EMF Risk Assessment: Exposure Systems for Large-Scale Laboratory and Experimental Provocation Studies Diss. ETH No. 18636 EMF Risk Assessment: Exposure Systems for Large-Scale Laboratory and Experimental Provocation Studies A dissertation submitted to ETH ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by SVEN EBERT Dipl. Phys., TU Berlin, Germany B.Sc. Physics, UMIST, Great Britain born December 25th, 1970 citizen of Germany accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. W. Fichtner, examiner Prof. Dr. N. Kuster, Prof. Dr. P. Niederer, co-examiner 2009 Contents Summary v Zusammenfassung ix Acknowledgements I xiii Introduction 1 1 Background and Motivation 1.1 Worldwide Mobile Communication . 1.2 Relevant Electromagnetic Spectrum 1.3 EMF Health Risk Assessment . . . . 1.4 Laboratory Studies . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Specific Absorption Rate . . . . . . . 1.6 RF Safety Standard . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Objectives and Chapter Overview . . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure Assessment 2 Thermal Regulatory and olds 2.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . 2.2 Introduction . . . . . . 2.3 Material and Methods 3 3 5 6 8 10 10 12 13 17 Thermal Breakdown Thresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 19 19 20 22 ii CONTENTS 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.3.1 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Exposure Protocol . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Temperature Measurement . . . 2.3.4 Evaluation of Thermal Response 2.3.5 Radiofrequency Exposure . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22 24 24 25 32 33 37 3 Assessment of ELF MF of Mobile Phones and Proposal for Worst-Case Signal for Bio-Experiments 3.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 B-Field Probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Measurement Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Generic Exposure Test Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Discussion and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 39 40 41 41 42 44 48 48 4 Add-on ELF MF Exposure Setup Proposal for with Human Volunteers 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Setup Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 B-Field Strength and Distribution . . . . . . . 4.4 Current Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Summary ELF Add-on Setup . . . . . . . . . . 51 51 52 53 54 55 III Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure Systems and Studies 5 Flexible Exposure Setup for Experimental Provocation Studies at 884 MHz 5.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Exposure System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Low Weight Stacked Micropatch Antenna . . . 57 59 59 60 61 65 65 CONTENTS 5.5 5.6 5.7 iii 5.4.2 Heat Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Headset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.4 Exposure Room, Monitoring and Control System 5.4.5 Exposure Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosimetry and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Study Abstract: PERFORM C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 72 77 82 84 92 93 6 Exposure Systems for Large-Scale In Vivo Laboratory GSM/DCS Risk Assessment Studies 95 6.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 6.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 6.3 Objectives and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.3.1 Study Outline and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.3.2 Exposure and Environmental Requirements . . 99 6.4 Setup Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.4.1 Mechanical and Electrical Design . . . . . . . . 104 6.4.2 Signal Generation, Monitoring and Control of Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 6.4.3 Exposure Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 6.5 Dosimetry and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 6.5.1 Dosimetric Method, Tools and Models . . . . . 116 6.5.2 Initial Setup Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 6.5.3 Results of Dosimetry, Uncertainty and Variations 126 6.6 Setup Performance during Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 6.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 6.8 Study Abstracts: PERFORM A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 6.8.1 Fraunhofer ITEM (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . 141 6.8.2 RBM (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 7 SAR Uniformity in Ferris Wheel Setups 7.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Examined Ferris Wheels . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Ferris Wheel Setup Design . . . . . . . . 7.6 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 145 146 146 147 147 150 iv CONTENTS 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.7 7.8 7.9 Experimental Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature Method for SAR Uniformity Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6.3 Measurement Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6.4 Dummy Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6.5 Numerical Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 152 154 155 156 157 161 162 Epilogue 163 List of Acronyms 169 Publications 171 Bibliography 176 Summary Various biological and health effects have been suggested as resulting from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) as emitted by mobile phones and other wireless communication devices. With the success of mobile communication technologies since the 1990’s, the numbers of people exposed to RF-EMF has increased to such an extent that even small health effects become relevant. Particular concerns also focus on long-term effects such as the promotion of cancer, which might only become evident after a considerable delay. In addition to epidemiological examinations, health risk assessments require laboratory studies. These studies can be divided in in vitro, in vivo and human studies. For the assessment of health effects, in vivo studies are most relevant. So far, laboratory studies have not provided consistent results. In addition to the probably large inherent variability in biological responses, undefined exposure conditions, variations in exposure and artifacts resulting from the exposure equipment are discussed as possible reasons for inconsistent study outcomes. To foster significant progress in the health risk assessment of low-level RF-EMF exposure from mobile phones, the 5th Framework program of the European Union started a large international toxicological/carcinogenic project (named PERFORM) with a special focus on well-defined, well-controlled and artifact-free RF exposures. The objectives of this dissertation were the development, characterization and successful operation of optimized exposure systems for the in vivo and human studies of the European PERFORM project. Significant contributions were achieved for all major requirements of such systems, to realize well-defined, well-controlled, v vi SUMMARY well-characterized, and artifact-free exposures. For the large-scale, life-time in vivo laboratory study PERFORM A, 1500 mice had to be exposed at two frequencies and four groups (high dose, medium dose, low dose and sham). To be most relevant for risk assessment, the high-dose level needs to be chosen as high as possible but below the thermal threshold of inducing health effects. An experimental study was conducted to assess the thermal regulatory and breakdown thresholds for tube-restrained, whole-body exposed mice. The regulation of temperature started at specific absorption rate (SAR) levels between 2 and 5 W/kg; the level of SAR induced heating that cannot be compensated by the animal (SAR threshold for a thermal breakdown) was assessed to start as low as 6 W/kg under these laboratory conditions. In the PERFORM A study the exposure level of the high dose exposure group was then set at 4 W/kg. For the mouse studies of PERFORM A, two types of efficient exposure setups for 900 and 1800 MHz signals were developed. The systems allow double-blind study protocols and are fully selfcontrolled (monitoring exposure and further parameters as oxygen, temperature and humidity) with an auto-detection of malfunctions. The applied exposure signal has a complexity covering different exposure scenarios of mobile phone uses. Different exposure phases included extremely low frequency (ELF) spectral components resulting from the DTX/non-DTX, power saving and environmental control signals. The experimental and numerical dosimetry was conducted with details that have not been provided in any previous study. Assessed were the whole-body averaged and organ averaged SAR for the different exposure phases, including their uncertainties and variations occurring in weight, anatomy, dielectric parameters, posture and positioning. Exposure verification was enabled through a new, experimental, dosimetric temperature method which verifies the exposure at each mouse position in the exposure resonator. Within this project, Dr. Veronica Berdiñas and Dr. Walter Oesch conducted the detailed numerical dosimetry and system software, which are not part of this thesis. A study has also been performed to compare different mouse exposure systems based on the Ferris wheel concept (the setup used in the widely discussed Adelaide study that has shown a two-fold increase vii in lymphoma cancer in transgenic mice and the new developed setups for the exposure of mice in PERFORM A and B). Thereby, a major drawback has been identified for Ferris-wheel-like resonant structures: their sensitivity to asymmetrical load conditions, resonator size, quality factor, asymmetries of mechanical constructions, etc., which can result in higher mode excitation and highly varying exposure conditions. It was shown that variations in whole-body SAR as large as 7.4 dB can occur for mice in the same setup. Several concepts to improve the uniformity and inter-animal variations have been identified within this thesis (small units, use of high permittivity bricks, homogeneous load). In this way, the variations of the PERFORM A setup were limited to less than 2.5 dB. By using a rotational scheme, variations over the life-time study are even as low as 1.2 dB. Furthermore an optimized exposure system was developed for the human provocation study PERFORM C (a study considered to be one of the largest studies with human volunteers within the EMF risk assessment context). The study design foresees exposures of subjects for a duration of three hours or even longer. This requires an exposure system enabling head movements during exposure and was realized with a new, low-weight antenna mounted on a flexible and comfortable headset. The setup also incorporated a heated plate at the ear lobe of subjects on the exposed side to simulate the thermal load from, e.g., contact pressure or battery heat of a mobile phone during usage. The dosimetry and uncertainty assessments were conducted using measurements and simulations. Artifacts, such as field and SAR distortion due to EEG electrodes, were considered. The final project covered by this thesis was an accurate assessment of the B-fields resulting from the amplifier supply currents of mobile phones. For the first time, B-field distributions and B-field waveforms were accurately measured for several commercial phones. The study showed that B-fields up to 75 µT and rise times of 1.4 T/s are present. Although the maximum field strengths from several harmonics of 217 Hz exceeded the ICNIRP guideline levels, it still is not expected that the relevant current density in the body is also above the threshold, since exposure peaks are very local. This work resulted in a proposal for a worst-case test signal to be used for combined RF/ELF studies. For the conclusion of the summary the biological results are pre- viii SUMMARY sented here. The PERFORM A mouse studies covered two combined chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies performed at Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Germany and one co-carcinogenicity study performed at Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer (RBM) in Italy. The outcomes of the three studies showed no toxic/carcinogenic effects, even for the high-dose group with an exposure in the range where the thermal regulation mechanism within the animals starts being triggered. The study at RBM was also set up as a replication study of the Adelaide study; however, their findings were not confirmed. The Department of Health Science at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden examined in the human study PERFORM C effects of RF fields on self-reported symptoms, as well as the detection of fields after a three hour exposure time. A well-defined study group was chosen including subjects reporting symptoms attributed to mobile phone use. The results revealed that neither group were able to detect RF exposure better than by chance. The results also showed that headaches were more commonly reported after RF exposure than in the sham-exposed control group, mainly due to an increase in the subject group not reporting symptoms attributed to mobile phone use. The higher prevalence of headaches justifies and requires the further investigation of possible physiological correlations. Zusammenfassung Elektromagnetische Felder von Mobiltelefonen und anderen drahtlosen Geräten sind im Verdacht verschiedene biologische und gesundheitliche Effekte auszulösen. Seit den 1990er Jahren verbreiteten sich die mobilen Kommunikationstechnologien sehr erfolgreich; inzwischen sind eine so grosse Anzahl von Menschen durch die elektromagnetischen Hochfrequenzfelder (ELF-RF) von Mobiltelefonen exponiert, dass auch geringste gesundheitsgefährdende Auswirkungen sehr relevant wären. Sorge bereiten insbesondere auch Auswirkungen, die erst mit einer zeitlichen Verzögerung auftreten, wie z. B. Krebs. Die Einschätzung des Gesundheitsrisikos erfordert epidemiologische Studien und Laborstudien (in vitro, in vivo und Studien mit Freiwilligen), wobei in vivo Studien als besonders relevant gelten. Bisher lieferten Laborstudien inkonsistente Ergebnisse. Das wird verschiedenen Ursachen zugeschrieben: u. a. einer grossen Bandbreite inhärenter (biologischer) Reaktionen, ungenau definierten Expositionsbedingungen, Variationen in der Exposition oder auch durch Artefakte bei Expositionssystemen. Für einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in der Gesundheitsrisikoeinschätzung von ELF-RF Expositionen durch Mobiltelefone wurde im 5. Rahmenprogramm der Europäischen Union ein grosses, internationales, toxikologisch/karzinogenes Forschungsprojekt (mit dem Namen PERFORM) gestartet, u. a. mit dem Ziel wohl-definierter, wohl-kontrollierter und artefaktfreier Expositionen. Zielsetzungen dieser Dissertation waren die Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und erfolgreiche Durchführung optimierter Expositionsanlagen für die in vivo Studien und die Freiwilligenstudie des Europäischen Projekts PERFORM. Dabei wurde ein bedeutender Beitrag für alle Hauptanforderungen solcher Systeme erzielt, um wohl-definierte, ix x ZUSAMMENFASSUNG wohl-kontrollierte, wohl-charakterisierte und artefaktfreie Expositionen zu ermöglichen. In der grossen in vivo Langzeit-Laborstudie PERFORM A wurden 1500 Mäuse bei zwei Frequenzen exponiert, unterteilt in Hochdosis-, Mitteldosis-, Niedrigdosis- und Sham-Gruppen. Um die Risikoabschätzung zu optimieren, muss die höchste applizierte Dosis so hoch wie möglich gewählt werden, aber unterhalb des Schwellenwerts liegen, ab dem gesundheitliche Auswirkungen auftreten. Dafür wurden in einer experimentellen Studie die beiden Schwellenwerte Einsetzen und Zusammenbruch der Körpertemperatur-Regelung durch Ganzkörper EMF-RF Exposition für in Röhren fixierte Mäuse bestimmt. Die Temperaturregulation setzte bei einer spezifischen Absorptionsrate (SAR) zwischen 2 und 5 W/kg ein und kann bereits ab 6 W/kg unter den applizierten Laborbedingungen zusammenbrechen. In der PERFORM A Studie wurde daraufhin die Exposition der Hochdosisgruppe auf 4 W/kg eingestellt. Für die PERFORM A Mausstudien wurden zwei effiziente Expositionsanlagen entwickelt – für 900 MHz und für 1800 MHz Signale. Die Anlagen ermöglichen Doppelblindstudien, sind selbstkontrollierend (Sensoren überwachen die Exposition und weitere Parameter wie Sauerstoff, Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, etc.) und erkennen Störungen automatisch. Das applizierte Expositionssignal ist komplex und stellte verschiedene Expositionsszenarien dar, die beim Gebrauch von Mobiltelefonen auftreten, wie niederfrequente Spektralbestandteile resultierend aus den DTX/non-DTX, Energieeinsparungs- und Umgebungskontrollsignalen. Es wurde eine umfangreiche experimentelle und numerische Dosimetrie und Unsicherheitsanalyse mit mehr Details als in bisherigen Studien durchgeführt. Für die verschiedenen Expositionsphasen wurden die durchschnittlichen Ganzkörper-SAR Werte sowie die durchschnittlichen SAR Werte für einzelne Organe ermittelt, einschliesslich ihrer Unsicherheiten und Variationen in Bezug auf Masse, Anatomie, dielektrischen Parametern, Lage und Position. Dabei ermöglichte eine neue, experimentelle, dosimetrische Methode mittels Temperaturmessungen die Untersuchung der Expositionen an jeder Position im Resonator. Innerhalb des Projekts wurden die numerischen Simulationen von Dr. Veronika Berdiñas und die Systemsoftware von Dr. Walter Oesch erstellt, sie sind somit nicht Teil dieser Dissertation. xi Eine weitere Studie vergleicht drei verschiedene MausExpositionssysteme, die auf dem Ferris-Wheel Konzept basieren. Untersucht wurden das Ferris-Wheel Expositionssystem aus der viel diskutierten Adelaide-Studie, die eine Verdoppelung der LymphomKrebs-Rate in RF exponierten, transgenen Mäusen festgestellt hat, sowie die beiden neu entwickelten Maus-Expositionssysteme von PERFORM A und B. Die Studie hat wesentliche Nachteile von Ferris-Wheel Expositionssystemen aufgedeckt: ihre Empfindlichkeit bezüglich einer asymmetrischen Lastverteilung, zu grosser Resonator Dimensionen, des Qualitätsfaktors und mechanischer Resonator Asymmetrien. Dadurch können höhere Moden angeregt werden und stark variierende Expositionen auftreten. Die Studie zeigt, dass Schwankungen der Ganzkörper-SAR bis zu 7.4 dB zwischen Mäusen im gleichen Resonator auftreten können. Es werden verschiedene Konzepte vorgeschlagen, die die Gleichförmigkeit der EinzeltierExposition sowie die Tier-zu-Tier-Variationen verbessern (kleiner Resonator Durchmesser, Vergrösserung der Distanzen zwischen Nachbarn, homogene Lastverteilung). Auf diese Weise konnten die Variationen im PERFORM A Resonator auf unter 2.5 dB reduziert werden. Durch den Einsatz eines Rotationsschemas wurden die auftretenden Variationen während der Langzeit-Studie sogar auf 1.2 dB reduziert. Desweiteren wurde ein optimiertes Expositionssystem für PERFORM C entwickelt (die Studie gilt als eine der grössten Freiwilligenstudien im Kontext einer EMF-RF Risikobewertung). In dieser Provokationsstudie wurden Probanden für mindestens drei Stunden mit einem Mobilfunksignal exponiert. Das erforderte ein Expositionssystem, welches Kopfbewegungen bei gleichzeitig konstanter Exposition erlaubt. Das wurde mit einer neuen, leichten Antenne realisiert, befestigt an einem flexiblen und bequemen Kopfhalter. Zudem löste auf der exponierten Seite eine beheizte Keramikplatte am Ohrläppchen einen Temperaturreiz aus, der Kontaktdruck- bzw. Batteriewärme des Mobiltelefons während der Benutzung simulierte. Die Dosimetrie und Unsicherheiten des Expositionssystems wurden durch Messungen und Simulationen bestimmt; Artefakte, z. B. Einfluss von EEG Kabeln, wurden berücksichtigt. Die letzte Studie dieser Dissertation untersucht B-Felder, die durch die Verstärker-Versorgungsströme in Mobiltelefonen verur- xii ZUSAMMENFASSUNG sacht werden. Zum ersten Mal wurden die Magnetfeldverteilung und -wellenform für mehrere kommerzielle Mobiltelefone vermessen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass B-Felder bis zu 75 µT und Anstiegszeiten von 1.4 T/s auftreten. Obgleich die maximalen Feldstärken einiger Harmonischen von 217 Hz die ICNIRP-Grenzwerte übersteigen, ist nicht zu erwarten, dass die relevante Stromdichte im Körper ebenfalls über dem ICNIRP-Grenzwert liegt, da diese Expositionsspitzen sehr lokal auftreten. Als Ergebnis dieser Studie wird ein Testsignal für kombinierte RF/ELF Studien vorgeschlagen. Zum Abschluss der Zusammenfassung werden die biologischen Studienresultate vorgestellt. Die PERFORM A Mausstudien beinhalten die Durchführung von zwei kombinierten Giftigkeits- und KarzinogenStudien am Fraunhofer Institut für Toxikologie und Experimentelle Medizin in Deutschland, sowie eine Co-Karzinogen-Studie am Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer (RBM) in Italien. Die Ergebnisse der drei Studien zeigen keine negativen Auswirkungen, auch nicht in der Gruppe mit der höchsten Dosis, dessen Expositionsstärke den Temperatur-Regulationsmechanismus in Mäusen auslösen kann. Die Studie bei RBM wurde als Replikationsstudie der Adelaide-Studie konzipiert, jedoch konnten die Resultate nicht bestätigt werden. Das Department of Health Science am Karolinska Institute in Schweden untersuchte in der Freiwilligenstudie PERFORM C die Wirkung von RF-Feldern auf Probanden bezüglich selbst-berichteter Symptome und inwieweit sie RF Felder nach einer dreistündigen Expositionsdauer wahrnehmen können. Die Untersuchung wurde mit einer definierten Expositionsgruppe durchgeführt, die auch Personen einschloss, die über Symptome bei Mobilfunkbenutzung berichteten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass keine Probandengruppe RF Exposition häufiger wahrnehmen konnte als es durch Zufallstreffer möglich wäre. Ferner zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass häufiger von Kopfschmerzen nach der RF-Exposition berichtet wurde als nach der Sham-Exposition, sogar hauptsächlich von Probanden, die sonst von keinen Symptomen bei Mobilfunkbenutzung berichteten. Das häufigere Auftreten von Kopfschmerzen rechtfertigt und erfordert weitere Untersuchungen auf mögliche physiologische Wechselbeziehungen. Acknowledgements The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS), the industrial partner Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG) and the Bioelectromagnetics/EMC group of the Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) provided an excellent environment for the enthralling tasks accomplished during this thesis. Prof. Niels Kuster provided me with the opportunity to work on the scientific relevant, international projects PERFORM A and PERFORM C of the European Union as well as on the national ELF project of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and enabled participations worldwide on conferences and project meetings (e.g., Austria, Canada, China, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, USA). Additionally his support and enormous experience in bioelectromagnetics provided in tricky situations always a helping hand and guidance. Thank you, Niels. I would like to thank Prof. Wolfgang Fichtner for giving me the opportunity to work within his excellent group and for supervising this thesis. He was there in good and also in difficult times and I am very grateful for this. Very special thanks also go to Dr. Dölf Aemmer, Dr. Norbert Felber and Christine Haller, for their great support and open door policy. I also want to express my gratitude to Prof. Peter Niederer, for being the second co-examiner of my thesis. During my five years at IT’IS/IIS my work was formed and influenced by many colleagues and external partners, to whom I would like to express my deepest gratitude. xiii xiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Very special thanks go to Dr. Jürgen Schuderer, with whom I shared many thoughts on scientific and private topics. Special thanks also to Dr. Andreas Christ, Neviana Nikoloski, Dr. Jürg Fröhlich and Dr. Fin Bomholt for the introduction to the simulation and measurement tools and the various fruitful discussions in the world of Bioelectromagnetics. Thank you, Dr. Veronika Berdiñas, Dr. Walter Oesch and Peter Sepan for our common work on the PERFORM projects, and thanks to my former student Markus Tuor for your diligence in the FOPH project. Thank you, Albert Lenherr, for taking care of the mechanical setup challenges and for your stamina during intensive times. The accomplishments are also your success. I would like to address my special thanks to the IT’IS and SPEAG team. All types of installations, assemblies and mechanical challenges were solved through Rainer Mertens, Urs Frauenknecht, Dr. David Perels, Nico Vetterli, Marc Salin, Roy Hunziger, Peter Fleischmann, Thomas Conner, Bruno Reumer, Manuel Lindemann, and Dominik Schmid. Also, I would like to thank Dr. Jean-Claude Gröbli for our common time. Further thanks to Denis Spät, Anja Klingenböck, Dr. Nik Chavannes, Dr. Hans-Ueli Gerber, Emilio Cherubini, Peter Futter, Dr. Sven Kühn, Sang-Jin Eom, Valentin Keller, Dr. Marc Wegmüller, Dr. Katja Poković, Dr. Axel Kramer, Dr. Michael Oberle and many more, for the discussions and the fun during coffee breaks. I would like to thank Prof. Theodoros Samaras for our great time at Dr. J’s wedding and also Prof. Quirino Balzano - it was a pleasure to discuss with you. The scientific results were only possible to accomplish with the excellent administrative support from Jacqueline Pieper, Monica Lewis, Sibyl Akrong and Martin Daellenbach – thank you. My special thanks also go to Michelle von Issendorff-Stubbs for proofreading all the presentations, reports and this thesis. Thanks also to Christof Wicki, Manuel Oettiker, Tobi Oettiker, Dr. Fritz Zaucker and Jonathan Gubler for our common IT’IS computer support challenge. It was a great pleasure working with so many international partners. I am grateful for the experiences and memories – thank you. In PERFORM A I would like to especially thank: Prof. Clemens Dasenbrock, Dr. Thomas Tillmann, Dr. Bernd Goerlitz, Dr. Georg Neubauer, Dr. Paul Smith, Dr. Ullrich Decker, Dr. Santi Tofani, Dr. Germano Oberto, Dr. Ya Da, Prof. Xu Zhenping, Dr. Michael xv Frauscher, Richard Überbacher and several others; in PERFORM C Dr. Clairy Wiholm, Prof. Bengt Arnetz, Dr. Arne Lowden, Dr. Thomas Persson, Lars Stahre, Dr. Lena Hillert and for the FOPH project Dr. Mirjam Moser. Thanks also to the financial sponsors, the European Union and the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Their funding enabled the scientific relevant, important research in the context of EMF health risk assessment. I also want to give my gratitude to all my friends - thank you for your support and friendship. My deepest thanks go to my family, to Ute Ebert and Jill Ebert. Part I Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Background and Motivation 1.1 Worldwide Mobile Communication The rapid advances in wireless communication technology are having a major impact on our lifestyles. It is expected that even more sophisticated technologies and services will become available to more people in more places - creating new opportunities for personal freedom, mobility and economic development. The way we communicate changed and it is difficult imagining modern life without mobile communication. Mobile communication continues to increase worldwide (Figure 1.1). In several European countries the number of mobile telephones already exceeds the number of inhabitants and has surpassed even the number of landline connections. Also in developing and thinly populated countries or rural areas, where building landline communication was not cost effective, mobile communication became the most important communication form. According to the GSM Association1 and 3GAmericas2 close to four billion people worldwide use mobile phones at the end of 2008. Today most of 1 GSM 2 3G Association (www.gsmworld.com) Americas (www.3gamericas.org) 3 4 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Figure 1.1: Left: Number of mobile subscribers per 100% population and the mobile growth rate between 2006 and 2007. Right: Development of worldwide mobile subscribers and the mobile penetration level. Source: WCIS. them use the GSM system (GSM: 81%, UMTS: 8%, CDMA: 10%, AMP/NMT/PDC/etc: 1%, source: WCIS3 Nov 2008). The usage of UMTS is progressing fast, which enables new forms of communication due to its flexible data transfer technology. Additional new communication forms will develop, e.g., on- and in-body communication devices, hearing aids which communicate wirelessly between both ears to give depth of perception to the hearing-impaired, devices for medical supervision which automatically send data to emergency doctors and implants which measure and document medical parameters. Communication is therefore not only verbal communication but also increasingly data exchange. Accompanying the rapid increase of mobile communication services and devices since the 1990’s, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) represent one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences in our lives. The amount of people exposed to RF-EMF has increased to numbers that make even small health effects become relevant. Various health effects, e.g., promotion of cancer, have been suggested as resulting from exposure to EMF. The potential health effects from exposure to static and time varying electric and magnetic fields have caused significant public and 3 World Cellular Information Service (www.wcisdata.com) 1.2. RELEVANT ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM 5 occupational health concerns and require scientific clarification. It is therefore a major task for scientist and standard setting bodies to examine and define conditions for a safe handling and usage of modern communication equipment: the potential health risks must be assessed and analyzed. Health risks due to exposure to electromagnetic fields have been studied for several decades. With the rapid growth and introduction of the mobile communication technology to the general public in the early 1990’s, the research received a new focus and was intensified, especially since the technological distribution and progress were faster than the health risk research could provide answers about possible adverse health effects [1][2]. 1.2 Relevant Electromagnetic Spectrum All over the world people are exposed to electromagnetic fields to varying degrees, and the levels of exposure might increase as technology advances further. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation comprises a range of frequencies from very-low-frequency energy (such as electrical power) through visible light, to extremely high frequency radiation (such as X-rays and gamma rays). Figure 1.2 shows the electromagnetic spectrum including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation as marked in the lower part of the figure. Ionizing radiation has energy levels high enough to strip electrons from atoms and molecules. Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause serious biological damage, including the production of cancer. Non-ionizing radiation lacks the energy needed to cause ionization but can produce other types of biological effects, e.g., the exposure to high levels of RF energy can rapidly heat biological tissue (see also Chapter 2). This thermal effect can cause harm by increasing body temperature, disrupting behavior, and damaging biological tissue. Interesting for today’s research and risk assessment is the exposure to RF energy levels below the occurrence of thermal effects in the non-ioning frequency range. Mobile phones are designed to operate at frequency levels in the GSM/DCS band (around 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz) and at the UMTS band (2100 MHz) with power levels well below the threshold for known thermal effects. Consequently, the 6 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Figure 1.2: In the electromagnetic spectrum, the frequencies of mobile phones fall in between those of TV transmitters and microwave ovens (see also [3]). mobile phone health issue has generally focused on whether there are any adverse effects from long-term or frequent exposure to low-power RF signals that do not cause biologically significant heating (nonthermal effects). There is particular interest whether using mobile phones could promote brain cancer, since a user’s head absorbs parts of the RF energy when the phone is held to the ear during a call. 1.3 EMF Health Risk Assessment The classic risk assessment paradigm includes hazard identification, establishing a dose-response, exposure metrics definition, and risk characterization. Limitations of risk assessment relate to uncertainties which cover lack of relevant exposure and biological data, lack of knowledge about mechanisms, imprecisions in quantitative risk assessment models/methods and statistical variability/inter-individual 1.3. EMF HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT 7 variability. Sound scientific assessment methodology and uncertainty analysis are key prerequisites for risk assessment studies [4] [5]. The EMF health risk assessment distinguishes between concepts of interaction, biological effects, perception, and health effects [6]. Interaction takes place because Coulomb forces act on charges and molecules of living tissue. A biological effect is a detectable change in function or structure above the molecular level. EMF exposures which lead to measurable biological effects within the normal range of physiological compensation of living systems are not considered hazardous. EMF exposures which lead to biological effects exceeding the normal compensatory range of living tissue might be an actual or potential health hazard. EMF leading to biological effects which influence an individual’s ability to function properly without the possibility of recovery, must be considered health hazards, i.e., thermal effects that cause tissue damage. Thermal effects due to RF exposures are generally considered to be well understood. The public is concerned about possible adverse biological effects far below the threshold values of established effects. These effects, often categorized athermal and non-thermal, might greatly depend on signal characteristics, especially on the ELF components [7] [8]. Besides exposure dose, special care must also be given to the exposure signal. In order to maximize the outcome of risk assessment studies, especially as long as no interaction mechanism is established, the objective should be to provide the maximized significance of negative findings. If positive effects are found, a subsequent analysis of all parameters shall be used to assess the actual health risk. The exposure in risk studies should represent the worst case with respect to exposed tissues, exposure strength and signal characteristics [9] [10]. A major shortcoming of many previous studies regarding possible health effects from electromagnetic fields is an inadequate definition and description of the exposure setups as well as in poorly characterized dosimetry [11] [12]. In order to compare the results of investigations carried out in different laboratories and to ensure the quality of the results obtained, it is very important that the conditions of exposure are well defined and exactly controlled. Requirements for exposure setup design can be found in [9] [13] [10], and dosimetry should be performed according to [14] [15]. 