et yI nst i t ut e JZ Mar . 2007