8 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION These above-mentioned scientific quality conditions should be followed for exposure setup and study design. EMF risk assessment studies need - in addition to the right biological method and model - exposure systems with a sound dosimetric assessment, uncertainty and variability analysis. Furthermore the exposure systems should provide well-defined, well-controlled, well-characterized, and artifactfree exposures. Many studies have been performed and contribute to the health risk assessment through the exposure to EMF. Some reviews on EMF and human health can be found in [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]; however, further research has been deemed necessary [21] [22] [23]. Various repositories of publications and reports on the biological effects of EMF are available, e.g., at the WHO International EMF Research Database4 , the EMF-Portal5 of Femu, RWTH, Germany and database ELMAR6 of the University Basel and BUWAL, Switzerland. There are also various EMF publication services providing up to date information, i.e., EMF Database Information Ventures Inc, USA, RF Gateway Resource Strategies Inc, USA, and RFsciencefaqs Helpdesk, UK. 1.4 Laboratory Studies Laboratory studies are used to assess EMF health risks. They are performed under controlled conditions with respect to environmental and exposure parameters and enable - with a blinded study design a direct sham/exposure comparison. Laboratory studies are classified as follows: • Human experimental studies examine the effects of low dose levels of a potential toxic agent on humans. Though these studies are of the highest relevance for risk assessment of the agent, the dose levels must be low enough to ensure safe exposures; in addition the choice of end-points is limited (e.g., no cancer or threshold studies) and usually also the number of tested persons is comparably small. However, due to the high relevance, 4 http://www.who.int/peh-emf/research/database/en/ 5 http://www.emf-portal.de 6 http://www.elmar.unibas.ch 1.4. LABORATORY STUDIES 9 these studies are important in the context of human health risk assessment. • In vivo studies examine the interaction between an agent and complete, living biological systems, i.e., laboratory animals. In general the experimental animals must be an appropriate surrogate for human response to the tested agent. In RF exposure studies mice and rats of various breeds are commonly used. In vivo studies are performed to conduct dose range-finding studies for the assessment of thresholds for radiation exposure limits. Small effects can be detected through large-scale studies. However, before the study results are interpreted as human health risks (especially when knowledge of the dose-response relationships for the toxic effects is of concern), they need to be replicated and confirmed with more than a single animal model, since one animal species might be extra sensitive or insensitive to a particular end-point. Study results are relevant for human health risk assessment and are the standard method. • In vitro studies examine isolated biological components, e.g., cell cultures, DNA and macromolecules. They are preferred for basic research, are fast to conduct and usually cost effective. They enable possible interaction mechanism studies which might be masked in the complexity of the whole-animal level. In vitro studies also allow high exposure levels which would not be possible using in vivo models. In vitro studies provide end-points and exposure conditions for further in vivo examinations. Among their drawbacks is that their results are not directly transferable to in vivo models and that end-points always require subsequent in vivo tests to include the regulating mechanisms of biological systems. Study results therefore have only indirect relevance for human health risk assessment. Epidemiological studies are a further variant, though not a laboratory study. They present an observational technique for examining patterns of illness in human populations and statistical associations between an illness and a suspected causative agent. Drawbacks include the limitedly defined cause and dose of the examined agent. The primary objective is therefore a statistical significance, but they 10 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION cannot be used for dose, threshold or mechanism finding studies. Most epidemiological studies have used some form of cancer as an end-point. Epidemiological studies are of high relevance for human health risk assessment but have a very high uncertainty of dose levels and must be valued within their limitations. 1.5 Specific Absorption Rate Radiofrequency EMF penetrates deeply into tissue and can cause an increase in temperature by increasing the kinetic energy of random molecular motion. However, whole-body or local temperature increases depend not only upon the amount of energy absorbed, but also on passive heat dissipation and on the underlying complex thermoregulatory processies in the body. Therefore the initial temperature increase after the onset of an exposure cannot be used to define the local energy dose. The initial rate of temperature increase or the power delivered to a local volume are independent of the thermoregulatory process of a living system and can be used to measure the exposure. This dosing parameter, a dose rate, is called the specific absorption rate (SAR) [24] and is the key to determining the levels at which a biological response might occur. dP σ dT = E2 = c (1.1) SAR = dm ρ dt The specific absorption rate is defined by Equation 1.1 as the incremental electromagnetic power dP absorbed by an incremental mass dm. SAR is also directly proportional to the conductivity σ of the tissue at the location of interest with the mass density ρ and the magnitude of the squared electric field strength E 2 . Furthermore SAR is proportional to the initial rate of temperature rise dT dt in an exposed tissue with the specific heat capacity c. 1.6 RF Safety Standard The recommended RF exposure limits in the frequency range 10 MHz to 300 GHz are provided by the International Commission on Non- 1.6. RF SAFETY STANDARD 11 Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)[25]. National legislation regulations refer to the ICNIRP guideline (e.g., Switzerland). The guidelines recommend basic restrictions on SAR to ensure that harmful temperature increases do not occur in the human body. Tables 1.1 and 1.2 show the reference levels. Further information can also be found in [26]. The ICNIRP guidelines have different limits for the exposure of the general public and occupational workers (exposure limits for the general public are usually reduced by a factor of up to five). Shortterm time-averaging transient exposures may be averaged over specified periods before comparison with the restrictions. The restrictions on localized SAR vary over different regions of the body and apply to continuous tissues within a specified region. At higher frequencies, energy absorption becomes increasingly confined to the surface layers of the skin and a heating effect is directly related to the power density of the incident radiation. The ICNIRP guidelines take into account the different efficiency of the coupling of the electromagnetic fields into the human body; so the reference levels vary according to the frequency of the incident RF. Exposure quantity Occupational General public SAR averaged over the body and over any 6 min period 0.4 W/kg 0.08 W/kg SAR averaged over any 10g in the head and trunk and over any 6 min period 10 W/kg 2 W/kg SAR averaged over any 10g in the limbs and over any 6 min period 20 W/kg 4 W/kg Table 1.1: ICNIRP basic restrictions on the exposure to electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range 10 MHz to 10 GHz for occupational and general public exposure (source: [25]). 12 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Exposure group Frequency range Electric field strength (V/m) Magnetic field strength (A/m) Power density (W/m2) Occupational 10-400 MHz 400-2000 MHz 2-300 GHz 61 √ 3 f 137 0.16 √ 0.008 f 0.36 10 f/40 50 General public 10-400 MHz 400-2000 MHz 2-300 GHz 28 √ 1.375 f 61 0.073 √ 0.0037 f 0.16 2 f/200 10 Table 1.2: ICNIRP reference levels for occupational and general public exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 10 MHz to 300 GHz (f : frequency, source: [25]). 1.7 Motivation To foster significant progress in the health risk assessment of low-level radiofrequency electromagnetic exposure from mobile phones, the 5th Framework Program of the European Union (EU) started a large international toxicological/carcinogenic project named PERFORM at the start of the dissertation. The PERFORM project was coordinated by the University of Helsinki, which functioned as a firewall ensuring that the financial sponsors had no influence on the study results. In addition to the funding through the 5th Framework Program of the EU, sponsorship came also from the Mobile Manufacturers Forum, the GSM Association, Elettra2000 and the national authorities of Switzerland and Austria. The agenda included long-term in vivo bioassay studies (PERFORM A), animal behavioral studies and in vitro cell culture studies (PERFORM B) as well as an experimental provocation study (PERFORM C). Within PERFORM A four laboratories in Europe conducted six in vivo studies investigating whether mobile phone signals at GSM-900 MHz or DCS-1800 MHz are carcinogenic or cocarcinogenic in rats and mice. Not within PERFORM A but with the 1.8. OBJECTIVES AND CHAPTER OVERVIEW 13 same exposure setup, a seventh in vivo cancer study with rats was conducted in China. The PERFORM B program included several in vivo and in vitro replication studies. The PERFORM C human study investigated effects of GSM-900 MHz wireless communication signals on subjective symptoms, physiological reactions, alertness, performance and sleep. In the beginning of 2004 the PERFORM C project was renamed to Mobile Phone and Direct Health Effects; however, in this dissertation it is still referred to as PERFORM C. The biological studies were conducted between 2001 and 2006. The results combined with current and past studies on the effects of RF radiation, have been included in the database for health risk evaluation by the World Health Organization (WHO) [27] [28]. The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS) was the technical partner in the PERFORM project and was responsible for providing suitable exposure setups, including their dosimetry. The challenging tasks were the development, characterization, construction, testing and installation of the exposure systems as well as their maintenance during the studies, with special focus on the provision of well-defined, well-controlled and artifact-free exposures. 1.8 Objectives and Chapter Overview The objectives of this dissertation were the development, characterization and successful operation of optimized exposure systems for the PERFORM A mouse studies and the PERFORM C human study. For the successful accomplishment of these large international studies, various tasks at scientific, engineering and also organizational levels were conducted; significant, innovative contributions were introduced to achieve all major requirements of such systems, to realize well-defined, well-controlled, well-characterized, and artifact-free exposures. The dissertation is organized as follows: chapters 2, 3 and 4 present exposure assessment studies for key design parameters (exposure dose, exposure signal); chapters 5, 6 and 7 present the exposure systems developed for the PERFORM A and PERFORM C studies and a comparison study of exposure systems based on the Ferris wheel concept. The detailed content of the chapters is as follows: 14 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • Chapter 2: Thresholds Thermal Regulatory and Thermal Breakdown To optimize the relevance of in vivo health risk exposure studies, the exposure dose should be as high as possible but below the threshold of known adverse biological effects. This study determined the thermal regulatory and thermal breakdown thresholds for tube-restrained B6C3F1 and NMRI mice exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. For the first time in vivo temperature measurements in a well-defined exposure setup enabled the precise determination of these biological thermal thresholds which were relevant for setting the exposure level of the high dose group in the PERFORM A study. • Chapter 3: Assessment of ELF MF of Mobile Phones and proposal for worst-case signal for Bio-Experiments Little was known about the extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF) of mobile phones caused through the relatively high amplifier currents which generate the RF signal. To close this knowledge gap, the B-field strengths and waveforms of five commercial phones were accurately assessed with an extrapolation method. As a study result, the worst-case test signal for use in combined ELF/RF exposure studies is proposed. • Chapter 4: Add-On ELF MF Exposure Setup Proposal for Studies with Human Volunteers This chapter proposes a setup for human exposure studies with the worst-case extremely low frequency magnetic field signal defined in Chapter 3. This exposure setup was proposed as an option for the PERFORM C study. However, the steering committee decided not to include ELF MF signals in the study design. • Chapter 5: Flexible Exposure Setup for Experimental Provocation Studies at 884 MHz Study designs which envision the exposure of subjects for a duration of three hours or even longer require exposure systems which enable both, head movements and a constant exposure. To realize such an exposure system, a novel, low-weight antenna mounted on a flexible and comfortable headset is presented. The 1.8. OBJECTIVES AND CHAPTER OVERVIEW 15 setup also incorporated a heated plate at the ear lobe of subjects on the exposed side to simulate the thermal load from, e.g., contact pressure or the battery heat of a mobile phone during usage. The dosimetry and uncertainty of the setup were assessed using simulations and measurements. With this exposure system the Department of Health Science at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden examined in the human study PERFORM C the effects of RF fields on self-reported symptoms, as well as the detection of fields after a three-hour exposure time. • Chapter 6: Exposure Setups for Large-Scale In Vivo GSM/DCS Risk Assessment Studies For the mouse studies of PERFORM A, two types of efficient exposure setups for 900 and 1800 MHz signals were developed which are presented in this chapter. The systems allow doubleblind study protocols and are fully self-controlled (monitoring exposure and further parameters as oxygen, temperature and humidity) with an auto-detection of malfunctions. The applied complex exposure signal covered in different exposure phases the extremely low frequency spectral components resulting from the DTX/non-DTX, power saving and environmental control signals. The experimental and numerical dosimetry was conducted with details that have not been provided in any previous study. The whole-body averaged and organ averaged SAR for the different exposure phases were assessed, including their uncertainties and variations occurring in weight, anatomy, dielectric parameters, posture and positioning. Exposure verification was enabled through a new, experimental, dosimetric temperature method which verifies the exposure at each mouse position in the exposure resonator. With these setups two combined chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies were performed at Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Germany and one co-carcinogenicity study was performed at Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer (RBM) in Italy. 16 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • Chapter 7: SAR Uniformity in Ferris Wheel Setups This study compares three different mouse exposure systems based on the Ferris wheel concept (the setup used in the widely discussed Adelaide study that has shown a two-fold increase in lymphoma cancer in transgenic mice and the newly developed setups for the exposure of mice in PERFORM A and B). Several concepts to improve the uniformity and the inter-animal variations of exposure have been identified as well as their effects on the instant, weekly and life-averaged dosimetry. These improvements limited the variations of the PERFORM A setup to less than 2.5 dB. By applying a rotational scheme, variations over the life-time study remained even below 1.2 dB. Part II Exposure Assessment 17 Chapter 2 Thermal Regulatory and Thermal Breakdown Thresholds 2.1 Abstract The objective of this study was the determination of the thermal regulatory and the thermal breakdown thresholds for in tubes restrained B6C3F1 and NMRI mice exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields at 905 MHz. Different levels of the whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR = 0, 2, 5, 7.2, 10, 12.6 and 20 W/kg) have been applied to the mice inside the “Ferris wheel” exposure setup at 22± 2 ◦ C and 30-70% humidity. The thermal responses were assessed by measurement of the rectal temperature prior, during and after the two hour exposure session. For B6C3F1 mice, the thermal response was examined for three different weight groups (20 g, 24 g, 29 g), both genders and for pregnant mice. Additionally, NMRI mice with a weight of 36 g were investigated for an interstrain comparison. The thermal regulatory threshold of in tubes restrained mice was found at SAR levels between 2 W/kg and 5 W/kg, whereas the break19 20 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS down of regulation was determined at 10.1 ± 4.0 W/kg (K=2) for B6C3F1 mice and 7.7 ± 1.6 W/kg (K=2) for NMRI mice. Based on a simplified power balance equation, the thresholds show a clear dependence upon the metabolic rate and weight. NMRI mice were more sensitive to thermal stress and respond at lower SAR values with regulation and breakdown. The presented data suggest that the thermal breakdown for in tubes restrained mice, whole-body exposed to radio frequency fields, may occur at SAR levels of 6 W/kg (K=2) at laboratory conditions. 2.2 Introduction Risk assessment studies examining the potential hazards of radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) focus on the question of whether the postulated EMF interactions below the thermal threshold may pose a health risk. These studies are faced with the methodological challenges that the thermal effects will occur shortly above local exposure levels, as they occur during everyday usage of e.g., a mobile phone, so that the sensitivity towards EMF cannot be enhanced by applying a substantially increased dose. To maximize potentially risk relevant effects, studies are preferably performed just below the thermal threshold levels. This poses high requirements on the experimental exposure conditions [9]; the exposure setup must deliver a well defined dose with minimal variations in the applied EMF dose, and this also requires that the threshold levels must be carefully assessed. The following power balance equation, in analogy to the heat balance equation formulated by Adair et al. [29], is useful to discuss thermal response: M + PRF − C = S (2.1) Hereby M is the rate at which thermal energy is produced through metabolic processes, PRF is the absorbed RF power, C is the cooling rate determined by the heat exchange via convection, radiation and evaporation and S is the rate of heat storage in the body. All units are expressed in Watts. When mice are exposed to a heat load, e.g., from an increase in RF exposure, their initial main response is to linearly lower their 2.2. INTRODUCTION 21 metabolic rate in favor of stabilizing their body temperature [30] [31]. When they reach their basal metabolic rate, other cooling mechanisms become dominant, such as an increase in evaporation [32], increase of skin temperature through vasolidation [33] and behavioral changes [34], such as spreading saliva or urine on their fur, or, if possible, choosing a new environment [35]. Three regions of thermal response to RF are distinguished in this paper: (1) a non-thermal-regulatory region, where no measurable temperature response occurs, (2) a thermal regulatory region, where the regulatory system is able to compensate the absorbed energy and regulates to achieve a stable body temperature and (3) a thermal breakdown region, where the organism is not able to compensate the temperature increase. The thermal response regions are separated by two thresholds: the thermal regulatory threshold and the thermal breakdown threshold. Strictly defined, a thermal response may also occur without leading to measurable body temperature changes, e.g., as soon as a single thermal receptor detects a subtle temperature change and leads to cellular responses. However, such effects cannot be investigated by simple body temperature measurement and are therefore not the subject of this study. Most of the published research on thermophysiological responses due to whole-body exposure to RF fields has been conducted with rodents (e.g., mice, rats and hamsters) [36]. However, no clear separation between thermal regulation and breakdown was targeted. A measurable thermal response in rodents was reported for SAR levels at various levels between 2 W/kg up to 40 W/kg [37], [38], [39], [36], [37], [29]. High discrepancies are reported even for the same strain of mice. A major shortcoming of many experiments undertaken is the lack of well defined exposure conditions, missing online temperature recording and poorly performed dosimetry [40], which might be an explanation for the controversial results. The objective of this study was to assess the thermal regulatory and breakdown threshold for multiple mouse models exposed to electromagnetic fields at 905 MHz inside the setup configuration “Ferris wheel” which has been applied in several long- and short term studies [41] [42]. 22 2.3 2.3.1 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS Material and Methods Animals The thermal responses of the mice were examined for different body weight groups (20g, 24g, 29g, 36g), both genders (f, m), pregnant mice and two different mouse strains (B6C3F1 and NMRI). Charles River Laboratories (Sulzbach, Germany) supplied the B6C3F1 male and female mice at the ages of 4 and 12 weeks and the male NMRI mice at an age of 12 weeks. Four groups of B6C3F1 mice and one group of NMRI mice were examined. Each group consisted of at least 12 animals: eight animals used for exposure and four as sham exposed animals. Sham exposed animals were treated identically as exposed animals, but were not exposed to RF. The animal groups had the following parameters: Group A (female B6C3F1, 20.4±0.9 g, 4 weeks old), Group B (female B6C3F1, 23.6±0.8 g, 12 weeks old), Group C (male B6C3F1, 28.8±0.9 g, 12 weeks old), Group D (pregnant female B6C3F1, 31±2.4 g to 36±3.7 g, 12 weeks old) and Group E (male NMRI, 36.4±3.0 g, 12 weeks old) (see also Table 2.4). The animals were kept in standard cages (Makrolon, type II (350 cm2 )) in pairs or individually (only the 12 week old males); in the cages absorbent softwood was used as bedding material. The body weight of the mice was monitored every morning. The laboratory maintained an environmental temperature of 22±2 ◦ C and a relative humidity of 30-70 %. An automatic timing device provided an 12-hour light/dark cycle. 2.3.2 Exposure Protocol Prior to the experimental period all mice were acclimatized and trained to the restrainer tube housing required for the RF exposure (Figure 2.1). The training also included a dummy temperature probe. The training phase lasted for about three weeks, so that the animals had an age of 7 or 15 weeks at the start of the study. The animals were trained by increasing the amount of time spent in the tube every day for a duration of up to four hours. The experiment began after the training phase. Although trained identically, B6C3F1 and NMRI mice behaved differently to the tube restraint during exposure: 2.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 23 B6C3F1 mice behaved very calmly, even partly falling asleep during the exposure. In contrast, the NMRI mice were more active and never reached the calmness of the B6C3F1 mice. The NMRI mice pawed during the entire exposure time and in rare occasions even started to hyperventilate. Due to their higher activity, a higher metabolic rate is present compared to the B6C3F1 mice. RF exposure was performed according to a standardized exposure protocol: (1) preparation of mice with temperature probes, (2) fixation of mice in the restrainer tubes and in the exposure setup, (3) 10-20 minutes recording of the temperature base line until a stable body temperature (∆T<0.1 ◦ C) was reached for all mice, (4) application of the RF exposure for a duration of 120 minutes, (5) 15-30 minutes recording of body temperature development after the RF exposure and (6) replacement of mice to the cages. During the experiments an animal care taker was always present and a veterinarian close by. The exposure level and body temperature of the mice was monitored online, so that the safety of the animals was ensured at all times. If during the exposure the body temperature of an animal increased to more than 41 ◦ C, the animal was replaced for safety and ethical reasons. Additionally, the exposure was interrupted if two or more animals reached 41 ◦ C and the body temperature of the majority of the mice increased linearly to more than 40 ◦ C. The mouse groups were exposed to arbitrarily chosen increasing SAR levels. Groups A, C and E were exposed to sham, 2, 5, 7.2, 10, 12.6, 20 W/kg levels, group B to sham, 5, 7.2, 10, 12.6, 20 W/kg and group D to sham, 5, 10, 12.6, 20 W/kg (see also Table 2.4). To document and monitor any environmental influences during the exposures, four additional animals of the same breed, gender and weight group were always sham exposed in a second setup. It should be noted from the literature that an average SAR of 9.2 W/kg for a 25 g mouse corresponds to approximately the same power as the metabolic rate for a non-stressed resting female mus musculus mouse [43]. Therefore it is expected that the applied RF exposures with SAR values between 2 and 20 W/kg induce a heat load between 0.22 and 2.2 times the metabolic rate. One exposure per mouse group per day was undertaken. Each mouse group was exposed in a series to increasing SAR levels on consecutive days at the same time slot of each day. After the series was 24 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS completed a few exposures were repeated at different times of the day to exclude any influence of the exposure time, e.g., due to the circadian temperature rhythm of the mice. 2.3.3 Temperature Measurement The body temperature of the mice was continuously recorded, starting at the placement of the temperature probes until the mice were taken out of the exposure setup. The temperature was recorded by rectal measurements. Eight RF-immune thermistor probes (T1V3LA, SPEAG, Switzerland) with a noise level of 0.005 ◦ C and an absolute accuracy of 0.1 ◦ C were continuously read in 1 s intervals by two recording systems (EASY4, SPEAG, Switzerland). The temperatures of the four sham exposed mice in the second setup were measured with a 4-channel temperature device (FoTemp4, OPTOCON, Germany), based on an optical measurement process (accuracy: approx. 1 ◦ C, sample rate: 8 s). The tip diameter of the two temperature measurement systems is 1 mm (EASY4) and 1.3 mm (FoTemp4) and allowed rectal insertion at a depth of 15 mm, as required for core body temperature measurements [44]. Insertion accuracy during the exposure was ensured by taping the probes to the tails of the animals. During rectal measurement, the stability of the temperature was increased considerably due to mice falling asleep and/or calming down, and decreased due to mouse movement, body gases and natural body temperature drifts. For an evaluation period of 10 min., the noise level for the sham exposed mice varied between 0.09 ◦ C and 0.17 ◦ C (group A: 0.12 ◦ C, group B: 0.09 ◦ C, group C: 0.11 ◦ C, group D: 0.17 ◦ C, group E: 0.13 ◦ C). 2.3.4 Evaluation of Thermal Response Three characteristic thermal responses of whole-body exposed mice can be distinguished (as shown in Figure 2.3). (A) The body temperature does not change upon RF exposure, within the measurement noise limits. (B) The regulatory system of the mouse compensates the RF induced heat load; the characteristic response was not necessarily an increase in body temperature during exposure but a decrease 2.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 25 in body temperature after the exposure. (C) The mouse was not able to compensate the body temperature increase due to the RF; body temperature increased linearly. Thermal regulation and breakdown were determined in the following way: • Regulation: Whenever the average body temperature at about 10 min after the RF exposure (evaluation period 5 min) is significantly lower (= three times the noise level) in comparison to the body temperature in the last 10 min of exposure, the mouse was regarded as being in a thermal regulatory state. The thermal regulatory threshold was set between the lowest examined SAR at which no animal showed any regulation and the lowest SAR for which at least one mouse responded. • Breakdown: Whenever a mouse showed a linear body temperature increase and reached temperature levels about 41◦ C, it was regarded as being in the thermal breakdown region. The thermal breakdown threshold was then determined by measuring the slope of the temperature increase over time dT /dt dependent upon the applied SAR value. Extrapolating the resulting linear regression curve to dT /dt = 0 reveals an SAR value which was used as the breakdown threshold. 2.3.5 Radiofrequency Exposure The mice were exposed inside a Mini Wheel Setup, which is based on the Ferris wheel concept [45]. The Mini Wheel Setup has a monomode cavity and therefore well defined exposure conditions (cavity diameter 332 mm, plate separation 120 mm). The setup enables the exposure of up to eight mice simultaneously and is designed as a resonant waveguide structure of two parallel, circularly-shaped metallic plates shorted with metallic bars along the outer edge and with an isotropic antenna at the center. The mice were circularly positioned in restrainer tubes at a fixed radial distance of 111.5 mm from the antenna with the animal body axis orientated parallel to the E-field. The system was matched for resonance (return loss ≤ -18 dB) using a triple stub tuner (Type 1878B, Maury Microwave, USA). An air ventilation system forced a constant airflow of about 1 l/min (measured in 26 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS Figure 2.1: Mini Wheel Setup with temperature probes enabling the exposure of up to eight mice simultaneously with a 905 MHz signal. SPEAG thermistor probes enabled online high resolution body temperature measurements during the RF exposure. empty tubes) through the tubes. This ensured sufficient fresh air for the mice while restrained in the one-size tubes and lead to about the same airflow through the tubes for all mice, regardless of their size. RF signals were generated by a signal generator (SMIQ 02B, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany) and an amplifier (model 2449R2, LS Elektronik, Sweden). For exposure control the forward and reflected powers as well as the electric field inside the cavity were measured. Power measurements were performed with a dual directional coupler (Type 778D, Hewlett Packard, USA) and a dual head power meter (E4419B EPM, Agilent, USA). The incident E-field measurement inside the wheel was performed by two monopole sensors (length = 10.5 mm; at a radius of 20 mm) connected to diode detectors (ACSP2663NZC15, Advanced Control Components, USA). A detailed numerical and experimental dosimetry and a comprehensive uncertainty assessment of the Mini Wheel Setup was performed together with data from S.-J. Eom [46]. The uncertainty budget was assessed according to [47], taking all the occurring variabili- 2.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 27 ties and variations into account. The numerical dosimetry is based on FDTD simulations (using SEMCAD 1.8, SPEAG, Switzerland) with high resolution mouse models for different animal sizes (scaled models corresponding to mouse weights of 20 g, 25 g, 30 g, 35 g) and postures (restrained and non-restrained mouse in tube). The mouse models were derived from Microtome slices of 1 mm resolution. The numerical examination included simulations of the full exposure setup filled with eight mice as well as simulations in a one and three mouse sector model. The experimental dosimetry used mouse dummies (conical bottles filled with tissue simulating liquid) to assess the dependence of the exposure on the eight positions within the wheel and to verify the numerical FDTD model by precise E-field using a near-field scanner (DASY4, SPEAG, Switzerland) and temperature measurements. Examinations were performed on the influence of various parameters on SAR as listed in Table 2.2 and Table 2.3. In addition to the wholebody SAR assessment, detailed organ/tissue specific SAR values were determined as shown in Table 2.1. An uncertainty assessment for the whole-body and organ averaged SAR was performed according to [48]. The uncertainty budget includes the absolute uncertainties of the SAR assessment and the variabilities of SAR between different mice in the setup and due to mice movement. The uncertainty of the SAR assessment of the whole-body averaged SAR was estimated to be ± 1.2 dB (± 33%, K=1) (see also Table 2.2). Variations in SAR during the experiment including movements, position within the wheel, posture, etc. were estimated to be ± 1.1 dB (± 27%, K=1) for the whole-body averaged SAR (Table 2.3). With respect to thermosensitivity and thermoregulartory responses, organs with thermal receptors are of interest, such as the hypothalamus in the brain and the skin [25]. The averaged tissue specific SAR of the brain is -1.1 dB (-23%) less in relation to the whole-body averaged SAR; the exposure of the skin in relation to the whole-body averaged SAR was about 2.6 dB (80%) higher (Table 2.1). However, a higher local exposure in SAR does not necessarily lead to a higher local temperature; blood flow etc. can distribute the heat rapidly. Figure 2.2 shows the SAR distribution in a center sagittal section of the mouse model in a tube. 28 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS Organ/Tissue Type Whole-Body Avg. Brain Avg. Muscle Bladder Blood Bone (Cortical) Bone Marrow (Infiltrated) Cartilage Cerebrospinal Fluid Eye Tissues (Sclera) Fat (Averaged Infiltrated) Heart Kidney Liver Lung (Deflated) Nerve Skin (Wet) Small Intestine Spleen Stomach Testis Tongue Trachea Vitreous Humor Organ/Tissue Deviation1 [dB] Uniformity2 Isotropy3 [dB] [dB] 0.00 -1.14 0.88 0.97 1.90 -2.46 -7.21 -1.46 2.80 0.54 -5.16 -0.59 -1.76 -1.43 -1.08 -1.04 2.56 1.99 -4.59 -2.11 1.78 0.57 1.35 1.72 5.29 -4.88 5.23 -4.35 -3.12 4.79 -2.04 -0.96 0.29 -4.65 4.80 -4.23 -3.33 -2.90 -4.81 -2.15 7.59 -0.56 -3.85 -3.10 -0.11 -5.93 -5.38 -4.72 0.19 0.40 0.20 0.81 0.26 0.30 0.34 1.23 1.12 0.62 0.48 0.77 1.00 0.21 0.83 0.26 0.67 0.53 1.76 1.11 0.84 0.28 0.46 0.25 1 organ/tissue deviation: ratio in dB of organ/tissue averaged SAR to whole-body 2 uniformity: ratio in dB of the standard deviation of the organ/tissue averaged SAR to the organ/tissue averaged SAR isotropy: standard deviation in dB of the organ/tissue averaged SAR for the different positions in the wheel averaged SAR 3 Table 2.1: Simulated SAR for specific organs/tissues (source: [46]) 2.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 29 Figure 2.2: SAR distribution in the center sagittal cut through a 25 g high-resolution mouse model (0 dB equals 0.07 W/kg, source: [41]). Normal Normal Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Normal Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular 0.42 0.61 0.61 0.10 0.00 0.29 0.61 0.15 0.24 Probability Distribution 0.94 Tolerance [dB] 4 2 Table 2.2: Uncertainty assessment of the whole-body averaged SAR. real parameters. This value was assessed by varying the tissue parameters. deviations of SAR between the applied FDTD voxel size of (0.5 mm)3 and the reference model with a (0.2 mm)3 resolution (determined for a plane wave exposure) uncertainty in SAR for the deviation of the used tissue conductivity and permittivity compared to 1.22 2.44 0.17 0.35 0.08 0.14 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 √ √3 √3 √3 3 0.42 0.35 0.35 0.06 0.00 0.94 Uncertainty [dB] deviation between measurements with dummies and simulations deviation due to segmentation of the mouse model and for different strains 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ci 1.0 √ √3 √3 3 1.0 1.0 Div 1 Combined Standard Uncertainty Combined Extended Uncertainty (K=2) Setup Model1 Transfer Calibration - calibration of reference probe - position of reference probe (±1 mm) - load dependence of field transformation - probe linearity - accuracy of data logger Mouse Model - anatomy 2 - discretization (reference (0.5 mm)3 ) 3 - conductivity (∆σ = ± 10 %) 4 - permittivity (∆ = ± 10 %) 4 Error Description 30 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS 8 7 6 5 Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Normal Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular 0.13 0.11 0.24 prob. Distribution 0.15 0.20 0.79 1.30 0.04 0.94 0.01 Tolerance [dB] ci 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Div √ √3 √3 √3 √3 √3 3 1.0 √ √3 √3 3 Table 2.3: Estimation of the whole-body SAR variations. isotropy in SAR within the setup loaded with reference dummies deviation of SAR for a 20% lighter dummy between averaged weight reference dummies deviation in SAR for stuffed vs. non-stuffed mouse model averaged deviation for fit function SAR(m) with m as mouse weight while using scaled mice models Combined Standard Uncertainty Combined Extended Uncertainty (K=2) power drift during exposure isotropy within the setup 5 deviations due to unbalanced loading 6 variations in anatomy beside size skin parameters (dry vs wet) varying mouse postures 7 fit function for different mouse weights 8 mouse movements - shift in x-direction (±2 mm) - shift in y-direction (±2 mm) - shift along body axis (z-direction) (±5 mm) Error Description 1.06 2.12 0.08 0.06 0.14 0.09 0.12 0.46 0.75 0.02 0.54 0.01 Uncertainty [dB] 2.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 31 32 2.4 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS Results Table 2.4 summarizes the results for the different mouse groups and exposure strengths. All mice were evaluated individually. Listed are the amounts of particular mice out of the total number of mice which reached either the thermal regulatory or the breakdown region at the various exposure levels. No thermal regulation in any mouse was observed at an exposure level of 2 W/kg. Thermal response was measured starting at 5 W/kg. Figure 2.4 shows the detailed evaluation of the breakdown threshold. Plotted is the temperature increase per time of all mice in the thermal breakdown range as a function of the applied SAR. The linear regression for each data point was used to extrapolate the lowest SAR value for thermal breakdown (dT/dt = 0). A value of 10.1 ± 4.0 W/kg (K=2) for B6C3F1 mice and 7.7 ± 1.6 W/kg (K=2) for NMRI mice was found (the variations correspond to the standard deviation of the fit multiplied with the factor K=2 according to [47]). No recognizable differences between the additional four sham exposed animals on any exposure day were observed. No influence from the exposure time slot was observed when exposures were repeated at different times of the day. When comparing the individual mouse groups, further observations regarding the different behaviour with respect to weight classes, gender, pregnancy and strains can be made: (1) Weight classes: by comparing the number of animals with thermal responses across the groups A to D, representing increasing body weights, the thermal response in mice increases with increasing body weight. (2) Gender: when comparing the different genders of groups B and C, male mice seem more sensitive to the RF induced heat load: a higher number of animals responded in the thermal regulatory as well as breakdown regions. Also when compared to the heavier females of group D, more male animals of group C responded to the RF in the thermal regulating region, although fewer male animals responded in the breakdown region. However, gender specific responses might be due to the effect of a higher body mass and/or different metabolic rates between the groups. (3) Influence on pregnancy: the pregnant mice of group D responded to the RF exposure with a similar thermal regulatory response as the non-pregnant mice (group B). Slight differences were 2.5. DISCUSSION 33 observed for the breakdown threshold, which is by about 1 W/kg below the non-pregnant animals. This may also be an effect from the higher body mass and/or different metabolic rates of the pregnant mice. (4) Strain: the NMRI mice show a different thermal response when compared to B6C3F1: more animals responded with thermal regulation at the same SAR level, and the breakdown threshold is reached significantly earlier, already at 7.7 W/kg vs. 9.7 - 10.8 W/kg for B6C3F1. However, the differences may also be due to the different body masses and metabolic rates. 2.5 Discussion The results indicate that the metabolic rate is an important factor for the thermal response: The literature describes the basal metabolic rate of a mouse (approx. 0.3 W for a 30 g mouse) as being dependent upon the body mass according to the relationship mx with 0.7 < x < 0.8 [49], [50], [51]. Right below the thermal breakdown threshold in the temperature steady state, the cooling capacity is working at its limit. The threshold SAR is then directly connected to the metabolic rate. The power from metabolic processes and RF absorption must equalize with the cooling rate M +PRF = C (derived from Equation 2.1). For example, assuming a 30 g mouse with a basal metabolic rate of 0.3 W, the cooling rate becomes C = 0.6 W when exposed to 10 W/kg, which is twice as high as the basal metabolic rate. Since the maximal cooling capacity is constant, higher metabolic rates lead to increased temperature responses and therefore a lower thermal breakdown threshold. If the heat balance equation also takes into account additional heat sources like muscle movements or stress, the thermal breakdown threshold is further reduced. This is manifested by the observed lowered threshold with increasing mass or increased stress level of the NMRI mice. Furthermore, the results indicate that animals with excessive weight seem more sensitive for the same SAR level. The threshold for the thermal regulatory response is more difficult to assess. However, the current data suggest a threshold between 2 to 5 W/kg, which is very close to the thermal break down level, 34 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS Figure 2.3: Characteristic thermal response curves for below, in and above the regulatory region. The RF on phase is marked as a gray background. Figure (A) shows the thermal response of a mouse exposed to an SAR below the thermal threshold (no increase in temperature). Figure (B) shows the two cases in the regulatory region: (1) an increase in body temperature occurs, but stabilizes at a higher level and (2) no temperature increase is measurable during exposure, but after the exposure was switched off. Figure (C) shows two thermal responses above the breakdown threshold for different SAR levels: (1) at SAR 20 W/kg and (2) at SAR 12.6 W/kg. 2.5. DISCUSSION 35 Exposure Groups Group Gender Type Mass [g] Age at Delivery [weeks] A B C D E female female male pregnant, f. male B6C3F1 B6C3F1 B6C3F1 B6C3F1 NMRI 20.4±0.9 23.6±0.8 28.8±0.9 31±2.4 to 36±3.7 36.4±3.0 4 12 12 12 12 Thermal Regulatory Threshold Group 2 W/kg [# Animals] 5 W/kg [# Animals] 7.2 W/kg [# Animals] 10 W/kg [# Animals] A B C D E 0/8 -/0/8 -/0/8 1/8 4/8 7/8 4/8 8/8 5/8 6/8 8/8 -/8/8 6/8 8/8 8/8 7/8 8/8 Thermal Breakdown Threshold Group 7.2 W/kg [# Animals] 10 W/kg [# Animals] 12.6 W/kg [# Animals] 20 W/kg [# Animals] A B C D E 0/8 0/8 0/8 -/0/8 0/8 0/8 1/8 5/8 2/8 4/8 4/8 7/8 6/8 8/8 7/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 Table 2.4: The upper part of the table lists the five examined mouse groups. The middle part shows the amount of animals out of the total number of animals exposed which reached the thermal regulatory threshold. The lower part shows the amount of animals which reached the thermal breakdown threshold. 36 CHAPTER 2. THERMAL RESPONSE THRESHOLDS Figure 2.4: Linear body heat storage increase/decrease rate for different SAR levels in the breakdown region. Each marker represents the slope of the linear body temperature change in one mouse at the exposed SAR level. The linear regression fits were evaluated for each exposure group. The thermal breakdown threshold corresponds to the SAR level with no heat storage change (group A: 10.5 ± 1.0 W/kg, group B: 10.8 ± 0.6 W/kg, group C: 9.5 ± 0.4 W/kg, group D: 9.7 ± 1.6 W/kg and group E: 7.7 ± 0.8 W/kg). The averaged thermal breakdown threshold is 7.7 ± 0.8 W/kg for NMRI mice and 10.1 ± 2.0 W/kg for B6C3F1 mice. Mice are able to cool with a rate of approx. 0.3◦ C/min after RF is switched off. 2.6. CONCLUSION 37 with a lower limit of 6 W/kg (K=2). It should be noted that the presented results were obtained for whole-body exposure of restrained mice in tubes (as applied in several risk assessment studies), where the heat transfer is different when compared to free running animals (see also Equation 2.1). However, the determined threshold values are close to the ones on which the current safety standards [25] are based, which rely on a thermal threshold value of 4 W/kg for adverse health effects. Further examination and precise determination of the thresholds, e.g., also for different species, seem necessary. In general, the data of the study are also in line with the results of Lu et. al [37], who derived a thermal regulatory threshold of 2 W/kg in different strains of rats (exposed to a 120 Hz modulated 2.45 GHz signal for 2 h). Lu further determined a breakdown threshold of 9.2 to 11.5 W/kg. Additionally, disruption of food motivated learning behavior was found to occur between 3 to 9 W/kg across a number of animal species and frequencies [26]. However, the uncertainties of the dosimetry for these studies are not provided and difficult to estimate. 2.6 Conclusion Three characteristic thermal responses were identified: (1) no thermal regulation, (2) response of the thermal regulatory system capable of compensating the RF induced temperature load and (3) thermal breakdown, i.e., uncompensated body temperature increase. No thermal regulation was measured for exposure levels of 2 W/kg. Thermal regulation was observed at 5 W/kg. The thermal breakdown threshold was determined for B6C3F1 mice to be 10.1 ± 4.0 W/kg (K=2) and for NMRI mice to be 7.7 ± 1.6 W/kg (K=2). The thermal response was found to be dependent upon the metabolic rate of the animal, which is a function of body mass and also depends on the activity level. The presented data suggest that the thermal breakdown for in tubes restrained mice, whole-body exposed to RF, may occur at SAR levels of 6 W/kg (K=2) at laboratory conditions. Considering the uncertainty of the SAR assessment, the minimal level might even be below this threshold. Furthermore it is expected that the threshold is higher for free-running animals at the same conditions and lower for restrained animals at higher environment temperatures. Chapter 3 Assessment of ELF MF of Mobile Phones and Proposal for Worst-Case Signal for Bio-Experiments 3.1 Abstract In addition to the radio frequency (RF) transmission of mobile phones, extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF) are also present in the closest vicinity of the handset as a result of the relatively large supply currents of the RF amplifiers. Some scientists and health agencies debate the need for combined ELF RF exposure experiments in the context of health risk assessments. The objectives of this study were the evaluation of the ELF and RF exposures of typical GSM mobile phones and to propose representative worst-case exposure conditions for bioexperiments. The exposures of five commercial mobile phones were assessed (ELF & RF spectral field distributions). The 39 40 CHAPTER 3. ELF MF OF MOBILE PHONES ELF MF values at the surface were between 35 - 75 µT on the back and 8 - 20 µT on the front side, the peak SAR (10 g) ranged between 0.44 and 1.02 mW/g. As expected there was no spatial correlation between SAR and the ELF magnetic fields. Based on the measurements, a worst-case signal was proposed for bioexperiments that includes the maximum values for the pulse height, pulse slopes and pulse half width of the measured waveform shapes as well as peak SAR values. 3.2 Introduction The research being conducted to investigate possible adverse health effects posed by mobile phones focuses on the radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposures. In addition to the RF, mobile phones also generate static and extremely low frequency magnetic fields due to the relatively large supply currents. Since the front-end amplifier is the component of highest power consumption, the peak fields are the strongest for systems providing high duty cycles, like time division multiple access (TDMA) systems. On the other hand, the fields decay rapidly with the distance from the phone. However, some scientists and health agencies argue that the strongest RF exposures and ELF MF fields occur at the same loci and have identified needs for bioexperiments with combined exposures. The objectives of the this study were to assess the signal strength and characteristics of the ELF and RF exposures of GSM phones and to develop a worst-case combined exposure scenario. The basic frame of the GSM TDMA system has a length of 4.6 ms containing eight bursts of 0.577 ms durations. In addition to the 217 Hz component a 8 Hz spectral component is present since every 26th basic frame of the multi-frame structure is idle. The comfort noise in the Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX) adds an additional 2 Hz component [52] [53]. This study was performed together with the student Markus Tuor and was sponsored through the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. The ELF MF of mobile phones had been studied by several authors, e.g., [54] [55] [53] [56]. However, none of them provide the information required to define a worst-case exposure scenario for bioexperiments. Some did not measure the magnetic fields, just the battery 3.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 41 currents [56]; others used measurement devices capable of only a few hundred Hertz, so that the actual spectral power of higher harmonics was not sufficiently identified (e.g., [54]). The presented studies generally show no spatial resolution. None of the studies presented the magnetic field distribution, only peak values (e.g., [53]) and waveforms [56]. Systematic peak spatial-averaged RF exposures have also been reported since the mid 1990’s, e.g., [57]. None of the studies provide a complete picture of the exposure of the cells closest to the handset which are the subject of this investigation. 3.3 3.3.1 Material and Methods B-Field Probes The assessment of these ELF fields requires advanced features of the measurement probe. The determination of the pulse characteristics requires a bandwidth of larger than 20 kHz. The evaluation of the field distribution demands a spatial resolution of much better than 10 mm, and the ability to measure as close to the surface of a cell phone as possible. The field strength decreases rapidly with distance from the phone surface, so that the magnetic field probe needs to be sensitive enough to measure low fields ( 1 µT). Since there was no probe available with all these requirements, two probes were employed, i.e., one for the high resolution scanning and one for assessing the spectral content of the signal. A 3-axis Hall meter (Gaussmeter 7030, F.W. Bell, USA) with a 3-axis probe (type ZOA73-3208-05-T, F.W. Bell, USA) was used to measure the spatial B-field distribution. The advantage of the Hall sensor is its high local resolution due to the small probe dimensions. The sensors are arranged orthogonally within a 4.8 x 4.8 x 5.8 mm3 cube with a distance between the tip of the probe and the average sensor location of just 5 mm. The effective frequency response was taken into account and measured prior the experiments using a Helmholtz coil setup. The disadvantages include the low frequency range of the Hall sensor from DC to 400 Hz and a relatively high broadband noise level in the time domain of 1 µT. However, when narrowing the measurement 42 CHAPTER 3. ELF MF OF MOBILE PHONES bands to the 217 Hz component of the B-field signal, levels down to 60 nT were detectable. A 3-axis coil probe (ELT-400, NARDA, USA) was used to measure the waveform of the B-field exposure in the time domain. The advantages of the probe include its frequency range of up to 400 kHz and sensitivity to resolve B-fields between 80 nT and 80 mT. The noise level of 80 nT can be reduced down to 10 nT by applying time averaging over 100 ms. The frequency response was determined by means of a long wire setup and was taken into account. The disadvantage is the large coil diameter of 112 mm, which precludes measurements close to the phone surface and provides limited local field information. In order to achieve high immunity in the strong RF environment near mobile phones, both magnetic field sensors and cables were thoroughly shielded with metallic mesh sleeves. The effectiveness of the shielding was verified close to a dipole operating at 900 MHz with a peak input power of 100 W and variable pulse frequencies between 0.1 Hz - 400 kHz. 3.3.2 Measurement Procedure The mobile phones operated at maximum output power at GSM 900 MHz (2 W, non-DTX), controlled by a digital radio tester (Rohde&Schwartz, CTS 55, Germany) and were positioned in plastic holders for measurement. The magnetic field probes were mounted on an industrial robot (RX90L, Staeubli SA, France) of a computer controlled measurement system (DASY4, SPEAG, Switzerland) which positions the probes with a precision of better than 0.1 mm (see also Figure 3.1). The magnetic field values from the sensors were acquired using a data acquisition interface (PCI-MIO-16E-1 with Labview 7.0, National Instruments, USA). The data were processed with Matlab 7 (Mathworks Inc, USA). The B-field distribution and the waveform were measured with the Hall sensor and Coil probe, respectively. Additionally, DC field and SAR distributions with 1g and 10g average values were determined. All five mobile phones were measured using the same procedure: (1) Measurement of the B-field waveform with the coil probe (1.6 MHz sampling rate) at the position where a maximal signal to 3.3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 43 Figure 3.1: Measurement system consisting of a magnetic field probe mounted on a DASY4 robot and computer controlled field data processing unit. noise ratio was detected. The full spectrum of the waveform was determined by a fast Fourier transformation (FFT). (2) Measurement of the B-field distribution on the front and back side surfaces of the mobile phone with the Hall meter detecting the 217 Hz component in a 10 mm grid with the probe touching the phone case. The absolute field strength was determined by matching the 217 Hz component of the Hall meter with that of the coil probe. (3) Measurement of the B-field decay perpendicular to the surface of the phone with the Hall meter. The measurements were carried out in 1 mm steps at the field maximum of the surface scan. (4) Detection of the maximum DC field on the front and back sides of the phone with the Hall sensor using surface and decay scans. To suppress the DC background level during the measurements (e.g., from the magnetic field of the earth) the Hall sensor output was set to zero when the phone was not yet in place. Then the maximal DC level at the surface of the phone was determined. At the location of the field maximum, the field decay was determined with a z-scan perpendicular to the surface of the phone (1 mm steps). (5) To obtain realistic DC and ELF MF values at the surface’s 44 CHAPTER 3. ELF MF OF MOBILE PHONES of the phones, the fields were extrapolated by employing the simple circular loop model [58]. (6) Determination of the SAR distributions of the phones including the corresponding 1 g and 10 g peak spatial peak SAR values in accordance with IEEE P1528/D1.2 using the DASY4 near-field scanning system (SPEAG, Switzerland) [59]. The extrapolated field values were assessed using the polynomial extrapolation routines implemented in the evaluation software of DASY4. 3.4 Results Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 provide for all five mobile phones the B-field distribution on front and back sides, the B-field pulse in the time domain and the B-field spectrum. The distribution, measured with the Hall probe, shows the 217 Hz magnetic field component as the sum q 2 vector of all three axes (Bs = Bx + By2 + Bz2 ). The surface scans were performed at an average distance of 5 mm between the phone surface and the sensor position. The position of the phone (white contour) and the battery (yellow contour) are sketched. The waveform, measured with the Coil probe, was extrapolated to the B-field maximum on the phone surface. The B-field spectrum was derived from the waveform and is shown together with the corresponding ICNIRP reference levels [25]. A summary of all measured and evaluated parameters is provided in Table 3.1, showing B-field parameters of the front and back sides as well as general parameters for each phone, such as waveform aspects, DC fields and SAR values. The upper half of Table 3.1 shows the maximum B-field values of the front and back sides and the corresponding slope. Listed are the pulse height as maximum measured B-field strength during the surface scan (5 mm distance to surface) and the pulse height according to the extrapolated maximum B-field strength on the phone surface (0 mm distance to surface). The maximum slope of the up/down flank was determined from the maximum pulse extrapolated to the phone surface. Furthermore listed are the fit coefficients (current, radius and position) used for the B-field extrapolation model to determine the maximum B-field strength on the surface (0 mm distance to surface). 3.4. RESULTS 45 The lower half of Table 3.1 shows the pulse half width (full pulse width at half rise of the pulse), the half rise time (the rise time until half of the pulse height is reached), the measured maximal DC field (at 5 mm to surface and extrapolated to the surface) and the spatial peak SAR values (1g and 10g peak spatial average). The ratio of the measured frequency components compared to ICNIRP reference levels for the 217 Hz and its harmonic components is shown at the bottom of the Table 3.1. Figure 3.2: B-field distribution on front and back sides showing the 217 Hz component (sum vector of all three axes) at a distance of 5 mm from the phone surface. The position of the phone (white contour) as well as the battery (yellow contour) are marked. 46 CHAPTER 3. ELF MF OF MOBILE PHONES A B C D E Figure 3.3: Waveforms with corresponding spectral components in the field maximum extrapolated to the mobile phone surfaces. 3.4. RESULTS 47 Unit Phone A Phone B Phone C Phone D Phone E µT µT T/s T/s 4.70 8.3 0.23 -0.21 7.52 12.4 0.10 -0.11 14.63 19.3 0.26 -0.28 6.09 8.3 0.13 -0.13 4.94 11.7 0.10 -0.10 µT µT T/s T/s 29.46 52.8 1.43 -1.33 31.89 35.1 0.29 -0.30 33.68 66.1 0.88 -0.97 29.50 74.8 1.14 -1.14 28.07 56.3 0.50 -0.50 ms ns 0.59 24 0.58 68 0.58 47 0.58 39 0.59 88 mT mT 5.3 20.2 1.6 3.4 2.7 8.6 4.1 13.1 1.5 3.9 mW/g mW/g 1.21 0.826 1.54 1.01 1.49 1.02 0.616 0.438 1.16 0.707 ≤1 ≤1 1.2 1.2 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.1 ≤1 1.5 2.0 1.7 1.4 ≤1 1.1 1.3 1.1 ≤1 Front side Pulse height, 5 mma Pulse height, extp.b Max dB/dt, up slopeb Max dB/dt, down slopeb Back side Pulse height, 5 mma Pulse height, extp.b Max dB/dt, up slopeb Max dB/dt, down slopeb Pulse form Half width Half rise time DC B-field at 5 mma distance extrapolatedb Spatial peak SAR SAR (1g) SAR (10g) Ratio to ICNIRP limit 217 Hz 1st harmonic: 433 Hz 2nd harmonic: 650 Hz 3rd harmonic: 867 Hz 4th harmonic: 1083 Hz a Signal 5 mm from surface (probe touching surface) at maximal B-field point (217 Hz or DC). b Extrapolated signal on surface at maximal B-field point. Table 3.1: Mobile phone field measurement results. 48 3.5 CHAPTER 3. ELF MF OF MOBILE PHONES Generic Exposure Test Signal Although the statistical power of the sample is limited, the derived values provide good basis for selecting the worst-case ELF MF exposure scenario. The selection criteria were the maximized B-field strength and maximized spectral power derived from the mobile phone measurements. This led to the following proposed worst-case ELF test signal as shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4: Generic worst-case ELF test signal generated from the measurement results of five GSM phones (1) pulse height: 75 µT (max of 5 phones), (2) pulse slope up: 1.4 T/s (maximum of five phones), (3) pulse slope down: -1.3 T/s (minimum of five phones) and (4) pulse half width: 0.584 ms (average of five phones). 3.6 Discussion and Conclusion The five tested phones showed considerably different ELF MF waveforms and amplitudes as well as surface SAR values. Whereas the 3.6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 49 pulse width is similar for all phones and corresponds to the GSM RF pulse width of 0.58 ms, the pulse shapes show individual characteristics with respect to their half rise times, which vary between 24 and 88 ns. All phones show the maximum ELF MF on the back side with extrapolated pulse heights between 35 and 75 µT. At this location, four out of the five tested phones exceeded the ICNIRP reference levels for several harmonics of 217 Hz. The maximum exceedance by a factor of two was detected at 650 Hz. The ELF MF on the front side of the phones tested were by a factor of 2 - 6 times smaller and varied between 8 and 20 µT. The field distribution showed a localized field maximum near the battery, whereby the field is dominantly polarized perpendicular to the phone surface. Hence, the current distribution on the phone can be approximated by a horizontal current loop in the battery region. In contrast, the maximum DC fields were detected near the phone loudspeaker and reached levels up to 20 mT (corresponding ICNIRP reference level: 40mT). The SAR measurements revealed spatial peak SAR values between 0.6 - 1.5 mW/g (1g) and 0.4 - 1.0 mW/g (10g). No correlation between the spatial peak SAR and the peak B-field was seen. It is important to note that the ICNIRP basic restrictions for ELF magnetic fields are primarily focused on induced current density. Mathematical modeling of the human body and extrapolation were applied to derive the reference levels for the magnetic field strength. Since the current density is a function of the spatially averaged B-field times the cross section of the induced current paths, localized B-fields will lead to considerably fewer induced currents than the anticipated ICNIRP worst-case of a homogeneously distributed B-field across the entire human body. Therefore, the reported B-field excessive values do not necessarily correspond to violations in current density; for the latter, they are rather expected to cause no violation of its limit value. However, further investigations are needed to assess the induced currents resulting from ELF mobile phone exposure in detail. The suggested generic worst-case exposure test signal can be used in future bioexperiments evaluating the possible effects of ELF or combined RF/ELF fields from mobile phones. Chapter 4 Add-on ELF MF Exposure Setup Proposal for Studies with Human Volunteers 4.1 Introduction Some scientists are concerned about the possible impact of combined exposure to RF and ELF fields. Magnetic ELF components are mainly generated by supply currents in the phone (see also Chapter 3). The device with the largest power consumption is the front-end amplifier. Consequently, the corresponding ELF magnetic field has a spectrum similar to the pulse envelope of the RF signals. The results of the measurements show frequency components as expected by analyzing the GSM signal at 216.7 Hz and 8.3 Hz as well as higher harmonics. When the magnetic fields are extrapolated from the measurement distance at 5 mm to the phone’s surface, they reach values between 35 µT and 75 µT on the back and between 8 µT and 20 µT on the front side of the mobile phone. The spatial peak SAR and the peak B-field show no correlation; the spatial peak SAR values of the tested phones 51 52 CHAPTER 4. ELF MF SETUP ADD-ON PROPOSAL range between 0.6 to 1.5 mW/g for 1 g and 0.4 to 1.0 mW/g for 10 g. Based on the measurements, a worst-case signal was proposed which includes the maximum values for the pulse height, pulse slopes and pulse half width of the measured waveform shapes. This worstcase signal can be used in biomedical laboratory studies investigating the possible effects of ELF or combined RF/ELF fields from mobile phones. This report presents an ELF add-on to an RF exposure setup, which enables the exposure of human volunteers with the proposed ELF worst-case signal in addition to the RF signal. 4.2 Setup Design The proposed design for the RF/ELF exposure system is based on an update of the RF exposure system as described in [60]. A sketch of the configuration is given in Figure 4.1. However, similar considerations can be used to apply the exposure system as an add-on to other systems for human exposure, e.g., as the sXh-900 system presented in Chapter 5. Two square coils with a side length of 1 m are arranged in parallel at a distance of 0.88 m. The coils are mounted exteriorly on two wooden racks which are placed on both sides of the test person. Hence, the head of the test person and the RF setup (which is based on two patch antennas) are located between the coils. The coil configuration does not exactly meet the Helmholtz condition (distance between coils equals coil radius) but was chosen in order to keep the coil size moderate and still provide a homogeneous B-field distribution across the human head. No interaction between the B-field and the RF setup is present, because the RF setup is built only with non-magnetic materials. The coil wires are shielded by copper foil in order to prevent RF coupling into the ELF current circuit. The coil setup does not interfere with the RF exposure, because the coils are located at a sufficiently far distance and behind the patch antenna back planes. Each coil is formed by ten windings with a 1 mm diameter copper wire resulting in an ohmic resistance of 1.88 Ω. To minimize vibrations, the wires are glued together with epoxy resin. 4.3. B-FIELD STRENGTH AND DISTRIBUTION 53 Figure 4.1: Front view of a combined ELF and RF exposure setup. The ELF add-on is shown in dark gray. 4.3 B-Field Strength and Distribution The B-field exposure from the coil setup was analyzed to determine the B-field vs. current efficiency and the homogeneity of the resulting B-field distribution. The equations according to [61] were used to calculate the vector components of the B-field. The resulting field distribution at pulse maximum is shown in Figure 4.2 with the head area indicated as a box in the center of the figure. A homogeneous distribution is present, although the Helmholtz condition is not exactly met. To evaluate the homogeneity in the head area, the average B-field together with minimum, maximum and standard deviation were determined. Hereby, the head area was assumed to be located in the center of the coils, with the dimensions of 15 cm (±3cm) x 0.2 m x 0.3 m (width x depth x height). A current of 1 A generates a 10.8 µT average B-field with a spatial inhomogeneity (standard deviation) of 2.1 % (maximal deviation: 2.8 %, 54 CHAPTER 4. ELF MF SETUP ADD-ON PROPOSAL Figure 4.2: Simulated B-field of rectangular loops. The center box represents the head area. minimal deviation: -4.3 %). The effect of varying head width was further investigated, since it determines the effective coil distance and may represent a source of inter-subject variability. Two worst-cases with a minimum head width of 12 cm and a maximum head width of 18 cm were analyzed, and the resulting B-field efficiency and standard deviation were calculated (Table 4.1). No significant changes from the reference configuration (deviations < 3.3 %) were observed. 4.4 Current Requirements The current for the coil setup is generated by an arbitrary function generator, combined with a voltage controlled high-current source. In order to produce the proposed worst-case generic test signal, a B-field amplitude of up to 75 µT with pulse slopes of 1.4 T/s / -1.3 T/s (rise/fall) must be achieved. The current amplifier must fulfill the following power requirements in order to generate the B-fields of Table 4.2. • The current I = 6.9 A to achieve the 75 µT B-field, • the current flank dI/dt = 1.23 · 105 A/s to produce the 1.4 T/s B-field slope and 4.5. SUMMARY ELF ADD-ON SETUP B-field efficiency Bavg /I B-field efficiency deviation from 15 cm Spatial B-field inhomogeneityb Maximal deviationc a b c 55 Head width 15 cm Head width 18 cm Head width 12 cm 10.8 µT/A 10.5 µT/A 11.1 µT/A Reference (-3.3%)a (+2.7%)a 2.1 % 3.2 % 1.5 % 4.0 % 5.1 % 1.8 % Relative deviation to the reference configuration with head width 15 cm. Standard deviation of B-field in head volume. Maximal B-field deviation in head volume. Table 4.1: B-field efficiency and uniformity for varying head width. • the voltage U = 21 V from U = L dI dt across the coil setup. The inductance L value of 73 nH for the coil setup was determined numerically by calculating the magnetic flux and using the relation L = 2 dΦ dt , where Φ is the flux through one of the coils (2 coils in series). 4.5 Summary ELF Add-on Setup Table 4.2 summarizes the specifications for the ELF add-on coil setup, including the current requirements for the amplifier. The suggested add-on upgrades the existing RF exposure setup for combined ELF/RF studies in the context of mobile phone health risk assessment. 56 CHAPTER 4. ELF MF SETUP ADD-ON PROPOSAL Side length of square loops Distance between loops Number of windings Coil resistance Coil inductance B-field efficiency Spatial B-field inhomogeneity Current requirements for pulse peak Maximum current flank Voltage requirements ∗ 1m 0.88 m (± 3 cm, head with variation) 10 R = 1.88 Ohm L = 73 nH ∗ Bavg /I = 10.8 µT/A 2.1% I = 6.9 A dI 5 dt = 1.23 · 10 A/s U = 21 V Bavg : Average B-field in head volume Table 4.2: ELF add-on exposure setup specifications. Part III Exposure Systems and Studies 57 Chapter 5 Flexible Exposure Setup for Experimental Provocation Studies at 884 MHz 5.1 Abstract Experimental provocation studies allow the investigation of subjective symptoms in humans caused by exposure to mobile communication frequencies. Presented is the system for the exposure of the heads of volunteers in the experimental provocation study performed at the Karolinska Institute. The setup was based on a new, low-weight, stacked micropatch antenna fixed on a headset. The radiation pattern of the antenna was optimized to unilaterally expose regions of the brain. A hanging construction balanced the weight of the headset and allowed head rotations without changing the exposure pattern in the head. A controllable heat load was realized by a laser diode, connected via an optical fiber to a photo diode that was heated when absorbing the laser radiation. The photo diode was packed inside a thermally conductive ceramic plate (cross section 10 mm2 ) taped to the ear lobe 59 60 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP of the test person. A fully computer-controlled signal unit regulated the GSM modulated RF exposures of two test persons. The exposure was controlled by measurements of forward and reflected power; the temperature load was controlled by an RF immune thermistor sensor housed within the ceramic plate. The information on the exposure condition (RF or sham exposure) was encoded and allowed double-blinded exposure protocols. The experimental dosimetry was conducted with a DASY near-field scanner and revealed an antenna efficiency of 0.52 - 0.57 W/kg per Watt input power at 10g-averaged spatial peak SAR. The non-DTX exposure was set to 10g-averaged peak spatial SAR of 1.95 W/kg. The applied random temporal change of 11 s to 5 s for non-DTX to DTX exposure signals resulted in a timeaveraged 10g-averaged peak spatial SAR of 1.4 W/kg. The peak spatial SAR for the gray matter was 1.8 W/kg averaged over a cube of 1 g. The averaged values for gray matter was 0.2 W/kg and for the thalamus 0.18 W/kg. 5.2 Introduction The Department of Health Science at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, conducted a human experimental provocation study in the context of health risk assessment of low-level exposure to the RF of mobile phones. Examined were the effects of the GSM wireless communication signal at 884 MHz on subjective symptoms and physiological reactions [62]. The study followed standardized exposure protocols and was initially conducted within the PERFORM studies (PERFORM C) of the 5th Framework Program of the European Union. During the course of the development the project was separated from the PERFORM studies and renamed to “Mobile Phones and Direct Health Effects”. However, within this thesis it is still referred to as PERFORM C. The results contributed to the conclusions of the WHO about potential health effects from mobile phone use. This chapter presents the flexible exposure setup which was used in the Karolinska Institute study between November 2004 and January 2006. The exposure setup satisfied the ethical standards for human studies, the exposure level met the ICNIRP guideline and the exposure duration was in the order of a frequent mobile phone user. 5.3. REQUIREMENTS 61 The aim of the study was to establish whether exposure to radiofrequency fields from mobile phone use during the day has any acute effects on self reported symptoms (headache, vertigo, skin irritation and sensation of heat). Further examined were potential biological correlations between the subjective symptoms (skin temperature, serum levels of stress related hormones, electronystagmography, breath rate, thoraco-abdominal coordination in breathing and tidal volume) and an influence on the cardiovascular system with regard to blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, and sleepiness and performance on a subsequent night’s sleep. Therefore the exposure was developed to be consistent with worst-case exposure occurring in real situations, with an extended duration. The following specific hypotheses were tested: Exposure to radiofrequency fields caused by mobile phone use leads to (1) a significant increase in systolic blood pressure and heart rate, (2) a decreased response time in simple serial reaction test and vigilance test, (3) a change in brain electric oscillations in particular during cognitive processes and (4) whether it leads to a change in brain electric oscillations during subsequent sleep. 5.3 Requirements There were several requirements for the exposure system of the proposed study. They followed the general underlying principle design: As long as no interaction mechanism is established, the objective of the study design should be to provide maximized significance of negative findings. If positive effects are found, a subsequent analysis of all parameters shall be used to assess the actual health risk. Exposure should represent the worst case with respect to exposed tissues, exposure level and signal characteristics [10]. This required that the exposed area cover the entire cortex of the exposed hemisphere with an absorption depth reaching subcortical structures and can be achieved through antennas with large radiator cross section. The exposure should be unilateral, with an exposure strength maximized according to occupational limits. Figure 5.1 shows an exposure from a patch antenna in comparison to a generic telephone exposure in the tilt and touch positions. The 62 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP [ dB] Figure 5.1: The exposure pattern of a patch antenna covers the various possible exposures which occur from the holding positions of mobile phones. Shown are the exposed areas of a patch antenna and of a generic mobile phone (GP) in the tilt and touch positions. patch antenna enables unilateral exposure and has been successfully applied in several previous studies [60] [63]. A comparable concept was pursued for this setup design. The following design requirements were given through the study design [62] and through the requirements for well-designed exposure systems for human studies [10]. They were commonly agreed upon and finalized during the PERFORM C steering committee meeting in December 2003. Furthermore it was decided that the exposure should be similar to the Zurich studies [64] for comparison, but not replicate of the Zurich Study. The setup design requirements were: • Intersubject exposure variability must be minimal; effects of head size and head movements on SAR values and input impedance must be small. Therefore highly localized exposures are not suitable, so that the distance antenna to head is larger than 50 mm. 5.3. REQUIREMENTS 63 • Unilateral RF exposure from the left head side. • Double-blind protocols, neither the volunteer nor the conducting experimenter should know if an exposure takes place or a sham exposure is applied. • Signal unit must allow complex modulation schemes to apply the defined exposure signal. • Computer controlled unit allows complex modulation, doubleblind protocols, monitoring and easy handling. • Monitoring and feedback-regulation of relevant exposure parameters to optimize the exposure control to be implemented. • Human safety must be ensured through hardware measures that makes impossible the overexposure of subjects. • Comfortable setup design; the mechanical setup should have no influence on the performance of the subjects and should allow exposure times of three hours or more. • Reflections within the exposure room should be kept below 20 dB. Two parallel exposures are planned in adjacent rooms. It must be ensured that they do not influence each other and that no other source is present. • Temperature load due to power losses and contact between headset and skin should be simulated. The ear lobe must always be heated, for sham or real exposure, so that the test person has the same sensation as if a mobile phone is pressed against the ear and head.n as if a mobile phone is pressed against the ear and head. • Signal characteristics should have maximized spectral power signal schemes and should cover all ELF components of the GSM technology. A cocktail of modulation components should be considered, e.g., non-DTX, DTX, handover and power control. Proposed was the additional application of ELF magnetic fields as described in the previous chapter; however, it was decided by the study steering committee not to examine their influence. 64 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP A key component of the setup is the antenna, which had to fulfill the following requirements: • Antenna should operate around 900 MHz and expose the human head with 2 W/kg (peak). • Test persons should be able to move their heads in order to perform simple tasks like reading, talking, etc. The exposure unit must be mounted on the head. This requires the antenna to be compact and very lightweight. • A significantly large area of the test person’s head should be exposed. The aim is to achieve a uniform distribution on the sagittal planes of the head, keeping about the same rate of SAR fall-off in the coronal (frontal) planes. This simulates a worstcase exposure scenario and should cover the exposure of all different types of mobile phone antennas. The antenna is therefore required to be larger than usual mobile phone antennas to expose one full side of a head hemisphere. • The antenna should not be sensitive to absorbers in the near field, i.e., no major shift in the reflecting power when the head of the test person moves. The antenna should produce a good, broadband S11 input reflection coefficient around 900 MHz. • EEG of the test persons are measured during the RF exposure. In order to avoid or at least minimize any coupling effects, the E-field of the antenna should be vertically polarized, which allows mounting of the EEG cables perpendicular to the field polarization. 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 5.4 65 Exposure System Design Taking all boundary conditions of the study and the setup requirements [62] [10] into account, the following system for exposure of humans (named sXh-900) was developed. An antenna exposed the left hemisphere of the test person’s head with a signal in the GSM900 MHz region as in the Zurich studies (for an analogy comparison). The antenna was connected via a flexible and light headset to the test person’s head, enabling slow movements; in addition a spot at the left ear lobe was heated to cause a heat sensation. The whole system was secured against any kind of overexposure and fully self controlled. The exposure system was designed for double-blind protocols and exposed or sham-exposed two subjects in parallel. This required the development of: • new antenna, which is lightweight and exposes a large area of the test persons head, • controllable RF immune heat load, • light headset and • self-controlled exposure system with an easy user interface. Additionally, suitable exposure rooms needed to be prepared and the conduction of the study ensured. 5.4.1 Low Weight Stacked Micropatch Antenna No commercially suitable antenna was found; therefore a new antenna was developed to fulfill the requirements. Various antenna designs were evaluated [65] [66] [67] [68] - the most suitable seemed the enhanced (stacked) micropatch antenna design. The antenna design, dimensions, materials and further mechanical parameters are presented here and compared to the commercially available antenna from Huber and Suhner (Huber & Suhner SPA 920/65/9/0/V) which was used in the Zurich studies [64] [60] [63]. Micropatch antennas have several advantages: low weight, small volume, ease of fabrication, low-profile, enable linear or cross polarization and can have multiple radiating frequencies, making them very 66 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP attractive for a wide range of applications. In their simplest form micropatch antennas consist of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate and a ground plate on the other side, with the patch having various shapes [69] [70] [71]. Major limitations of micropatch antennas in their basic form are: low gain, low power-handling capability and a small bandwidth of usually less than 1%. Especially the narrow bandwidth is a major limiting factor, but it can be overcome by employing different techniques, i.e. use of thick substrates, aperture coupling, electromagnetic coupling, parasitic elements, multi-layer design, multi-resonator designs. Depending upon the technique used, the bandwidth can be increased up to 70% [72] [73]. A stacked electro-magnetically coupled micropatch antenna (SMP) with a center rectangular patch and thick substrates was chosen as the design of the setup antenna. This design has advantages to other techniques: easy and reproducible fabrication, low cost with high performance, large bandwidth, high gain, sufficient power handling capacities, relatively light weight and dimensions which can be increased to the desired size for exposing one head hemisphere. The developed stacked patch antenna consists of three copper plates: ground, patch and stack panel. The plates are separated by the lightweight, low loss substrate ROHACELL HF51, with a dielectric constant of close to one (Röhm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany). The layers are fixed together with Araldit Rapid two component epoxy glue (Vantico AG, Basel, Switzerland). The front and side areas are covered with a black polypropylene foil of 0.5 mm thickness. Figure 5.2 shows the design, dimensions and photos of the developed antenna. The antenna consists of a bent ground plate of 190x130x0.1 mm3 extended at a 90◦ angle at both long sides by 30 mm. The rectangular patch is separated from the ground plane with a 14 mm thick substrate and fed centrally from one long end. The patch at the feed point is shorted to increase the matching with 50 Ω. The patch has the dimensions 157-162x80x0.1 mm3 . The rectangular stack plate is positioned on the other side of a second 14 mm thick substrate on top of the patch. The dimensions of the stack panel are 125x115x0.1 mm3 . The radiation from the micropatch antenna occurs from the fringing fields between the periphery of the coaxially fed patch and the ground plate. The stack on top of the antenna is electromagnetically coupled and radiates at its edges. The length of the rectangular patch 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN Figure 5.2: Design and dimensions of the SMP antenna. 67 68 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP was chosen to be slightly smaller than λe /2 (half wavelength in the dielectric medium), so that the fundamental TM10 mode is excited. The ground plate is increased along its long ends to enhance the front to back radiation ratio. Simulations showed that an increase at its long ends is sufficient, since the extension is parallel to the E-field polarization. The ground plate extensions are bent on both sides by 90◦ , minimizing the space requirements. The dimensions and positions of the patch and stack are optimized so that the resonance frequencies are close to each other to yield a broad bandwidth. Numerical and experimental evaluations were conducted to characterize the antenna and to validate the numerical antenna model. The numerical evaluation was performed with the FDTD based simulation platform SEMCAD Version 1.8b24 on a Pentium4 Windows XP based workstation (SPEAG, Switzerland). The experimental evaluations were undertaken in an anechoic chamber using the DASY4 measurement system (SPEAG, Switzerland) with the latest high-precision E- and H-field probes (EF3DVP6, SN 4004 and H3DV6, SN 6065). The performance results show the SMP antenna fulfills the requirements of the setup antenna and has no major drawbacks in comparison to the Huber & Suhner SPA 920 antenna (SPA). Table 5.1 summarizes the antenna parameters derived from simulations and measurements of the antenna SMP and antenna SPA. The advantages and disadvantages of the SMP antenna in comparison to the commercial SPA antenna are listed in Table 5.2. Furthermore, the numerical antenna model has the same characteristic radiation performance as the real antenna and is suitable for simulations with anatomical head phantoms in the final dosimetry. The validation revealed no significant differences in the free-field results; differences were only detected at the half-power beam width (HPBW) and impedance: the simulation model has a smaller halfpower beam width, and the impedance differs between the model and the real antenna. However, the field comparisons in E- and H-fields are most important: the SMP SEMCAD model and SMP antenna showed good agreement in both E- and H-field values with deviations of less than 16 % at the various distances (see also Figure 5.3). 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 69 Figure 5.3: Comparison of the numeric and measured E- and H-fields of the SMP antenna shows a deviation of less than 16%. The simulation model represents the real antenna. 70 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Parameter Electrical: Frequency Range Bandwidth Return Loss (900 MHz) Impedance (900 MHz) Front-to-Back-Ratio Gain Horizontal HPBW Vertical HPBW Maximum Input Power (T<25◦ C) Polarization Mechanical: Dimensions Weight SMP (Meas.) SMP (Sim.) SPA Specs MHz MHz dB Ohm dB dBi 818-948 130 35 (51+j2) 20 ◦ 95 80 >50 819-945 126 16 (45 + j14) 20 7.6 86 73 890 - 960 70 18 50 15 9.0 65 65 >100 linear, vertical linear, vertical ◦ W linear, vertical mm3 g 190 x 130 x 28 110 250 x 210 x 36 500 Table 5.1: Performance summary of antennas SMP and SPA. Property comparison SMP to SPA antenna: + light weight (just 110 g), therefore mountable on a headset. + better front-to-back power ratio, less disturbance of 2nd setup. + larger HPBW, allows the antenna to be mounted closer to head. o large frequency range and bandwidth. o impedance is matched to 50 Ω for both antennas at 900 MHz. o sufficient input power capabilities. o linear, vertical polarization. - slightly lower gain (potential higher amp costs for same field strength). - needs to be built, not just ordered. Table 5.2: Advantages, equivalent properties and disadvantages of the SMP antenna in comparison to the SPA antenna. 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 5.4.2 71 Heat Load Battery heating or contact pressure - when the user presses the mobile phone against his/her skin - could lead to a thermal skin sensation (skin surface temperature increase due to RF exposure is negligible). Several studies estimated a surface skin temperature increase to 39 - 40◦ C [74][75][76]. To simulate this sensation on the skin surface, the study design planned a heat load at the ear lobe of the exposed side, which applies a 2◦ C local temperature increase. During an exposure session the heat load was always on, for both sham and RF exposure through the radiation of the antenna. Important was the presence of a heat load and not the size of the heat simulator [77], therefore a relatively small, heated area at the ear lobe was sufficient to cause the sensation. Of further importance was that the heat load is RF immune; it must not disturb or be disturbed in the RF field. The heat load at the ear lobe was realized as follows: A laser diode module generated a maximum output power of 1 W at a wavelength of 810 nm (Model PoF-LD, Photonic Power Systems Inc.). The output power was regulated via a voltage control signal from the data logger. The laser beam was coupled into an optical fiber and terminated at a matching photo diode (PPC-5MT, Photonic Power Systems Inc.), which dissipated the radiation by generating heat. The photo diode was glued together with a T1V3 temperature probe (SPEAG, Switzerland) inside a MACOR glass-ceramic plate (Eperon, Switzerland), which has a high thermal conductivity of 1.5 W/Km. The Loctite Hysol 9496 A&B glue with a thermal conductivity of 1.7 W/Km was used for gluing. This enabled a homogeneous temperature distribution at the ceramic plate surface. The laser/photodiode heat load together with the SPEAG temperature probe enabled a feedback-loop-control of the heat applied on the ceramic surface. When fixed at the ear lobe, the ceramic needed about two minutes to reach the steady state temperature and subsequently remained stable within 0.3◦ C. Figure 5.4 shows the RF immune heat load which simulated the temperature increase of the skin surface on the exposed side of the head. 72 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Data Control optical pwr ctrl Laser Diode 810nm, max 1W ear lobe ceramic plate (12mm x 8 mm) with photo diode & temp probe ear tape RF immune temperature meas. optical fibre (d<62um) Figure 5.4: Heat dissipation from a laser/photodiode combination was used to heat a ceramic surface. The ceramic was fixed at the left ear lobe with adhesive tape. A RF immune temperature probe inside the ceramics enabled a feedback loop control. When heated the ceramic needed about two minutes to reach the steady state temperature and remained stable within 0.3◦ C. 5.4.3 Headset The headset positions the heat load and antenna at a defined, constant distance from the test person’s head. Previous setup designs for human exposure studies forced the test person to hold their head in a certain position. Thereby a spacer construction assisted to positioning of the antenna and head at a certain distance from each other. The test person had to hold his/her head without movements during the exposure time with high level of discomfort for longer exposure times. Other setup designs allowed free head movements. However, this often resulted in scenarios with high exposure variability or lack of an exposure gradient between the head hemispheres. The new headset overcomes these drawbacks. It allows basic head movements (area ± 40 cm), enabling the test person to move his/her head and perform simple tasks like reading, talking, etc. without changing the position of the antenna relative to the head. The headset was designed to be adjustable in width and nose position, respecting the various head sizes of test persons [78]. Together with additional foam padding, a comfort level was achieved which allows exposure times of several hours. 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 73 The headset was optimized with respect to the following parameters: (1) antenna vs. head position, optimizing the radiation pattern (SAR ratio left/right head hemisphere, SAR ratio exposed side/thalamus), and (2) comfort of headset (weight, adjustability, foam padding). Additionally, the headset allows the positioning of the heat load on the exposure side in a comfortable way. The position of the antenna to the head has a great influence on the exposure pattern; the antenna to head distance also influences the mechanical comfort. The position was optimized in a simulation matrix by moving the antenna up/down and closer/farther away in relation to the head. The simulations were performed using the validated SMP antenna model and a human anatomical head model HREF-1, placing the SMP antenna at different locations on the left head side. The simulation results delivered the spatial peak SAR (1g and 10g) of left and right head hemispheres, the antenna efficiency, and also the organ specific SAR, e.g., of the thalamus (located in the center of the brain and often used as a reference) and also other parts of the brain like the cortex. Figure 5.5 shows a selection of simulations of various heights and distances between the antenna and head. The findings include: the further away the antenna, the more homogeneous is the exposure of the full head hemisphere. The absorption gradient inside the head is less steep; a positioning of the antenna at a short distance from the head leads to high absorption gradients. The advantage of a high gradient is that the exposure of the left and right head hemispheres can be distinguished; however, a too steep gradient represents an unrealistic exposure scenario. To categorize the exposure distribution in the brain, a ratio between the directly exposed head hemisphere and non-exposed head hemisphere was calculated, as well as the ratio of the SAR at the cortex to the spatial peak SAR of the exposed hemisphere for different exposure scenarios. An additional criterion was that the exposure pattern on the skin represent a realistic but worst-case exposure pattern. Furthermore the simulations showed that the closer the antenna, the higher the SAR for the same input power and therefore the higher the antenna efficiency (antenna efficiency ranged for distances between 50 mm and 150 mm between 60 % and 20 %, respectively, values varied further with horizontal and vertical shifts of the antenna). These exposure conditions were the key criteria for choosing the 74 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Figure 5.5: SAR distribution on the head skin (A) and on the cortex (B). The ratio between exposed and non-exposed hemispheres as well as the ratio between the SAR in the cortex to the SAR in the thalamus are provided in (B). 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 75 distance and height with respect to the user’s head. The center scenario as shown in Figure 5.5 was chosen for the final headset design (decision made during a PERFORM C steering committee meeting in Stockholm, Dec. 2003). Besides well-balanced exposure, additional criteria were a similar exposure pattern of the brain as in the Zurich studies and a feasible mechanical location of the antenna to realize a comfortable headset. With the positioning of the antenna to head finalized, the next goals to achieve in the headset design were to make it light in weight and as comfortable as possible. The final headset was based on a glasses-style design using lightweight plastic foam material and foam padding on the frame. The headset was mounted on the ceiling in the laboratory through a hanging system which allowed movements in all three room directions using hand pulley blocks. A counterweight system was installed, so that the complete weight of the headset was well balanced. Although effort was undertaken to minimize its weight, the total headset had a weight of 460 g (antenna 110 g, headset 300 g, heat load 50 g). The headset and its mechanics for adjusting to different head sizes are shown in Figure 5.6. The developed headset allows easy and comfortable usage and fulfilled its mechanical purpose to position antenna and heat load at a fixed position with respect to the test persons head. The headset can be easily used: • Positioning of the subject: to provide the best comfort for the subjects, place the chair directly below the hanging headset so that the head is right below the fixation point of the hanging system on the ceiling. • Adjusting the head width: Different head widths can be adjusted in discrete steps by the four screws at the rollover bar and additionally by the two screws fixing the axis of the nosepiece. To verify the correct width of the headset, it should be checked that the roll-over bar has a straight shape, is not curved and that it is slightly pressed against the head without tightening the band at the back side of the headset. • Adjusting the head length: Adjust the horizontal position of the headset with respect to the ears by verifying that the curved part 76 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Figure 5.6: Headset of the exposure system. The upper pictures show the headset at the Karolinska Institute, the lower picture present parts of the headset. 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 77 of the two ear frames touches the ears from behind. The axis of the ear piece can be horizontally adjusted by unscrewing and fixing in a different screw hole. The nose piece can be adjusted by rotating its axis and by rotating the soft plastic part at the end of the nose piece to fit comfortably on the nose. Finally, the fixation pressure at the head is adjusted by the tightening strength of the elastic band at the back of the headset. • Adjusting the weight of the headset: The weight of the headset is counterbalanced by a bottle filled with sand. Individual comfort weight can be further adjusted by adding or removing small sand bags. • Fixing the heat load: The ceramic heat load is fixed at the ear lobe by using one or two strips of adhesive tape. 5.4.4 Exposure Room, Monitoring and Control System The study design specified the parallel exposure of two test persons in adjacent rooms. An exposure unit was installed in each room, the signal generation, controlling and monitoring was managed outside the two exposure rooms, where the control computer and hardware electronics were located. Figure 5.7 shows the system schematics and Figure 5.8 the control tower of the exposure system. Figure 5.10 shows the exposure rooms. The computer controlled and monitored the entire setup using GPIB connections. The signal was produced through an RF signal generator (Rohde & Schwarz, SML 02B); an arbitrary function generator (Agilent, 33120A) modulated the amplitude as a GSM burst and a radio frame generator (SPEAG, Digital Control Unit (DCU)) blanked selected radio frames according to the applied digital signal. In addition, the DCU functioned as a safety watch-dog for unexpected computer shutdowns. Whenever the software control signal was not sent within ten seconds, the amplifiers were automatically blanked. The generated signal was divided and fed into two RF amplifiers for the two exposure units. Each output signal passed a dual directional coupler to measure the forward and reflected power via diode de- 78 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Computer Data Control Digital Control Unit Function Generator A RF Signal Generator A water flow sensor B Amp Water Cooling Unit Perform C Data Böxli A B A B temperature, shutdown, power level 3dB Splitter A B Heater Source gain B RF Amplifier water cooling Terminator Coupler Sync signal for EEG P.fwd P.refl Signal + RF to antenna of exposure unit Temperature measurement at exposure unit Exposure Unit A EEG Optical heating at exposure unit Identical for unit B Exposure Unit B EEG RF+Signal RF+Signal Heating Heating Temp Meas Temp Meas Figure 5.7: Schematic overview of the exposure system for humans sXh-900 at the Karolinska Institute. 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN Funct i onGener at or Si gnalGener at or PowerSuppl yf or DCU and Laser 79 Dat aAcqui si t i on Uni t Di gi t alCont r olUni t Laser( 810nm,1W ) Spl i t t er ,Coupl er Ampl i f i erSyst em 1 ( wat ercool ed) Ampl i f i erSyst em 2 ( wat ercool ed) Figure 5.8: Signal and control unit of the sXh-900 exposure system. tectors (diode detectors were calibrated to measure the power balance at the feed-point of the corresponding antenna). A data unit (Agilent, 34790A) was used to collect all sensor signals (forward and reflected powers, temperatures of ceramic plates at heat loads) and for the control of the amplifiers, DCUs and laser sources of both exposure units. The software controlled the data, so that a fully self-controlled exposure system was realized: the amplifiers were digitally switched on; the output power was regulated via a gain voltage according to the power measurements. The output power of the heat load lasers were controlled by analog voltage and adjusted according to the temperature feedback. Additionally, a digital signal was provided to timely synchronize exposure and the EEG recording. The exposure system was designed to be used by non-technical personnel. The front-end of the control software was easy to use, the user needed only to select the test person pair, the corresponding exposure condition (habituation, exposure one, exposure two) and enter arbitrary text information, before pressing the exposure start 80 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Figure 5.9: The exposure system control software has an easy graphical user interface. The user just enters the test person pair number, selects the exposure condition (habituation, exposure one, exposure two) and optional further text information. Clicking on the start/pause/abort button controls the status of the exposure system. button (Figure 5.9). The software was developed in collaboration with a software contractor (Peter Sepan, Schaffhausen, Switzerland). Every ten seconds during the exposure the computer stored all data and experimental settings necessary for a full reproduction of the exposure in an encoded file. When the encoded data was mailed to the Foundation IT’IS for evaluation, a binary feedback was returned, stating whether the exposure was conducted successfully. The decoded files (including the information on sham or real exposure) were not shown to any of the Karolinska personnel before the end of the study, strictly following the double-blind study requirements. To minimize the potential influence from reflections, the other exposure system or potential external RF fields, RF absorbers (Eccosorb VHP 8) were placed on three sides around the test persons (up to a height of 1.80 m). To further minimize and avoid the influence of any possible leakage of fields, the exposure conditions were set identical for both participants during a session. 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 81 Figure 5.10: Exposure rooms and headset with fixed antennas and ceramic plate attached to the left ear lobe for heating. The low frequency fields and also the background RF fields were examined prior to the start of the study and subsequently confirmed with new measurements at three different times during the study. Assessed were low frequency fields (Band 1: 5-2000 Hz and Band 2: 2-400 kHz) and RFs (up to 2500 MHz) in the two exposure rooms. The measurements were conducted through an external expert; the conclusive results showed low levels of measured fields (total field strength of less than 0.05 V/m), lower than levels commonly found in homes. Hence, the requirement of less than 20 dB for the equivalent psSAR10g for head tissue was met with a great margin. Besides securing the exposure during the study, great care was also taken to assure human safety at all times. This was achieved through the following procedures: • The output power at the antennas was continuously monitored and controlled (update rate: every 10 s). The exposure was aborted immediately and automatically whenever a value was 82 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP out of the safety interval by 3 dB. • The watch-dog inhibited an independent exposure control without software control. Whenever the software or computer hung up, the amplifier was automatically blanked by the watch-dog. • For any malfunction of the software, the exposure level could not considerably exceed the target SAR. The amplifiers operated close to their maximum output power and were attenuated to the desired output levels afterwards. An overexposure was therefore prevented, and human safety was guaranteed. 5.4.5 Exposure Signal The applied exposure signal represents a “worst-case” scenario. It included all ELF amplitude modulation components 2, 8, 217, 1736 Hz of the GSM signal and the dose met the ethical standards for human studies. The exposure was equivalent to that of frequent cell phone users and did not exceed the ICNIRP guideline [25]. Details of the applied signal were decided within the PERFORM C steering committee meeting in February 2004. The active exposure was an 884 MHz RF signal and simulated the electromagnetic fields induced in the head during a conversation with a GSM handset. The exposure was compliant with the definition of the GSM signaling standard (burst width: 0.577 ms, basic frame: 4.6 ms, [53]) and consisted of a temporal change between non-DTX/DTX modes (Figure 5.11). A conversation on the phone usually consists of a dialog, letting both mobile users talk and listen while making a phone call. In order to have a close-to-reality exposure, the exposure signal refers to a changing modulation between the non-DTX mode (active during talking phases) and the DTX mode (active during listening phases). The non-DTX (every 26th basic frame idle), corresponding to exposure during active talking, was set to a 10g-averaged peak spatial SAR (psSAR10g) of 1.95 W/kg. The battery-saving DTX mode was active during listening, i.e., only control signals and comfort noise are transmitted, resulting in a reduced time-averaged psSAR10g of only 12% 5.4. EXPOSURE SYSTEM DESIGN 83 of the non-DTX mode. The temporal change was random with an average duration of 11 s for non-DTX and 5 s for DTX resulting in a time-averaged psSAR10g of 1.4 W/kg. Figure 5.11: Frame structure of the DTX and non-DTX modulations. Both alternate actively during an actual GSM conversation, depending on whether one is listening or talking. The basic GSM frame for the uplink has a period of 4.6 ms and contains 576 µs bursts including 12 µs rising and falling edges. Frames of the non-DTX mode, representing the majority of the frames, consist of one active slot per frame, whereas the DTX frames are simulated by seven active slots. 84 5.5 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Dosimetry and Validation The dosimetry for this exposure setup was performed through a combination of numerical field simulations and experimental field sensing techniques [79] and can be divided into two parts: the preliminary dosimetry and final dosimetry. The performed preliminary dosimetry encompassed evaluations of (1) the antenna efficiency, including effects of EEG electrodes on the induced fields, (2) setup parameters influencing the spatial peak SAR (e.g., a tilted antenna) and (3) the exposure pattern of the SPA antenna from the Zurich studies in comparison to the SMP antenna of the sXh-900 system. The final dosimetry went a step further and evaluated the findings and uncertainty analysis in more detail (e.g., effects from variations). The preliminary dosimetry was performed during my thesis prior to the start of the study; the final dosimetry was completed until the end of the study by Clementine Boutry of Foundation IT’IS. The results are published in [80] and are included here in the final dosimetry section. Tools and Techniques The numerical evaluation was performed with the finite-difference time-domain based simulation platform SEMCAD (SPEAG, Switzerland) on a Windows workstation. SEMCAD is enhanced with several special features for RF dosimetry and has been widely validated [81] [82]. The numerical results were then validated with the near-field dosimetric assessment system DASY (SPEAG, Switzerland) [83] equipped with the latest probe technology (ET3DV6, EF3DV2, H3DV3). The DASY system includes - in addition to its precisely controlled 3-axis robotic arm - a homogeneous generic twin phantom, which is a standardized head model shaped like an average human head [57]. The twin phantom can be filled with dielectric liquids to perform SAR measurements. Two simulation models were used: the homogeneous head model SAM and the inhomogeneous model HREF-1. The homogeneous model was used to compare simulation results with measurement results; shape and materials of the simulation model were identical to the measurement model. The simulation results of the inhomogeneous 5.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 85 head model allowed the detailed determination of the SAR in different head tissues. The head model HREF-1 was derived from 121 magnetic resonance images (MRI) of a human female subject of age 40. The MRI scans have a slice separation of 1 mm in the ear region and 3 mm at the other parts of the head [84]. Functional subregions have been identified from MRI scans, so that 23 tissues were discretized. The dielectric values of the 23 tissues were set according to [85]. Figure 5.12 shows the three models used: measurements in the generic twin phantom with DASY4 (left), SAM simulations (center) and HREF-1 simulations (right) with SEMCAD. Figure 5.12: Measurements with DASY in the twin phantom (left) determine the SAR values for the comparison with the numeric results using the homogeneous SAM model (center) and the anatomical HR-EF1 model (right). The design of the simulation model was performed with great care. In addition to the determination of SAR values of certain tissues, the left/right asymmetries of the two head hemispheres were also to be determined. Therefore the head model was divided into two evaluation volume halves. The head model was positioned in the center of the coordinate system with the antenna radiating on the left head side. The long side of the antenna was parallel to the head axis. A 3-dimensional field sensor was placed around the antenna and the head model. The field sensors were extended for simulations with a larger distance between antenna and head model. 2-dimensional field sensors were positioned vertical and horizontal to the exposure direction to record the fields around the head. Control sensors were placed 86 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP between antenna and head to control the stability of the simulation run. To maximize the spatial grid resolution in the area of interest a graded mesh was used: the grid resolution in the antenna region was chosen as 1 mm in the direction of the radiation propagation and 1 to 2 mm in other directions. The grid resolution inside the field sensor was 1 to 2 mm, which led to a fine grid. The grid resolution around the field sensor was increased up to 10 mm. The antenna was modeled with voltage edge sources and harmonically excited until a steady state was reached. The dimensions of the simulation model represented the exposure setup. For the dosimetric measurements with DASY, the twin phantom was filled with head tissue simulating liquid (HSL 900, electric conductivity σ=0.943 S/m, relative permittivity r =41.6, relative permeability µr =1.0, density ρ = 1000 kg/m3). The antenna was placed below the twin phantom, operating at 884.6 MHz, CW. The distance and position were exactly those of the setup headset. Measurements were performed also with EEG electrodes glued to the outer side of the twin phantom shell at the same locations as they were during the study (10/20-EEG-system). Additionally, the heat load was placed on the left ear lobe as well as half of the head set (see also Figure 5.13). Preliminary Dosimetry The tasks of the preliminary dosimetry were to set the spatial peak SAR (10g) of the exposure system and evaluate major influence parameters (to exclude overexposure due to large uncertainties). Examined were the antenna efficiencies of all antennas, influence of EEG cables and rotation of the antenna. Furthermore the exposure pattern of the SMP antenna was compared to the SPA antenna of the Zurich studies. Five identical SMP antennas were built for the two headsets of the study and as spares (SN 1002, SN 1003, SN 1004, SN 1005, SN 1006). All antennas were tested for malfunction (no power loss/change, no temperature increase, return loss < 10 dB) for 24 hours. The efficiencies of the five antennas were measured with a DASY4 system using a twin phantom (Figure 5.13). Also examined were the effects due to the EEG electrodes on the induced fields and therefore 5.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 87 Figure 5.13: Dosimetric measurements with DASY4 including EEG electrodes to determine the antenna efficiencies and an evaluation of uncertainty parameters. 88 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Antenna a SN w/o electrodes [W/kg/W] 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 0.506 0.509 0.503 Efficiencya with electrodes [W/kg/W] 0.561 0.529 0.537 0.573 0.522 Efficiency: 10 g averaged peak spatial SAR per watt input power Table 5.3: Antenna efficiencies (10g-averaged peak spatial SAR per watt input power) with and without EEG electrodes. also on the antenna efficiency. Table 5.3 shows the SAR (10g) efficiencies of the five antennas. The average spatial peak SAR (10g) is 0.544 W/kg per Watt input power with EEG electrodes and 0.505 W/kg per Watt input power without electrodes. Although the polarization of the antenna was perpendicular to the EEG electrode wires, a small effect was visible: the antenna efficiency increased by 5 %. During this examination the electrodes did not have any direct contact with the liquid. The result required further examinations in the final dosimetry; at minimum, the influence on the SAR distribution due to the EEG wires needed to be covered in the uncertainty evaluation (see also the detailed study on artifacts from EEG electrodes during RF exposures in [86]). During the study no influence of the RF on the EEG signal was reported. Slight rotations of the antenna can occur, although the headset defines the orientation of the antenna to the test persons head. Examined was the influence of a 20 degree rotation of the antenna. The antenna efficiency increased from 0.573 W/kg/W to 0.599 W/Kg/W, which is a change of 5%. Tested was also the influence of the heat load, placed between the antenna and the user’s head. The heat load was designed to be RF immune. This was confirmed: the antenna efficiency changed less than 1 % from 0.573 W/kg/W to 0.579 W/kg/W. The results were considered in the overall uncertainty analysis of the 5.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 89 final dosimetry. An additional study compared the exposure pattern of the Zurich studies antenna SPA with the SMP antenna. Both antennas were placed in the same position towards the DASY4 twin phantom. The pattern shows good agreement (Figure 5.14); detail tissue parameters were compared in the simulation model during the final dosimetry. Figure 5.14: Exposure pattern comparison between the SMP antenna (left) and Zurich studies antenna (right). Final Dosimetry The final dosimetry and uncertainty assessment considered data from the preliminary dosimetry, the setup performance during the study and results from simulations. As mentioned, the conclusive final dosimetric assessment was conducted by Clementine Boutry of Foundation IT’IS and published in [80]. Twenty-three tissues were distinguished including subregions of the brain. The inter-subject variations were estimated by scaling the head model by 10 %, which was the maximum variation in brain volume measured by [87]. The positioning variations were assessed for maximum deviations of 2 mm for the separation antenna/head, 10 mm for movement to the front and back and 5 mm for up and down. The 90 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Brain Tissue avgSARa [W/kg] (SD) psSAR1gb [W/kg] Variations psSAR1g [%] Uncertainty psSAR1g [%] Grey matter White matter Thalamus 0.20 (0.26) 0.18 (0.21) 0.18 (0.06) 1.78 1.12 0.30 11 11 16 16 15 18 a Tissue averaged peak spatial SAR b 1g averaged peak spatial SAR Table 5.4: Summary of the exposure values induced in the brain tissues corresponding to 10 g averaged peak spatial SAR exposure settings of 1.4 W/kg. Provided are the values for the averaged SAR plus standard deviation (SD) and the 1g-averaged peak spatial SAR (psSAR1g). In addition, estimations of the inter-subject variations as well as the assessment uncertainty are given (source: C. Boutry in [80]). variations due to different electrode locations were assumed to be 5 % as assessed experimentally on the SAM head. The power drift was determined to be less than 2 %. The parameters included in the uncertainty analysis of the dosimetry were the uncertainty from (1) the head dielectric parameters, assessed by varying the relative permittivity and conductivity of the dielectric parts of the head numerical model by 10 %; (2) the head discretization and segmentation; (3) the effect of electrodes; (4) calibration; and (5) the power calibration. The validation of the antenna revealed a difference in the nearfield of E- and H-fields between simulation and measurements of less than 7 % (at the antenna distance). The difference of the dosimetric evaluations employing the SAM head filled with head tissue simulating liquid (permittivity 41.5; conductivity 0.97 S/m) was less than 4 %. Both values were well within the combined uncertainty bounds. The organ specific dosimetric results are summarized in Table 5.4, and the SAR distribution on brain and skin is shown in Figure 5.15. The exposure parameters correspond well to those of the setup 5.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 91 used by [64]. At the applied time-averaged psSAR10g value (all head tissues) of 1.4 W/kg, the peak spatial SAR of the gray matter averaged over a cube of 1 g of 1.8 W/kg. The all-brain gray matter averaged values were 0.2 and 0.18 W/kg for the thalamus. Figure 5.15: Axial, coronal and sagittal views of the anatomical head model HR-EF1 and their SAR distribution during exposure with the SMP antenna. The picture on the right shows the SAR distribution on the surface of the exposed left head side (source: C. Boutry in [80]). 92 5.6 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP Conclusion A flexible setup for the exposure of test persons with a GSM signal at 884 MHz is presented. The Department of Health Science at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, successfully conducted a human provocation study in the context of health risk assessment of low-level exposure to the RF of mobile phones with this exposure system. Examined were the effects of the GSM wireless communication signal on subjective symptoms, physiological reactions, alertness, performance and sleep. The setup enabled the exposure of the left head hemisphere and was designed to maximize the exposure of brain tissues as it may occur during actual usage of GSM phones. The headset system was based on a low-weight, stacked micropatch antenna fixed on a headset, which allowed the test person to move/rotate his/her head within a limited area (± 40 cm) without a change of the exposure distribution. This allowed flexible and comfortable exposure situations with durations of several hours. The weight of the headset was compensated through an adjustable hanging design, so that the test persons did not carry more than about 100 g of weight. Additionally, a controllable, RF-immune heat load was realized using optical heating of a ceramic plate placed at the ear lobe at the exposed side. The computer-controlled signal unit monitored and controlled the applied RF signal, the heat load and further system parameters at all times. The system was designed for double-blind exposure protocols and allowed the recording of EEG during exposure. The experimental dosimetry revealed an antenna efficiency for the 10g-averaged spatial peak SAR of 0.52 - 0.57 W/kg per Watt input power. The test persons were exposed with the GSM signal cocktail at the 10g-peak spatial SAR of 1.4 W/kg. The gray matter averaged over a cube of 1g had the peak spatial SAR of 1.8 W/kg. The all-brain gray matter averaged values were 0.2 and 0.18 W/kg for the thalamus. The antenna showed a comparable exposure pattern to that used in the Zurich studies. All simulations were validated with measurements. The setup as well as the dosimetry satisfied the quality requirements for exposure setups and the ethical standards for human studies. The exposure level met the ICNIRP guidelines; human safety was ensured at all times. 5.7. STUDY ABSTRACT: PERFORM C 5.7 93 Study Abstract: PERFORM C Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 185-196, 2008 The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Headache and Other Symptoms: An Experimental Provocation Study Lena Hillert1,2 , Torbjorn Akerstedt3 , Arne Lowden3 , Clairy Wiholm4,5 , Niels Kuster6 , Sven Ebert6 , Clementine Boutry6 , Scott Douglas Moffat7,8 , Mats Berg9 and Bengt Birger Arnetz4,5 1 Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of Occupational Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden 2 Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Stockholm Centre for Public Health, Stockholm, Sweden 3 National Institute for Psychosocial Medicine (IPM), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden 4 Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Division of Occupational and Environmental Health, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 5 Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden 6 IT’IS Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland 7 Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 8 Department of Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 9 Department of Medical Sciences, Division of Dermatology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden Findings from prior studies of possible health and physiological effects from mobile phone use have been inconsistent. Exposure periods in provocation studies have been rather short and personal characteristics of the participants poorly defined. We studied the effect of radiofrequency field (RF) on self-reported symptoms and detection of fields after a prolonged exposure time and with a well defined study group including subjects reporting symptoms attributed to mobile 94 CHAPTER 5. FLEXIBLE HUMAN EXPOSURE SETUP phone use. The design was a double blind, cross-over provocation study testing a 3 hour long GSM handset exposure versus sham. The study group was 71 subjects age 18 to 45, including 38 subjects reporting headache or vertigo in relation to mobile phone use (symptom group) and 33 non-symptomatic subjects. Symptoms were scored on a 7-point Likert scale before, after 1 1/2 and 2 3/4 hours of exposure. Subjects reported their belief of actual exposure status. The results showed that headache was more commonly reported after RF exposure than sham, mainly due to an increase in the non-symptom group. Neither group could detect RF exposure better than by chance. A belief that the RF exposure had been active was associated with skin symptoms. The higher prevalence of headache in the non-symptom group towards the end of RF exposure justifies further investigation of possible physiological correlates. The current study indicates a need to better characterize study participants in mobile phone exposure studies and differences between symptom and non-symptom groups. Chapter 6 Exposure Systems for Large-Scale In Vivo Laboratory GSM/DCS Risk Assessment Studies 6.1 Abstract For large-scale laboratory studies two types of efficient wheel exposure units for GSM-900 MHz and DCS-1800 MHz signals were developed. Each wheel exposure unit enabled the simultaneous exposure of up to 65 mice; four wheel exposure units combine into an exposure system for multi-dose studies. The exposure system allows blind study protocols and enables an easy daily handling routine (cleaning, simple and rapid loading/unloading process). All relevant exposure and environmental parameters are monitored and controlled at all times; malfunctions are detected automatically. A detailed dosimetry and uncertainty analysis of the exposure systems was performed with extensive measurements and simulations. The average SAR of the whole-body as well as for each organ were determined for the duration of the study, including an assessment of uncertainties and 95 96 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP variabilities. The Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine in Germany and Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer in Italy conducted three bioassay/carcinogenic studies with these exposure systems in the context of health risk assessment of exposure with mobile communication signals. In these large-scale studies over 1500 mice were exposed at four dose levels (4 W/kg, 1.3 W/kg, 0.4 W/kg and Sham). The Good Laboratory Practice is compliant studies were successfully conducted; technical quality control, support and maintenance during the entire time was ensured; 98 % of the performed exposures were completed successfully. 6.2 Introduction In the context of the health risk assessment of low-level exposure to GSM and DCS mobile phone signals, the European project PERFORM A conducted several toxicological/carcinogenic studies with mice and rats. Within this project four types of exposure systems were developed. The following partner laboratories participated in these large European in vivo studies: Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf (ARCS) in Austria, RCC in Switzerland, Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Germany and Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer (RBM) in Italy. Furthermore an exposure study with a PERFORM A setup was conducted at Zhejiang University in Hang Zhou, China (different funding). The development, construction and testing of the in vivo exposure setups, as well as the installation and study maintenance and de-installation were performed through Foundation IT’IS in collaboration with Schmid & Partner Engineering AG. This chapter presents the mouse exposure systems used at Fraunhofer ITEM in Germany and RBM in Italy. The setups developed for the exposure of rats are not presented here. Details about the exposure setups and studies with rats can be found in [88] [89] [90] [91] and their study results in [92] [93] [94] [95]. The results of the exposure studies with mice can be found at the end of this chapter. 6.3. OBJECTIVES AND REQUIREMENTS 6.3 97 Objectives and Requirements It is a challenging task to develop in vivo exposure systems. Among the major drawbacks of previous studies were the often poorly defined and characterized exposure conditions [96]. Well-defined exposures in animals having body sizes in the range of a wavelength are a difficult task; the uniformity of the SAR distribution inside the animals requires special attention. Furthermore the setups must fulfill a number of constraints for biological in vivo experiments to be compliant with the regulatory requirements of in vivo studies and the guidelines of the partner laboratories. 6.3.1 Study Outline and Objectives The PERFORM A mouse studies were planned as large scale studies and foresaw the exposure of over 1500 mice (see also study plans [97] and [98]). Three exposure setups were developed, two for the exposure of mice at GSM 900 MHz and one for exposure at DCS 1800 MHz. Each exposure setup had four different dose groups: high, medium, low and sham dose group. Additional mice were held in a separate rooms under the same living conditions (cage control group). The mouse exposure setups were used to conduct: • Two classical combined chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity two-year bioassays with B6C3F1 mice at the Fraunhofer ITEM in Hanover, Germany, at both GSM frequency bands, GSM-900 and DCS-1800. • A co-carcinogenicity study using Eµ-Pim 1 transgenic mice at RBM in Ivrea, Italy, at the GSM-900 frequency band. The co-carcinogenicity study at RBM was set up as a replication experiment of the study carried out in Adelaide, Australia, which showed a two-fold increase in lymphoma cancer as reported in [99]. (Compare also the study performed by Utteridge et al. [100]). The studies are outlined as long-term (life-time) studies. The mice are all of the same age; at the beginning of the study in November 2001 they were 12 weeks old. Fraunhofer ITEM in Germany conducted the study with B6C1F1 mice, a commonly used mouse hybrid 98 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP strain in toxicity studies. RBM in Italy conducted the study with Eµ-PIM 1 mice with express elevated levels of the Pim-1 transgene in their lymphoid tissues, and as a result are predisposed to develop lymphomas. Prior to the main exposure period, the mice were acclimatized to the housing conditions in the animal room and trained to become accustomed to their exposure tubes for a restraint time of up to two hours. During a four week period the mice were also trained using the complete setup and exposed with the original GSM/DCS signal as during the main study. This way the mice and personnel became accustomed to the daily loading/exposure/unloading routine. During this pre-study period the animals were observed daily and their health condition checked. The main study at Fraunhofer ITEM exposed all animals to GSM-900 MHz and DCS-1800 MHz signals for two hours per day, five days per week for 24 months. At RBM the mice were exposed with GSM-900 MHz for one hour a day, seven days per week for 18 consecutive months. Both institutes kept an additional group unexposed which served as the cage control. In addition Fraunhofer ITEM conducted at the beginning of the main study (in a third shift) 1-week and 6-week-studies in which the influence of the radiation on the micronucleus in B6C3F1 mice was examined. In all performed studies the animals were subject to pathological examinations, necropsy, tissue and slide preparations, and complete histopathological evaluations. The studies were performed blind to all project members. The personnel at the laboratories were not able to assign dose groups to wheel exposure units, and the technical personnel of IT’IS did not have access to the animal group identifier and other data at the animal laboratory, including the results from the histopathology. The key codes and identifier were not disclosed until completion of the histopathological evaluation. The still blinded raw data were given to the representatives of the sponsors prior to disclosure of the data. The studies were performed in compliance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). 6.3. OBJECTIVES AND REQUIREMENTS 6.3.2 99 Exposure and Environmental Requirements The project PERFORM A started with the following performance requirements, in order to establish defined exposure conditions in the exposed mice: • SAR (whole-body): The whole-body SAR shall be applied in three different dose levels separated by a factor of three. (The highest dose was set to a 10g-averaged whole-body SAR of 4 W/kg as determined by pre-studies on thermal stress in the animals. See also Chapter 2). • SAR (organ): The average SAR of each organ shall also be determined for the duration of the exposure. • Homogeneity: The SAR distribution inside the animal resulting from the exposure should be as homogeneous as possible. This value is referred to as uniformity of exposure within the animal. • Variability: The whole-body SAR and the distribution of the local SAR should be as similar as possible in each animal. The resulting mouse to mouse variation and entire life should be smaller than ±2 dB. • Exposure: blinded, self-detection of malfunctions. Furthermore it was required to provide technical quality control, support and maintenance during the period of experiments. This required high reliability of the setups, a prepared rapid repair concept in case of a malfunction (not to endanger the daily exposure) and a solid control and monitoring of the exposures. Further requirements: • Setups shall enable the exposure of 1500 mice: 1170 B6C3F1 mice in 10 groups (at 900 and 1800 MHz: high, med, low, sham and cage control group) and 500 µPim 1 mice in 5 groups (all at 900MHz: high, med, low, sham and cage control group). • usage of non-toxic materials only (preferably stainless steel and polycarbonate), 100 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP • no metal parts in the vicinity of the animal, • completely sealed during exposure with respect to the applied RF, • well defined light conditions, • easy to clean, • easy and fast loading/unloading, • 24h monitoring of all relevant environmental parameters (exposure, temperature, humidity, air flow, oxygen level), • easy-to-use and self-detection of any malfunction (double sensors, watchdogs, etc.), • blinded setup design, • setup should allow GLP conform studies, • negligible ambient ELF and RF fields in the laboratory, • reasonable setup cost, • setup needs to be designed to be operated by non-engineering personnel and • technical quality control, support and maintenance during the entire project time must be ensured. 6.4 Setup Design The task was to develop, construct, install and characterize mouse exposure setups for 900 MHz and 1800 MHz, as well as to guarantee steady technical quality control, support and maintenance during the entire project, fulfilling the requirements of the study proposal. After a short numerical study of various design concepts it was decided to base the setup design on the concept of the Adelaide study [99] and extend it for use within the PERFORM A project. The Adelaide study used a mice exposure system developed 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 101 by Motorola [45], also referred to as the Ferris wheel setup. This Ferris wheel setup has proven to be user-friendly and efficient; however, some modifications were performed to comply with the requirements of the PERFORM A study design and to improve the concept from design findings during the Adelaide study. Furthermore the use of the same exposure concept also has the advantage of achieving more comparable results, especially since the RBM study was intended as a verification study of the findings from Adelaide. The PERFORM A mouse exposure system consists of four identical cylindrically-shape exposure units (wheels), each enabling the whole-body exposure of up to 65 mice and a signal generation, control and monitoring unit. Each wheel exposure unit was adjusted to a different exposure level, resulting in four dose levels: high, medium, low and sham. Two types of wheels were developed for the experiments operating in the uplink mid band of the GSM-900 MHz frequency band (i.e., 902 MHz), the other at the uplink mid band of the DCS-1800 MHz system (i.e., 1747 MHz) and apply a complex GSM signal into the resonant structure of the exposure setup. The PERFORM A mouse setup design differs from the Adelaide Ferris wheel as follows: • The wheel was enlarged in order to accommodate the larger group size of the PERFORM A study, i.e., 65 instead of 40 animals per wheel. • The location of the animals with respect to the short cut was optimized to maximize uniformity of the exposure. • The original stoppers had to be replaced, since during the prestudy they were found to be unpractical for fixing the animals during daily operations. The new stoppers are made of lossy material in order to reduce the effect of higher modes for small animals. • The relatively large holes for loading/unloading of the mice are closed by metallic covers in order to increase the uniformity and minimize leakage at 900 MHz and 1800 MHz. Electric contact is provided by a 3-point fixation which presses the metal cover towards the metal plate. 102 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP • Non-matched antennas were used: conical antenna for the 902 MHz and a bi-conical antenna for the 1747 MHz setups. Matching was achieved by a three-stub tuner located in the water resistant black box on the backside of the wheels. • The ventilation system was simplified. • Temperature, humidity and oxygen sensors were integrated inside the ventilation canal. • Two field sensors (short monopoles with Schottky-detectors) were integrated in order to provide a redundant feedback system. • Solid materials were used, i.e., stainless steel for the metallic parts of the wheel, polycarbonate for the mice tubes. Only the outer tubes and ventilation system are made of Plexiglas, and the antennas are of brass. However, this was not seen as critical by the participating laboratories, since the animals would not come in contact with these parts. Special consideration was given to easy cleaning. Figure 6.1 shows the exposure room with the exposure system for 4 x 65 mice at Fraunhofer ITEM. The four exposure wheels are absolutely identical, and it is therefore impossible for the personnel to recognize the different exposure doses. Outside the exposure rooms, user-friendly touch screens were installed, enabling easy exposure control. Furthermore a status color signal outside of the room showed the status of the exposure system. The hardware control rack with signal generator, data logger and computers was placed in a storage room above the exposure system, unaccessible to the personnel. The systems for 900 and 1800 MHz were identical to the user; only the exposure wheels were slightly different. The system at RBM followed the same concept as the ITEM 900 MHz setup: control of four exposure wheels from the outside of the exposure room. 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 103 Figure 6.1: System for simultaneous exposure of 4 x 65 mice. The four exposure wheels are identical, making it impossible for the user to identify the exposure dose. The system is operated via an userfriendly touch screen outside the exposure room. The system state was additionally indicated via a status color signal. The control rack with signal generator, data logger and computer was placed in a storage room above the exposure room. 104 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.4.1 Mechanical and Electrical Design Figure 6.2 presents pictures of the PERFORM A system details and Figure 6.3 shows the mechanical wheel design. The wheel exposure units weigh more than 100kg and are made only out of stainless steel and polycarbonate (except the antenna, which is made out of brass). The exposure units were outlined as a resonant structure to maintain the power requirements at an affordable level (i.e., using 200 W amplifiers instead of >2 kW for the expected amount of mice exposed in parallel). Each wheel consisted of two parallel circular stainless steel metal plates (radius 775 mm) with a separation distance of 117 mm. A conical antenna in the 902 MHz setups (or a bi-conical antenna in the 1747 MHz setups) was placed in the center between the plates. The antenna was fed from the backside of the setup from a water-resistant black box containing the electronics for the environmental sensors (humidity, temperature and oxygen level) and field sensors and a tuner (Emitec Triple Stub Tuner, 1878B) for matching the impedance of the antenna. Encased between the plates were 65 cylindrical polycarbonate tubes (inner diameter 40 mm at wheel radius 700 mm) arranged radially around the antenna. The front metal plate of the setup had holes at the positions of the tubes so that they could be easily accessed. At the back plate were 65 smaller holes (diameter 10 mm), which led to the ring channel of the ventilation system. Around the edges of the plates, parallel metal bars (at wheel radius 755 mm) connected the two plates and functioned as a shortcut to make the setup structure resonant. The 902 MHz wheels additionally contained high-permittivity plastic bricks (Eccostock, K=15, size 70 x 15.88 x 120 mm3 , starting at radius 675 mm) between neighboring tubes to increase the electrical distance and therefore suppress distortion from neighboring animals. Due to the different wavelength this was not necessary to apply at the 1800 MHz wheels. The whole wheel was installed on a movable wagon to enable easier cleaning. 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 105 Figure 6.2: (A) cavity reflector bars, (B) conical or biconical antenna in center, (C) temperature, humidity and oxygen sensors located in the air ring channel, (D) RF amplifier and ventilation system with air hoses located above each wheel exposure unit, (E) rear view with water-sealed electronics box, air ring channel and RF power cable connector, (F) and (G) sides and front view of the wheel exposure units. 106 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP Figure 6.3: Schematics of the mouse wheel exposure unit. The antenna (900 MHz conical or 1800 MHz bi-conical) is placed in the center and made out of brass. The mouse tube centers are at radius 700 mm, shortcut bars are at radius 755 mm from the center of the antenna; inner distance between the circular plates is 117 mm. 65 mouse tubes and 253 shortcut bars are radially orientated in equidistance with symmetry axis at the bottom center of the wheel. The wheel is mounted slightly tilted at three sides. The cavity is made entirely of stainless steel and polycarbonate materials. 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 107 Ventilation System A ventilation system for each wheel - consisting of a ventilator, a ventilator box, air hose and ring channel - guided constant airflow from the ventilator to the front side of each of the 65 tubes (see also Figure 6.2 D and E). The air entered the tube at the nasal region of the animal. The mice were placed around the exposure antenna in tapered polycarbonate tubes with adjustable backstops (stopper). The animal’s snout protruded from the anterior end of the tube, which was connected to the ventilated part of the exposure unit by way of a push fit, so that the air entered the nasal region of the animal. The ventilated part of the exposure unit was operated at slightly positive pressure with respect to the surrounding air. This ensured continuous airflow passing through the animal’s breathing zone. The airflow was adjusted to about 1 l/min. The necessary air flow was monitored in two ways: the ventilator speed was monitored and also the oxygen level in the ring channel. This ensured that the mice had enough air during their presence in the setup. Easy Handling Since a large number of animals were simultaneously irradiated, the exposure systems design was developed to be compact and easy to use for loading and unloading the animals. The design and materials of the setups were chosen for easy accessibility, cleaning and disinfection of all parts of the setup. The mice tubes were made of polycarbonate for sterilizing by an autoclave; the ventilation system consisted of a transparent plastic so that any pollutant in the removable ring channel could be seen and cleaned out. The realized concept enabled fast loading and unloading of the setup and easy cleaning. Mouse Restrainer Exposure Tubes Newly developed restrainer tubes - which were devoid of metal parts - provided the housing for the mice during the exposure. During the loading procedure, each mouse was put into a mouse tube. The ability of each mouse to move within its tube was minimized with the adjustable backstop. A metal lid at the end of the mouse tube ensured electric sealing of the setup after tube insertion to minimize losses and 108 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP to increase efficiency. Suitable for lifetime studies, the tubes come in two different sizes, for young animals and for older animals. The smaller tubes have an inner diameter of 31 mm, and the larger tubes have an inner diameter of 39 mm. Figure 6.4 shows the developed mouse tubes. Figure 6.4: Left: mouse exposure tube with cap and stopper as used during the study; right: Eµ-Pim 1 mouse in a small exposure tube with a first version of the stopper. Environmental and System Parameter Recording The environmental parameters oxygen (Pewatron AG, FCX-MV CH), humidity and temperature (Flach Elektronik AG, EE06-FT1A1) were recorded at all times, even when no exposure takes place. These parameters were sensored in the ventilation ring canal close to the mice on the backside of each wheel and therefore represent the actual condition for the animals (see also Figure 6.2 C and E). The sensor values were managed in the water-resistant black box on the back side of the wheels and sent via the data logger to the computer, where the data were processed, stored and displayed. Furthermore the current demand of all ventilators was recorded and a water flow sensor supervised the amplifier water-cooling circuit. Any measured values which drifted outside the specified range triggered the system control to report a warning or alarm. Exposure Control by Field Sensors Since direct power measurements are not particularly reliable for exposure prediction in the case of resonant structures, the implemented 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 109 feedback system was based on field sensors. Short monopoles (length optimized for desired dynamic range) with a Schottky diode (Advanced Control Components, ACSP-2663NZC15) were used as E-field sensors. During exposure the field strength was measured quasicontinuously at two different places inside the exposure wheel. This way a redundant feedback system was achieved. A control loop system enforced a stable electromagnetic field inside the setup. Exposure levels were automatically adjusted if any drift/mismatch between the actual field strength and the target field strength occurred, ensuring stable exposure conditions inside the setup. The two E-field sensors in the setup were calibrated using the method of transfer calibration. The reference point was the center between the plates right above the sensor location. A DASY3mini system (SPEAG, Switzerland) with the free-space E-field probe EF3DP6 (SN4004) was used for the field measurements. 6.4.2 Signal Generation, Monitoring and Control of Exposure The exposure signal and sensor signals were generated, distributed, controlled and monitored by electronic equipment (concept in Figure 6.5). The communication between the controlling PC and the devices used a GPIB system. Digital signals were mainly driven and read by a multifunction module (Agilent, type 34907A) of the data logger (Agilent, Type 34970A). The amplifier (LS Elektronik, Sweden) and Digital Control Unit (SPEAG, DCU) used standardized TTL signals. The exposure signal was generated by a digital GSM/DCS signal generator (Rohde & Schwarz, SMIQ02B). In order to enable switching between DTX and non-DTX modes, a custom-made DCU for generation of the GSM frame structures was developed and manufactured by Schmid & Partner Engineering AG. It was frame-triggered by the RF signal generator. In order to reduce costs, multi-usage of the amplifier was achieved by generation of a four channel up-link GSM/DCS signal (time slots: 0, 2, 4, 6) of different amplitudes and utilization of a high-speed, highpower switch to sequentially assign each time-slot to another wheel. 110 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP Amplifier Gain and Temperature Data Acquisition Unit Amp On/Off DTX/nonDTX Watchdog Alarm, etc. Digital Control Unit TTL Clock High Frame Clock Computer Shutdown RF Signal Generator Power Level Med. Low Switch Amplifier Two Field, Oxygen, Temperature and Humidity Sensors Sham Sensors Antenna RF Signal & Power, Vent. System and Room Light Vent. Tuner Figure 6.5: Schematics of the PERFORM A exposure system: controlled through the computer the RF signal generator together with the digital control unit (for DTX/non-DTX) generated the exposure signal, which was then amplified. The amplifier was water-cooled to minimize environmental noise and had a built-in high-speed, highpower switch, which distributes the signal to the corresponding exposure wheels. One slot of the eight slot TDMA signal of the RF signal generator was used for each wheel, the slots in between were used for switching to the next amplifier output channel, which was connected to a different dose group wheel. Potential power reflections from the antenna (i.e., due to unmatched tuning) were redirected into highpower terminators. The gain of the amplifier was controllable; the E-field sensors in each wheel gave feedback of the applied power. Additionally, environmental and further system parameters were sensed and returned via the data logger to the controlling computer. The computer screen and the color signal light showed the status of the system and displayed a warning or error in case of any malfunction. 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 111 An easy-to-use software was developed allowing fast, reliable and highly automated handling of the exposure setup (details of the software design in [101]). The user just has to enter the average mouse weight of all mice and for archival reasons an exposure group in case of several daily exposure shifts. Figure 6.6 shows the graphical user screen as it was displayed on the touch screen monitor of each system. Figure 6.6: Easy system control via touch screen user interface: the user just has to provide the current average mouse weight, exposure shift group and inform the system when the loading/unloading is completed. The software and hardware is self-controlled and reports any malfunction. The software was developed by Dr. Walter Oesch [101]. The software automatically controls the field strength and monitors the environmental sensor values. Small signal drifts are automatically compensated; large deviations from target values and any malfunctions are indicated through a (red) status signal light, reported to the user screen and also automatically via email to the technical support to the Foundation IT’IS. All hardware communication is logged, enabling full reconstruction of every exposure occurring during the whole study. For maximized data security, all recorded data were saved encoded at three different 112 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP physical locations: the experiment computer, a local file server and at a file server at the Foundation IT’IS, to which the data were transmitted automatically each night. The data of the previous day was evaluated at IT’IS, and the blinded evaluation results (ok or not-ok feedback) were sent back to the study director. In the case of a system malfunction, IT’IS as well as the study director was automatically informed via e-mail. A blind study design requires that the user does not recognize details of the exposure system (i.e., dose groups). All technical data evaluation and repairs were therefore only handled through the Foundation IT’IS. Key codes and identifier were not disclosed until completion of the biological (histopathological) evaluation. The blind study was enabled through the data encryption and the identical wheel exposure unit design. 6.4.3 Exposure Signal The wheel exposure units were designed to expose mice to the complex GSM and DCS signals. The European Telecommunication Standard Institute (ETSI) provides the technical standards for mobile communication at GSM 900 and DCS 1800 [102]. Both use the same digital modulation, but use different carrier frequencies; DCS 1800 is occasionally also referenced as GSM 1800. Therefore the same modulation signal on different carrier frequencies was applied for the two exposure systems. The carrier frequencies for the exposure systems were chosen in the middle of the uplink band at 902 MHz for the GSM 900 signal and at 1747 MHz for the DCS 1800 signal. The exposure signal with its frequency and power modulation cocktail was carefully chosen, broadly discussed and internationally presented at conferences, before its final design was decided (see i.e., [7] [103] [104]). The applied signal is a 3-phase signal cocktail and simulates all elements of an exposure as occurring during usage of a mobile phone in the environment: • Phase I: In this first phase (GSM Basic), the exposure condition was as it occurs during talking, i.e., one active slot per basic frame, with each 26th basic frame idle (Figure 6.7). 6.4. SETUP DESIGN 113 • Phase II: The second phase (GSM Talk) simulated a conversation, i.e., a random change between the non-DTX (average time active: 2/3) and DTX (average time active: 1/3) modes. • Phase III: The third phase (GSM Environment) simulated the exposure during a conversation while moving in the environment. This included GSM features such as non-DTX, DTX, power control, and handovers, etc., according to their statistical occurrence. The statistical parameters were derived from measurements performed by [105] and [106]. At Fraunhofer ITEM all three phases with a duration of 40 minutes each were applied, leading to an exposure time of 120 min. At the replication study at RBM only the first phase (GSM Basic) was applied for a duration of 60 min. The peak SAR level for all three phases is constant; however, the resulting average SAR level varies: 100 % (GSM Basic), 70 % (GSM Talk) and 26 % (GSM Environment). Figure 6.8 shows the applied signal at Fraunhofer ITEM, the graphic was derived from actual exposure data. The exposure signal itself was generated by a computer-controlled vector signal generator (SMIQ 02B, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany) combined with a custom-made frame-controlling unit (SPEAG, Switzerland) and amplified by a custom-made water-cooled highpower amplifier (LS Elektronik, Sweden). 114 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP Non-DTX 4.6 ms 4.6 ms 26 frames 104 frames, 480 ms DTX Figure 6.7: Intermediate multiframe structure of the non-DTX and DTX modes (composed of 104 basic frames with a duration of 480 ms). One basic frame consists of eight time slots with a total duration of 4.6 ms. In non-DTX mode, up to 100 out of 104 frames are active, whereas in DTX mode transmission reduces to twelve active frames. 6.4. SETUP DESIGN Phase I: GSM Basic Phase II: GSM Talk Phase III: GSM Environment DTX OFF (avg. duration: 11ms) 100 DTX Power Factor [%] 115 DTX OFF 80 60 DTX 40 20 DTX ON Power Control Factor [%] 0 DTX ON (avg. duration: 5.5ms) 100 80 60 40 20 Power Control 0 100 % SAR Factor [%] 100 80 DTX and Power Control SARavg 70 % 60 40 26 % 20 0 0 20 40 60 Time [min] 80 100 120 88 89 90 Time [min] Figure 6.8: Three phases of exposure signal: GSM Basic, GSM Talk and GSM Environment. The peak SAR level for all three phases is constant; however, the resulting average SAR level varies: 100 % (GSM Basic), 70 % (GSM Talk) and 26 % (GSM Environment). 116 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.5 Dosimetry and Validation The aim of the exposure system was to apply a well defined dose with little variation; therefore each exposure system was optimized with respect to the dosimetric performance within the given boundaries. Especially in multi-dose studies it must be assured that each dose level is clearly separated. This section shows the dosimetry and uncertainty assessment that were performed; details about the applied dosimetric methodology can be found in [15] and [88]. 6.5.1 Dosimetric Method, Tools and Models One of the goals was to establish a constant whole-body SAR exposure over the study period. During the beginning of the exposure system development it was decided to base the exposure feedback system on E-field sensors since direct power measurements are not reliable for exposure prediction in resonant structures. The antenna output power was controlled through a power control function which provides the relation between the target average whole-body SAR, the measured Efield at the field sensor positions and average mass of the mice loaded into the exposure unit. This power control function was established by numerical and experimental means and is given through the following relation: 2 SARW B = |Einc | · η(m) (6.1) Where the absorption efficiency η(m) is a function of animal size (weight). η(m) was determined by numerical means and verified with dummy measurements as part of the preliminary dosimetry. The final dosimetry included a more extensive experimental verification of η(m). Since the dimensions of the wheel exposure unit were too large to simulate in total with the available computers, the numerical evaluation was performed using sector models of the exposure setup, consequently the experimental part played a major role in the performed dosimetry. The numerical evaluation enabled a rigorous uncertainty and variability evaluation of the dosimetric parameters. 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 117 Dosimetry, Uncertainty and Variations The applied dosimetry, uncertainty and variability assessment was based on extensive experimental measurements and numerical evaluations. The exposure systems were calibrated on-site at the partner laboratories, having the advantage to include influences of transport and installation. For these on site dosimetric measurements a new dosimetric method based on temperature measurements was developed and applied. The experimental examinations were performed using mouse dummies of various sizes and in different loading scenarios, representing the range of animals weights occurring during the experiments. The target was the determination of the whole-body averaged SAR and corresponding E-field sensor readings, for the rela2 tion SARW B /|Einc | . Additional measurements were also performed at the laboratories of the Foundation IT’IS for a general analysis of the wheel setup performance and for worst-case scenarios (see also Chapter 7). The numerical dosimetry was performed in the following steps: detailed numerically optimized models (with respect to accuracy and numerical efficiency) of the two physical exposure setups at 900 MHz and 1800 MHz were generated. For validation, these numerical setups were compared with the performances of the detailed measurements with dummy tubes of different sizes. Afterwards detailed anatomical mouse models were placed in the numerical setup, representing averaged positions and postures in the restraining tubes. Numerical results from scaled anatomical models represented the entire lifespan of mice were further refined using different anatomical mouse models to simulate different ages. The uncertainty/variation considerations incorporate further aspects influencing the assessment of the SAR values. This includes experimentally examination findings, setup performance parameters from the actual study and results determined with numerical evaluations like variations of physical parameters [variations in body weight (lifetime), anatomy (male/female, species)], mouse positions and postures [sector position (four positions), position in the restrainer tube (front, back), posture (stuffed vs. non-stuffed), stopper contact (full contact, no contact)], as well as the influence of the dielectric proper- 118 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP ties of the tissue parameters (σ, ). The final dosimetry, variability and uncertainty assessment combined all results: (1) extensive dosimetric measurements, (2) variations from exposure data of the conducted study at the partner laboratory and (3) the results from the extensive numerical simulations. This allowed the detailed assessment of the whole-body averaged SAR, spatial peak SAR in the whole animals, organ-averaged SAR value and spatial peak SAR in all organs. Such a detailed dosimetry and uncertainty/variability assessment is new for in vivo setups and was performed within the PERFORM A project for the first time. It required extensive work to conduct such a full dosimetric evaluation; my focus was the experimental part, while the numerical parts were performed by Dr. Veronica Berdiñas, Anja Klingenböck and Dr. Jürg Fröhlich. Presented here are the conclusive results for the exposure setup; details on the numerical evaluation can be found in [107] and [48]. A brief overview is given in here for completeness. To perform such a detailed dosimetry and uncertainty assessment requires specialized measurement equipment, the development of representative mouse dummies for experimental evaluation, the development of a dosimetric method and the development of high resolution numerical mouse phantoms of different sizes, genders, species. Standard Tools: SEMCAD, DASY4 and EASY4 The numerical evaluation of the setup was performed using the FDTD simulation platform SEMCAD Version 1.8 (SPEAG, Switzerland). SEMCAD is a powerful dosimetric simulation tool; it allows efficient 3D real-time modeling of complex structures consisting of hundreds of polyhedra; graded meshes with local resolution independent of animal orientation and segmentation are automatically generated. SEMCAD was extended for the automatic numerical evaluation of the averaged, maximum, minimum SAR values for the whole-body and for every organ and tissue. The experimental evaluations were conducted using the nearfield scanner DASY4 (SPEAG, Switzerland) equipped with the latest SPEAG probes. Details on DASY can be found in [83], the field/dosimetric probes are described in [108] and [109]. 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 119 All temperature measurements were conducted using the 4-channel data acquisition system EASY4 (SPEAG, Switzerland) equipped with SPEAG thermal probes. This enabled temperature measurements in an RF environment with automatic recording of the temperature over long time periods. Figure 6.9: DASY4 examination of the wheel during the evaluation. Temperature Method for Dosimetric Whole-Body SAR Determination A simple and reliable dosimetric method was developed and used to conduct efficient on-site dosimetric analysis and calibrations at the animal laboratories. The temperature method is described in detail in Section 7.6.2 and allows the assessment of the exposure uniformity of whole-body average SAR as a function of position within the wheel as well as the absolute determination of the whole-body averaged SAR (SARW B ). 120 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP Figure 6.10: Direct and sophisticated temperature method for dosimetric whole-body SAR determination in mouse dummies using EASY4 systems and RF immune temperature probes. Experimental Models Four different homogeneous mouse dummies were generated to represent different sizes or ages of the exposed mice over the life-time study. The dummy sizes correspond to mice of the sizes: 20 g, 31 g, 37 g and 46 g. Figure 6.11 shows a direct comparison of a small/young mouse with a 17 ml dummy. 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 121 The mouse dummies consist of a plastic tube with a conically tapered end at one side and a removable fitting cap at the other. The plastic tubes (No. 1611, Semadeni, Switzerland) are made out of polypropylene with a volume of up to 40 ml. The tube has an outer diameter of 32 mm and a length of up to 90 mm. All dummies differ only in length. The lengths of the tubes were shortened to generate the different dummy sizes, so that the dummy is always completely filled with as little air inside as possible. The dummy tubes were filled with tissue simulating liquid. Different liquids were used for each frequency, as the dielectric parameters are frequency dependent. For further information about the experimental models used, see also Section 7.6.4. Figure 6.11: Left: young mouse in a small restrainer tube; right: small dummy in a mouse tube. Numerical Models The numerical models, tools and simulations were generated and used within the project [107] but not within this thesis. However, an overview is provided since the numerical results are part of the dosimetry, uncertainty and variability assessment. For the numerical evaluation new high resolution anatomical mouse models were generated, since previous dosimetric studies have shown that available models with axis resolutions of larger than 1 mm are insufficient to achieve reliable estimates of the absorption [110]. Therefore high resolution pictures of the entire animal were generated. For this purpose animals were placed in an exposure tube and frozen in microtome liquid. The frozen blocks containing the animal were moved over an adapted electro planer and tissue pictures were taken with a high resolution scanner. Graphical processing of the segmentation models of these pictures generated high resolution anatomical 122 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 3D mouse models which were used in the numerical evaluation. The following three anatomical mouse models were generated, each with 46 different tissues: (1) mouse OF1 (female, 19.7 g, slice separation 0.52 mm), (2) mouse OF1 (male, 37.2 g, slice separation 0.74 mm) and (3) mouse Pim1 (male, 51.9 g, slice separation of 0.48 mm). Figure 6.12 shows on the left side a discretized mouse model with its tissues and on the right side the three anatomical mouse models. OF1( Femal e) OF1( Mal e) PI M1( Mal e) Figure 6.12: Left: mouse model with discretized tissues; right: the three anatomical mouse models OF1 male, female and Pim1 male. In addition to the three anatomical mouse models, four scaled mouse and two stuffed mouse models were generated: mouse scaled OF1-29 (female, 29.1 g), mouse scaled OF1-31 (male, 30.9 g), mouse scaled Pim1-61 (male, 60.9 g) and mouse scaled Pim1-69g (male, 69.1 g); the two stuffed mouse models were: mouse stuffed OF1-19 (female, 19.6g, slice separation 0.36 mm) and mouse stuffed OF1-37 (male, 37.1 g, slice separation 0.67 mm). Furthermore - to examine anatomical differences - the three anatomical mice were all scaled to the same weight of approximately 31 g. Due to its large dimensions, it was only possible to simulate sectors of the wheel exposure unit. Figure 6.14 shows the models used for the 900 MHz and the 1800 MHz setups. Figure 6.13 shows examples of simulation models: a homogeneous dummy for comparison to measurements on the left side and a stuffed mouse model in an exposure tube on the right side. Further details about the mouse models used and the numerical simulations performed can be found in [107]. 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 123 Figure 6.13: Left: 37 ml liquid filled dummy in a large tube; right: 25.2 g stuffed mouse with stopper in a small tube (source [107]). 900MHzSet upSect orModel( wi t hhi ghper mi t t i vi t ybr i cks) 1800MHzSet upSect orModel Figure 6.14: Numerical sector models of the 900/1800MHz setups (source [107]). 124 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.5.2 Initial Setup Challenges At installation of the mouse exposure systems the occurrence of higher modes was detected. The challenge during the experimental evaluation of the PERFORM A prototype wheel was an initial strong coupling effect between neighboring mice of as large as 8 dB at 900 MHz, which was solved/minimized through the introduction of high permittivity dielectric blocks between the outer mouse tubes. This initial prototype wheel was not examined for higher modes; the revised prototype became available in February 2001. At that time the study plan for the start of the main study was finalized and the large amount of mice ordered; the installation of the exposure systems was scheduled for May. Due to the time pressure, the second prototype was mainly confirmed for the effectiveness of the high-permittivity blocks, before the series of the exposure system wheels were built. The higher modes were then discovered during installation of the exposure systems at the partner laboratories. In personal communication from the developer of the original Ferris wheel setup, significant higher modes were not detected for the original exposure unit [45] [111] [112]. To examine the differences, a comparison of the Ferris wheel setups was decided, which is presented in Chapter 7. Higher modes are excited by any asymmetrical changes; the magnitude is a function of asymmetries of the mechanical construction as well as of animal weight, posture and position within the tubes. Higher modes lead to a significant non-uniformity of the whole-body exposure with respect to position as well as an increased uncertainty of the absolute SAR assessment. Immediate modifications of the original design were developed to reduce the resulting uncertainties as much as possible. The constraints were affordability, realizability within three months and that the modifications could be undertaken on-site. The wheel modifications were completed in October 2001, prior to the start of the main study. Of great concern was also that the field sensor based feedback concept failed due to the dependence of the field at the sensor location in the presence of higher modes. Initially the E-field sensors were placed at two different radius and angular positions (positions 14 and 23 counting clockwise from the top), each of which lay at an E-field maximum of the standing wave. The sensor positions were changed. 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 125 The following improvements were introduced: • A dosimetry method was developed which is fast and suitable for analyzing the wheel exposure units accurate enough to conduct a SAR calibration on-site (see temperature method in Section 7.6.2). • The original stoppers were replaced by stoppers made of PFTE, enriched with 25% carbon. This helped to reduce the quality factor of the wheel for small mice. • The sensor positions were moved as close as possible to the antenna in order to reduce sensitivity to reflected fields. • An rotation schema for the mouse exposure was proposed to leverage the position dependent effect on the SARW B over time. An on-site SAR calibration of all wheels via the new temperature method was conducted at the partner laboratories. The power transfer function was modified accordingly: the originally numerical assessed absorption efficiency η(m) (see Equation 6.1) for the symmetric wheel was extended for the new sensor positions and the existence of nonsymmetric higher modes and replaced through the new absorption efficiency η 0 : η 0 (mmouse ) = ν · ηsim (mmouse )/ηsim (mdummy ) (6.2) Whereby ν is the measured SAR averaged over all considered 2 mouse positions divided by the weighted averaged value of Einc at the two new sensor positions. ηsim (mdummy ) is the numerically assessed efficiency for the dummies. The pre-study was performed at selected and marked mouse positions in the upper third of the wheels. The exposure conditions remained acceptable, since most of the mouse positions were filled with dummy mice. Their dosimetric values can be found in reports [113] and [114]. Presented here is the dosimetry and uncertainty assessment for the modified exposure system. 126 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.5.3 Results of Variations Dosimetry, Uncertainty and The final dosimetry consisted of the assessment of the whole-body average as well as the organ average specific absorption rate SAR for the different exposure phases. The ultimate target was to have constant and uniform whole-body and organ-specific SAR during the entire exposure period. Due to physical restrictions this target could not be achieved. Hence the objective was to provide an exposure which is as constant and as uniform as achievable and to provide a comprehensive dosimetric analysis. The results are presented here. Dosimetry, uncertainty and variability assessment were conducted using the new methodology as described in [15]. Data were included from the numerical evaluations conducted by Dr. Veronica Berdinãs [107], my experimental setup evaluations and my setup performance summary of the systems at the animal laboratories [115] [116] [117]. Further considered were influences from the study: a rotational scheme with a weekly rotation of the mouse positions was applied, so that each mouse was exposed at all positions in the wheel during the course of the life-time study. The variability analysis respects these influences and differs in parameters which have an instant and which have a life-time influences. The parameters for the variability assessment are listed in Table 6.1 and were considered according to [47] with k=1. Table 6.2 shows the parameters considered in the uncertainty evaluation (also according to [47], but with k=2). The combined results are summarized in the following Tables 6.3 to 6.8 and include: • Whole-body averaged SAR for the entire exposure group and exposure period as well as the estimation of the uncertainty of this value, • development over time of the weekly whole-body SAR for the entire exposure group, • assessment of the organ averaged SAR for the entire exposure group and the estimation of the uncertainty of this value, • uncertainty of the exposure separation between groups, 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 127 • assessment of the instant single animal variation of the wholebody and organ exposure with respect to the whole-body average SAR, • assessment of the single animal variation of the whole-body and organ exposure averaged over the entire exposure period with respect to the weekly whole-body average SAR, • assessment of the spatial peak SAR (5mg, 0.5mg) as well as its variation. Parameter: Variation Assessment Wheel sensor linearity Sensor value dependence (weight) Variation of weight Effect of neighbors (weight) Effect of neighbors (position in tubes) Deviation from E-inc Weight function SAR/E2 Wheel homogeneity Position in wheel Posture Position in tubes Influence stopper Sweat/urine Instant Life-Time x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Table 6.1: Parameters considered in the variability analysis of the mouse exposure system. Due to the applied weekly rotational schema during the study, less parameters become relevant for the variability during life-time. 128 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP Parameter: Uncertainty Assessment Transfer calibration (calibration E-field probe, position E-field probe (±10 mm), sensor linearity) Setup model Anatomical model Dielectric parameters (epsilon (±10%), sigma (±10%)) Grid resolution Influence of stopper Table 6.2: Parameters considered in the uncertainty analysis of the mouse exposure system. Dosimetry and Uncertainty of 900 MHz Mouse Exposure System Table 6.3 provides the dosimetry for the weekly whole-body averaged SAR for the entire exposure group, including the uncertainty. The whole-body averaged SAR development over time of the entire group was kept constant during the entire period of exposure. The spatial peak SAR averaged over 5 mg and 0.5 mg are summarized for different anatomical models in Table 6.4. Table 6.5 shows the average ratio of the average organ SAR to whole-body SAR within the wheel. The targeted exposure separation by a factor of three between the dose groups could be maintained with an uncertainty of less than 1 dB. 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 129 900 MHz Exposure System Exposure Dose high medium low sham a b Phase I [W/Kg] SARW B Phase II [W/Kg] Phase III [W/Kg] Uncertainty SD (k=2) [dB] 4.0 1.3 0.4 0 2.8 0.93 0.31 0 1.04 0.35 0.11 0 ±2.6 ±2.6 ±2.6 0 Variations SDa SDb [dB] [dB] ±2.2 ±2.2 ±2.2 0 ±1.2 ±1.2 ±1.2 0 Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 6.3: Dosimetry for the weekly whole-body averaged SAR for the entire exposure group, including the value uncertainty for the 900 MHz exposure. The phases correspond to the three applied signal scenarios (see Section 6.4.3). 900 MHz Exposure System Tissue SAR5mg SAR0.5mg a b Spatial Peak SAR / SARW B (Group&Lifetime Avg) [dB] Uncertainty SD (k=2) [dB] 17.9 19.3 ±6.0 ±5.7 Variations SDa SDb [dB] [dB] ±4.4 ±3.3 ±2.6 ±1.8 Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 6.4: Estimation of spatial peak SAR for the 900 MHz exposure (source: [107]). 130 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 900 MHz Exposure System Tissue Bladder Blood Bone Marrow Bones Brain Cartilages Eyes Fat Gland, Lacrimal Glands Heart Kidneys Large Intestine Liver Lungs Muscles Nerves Oesophagus Pharynx Skin Small Intestine Spinal Cord Spleen Stomach Tongue Trachea a b SARorgan /SARW B (Group&Lifetime Avg) [dB] -0.6 1.6 -4.6 -7.5 -2.1 -1.7 -1.6 -7.2 -1.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.2 0.2 1.8 0.1 -2.9 0.5 -0.9 -0.7 2.7 -1.2 0.6 0.0 0.2 -0.9 Uncertainty SD (k=2) [dB] ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 4.0 2.7 3.4 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.6 3.0 2.6 2.9 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.6 3.8 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.6 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.6 Variations SDa SDb [dB] [dB] ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 3.6 2.9 4.2 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.3 3.8 3.8 3.3 3.3 2.6 3.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.3 2.7 3.2 2.7 3.5 3.3 2.7 2.7 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 1.6 2.1 3.2 2.1 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.8 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.3 1.9 1.9 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.3 1.3 Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 6.5: Organ averaged SAR exposures as a group average and with consideration of location and temporal variations for the 900 MHz exposure (source: [107]). 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 131 Dosimetry and Uncertainty of 1800 MHz Mouse Exposure System Table 6.6 provides the dosimetry for the weekly whole-body averaged SAR for the entire exposure group, including its uncertainty. The whole-body averaged SAR development over time of the entire group was kept constant during the entire period of exposure. The spatial peak SAR averaged over 5 mg and 0.5 mg are summarized for different anatomical models in Table 6.7. Table 6.8 shows the average ratio of the average organ SAR to whole-body SAR within the wheel. The targeted exposure separation by a factor of three between the dose groups could be maintained with an uncertainty of less than 1 dB. 1800 MHz Exposure System Exposure Dose high medium low sham a b Phase I [W/Kg] SARW B Phase II [W/Kg] Phase III [W/Kg] Uncertainty SD (k=2) [dB] 4.0 1.3 0.4 0 2.8 0.93 0.31 0 1.04 0.35 0.114 0 ±2.2 ±2.2 ±2.2 0 Variations SDa SDb [dB] [dB] ±1.6 ±1.6 ±1.6 0 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8 0 Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 6.6: Dosimetry for the weekly whole-body averaged SAR for the entire exposure group, including the value uncertainty for the 1800 MHz exposure. The phases correspond to the three applied signal scenarios (see Section 6.4.3). 132 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 1800 MHz Exposure System Tissue SAR5mg SAR0.5mg a b Spatial Peak SAR / SARW B (Group&Lifetime Avg) [dB] Uncertainty SD (k=2) [dB] 8.9 10.1 ±2.3 ±3.2 Variations SDa SDb [dB] [dB] ±2.3 ±2.8 ±1.7 ±2.1 Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 6.7: Estimation of spatial peak SAR for the 1800 MHz exposure (source: [107]). 6.5. DOSIMETRY AND VALIDATION 133 1800 MHz Exposure System Tissue Bladder Blood Bone Marrow Bones Brain Cartilages Eyes Fat Gland, Lacrimal Glands Heart Kidneys Large Intestine Liver Lungs Muscles Nerves Oesophagus Pharynx Skin Small Intestine Spinal Cord Spleen Stomach Tongue Trachea a b SARorgan /SARW B (Group&Lifetime Avg) [dB] -2.9 5.2 -6.1 -7.5 1.0 1.5 -1.4 -8.6 -0.8 3.1 4.3 -1.4 0.3 1.0 4.5 0.5 -0.6 4.0 0.8 -2.7 1.8 1.3 -4.3 -1.1 0.6 3.1 Uncertainty SD (k=2) [dB] ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 3.0 2.3 3.2 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.3 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.2 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.3 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.4 3.3 2.3 Variations SDa SDb [dB] [dB] ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 3.5 2.3 3.2 2.3 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.1 2.7 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.6 2.8 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 1.6 1.4 2.4 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.1 1.2 2.1 1.5 1.1 2.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.9 2.1 1.2 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.8 2.1 2.2 Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 6.8: Organ averaged SAR exposures as a group average and with consideration of location and temporal variations for the 1800 MHz exposure (source: [107]). 134 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.6 Setup Performance during Study The PERFORM A mouse exposure systems for 900 MHz and 1800 MHz operated successfully during the 18- and 24-month studies at RBM and Fraunhofer ITEM. All systems had an on-time of more than 98 %. Figures 6.15 and 6.16 show the summarized sensor readings of the three systems, and Table 6.9 lists the occurring incidents and failures, which required technical maintenance. A detailed report which includes the performance of each wheel can be found in [115], [116] and [117]. The average SAR offset level for each wheel from its target value was less than 1 dB at all systems. The measured deviations in SAR remained below 0.5 dB. On April, 29th 2002 at Fraunhofer ITEM 900 MHz the only incident occurred where the maximum deviation from the target SAR was exceeded. The RF switch in the amplifier failed and for a brief moment (<1 minute) group A in wheel 4 was exposed with 6.9 dB more SAR than the targeted amount until the system detected the failure and automatically shut down. Apart from this single event, all other technical incidents were automatically detected. The SAR offset and deviations of the exposure system performance were considered in the overall SAR analysis and uncertainty determination of the previous section. The environmental sensor values recorded an average temperature for the exposure session of (22±3) ◦ C, an oxygen level of (20.4±0.5) % and a humidity range between 21 % and 76 % during the entire study time. There were some incidents where EMI issues disturbed the environmental sensor readings; however due to the redundant system design this was uncritical. The oxygen sensor readings were backed up through a speed sensor of the ventilators; temperature and humidity were additionally monitored from the partner laboratories. The ventilator speed was constant at all times, the mice were always supplied with enough oxygen and the temperature and humidity was within the target zone at all times. The RBM 900 MHz exposure study was performed between October, 24th 2001 and June, 12th 2003. The exposure took place seven days per week. Exposed were two groups in two shifts with a GSM basic signal for a duration of 60 min. On nine exposure days no exposure was possible due to uncritical system failures; this resulted 6.6. SETUP PERFORMANCE DURING STUDY 135 in an on-time of more than 98 % during the 18-month study. The Fraunhofer ITEM 900 MHz exposure study was performed between November, 1st 2001 and October, 31st 2003. The Fraunhofer ITEM 1800 MHz exposure study was performed between November, 8th 2001 and November, 7th 2003. Both exposures took place on five days per week. Exposed were in each system two groups of mice per wheel in two shifts applying all three phases (each 40 min) of the exposure signal for a duration of 120 min. The 900 MHz system showed failures on 13 days, such that 18 of the scheduled 26 exposure shifts could not be performed or showed failures. Though this system showed the largest number of technical incidents, it had an on-time of 98% during the 24-months. The 1800 MHz system worked well and had only one unplanned non-exposure day due to a failure. The 1800 MHz system had an on-time of more than 99 % during the 24month study. Figure 6.15: Summary of field and environment sensor recordings for all exposure wheels at RBM. 136 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP Figure 6.16: Summary of all field and environment sensor recordings for all exposure wheels at Fraunhofer ITEM 900 (upper graphs) and Fraunhofer ITEM 1800 (lower graphs). 6.6. SETUP PERFORMANCE DURING STUDY Date First Exp. Second Exp. 137 Remark about Incident 900 MHz Exposure System at 11.11.2001 no exp no exp 12.11.2001 no exp no exp 13.11.2001 no exp no exp 15.12.2002 no exp no exp 16.12.2002 no exp no exp 17.12.2002 no exp no exp 01.05.2003 no exp no exp 02.05.2003 no exp no exp 03.05.2003 no exp no exp RBM DCU failure DCU failure IT’IS service Amplifier problem Amplifier problem IT’IS service Amplifier failure Amplifier failure IT’IS service 900 MHz Exposure System at 07.11.2001 ok 45 min 25.01.2002 55 min ok 28.01.2002 no exp no exp 26.04.2002 high dev. ok Fraunhofer ITEM EMI at T+H sensor wheel 1 EMI at O2 sensors in wheel 3 EMI at sensors RF switch failure lead to dev from target level for group A in wheel 1: -1.6 dB and wheel 4: +2.6 dB. Broken RF switch in amplifier lead to dev for group A wheel 1: -4.7 dB from target level and wheel 4: +6.9 dB. Repair by IT’IS EMI problems, O2-sensor, wheel 3 EMI problems, O2-sensor, wheel 3 O2-sensor, wheel 3 switched off. 29.04.2002 no exp no exp 30.04.2002 29.07.2002 30.07.2002 31.07.2002 - 1.11.2002 25.06.2003 09.07.2003 10.07.2003 11.07.2003 15.07.2003 no exp ok 30 min ok no exp 25 min ok ok no exp 60 min 115 min no exp 115 min no exp ok ok no exp ok Ventilator defect. Power supply O2-sensor Power supply O2-sensor Power supply O2-sensor Power supply O2-sensor wheel wheel wheel wheel 4 4 4 4 defect. defect. defect. defect. 1800 MHz Exposure System at Fraunhofer ITEM 6.12.ok ok EMI of temperature sensor wheel 1, 17.12.01 no effect on exposure. 26.06.2003 no exp no exp Ventilator failure, replaced. Table 6.9: List of days with exposure failures during the PERFORM A study. 138 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.7 Conclusion The PERFORM A mouse studies at 900 MHz and at 1800 MHz were successfully conducted with the presented exposure systems. In these large-scale studies over 1500 mice were exposed in four doses (4 W/kg, 1.3 W/kg, 0.4 W/kg and sham). The technical quality control, support and maintenance during the entire time was ensured, with 98 % of the performed exposures completed successfully. The system worked reliably and malfunctions were detected automatically. The exposure systems were successfully blinded; the laboratory personnel did not identify the different dose groups at any time. Only non-toxic materials were used (stainless steel and plastic) for the construction of the setups. The design considered the light requirements of the mice and eased the daily handling routine, which included cleaning and a simple and rapid loading/unloading process. The exposure system was successfully designed to be operated by non-engineering personnel. All relevant exposure and environmental parameters (field, temperature, humidity, air flow and oxygen level) were monitored. The systems were sufficiently sealed: only negligible ambient ELF and RF fields in the laboratory were detected; laboratory personnel and mice in other dose group wheels were safe. GLP conformal studies are supported by the setup. The dosimetry and uncertainty analysis of the exposure systems were performed with extensive measurements and simulations. The average SAR of the whole-body as well as for each organ was specified for the duration of the exposure. The dosimetric parameters reported also include the uncertainty of the exposure separation between groups, instant single animal variation of the whole-body and organ exposure with respect to the whole-body average SAR, single animal variation of the whole-body and organ exposure averaged with respect to the weekly whole-body average SAR and the spatial peak SAR (5mg, 0.5mg) as well as their uncertainties. During the experimental evaluation phase it was detected that the wheel design has a drawback due to the occurrence of higher modes. A newly developed temperature method allowed an on-site dosimetry and fast experimental characterization of the setup. This enabled the application of countermeasures for maintaining the SAR distribution inside the animal as even as possible. The Ferris wheel design has the 6.7. CONCLUSION 139 disadvantage of any multi-mode setup: higher modes can be excited by the smallest asymmetries (Q of the cavity is high, small absorbing cross section). Measures such as lowering the Q value, reducing the interaction between animals, and higher-mode stirrers considerably improve the performance of this kind of setup. The inter-animal variation of the averaged exposure over lifetime is further lowered by following a strict rotational schema in the exposure protocol. The uncertainty/variability analysis examined the uniformity within the animal model and revealed further interesting findings: the variation of the average organ SAR values within the body can reach up to 8.6 dB from the whole-body SAR; the spatial peak SAR of the whole-body averaged SAR can reach up to 17.9 dB at 5 mg and 19.3 dB at 0.5 mg. The simulations also showed that the variations within animals are highly influenced through the exposure scenario. Depending on the biological endpoint under investigation, high variation of the averaged organ SAR can significantly influence the outcome of the statistical analysis. In vivo health risk assessment studies of electromagnetic fields should therefore always include organ-specific information of the specific absorption rate and thermal load. Depending on the aim of the study, wheel setups are still very useful within their SAR uniformity limitations. They have a high loading volume, high SAR efficiency due to the cavity design and deliver a good cost/SAR ratio. As presented in Chapter 7, wheel setups can achieve a high uniformity as demanded by the requirements for in vivo whole-body exposure studies through applying certain design concepts (small units, high permittivity bricks, rotational scheme, homogeneous load). However, the dosimetry of an exposure setup should always include an analysis of the whole-body and also an analysis of the detailed organ-specific SAR, including uncertainties and variations. For the outcome of the PERFORM A mouse study results, the occurring higher modes were not relevant; no negative effect findings were detected, and the dosimetry specified the whole-body and organ specific SAR including uncertainties for the study. The performed study was successfully conducted and completed. 140 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP 6.8 Study Abstracts: PERFORM A The described in vivo exposure setups were used in the large scale risk assessment exposure study PERFORM (A1 and A4) as well as an additional Micronucleus study. PERFORM A consists of 6 experiments divided into 5 parts, conducted under GLP according to the EU directives 83/571/EU Apx 3 and 91/507/EU: • PERFORM-A1: Two combined toxicity / carcinogenicity studies of 900 MHz GSM & 1800 MHz DCS exposures in B6C3F1 mice (NTP-like). This study was performed at Fraunhofer ITEM (Hanover, Germany). • PERFORM-A2: Two combined toxicity / carcinogenicity studies of 900 MHz GSM & 1800 MHz DCS exposures in Wistar rats (NTP-like). This study was performed at RCC (Liestal, Switzerland). • PERFORM-A3: Evaluation of 900 MHz GSM wireless communication signals on DMBA-induced mammary tumors in Sprague Dawley rats. This study was performed at Research Center Seibersdorf (Seibersdorf, Austria). • PERFORM-A4: Evaluation of 900 MHz GSM exposure on Lymphoma induction in E-PIM 1 transgenic mice. This study was performed at RBM (Ivrea, Italy). • PERFORM-A5: Exposure system design, construction & dosimetry. The setup development, dosimetry and maintenance as described in the previous sections was performed at the Foundation IT’IS (ETHZ, ARCS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). • ZHEJIANG: Evaluation of 900 MHz GSM wireless communication signals on DMBA-induced mammary tumors in Sprague Dawley rats. This study was performed at MRL, Animal Center & Dept. of Pathology, Zhejiang University, China. The carcinogenicity studies were the first NTP studies addressing the emerging health questions which have arisen in Europe and around 6.8. STUDY ABSTRACTS: PERFORM A 141 the world due to the use of wireless communications technologies and provided important contributions to the health hazard assessments of ICNIRP, IARC and WHO. The studies were conducted between 2001 and 2004 (A1, A4) and 2005 (A2, A3, Zhejiang). The studies were supported through the following co-founders: EU 5th Framework Program, BBW, MMF, GSMA, Foundation IT’IS. The performed studies led to a series of conference proceedings, reports and paper publications about the PERFORM A mouse setups. Here is a selection: [118], [119], [120], [121], [122] [48] [123], [119], [113] [114] [124] [125]. 6.8.1 Fraunhofer ITEM (Germany) Radiation Research, vol. 164, no. 4, pp. 431-439, 2005 Effects of 1-week and 6-week GSM/DCS Radiofrequency Exposure on Micronucleus Formation in B6C3F1 Mice B.D. Görlitz, M. Müller, S. Ebert, H. Hecker, N. Kuster, and C. Dasenbrock The aim of the study was to provide findings on possible induction of micronuclei in erythrocytes of the peripheral blood and bone marrow, in keratinocytes and spleen lymphocytes of mice exposed to radiofrequency (RF) for 2 hours per day over a period of 1 week and a period of 6 weeks, respectively. The applied signal simulated the exposure from GSM 900 and DCS 1800 handsets, including the lowfrequency amplitude-modulation components as occur during speaking (GSM Basic), listening (DTX) and moving within the environment (handover, power control). The carrier frequency was set to the center of the system’s uplink band, i.e., 902 MHz for GSM and 1747 MHz for DCS. Uniform whole-body exposure was achieved by restraining the mice in tubes at fixed positions in the exposure setup. Mice were exposed to slot-averaged whole-body SARs of 33.2, 11.0, 3.7 and 0 mW/g during the 1-week study and of 24.9, 8.3, 2.8 and 0 mW/g during the 6-week study. The exposure levels for the 1-week and the 6-week study were determined in a pre-test to confirm that no thermal effect could influence the genotoxic endpoints. During both experiments and for 142 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP both frequencies, no clinical abnormalities were detected in the animals. Cells of the bone marrow from the femur (1-week study), erythrocytes of the peripheral blood (6-week study), keratinocytes from the tail root and lymphocytes from the spleen (both studies) were isolated on slides and stained for micronucleus analysis. Per animal, 2000 cells each were scored in erythrocytes and in keratinocytes. In spleen lymphocytes, 1000 binucleated lymphocytes were scored for each animal. The RF exposure had no influence on the formation of red blood cells. After one week of exposure, the ratio of polychromatic to normochromatic erythrocytes was unchanged in the treated groups compared to the sham-exposed groups. Furthermore, the RF exposure of mice induced no increase in the number of micronuclei in erythrocytes of the bone marrow or peripheral blood, in keratinocytes, nor in spleen lymphocytes, compared to the sham control. Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 173-187, 2007 Carcinogenicity Study of GSM and DCS Wireless Communication Signals in B6C3F1 Mice T. Tillmann, H. Ernst, S. Ebert, S. Rittinghausen, and C. Dasenbrock N. Kuster, W. Behnke, The purpose of this study using a total of 1170 B6C3F1 mice was to detect and evaluate possible carcinogenic effects in mice exposed to radio-frequency-radiation (RFR) from Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and Digital Personal Communications System (DCS) handsets as emitted by handsets operating in the center of the communication band, that is, at 902 MHz (GSM) and 1747 MHz (DCS). Restrained mice were exposed for 2 h per day, 5 days per week over a period of 2 years to three different whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) levels of 0.4, 1.3, 4.0 mW/g bw (SAR), or were sham exposed. Regarding the organ-related tumor incidence, pairwise Fisher’s test did not show any significant increase in the incidence of any particular tumor type in the RF exposed groups as compared to the sham exposed group. Interestingly, while the incidences of hepatocellular carcinomas were similar in EMF and sham exposed groups, in both studies the incidences of liver adenomas in males decreased with 6.8. STUDY ABSTRACTS: PERFORM A 143 increasing dose levels; the incidences in the high dose groups were statistically significantly different from those in the sham exposed groups. Comparison to published tumor rates in untreated mice revealed that the observed tumor rates were within the range of historical control data. In conclusion, the present study produced no evidence that the exposure of male and female B6C3F1 mice to wireless GSM and DCS radio frequency signals at a whole body absorption rate of up to 4.0 W/kg resulted in any adverse health effect or had any cumulative influence on the incidence or severity of neoplastic and non-neoplastic background lesions, and thus the study did not provide any evidence of RF possessing a carcinogenic potential. 6.8.2 RBM (Italy) Radiation Research, vol. 168, no. 3, pp. 316-326, 2007 Carcinogenicity Study of 217 Hz-Pulsed 900 MHz Electromagnetic Fields in Pim1 Transgenic Mice G. Oberto, K. Rolfo, P. Yu, M. Carbonatto, S. Peano, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, and S. Tofani In an 18-month carcinogenicity study, Pim 1 transgenic mice were exposed to pulsed 900 MHz (pulse width: 0.577 ms; pulse repetition rate: 217 Hz) radiofrequency (RF) radiation at a whole-body specific absorption rate (SAR) of 0.5, 1.4 or 4.0 W/kg [uncertainty (k=2): 2.6 dB; lifetime variation (k=1): 1.2 dB]. A total of 500 mice, 50 per sex per group, were exposed, sham-exposed or used as cage controls. The experiment was an extension of a previously published study in female Pim 1 transgenic mice conducted by Repacholi et al. (Radiat. Res. 147, 631640, 1997) that reported a significant increase in lymphomas after exposure to the same 900 MHz RF signal. Animals were exposed for 1 h/day, 7 days/week in plastic tubes similar to those used in inhalation studies to obtain well-defined uniform exposure. The study was conducted blind. The highest exposure level (4 W/kg) used in this study resulted in organ-averaged SARs that are above the peak spatial SAR limits allowed by the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection) standard for envi- 144 CHAPTER 6. LARGE SCALE IN VIVO EXPOSURE SETUP ronmental exposures. The whole-body average was about three times greater than the highest average SAR reported in the earlier study by Repacholi et al. The results of this study do not suggest any effect of 217 Hz-pulsed RF-radiation exposure (pulse width: 0.577 ms) on the incidence of tumors at any site, and thus the findings of Repacholi et al. were not confirmed. Overall, the study shows no effect of RF radiation under the conditions used on the incidence of any neoplastic or non-neoplastic lesion, and thus the study does not provide evidence that RF radiation possesses carcinogenic potential. Chapter 7 SAR Uniformity in Ferris Wheel Setups 7.1 Abstract In vivo exposure setups, known as “Ferris wheel” setups, comprise a cylindrical electromagnetic cavity of two circular parallel plates in which rodents are exposed at the periphery by an antenna in the center of the cavity. Setups of different sizes ranging from 8 animals to 65 animals have been used for exposing mice in two-year bioassays as well as in experiments only requiring short-term exposure. This concept provides a mono-mode structure vertically between the plates but not radially. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of the multi-mode nature of the setup on the instant, weekly and life-averaged dosimetry. Three setups of 8, 40 and 65 animals with the corresponding radii of 166 mm, 480 mm, 670 mm were experimentally and numerically compared, all operating at 900 MHz. The instant exposure variations were large for inhomogeneous (realistic and worst-case) loading scenarios, i.e., as large as 7.4 dB (SD 2.1 dB) between the highest and the lowest whole-body SAR. Only for homogeneous loading with adult mice were the variations significantly lower (variations ≤ 2 dB with SD 1 dB). The variations in whole-body exposure depend on the cavity Q, size, asymmetry of constructions 145 146 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS and loading, as well as on the interactions between animals. However, the inter-animal variation of the averaged exposure over lifetime can be kept reasonably low by following a strict rotational scheme over time. 7.2 Introduction Ferris wheel (FW) exposure setups have been proposed by Motorola [45] as an affordable and efficient solution for exposing mice at wholebody specific absorption rate (SAR) values of up to several W/kg. Ferris wheel exposure setups comprise a radial electromagnetic cavity formed by parallel circular plates joined around the perimeter by an array of shorting posts. The cavity is excited in the center, whereas the animals are placed round the periphery at a defined radius. The FW concept is very effective with respect to: • space (vertical, narrow cylinders housing an entire group), • radio frequency power (resonant cavity), • number of exciters and amplifiers (only one exciter and amplifier per wheel). The most significant disadvantage of the setup is its multimode cavity. Locally, the incident field is a freespace-like TEM plane wave, as long as circumferential or longitudinal higher order mode excitation is not very significant. However, due to the rather high Q of the system even slight asymmetries may strongly excite higher order modes. 7.3 Objectives The objectives of this comparison study were to evaluate the effect of multi-modes on the instant, weekly and lifetime whole-body exposure as a result of asymmetries occurring during the experiments caused by movements and different weights of the mice and to provide the detailed dosimetry including uncertainty and variations for such setups. 7.4. EXAMINED FERRIS WHEELS 7.4 147 Examined Ferris Wheels Figure 7.1 shows the three Ferris wheel setups examined. They were developed and used in various health risk assessment studies: FW-O: The original Ferris wheel setup developed by Motorola Corporation was used in Adelaide, South Australia, as part of the National Health and Medical Research Council Electromagnetic Energy Program. FW-A: The large 65 animal wheel developed by the IT’IS Foundation was used in the PERFORM A program at Fraunhofer ITEM (Germany) and RBM (Italy) as well as in the Micronucleus Study [113] sponsored by CRADA. FW-B: The Mini Wheel Setup developed by the IT’IS Foundation was used at NRPB (Great Britain) within the PERFORM B program. Figure 7.1: Examined Ferris wheel exposure setups. FW-O: Motorola Ferris Wheel, FW-A: IT’IS PERFORM A Ferris Wheel, FW-B: IT’IS Mini Wheel. 7.5 Ferris Wheel Setup Design Each Ferris wheel consists of a resonant structure of two parallel, circular metal plates (see Figure 7.2). Around the edges of the plates, parallel metal bars connect the two plates and function as an electromagnetic short. The bars are such that they provide full reflections but also allow sufficient light for the animals. The structure is excited 148 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS in the center by a monopole or dipole structure (E-field normal to the plates, H-field circularly around the center). The antenna is matched to the resonant system, e.g., by external or internal tuning elements. Encased between the plates are symmetrically positioned cylindrical polycarbonate tubes arranged radially around the antenna. The animals are restrained in tubes by a stopper which prevents the animal from turning around or moving forward or backward. These tubes are the same or similar as used in inhalation studies for which a large database of NTP studies is available. The animals are inserted into the tubes between the plates, providing a well-defined position of the animal within the wheel. This was achieved in the experiments of FW-A and FW-B but not in FW-O, in which the animals could easily turn around, i.e., walk forwards and backwards. A defined airflow of 1 l/min was provided from one side, e.g., through a ventilation system consisting of a single ventilation tube per mouse or a ring channel with the corresponding overpressure. Metallic Bars as Short-cut Holder Tube Ra d 1 ius Rad Antenna Front View Metallic Plates on Front- and Backside ius 2 Side View Figure 7.2: Principle design – features front and side view of a Ferris wheel. The separation between the centers of the tubes were FW-O: 69mm, FW-A: 65mm, FW-B: 85mm. Initial studies showed strong electromagnetic coupling between the mice if they were of different Mouse Dummy and 7.5. FERRIS WHEEL SETUP DESIGN 149 weights. In order to achieve greater separation between the mice without changing the dimensions of the wheel, high permittivity bricks (=12) were positioned between the tubes. Additionally, the Q value was lowered by introducing PFTE restrainer stoppers enriched with 25% carbon. Differences in key design parameters are listed in Table 7.1. Wheel 0 Wheel A Wheel B Operating frequency 900 MHz 902 MHz 905 MHz Max. animals per wheel 40 65 8 Distance between plates Radius R1: plate center to location of mice Radius R2: plate center to short Short: - distance between polls - diameter 100 mm 440 mm 117 mm 670 mm 120 mm 111.5 mm 480 mm 755 mm 166 mm 18.25 mm 6.25 mm 10 mm 8 mm 10.5 mm 8 mm conical antenna conical antenna Exposure control by measurement of: capacitively coupled toploaded monopole antenna changing capacity forward and reflected power external 3-stub tuner two redundant E.inc sensors external 3-stub tuner two redundant E.inc sensors Environmental sensors none temperature, humidity, O2 none copper copper-clad laminate PCB polycarbonate copper stainless steel polycarbonate copper stainless steel polycarbonate Antenna type Tuning Materials: - antenna - plates - tubes Table 7.1: Key design parameters of the three Ferris wheel setups. 150 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS 7.6 Material and Methods The dosimetric examinations of the Ferris wheel setups consisted of experimental and numerical parts. The experimental part examined the averaged whole-body SAR of the mice in the wheel and the individual whole-body averaged SAR (SAR uniformity), including its uncertainty. The numerical examinations were performed by FDTD simulations using high resolution mouse models to validate and assess the uncertainty of the individual whole-body and organ-specific SAR. The same experimental method was applied to all three Ferris wheels. 7.6.1 Experimental Investigations All measurements were conducted in an air-conditioned anechoic chamber at the stable room temperature of 22 ±1 ◦ C. The examined exposure setups were loaded and operated with different mouse dummies (plastic tubes filled with dielectric liquid representing real mice). The wheels were standing upright as during the study to have the same mechanical forces on the metallic plates and consequent possible deformations. The background temperature was monitored, as well as the horizontal and vertical temperature distributions in the surroundings of the wheel. The temperature of the dummies was recorded and measured using RF-immune thermistor probes (T1V3LA, SPEAG, Switzerland; noise level <0.005 ◦ C; absolute accuracy 0.1 ◦ C). Usually, an exposure study uses mice of the same strain, similar mass and same age. However, the body mass changes over the course of the study. During a long-term study like, e.g., PERFORM A, mice grew from about 20g (age 4 weeks) to about 40g (after two years). Variations in mass occur between the mice, leading to differences of up to ± 40% from the average mouse mass. Figure 7.3 shows the body mass developement of male B6C3F1 mice as they were used in the FW-A during the Perform A study. The SAR uncertainty and variability assessment therefore requires examinations of the wheels with homogeneous and inhomogeneous loading scenarios. These were performed using four different dummy sizes, which correspond to the average mass of light/young mice of a few weeks of age (20g), average adult female mice (31g), average 7.6. MATERIAL AND METHODS 151 adult male mice (37g) and heavy/old mice (46g). The applied different loading situations are summarized in Table 7.2. Wheel loading A B C D E - 20g dummies mouse) - 31g dummies mouse) - 37g dummies mouse) - 46g dummies Assessment of (light/young (average female (average male - wheels loaded with various mouse weight classes (best case loading scenario) - aging during the lifespan/study duration - heat time constant τ (heavy/old mouse) - 20g dummies randomly shifted along body axis - 31g dummies randomly shifted along body axis - mouse movements, loose stopper - imprecise loading G - 31g dummies, every 4th (wheel O) or every 5th (wheel A) dummy was replaced alternating with a 20g or 46g dummy - strong weight variations with corresponding change in SAR for a wheel loaded with adult female mice H - 37g dummies, every 4th (wheel O) or every 5th (wheel A) dummy was replaced alternating with a 20g or 46g dummy - strong weight variations with corresponding change in SAR for a wheel loaded with adult male mice I - equal amount of 20g, 31g, 37g and 46g dummies. Locations were chosen randomly. - worst case weight variations with corresponding change in SAR J - loading of wheel A without bricks like in scenario G - influence and improvement due to the high permittivity bricks F Table 7.2: Loading scenarios to experimentally examine the uncertainty and variability of the Ferris wheel setups. 152 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS Figure 7.3: Body mass development of male mice during a two year study. Body mass increases during the course of the study with variations up to ±-40% from the average body mass. 7.6.2 Temperature Method for SAR Uniformity Assessment A temperature method enables the determination of the wheel averaged whole-body SAR as well as the individual deviation at each position in the cavity. When a liquid dummy is exposed to RF, its temperature change is determined through the applied RF radiation and through the heat transfer with a time constant tau. By applying the lumped-heat-capacity method ([126]: uniform temperature distribution in dummy; heat flux inside outside) the liquid temperature follows the differential equation: 7.6. MATERIAL AND METHODS 153 dT −(Tliquid − Troom ) SARW B = + dt τ cliquid (7.1) Two processes can occur: 1. RF is on: liquid temperature increases until an equilibrium state is reached at which the heat transfer due to the RF exposure and the heat loss due to convection equal out. 2. RF is off: liquid cools down through heat convection due to the lower environmental temperature. The SAR values result from the solution of the differential equation for long exposure times (t τ ) of the heating curve equation when the system is in an equilibrium temperature state: SARW B = cliquid ∆T τ (7.2) with cliquid as the heat capacity of the liquid with the time constant and ∆T as the liquid temperature increase. The determination of SARW B requires stable environmental temperatures, absolute temperature measurements of the dummy liquid and room temperature as well as the time constant (determined by fitting the theoretical curve to the recorded temperature change in the dummy liquid during the heating or cooling process). Table 7.3 shows an uncertainty analysis of the applied method as used. The analysis results in three combined standard uncertainties: the uncertainty of the relative SAR uniformities for a homogeneous and an inhomogeneous loading scenario are 5.2 % (0.22 dB) and 11.3 % (0.46 dB) respectively and the uncertainty for the absolute SAR determination is 13.0 % (0.53 dB). 154 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS Error Description Tolerance Prob. Distr. Standard Uncertainty Temperature T. probe accuracy T. distribution in dummy Room T. change over time T. distribution in room 2.0% 3.0% 4.5% 3.6% N R R R 2.0% 1.7% 2.6% 2.1% Dummy Variation in filling volume 5.00% R 2.9% Time constant τ τ determination 10.0% N 10.0% Liquid parameter Uncertainty of heat capacity Uncertainty of Uncertainty of σ 5.0% 7.1% 1.0% N R R 5.0 % 4.1% 0.6% Results in combined standard uncertainty (K=1) for - relative SAR uniformity (homog. loading) - relative SAR uniformity (inhomog. loading) - absolute SAR determination. 5.2% 11.3% 13.0% Table 7.3: Estimation of the combined standard uncertainties for the relative SAR uniformity at a homogeneous and inhomogeneous loading scenario and for the absolute SAR determination (conducted according to [47]). Probability Distribution N: normal and R: rectangular. 7.6.3 Measurement Procedure 1. Load the Ferris wheel with dummies. 2. Place RF immune temperature sensor in at least one dummy and record the liquid temperature; also monitor that the environment temperature does not change over time. 3. Start the RF exposure of the dummies; choose the RF power level leading to a temperature increase in the dummies of about 10◦ C. 7.6. MATERIAL AND METHODS 155 4. After some hours of exposure the liquid temperature reaches equilibrium state, at which the additional heat due to the RF power is equal to the heat convection. With RF on, start the measurement of the liquid temperatures in the dummies consecutively: (a) Take one dummy out of the Ferris wheel. (b) Shake or stir the liquid to ensure an equal temperature distribution. (c) Measure the liquid temperature. (d) Put the dummy back into its original place. (e) Continue with the next dummy. The uncertainty analysis for the temperature measurements for the assessment of the whole-body SAR according to NIST Technical Note 1297 [47] revealed a combined standard uncertainty (k=1) of 13%. 7.6.4 Dummy Characteristics Special care was taken in selecting appropriate dummies representing the mice. Plastic tubes with a conical tip at one end and flat at the other end (No. 1611, Semadeni, Switzerland) represented the shape of a mouse in the restrainer tube; see also Figure 7.4. The tube length was adjusted to the filling amount, assuring the dummy was always completely filled. The lengths of the dummy tubes were in agreement with measurements of real mouse lengths in restrainer tubes. The dielectric parameters of the tissue simulating liquid yield comparable whole-body SAR in dummies and in mice as determined by FDTD simulations (SEMCAD Vers. 1.8, SPEAG, Switzerland). The criterion for the tissue simulating liquid was a comparable whole-body SAR in dummies and in mice. This was determined by FDTD simulations (SEMCAD Vers. 1.8, SPEAG, Switzerland) by exposing liquid dummies of the four weight classes and corresponding high resolution anatomical mouse models [122] in a sector model of a Ferris wheel setup while changing the liquid parameters (ε, σ) until the normalized whole-body averaged SAR agrees. A liquid with 156 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS ε = 27.9 and σ = 0.66 suits best for all four dummy sizes with a maximum deviation of 17 % in whole-body SAR. (This equals a dummy liquid consisting of 30 % deionized water and 70 % sugar, experimentally verified with a probe and network analyzer (Hewlett Packard, USA, accuracy ∆ = 5 % and ∆σ = 10 %)). The tissue simulating liquid consisted of 30 % deionized water and 70 % sugar, with the dielectric parameters: = 27.9 and σ = 0.66. The dielectric parameters of the liquid vary slightly when heated: ε increases linearly at a rate of ∆ε = 1 per 5◦ C over the measured range from 22◦ C room temperature to 43◦ C. In the same temperature range σ stays constant at the same level. The specific heat constant cliquid of the dummy liquid was determined with calorimetric measurements to cliquid = 2840J/(kgK). Several measurements of cliquid led to the same results within 5 % deviation. Figure 7.4: Mouse tube and conical dummy filled with a tissue simulating dielectric liquid. 7.6.5 Numerical Evaluation The numerical evaluations were performed within the PERFORM A mouse setup dosimetry and uncertainty assessment by Dr. Veronica Berdiñas. Details of the results are listed in [107]; the method followed the concept described in [15]. The FDTD simulations were performed with three different highresolution anatomical mouse models (strains OF1, PIM1) and four scaled mouse models to examine the effect on (1) body weight (lifetime), (2) anatomy (male/female, strain), (3) sector position (four positions), (4) position in the tube (front/back), (5) posture (restrained / non-restrained), (6) stopper contact (full contact, no con- 7.7. RESULTS 157 tact), (7) dielectric properties of tissue parameters (, σ) and discretization. In total more than 200 simulations were conducted to obtain the detailed dosimetry, its uncertainty and the instant and life-time variations. 7.7 Results The polar plots in Figures 7.5 and 7.6 present the SAR patterns which occur for the different loading scenarios. Displayed are the deviations of the individual whole-body SAR for each exposure location to the wheel averaged SAR. The polar plots reveal characteristic patterns for each wheel. Deviations between the dummy with the least amount of SAR and the one with the highest SAR represent the worstcase deviations in SAR uniformity. With homogeneous loading they range for wheel O between 1.1 and 2.9 dB (SD 1.1 dB), for wheel A between 1.5 and 4.0 dB (SD 1.2 dB) and for wheel B between 0.4 and 1.4 dB (SD 0.7 dB). An axial shift of the dummies decrease the SAR uniformity in all three wheels between 0.5 dB (wheel O) and 1.4 dB (wheel A). The SAR uniformity decreases dramatically for inhomogeneous loading scenarios: wheel O varies up to 7.4 dB (SD 2.1 dB) and wheel A up to 4.1 dB (SD 1.0 dB). In all wheels lighter animals receive less and heavier animals receive higher SAR compared to the wheel averaged SAR in the examined setups. Figure 7.7 presents the influence of the high permittivity bricks with an inhomogeneous loading scenario for FW-A. Comparing the loading scenarios of G and J shows that the usage of bricks improves the SAR uniformity by about 2 dB. Without bricks, the worst-case uniformity has a maximum deviation of up to 6.1 dB (SD 1.9 dB). The results of the detailed numerical uncertainty analysis (see Section 6.5.3) demonstrate that in long-term studies the overall variation can be strongly further reduced by introducing a strict rotational scheme, i.e., the position of the mice in the wheel is shifted at regular intervals (e.g., daily, weekly). The lifetime averaged variations are significantly lower than the occurring instant variations. 158 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS Figure 7.5: SAR uniformity pattern for homogeneous loading of the three Ferris wheels. Left side (scenarios A, B, C and D): all positions filled with either 20g, 31g, 37g or 46g dummies. Right side (scenarios B and F): all positions filled with 31g dummies in the correct loading position and shifted along the body axis in a random manner. The averaged SAR level is marked with a bold line at 0dB. 7.7. RESULTS 159 Figure 7.6: SAR uniformity pattern for inhomogeneous loading of FW-O and FW-A for loading scenario I: all positions are randomly filled with equal amounts of 20g, 31g, 37g and 46g dummies. The wheel averaged SAR level is marked with a bold line at 0dB. High deviations of up 7.4dB occur for this worst-case loading scenario between the highest and the lowest whole-body SAR. Figure 7.7: SAR uniformity pattern of FW-A with loading scenario G (with high permittivity bricks) and scenario J (without bricks). By introducing high permittivity bricks between the mouse holder tubes, the uniformity is improved by about 2dB. 160 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS SAR.sp/ SAR.wba [dB] [dB] Variations SDb SDc [dB] [dB] Spatial Peak SAR SAR 5mg 17.9 SAR 0.5mg 19.3 ± 6.9 ± 5.7 ± 4.4 ± 3.3 ± 2.6 ± 1.8 Organ/Tissue Bladder Blood Bone Marrow Bones Brain Cartilages Eyes Fat Gland, Lacrimal Glands Heart Kidneys Large Intestine Liver Lungs Muscles Nerves Oesophagus Pharynx Skin Small Intestine Spinal Cord Spleen Stomach Tongue Trachea ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± a b c -0.6 1.6 -4.6 -7.5 -2.1 -1.7 -1.6 -7.2 -1.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.2 0.2 1.8 0.1 -2.9 0.5 -0.9 -0.7 2.7 -1.2 0.6 0.0 0.2 -0.9 Uncertainty 4.0 2.7 3.4 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.6 3.0 2.6 2.9 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.6 3.8 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.6 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.6 3.6 2.9 4.2 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.3 3.8 3.8 3.3 3.3 2.6 3.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.3 2.7 3.2 2.7 3.5 3.3 2.7 2.7 1.6 2.1 3.2 2.1 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.8 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.3 1.9 1.9 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.3 1.3 Group and lifetime average. Instant standard deviation. Lifetime averaged standard deviation. Table 7.4: The detailed uncertainty and variability assessment of FWA shows that introducing a strict rotational scheme in long-term studies reduces the lifetime (2.6 dB) averaged variations compared to the instant (4.4 dB) variations (see also Section 6.5.3, source: [107]). 7.8. DISCUSSION 7.8 161 Discussion The results show that the SAR uniformity of all three Ferris wheel setups are rather low with worst-case variations of up to 7.4 dB (SD 2.1 dB). Possible reasons are, i.e., the occurrence of higher modes, a non-isotropic antenna pattern, sensitivity of the antenna pattern on the load, a very sharp Q-factor, imprecise manufacturing or asymmetries of the setup due to mechanical forces. The measurement results show several ways to improve the uniformity: introducing high permittivity bricks between the mouse positions to symmetricise and stabilize the field at the load; increasing the load mass (increase losses), so that the Q value of the cavity is lowered, though this lowers the SAR efficiency and therefore increases the amplification costs. It was also shown that the more homogeneous the mouse weight distribution in a Ferris wheel, the better the SAR uniformity; a shorter wheel radius additionally improves the SAR uniformity: wheel B showed the best performance. When using smaller exposure units, mice could be sorted more precisely into equal weight groups prior to the exposure. Furthermore, the averaging effect can be used in long-term studies to lower the overall variation by introducing a rotational scheme. The position of mice is thereby shifted at regular time intervals (e.g., weekly, daily) in the wheel, so that their average SAR tends towards the average SAR of the exposure wheel. Various concepts for whole-body exposure can be found in the literature. Classic concepts, like circular or rectangular waveguides and rectangular horns, appear not to deliver the required exposure uniformity to a larger number of animals [9], [127], [128]. Other, more modern concepts make use of radial waveguides [129] or sectoral waveguides [89] and revertebration chambers [88], which seem to have promising uniformity behavior. However, the Ferris wheel concept also achieves high uniformity, when all possible improvements (small units, high permittivity bricks, rotational scheme, homogeneous load) are applied. 162 CHAPTER 7. SAR UNIFORMITY IN FERRIS WHEELS 7.9 Conclusions Multiple radial modes occur in Ferris wheel setups, leading to assymetries in SAR. The instant exposure variations were large for inhomogeneous (realistic and worst-case) loading scenarios, i.e., as large as 7.4 dB between the highest and the lowest whole-body SAR (SD 2.1 dB). If a strict rotational scheme over time is followed, the inter-animal variation of the averaged exposure over lifetime can be kept reasonably low, i.e., better than 2.6 dB. In general non-multimode systems are preferred for bioexperiments since they result in: • better uniformity • greater repeatability • smaller variations. In addition non-multimode systems greatly simplify the complexity of the dosimetry and uncertainty analysis. Three Ferris wheel setups for the whole-body exposure of mice at 900 MHz have been examined with a temperature method, showing similar disadvantages in their SAR uniformity. Especially inhomogeneous loading scenarios – as they usually occur during long-term studies – lead to poor SAR uniformity behavior with variations of up to 7.4 dB (SD 2.1 dB). Only for homogeneous loading with adult mice are the variations of the individual whole-body SAR significantly lower (< 2 dB with SD 1 dB). Depending on the aim of the study, Ferris wheel setups are still useful within their SAR uniformity limitations. They have a high loading volume, high SAR efficiency due to the cavity design and provide a good cost/SAR ratio. Additionally, this study delivered several concepts to improve the uniformity; by applying those concepts (small units, high permittivity bricks, rotational scheme, homogeneous load) the Ferris wheel concept achieves the high uniformity demanded by the requirements for in vivo whole-body exposure studies [9]. Epilogue The objectives of this dissertation were achieved: the development, characterization and successful operation of optimized exposure systems for in vivo and human studies of the European PERFORM project with a significant contribution for all major requirements of such systems to provide well-defined, well-controlled, well-characterized, and artifact-free exposures. In PERFORM A the Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine in Germany conducted two combined chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies with 1170 B6C3F1 mice using GSM and DCS communication signals and the Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer in Italy performed a co-carcinogenicity study with 500 Pim1 mice using a GSM signal, which was also set up as a replication study of the widely discussed Adelaide study [99]. The developed mouse exposure systems worked successfully during the two years (life-time) laboratory study. The human provocation study PERFORM C conducted at the Department of Health Science of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden with close to 80 volunteers exposed to GSM signals was also successfully completed. All exposure systems operated fully self-controlled with an auto-detection of malfunctions and were well-characterized. Dosimetry, uncertainty and variability were assessed from experimental and numerical evaluations and also from the system performance data at the laboratories. The setup design significantly influences the exposure conditions, and it is a technical challenge to achieve well-defined and artifactfree exposures. The comparison study shows that slight design variations lead to significantly different exposures, especially in multi-mode systems. The exposure variations for each animal and between ani163 164 EPILOGUE mals were greatly improved by applying various design enhancements. A further highlight of this dissertation was the precise determination of the thermal thresholds of tube-restrained, whole-body RF exposed mice. Though thermal thresholds were determined before, it was possible to differ between the thermal regulatory and breakdown thresholds caused by RF exposure with a new precision. The knowledge of these thresholds made the PERFORM A study most relevant by setting the highest exposure dose as high as possible but below the threshold of induced known adverse biological affects. In addition to the exposure dose, the exposure signal is also crucial for well-designed exposure studies. The RF electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones have been well examined, but little was known about the low frequency magnetic fields caused through the relatively high amplifier supply currents. To close this knowledge gap, the B-field strengths and waveforms of commercial phones were assessed and an exposure signal proposed to be used in combined ELF/RF exposure studies. However, the most important outcome of this work comprises the biological study results which were derived with the technologies realized in this dissertation. Part of my work, though not included in this thesis, were also design, characterization and operation of the PERFORM A exposure systems for rats [90]. Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf (ARCS) and RCC Ltd in Switzerland conducted rat exposure studies within the PERFORM A project. In addition the Zhejiang University in China also conducted a study with rats using the same exposure setup. Five out of the six PERFORM A laboratory studies with mice and rats did not show any evidence that exposure had any adverse health effect [93] [94] [119] [123]. This includes the study at RBM in Italy conducted with Eµ-PIM 1 mice which have express elevated levels of the Pim-1 transgene in their lymphoid compartments, and as a result are predisposed to develop lymphomas. However, the DMBA study with Sprague-Dawley rats at the Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf [92] showed some incidents. In this study rats were initially exposed to 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracen (DMBA), so that they had an increased likelihood of receiving mammary cancer. The results at ARCS show significant differences between one or more of the EMFexposed groups and the sham exposed groups for the mammary glands and their neoplastic lesions; however, the largest differences in this 165 study were noted between the sham exposed group and the cage control group. The ARCS study is therefore considered as showing a borderline effect, in which the long-term repeated exposure to GSM902 MHz signals affects the DMBA induced mammary tumor response in rats with an equivocal biological relevance. Though not part of this thesis, it is interesting to mention that the results obtained in the PERFORM B replication studies were negative [42] and did not confirm the previously found effects (e.g., [130] [131] [132] [133]). The human provocation study PERFORM C focused on a different biological endpoint and examined subjective symptoms of a well-defined study group exposed to GSM signals for three hours. The study group included subjects reporting symptoms attributed to mobile phone use. The results reveal that neither group was able to detect RF exposure better than by chance. The results also reveal that headaches were more commonly reported after RF exposure than in the sham exposed control group, mainly due to an increase in the subject group not reporting symptoms attributed to mobile phone use [80]. The laboratory studies indicate that exposure to RF fields from mobile phones is unlikely to lead to an increase in cancer in humans. However, as the widespread duration of the exposure of humans to the RF-EMF from mobile phones is shorter than the induction time of some cancers, further studies are required to identify potential longer-term (beyond ten years) health risks. Relevant in this context will also be the currently conducted, life-time in vivo laboratory study at the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS, Chicago, USA) [134]). As for non-carcinogenic outcomes, several studies, in which subjects report subjective symptoms, indicate an association between RF exposure and single symptoms (e.g., PERFORM C). However, there is still a lack of consistency in the findings. One assumption under discussion is that an adverse non-specific effect caused by expectation or belief that something is harmful (nocebo effect) may play a role in symptom formation. So far there is no evidence that individuals, including those attributing symptoms to RF exposure, are able to detect RF fields [20] [80]. There is some evidence that RF fields can influence EEG patterns and sleep in humans [60] [135]. However, the health relevance is uncertain and mechanistic explanation is lacking. Further investigation of possible physiological correlations and other effects are needed. 166 EPILOGUE Appendices 167 List of Acronyms ARCS B6C3F1 Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf, Austria Laboratory mouse; first-generation hybrid strain by crossing C57BL/6 females and C3H males DASY Dosimetric Assessment System DCS Digital Cellular System DCU Digital Control Unit DMBA 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracen DTX Discontinuous Transmission (see GSM standard) DTX mode is active during listening phases EASY Four Channel Exposure Aquisition System EEG Electroencephalogram ELF MF Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMF Electromagnetic Field EMI Electromagnetic Interference ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology FDTD Finite-Difference Time-Domain Fraunhofer ITEM Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Germany FW Ferris wheel (exposure setup concept) GLP Good Laboratory Practice GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus GSM Global System for Mobile Communications GSMA GSM Association HR-EF1 High Resolution European Female 1 169 170 HPBW ICNIRP IIS IT’IS Karolinska MF MMF MRI NIST Non-DTX Pim1 RBM RCC RF RF-EMF SAM SAR SD SEMCAD SHAM SMP SPA SPEAG Sprague Dawley sXh TDMA TEM UMTS WHO LIST OF ACRONYMS Half-power beam width International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection Integrated Systems Laboratory Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society Karolinska Institute, Sweden Magnetic Fields Mobile Manufacturers Forum Magnetic Resonance Imaging National Institute of Standards in Technology, USA non-DTX mode is active during talking phases E µ-Pim1 transgenic mice are predisposed to develop lymphomas Istituto di Ricerche Biomediche Antoine Marxer, Italy RCC, Liestal, Switzerland Radio Frequency Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin Specific Absorption Rate Standard Deviation Simulation Platform for EMC, Antenna Design and Dosimetry An exposure without signal/agent Stacked Micropatch Antenna Huber & Suhner antenna model SPA 920/65/9/0/V Schmid & Partner Engineering AG, Switzerland Outbred multipurpose breed of albino rat used extensively in medical research System for Exposure of Humans Time Devision Multiple Access Transversal Electromagnetic Universal Mobile Telecommunication System World Health Organization Publications Publications covered in this Thesis 1. S. Ebert, S.-J. Eom, J. Schuderer, U. Apostel, T. Tillmann, C. Dasenbrock, and N. Kuster. “Response, thermal regulatory threshold, and thermal breakdown threshold of restrained RF-exposed mice at 905 MHz” Physics in Medicine and Biology vol. 50, no. 21, pp. 5203-5215, 2005. 2. M. Tuor, S. Ebert, J. Schuderer, and N. Kuster. “Assessment of ELF magnetic fields from five mobile handsets” Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, pp. 125-126, 2005. 3. L. Hillert, T. Åkerstedt, A. Lowden, C. Wiholm, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, C. Boutry, S.D. Moffat, M. Berg, and B. B. Arnetz. “The effects of 884 MHz GSM wireless communication signals on headache and other symptoms: an experimental provocation study” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 185-196, 2008. 4. B-D. Görlitz, M. Müller, S. Ebert, H. Hecker, N. Kuster, and C Dasenbrock. “Effects of 1-week and 6-week exposure to GSM/ DCS radiofrequency radiation on micronucleus formation in B6C3F1 mice”, Radiation Research, vol. 164, no. 4, pp. 431439, 2005. 5. T. Tillmann, H. Ernst, S. Ebert, N. Kuster, W. Behnke, S. Rittinghausen, and C. Dasenbrock. “Carcinogenicity study of GSM 171 172 PUBLICATIONS and DCS wireless communication signals in B6C3F1 mice” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 173-187, 2007. 6. G. Oberto, K. Rolfo, P. Yu, M. Carbonatto, S. Peano, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, and S. Tofani. “Carcinogenicity study of 217 Hz-pulsed 900 MHz electromagnetic fields in Pim1 transgenic mice” Radiation Research, vol. 168, no. 3, pp. 316-326, 2007. 7. S. Ebert, V. Berdiñas Torres, J. Fröhlich, and N. Kuster, “Comparison of wheel-like mouse exposure systems at 900 MHz”, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Dublin, Ireland, pp.354-355, 2005. Further Thesis related Publications 8. S. Ebert, R. Mertens, and N. Kuster. “Criteria for selecting specific EMF exposure conditions for bioexperiments in the context of health risk assessment”, Proceedings of the 14th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2001, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 181-182, 2001. 9. N. Kuster, W. R. Adey, S. Ebert, and W. Oesch. “Selection and implementation of specific EMF exposure conditions for bioexperiments in the context of health risk assessment”, 2001 International Symposium on Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, p. 67, 2001. 10. S. Ebert, J. Fröhlich, W. Oesch, U. Frauenknecht, and N. Kuster. “Optimized in vivo exposure setups for risk assessment studies at mobile communication frequencies 902 MHz and 1747 MHz”, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, p. 27, 2001. 11. N. Kuster, J. Fröhlich, and S. Ebert. “Exposure setup design for large-scale NTP-like bioassays”, Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 245-256, 2001. 173 12. J. Fröhlich, W. Kainz, S. Ebert, T. Samaras, G. Neubauer, and N. Kuster. “Exposure setups for simultaneous exposure of a large number of rats for risk asses 13. S. Ebert, J. Fröhlich, W. Oesch, R. Mertens, and N. Kuster. “Characterization and Dosimetry of the PERFORM A in vivo exposure system at the mobile communication frequencies 902 MHz and 1747 MHz”, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Quebec, Canada, pp. 109-110, 2002. 14. R. Mertens, S. Ebert and N. Kuster. “Simulating environmental GSM features for use in bioexperiments”, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Quebec, Canada, 2002. 15. S. Ebert, J.-C. Gröbli, and N. Kuster. “Mobile exposure setup for human provocative studies at 900 MHz”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Maui, Hawaii, USA, p. 71, 2003. 16. S. Ebert, S. J. Eom, J. Schuderer, C. Dasenbrock, T. Tillmann, and N. Kuster. “Thermal thresholds of restrained RF exposed mice at 905 MHz”, IEEE ICES/COST 281 Thermal Physiological Workshop, Paris, France, 2004. 17. S. Ebert, S. J. Eom, J. Schuderer, C. Dasenbrock, T. Tillmann, and N. Kuster. “Thermal thresholds of restrained RF exposed mice at 905 MHz”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos, Greece, pp. 505-510, 2004. 18. N. Kuster, J. Schuderer, A. Christ, P. Futter, and S. Ebert. “Guidance for exposure design of human studies addressing health risk evaluations of mobile phones”, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 524-529, 2004. 19. V. Berdiñas Torres, S. Ebert, A. Klingenböck, J. Fröhlich, and N. Kuster. “Dosimetry and uncertainty assessment of PERFORM A exposure systems”, Proceedings of the 27th Annual 174 PUBLICATIONS Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Dublin, Ireland, p. 96, 2005. 20. S. Ebert, C. Dasenbrock, T. Tillmann, and N. Kuster. “Thermal response and threshold measurements in mice exposed to 905 MHz”, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 173-174, 2005. 21. L. Hillert, T. Åkerstedt, N. Kuster, A. Lowden, M. Berg, C. Wiholm, S. Ebert, S. D. Moffat, and B. B. Arnetz. “The effects of 900 MHz GSM wireless communication signal on subjective symptoms, physiological reactions, alertness, performance and sleep, an experimental provocation study”, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 384-385, 2005. 22. S. Ebert, N. Nikoloski, V. Berdiñas Torres, J. Fröhlich, and N. Kuster. “In vivo exposure setups for large-scale toxicity/carcinogenicity studies with rats at 900/1800 MHz”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Hang Zhou, China, p. 618, 2005. 23. S. Ebert, J. Schuderer, and N. Kuster. “Flexible exposure setup for humans provocative studies at 900 MHz”, Proceedings of the 28th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, 2005. 24. L. Hillert, T. Åkerstedt, N. Kuster, A. Lowden, M. Berg, C. Wilholm, S. Ebert, S. D. Moffat, V. Musabasic, and B. B. Arnetz. “The effects of 900 MHz GSM wireless communication signal on subjective symptoms and physiological reactions, an experimental provocation study”, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Field, Crete, Greece, pp. 16-20, 2006. 25. B. B. Arnetz, T. Åkerstedt, N. Kuster, A. Lowden, M. Berg, C. Wiholm, S. Ebert, S. D. Moffat, and L. Hillert. “Mobile phone use and health: self-rated health, neurocognitive function, neurophysiological effects using 900 MHz wireless communication signals. A laboratory-based exposure study”, Progress 175 in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Cambridge, USA, p. 219, 2006. 26. W. Kainz, W. Oesch, N. Nikoloski, V. Berdiñas Torres, S. Ebert, M. Frauscher, A. Klingenböck, J. Fröhlich, J.-C. Gröbli, and N. Kuster. “Performance of the exposure systems developed for the PERFORM A studies”, Proceedings of the International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association, Bordeaux, France, p. 53, 2007. 27. P. A. Smith, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, and H. J. Chevalier. “GSM and DCS wireless communication signals: combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study in the Wistar rat”, Proceedings of the International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association, Bordeaux, France, p. 54, 2007. 28. T. Tillmann, H. Ernst, S. Ebert, N. Kuster, W. Behnke, S. Rittinghausen, J. Buschmann, and C. Dasenbrock. “PERFORMA1: Carcinogenicity study of GSM and DCS wireless communication signals in B6C3F1 mice”, Proceedings of the International Congress of the European Bio Electromagnetics Association, Bordeaux, France, p. 55, 2007. 29. K. Rolfo, P. Yu, M. Carbonatto, G. Oberto, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, and S. Tofani. “Carcinogenicity study in Pim1 transgenic mice exposed to pulsed 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation”, Proceedings of the International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association, Bordeaux, France, p. 56, 2007. 30. L. Hillert, T. Åkerstedt, A. Lowden, C. Wiholm, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, C. Boutry, and B. B. Arnetz. “Effects of a 900 MHz GSM exposure on self reported symptoms and blood chemistry, an experimental provocation study”, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Kanazawa-shi Bunka Hall, Japan, pp. 98-99, 2007. 31. P.A. Smith, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, and H. J. Chevalier. “GSM and DCS wireless communication signals: Combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study in the Wistar rat”, Radiation Research, 168, 4, pp. 480-492, 2007. Bibliography [1] R. B. Goldberg, “Literature resources for understanding biological effects of EM fields”, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 96–101, 1996. [2] C. K. Chou, “Thirty-five years in bioelectromagnetics research”, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 3–15, 2007. [3] K. R. Foster and J. E. Molder, “Are mobile phones safe?”, IEEE Spectrum, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 23–28, 2000. [4] US National Research Council, Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, National Academic Press, Washington DC, USA, 1983. [5] P. Slovic, The Perception of Risk, Earthscan Publications Ltd., 2000. [6] M. H. Repacholi and J. A. J. 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